isko0kris0oksi · 4 months
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Moons of Iris.
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datura21 · 4 months
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À la façon de Miroslav Tichý avec Hannah.
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beevean · 11 days
47 Macula, mwah. ❤️
…out of spite.
"You are sick. What you're doing is sick."
Dracula merely raised an eyebrow at Mathias' childish outburst.
"Now, what are you blabbering about?"
"Everything!" the little Lord shouted, hands moving in a frenzy. "This... senseless slaughter, carried on by inertia! The way you use the knights in your care as slaves, when they look up to you as a mentor! You are a disgusting creature, and those poor boys don't deserve you."
Dracula wrinkled his nose, annoyed at the smell of anger in the man's blood. Oh, so he was serious, wasn't he.
"And I am supposed to heed your words why, precisely?" he asked, not caring whether or not the man answered - he was merely wasting his time. "You don't actually care about the blood I'm spilling, do you, Mathias? Not when your own hands are covered in it."
"It's different and you know it." Mathias didn't even have the strength to look at him in the eye, the coward that he was. What a pathetic worm: he filled Dracula with shame for what he used to be.
"Why? Because you kill in the name of an uncaring God while I spite him?" Dracula rose to his feet, relishing in the shudder that shook Mathias' body; he reserved no gentleness for him when he grabbed his chin and forced his head upwards. "Little Mathias, you are not angry at me. I know you more than you know yourself."
Those green eyes of his burned with hypocritical righteousness. "Don't you dare compare yourself to me--"
"And that is the crux of it, isn't it?" Oh, he knew alright. His human memories were fading away, slowly but surely, but Mathias was doing everything in his power to remind him of the person he used to be: weak, fragile, scared, and with an inflated sense of self-worth. Of course, such a man would despite what he was fated to become. Well, too bad for him.
"Mathias Cronqvist, let me give you some precious advice, from someone older than you can fathom yet." And with that, he claimed Mathias' mouth and bit his tongue, to shut him up at last; his struggles were feeble and human against him, and it took no effort to remind the man of who was in charge, who had the right to speak, and who exactly he was deep within his heart.
He licked his own blood as he said: "Make peace with yourself posthaste, or you will suffer."
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
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Hehehehe, kissy.
Had to take off Dracula's big collar because it was getting in the way, as usual >:( (its my fault for drawing everything without thinking of it beforehand 😔) Thought about taking the clothes off completely, but it wouldn't have matched the vibes I was going for. So have him having clothes but without the collar... it looks wrong lmao
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mk-wizard · 2 years
A Plague Tale: When tragedy is necessary
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As sad as the ending was and much as we all wish Hugo made it, it should stand not just because it would cheapen his death. The fact that there was no saving him was the entire point of the story which is actually Amicia’s story. The story of A Plague Tale is really the story about Amicia and her coming to terms with her brother having a supernatural illness known as the Macula and seeing him go through all the harrowing phase while fighting both literally and metaphorically for a way to save him. Eventually, she has to accept that there was no saving him from the Macula, but she could at least give her brother a proper goodbye and end his suffering out of mercy. While the circumstances and details are fictional, the situation is not. Dealing with a terminally ill loved one is a very common thing as is hoping that maybe they will be the exception and beat the disease or that there is a cure waiting to be discovered in their lifetime only to face the harsh reality that all we can do is love them and be there until the end.
We talk about representation, but we forget that isn’t just orientation, skin tones, race, religion, gender identity, etc. Representation can be things such as this and it is important to showcase them. We need show that some people just don’t have happy endings, but that doesn’t mean they can’t recover from them. In fact, the way Amicia was at the end of everything (Requiem) shows the right way to mourn which is to continue living your best life, cherishing the time you had together, remembering them and also learning from it. In her case, she wants to take action to help the next Carrier and Guardian, so that this time, they may have a fighting chance at least which can be seen as a metaphor for a loved one passing away from cancer and you trying to do what you can to help the fight against it so someone else may have a fighting chance. When you look at this way, it also drives home the point of how the tragedy of Hugo should stand. He did not make it, but because everyone learned from his experience, the next Macula Carrier might be able to.
