#iof is a terrorist group
bisan-is-trying · 4 months
21 May, Jenin, West Bank.
At least 7 have been killed and 10 injured (including 3 that are considered very critical injuries) by IOF bullets this morning following the invasion of Jenin camp.
The head of the surgery department at Jenin Governmental Hospital Dr. Osayd Kamal Jabareen, was martyred after being targeted in the vicinity of the hospital. A school teacher, Alam Jaradat was also martyred on his way to work. It should also be noted that most of the casualties are either school students or unarmed civilians.
The Palestinian Red Crescent reports that the occupation forces are preventing medical crews from reaching casualties in the area.
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mogai-sunflowers · 10 months
i told off so many old white Catholic men at a march tonight. one legit just started yelling at me that I was a baby killer and I just said “you would know about that wouldn’t you, old white Catholic man”
apparently I live to spite them now. one tried to imply I was a bad Christian like bruh I spent half my day sorting presents for homeless children at my church. All YOURE doing is yelling at someone for holding a sign you don’t like. how Christian of you 💀
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ymustutortureme · 10 months
IDF actually stands for Israel Diaper Forces.
Which is quite accurate seen as they're literally shitting in bags and then throwing them around Gaza for the Palestinians to pick up.
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workersolidarity · 3 months
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[ 📹 Scenes of chaos and fear after the Israeli occupation forces bombed a school housing displaced Palestinian families opposite Nasser Medical Complex west of the city of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip, after displacing civilians from other areas of the enclave. 📈 Current death toll in Gaza exceeds 37'953 Palestinians killed, while another 87'266 others have been wounded since Oct. 7th. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 271st day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 3 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 28 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 125 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands, of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
A number of Israeli hostages have attempted suicide in the detention of the Palestinian resistance. This is according to the Al-Quds Brigades, belonging to the group Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).
In a statement, the Al-Quds Brigades said that several Israeli hostages in their care had attempted suicide due to the severe frustration they feel owing to their government's disinterest in recovering their detainees, and due to the deteriorating treatment they are receiving from their captors.
According to Al-Quds, as a result of the horrendous treatment of Palestinian prisoners at the hands of the Israeli occupation army in occupation prisons, including allegations of torture, rape, withholding of food and water, blindfolding, medical abuse and more, the Palestinian resistance group has taken a decision to treat their detainees harshly.
"Our decision in the Al-Quds Brigades to treat the occupation's prisoners in the same way as our prisoners inside the prisons, will remain in effect as long as the terrorist government continues its unjust measures against our people and prisoners. He who warns is excused," Al-Quds said in its statement.
In the meantime, one of the main reasons the Palestinian resistance factions cited for conducting Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7th, 2023, was the regular raids by Zionist colonial settlers of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied Al-Quds (Jersusalem), one of the holiest sites in Islamic religion.
Those raids continue to occur, with groups of dozens of Zionist colonial settlers storming the compound on Wednesday, while under the protection of the Israeli occupation army.
Local eyewitnesses reported today that groups of dozens of Zionist colonial settlers raided the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, touring the Mosque's courtyard and performing provocative Talmudic rituals as the occupation army protected the settlers.
The report also added that the Occupation Shin Bet Police stormed the Old City of occupied Al-Quds, turning the area into a military barracks, while hundreds of police were deployed to secure the area, in particular near the gates of the Al-Aqsa compound.
The Shin Bet also tightened security measures at the gates of the Old City, as well as Al-Aqsa Mosque, while imposing restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshippers.
In other news on Wednesday, July 3rd, the London-based Reuters news-wire service is reporting that the Israeli entity has been reaching out to the leaders of major Gaza clans, looking to find Palestinians that are not associated with Hamas or other Palestinian resistance factions to oversee the final stages of the occupation's plans in the Gaza Strip, and to eventually replace the Hamas movement in governing the enclave.
Reuters says the Israeli occupation remains under heavy pressure from the United States to bring an end to the war in the Gaza Strip, but does not want Hamas to retain control over the Strip.
As a result, the Israeli occupation's leadership is forming plans for the "day after" the end of the war, including forming a governing structure parallel to the Hamas government that has led the Gaza Strip since 2007, hoping to shape an alternative civil administration involving Palestinians that are not associated with the Palestinian Resistance movement.
Unfortunately for the occupation, this leaves few plausible options, with the current focus being on the heads of powerful Palestinian clans in Gaza, which the Israeli entity has been attempting to woo in recent days.
Speaking with Reuters, Senior Palestine Analyst at the International Crises Group, a Brussels-based think-tank, Tahani Mustafa, says the Zionist entity has been "actively looking for local tribes and families on the ground to work with them."
According to Tahani Mustafa, the Gaza Clans "don’t want to get involved, in part because they fear retribution from Hamas."
The threat is a real one for Gaza's Clan leaders, who fear retribution from Hamas, who, despite the Israeli occupation's determination to destroy the Resistance group, retains its control over large sections of the Palestinian enclave.
Sure enough, a correspondant with Reuters asked the director of Gaza's media office, Ismail Thawabteh, what the consequences would be for those who cooperate with the Zionist regime, who responded by saying “I expect the response to be deadly for any clan or party that agrees to implement the occupation’s plans. I expect the response to be lethal from the resistance factions.”
Occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has acknowledged the challenges he will face in instituting a new governing structure in the Gaza Strip, claiming his government has reached out to Gaza's clans, but that Hamas "eliminated" them, adding that his Defense Ministry had a new plan, but would not elaborate on it, stating only that he was not willing to bring in the Palestinian Authority to govern in Gaza.
The Palestinian clans are made up of powerful families in the Gaza Strip, ones which do not have formal connections with the Hamas resistance movement, with each clan having a leader known as a "mukhtar", which under British rule, prior to the creation of the Israeli entity in 1948, were heavily relied on to govern.
Following Hamas' rise to power, the clans powers were limited by the religious movement, but were still allowed a certain degree of autonomy, while clans remain influential and own a number of commercial businesses and facilities in the Palestinian enclave
The Israeli occupation already retains contact with Gaza's clans in order to coordinate commercial shipments and deliveries, among other practical issues.
According to Reuters, clan leaders are reluctant to disclose contacts with the Israeli occupation, while others said the mukhtars would not cooperate with the Zionist entity.
One of Gaza's clan leaders that spoke with Reuters said he knew of calls other mukhtars had had with the Israeli authorities, but that "I expect that mukhtars will not cooperate with these games," citing anger with the occupation over its genocide of Palestinians in the Strip, which has killed a number of clan members and destroyed much of their property.
Meanwhile, the slaughter of civilians, along with the destruction of housing and public infrastructure in Gaza, continues into its 10th month as the occupation army bombs and shells various areas of the enclave.
The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued on Wednesday with its attacks on the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, bombing residential homes and causing the deaths of a number of Palestinian civilians, including women and children, while local rescue crews were unable to reach sites due to the continued bombardment and gunfire from occupation drones.
In a new atrocity, Zionist warplanes bombed a residential house belonging to the Maqat family in the vicinity of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, north of Gaza City, after which, local paramedic crews managed to recover the bodies of 7 civilians killed in the strikes, along with 7 wounded victims from under the rubble. The casualties were transported to Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital in the city.
Simultaneously, Zionist artillery shelling pummeled the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City, while gunfire from occupation armored vehicles targeted citizen's homes.
Similarly, Israeli quadcopter drones fired at civilians in various areas of Gaza City, in conjuction with the violent artillery shelling of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of the city.
An Israeli occupation fighter jet also fired a missile into the Al-Ghafri printing press on Jaffa Street, in the Al-Tuffah neighborhood, east of Gaza City, while another Zionist aircraft fired a missile into a residential apartment complex in the Zarqa neighborhood of Gaza City, leaving rescue crews to search the rubble for the dead and wounded.
In the meantime, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) is reporting that two civilians were wounded as a result of an occupation airstrike on a residential house belonging to the Kurd family, in the Beit Lahiya Project in Gaza's north, while the wounded were transferred to Kamal Adwan Hospital near the Jabalia Camp.
The Israeli occupation army also shelled several areas of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, as well as in the Al-Zahra'a area, and the Al-Mughraqa area, coinciding with intense occupation gunfire.
IOF warplanes also continue their bombardment of residential homes and apartment complexes in central and western Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip.
The Zionist entity continued its war crimes when it bombed a gathering of civilians attempting to return to their homes in the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of four Palestinians and wounding more than 17 others.
In another atrocity, an Israeli drone bombed a civilian vehicle in the Al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, in central Gaza, killing three more civilians and wounding several others who were taken to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah.
In the meantime, areas northeast of the Jabalia Camp sustained intermittent artillery shelling from the occupation army, wounding a number of Palestinian civilians.
The crimes of the Zionist occupation continued with an airstrike that targeted a residential apartment in the Nuseirat Camp, in central Gaza, killing two Palestinians and wounding several others who were transported to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital.
Local civil defense crews also managed to recover the bodies of 7 murdered Palestinians from the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, including 5 completely charred bodies.
Later, on Wednesday afternoon, the Zionist army bombed a group of Palestinians in the Jahar al-Dik area near Al-Nuseirat, killing two and wounding others who were transferred to Al-Awda Hospital in the Nuseirat Camp.
Due to the continued bombing of public infrastructure in the southern Gaza Strip, including water treatment plants, wells, and sewage systems, deep levels of sewage now run through the streets of Khan Yunis, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been forced to reside after being displaced from one area after another, now being ordered into the city by the Zionist occupation army.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing war of extermination in the Gaza Strip, the infinitely rising death toll now exceeds 37'953 Palestinians killed, including upwards of 10'000 women and well over 15'000 children, while another 87'266 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
July 3rd, 2024.
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mephistopholes-brain · 7 months
2,977 civilians died tragically in 9/11, 343 being firefighters.
Since then it has been “Never forget.” for over 20 years, the US attacked and destabilized an innocent country, and white ppl have further pushed the narrative that Muslims and Middle Easterners are all “evil terrorists”.
Now, in less than 6 months the OFFICIAL death toll in Gaza exceeds 30,000, half being CHILDREN. At least 200 doctors have died and many were TARGETED by IOF soldiers. I have seen children dismembered, maimed, sniped, run over, crushed, starved, scalped, exploded, burned, and strung up on the side of a building.
I have seen men, women, and children desperately digging through the rubble to find their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, friends, lovers etc.
I have seen brave doctors run outside to save injured civilians while at extremely high risk of being shot by snipers.
I have seen a father carrying BAGS full of his children’s remains.
I have seen a young girl, no more than 9, with a leg, an arm, and a hand blown off while her scalp hangs from her skull.
