#ippei hatano
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laugtherhyena · 2 months ago
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Now that I'm free from college for the next few weeks i can finally talk about these two, the headcanon/take on Ayame's parents i made a little while back with help from my friend Poi, Bashira and Ippei Hatano.
-Ayame is their only child, she takes after her father both appearance and personality wise as both of them are pretty quiet and timid people who tend to not speak a lot. In Ippei's case, his often very subtle emotions don't help at all on the matter as it tends to give people the wrong impression that he’s serious and intimidating, but he really just doesn’t know how to express himself and is a pretty awkward dude in social scenarios just like his kid. He is a tad more talkative when around his family and close friends, but even then he doesn’t talk THAT much more but his family knows he cares for them more than anything.
-Bashira on the other hand is the complete opposite of her husband and daughter, very extrovert and talkative, it's from her that Ayame takes her habit of rambling about her interests tho unlike her Bashira will continue talking for hours and hours without getting self-conscious about it. She has a keen eye and can read through her family's seriousness like an open book if she senses there's something bothering or off about them, whenever that happens she will make them open up and try to help them with the problem.
-She wears her heart on her sleeve and is a very caring and emotional person, thought she's as curious as she is nosy and tends to ask a lot of questions to Ayame's friends as she wants to know the kind of person her daughter’s hanging out with, this borderline interrogation is made worse by the fact that she's the kind of parent that will embarrass her kid with childhood stories but Ippei is usually there to pull her aside and tell her she's embarrassing Ayame in front of her friends.
-Bashira owns a flower shop as she's been fascinated by plants and nature ever since she was little, she used to tend to her parent's garden since both had very demanding jobs and were busy most of the time which led to her wanting to know more about plants and study botanics. This passion of hers is so strong that she named her daughter after a flower (japanese iris).
-She’s known for having a “magic touch” of sorts where everything she plants grows beautiful and strong, when tending to plants she never wears gloves of any kind as she feels like touching the dirt and plants with her bare heads makes all the difference.
-These two met at a restaurant Ippei used to work in as a waiter in his late teens because Bashira used to go there often with her friends. The whole reason he was working there to begin with was because this place had a piano in the stage where artists would perform sometimes and he’s always had a love for classic music, so whenever he had closing shifts he would stay there overtime after the restaurant closed to play the piano. There were a handful of times he let Bashira get in after closing to listen to him perform.
-His dream was to pursue that kind of career and become a musician but with the bubble burst and economic recession he decided to take a more stable office job than try his luck in the industry. He does still play as a hobby though! The Hatanos have a piano in their house and he plays it for fun and when he needs to de-stress from work. When Ayame was a child he would often play for her and talk about his passion even if she didn't have much interest in music.
-They're not as close as they were when she was a kid by current time since both of them aren't great at communicating but both know the other does care for them quite a bit even if the lack of words and some not-so-well solved issues are a bit of a barrier between them.
-While Ippei isn't outright not supportive of Ayame’s athletic career, he worries more than he cheers for her after the injury she had in one of her legs because it was a very serious one that could lead to her losing movement/feeling in her leg if she goes too far in training and doesn’t take good care of herself. On the other hand Bashira is still as supportive as ever about Ayame's sprinting, she worries too but much like Ayame herself she is pretty stubborn and being a huge optimist she is certain nothing worse will happen.
-When she was still in the hospital recovering from the surgery he went to talk to her about how it was ok to slow down and that she could still enjoy running and training as a hobby, just like he did with playing the piano. He obviously said that with the best intentions in mind but Ayame was in a very stressful and awful mindset because of everything and ended up not taking it very well, as if her dad was telling her to give up on her dreams, so she ended up yelling at him in the hospital about how she won’t give up like he did and Ippei just goes silent out of not wanting to argue with his kid.
-She apologized shortly after but they haven’t had a proper talk about all this stuff? If that makes sense? It was just a quick apology since neither of them are very good at talking + Bashira doesn’t want to intervene heavily on the situation since she feels like it’s something they need to resolve on their own, just father and daughter. (Though it’s not like their relationship crumbled after this mess or anything, it’s just something that was never properly resolved)
-Both of them died in the tragedy but if they had lived long enough to be rescued by the Kisaragi foundation alongside the 6.5 cast Ippei would have joined the foundation in Rei’s division while Bashira could have become a secretary or assistant of some kind if she didn't dislike Minako to the point of being unable to stand being around her.
