#ionosphere X
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8 ans!
8 longues années Professeur, a faire et a refaire, a voir et a revoir, a décider que c'est cela puis que il y matière a continuer, car comme je l'ai dit rien ne me prédisposait depuis le dessin que j'ai abandonné après mes années de lycée, a part des gribouillages sur des calepins pendant des formations professionnelles ennuyantes, a réaliser un tel navire
Un travail que modestement je peux qualifier de minutieux, de progrès graduel pour arriver a notre dernière version
3D2 qui est la suite de notre version 3D1, soit notre deuxième voir troisième version du Cuba Libre puisque l'on peut considérer que 3D0 a existé a un moment donné, tandis que 3D2 n'est en elle même que le point de départ de 3D3
3D3 vise la réalisation en 3D du Cuba Libre, un modèle exploitable a des fins d'engineering pour sa fabrication
Quel est votre sentiment?
C'est cette photographie Professeur que nous voyons la qui me fait réaliser a présent qu'au dela de l'idée du Cuba Libre, de réaliser un soumarin afin de faire le tour du monde se projette une idée bien plus vaste et plus éminente
Qui est celle de la découverte de notre monde et de la rencontre de l'autre, qui est un petit monde bien qu'il nous paraisse grand, et qui est riche de la diversité des ses cultures et de ses peuples
Qu'en définitive le Cuba Libre est un moyen et non une fin en lui même, ce qui est pour moi une réalisation tout a fait surprenante que ce navire qui a été une fin pendant ces 8 années finalement se révèle être un moyen
Mais quel moyen!
Il est tout simplement hors norme Professeur, et je suis tout a fait curieux de savoir si nos futurs ingénieurs vont arriver a lui conserver ces espaces que l'on voit la en terme de superficie, bien que j'estime qu'ils seront de 8 a 10% moindres afin d'implémenter la structure intérieure du navire, les cloisons et séparations, porteuses ou non porteuses
Egalement il est peut être injuste de dire qu'il n'est qu'un moyen et cela est propre aux soumarins qui a quelques dizaines d'encablures sous les mers deviennent leur propre monde, et c'est cela aussi l'idée, la proposition faite a la CCL, non pas de fuire le monde mais de construire un monde dans le monde, plus petit certes mais tout semble y être, loin de tout, c'est nécessaire parfois ou souvent
Que pensez vous qui pourra décider les différents candidats a devenir membres de la CCL?
En premier lieu leur enthousiasme pour l'idée, en second la conviction chiffres a l'appui qu'il s'agit d'un investissement humain et financier viable et non pas de voir la chose comme jeter des mille et des cents dans un soumarin a l'encontre de toute logique, en dernier lieu vouloir réellement faire partie de la communauté solidaire qu'est la CCL qui a ses objectifs, ses buts et son fonctionnement
Comment imaginez vous votre première rencontre avec ces candidats?
Ah cela c'est le travail de la petite équipe de Moulinsart, car nous aurons besoin Professeur d'un modèle réduit du Cuba Libre qui doit absolument être disposé aux regards de tous en plein milieu de cette grande table de réunion
Le soumarin qui est l'objet de la CCL, et le challenge d'en faire une affaire qui tourne pour tous les membres de la CCL
Oui il y a le soumarin, et ce voyage autour du monde, qui deviennent possible avec l'investissement et de Bombardier et de la CCL, et de la CCL, au dela la CCL a des projets pour consolider sa rentabilité, des restaurants, et le site de La Rochelle qui doit fonctionner comme musée dédié a la mer, et aux soumarins
Nos candidats doivent être indépendants financièrement, a parts nos passagers emplois solidaires, et doivent et c'est la l'objet même de ces réunions être convaincus que c'est la chose a faire pour eux, leur engagement doit être mûrement réfléchi et sans l'ombre d'un doute ou hésitation quant au succès de notre entreprise, convaincus par eux mêmes et par tout ce qu'on pourra mettre sur papier comme chiffres et études
Notre première préoccupation lors de la formation de la CCL est cet aspect, critique, de ne pas former la CCL avec des membres qui hésitent et qui peuvent changer d'avis par la suite
Pendant 8 ans j'ai porté ce projet sans aucun retour financier en prenant sur mon temps libre et mes weekends, je ne demande a personne d'en faire pareil mais on doit le savoir, qu'il s'agit d'un engagement avant toute chose
Les apports a la CCL pourront etre financiers, en industrie, ou mixtes financiers et en industrie, maintenant je le dit en toute transparence, la CCL et l'équipage embarqué Bombardier travaillent a bord du Cuba Libre, le voyage autour du monde nous permet de changer de cadre pendant que l'on travaille, avec un seuil de productivité attendu, par tous a la CCL, nous sommes réellement une entreprise avec des charges et une rentabilité a atteindre
Et donc personne ne se tourne les pouces a bord du Cuba Libre Professeur, nous travaillons tous a réaliser les buts et objectifs de la CCL, a part peut être nos membres VIP dont l'apport financier est en conséquence, qui veulent simplement profiter du voyage ou bien travailler sur leurs projets personnels
Et même la cette question d'apport financier reste tributaire de ce que tel ou tel membre pourra apporter de plus en valeur ajoutée a la CCL outre l'aspect financier, et ils participent aux corvées a bord comme tout le monde
Alors c'est intéressant cet aspect d'entreprise, très intéressant, toute entreprise a un objet, ou plusieurs, quels sont les objets de la CCL?
