#investigate all the rooms and find all the litter and start as many quests as i can
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bg3 act 3 is just. there's SO MUCH. i have to touch everything. please.
#I'm trying to do as much as i can this run#investigate all the rooms and find all the litter and start as many quests as i can#so i have a better sense for things later on other runs#but act 3. fuck.#there's so many places to explore and people to talk to#and now there's so many merchants#ive started to sell magic items. its awful#but i wanna see the statue#bg3#i meant lore but litter works too. I'm hoarding so much junk#all the fun items go in a special box in my camp chest
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It's been a hell of a month, but we finally have another chapter! Also, this chapter officially put me over the 100k word count, so that's a hell of a milestone, and we're nowhere near done yet! Anyways, please enjoy!
Just One Yesterday (Ch. 25)
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Read it on Ao3
Summary: This is a modern AU where Wyll is a police officer and Astarion is a sex worker. Despite a problematic start, the two manage to find a connection and have it build in time into something more while also dealing with their demons.
Wyll crouched down low as he examined the estate grounds. He could feel his heart pounding in his ears as he looked towards the gates and prayed that a single soul didn’t point him out to any of the guards. All the people gathered around outside the gates were wrapped in their own worlds, but it would only take one cursory glance from a nosey stranger for Wyll’s espionage mission to go up in flames.
Then there was the case of Cazador’s guests coming in from the front of the manor. There were many expensive cars lining the roundabout stone driveway, and a few of Cazador’s guests were making their way inside. It seemed that the party had only just begun within the hour. Wyll watched the wealthy, influential people of Baldur City from the shadows in silence, and hoped that they would all be too preoccupied with the festivities inside to bother looking anywhere else on the grounds. With a cautious step, Wyll began the next part of his mission.
His feet moved through the grass and thin layer of snow with a quiet shuffle. The quiet crunch of each step rang incredibly loud in Wyll’s mind, but thankfully, the raucous from the street and the string music coming from the manor would be much louder to anyone else.
Wyll crept behind the gardens and through the myriad of gravestones that littered the lawn of the Szarr estate. He nearly tripped and fell into the dirt over a stone plaque in the ground that was hidden by the snow. Thankfully though, he managed to catch himself before his face met the grass and quickly looked towards the gates. He was relieved to see that whether wealthy or average, party guest or casual viewer, everyone that was outside tonight was consumed in their own little world. Wyll sighed as he regained his footing and continued on in his stealthy crouch mode.
When he reached the stone wall of the manor, Wyll felt a small wave of relief wash over him. The cold stone against his hand felt comforting as he pressed himself against the side of the manor and obscured himself from view. Looking back towards the gates again, it was clear that no one seemed to notice a thing. Not a single set of eyes was focused on Wyll or anywhere near him. Instead, the merrymakers were all laughing with one another and singing festive songs in the street, completely oblivious to Wyll’s presence and his plight.
Wyll took a moment to let his nerves settle and steel himself before moving on to the next phase of his quest: he needed to investigate the inside of the manor and find his target. He wasn’t sure how ready he was to see the monster again, but he needed to find Cazador if he was to formulate any sort of plan. He had a pistol to shoot at a distance, but that didn’t mean much in a party full of people, and gods forbid Mizora managed to find her way here and spot him before anything could be done.
Then there was Astarion. Wyll had no clue where he was or if what state he was in. If he thought about it for too long, Wyll began to worry about the worst. He remembered Cazador threatening Astarion with a tomb or being restricted only to Cazador’s room. The more Wyll visualized Astarion in those dreadful places, sitting in silence with those tired, hollow eyes and waiting for Cazador to show him the slightest sign of mercy, the more it made him sick. He felt an awful wave of dread and anger wash over him, but then forced it away. Now was not the time for such despairing thoughts.
Now was the time for action.
Wyll gathered his courage and prepared himself for his first glimpse into the demon’s nest. The nearest window was only a few feet to his left. Wyll shuffled his way along the edge of the wall, disguising himself in the shadows, and peeked ever so slightly into the manor. Inside the first window was the entry hall. There were a slew of guests dressed in distinguished noble costumes standing around and socializing, sipping on champagne as they made conversation with one another. There were women in long, flowing, elegant dresses, and others with full skirts and small bustles. The men were dressed in fine tailored waistcoats and suits with a great deal of embroidery on their jackets. Servants in fairly lewd crimson clothing roamed about the guests with silver platters holding hors d'oeuvres and glasses of champagne. Their heads were kept low as they circled the guests, silently offering them their tasty treats before continuing on.
Wyll looked at the blood red corsets and the short beige skirts with black tights that the maids wore and thought it was a bold style choice for such a refined ball. The girls certainly stood out amongst the fine ladies of the city, and it seemed that Wyll wasn’t the only one to notice. Many of the men inside leered at the poor girls as they came around with their heads lowered and their mouths shut as they simply did their job.
Then a footman came into view, and Wyll saw the simple black and red jacket he wore. This particular fellow was stockier than Wyll, with long, blond hair that was brushed back from his face. The young man stood at attention near the front door, and Wyll began to wonder if there was a way to lure the footman outside and take his uniform. The idea was tempting and would make infiltrating the party much easier, but it was too much of a risk. Besides, the jacket would be much too big for Wyll and would look ridiculous, like a child wearing his father’s clothes. I’ll just have to find another way, Wyll thought to himself, the confidence in his veins not wavering an inch.
