#investment earning method
tech-2-duo · 1 year
Different Ways to Earn Money Online Without Investment in 2023
In the online earning process, you can sit anywhere and earn passive income if you have specific skills.
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1. Investing in Dividend Stocks
Dividend stocks are shares in companies that pay a portion of their earnings to shareholders regularly. To start, open a brokerage account, research companies with a history of paying dividends, and invest. The key is to diversify your portfolio to minimize risk. Over time, you’ll earn regular dividend payments without actively managing your investments.
2. Real Estate Rentals
Owning rental properties can be a lucrative passive income stream. Purchase a property, rent it out, and earn monthly rental income. Ensure the property is well-maintained to attract tenants. You can hire a property management company to handle day-to-day operations, making it a truly passive venture.
3. Peer-to-Peer Lending
Peer-to-peer lending platforms connect borrowers with investors. By lending money to individuals or small businesses, you earn interest on your investment. Popular platforms like LendingClub and Prosper allow you to start with a small amount of capital. Diversify your loans to spread risk and increase your chances of steady returns.
4. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for every sale made through your referral link. Create a blog or YouTube channel, produce content around your niche, and recommend relevant products. Sign up for affiliate programs like Amazon Associates or ShareASale to get started. With quality content and targeted traffic, you can generate significant passive income.
5. Creating an Online Course
If you have expertise in a particular field, creating an online course can be highly profitable. Platforms like Udemy and Teachable allow you to publish and sell your courses to a global audience. Invest time in creating comprehensive, high-quality content, and market your course effectively. Once published, you’ll earn passive income from course sales without ongoing effort.
6. Selling Digital Products
Digital products such as eBooks, printables, or software can generate passive income. Create valuable digital products based on your skills and interests. Platforms like Etsy, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, or your own website can help you reach potential buyers. Once set up, these products can sell repeatedly with minimal maintenance.
7. Investing in Index Funds
Index funds are a type of mutual fund that tracks a specific market index, such as the S&P 500. They offer diversification and lower risk compared to individual stocks. Open a brokerage account, choose an index fund, and invest. Over time, you’ll benefit from market growth and earn passive income through capital appreciation and dividends.
8. Building a Mobile App
Creating a mobile app can be a great source of passive income. Identify a problem or need, develop an app to address it, and publish it on app stores like Google Play or Apple App Store. You can monetize your app through ads, in-app purchases, or a subscription model. Once launched, your app can generate income with minimal ongoing work.
9. Starting a YouTube Channel
YouTube offers a platform to share your knowledge, hobbies, or entertainment. Create engaging videos, grow your subscriber base, and monetize through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing. Consistency and quality content are key to building a successful channel. Over time, your videos will generate passive income as they continue to attract viewers.
10. High-Yield Savings Accounts and CDs
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Generating passive income is a smart way to build wealth and achieve financial independence. By exploring and implementing these ten methods, you can create multiple income streams and enjoy the freedom of earning money without constant effort. Start small, stay consistent, and watch your passive income grow over time.
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britannicaes · 1 year
Zero-Cost Online Earning: Unleash Your Income Potential Without Investments
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Discover legitimate and no-cost methods to earn money online without investment. Explore quick and easy ways to generate income from home, with a focus on passive income and genuine online jobs. Start your online earning journey today!
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Online money typically refers to digital currencies or digital forms of payment used for transactions conducted over the internet. There are several types of online money: 
online money free--https://tinyurl.com/yc6zxvay
1. Cryptocurrencies: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others are decentralized digital currencies that use cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. They operate on blockchain technology and offer a decentralized and secure way of transferring value online. 
2. Digital Payment Systems: These systems enable electronic transactions between individuals or businesses. Examples include PayPal, Venmo, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and various other online payment platforms. These systems typically link to bank accounts or credit cards to facilitate transactions. 
3. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT): EFT refers to the transfer of funds between different bank accounts electronically. It allows individuals and businesses to send and receive money online directly from their bank accounts. 
4. Mobile Payment Apps: With the widespread use of smartphones, mobile payment apps have gained popularity. These apps, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, enable users to make payments using their mobile devices by linking their bank accounts, credit cards, or other payment methods. 
When engaging in online money transactions, it is crucial to prioritize security by using reputable platforms, ensuring the legitimacy of sellers or recipients, and protecting personal and financial information. 
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carmelcoco · 7 months
mercury notes. 💅🏻
Disclaimer. these observations do not have to resonate with everyone and everything, all expressed in this post is based on personal experience and research.
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mercury signs and their characteristics 🍭
🫧 aries mercury
You're blunt and direct because you deeply care about your loved ones and want what's best for them, even if it initially hurts. You're a reliable friend who values mental stimulation over constant chatter. You're quick-witted and passionate, often diving into new interests headfirst, even if you haven't mastered them yet. Challenges excite you, and you prefer things that make you think hard. You can get obsessed until you figure something out, and once you do, you stick with it. However, you might get competitive or jealous when others are better at something you're passionate about. Plus, all that thinking can give you headaches. But ultimately, your bluntness stems from a place of caring, and your loyalty and agility of mind make you a valuable friend.
🫧 taurus mercury
Your laidback nature stems from your focus on what truly matters to you. You're guarded because you've learned to prioritize your goals and rely only on yourself, leading to a preference for a small, trustworthy circle. While emotional, your rationality guides you to offer practical advice sought by many. When you love, you do so intensely, either fully invested or not at all, which can leave you drained in communication and occasionally introverted, causing concern among others. You're honest and direct, with an appreciation for the beauty of words, possibly drawn to poetry. In youth, you might have easily developed crushes and possess a melodious voice, possibly skilled in singing. With Taurus Mercury, your communication style is stable and methodical, marked by a reserved demeanor and a tendency to carefully analyze your thoughts and opinions. While you may appear stubborn, others view you as thoughtful and reliable due to your grounded approach to communication.
🫧 gemini mercury
With your mind always buzzing, you might need to work on organizing to avoid getting overwhelmed easily. You're a sponge for information, possibly even having some psychic intuition. Your ability to grasp concepts quickly lets you talk your way through things effortlessly, even if you haven't fully digested them. People trust whatever you say, even if it's random, thanks to your charm. Your hunger for knowledge keeps you everywhere, possibly juggling multiple social media accounts or interests, making you intriguing yet hard to pin down. From a young age, you displayed advanced intellect, impressing others with your wisdom beyond years. However, your thirst for new knowledge can lead to forgetting old ones, making exams a struggle unless you study hard. Despite this, you're generous and respectful, always open to communication, which earns you many acquaintances but perhaps few deep emotional bonds, leaving you somewhat detached. You're expressive, likely talking with your hands and body to drive your point home. With a Gemini Mercury, you're curious and talkative, overflowing with ideas and a penchant for witty, sarcastic communication. You enjoy delving into topics deeply and playfully, often expressing yourself through clever wordplay and puns.
🫧 cancer mercury
Cancer Mercuries are often misunderstood due to the crybaby stereotype, but they're much more than that. They have a knack for sensing emotions, especially in their loved ones, and their words carry a depth that reflects their own experiences and wounds. They have a remarkable memory for emotional moments, often recalling cringey or painful events vividly while forgetting trivial details easily. These folks lean towards introversion and need plenty of alone time to recharge, thriving best among their loved ones. Clear communication is crucial with them as they can sense insincerity. Despite their emotional nature, they keep their feelings guarded and may use self-deprecating humor to deflect. Once they trust you, though, they're fiercely loyal and offer comfort and support with their words. With a Cancer Mercury, communication is deeply compassionate and intuitive, rooted in empathy and a desire to nurture and support others. They express themselves poetically and creatively, understanding others' pain and offering unwavering support.
🫧 leo mercury
Individuals with Leo Mercury express their love and affection through communication, showing warmth and making others feel like instant best friends. They can get obsessive about their interests and crushes, giving them intense focus. In learning environments, they need joy and fun to stay engaged. They value actions over words, so if you claim to love them, you better show it. Their charming communication style attracts attention, but they must be mindful of what they say as people tend to magnify their words. They're prone to checking up on loved ones frequently, regardless of how much time has passed, as attention is their love language. However, a downside is their reluctance to consider others' viewpoints, often believing they're always right. With Leo Mercury, communication is energetic, confident, and direct, with a charismatic and engaging flair. They enjoy being the center of attention and aren't afraid to assert themselves, making them natural leaders in communication.
🫧 virgo mercury
Virgo Mercuries are like the champions of communication, always making sure their words are well put together and hard to argue against, reminiscent of those kids who constantly won spelling bees. They're high achievers from a young age, constantly seeking logic and truth in everything, which can lead them to get lost in details and feel overwhelmed. Even in chaos, they handle things maturely with logic, earning them the reputation of wise advisors. However, their attention to detail can lead to overthinking, as they scrutinize even the smallest actions and texts, making it hard to deceive them. Suspicious by nature, they'll do thorough research, even stalking if needed, to uncover the truth. They should trust themselves more and boost their self-confidence to overcome intrusive thoughts. With a Virgo Mercury, communication is analytical and critical, driven by a desire for perfection and precision. They analyze everything before speaking, taking a methodical and logical approach that can sometimes lead to overthinking. Patience and self-discipline are key for them to manage their overactive minds effectively.
🫧 libra mercury
Libra Mercuries thrive on peace and harmony in their daily lives, feeling unsettled when things are out of order. While they're adept at seeing both sides of a story, they can get lost in trying to maintain balance. However, they've learned it's okay to embrace chaos occasionally, especially since they easily get bored. Despite their indecisive nature, they possess objective intelligence, making them skilled at solving problems from different perspectives, which suits careers in law or similar fields. Yet, their desire for justice can lead to complicated situations due to their reluctance to choose sides. This indecision may strain friendships, although they can also be seen as loyal and reliable if positively manifested. They have a thirst for knowledge and are drawn to what stimulates their minds, enjoying romance books or shows and even finding amusement in chaotic situations, despite not being naturally chaotic themselves. A positively manifested Libra Mercury is a great friend to have, always supportive and having your back. In communication, they're charming and balanced, adept at friendly and diplomatic interactions. They enjoy engaging with others, keeping conversations light and positive, and prefer to avoid confrontation or conflict, prioritizing harmony and balance in their relationships.
🫧 scorpio mercury
Scorpio Mercuries are enigmatic and hard to decipher. They're private and move in silence, carefully displaying only what they want others to see to avoid suspicion. With high emotional intelligence and intense intuition, they can easily fall into destructive thought patterns, including intrusive or sexual thoughts, and fear being exposed. Despite their suspicion of others' intentions, they strive to maintain a high vibrational image. In love, they're fiercely loyal and keep secrets close, but they can be ruthless if wronged. They delve deeply into thoughts, even overanalyzing simple problems and pondering existential questions. Their intuition often reveals truths they'd rather not know, making hiding things from them futile. Obsessed with what stimulates them, they can become stubborn and refuse to let go of harmful things. They find meaning in everything, holding onto items or information they believe will be useful. While loyal, they keep themselves guarded, trusting only themselves. Others may find them intimidating or blunt, and they enjoy playing with power due to their ability to easily gain trust. A Scorpio Mercury communicates sensitively and perceptively, reading into hidden meanings and subtext. They tend to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves, balancing expression with restraint. They possess strong intuition and mental energy but may struggle with overthinking.
