#iris (ygo zexal)
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scattered-irises · 4 months ago
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Sequel to Food For Chris Looks like our player can't resist breaking rules in Adopting Kaito
I can't understand why. They sold their fingernails and all their furniture to obtain this creature.
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irisgoesgardening · 8 months ago
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"Kaito, Haruto and the Doctor are the only family I have left," —Hunter V
Part II of my Magical Numbers Hunter AU. In this version, Christopher is left unaware that Dr. Faker caused his father’s disappearance and Tron is unable to contact him. He was Dr. Faker’s personal experiment on cultivating despair levels in order to create the most powerful Hunter. Due to these circumstances, Christopher and Kaito are kept under strict surveillance. The V in his name stands for "vaccum," as he was viewed as a vaccum for despair by Dr. Faker. He is the mentor to all the younger Hunters.
His wish is to get his family back and he draws his power from Number 9. Thus, his weapons are all laser-based firearms. He’s secretly ripped, bro.
He is inspired by Tomoe Mami and Sailor V.
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higuchimon · 2 years ago
[fanfic] Delicously Tasty
Okay, I tried posting this on Tumblr but it's just not working correctly. The author notes aren't showing up and the read more isn't working either. So, because I am very tired of trying to fight with this, from now on, all fics I post will just be links to my A03. @ygorarepairweek
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1.) first: ygo zexal is directed (and partially written) by known misogynist shin yoshida who is on record as saying that he would Never write female characters if he wasn’t being forced to by higher-ups. kotori’s voice actor signed a legal contract forcing him to include her character in Every Single Episode. she gets no duels that aren’t tag duels (2v2 duels), one of those is interrupted in the middle and all others she both loses, aren’t even shown in full, and all happen in the same episode. she is literally contractually required to be a major character and the dude in charge still point blank refuses to do anything with her despite the fact that she’s supposed to be the female lead of the series. please take pity on her for being handed to one of the worst people in the world and how despite the active attempts by other people to make her relevant in the story she was still denied that
2.) She only dueled once in the whole show and it was when she was brainwashed. Her main role is to only cheer the male protag on and say his name during his duels I guess.
IRIS SAGAN (AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES) (CW: Inappropriate Age Gaps)
1.) Listen I'm sure other ladies have it worse but Iris… and as an extension several other girls in AITSF… she deserves so much better. First of all she's a DANCER and she's wearing HEELS AND A TINY SKIRT character designer can you please go easy on her. She's suffering. Give her shorts at least. Second of all she's 18 and she has not one but TWO adult men who want to date her and constantly make comments about it!!!
This is… emblematic of a writing problem, because they KEEP MAKING MEN WHO WANT TO DATE 18 YEAR OLDS. This is partially a character trait thing for the two men, sure, but like. The game also makes jokes about her forcing the main character Date (who is 30) on dates even though she's later revealed to (unknowingly to either of them) be his relative slash daughter figure, kind of sort of. It's complicated. And like, part of the game is recovering his lost memories from amnesia and he gets these rapid heartbeats whenever he remembers, and because his past is tied to Iris I've had to reassure people playing the game the first time that his heart is NOT rapidly beating around her because he's attracted to her. I shouldn't HAVE to do that because the game should be NORMAL about her, but. no. The writing of the game is very clear that men in their mid-20s and later are attracted to this girl, so how should we expect Date be different? Astounding how shitty the writing is regarding that, especially because one of those men (Moma) isn't even creepy until the epilogue AND THEN IN THE SEQUEL HIS ENTIRE PERSONALITY IS THAT HE WANTS TO MARRY HER. SHE'S HALF HIS AGE.