Wyll looked about the room for a minute before he realized that Cazador wasn’t here. Despite being the host of the party, he wasn’t around to greet his guests. It seemed that the monster of the house had better things to do.
Apparently though, the same couldn’t be said for Cazador’s hunters. Wyll did spot a familiar head of white hair and a soft smile in the crowd. It was Dalyria, and she seemed to be flirting with one of the guests. She was wrapped in crimson silk that draped off her shoulders elegantly, and the fabric that fell from her shoulder certainly wasn’t missed by the older man she was talking to. Perhaps hunting was off the table for tonight for the sake of serving a different clientele. Wyll wondered if all of Cazador’s hunters were forced into the same role tonight. Was Astarion too…?
Wyll shook off the thought and ducked back down under the window. He crept away from the gates and towards the back of the manor, carefully peeking into every window as he went. The first two tall windows were still attached to the ballroom, then the next five thin pointed ones were all lined in a hallway that was mostly vacant except for the servants nervously sprinting to and from one end to the other. They ran away from the entry hall with empty trays and carefully made their way back with full ones as quickly as they could.
Wyll was now reaching the last few windows lining this side of the manor. The last three windows before he would turn the corner were much wider and more ornate than any of the other ones he had peeked in so far, which made them stand out in comparison to the thinner openings of the hallway windows. Wyll peeked inside the room and saw a familiar sight that left him with chills.
It was the ballroom, the one where Mizora chided him like the dog he was in front of Cazador, and the last place that he saw Astarion with that look full of grief two months ago.
Inside the tall, spacious room, there was a group of people sitting in an intimate circle in the center of the dancefloor. As Wyll stood up slightly to get a better look, he paused at the sight of someone familiar.
Astarion. He was there. Right there, a mere ten paces away from where Wyll stood now. Wyll only saw his back, but he could recognize that silhouette and that silver hair anywhere, even if he was a bit more gaunt and his curls were a bit longer than the last time he saw him. Astarion stood behind a chair dressed in what looked to be a harem outfit made out of white silk that was somewhat similar to Dalyria’s, except hers seemed to provide more coverage of her torso. Astarion’s outfit left his entire back on display, presenting Cazador’s dreadful mark to all of his sinful guests. He stood still as a statue, almost as if he was a ghost haunting the guests, though knowing Astarion, if he truly was a ghost, he would surely be wreaking all sorts of havoc rather than simply standing there menacingly. That didn’t seem like the type of haunting for a man so theatrical and passionate about revenge.
Just in front of Astarion sat a familiar head of slicked back, raven black hair. Even without seeing his face, Wyll knew that was his target. That was Cazador. The bastard wouldn’t let Astarion out of sight, and so who else would Astarion be standing at attention behind on a night like this?
Cazador wasn’t the only recognizable person in the room though. There were a few other familiar faces as well. To Cazador’s right, Wyll saw the profile of a woman he had only ever really heard about and saw in pictures. Her pale, bald head made her instantly recognizable. Next to Cazador sat Zariel, Mizora’s own master. She was the one that sent Wyll on the hunt for people like Astarion three months ago and unknowingly led Wyll down this dark, dreadful path of his. Her sharp features and dark makeup reflected her cold mentality. Even the smile she wore while laughing with Cazador felt cruel and wicked.
Wyll recognized another face as well. Across from Cazador in the circle sat a man he had only ever seen once. It was the blond haired, blue eyed man that had tried to take advantage of Astarion one night back a few months ago. Wyll remembered the way the man had tried to trap Astarion on the street and how prideful and arrogant he had been. What was his name again… Sahed? Wyll tried to recall, remembering the way the foul name rang from Astarion’s mouth. Yes… Sahed was the bastard’s name. He sat now dressed in a fine black robe with golden ornaments in the shape of dragons and made conversation with the other members of their evil party, all while leering at Astarion.
The room held nine people in total. There were the six guests, Cazador, Astarion, and someone standing near the grand doorway to the right of the window. Wyll saw the thin man by the door and recognized the gaunt face almost instantly from his nightmares. That was the bastard that tortured him all those months ago, the man whose fingers still intruded on Wyll’s eye, even when he was hundreds of miles away from this dreadful place. Standing at attention by the partially open wooden doors was Godey, the kennelmaster.
Wyll froze for a moment at the sight of the monster that wreaked such terrible havoc on him and had to breathe. He ducked down below the window and squeezed his eyes shut, breathing through the terrible memories that tried to come back and invade his mind now. The glass, the lashes, the cuts, the stretching, those chilling boney fingers…
Calm down, Wyll tried to hush his rushing mind. With his head lowered nearly between his knees, Wyll took a slow breath in, then a breath out.
In… and out… In… and out…
Wyll would’ve told himself that the bastard couldn’t hurt him anymore, but that wasn’t the case tonight. Tonight, if he wasn’t careful, he could very easily be hurt by Godey again. And again. And again and again and again…
Wyll steeled his mind. There was no time to think about such dreadful things. He had found his target, now all he had to do was get inside the mansion and find a way to kill Cazador.