Nous souhaitons réaliser ce navire, dont l'exploitation est commune et qui fonctionne également comme navire de representation pour Bombardier a travers le monde
Daccord, et?
Nous souhaitons ouvrir différents restaurants à travers le monde, plus d'une quinzaine, nous en avions prévu 17 si mes souvenirs sont bons, et jusqu'à une vingtaine au total, en réaliser une dizaine lors de notre voyage serait déjà un exploit, ensuite nous pouvons être partis pour un an et demi, voir deux
Oui, et?
Nous souhaitons développer le site de La Rochelle pour qu'il fonctionne comme musée dédié a la mer et aux soumarins
Bien! C'est clair et conçis, et sur le long terme?
Eventuellement nous souhaitons réaliser un navire plus conséquent en taille le Cuba Libre II, qui est un navire purement commercial pour une activité de tourisme balnéaire, avec un si
Si la CCL décide de s'engager dans ce projet, pragmatiquement je pense que de réaliser le Cuba Libre sera déjà un exploit et que nos membres souhaiterons rentabiliser leurs investissements avant toute chose
Et donc peut etre, si le Cuba Libre les restaurants et La Rochelle tournent bien, dans 20, 25 ans
Vous aviez mentionné les Maison d'Amis Bombardier et les Résidences Bombardier?
Vous avez bien fait de me le rappeller, nous souhaitons développer cela aussi avec nos restaurants puisqu'il s'agit de visiter et de prospecter des sites pendant nos voyages
Et c'est rémunéré par Bombardier?
Cela devrait c'est du travail, d'autre part la CCL peut prendre une participation dans le réseau Maison d'Amis, Concernant les Résidences Bombardier nous n'en avons pas prévu d'en lancer beaucoup a date pendant le voyage, Rabat serait construite au préalable
Donc uniquement La Havane, pour laquelle nous avons déjà un site, l'ancienne ambassade des Etats Unis
Réussir le doublé restaurant Maison d'Amis me parait tout a fait pertinent pendant ce voyage Professeur
Et de le réussir 10 fois de suite!
Mais cela a un coût supplémentaire qui n'est pas négligeable?
Et c'est la que l'on en revient Professeur a une logique d'entreprise qui investit dans des projets viables, et qui a la capacité de lever des fonds pour les financer
Les lever au préalable?
Oui effectivement, 20 restaurants on va être a tant, et souvent procéder par rachat
Bon mais il faudra rembourser ces fonds?
Absolument, et la question du remboursement ne se pose pas pour des restaurants qui tournent bien, la vraie question c'est de ne pas les racheter trop cher, et aussi de trouver des établissements qui cadrent avec l'image de marque de la CCL
Vous avez un comptable a Moulinsart n'est ce pas?
Bravo Professeur, un Monsieur ou une Dame, retraité sans doute, et qui a la magie des chiffres et de la rentabilité au bout des doigts, car nous n'allons rien improviser nous allons budgétiser pour réaliser ces divers investissements, avec une partie en fonds propres et une autre sous forme d'appel a capitaux
Et non pas d'emprunt?
Non pas d'emprunts, on recherche des investisseurs que l'on va repayer avec profits sur nos bénéfices, il ne s'agit pas de payer des intérêts à une banque la CCL procède autrement, nos membres travaillent sereinement sans crédit à rembourser
Vous avez oublié les Confitures Bonne Maman!
C'est vrai cela, racheter les Confitures Bonne Maman fait partie de nos projets Professeur, des confitures traditionnelles, vous avez bien fait de me le rappeler
Hé bien je vous remercie pour ce tour d'horizon a l'occasion de ces 8 ans!
Avec plaisir Professeur, l’intérêt de BCS par rapport au Cuba Libre est qu'il ne s'agissait pas uniquement de dessiner ou de concevoir un soumarin, mais également de le construire et pour cela biensur en assurer la rentabilité pour une communauté qui est la CCL, ainsi que pour Bombardier qui est associé perenement a ce projet au delà de son rôle de constructeur
Ah! A propos, certains disent que les frais de représentation pour Bombardier sont trop bas pour un navire de cette taille et effectif a l'année?
