#irak crew
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IRAK NY X adidas Originals Supernova
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Kunle Martins of New York's graffiti crew IRAK, 2000, photo by Cheryl Dunn
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Polaroid and Digital shot of from Kundle Martins of a Irak Graffti crew by Kenneth Cappello for Mass Appeal Magazine
#kundle martins#irak#Kenneth cappello#mass appeal#mass appeal magazine#mine#belovedbluv#grillz#sunglasses#pink
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Ostermarsch 2023: Den Frieden gewinnen - nicht den Krieg!
Das Friedensbüro Hannover ruft zum Ostermarsch auf:
Ostersamstag, 08. April 2023
11.00 Aegidien-Kirche: Auftaktkundgebung mit Ex-Landesbischöfin Frau Dr. Margot Käßmann, anschließend Demonstration
13.00 Ernst-August-Platz vor dem Hbf: Abschlusskundgebung mit dem Schauspieler Rolf Becker Musik: Peace Development Crew
Wir rufen auf: Beteiligt Euch am Ostermarsch 2023! Protestiert gegen den russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine! Und protestiert gegen die Rüstungsbefürworter*innen im eigenen Land! Zeigt am Ostersamstag Flagge für Frieden und (atomare) Abrüstung und gegen jede militärische Gewalt!
Stoppt die Eskalation!
Waffen retten keine Menschenleben. Waffen töten! Immer mehr Waffen verlängern den Krieg und das Leiden, vergrößern die Zahl der Toten und Verstümmelten. Mit immer neuen Waffenlieferungen der NATO-Staaten, auch unserer Regierung, droht dieser Krieg noch weiter zu eskalieren. Das kann im Dritten Weltkrieg enden - in einer globalen Katastrophe mit dem Einsatz von Atomwaffen, die den Globus unbewohnbar macht.
Waffenstillstand und Verhandlungen jetzt!
Deshalb fordern wir einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand! Wir erwarten von unseren Regierenden diplomatische Gesprächsinitiativen und Anstrengungen für Friedensverhandlungen. Nur so werden sie dem Friedensgebot des Grundgesetzes und der politischen Vernunft gerecht.
Wir treten ein für eine internationale Politik der Kooperation und Verständigung - auch mit Russland. Dessen Sicherheitsinteressen hat die NATO mit ihrer Expansion nach Osten über Jahre ignoriert und missachtet. Entsprechende Warnungen und diplomatische Initiativen hat sie im Vorfeld des Krieges mutwillig zurückgewiesen. Dennoch: nichts kann den militärischen Angriff rechtfertigen!
Globale Kooperation statt Konfrontation
Mit Willy Brandt sagen wir: Sicherheit kann es zwischen den Staaten nur miteinander, nicht gegeneinander geben. Statt Konfrontation, Wirtschaftssanktionen und Aufrüstung sind Interessenausgleich und Kooperation gefordert. Anders lassen sich die globalen Krisen nicht lösen: Ob Hunger, Armut, Artensterben, Klimakatastrophe oder Flüchtlingselend – gefordert sind gemeinsame und koordinierte Anstrengungen aller Staaten zum Erhalt unserer Lebensgrundlagen, die durch Aufrüstung und Krieg zerstört werden. Der Krieg in der Ukraine beweist wie auch die Kriege in Jugoslawien, Afghanistan, Syrien, Irak, Libyen, Mali, Somalia und anderswo: Die Regierenden sind unfähig die drängenden Probleme der Menschheit zu lösen. Deswegen müssen wir auf die Straße gehen!
Gegen die Aufrüstung
Wir protestieren gegen die „Zeitenwende“ der Regierung. Deren Propaganda will glauben machen, ihre Politik der militärischen Aufrüstung und Konfrontation gegen Russland sei alternativlos und erhöhe unsere Sicherheit. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall.
Weltweit haben die Regierenden die jährlichen Militärausgaben inzwischen auf die irrsinnige Summe von 2.100 Milliarden US-Dollar (2021) gesteigert. Davon zahlen allein die Nato-Staaten 1.190 Milliarden US-Dollar. Das sind ca. 18-mal so viel wie die Militärausgaben Russlands und viermal so viel wie die Chinas. Ein Bruchteil dieser Gelder würde ausreichen, um den Hunger in der Welt zu beenden, um allen Menschen Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung und Bildung sowie ein gutes Leben zu ermöglichen.
Die Rüstungskonzerne werden reicher – alle anderen ärmer
Rüstung tötet! Rüstungsausgaben machen die Rüstungskonzerne reicher — und uns alle ärmer. Rüstungsausgaben treiben die Inflationsrate nach oben. Das gilt auch für die nicht von der UN ausgesprochenen Wirtschaftssanktionen, die die US-geführte NATO als Waffe gegen Russland global durchzusetzen versucht. Deren Bumerangeffekte treffen den ärmeren Teil der Bevölkerung hart – weltweit und auch hierzulande.
Zukunft nur durch Friedenspolitik
Die 100 Milliarden Extra-Schulden („Sondervermögen“), die die Ampel für noch mehr Aufrüstung an die amerikanischen und europäischen Waffenkonzerne verteilt, fehlen anderswo. Sie fehlen, um die dringend notwendigen Ausgaben finanzieren zu können - für bezahlbare Wohnungen, für die ökologische (Klima-)Wende, für Maßnahmen gegen den Pflege- und Bildungsnotstand, gegen die wachsende Armut und gegen das weltweite Elend der Flüchtlinge.
Die Regierungs-Politik folgt der Logik des Krieges als Lösung der Probleme, die in den Untergang führt. Zeigt am Ostersamstag Flagge für eine Politik, die der Logik des Friedens folgt, denn die allein ist zukunftsfähig.
Rüstung zerstört und macht arm
Zusammenarbeit statt Konfrontation
Nur Verhandeln bringt Frieden.
Unser Ziel:
Ein gutes Leben für alle – weltweit
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#dash snow#irak crew#earsnot#sace#sacer#kunle martins#irak nyc#irak#graffiti#graff nyc#nyc#new york#bombing#tagging
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Graffiti Lot
Soho, NYC More photos: Street Art & Graffiti, Graffiti Lots
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(2021) Legendary graffiti crew IRAK just dropped a full range collection of clothes including this classic flip on the “I <3 NY” design and much more available now on their website.