As for her writing itself… She does get a lot of focus overall in the first game (she has an entire route of the game focused on her! Yippee!) but a lot of it is based on said forcing Date to date her, and she dies at the end of her route. I actually like her route but it IS the least conclusive of the route in the first game. In the SEQUEL though oh my god. I'm still bitter that they HEAVILY advertised her as being in the game and then she was BARELY IN IT she was just there to a) have her shitty father be relevant for 0.5 seconds and b) have men creep on her. Okay maybe that's an exaggeration but ONE OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS IS SOMEONE SHE SEES AS A SISTER. TWO OF THE OTHER MAJOR CHARACTERS ARE HER BEST FRIENDS. WHERE DID SHE GO. They barely show her with her friends too like her friends are hanging out ALSO with shitty adult men with romantic interest in them (see. writing problem.) BUT LIKE I'M SO PISSED OFF FOR IRIS ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I LOVE HER. The first game literally has her have delusions about a secret society Naix hunting her down. The second game has The Real Naix be a major organization and antagonistic force. It just feels wrong to not have her… be important… at all… when she's the only reason Naix was mentioned in the first game at all…….
2.) (AITSF Spoilers) The male characters often make unnecessary and uncomfortable sexual remarks towards Iris, especially with her status as an 18-year-old internet idol. These men include her close friend (24), an ally yakuza boss (48), and the protagonist (42), who is later revealed to have been her surrogate father figure.
There are also smaller but baffling choices around her writing, such as her framing tagging along with the protagonist as a date, and her route centering conspiracy theories in contrast to the relatively grounded and emotional stories of the other characters. (The latter part is contextualized in-game but is still a jarring tonal shift for the first-time player).
3.) Iris, like almost all returning characters from AITSF, is a victim of the sequel - The Nirvana Initiative - being afraid of spoiling the first game and letting the characters keep their development from the first game and grow past that. It just so happens that the hit Iris' character takes makes elements of misogyny from the first game all the worse. So, Iris in the first game at first glance can be dismissed as a dumb internet idol. This is particularly reinforced by her belief in outlandish conspiracy theories. However, the game gives her depth by revealing that she has a brain tumor (which has caused delusions) and knows that her time is limited as well as delving into her backstory and the impact it has had on her. She gets the tumor healed at the end of the first game, there's a 6-year time skip in the second, and she… acts the complete same and has basically the same beliefs. And she has so few scenes that she really is reduced to a shallow, vapid character. I'm not even sure she had a chance to react to her father figure 'dying.' The first game had an issue with male characters being creepily into Iris the idol. Ota, who is 24, endears himself to the 18-year-old Iris by making sock puppet social media accounts that insult her only for him to swoop in with his main account and defend her. The main character does not think that it is important to tell her about this breach in trust. Moma, who is 48 years old, is also a big fan of hers. While it's mostly (mostly) an endearing character trait in the first game, in Nirvana Initiative, Moma has mainly been reduced to his interest in Iris (who he refers to once as his "future wife"). His only plot significant contribution is made by using a voice changer to sound like her. The implications of his original plan for that voice changer skeeves me out. The other characters, by the way, are pretty ambivalent about this.
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tronnyboyo · 3 years ago
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Things that keep me up at night
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maiamaiden · 4 years ago
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zexal summer day 6: fireworks!
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insomnia-arts · 4 years ago
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Day 3 of @zexal10thanniversary and the prompt is Past Lives!
I honestly just want Merag, Nasch, and Iris to be happy
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goakizaizinski · 5 years ago
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If you just wanted the girls in swimsuits, here it is!
Courtesy of Pink-Hudy
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itsana004 · 5 years ago
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There she is! Lolirock crossover!
I did the one of Droite, and now I finished Kotori. Rio is still in progress
It was fun to draw them with the lolirock style
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tskumoyuuma · 6 years ago
yall ever think of like ... how nasch found iris - this little girl who looked like his dead twin sister - n took her in n cared for her only to .... find her dead body among the corpses of his soldiers n realize he couldnt keep her safe just like w merag ? cause i do . i think about it a Lot
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scattered-irises · 4 years ago
(Clonks my own head) Seems like I forgot to put down the content warnings for this fic!