I have seen doctors speak out against the cruelty and ethnic cleansing while surrounded by the bodies of those they tried to save.
I have seen hundreds of pictures of NICU babies who were going to die soon because the hospital was about to run out of electricity.
I have read the first hand story of a father who traded one of his children for one of his brother’s children so that if one group dies at least one of their children would make it.
I have read posts from lgbt+ KIDS talking about how they regret not kissing their crush because they just watched them DIE.
I have seen the public posts of IDF and IOF soldiers where they show off the underwear and lingerie they looted from the drawers of the Gazans they are massacring.
I have listened to the screams of mothers after hearing their child is dead.
I have watched a teen boy’s gaze harden into something cold and empty after his entire family died in front of him, leaving him completely alone.
I have seen an IOF soldier throw a father and his baby into a giant wood burning oven just for fun.
I have seen many children with shell-shock, shaking because their minds and bodies can’t comprehend the horrors they have experienced.
I have seen tanks run over women actively giving birth on the roads of Gaza.
I have watched oldest siblings, no more than 11, take on the responsibility of keeping their younger siblings safe. I cannot comprehend how incredibly stressful that must be.
A little 6yo girl was trapped for 2 weeks in a car surrounded by the dead bodies of her family as they rotted.
This is all done with American tax dollars while companies like McDonalds give free food to Israeli soldiers. We are quite literally paying for this. 20% of your work and hard earned money is paying for the genocide of innocent people in Palestine.
This is NOT a political issue. This is a human rights issue.
Pro-Palestine is Pro-Humanity.
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genderfluidgothwitch · 2 months
Palestinians Deserve Better
I feel like this shouldn't have to be said, yet again, but Palestinians should not have to live in fear daily, not knowing if they will survive to the next day, when Israel continues their assault. They should not be forced to relocate because the Zionists have decided that the land that Palestinians have lived in for generations belongs to them. Zionists have chosen to try and erase an entire people, culture, civilization, country, from existence. Israel will tell Palestinians where they will be safe, and then bomb the supposed "safe zone". They will shoot people in the street for fun and games. The IOF is a terrorist group, and as a whole has committed innumerable crimes against the Palestinian people.
My stance on this issue should be clear. I am writing this post because I was requested to by someone who is currently trying desperately to flee with her family. She, her daughter, and her husband deserve better than to live in fear. She and her family deserve safety, shelter, food, and comfort. I cannot fathom what it is like to be her right now, and this is all I can do for her from afar. I can share her story.
Please help her get out.
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crumb · 9 months
please tell me you guys watched that video Noah Schnapp put out trying to backtrack and save his pathetic career. Please listen very carefully to the language and words he uses. He's choosing his wording VERY carefully in order to save his career and try to pacify those who support Palestine without actually denouncing genocide or zionism. "I feel my thoughts and beliefs have been so far misconstrued..." babe you were yelling from ig post to ig post about being pro israel, calling Palestinians terrorists, and being a proud zionist. How has that been misconstrued?? "I only want peace and safety and security for all innocent people affected by this conflict" He makes sure to use the qualifier 'innocent' several times in the video when referring to Palestinians, victims of a genocide not a conflict. But as we know, zionists don't see Palestinians as innocent so who is he talking about? This kind of tentative language helps him try to appear like he actually cares about Palestine while still condemning hamas without addressing the actual root of the issue—israel and the IOF. "We all hope for the same things..." Do we? You're a zionist. Zionism is settler colonialism and based in white supremacy. Please be more specific on what you hope for. "...That being, those innocent people being held hostage in Gaza be returned to their families. And equally hope for an end to the loss of innocent life in Palestine..." Zionists LOVE to go on and on about the hostages without mentioning the very real danger those hostages face from israel and the IOF bombs themselves. Israel is carpet bombing Palestine indiscriminately when they very much have the tech to make extremely detailed and targeted attacks. Did you see the way they targeted the specific apartment unit in Lebanon? In Gaza they're wiping out whole city blocks. Israel and the IOF don't actually care about the hostages. If they did they wouldn't be razing Gaza and boasting about their plans to use the land for beach condos. If israel and the IOF actually cared about israelis, why are they basically using the Hannibal Directive? Especially at the music festival on October 7th where the IOF killed a number of their own civilians. If israel cared about the hostages, why aren't they willing to release the hundreds of Palestinian hostages they have who are being jailed illegally and without charges? 'oh but they did! They released some during the pause so they could get hamas to release some israeli hostages' yeah and then the IOF rounded up and captured more Palestinians than they released that very same day. "...I think anyone with any ounce of humanity would hope for an end to the hostility on both sides. I stand against any killing of any innocent people" Once again with the manipulative qualifiers 'both sides' and 'innocent people'. How can you expect an occupied people who have been living through apartheid and genocide for 75 years to not eventually fight back? To not understand why October 7th happened you have to be either completely uneducated about even the most basic history of Palestine and/or so deeply entrenched in propaganda and denial that it doesn't even matter if you do know about the history because you truly believe you deserve an ethnostate on a piece of land that has inhabited several diverse groups over thousands of years. It was never a land of 1 singular homogeneous group. To want it to be that, is actually insane.
