#ipr services
hedgesquare · 2 months
Empowering Innovation: How Intellectual Property Rights Services Drive Business Success
In today's competitive business landscape, innovation is key to driving growth and staying ahead of the curve. Intellectual property (IP) plays a crucial role in protecting and monetizing innovative ideas, products, and processes. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) services are instrumental in safeguarding these assets and ensuring that businesses can reap the full benefits of their innovations. This article explores how IPR services empower innovation and drive business success.
What is Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) refer to legal rights that protect creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and images used in commerce. These rights enable creators and innovators to control the use of their creations and reap financial rewards from their investment in innovation.
The Role of IPR Services in Business Success
1. Protection of Innovations
IPR services help businesses protect their innovations through patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. By securing these rights, businesses can prevent competitors from copying or using their ideas without permission, thereby safeguarding their competitive advantage.
2. Monetization of Intellectual Property
IPR services assist businesses in monetizing their intellectual property by licensing or selling their rights to third parties. This can be a significant source of revenue for businesses, allowing them to capitalize on their innovations and expand their market reach.
3. Risk Management
IPR services help businesses manage the risks associated with intellectual property infringement. By conducting thorough IP audits and clearance searches, businesses can identify and mitigate potential risks before they escalate into costly legal disputes.
4. Enhancing Market Value
IPR services enhance the market value of businesses by establishing a strong intellectual property portfolio. A robust IP portfolio not only attracts investors and partners but also increases the valuation of the business in the eyes of potential buyers.
5. Fostering Innovation Culture
IPR services play a crucial role in fostering a culture of innovation within organizations. By rewarding employees for their innovative ideas and providing them with the necessary legal protection, businesses can encourage creativity and drive continuous improvement.
Case Studies: How IPR Services Drive Business Success
1. Pharmaceutical Industry
In the pharmaceutical industry, patents are essential for protecting new drugs and treatments. Pharmaceutical companies invest heavily in research and development (R&D) to bring new drugs to market. IPR services help these companies secure patents for their innovations, allowing them to recoup their R&D costs and generate profits.
2. Technology Sector
In the technology sector, patents are crucial for protecting new technologies and inventions. Companies like Apple, Google, and Microsoft rely on patents to protect their innovative products and services. IPR services help these companies navigate the complex patent landscape and defend their intellectual property against infringement.
3. Entertainment Industry
In the entertainment industry, copyrights are essential for protecting artistic works such as music, films, and books. Copyright infringement is a significant concern for artists and creators, and IPR services play a vital role in protecting their rights and ensuring fair compensation for their work.
Conclusion Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) services are instrumental in empowering innovation and driving business success. By protecting and monetizing intellectual property, IPR services enable businesses to leverage their innovations for competitive advantage and financial gain. As businesses continue to innovate and expand into new markets, the role of IPR services will only become more critical. Embracing IPR services as a strategic business tool is essential for businesses seeking to thrive in today's innovation-driven economy. Contact Us for more Information.
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vishnumehralawoffice · 3 months
Avoid Costly Mistakes: Tips for Selecting the Right IPR Lawyer in India
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In today's fast-paced world, protecting your intellectual property rights (IPR) is crucial. Whether you're an individual creator or a business owner, safeguarding your inventions, designs, and creative works is essential for long-term success. However, navigating the complexities of intellectual property law can be daunting, and making mistakes in the process can be costly. That's why selecting the Best IPR Lawyers in India is paramount. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore valuable tips to help you make an informed decision and avoid expensive pitfalls along the way.
Understanding Intellectual Property Rights
Before delving into the process of selecting an IPR lawyer, it's essential to have a basic understanding of what intellectual property rights entail. Intellectual property encompasses patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, all of which grant exclusive rights to creators and inventors over their creations.
Importance of Legal Expertise
Navigating the intricacies of intellectual property law requires specialized legal expertise. An experienced IPR lawyer can provide invaluable guidance on protecting your intellectual assets, enforcing your rights, and defending against infringement.
Researching Potential Lawyers
Start your search by compiling a list of potential IPR lawyers. Utilize online resources, legal directories, and referrals from colleagues to identify reputable attorneys with expertise in intellectual property law.
Evaluating Experience and Specialization
When assessing potential lawyers, prioritise those with a proven track record in handling cases similar to yours. Look for specialisation in relevant areas such as patent law, trademark registration, or copyright protection.
Assessing Communication and Compatibility
Effective communication is paramount in any legal partnership. Choose an IPR lawyer who listens attentively to your concerns, explains complex legal concepts clearly, and demonstrates genuine interest in your case.
Discussing Fees and Payment Structure
Before committing to legal representation, discuss fees and payment structures upfront. Transparency regarding billing practices and cost estimates will help avoid misunderstandings down the line.
Meeting in Person for Consultation
Schedule initial consultations with potential lawyers to gauge their expertise and assess your comfort level with them. Meeting in person allows for a more personalized interaction and facilitates better decision-making.
Negotiating Terms and Contracts
Once you've identified a suitable candidate, negotiate the terms of engagement and review the legal contract carefully. Ensure that all terms, including scope of work, timelines, and fees, are clearly outlined and agreed upon.
