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whatisonthemoon · 2 years ago
IOWC as Counterinsurgency
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There’s good reason to believe that the One World Crusade of the early 70s Unification Church in America was an attempt to both gather intel on anti-war groups, to hijack anti-war demonstrations, as many of their tours were coordinated with anti-war demonstrations and their events often occurred at such demonstrations or nearby, and to recruit from their fold. The government was actively trying to de-radicalize the increasingly revolutionary students and youth of the US. Many of the centers at the time were in college towns and were attempting to be friendly with leftists and anti-war organizations in deceptive ways, including hiding their religious beliefs. Many of these organizations could see through the Moonies in short time. At the time, the US government had a lot of coordinated efforts to gather intelligence on these organizations, which follow very similar tactics to the IOWC. Understanding that the UC was paid by the FBI in the 80s to spy on and sabotage the activism of El Salvador solidarity activists, it seems very probable that this was the case.
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 1 year ago
All these UC members were killed while fundraising for Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
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Sharon ____ , killed fundraising in Las Vegas in 1976. She was 21.
Denis Stride was killed while fundraising
Young Lim ______ . She was killed in a fundraising accident in 1981/82.
Japanese sister (Midori?) hit by car while fundraising in Newark, NJ
. 1980s

Young woman fundraising for the UC at a stop light in the US. She was hit by a truck and dragged some distance and died. Her body was very badly mangled. No other details known.
Chieko was murdered in 1983 while fundraising in east US (on Kiyoshi Nishi’s IOWC team.) Her parents flew from Japan for the funeral.
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▲ Chiyoko lwamoto-Drevici was killed in New Jersey in 1985.
Details discovered:
Mayumi Komatsu, 22, was raped and murdered while fundraising for the UC in California on April 5, 1985
Reader Advisory: This is a horrific story  ––>   LINK
“While traveling on IOWC I had a Japanese friend whose personality was like liquid light. She was the happiest, most loving person you could meet. I loved her so dearly. Being sleep deprived, as is the norm, she was fundraising at a light when she stepped off the curb to make her way to a customer. She was hit so hard she flew 50 feet and died instantly upon impact with the ground. No one on the team spoke of her after it happened.
I remember on MFT, one leader came and gave personal alarms to the sisters and told the MFT team leaders that sisters should be in pairs, especially after dark. Then he left and the team leaders confiscated the alarms. Isamu Saito said the alarms could be sold for money. The sisters were still sent out singly because “they could get more money that way”. We reminded Saito that his leader had given those directions, but he said “That’s God’s love but we need to make money.”
There were a good number of good-hearted, fervent, bright Japanese women raped and murdered and forgotten.”
HWDYKYM wants to honor the victims of the Unification Church
England, probably in 1982. Robert Wiggins and a French member, Bruno Marze, were killed in a van accident. They had been fundraising for the day as part of a CARP team which had a Japanese leader.
There was another CARP member who was the main driver, but he didn’t like fundraising, which is why the Japanese team leader told Robert to drive into London instead, so the other guy could be kept fundraising.
Robert was an inexperienced driver. They crashed near Luton on their way back to the Lancaster Gate HQ in London. They may have been in a hurry to get back by a certain time. There were roadworks on the stretch where the accident happened.
The CARP members seemed to have a habit of driving too fast and Robert Wiggins was not an experienced driver, so it is more likely he lost control while driving through the roadworks, rather than falling asleep. It was a head on collision with a big truck. Robert’s chest was crushed by the steering wheel and Bruno was decapitated. Joanna De Souza was thrown out of the van and left badly handicapped.
From a resident of Lancaster Gate at the time: “Bruno used to laugh a lot, and he was good at doing mimes. His Austrian wife had just had a baby, a few weeks before. Straight after the accident, Bruno’s wife went back to Austria; we made a small collection for her in Lancaster Gate. The donations came from the members themselves. I don’t think the Church gave anything.”
In Australia,  in the early 1980s, there were members of a fundraising team that came from New Zealand that died when the driver fell asleep. Also around the same time, another two Australian members were seriously injured in a car accident on MFT in Australia. – John Reed
In France there was a fundraising van accident in about 1976 where one French member, Albert Reignez, lost a leg.
There are so many parts of the global Unification Church experience that we do not know. So many young members have gone missing in Mongolia, Thailand, and the Philippines throughout the years, as well as members from other parts of the world.