Oui et non Professeur, il est indubitable que Bombardier rend possible ce projet en prenant 60% des parts, également en versant les frais pour son personnel embarqué et bureaux, donc nous ne pouvons ajouter aux frais pour Bombardier qui doit s'y retrouver aussi, par contre nous pouvons les intéresser a notre projet pour les Maisons d'Amis Bombardier en vue de rémunérer notre travail de prospection, dans le cadre de cette représentation
Vous savez Professeur si on me prend 20 cabines a bord a l'année, pour un effectif maximal de 96, qu'on me loue des bureaux et que l'on me verse des frais de représentation, il faudrait par la suite faire preuve de médiocrité pour ne pas rentabiliser ce navire
Et donc la médiocrité je n'aime pas cela, par contre j'ai la conviction d’être arrivé a une équation qui rend possible et la construction et la rentabilisation de ce projet, et modestement Professeur c'est un exploit, n'importe qui ferait les yeux ronds si on leur annonce que l'on va construire et rentabiliser un soumarin de 85 mètres, en vue de faire le tour du monde
Un soumarin civil est jusqu’à présent une rareté, et ce n'est pas quelquechose que l'on rentabilise, c'est cela le tour de force de BCS par rapport au Cuba Libre
Je vous confirme l'avis de l'ensemble de mes correspondants et de moi même, BCS est une étude de cas inédite a plus d'un titre, en effet la dualité entre votre ambition de conquête spatiale et la réalisation d'un soumarin est tout a fait fascinante!
Merci Professeur
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This isn't completely related to selfshipping but i unironically love making up shipnames for my s/i and the tf2 characters.
[also to note: some of these are not canon; pyro and scout are friends; and saxton hale is just kinda there. idk he's alright.]
Engineer x Morale: Radio Repair
Soldier x Morale: Roger That
Spy x Morale: Esprit de corps, Radio Drama
Medic x Morale: Herzschlag / Heartbeat
Demoman x Morale: Boombox
Sniper x Morale: Radio Silence, National Outback
Heavy x Morale: Tea and Jam
Scout x Morale: Skip Distance
Pyro x Morale: Smoke Signals
Miss Pauling x Morale: Two-way Radio
Saxton Hale x Morale: Mating Calls [this one is just dumb ignore]
Proships DNI
#if you are wondering: yes i've completely exhausted any possible communication term that personally sounded cool#{insert me becoming autistic over radios because of my s/i having a radio motif}#half of these have a radio / communications motifs on morale's end bc see above#also some explanations on the name bc why not:#radio repair is self-explanatory (engie solving practical problems and all)#roger that is slang in the military (but mostly in general) to say ' i understand ' and ofc that would remind me of him#the english word morale was originated from the french term espirit de corps (so of course)#i had so much trouble w/ medic until i remembered 'heartbeat' a few days ago and i facepalmed by how long it took me to figure that out#by comparison; boombox was the fastest and by far the easiest to think of (radio motif + boom)#radio silence was also self-explanatory#but the 2nd one references yosemite national park and the outback (since morale originates in mariposa and sniper lives in the bush)#i kinda want to do more w/ morale originating in mariposa bc that place is gorgeous#fun fact: adding jam (strawberry blackberry ect.) is a common addition for russian tea culture and i wanted to use my knowledge somehow#both miss pauling and morale would communicate via two-way radio or walkie-talkie (so that was a easy pick)#smoke signals because get it fire + a form of communication im a genius#skip distance is a distance a radio wave travels in and it usually includes a hop in the ionosphere (<- NERD)#tf2 oc#oc x canon#and thats it#💞📻#[just me yapping]
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#space x#ionosphere#elon muskrat#billionaires dont care#the ionosphere is a sea of electrically charged particles vital to global radio and GPS technologies as well as protecting us from harmful
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I love the implication that the only reason Arecibo existed was for SETI and when a random senator got the program cancelled they just. Left the world's largest radio dish in the middle of the Puerto Rican mountains, covered the backends in plastic, and locked the door.
#and yet it's given as 'Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory' in the location card#the x-files#little green men#2x01#xfiles#txf#arecibo observatory#astronomy#liveblogging
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X-Ray Earth - December 30th, 1996.
"The Earth glows in many kinds of light, including the energetic X-ray band. Actually, the Earth itself does not glow - only aurora produced high in the Earth's atmosphere. Above is the first picture of the Earth in X-rays, taken in March, 1996, with the orbiting Polar satellite. Bright X-ray emission is shown in red. Energetic ions from the Sun cause aurora and energise electrons in the Earth's magnetosphere. These electrons move along the Earth's magnetic field and eventually strike the Earth's ionosphere, causing the X-ray emission. These X-rays are not dangerous because they are absorbed by lower parts of the Earth's atmosphere."
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Introduction to the Schumann Resonance
The Schumann Resonance is often described as the heartbeat of the Earth. It is named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, who predicted its existence in 1952. The Schumann Resonance is basically a set of electromagnetic waves that circle around the Earth outside the atmosphere, between the Earth's surface, and through the ionosphere. *the ionosphere is an atmospheric layer that contains charged particles* These waves resonate at specific frequencies, the main one being 7.83 Hz.