Finalizing Your Decision
After thorough consideration and deliberation, make an informed decision based on the factors that matter most to you. Trust your instincts and choose the IPR lawyer who instills confidence and aligns with your goals.
Selecting the right IPR lawyer is an important step toward protecting your intellectual property rights and avoiding potentially costly mistakes. The complex area of intellectual property law requires attention to detail and skilled advice, making the selection of an IPR lawyer important. By following the advice in this article and doing extensive research, you'll have the resources you need to make an informed decision, laying the foundation for protecting and maximizing the value of your creative endeavors. With the right legal advice by your side, you not only minimize the risks associated with intellectual property conflicts, but also pave the way for you to profit from the full potential of your ideas.
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patntech · 2 years
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mayankseo1 · 2 years
Are you looking for the best IPR Violation Copyright Investigation Services Agency in Delhi? contact DDS Detective agency. for more information, you can visit the website.
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 month
Cool, Calm, and Collegiate ch 1
It's @blupjeansweek!! Lup's returning to IPRE summer school for the first time since she attended it as a kid. Some of her colleagues are pretty awful, but one of them... Well... He's very interesting.
Find here or on ao3
Lup [14:45]
Made it safe, don’t burn the plants down and remember to water the kitchen.
Taako [14:45]
Instructions unclear. Filling bath with mayonnaise.
Lup [14:46]
You’re the worst <3
Taako [14:47]
Stop texting me and go teach kids space magic or whatever.
Lup [14:48]
You need to know I’m flipping you off right now.
Taako [14:48]
Never doubted you for a second, now go do your thing. Be safe, don’t talk to dogs, pet a lot of strangers.
Lup [14:48]
Taako [14:48]
Lup double checks the instructions, then stows her phone in her pocket, adjusts her rucksack, and definitely doesn’t give herself a pep talk, she doesn’t need to, she’s Lup fuckin’ Taako. They’re lucky to have her. These kids are gonna know so many things about space and magic and no one’s gonna act like she doesn’t belong.
“Eward! It’ll mess up my hair!” A tall elf looks perturbed as Edward, (her twin? Judging by the fact they look like mirror images they have to be, plus, twin recognises twin) holds out a satchel bag.
“It’s your bag, Lydia, dear.” Edward, clearly an optimist, continues to hold it out.
“Can’t Harry get it?”
“Oh yes. I’m sure he can come and sort this out.” Edward makes a sweeping gesture to the ever growing pile of bags and cases the poor taxi driver is piling on the pavement.
“I’ll call him.” Lydia snaps open her clutch.
Lup’s transfixed by her acid green nails and the wildly impractical heels. Not to mention Edward’s wearing a short sleeved suit jacket with embroidered shorts that Taako would kill for… how rude is it to photograph strangers?
“Harry… yes… sure, whatever… uh huh… well you’ll be glad to know that we’re here… yes… so can you come be a darling and get our bags?... I’m not sure that Daddy would like to hear that you’re being so unfriendly on our very first day… Thank you so much darling, we’ll see you soon.” Lydia grimaces and slides the phone back into her bag and shakes her head at Edward. “Such poor service here.”
It takes everything in Lup not to say something. Sure, their fashion sense is glorious, but they’re a caricature of awful if this is how they treat people. Lup’s ready to swing on poor Harold’s behalf. Not to mention the taxi driver they definitely didn’t tip, just waved her off once she’d finished hauling their ridiculous bags out of the minivan.
“Oh there you are, Harry, we’re just over here. Don’t worry about not being out front to meet us.” Edward smiles broadly, as if he’s not aware of precisely how much of a dick he’s being.
Lup’s willing to wager he knows exactly what he’s doing.
Harry though, assuming that’s the guy in the blue jeans who just walked reluctantly out of the front of the building, doesn’t look so confident. “Uh. Hi Lydia, Edward.” He tugs at the sleeves of his white shirt, clearly uncomfortable.
“So good to see you again.” Lydia says without looking at him.
“This is everything.” Edward points, as if there were a chance Harry might have missed the small mountain of wealth piled at the side of the road.
“And you need me to, uh, get some luggage trolleys?” Harry, poor sweet Harry, asks.
“If that’s what you need to move them to our rooms.” Edward shrugs, already scrolling on his phone.
“Did you check us in?” Lydia asks.
“Er… the accommodation office is…” Harry starts.
“Oh darling, these heels aren’t made for walking, are you sure you can’t just bring us the keys and let us know where we’re going?” Lydia titters and flutters her eyelashes at him.
Lup sends a beam of strength to Harry. Don’t fall for it, my dude, make them do their own life admin. You’ve go this.
“The accommodation office is over there.” Harry points.
Yes! Go, Harry, get ‘em!
“But darling, how will you know where to take our bags if you don’t check us in?” Edward asks, not looking up from his phone.
Lup watches the fight drain out of him. He fought a good fight…
“I’ll go to the accommodation office, which is over there.” Harry bites out.