Hiromi Kazuni disappeared, and was likely killed, while fundraising.
A mother dropped her children off at Jacob House, N.Y., and went to fundraise – as directed by Sun Myung Moon. Michiko Koide was killed…
Atsushi Funaki murdered while selling roses in E. Philadelphia
Hitoshi Hara was murdered on July 20, 1987 while selling roses for Sun Myung Moon’s church
Montreal girl (probably Ruthie) died fundraising for the Unification Church in 1977. She was hit by a car.

Jin-joo Byrne was raped and murdered in August 2002. 
She was just 18. She was fundraising on her own with costume jewellery in Charlotte NC. Some time later it was arranged for Hak Ja Han, on a visit to Seattle, to meet the family. She was not very sympathetic. A Korean person understood what Hak Ja Han said.
The Purity Knife – Jen Kiaba
Reinhard Jager was killed while selling roses; hit by a drunk truck driver
Eric Mahnken was killed while on a fundraising trip in 1984
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everynewsnow · 4 years ago
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला वीरता पुरस्कार प्राप्त करने के लिए म्यांमार, नेपाल, लंका और चीन की महिलाएँ
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महिला वीरता पुरस्कार प्राप्त करने के लिए म्यांमार, नेपाल, लंका और चीन की महिलाएँ
अमेरिकी विदेश विभाग ने कहा है कि म्यांमार, नेपाल, श्रीलंका और चीन की महिलाओं को न्याय, लैंगिक समानता और महिला सशक्तीकरण की वकालत करने में अ��ाधारण साहस और नेतृत्व का प्रदर्शन करने के लिए एक प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कार के लिए चुना गया है। वार्षिक इंटरनेशनल वीमेन ऑफ करेज (IWOC) पुरस्कार दुनिया भर की महिलाओं को मान्यता देता है। विभाग ने कहा कि यह अगले सप्ताह एक आभासी समारोह में पेश किया जाएगा। पहली महिला डॉ…
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estonia22 · 2 years ago
Ideen für das Euro-BBW
In den drei Tagen in Tallinn haben wir sehr viel gesehen und gehört - ein wahrer “information overload”. Wir sind recht erschöpft, aber viele der Dinge und Menschen, die wir sehen und treffen durften, waren sehr inspirierend für uns.
Im Folgenden möchten wir einige Ideen auflisten, die wir uns auch im Euro-BBW vorstellen könnten.
1. Mitarbeitergalerie im Flur
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Mitarbeitergalerie des Astangu - Namen und Gesichter aus Datenschutzgründen verwischt
Im Flur des Erdgeschosses hängt im Astangu diese Mitarbeitergalerie. Nach Abteilungen aufgeteilt kann man sich hier orientieren, wer welche Aufgabe im Hause hat. Die Abbildung der Gesichter erleichtert das Erkennen der Kolleg*innen. Sehr übersichtlich und sehr hilfreich!
Viele Mitarbeitende des Euro-BBW haben sicherlich Sorge, ihr Portrait so offen zu zeigen. Die Galerie ist aber äußerst hilfreich bei der Orientierung!
2. Sitzgelegenheiten und Beschilderung
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Überall im Astangu findet man solche Sitzgelegenheiten, die zum Gespräch oder Ausruhen einladen. Haben wir viel zu wenig!
Die Beschilderung ist auffälliger und besser zu lesen als bei uns.
3. Freiwillige aus dem Europäischen Freiwilligen-Corps
Eine junge Frau aus Porto ist derzeit als Freiwillige im Astangu beschäftigt. Sie kümmert sich vorwiegend um das Freizeitangebot. Eine tolle Lerngelegenheit für sie, und eine Bereicherung für das Astangu.
Die Website https://www.solidaritaetskorps.de/ bringt Einrichtungen und Freiwillige zusammen - sollten wir uns anschauen!
4. Motivierende Botschaften an den Wänden
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Schon im Isle of Wight College sahen wir solche Sprüche an den Wänden, und auch die Deutsche Technologieschule in Pärnu hat sie. Die Übersetzung des obigen habe ich schon wieder vergessen, aber hier sind noch ein paar Beispiele aus dem IOWC.