Well, here they are (Clears throat):
Based off of The Handmaid’s Tale, mutilation, tyranny, abuse, psychological abuse, torture, gory scenes, dystopia, rape, major character death, Arc-V characters are aged 10 years older than in the anime, Zexal characters are 4-6 years older (Never explicitly specified), forced pregnancy, religious fanaticism, disturbing themes in general, death in general, murder, espionage, graphically described birth defects, alternating POVs, extreme violence, all of the terrible things that come with a dictatorship, suicidal thoughts, mentioned suicides, death…
(Heaves a breath)
Give me a moment I’m still thinking.
Gray morality.
The Fragments’ Tale
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Artist: @kaitobingu-daze​ Larger version here and coming soon Writer:  @scattered-irises​ Status: Incomplete (Complete on September 22) Rating: Explicit Characters: Thomas Arclight, Kaito Tenjo, Byron Arclight, Ruri Kurosaki, Serena, Shun Kurosaki, Cronos de Medici Ship(s): Shun Kurosaki/Serena Content Warnings: Summary:  “I’m sorry there is so much pain in the story. I’m sorry it’s in fragments, like a body caught in crossfire or pulled apart by force. But there is nothing I can do to change it,“ Margaret Atwood. Instead of using mass-slaughter to achieve his goals, Professor Akaba Leo has proposed a more peaceful plan. In hopes that the offspring would eventually have all four dimensions in their blood, the forced pairing of Fusion and XYZ, Standard and Synchro couples was enacted. Four people. Four stories. Ofshun: Once known as Thomas Arclight, he now serves as Commander Shun’s Fragment—a tool used to enact Professor Leo’s plan of unity. Every other week, he lays on his back, entangled in the arms of his mistress, Serena Kurosaki and his commander. The couple prays for a child. Ofshun prays for release. Ofjoseph: Once a place where he watched over his father’s people, Heartland Tower is now a prison for the son of Dr. Faker. Lorded over by the former mayor of Heartland, he is carried on only by the idea of seeing his brother again. As Fragments begin to vanish one by one, he can feel Academia’s claws closing in on him and his brother’s face fading from his memories. Byron: Captured by Academian authorities and returned to his former self, Dr. Arclight is coerced into working for Professor Leo. Watched over by the devious head of intelligence, Cronos de Medici, Byron reluctantly becomes a monster for the sake of his sons. Ruri Kurosaki: In the same tower where Ofjoseph is held prisoner, Ruri and her two other dimensional counterparts wait for the arrival of their Fusion counterpart. Living alongside their male counterparts, they are nothing more than birds in a golden cage. It is through them that Zarc and Ray will be delivered. Through the heavy blue cloth that covers all of her features, Ruri prays that the One True World will never return. Available on AO3
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scattered-irises · 4 months ago
Vector/Don Thousand (whichever you prefer!) for dress up?
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Vector!! He's Shark's gothic lolita rival. They get in fights all the time over which gothic lolita brand is more superior. The bag is big and that's all that matters to Vector. They're for his various weapons of mass destruction.
Dress: Tartarus Wall, Elegant Gothic Lolita Ancient Greek Goddess JSK Boots: Antaina~Elegant Lolita Heel Boots Tights: L'Oracle Tights
Accessories: Jacquard Gloves Nails Rabbit Cameo Necklace Silver dagger earrings (lol)
Coffin Bag
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irisgoesgardening · 2 years ago
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I decided to draw the Zexal trio in the style of Time Princess book covers. It’s a dress up game where you play as different historical and fantasy figures. There’s multiple endings to each book, based on your choices.
The Lost Emperor is about Shark deciding on what he should do after he finds out he’s Nasch. Companions a would be Durbe, Rio and Yuma.
The Road to Hope is YuGiOh Zexal but you can die if you make bad choices (in the style of Time Princess <3). Companions are Rei Shingetsu ;), Astral and Shark.
