#hiromi murahama
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despair-to-future-arcs · 4 months ago
Let’s focus!
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Yeah, anyway - did anything happen aside from the food stuff?
???: Not much really, I mean aside from all the organizations working together and getting the list of companies that funded Ultimate Despair.
???: I think we can safely say that probably by either the weeks to come or months, things will calm down.
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I see, so that means no more dead folks coming here; that's good to hear, hopefully if my kid's broadcast informs the public and things go smoothly, then maybe we can get stuff return to normal, yeah?
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Well, normal for the most part - I mean people still died, so we still got a lot of work to do but at least the fight between hope and despair might end sooner...
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Ac-Actually... we just discover something really dreadful and I think we need to share it... it's about Future Foundation or at least Hope's Peak Academy...
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Discover? Wh-What do you mean... you don't seem to sure...
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Well... the thing is that there's arguing still happening with the teacher, it's pretty bad and uh, Mrs. Kimura can I ask you a question since you were Class 76's teacher; did you uh... do anything weird to your students?
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Weird? Not that I know of, why do you ask...
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Aside from what Masa tear into Class 77-B for how they treated Nagi and Mikan, I don't recall doing anything, why do you ask?
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Right I remember your daughters attended Class 75, right? what's going on?
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Well... you remember that Miaya girl was working on the Neo World Program, we just learn that she was stalling because she wanted to redeem that horrid cousin of hers who just so happen to be Class 77-B's teacher and was the mother of Monaca Towa.
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Wait, their cousins? I mean, we heard a lot of bad stuff she did but it couldn't be that bad, could it?
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No, it's far far worse...it's...uh...well...
*As then Class 78's door open which a bunch of students flooded out and you hear screaming*
CHISA: Look, I re-really had no idea that was happening! Look, we got no idea what she was doing or-!
???: Bullshit, you had someone like that at your school and do weird shit to my kid, you better explain yourself!
???: Yeah like what the actual fuck just happen you asshole!
???: Exactly, we trusted our kids with so why did you let that person become a teacher?!
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Dude, close the door! It's getting really going to shit right now!
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*As requested, the others did as Leon close the door; as shouting from angry parents came out*
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Oh gosh, that... that was scary...!
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Oh god, wh-what in the...? was it really that bad everyone? I only just left to inform Mikako of what she miss out on, bro is everything alright?
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Mo-More then you can imagine, the parents they... they were yelling at the Miss. Yukizome for...for...
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Now, I'm just...I'm scare, re-really really scare...especially for Makoto right now, since he's working under that women!
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Yeah no kiding, especially that bitch...she... she did that, god fucking damnit...
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What just happen? I heard a lot of parents shouting in there, did you all discover something really bad?
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Ye-Yeah, i-it's really bad and so many of the parents got angry, my parents were freak out realizing they were going to send me to that school when a predator... I think we should wait until Class 77 is done and uh, ask Yukio... but I'm not sure if we should...
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Still given he knew and ev-everything, he must know what happen, ri-right?
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Indeed but right now, I'm just beyond furious and anger over this, how... how could they let such a person be a teacher? This... this makes no sense!
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Something tells me I got a lot of work to do...
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Looks like it.
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pkjd · 6 years ago
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Additional staff and cast for Kenichi Sonoda's new "Bean Bandit” anime has been announced.  A new crowdfund for the OP/ED has also begun.
The project is planned to screened at this year’s Anime Central convention. 
General Director: Kenichi Sonoda
Director: Yuu Aoki
Character Design: Keizo Shimizu
Animation Supervisor: Shujirou Hamakawa
Production Supervisor: Shouji Murahama
Bean Bandit (CV: Hidenori Takahashi)
Rally Vincent (CV: Ayaka Asai)
Minnie May (CV: Hiromi Igarashi)
Becky (CV: Eri Kitamura)
via: https://natalie.mu/comic/news/316676
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newsintheshell · 6 years ago
Il progetto “Bean Bandit” di Kenichi Sonoda prende forma
Lanciata una nuova campagna di raccolta fondi per realizzare le sequenze di apertura e chiusura dell’anime.
