#iorveth & interactions
mischiefxmuses · 11 months
hwevent16: Open Starter @hiddenstarters
prompt: Characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud.
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Iorveth was glad he had the weapons he needed so far, his bow and arrows and his sniper along with his knives. He was ready for anything. Except mud, being almost completely stuck. But he could see an individual stuck a bit deeper and further in. He held out the hilt of his gun towards them. "Grab hold. I'll see if I can pull you out." He was trying to be helpful. He was not a bad individual just misunderstood.
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bcrncoldx · 3 months
@mischiefxmuses (iorveth)
The tree canopy provided a welcome respite from the heat of the summer sun. "We might see some interesting birds on our way down the the equestrian centre." It was certainly what Alfred was more excited about that than the horse riding. But he had always had an interest in birds, so that was to be expected.
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papcrrings-arch · 9 months
Closed Starter : Guinevere & Iorveth ( @mischiefxmuses )
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"It's the strangest thing," Guinevere said, "I have this memory of riding horses and walking through a castle but I've never left this city and I've never ridden a horse. They feel so real but they can't be, right?"
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tragcdysewn · 5 months
closed starter for iorveth!! ( @mischiefxmuses )
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she can't bring herself to be bothered by the chaos, when it's really nothing that she hasn't done before. "people are so loud about this sort of thing, they always scream, even when there's no reason to just yet."
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irresistiibles · 5 months
@mischiefxmuses / iorveth & jonathan event starter
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jonathan jumped, hearing someone nearby. despite the fact that he knew things were dangerous they had ventured outside, wanting to know what was going on. that didn't mean he felt safe or confident. "hello." he said nervously. "i didn't see a lot of people walking around. i was pretty sure everyone was trying to avoid getting murdered, or be stealthy about murdering someone." and hopefully that wasn't what the man was here to do. though jon had a knife it wasn't like he had ever actually used it.
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misteriios · 1 year
@mischiefxmuses 𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗲𝗱: “I’m sure you’re doing fine.” - Iorveth to Cheryl
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cheryl coughed, held up a finger in the air ❝ excuse... ❞ paused, frowned as she continued to speak ❝ i am? how are you sure. have you tried this drink? it tastes like, i can't describe the taste ❞ eyebrows raised ❝ i don't know if it's disgusting or not ❞
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essskel · 2 years
if (and hopefully/probably when) Iorveth comes back I think i’d actually prefer that his conflict be with Ves if it came down to any specific person. Like Roche is such old news in the game storyline and he got his ending in a semi-truce with Nilfgaard.
but Ves has so much of her life before her and stands to direct the future values and operations of the Temerian military in a more active sense than an aging Roche. I’d just love to see how she internalizes Roche’s teachings, and if she’d be able to finally break the cycle and begin to repay Iorveth and the Elves through her own service, or if she’d succumb to the environment that raised her and become another member of the ‘dying species’ that Iorveth has to laugh at as it withers away
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wvsteria · 1 year
@mischiefxmuses​: ❛  you insist that the weight of the world should be on your shoulders.  ❜ - Iorveth to Padme
padme lightly shook her head. it was a true statement, but she couldn’t fathom how to not be that way. “it is, isn’t it?” she questioned lightly. things had been so intense with her family and padme just felt nothing but useless to it all. only having to watch the chaos unfold and hopefully catch anyone that gets hurts in the process. it made her sick to her stomach not being able to do much.
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nightwhispcrs · 1 year
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shego was practically skipping down the aisle of the store . as she did so , she reached forward and picked up an item here and there , slipping it into her purse . surely with all the mass carnage going on around town , no one would notice a few things out of place . / closed event starter for @mischiefmuses ( shego & iorveth )
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empathiie · 1 year
@mischiefxmuses | Cassian & Iorveth.
Perhaps he shouldn't have been going to bars, but he found he almost liked them better than clubs. Clubs involved too much dancing for his taste, and he always seemed to meet up with people from dating apps at clubs -- that's where people wanted to go, to dance. He wasn't a good dancer. He lacked the rhythm, he thought. Bars were more laid back, except with the occasional fight. Cassian tried to stay away from the drama, but sometimes got roped in, unintentionally. He swore tonight would not be one of those nights. He would keep to himself. He hoped he would keep to himself, but someone was staring at him, so he decided to look back at them. "What is it?" He asks, "I didn't spill my beer, did I?"
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purelybilateral · 1 year
Continued from here. ( @mischiefxmuses )
Elliot felt the other was being a bit cocky, the reminder of someone still fresh in his mind. “That’s true.” He agreed. He’d hated many things and ended up changing them with the help of fsociety. “If you really put your mind and effort into it, nothing should be able to stop you.”