-In a non-tragedy setting she would already dislike her quite a bit due to the way she treated her child, but because Bashira developed a strong disdain towards Kizuna because of what happened in the killing game she directs that hatred towards her mother since Kizuna herself is not around. The gist of it is that Bashira refuses to believe Ayame could have been so cruel out of her own volition, “I know my daughter more than anyone else, she would never do such a thing!”, and so blames Kizuna for her death since she was the one who instigated the event. (She despises Akane too, but she's the mastermind so who doesn't)
-Ippei is not the kind of person to hold these kids of grudges + he mostly blames himself for what happened to Ayame because he feels that if he had prohibited her from continuing her training as a sprinter after the injury she wouldn't have been called to hope's peak and subsequently died in the proto-killing game, he would much rather have Ayame hate him for putting a stop to her dreams than her being dead.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 months ago
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Father and daughter fr
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laugtherhyena · 2 months ago
Definitely! I think wanting to kill Akane is definitely something she could blurt out while angry but not something she could act upon if the opportunity to turn back time and be face to face with her again presented itself? She could try but be unable to do so by the end of the day because Akane is still a child and she's just like,, too much of a mom to be able to kill a kid no matter how awful she knows said kid is. She just lacks this wit to actually commit to killing someone, which ties into why she firmly believes her daughter would be unable to do so out if her own will.
But hey! On a nicer note (and since you like them a bunch) i think that if she and Ippei were in 6.5 they would be close to Ryutaro and Midori the most out of the other family members.
I imagine they'd be the 3rd relatives encountered instead of Keisuke, running into Ryutaro and Midori instead of the two finding them, and while Bashira initially scolds the two for coming to such dangerous place on their own without even telling their parents she's really just doing that out of worry and after Ippei tells her to go easy on the kids, since they came there for the same reason as them, they decide to stick around by them because no way she's letting thes 14 year olds on their own in such place + Leaning that Midori is really not doing well would make them really want to help her! Like i think Ippei would offer to cary her around the place since she weights like nothing for a guy like him.
Imagine Ryutaro calling her auntie like he does to Minako, but instead of constantly complaining and telling him to not call her that Bashira would just immediatelly accept it and proceed to embarass him by talking to him like he's a little kid and pinching his cheek or something.
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WRONG ❌ Bashira would never fall for Tsurugi's ideals when her big thing is refusing to believe Ayame could kill someone on her own volition and Tsurugi has reverted back to his "All criminals are vile scum" mindset. If anything, they're like that one scene in chainsaw man where there's two characters pointing at each other while saying "GO TO HELL!" repeatedly.
I just mentioned Keisuke in the sense of doing really badly after 6.5, just not necessarily in the same manner.
But yeah i do think Bashira fucking despises Akane more than anyone else she can't stand in her grief-ridden hater era (Minako, Kizuna, Tsurugi, Keisuke too bevause of what happens in the Sdra2 epilogue). Like, Ayame not only died because of this girl too in her view, but since they were close even before the kg Ayame's probably brough Akane to hang out at her house sometime and Bashira got to meet her, maybe even think she was a good kid and feeling sympathy for her situation being an orphan and all.
I think looking back to the times she's interacted with Akane makes her die inside in an unreasonably angry way
Can i have her hand in marriage. I know shes married already but i want to marry her.
Also damn :(
"I cannot believe i let... that... that bitch into our home. I thought she cared for ayame."
I can also imsgine her saying she'd like to kill akane herself due to being angry
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laugtherhyena · 2 months ago
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Caught myself thinking about Ayame's death and made this
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laugtherhyena · 2 months ago
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Btw the reason why he was posed in the last post is because most of his sprites are like this and i wanted to show his eyes
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laugtherhyena · 2 months ago
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YEAH i really don't think these two would get along regardless if the tragedy happens or not, tho if Bashira was around by the time the sdra2 epilogue takes place and Minako is actively working on improving herself she would be a little nicer towards her, but the grudge would remain even if not as strong as it was. She'd respect her efforts into becoming a better person, but wouldn't outright befriend her.
I do think she would like Kizuna if she ever got to meet her in -2+2 or in a similar scenario where she's become nicer (default Kizuna would make her roll her eyes and complain about the kind of parenting such troublesome kid must have had growing up) to the point she would really feel towards the struggles she went through growing up and be super nice and friendly to her, sorta how i imagine she treated Akane in canon since she was Ayame's closest friend, tho this liking fot Kizuna would in turn make her dislike the parents that treated her so badly so.. yeah, she's kinda destinated to hate Minako no matter what, crazy.