#irak#iraknyc#virgil abloh#virgil#streetwear#fashion#hypebeast#archive#archivefashion#drip#nyc#newyork#graffiti#graff#grafflife#dreams#creative#style#kunle#earsnot#dash snow#jasondill#vogue#fashion history#streetwearhistory
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IRAK IRAK IRAK IRAK Holy shit! el director global de estilo de GQ hizo una revisión de la fascinante historia del crew IRAK! Lo mencioné cuando hice el artista de la semana con Dash Snow pero en este GENIAL artículo podemos recorrer la brillante y trágica carrera que ha conformado a uno de los colectivos internacionales MÁS importantes del graffiti. no se lo pierdan y entren aqui: https://www.gq.com/story/irak-legendary-new-york-graffiti-crew “The remaining members of the original IRAK will tell you they're still a family. “We're still alive,” McGinley said. “If you look at our crew, so far we beat the odds. There's a lot of people who have passed away from suicides or from drug overdoses. When Kunle and I get together, we talk about that a lot. There's a perseverance and a spiritual reason that we're still around.”For Martins, it seems, the reason they've endured has never been clearer than it is today. “Absolutely everyone has trauma,” he told me while we sat in his home studio. “It doesn't define me. I'm not the things that have happened to me. I've survived all those things. It's actually a really great story. Today's the best day of my life so far. Yesterday was the best day of my life before today. And so on and so forth.”“
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"The House of the Rising Sun" : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"The House of the Rising Sun"
Chapter Summary : Bell, along with Park & Sims, is flying to the New Orleans for their mission against Remy Duvall
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3100
Warning : Little NSFW content !
Three of us on Remy Duvall....the other three on Amram Rabalwi. The first group is going to the New Orleans to take care of a corrupt politician while the other one is going right in the middle of the Iran-Irak War to kill an important irakian general. I think it was the only better choice to do, we couldn't let one of them escape if we had our focus completely on the other one. I thought that Adler was going to send right in Irak but instead and unexpected, he decided to send me, Park and Sims to the US......a pleasant surprise, I can say !.....
He assigned Sims to be the one in charge of the group and since we were going to act on the US soil, he was a good choice from Adler. After we have finished our briefing and discussing on our new plan to take care of these two Perseus agents, Sims has started to pull out some calls to Washington and to a CIA agent based in New Orleans that will help us to set the scene to act against Duvall while Park also make some calls to London, updating them of the situation but the CIA is going to be our only support in the New Orleans...just them.
While they were doing that, I decided to prepare me & Park's equipment for our mission as we were going to stay in the US for a while until we got rid of Duvall. We needed to take the minimum as the CIA were going to supply us at the safehouse Sims's contact is preparing for us but also because we couldn't risk to transform the city in a warzone, we are directly acting in the United States and I think that no one want to see that happening at all. We got the american city....Adler, Mason & Woods got the warzone in the Middle-East.
They were the first group to leave the safehouse after one hour as their preparation were quite easy as us, we needed more of it and after 2 hours, we were finally ready and we were out of the place, going to the plane that were going to make us fly to the US. Instead of using an usual cargo plane, it was more like an private jet that we're going to use...thanksfully.....It was going to change from the last time I took a plane.....and also, I have started to have enough of West-Berlin, still staying in that safehouse for days and having for some days only rain to fall.
We finally left behind the city and we were pretty quiet during the flight as we preferred to let ourselves rest a little, allowing me to have some peace to think. It wasn't a direct flight as we had to make a stop in Lisbon to refuel the plane before taking off again to reach Miami as our second and final stop before New Orleans. It was weird for me to see from the skies and from afar the Europeans coasts....it was my first time, since I woke up almost a month ago that I left Europe to go to America and I was wondering if I did go there for Perseus or not.
3 hours to go from West-Berlin to Lisbon.....and more than 8 hours from Lisbon to Miami. It was pretty quiet but damn long with that weird silence in the plane. We all had something to do except for talking : reading a book for Park & me....she gave one to me as she wanted me to do something instead of looking outside for hours and for Sims....well, he was sleeping....He finally awake suddenly when we were going approach Miami.
"Did I miss anything ?" It was the first thing he said, breaking the long silence in the plane, putting back in place, his baseball cap he used to hide his eyes as I start to look at him.
"We're going to land soon in Miami, the pilot just make the announcement two minutes ago." Park answered, lowering her book to look at Sims. She was siting in front of me as Sims was at the other side of the plane. "We have at least 2 mores hours before we're finally in the New Orleans at 1900 approximatively." She added, getting her book inside her own bag,
"2 hours ?" I exclaimed nervously as I was feeling to be on that plane for days, we left West-Berlin at 1 PM and we're going to arrive in Louisiana at 7 PM "It's like 11 hours that we're on that place."
"Jet lag, Yirina...Jet lag...." Park scoffed, having saw me nervous before she rolled her eyes in a lovely way.
"Are you giving me a lesson on how the time work ?" I asked to her, narrowing my eyes in a joking tone
"By seeing Park, I guess it's a yes..." Sims replied, almost laughing before Park put her eyes on him, faking a curious and confused look. "What ?" He shrugged his shoulders in incomprehesion before she smiled at him.
"Joking, Sims." She breathed "You should take some rest again." She added as in me, I start to feel weird in a second, remembering something that happened a lot to me,
"You know....it's something that I heard by a lot 3 years ago." I told them, getting our attention on me, very curious.
"About rest ?" Sims asked, I nodded
"At that time, each time I was asking about some gasps on my memories, you were all like 'Take some rest, Bell, you're looking tired !' or 'You might work too much, get some sleep.'" I said as it was the thing I remembered, it was always like that, almost everyone told me that at least once.
"Hey, it was true !" Sims defended, getting comfy in his seat and his voice, as I raised an eyebrow to him as the same time as Park. "You worked too much." I gave him a look that could say 'it's true !'
"And to talk about my memories, I worked too much ?" I asked, changing my look, narrowing my eyes to him now.
"Well...." Park started, taking a breath by talking of that "At first, the CIA would have liked to 'put you in their ranks' but I forced them to have you 'join the MI6'"
"Meaning ?" I turned my eyes to her
"Since you were now in the MI6, we had no choices but to limit the memories that Adler could give you." Sims was the one to speak. "Only memories about Vietnam was given and everything else was put into a bin." He explained, giving me the reasons of why 'Bell' only had memories of Vietnam.
"Adler has...well....considered the option to have part of my memories in you but...." Park whispered, not sure of telling it as it was sounding like a big secret to hide. "I wouldn't want that to happen, fearing that it could have break you..."
"It would have allowed you to not be harassed by me with all these questions about my past." I tried to joke but why joking about that I was brainwashed ? I could maybe laugh of that but not in these times.
"Yes but if we had did this, your real memories would have been gone and I didn't wanted to do that." Park admitted as inside of me, I was relieved that she didn't do it. "Even if some saw you as an enemy, some care about you and they wouldn't wanted that too."