At least he’s not trying to pretend he’s not pissed off any more. This is most definitely and absolutely not his job, for sure. Lup was under no illusions when she took this role. Science educator at a Summer education programme was never going to pay well, but coming here set her on the path she’s on now, and the least she can do is give back (and be legally allowed to make explosions for educational purposes.)
“Hey, Harold, mind if I walk with you? I haven’t been to the accommodation office before.” Lup catches up to him quickly, closing the distance in a few long strides.
When he turns to look at her his face is sour. “Please, uh, just, there’s no need to keep doing it.”
“Doing what?” Lup tilts her head, but doesn’t break her step. “Cha’girl needs to find the accommodation office, and you look like you know what’s up. It’s Lup, by the way.” She stops abruptly and offers a hand.
Harry stops too, looks at her for a moment, sizing her up. Then he smiles. “Barry.” He says, shaking it.
“Oh hell no.” Lup can feel the flush of heat spreading across her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, I just heard them say it and…”
“Yeah, well, they’re not always right.”
“Not often right, from what I’ve seen.” Lup mutters.
Barry laughs, once, sharp, perfect. “C’mon, I’ll show you the office.”
“Thanks Barry!”
His smile is glorious.
“I’ll help.”
“It’s fine.” Barry huffs as he tries to work out whether it’s better to wheel two suitcases at once in front or behind. “You’ve got your own stuff and you need to get settled.”
“Cha’girl has a single hiking bag because she’s not a complete maniac.” Lup rolls her eyes. “Plus, they’ll just complain if you leave anything on the side while you drop the first lot to their room.” She grimaces so Barry knows how wrong she thinks they are.
“You, uh, well, can’t argue with that.” Barry shrugs. Then adds, softly. “Thank you.”
Lup bumps his shoulder with hers. “Lup’s got you.”
She ends up with her rucksack, three bags on each arm, and the hair-mussing satchel (hair completely intact because she’s capable of operating a strap, thank you very much.) Barry wields two cases with his meat hands, and one with his mage hand. Lup copied him to get the last of the cases.
“How do people even have this much stuff?” Barry asks while they wait for the lift.
“Dedication? Perseverance?” Lup nudges him with her elbow, hands blessedly free as she’s laid the bags down to wait for the world’s slowest lift. “How much did you pack?”
“I didn’t have to, I live just off campus, uh, the street behind the student accommodation.”
“Oooh, happy accident that the job came up and you lived nearby?”
“Well, I… you know… work here. It’s new. But I said I’d help with the, er, the programme.” Barry looks embarrassed about this fact.
Lup raises her eyebrow. “I thought you said you were Barry?”
“I am.”
“They didn’t mention a Barry on any of the forms.” Lup knows for sure because she googled the fuck out of everyone and everything about the programme when she found out she got an interview.
“I’m not sure they put me on the letters or the websites or, well, uh, that stuff… plus, it’d by a different name.” He pauses. “It’s a long story.”
Lup points at the cheerful lift floor light which is currently still stuck on 19. “We’ve got time, my guy.” She’s going to go rogue and hack into the computers to fix it if this school is deadnaming him or something.
“Okay, it’s not really a long story, but I’m not on the forms because I help unofficially, and Barry isn’t my government name.”
“I prefer Barry.”
“Barry Bluejeans.” Lup points at his denim-clad legs.
“Why not?”
“Do you not want them to use your other name?”
“No no, it’s fine, it’s just for, you know, business. It’s what’s on my office door, it’s Sildar.”
“I never thought I’d know two! Sildar! Elf King of the Forest, Thirteenth of his Line…” Lup swishes her imaginary cloak and laughs gently. “Destroyer of…”
She stops, Barry looks stunned. Shit. Maybe he was more sensitive about his name than he made it sound. She’d fallen into a comfortable pattern. Lup closes the distance between them. “Oh, my dude, sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, that’s an…”
“...In joke.” Barry finishes for her. Then draws himself up to a majestic height and swishes his own cloak. “Destroyer of Ill Informed Zombies.” He’s smiling.
“What the fuck?” Lup swears she’s buffering, she’s usually not short of words, but this? What is she supposed to do with this? Sildar, in the flesh, not just a guy in a computer. “You’re real!”
Barry laughs. Hard.
Lup pokes him in the side.
“Just checking.” She smiles her biggest smile.
He laughs again and it sets Lup off too. They’re still gasping for breath when the door the lift light finally blinks another floor down.
“Did the last email help?” Barry asks, pressing the lift button again, as if that’ll help.
“Yeah! The way you explained it made a lot more sense than the textbook.”
“Cyrus.” Barry says like it’s a particularly awful curse word, and shrugs dismissively.
“So you have roughly three thousand degrees?” Lup asks.
“No!” Barry protests quickly.
“Uh huh. Have you forgotten how many you have?”
“It’s only four PhDs. It’s fine. Erm… Look! The lift’s moving.” Barry points enthusiastically at the blinking light which shows a whole floor’s worth of progress.
“You can’t distract me from the fact I’m with academic royalty right now.”
“I’m not academic royalty!” Barry looks offended at the very thought.
Lup just wiggles her eyebrows. “Oh Sildar, can’t I please have your autograph?”
“Lup!” Barry looks genuinely distressed enough that she decides it’s time to stop bullying him.