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nohkalikai · 7 months
We are a group of individuals and collectives in revolutionary solidarity with the people of  Palestine. As a response to the feminist call to strike for Gaza on the 8th of March (International Women’s Day), we feel the need to put out this statement to recognise the occupational, genocidal deprivations perpetrated by the terrorist settler-colonial Zionist state of Israel that has led to a death toll of over 30000 Palestinians with countless trapped under rubble, decomposed, and millions displaced. We bear witness to the carceral violence, torture, humiliation and murder of Palestinians, especially those held captive in besieged Gaza and hostages taken by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). This includes a wide range of carceral forms of torture including the use of  Palestinian men as human shields, widely circulated dehumanising images of public sexual violation of Palestinian men, sexual assault of Palestinian women in Zionist prisons, enforced disappearance of children, and other acts of violence and debilitation. These largely go unreported, under-reported or misreported because of the Zionist hold over mainstream media.
Humanitarian aid is being withheld by Israel to intentionally starve Gazans as an instrument of ethnic cleansing and genocide. When the few aid trucks are allowed by Israel to finally cross into Gaza, or aid is airdropped by other countries attempting to break Israel’s siege, the Zionist army bomb, shoot, kill, and run over Palestinians rushing to food trucks as seen in multiple incidents including the recent flour massacre. Children continue to die from starvation and severe climate conditions; and those not dead yet are severely malnourished. Since October 7, Israel has incessantly bombed Gaza from F16s using 2,000-pound US-supplied bombs that blow up whole neighborhoods, internationally banned white phosphorus, and smaller lethal bombs dropped from the constantly circling drones. Israel has destroyed the 70% of the housing stock in Gaza, rendered all hospitals unable to provide care, and has further destroyed medical facilities, desalination plants that supplies clean water, schools and universities, public archives, cultural and historical landmarks, mosques  and churches, bakeries, roads and highways, and all civilian resources and infrastructure crucial for survival rendering Gaza unlivable. The sustained targeted attack on medical facilities have necessitated medical procedures like amputations and C-sections without anesthetics while the  neonatals and infants are dying on hospital beds and ICUs for lack of oxygen. Palestinian medics are not only overworked and severely under-resourced but under direct attack. Mass graves continue to pile up and Israel strips Palestinians of dignity even in death. Palestinian families are not allowed to recover bodies. Instead, the occupying forces attack and bomb graveyards and steal dead bodies for organs and skin to be used in Israeli forensic institutes. We have also seen the insidious images of Israeli soldiers posing with looted Palestinian women’s lingerie, mannequins, stealing children’s toys and making videos cooking inside houses Gazans have been forcibly displaced from. The entire population of Gaza has been subjected to collective punishment directed towards the acts of resistance forces, which is, in fact, the right of a colonized people for self-determination and autonomy. Israel has carried out  targeted attacks on journalists, medics, artists, academics and anyone who can help save lives and ensure the survival of Palestinian culture. The Zionist regime has killed over a 100 journalists to suppress news coming out of Gaza. Murdering journalists has been a tool to silence Palestinian voices throughout the 75 years of occupation. We recall the targeted killing of journalists like Shireen Abu Akleh in 2022 in occupied West Bank. We honour and learn from resilient voices like Wael Al-Dahdouh who survived an Israeli attack and whose entire family was murdered by Israel.
The Zionist entity also has a long history of pinkwashing, touting itself as a queer haven, and using that as a justification for genocide. We see IDF soldiers proudly upholding rainbow flags on rubble or others proposing to their partners amidst the horrors they inflict on the Palestinians. We see from various archives of queerness that Palestinian queers have always resisted this. Queer people all over the world reject Israel’s pinkwashing with the slogans, ‘Not in our name’, ‘Not Gay as in Happy but Queer as in Free Palestine’ and ‘No Pride in Apartheid’, and lately, ‘No Pride in Genocide’. We call for all queer comrades to include the liberation of Palestine in their imagination of queer liberation. Amidst the excruciating, incomprehensible ongoing physical and emotional trauma genocidal occupation inflicts, we call on our mad, queer, crip comrades to unflinchingly demand a free Palestine because disability and queer justice is intimately tied to Palestinian liberation.
On January 26 2024, in the case against Israel brought by South Africa to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that through the actions of Israel, Gaza is experiencing a plausible genocide. The ICJ ordered six Provisional Measures that under law, Israel must fulfill. The ICJ ordered Israel to take measures within its power to prevent genocidal acts, including preventing and punishing incitement to genocide, ensuring aid and services reach the Palestinian population in Gaza, and preserving evidence of crimes committed in Gaza. As we can see, Israel has completely ignored and defied all Provisional Measures.This also shows the impunity Israel enjoys because it is backed by imperial regimes. It reveals how colonial imperialism undergirds international law that has historically failed the colonised by protecting the interests of colonial imperialist regimes. Yet, the colonised have stood strong in their struggle for freedom and liberation, which has historically led to the downfall of colonial empires.