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Conclusasi con successo la prima campagna di crowdfunding, il progetto “Bean Bandit” di Kenichi Sonoda sta finalmente prendendo corpo. L’episodio pilota dell’anime crossover fra “Gunsmith Cats” e “Riding Bean”, due delle opere più action dell’autore che hanno ispirato degli OVA alla fine degli anni ‘80, sta venendo diretto da Yū Aoki e supervisionato da Sonoda stesso, assieme a Shouji Murahama. Il design dei personaggi sta venendo curato da Keizou Shimizu, mentre Hisayoshi Hirasawa (Netsuzou TRap, Love is Like a Cocktail) si sta occupando del comparto sonoro.
La fase di registrazione è iniziata a dicembre e con l’ultimo aggiornamento è stato rivelato il cast scelto per i ruoli principali. 
Bean Bandit: Hidenori Takahashi 
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Rally Vincent: Ayaka Asai 
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Minnie May: Hiromi Igarashi 
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Becky: Eri Kitamura 
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L’obiettivo iniziale era produrre un cortometraggio di 5 minuti, la cui durata sarebbe stata estesa a seconda delle donazioni; l’obiettivo è stato superato, ma non si è raggiunta una quota tale da arrivare a 20 minuti. Una seconda campagna di raccolta fondi, per realizzare le sequenze di apertura e chiusura dell’anime, è appena stata lanciata. 
L’episodio sarà doppiato e sottotitolato anche in inglese e verrà presentato in anteprima alla nuova edizione dell’Anime Central, che si terrà in Illinois dal 17 al 19 maggio; in seguito verrà distribuito in Blu-ray. Sonoda ha in mente di espandere il progetto con un fumetto a colori, un artbook e magari in futuro con una serie o un film.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 1 year ago
Anyone else you meet?
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*Teruteru walks outside to the track which he spots Yokoyoko talking with 2 other girls*
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At least we are away from that Fuyuhiko...
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I swear, if this were Canada - he would of been charge for harassment on an innocent person.
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Ye-Yeah... not sure what his beef with me is; did I do something to offend him?
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Well, he probably got pissed at you for taking his sister's spot or something which he shouldn't have to lash out at you.
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Makes me wonder how that Nagi girl is getting treated, I heard she usually doesn't interact with her class much... Teruteru included...
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Oh... right, your brother is included there, huh? So considering your cutting ties with him, I do have to wonder what career you consider.
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Hm, interested? Well I suppose it would be something money-related; I'm quite good with cash and know a fair bit about taxes.
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Maybe I could be a loan shark or a banker, honestly that be fun!
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Y-You better be kidding about the loan shark!
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I think she is... it's hard to tell...
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Heh, don't worry - I merely jest there, of course.
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Buuut a banker be kinda cool, so anyway-.
*Teruteru watches the trio talking, seems Yokoyoko move on from Teruteru*
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Well... a banker is fitting, seems those 2 did move on... they are thinking about their future while I...I'm stuck at the diner...
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...It's unfair, really unfair... *Teruteru walks away*
'Seeing how everyone could be friends so easily unlike our Class, I guess... I felt annoyed with it all and figure nothing would change until one day, our teacher was gone...'
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
What about Chisa Yukizome?
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Anyway, we better return to class; come along you 2!
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Aww... well I guess will get to spend more time with each other a bit later, Hiromi - sorry about that.
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Right and I don't want to make our teacher up-.
???: Kiyotaka? Sayaka? Makoto? I thought I told you all to stay in class!
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Huh, oh uh... Miss Yukizome, hello!
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Sorry about that, will get back to class...
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*walks in* Well hopefully so, you don't want to miss class now do you?
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Huh? Oh, seems the new student is here.
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Yeah I just got here, it's nice to meet you ma'am!
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Well good to hear, I'm Chisa Yukizome - I'm the teacher of Class 78-A and I hope your time at Hope's Peak will help you make memories then!
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But you 3 should return to class, no slipping off! Especially you Kiyotaka!
