Slashers with a goth/alternative s/o
I saw this a bunch and wanted to do my own version ofc, enjoy <3
Rz Michael Myers
Thinks its cool
Secretly wanted to dress like that when he was younger, not that he could, you know being locked up definitely put a tamper on personal style 
A 50/50 chance he would let you “dress” him up, depending on his mood that minute 
Will listen to your music with you, and silently enjoys it, not that you can tell
(Play Rob Zombie’s music..I mean? Hey, I think I’m vv funny)
Tiffany Valentine
Loves it!
You guys can share clothes and makeup so it all works out
Shopping is very fun, since you both have a more alternative style 
You both enjoy a lot of the same music !
It's an all around a fun time
Vincent Sinclair 
Also thinks its cool
And also wanted to dress more alternatively as a teen but didn't have the chance (for you know, obvious reasons)
Would want to help with your makeup and pick out outfits for you
Definitely likes your music taste
 Bo Sinclair 
Makes fun of you at first, just because he is a jerk tbh
Wouldn't admit it out loud but find your style interesting 
(You know that scene in the shop with Carly when he starts playing music?) Yeah seems like he already has a “alternative” music taste 
Lester Sinclair
Thinks it very fun
Might make jokes about it but all in light fun (Not like Bo’s straight up bullying)
Will make you things out of animals bones, says it matches you and your “vibe”
Thomas Hewitt
Find its strange in the beginning, you know out of the norm from where he is
Is conflicted
Ends up thinking it's cool though
Likes to watch you get ready when he isn't busy
Would be interested in you putting makeup on him, just when he is alone with you though
Amanda Young
Definitely likes it
Would also steal some of your clothes, she thinks they are cool
Being with you she gets more into dressing more like she used to
Also loves the same music
Charles Lee Ray
You and Tiffany drag bring him along your shopping trips
Stu Macher and Billy Loomis
 Thinks its hot
(I know it my soul what I wrote is the simple truth)
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