We understand that our liberation as oppressed people is deeply intertwined with struggles of the oppressed worldwide. We recognise India’s complicity in enabling the genocide and occupation of Palestine. A recent report by Pew Research Center, shows that India leads in support for autocracy and military rule among surveyed nations. Indian right-wing accounts are among leading amplifiers of anti-Palestinian fake news and have used it to fan and escalate anti-Muslim violence in India. As Azad Essa traces in his book Hostile Homelands, despite its official stance supporting the 1975 UN resolution that concluded Zionism as racism, India continued maintaining relations with Israel through security and defense engagements. For example, India adopted Israeli security systems in response to the November 2008 terrorist attacks on Mumbai. Thereafter India bought its mass surveillance systems infrastructure – the Central Monitoring System – from Israel, which can operate without court orders and access any individual’s communication data. The BJP-led Hindutva regime (under whose fascist vision of ‘Hindu Rashtra (state)’ crimes against Muslims, Christians, Dalits, Adivasis is at an all time high) upgraded this relation to a ‘strategic partnership’ following Modi’s 2017 Israel visit where the two parties signed a defense deal worth 2 billion USD. This deal included the Israeli spyware Pegasus, that the government used to arrest journalists, government critics, students, especially Dalit and Muslim organisers and throttle political opposition. India is now the top arms buyer from Israel, and our taxes fund Hermes 900 drones manufactured by the Adani Elbit UAV Complex (the first facility in India and outside Israel to manufacture this drone) which Israel uses to massacre Palestinians. Israeli drones ‘field-tested’ on Palestinians are imported to be used on Kashmiris, thwart Adivasi movements in Bastar, and are being used against the ongoing Farmers’ protest.
Much like Israel, the Indian state is a settler-colonial state occupying Kashmir. The abrogation of article 370 in Kashmir in 2019 that catapulted the facilitation of Indian citizens settling in Kashmir is starkly similar to Israeli settler-colonial policies. Kashmir has thus had a long history of what Ather Zia calls ‘affective solidarity’ with Palestine embodied through various ways of resisting whereby the Palestinian struggle is ‘inspirational, cathartic’ to Kashmiris. Following the article 370 abrogation, Palestine-Kashmir solidarity strengthened with the BDS movement’s call for solidarity for Kashmir. Pro-Palestine protests in Kashmir continue to be repressed, a history that goes back to 2014 where amidst chants of ‘Save Gaza’ and ‘Go India, Go Back’, the Indian Armed Forces shot at young boys who were stone pelting, killing a 14 year-old.
We also stand with the workers of India who have made their solidarity to the Palestinian cause clear – the water transport workers who have refused to aid the shipment of arms to Israel on 14/02/2024 as well as the major Indian trade unions who, on 09/11/2023, rejected the Indian government’s move to replace Palestinian workers with Indian workers in Israel. We extend our revolutionary solidarity to the workers of the world resisting the ongoing genocide. We stand with the students who have organised for Palestine and whose protests have been met with repression by several Indian universities. Indian academia continues to receive funding from and collaborates with Israel. We call for an immediate cessation of this act of enabling occupation. We call for a total academic boycott of the Zionist entity – no more enabling of the coloniser’s knowledge production, which is a tool for genocide. The Zionist regime continues to murder academics and destroy schools, universities and libraries. We recall and honour the memory of professor, writer and poet Refaat Alareer. We urge Indian academics to see how Zionism is directly connected to the Hindutva machinery that continues to imprison Indian scholars like Hany Babu, GN Saibaba among others and student organisers like Sharjeel Imam, Umar Khalid, Gulfisha Fatima, among others, arrested for being dissenting voices. Our universities have long been bastions of resistance and we should strengthen our solidarities in knowledge production with the people worldwide facing violence. We learn from and honour Palestinian resistance in every form and remember Rafeef Ziadeh’s words, ‘We Teach Life, Sir! 
Following the call for strike on 8th March we put out this statement and will be participating with various actions in individual and collective capacities in solidarity with the people of Palestine. We learn from and honour Palestinian resistance in every form and remember Rafeef Ziadeh’s words, ‘We Teach Life, Sir! Actions can range from actively engaging in the Boycott Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement, raising awareness in-person and on media platforms, sending emails to government representatives to send aid to Gaza and push for permanent ceasefire, amplifying fundraisers, donating e-sims, and more. From Palestine to Sudan, Congo, Western Sahara, Kurdistan, Balochistan, Kashmir all the way to Haiti and Tigray—no one is free until everyone is free. We call for economic, academic, cultural and social boycott. We call upon organisers to honour the call for the strike by addressing and embracing the call for a free Palestine in their 8 March programs and events. We call for the end of patriarchal, capitalist, colonial regimes that oppress us. We demand immediate permanent ceasefire, end of the siege on Gaza, end to settler-colonial occupation and the dismantling of the Zionist state of Israel. We demand a free Palestine from the river to the sea.
Do make your support for the statement heard by posting on social media and handing out the handouts we have made here .
Do comment your organization’s name below to be added to the list of signatories.
Trans Queer Feminists in Solidarity with Palestine Feminists in Resistance, Kolkata  LGBT Academics collective, India COLLECTIVE, Delhi
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damnesdelamer · 7 months
TERFs and zionists are functionally the same. Both members of actual marginalised demographics who've escaped the most immediate and brutal forms of their oppression by getting into bed with (and thereby becoming) literal fascists, in order to transfer that brutalisation onto still more oppressed groups whom they'd see as siblings and comrades if any shred of their humanity remained.
Those zionists are bourgeois white women crying out 'that tranny took out his penis in the ladies room and that means he's going to rape me!!' and those TERFs are IOF soldiers aiming assault rifles at children and tweeting 'if we let these animals grow to adulthood it will only mean they will commit antisemitic terrorist attacks'.
The difference is scale. While one is an anonymous army of Karens and trolls led by bored reactionary millionaires, the other is a militarised police state armed and funded by the greatest imperial superpower in history. Their relationship to their victims and their oppressors is the same. And I assure you, both seek eradication.