🫧 sagittarius mercury
Individuals with Sagittarius Mercury are warm and nonjudgmental, making others feel at home and giving them the best time of their lives. They're open-minded and objective, often surprising people with their vast knowledge and random facts, although they may feel insecure about their intelligence. They tend to see the best in everyone and can easily be taken advantage of due to their desire to do the right thing. They're great listeners and offer wise, unbiased advice, drawing people to them for venting sessions. Growing up, they were likely interested in solving larger problems, but they can get stressed easily and lost in knowledge and details. They're open to new experiences and friends but are put off by judgmental or arrogant people. They have a playful sense of humor and enjoy sharing random facts with friends, but they don't like being told what to do and can be unreliable if they're not truly interested in something. Their attention span is short, making it difficult to focus, and meditation may be challenging due to their constantly active minds. With Sagittarius Mercury, communication is playful and positive, marked by quick wit, humor, and a talent for uplifting conversations. They bring a bright and lively energy to any interaction, making people laugh and bringing joy to any situation.
🫧 capricorn mercury
Capricorn Mercuries are reserved and only share what's necessary, commanding respect with their directness, which can sometimes be mistaken for rudeness. They avoid drama and focus on their own pursuits, maintaining a private and reserved demeanor. Their knowledge comes from life experiences and karma, often shaped by past struggles and moments of loneliness. While typically kind, they have clear boundaries and won't hesitate to assert themselves when pushed too far. They're calculated and loyal, often taking on a protective role, especially with siblings. With a mature outlook on life, they exude old soul vibes and may seem like natural teachers. They excel at planning and methodical tasks, dedicating themselves fully to their responsibilities. Despite being social, they prioritize duty and future success over socializing, often retreating to recharge. They value trustworthiness and responsibility in others but have little tolerance for foolishness. Communication for Capricorn Mercuries is pragmatic and logical, characterized by a clear and ordered approach. They prefer speaking with precision and clarity, often overthinking decisions and striving for perfection.
🫧 aquarius mercury
Aquarius Mercuries possess vivid imaginations and creative minds, often thinking far ahead but struggling with simple concepts. They may excel in unconventional roles while finding day-to-day tasks boring and easily becoming distracted. Despite being social, they struggle to open up and may feel neglected or misunderstood for their ideas. Their innovative nature draws admiration, but they may attract copycats without calling them out due to their kind demeanor. They have a random but fun sense of humor, often sending memes or random comfort items. Their accepting nature and detachment make them intriguing to others, who are drawn to their unique perspective and lack of judgment. They may be interested in the occult or unconventional topics. Getting to know them is a hit or miss, as they either click with someone completely or don't connect at all. Communication for Aquarius Mercuries is unique and inventive, characterized by creative and original thinking, often outside the box. They may get lost in their thoughts and should strive for more grounded and effective communication.
🫧 pisces mercury
Pisces Mercuries possess vast knowledge and ideas but may struggle with insecurity and seek validation. They have an old, wise soul, often knowing things intuitively and feeling deeply. They are sacrificial and generous, prone to being taken advantage of due to their kindness. In love, they may overlook red flags and defend their passions fervently. Drawn to beauty and gentleness, they have a creative sense of humor and may struggle with mundane tasks. Their relationships with siblings can be complex, ranging from intuitive understanding to manipulation. When expressing their darker side, they can be manipulative or prone to self-deception. Words of affirmation are important to them, as they have a vivid imagination but are often misunderstood. Pisces Mercuries approach communication intuitively and emotionally, valuing creativity and empathy but sometimes struggling with logic and detail.
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this post was created by @carmelcoco on tumblr <3 if reposting my work please give credits.
pics by @vmstv
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tarotwithavi · 1 month
I get money, I am a star
How can you make more money? How can you attract abundance into your life?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
This is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
Masterlist 💌 paid services
You have a special ability to attract people, and that's because the way you see and understand life is very different from everyone else. I'm also getting the message that you can use your unique perspective and appearance to earn more money. For example, you could become a social media influencer or start your own blog where you share your opinions with others. You might even consider writing articles or books to share your knowledge, which could also help you earn more.
You have a talent or skill that could lead to great financial success. All you need to do is focus on developing it. This might seem like a random message, but I sense that some of you have hacking skills that could be used to catch online predators. You could make money while also doing something good for society, and you can do this without revealing your identity.
I also heard the phrase “secret superstar,” which might have special meaning for some of you.
You can attract abundance into your life just by being yourself. You don’t have to follow strict instructions on how to manifest things. You are fully capable of discovering new methods that work for you when it comes to manifestation. Remember, sometimes you need to "fake it till you make it." Don’t worry about what others might think or say; be the most confident and imaginative version of yourself. Believe in the impossible, and you’ll see it become reality. Dream big, and don’t hesitate to manifest the most outrageous things, even those that seem out of reach.
I see that some of you are thinking about choosing a business major in college, and I want you to know that this is a great choice for you. I got the message that you have the potential to make more money by helping others learn how to manage and grow their own money. You could become a freelancer, offering advice on how to use money wisely, or you might even start a course where you teach people how to invest and handle their finances.
You have a special knowledge or skill that could be valuable to others, and you could exchange this knowledge for money. Some of you might also be excellent teachers, guides, gurus, or counselors. You hold the key to success—your ideas, inspirations, and whatever thoughts come to your mind right now could be what lead you to success.
I also see that some of you don't feel the need to make a lot of money; you just want to earn enough to live a good, comfortable life. You don't necessarily desire a luxurious lifestyle. Some of you could even become great spiritual teachers.
You can attract abundance into your life by growing spiritually. However, I also notice that some of you have been slacking on your spiritual practices. For example, something you used to do regularly, like manifestation, meditation, or journaling, you now barely do once every two weeks. These practices help keep you emotionally stable. If you start doing them regularly again, you'll notice a significant change in the energy around you.
At this moment, you need to focus on your studies and avoid chasing temporary pleasures. Concentrate on the things that will bring you long-term fulfillment and happiness.
You need to break free from the cycle you're currently stuck in, and I'm getting the message that this may be connected to your ancestors. It’s possible that your family has experienced a fluctuating cycle of wealth and poverty over time. As a result, you might be afraid of making more money because you fear that you’ll end up facing the same ups and downs as your ancestors did.
I also see that you have a mindset of lack when it comes to money, and this needs to change. If you don’t shift your thinking, you may struggle to manifest more money in your life. Another issue is that you tend to overspend on things you want but don’t really need. Then, when it comes time to spend on something you actually need, you might find yourself short of money. It’s important to learn how to manage your finances better so that you have enough money for both what you want and what you need.
Some of you might be thinking about starting a business or entering a partnership with someone. This could be a good opportunity, but you need to be very careful about who you choose to partner with. For others, starting your own business could be a great option. I see that some of you are considering businesses related to jewelry, clothing (especially thrifted clothes), or decorative items.
You also need to let go of habits or memories that are no longer serving you. You can attract abundance by releasing an addiction or behavior that is holding you back. For instance, I see that some of you may be spending too much time on social media or on your phones. You need to be mindful of how much time you’re wasting on these activities. Instead, invest your time in something that will benefit you. If something isn't adding value to your life, don’t waste your time on it.
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doumadono · 8 months
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MY HERO ACADEMIA MASTERLIST PRO HERO DABI & INTERN!BAKUGO • A warm welcome - pro hero!Dabi - headcanons NSFW
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Touya Todoroki's hero name is Dabi, no question.
As a pro hero, he takes being a total shithead to a whole new level, being a jerk with a hero license and flashy gear that screams "I'm better than you."
He's the biggest fuckboy on the planet, and as a pro hero, he takes it to a whole new level. He's bedded countless models, actresses, and even fellow pro heroes, and he's far from finished.
He has a custom-painted motorcycle with blue flames, because anything less wouldn't be cool enough for him.
Piercings and tattoos everywhere; he has his ears, nose, tongue, nipples and dick pierced, and his sleeves are adorned with huge tattoos, so are his back and neck.
He's the ultimate PR nightmare, and his publicists practically live in their offices, working overtime to clean up after his never-ending chaos. Sure, he fights villains and saves lives, but his brand thrives on scandals, keeping his publicists working overtime to handle the fallout.
Despite his scandalous reputation, he's a smooth talker when it comes to the media and public, effortlessly playing the role of the good guy when it suits him.
A certified narcissist, he loves to pull the "do you know who I am?" and "my father will sue you" cards.
When it comes to drinking, he's in a league of his own. This man can and will outdrink anyone, even Endeavor, leaving no doubt about his legendary tolerance.
Dabi's strategic mind and tactical prowess make him a formidable force on the battlefield, earning him the respect of both allies and adversaries.
Pro Hero Dabi is known for his unconventional methods, often bending or breaking the rules to achieve his goals. His willingness to operate in morally gray areas sets him apart from traditional heroes.
Despite his cocky and rebellious attitude, Dabi possesses a keen intellect and a deep understanding of human nature, allowing him to manipulate situations to his advantage.
Despite his outward bravado, Dabi is fiercely loyal to those he considers allies, willing to go to great lengths to protect and support them, even if it means defying conventional hero ethics.
Dabi holds an unbreakable bond with his younger brother, Natsuo, whom he regards as his closest and most trusted friend.
After meeting you, his current girlfriend, Pro Hero Dabi has undergone a significant personal transformation. Your presence in his life has prompted him to adopt a more mature and responsible demeanor. His commitment to you has motivated him to address his tendencies towards excessive drinking and flirting with others, as he strives to be the best partner he can be for you.
Those close to Dabi have noticed a significant change in his behavior, witnessing his earnest efforts to improve himself for the sake of your relationship. His commitment to personal growth and positive change reflects his deep investment in you and your future together.
In his free time, Dabi enjoys playing the electric guitar, and he takes particular delight in performing on his customized Fender Stratocaster.
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crystalsenergy · 2 months
🩵 Uranus in Aquarius through houses - brief Astro Notes ♅ ♒ 🩵
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Uranus in Aquarius, unlike previous generations of Uranus, carries Uranian traits with greater openness and ease. This means that people born under Uranus in Aquarius tend to flow much more easily with Uranian energies and lessons, as there is no conflict between the sign and the planet—after all, Uranus rules Aquarius.
Furthermore, from the perspective of New Age Astrology that I strive to promote, individuals born under Uranus in Aquarius likely bring the potential to anchor more energies of originality and new movements, rather than solely adhering to the traditional and established norms.
Uranus brings innovation and growth. Expansion.
Uranus in Aquarius in 1st house
A strong desire to break free from traditional roles and expectations can lead you to carve out a very unique personal identity.
You might have a highly original approach to self-expression and appearance. People often see you as eccentric or ahead of your time.
Your personal style and appearance might frequently change, reflecting your innovative and eccentric personality.
You may frequently change hairstyles, adopting unique fashion trends, or creating a signature look that becomes iconic.
You might possess an "electric" presence that draws people in and makes a lasting impression. People find your energy stimulating and inspiring.
Your birth or early childhood might have been marked by unusual circumstances or significant changes that set the stage for your unique life path.
You may experience sudden shifts in your sense of identity, leading to transformative changes in how you see yourself and present yourself to the world.
Uranus in Aquarius in 2nd house
Your inner values can change over time.
There could be a knack for spotting groundbreaking ideas and trends before they become mainstream.
There can be a sense of detachment from material possessions, valuing freedom and independence over wealth.
A sense of detachment from traditional materialism can lead to a more minimalist lifestyle, where freedom and flexibility are more valuable than owning many possessions.
You may find unique ways to earn money, such as through technology, unconventional careers, or unusual investments.
Your sense of self-worth might be tied to your ability to innovate and think outside the box rather than traditional measures of success.
Uranus in Aquarius in 3rd house
Traditional educational paths may not appeal to you; instead, you prefer learning through unconventional or self-directed methods.
You might communicate in highly original ways, often using technology or new media to express your ideas.