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Zitate von Schüler*innen an den Wänden des IOWC
5. Videos in den Ausbildungsräumen
In der Ausbildungsküche wurde vor dem Waffelbacken ein YouTube-Video gezeigt, das die Zubereitung visuell erklärte. Während des Backens konnte man sich Teile nochmals ansehen, und das Rezept wurde eingeblendet. Das fanden wir nützlich für die Teilnehmenden.
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Schon im Isle of Wight College hatten wir beobachten können, dass man dort Videos der hauseigenen Lernplattform auf Tablets ansehen konnte. Hier wurden damals den angehenden Köch*innen Schneidetechniken per Video beigebracht. Wer lernen wollte, nahm sich einfach ein Tablet und startete das Video. So kann jede*r im eigenen Tempo Fähigkeiten verbessern.
6. Jobpics in der BVB
Möglicherweise geschieht ähnliches schon längst in der BVB - aber wir wollen nochmals das Jobpics-Projekt hervorheben, in dem per Fotoauswahl eine spontane Karriereentscheidung getroffen werden kann, auf die man aufbauen kann und die gleichzeitig viel über die Neigungen der Person aussagt. Siehe dazu den betreffenden Jobpics-Artikel hier im Blog!
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7. Videospiel zur Stärkung der Arbeitskompetenzen
Auch hier hatten wir es schon in einem anderen Artikel erwähnt: Die Job-Coaches des Astangu nehmen an einem EU-Projekt teil, in dessen Verlauf ein Videospiel namens Work@ble entwickelt wurde, das Stärken und Schwächen von Spielenden in Bezug auf die Aufnahme einer Arbeitstätigkeit  erkennt und sie gleichzeitig trainiert. Das Spiel soll nächstes Jahr verfügbar sein - vielleicht können wir es nutzen!
8. Career Day
Einmal jährlich veranstaltet das Astangu einen Career Day, an dem nicht nur Arbeitgeber*innen eingeladen und Firmen der Region vorgestellt werden. Es kommen auch Ehemalige und berichten über ihren Lebensweg. Ähnliches gab es wohl schon einmal im BBW, wenn ich mich recht entsinne - vielleicht kann man hier nochmal anknüpfen.
9. Digital Resilience
Im Astangu hat man durchaus Probleme mit Mobbing - dies aber mittlerweile verlegt in die digitale Welt in Form von Cyber-Bullying.
Unseres Erachtens kann man junge Menschen mit den Problemen, die die Digitalisierung ja auch mit sich bringt, nicht alleine lassen. Im Stab Q&E gibt es schon seit längerem eine Projektidee zum Thema “Digital Resilience”. Viele junge Menschen können zwar mit dem Smartphone geschickter umgehen als manche ältere Mitarbeitende, aber zu Medienkompetenz gehört viel mehr. Das Projekt sollte daher nicht (nur) Medienkompetenz à la “Wie nutze ich Word” vermitteln, sondern vielmehr gegen die vielen Gefahren im Web wappnen. Dazu gehört Aufklärung über das Erkennen von Fake News und Hoaxes, Schutz vor Identitätsdiebstahl und Schadsoftware sowie das Thema “Big Data” und entsprechende Verhaltensempfehlungen zur Datensparsamkeit.
Sollten wir angehen - vielleicht können wir hier mit dem Astangu zusammenarbeiten!
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pianotiles · 4 years ago
Cable news has announced: Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States.