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mischiefxmuses · 5 months
event random starter - Allegra x Iorveth ( @rcvcrics )
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It didn't seem that peace was a thing. Having just admitted his feelings to Lexi and being open about his past now it seemed the city was being thrown into chaos again. He wasn't sure what to do, he needed to find Lexi. He had been standing in a pretty secluded area to make a game plan about finding Lexi when someone was coming towards him. "That is close enough thank you." He raised his hand, not willing to risk getting close to a stranger when people seemed to be dropping again.
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lunarbreaksblog · 6 months
The Witcher x Witch!F!Healer!reader
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Geralt of Rivia
He wasn't going to go near you, never trusted witches really but like he never trusted them, he was compelled to you like a moth to a light.
When he saw that you could heal people, he knew you were a rare being. Witches never dabbled in health and healing. But you did.
He asks you why, you simply say that you wish to help people. This is the start a grand friendship between you and the Witcher. You help him and he helps you.
You always laughed at his dry jokes. You didn't have much company really, you were shy and kept to yourself. Knew to keep yourself away from the village near by
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Becomes quite jealous of you when Geralt talks of you to her, she felt that you were going to manipulate or take Geralt away from her.
However, those assumptions quickly diminish when she sees you. Then to hear that you are a healer that makes you quite a rare thing to be treasured in the continent.
She decides that she'll take you under her wing, not to teach magic but to teach you how to handle yourself since she could see that you were bad at human interaction.
You would be dead if you had to be a royal mage to a king.
Maybe she'll ask Geralt if they could both take you to bed. She just knows you'll be even more beautiful.
Triss merigold
Absolutely adores you! She's only seen a handful of healers in her life so far. You, though, are the most greatest healer so far.
You have compassion which is suprisely rare for healers.
Her and you get along quite well. You too have regular meet ups to talk about everything that's going on in the continent. She helps you also get better at your people skills.
He's not one known to be gentle with humans, especially magic wielding humans. In his lifetime, all magic wielders have been egotistical. However, you are different.
It agitates him to no end to see you healing his troops, he feels like his manipulating you but he can't shake off the feeling that maybe you are the one manipulating him actually.
It's kinda like a one-sided angry staring match and with you being very uncomfortable.
Vernon roche
Like Iorveth, he doesn't trust you at first but after you make him some herbal tea that reluctantly drank thanks to Ves. He eases up on you.
Somehow you made his back not have that ache that's been bothering him for a while.
Starts looking out for you and just generally helps you when you need it
You've wormed yourself into his heart but he won't show it
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astrahannah · 3 months
Broke (me until a few days ago): Siegvinn is just Rorveth with a dash of religious guilt
Woke (me now): Maybe on surface. Really, Siegvinn is nothing like Rorveth
If you care about my rambling about a ship that I like too much for it having no freaking foundation (I mean they never talked IIRC), sorta about Rorveth, and comparison of the two, you can see below (spoilers for the first Witcher game and for the second (those being more minor, I didn't finish it yet))
Like, the similarities are obvious - on one side, a member of the Scoia'tael, on the other, an member of a faction opposing it. The representatives of the two sides Geralt can choose, them standing directly against each other.
Iorveth seems to have respect for Yaevinn (even if he finds him an idealist) and Roche and Siegfried seem to respect each other (based on the interaction in front of Loc Muinne).
But their attitudes towards their rival are so much different.
Roche and Iorveth are so much more intense. They are directly angered by the other's existence, want the other dead, they throw insults at each other... There's genuine hatred there. Sure, their factions are still important, but it's really personal.
Yaevinn and Siegfried? No personal vendetta Iorveth and Roche have. Like I said, they never talk on-screen. They've fought off-screen, but just as a part of their faction. Not even directly against one another, I think. It's not about Yaevinn for Siegfried, or vice versa. (it would make no sense vice versa, after all. Yaevinn is the leader of Wizima's Scoia'tael in the games, while Siegfried is just a run-of-the-mill member of the Order - that potentially changing at the very end of the game, only if Geralt takes the Order path) The most close they've gotten is standing next to each other as illusions on Geralt's path to fight de Aldersberg if he goes neutral.
Rorveth would be the more typical enemies-to-lovers story. They hate each other, but one day, it hits them that the line between love and hate is thin, and that they are feeling some desire for the other. Not even love at first, maybe. I think they could grow to love one other, but there'd be a good enemies-with-benefits stage between that.
That wouldn't happen with Siegvinn. They just don't feel that for each other. There's no intense hate to grow into something else. They hate the groups the other belongs to, not each other. They'd have to meet first, gain a personal connection, but even then, I don't think they could be like Iorveth and Roche. Their personalities just aren't like that. I've gone on the Order path (well, neutral till the hospital bank (edit - I forgot what the spot was, where you couldn't stay neutral. dunno why I thought it's a hospital) ordeal) and on Roche's path (but tbh I'm mainly on it bcs I wanted to meet Siegfried - my favorite character - on friendly terms. If not for that, I'd probably be on Iorveth's), so I mainly know how Roche and Siegfried differ, but I know Iorveth and Yaevinn are different too.