"Having Adler and my memories in you was risky...." Sims said, making me realizing that Adler's memories wasn't the only one I had in head "Having Park's ones would have been deadly to you."
"That could have killed me ?" They nodded at me
"With what you have faced in a short time, you would have freaked out the day you woke up." Sims added, readjusting his cap, refering to what happened between the day I was captured by the CIA and the day I woke up as 'Bell'...a day I can't even remember ! As he was finished, we started to hear some noises....it was the pilot going to speak.
"We'll land in a minute in Miami !" He announced in the speaker before hanging out as I looked outside to see that we were above the city, soon arriving at the airport for our stop for a short time. I was wondering something when I removed my head from the porthole.
"Did I go to the US before ?" I asked, looking at Sims & Park.
"Well, you were there..." Sims started to reply "Not freely in reality, Adler got you and brought you in Langley."
"Guess you don't have any memories or recalls that said to you that you came here before ?" Park added, looking curious
"I don't know, I was working as a cryptographer in the KGB at the Lubyanka for Perseus and also as a field agent but.....I couldn't tell." I responded, giving in short, what my old life was exactly. "Guess I will find out soon." I added before the plane lowered itself as it was landing.
"Well..." Sims looked at me, smiling. "Welcome back to the USA....freely !" He greeted, making me laugh a little as the plane finally landed.
We didn't step out of the plane as it was just a little stop to refuel the plane enough to make the flight to the New Orleans. It was weird now to be in the US-of-A for me after everything that happened to me. What a life ! We only stayed for a least 20 minutes to let the maintenance crew to get the fuel in the plane before it finally take off again, leaving Miami and Florida behind us to join the Louisiana, the New Orleans.....'The Crescent City' as I heard, it was like its little nickname and it was quite....good.
During the 2 remaining hours we had in flight, we didn't talk too much again and if we have talked, it was just about Sims telling us the good things they had in the US, explaining it like if we were tourists in a trip. Finally, we were arrived at 7:50 PM in the New Orleans at the airport as we had just finished to eat and we could finally move from our seats, getting our bags on us and leaving the plane, allowing me to set foot on the 'New World' by my own will and not forced and tied up by the CIA.
But no time for us to play the tourists....well, we're spies...Sims led us to a car that the CIA left for us and he took the wheel, driving us to the safehouse we were going to use for the following days....at least a week for Sims as Duvall is not an easy target to deal with. It took us more than 5 minutes less to arrive at the safehouse that was in a well-keep house just at the city's outskirts. Sims was the first to get out of the car as a man was waiting for us at the porch's house.
"Hey, Wolf !" Sims waved at the guy that was leaned against a pillar before he start to move to get to Sims.
"Sims, my man !" Wolf exclaimed as the two shook hands, making an friendly acolades "Hope that the flight wasn't so disturbing !"
"Nope at all, I slept all the way to here." Sims replied, giving him a friendly tap on the shoulder before Wolf looked at us, getting out of the car with our bags.
"So, is this your team ?" Wolf asked, Sims nodded.
"This is Helen Park from the MI6 !" He pointed at Park where the two shook hands before he looked at me "And this is Yirina Grigoriev, she's a russian defector working with us." I could see Wolf, getting a little bit confused before he smiled at me, offering his hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both." He told us as we finally shook hands
"So, this is our new place ?" I asked, looking behind him.
"Yeap." Wolf simply answered
"Wolf is going to help us with dealing with Duvall, he's the one in charge of this safehouse." Sims added, crossing his arms before he looked at him "You got the necessary material for us ?"
"Of course, there's still things missing but tomorrow, we will have everything to start working on Duvall's case." Wolf responded before slowly walking inside the house "Let's get inside before you all catch a cold." He added as we started to follow him.
We took our bags in hand and then, we entered the safehouse that was going to be our little home for days before we are returning to West-Berlin, it's gonna change from the rainy weather from the german city, that's for sure. It was more going to be sunny and hot in here, it's what I wanted really. Wolf start to show us the basics of the house : the kitchen and the bathroom before we arrived in the living room that was in fact, our operations room with an dashboard, looking like the same as the one in West-Berlin.
"Damn, the CIA is well equipped !" I said, almost loudly as I saw multiple equipment all around the room, like listening devices, radios and also guns.
"Well..." Wolf started, scratching the back of his head "All of this is coming from the FBI, stole it to Webster's brigade !"
"You stole from your own countrymens ?" Park asked, amused by that fact.
"We had no choices, we're likely making an illegal CIA operation on the US soil and we have to use our own means....including stealing." Sims was the one to reply, already looking aware of that. "It's just the four of us with a part of CIA against Duvall." I then started to move near the dashboard, full of intels about Duvall.
"Duvall has big means, I can see...." I looked at everything on it, discovering what Duvall can do and what are his hobbies.
"Politician but also radio host who has an big support from the New Orleans high society." Wolf explained behind me. "A big asshole leading the America First Party."
"So, when do we start ?" Park questioned as I looked around to face the others again.
"It's better that we start tomorrow, we need to have everything in place before we can start to make our moves and scout out to eliminate Duvall." Sims replied, leaning on a couch. "You might need to rest, Yirina....as well as you, Park." He joked, refering to our discussion we all had 2 hours ago, making me rolling my eyes around.
"I'm going to show you your rooms !" Wolf said before waving to us to follow him and we complied. "We got 4 four rooms, each one for us." He added as we were getting up the stairs with him....well, we're not sleeping in a dorm but damn....I would have liked to be with Park....
He presented to her the first room we came across and she took it, getting inside before she closed the door with a small grin on her face before Wolf led me to the second room that was just next to hers. It was kinda small but at least, it was better than the dorm itself back in West-Berlin. After showcasing me the room, he left me alone, allowing me to install myself in that temporary bedroom as I had a view on the city skyline. Once I was finished, I sat on the side of my bed, blank stare in front of me.
I was thinking all the way about Park and only her. I was happy to be with her, to love her and to be at her side and I thought that we were going to sleep in the same room for once....on the same bed but no, we were separated and it was normal since the other don't know of us. I removed my jacket.....before I decided to leave the room to join hers. I arrived in front of it, hesitating before I finally knocked.
"Come in !" I could hear her through the door in a low voice and I opened it, discovering her, sit on the side of the bed. "Yiri..." She smiled at me as I closed the door behind me and locked it.
"So, how do you feel ?" I asked, staying next to the door.
"Well, we're in the New Orleans, changing from West-Berlin and it's better !" She responded before getting up to move next to the bed's end. "About you ?" She asked back
"Same thing, can finally walk in here without been tied up." I joked as I moved to face her, looking around before our eyes finally met.
"Yirina...." She whispered before we both moved at the same time to kiss each other on the lips, getting our arms around each other and then, we fall on the bed still kissing passionately before I withdraw to take some air.