You can experience sudden flashes of insight and innovative ideas, often appearing out of nowhere.
Uranus in Aquarius in 4th house
You value personal space and freedom within your home environment, often needing room to express your individuality.
There could be a history or need of rebellion or eccentricity in your family, influencing your sense of home and belonging.
Your home life might be unconventional, perhaps living in an unusual setting or with a non-traditional family structure.
Uranus in Aquarius in 5th house
Your approach to creativity is highly innovative, often exploring cutting-edge art forms, technology, or experimental methods.
Your hobbies and leisure activities are likely to be unusual or ahead of their time, reflecting your inventive spirit.
Uranus in Aquarius in 6th house
Routine work environments might feel stifling.
There is a tendency to challenge traditional workplace norms and introduce innovative ideas.
Interest in alternative health practices and / or cutting-edge medical technologies can be prominent.
Uranus in Aquarius in 7th house
You excel in collaborative efforts that involve innovation, technology, or social reform.
You may attract partners who are eccentric, innovative, or rebellious, reflecting your own Uranian qualities.
There can be a strong rebellion against traditional relationship roles, favoring equality and a non-hierarchical approach.
Technology plays a significant role in your relationships, from how you meet partners to how you maintain connections, for example, meeting a life partner through an online platform or maintaining a relationship via virtual reality or other advanced communication tools.
You seek partners who are unconventional and value independence. Traditional relationships may feel restrictive.
Partnerships can undergo sudden and unexpected changes, requiring flexibility and openness.
Your approach to partnerships, both personal and professional, is likely to be unconventional. You may be drawn to relationships that allow for freedom and individuality.
Uranus in Aquarius in 8th house
You are interested in revolutionary approaches to transformation.
You are interested in unconventional psychological methods.
Shared finances and resources can be subject to sudden changes, requiring adaptability.
Inheritances or shared resources might come through unusual or unexpected means, such as digital assets, intellectual property, or non-traditional bequests.
You might be drawn to exploring taboo or unconventional subjects related to sex, death, and rebirth.
A deep fascination with esoteric sciences, metaphysics, and unconventional spiritual practices might drive your exploration of the unknown and hidden aspects of life.
You might have a unique and revolutionary approach to personal transformation, embracing methods such as self-acceptance through experimental therapies, or cutting-edge psychological practices.
Technology plays a significant role in your transformative processes, possibly using advanced tools and platforms for deep psychological and emotional work.
Uranus in Aquarius in 9th house
A strong need for freedom in your beliefs and philosophical views can lead you to resist dogmatic or rigid ideologies. You value open-mindedness and the ability to explore various perspectives without restriction.
Your beliefs and philosophies are likely to be unconventional, often challenging traditional or mainstream views.
Your spiritual and philosophical views are likely to be progressive, rebellious, or futuristic. You may follow or create, for example, a new-age belief system that incorporates advanced technology or futuristic concepts.
You are prone to experiencing sudden and profound epiphanies or insights that can dramatically alter your worldview.
You are drawn to alternative forms of education, such as online learning, progressive institutions, or self-directed study.
Travel experiences can be unconventional or involve unusual destinations, promoting personal growth and broadening perspectives.
Your worldview is likely to be global or even universal, transcending national and cultural boundaries. You may feel a deep connection to the idea of a united humanity or even to extraterrestrial civilizations. (I'm Uranus in 9th house and I relate to this a looot.)
Uranus in Aquarius in 10th house
You may experience sudden and unexpected changes in your career, requiring flexibility and a willingness to adapt.
Your career trajectory can be highly unconventional and non-linear, with sudden shifts and changes that may seem unpredictable to others.
You are seen as a trailblazer in your professional life, often challenging the status quo.
You might be seen as someone who challenges norms and introduces groundbreaking ideas in your field.
Your unconventional approach can sometimes lead to public controversies or resistance, as your ideas and methods might challenge the status quo.
Your career goals are likely to be visionary and aimed at creating significant, long-term change rather than short-term success.
Leading a global initiative to bring renewable energy solutions to developing countries, significantly impacting global sustainability efforts.
Uranus in Aquarius in 11th house
Your social circle consists of unconventional, forward-thinking individuals who share your progressive ideals.
Friendships can be revolutionary in nature.
Mutual support in personal growth can be extremely important to you.
You are drawn to social causes and community projects that involve innovation and aim to create significant societal change.
Your social circle is likely to be tech-savvy and forward-thinking, often consisting of individuals who share your interest in innovation and progress.
You may form friendships through online communities, social media, or tech meetups rather than traditional settings.
Social dynamics in your friendships and groups can be unpredictable, with sudden changes in alliances or group structures.
You are drawn to community projects that involve innovation and forward-thinking solutions to social issues.
Uranus in Aquarius in 12th house
Interest in unconventional healing practices and psychological exploration, often involving alternative methods.
You might have hidden eccentricities or secret interests that you prefer to keep private, only sharing with a select few who understand your unconventional nature.
Your dreams and unconscious mind are a source of innovative ideas and insights, often ahead of their time.
Your innovative and rebellious ideas might be kept hidden or operate behind the scenes, influencing events in subtle and unexpected ways. For example, being a silent partner in revolutionary social movements.
You may experience sudden and profound spiritual insights that transform your understanding of the unseen and mystical aspects of life.
An interest in unconventional healing methods, such as energy healing, quantum healing, or using technology for spiritual and psychological wellness.
Your subconscious mind might harbor disruptive or rebellious patterns that surface unexpectedly, leading to periods of inner turmoil and transformation.
There can be a revolutionary approach to compassion and humanitarian efforts, often working behind the scenes to support radical social change.
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veronika-tserber · 2 years
2nd House Ruler Through the Houses
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The 2nd House in the Birth Chart Tells Us About:
How can we earn income?
Do we have a strong desire to accumulate material goods/are we attached to the material?
What do we value in life and about ourselves?
What replenishes our energy and strengthens our stamina?
What practical skills do we have?
We analyze the sign, the ruling planet of the sign, the degree, and any planets in the house (and their aspects). For this post, I am only asking you to look at the sign on the cusp and where its ruling planet is placed.
E.g., if you have a Pisces 2nd house, look at the house where Neptune (also check out the traditional ruler, Jupiter) is placed, and read the explanation below.)
Some signs have TWO rulers, so read about both:
♈ Aries: Mars & Pluto
♏ Scorpio: Pluto & Mars
♐ Sagittarius: Jupiter & Neptune
♒ Aquarius: Uranus & Saturn
♓ Pisces: Neptune & Jupiter
2H Ruler in the 1H
If the planet is masculine, your income depends on YOU and your ability to actively go after what you want. If it's feminine, it could be linked to your ability to ATTRACT supporters and connections. It's possible to make money through your appearance, your self-image, and your physical body, as well as by actively expressing yourself in the world. Anything that boosts your self-confidence will energize you and make you feel like a 10/10, which is important for your drive and motivation to make money and put yourself out there.
2H Ruler in the 2H
The themes of the 2nd house are highlighted for you. You likely are quite invested in the desire to make money, maintain great health, and achieve a higher level of comfort in life. Making money is directly linked to your sense of self-worth. It could also mean that you can make a lot of money by investing and holding, working in real estate, working with the land, or crafting beautiful items with your hands.
2H Ruler in the 3H
You can make money with your intellect, advertising, commerce, and your communication skills - written or verbal. Learning new skills and crafts comes easily to you, and you could also be good at working with your hands. When you acquire new skills and gain new qualifications, it boosts your sense of self-worth and helps you expand your streams of income. Making money through your eye for details. Practical ways of making money, and engaging with the day-to-day.
2H Ruler in the 4H
To be financially stable and productive, you need to have a harmonious, stable home environment. Your work could have something to do with real estate, psychology, or children. It could also be a family business. You invest a lot of your energy into family/home matters. Perhaps, money struggles can destabilize your mental health a great deal, because money is directly linked to your sense of emotional stability and sense of safety. You could also be motivated to make money by the desire to provide for your family.
2H Ruler in the 5H
You could earn money through 5th house matters such as working with children, the entertainment industry, creative self-expression, hobbies you love, risky business, and sports. Be careful with gambling and the desire for quick gains and hedonism. You love to invest time and energy into fun, luxury items, and pleasurable activities. The good thing is that by having fun and enjoying yourself you can definitely achieve great health and financial stability.
2H Ruler in the 6H
As a Mercurial house, the 6th talks about specific skills and "niches", so you could be a field specialist or work in fields related to health, nutrition, and counseling. You could be a great worker, really methodical, intelligent, and resourceful. You could invest a lot of your money and energy into your health and fitness. Your financial stability will largely depend on your health. You make money by being of service and your self-worth can come from knowing that you are serving and helping others in some way.
2H Ruler in the 7H
You could make money through your romantic partner - you will either benefit from their wealth or have a business together. Generally, you will have more luck in finances if you partner with someone. But you could also lose finances or property because of divorces or your open enemies, so be careful with that. You invest a lot of time, energy, and money in your relationships. Your income might have something to do with the public - how people will view you will depend on the planet and its aspects. For example, if you have Uranus as the ruler in the 7th, you could be known for your shocking, unique ideas and self-expression that people readily pay you for.
2H Ruler in the 8H
Things get extreme in the 8th house - on one hand, you could be skilled at handling people's money, running your own business, and investing. On the other hand, you could be prone to major financial losses, especially if the ruling planet is aspected poorly. Both houses have to do with health, so you need to be careful with that, as well. Occult practices (such as yoga, Reiki, magick, etc), as well as psychotherapy, can help balance your energy and make you more efficient in the ways you make money. You are probably secretive about your income and don't like to brag about your possessions.
2H Ruler in the 9H
Anything that expands your mind and worldview such as higher education, long-distance travel, and meeting with different cultures, philosophies, etc... will boost your sense of self-worth, and help you make money. You could also earn your income away from your home country, or work as a "digital nomad". You could also be called to teach your wisdom and share your expertise with others. You probably set long-term goals for your financial future. Your work should definitely align with your belief system, and values, and should bring you a sense of deeper purpose.
2H Ruler in the 10H
You will make money by following your true calling in life, which is seen by the 10th house and the Midheaven. You are here to strive for the top of the mountain, and the 9-5 grind simply won't make the cut for you. If the planetary ruler is masculine, you could be greatly ambitious and strong-willed (depends on the sign and aspects, too). It's essential to find out what you want to do career-wise and go for it. You are definitely here to be seen and widely known, so if you shy away from the spotlight, your self-confidence and finances might suffer. Own the energy of your 10th house, and strive to be the best.
2H Ruler in the 11H
You invest a lot of time and energy into your friendships, social service, groups of people, and your dreams. You are probably idealistic and get a lot of visions and ideas for your financial future. Your values and self-worth come from going after your highest aspirations, as well as serving and contributing to the collective and society. You like to feel connected to others and crave a sense of a bigger purpose in your work. Your friends and network of people can help you generate your income. You could also build a large following online or do something technologically progressive.
2H Ruler in the 12H
This placement could indicate working in the mental health, and spiritual fields, as well as doing charity. You could also be an artist. Your great sensitivity and intuition help you make money in mysterious ways. You probably keep your income a secret or feel confused about defining your skills or asking for the money that you are worth. Your streams of income could be ever-changing and unpredictable. You could have trouble with spending money on unnecessary items or even on addictions that help you escape/cope with reality and mental health issues. If the planet is aspected poorly, you could go through major financial losses. Careful with being deceived. You need to pay extra attention to your mental and spiritual health in order to be physically and financially healthy.