If a relationship was to grow between Yaevinn and Siegfried - now, I'll be taking inspiration from the two fics for it on ao3, but I think they have a point - it couldn't be through an intense tension turned lustful (even if we ignore Siegfried's vow of celibacy). It could be rather from feelings fostered through occasional wandering thoughts on the battlefield growing into some sort of a infatuation, that's not really sexual in nature, or - and this is my thought - I think it could most potentially happen with some sort of a truce happening between the Order and Scoia'tael in Vizima, with the two forced to negotiate instead of fighting, getting to know each other and starting to see the other as more than the stereotype of a Scoia'tael member/Order of the Flaming Rose member they have build in their heads.
Not that it's in allignment with canon, since Grandmaster Siegfried (important enough to negotiate with the opposing leader) and alive Yaevinn can't coexist. But the two as a couple aren't in any allignment with canon anyway.
They'd, of course, also be devastated to learn they're in love with the other, but for other reasons than Rorveth. With Rorveth, their "factions", as I've called it, would also play a role, but I feel like the personal would be the main source of the anguish. With Siegvinn, it's about the factions, and not hatred towards the other, but these feelings igniting a hate for themselves.
Siegfried vowed to help humans, loving a member of the Scoia'tael goes against that, and more importantly, vowed to be celibate. Loving, wanting at all goes against that. And I think he'd be horrified at it being a man, at that. As far as I know, being queer generally isn't illegal in the Witcher world, but it is frowned upon, especially in lower classes (if I recall right? feel free to correct me on that), and I think Siegfried couldn't really "afford" to be gay openly.
A paradox is that despite me saying this, I usually write his homosexuality as a side issue, with me writing a oneshot where he's actually semi-open about it, before his relationship with anyone (not published, none of my Witcher fics are)
Yaevinn, on the other hand, is rumored to having his lover killed by the Order. (at least the Witcher wiki says so, I never heard it in-game, but I'll believe it) In which case, he'd most likely feel awful for loving someone from the Order. I imagine it would make it even more like a betrayal than it already did, then loving a human would.
Both of them would try to repress these feelings, hating the fact they feel them, feeling like traitors to their cause, but with next to no hate towards the other man himself. Unlike Roche and Iorweth, who hate each other, Siegfried and Yaevinn hate what the other symbolizes.
And if they didn't manage to repress those feelings, I feel like it'd be less enemies to lovers, but forbidden love/star-crossed lovers sort of thing.
Which really summarizes it all. Rorweth - personal hate, enemis to lovers, Siegvinn - not personal, it's the fractions, forbidden love were the relationship to happen. That's what I've been running into the ground here.
Another difference is that Rorweth has more canon base, but that's a whole another thing. I honestly hope that they at least have Siegfried and Yaevinn interact in the planned remake. I don't want them to have a Roche/Iorweth sort of relationship, but I'd like to see them talk.
Really, there's this Rorveth fanart I have to thank here (https://www.tumblr.com/abi-kamikakushi/655332732248948736/rivals-for-witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo?source=share), without it, displaying Siegfried and Yaevinn having a discussion while the other two pairs fight (well, questionably for Rorveth), I wouldn't have had thought of this. And, it was cool to realize (and kinda embarrasing I didn't sooner) and think about, so I'm glad.
And I'm glad for anyone who managed to read this down to here, especially considering I've never seen a Siegvinn post on tumblr (the ship is not even called that! I made the name up, only I call it that. I never saw anyone else give it a name) and it has three fics on ao3 (one being a translation of one of the other two, so, technically, two fics). So, yeah, thanks if you got here, I'll cut it here😅
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irresistiibles · 1 year
@mischiefxmuses asked: “I can’t comment.” - Iorveth to Pearl
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"can't comment on human problems? well, i suppose they should be confusing to just about everyone." though it was less of a response than she expected when she went and rambled on about short lives and the time wasted being stuck here in this city. "it's not a personal concern of mine anyway, just a lingering thought." and she had all the time in the world to just sit and think here.
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greenapplespider · 4 months
Roche doesn't care about iorveth. In the problems of Temeria, this elf is a useless fly.
hurt/comfort fic would be much better for Roche/Ciri. (Ciri is his empress or the daughter of a good friend, he risked his life for her)
Marina, all these interactions do is push me closer and closer to taking on another creative project. I’m already writing one fan comic, an original comic, a long form Naruto fanfic, and my graphic novel. I’m almost at the point where I’m gonna start writing/illustrating the aforementioned Iorveth/Roche whump fic 🤷‍♀️ you’re gonna push me to do it I swear
(Although in real life not until I’m done with my Lambert comic :p)
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