For what did America vote?Cable news has announced: Joe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States. If that's the case, what ideas won? For what, precisely, did America vote? I'm speaking, to be clear, of policy. Among those who punched the ticket for Joe and Kamala, what was the ideological demand? To generalize is to err, and it would be foolish to paint Donkey Party supporters with a broad brush. I'm focusing solely on a subset. You're well aware of them — people who evidently exclusively get their news via a laser-focused, inaccurate narrative against Trump. Concerning that particular group of voters, if Biden's the new Commander-in-Chief, what ideas won? It seems to me the answer is none. No ideas. Who has time for ideas when Satan is at the door? For the sake of the planet, I believe many Blue voters waged war at the polls, not for something, but against. They were combatting a cartoon. For the last half decade, talking heads have crafted an animated evil in the White House by perpetually passing along a portrayal of what could never have walked the earth. We were presented with the notion that a Democrat celebrity fawned over for decades as a lovable eccentric billionaire and championed in rap songs had all the while — and without notice from anyone anywhere, including close liberals and minorities — been an angry white supremacist hatemonger sent from the bowels of hell to, suddenly and without warning at 70 years old, become the 21st century's Hitler. Even as his opponents were socialists, like the Nazis. What was crafted was a character drawn with a sharpie…
http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/Clemson-v-Notr-m10 http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/Colorad-v-ucla-liv2 http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/Colorado-v-ucla-th http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/Iowa-v-Baylo-m10 http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/Oregon-v-stan-liv2 http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/Oregon-v-stan-st http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/Ruth-v-ohis-yy http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/ruth-v-ohitrm-liv2 http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/SC-v-texas-liv2 http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/south-ala-v-coast-caro-yy1 http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/South-Alabama-v-Coastal-Carolina-ggc http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/ten-v-arka-jp1 http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/tenn-v-arkan-ccj http://count.idahokidscount.org/khoka/Texas-v-scarol-m10 http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/Bay-v-iowa-liv2 http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/Bay-v-iowr-th http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/Clem-v-notra-st http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/Clemso-v-notrd-th http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/ohi-v-rotrd-th http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/Ohio-v-ruth-st http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/Stan-v-Oregon-m10 http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/Stanf-v-ore-yy http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/Texa-v-caro5 http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/Ucla-v-colora-st http://count.idahokidscount.org/fgc1v/UCLA-v-Colorado5 http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/ark-v-tennes-yy1 http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/arkansas-v-tennessee-gg http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/Bayl-v-Iowa5 http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/bayl-v-iowc-st http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/Clem-v-notrm-liv2 http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/coas-carov-south-alb-ccj http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/coasta-alab-v-coas-caro-pj http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/Notrd-v-Clems-yy http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/Ohio-v-Rutg-m10 http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/soth-carov-cosat-caro-jp1 http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/Stan-v-oregon-th http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/Tennessee-v-Arkansas-pj http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/tex-v-southc-st http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/texa-v-scar-th http://count.idahokidscount.org/dixo/ucl-v-colo-m10
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fortheweeones · 5 years ago
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heel toe dosey doe https://www.instagram.com/p/2tTrf-IowC/?igshid=icsttybchfvu
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frankbic · 5 years ago
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50cc Rock n Roll. #hondamotorcycle #hondacb50 #motorradtreffen #motorradtechnik http://motorradphilosophen https://www.instagram.com/p/B_XtJG-IoWc/?igshid=1hlimmxcff0xb
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liteforex-broker · 5 years ago
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Dollar is puzzled There are still many details unclear in the US-China trade agreement  December has been so far a positive month for financial markets. Yes, the UK hasn’t yet left the EU, and the US-China trade war hasn’t yet finished, but the most important is that the risks are gradually easing. Conservatives’ victory in the UK general election has almost removed the possibility of a no-deal Brexit, and the phase one trade agreement between the US and China has somehow relieved investors’ stress. The US administration announced they won’t pursue a new round of tariffs on $160 billion of Chinese imports set...Read full author’s opinion and review in blog of #LiteForex http://amp.gs/iOwC
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whatisonthemoon · 3 years ago
1984: On Two MFT that Died
In Memoriam Michiko Koide and Eric Mahnken
October 11, 1984 Susan Fegley Osmond
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Pictured: Michiko Koide Eric Mahnken Church members Michiko Koide and Eric Mahnken were killed on October 11, 1984, in a car accident in Pensacola, Florida. They and five other brothers and sisters, all on the Mississippi church fundraising team, had just completed a 40-day campaign and were returning home when their vehicle had a flat tire. While Eric was fixing the tire, a speeding van swerved off the highway into our vehicle, killing him instantly. The van then ricocheted into the group of members who were standing by the roadside. Michiko died several hours later; one other member suffered a broken back, and another a broken leg. The driver of the out-of-control van was also killed.
Michiko Koide was born December 16, 1948 in Chibu-Ken, Japan. She joined the Unification Church there in 1972, and was blessed in 1975 with the 1800 couples. She is survived by her husband, Masaaki Koide, and two children: a boy, Michikuni, and a girl, Sachiyo. She is remembered for her exemplary dedication, prayerfulness, sacrifice, and service. Ministers and their families in Jackson, Mississippi, remember her for her unflagging community service. To the state center, where she was the eldest member, she brought the deep-hearted, self-giving tradition of our Japanese church "mothers."