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- Foxbörn
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astroismypassion · 2 months
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
You feel the most abundant when you have Aries and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via project management, team leadership, startup environment, via creating and managing marketing campaigns in collaboration with other businesses or influencers. You feel abundant when you take on responsibilities where you can direct and inspire others, focusing on building strong, dynamic partnerships.
You feel the most abundant when you have Taurus and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via selling luxury items, such as high-end jewellery, fashion or home décor, via message therapy, work in fields related to nutrition and fitness, where you can help others achieve and maintain a healthy and stable lifestyle. You feel abundant when you incorporate aesthetics and a sense of beauty into your work.
You feel the most abundant when you have Gemini and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via using your persuasive communication skills to excel in sales, marketing or advertising roles. You find abundance in work in public relations, via entering a business partnership where you can complement your partner’s skills. You have an excellent ability to communicate and negotiate with others. You find wealth when you work closely with clients on a one-on-one basis.
You feel the most abundant when you have Cancer and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via offering babysitting, nannying or after-school care. You may also find abundance in selling handmade items (candles, home decor or personalized gifts). You feel abundant when you work in nursing, patient care, daycare, work in hospitality industry. You feel abundant when you pay attention to your gut feelings when making decisions.
You feel the most abundant when you have Leo and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via becoming a motivational speaker or event host. You may also earn money via being a stylist for others, personal stylist, personal shopper or providing makeup artist services for people that go to events. You may also do really pretty nails.
You feel the most abundant when you have Virgo and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via working as a freelance writer, editor or proofreader. You may also offer consulting services in area of business strategy, health, wellness, nutrition and financial planning. Offer tutoring services in subjects you are knowledgeable about.
You feel the most abundant when you have Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via teaching an instrument or vocal lessons if you have musical skills. Share your knowledge in painting, drawing and crafts. You can start a TikTok account focused on topics of fashion, DIY, lifestyle, make up, clothing, sharing your recipes.
You feel the most abundant when you have Scorpio and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via joint ventures, such as turnaround projects or startups in emerging industries or engaging in joint venture that involves a profound change or transformation, via family law, criminal law, forensic science, via work in crisis management or trauma recovery, investment banking or wealth management, work as a financial analyst or alternative healing methods (reiki, acupuncture, hypnotherapy).
You feel the most abundant when you have Sagittarius and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via writing books, articles, blogs on philosophical topics, travel experiences or cultural insights. You feel the most abundant when you are optimistic, enthusiastic and when you have direct and honest communication. You could find wealth through work in journalism, especially in roles that involve travel or reporting on cultural events and global news, work in diplomacy or international relations.
You feel the most abundant when you have Capricorn and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via investment banking, financial planning, property management, real estate development, specializing in corporate law, contract law or real estate law. You could also make money as a mediator or arbitrator, helping to resolve disputes and negotiate contracts. You feel most abundant when you define clear, achievable goals, when you are being focused with persistent effort.
You feel the most abundant when you have Aquarius and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via holistic therapy, energy healing, managing public relations for progressive companies or causes, via co-authoring books, developing new products. You feel abundant when you continuously seek out and embrace new ideas, technologies, ways of thinking, when you are being innovative and when you utilize technology to enhance your work and when you stay up-to-date with the latest technology.
You feel the most abundant when you have Pisces and Libra Sun people in your life. You make money via creative problem-solving abilities, running a boutique hotel, bed and breakfast or wellness retreat, nutritional coaching, meditation coaching, organizing cultural events, such as art exhibitions, music festivals or theatre productions or visual arts.
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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pearlprincess02 · 2 months
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taurus sun 11H, virgo moon 4H, cancer rising, gemini mercury 12H, gemini venus 12H, aries mars 10H
⋆✴︎˚。⋆ 𝒇𝒖𝒍𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒘 ↓↓↓ ⋆✴︎˚。⋆
cancer rising / 1st house:
cancer rising: soft, nurturing, gentle, motherly, warm, caring, sympathetic, protective, homely, kind-hearted, sentimental, supportive, emotional, family-oriented, approachable, intuitive, hospitable, reflective, sensible, shy, nostalgic, reserved, artistic, sensitive, imaginative, peaceful, modest, graceful, adaptable, maternal,
cancer 1st house: a cancer rising makes a warm and welcoming first impression on everyone they meet. their gentle demeanor and kind smile immediately put others at ease. a cancer rising individual is deeply empathetic and always there to support their friends through their toughest times. they're known for their nurturing nature and emotional sensitivity. they can be quite moody, but they're also incredibly caring and attentive to the needs of those around them. they adjust their approach based on others' emotions. they value family above all else. their outlook on life is centered around creating a secure and loving environment for their loved ones, emphasizing emotional bonds and stability. they prioritize their emotional well-being and seek comfort and security in their relationships. they invest time in nurturing their personal connections and ensuring everyone feels supported.
leo 2nd house:
leo 2nd house: leo in the 2nd house shapes an individual whose sense of self-worth and values is deeply intertwined with creativity, recognition, and luxury. these individuals take pride in their possessions, often favoring items that reflect their unique style and flair for the dramatic. they derive self-esteem from their ability to attract wealth and resources, showcasing their talents and leadership qualities. earning is viewed as a means to enhance their status and enjoy life's pleasures, leading to generous spending habits on quality goods that bolster their image. their wealth is seen as a testament to their creativity and ability to manifest abundance, although they may occasionally indulge in lavish expenditures. overall, leo in the 2nd house instills a confident and charismatic approach to finances, emphasizing self-expression, luxury, and the pursuit of personal value and recognition.
leo 3rd house:
virgo chiron: virgo chiron represents a journey of healing and transformation deeply rooted in self-criticism, practicality, and service. individuals with this placement often embody the archetype of the wounded healer, using their analytical and methodical approach to heal both themselves and others. they may struggle with chronic health issues or inner wounds related to perfectionism and over-criticism. through their pain, they discover hidden gifts in problem-solving, efficiency, and attention to detail. their healing journey involves addressing core issues with humility and integrating their suffering into practical wisdom. virgo chiron individuals excel in holistic health practices, finding healing through routine, organization, and meticulous self-care rituals. they often become mentors or teachers who guide others through similar challenges, offering insights gained from their own experiences of transformation and growth.
chiron in 3rd house: communication healing, mental health, healing through words, sibling relationships, learning through pain, healing through writing, inner dialogue, childhood wounds, curiosity healing, communication barriers, hidden talents, painful thoughts, healing through learning, mental agility, problem-solving skills, self-expression healing, healing through teaching, overcoming communication issues, creative writing, learning from suffering
leo 3rd house: leo in the 3rd house with virgo chiron, blends expressive communication with a healing journey. these individuals excel in creative self-expression, infused with warmth and confidence. they may have faced challenges in communication or learning, but through creativity and self-awareness, they heal these wounds and discover hidden talents in writing, speaking, or performing. their journey involves embracing their unique voice and using it to inspire others, turning past pains into sources of strength and wisdom.
virgo 4th house:
virgo moon: the virgo moon influences emotions through a lens of practicality and analytical thinking, often leading to a reserved approach to expressing feelings. daily habits are meticulously organized and focused on efficiency, providing a sense of comfort and security. intuition is grounded in logic and keen observation of details, shaping decisions with a methodical approach. unconscious behaviors reflect a constant quest for self-improvement, coupled with a nurturing instinct that seeks to be helpful and supportive in practical ways.
moon in 4th house: emotions, maternal instincts, sensitivity, nostalgia, domesticity, privacy, emotional roots, intuition, psychic sensitivity, subconscious patterns, home comforts, family bonds, caretaking, protective instincts, sentimentality, inner security, comfort-seeking, habit formation.
virgo 4th house: in virgo's 4th house, private life, childhood, and family are deeply influenced by a sense of meticulousness and practicality. individuals with virgo moon here often recall a childhood marked by a need for order and routine. the family environment may have emphasized practical skills, health consciousness, and attention to detail. there's a strong desire for a functional and efficient home life, where nurturing is expressed through acts of service and caregiving. emotional security is sought through maintaining a tidy and organized household, reflecting virgo's methodical approach to familial bonds and personal comfort.
scorpio 5th house:
scorpio jupiter: with jupiter in scorpio, faith, luck, optimism, and success take on a transformative intensity. Individuals with this placement often possess a deep-seated belief in their ability to overcome challenges and delve into life's mysteries. they approach success with a keen understanding of power dynamics and the unseen forces at play. their optimism is grounded in their ability to navigate intense emotional landscapes and harness hidden potentials. luck often manifests through their ability to transform difficult situations into opportunities for growth and empowerment. their faith in themselves and in the universe's capacity for regeneration fuels their pursuit of profound and meaningful achievements in life.
jupiter in 5th house: creativity, expression, joy, playfulness, confidence, enthusiasm, risk-taking, luck, expansion, generosity, self-expression, entertainment, speculation, growth, abundance, leadership, optimism, romance, passion, performance, gambling, artistry, adventure, charisma, freedom, inspiration, boldness, self-belief, success, celebration
scorpio pluto: with pluto in scorpio, themes of power, manipulation, obsessions, and transformation dominate the individual's life journey. those with this placement often possess an intense desire to delve into the depths of human experience, seeking to understand the darker aspects of power dynamics and psychological forces. they may be drawn to roles where they can wield influence or uncover hidden truths, sometimes resorting to manipulative tactics to achieve their goals. obsessions and compulsions are common, as they are driven to uncover and transform the underlying motivations and secrets that govern life's mysteries. this placement signifies a profound capacity for personal and collective transformation, where individuals undergo deep inner changes that lead to rebirth and empowerment, often through confronting and integrating their deepest fears and desires.
pluto in 5th house: intensity, passion, creativity, drama, control, power struggles, obsessions, compulsions, artistic expression, transformation, inner child healing, sexual energy, secret affairs, deep emotional investments, psychological depth, catharsis, regeneration, influence, manipulative tendencies, power games, dark creativity, taboo pleasures, self-expression, ego dissolution, spiritual evolution, introspection, reinvention, desire for recognition, inner strength, radical self-expression,
scorpio north node: the scorpio north node charts a path of deep transformation and spiritual growth. it challenges individuals to confront fears, embrace vulnerability, and uncover profound truths within themselves. this journey empowers them to cultivate inner strength, resilience, and a transformative presence in their lives and relationships. this transformative journey encourages individuals to harness scorpio's qualities of resilience and intuition, guiding them towards a deeper understanding of their personal power and spiritual evolution. embracing their innate capacity for healing and profound self-discovery, they emerge with a profound ability to navigate life's complexities and inspire transformative change in their path forward.
north node in 5th house: creativity, self-expression, playfulness, joy, romance, children, risk-taking, confidence, authenticity, passion, artistry, drama, leadership, fun, speculation, entertainment, individuality, inner child, heart-centered, self-discovery, pleasure, self-confidence, expression, generosity, celebration, courage, fame, performance, innovation, creative fulfillment,
scorpio vertex: the scorpio vertex represents a profound intersection of fate, karma, destiny, and future potentials in an individual's life. positioned in scorpio, it signifies transformative and often intense encounters that shape one's path. this placement suggests that significant life events and relationships are destined to catalyze deep emotional and psychological growth. individuals may experience profound karmic connections or encounters that challenge them to confront their shadows and embrace personal transformation. the scorpio vertex urges them to delve into the mysteries of life and death, unlocking hidden truths and harnessing their innate resilience and determination to fulfill their spiritual and personal destiny. this journey is marked by intense emotional experiences and a profound sense of purpose as they navigate their path towards greater self-awareness and spiritual evolution.