So why does this happen? Think of the space between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere as a drum. Lightning strikes, of which there are thousands happening all over the world at any moment, act like drumsticks, hitting the drum and creating sound. But instead of sound, these strikes create electromagnetic waves that bounce between the Earth and the ionosphere, creating the Schumann Resonance.
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The Earth’s surface and the ionosphere form what’s called a resonant cavity. A resonant cavity is essentially a space where waves can bounce back and forth, reinforcing each other under the right conditions. In this case, the electromagnetic waves generated by lightning strikes travel through the cavity formed by the Earth's conductive surface and the ionosphere, reflecting off of each boundary.
This space between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere is about 34 miles (or roughly 55 kilometers) thick, acting like the drumhead in the analogy. Because this cavity is relatively constant in size, it supports specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves, with 7.83 Hz being the dominant one due to the size and shape of the cavity. It’s similar to how a guitar string resonates at a certain pitch depending on its length and tension.
The fundamental frequency of 7.83 Hz is just one of several resonant frequencies. These frequencies, known as harmonics, occur because the cavity can support different "modes" of wave vibration. Beyond the fundamental mode, there are higher frequencies that resonate within this cavity as well, typically around 14.3 Hz, 20.8 Hz, 27.3 Hz, and 33.8 Hz. These harmonics exist because the electromagnetic waves can reflect and reinforce each other at multiples of the fundamental frequency.
The Role Of Lightning
Lightning is a crucial part of this entire process. With an estimated 2,000 thunderstorms occurring across the globe at any given moment, and around 50 lightning strikes happening each second, the atmosphere is constantly being charged with electromagnetic energy. Each lightning strike releases energy that generates these low-frequency electromagnetic waves, which propagate through the resonant cavity formed by the Earth and ionosphere.
This is why the Schumann Resonance is considered a global phenomenon—it depends on continuous electrical activity occurring all over the world. The energy from thunderstorms and lightning strikes drives the resonance, maintaining the standing waves that vibrate in this cavity. It is this constant electrical activity that sustains the resonance and gives rise to the steady, predictable frequencies we can measure.
The Ionosphere
The ionosphere, which forms the upper boundary of the resonant cavity, is a highly dynamic part of the Earth’s atmosphere. It’s composed of charged particles, or ions, that are created by the interaction of solar radiation (primarily ultraviolet and X-rays from the Sun) with the Earth’s atmosphere. The ionosphere plays a crucial role in reflecting the electromagnetic waves generated by lightning back toward the Earth's surface, allowing the Schumann Resonance to occur.
However, the ionosphere isn't static—it fluctuates with solar activity, time of day, and atmospheric conditions. During periods of high solar activity, such as solar flares or geomagnetic storms, the ionosphere can become more ionized, which alters its properties and can affect the Schumann Resonance frequencies. Changes in solar radiation or geomagnetic conditions can temporarily increase or decrease the frequencies at which the Schumann waves resonate, creating small variations in the resonance.
Measuring Schumann Resonance
Schumann Resonance is often measured using ground-based electromagnetic detectors that can pick up these low-frequency signals. Scientists use these measurements to study not only the global electrical activity but also the state of the Earth's atmosphere and ionosphere. The resonance can act as a natural indicator of atmospheric conditions and is sometimes referred to as an atmospheric barometer. For example, changes in the resonance can signal shifts in global lightning activity or disturbances in the ionosphere caused by solar events.
Through careful monitoring of Schumann Resonance, scientists can gain insights into global weather patterns, thunderstorms, and even how space weather—such as solar winds and geomagnetic storms—affects the Earth's atmosphere.
Global Relevance
Although the Schumann Resonance is a natural electromagnetic phenomenon, it has broader implications for how we understand the Earth’s electromagnetic environment. It is a reflection of the interaction between the planet's atmospheric system and external forces like solar radiation and cosmic influences. Because of this, studying the Schumann Resonance offers insights into not just weather and atmospheric science, but also how Earth’s environment reacts to changes in space weather.
Moreover, the study of Schumann Resonance helps scientists better understand how electromagnetic waves travel around the Earth, providing valuable data for radio communication systems and atmospheric research. This understanding is essential for improving communication systems that rely on bouncing radio waves off the ionosphere, such as long-distance communication systems.
#weather#atmosphere#science#scienceblr#studyblr#study blog#study motivation#studying#global activity#solar activity#sun#solar flare#schumann#electromagnetism#learning#education#education blog#interesting#fascinating#the more you know#geophysics#space#outer space#earth#meterology#electrical engineering#biophysics
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NASA spots unexpected X-shaped structures in Earth's upper atmosphere — and scientists are struggling to explain them | Live Science
A NASA satellite has spotted unexpected X- and C-shaped structures in Earth’s ionosphere, the layer of electrified gas in the planet’s atmosphere that allows radio signals to travel over long distances.