Eric Alexander Mahnken was born January 4, 1960. He joined the church in 1974 at the age of 14. He was blessed to Mary Hutchison in the Madison Square Garden blessing of 2,000 couples in 1982. He is survived by his parents, and his sisters Carla and Paula, who also joined the church. He worked in Performing Arts before he joined IOWC in March 1983. He is, fondly remembered for his warm-heartedness and friendliness. Always outgoing and vibrant, Eric did not hesitate to volunteer for difficult tasks, and he performed them with constancy and enthusiasm.
A Seunghwa Ceremony for Michiko and Eric was held October 13 in Bayou La Batre, Alabama. Michiko's body was buried there, while Eric's body was flown to New York for burial in Westchester County, where his father lives, following memorial services in New York City.
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 4 years ago
All these UC members were killed while fundraising for Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han
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– page updated May 20, 2021 –
Sharon ____ , killed fundraising in Las Vegas in 1976. She was 21.
Denis Stride was killed while fundraising
Young Lim ______ . She was killed in a fundraising accident in 1981/82.
Japanese sister (Midori?) hit by car while fundraising in Newark, NJ
. 1980s

Young woman fundraising for the UC at a stop light in the US. She was hit by a truck and dragged some distance and died. Her body was very badly mangled. No other details known.
Chieko was murdered in 1983 while fundraising in east US (on Kiyoshi Nishi’s IOWC team.) Her parents flew from Japan for the funeral.
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 ▲ Chiyoko lwamoto-Drevici was killed in New Jersey in 1985.
Details discovered:
Mayumi Komatsu, 22, was raped and murdered while fundraising for the UC in California on April 5, 1985
Reader Advisory: This is a horrific story  ––>   LINK
While traveling on IOWC I had a Japanese friend whose personality was like liquid light. She was the happiest, most loving person you could meet. I loved her so dearly. Being sleep deprived, as is the norm, she was fundraising at a light when she stepped off the curb to make her way to a customer. She was hit so hard she flew 50 feet and died instantly upon impact with the ground. No one on the team spoke of her after it happened.
I remember on MFT, one leader came and gave personal alarms to the sisters and told the MFT team leaders that sisters should be in pairs, especially after dark. Then he left and the team leaders confiscated the alarms. Isamu Saito said the alarms could be sold for money. The sisters were still sent out singly because “they could get more money that way”. We reminded Saito that his leader had given those directions, but he said “That’s God’s love but we need to make money.”
There were a good number of good-hearted, fervent, bright Japanese women raped and murdered and forgotten.
England, probably in 1982. Robert Wiggins and a French member, Bruno Marze, were killed in a van accident. They had been fundraising for the day as part of a CARP team which had a Japanese leader.
There was another CARP member who was the main driver, but he didn’t like fundraising, which is why the Japanese team leader told Robert to drive into London instead, so the other guy could be kept fundraising.
Robert was an inexperienced driver. They crashed near Luton on their way back to the Lancaster Gate HQ in London. They may have been in a hurry to get back by a certain time. There were roadworks on the stretch where the accident happened.
The CARP members seemed to have a habit of driving too fast and Robert Wiggins was not an experienced driver, so it is more likely he lost control while driving through the roadworks, rather than falling asleep. It was a head on collision with a big truck. Robert’s chest was crushed by the steering wheel and Bruno was decapitated. Joanna De Souza was thrown out of the van and left badly handicapped.
From a resident of Lancaster Gate at the time: “Bruno used to laugh a lot, and he was good at doing mimes. His Austrian wife had just had a baby, a few weeks before. Straight after the accident, Bruno’s wife went back to Austria; we made a small collection for her in Lancaster Gate. The donations came from the members themselves. I don’t think the Church gave anything.”
In Australia, in the early 1980s, there were members of a fundraising team that came from New Zealand that died when the driver fell asleep. Also around the same time, another two Australian members were seriously injured in a car accident on MFT in Australia. – John Reed
In France there was a fundraising van accident in about 1976 where one French member, Albert Reignez, lost a leg.
There are so many parts of the global Unification Church experience that we do not know. So many young members have gone missing in Mongolia, Thailand, and the Philippines throughout the years, as well as members from other parts of the world.
