#ipconfig /renew
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daenerys-targaryen · 6 months ago
i still cannot get any wifi connection on my laptop. hell world.
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tontorial · 2 months ago
Otimização Windows 10
As opções em negrito são para serem pesquisadas no windows
Executar: Temp %temp% Deletar e ignorar os que não forem apagados
Abra o CMD powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61
Pesquise “Escolher plano de energia” Escolha o plano que deseja
Alterar configurações de energia avançadas: Desligar disco rígido = 0 (Nunca) Configurações de USB = Desabilitado Gerenciamento de energia de processador Estado de desempenho minimo = 0  Video Desligar monitor = 0 (Nunca)
Notificação - Desative e desmarque todas
Inicialização - Desative todos os programas desnecessários
Personalização - Cores - Desative a transparência
Aplicativos em segundo plano - Desative
Sistema - Tela - Configurações avançadas de tela - "Taxa de atualização" escolha a maior disponível Modo de jogo - PC antigos Ativado, caso contrario desative
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Adicione seus jogos abaixo
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Em configurações avançadas do sistema
Efeitos visuais - "Ajustar apara obter o melhor desempenho" - marque as opções "mostrar miniaturas ao inves de icones" e "Usar fontes de telas com cantos arredondados"
Avançado - configurações de desempenho Avançado - Memória virtual - Alterar - Selecione o drive para alocação - O primeiro recomendável e o segundo multiplique sua memoria por 1,5 Exemplo: 32g x 1024kbps = 32768 x 1,5 = 49152
Os demais deixe sem paginação ou 10 e 40
Campo superior: Sempre 1024
Inferior sempre metade da memoria total: 8gb = 4g = 4096 16gb = 8g = 8196 32gb = 16g = 16000
Para ativar com o Windows basta marcar as duas pequenas caixas abaixo Em timer resolution = 0.50 e ative a caixa "Enabled custom timer resolution*" ISCL poling Rate (ms) Pcs novos = 500 Pcs antigos = 1000 Start e pronto
"Current timer resolution" acima de 0.5 siga os passos abaixo:
abra o CMD bcdedit /set useplatformtick yes bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes bcdedit /deletevalue useplatformclock
Desfazer: bcdedit /set useplatformclock true bcdedit /set useplatformtick no bcdedit /set disabledynamictick no
Gerenciador dos dispositivos - Dispositivos do sistema - Desative o "Timer de eventos de alta precisão"
que podem ser desativados ou selecionados no ESO
DPS - Serviço de politica de diagnostico Sysmain (Superfetch) WSearch - Windows Search DiagTrack - Experiencia do Usuário de Telemetria (Opcional)
No executável dos seus jogos clique em propriedades - Marque as caixas "Desative a otimização de tela inteira" e "Executar como Administrador" (desmarque caso de algum bug ou o jogo feche) e em Alterar DPI marque "Substituir o ajuste de DPI" selecionando "Aplicativo"
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Configuração Sistema - Desative as duas opções aceleração de hardware funciona da seguinte forma, ela utiliza um pouco da sua GPU ao invés de forcar sua memória ram, mas isso pode ocasionar perca de pacotes se um jogo for aberto simultaneamente.
Desempenho - Ative a "Economia de memória" e Desative o "Páginas pré-carregadas" Privacidade e Segurança - Privacidade de Anúncios - Desative tudo que encontrar
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Desative extensões inutilizadas se possível remova
Index - Avançado - Recriar - ok
exibir conexões de rede - propriedades - configurar - avançado Energia eficiente Ethernet - Desativado Ethernet Verde - Desativado Power Saving - Desativado
Gerenciamento de Energia - Desative
DNS - use o DNS Jumper
Modelos Administrativos - Rede - Agendador de pacote QoS - Habilite - Troque o valor para 0
Otimização de entrega - Desative - Opções avançadas
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Comandos CMD FlushDNS na ordem exata:
ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /registerdns ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew netsh winsock reset reiniciar modem
Inicialização de Sistema - Opções avançadas… - selecione o numero maximo de processadores
Serviços - oculte serviços da Microsoft e desmarque todos os serviços desnecessários (não desative drivers)
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dorenarox · 5 months ago
Might be fixed with my newest .bat file!
ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /registerdns ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew netsh winsock reset
Wondering if I can add an automatic reboot?
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wishlan · 7 months ago
Common Network Issues and How to Fix Them: A Guide by Wishlan
In our interconnected world, a reliable network is essential for both personal and professional activities. Network issues can disrupt productivity and communication, but understanding and addressing these problems can save time and frustration. At Wishlan, we prioritize keeping you connected. Here are some common network issues and practical solutions to fix them.