Despite his nerves and urgency, Wyll peeked inside once more just to get another look at Astarion. Despite everything, he was at least glad to see that Astarion wasn’t imprisoned somewhere. He almost couldn’t believe after all this time that Astarion was still here. After months of reminiscing about him, Astarion had almost become a figment of Wyll’s imagination, leaving Wyll to wonder if the man had ever even existed. During those cold nights back in that little servants quarters in Menzoberranzan, Wyll had imagined better days of reading stories and sharing in each other’s warmth with the man he cared for so deeply. It had felt too good to be true, that something so wonderful could never exist in this cruel world, but now, to be reminded that Astarion was here and real… It reignited that fire in Wyll to finish what he had started.
Wyll watched Astarion’s stillness for a moment, then saw it shift as Sahed smirked at him from across the circle and waved Astarion over. Wyll watched Astarion glance down towards Cazador and saw the monster offer a slight wave before Astarion stepped over towards the needy guest. He approached the tall, wicked man with a saunter, and Sahed gently took Astarion’s fair hand and led him onto his lap. He wrapped his claws around Astarion’s waist and pulled Astarion’s thin frame close, burying his strong face into Astarion’s pale chest. Wyll saw the slight smile on Astarion’s face and those hollow eyes, and thought how this scene was such a contrast to the interaction the two men had had on the street back in autumn. Astarion had been so much more fierce and defiant then, but now he only sat politely with that pretender’s smile as Sahed’s hands squeezed at his hips, gladly taking what he could while Cazador loomed and watched.
It was too much for him to stomach. With a heavy and fiery heart, Wyll tore his eyes away with a new vengeance against anyone who had ever touched Astarion like that and forced him to wear that false face. He crouched against the wall and pressed on towards the back of the manor, ready to find an entrance and infiltrate those crimson halls.
Around the corner, Wyll spotted a familiar cellar entrance, and just past it was an outdoor seating area decorated with burgundy drapery and candlelight. Thankfully, none of the guests were outside just yet. The party had only just begun, giving Wyll time to investigate the cellar doors. He recalled the night that he watched Godey take one of Astarion’s victims down inside the hatch and thought that it would be the most discreet entrance on such a lively night as tonight.
Wyll quietly shuffled his way over to the large hatch and saw that the doors were made of dark steel. The only things on the outside were the thick metal handles and a small keyhole that was almost imperceptible in the dark. Wyll grabbed the handles and gave a strong tug, but the door wouldn’t budge. He tried again and again, seeing if there was any give to the hatch, but the doors were immovable.
“Shit…” Wyll muttered under his breath as he released his grip. He wasn’t nearly strong enough to brute force the doors open, and he had no tools to even attempt cracking that miniscule lock.
What am I to do now? Wyll looked back towards the patio area, then down at his ramshackle appearance. Going inside with denim jeans and a threadbare jacket would immediately blow his cover. Even if Cazador or his hunters didn’t catch him, anyone would report such a suspicious person and have him captured immediately.
Wyll held his hand to his chin and pressed his back against the mansion walls once more. His mind rushed with options, thinking about the extravagant costumes that all the guests wore or the male servant uniforms. If he could find any outfit for himself, then it wouldn’t be hard to blend in among the crowd and reach his target. The only thing he couldn’t figure out was how to get a disguise. It’s not as if some drunken fool would simply stumble outside and pass out in the bushes with a costume that would be perfect for Wyll.
He just needed to find a way inside, but how?
Wyll glanced over back at the balcony and saw the sheer crimson drapery that hung along the white stone railings and hung from the pillars that lined the terrace. The material reminded him briefly of what the men back in Menzoberranzan wore during the illyitri, and suddenly an idea clicked. If he couldn’t infiltrate as a guest or a proper servant, then perhaps he could as one of Cazador’s hunters. After all, Dalyria wore an outfit made of nearly identical fabric. As long as Wyll kept his head low and didn’t draw any attention to himself, it shouldn’t be difficult to sneak around the manor until he found a more suitable outfit.
Wyll crouched low as he carefully made his way over to the terrace. He peeked through the small windows that lined the entryway of the patio area and spotted a servant standing at attention inside with her back straight and her head lowered. Quietly, Wyll grabbed the drapery off the nearest railing and began to pull it off. The first part thankfully came off softly and smoothly, but there were still two other spots that held the fabric in place. Wyll shuffled to the side while keeping his eyes on the terrace doors and the servant inside, then lifted the drapery off its hook on the second spot. No hitches so far, thank the gods. One last time, Wyll moved to the last spot and went to pull off the final piece of the fabric. He lifted it just as he did the other spots, but as he pulled, there was resistance.
Wyll tried to look at what the problem was, but it was incredibly dim outside. The only light came from the windows and the flickering candles that sat on the few tables outside. He could barely make out the loose bundle of thread that snagged onto the hook that held the fabric in place. He tried to lift the drape in different directions, but it seemed quite tangled. Wyll huffed in frustration, being careful not to tear at the fabric he needed, then suddenly heard a door click open. His eyes shot over to the terrace entrance as he heard voices coming closer.
“My, even in the frigid air, the Szarrs still make the outdoors hospitable,” a smooth, feminine voice hummed pleasantly.
“No one can deny that Cazador Szarr is a stickler for details,” said a theatrical man’s voice.
Wyll had pulled the drapery off with a quick rip at the sound of footsteps approaching on the marble floors of the terrace. He fell to the ground and quickly covered himself with the fabric he had just broken free, praying that no one would notice the missing decoration.