“So what’s the best meal on the canteen rotation? I figure you’ve been here a little bit? You said you were moving in your email last month, right?”
Barry’s discomfort fades immediately. “So they make this mac and cheese with asparagus in it and the summer school kids hate it because it’s got green bits so they always give you extra. I figure it’ll be different once the students are back, but uh, I guess you’ll be gone then?”
Lup shrugs. “Gotta wait on the post docs to get back to me, but my cheese yen thanks you for the baller tip! What else you got for cha’girl? I’m gonna plumb your depths.”
There’s a long moment. Lup dares Barry to double her entendre. He thinks about it, she can tell, but he doesn’t. She’s not disappointed exactly… but.
By the time the lift finally arrives Lup knows where the quiet libraries are, has a few routes for her morning runs, and, most importantly, knows where to get the good coffee (The Davey Lamp Cafe or Barry’s office. She’s inclined to try the latter first, because Barry has good taste, obviously, no other reason.)
“Okay, tetris time!” Lup zoops the mage hand suitcase into the lift, Barry shoves his in close behind.
“Do you think we can do this?”
“Cha’girl has better things to do than wait another 84 years for the lift, Barold, prepare to get cosy.”
Lup shoos him in with the suitcases next.
“Okay, if I put the bags on top of the cases, and then…” Lup scooches into the, admittedly small, gap next to Barry. “Is this okay?”
“Uh, yeah, fine… er.. Good… I mean… Yeah.”
“Do you want me to get the next one?”
“No! No. I mean, this is okay.” Barry’s swaying very slightly, Lup’s pressed against his side, so sways with him.
“They’re floor 26, right?” Lup asks.
“Oh, fuck, hang on.” Barry lunges towards the buttons. “Yeah, there we go.”
The lift grinds slowly upwards.
“So why IPRE? I imagine everyone was clamouring to get their hands on you?” Lup wiggles her eyebrows and Barry flushes bright pink.
“Well, uh, you know… I really liked their er… ethos?” Barry starts tentatively.
Barry laughs, relieved. “Yeah, that. They have plenty of funding available. Plus, they seemed interested in letting me, you know, work on some of my own stuff.”
“Bonds?” Lup hisses quietly, as if anyone could hear over the slow grinding noise of The World’s Shittest Lift.
Barry nods and his face lights up. “You remembered?”
“Hard to forget when someone’s so passionate about something, Barold.”
“It’s also closer to Mum.”
“Of course. How is Marlena?”
“Still raving about the cookies you sent. She said they were as baller as you promised, and that you’d promised you would only send them to her so I had to come visit if I wanted to try them.”
“Who am I, but a girl who is willing to engage in cookie crime to help a Mum out.”
“I visit her!”
“I know.” Lup nods, he’s talked a lot about wishing he was closer, especially as she gets older.
“Now I can go more.” Barry adds.
“You sure can, I’d better look at the recipe book.” Lup winks at him.
“Leave them here.” Lup shrugs. “You’ve done your bit.”
Barry dithers, and knocks again. “I don’t know why they went ahead of me to get the key when they specifically asked me to check them in.”
“Weird power play.”
“Definitely, I’ve met their sort before. Just leave their stuff here, don’t hang around waiting. You’re the guy, they’re nothing in the scheme of research. This is absolutely not your problem.”
“Yeah. Yeah…” Barry keeps his hands on the cases.
“Barold?” Lup takes his arm gently to pull him away.
Barry twitches slightly, like he’s about to pull his arm back, there’s a moment where Lup worries that she’s gone too far. Sure they’ve sent some emails, they joked in the lift, but this is Sildar Halwinter, Magic Science guy. He wrote the textbooks, or should have, he’s got the cutting edge papers… He’s not just a cute nerd for Lup to boss about. Thankfully though, he relaxes, lets himself be tugged away towards the lift.
“Yeah. You’re right. I’ve given them enough of my time.”
“Yes! That’s the spirit.” Lup punches the air. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Which floor are you?”
“3.” Lup says. “I don’t have fancy parental connections to get the good view.
“Well, at least you’re in luck if the lift goes out.” Barry says wrly.
“You truly are a genius, Dr Hallwinter.” Lup nods cheekily.
Barry throws her a sideways glance, and smiles. There’s no blush this time, maybe he’s easing into it.
This time, they stand slightly further apart in the lift.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” Barry asks. He sounds like he means it.
Lup wants to say yes immediately. There’s absolutely nothing she can think of that Barry can do for her right now, but she likes hanging out with him. He’s fun to talk to online, and more fun in person, if just for the immediacy… also she gets to look at his face. Er… she means… shit.
“I’m not sure I need a hand with my bag, but you’re welcome to come check out the digs if you want?” She realises too late that it sounds like she’s propositioning him. ‘Come look at my room’, she may as well ask the guy in for coffee.
“I’ve actually already surveyed the rooms, so I’ll let you get settled, but if you decide you want coffee before the staff briefing this evening then stop by my flat, I’m heading home for a few hours.” Barry smiles warmly.