Hiromi Kazuni disappeared, and was likely killed, while fundraising.
A mother dropped her children off at Jacob House, N.Y., and went to fundraise – as directed by Sun Myung Moon. Michiko Koide was killed…
Atsushi Funaki murdered while selling roses in E. Philadelphia
Hitoshi Hara was murdered on July 20, 1987 while selling roses for Sun Myung Moon’s church
Montreal girl (probably Ruthie) died fundraising for the Unification Church in 1977. She was hit by a car.

Jin-joo Byrne was raped and murdered in August 2002. 
She was just 18. She was fundraising on her own with costume jewellery in Charlotte NC. Some time later it was arranged for Hak Ja Han, on a visit to Seattle, to meet the family. She was not very sympathetic. A Korean person understood what Hak Ja Han said.
The Purity Knife – Jen Kiaba
Reinhard Jager was killed while selling roses; hit by a drunk truck driver
Eric Mahnken was killed while on a fundraising trip in 1984
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whatisonthemoonarchive · 8 years ago
Peter Brown’s IOWC team - The fundraising testimony I gave over and over:
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wight2017 · 7 years ago
Let's dance
Heute am Vormittag waren wir mit Michelle und Paul vom Student Service verabredet. Michelle ist Head of Student Advocacy and Safeguarding, Paul ist ihr Vorgesetzter und kennt sogar unsere Vermieter. Der Student Service im IOWC ist eine Art "begleitender Sozialdienst", bei uns vergleichbar mit einer Mischung aus Fachdienst und Reha-Verwaltung. Hier auf der Insel geht die Schere zwischen Armen und Reichen immer weiter auseinander, viele sind arbeitslos und sozial benachteiligt. Der Student Service beschaeftigt sich mit den daraus resultierenden Problemen, wie z. B. finanzielle Angelegenheiten der Students, Fahrkarten, Essensgeld etc.und betreuen diese waehrend der gesamten Zeit am College. Sie arbeiten mit den Eltern bzw. den Pflegefamilien oder auch Kinderheimen zusammen und achten besonders darauf, dass das Gesetz z. B. Kinderschutz eingehalten wird. Ueber die Datenbank e-Tracker haben sie eine genaue und aktuelle Uebersicht ueber alle Anwesenheiten, Fehlzeiten und Vorkommnisse. Es war fuer uns ein durchaus anspruchsvolles Gespraech und wegen der Komplexitaet nicht immer so ganz leicht zu verstehen.
Am Nachmittag durften wir wieder eine Gruppe des Bereiches "Pathways" besuchen. Der Unterricht mit Liz findet immer nur Donnerstagsnachmittags statt und beginnt deshalb erst einmal mit einer News-Runde. Die Schuelerin J. ist heute an der Reihe, die News-Runde zu leiten. Jede/r erzaehlt, was er/sie seit der letzten Unterrichtsstunde erlebt hat, bevor das Warm-up beginnt. Nach Liz' Anleitung wurden einfache gymnastische Uebungen durchgefuehrt, bei denen es hauptsaechlich um Koerperwahrnehmung, Aufmerksamkeit und gegenseitige Ruecksichtnahme ging. Auch unsere alten Knochen wurden auf diese Weise mal wieder beansprucht :-) Weiter ging es mit einer einstudierten Tanzdarbietung mit Hut und Stock. Bemerkenswert war, dass die Schueler/innen ihre Rolle mit Stolz, Freude und einem tollen Ausdruck vorfuehrten. Zum Ende der Stunde wurde ein neuer Tanz auf das Lied "I like to be in America" (West Side Story) einstudiert, bei dem wir wieder mitmachen durften.
Am Abend waren wir mit Pat und Isabel zum Abschlussessen im Restaurant des Colleges verabredet. Schon beim Eintreten hatten wir das Gefuehl, voellig underdressed zu sein. Der Service war im feinen Zwirn gekleidet und alles war sehr gediegen. Es erwartete uns ein spanisches Menue, das von den Azubis selbst in der Kueche zubereitet wurde. Das Essen war koestlich und wir hatten einen sehr netten gemeinsamen Abend, wo wir die letzten beiden Wochen mit Pat und Isabel noch einmal Revue passieren liessen. Zum kroenenden Abschluss wurden uns noch unsere Zertifikate ueberreicht.    