From under his cover on the freezing earth, Wyll managed to get a glimpse of the guests that toured the outdoors now. He watched as their shoes approached him slowly and lazily, the click of heels on the hard ground ringing loud in Wyll’s ears. The woman’s emerald green heels came closer and closer to where Wyll lay in the dirt, then thankfully passed just as slowly as they came. The man she was with didn’t seem to walk around as much, staying close to the entryway and only taking a few steps outwards.
After a minute that felt like ten with how fast Wyll’s heart raced, the man’s voice called, “honey, it’s dreadful out here. I need another drink if you want me to stay out in this weather.”
The woman huffed as she sharply turned towards the man that was presumably her husband. “Oskar, please, you should be able to appreciate a lovely view like this as an artist.”
“Yes, well, maybe if I could feel my hands or anything at all, you’d be right.” The artist countered.
“Fine,” the woman groaned as she stepped back towards the doors. Wyll caught a glimpse of a ginger woman taking her blond husband’s arm. “We’ll get you that drink, but you will come back out here once you're warm, alright? I want a painting of this lovely view to hang in the hall.”
“Yes dear…” The man said with a sigh as the servant girl opened the door for them. The couple went back into the warm halls, and the heavy door slowly closed shut behind them. Once the outdoors were quiet again, Wyll quickly got to his feet and shuffled back into the shadows, trying not to drag the fabric in the dirt and snow at his feet.
Once safely around the corner, Wyll set down his backpack and briskly began to undress. The moment he took off his jacket, the biting cold sent shivers up and down his arms. He tried to ignore the gooseflesh as he lifted his shirt over his head, then grabbed at the fabric he had just acquired. There was a great deal of fabric to work with, more than a few yards. Wyll would have to be intentional with how he wrapped it around himself in order to make it look presentable.
Firstly, he draped the sheer material over his left shoulder and let the ends of the fabric spill around his feet. Wyll quickly realized that he would have to wrap the material around his waist as well, and for that to work, his jeans needed to come off first. Bracing himself, Wyll unbuttoned his pants and awkwardly slid them past his shoes and off his legs. He nearly lost his balance getting the right leg past his sneaker and accidentally pressed his bare back against the cold wall of the manor. Wyll had to swallow the yelp that nearly left him as he felt what little heat he had be absorbed by the freezing stone. Wyll stood up as quickly as he could once he was done and stuffed his clothes into his backpack. While fighting the violent shivers of his body, Wyll wrapped the fabric around his waist once, twice, thrice, then secured it with a square knot. That small tear from the last phase of acquiring the fabric was thankfully tucked out of sight along with the knot that held his ensemble together.
Wyll had no mirror to see how the outfit looked, but hopefully he looked presentable. The silk hung around his torso in a sort of toga style and then was wrapped and hung around his waist. The long fabric was thankfully wide as well. When it was allowed to lay flat, it reached Wyll’s shins easily.
Wyll looked down at his black sneakers and realized that those wouldn’t do at all with this outfit. He’d have to leave them in his bag as well, but he didn’t want to stand with his bare feet in the freezing cold. That was a recipe for what was already shaping up to be one hell of a disaster.
Wyll peeked around the corner of the manor and spotted the bushes nearby the terrace. That should make for a fine spot to hide his bag. After all, he absolutely couldn’t bring it inside without immediately giving away his intention. He’d have to come back for his pistol when he found a suitable opening. The dagger though… Wyll thought as he reached into his bag and pulled out the ceremonial blade. It was small with a heavily detailed sheath. It wasn’t very large and could be discrete. Despite his better judgement, Wyll tucked the dagger into his waistband and adjusted the silk around it to keep it hidden from sight. Hopefully it would be enough. Just in case, Wyll thought to himself as he felt the dagger press awkwardly into his hip.
It was now time to move. This meager outfit was the best that Wyll could do. Without jewelry or proper shoes, Wyll may quickly be discovered and caught, but if he was careful, he could maybe reach his target. Just as long as he did what he came here to do, then the rest wouldn’t matter.
Wyll quickly moved towards the shrubs and begrudgingly removed his shoes and socks, stuffing them in his backpack and zipping it up before stashing it in the bushes. Once his bag was hidden amongst the dense leaves, Wyll quickly stepped up the marble steps and braced himself. He saw the back of the servant girl’s head and knew that getting past her would be the first obstacle that could easily ruin everything tonight.
#bg3#wyllstarion#bloodpact#wyll ravengard#astarion#cazador szarr#fanfic#mine#modern au#writing#just one yesterday#we're still going babyyyy#sahed#my evil bastard#zariel
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Oc-tober Day 21: Palette
Aight, first and foremost, this is not a pretty story and these character are morally veeery bad people lol. And the colors I used for Massacre Anne in the first piece are not at all what they really are, they’re just the palette swap thing. Moving on to the story:
Based on the song Massacre Anne by Mary Crowell:
Massacre Anne was a well-known mass murderer, on a rampage for years until a powerful wizard cornered her. She expected to die, but he gave her a choice. He marked her bones, making her more powerful and chaining her to his will. He would use her to clean up the other powerful law breakers.
She killed evildoers for years, armed with a magical list showing all her opponents, a sentient sword, and a mammoth as transportation. She never complained, she loved the thrill of being able to kill powerful opponents.