"Can.....Can I ?" I asked, looking at the scarf she had around her neck, wanting to remove it and surprisely, she took it off herself, revealing to me her scar that didn't change over time....still highlighting her beauty. I then leaned forwards to slowly give her kiss along her scar, making her to do silent groans, her hands posed on my back.
"Oh.....fuck...." She tried to speak, losing her own words as she was getting pleasured by me, I was moving my hands along her curves, still kissing her neck before she looked at me. "Remove them, we're doing this !"
"Your clothes ?" I asked, naive and she rolled her eyes in a lovely way.
"Yes....fuck the others, we're doing this now !" She repeated before she redressed herself to remove her own jacket, helped by me. She then started to remove her shirt too as we were both getting lost ourselves, doing the same thing for me....just loving each other, revealing to her the white bra I was using....and her red bra she was using.
"You're so gorgeous, Park !" I said, amazed by her body before I moved to give her kiss, starting by her neck, going down slowly before I reached her pants that I start to remove too.
"Yes, you're my world, Yiri." She whispered, making me remember my memory with her in the Dark Room as I was finished to remove her pants that I threw on the ground before I moved next to her underwear. She then get her bra off her, showing me her breasts. "Please, it's time to catch back our lost years !" She didn't move her eyes away from me.
"You're my world too." I breathed as I move her underwear to the side, showing me her clint, finally happy to have a moment that we should have done years ago. "I love you so fucking much, Helen Park !" I looked at her before I start to slowly lick her clint with my tongue, she start to be taken over by all the lust and pleasure, groaning at the same time, happy with me, and finally feeling free,
"My god....Yiri !"
#black ops cold war#bocw#call of duty cold war#cod cw#cod black ops cold war#cod cold war#fanfic#fem!bell#helen park
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A Moment From the Temporal War- https://archiveofourown.org/works/16592681
Complete, WC: 553
A tiny ficlet, more of a premise than a story. This is what happened when the Temporal Cold war from ENT erupted into open temporal warfare, as seen in the "Storm Front" two-parter.
Scenes from a Disaster Zone- https://archiveofourown.org/works/11311746
Complete, Bashir/Garak, WC: 6,861
This fic assumes an established relationship, begun soon after Julian joins Garak on Cardassia as part of the Federation aid effort. It is not ASIT-compliant, but is definitely influenced by it and all the other wonderful post-canon fics out there.
Of Stars and Plebes- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1899546/chapters/4094982
On Going, Kirk/Spock, WC: 40,318
James T. Kirk was not always the confident, swaggering Captain of the U.S.S Enterprise. Follow him as he makes his way through the halls of Starfleet Academy with his best friend Bones and lest we forget, an excruciatingly uptight Vulcan.
The Promise- https://archiveofourown.org/works/13877313/chapters/31926819
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 207,872
As children, Jim and Spock promised they would get married when they grew up. Jim thought it was just a silly joke between kids.When they meet again upon the Enterprise, Spock still expects Jim to fulfill that promise.
On Human Gestures- https://archiveofourown.org/works/10783569
Complete, WC: 757
A simple study of some of Spocks more human gestures and where he probably picked them up from.
Always Shall Be (2019)- https://archiveofourown.org/works/17766896
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 1,052
After Jim is brought back to life after Khan, he spends a short time in his recovery visiting Spock Prime.
Fallacies and Assumptions, Logical and Otherwise- https://archiveofourown.org/works/12863751/chapters/29380029
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 6,799
Spock must piece together fragments of memory to uncover the truth of who he was. He knows his own heart, but what about Jim's?
Graduate Vulcan for Fun and Profit- https://archiveofourown.org/works/17969
Complete, WC: 15,113
It really does take a village to raise a Jim.The members of the Kelvin's crew watch over Jim as much as he lets them.
I Will Have This- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14679873/chapters/33916410
Complete, Amanda/Sarek, Kirk/Spock, WC: 15,541
Just as she finished adding a small box of sweets to her items, she felt a tug on the sleeve of her robe. Turning, she had a smile prepared, and a praise on the tip of her tongue for whatever item her son had chosen. That turned into a sharp gasp when she realized that carefully ensconced in her son’s arms was not any item for sale in the shop, but a very human baby. “Mother, I will have this.”
Nature Boy- https://archiveofourown.org/works/13499398/chapters/30958488
On Going, Kirk/Spock, WC: 25,361
The story of a young boy on an unfamiliar planet who makes friends with the trees.
No Vegas Wedding for Us- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14934444/chapters/34599873
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 28,919
Jim Kirk has loved Spock and pined after him throughout the entirety of their five-year mission. He thought, hoped and dared to believe that today, the day of their wedding, would be the happiest day of his life. But there's just one problem. Well, two problems. Okay, maybe three. Spock doesn't love Jim in return, the marriage is a sham, and now — as their wedding guests grow impatient and Jim's hope fades — Spock has gone missing.
Facing down a ticking clock, Starfleet's scrutiny, and profound misconceptions about each other's intentions, Jim and Spock had nine days to decide if the lie was worth it to keep Spock on the Enterprise. Now, it seems Spock has made that decision.
It Takes A Village- https://archiveofourown.org/works/8226730/chapters/18854419
Complete, WC: 33,227
Transporter malfunction turns Bones into a toddler. Can the crew keep him out of trouble, or will young Leonard McCoy be too much to handle?
out of obscurity into the dream- https://archiveofourown.org/works/11135340/chapters/25110768
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 87,794
Spock has lived an entire life in seclusion, brought up by a Romulan to believe he was one too. Convinced his telepathy was a rare gift that must be protected at all costs, he was prohibited to touch anyone and leave the house. Jim Kirk comes across him accidentally after he was hired to steal a Vulcan artefact. Together, they start an adventure of finding a soulmate in each other and preventing another catastrophe from happening after the artefact turns out to be a part of an ancient psionic weapon.
Also known as “How I almost died three times in two days and found my soulmate”, an autobiography by J.T. Kirk.
A Logical Confession- https://archiveofourown.org/works/10631613
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 1,492
Spock confesses his love to Jim, in his own logical way.
Fic: Variable Meaning- https://flagrantialuna.livejournal.com/1058.html
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 4,239
The last thing Spock ever remembers is a mission going horribly wrong.
where the long shadows grow- https://archiveofourown.org/works/15878247
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 5,957
Spock, he thinks, should be fine. So long as he still rejected the Science Academy, and didn’t get assigned there again, and isn’t on leave to visit his parents, and --
His parents.
“Oh, Spock,” says Jim, into his knees. “S'ti th'laktra.”
He feels an echo in the back of his mind, endless sadness and grief.