1. Intermittent Connectivity
Symptoms: The network connection drops periodically, causing disruptions in browsing, streaming, or online meetings.
Overloaded network
Interference from other wireless devices
Firmware issues
Limit Connected Devices: Disconnect unnecessary devices from the network to reduce the load.
Reduce Interference: Ensure your router is placed away from electronic devices that can cause interference, such as microwaves and baby monitors.
Update Firmware: Check for and install firmware updates for your router. This can improve performance and stability.
2. Network Speed Fluctuations
Symptoms: The internet speed varies significantly, causing slow performance at times.
Network congestion
Background applications consuming bandwidth
Throttling by ISP (Internet Service Provider)
Schedule Heavy Usage: Plan bandwidth-intensive activities, like downloads or streaming, during off-peak hours to avoid congestion.
Monitor Applications: Use tools to monitor and manage bandwidth usage. Close or limit the bandwidth of applications running in the background.
Contact ISP (Internet Service Provider): If you suspect throttling, contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to discuss your plan and any potential issues.
3. No Internet Access
Symptoms: Devices are connected to the network but cannot access the internet.
Incorrect network settings
DNS server issues
ISP outages
Check Network Settings: Ensure your device is configured correctly for the network. Resetting the network settings can sometimes resolve this issue.
Change DNS Server: Use a different DNS server, such as Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS. This can often resolve DNS-related problems.
ISP Support: Contact your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to check if there are any outages or issues in your area.
4. Weak Wi-Fi Signal in Certain Areas
Symptoms: Poor or no Wi-Fi signal in specific rooms or areas of your home or office.
Physical obstructions
Router placement
Signal interference
Relocate Router: Place your router in a central location, elevated, and free from obstructions. This maximizes coverage.
Use Range Extenders: Install Wi-Fi extenders or a mesh network system to enhance coverage and eliminate dead zones.
Upgrade Router: If your router is old, consider upgrading to a more powerful model with better range and performance.
5. IP Address Conflicts
Symptoms: Network devices report an IP address conflict, leading to connectivity issues.
Static IP addresses
DHCP server issues
Renew IP Address: Release and renew the IP address on the affected device. On Windows, use the Command Prompt with ipconfig /release followed by ipconfig /renew.
Check DHCP Settings: Ensure your router's DHCP server is enabled and properly configured to assign unique IP addresses to each device.
Assign Static IPs Carefully: If you must use static IP addresses, ensure each one is unique and outside the DHCP server's range.
6. Unable to Connect to the Network
Symptoms: Devices cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network, even though the network appears in the list.
Incorrect password
Network settings corruption
Device compatibility issues
Verify Password: Double-check the network password. Ensure it is entered correctly, including any capital letters and special characters.
Reset Network Settings: On your device, reset the network settings. This can clear any corrupted settings and restore connectivity.
Update Device Software: Ensure your device's operating system and network drivers are up to date to maintain compatibility with the network.
7. Network Security Issues
Symptoms: Unauthorized devices accessing the network, unusual activity, or data breaches.
Weak network security
Outdated firmware
Lack of encryption
Strengthen Security: Use strong, unique passwords for your network. Enable WPA3 encryption if supported, otherwise use WPA2.
Enable Firewalls: Use the firewall features on your router and devices to add an extra layer of protection.
Regular Updates: Keep your router’s firmware and connected devices' software up to date to protect against vulnerabilities.
Dealing with network issues can be frustrating, but many common problems have straightforward solutions. At Wishlan, we understand the importance of staying connected and are here to help. By understanding these issues and applying the appropriate fixes, you can maintain a stable and efficient network. Whether it’s adjusting your router’s settings, managing device connections, or updating firmware, these steps can help ensure a seamless online experience. Stay connected with Wishlan!
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comoresolvererrovpnlogmein · 8 months ago
como cambiar ip sin vpn
🔒🌍✨ Ganhe 3 Meses de VPN GRÁTIS - Acesso à Internet Seguro e Privado em Todo o Mundo! Clique Aqui ✨🌍🔒
como cambiar ip sin vpn
Métodos para alterar IP sem usar VPN
Existem diversas razões pelas quais alguém pode desejar alterar seu endereço de IP sem recorrer a um serviço de VPN. Felizmente, existem métodos alternativos que podem ser utilizados com esse propósito.