The Numbers Hunter is where you can play as Kaito, kill a bunch of people, wonder if this is okay and maybe die on the moon. Companions are Mizael, Christopher and Haruto.
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higuchimon · 4 years ago
[fanfic] Extra Training
"Where are you going?"  Ryouga wanted to know.  Iris tucked her D-Gazer into her pocket, checked on her deck, and shrugged.
"To the movies with Haruto,"  she told him.  Like she did every weekend.  It was something to do that wasn't dueling - not that she disliked dueling, there wasn't really any way that she could, not with having grown up in a household of duelists.  But it wasn't the be-all and end-all of her existence, and she only carried the deck around because Vector would start handing out knives if she didn't. 
Not that Iris had anything against knives, either, but the way Ryouga and Rio both stared at Vector when he offered her extra lessons told her quickly they didn't need to know how good she was with them, even without Vector's help.  Uncle Michael gave her sword-fighting lessons every weekend after all.  Edged weapons were as useful a tool as a dueling deck, and one that most people were less likely to think an eighteen year old might use against them.
Iris far preferred to handle her own problems.  The last time she'd complained about someone being annoying, everyone in the family plus a few extras - such as Uncles Michael, Thomas, and Chris, as well as Uncle Yuuma and Uncle Kaito, came down on the offender like the proverbial ton of bricks.  It took months> for anyone to ever talk to her again at school.
At least she didn't have to worry about that with Haruto.  They all liked Haruto and he knew how not to get on their bad sides.  Plus, he'd learned more than a few things that his brother didn't know about, so he kept her secrets about what she could do that her elders didn't know.
And he was a fantastic sparring partner.
Ryouga regarded her thoughtfully, then nodded.  "Enjoy yourself,"  was all he said.  Iris knew what that meant - don't murder someone without one heck of a good reason.  She was fine with that.  Rio had taught her what a good reason was.  So far she hadn't had to kill anyone and she didn't really want to.  She liked learning dueling and fighting for reasons aside from blood-lust, no matter what Vector swore by. 
So she headed out of the mansion and to the center of town, where Haruto sat outside of Heartland Tower and waited for her, kicking his feel lazily in a fountain.  She vaguely remembered that he'd been a bit sickly and weak when they were children.  Most of that had been before she'd come to this world, so she'd heard of it mostly as stories from Ryouga and Uncle Kaito, or from Haruto himself.  When she'd first met him, he'd been getting better, and she'd helped him improve over the years.
Now one couldn't tell that he'd ever been at risk of dying at all.  He leaped to his feet as soon as he caught sight of her and waved, eyes bright with joy.
"Ready?"  He wanted to know as she drew closer.  Iris smiled; she did enjoy spending time with him.  And she enjoyed what they were about to do just as much.  Maybe even a bit more.
"Ready."  She nodded, one hand dropping down to where she kept her duel disk - and the little secret hidden inside the same pocket.  Haruto nodded as well, and the two of them headed off.  Both of them knew very well that Omoid - oldest offspring of Obomi and Orbital 7 - followed them.  Omoid followed Haruto anywhere he went and did anything he could in order to help him. 
Haruto had had to do a little reprogramming as he got older to make sure Omoid kept certain things he and Iris did a secret, but as long as they came home without any major injuries, most things could be hidden from the eye of elder siblings.  Iris did wonder how much Uncle Kaito really knew.  He didn't seem like the type of person who would easily be deceived. Yet if he did know what they did - not every lesson they had from Uncle Michael was sanctioned - he said nothing at all about it.
They arrived at the Arclight mansion relatively quickly.  This wasn't their original home, or so Iris had been told.  They moved to Heartland on a regular basis a few years earlier and set up residence.  That was fine with her.  She liked spending time with all of them.
Though she wasn't ever going to forget the day that Uncle Thomas and Uncle Vector both ended up baby-sitting her at the same time.  Three fire trucks, five police cars, and she still didn't know how they'd avoided being arrested.  Ryouga didn't like to talk about it.