Tick-Tock and Fizzbin- https://archiveofourown.org/works/5670571
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 7,916
When Hikaru Sulu came to visit Spock and Jim at the small house they had recently purchased, and presented to them an air-hole equipped box that emitted a yelping noise, Spock said quickly and loudly, without stopping to consider the consequences, "No."
Irak-nahan- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14824949
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 8,447
While on a simple diplomatic mission, Spock is attacked by an unknown force. It is up to Jim and McCoy to figure out who did it and why. The only issue is that there are plenty of suspects, but none of them are very suspect. It's a race, not against the clock, but against Spock's tolerance for the psychic pain he's being put through. Spock, meanwhile, is not only fighting the strange entity taking up residence in his mind, but also the feelings he has for his captain.
The Vulcan Bite- https://archiveofourown.org/works/13582686
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 8,720
When Pon Farr hits, Spock knows he must conceal himself in his quarters or risk his violent sex-fiend behavior ruining his career. While trying to check up on his friend, Jim is shocked that a hormone fueled Spock actually bites him.
He tries to conceal it and hopes it heals on its own. But what neither of them knows is that the Vulcan bite during Pon Farr can give the victim the exact hormones and symptoms of Plak Tow.
Only one thing can resolve their mutual fever.
Fulfilling the Needs of the One (Or the Both)- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1184912
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 8,754
Spock begins to wonder if his relationship with Jim has been one-sided in his own favor.
Five Years Gone- https://archiveofourown.org/works/12910674/chapters/29496396
Incomplete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 11,671
Jim was declared dead five years ago. Spock has been in command of Enterprise. The Enterprise is sent to Drozana Station (stolen from Star Trek Online because it's the perfect crappy space station for this story) to recover something Starfleet left behind.
What Spock doesn't know is that Jim's not dead, and it's going to be one hell of a reunion.
Nothing without you- https://archiveofourown.org/works/16649242
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 12,197
After the Fal-tor-pan, Spock finds himself bereft, confused and unable to define his relationship with his Captain and friend. Torn between a present he does not entirely belong to and a past he cannot fully comprehend, he struggles against his mind and the conflicting feelings drawing him to Jim.Does he dare reach for him? Can he find a way to bridge the distance between them? Will he remember the meaning of t'hy'la?
The Walls Between Us- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1114712
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 12,898
They have been imprisoned for thirteen hours, ten minutes, and forty-two standard seconds.
Adventure Is Out There- https://archiveofourown.org/works/7580593/chapters/17247538
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 12,922
Regardless of her feelings about parenthood, Winona will be dead before she leaves her last remaining link to George on Earth.
Jim is just the average, everyday, Starfleet-brat boy genius. His time is split between the mostly-Vulcan engineering crew and raising hell on the rest of the ship. If anybody (including Jim) knew the details of what occurred during his first trip to Vulcan, they wouldn't be surprised.
Acceptable Price- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14913896/chapters/34545332
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 14,636
In which Spock fights to the death for possession of the Enterprise crew and Jim finally admits (to himself) he might be feeling more than simple friendship for him. When Spock confronts him about his strange behaviour, the Captain has no choice but to risk it all and confess.
Just As The Twig Is Bent- http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=7061&warning=1
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 17,580
Oh, I wonder what's going to become of that boy! I just don't know …” James Kirk felt the flame of anger in his cheeks as he listened to his mother complain and whine to the Imperial guards who had brought him home.
The Gravity of Never Letting Go- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14847870/chapters/34370529%E2%80%9D%20target=
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 20,230
After George dies and the Kelvin is destroyed, Winona is left out in the black with a newborn and a choice: go home, or run away from her problems. The consequence for her decision go beyond anything she could have imagined.
Accustomed to slightly lower then natural gravity aboard Federation vessels, an extended stay on Earth is a death sentence for Jim. But he's not going to let that stop him.
Not This Time- https://archiveofourown.org/works/7991806/chapters/18290599
Complete, Amanda/Sarek, Kirk/Spock, WC: 28,432
The crack of rock startled Spock, causing him to bark for a status update from Chekov. He wrapped an arm around his mother’s waist, fingers gripping hard enough that he hoped he wouldn’t bruise his human parent. And then the ground gave way. Distantly, the words, “I’m losing them, I’m losing them!” echoed from the communicator clipped to his belt.
White surrounded them, and he felt himself falling . . .
The Captain and his Hawke- https://archiveofourown.org/works/15409014
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 35,265
Two cursed lovers, never and always touching and touched, as long as the sun rises and sets, as long as there is day and night and for as long as they both shall live.
An irreverent young thief, constantly running for his life, the one and only who knows his way inside the holy Cathedral of Aquila .A mysterious Captain, travelling only by daylight with a black hawk upon his shoulder, intent on exacting a terrible vengeance. An ethereal, sorrowful Vulcan whose sun is the moon and who can tame wolves, gliding through the night forest like a ghost.The Bishop who once desired him, and who now seeks to destroy him.
A bond that is slowly falling apart...
Spaceships, Private Jets, and Minivans: How to Start a Global Incident in 5 Minutes Flat- https://archiveofourown.org/works/9338150/chapters/21159536
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 49,227
One early summer morning in Riverside, Iowa, a spacecraft crash lands into the backyard of a highschooler by the name of James T. Kirk.
Earth history is changed forever.
Closet Key- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8476056/1/Closet-Key
Complete, WC: 61,639
In a universe where Vulcan is pre-warp and Jim is still prone to causing trouble, what trouble can a little crash landing cause? How did Jim end up in a ship alone? And what about Spock? Do these two hold the key to each others troubles? Or can they only make things worse?
Written in the Stars- https://archiveofourown.org/works/3558830?view_full_work=true
Incomplete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 67,532
A collection of space husbands short stories ranging from the five year mission to old married bliss. <3 Each chapter can be read as a stand-alone work.
Refuge- https://archiveofourown.org/works/7760779/chapters/17697628
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 70,138
In a less powerful, less united Federation, Romulus takes an opportunity to attack Vulcan and Federation planets begin taking in Vulcan refugees. One of these refugees, a young Spock, stays with the Kirk family on their farm in Iowa. Everyone thinks it's temporary, but after a few years Earth becomes as much a home to Spock as Vulcan ever was, and the Kirks-- especially Jim-- become family
Iowa Loam- https://archiveofourown.org/works/11195496/chapters/25000587
Complete, WC: 77,912
Jim Kirk, age ten, and his friends battle the horrors of Romulans, early bedtimes, and annoying girls. AU: set when the Federation is just being formed.