Um método comum para alterar o endereço de IP é reiniciar o roteador. Isso geralmente resulta em um novo endereço de IP sendo atribuído ao dispositivo. No entanto, essa mudança é temporária e pode não ser eficaz em todos os casos.
Outra forma de alterar o endereço de IP é através da configuração manual no dispositivo. Basta acessar as configurações de rede e inserir um novo endereço de IP. É importante lembrar que essa prática requer algum conhecimento técnico e pode não ser recomendada para usuários menos experientes.
Além disso, utilizar proxies ou servidores proxy também pode ser uma opção viável para quem busca alterar seu endereço de IP sem recorrer a uma VPN. Os proxies funcionam como intermediários entre o dispositivo do usuário e a internet, mascarando o endereço de IP original.
No entanto, é importante ressaltar que alguns métodos para alterar o endereço de IP podem violar os termos de serviço de alguns provedores de internet e sites. Portanto, é fundamental utilizar essas técnicas de forma responsável e estar ciente das possíveis consequências.
Em resumo, existem diversas maneiras de alterar o endereço de IP sem a necessidade de utilizar uma VPN. Cada método possui suas próprias vantagens e desvantagens, por isso é importante considerar qual a melhor opção para cada situação específica.
Alterar endereço IP sem recurso a VPN
Alterar o endereço IP sem o recurso a uma VPN é uma prática que pode ser útil em várias situações. Existem diversas formas de alterar o endereço IP do seu dispositivo, sem a necessidade de utilizar uma VPN.
Uma maneira comum de alterar o seu endereço IP é através do comando "ipconfig" no Windows ou "ifconfig" no Mac ou Linux. Basta abrir o prompt de comando e inserir o comando apropriado para visualizar e alterar o seu endereço IP de forma manual.
Outra opção é reiniciar o seu modem ou roteador. Desligar o equipamento e aguardar alguns minutos antes de ligá-lo novamente pode resultar em um novo endereço IP sendo atribuído ao seu dispositivo.
Além disso, utilizar uma rede Wi-Fi pública ou compartilhada pode fazer com que o seu endereço IP mude automaticamente ao se reconectar a uma rede diferente.
É importante ressaltar que, ao alterar o seu endereço IP, você pode enfrentar algumas restrições de acesso a determinados sites ou serviços, pois a identificação do seu dispositivo pode ser modificada.
Em resumo, alterar o endereço IP sem recorrer a uma VPN pode ser uma solução temporária e simples para quem busca anonimato ou deseja contornar restrições geográficas, porém é fundamental estar ciente dos possíveis impactos e limitações dessa prática.
Como mudar IP sem utilizar VPN
Mudar o endereço de IP sem recorrer a uma rede privada virtual (VPN) é uma técnica possível e acessível a todos os usuários de internet. Existem diversas maneiras de alterar o IP sem a necessidade de instalar softwares adicionais, e neste artigo, vamos explorar algumas dessas alternativas.
Uma das formas mais simples de mudar o endereço de IP do seu dispositivo é reiniciar o modem ou roteador. Ao desligar e ligar o equipamento, é atribuído um novo endereço IP pela operadora de internet. Este método funciona na maioria dos casos, no entanto, pode ser que o seu provedor de serviços de internet (ISP) mantenha o mesmo endereço IP por um longo período de tempo.
Outra alternativa viável é utilizar a função de 'Renovar IP' disponível em sistemas operacionais como o Windows. Ao executar o comando 'ipconfig /renew' no prompt de comando, o sistema irá solicitar um novo endereço IP ao roteador.
Além disso, também é possível mudar o IP manualmente nas configurações de rede do dispositivo. Através da opção de configuração de IP estático, o usuário pode inserir as informações requeridas para obter um novo endereço IP.
Vale ressaltar que, ao alterar o endereço de IP, é importante garantir que a ação seja realizada de acordo com os termos de uso estabelecidos pelo provedor de internet e que não viole nenhuma lei de regulamentação da internet.
Em resumo, mudar o endereço IP sem recorrer a uma VPN é uma tarefa viável e que pode ser realizada de forma simples, seguindo as orientações adequadas e respeitando as normas de utilização da rede.
Modificar IP sem depender de VPN
Muitos usuários buscam maneiras de modificar seu endereço de IP sem depender de uma VPN. Embora as VPNs sejam uma ferramenta eficaz para proteger a privacidade e anonimato online, algumas pessoas preferem explorar outras opções. Existem métodos para alterar seu endereço de IP sem o uso de uma VPN, que podem ser úteis em determinadas situações.
