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damien-candle · 17 days ago
@theinvisibledavis thank you, asshole, for this wonderful suffering for the gay folks
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piowasthere · 9 months ago
i made this like 4 months ago when i was finishing BA2 found the file and decided to finish it up
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oc-skits · 2 months ago
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andiedrawzeverything263 · 16 days ago
Look who it is!
It's Vitalis fanart for @theinvisibledavis from his fairytail series! I have never drawn him before-
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I can't draw hands, man 😭 they look deformed- and yes, I used the reference for the hair because I can't draw hair for shit- overall, I really like how it came out!
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relicsandoldstories · 3 years ago
I am HORRIBLE at drawing but I am rewatching Invisible Davis' SCP MC series and the phrase 'Be cold not cruel' that is repeated quite often in my opinion. So I decided to draw this. If you don't know his channel or any of his series you should definitely check it out.
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I can't do eyes or well, faces so I'm happy I did it like this to not further embarrass myself
[The speech bubble says: Be Cold Not Cruel. Right Doc?]
I imagine this would happen in the earlier episodes
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narabea06 · 3 years ago
Warning: Spoilers for TheFamousFilms/InvisibleDavisStudios/Kainabunny FNAF series/universe
TW: Abuse, Bullying,, Manipulation, Charlie-, Death
Anyway, just to help the people who don't know much about this series, Mia is a sentient mouse animatronic who is owned by a man named Davis and his gf Kat, and works at a restaurant named the Barnyard Bash. That's the general knowledge you need to know-
Now, my argument: Mia is the most underrated character and has gone through so much sh*t that is never acknowledged by anyone-
Okay, let's start off with the fact she is constantly terrorized by Charlie (AKA a cat animatronic she has to work with) who has chased her around the restaurant threatening to hurt her, almost stabbed her with a knife, almost shot her with a gun, consistently manipulates her and drags her into trouble, yells at her all the time, punches her, belittles her, generally bullies her- THE LIST GOES ON-
And Mia has a very hard time standing up to him and really wants to stand up for herself but she just can't, bc usually that just leads to Charlie getting more upset and messing with her more. And what do c!Davis and c!Kat do? F**king nothing other than telling Charlie to knock it off and telling Mia to stand up to him.
Not to mention the fact that c!Davis and c!Kat also belittle Mia and say a lot of passive aggressive sh*t about her and constantly make jokes against her. Barely anyone talks to or about Mia in a positive light beside Vanny (a bunny animatronic who used to be at the establishment), c!Bryan and c!Dylan (friends of c!Davis), Gomez (goat animatronic), and Lassy (dog animatronic), and even with those five people, she only talks to two of them on a daily basis, and another one of those people is basically dead.
Mia is constantly surrounded by people who look down on her and she never treated with respect or like a human even tho she constantly tries her best.
For weeks, she was the one to take care of the pizzeria bc c!Kat and c!Davis were gone for awhile on vacation, and constantly cleans up everything and makes sure everything's in working order before she even thinks to charge herself, and they never say thank you or even acknowledge it. Mia tries, and when c!Davis and c!Kat got back, c!Davis literally called her the most under qualified person hes ever met.
Anyway, back to Mia's trauma.
Here's a few things she's gone through so far:
- She's constantly blamed for her own code bc c!Davis coded her to be scared and cowardly and clumsy all the time, and she literally tells him he should change it and he refuses, but then complains about her being these traits and not standing up for herself.
- c!Davis and c!Kat are verbally abusive to her and the other animatronics. Like- I love them, they're great characters, but they can be just terrible to the animatronics. Once c!Davis was having a break down and Vanny, Charlie, Gomez, and Mia ran in asking if he was okay and he screamed at them to get tf out. Terrified, the four hid in the bathrooms scared that c!Davis was so upset he would kill them or scrap them. Finally, they ended up calling c!Kat bc they didn't know wtf to do, and that was basically the only reason that c!Davis calmed down. That's just one example, lemme grab another one-
- Once, Mia and Charlie snuck out bc they needed to talk to Molten (another character in the series) and went to c!Bryan's park. They managed to get back before c!Davis and c!Kat got back, and they still noticed the door was unlocked and said they needed to interrogate the animatronics on who snuck out. All the animatronics knew that Mia would break super fast and started threatening her to not say anything (mostly Charlie), and immediately, c!Davis and c!Kat decided to interrogate Mia first, trying to play the good cop, bad cop strategy with c!Kat being the good cop and c!Davis being the the bad cop. This ended with them both screaming at Mia to tell them, Mia having a breakdown, c!Davis threatening Mia with a hammer (it was a rubber hammer but Mia didn't know that and thought is was real), and c!Kat trying to manipulate Mia into telling them by saying that either Mia brought this upon herself or saying that she would tell c!Davis to stop if she just told them. Mia ended up finally telling them at the end, tho i will say that while they interrogated her, they also changed her voice settings so she was stuck speaking Spanish, chased her through the pizzeria, and then dragged her back to the room they were interrogating her in.