All In- https://archiveofourown.org/works/12987213/chapters/29693286#workskin
Complete, Kirk/Spock, Scotty/Uhura, Coral Marcus/Bones, WC:87,831
Jim opens his eyes. Spock’s face is calm. It’s like they’re not talking about what they’re talking about at all - a living, breathing entity that’s made up of parts from both of them. She’s her own individual, sure, but they’re the ones who made her.
And Bones.Bones had something to do with it. Jim’s red blood and Spock’s green blood and this steady, soothing heartbeat.
Plugged In- https://archiveofourown.org/works/3401606/chapters/7446449
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 93,519
Spock creates a videogame in an attempt to study humans to determine if they are ready for first contact. With the new opportunity to interact with the new species, he joins the game to study them first hand.
Jim catches wind of a strange NPC that hangs out in the IDIC tavern in ShiKahr. Everyone thinks it's defective, but Jim thinks it might be a secret event and talks to him. He's strange, and he's kind of cute in a weird way. Starfleet starts getting wind that the game might be controlled by people not of Earth origin, and they begin to question the creators' motives. Will Jim choose Starfleet, a faction he had sworn his life and loyalty too, or a man he had never even met face to face?
The Button- https://archiveofourown.org/works/7824229/chapters/17859643
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 105,505
In a life tainted by magic and evil, Jim makes his way from a young age as the apprentice of a powerful medium and her monster slayer husband (though a lot of his training seems to revolve around fetching rare and expensive liqueur...).
Eventually, the stars begin calling to him, whispering of an unnatural enemy. Something will have to be done about that. Something will also have to be done about the stubborn Vulcan who thinks one shared childhood adventure makes them friends.
Before all that, though, Jim finds a peculiar key.
RESTORE, REMAKE, & REBUILD- https://archiveofourown.org/works/16186019/chapters/37823240
Ongoing, Bashir/Garak, WC: 107,034
Eight years after the Dominion War, Dr. Bashir--rather afflicted, unfortunately--is en route to Cardassia Prime. Meanwhile, Garak has re-established himself as a politician of note, and his methods may be a point of contention. Further still, Kira reflects on her role keeping the "family" together, Ezri ponders conventional Federation ethics, Miles ruminates on lessons hard-learned, Keiko benefits from being treated like a major character, and the shadow of Enabran Tain looms over a world in recovery.
100 Words- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12174343/1/100-Words
Incomplete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 133,324
"I want this, okay? I'm just not used to it and I'm not entirely convinced it won't end in an ugly, painful mess, but I want to try it!" Spock was absolutely enraptured, his free hand was trembling on his thigh where he was keeping it to prevent it from latching itself on the human's psy-points all of its own accord… "I am willing to try if it's with you."
Letters from the Northern Continent- https://archiveofourown.org/works/45841
Complete, Bashir/Garak, WC: 7,966
It just figured that the first time Julian Bashir set foot on Cardassia after the war, it would be halfway around the world from Elim Garak.
Kirk and the Friend Problem- https://archiveofourown.org/works/12087084/chapters/27395046
Incomplete, WC: 13,611
The problem starts in the Starfleet Academy and doesn't end when Jim goes off into space.
Condemnation- http://www.memory-prime.de/elizabethhelena/Condemnation.html
Complete, Bashir/Garak, WC: 14,554
"Post-'The Wire,' pre-'Our Man Bashir,' when the guys are still having lunch regularly, Julian finds out about something Garak has done, something worse than he ever thought or could have imagined." Can you now see why this story has NGHE?
Bonds of Blood- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1097988
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 17,627
Spock is renowned throughout the forge as a merciless warrior, but Jim knows him only as the coward who killed his brother.
Especially the Lies- https://archiveofourown.org/works/16584785/chapters/38866268
Complete, Bashir/Garak, WC: 23,673
It started out as a simple lie. He should have known better than to get involved in a lie with Elim Garak.
On the Arrow- https://archiveofourown.org/works/11243349/chapters/25129032
Complete, Kirk/Spock, Scotty/Uhura, WC: 26,736
After receiving the serum made from Khan’s super-blood, Jim is unsure of his place in the world. Escaping a destroyed San Francisco, he travels back to Riverside to re-evaluate his future. When his first officer unexpectedly arrives on his doorstep, Jim is reminded just how much he wants Spock to be a part of it.
Entering Orbit- https://archiveofourown.org/works/864225/chapters/1657428
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 30,957
Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch.
...And Always Shall Be- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14901614/chapters/34514093
Incomplete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 33,158
Spock hesitates only a second longer, then presses his palm to the door and it slides open. He anticipates and receives Jim into his embrace, allowing his t’hy’la to bury his face in Spock’s neck.
“Sorry. I didn’t…I wasn’t sure where to go. I needed you,” Jim says, gasping through his emotions.
After 11 years apart, Jim and Spock finally find their way to each other.
/lost+found- https://archiveofourown.org/works/8676292/chapters/19890799
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 37,960
Spock is the first Vulcan at Starfleet Academy, and Starfleet Academy is the first time Spock has been on Earth for an extended period of time. He hopes to find a place where his status as half-human isn't looked down upon so harshly, and tries to adapt to human life and human values.Then he meets some cadets who are willing to adapt to him.
They'd call us star-crossed (If they called us at all)- https://archiveofourown.org/works/15648153/chapters/36343638
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 38,479
He plucked a star from the sky and gave me back the sun
In which Spock has to come to terms with the terrible loss of his entire planet and Jim does his best to help him heal.
This is the story of how they came to be what they are - the best Command team in the Fleet - and how they found the strength and courage to trust each other completely. The story of the birth of t'hy'la.
Foundations- https://archiveofourown.org/works/333518/chapters/538714
Complete, Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Gary, WC: 44,819
Amanda only wanted what was best for her son, and after Sarek’s death, she was certain that Vulcan was not it. However, she had never expected it to be Iowa either, or rather, a poor little boy from Riverside.
To Be Wed- https://archiveofourown.org/works/10898799/chapters/24227988
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 49,610
"With a human ruling alongside King Sarek, it makes sense that they would want a Vulcan to rule alongside you. Look on the bright side. At least it's not Sybok."
Prince S'chn T'gai Spock and Crown Prince Sam Kirk are pushed by their families into an awkward courtship, sure to become an awkward marriage. Meanwhile, the younger Terran prince just wants to make sure his future brother-in-law feels comfortable in his new home. But unfortunately for Jim, the road to hopeless, unrequited love is paved with good intentions.
Hidden Realities- https://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=2558&warning=1
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 50,498
Jim resumes command of the Enterprise for a difficult mission, and miscommunication abounds. A direct sequel to “Frozen Memories.”
