#ipcae 2023
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year ago
Hello, this is Professor Indigo. Ah, I am currently heading to the ipcae unfortunately much later than planned so i am very understanding if i am too late, but is Linnea the deaf leafeon still available for adoption?
Linnea is absolutely still available! You’re just in luck, too, as I’m packing up from the exhibition but am still here!
Feel free to swing around to the booth in the middle, towards the stage!
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unown-sanctuary · 1 year ago
Remember, if you're at IPCAE, and you visit our stall, the pokemon who are wearing service sashes at the moment are not adoptable. We only have Unown for adoption, and I request you don't bother my service pokemon while they're working.
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aether-foundation-pr · 2 years ago
Heyyy umm I don't remember if there's like a Pokemon lost or found or something here but there's a lost Phantump over here near our booth... Anyone like know where I can take this little guy so they can get back to where they belong???
- Rep Opaline
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subwaywardeningo · 2 years ago
It is so difficult to be at the IPCAE and know that I cannot adopt any of these Pokemon... I already have far too many, and would not be able to give a good home to any more, but it still takes self control. There are so many and they are all so wonderful :(
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reena-solstice · 2 years ago
Long time no post! Hello! Do you guys remember me? My name's Reena! It's pronounced like Renae! I haven't posted here in so long. I have to show you guys the recording of the contest I did later.
But right now, I'm at the Pokecare Exhibition with Jazz.
[The camera is pointed at a Dunsparce laying in Reena's lap, fluttering it's wings and swaying it's clubbed tail]
I'm at the Pokebug care lecture. We're waiting for it to start! I was gonna go to the disabled one but I don't think Jazz is disabled. His tail is just really weird. Maybe I'll stop by the next one though. I'm kind of curious about it.
Are any of you guys here too? I saw some friends from school here earlier so we hung out! I think mom said she was going to teach but then she changed her mine and said, she's not sure what to really teach. ^^;
But come say hello if you guys see me and Jazz! He'd love to say hello to you and your Pokemon!
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river-among-the-stars · 2 years ago
Rotomblr hello! How long has it been since I've posted again? Sorry about that, I've been taking a break to give Victory a lot of love and care and spoiling her. She's gotten used to her wheelchair! She of course has to take it off when she's sleeping.
At the moment she's sleeping beside my chair as we wait for the Care for Disabled Pokemon lecture. Honestly, I kind of didn't expect that to be a thing? I don't know why, I just haven't seen many other people here on Rotomblr who have disabled Pokemon.
There are more people showing up too so I'm kind of glad I'm not alone in all of this. I don't regret it though. Victory's amazing and cuddly and playful and happy and I love her to death! ^_^
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eclectic-ambrosia · 2 years ago
ROTOMBLR! WHAT'S UP?! Guess where I'M at again!
[The camera pans over to four more people with Madison. Two females and two males, and they're standing in front of a shooting gallery game]
At the Exhibition with my friends! Hey hey Rotomblr, you see that boy? Who looks like the cutest nerd ever?
[The camera pans over to a teenage boy with short, dark brown wearing a somewhat Grunge style outfit]*She totally says this in a whisper* Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking, he doesn't look like a nerd but he is. He-he's a nerd. Trust me.
ANYWAY, his name's Duncan and I think I have a crush on him! Eeeee! I haven't told him yet though shhhh!
The other two are my friend from school and her boyfriend. They're trying to win stuffed animals for us, it's kind of funny. Anyway, see you guys tomorrow!
Do you think I should ask Duncan out though? *she's whispering this again*
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year ago
Back corner of the main hall where they have the spare tables and chairs and things set. I’m not sure what he’s under, but I can’t get him out! I think it’s out of his own stubbornness though.