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pathwaysintoinsanity · 8 years ago
Feeling frustrated with people who wish we could "go back" to Obama & who think things would have been just fine "with Hillary." Here's why neither of them (much less the current guy) were good for America.
Let's review our recent history...
Under Clinton (Bill) we saw the explosion of Monsanto's criminal activities across the globe, the ongoing global warming behaviors which have gotten us to where we are, the set up for mass incarceration of minorities (the new Jim Crow), the elimination of the law which protected our country from out-of-control investment banking (setting the stage for the economic collapse of 2000 and 2008)...
Under Bush Jr. we saw the absolute hoodwinking of the American People with the Iraqi War for Oil & HUGE military base grab in the middle east and the BLIND EYE or the actual firing of those who spoke up about the incoming economic collapse of 2008...
Under Obama we immediately saw our nation pillaged with a "welfare bill for the wealth class" (bank bailout), massive military increases (drones, spying/NSA), the greatest number of persecuted whistle blowers in American History (Obama persecuted more loyal Americans who spoke up than ALL the previous presidents combined), the soft handling of the Gulf Oil Spill (where the media was given permission or ordered to limit images to palatable ones - only oil soaked birds were allowed on American television: no turtles, dolphins, whales or other animals Americans are considered to be soft-hearted about), the LIE that we would increase our energy independence by sourcing local resources (Go Fracking! Yeah Oil Drilling in the Arctic! Who cares about oil spills in rivers?) which got people to believe it was a good idea (OMG) to approve a massive oil extraction network of pipelines......only to THEN, after the lines were approved, eliminate the law which blocked the export of raw, crude to other nations......so, that oil that was supposed to help us get out of oil wars elsewhere is not for that purpose at all (it is to allow the wealth class to make money the only way they know how - resource extraction).
Not to mention. Obama was VERY friendly to Big Pharma - placing industry insiders into key regulatory positions right and left. AND HE WAS THE MAJOR PROPONENT OF THE TPP ALONG WITH CLINTON!!!!!
Friendly to people, the environment, and labor...he...was...not.
And then, to top it off, he presided over the most corrupt Democratic Party Primary we've ever seen, which set out to ensure that Hillary Clinton was the candidate (no matter the actual will of the people, or how popular and likely to win Bernie Sanders might be) because the desires of the people don't matter to the wealth class -- and don't you know, the Democratic Party IS a tool of the wealth class?!
So, we are here, in a huge shit-fest with Trump and only a corrupt Democratic Party as our possible ally to defeat the wealth class Trump represents (only, the wealth class will not really go up against it's wealth class brethren).....and I've got people telling me, "It would have been better with Hillary."
What about our national and planetary peril doesn't spell it out for these people? Trump is the RESULT of the problem.
The Problem HAS BEEN HERE in the shape of Obama, Bush, Clinton & Clinton...as the puppets and servants of an extremely small, extremely immoral, extremely self-centered, extremely short-sighted, extremely arrogant, extremely war-oriented, extremely uncaring International Oligarchical Wealth Class....which has loyalty to NO country. Only to themselves, their wealth, and their power.
So. Now is not the time for "Hillary would have been better" thinking. Now is the time for "Hillary would have been not quite as bad, but she was still a continuation of the planet-destroying IOWC's control of our nation."
Our country would have stood up, under Bernie Sanders, and said, "Let's change things, fix things, and let's do it for all of us, in a hurry."
Because the "status quo" is what's killing us. Not Trump.
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mysticbaconslice · 10 years ago
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etitaverefuit · 10 years ago
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Serate tutte uguali
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 5 years ago
FFWPU children sent to orphanages in Korea – and mothers sent away in the US
Frank Frivilous [pseudonym]:
“Although Sun Myung Moon has his own peculiar interpretation of biblical stories, they only tend to serve his own interests and not that of their stated purpose. Restoration through indemnity as prescribed in Adam’s family in the Divine Principle quickly gets abused – as we see in the high numbers of disaffected church members. Then there is the shameful way that Moon treats his own illegitimate children. In the following testimonial and speech by Moon, he acknowledges that some members have resorted to sending their children to orphanages.”