Malleus Maleficarum- https://archiveofourown.org/works/7846546/chapters/17915866
Ongoing, Kirk/Spock, WC: 51,329
In the summer of 1976, a man with pointed ears moved into the old abandoned Grayson house up on the hill just north of town. Right around the same time, strange things started happening in Riverside—even stranger than when Amanda Grayson mysteriously disappeared back in 1948. Jim Kirk has always wanted to know the truth. Leonard McCoy just wants to make it through the summer alive.
Thy Soul, Alight In The Dark- https://archiveofourown.org/works/15327285/chapters/35561382
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 51,686
When disgraced former Starfleet captain and current salvage runner James T. Kirk stumbles upon what appears to be an abandoned Vulcan research vessel on the edge of Federation Space, he thinks he’s finally found some luck. The state of the ship and the fate of her original crew however, turn what was supposed to have been a standard day’s work into something quite a bit stranger. As Kirk and his crew debate if they can—or should—wake a sleeping survivor, it soon becomes clear that the nightmare is just beginning.
Only Fools- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1013237/chapters/2011855
Complete, Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Gary, Scotty/Uhura, WC: 62306
Spock has just graduated with highest honors from the Vulcan Science Academy when Nero destroys his planet. Lucky to escape with his life, he is bound for Earth on a rescue ship where he meets a strange fellow traveler: an elder version of himself. Disturbed by his counterpart's experiences in his own timeline, Spock vows never to follow the desires of his human half. But when a man named Jim Kirk comes into Spock's life, he's faced with a struggle to find the balance between Vulcan and human.
The Wall- https://archiveofourown.org/works/13737003/chapters/31562937
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 89,421
Following the events of the Halka Incident, the Enterprise returns to Earth where a massive investigation awaits. They must face inevitable changes a trip to the parallel universe brought and prevent another disaster from happening: they brought back an instruction on how to create the Tantalus Field, and you can't really expect people to sit idly once learning this, right? But for Kirk, saving Spock may become a number one priority.
Finding Spock- Part 1- https://archiveofourown.org/works/9820079/chapters/22049192
Complete, Kirk/Spock, Spock/Uhura, Spock/TPring, WC: 199,758
Spock is as Vulcan as they come. Or not. Struggling with isolation, his natural emotions and his need to be a true Vulcan, he somehow builds a life at Starfleet Academy. Follow his life from his childhood to his spiritual homecoming on the Enterprise.
THE SUM OF BOTH OF US- https://archiveofourown.org/works/883469/chapters/1701844
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 207,623
Jim Kirk is nine when a massacre on Tarsus IV leaves him without a family and without a home. Spock is twelve when a strange boy in the desert saves his sehlat. Families aren't born; they're made. The look in mother’s eyes at his correction remained a mystery long after the colors of the night sky and the complex patterns of distant nebulae had become translatable by means of distinct and relatively straightforward equations.
Leave No Soul Behind- https://archiveofourown.org/works/187333/chapters/275539
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 258,951
If you're Starfleet, you spend your whole life wishing you never see an EPAS uniform right up until the moment they become your only hope. Whether you're dying a slow, cold death in space, or a long painful one on some godforsaken planet, they're going to come for you. So count your last breaths, son, and hold on tight. They leave no soul behind.
Sure Thing- https://archiveofourown.org/works/731935
Complete,Kirk/Spock, WC: 5,120
So suddenly Kirk finds himself being courted by Spock... at first Kirk thinks it is Spock trying to mess with his mind because Spock is still pissed about the 'cheating' incident but is soon disabused of that notion and he finds himself in his first loving, committed relationship in his life.
Shelter- http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=689&warning=1
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 6,944
The stark peaks, gray sentinels of a cold world that had never known life, looked down indifferently as the three men in Starfleet uniforms came hurrying over the ridge.
One of a Kind- https://archiveofourown.org/works/48653
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 7,074
Three planets. All things rare and beautiful.
Everything but This- https://archiveofourown.org/works/15650613/chapters/36350709
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 11,043
And then they were standing in front of Cat’s Eye, and Spock was opening the door for Jim, and Jim stepped inside with a mild flirtation on his lips, but then the entire club went still, and Jim froze too, and all inhabitants were looking at them.
And, god help them, they were all vulcans.
A week ago, Jim kissed Spock. Now they're about to have their first shore leave together as...what, a couple? This could either be very awkward or very spicy. There's a good chance it might be both.
Designated- https://archiveofourown.org/works/15206531
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 11,304
“I would like you to read over the contract and consider what you are agreeing to before you sign,” Spock says, and reaches for the PADD on the table.
And because Jim is an absolute dipshit who thinks nothing through ever at all, he just shrugs and uses his fingers to scroll to the bottom, signs, and hits send.
In My Own Skin- https://archiveofourown.org/works/11399640
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 11,477
After the events of Turnabout Intruder, Jim is trapped in Janice Lester's body indefinitely and has to learn to carry on with his normal life and duties trapped in this body. Established relationship with Spock, but things become understandably difficult as a result of Jim's situation. Complicating matters even further, the Enterprise is assigned to a difficult diplomatic mission with a new member of the Federation.
Poses- http://www.ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=691&warning=1
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 16,483
Consciousness approached as slowly as dawn on a misty world, bearing two vague impressions—one of pleasure and one of pain. The pain was a faint throbbing at the side of his head, rattling like a distant drum in time to his pulse. The pleasure was more immediate: a vastly comforting warm weight pressed beside and across him—unquestionably a friend.
One on a Side, Two Together- https://archiveofourown.org/works/11343174/chapters/25385205
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 17,108
A landing party almost never starts out as an obvious disaster.
A Crack in the Mirror- https://archiveofourown.org/works/11478597/chapters/25741107
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 19,765
Nearly two years after the events of "Mirror, Mirror", Mirror Spock returns with an unusual request.
In Another World- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14391432/chapters/33233040
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 20,796
Starfleet believed Jim Kirk was destined for command. Jim Kirk would prefer to leave his father's long Starfleet reputation behind him and dedicate himself to xeno-botany. Offered a position to work on hybrid plants on Vulcan, Jim is put into contact with a tutor, the blind xenolinguistics professor, Spock. It's only after meeting him that Jim realizes how he and Spock are connected, and why the Vulcan hates him so much.
But then fate has other ideas, and long after Jim leaves earth for Vulcan, they're thrown into each other's paths once again.
Gift- https://archiveofourown.org/works/982288/chapters/1934555
Complete, Amanda/Sarek, Kirk/Spock, Stonn/TPring, WC: 30,886
Spock gets a small golden-haired, blue-eyed creature as a gift from his father (except he doesn't). The creature speaks in his nurse's Secret Language, appears to be convinced that Spock is an "elf" and calls itself "Jim." Utterly fascinated, Spock decides to keep it.