Uh… did Barold just uno reverse her? Bam! Proposition me will you? Here’s one right back! No, no way, he probably just means coffee. Would she go if she thought he didn’t just mean coffee?... Nope, stop! Bad line of thinking. He’s being kind, it’s generous. They’re friends! She’ll see.
“Cool, I’ll get settled, write a postcard, then maybe head over when I go to post it?”
The lift dings to announce its arrival at the third floor. “No pressure, I’ll see you later, Lup.”
Hey Ko’
I know you’re gonna roll your eyes, but you’re getting postcards, just like we wrote to Tia back in the day. Today was fine. Those twins I messaged about are fucking awful (that’s right, I can swear in these now, when you’re the teachers no one checks!) they kept calling this guy Harry, turns out his name’s Barry. Barry Bluejeans (well, not officially the last bit, but he was wearing them, so sue me.) They made him carry their bags, so obviously I helped, and we got talking and I was all “he’s really cool. No idea why they’re so mean to him”. Anyway, anyway, turns out his Government name isn’t Barry. It’s Sildar fucking Halwinter! That one, yeah. So I guess my pen pal is my person pal for the next 8 weeks… I’m gonna make the most of it, I just need to figure out which questions to ask.
Anyway, I’m running out of postcard space, but it’s all pretty similar to how it was, the room’s slightly nicer, only one bed and a private bathroom (thank every god going, I’ll never forgive Greg Grimaldis his bathroom crimes), but it’s still student digs.
Love you always,
Lup xxxxx
Thank you for reading! Find chapter 2 here.
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 17 Group 84
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Seven Birds: Taako, Magnus, Merle, Lup, Lucretia, Davenport, Barry
Boys from the Dwarf: Arnold Rimmer, David Lister, Kryten and The Cat
Submissions are still open!
Seven Birds:
they literally spent a hundred years becoming a family and lucretia tried her best to protect the but they could only save the world after all of them had been reunited and they LOVE each other they deserve to win this whole thing
Boys from the Dwarf:
Listen. These guys actually canonically have nobody else, the entire rest of the crew of this spaceship died in a nuclear incident which TECHNICALLY was Rimmer's fault. Forced family. Lister is the last human alive, Rimmer is technically a ghost kept alive by technology, Kryten is a robot and Cat is a cat. They live on this massive spaceship yet still choose to spend all their time together, it has been like 30 years at this point. I cannot stress to you how they had the option to leave and go elsewhere in this ship the size of a city at any given time yet chose to stick together after 30 years. Every opportunity any of them has had to get off this godforsaken ship, they have turned down. They would do anything for eachother but also would leave eachother on a random planet without hesitation (and actually have done). They are best buddies, they even have a handsign/handshake.
They’re an unlikely crew but ultimately they’re all each other has. Dave wakes up from stasis as the last human alive and to keep him sane the ship’s computer brought his dead bunk mate back as a hologram. They don’t usually get along but after being all each other has they ultimately need each other and do care about each other. They’re just hard assess about it. Also on board is a humanoid being called The Cat, who is from a species that evolved from a cat that was smuggled on board the ship before the accident that killed the crew. He’s usually self-centred but even after finding his own species again he ultimately decides his home is with the boys from the dwarf. And then there’s Kryten, a service mechanoid with an over-active guilt chip that they rescued from a crashed ship along the way. They’re dysfunctional and complete opposites to each other in many ways, but they are always together in every parallel universe they come across. And even when they do separate to try to do their own thing, ultimately they always come back to each other. They’ll act like they all dislike each other at times, but ultimately if trouble threatens one of them then the rest will band together. Also their dynamic together is just extremely funny.
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stonehenge-asexual · 2 months
me at @the-ipre upon starting tsv s2: oh ofc you got excited about hayward, he has to work in food service
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Crowdfunding Fulfillment at IPR
I already talked about becoming a publisher at IPR in this post, and now, as promised, here is the post outlining IPR’s Crowdfunding Fulfillment services!
The first important thing to note is that IPR only offers fulfillment services for IPR publishers, so you’ll have to get signed up as a publisher and agree to send us at least 50 extra copies of your game to sell after the fulfillment is completed.
So, what are the benefits of fulfilling with IPR?
We ship anywhere on the globe, via USPS, UPS, or FedEx
Handling expenses are as low as $2.30 per shipment ($1.90 per shipment plus 0.40/item as of 2023-01-01)
We charge $17/hour for miscellaneous labor (loading and unloading trucks, filling out forms, assembly, shrink wrapping, and other services)
Our storage rates are as inexpensive as $22.00 per pallet per month, or free if you’ve got less than a pallet’s worth of product!
After the fulfillment is complete, your game will immediately be available to a wide range of customers and retailers.
Cool! What do the steps of crowdfunding fulfillment look like with IPR?
First, you reach out to us and let us know you’ve got a project that you would like us to fulfill. This works a lot like applying to be a publisher, so please include a PDF of your game(s) as well, so we can look through them and make sure they’re something we would like to have at IPR.
Then, if you’re not already an IPR Publisher, we’ll get you signed up as one! This involves all the steps I talked about in the previous post, like signing the IPR Sales Rep contract and getting you an IPR Publishers account.