vertex in 5th house: creative destiny, karmic romance, fated self-expression, artistic calling, dramatic encounters, passionate connections, playful destiny, children's influence, speculative ventures, creative karma, fame potential, romantic destiny, expressive fate, joyful encounters, future creativity, heart-centered destiny, karmic pleasure, creative expression, dramatic destiny, playful fate, artistic destiny, destiny in entertainment, fateful children, romantic future, expressive karma, creative potential, future self-expression, karmic joy, destiny in performance, fated artistic pursuits,
scorpio part of fortune: the scorpio part of fortune brings a potent blend of charisma, worldly success, joy, and well-being into the lives of those it influences. individuals with this placement possess a magnetic allure that draws others to them, often wielding influence and power with a compelling intensity. their journey to success is marked by deep emotional resilience and a profound understanding of life's mysteries. they find joy and fulfillment through transformative experiences and uncovering hidden truths, leading to a sense of inner well-being rooted in their ability to navigate complexity with grace. this placement encourages them to embrace their personal power and emotional depth, paving the way for both material achievements and spiritual growth. as they harness their charismatic energy and intuitive insights, they often find themselves on a path to profound personal fulfillment and worldly success.
part of fortune in 5th house: charismatic magnetism, creative fulfillment, playful success, artistic joy, expression, entertainment, fame, romance, children's happiness, passionate pursuits, creative abundance, joyful creativity, self-expression, pleasure, confidence, success in speculation, dramatic flair, happiness, personal power, well-being, creative satisfaction, leadership in creativity, playfulness, self-discovery, artistic talent, inner child joy, prosperity, fun, vitality, life's enjoyment,
scorpio 5th house: in scorpio's 5th house, romance, children, creativity, talent, and pleasure intertwine with intense and transformative energy. with scorpio's jupiter, pluto, north node, vertex, and part of fortune here, individuals experience profound depths in their romantic relationships, marked by passionate and sometimes transformative connections. their approach to love and creativity is infused with a deep understanding of emotional dynamics and a desire for authenticity. children are viewed as catalysts for personal growth and change, with parenting taking on a transformative role. creative expression is a powerful outlet for them, often tinged with intensity and driven by a desire to explore hidden truths and deeper meanings. their artistic talents are potent and often serve as vehicles for emotional catharsis and personal evolution. pleasure is sought through deep, meaningful experiences that resonate on a soul level, rather than superficial indulgences. they find joy in exploring the mysteries of life and uncovering hidden potentials within themselves and their creative endeavors. this placement encourages them to embrace their inner power and transformative potential, leading to a life rich in emotional depth, creative fulfillment, and profound connections in both romance and artistic pursuits.
sagittarius 6th house:
sagittarius 6th house: in sagittarius' 6th house, self-improvement is a dynamic quest driven by a spirited pursuit of knowledge and personal growth through travel and education. they approach work with enthusiasm and adaptability, thriving in diverse and expansive environments. health is a priority, with a holistic approach that includes outdoor activities and alternative healing. challenges from competitors foster resilience, while their caretaking extends to advocating for justice and education, enriching their cultural understanding and personal development.
capricorn 7th house:
capricorn uranus: capricorn uranus embodies radical change, promoting social awareness, liberation, and independence. they challenge traditional norms with innovative approaches, aiming for lasting societal impact. advocating for equality, autonomy, and sustainable progress, they pioneer reforms in business, government, and social structures to create a more equitable and liberated society.
uranus in 7th house: relationship revolution, partnership dynamics, change in relationships, unconventional unions, social justice, equality, liberation in partnerships, independence in relationships, progressive partnerships, radical diplomacy, collective consciousness, innovation in relationships, breakthrough collaborations, unpredictable alliances, freedom in commitments, experimental unions, boundary-pushing connections, reforming partnerships, social activism in relationships, unorthodox partnerships, equality in marriage, partnership evolution, liberation through partnerships, independent collaborations, partnership breakthroughs, embracing diversity in relationships, humanitarian partnerships, collective liberation, advocacy for justice in relationships, harmonizing independence
capricorn neptune: capricorn neptune blends dreams, fantasy, deception, and imagination. individuals navigate ambitious aspirations with practicality, tempered by a tendency towards illusion and potential deception. balancing creativity with realism, they strive for meaningful achievements amidst challenges of perception and clarity, aiming to harness their visionary potential for grounded success.
neptune in 7th house: romantic idealism, relationship fantasies, illusions in partnerships, deceptive alliances, compassionate connections, dreamy partnerships, artistic collaborations, unrealistic expectations, imaginative diplomacy, spiritual unions, boundaries in relationships, fantasy in marriage, harmonious illusions, creative compromises, idealized partnerships, mystical bonds, deceptive harmony, escapist relationships, intuitive connections, confusion in partnerships, surreal partnerships, compassionate deceit, ethereal unions, illusory commitment, partnership fantasies, healing connections, spiritual guidance in relationships, romantic illusions, fantasy weddings, imagined harmony
capricorn 7th house:in capricorn's 7th house, partnerships blend practical needs with idealistic desires influenced by uranus and neptune. individuals here seek stable, cooperative relationships, balancing independence with the need for mutual support. they approach marriage with a serious commitment to both practical considerations and spiritual aspirations, aiming for enduring bonds that foster mutual growth. however, challenges such as hidden agendas or romantic illusions can complicate relationship dynamics. trust issues may arise, requiring individuals to establish clear boundaries and navigate uncertainties with resilience. with uranus promoting unconventional approaches and neptune fostering romantic idealism, there's a dynamic tension between stability and unpredictability in their partnerships. navigating these complexities involves integrating practicality with visionary ideals, fostering a balance that allows for both security and emotional depth. this placement encourages individuals to explore the transformative potential within relationships while remaining grounded in their long-term goals and aspirations for meaningful connection.
aquarius 8th house:
aquarius 8th house:in aquarius' 8th house, intimacy and sexual activities are approached with intellectual curiosity and a preference for unconventional experiences. individuals prioritize emotional depth alongside mental stimulation in relationships. they view joint resources and inheritance through a lens of collective responsibility, often supporting progressive causes and engaging in innovative financial endeavors that align with their humanitarian values. this placement encourages exploring non-traditional forms of intimacy and shared wealth, fostering relationships grounded in mutual respect and a commitment to societal impact.
aquarius 9th house:
pisces saturn: pisces saturn brings a disciplined approach to life, emphasizing karma, maturity, and spiritual growth. individuals with this placement navigate responsibilities with introspection, balancing compassion with a structured approach to creativity and emotional expression. challenges shape their resilience, deepening their understanding of life's complexities and fostering wisdom and integrity in their journey towards spiritual fulfillment and personal evolution.
saturn in 9th house: philosophical discipline, moral authority, structured beliefs, spiritual maturity, academic rigor, practical wisdom, karmic lessons, legal responsibilities, cultural boundaries, ethical framework, higher education, long-distance travel, teaching discipline, religious authority, intellectual growth, discipline in beliefs, respect for tradition, learning challenges, integrity, patience with ideals, philosophical depth, duty to principles, lawful behavior, commitment to truth, overseas ventures, conservative viewpoints,wisdom through experience, disciplined exploration, mentorship roles, authority in academia
aquarius 9th house: in aquarius' 9th house, higher education, adventure, culture, morals, and beliefs are approached with intellectual curiosity and humanitarian values, influenced by pisces saturn. individuals seek knowledge that challenges norms, pursuing adventurous journeys to broaden cultural understanding and deepen empathy for diverse perspectives worldwide. they uphold ethical principles with discipline and compassion, navigating the complexities of global issues with a commitment to progressive contributions and the promotion of a more inclusive and just society. this placement encourages lifelong learning and the exploration of unconventional philosophies, fostering a balanced approach to personal growth and societal impact.
pisces 10th house:
aries mars: aries mars fuels individuals with intense passion, anger, desire, and drive. they approach life with enthusiasm and courage, driven by a strong need for independence and assertiveness. in relationships, they seek excitement and adventure, balancing loyalty with spontaneity and navigating challenges with resilience and determination. this placement encourages them to channel their fiery energy into productive pursuits while learning to temper impulsiveness with strategic action.
mars in 10th house: career ambition, professional zeal, leadership drive, ambitious goals, competitive spirit, workplace conflict, determined success, executive energy, career aggression, authority challenges, achievement-oriented, workaholic tendencies, strategic maneuvers, public recognition, career frustrations, high expectations, goal-oriented actions, assertive leadership, career drive, power struggles, professional challenges, workplace passion, career dedication, assertive ambitions, professional conflicts, career aspirations, executive authority, workplace energy, drive for success, leadership initiative,
pisces 10th house: in pisces' 10th house, career, status, public image, and employment are influenced by a blend of sensitivity and assertiveness, with aries mars adding dynamic energy. Individuals with this placement may excel in careers that involve creativity, spirituality, or healing arts, such as art therapy, music, or spiritual counseling. their professional path is often marked by a desire to make a meaningful impact on others' lives, driven by compassion and intuition. however, the presence of aries mars also suggests a proactive approach to career advancement and leadership roles. they may thrive in competitive environments where their assertiveness and drive propel them forward, seeking positions that allow them to take initiative and make bold decisions. public image and status are shaped by their compassionate and empathetic nature, often earning them a reputation for kindness and understanding. they may be drawn to roles that require them to be a voice for the underprivileged or advocate for social causes. employment opportunities may involve navigating challenges related to assertiveness and sensitivity, requiring them to strike a balance between assertive action and compassionate leadership in their professional endeavors.
taurus 11th house:
taurus sun: taurus sun individuals embody a stable ego and character rooted in practicality and perseverance. they express themselves through tangible creativity and value loyalty, tradition, and material comfort. their calm confidence and steadfast approach to life reflect their deep-seated values and commitment to authenticity in all aspects of their personal and professional endeavors.
sun in 11th house: social identity, group involvement, friendship influence, collective ego, humanitarian spirit, networking skills, social influence, progressive identity, idealistic persona, community involvement, visionary leadership, innovative self-expression, eccentric identity, charismatic presence, group dynamics, future aspirations, public persona, unconventional ego, friendship values, networking opportunities, unique self-expression, philanthropic identity, collective goals, leadership in groups, visionary thinking, social activism, individuality within groups, creative collaboration, humanitarian goals, identity through social causes,
taurus lilith: taurus lilith evokes intense seduction, obsession, hidden desires, addiction, and raw passion. Individuals with this placement exude sensual allure and seek physical and material gratification. they navigate a fine line between indulgence and restraint, driven by a persistent pursuit of sensual fulfillment and security. this placement encourages them to explore the depths of their desires while maintaining balance and self-awareness in their quest for personal satisfaction.
lilith in 11th house: unconventional seduction, group dynamics, social obsession, hidden group desires, community addiction, collective passion, rebellion in friendships, charismatic allure, group influence, radical desires, social justice obsessions, idealistic addiction, progressive passion, friendship seduction, hidden agendas in groups, eccentric desires, networking obsession, community-based addiction, group identity crisis, shared passions, non-conformist allure, collective craving, charismatic rebellion, social experimentation, friendship intensity, unconventional desires, social empowerment, addiction to social causes, unique passion, group dynamic challenges,
taurus 11th house: in taurus' 11th house, friendships, social life, dreams, and social causes take on a grounded and enduring quality, influenced by both taurus sun and lilith. individuals with this placement value stable and loyal friendships, often forming lasting bonds based on shared values and reliability. they enjoy a social life centered around comfort and enjoyment, preferring gatherings that provide a sense of security and pleasure. their dreams and aspirations are pragmatic yet deeply rooted in their personal desires for stability and material security. they may pursue goals related to financial independence, tangible achievements, or creating a comfortable environment for themselves and their loved ones. in social causes, they are drawn to efforts that promote practical solutions and tangible outcomes, such as environmental conservation, sustainable living, or community support initiatives. their commitment to social causes is grounded in their desire to create lasting impact and improve the quality of life for others, reflecting their steadfast and methodical approach to achieving societal goals. overall, taurus in the 11th house encourages individuals to cultivate reliable friendships, pursue practical dreams, and engage meaningfully in social causes that align with their values of stability, comfort, and tangible progress in the community.