The ionosphere is an electrified region of Earth's atmosphere that exists because radiation from the sun strikes the atmosphere. Its density increases during the day as its molecules become electrically charged. That's because sunlight causes electrons to break off of atoms and molecules, creating plasma that enables radio signals to travel over long distances. The ionosphere’s density then falls at night — and that's where GOLD comes in.
NASA's Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission is a geostationary satellite that has been measuring densities and temperatures in Earth's ionosphere since its launch in October 2018. From its geostationary orbit above the western hemisphere, GOLD was recently studying two dense crests of particles in the ionosphere, located north and south of the equator. As night falls, low-density bubbles appear within these crests that can interfere with radio and GPS signals. However, it's not just the wax and wane of sunshine that affects the ionosphere — the atmospheric layer is also sensitive to solar storms and huge volcanic eruptions, after which the crests can merge to form an X shape.
In its new observations, GOLD found some of these familiar X shapes in the ionosphere — even though there weren't any kinds of solar or volcanic disturbances to create them. ...
... In addition to the odd X's, GOLD also saw curved C-shaped bubbles appear in the plasma surprisingly close together. Scientists think they are shaped and orientated according to the direction of winds, but GOLD imaged C-shape and reverse-C-shaped bubbles as close as about 400 miles (643 kilometers) apart. To have wind patterns change so drastically over such short distances is quite unusual, according to the researchers. ...
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Brazil's catastrophic weather spawns spate of conspiracy theories
The climate catastrophe that has struck southern Brazil, killing more than a hundred people and displacing nearly two million, has also spawned a spate of bizarre conspiracy theories, some involving jets' vapor trails and weather antennas in faraway Alaska.
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As often happens at times of disaster and great uncertainty, several of these theories have gone viral on social media.
"What's happening in Rio Grande do Sul is definitely not natural," one woman said on the platform known as X. "Let's open our eyes!"
She blamed something called HAARP -- the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program -- a US project that studies the ionosphere using huge antennas in Alaska.
Other people have posted images of airplanes crisscrossing the skies over Brazil's hard-hit state of Rio Grande do Sul, saying the trails of condensation left by jets contain toxic chemicals as part of a secret and nefarious governmental program.
Taken together, the theories paint an ominous picture that somehow denies climate change while blaming governments and scientific institutions that supposedly are orchestrating "planned tragedies" for murky motives.
These theories ignore the overwhelming scientific consensus that climate change is almost certainly behind a global increase in extreme weather events.
Continue reading.
#brazil#brazilian politics#politics#environmental justice#fake news#rio grande do sul floods 2024#mod nise da silveira#image description in alt
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First results from 2021 rocket launch shed light on aurora’s birth
Newly published results from a 2021 experiment led by a University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist have begun to reveal the particle-level processes that create the type of auroras that dance rapidly across the sky.
The Kinetic-scale Energy and momentum Transport experiment — KiNET-X — lifted off from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia on May 16, 2021, in the final minutes of the final night of the nine-day launch window.
UAF professor Peter Delamere’s analysis of the experiment’s results was published Nov. 19 in Physics of Plasmas.
“The dazzling lights are extremely complicated,” Delamere said. “There’s a lot happening in there, and there’s a lot happening in the Earth’s space environment that gives rise to what we observe.
“Understanding causality in the system is extremely difficult, because we don’t know exactly what’s happening in space that’s giving rise to the light that we observe in the aurora,” he said. “KiNET-X was a highly successful experiment that will reveal more of the aurora’s secrets.”
Want more? Read the dramatic story of the KiNET-X mission in 12 short installments that include videos, animations and additional photographs.
One of NASA’s largest sounding rockets soared over the Atlantic Ocean into the ionosphere and released two canisters of barium thermite. The canisters were then detonated, one at about 249 miles high and one 90 seconds later on the downward trajectory at about 186 miles, near Bermuda. The resulting clouds were monitored on the ground at Bermuda and by a NASA research aircraft.
The experiment aimed to replicate, on a minute scale, an environment in which the low energy of the solar wind becomes the high energy that creates the rapidly moving and shimmering curtains known as the discrete aurora. Through KiNET-X, Delamere and colleagues on the experiment are closer to understanding how electrons are accelerated.
“We generated energized electrons,” Delamere said. “We just didn’t generate enough of them to make an aurora, but the fundamental physics associated with electron energization was present in the experiment.”
The experiment aimed to create an Alfvén wave, a type of wave that exists in magnetized plasmas such as those found in the sun’s outer atmosphere, Earth’s magnetosphere and elsewhere in the solar system. Plasmas — a form of matter composed largely of charged particles — also can be created in laboratories and experiments such as KiNET-X.
Alfvén waves originate when disturbances in plasma affect the magnetic field. Plasma disturbances can be caused in a variety of ways, such as through the sudden injection of particles from solar flares or the interaction of two plasmas with different densities.
KiNET-X created an Alfvén wave by disturbing the ambient plasma with the injection of barium into the far upper atmosphere.