Not to say she's in the right for projecting her anger towards Kizuna onto her mother, or hating Kizuna for the Ch2 case in general, she is just coping in a pretty shitty manner out of refusing to admit her daughter could commit such cruel crime out of her own free will. She's the kind of parent that adores her child more than anything (specially since Ayame is such a lonely kid so they spent a lot of time together when she was growing up) and refuses to believe they could do something bad because that's her baby! And if something bad did happen then it surely must have been someone else's fault.
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Now that I'm free from college for the next few weeks i can finally talk about these two, the headcanon/take on Ayame's parents i made a little while back with help from my friend Poi, Bashira and Ippei Hatano.
-Ayame is their only child, she takes after her father both appearance and personality wise as both of them are pretty quiet and timid people who tend to not speak a lot. In Ippei's case, his often very subtle emotions don't help at all on the matter as it tends to give people the wrong impression that he’s serious and intimidating, but he really just doesn’t know how to express himself and is a pretty awkward dude in social scenarios just like his kid. He is a tad more talkative when around his family and close friends, but even then he doesn’t talk THAT much more but his family knows he cares for them more than anything.
-Bashira on the other hand is the complete opposite of her husband and daughter, very extrovert and talkative, it's from her that Ayame takes her habit of rambling about her interests tho unlike her Bashira will continue talking for hours and hours without getting self-conscious about it. She has a keen eye and can read through her family's seriousness like an open book if she senses there's something bothering or off about them, whenever that happens she will make them open up and try to help them with the problem.
-She wears her heart on her sleeve and is a very caring and emotional person, thought she's as curious as she is nosy and tends to ask a lot of questions to Ayame's friends as she wants to know the kind of person her daughter’s hanging out with, this borderline interrogation is made worse by the fact that she's the kind of parent that will embarrass her kid with childhood stories but Ippei is usually there to pull her aside and tell her she's embarrassing Ayame in front of her friends.
-Bashira owns a flower shop as she's been fascinated by plants and nature ever since she was little, she used to tend to her parent's garden since both had very demanding jobs and were busy most of the time which led to her wanting to know more about plants and study botanics. This passion of hers is so strong that she named her daughter after a flower (japanese iris).
-She’s known for having a “magic touch” of sorts where everything she plants grows beautiful and strong, when tending to plants she never wears gloves of any kind as she feels like touching the dirt and plants with her bare heads makes all the difference.
-These two met at a restaurant Ippei used to work in as a waiter in his late teens because Bashira used to go there often with her friends. The whole reason he was working there to begin with was because this place had a piano in the stage where artists would perform sometimes and he’s always had a love for classic music, so whenever he had closing shifts he would stay there overtime after the restaurant closed to play the piano. There were a handful of times he let Bashira get in after closing to listen to him perform.
-His dream was to pursue that kind of career and become a musician but with the bubble burst and economic recession he decided to take a more stable office job than try his luck in the industry. He does still play as a hobby though! The Hatanos have a piano in their house and he plays it for fun and when he needs to de-stress from work. When Ayame was a child he would often play for her and talk about his passion even if she didn't have much interest in music.
-They're not as close as they were when she was a kid by current time since both of them aren't great at communicating but both know the other does care for them quite a bit even if the lack of words and some not-so-well solved issues are a bit of a barrier between them.
-While Ippei isn't outright not supportive of Ayame’s athletic career, he worries more than he cheers for her after the injury she had in one of her legs because it was a very serious one that could lead to her losing movement/feeling in her leg if she goes too far in training and doesn’t take good care of herself. On the other hand Bashira is still as supportive as ever about Ayame's sprinting, she worries too but much like Ayame herself she is pretty stubborn and being a huge optimist she is certain nothing worse will happen.
-When she was still in the hospital recovering from the surgery he went to talk to her about how it was ok to slow down and that she could still enjoy running and training as a hobby, just like he did with playing the piano. He obviously said that with the best intentions in mind but Ayame was in a very stressful and awful mindset because of everything and ended up not taking it very well, as if her dad was telling her to give up on her dreams, so she ended up yelling at him in the hospital about how she won’t give up like he did and Ippei just goes silent out of not wanting to argue with his kid.