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agentfascinateur · 27 days
What kind of future with group-think!?
... universities have an important role to play in upholding the imperatives of academic freedom and critical inquiry, especially today, amid the growing debate and protests over Israel’s war on Gaza. However, despite their ethical and legal commitments to scholarly freedom, many Western institutions of higher education have failed to protect or even suppressed faculty and students who have expressed their solidarity with the Palestinian people.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
by Dion J. Pierre
Columbia University’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has endorsed Hamas, a US-designated terrorist organization, the latest sign of its growing extremism and willingness to embrace antisemitic violence.
“The Palestinian resistance is the only force materially fighting back against isr*el [sic],” the group said in a series of posts shared by Documenting Jew Hatred on Campus, a social media account which exposes antisemitism on college campuses. “There is no way to eliminate the resistance without ending the occupation. When you see a video of a young palestinian [sic] boy traumatized in a hospital talking about how iof [the Israel Defense Forces, or IDF] shot his pregnant mother in cold blood in front of his own eyes, do not question how he chooses to resist years later.”
Campus Reform, a higher education watchdog which first reported Documenting Jew Hatred on Campus’ posts, noted that Columbia SJP has added an “inverted red triangle” to its social media biography, further indicating its support for Hamas. The Palestinian terrorist group has used an inverted red triangle in its propaganda videos to indicate an Israeli target about to be attacked, and anti-Israel protesters on university campuses have been using the symbol in their demonstrations.
Columbia SJP, a group that has re-formed under multiple names since being suspended by school administrators during the fall semester, has been central in staging a slew of riotous demonstrations in which anti-Zionist activists verbally assaulted Jewish students with antisemitic epithets, clamorously expressed support for terrorism and Hamas, and caused thousands of dollars in damages to school property.
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good-old-gossip · 5 months
Get to know the REAL TERRORISTS - IOF Soldiers
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Israeli soldiers used three Palestinian minors as human shields during their raids on buildings in the Tulkarem refugee camp in the occupied West Bank on May 5 and 6, as documented by the Geneva-based rights group Defense for Children International.
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workersolidarity · 2 months
[ 📹 Horrific scenes of chaos, destruction and death after the Israeli occupation forces committed yet another massacre of Palestinian civilians, this time in the Al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City, killing and wounding a number of residents. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 285th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 2 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 81 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 198 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or whose bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.
The Israeli occupation Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has continued to resist a push by some factions of the occupation's Political class to sign an agreement for a hostage exchange and ceasefire deal with Palestinian resistance groups in the Gaza Strip, arguing to his political opponents in the Israeli Knesset that there was no need to pressure him.
"Hamas should feel pressured. The hostages are suffering but they are not dead," the Prime Minister told his ministers in a cabinet meeting late on Tuesday.
The comments came as the Israeli negotiating team briefed the Prime Minister's cabinet on the various aspects of the hostage deal, including a disputed potential withdrawal of the Israeli occupation forces from the so-called Philadelphi corridor, as well as the return of Palestinian residents to the northern Gaza Strip.
During the cabinet meeting, the negotiators told the ministers that the chances of reaching a deal are "not bad" because "Hamas is at a difficult point," adding that it was important to engage in negotiations immediately due to the time it could take to nail down the details.
"It is vital to take advantage of the opportunity that is at hand," the negotiating team told the cabinet.
At the same time, Zionist Defense Minister and war criminal, Yoav Gallant, told the cabinet during a closed-door meeting that if a deal is not struck within the next two weeks, the "fate of the hostages will be sealed," going on to accuse the Prime Minister of "placing obstacles in the way of an agreement" to protect his coalition.
In the meantime, from Netanyahu's extreme right, National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich warned Netanyahu that their parties would reject any deal with Hamas, warning of an exit from the government if a deal is struck and leaving the Prime Minister without the majority he would need to remain in power.
Speaking to the Israeli Knesset on Wednesday, Netanyahu told elected officials that the occupation continues to make progress towards achieving its goals in Gaza, including the elimination of the Hamas resistance movement, and ensuring that the Palestinian population of Gaza can pose no threat to the Zionist entity.
"Hamas is under pressure because we are destroying its tunnels and killing thousands of its terrorists," he said. "Hamas understands we are not buckling to the immense external and internal pressure," the Prime Minister said.
Meanwhile, the situation for the Hamas resistance movement continues become increasingly difficult, according to Israeli military sources, while the occupation's military operations against the resistance "will not continue indefinitely."
The occupation media quoted Israeli military sources as saying that the occupation army is "taking advantage of every minute" before a hostage exchange deal can be sealed, and are prepared to deal with the consequences of a possible truce agreement, which some sources say could include an Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.
At the same time, the sources expect a low-intensity operation to continue in Gaza for some time, but that there is an "end in sight," as the resistance faces greater difficulties in fighting.
Israeli military officials say Hamas leaders and operatives have been emerging from the tunnel systems under Gaza more and more often in recent months, establishing positions within civilian facilities.
The Israeli occupation army also claimed it has targeted the Palestinian resistance in more than 50 strikes in recent weeks, targeting Hamas inside Gaza's schools, hospitals and other civilian sites used to shelter Palestinians.
The occupation army went on to argue that it has become difficult for resistance fighters to remain in the tunnels for long periods, instead emerging above-ground and hiding among civilians. They also claim morale among the resistance fighters is in decline, and that thousands have abandoned the movement's operations or have chosen to stop fighting.