Sviksu- https://anon-j-anon.livejournal.com/84524.html
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: +40,000
"There is a Vulcan by the name of S'chn T'gai Spock. His name is infamous in our history."
The World Well Lost- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14962537?view_full_work=true
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 42,811
When Jim and Spock meet as teenagers on Tarsus IV and endure unspeakable horrors together, it seems like nothing can separate them. Until, that is, Jim is forced to burn every last trace of himself from Spock’s mind to keep him safe. Years later, Jim is still a smoldering husk, but it seems amnesia has been good to Spock. To remind him of the world they built together before the famine—and of how it ended—would be too cruel. Wouldn’t it? But when Starfleet tasks the Enterprise with hunting Kodos down, old scars will be torn open and hidden secrets will come to light, forcing Jim and Spock to reconsider everything they thought they knew about their shared history on Tarsus IV.
Papers in the Roadside- https://archiveofourown.org/works/270668
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC:49.637
Jim owns a small bar in Chicago, keeps on picking up strays and taking care of everyone no matter how hard it makes his own life. Spock is a journalist writing feature articles for the Chicago Tribune; he depicts the world with uncanny skill, but hides more than one personal drama and is possibly under surveillance from the Vulcan royal family. They meet by accident just before their lives start to spin out of control.
Magpie- https://archiveofourown.org/works/338376/chapters/547603
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 57,648
Spock met Jim when he was 7 and Jim was 6. It has since been generally agreed that this was a mistake (or: the one where they grow up together and things are simultaneously better and worse for it).
a sequence that you never learned- https://archiveofourown.org/works/1077361/chapters/2164321
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 64,624
"'Spock,' Jim breathes out, completely overwhelmed by the gesture—not quite believing that Spock knows him so well, that's he's already started researching, that he trusts Jim with a member of his own endangered species."
When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim's humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen.
Kirk's War- https://archiveofourown.org/works/5135270?view_full_work=true
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 78,933
Sequel to Colony War. Not a stand-alone. Spock is recalled to Vulcan by his father and must face his family, changed by events. The war with the colonies is winding down but there are still serious issues within Starfleet Command that Kirk is determined to sort out.
Paper Tigers- https://archiveofourown.org/works/17001378/chapters/39967212
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 92,106
Thirty years ago, the war between Earth and Vulcan ended with a shaky armistice. Now, Earth's monarchs hope their volatile neighbors might formalize peace and ally with them against a growing Klingon threat. But Vulcans are fiercely independent, and are currently fighting their own war against a rebel insurgence. An alliance remains unlikely.
In spite of this, the two planets' sons, Prince James Kirk of Earth and Dorli Kahr-lan Spock of Vulcan, find themselves passionately drawn toward each other the moment they meet, and their own private alliance could change everything.
The Lotus Eaters- https://archiveofourown.org/works/277853/chapters/440466
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 93,594
Stranded on the planet Sigma Nox while searching for a missing away team, Spock and Kirk find themselves pitted against a disturbing native life form. With the captain out of commission on a regular basis and Spock struggling to preserve his stoicism, staying alive is difficult enough – but when a slim chance for escape surfaces, their resolve is truly put to the test. Together they must fight for survival in the heart of an alien jungle, and in the process, uncover the mystery of the planet’s past.
Take Refuge in What You Know- https://archiveofourown.org/works/715652/chapters/1324993
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 120,334
Kirk has moved into a apartment/house and wants to get to know his neighbors. He meets his neighbor Spock, a loner who suffers from extreme agoraphobia. Kirk thinks he's beautiful enigma."
Colony War- https://archiveofourown.org/works/4079998/chapters/9188761
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 134,709
Lt. Kirk has been given a simple mission, to clear a suspected rebel colony base. But his team fails him and Kirk must rely on his own daring and some unexpected help to save the mission. Relations between Vulcan and Earth are breaking down, threatening a three-way war. From his demoted position, Kirk must try and pull together his crew and repair a broken Federation.
Sha Ka Ree- https://archiveofourown.org/works/9488996/chapters/21471398
Complete, Kirk/Spock, WC: 180,505
The year is 2258. Jim Kirk is a Lieutenant on the U.S.S. Farragut, Spock the science officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. When the ships come together for a priority landing party, these two strangers find themselves fighting against the odds for a chance at life in an alien world, and the only way they'll make it through is by relying on each other.
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#Dash Snow#Ryan McGinley#Dan Colen#Irak#irak crew ny#irak crew#nyc#new york city#graffiti#graff#irak ny#irak nyc
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#dash snow#sacer#sace#irak#irak crew#irak nyc#earsnot#supreme new york#ryan mcginley#jason dill#fanta#kser irak#nekst#adek#espo#snoty#kser#the kids are alright
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[ad_1] In the late 1990s, the skateboarder Jason Dill started taking photographs. Lots of them. He brought disposable cameras and the occasional point-and-shoot with him nearly everywhere he went, documenting his life in film like many do with smartphones today. “It’s just what you did,” he recalled recently. If you didn’t, he said, those pre-social media moments would be lost forever.And Dill’s life provided an exceptionally colorful array of moments to capture, even by the standards of a reckless and prolific pro skateboarder. A hard-charging phenom from Huntington Beach, Dill landed in New York in 1998, where he quickly established himself as one of the city’s most exciting and stylish young skaters. (His closing part on the 2000 Alien Workshop video “Photosynthesis” is an enduring classic.) At the time, skateboarding was changing from a parochial pursuit centered mostly around contests into a global emblem of cool that crossed over into a changing fashion world. Dill, who started wearing Helmut Lang and A.P.C. when most skaters still favored enormous shorts and monster truck-sized sneakers, was at the center of it all. Skating took him to far-flung destinations like Paris, Tokyo, and Johannesburg, often for months at a time. Back in NYC, he fell in with the Supreme skate team, and also rolled with IRAK, the now-legendary graffiti crew made up of era-defining artists like Dash Snow. He soon became deeply embedded in downtown New York’s booming party scene. “That’s what I really liked—becoming close with and becoming friends with people who didn’t skateboard at all,” he said. “We were all very alive at the time.”The cover of Jason Dill's new monograph. The hedonism of the post-9/11 decade almost took Dill down, but when he resurfaced in Los Angeles in 2011, he was skating again—and turning his nascent clothing label, Fucking Awesome, into a fully-fledged skate company. Now, Dill is something of an industry titan. In the past decade he’s broken some of the skate world’s coolest and more promising young talents, like Sean Pablo, Na-Kel Smith, and Tyshawn Jones, and turned Fucking Awesome apparel into the brand every streetwear kid wants to get sent to detention for wearing to school. [ad_2] Source link
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