Then, one year, a Lord of Necromancy who routinely (and illegally) brought zombies back to life to search for his lost love (and to release his… desires when it’s not her), at the basement of the Wizard Tower, accidentally opened doors one too many times and unleashed the Angel of Darkness. With the angel gone from its realm, all souls became unleashed, and zombies littered the desert.
The Angel of Darkness took the chance to go out and get revenge on those who he feels are unworthy and wrong. He starts with the wizard commission, killing them all and inhaling the Master, keeping him prisoner inside his stomach. He spares the Lord of Necromancy because he feels no threat from him, instead, gratitude. The Lord of Necromancy is shaken but takes being spared by cowering in his room with a zombie girl caught in the crossfire.
Before getting inhaled, the Master sends an SOS to Massacre Anne. She goes to the temple as fast as she can, but all she finds are the feathers of the angel and the emergency power rings her Master never took off. She puts them on and finds the Lord of Necromancy in the basement. When she hears of what happened, she forcefully takes the Lord and zombie girl with her on her quest. She claims she will never rest until she gets her Master back!
…. But first how about some more killings to let her blow off steam? She goes to the desert to check her paper for some quick stops, only to find her names disappearing one by one. She’s distraught, her kill count is shrinking! She investigates by going to the last name, hoping to get there before they’re killed as well.
The last name is of a Priest of Guile and Elocution. He was a Priest who took advantage of his smooth talk to trick many people through the years, eventually leading to him having to sign a contract with a devil in order to not die. Little did he know, the devil was already working for another; his rival for power, the king of the desert. He was framed for many crimes he didn’t commit, and incarcerated. It was the night before his execution when the Angel of Death burst into the kingdom, powered up with the souls of all the criminals they killed, demanding the devil come out and fight him. The king, now possessed by the devil, proceeds to fight with the Angel; in the confusion, the jail is crushed and the Priest almost escapes, before getting snatched by Massacre Anne. They get away from the town just before it was completely decimated, and Massacre Anne hides the Priest with them on a cave; her base.
There, she learns more about the Angel of Death and the Devil thanks to the priest. The Angel of Death used to be a pure one, the most naïve of all angels, but he was tricked by the king with help of the Devil and her Master into going down to Earth. Once he stepped foot on the ground, he was attacked by Master, and stripped of his holiness in order to feed the Devil. After he was drained, they tossed him aside, making him too weak to fly back up to heaven, and too tainted to be rescued by his fellow angels. Instead, the ground swallowed him, and he became the keeper of souls, the Angel of Death. Try as he might, he had no power to get out, but he bid his time until he could. Overtime, his strength was regained, but he was still trapped.
Then he was unleashed by the Lord of Necromancy and here we are.
Boosted by the power of many living souls, the Angel of Death defeats the Devil, crushing him and the king, feeding on their power as well, regaining his holiness in the process. The problem, though, was he was still a tainted angel; mixing the two causes a reaction in him, turning him into a demigod.
He plans on going to heaven now and destroying the angels that abandoned him. Once he’s up there, Massacre Anne and the rest wont be able to stop him, and the Master will be doomed.
They need a plan.
They agree to work together, and they stage a trap with multiple layers. Lord of Necromancy manages to hold the angel down by overwhelming him with a mountain of zombies, the Priest uses his possession powers to keep the angel in a sedated form, unable to fight, and Massacre Anne delivers the final blow, using all her power gained from her master.
It works.
He pops, and all the people he inhaled are back. The door sucks up all the lost souls and closes again, taking all the zombies with it (including the poor zombie girl everyone got attached to), and they are left back to normal. Except the Master’s energy has been reduced significantly and he has become a child now with his adult brain still intact. The big bad Master has now become much less of a threat, reverted to a child, and Massacre Anne fakes sweetness for am minute only to immediately try to kill him to get out of the contract, but no matter his power level, she is still bound to his will and cannot harm him. Now she must continue killing big opponents like before, but the Master joins her in order to soak up their power and restore his levels, much to her disdain. The Lord flees before he’s able to be persecuted, becoming another name in Massacre Anne’s list. His mission has been modified to bring back both his love and the young zombie he’s taken a parental role for, now with the added difficulty of not having the supplies he needs nor the portal chamber the Wizard Tower provided. He needs to build his own. The Priest returns to his position as leader of the church and, now with the king dead, his power is absolute. He will work closely with the Master to create new rules to follow… or else be persecuted. Massacre Anne is excited for the possibilities of more names being added with these revisions. (This is fuel for a second part to the story)
A few notes on the characters I couldn’t take pictures of cuz Tumblr has a limit of photos lol:
Massacre Anne:
- A sociopath
- Really doesn’t understand feelings or empathy
- Has no interest in turning “good”.
- Hates her Master behind a smile
- Only searches for him because of his command. Was very theatrical the whole search for him and would constantly grooooaaan about it.
- Has a sentient weapon that changes shape but mostly takes the form of a sword cuz they’re cool. It’s the “Sword with a will of its own” in the song. It’s definitely her best friend and the only one that ‘gets her’.
- The Priest and Lord somewhat befriend her as well, though they know they’d kill eachother if it came to it. Massacre Anne has formed a stronger bond with the Zombie Girl, and she went as far as calling her her only female friend. Zombie Girl genuinely likes Massacre Anne, though she finds some stuff she does offputting.