- Mia isn't good with yelling, loud noises, or fighting, and at one point Vanny and Charlie started having fights every single day with her stuck in between them, so she wasn't doing the greatest during those times, especially when Vanny or Charlie dragged her into their arguments.
- On the subject on Vanny, lets talk about her and Mia's friendship. Vanny started out super sweet and innocent and Mia constantly tried to be there for her and the two became friends, especially when Vanny and Charlie started fighting, bc Vanny started to even stand up for Mia, and even once snuck out with Mia to go hang out together and get Vanny some bows for her ears. Mia even said she felt way more confident around Vanny. Then Vanny got possessed by Valerie and was slowly glitch out, until eventually Vanny suggested that she was factory reset so that she could "get rid of the bug". Mia was heartbroken bc she realized that would make Vanny forget everything, but Vanny decided to do it anyway saying that they'd make new memories. By the time Vanny was reset tho, all of Vanny's personality was gone and all that was left was Valerie. Valerie proceeded to say terrible things to Mia and Charlie whenever she interacted with them and even possibly broke Gomez, who was basically Mia and Charlie's only other friend, and basically made it where he was stuck constantly in a robotic stage mode. Valerie also got Charlie and Mia in trouble all the time by pretending to the victim when she bullied Charlie and Mia and pinned it on them when c!Kat and c!Davis were around. Finding it hard to stay with Valerie anymore, Charlie and Mia tried to set her on fire- Ill admit, not the best move, but whatever. c!Kat and c!Davis were pissed and fixed Vanny and set her to another location, and Charlie and Mia hated that idea and still wanted the possibility of Vanny coming back, but c!Davis and c!Kat thought they just wanted to hurt her more and didn't listen. Even now, when its months after Vanny left, Mia still misses her and constantly talks about how she misses her and wants to have a friend again.
- Anyway, moving on to what happened to Gomez. When Gomez was broken, she tried everything to get him back and felt terrible about what happened. Then when they moved to a new location (the whole restaurant was moved a little after the fire incident with Vanny), Gomez once followed her when she was having a night to herself and told her she needed to fix him and told her that the robotic voice he had wasn't his and it scared him, and started holding onto her while glitching out before completing shutting down. Then, according to Mia, this happened a lot- Eventually Gomez finally went back to his old self, but every time he glitched, Mia was terrified and started panicking.
- Now on to Lassy. When they first got her, Charlie told Mia she would just be like Vanny, and Mia told him she wouldn't, and to prove it tried hanging out with her. But the thing is, Mia is a quiet introvert. She prefers quiet slow paced stuff and likes having time where she doesn't have to deal with Charlie or the loud noises of everything. Then, there's Lassy who's very loud, energetic, extravorted, clingy, and kinda a dumba**, and immediately clings to Mia. Mia does not exactly like hanging out with Bessy, but still tries to tho it ends up Mia trying so hard to find someone to replace Vanny. Mia even admits that she finds Lassy nice but finds it hard to get attached bc she cant connect with her.
- Bonus thing: Halloween. Basically Gomez was dressed as a ghost and kept messing with her, as Charlie gaslit her into thinking that she was seeing sh*t. Actually hell, we dont even know whether he gaslit her or if she was actually hallucinating, or if that episode wasn't even canon. Its just there, Mia ended up having a breakdown, Lassy was confused-
- Then theres the fact that when c!Bryan died, Mia had to be the one to tell c!Davis after being threatened by Molten not to tell anyone.
- Then theres when she went to go tell c!Dylan about Valerie, she got told he went missing and was possibly dead.
- But then there's the time when Charlie and Mia ran away for a week after they were threatened to be reset-
In summary, Mia was gone through so much sh*t, and she should be a more popular character, and i love her-
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damien-candle · 3 months ago
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damien-candle · 3 months ago
Have a Lil OC, mostly just to reference the designs I have done for the shows (og earth, lunar, bloodmoon, ruin) with a Lil guy
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damien-candle · 3 months ago
Boyos gotten his Christmas bonus LETS GOOOO
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damien-candle · 2 years ago
"I just want to be good..."
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damien-candle · 1 year ago
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Just some humanoid puppet and dear Nobe
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oc-skits · 5 months ago
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piowasthere · 1 year ago
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No good in life, just angst
and Bonnie
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oc-skits · 1 month ago
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oc-skits · 2 months ago
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oc-skits · 5 months ago
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