Michael welcomed them there as soon as they entered, guiding them to the familiar sparring grounds. 
"It's just us today,"  he told them.  "Chris is working with Kaito and Mizael helping out Father."  His lips twitched.  "I'm not quite certain where Thomas is, though.
That was fine with Iris, and apparently Haruto to.  She'd known about them being busy anyway.  She slipped her duel disk out, flipped open the hidden slot in the back, and her sword hilt dropped into her hand. 
"I'm ready for training!"  She declared, and Haruto matched her motions with his own.  Michael chuckled.
"I didn't expect anything less," he told them, and the three of them settled down to the business of sparring together.  Iris snapped the hilt, hitting the hidden button, and the blade itself unfolded.  This was new technology, spurred on by various companies in the city, and Michael had given each of them one of these as a surprise present.  It certainly made keeping these lessons secret from the rest of the family a lot easier.
She took the lead, approaching quickly, and striking.  They didn't often work with live steel first, but Michael's point of view on the matter was that one, they needed to use it as often as possible, and two, they needed to be careful. Using wooden or foam bats wouldn't teach caution. He knew how to take care of virtually any injury they could inflict on each other, and after five years of learning, they both knew how not to hurt the other.  Michael promised that they would be able to hurt other people if the time ever came.
Iris wasn't so sure if she wanted that, but she also knew the first lesson he'd taught her - never to pick up a weapon of any kind, be it a sword or a duel disk, unless you were both willing and capable of using it.  The Numbers War was long over, but who knew when something else might happen and she might be one of those called to arms.  Better to be ready and never need it, than need it and not be able to do anything.  Ryouga and Rio absolutely agreed on that, at least.
So she sparred and she learned, and Haruto fought her with all of his strength.  She pushed back, struck down carefully, judging her strength and where she aimed, and pushed him back.  He twisted his blade, making an attempt to disarm her, and she stepped back, getting out of the clinch and taking a different angle for her counterattack.  As time ticked by, Iris could not contain the pure joy that came from being able to do this at all.
She remembered her life in the past very clearly, and how she'd died.  She might not want to attack other people, but she would always want to be able to defend herself.  That was one of the reasons her clothes were specially made to be just shy of being actual armor.  Ryouga had insisted on that after they'd all come back from the trip to the Astral-Barian World.  She'd never been there, but she kind of wanted to, one of these days.
Metal clattered against metal, ringing loudly, but they could still hear Michael's firm voice instructing them on what to do.  Eventually he called a halt - both of them dripped sweat, and Iris wanted something to drink.  She slipped her sword's blade back into the hilt and started to turn around for the exit.
In the exit there stood Ryouga.  No, not Ryouga - Nasch. Her king.  His eyes stern and his lips not smiling at all.  Iris swallowed and essayed a smile of her own.
"This isn't a movie,"  he said quietly.  "This is very much not a movie."
"I know."  Iris agreed.  It wasn't as if she could argue that.  She would keep the secret, but he clearly already knew it.  She'd never been able to argue with him when he looked at her like that.  She worried at her lip, then mentally shrugged.  "It's just extra lessons, that's all."
Nasch nodded faintly.  "How long have you been doing this?"
"A while now,"  she answered.  Neither Haruto or Michael said anything else.  She suspected Michael was a little annoyed, if only because Nasch had entered without - she guessed - asking permission. 
"I can guess."  He crossed his arms, regarding her thoughtfully.  "Have you been hurt?"
"Nothing bad."  Iris shrugged.  "I can hold my own.  We're good at this."
His eyes softened ever so lightly and she began to breathe easily.  Or at least easier. "I noticed.  Did you relay think I believed you were going to the movies?  That you like them that much?"
Iris ducked her head.  "I hoped?"  Didn't most teenagers go to movies with friends?   She didn't think she was that out of touch.  Sure, she didn't have that many friends at school she could open up to, but she'd heard them all talking about movies and going on dates.  She did like movies, but going to see them every week just seemed boring.  She would have far preferred going to the ocean or up to the mountains.  The few times she'd hung out with Yamikawa at the Duel Lodge had been very instructive. 