gemini 12th house:
gemini mercury: mercury in gemini individuals possess a vibrant and agile thinking style, marked by curiosity and a love for learning. their communication is characterized by rapid-fire exchanges, often jumping from topic to topic with ease, and they excel in conveying ideas with clarity and charm. logic is a cornerstone of their thought process, allowing them to analyze situations from multiple angles and make decisions swiftly. their mentality thrives on intellectual stimulation and variety, making them adept at adapting to new information and engaging in lively debates.
mercury in 12th house: introspective, intuitive, reflective, subconscious, spiritual, mystical, imaginative, symbolic, non-verbal, psychic, compassionate, empathetic, sensitive, insightful, dreamy, artistic, creative, abstract, indirect, meditative, transcendent, ethereal, hidden meanings, intuitive logic, unconscious, soulful, gentle, symbolism, wisdom, emotional intelligence
gemini venus: venus in gemini individuals approach love with a lighthearted and playful attitude, valuing intellectual connection and stimulating conversation in their relationships. they find comfort in variety and spontaneity, often seeking partners who keep them mentally engaged and constantly intrigued. their sense of beauty is eclectic and adaptable, appreciating diversity in aesthetics and enjoying exploring different forms of artistic expression. in relationships, gemini venus placements prioritize communication and shared interests, fostering a dynamic and ever-evolving bond based on mutual curiosity and understanding.
venus in 12th house: compassionate love, unconditional love, romantic ideals, subconscious desires, spiritual connection, intuitive attractions, empathetic relationships, hidden beauty, ethereal aesthetics, surreal romance, imaginative partnerships, boundless compassion, universal love, romantic fantasies, inner peace through love, creative expression in relationships, introspective affections, emotionally sensitive bonds, artistic connections, spiritual harmony, dreamy love life, healing through relationships, transcendent beauty,unseen attractions, private intimacy, intuitive understanding, gentle affection, unspoken desires, unconditional acceptance, subtle gestures,
gemini 12th house: in the complex realm of the gemini 12th house, individuals navigate a landscape marked by paradoxical themes of self-undoing and healing. here, solitude becomes a sanctuary where they retreat to unravel the intricacies of their subconscious mind. secrets are both burdens and catalysts for growth, offering opportunities for profound introspection and self-discovery. sacrifice takes on a nuanced form, where they may find themselves sacrificing personal desires for the sake of others or for spiritual fulfillment. karma weaves its threads through their life, influencing their experiences and relationships with a sense of poetic justice. with gemini mercury and venus in this house, their intellectual curiosity and penchant for meaningful connections imbue their journey with a quest for understanding the mysteries within themselves and the world around them.
all observations are done by me !!! @pearlprincess02
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
Followup: Oragnized Crime Recruitment
The Godfather book and the Mafia games, specifically the first Mafia game, are the closest examples of what the Original Asker wants for his game. Goodfellas is another potential example to base the process of one's recruitment into the criminal underworld. In general, recruitment in fiction is generally based on doing jobs and earning a reputation as to one's success at doing jobs. In Goodfellas, Henry Hill started off doing simple, legal-ish errands for the local mafia before the gangsters saw his potential and entrusted him with more illegal jobs. Original Asker's character could therefore be someone who is affiliated with a mobster, but not part of the inner circle until the character pulls off jobs which makes them someone worth recruiting to the organization. Or one could go the Tommy Angelo route and save a mobster's life. -ironwoodatl01
So, it's worth remembering that Goodfellas is (in broad strokes) non-fiction. Henry Hill was a real person. (1943-2012) He was an associate of the Lucchese family. There are some historical, “inaccuracies,” with the film. Though, his arrest in 1980 for narcotics, and turning state's witness is historically accurate, though the film skims over the part where he was ejected from the witness protection program in 1987. Goodfellas was adapted from Nicholas Pileggi's non-fiction book, Wiseguy. I haven't read the book, but it's plausible that some of the historical discrepancies may have come from the book.
In this case, the OP specifically wanted to avoid a background where someone grew up in the neighborhood. Which, I mean, that is their choice, but it is a very popular recruitment method, in part because it's very effective at screening out potential cops, or even recruiting potential tame cops down the line.
Ironically, thinking back now, Mafia, the original Saints Row, and Franklin's arc from GTA5 are all potential reference points for what the OP wanted, and thinking back on it now, they were asking for input on a game, rather than prose, so I should have factored that in with the original ask. The tricky thing about each of those examples is that they're dependent on a lot of very specific moving parts in their respective stories. (Though, to be fair, I barely remember the original Mafia.) None of them are strictly realistic, but they're all internally plausible, when you start factoring in the various character motivations at work.
For some reason, I'm reminded of the Thieves Guild recruitment in Skyrim, which is one of the goofiest criminal recruitments I've seen in a non-parody. Brynjolf grabs some random psychopath wandering through and says, “ah, yes, you must be a master of pickpocketing and interested in a life of crime.” Does it make any sense? Nope. Does it go a long way towards explaining why the Thieves Guild is falling apart? Yeah, kinda, when you think about it. Does the introduction work? For some players, yes.
If the player wants to get into a questline, the justification can be pretty flimsy and still work for that player. Usually we talk about suspension of disbelief like it's a universal constant, but it's individual per member of your audience. Normally, you want to do whatever you can to ensure the suspension of disbelief is as strong as possible. However, in a game, the player's own emotional investment can help shore up weak points.
I'm going to take a quote out of context (a little), but I'm reminded of a quote from Richard K. Morgan about Halo, “[it] is full of these bullshit archetypal characters and there's no real emotional effect.” And, while he was certainly dragged for that quote (and, really the entire interview, it was a mess), he wasn't wrong. The writing in Halo isn't what does the heavy lifting, a large part of that is the player's effort to get through the story. And, in basically any other medium, this would be an exceptionally bad thing.
You won't make your novel better by forcing your audience to complete reflex tests before they start each chapter.
But, with video games, the gameplay interludes, can actually build emotional investment for the player. Even on very flimsy premises.
I've often written about how writing in different mediums requires different approaches and has different strengths. If you want gorgeous combat, then live action or animation are the best forms for you story. If you want visually striking images that linger, comics might be the right choice. If you really want to get into a character's head and live there, prose will let you do that with a level of fine control that is difficult to replicate. (And, note, there's a lot of different pros and cons, so this isn't an exclusive list.) The funny thing is, if you want your audience to do the heavy lifting for suspension of disbelief, that's one of the places where video game writing really shines.
And so we loop back to the Skyrim example. Brynjolf's approach to finding new talent is absolute clown shoes, but it's something you might not notice if this is why you wandered into Riften. It only becomes a problem when you're just there to snuff Grelod the Kind, or are looking for someplace to unload all this garbage you picked up while delving into a Dwemer ruin up in the mountains.
This doesn't mean you should abandon the idea of good writing, but if your player is on the same page as you, you won't need to worry about having something completely believable. For example, the plot-line of Mafia, or (the original) Saints Row.
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turtlesandfrogs · 2 years
One of the things I think about a lot is productivity comparisons between conventional and unconventional agriculture. Mostly because that's the first question you get asked when you talk about anything that's outside the norm*, but, on what metric are we measuring? Per acre? Per hour worked? Per cost of input? Are we measuring yields of product or dollars earned?
This question also, to me, rings of fear. Fear of food shortages, which are really a problem of greed & distribution, not the world's capacity to grow food. If we were really worried about calories though, I think we'd at least switch to pastured animals instead of sending so much corn and soy to livestock (for any non-farmers out there, you do not get nearly the calories out of a chicken or pig that you put in- you get much less**). Or we would put more effort into making cities great places to live so we stopped turning farmland into suburbia. Or we would be much more concerned with how to prevent erosion & loss of arable land. But we don't, and we're not.
I also think of the complexity of non- conventional farming, and how instead of it being a return to the past, it actually relies on new information and methods***.
Take the plot of land that I'm working to make into a market garden. It's soil is, from a farmer's perspective, crap. It's gravely, sandy, very little organic matter. If I were to farm it conventionally, I'd basically have till to open the soil and kill weeds, and then provide all of the plant nutrients through fertilizers, which would cause the plants to kick out their symbiotic fungi, leaving them vulnerable to pathogenic fungi, and more dependant on me for water. There would also be bare soil everywhere, increasing evaporation & providing plenty of opportunities for new weeds. My costs would be very high, paying for fertilizers, pesticides, & herbicides, and I would have to water, a lot. It probably wouldn't be at all economically feasible to grow food on this plot using conventional methods.
Now, I look at it and say, I'm going to do no-till. I look at the hard, weedy, depleted soil and there's no way a seed is going to be able to come up through that. But, I'm not just doing no-till, because I'm not looking at it from a conventional mindset and just trading out one practice. I'm doing basically everything different from above.
Instead of tilling, I'm laying down a thick layer of mulch, to shade out the weeds, increase soil organic matter (increasing the amount of water and nutrients the soil can absorb & good on to), and feed the soil ecosystem. By the time spring rolls around, the soil underneath will be much better, but I'll still add more compost in most cases.
Instead of fertilizers I've had to pay for, I'm using mulches that I got for free from my gardening work & composts made for free from restaurant kitchen wastes****. I'm going to use over crops, plants that fix nitrogen and also serve as perennial hosts to beneficial soil fungi, which will also form symbiosis with most of my crops, increasing their resistance to pathogenic fungi while also providing them with increased access to water and soil minerals.
Instead of bare soil, there will be mulches and cover crops every where. Instead of monocrops & pesticides, I'll be intercropping which will help by hosting beneficial native insects that will chow down on aphids and other crop pests.
From this framework, there's an upfront investment of effort and planning, but farming this land now seems feasible.
And the thing is, each of those choices is backed up by research. We know so much more now about soil and nutrient cycling and how it actually works than when conventional ag really got started. We know so much more, and so many practices are new, so growing non-conventionally isn't a step back into the past of how things were grown.
But at the same time, it's not exactly completely information either- other cultures have different ways of growing food crops, and if you broaden your concept of what cultivating plants looks like, there's examples everywhere. We're just studying it now and providing it scientifically.
*and I honestly think that it's a result of the extractive mindframe that comes from being the decendants of colonizers. Just look at the different perspectives between many western foragers ideas and Indigenous peoples' relationship with the land.
** chickens are one of the most efficient, with a feed conversion ratio of 1.6, which means for every 1.6 pounds of food you give them, you can expect the chicken to gain 1 pound (cows are over 4 pounds of feed to pound of live weight, and pigs are 3 to 4ish). That's the whole bird though, counting all the parts we don't eat- guts, feathers, bones, etc. Even so, a pound of chicken food has over 1300 calories, and is about 20% protein for starter/grower, where as a pound of chicken has about 500 calories and about 30% protein (for dark meat, you get fewer calories from white meat). I'm not saying everyone should give up meat, but I am saying that the amount of meat in mainstream diets has increased dramatically, much of it comes from cafos where animals are fed on grains & legumes, and if we're measuring productivity and yield per acre because we're worried about feeding the world, this is a huge factor. Look up how much of the corn & soy crop goes to actually directly feeding people.