After that it’s a bit of a waiting game. If you have accurate weights and sizes for all the products of your fulfillment, we can find you estimates for domestic and international shipping, but they will just be estimates. 
Shipping prices, especially international ones, fluctuate constantly. This is why I always recommend charging for shipping after your campaign has ended, and as close to the actual shipping dates as possible.
But other than that, you just run your campaign and get back to us once your backer surveys have been filled out! We’ll then take your backer info and use it to create a cost estimate for the fulfillment. This is, again, just an estimate, and it accounts for the costs of shipping, handling, packing material, miscellaneous labor, and a 5% surcharge on the packing and shipping costs.
That 5% is to account for unexpected charges, for example shipping prices can absolutely change in the week between us calculating the estimate, and us actually receiving and starting to ship out your game. It just gives us a bit of wiggle room.
Then we’ll send the estimate to you, you send your product to us, and once the estimate has been paid we’ll start boxing up and shipping out orders!
With the shipping service we use, we’re able to email tracking numbers to each individual backer automatically, to hopefully help curb all those “where is my reward?” emails. Still, we’ll also send you a spreadsheet of all the tracking numbers for your own reference.
Once the fulfillment is complete, we’ll draw up the actual cost of the project, and bill you for the difference between the actual cost and the estimate. Once that’s been paid, we’ll take your game live on the IPR website and promote it on our front page, social media accounts, and monthly newsletter!
Essentially, we offer fulfillment services at cost, with the main benefit to us being that we get copies of your game in our store before anyone else.
This all sounds good but I’ve still got questions!
Check out our Crowdfunding Fulfillment FAQ!
I read through the FAQ and I still have questions!
You can always send us questions on tumblr, or email me! [email protected]. As always I am happy to answer questions of any sort, as long as they have to do with TTRPGs.
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mariacallous · 9 months
The director of Moildova’s National Anticorruption Centre, CNA, Iulian Rusu, has resigned, the speaker of parliament, Igor Grosu, announced on his Facebook page.
“I took note of the resignation request of the CNA director, Iulian Rusu, which arrived at my address today. We thank Mr Rusu for his efforts,” Grosu wrote.
Rusu was made CNA director in February 2022. He previously worked as an expert in justice at the Institute for European Policies and Reforms, IPRE, in Chisinau.
The speaker of parliament said a new director will be appointed shortly and added that he expects the CNA to increase the speed with which corruption is investigated, stopping illegal financial flows, ensuring the integrity of the institution by accelerating reform of the CNA and cleansing it of harmful practices and characters.
Moldova will organise local elections in less than a month amid fears that election fraud might occur.
Last week, police seized a bag containing €550,000 in cash and 1,900 bank cards originating in Dubai. The authorities said the person carrying the bag was close to the fugitive oligarch Ilan Shor.
Rusu and the head of the Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office, PA, Veronica Dragalin, had several conflicts this year, each accusing the other of faulty collaboration. Rusi claimed the Prosecutor’s Office did not want to start investigations based on evidence from the CNA.
Rusu came to parliament in April to complain about a lack of cooperation, while the Prosecutor’s Office claimed that Rusu’s statements were irresponsible.
More precisely, CNA officers had gathered new evidence in the case of the privatisation of a hotel but the Prosecution refused to open a case in the light of the new evidence.
However, three weeks ago, Rusu declared that the misunderstandings had been overcome.
A former deputy, Arina Spataru, who recently carried out a special undercover operation against the fugitive oligarch Shor together with state institutions, revealed that this operation had also caused misunderstandings between the CNA and the PA.
Only four people were involved in the operation – Spataru and one representative each from the CNA, the PA, and the Intelligence and Security Service, SIS.
In political terms, Rusu’s resignation comes before the European Commission reports on Moldova’s fulfillment of nine key onditions, six of which are related to justice reform and the fight against corruption.
Depending on this report, but also on the political perspective, the European Council will give a positive or negative vote in December on whether Moldova can start EU accession negotiations.
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reduxulousoctopus · 1 year
Part two of my rough outline for a Justice League animated/DnD AU, previous part here, original post explaining what the hell I think I'm doing here, I still don't know anything about DnD, lets a-go!
Chapter Two
Several people scream as they witness Clark seemingly murder a man for no reason, and again after the monster's hideous true form is revealed when it's illusion spell fades upon death. Clark regains his senses and stares in dawning horror at the creature he just killed as its silvery-white blood drips from his sword and armor. The tentacles on the creature's face continue to frantically wriggle and writhe, almost like the decapitated head is about to get up and crawl away on its own. A few incredibly tense seconds pass as the tentacles slowly cease their squirming and finally go still with one last, feeble twitch.
The tavern-owner's trigger finger slips and he accidentally fires his crossbow at Clark, but Bruce catches the bolt in midair. He levels a glare at the owner, who meekly retreats to the backroom.
As a member of the city guard, Wally presents his badge and starts clearing everyone else out of the tavern--or at least, everyone who's still conscious after the fight. Shayera pushes past him, intent on returning to the bar to finish her drink. Upon seeing what happened while she was outside, she reacts with mild surprise.