FOUND HIM! Little bugger was in the weirdest spot! [attached is a picture of Ban shoved under something not quite discernible. Only the shape of Ban and the reflection of his eyes can be made out]
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allthebrazilianpolitics · 6 months ago
Brazil registers a general price drop in August, driven by cheaper food
Potatoes, tomatoes, and onions are among the items that have become cheaper
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Brazil saw a widespread drop in prices in August, driven by cheaper food and housing items. According to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE, in Portuguese), prices fell by 0.02%, contrary to economists’ expectations of a 0.02% rise. 
The IPCA is Brazil’s official price index and over the last 12 months, it has risen by 4.24%, with August marking the first negative month since June 2023. As a result, it remains within the government’s 2024 target of up to a 4.5% increase. 
The IBGE says that the price of food and beverages fell by 0.44% last month. Food alone contributed to a 0.09% drop in the overall IPCA, indicating that inflation would have been even lower if not for price increases in other product categories. 
Food prices at home dropped even more: 0.73%. This was due to significant decreases in the prices of potatoes (-19.04%), tomatoes (-16.89%), and onions (-16.85%). On the other hand, prices for papaya (17.58%), bananas (11.37%), and ground coffee (3.70%) rose.
Continue reading.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year ago
When Beau arrives at his booth on the 3rd a large typhlosion with a bandana, adorned with purple flames, is standing in front of it. His arms are crossed and his trainer is no where to be seen as he looks back and forth across the center. --- @moonlightshadowsrescue
“Good morning, Astro. Is something the matter?” Beau walks up, starting to get his Pokémon settled in the booth. Titan is moving around to make sure the remaining adoptable Pokémon are comfortable and that Moonpie, Dizzy, and Carys all have their beds ready.
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unown-sanctuary · 2 years ago
It's only day two, and I've already had to decline someone adoption over them clearly being only in it for getting a rare variant that's also shiny, not actually caring about the needs of the pokemon. A major red flag with people trying to adopt Unown is when they insist on calling them 'wall decals'.
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aether-foundation-pr · 1 year ago
I spent like the WHOLE day looking for this little Phantump's trainer. Apparently they weren't here for IPCAE and were just in town for other reasons lol!
- Rep Opaline
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jornale · 2 years ago
#inflacao #economia #mercado #economy #dinheiro #ipca #brasil #news #noticias #jornale
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agroemdia · 7 days ago
Queda no preço do leite perde força, e 1º bimestre de 2025 deve fechar com alta
Em dezembro de 2024, o preço do leite fechou a R$ 2,5805/litro (“Média Brasil”), queda de 2,7% em relação ao mês anterior, mas elevação de 21% frente a dezembro/23, segundo o Cepea
Natália Grigol//Do Cepea Pesquisa do Cepea mostra que o preço do leite captado em dezembro/24 fechou a R$ 2,5805/litro (“Média Brasil”), queda de 2,7% em relação ao mês anterior, mas elevação de 21% frente a dezembro/23, em termos reais (os valores foram deflacionados pelo IPCA de dezembro). Desse modo, a média de 2024 foi de R$ 2,6362/litro, 1,9% acima da verificada em 2023, também em termos…
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f5noticias · 1 month ago
Entenda o que é o bônus na conta de luz que ajudou segurar a inflação
A prévia da inflação oficial de janeiro apurada pelo Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo 15 (IPCA-15) ficou em 0,11%. O dado foi divulgado nesta sexta-feira (24) pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e representa o menor valor mensal desde julho de 2023, quando houve inflação negativa (-0,07). A taxa é também a menor para um mês de janeiro de todo o plano Real,…
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gazetadoleste · 1 month ago
IBGE afirma que prévia da inflação desacelera e fica em 0,11% em janeiro
O Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo 15 (IPCA-15), também chamado de prévia da inflação oficial, marcou neste mês de janeiro 0,11%, uma desaceleração em relação ao registrado em dezembro do ano passado (0,34%). Tal número representa o menor registro para um mês desde julho de 2023, quando houve inflação negativa de 0,07%. Além disso, é também o menor para um mês de janeiro em todo o…
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