Here are the quotes:
Sun Myung Moon, July 14, 2002, East Garden, Irvington, NY “In 1970, I mobilized wives for three years. That was the second such mobilization, and I said that the third mobilization would come. ... In the 1960s those unmarried girls received the blessing. Later they stood up for another mobilization. They did not have enough space for their babies. They asked their relatives to take care of their children, and even left them in orphanages, and all blessed wives went to a public mission. The family foundation was offered up, and the households were so miserable, and it was done in order to save the nation. It was a three-year course. Each blessed couple has to prepare to do this.”
“On hearing my teachings, she [Yun-yeong Yang] temporarily lodged her two children in an orphanage, so determined was she to follow this way. History and Heaven will remember her for that.”
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▲ Yun-yeong Yang 梁允永 was professor of music at Ewha Womans University in Seoul in 1955. She later left Moon and the UC, as did Ewha Professor Chung-hwa Han 韓忠嬅 who joined at around the same time.
The early members who gave up their children to follow Moon are legendary – but was it principled? Did they do so voluntarily, or was it required by Moon? What is being restored by rejecting these “Abel” children? This can only be interpreted as a failure by those who believe they are in Abel position. A contradiction of one of Moon’s most important teachings and the pattern that is well established by the man himself. If the members cannot even care for their own children, it is highly unlikely that they will be able to serve and win over their “Cain” recruits. This was borne out repeatedly in church history, including some of Moon’s own key followers.
This can only be explained as an expression of extreme narcissism.
Frank Frivilous
Linda Feher responds:
Yes Frank, you are correct. But don’t forget that it wasn’t only demanded of earlier members. I know so many “sisters” who joined the FFWPU and were told they had to “sacrifice” their “blessed” children in order to “save” the “Cain” children of the world. So they abandoned their children and went out to fundraise and witness for Moon. (The purpose of witnessing was to bring in more fundraisers.)
Also, when the marching orders came for all sisters all over the world to leave their blessed children to join the IOWC (International One World Crusade) teams and travel all over the USA, I witnessed much suffering and tears.
When I asked some who I saw suffering and crying the most why they didn’t just stay home with their children I was told, that they were told, “If you don’t sacrifice your blesses children Satan will attack them”. To me that is spiritual terrorism. They left their children and joined mobile IOWC teams because they were threatened with harm to their children. It makes my blood boil! That kind of spiritual threat always has been the modus operandi of Moon and his style of leadership.
Full definition of Modus Operandi: a method of procedure; especially: a distinct pattern or method of operation that indicates or suggests the work of a single criminal in more than one crime…
Moon convinced the leaders that Satan will attack us if we didn’t follow his every whim, they believed him and then learned from Moon to use that same form of spiritual terrorism to control our every thought, feeling and action.
One sister on my IOWC team left to visit her husband to start their family. During the 3 day ceremony she got pregnant. She was told that she was not supposed to get pregnant during her 3 day ceremony. That it was “bad luck” and that her child would be invaded by Satan. I watched her cry day in and day out on the IOWC team because she was made to fear for her unborn child’s life. That kind of teaching/belief is evil and sickening.
Living on the IOWC team was like living at a funeral 24/7 because so many sisters were hurting over the fact that they had left their children for what was an UNSPECIFIED time period. We had to move to a new city every 21 days, never knowing how many years we would have to serve on IOWC teams. Even that fact, never knowing how long we’d have to be on IOWC traveling teams was a form of spiritual terrorism. Would it be months, years? No one knew and so we were always kept in an emotionally unstable frame of mind.
Moon was a hater of the family and a spiritual blackmailer.
How many couples and how many children have suffered because he terrified them into abandoning their families in order to serve him and his insatiable appetite for power and wealth?
Linda Feher
reposted from WIOTM
Moon instructed: “Whenever the Blessed couples have children, as soon as the child become 100 days old, they will put him in the nursery school.”
Why love matters – book by Sue Gerhardt
“Children … taken from the parents and placed in nurseries for three years,” Margie Laflin.
Another mother, Shin-hee Eu, gives her testimony
VIDEO: Eu Shin-hee spoke on Japanese TV, and her son, Gap Yoon-gil, was also interviewed about being sent to an orphanage.
What was the qualification of Sun Myung Moon among 70 other Korean messiahs?
“I see only a tiny version of myself, seated on the bare floor, encircled by darkness.” – Nansook Hong
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