The occupation forces also said that the Hamas fighters face a severe shortage of weapons, and have been in "survival mode" for several months. Going on to clame it is no longer the same military organization it was on October 7th.
The occupation army then went on to state that the Palestinian resistance maintains the capability to attack occupation forces in Gaza, and can still launch missiles at the occupied territories, including long-range rockets that can reach Tel Aviv and occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
The sources also grudgingly admit that Hamas is still capable of producing some weapons, but that their quality has been lowered.
The occupation army has previously argued that the Hamas resistance movement has lost roughly half of its military leadership in Gaza, while also claiming it has killed more than 14'000 of its fighters.
In other news, the Energy and Natural Resources Authority announced on Tuesday that power line No. F11, which supplies the central Gaza Strip, will be re-operational in the coming days.
In a statement, the Energy Authority, working in conjunction with the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company, has been working for the past two weeks to repair the destroyed electrical line on the Palestinian side of the border, hoping to restore power back to the central Gaza water desalinization plant in Deir al-Balah.
If fixed, the desalinization plant would provide some 20'000 cubic meters of potable water per day to Gaza's displaced residents.
The Energy Authority said it is cooperating with International institutions to pressure the Israeli occupation to restore electricity to Gaza's residents and vital facilities.
The Authority went on to thank its partners that contributed to the repairs, in particular the Water Authority, the Coastal Municipalities Authority, and UNICEF, along with the Energy Authority and the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company, all of whom helped build the line amidst the continuing Israeli aggression, risking their lives in the process.
In other news on Wednesday, the United Nations is reporting that the Israeli occupation authorities continue to prevent the provision of fuel needed for humanitarian aid workers, hindering the distribution of food supplies to the residents of Gaza.
Speaking during a press conference, UN spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, said that "dozens were killed and wounded in the recent Israeli attacks on Gaza."
"One of the attacks occurred 100 metres from the centre where humanitarian aid operations are taking place in Deir al-Balah," Dujarric said.
The spokesperson went on to stress that the endless bombing and shelling "make[s] it more difficult for people who are already working under great pressure."
"The Israeli authorities are still not allowing the provision of fuel needed for humanitarian relief workers, and therefore the distribution of food is being hampered," he added.
In more news, the Humanitarian organization Doctor's Without Borders (MSF) is again warning that hospitals in the Gaza Strip are lacking in the most basic of necessities, leading to the deaths of more and more Palestinians every moment the war continues.
In a statement issued on Wednesday, MSF said that for the last 9 months, the Gaza Strip has witnessed near continuous death and psychological trauma, with nowhere in Gaza that has been spared from the Israeli-inflicted horrors.
The organization stated that, with every attack, Gaza's medical teams are exposed to unbearable pressures and conditions amid a depleted and damaged healthcare system.
"Our teams are working across the Gaza Strip to provide essential and life-saving care to those injured in the brutal Israeli attacks, who are also forced to flee for their lives," the MSF statement said.
Gaza's hospitals are also dealing with an extreme fuel shortage, needing more than 80'000 liters of fuel per day, but receiving nowhere near that amount.
At this time, just 13 hospitals remain partially operational, out of a total of 36 at the start of the occupation's genocidal war, while out of 11 field hospitals, 3 have been temporarily closed and 4 are only partially functional.
Meanwhile, the occupation's bombing and shelling continues to slaughter civilians by the hundreds each week, with attacks on civilian shelters increasing in recent days.
On Tuesdays night, occupation forces bombed a residential home belonging to the Abu Hamda family in the Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, killing at least 5 citizens and wounding a number of others.
At the same time, a girl was shot by occupation forces in the yard of a school sheltering displaced families, east of the Nuseirat Camp, while occupation artillery shelling pummeled neighborhoods west of the camp, resulting in several injuries.
The Israeli occupation army also bombed a residential house belonging to the Raed Daib family near the Sunna Mosque, in the town of Al-Zawaida, south of the Nuseirat Camp, resulting in the deaths of 7 Palestinians and wounding several others.
Similarly, 5 civilians were killed after occupation warplanes bombarded the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, west of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, while an occupation drone-strike targeted the entrance of the town of Beit Hanoun, north of Gaza, killing one Palestinian.
In yet another atrocity and war crime, Israeli occupation forces bombed another school housing displaced civilian families in the Nuseirat Camp, killing at least 23 civilians and wounding another 70 others, while 17 Palestinian civilians were killed, and 26 injured, after Zionist fighter jets bombed the Al-Attar area, crowded with displaced civilians, west of the city of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip.
Later, two citizens were killed, and a number of others wounded, including women and children, after Israeli occupation forces conducted an airstrike on a residential house belonging to the Tatar family in Gaza City.
Another occupation bombing targeted in the vicinity of the Abdullah Azzam Mosque, which killed 2 citizens and wounded 15 others north of the Nuseirat Camp.
Zionist forces also bombed a residential building, home to the Al-Issawi family, which housed displaced families, resulting in the death of one Palestinian and injuring several others in Camp-1 of the Nuseirat Camp, near the Al-Ihsan Mosque.
Zionist artillery detatchments also shelled the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City, while occupation fighter jets bombarded a house belonging to the al-Farabi family in the Abu Iskandar area of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, north of Gaza City.
Occupation artillery shelling went on to target the cities of Khan Yunis and Rafah, while Zionist warplanes launched two raids on neighborhoods southwest of Rafah, which coincided with artillery shelling of the area.