John identifies the dead creature as an illithid, an extremely dangerous and intelligent humanoid species. Their powerful psionic abilities and gruesome habit of eating the brains of their victims have made them more infamously known as "Mind Flayers." After noting that he hasn't heard of one using illusion spells to sneak around the general population before, John praises Clark for seeing through its magical disguise. Behind John's back, Bruce shares a private look with Clark before kneeling beside the body to search for clues.
He finds a signet ring and other belongings which indicate that the illithid was posing as a human named Jallen Cartier, a name Clark recognizes as a former explorer who was granted a position in the king's court for his service to the realm. Shayera wonders why a nobleman (or a Mind Flayer pretending to be one) would be in a seedy tavern wearing commoners' clothing without any bodyguards around. Clark and Bruce share another look, slightly more amused than the last--Bruce is, himself, a nobleman in disguise.
Examining the fake Jallen Cartier's body further, Bruce also finds a concealed pouch under its clothes containing two pieces of paper. One is a brief note written in the Common tongue which simply reads, "I know your secret," and tells the reader to meet the anonymous writer at the tavern on that day's date. There is also a message in Qualith, the written language of the Mind Flayers, which none of them know how to read. After John casts Comprehend Languages, the message reveals that the fake Cartier was in the city to oversee something the illithids had planned at the Institute of Planar Research and Exploration.
Deciding that these Mind Flayers must be the evil that her goddess sent her to destroy, Diana almost walks out the door right then to assault the IPRE building before Bruce stops her. He points out that they don't yet know how many illithid agents are involved in this conspiracy or even what said conspiracy is attempting to accomplish, although it obviously can't be anything good. Until they have more information about the enemy, stealth and subterfuge are the team's best weapons. This frustrates Diana, who would rather face her enemy directly.
Wally is far less gung-ho about going up against Mind Flayers, even wondering in a fourth wall-breaking aside if he's "under-leveled" for this. Diana tries to encourage him with her faith that the goddess is on their side, though Shayera scoffs and claims that they'd be better off trusting their own skills and strength of arms rather than the boons of fickle gods.
Before any further argument can break out, John takes charge of the group. He directs them to split up and conduct their investigation separately to avoid drawing the attention of the illithids, then return to the tavern before dawn to share what they've learned. Wally will use his authority as a city guard to search the fake Cartier's room at the inn, bringing Diana along as an "important eye-witness." After hearing from John that illithids typically eat one brain every two weeks, Shayera decides to find out if there are other Mind Flayers hiding in the city by looking into any missing or recently-deceased people who may have been victims. As the stealthiest of the group, Bruce will infiltrate the IPRE building to find out what the illithids are doing there, and volunteers Clark to come along as backup--though in his internal narration, Clark thinks that Bruce just wants him nearby in case he starts hallucinating again. John himself will contact the other followers of his magical patron to request their assistance, along with any information they might have on recent illithid activity in space or the outer-planes.
With a plan of action in place, our heroes each head their separate ways. As the two of them walk to the stables to get their horses, Bruce finally confronts Clark about his so-called "hallucination," demanding to know if they've all been like the one he experienced in the tavern. Though they've all been just as frightening and painful, Clark has never been spurred to attack anyone before.
Bruce suspects it may have been a psionic attack by the illithid, but Clark doubts that. Why would it reveal its true form to him, after all? Rather, Clark thinks that it was actually a message from someone who was trying to warn him about the illithid's presence--and, judging from the emotions he felt, it came from someone who desperately hates Mind Flayers.
Clark points out the strange coincidence that led to so many able adventurers being in the right place at the right time, and speculates that something may have intentionally drawn them all there. Bruce warns that anyone powerful enough to manipulate them like that would have to be incredibly dangerous, and the "enemy of my enemy" isn't always a friend.
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sdigion · 1 year
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The process of filing a patent online is complex and lengthy, but IPflair is always Happy to help you. We at IPflair, ensure that your invention is recognized and your rights are protected so you do not face any infringements.
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resurgentindia · 2 years
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patntech · 2 years
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legalupanishad · 2 years
Legality of NFTs in India as per IPR: All You Need to Know
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This article on 'NFTs legality as per IPR: All You Need to Know' was written by Madiha Khan, an intern at Legal Upanishad.
NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a type of cryptocurrency token that comprises a variety of physical and virtual properties. It includes images, gifs, drawings, movies, multimedia recordings, and other media. Each NFT is distinct and regarded as a rarity. A blockchain digital journal is used to document NFTs in a way that confirms their originality and legitimacy. Blockchain technologies are digital blocks that keep track of all the transactions involving the virtual digital asset, also known as VDA, where the data and title of NFTs holders are kept. The Intellectual property laws apply to royalty-free licenses on how their CryptoPunks may be used in derivative works belonging to NFT holders.