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What?! Why single me out! I never been late for class at all!
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I know you are, you should learn to take a joke!
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
Let’s meet Makoto!
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Hmm... I feel like we're missing someone?
???: Kinu wanted to talk with Mondo more about dogs!
???: But your suppose to be in your class, go back and wait for your new student!
???: Taka, you can be a bit nicer about it.
???: Yeah and even then it was for a bit...
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Oooh, there she is!
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Kinu wanted to talk to Mondo more...
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Oh, Kinu sees new student...
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Hello, Kinu's name is Kinu Hiroshima!
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Oh - heya! Nice meeting you! *As then 3 more students walk in*
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Apologies for that, seems a classmate of yours was in our class and-.
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Oh! Seems she's already here! Taka, Makoto! Looks like we met her.
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Hello, it's nice to meet you - I'm Sayaka Maizono, I'm apart of Class 78-A! This is Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Makoto Naegi, my fellow classmates.
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Sayaka! You shouldn't introduce yourself so casually!
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But we're already here and it be rude if we didn't introduce ourselves...?
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Well anyway, it's nice to meet you.
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Likewise, sorry for the introduction.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
Everyone’s here!
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Well, seeing as your done the tour of the school, do you both wish to meet your classes?
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Yeah I think so, I am bit curious of them so sure thing.
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... (Given what I heard about my class, I... have a bad feeling about this.)
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Miss Nanami? Do you want to meet them?
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Well... a bit actually, I guess I am a bit nervous.
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Yeah... I guess that be understandable, still if things do get difficult, we are around to help you.
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Now Karen and Kotomi, can you 2 show them where there classes are?
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Yep, sure thing! Let's go Hiromi, we are heading to Class 78-A.
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Same here Nagi, let's go. *the 4 left, leaving Soshun alone*
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I hope those 2 are going to be okay, given what those classes had to go through I just wish the Steering Committee gave them more time to heal... hopefully, they'll be okay.
'...Apart of me was nervous, knowing everything I heard from the others before coming, I... had a feeling that I have trouble.'
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
I want to see Kotomi!
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*standing at the door of Class 5-C was a rather tall student*
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Hey Yosshiki! We came back, is everything going good so far?
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Assssss well assss any, my brotherssss and I are guarding but did the tour go well?
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Yep, totally successful! Figure we introduce Nagi and Hiromi to our Class Rep, you mind stepping aside?
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Very well... *the tall man stepped out of the way to let the 4 in*
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So... what's his talent?
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Well it's a bit complicated but Isshiki Madarai is the Ultimate Bodyguard while Nisshiki, Misshiki, Yosshiki, Sasshiki, Rosshiki, Shisshiki and Yasshiki are the Ultimate Multiple Birth Siblings.
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The scary thing about them is that they have superhuman synchronization skills, they pose as one. It's rather insane but they get the job done.
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But annnyway! Hey Soshun, Kotomi and Karen! We're baaaaack!
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O-Oh... you have?
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Well hello, you must be Nagi Nanami and Hiromi Murahama, correct? I'm Karen Kisaragi - I'm the Ultimate IT Engineer but also the Ultimate Student Council Secretary.
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And I'm Kotomi Ikuta, my talent is the Ultimate Ultimate Federal Agent but as apart of the student council, I be the Student Council Vice President and also...
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Aiko! Ryota! You 2 were late, what took you 2 so long?
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We-Well, we got distracted but hey - at least we made it bad, ju-just... don't get mad, okay?
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Yeah c'mon, we did what you ask us to - you don't need to yell at us for being late!
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Well that doesn't excuse it, you realize it's way pass lunch? What have you 2 been doing?
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C'mon Kotomi, cut them some slack... I'm sure Miss Nanami and Miss Murahama needed a touring so don't get too cross with them.
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But anyway, good day to you both; I'm Sōshun Murasame, I was formerly the Ultimate Motiviational Speaker but now I'm the Ultimate Student Council President - Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy!
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Hello, it's very nice to meet you 3.
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Same here, I gotta say - this school really is awesome and I can't wait to start class!