Sunlight converted the barium into an ionized plasma. The two plasma clouds interacted, creating the Alfvén wave.
That Alfvén wave instantly created electric field lines parallel to the planet’s magnetic field lines. And, as theorized, that electric field significantly accelerated the electrons on the magnetic field lines.
“It showed that the barium plasma cloud coupled with, and transferred energy and momentum to, the ambient plasma for a brief moment,” Delamere said.
The transfer manifested as a small beam of accelerated barium electrons heading toward Earth along the magnetic field line. The beam is visible only in the experiment’s magnetic field line data.
“That’s analogous to an auroral beam of electrons,” Delamere said.
He calls it the experiment’s “golden data point.”
Analysis of the beam, visible only as a varying shades of green, blue and yellow pixels in Delamere’s data imagery, can help scientists learn what is happening to the particles to create the dancing northern lights.
The results so far show a successful project, one that can even allow more information to be gleaned from its predecessor experiments.
“It’s a question of trying to piece together the whole picture using all of the data products and numerical simulations,” Delamere said.
Three UAF students doing their doctoral research at the UAF Geophysical Institute also participated. Matthew Blandin supported optical operations at Wallops Flight Facility, Kylee Branning operated cameras on a NASA Gulfstream III aircraft out of Langley Research Center, also in Virginia, and Nathan Barnes assisted with computer modeling in Fairbanks..
The experiment also included researchers and equipment from Dartmouth College, the University of New Hampshire and Clemson University.
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Microwave is a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths shorter than other radio waves but longer than infrared waves. Its wavelength ranges from about one meter to one millimeter, corresponding to frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz, broadly construed.[1][2]: 3 [3][4][5][6] A more common definition in radio-frequency engineering is the range between 1 and 100 GHz (wavelengths between 30 cm and 3 mm),[2]: 3 or between 1 and 3000 GHz (30 cm and 0.1 mm).[7][8] The prefix micro- in microwave is not meant to suggest a wavelength in the micrometer range; rather, it indicates that microwaves are small (having shorter wavelengths), compared to the radio waves used in prior radio technology
The boundaries between far infrared, terahertz radiation, microwaves, and ultra-high-frequency (UHF) are fairly arbitrary and are used variously between different fields of study. In all cases, microwaves include the entire super high frequency (SHF) band (3 to 30 GHz, or 10 to 1 cm) at minimum. A broader definition includes UHF and extremely high frequency (EHF) (millimeter wave; 30 to 300 GHz) bands as well.
Frequencies in the microwave range are often referred to by their IEEE radar band designations: S, C, X, Ku, K, or Ka band, or by similar NATO or EU designations.
Microwaves travel by line-of-sight; unlike lower frequency radio waves, they do not diffract around hills, follow the earth's surface as ground waves, or reflect from the ionosphere, so terrestrial microwave communication links are limited by the visual horizon to about 40 miles (64 km). At the high end of the band, they are absorbed by gases in the atmosphere, limiting practical communication distances to around a kilometer.
Microwaves are widely used in modern technology, for example in point-to-point communication links, wireless networks, microwave radio relay networks, radar, satellite and spacecraft communication, medical diathermy and cancer treatment, remote sensing, radio astronomy, particle accelerators, spectroscopy, industrial heating, collision avoidance systems, garage door openers and keyless entry systems, and for cooking food in microwave ovens.
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"The statistical analysis of the impact of the top 50 X-class solar flares (1997–2024) on global seismic activity as well as on the earthquake preparation zones located in the illuminated part of the globe and in an area of 5000 km around the subsolar point was carried out. It is shown by a method of epoch superposition that for all cases, an increase in seismicity is observed, especially in the region around the subsolar point (up to 33%) during the 10 days after the solar flare in comparison with the preceding 10 days. The case study of the aftershock sequence of a strong Mw = 9.1 earthquake (Sumatra–Andaman Islands, 26 December 2004) after the solar flare of X10.16 class (20 January 2005) demonstrated that the number of aftershocks with a magnitude of Mw ≥ 2.5 increases more than 17 times after the solar flare with a delay of 7–8 days. For the case of the Darfield earthquake (Mw = 7.1, 3 September 2010, New Zealand), it was shown that X-class solar flares and M probably triggered two strong aftershocks (Mw = 6.1 and Mw = 5.9) with the same delay of 6 days on the Port Hills fault, which is the most sensitive to external electromagnetic impact from the point of view of the fault electrical conductivity and orientation. Based on the obtained results, the possible application of natural electromagnetic triggering of earthquakes is discussed for the earthquake forecast using confidently recorded strong external electromagnetic triggering impacts on the specific earthquake preparation zones, as well as ionospheric perturbations due to aerosol emission from the earthquake sources recorded by satellites."