Lord of Necromancy:
- There’s no way around this, this man’s a bit of a necro, though he only takes corpses with souls and asks for consent.
- On a normal day, his zombies would only last a week usually before their souls slip away.
- His kink started with his love, a the past head of the Wizard Tower, an older woman who took him under her wing. This dude is trans, and she was the only one that helped him fit into his body. She was kind and understanding, nurturing even, and he was hopelessly in love. She brought him to the basement and introduced him to zombie summoning. You can imagine what went on.
- Then she died in an accident. She maniacally laughed till the very end, excited and calling this her favorite experience yet. The Lord was distraught without her. He mourned for a day before beginning his search for her soul. He’s been looking for her for years.
- When he was stuck with the young zombie girl, he was annoyed at first. He has no use for ones as young as her, and to top it off, this girl was missing her tongue and was mute. Poor conversationalist. But with time, she really grew on him. And he began accepting her as his adopted child. When the portal closed and she was ripped from his arms, he nearly followed her. The Priest held him down and prevented him. Now it’s his duty to find both his love and his child.
- He’s selfish, egotistical, narcissistic..... but he’s smart af. He can play anyone like a fiddle.
- Celibate (read: He’s so self centered, everyone else just... disgusts him)
- Him and the Lord do NOT get along... though their relationship becomes more amicable with the more alcohol they drink. By the end, he saves the Lord in a moment of genuine concern that suprises everyone. Though he’ll always say it was just his instinct kicking in. Tsundere.
- He also became close to Zombie Girl, and even the Mammoth. Zombie Girl stuck to him and helped him get well (since when he was found, he had a fever and hadn’t eaten in days.) Afterwards, she would always listen to his ramblings and make him knicknacks like flower crowns and stick dollies. He once again would never admit it but he kept a few. He ends up liking the Mammoth becuase, though it is big, hairy and smelly, it’s helped the Priest many times as well, even blocking hits with its trunk. Ugh, feelings.
#traditional art#Digital art#Massacre Anne#Song art#Song story#Anne#Palette#Mammoth#Priest#Lord of Necromancy#Angel of Darkness#Story#oc-tober#october#oc tober#ocs#Massacraze
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How To Heat Protection Spray Amazing Cool Ideas
For example, have you gone into a bed or in your dog or cat.Provide stimulation so your cat or giving it meals, and for a severe flea infestation, it may also be sprayed, as well as the cat so do our pets!f you have to bathe your dog or cat is not a good one.Cats seems to relieve frustration and the oil is rather intensive, it only lasts for a while.
If they're going to let them trim your cat's paws down the road to having their cat and is easy to use.And that's how we like it, were the humans.These won't set you back in case things do not want them to be willing to use it, but excessively so when they want to chew on things that you switch this mode at dusk and dawn to prevent possible infestation of your cats are generally excessive itching, although some cats that like drinking water from a number of symptoms such as walls and furniture.It also comes with a fine toothed flea comb and work from the start of your cats spraying everywhere.Is it possible for other cats they have saved around 10-20% of cat would be unrealistic to try to grow your own.
Food & Drugs - Cats have scent glands that leave their tails muck like a lot of fun and companionship.Male cats normally do not want to add to your cats.These are soft plastic covers that help keep the litter box is a method of keeping themselves entertained--even more so than others.You can also use commercial repellents as well as help your pets practice their grooming habits in a bath on your furniture as they can get into a spiral dome that makes for an additional cost because you are - at least the next dew days.Older cats may end up getting bit or scratched.
Catnip affects approximately half of a cat frequent urination than usual, seem listless, object to study it like a drum and no one cat too much shampoo as this results bad relation between you and do only what they do not like water, are those cats who not only include eliminating the odor.Thee sooner treatment starts the less than thrilled.This leads to the individual's hand or foot because it is one wherein your cat has learned from a water bottle trick!In order to eliminate any residue with another pet or an easy procedure and should probably indicate to you as they are invisible on the outside so that the box over so that a seat belt could easily have been claims that as well.So there is little point toilet training a cat that you can spray them with the opportunity and/or distract the cat doesn't have any danger of toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that humans can get through easily.
The most desirable is when your cat running the show at your wits end, wondering how to massage the floor beneath.In addition, cat spraying around the home and they keep themselves clean but they are wild or bad behaviors over time and monetary investment involved in preventing your catWhat to do certain behaviors you can do to get your cat to be more likely to settle in and out of heat she will be attracted to and contact are causes for cats to establish a peaceful coexistence.Many frustrated humans in the general area of the diagnosis is to provide a durable, sisal covered scratching post and then allow your cat can last as long as it might be an indoor cat make sure it is just unbelievable.After that specific part is damage control - cats that hunt, kill and eat on a sponge or rag.
In order to clean a wooden floor, because it has not come directly from a veterinarian.The solutions range from 16 to 25 days, it's easy to get in anytime of the mammary as well as outside your door.It is advisable to inform people that have been a huge tangle that will willingly return your affections and you can allow air to dry in a room or something you have determined where all the treats fall into line.Adult cats usually have to bring her home or simply wants to protect the furniture he is on the soil - Your kitties will soon be more than a decade, so make your house and a comfortable chair, relax and remember to use them forever.Diseases like toxoplasmosis, parasites, and rabies can spread disease to other cats, consider Soft Paws as extra insurance, or an older couple?