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Well happy to hear that, well if you both have any questions - we can answer it.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
Did that lead Hajime into accepting the Kamakura project?
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Okay now time to get to Class 5-C! That is where you'll meet the student council.
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Awesome - so far you all seem pretty nice to each other!
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Well... with a few exceptions but yeah, now let's see-.
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Huh? (Hey... who are those 2?) *in the distant, Nagi took notice of 2 figures leaving a set of buildings*
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*Looks to be drinking a red smoothie*...
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Hey uh... who are those 2? I never seen them before, are they Hope's Peak Academy Students too?
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Hm? Oh yeah, that's Kyoji Nakamura from Class 75, he was the Ultimate Geneticist which I heard he's taking his leave pretty soon and the other guy is another classmate, Yasuke Matsuda - the Ultimate Neurologist.
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Yasuke is a major jerk, he is very hard to talk to and even got mad when I confused him for Soshun once, I have to wonder how our Class president puts up with his attitude.
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Well enough about, let's meet the others! *Aiko leads Nagi down the hall*
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
Next spot!
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Annnd here's the greenhouse and-!
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Oh... didn't expect him here!
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Well... seems it looks to be okay.
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Ah the Amorphophallus Titanium has grown quite marvelously since the last time I came back here, I hope you keep growing!
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*turns around and walks pass the group* Welp, time to get back to the mansion to defeat the-!
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Oh hello Aiko, didn't expect you here!
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Heya dude, how has that stuff with the aliens going?
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You dare question me, I am work towards saving the planet and adding defenses so you can be safe!
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Aliens...? Are you serious? Do you search for UFOs?
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Of course I do, defending the earth against aliens is very serious!
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Oooh so Hope's Peak has an Ultimate Alien defender?!
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Heh, that seems like a cool title, I think I'll-!
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Actually it's Ultimate Botanist and he's another of my classmate.
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Hmph... your no fun Aiko...
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
Tsubasa have you ever heard Kotoko Utsugi, Jataro Kemuri, Masaru Daimon, Nagisa Shingetsu and Monaca Towa?
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Ah yes, those kids...
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I only recently heard about these cases, I wish I did learn about them sooner.
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But I do intend to save them along with the rest of the student council.
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Huh? Kids... you mean these kids are in trouble?
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Well yes, but...well...
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Let's just say that we can't discuss right now, especially as we are on tour of the school.
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Yeah, just... damn these kids...
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Yeah but don't worry, we're working on it.
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Hm if your an Ultimate Child Psychologist then hopefully you all can save them.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
Let’s meet best girl Tsubasa!
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*The group arrive at the 5th and final floor, there they saw 3 people talking; 2 girls and a boy*
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Estu... are you doing okay? Given how the Steering Committee was towards you about what happen...
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I know but honestly it's common, they tend to get on my case for anything so you don't need to worry.
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But even then Estu, you really should say something or drop out if it gets too much.
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I know and I wish I could but still, thank you for your concerns.
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Let's hope me and Masa don't have to keep doing this...
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Seems they are talking a bit, maybe it's best to leave them be?
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Yeah... looks pretty serious.
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Well... we bettter be-.
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Huh? Oh hey look, it's Aiko and Ryota!
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Huh? Oh hey and it's the Reserve Course that transfer over!
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Hello, it's good to see you! I guess you must be Nagi Nanami and Hiromi Murahama, correct?
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Wow... not even an introduction; heya.
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Yeah and what are your names?
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Oh right, sorry - my name is Tsubasa Kamii, the Ultimate Child Psychologist of Class 77-A and this is my boyfriend, Taro Kurosaki who's the Ulitmate Wedding Planner of Class 76 along with Estu Deguichi the Ultimate Mortician of the same class.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
Almost done?
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*As the group walk in, they saw a girl who look to be focusing on some chemicals*
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*She seems very focus on pouring the chemical in* ...
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Ah... looks like Seiko is busy, probably best to not bother her.
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But what's her talent? Is she the Ultimate Chemist?