-She apologized shortly after but they haven’t had a proper talk about all this stuff? If that makes sense? It was just a quick apology since neither of them are very good at talking + Bashira doesn’t want to intervene heavily on the situation since she feels like it’s something they need to resolve on their own, just father and daughter. (Though it’s not like their relationship crumbled after this mess or anything, it’s just something that was never properly resolved)
-Both of them died in the tragedy but if they had lived long enough to be rescued by the Kisaragi foundation alongside the 6.5 cast Ippei would have joined the foundation in Rei’s division while Bashira could have become a secretary or assistant of some kind if she didn't dislike Minako to the point of being unable to stand being around her.
-In a non-tragedy setting she would already dislike her quite a bit due to the way she treated her child, but because Bashira developed a strong disdain towards Kizuna because of what happened in the killing game she directs that hatred towards her mother since Kizuna herself is not around. The gist of it is that Bashira refuses to believe Ayame could have been so cruel out of her own volition, “I know my daughter more than anyone else, she would never do such a thing!”, and so blames Kizuna for her death since she was the one who instigated the event. (She despises Akane too, but she's the mastermind so who doesn't)
-Ippei is not the kind of person to hold these kids of grudges + he mostly blames himself for what happened to Ayame because he feels that if he had prohibited her from continuing her training as a sprinter after the injury she wouldn't have been called to hope's peak and subsequently died in the proto-killing game, he would much rather have Ayame hate him for putting a stop to her dreams than her being dead.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 months ago
//Hey, just read it and Oh gosh - these 2 are so adorable; man the Hatano's are such an adorable family. ^^
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Now that I'm free from college for the next few weeks i can finally talk about these two, the headcanon/take on Ayame's parents i made a little while back with help from my friend Poi, Bashira and Ippei Hatano.
-Ayame is their only child, she takes after her father both appearance and personality wise as both of them are pretty quiet and timid people who tend to not speak a lot. In Ippei's case, his often very subtle emotions don't help at all on the matter as it tends to give people the wrong impression that he’s serious and intimidating, but he really just doesn’t know how to express himself and is a pretty awkward dude in social scenarios just like his kid. He is a tad more talkative when around his family and close friends, but even then he doesn’t talk THAT much more but his family knows he cares for them more than anything.
-Bashira on the other hand is the complete opposite of her husband and daughter, very extrovert and talkative, it's from her that Ayame takes her habit of rambling about her interests tho unlike her Bashira will continue talking for hours and hours without getting self-conscious about it. She has a keen eye and can read through her family's seriousness like an open book if she senses there's something bothering or off about them, whenever that happens she will make them open up and try to help them with the problem.
-She wears her heart on her sleeve and is a very caring and emotional person, thought she's as curious as she is nosy and tends to ask a lot of questions to Ayame's friends as she wants to know the kind of person her daughter’s hanging out with, this borderline interrogation is made worse by the fact that she's the kind of parent that will embarrass her kid with childhood stories but Ippei is usually there to pull her aside and tell her she's embarrassing Ayame in front of her friends.
-Bashira owns a flower shop as she's been fascinated by plants and nature ever since she was little, she used to tend to her parent's garden since both had very demanding jobs and were busy most of the time which led to her wanting to know more about plants and study botanics. This passion of hers is so strong that she named her daughter after a flower (japanese iris).
-She’s known for having a “magic touch” of sorts where everything she plants grows beautiful and strong, when tending to plants she never wears gloves of any kind as she feels like touching the dirt and plants with her bare heads makes all the difference.
-These two met at a restaurant Ippei used to work in as a waiter in his late teens because Bashira used to go there often with her friends. The whole reason he was working there to begin with was because this place had a piano in the stage where artists would perform sometimes and he’s always had a love for classic music, so whenever he had closing shifts he would stay there overtime after the restaurant closed to play the piano. There were a handful of times he let Bashira get in after closing to listen to him perform.
-His dream was to pursue that kind of career and become a musician but with the bubble burst and economic recession he decided to take a more stable office job than try his luck in the industry. He does still play as a hobby though! The Hatanos have a piano in their house and he plays it for fun and when he needs to de-stress from work. When Ayame was a child he would often play for her and talk about his passion even if she didn't have much interest in music.
-They're not as close as they were when she was a kid by current time since both of them aren't great at communicating but both know the other does care for them quite a bit even if the lack of words and some not-so-well solved issues are a bit of a barrier between them.
-While Ippei isn't outright not supportive of Ayame’s athletic career, he worries more than he cheers for her after the injury she had in one of her legs because it was a very serious one that could lead to her losing movement/feeling in her leg if she goes too far in training and doesn’t take good care of herself. On the other hand Bashira is still as supportive as ever about Ayame's sprinting, she worries too but much like Ayame herself she is pretty stubborn and being a huge optimist she is certain nothing worse will happen.