Uma maneira de modificar seu IP sem uma VPN é através de um proxy. Proxies atuam como intermediários entre o usuário e a internet, mascarando o endereço IP real do usuário. No entanto, é importante salientar que a utilização de proxies gratuitos pode representar riscos à segurança dos dados, uma vez que alguns deles podem ser maliciosos.
Outra alternativa é o uso de redes proxy, como o Tor. O Tor é um software gratuito que direciona o tráfego da internet através de uma rede de servidores voluntários ao redor do mundo, ocultando o endereço IP do usuário e dificultando a rastreabilidade.
Além disso, é possível modificar seu endereço de IP manualmente em determinados casos, por exemplo, reiniciando o modem ou roteador. Isso pode resultar na atribuição de um novo IP pelo provedor de internet.
Em suma, embora as VPNs sejam uma opção popular para modificar o endereço de IP, existem alternativas disponíveis para aqueles que desejam explorar outras opções. No entanto, é importante ter em mente os possíveis riscos e limitações associados a esses métodos alternativos. Sempre é aconselhável buscar orientação de especialistas em segurança da informação ao explorar essas opções.
Passos para trocar IP sem a necessidade de VPN
Mudar o endereço de IP de um dispositivo pode ser útil por razões de segurança, privacidade ou acesso a conteúdo geograficamente restrito. Normalmente, as pessoas recorrem a uma VPN para realizar essa troca, mas existem maneiras alternativas de mudar o endereço de IP sem precisar de uma VPN.
Uma opção é reiniciar o roteador ou modem. Desconectar o dispositivo da Internet e reiniciar esses equipamentos pode atribuir um novo endereço de IP à conexão. No entanto, esse método não garante uma mudança de IP, pois depende da política de alocação do provedor de Internet.
Outra alternativa é utilizar um serviço de proxy. Os proxies funcionam redirecionando o tráfego da Internet através de servidores intermediários, ocultando o endereço de IP real do dispositivo. Dessa forma, é possível simular um endereço de IP diferente e acessar conteúdo bloqueado em determinadas regiões.
Além disso, algumas redes públicas permitem a renovação do endereço de IP. Ao se conectar a uma rede Wi-Fi gratuita, desconectar e reconectar pode resultar na atribuição de um novo endereço de IP.
É importante ressaltar que, ao alterar o endereço de IP de um dispositivo, é fundamental respeitar os termos de serviço da sua operadora de Internet e as leis de proteção de dados do seu país. Sempre verifique a legalidade e os impactos de realizar essa alteração, garantindo a segurança e privacidade das suas atividades online.
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daixiepython · 9 months ago
ITE3713 Computer Systems and Communication
ITE3713 Computer Systems and Communication Fundamentals​Workshop 4     Name: ​​Student ID: ​​Class: ​   Workshop 4: Troubleshooting on Network Connectivity Issues   Part A: Configure an NIC to Use DHCP in Windows 10   Introduction: In this lab, you will configure an Ethernet NIC to use DHCP to obtain an IP address, ITE3713 代做、代写 java/Python 编程and test connectivity to a server
Recommended Equipment: • A Computer running Window 10 • Ethernet patch cable   Procedures : Part 1  Record the DHCP status on the network   1.1 Click Start, in Search programs and files box, type cmd and press Enter. 1.2 Type ipconfig /all, and then press the Enter key.
1.3 Write down the IP address and subnet mask of the “Ethernetadapter Local Area Connection”. ​​ 1.4 Write down the name and model number of the NIC.   ​​   1.5 Type ping and your IP address. For example, ping
1.6 Record one of the replies from your ping command.   ​​   1.7 Type ipconfig /release, and then press the Enter key. Then write down the IP address.   ​   1.8 Type ping and IP address of the classmate next to you again.  Write down the result.   ​     1.9 Type ipconfig /renew, and then press the Enter key. Then write down the IP address.   ​     Part 2  Establish the Telnet Session on the network 2.1 To install Telnet Client, log in your computer with an administrator, if not already done. 2.2 Search “Control Panel” in Start > Control Panel > Programsand Features > Turn Windows features on or off.