Also, I mentioned that there was no saving poor Hugo and I meant it. The only way to keep the Macula from taking over the boy was for him to be constantly calm and happy which is impossible. No matter what Amicia and the others would have done or went, Hugo would eventually face stressful and bad situations as the beginning of Requiem showed us. It is impossible to control every single event and suffering is a part of life. And there was no medical way to keep the Macula at bay with the way science and alchemy were in the gang’s lifetime. Even if the Count had never kidnapped Hugo and they did make it to the cabin in the mountains, something else would have eventually triggered the Macula. They just did not have the means to cure, treat or keep it under control. Even the elixir from the first installment (Innocence) just slowed the process down. Also, Hugo was either always on the run, was in pain or getting treatments that were like torture which was not a life any person should live much less a child. To add insult to injury, none of it helped, so in the end, the only way to end Hugo’s suffering was to euthanize him.
This doesn’t mean that this is the way it will end in the hypothetical third installment. In the final bonus scene of the Requiem, it is hinted that the next Carrier was born in modern times when medicine, science and possibly alchemy has made progress in leaps and bounds. And considering how determined and unbroken Amicia was, I have no doubt that she made precautions to help the next Carrier and Guardian to prevent both a disaster and tragedy. It is possible and dare I say likely that in the hypothetical third installment, the terror of Macula will be put to an end and the Carrier will be saved. The dark side of this though is that Hugo’s tragic end has to stand.
Anyway, that is my opinion, and I would like to hear yours. Thank you for reading and as always, stay safe.
PS: I think the creators should create a third installment not just to complete the trilogy, but also because having this one time where having a story take place in modern times would work in its favor because we are going through a pandemic. In this case, A Plague Tale which takes place in our time would be especially terrifying and all the more satisfying.
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ghost-of-glory · 1 year
This image randomly popped up in my brain while I was drawing on a call and I decided that it's something worth picturing
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lyza-kernunia · 2 years
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Hey, hey! I didn’t played Plague Tale BUT I watched full videos of Innocence and Requiem… my, my!! The characters are so cool and the backstory is very beautiful, even if it brought to me so many tears! 😭❤️
I really needed to draw Amicia and her little brother Hugo. Such a strong relationship they make together, even through the worst moments!
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Macula Thursday
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asiawalecka · 5 months
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Fundus, 23/24
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🔵 Cos'è la macula e la "degenerazione maculare legata all’età"? Nel nostro articolo trovate integratori, terapie e cibi consigliati per vedere bene a qualsiasi età. 👉 Leggi l’articolo: https://medicinaonline.co/2018/09/25/degenerazione-maculare-legata-alleta-essudativa-miopica-cure-e-rimedi/ ✅ #occhio #vista #retina #macula #oftalmologia #oculista #MedicinaOnLine
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theomisama · 1 year
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The Mare Crisium looks very funny, trying to catch a ship this much bigger than her.
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isko0kris0oksi · 1 month
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Cat iris and moon iris! :D
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booksandchainmail · 6 months
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String of Pearls, Mare Crisium, Krun Macula
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beevean · 10 months
Macula + Flower
(inspired by these posts)
Mathias had always gifted his beloved Elisabetha white lillies, whenever he came back from an expedition. They were her favorite flower, and he himself had grown fond of them. Of course, a pure, delicate woman such as his wife would be attracted to a pure, delicate flower.
He could not stand the sight of them anymore. Not after his beloved was laid to rest in a bed of those beautiful flowers. Their stark color was blinding to his tired eyes, its brightness made him sick: they were a mockery.
And mocked Mathias felt, when stripped away from his home, his time, and his grief, the looming monster that used to be a man bowed down and offered him one single lily, kept and grown God knew where in his wasteland of a reign.
A wilted one, with its petals barely hanging from the stem, so fragile that Mathias' breath could let them fall. A stained one, soiled by the blood that dripped from the vampire's claws.
But it was an appropriate gift, from an undead creature to a dead man walking, and so Mathias took it.
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
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:) I like them... or is it "him"? :)
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onelove4boognish · 15 days
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THIS is the Autistic Agenda.
I know countless are left out shh
Never stop creating and doing this shit, by the way.
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