-When she was still in the hospital recovering from the surgery he went to talk to her about how it was ok to slow down and that she could still enjoy running and training as a hobby, just like he did with playing the piano. He obviously said that with the best intentions in mind but Ayame was in a very stressful and awful mindset because of everything and ended up not taking it very well, as if her dad was telling her to give up on her dreams, so she ended up yelling at him in the hospital about how she won’t give up like he did and Ippei just goes silent out of not wanting to argue with his kid.
-She apologized shortly after but they haven’t had a proper talk about all this stuff? If that makes sense? It was just a quick apology since neither of them are very good at talking + Bashira doesn’t want to intervene heavily on the situation since she feels like it’s something they need to resolve on their own, just father and daughter. (Though it’s not like their relationship crumbled after this mess or anything, it’s just something that was never properly resolved)
-Both of them died in the tragedy but if they had lived long enough to be rescued by the Kisaragi foundation alongside the 6.5 cast Ippei would have joined the foundation in Rei’s division while Bashira could have become a secretary or assistant of some kind if she didn't dislike Minako to the point of being unable to stand being around her.
-In a non-tragedy setting she would already dislike her quite a bit due to the way she treated her child, but because Bashira developed a strong disdain towards Kizuna because of what happened in the killing game she directs that hatred towards her mother since Kizuna herself is not around. The gist of it is that Bashira refuses to believe Ayame could have been so cruel out of her own volition, “I know my daughter more than anyone else, she would never do such a thing!”, and so blames Kizuna for her death since she was the one who instigated the event. (She despises Akane too, but she's the mastermind so who doesn't)
-Ippei is not the kind of person to hold these kids of grudges + he mostly blames himself for what happened to Ayame because he feels that if he had prohibited her from continuing her training as a sprinter after the injury she wouldn't have been called to hope's peak and subsequently died in the proto-killing game, he would much rather have Ayame hate him for putting a stop to her dreams than her being dead.
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laugtherhyena · 2 months ago
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I think she would be,, absolutelly appaled and disgusted that he would thinj of shotting her that easily on the basis of "we gotta stop criminals, so this is for a greater good". I think Midori and Ryutaro are adults by the time the epilogue takes place(?), But even so they're still the kids she saw grow up into functional members of society and she cares about them a lot still, even if they don't see each other all that often since Bashira doesn't work at the foundation.
So learning that one of them almost got killed by someone they all considered a friend would enrage her, specially since it's Keisuke too and i think she used to think of him pretty hightly in 6.5 for his efforts to take care of his sister. I could see her going to the foundation after that solely to slap him and give her a piece of her mind, and be really frustrated seeing how much he's gotten into Tsurugi's ideals.
Ippei would share a similar seentiment but i think he'd be more wholeheartly dissapointed in Keisuke than outright angry, he'd definitely start avoiding and talking as little as necessary to him afterwards. I also think he'd check on Midori and ask how she's doing a lot more frequently out of being worried about her mental health since she was willing to let Keisuke shoot her n all + both of them work on Rei's division so they already see one another on the daily.
WRONG ❌ Bashira would never fall for Tsurugi's ideals when her big thing is refusing to believe Ayame could kill someone on her own volition and Tsurugi has reverted back to his "All criminals are vile scum" mindset. If anything, they're like that one scene in chainsaw man where there's two characters pointing at each other while saying "GO TO HELL!" repeatedly.
I just mentioned Keisuke in the sense of doing really badly after 6.5, just not necessarily in the same manner.
But yeah i do think Bashira fucking despises Akane more than anyone else she can't stand in her grief-ridden hater era (Minako, Kizuna, Tsurugi, Keisuke too bevause of what happens in the Sdra2 epilogue). Like, Ayame not only died because of this girl too in her view, but since they were close even before the kg Ayame's probably brough Akane to hang out at her house sometime and Bashira got to meet her, maybe even think she was a good kid and feeling sympathy for her situation being an orphan and all.
I think looking back to the times she's interacted with Akane makes her die inside in an unreasonably angry way
Can i have her hand in marriage. I know shes married already but i want to marry her.
Also damn :(
"I cannot believe i let... that... that bitch into our home. I thought she cared for ayame."
I can also imsgine her saying she'd like to kill akane herself due to being angry
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