  2.3 In the Windows Features list, select Telnet Client, and then click OK.
2.4 Close all windows. Click Start > Run > type cmd > OK. 2.5 Type telnet and press Enter.
2.6 Type help and press Enter.
2.7 Which command is used to exit the telnet?   ​   2.8   Suggest a protocol which is better used to replace Telnet.   ​   2.9   Suggest a tool / software which could replace windows Telnet client   ​   Part 3  Scan/check disk as administrator   3.1 ​Click Start, in Search programs and files box, type/selectcmd and right click run as administrator.   3.2 ​Type chkdsk drive. The example is chkdsk C:. ​​​​ 3.3 ​ Write down the number of bad sectors.    ​   3.4 ​ Write down the number of time needed.    ​ Part B: Troubleshooting Networks Apparatus:  • Cisco Packet Tracer Objectives: • To learn troubleshooting network connections and settings.   For each network in problem.zip, investigate the problem and write down a correction for it.   Symptom 1: PC0 cannot ping PC1 due to the physical problems Network Problem Isolated Correction xPC1           xPC2           xPC3             Symptom 2: PC0 cannot ping PC1/Server1 due to the configuration of the devices. Network Problem Isolated Correction weixin: codehelp
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techarena · 10 months ago
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plumadesatada · 9 months ago
your computer or the wifi you are trying to connect to? can u show us a Pic of the error message?
if you're on a windows pc my goto solution is
open start menu
type cmd then enter
this will open a black windows with white text and will make you feel like a haker
in that black rectangle type: "ipconfig /release" without the quote marks, hit enter
when it let's you write again follow that with "ipconfig /flushdns" +enter
and lastly "ipconfig /renew" +enter
this should give let ur computer get a new ip address
if it doesn't work, then the router (the wifi manager who hands out the connections) is out of connections to hand out (most have a limit of 255 at one time but some people configure their routers to only have room for like 10 or 50 connections tops). if you have physical access to the router you might try turning it off and on again (count 15 Mississippis in the middle) by unplugging and re plugging it
anybody know what it means if i can't connect to a wifi because it "doesn't have an IP address"
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rishushaw · 2 years ago
Here is the 28 windows cmd commands that will increase your productivity level
1. ipconfig - Get-NetIPAddress
2. ipconfig /all - Get-NetIPConfiguration (only shows DNS-Server and Gateway)
3. findstr - Select-String
4. ipconfig /release - no equivalent afaik
5. ipconig /renew - no equivalent afaik
6. ipconfig /displaydns - Get-DnsClientCache (you may use '| Format-List' to get all colums)
7. clip - Set-Clipboard
8. ipconfig /flushdns - Clear-DnsClientCache
9. nslookup - Resolve-DnsName
10. cls - Clear-Host (or just Ctrl+L)
11. getmac /v - Get-NetAdapter
12. powercfg - no equivalent afaik
13. assoc - no equivalent afaik (also assoc does not seem to exist on my Windows 11 21H2 VM)
14. chkdsk - Repair-Volume
15. sfc - no equivalent afaik
16. DISM - no equivalent afaik
17. tasklist - Get-Process
18. taskkill - Stop-Process
19. netsh - no equivalent afaik but you can manipulate the Windows firewall, just search with Get-Command firewall
20. ping - Test-NetConnection
21. ping /t - Test-Connection -Count 100000 (Test-Connection gives you much more data, while Test-NetConnection just shows the IP and Latency to the target)
22. tracert - Test-NetConnection -TraceRoute
23. netstat - Get-NetTCPConnection
24. route print - Get-NetRoute
25. route add - New-NetRoute
26. route delete - Remove-NetRoute
27. shutdown - Stop-Computer
28. restart - Restart-Computer
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Parents block your wifi?
Here’s how to easily and quickly get around it, IF the blocking is IP-based.
Go to the Windows search bar, and type “CMD”
Right click “Command Prompt”
Click “Run as administrator”
Type in “ipconfig /release” without parentheses and press enter
Wait for a few seconds
Type “ipconfig /renew” without parentheses and press enter
Done. Close Command Prompt
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itsamanyadav · 3 years ago
How to Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and Performance!!!
Windows 10 is doing exceptionally well in every area. It is magnificent while working on various applications. Windows 10 is also the notch choice of gamers as it allows them to feel the zest of the game completely. The strong OS Windows 10 provides the required configuration and speed to suppose all the popular and heavy games. Here in this article, we will share with you certain ways by which you can optimize your Windows 10 for gaming and higher performance.
Optimize Windows 10 With Gaming Mode
Windows 10 has gone through several updates, and each update brings something new. The latest release of Windows 10 was a gift for gamers as it brought gaming mode optimization. To optimize Windows 10 with gaming mode, follow the below steps:
Initially, after turning your System on, you have to press the Windows key + I
This will redirect you to the Settings panel of your System. There in the search bar type game mode
Out of two options, Click Game Mode settings or Turn on Game Mode; you have to click anyone.
A screen will appear in front of you with the name ‘game mode.’
You have to switch the button of game mode to on from off to optimize it.