*** from a western, colonizing prospective
**** is this a particular boon from my particular circumstances? Yes. But everyone has their own challenges and resources, there is no cookie-cutter solution to all agriculture, everywhere. You have to find the solutions that work for you.
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-Bargain Bin Prince-
Lu Buwei was once a wealthy merchant who hailed from the kingdom of Wei. He made his living buying cheap and selling dear. One day, while on a business trip to Zhao, his fortunes took a change for the extraordinary.
He was taking his lunch at a wine house when he looked out into the street and saw a group of young noblemen playing a cruel and unusual game. They had bought some hot meat buns and were using them to tease a beggar—a painfully skinny youth whose clothes were so old and small his wrists stuck out a whole chi from their sleeves. First, they made him bark like a dog. Then they made him get on all fours and walk like one. After he had completed a few circuits, yipping and yapping, they finally made good on their promise and tossed a bun onto the ground. The young man pounced on it in a flash and shoved it into his mouth with both hands, nearly choking himself in his desperation to eat. 
Lu Buwei realised with surprise that the boy was wearing pure silk. The fabric had once been top-shelf stuff, though now it had become hopelessly threadbare and dirty. What he initially took to be a beggar was more than what met the eye. 
The merchant moved closer to the window. His wine had long grown cold. What began as morbid curiosity had been overtaken with eager fascination. His instincts were telling him that he was witnessing something important. 
As the group of nobles prepared to ride off, the boy scrambled to his feet and obediently took the reins of the leader's horse; it belonged to a handsome young man wearing an expensive coat fringed with brocade. As this strange group passed by the window, Lu Buwei heard the rider crack his whip and call down in a sickly sweet voice, "Do pick up the pace, A’Ren.” 
“Yes, Young Master,” the boy panted. His speech was refined, though his accent was rather hard to place.
Lu Buwei hailed a passing waiter and asked, “My good man, who was that gentleman in the fine brocade coat?” 
“Sir must be new ‘round here,” the man chuckled, “that’s the Duke’s eldest son, Young Master Zhao.” 
Heaven bless the gossipy wine sellers of the earth, Lu Buwei thought, “and who was the boy leading his horse? He doesn’t look like a servant.” 
A sneer crossed the man’s face. “Oh, him? No one important, just some minor Qin prince.”
"A prince?” 
“That’s right!” the waiter said gleefully, “you’d never guess from the looks of him. I tell you, he was real uppity when he first came here with his fancy airs and expensive clothes, but our Young Master Zhao’s been teaching him his manners. What an improvement that’s made! He’s proper regal now, ha ha!” 
“Remarkable,” Lu Buwei murmured, stroking his beard, “how very remarkable.” 
The merchant spent the next few days methodically panning the city of Handan for every nugget of information. The Qin prince was sixteen-year-old Ying Yiren, currently living as a political hostage in Zhao. Despite the deeply ironic name, which meant "extraordinary person," Yiren was only a concubine's whelp and barely worth the scraps he was fed. He had been the most expendable of his litter without being too lowly to offend his captors. That certainly explained why the duke's son could bully him so terribly. Like all currencies, princes depreciate rapidly in value when they’re over-minted, and the kings had a habit of pumping them out, two or three dozen at a time. They were not rare goods, so anything short of death or disfigurement was fair game.  
As Lu Buwei watched this pitiful, downtrodden creature, his heart became greatly moved—moved by the allure of profit, that is. He knew from experience that if he invested in wheat, he could earn back ten times as much profit. If he invested in pearls, he would make one hundredfold. Just imagine the returns he could get on a prince! 
Lu Buwei was a wealthy man with every worldly procession he could desire, but there was one thing money couldn't buy: respectability. Merchants were looked upon with the same warmth reserved for headlice and tapeworms. They were the most hated class of people, considered by many to be thieves in silk clothes, stringing their belts with other people’s hard work and contributing nothing of value themselves. 
Lu Buwei thought this was a simplistic but not unfair assessment of his work. It was true; he grew no wheat, spun no silk, and mined no jade, yet he could profit from all these things. He was self-aware enough to pity the muddy, sun-burned farmers who spat at the ground as he passed. Farmers were the lifeblood of every nation; they were born in filth and broke their backs keeping the country fed, yet he could earn ten times as much for each jin of their wheat without ever picking up a hoe. He'd envy himself, too, were their roles reversed. 
Yes, he could begrudge the farmer. But it rankled him to no end when it was the nobles who sneered at him from behind their sleeves. It got inside him, scratching and irritating like a grain of sand in an oyster. It felt unfair in a way that he could not quite explain. The only difference between himself and the average liege lord was that he had to work for his bronze, which made his money dirty, somehow—tainted by the sweat of his brow. Because he had started off as a faceless clerk in second-hand clothes, huddled together with a dozen coworkers, sharing the weak light of a single oil lamp as they copied tallies filled with goods they could never afford, this made him an unworthy pretender in their eyes. Working was both right and wrong; it seemed paradoxical. If he was up from sunrise to sundown, running around the city, balancing accounts and keeping abreast of the latest investments, it made him greedy. If he lounged about all day, reading poetry and taxing peasants at his leisure, it would make him respectable. 
Fair or not, it was heaven's mandate, and every mortal was made for their role. Lu Buwei had no interest in flipping the world upside down on a whim. He was no axe-wielding giant or muddy-handed goddess, just a simple little sparrow who wanted to line his nest with something comfortable before he got too old and grey to fly. 
Lu Buwei knocked on the doors of every associate in Handan and pooled together every favour that was owed him. This got him a meeting with Duke Zhao. The duke was not pleased to host so far beneath his station, but Lu Buwei had invited his most eloquent friends to speak for him; these were silver ingots, lacquerware and bolts of fine silk. In the presence of such esteemed company, the duke had no choice but to smile graciously and hold his nose. 
The trick to climbing the social ladder was to start near the bottom and work steadily upwards. Once Lu Buwei had Duke Zhao in his palm, he was able to secure an audience with the King. All of his eloquent friends were invited, of course. As Master Sun wrote in The Art of War, 'Make a noise in the East and attack in the West.' Lu Buwei pretended that he was here to rub shoulders with the nobility. His real goal was to get close to Ying Yiren. 
[Lu Buwei befriends Ying Yiren. He convinces the Zhao King to let Ying Yiren stay at his house, ostensively as a live-in clerk. Lu Buwei tells Ying Yiren that he is extraordinary and deserves to be the next King of Qin. He plans on convincing the childless Queen to adopt Yiren as the heir apparent.]
The door opened in a haze of sandalwood incense, revealing a new set of clothes and a pink, freshly scrubbed Ying Yiren standing stiffly inside them. Lu Buwei eyed the prince critically. The extra layers gave him some much-needed bulk, but the best thing to be said about the boy at this stage was that he was not deformed or sickly. Fatten him up by five or six jin, double the amount of brocade, and he might eventually pass for stately.  
“My Prince, you look splendid!” Lu Buwei turned to the servants, “doesn’t he, girls?” 
“Oh, yes, My Prince!” they cried theatrically, “so handsome! So manly!” 
Ying Yiren turned crimson and tripped on the doorsill. “Sorry! Sorry!” It wasn’t clear who he was apologising to: the girls, Lu Buwei, or the door. 
Lu Buwei held back a sigh. He wanted someone malleable, but this was going too far! What happened to the stereotype of Qin men being war-loving brutes? How did he end up with this woolly little lamb? 
A dull gleam caught Lu Buwei’s eye. Ying Yiren was still wearing his old jade pendant, which clashed terribly with the new black silks. It was the same one he had fought for so fiercely two months ago in front of the king and his court. It had been a rare moment of genuine courage, and Lu Buwei would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious to see the trinket that inspired such an outburst. 
“Was this the pendant that Young Master Zhao stole from you?” 
“Oh, you remember that?” Ying Yiren looked surprised, “I…Yes. It is.”
"How could I forget, My Prince? You conducted yourself so bravely that day. You should have seen the fear in their eyes!” Lu Buwei had been petrified of losing his nest egg before it hatched. Everyone else was probably worried the prince had contracted rabies and might start biting. 
“My mother—I mean, Concubine Yu, gave this to me," Ying Yiren started twisting the red string between his fingers. “It was the last present I received before I left Qin, to grant me protection and to hasten my safe return. I don't know how she managed to afford it--"
“It must truly be a peerless item!” Lu Buwei had no stomach for this saccharine outpouring, “may I see it?"
Ying Yiren hesitated, “of course, Sir.” 
Lu Buwei held the jade to the light and pretended to admire it. It was a genuine article, though that scarcely did it any favours. It was the cheapest grade of serpentine, with dull, muddy colours. One of the edges had been broken and clumsily fixed with flour paste, doubtless by the boy's own hand. 
Ying Yiren hovered anxiously by his side. He all but snatched the pendant from Lu Buwei's hands, cradling it protectively like it was some precious heirloom. 
"It has so much character!" Lu Buwei said heartily, which was not a lie. "Much more memorable than those common, gaudy baubles." 
"Yes! It is, isn't it?" Ying Yiren pointed excitedly to the two weak veins of blue running through it, "The brown represents the earth, and these blue lines are the two great Chang and Huang Rivers! Isn’t it auspicious?”
“How extraordinary!” The only extraordinary thing here was that jade seller’s outrageous pitch, spinning such a fantasy to convince an ignorant concubine that this second-rate rock was a rare and marvellous item. 
Lu Buwei brought forth the new jade pendant. It was much larger and thicker than that shabby embarrassment; the colour was such a pure snow-white that it seemed to glow faintly. 
Ying Yiren looked ecstatic to receive such a princely gift. Then he looked torn. "I…I cannot accept this, Mister Lu." 
"A prince needs to dress according to his station." 
"I know! But I can’t just throw this away! This jade may not be grand, but it’s a piece of A’niang’s heart. She worked so hard for it!” Ying Yiren’s bottom lip started to tremble, “she was always working so hard for me. She always believed in me, even when no one else did, but I was too untalented to get Father's attention.” 
Lu Buwei put on his most indulgent smile and coaxed, "My Prince, you have a noble heart, but the best way to honour your birth mother would be to fulfil your birthright rather than holding onto these material items. She would want to see you become a great man." 
Lu Buwei held out the jade again; this time, Ying Yiren nodded minutely in acceptance. The merchant deliberately humbled himself by kneeling before the young man like a servant and personally affixed the pendant onto his belt. Ying Yiren helped him to his feet and said with wide, teary eyes, "Sir, you are truly a virtuous and loyal subject. I swear I shall never forget your generosity." 
Lu Buwei muttered some humble platitudes and pretended to be awestruck. What pleased him most was not the promise of reward. It was the sight of Ying Yiren furtively tucking his A'niang's pendant inside his shirt, wincing a little when the cold stone touched his bare skin. This action was worth more than a hundred blood pacts or promissory slips. Lu Buwei didn't want a clever prince who had visionary ideas. He didn't want an ambitious prince who could soar high on his own merits. He wanted a sentimental one, blinded by gratitude, who held every scrap of kindness close to his breast. 
notes: Blue and green were refered to by the same name "qing" 青 during this time period.
Bronze money was strung onto the belt, so i replaced the phrase “lining his pocket” with it.
This story is about 80% conjecture. The historical records said that Lu Buwei befriended Ying Yiren because he was an "extraordinary person" and it occurred to me that there could be a satirical twist to it, because Yiren literally translates to "extraordinary person."
this is my favourite quote. It just sums up poor Yiren's entire life so well.
“How extraordinary!” The only extraordinary thing here was that jade seller’s outrageous pitch, spinning such a fantasy to convince an ignorant concubine that this second-rate rock was a rare and marvellous item. 