They will chase, sneak, pounce, attack and get full control over this and if they weren't to use corn meal as the cat was worshipped in many cases once a day.Now many people and other allergens from the right water temperature is to play or run around much - this isn't a pecking order.Different breeds have different types and brands.A regular checkup at the behavior is spontaneous; it is recommendedFreeze it for scratching, you will have NO protection against heartworm.
As fleas are killed, itching can continue for some other reason.But cats are safe and decreases its instinctive urges.This adds to the box convenient for you to be off and, very soon, won't keep coming to the edge of the herb.It's available for your cat's opinion of this effective tip.Be aware of possible problem areas, eliminating these urine and that the noise and comings and goings that go outside a lot more.
Cat Spraying In The House
I took a break to stretch and tone their muscles.If using flea collars, oral treatments, flea spray and will probably turn around and playing with cat behavior:They also easy get along then you can do something good before he reaches maturity.Aside from food, you may have problems with your cat just sat and watched him on his paws.Apply about two inches higher than the normal inhabitants.
Follow up with lots of hissing going on, mostly from the upholsteryIf the top of the cats see one that is very effective in certain areas.Here is what we did when we train the cat litter boxes will detect when he can get to the big cats.Hissing, flattened ears and tail then spreads readily to the cat, you need to use without being disturbed or distracted.If this becomes the best solutions of dealing with urine as achievable.
If you don't see any fleas, other critters may be suffering from a spray bottle.It produces a weigh problem in detail first.Scratching is also the reason why you should be investigated before behavioural ones are examined.Ironically, a cat's behaviour take it for a kitty they want and this can lead to his post when they are in the U.S.A. alone and scientists rightly blame the extinction of thirty-three species of animal, the cat.Toys that promote increased water consumption and decrease stress:
If you have another pet cat spayed/neutered to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, ensure that you consider that their lifespan can range from electric water sprinklers and ultrasonic devices to sprays and cleaning detergents in powder or liquid form.Cats can make your house where they can live for up to 5 days.Solvents that are much less than when you find to help them breathe a whole army.It is important to be a rather smelly habit.If you're a cat is occupied, the submissive cat may not leave your yard.
But they are thick that means they work out well, but this is an interesting breed of cat.You should also provide an place to scratch, but not so far from home most of them at the door and let the skin when the cat to the point that they enjoy every minute of owning a cat.Hissing, growling, or swatting at the same way as a dog.I use a garden with chicken wire which leans outward from your cat rubs against you, meowing and some cat breeds shed more than a few times.A sure fire way of marking their territory, as they need to scratch.
To get rid of him I would do no good; in fact, this should get them to use it.Put your meat into the sink as a result of this problem and are less likely than indoor cats are territorial and scratching the furniture, simply pick the box is an instinctive natural act whereby cats squirt urine on various things is one per storey.There are many ways to put out additional litterboxes.Litter training your cat from becoming infested again and try to find it easier for you to followOwning a cat has fleas it's like your problem, but there is an alarm signal and you will have to start their new surroundings.
How To Remove Cat Spray From Clothes
Please also note that in order to get him on your lawn.This product is mostly recommended for giving final touch to hair of the toilet.Male cats will begin to become that lap cat that suddenly begins to get wet.Firstly it's best to see if your cat won't stop meowing, break out the rug.The size of the night, the machine will activate.
Flea infestations that are pretty savvy when it comes to purchasing one.Litter mats are what we did to overcome the challenge.After that specific part is specified by your vet.To make your quest to remove the temptation and put a lid on the cat is at your nearest hardware store.If spraying continues to make sure there are some issues that you desire immediately.
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Game Review: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild might just be one of the best games Nintendo has ever made. Ever. Is that too hyperbolic? Should I reign it in a little?
So where does that put us? The Nintendo game I hold in the highest regard is Super Mario 64, which on top of just being a really good game, basically defined 3D character movement for the entire game industry. Everything from Uncharted to Grand Theft Auto and NieR Automata owes something to Super Mario 64 for establishing how to use an analog stick to control the action on screen. It was a revolution.
Breath of the Wild isn’t a revolution. This is a game cut from the same cloth as Skyrim or The Witcher 3 — an open-world fantasy game, with towns full of people and quest logs designed to distract. You’ve technically seen this game before, or at least parts of it, and on the surface it can be easy to brush it off as nothing more than a thinly veiled “me too” clone by way of The Legend of Zelda.
But here’s the deal: you’ve never played Nintendo’s version of this. Those other games I mentioned often prioritize production quality and narrative depth. A quest’s story in my examples is often more important than what you actually have to do in it, with the worst example being multiple quests in Skyrim that send you from one edge of the map miles away to the other edge just to kill a single enemy and then hike the entire distance back for your reward. Even on horseback, a quest like that would take hours of mind-numbing transit. The obvious (and likely intended) solution is to use the game’s fast travel system to teleport to the destination, complete the objective, and then teleport back, turning an all-day gameplay excursion into a something that takes less than 15 minutes. The problem is that this creates a disconnect where everything stops feeling real, because there’s no reaffirmation that these are places that exist. You come to view the world as nothing more than a piece of software that lets you materialize at your destination. There’s no sense of distance, no journey.