And here your PC is ready to function in your gaming mode.
Disable Nagle’s Algorithm to Enhance Gaming
Nagle algorithm might be the friend of your System, but it is an enemy of gaming in PC. While Nagle’s algorithm is enabled in your PC, it is going to temper your gaming speed. So it will be better if you turn off Nagle’s algorithm settings of your PC. to disable it follow the below steps:
Press Windows key + X
Out of all the other options you have to select Windows Power Shell
After that, on the appeared screen you have to Enter ipconfig
Then search for “IPv4 address” to know your PC’s IP address
Once you know your IP address, edit the Windows Registry:
To register first Click Start
Then search by Typing Regedit
Further, Select Registry Editor
Once the registry editor is opened, you have to copy and paste the following path in the address bar:
After this step, you will find a list of folders in the left-hand pane. Every folder will have file names mixed up of letters and numbers. You have to match your IP address with t DhcpIPAddress to locate the correct file. After that follow the below steps;
Right-click on the folder
Then Select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value
You have to Name this as TcpAckFrequency
Then click on the OK button.
After that Select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value again
Again Name this one TCPNoDelay.
Double-click on each and set their parameters to 1
Complete these steps and you are done disabling Nagle’s Algorithm.
Make Online Gaming improved With Faster DNS.
Optimizing Windows 10 online gaming with faster DNS will improve your online gaming experience. It avoids network traffic as it contains faster internet. To make your online gaming fun follow the below steps;
Once you have turned your system on, you have to press Windows + I which will redirect you to the Settings page.
On the settings page you have to look for Network and Internet > Change Adapter Settings.
Then Right-click on your wireless network
Further, you have to Select Properties
And then Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4.
Later on, you have to make a note of the two DNS entries
Then replace them with and
After you are done with this press OK and restart your default browser.
After you finish the last step, your online gaming is going to be super fast and fun.
Turn off automatic updates.
As mentioned above, Windows 10 keeps renewing itself with several updates. The updates are to make the functioning of your System better, but it might create a hindrance for your gaming task. To ensure fast gaming, you have to disable automatic updates for better Windows 10 gaming, and to do that follow the given steps:
First of all open Open Settings either from the start button or with the Windows key + I
Then Click Update and Security and select Windows Update
There you have to search for Advanced options and after that click Update Options
You have to disable auto-updates.
Then Enable Show notification as it will hint you about every update your System is going to get
And then you are done improving your gaming quality.
Disable Notifications in Windows 10 to avoid Gaming Hindrance
Many times you have turned on notifications so that you do not miss anything important. But these notifications popping create a hindrance for your gaming.
You have to turn off pop-ups to enjoy better gaming. Follow the below steps to disable notifications in Windows 10:
First of all open settings by searching it on the start button or hitting Windows + I
Then click System and select Focus Assist
Further, you have to Select Alarms Only as it will hide all other notifications except important alarms and reminders.
And you are done disabling notification on your System which will promote faster gaming.
Prevent Steam Auto-Updating Games
People who play games on windows generally install it from steam. many a time its auto-update feature might drink up all your internet and speed resulting in lower gaming. It is better to shut its update feature off and enjoy a high gaming experience:
Initially, you have to launch the Steam client that will boost your gaming.
Then open Steam and look for Settings. There open Downloads
Lastly uncheck Allow downloads during gameplay
Windows 10 Visual Effects Needs to be altered
Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) of your System might be creating a hindrance to your gaming speed by affecting the processing speed.  
Alter the settings of visual effects for better game improvements.
First, you should open Settings with Windows key + I
Then type “performance.”
You should then select Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
Then in the settings box, select Adjust for best performance
Click on Apply
Then click the Advanced tab
Make sure that Adjust the best performance of his set to Programs
Then click on Apply again, then OK to confirm
Alter Your Mouse Settings for better Windows 10 Gaming
It might shock you, but a little tweak in your mouse settings can create a huge impact on the overall performance of your System. When it comes to PC gaming tweak your mouse settings to optimize your Windows 10 for gaming in a better way:
Firstly, open Settings
Then click Devices and then open Mouse
Click on view to see the Pointer Options tab
Then clear the Enhance pointer precision checkmark
Then Click Apply
Lastly, click OK to exit—you can also adjust the pointer speed to suit
Power Plan Enhances your gaming experience
Alter your power settings to find out its effect on your PC. You need to follow the following steps to maximize your power plan:
First of all, you should open Settings
Type in ‘power’.