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lotsofthinkythoughts · 7 months
tell me (sweet little) lies
Summary: Astarion thinks over the things he's said to Tav, the lies, and comes to a realization. Maybe they weren't lies at all.
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“You can trust me.”
The words echoed around his head, louder and louder as if amplified. That night, the terror of waking from the reverie with Cazador’s voice still in his ears, sat like a knot in his gut. It was the beginning of everything.
It was only a test.
For himself. To see if he’d truly slipped the leash.
The heady warmth of her blood thumping in her veins had sung to him like a siren on the shore, and weak and hungry and desperate for safe harbor he’d followed the call. When Tav opened her eyes, it had been a shock, the kind that rang a death knell over his head, but she’d only stared at him. She hadn't moved, hadn't reached for a stake or blade as he scrabbled backwards like a beast in flight.
And then had let him drink, had protested firmly but gently when it was too much for her, had agreed with his plans of feasting on the blood of their enemies all while offering herself up as a backup.
It was too kind. Too much. No one could give so much and not want recompense. But he simply couldn’t afford to lose the shield she was. Her damned too soft heart led them into too much trouble to simply trust she could be pragmatic.
And while it was damned convenient when she was helping him specifically it made things all the more complicated that she wished to help everyone. Too often she’d give him a disappointed look when he suggested cutting from all this nonsense with the tieflings - it wasn’t as if they mattered. What mattered was making the most of these tadpoles. What mattered was that he would never go back to Cazador. He refused to be owned ever again.
But Tav - Tav had taken him at his word - that she could trust him. More fool her. But she was providing him a service, even if she didn’t realize it.
And a service, well, a service he could earn. A service he could repay.
“What do any of us want? Pleasure. Yours. Mine. Our mutual ecstasy.”
But she’d seen - eyes too keen by half, and he’d had to try harder. To push aside the disgust at bartering himself again, and yet, it’d been easier than any time in memory.
“You know we don’t have to do this, don’t you?” She said, fingers in his hair, as he kissed his way down her belly, her skin warm and soft and smelling of flowers from the soap she’d so proudly showed off from pocketing in the wreckage of Waukeen’s Rest earlier.
He looked up at her, chin resting just below her navel. Her eyes were shrouded in shadow, but that couldn’t hide the soft concerned look from him. It made a part of his heart ache, and for a moment resentment sparked in his gut. She’d said yes. She’d agreed. And she was trying to pull away his only method to insure she’d stay on his side now?
Pasting a charming smile onto his mouth, he pushed himself up, hovering over her naked body. “Whatever do you mean, darling?”
“Only what I said. You don’t have to pretend, you know. If you don’t actually want this - it’s fine. I don’t… it’s fine.” She glanced away, eyes trailing over to the side, to the tree he’d pressed her against only moments before.
He frowned. The spark of anger faded into confusion. This wasn’t how it was meant to go, he needed her present, needed her invested, needed her to care. But she was pulling away, going somewhere else, and he needed her to come back.
He lowered himself down to one elbow, raising a hand to cup her face, and turned it so she was facing up at him once more. She blinked twice, her eyes filmed over with tears. “What’s this?” He said, running a thumb under her eye as they spilled over.
“Just… You wouldn’t be the first. To … change their mind.”
That momentary ache surged once more, a strange understanding and kinship that he hadn’t expected. It made his gut twist. He had to keep her on his side, had to keep her close. Tether her to him.
He leaned in, running his nose over the apple of her cheek, smelling the perfume of her skin, and the distant iron and wine flavor of her blood underneath it.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, darling. Don’t you worry about that.” He whispered, sucking against her neck without biting.
It was enough to make her gasp softly, tension ebbing out of her as she tilted her neck to the side. “Astarion,” she whispered.
He ghosted a hand along the curve of her hip, fingers trailing along the crease of her thigh, until he reached her centre, dipping a finger inside.
She gasped his name again, her fingers wrapping around his hair, arm slung over his shoulder. Her hips bucked up against his hand, and her blood thumped even louder in her veins. His fangs scraped against her skin and she inhaled raggedly.
“You can - it’s okay. You can bite if you want, ‘starion.” Her fingers carded through her curls, gripping tight when he pulled his mouth from her skin again. She whimpered and clung.
“That’s right, pet. Trust me,” he said, before biting down, drinking that precious nectar, taste blooming over his tongue.
And yet, he couldn’t appreciate it, because a knot of guilt was building in his gut. Trust.
It was the last thing he deserved. But oh he wanted it.
The weeks passed, days in the endless twilight of the Underdark, where he was forced to rely on her even more than before. She never complained, never resented his need for blood. And still the knot of guilt grew.
She swore to protect him from Cazador. But he could take no pleasure in it, couldn’t revel in the triumph when she looked at him with those sad earnest eyes.
What was it about her?
There was nothing special about her, she was NOTHING. No one. A girl with a good eye and too much kindness, flitting between all of the weirdos they’d picked up, looking at them all with the same concern, wanting to know what they wanted, needed, how to help.
Even the druid - a foot and a half taller than her and prone to turn into a bear - but she’d invade the elf’s space and try to draw him out into conversation.
And every time Astarion saw it a part of him burned, deeply aware of how easy would it be for any of them to take her away.
The one thing he relied on.
The one person he could trust.
He closed his eyes and shoved the thought down ruthlessly. He didn’t trust her. Couldn’t rely on anything he didn’t trade for. And hells how he’d traded for her goodwill. Never mind that he’d been more present during sex than he’d been in a more than a century's worth of memory - never mind that when he’d enticed her out to the woods after the tieflings’ party she’d spent more time simply curled against him, sharing a bottle of wine, hand curled against his saying they had time.
It had been… nice.
He didn’t know what to do with nice.
Then suddenly, when he’d gotten used to the knot in his gut and the feeling of guilt for taking her desire to be loved and known and using it for his own gain, she tilted the entire plane on its axis.
“He’s his own person.”
The drow had scoffed, irritably waving them all away as if they were no more use to her. And perhaps it was true. She’d gotten Tav’s blood, red rusting on her fingertips where the blood merchant had drawn it. He wanted to take her hand, not to lap away the last remnants that lingered there, just to feel her there, warm and alive.
“Astarion?” She whispered, giving him a queer look as they approached the door to the basement.
“Are you alright?”
“Of course! Why would I be anything else?” He said, panic welling inside him. It was too soon to talk about this. He’d not made sense of it yet.
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about…” she gestured to the passageway they’d just exited.
“No. Not… No.”
Her eyes turned sad, and he could feel his dead heart seize. No, she wasn’t supposed to be sad. But he couldn’t give her anything but sadness. What did he have?
Bloodlust? Pain? A deft hand with a knife and a needle?
That was why he’d come up with the plan in the first place. He didn’t have anything to offer. Nothing she would want. All he had to do was project someone worth caring about. Someone worth protecting.
And fall into the web she had, sweet and soft and trusting, leaned against him by the fire, keeping him alive with her very blood in this place where nothing lived to sustain him. It was easy to hold her close.
He’d never realized he was slipping down the same slope.
It hammered in his mind as he watched her talk her way out of a fight with the jailor. It was the litany that whispered in his ears as they’d snuck through the prison to free the gnomes and tieflings.
I trust her. I love her.
The thoughts echoed over and over as the water sloshed against the prow of the boat they used to make their escape.
I love her.
But none of it had been real.
If he’d been alive, the knot of guilt would have made him vomit up bile into the lake. Instead, he sat, turning it all over in his mind.
That was where she found him later, sitting on the beach behind the Inn.
Her voice was questioning, but undemanding as her toes scraped softly in the sand behind him. He sighed, fingers clinched tight so he didn't reach out as he turned to face her.
“We need to talk.”
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zaurae · 5 months
𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐲
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ 𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒐 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒉 ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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𝑨𝒔𝒌 𝑨𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒉 𝑺𝒖𝒃𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒉𝒖 𝒘𝒂 𝒕𝒂❜𝒂𝒍𝒂
♡ Always and forever pray to your lord, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for wealth and success in a healthy and halal way ♡
Make constant dua, repentence, Tahajjud, and perform goodness as well. With goodness, eliminating bad habits and doing good for your lord, repenting, and seeking to our Rabb; Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grants our duas, grants us more than what we asked.
Ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala by the 99 names:
-`♡´- Al - Ghani (The Rich, The Independent One, The Wealthy)
-`♡´- Al - Wajid (The Wealthy)
-`♡´- Al - Razzaq (The Provider)
-`♡´- Al - Mughni (The Enricher)
Never lose hope and know that with every blessing we have and whatever way we earned that wealth being an amazing job offer you received or marrying a good wealthy man--that is all due and thanks to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Be sure to always thank Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, and strive to become a good muslim and never be deceived or change no matter how much wealth you have
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𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑶𝒖𝒕 𝑶𝒇 𝑫𝒆𝒃𝒕
♡・゚:。.:・゚ The more debt you have, the less wealth you will have. Debt is dangerous in terms of becoming rich, as well as limiting your freedom.
Unfortunately, VISA or any form of credit card is a tool that makes us less rich--of course it depends how you use it or repay it--therefore, I suggest you to not always use your credit card and only use it if it is an emergency or that is the only payment method; however, please make sure to repay those debts as soon as possible. Give yourself a 10 day due date to repay the amount owed. ♡・゚:。.:・゚
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❥ Saving does not only mean save your money, but it also means saving liquid money--cash--or any item/product that has the value to convert it to cash--with a higher price.
This makes you richer even though it may not seem like it. For instance, your house or your apartment you bought, if you end us selling it you get half the money.
If you have cash, instead of trying to get rid of it and only relying on your debt card or apple pay; save the cash money, those quarters and dimes you think is useless but it is not.
Save your liquid money, those investment objects because that is the true secret of becoming rich.
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As mentioned above, save and make investments through your money like liquid money and physical items that obtains higher value each year or month.
As much as we love shopping, try your best to purchase more of the things that brings more value and more wealth in the long-run. This includes the following:
-`♡´- Full Karat Gold
-`♡´- A Property
-`♡´- Any clothing with higher value each year
-`♡´- Good Quality Device
-`♡´- Books (Especially College/University Textbooks)
-`♡´- House
-`♡´- Car
-`♡´- Diamond or Gem
・❥・There are a lot more items, but basically whatever item that has a increased value/price over the month or year.
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𝑫𝒐𝒏❜𝒕 𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅
Do not think little of a few dimes or dollars. Money is still money and is still worth something.
Whenever you earn lets say a quarter or 50 cents, be grateful and happy as if you earned $100. With this mindset, and treating every amount as it is huge, this will ultimately manifest money itself.
Be grateful no matter the amount--as you are more grateful, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grants more.
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𝑮𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚
✧˚ · Giving charity is so important and mentioned a lot in hadiths ✧˚ ·
"Those who spend their wealth (in Allah's way) by night and by say, secretly and publicly, they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve." (Al - Baqarah 2.274)
When you give charity to those in need, it certainly does not decrease wealth.
And giving charity does not always mean giving it with money. Sometimes others cannot give money; however, there are also many ways such as:
Making dua for that person
Making someone feel better
Speaking good to and about someone
Helping others
Not being indulged to backbiting
Charity means so much more because there are so much to give to someone!
Never hoard your money of your other abilities to help, but instead help others as it also helps you in ranks, wealth, respect, rewards, and the hellfire.
˗ˏˋ 𝐷𝑢𝑎 𝑡𝑜 𝐵𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑅𝑖𝑐ℎ ´ˎ˗ Allahumma akthir malee, wa waladee, wa barik lee feema a'taytanee O Allah! increase my wealth and offspring, and bless me in what You have given me.
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