NFTs procedure
After establishing an NFT, the "smart contracts" replace the current system for the storing and exchanging of digital assets. A smart contract can be thought of as software programs connected to the NFT that includes information, guidelines, and rights relating to the primary asset joined to the NFT, like royalties from music, bonds, invoices, and so on. Thus, the "Tokenization" mechanism enables the original token creator to profit financially from future NFT buyers, which is made possible by the token's uniqueness. Authors can receive royalties on successive future sales of the original work within an NFT on popular NFT platforms like NiftyGateway, Rarible, OpenSea, etc
Intellectual Property Protection
NFTs might be covered by intellectual property rights such as copyrights, design, and trademark protections. As a result, buyers of NFTs should be aware of any associated intellectual property rights. Although design patents may be able to protect some NFT-protected assets, those NFTs would still be restricted by the same legal restrictions as conventional products and services. However, some NFTs may be subject to trademark and copyright protection.  Plausibly, NFTs could be tied to a legal right. The right to own one copy of the creative work (in the same way as one may own any goods or asset) and the freedom to make replicas and produce variants, however, are two distinct rights.
Copyrights protection
Even though NFTs are a pretty modern and somewhat unusual sort of art, copyright law will perceive them in the same manner as any other conventional works of art. They instantaneously become the owner of that work. Selling the printed copy or tangibly printed NFTs is not allowed, however, printing a non-fungible token is much simpler. Certain NFTs violate copyright laws by employing works of art that have been stolen from creators or well-known pieces that the NFT developers are not affiliated with and do not have permission to use. Copyright infringement can also occur even when these works are copied for NFT marketing purposes. An NFT can be screenshotted only for private use and infringement can occur if you resell it, claim ownership of it, share it online or elsewhere, or create a copy of the work for commercial purposes. If such actions are done, the NFT's proprietor may file a lawsuit against the infringer for copyright infringement, or be charged with additional crimes. Where copyright is concerned the title of the core rights can only be transferred to the NFT holder if the original work's author expressly approves doing so. Based on the terms of the transaction, an NFT owner may not be permitted to recreate, advertise copies, display the work publicly, showcase, or make backup copies of the original property only when copyright is transferred via licensing. Under Section 14 of the Indian Copyright Act of 1957, the copyright owner is granted several privileges, including the ability to make copies and alterations. When a customer purchases an NFT that correlates to artistic activity, they also receive a copy of the underlying work (in some digital format, such as.jpeg,.pdf, or.mp4) in addition to the NFT itself, or tokens. Any unauthorized use of an NFT and sending it to a client could be construed as copyright infringement. This goes for any unlawful distribution, copying, or adaptation of an NFT. Imposing IP rights against a buyer after an NFT sale can be difficult because NFT ownership is decentralized and blockchain transactions are immutable. Similar to a bank account, an NFT is typically associated with a mobile wallet address, but without strong digital evidence, identifying the wallet owner could be challenging. Thus, utilizing legally powerful takedown notices might stop the NFT from ever being sold.
The legality of NFTs
If NFTs were classified as derivatives, dealing in them would be prohibited in India since, in accordance with Section 18a of the SCRA (securities contract regulation act), such activity is not permitted on the internet. They are regarded as valid only when derivative transactions are traded on a lawful stock exchange. Commercial transactions known as derivatives generate their value from an underlying asset. These could include interest rates, indexes, commodities, currencies, exchange rates, and equities.  By wagering on the appreciation of the underlying asset, these investment products assist in generating income. The person who mints/makes the NFT is the rightful owner of it. Therefore, in reality, the NFT's owner is not always the author/creator. Nonetheless, minting an NFT of work for that another party owns the rights will effectively be regarded as the work's theft and a copyright violation. In 2018, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) tried to outlaw the usage of bitcoin or cryptocurrencies. In reaction to the aforementioned order, a few businesses that run online crypto trading platforms and other groups filed appeals.
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NFTs legality in India as per IPR: All You Need to Know
Misuse of an NFT or other IP connected to an NFT, you run a legal risk and can potentially be sued. Always beware that the work is not copyrighted content of another if you are an NFT author. Similarly, if you are an NFT holder, follow the rules that are there for your NFT to avoid infringement.  Always be alert and avoid clicking on dubious sites as it could be malicious and harm or hack your device by disclosing your password, or through user error, your NFT could be taken. Technically, a hacker would need access to your wallet in order to steal your NFT; otherwise, they would just be pulled out of thin air. With the advancement in technology, NFT can be stolen in several ways.
Therefore, it is crucial to make a distinction between both the sovereignty of the NFT and the IP that supports it when looking at the property rights implications of NFTs. The powers given through a license or assignment can differ from one NFT to the next, determining the rights provided by an NFT seller. India ought to take inspiration from nations with well-balanced legal and regulatory systems to reduce loopholes and avoid infringement of the rights of the author. NFTs do have advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that there is no stability, and the public is concerned that the NFTs are blatantly overstated as well as the possibility that the NFT market might collapse.
- Bipul Kumar, 6th June, 2022, at:- https://www.khuranaandkhurana.com/2022/06/06/nfts-and-indian-law/ - ,September 5, 2022 https://blog.ipleaders.in/is-nft-legal-in-india/#:~:text=TradinginNFTswouldbe,onarecognisedstockexchange. - Pravertna Sulakshya, Khurana and Khurana, 17 November 2021, at:  https://www.mondaq.com/india/fin-tech/1132188/nft-and-its-relationship-with-ipr Read the full article
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