Then click Power & sleep settings and open Additional power settings
Then select the high-performance option
If it is not available, use the Create a power plan to configure a new, custom power plan
This option allows your PC to perform better at the cost of higher energy consumption and temperature levels. For this reason, it is better to have an activated Windows 10 optimization on the desktop rather than laptop PCs.
Install DirectX 12 to Optimize for Gaming
DirectX 12, is the food for faster online gaming. It enhances the support system of gaming that is CPU and GPU.
Follow the below steps To check if you have the latest version of DirectX:
First, you should open Windows PowerShell
Then type dxdiag
After that tap Enter
Soon, you will be able to see the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
To fix the issue of non installed DirectX follow these steps:
First, you should open Settings with Windows key + I
Then select Update and security
Open Windows Update and there you have to click on Check for updates
Wait for the updates to install
Many gaming settings will be automatically optimized by DirectX12 in Windows 10.
This is all you need to do to optimize faster gaming in your System. If we missed something, let us know in the comment box.
Thanks for reading this
To your Success,
Aman Yadav
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plantsucc · 4 years ago
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this shit again
always with the "wifi doesn't have a valid IP configuration"
I'm going to cyberbully Bill Gates
it just keeps happening every day and every day I have to take an hour to uninstall drivers, enter random bs into the command prompt
netsh winsock reset ipconfig release renew etc etc etc
and restarting my laptop dozens of times until it decides it can suddenly connect to wifi again
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lulzyfarm · 4 years ago
Did you know that you can hide your IP using VPN, proxy, tor browser, NAT firewall, or change it by resetting your modem? Yes this is HTML/IT anon. You can also go to command prompt on windows and run as admin. Renew with command ipconfig /release and then ipconfig/ renew
Protect yourself online, IP anon and others, good luck
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martinjustin0777 · 4 years ago
Top 6 Windows Command Prompt Commands You Must Know
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The command prompt has been a part of Windows for a very long time, but now, it is gradually disappearing from the Windows interface. Its disappearance will make the system better as it is an obsolete and unnecessary tool that belongs to the era of text-based input. However, there are still a few useful CMD commands and improvements to the system. Here are those few commands you must know about:
On Windows, most of the files are associated with a unique program, and everything is assigned in a particular order to open the file by default. But it can be challenging to remember all the associations and work through them at once. This is where the Assoc command comes to the rescue as it will help you remind the associations. Enter the ‘assoc’ command on your display to check the list full of filename extensions and program associations. It will also enable you to use the commands properly. You can also extend the command for tweaking the file associations.
If you are working on Windows 10, then you can access a user-friendly interface and change the file type association in seconds. For this purpose, you have to open the Settings app on your desktop. From there, go to Apps and click on Default Apps. Then, select ‘Choose Default App by File Type.’
File Comparison
The File Comparison command will help you identify the differences in text between two files. If you are a programmer, this command will prove beneficial to help you figure out the minute mistakes or changes you have made in two versions of a file. Even writers, students, etc., can use it for an easy and quick way to check their files. To use this command, you have to type ‘fc’ followed by the directory path and file name of both the files you want to compare. You can also choose to extend the command as per your preferences. If you type ‘/b,’ it will start comparing only binary output, and entering the ‘/c’ command will disregard the case of texts you have chosen to compare.
The Ipconfig command imparts the IP address your computer is using at the moment. Like every other device, if your PC is connected to a Wi-Fi router, you will receive your router’s local network address. This command is useful due to its extensions. Use the ‘ipconfig /release’ command with ‘ipconfig /renew’ to force your Windows PC into getting a new IP address. You can use this command when your PC claims not to have any new IP address. Using the ‘ipconfig /flushdns’ command, you can refresh your DNS address.
When you cannot figure out if the packets are reaching a particular networked device or not, use the Ping command on your desktop. You can use this command to send a series of test packets to the specified address by typing ‘ping’ followed by the IP address or web domain. If the command prompts an arrival and return, it indicates that the device can communicate with your PC. In case it fails to do so, know that something is interrupting or blocking communication between your PC and the device. With this, you can determine the root cause of the issue, which could either be network hardware failure or an improper configuration.
Using the Systeminfo command, you will receive a detailed configuration overview on your desktop screen. You will find a list containing the operating system and hardware details on it. You can check the original Windows installation date, BIOS version, last boot time, network card configurations, installed hotfixes, and more through this list. Type ‘systeminfo /s’ followed by the hostname of your desktop on your local network. You might even have to add additional syntax elements for the domain, user name, and password to the original command. Here is an example of doing that:
systeminfo /s [host_name] /u [domain]\[user_name] /p [user_password]
Using the Tasklist command, you will receive the latest list of all the tasks running on your computer. Sometimes, this command can act a little redundant with the Task manager, yet it can find tasks hidden from your view in a specific utility. You can also add a wide range of modifiers to use it as per your requirements. Use the ‘Tasklist -svc’ command to check the services related to all the tasks. With the ‘tasklist -v’ command, you will receive additional details related to each task. You can use these commands for advanced level troubleshooting.