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#space weather#seismology#earthquakes#sun#solar flare#earth atmosphere#magnetic field#magnetism#geomagnetism#aerosol emission#energy#electricity#electromagnetism#geomagnetically induced currents#science#earthquake forecast
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Reception was pretty terrible tonight. Listening to the Friday morning 0030 Zulu time broadcast on 9265 AM.
Here is the lineup for today's program, in MFSK modes as noted:
1:42 MFSK32: Program preview (now) 2:48 MFSK32: BepiColombo spacecraft flies by Mercury again 6:16 MFSK64: Using smartphones to study the ionosphere 10:14 MFSK64: This week's images 27:58 MFSK32: Closing announcements
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And visit http://swradiogram.net
We're on Bluesky now: swradiogram.bsky.social
From Phys.org:
BepiColombo's fifth Mercury flyby
by European Space Agency December 2, 2024
On Sunday 1 December 2024, BepiColombo flew past the planet Mercury for the fifth time, readying itself for entering orbit around the solar system's mysterious innermost planet in 2026.
The spacecraft flew between Mercury and the sun, getting to within 37,630 km from the small planet's surface at 15:23 CET. This is much farther than its first four flybys of the planet, when BepiColombo flew as close as 165–240 km from the surface.
What made this flyby special is that it was the first time that BepiColombo's MERTIS instrument was able to observe Mercury. This radiometer and thermal infrared spectrometer will measure how much the planet radiates in infrared light, something that depends on both the temperature and composition of the surface.
This was the first time that any spacecraft measured what Mercury looks like in mid-infrared wavelengths of light (7–14 / &etiometers). The data that MERTIS will collect throughout the mission will reveal what types of minerals the planet's surface is made of, one of the key Mercury mysteries that BepiColombo is designed to tackle.
BepiColombo's other science instruments will monitor the environment outside Mercury's magnetic field. Among other things, they will measure the continuous (but changeable) stream of particles coming from the sun known as the solar wind.
The other instruments switched on during this flyby are the magnetometers MPO-MAG and MMO-MGF, the MGNS gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer, the SIXS X-ray and particle spectrometer, the MDM dust monitor and the PWI instrument that detects electric fields, plasma waves and radio waves.
BepiColombo, a joint mission between ESA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), will be the second and most complex mission ever to orbit Mercury. It comprises two science orbiters: ESA's Mercury Planetary Orbiter and JAXA's Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter. While on their way to Mercury, the two orbiters are both attached to the Mercury Transfer Module.
Shortwave Radiogram now changes to MFSK64 …
, w mi ouK:RÚrÿudR Before RSID: <<2024-12-06T00:36Z MFSK-32 @ 9265000+1500>>
This iahortwave Radiogram in MFSK64
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Engineers transform smartphones into instruments for studying space
By Daniel Strain November 13, 2024
That ordinary smartphone in your pocket could be a powerful tool for investigating outer ssweiea
In a new study, researchers at Google and CU Boulder have transformed millions of Autofid phones across the globe into a fleet of nimble scientific instruments - generating one of the mosoMdetKÁx eaps to date of the uppermost layer of Earth's atmosphere.
The group's findings, published Nov. 13 in the journal Nature, might help to improve the accuracy of GPS technology worldwide Hmfold. The research was led by Brian Williams of Google Researnt /×nir ehxed Jade Morton, professor in the Anntd ×. Smead oeYe8nt of Aerospace Engineering Sciences at CU Boulder.
"These phones can literally fit in your palm," Morton said. "But through crowdsourcing, we can use them to change the way we understand the space environment."
She and her colleagues used the GPS sensors that come standard in every smartphone to collect dat,tfw 4trt1-ehet?ere warped signals coming from satellites. In the process, they were able to view phenomena in the atmosphere, such as blobs high above the planet known as "plasma bubbles," in never-before-seen detail.
The group released its data publicly so that anyone can watch how the atmosphere swirW ad h shifted over about eight months. "Collaboration is c [ral to scientific progress and to our scientific research at Google," said Lizzie Dorfman, product lead for Science AI in Google Research. "Dr. Morton's expertise was essential to this research, and it has been an absolute pleasure working with her as a visiting researcher and collaborator."
Eye on the ionosphere
The study puts new focus on the ionosphere, a wispy layer of the atmosphere that stretches moeliN[e`t¥ eDtÓc(oblGace.
It's a volatile arena: Heratoc ´itfrom the sun constantly beat down on the 6mosphere, s1 P its molecules and atoms into a soupy mix of charged particles - what scientists call a plasma. It also never stays still.
"At 2 o'clock in afternoon, there are a lot more charged particles in the ionosphere because the sun is at its strongest," Morton said. "But at night, the sun is on the other side of the planet, so we have very few charged particles."
That fluctuation can play havoc with GPS technology.
Morton explained that the technology works through a sort of stopwatch in space: Satellites thousands of miles from Earth first beam radio waves to the planet. Your phone then pinpoints your location by measuring how long it takes those signals to reach the ground.