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Well close but no, that's Seiko Kimura the Ultimate Pharmacist of Class 76; she makes medicines and usually it's best to not disturb her when she's working on it.
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Yeah... maybe we should wait.
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*As then she drop in the chemical and while it fizzed, it stopped and change which then she pick up a small spoon and started to mix it which then she place it in a machine which move around which after a while it stop which Seiko pick up*
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Th-There we go, the medicine is complete, I can't believe I got it down! Now to bring this to Ka-Karen and-!
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Oh hey, looks like she's done!
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Eek! *suddenly Seiko, shock by Hiromi's voice nearly dropped the vial but pick it up*
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Wa-Watch it with that, don't you know how dangerous it is working here!
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Whoa sorry sorry, I didn't mean to do!
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So-Sorry about that Seiko, we were just touring around - will leave if your bother.
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O-Oh uh... Ry-Ryota, Aiko... hello... sorry, I got startled, apologies.
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Ho-However, I d-don't think I met you... who are you?
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Nagi Nanami, Ultimate Gamer and this here is Hiromi Murahama, the Ultimate Marine Biologist. Your Seiko, correct? It's nice to meet you.
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Ni-Nice to meet you as well...!
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
Hi Masa!
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That's the staff office, usually teachers go in there or if your call for something; you'll end up there.
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Well usually schools have that so it's honestly the only normal thing here. *As then the door opens as a girl walk in holding her notebook and a pen*
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Okay seems I got that article sorted out, hopefully this be the last I do this.
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Shingetsu can be such a pain in the ass, I swear...
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Oh Masa, good to see you!
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Hm? Oh, hello - I take it that your doing a tour with these 2?
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Oh yeah, Soshun told us to do this but are you okay, you seem... preoccupied.
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That obvious? Well yeah, just had to clean up a certain mess but I think I'm finish...hopefully...
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Thankfully I got fast reading abilities and writing skills so probably it didn't take too long.
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Oh right, sorry - I should introduce myself; I'm Masa Esumi, I'm in Class 76 as the Ultimate Journalist and you 2 must be Nagi Nanami and Hiromi Murahama, I hope the school treats you well.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
How’s Tomoe?
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Hey, if asking - we're taking a break.
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Been fantastic, it's been good to sing after a few weeks!
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A few weeks?
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Yeah, just that I could practice singing in her for a while due to renovations so me and Shoji had to practice elsewhere.
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Yeah couldn't perform at her home or mine; so we had to wait until they were done...
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Oh well at least the renovations are done it seems.
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Oh hey, Tomoe Kimura, right? You mind if I get a photo with you and an autograph? I have a younger sister name Saori so you mind?
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Wait another autograph? Really?
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Well hey, I want to get an autograph for her too! She's a huge fan as well so let me do this.
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Well I don't mind signing anything and taking a picture so go ahead!
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Awesome, thanks but I can wait until you finish your break - I'll get the camera ready! *As Hiromi is getting a picture with Tomoe*
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...(Renovations? But what about the police tape?)
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(Something is up and I don't like it, they are lying but why.)
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despair-to-future-arcs · 2 years ago
Where’s Shoji?
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Oooh, nice going you 2! Encore, encore!
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Laaaa~! And... done!
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That was great, fantastic work Shoji!
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Heh thanks but I think you took the front stage so you deserve the credit.
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You kidding, I think your drumming was on point!
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Oh and uh, we are touring some students here!
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Yeah that was awesome guys, you were a hit!
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Ye-Yeah it totally was, you guys were amazing!
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Well... seems we got quite a bit of fans here, hm? I guess we should introduce ourselves.
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I'm Tomoe Kimura, I'm of Class 76 and enroll as the Ultimate Acapella Singer!
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And I'm Shōji Yokō, got into Hope's Peak as a drummer.
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Or something like that or whatever.
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*grabs 2 towels and water bottles*Wow Shoji... you could bring up the mood, your getting me down now, anywhere here you better get something to drink.
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Thanks, it does get tiring so thanks for that. *open the bottle of water as he wiped himself with the towel*
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