In similar ways, multiple other commands serve a different purpose and help you have a better and smooth experience using the Windows PC. Some commands are only relevant to Windows 8 and 8.1, but the ones mentioned above can be used on Windows with any version. But these commands will act differently on each Windows version, depending on the update you are currently using.
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SOURCE – Top 6 Windows Command Prompt Commands You Must Know
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aesopjazz-blog1 · 5 years ago
CMD Tweaks to Get Better Internet Speed
Commands to Execute To Speed Up Internet Using Command Prompt:
First of all, you need to open the command prompt on your Windows PC.
Click on Start and Type “cmd” in Search.
Right click on command prompt and open as Administrator.
Now command prompt will appear and in command prompt go to root directly “C:\” by typing
cd C:\
Now you’re done with the initial part of the guide, which is just the preparation to execute later steps.
Checking the Internet Speed Using Default Gateway Ping
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First of all, you will need to check the internet speed from the default gateway that your PC had currently connected to and for that first you need to find the default gateway address and then check the connection speed at that IP address.
Step 1. First of all, find the default gateway by entering the command;
at the command prompt. And there, you need to note down the default gateway address.
Step 2. Now you need to ping the connection between default gateway and for that enter the command:
ping -t <your default gateway address>
And with this, you will see the time periods of the packet that acknowledgement is received and lessen the time period more is the internet speed. Now our target will be to minimize this time period.
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Now you need to execute the below commands to speed up internet on your PC.
Releasing The Allocated IPs
When your device has connected to the internet connection the IP address are allocated to the devices and the speed got limits to that IP connection and you can release that and can renew it by entering the command:
Flushing The DNS
In most of the operating systems and DNS, clients will automatically cache IP addresses and other DNS results and this is done in order to speed up subsequent requests to the same hostname. Sometimes bad results will be cached and therefore need to be cleared from the cache in order for you to communicate with the host correctly which can lead up the slow connection, so better to flush all these DNS.
In Windows command prompt, you need to enter the below command to flush the DNS:
Using netsh Interface TCP command
There are two types of commands that you need to enter in your command prompt to boost up your internet speed.
netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disable netsh interface tcp set heuristics disabled
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shirtlessmakoto-blog1 · 5 years ago
CMD Tricks For Internet
Commands to Execute To Speed Up Internet Using Command Prompt:
First of all, you need to open the command prompt on your Windows PC.
Click on Start and Type “cmd” in Search.
Right click on command prompt and open as Administrator.
Now command prompt will appear and in command prompt go to root directly “C:\” by typing
cd C:\
Now you’re done with the initial part of the guide, which is just the preparation to execute later steps.
Checking the Internet Speed Using Default Gateway Ping
Also Check: How to reopen a closed tab in browser
First of all, you will need to check the internet speed from the default gateway that your PC had currently connected to and for that first you need to find the default gateway address and then check the connection speed at that IP address.
Step 1. First of all, find the default gateway by entering the command;
at the command prompt. And there, you need to note down the default gateway address.
Step 2. Now you need to ping the connection between default gateway and for that enter the command:
ping -t <your default gateway address>
And with this, you will see the time periods of the packet that acknowledgement is received and lessen the time period more is the internet speed. Now our target will be to minimize this time period.
Must Read:  Learn more about computers, Important Terms To Know
Now you need to execute the below commands to speed up internet on your PC.
Releasing The Allocated IPs
When your device has connected to the internet connection the IP address are allocated to the devices and the speed got limits to that IP connection and you can release that and can renew it by entering the command:
Flushing The DNS
In most of the operating systems and DNS, clients will automatically cache IP addresses and other DNS results and this is done in order to speed up subsequent requests to the same hostname. Sometimes bad results will be cached and therefore need to be cleared from the cache in order for you to communicate with the host correctly which can lead up the slow connection, so better to flush all these DNS.
In Windows command prompt, you need to enter the below command to flush the DNS:
Using netsh Interface TCP command
There are two types of commands that you need to enter in your command prompt to boost up your internet speed.
netsh interface tcp set global autotuning=disable netsh interface tcp set heuristics disabled
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