"I think it's going to be a couple of weeks before you do this again,"  he told her quietly.  "And if you want to do it again, then I want to know about it before you go.  Understand?"
"Got it."  Iris knew she was getting off easy.  Ryouga nodded slightly before he looked at Haruto.  "Kaito's probably going to say the same thing to you."
"Kaito-sama already knows,"  Omoid piped up. "I told him after their firsts unofficial lesson."
Haruto blinked.  "I thought I reprogrammed you so you wouldn't do that."
"You did."  Kaito stepped up next to Nasch.  "I reprogrammed him back." 
Iris could see the pride in Kaito's eyes regardless of his words.  Whatever else he felt, he was glad Haruto could do these things.  If Kaito had really objected, then they would have known it long before this.
Ryouga gestured to her, and she started over.  She knew that she wasn't going to be seriously grounded - he'd let up on the punishments and let her make her own mistakes for a while now.  He wouldn't be that upset about extra lessons.  If anything, what had to have upset him was that she'd not told him the truth.  He'd get over it. 
Just to prove it, she glanced over to Michael and to Haruto.  "I'll see you next week,"  she addressed Michael first, then Haruto.  "Tomorrow?"
"Sure,"  Haruto agreed calmly, with Michael nodded.  He was clearly having trouble keeping himself from laughing.  Kaito and Ryouga both snorted, but Iris knew what they sounded like when they were upset, and this wasn't it.  Everything was fine. 
Together they all headed out.  Iris couldn't have been more satisfied with what happened.  She'd had a great workout and she didn't have to hide her extra trips from the others anymore.  She'd more or less wanted to tell them from the beginning; events just hadn't fallen out that way.  Being older did come with some advantages. 
Ryouga still made her wear her helmet on the way home. 
The End
Notes: One day I might write more about Omoid and Haruto. You really think Kaito wouldn’t have one of those little bots assigned to keep an eye on his brother?
Ryouga was probably a lot angrier than he let on, but Iris is eighteen. She can make her own decisions, and Rio probably lectured him on that. Maybe I will write that side piece eventually.
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popflytheskylart · 8 years ago
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im finally starting to see why people like brush pens ;;
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cityescape4 · 4 years ago
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Thank you! c: (For those it may pertain to: Zexal spoilers lie ahead)
7. OTP?
I've only seen DM, most of 5D's, and Zexal sooooo one from each
DM: Puzzleshipping. It was my first major OTP, before I even understood the meaning of OTPs. I loved the bond the two shared, and the loyalty and dedication they had to one another, asdfghjkl they make me so emotional
5D's: Scoopshipping. ;w; I'm so sad that (from what I remember) Carly got underutilized after the Dark Signers Arc, cuz I loved her and Jack together.
Zexal: Seraphshipping. I got BIG feelings on this ship, I can't properly put it into words. I love Alit. Alit *cough*canonically*cough* loves Yuma. Yuma loves practically everyone. Alit is an anyone. c: Yuma and Alit love each other.
23. NOTP
DM: Puppyshipping. (I've also seen it called Violetshipping recently?) I just. cannot comprehend Joey and Kaiba together. I can't even see them as friends. I never could. I don't judge people who do, I just could never get behind the ship myself.
5D's: i admittedly don't remember that much of 5D's to have a NOTP?
Zexal: Photonshipping. For me, Yuma and Kaito are at most, good friends, but I can't see them as anything more than that.
31. Favorite Duel
A angsty part of me wants to say the Ceremonial Duel, but at the same time, ((Zexal Spoilers)) I really liked the tension surrounding Vector and Nasch's shadow game duel, where the duel left all of both their armies, as well as Iris dead. (And Durbe missing??? That never got explained)
[Send me YGO themed asks!]
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