The atrocities continued when the Israeli occupation army shelled the Nuseirat Camp again, as well as Rafah City, killing 5 civilians and wounding a number of others.
The dead bodies of 4 Palestinians were also recovered by civil defense crews from the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah, while occupation forces shelled the Return roundabout, along with the Yebna and Al-Shaboura Camps in the city.
In the meantime, an elderly man was killed as a result of the occupation's bombing of a house in the Nuseirat Camp, while Zionist military vehicles opened fire towards residential areas of Al-Mughraqa and Al-Zahra'a, as well as Al-Rashid Street north of the camp.
Meanwhile, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) stated that the Israeli occupation has now targeted at least 8 schools housing displaced civilian families over the last 10-days, 6 of which were affiliated with the agency.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll now exceeds 38'794 Palestinians killed, including at least 10'300 women and well over 15'700 children, while another 89'364 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
This brings the total number of casualties to 128'158, or the equivalent of 5.57% of Gaza's 2.3 million residents.
July 17th, 2024
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it scares me how quickly so many supposed leftists have turned away from palestine, and how similar their language is to the people they say they're fighting.
how is calling for the violent death of palestinian children because you say they're terrorists any different from attempting to justify the murder of a black boy who was acting "suspicious"? how does ignoring and ridiculing the suffering of palestinian women make you a feminist, and why does the argument that they "deserve it" sound so familiar? how can you claim to advocate for disability rights and then pass over a child who starved to death just because he had cerebral palsy and he was "at risk anyway"?
this is a genocide happening in real time, and the world will not forgive you for ignoring it. we CAN'T ignore it.
being part of an oppressed group does not excuse you from oppressing another. saying that all people supporting palestine are antisemitic is wrong and insulting. we're not calling for the death of all jews, we're calling for the safety of all palestinians. the fact that you think jewish and palestinian lives cannot exist together says more about you than it does the people you're fighting against.
why does someone who lives on the other side of the world have more right to the land than someone who has lived there their entire life? that's colonist rhetoric, and it's the same ideals that were used in the manifest destiny when the u.s. expanded west and attempted to eradicate hundreds of indigenous cultures. that's bad!! forcing 2 million people- individual lives, each with dreams and hopes and a family and secrets and favourite school subjects- into a "safe zone" they can't evacuate from and then carpet bombing them is bad! it's fucking unfathomable to me how people have gotten so stuck on the false dichotomy of freedom for israelis or freedom for palestinians that they're excusing a genocide. they asked for your help and when you demanded proof, they gave it to you. you said it wasn't enough and they gave you more, the fucking israeli army gave you more. and you're still sitting here reblogging iof thirst traps and calling yourself a leftist.
palestine is a feminist issue. palestine is a disability issue. free palestine 🇵🇸 🍉
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4ft10tvlandfangirl · 6 months
Once again IOF has been caught in a lie that cost innocent lives and once again the truth comes out with no fanfare
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From the article:
The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement the next day it had “identified and struck a terrorist who operated an aircraft that posed a threat to IDF troops.” Two days later, the military announced that it had uncovered evidence that both men belonged to militant groups — Thuraya to Hamas and Dahdouh to Palestinian Islamic Jihad, its smaller rival in Gaza — and that the attack had been in response to an “immediate” threat.
This is ALWAYS the explanation to justify targeting unarmed palestinian men and boys. This is almost word for word what they said about the young men they killed in the hospital. But lo and behold, the very next paragraph of the article
The Washington Post obtained and reviewed the footage from Thuraya’s drone, which was stored in a memory card recovered at the scene and sent to a Palestinian production company in Turkey. No Israeli soldiers, aircraft or other military equipment are visible in the footage taken that day — which The Post is publishing in its entirety — raising critical questions about why the journalists were targeted. Fellow reporters said they were unaware of troop movements in the area.
Interviews with 14 witnesses to the attack and colleagues of the slain reporters offer the most detailed account yet of the deadly incident. The Post found no indications that either man was operating as anything other than a journalist that day. Both passed through Israeli checkpoints on their way to the south early in the war; Dahdouh had recently been approved to leave Gaza, a rare privilege unlikely to have been granted to a known militant.
That part is so important because if you understand how difficult it is for Palestinians to leave Gaza you would automatically know Hamza's background was thoroughly checked. The article went on to say,
In response to multiple inquiries and detailed questions from The Post, the IDF said: “We have nothing further to add.”
They have nothing further to add.
Hamza and Mustafa were brutally murdered, their families and friends left to grieve them, and the IOF have nothing further to add.
You know what the worst part is? The people who need to see this, like the assholes that jumped on mine and others posts with comments like these,
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they aren't gonna see the truth. Because the truth never gets blasted on the airwaves and on mainstream media the same way the lies do. Which we know and have been saying but it doesn't get any less upsetting when you think about the effects of the lies.
Please please check out the article because Mustafa's last drone footage in its entirety is embedded in there. Also a bit of caution as the drone footage of the IOF strike on the vehicle he and Hamza (as well as two other freelance journalists and the driver) were in is in there as well.
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vyorei · 9 months
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IOF terrorists have murdered 17 year old Suleiman Kanaan in Al-Bireh in the West Bank after opening fire in a group of young men.
Say his name.
The IOF also injured and TOOK AWAY at least 2 others.
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