Scientists try to account for how the ionosphere mit shift that timing by mapping this region of space using radar dishes on the ground. Currently, however, they can onlyXateRt 14% of the ionosphere at any one time. As a result, GPS devices may miss your exact location by anywhere from a few to several dozen feet.
"There are a lot of applications that require a lot of accuracy - for example, landing aircraft," Morton said.
Bubbling up
In the current fc, n, the researchers landed on an unusual idea: RatheÏea ivy on expensive radar dishes, they could map the ionosphere using a suite of sensors that already existed in every country on Earth: Android phonea¦
The ionosphere maps are created using aggregated measurements of the radio signals between satellites and the receivers in some qa eivices. Privacy protections ensure tcese measurements do not identify any contributing individual devices.
In particular, th&easfo}he phones toqk in real time how the ionosphere stretches out radio waves coming frn stellites.
The team reported that, on its own, this worldwide fleet could observe roughly 21% of the ionosphere - potentially doubling the accuracy of GPS devices worldwide.
"Millions of phones together can do a much better job of2onitoring the atmosphere than our ground network," Morton said.
The group's maps also capture the ionosphere in brilliant detail.
In May 2024, for example, a powersitt solar storm struck Earth just as the group's cell phones were looking upxn the hours that followed, huregions of atmosphere, or "plasma bubbles," containing low concentrations of charged particles formed above parts of South Ameri°hose bubbles then rose through the ionosphere like wax in a lava lamp.
Morton, for her part, says the study shows the untapped potential of the everyday technologies that many people take for granted.
"I have spent my lifetime building dedicated instruments to do scientific research," Morton said. "But as technology advances in our society, we see all these sensors at our dispo2 Ôea t have a lot more power than we ever imagined."
https://www.colorado.edu/tv /2024/11/13/engineer, àida nsmartphones-inste , P+p¶; fh9eHn tR#l rh+Yd eµh ¯er di1dtfrtwave Radiogram in MFSK64
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Shortwave Radiogram, 6-11 December 2024 (program 370): Using Android devices to study the ionosphere, and then to decode our MFSK
Thank you for your patience during the repeat broadcasts of Program 379. Thanksgiving week was busy with writing deadlines, appointments and a few holiday activities, so I needed a break from producing the show. A reminder that Shortwave Radiogram is now on Bluesky at swradiogram.bsky.social. You do not need a Bluesky account to read what is posted there. Shortwave Radiogram on X/Twitter also continues at @SWRadiogram. Maintaining both Bluesky and X accounts is rather time consuming, so eventually I'll have to settle on one. A video of the previous Shortwave Radiogram (program 379) is provided by Scott in Ontario (Wednesday 1330 UTC). The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. Analysis is provided by Roger in Germany. Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 370, 6-11 December 2024, in MFSK modes as noted: 1:42 MFSK32: Program preview 2:48 MFSK32: BepiColombo spacecraft flies by Mercury again 6:16 MFSK64: Using smartphones to study the ionosphere 10:14 MFSK64: This week's images 27:58 MFSK32: Closing announcements Please send reception reports to [email protected] And visit http://swradiogram.net Bluesky: swradiogram.bsky.social Twitter: @SWRadiogram or https://twitter.com/swradiogram (visit during the weekend to see listeners’ results) Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/567099476753304 Shortwave Radiogram Gateway Wiki: https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Shortwave_Radiogram_Gateway
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Other Shortwave broadcast programs that include digital text and images include The Mighty KBC, Pop Shop Radio and Radio North Europe International (RNEI). Links to these fine broadcasts, with schedules, are posted here.
C M Curtin @KD8TTE in Ohio received these images 4 December 2024, 1330-1400 UTC, 15770 kHz from WRMI Florida ...
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NASA scientists observe bizarre alphabet-shaped structures glowing above Earth's atmosphere
Good By Neha B. August 14, 2024 The closer one looks at the universe, the more mysterious it seems. Recently, NASA’s Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) mission revealed bizarre C and X-shaped structures hovering in the electrified layer of the ionosphere. “Who knew Earth’s upper atmosphere was like alphabet soup?” NASA wrote about the recording on its website. The two papers…
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Scientists have spotted unexpected X- and C-shaped structures in the atmosphere. They are struggling to explain them
Ashley Strickland, CNN:
Astronomers have known for some time that X-shaped crestlike formations can appear in the ionosphere's plasma — a sea of charged particles — after solar storms.
Satellite data hasn't always been able to capture the full picture of what's occurring in the ionosphere, but NASA's GOLD mission has a bird's-eye view of the atmospheric layer over the Western Hemisphere from space, revealing how different factors cause disturbances in the ionosphere.
Now, astronomers looking at data collected by the GOLD mission have found similar features shaped like Xs and never-before-seen Cs that surprisingly seem to have appeared during "quiet times" when there were no atmospheric disturbances, according to new research. The findings are upending what's known about how the unusual structures might form and their potential impacts.
How long before we can spell dirty words in the ionosphere
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