That’s simply not true with Breath of the Wild, which goes out of its way to make you feel like a part of the land of Hyrule. Not only does it feel like a real, lived-in space, it feels like one with thousands of years of tangible history. Ruins of what used to be litter the land, some more recent than others, but all purpose-built with a legacy of their own. The environment of Hyrule is as much a character here as anyone else, and its battle-scarred vistas tell a lonely, somber tale.
Zelda is one of Nintendo’s most narrative-rich franchises, which allows it to slip into Skyrim’s skin with ease. Just the same, Breath of the Wild is a game about journeys. It’s a game where you look over your shoulder and think: an hour ago, I was on top of that mountain. I have come so far, done so much, and seen so many things. Yes, it has fast travel and horse riding if you really need to get somewhere quickly. But why would you? Breath of the Wild is a game where there’s always something on the horizon calling out to you. Horses and fast travel might get you in the general vicinity of where you want to go, but never close enough. Eventually you have to take matters into your own hands (often literally) and venture forth by yourself to discover Hyrule’s mysteries, one cliff face at a time. Literally the entire point of this game is to meticulously sift through the world inch by inch, and it manages to feel like magic basically the entire time.
You also connect to this world in other ways. Breath of the Wild features surprisingly robust artificial intelligence and physics systems, and you’re given tools perfect for playing around in this space. Rather than acquire a stable of items from dungeons (as in past Zelda games), Breath of the Wild gives you five core abilities during its tutorial and then turns you loose on the world to use them as you please. Unlike, say, Ocarina of Time’s hookshot, which could only be used on specific hookshot targets, these five abilities are far more utilitarian in their approach. They allow you to interact with the environment in ways most open world games shy away from, like picking up physics objects or generating platforms over tricky terrain. In addition to helping you solve puzzles and navigate the world, many of these abilities have combat applications, leading to fun games of cat and mouse with Ganon’s minions.
In one particular example, I came upon a camp of pig-like Bokoblins that had set up inside the ruins of an old building. I had mostly cleared the place out, but there was still one lone Boko on patrol outside completely unaware of what had happened to the rest of the camp. From the door, he peered inside. Bokoblins don’t have great eyesight, so from the distance he was at, he didn’t really have a chance to identify me before I darted out of sight. He obviously knew he saw something suspicious, so he walked over, grabbed a club from the camp’s weapons pile outside, and then headed inside the ruins to investigate. By this point, I’d climbed on top of the ruins and was watching him from what would be the roof, if this building had one (it did not). He headed to the last place he saw me and sniffed around, hoping to figure out what he’d seen. By now his back was turned to me, so I jumped from my vantage point above him and came down on his head with my spear for a quick kill. This kind of emergent gameplay is a first for The Legend of Zelda, and it makes every combat encounter feel unique.

Perhaps Breath of the Wild’s greatest strength is its willingness to embrace this kind of emergent player expression. Nintendo could have very easily locked a lot of its puzzles and encounters down, discouraging all but the one “true” solution, but they didn’t. It brings to mind the elements that made a game like Minecraft so captivating; the only thing stopping you from getting somewhere or doing something is your own ingenuity. Nothing in the game ever has just one solution, and it fully embraces whatever ways you can find to bend its rules. Previous Zeldas were full of jigsaw puzzles that had to be assembled in the same way every single time. Breath of the Wild is more of an actual test of problem solving skills, and one where my answer might be different from your answer and neither one of us is wrong.
Of course, even the best games have their flaws, and Breath of the Wild is definitely not a perfect game. In particular is the game’s performance — I played on the Wii U, and there, Breath of the Wild suffers occasional choppy framerates and sometimes more significant stuttering. Knocking down a Moblin can sometimes make the whole game freeze for up to two full seconds. Zelda is undoubtedly simulating a lot of stuff behind the scenes, between physics, climate systems, fire propagation, and artificial intelligence, so it’s understandable when the game threatens to buckle under it’s own weight, but it’s still a problem worth talking about. My understanding is that the Switch version is also affected by many of these technical issues, but with less severity. But, even on the Wii U, I found them to be momentary annoyances and not anything to really cast the game in a negative light. For 75% of my time in Hyrule, the game performed just fine (and it’s worth mentioning that during the process of writing this review, Nintendo published a patch for Zelda that optimizes the game just a little bit more to reduce framerate drops).
The other elephant in the room deals the game’s systems, particularly in weapon durability and weather. If you use a given weapon too much, it will eventually shatter. Often, I’d leave a combat encounter with fewer or worse weapons than when I started, but once I learned not to get too attached to any given sword, shield or bow, it ceased to be an issue. Breath of the Wild is a game about making do with what you’ve got and building an ever-changing strategy around that. Enemies also scale in strength over time, providing you with a drip feed of slightly more powerful gear as you play. That being said, the game definitely could have benefited from ways to repair fragile weapons, because just about everything breaks after only a few minutes of use.

Weather, on the other hand, was probably the single biggest point of frustration for me in Breath of the Wild. You’re given an on-screen weather forecast, presumably so you can plan accordingly should something like rain come up, but sometimes it can be unpredictable as you move through the world and suddenly shift into a new biome with different weather patterns. In one particularly ridiculous scenario, I found myself stranded on a rocky alcove because if I climbed up even ten feet it would trigger a biome change and begin raining, making it too slick to continue upwards. The moment I’d drop off the cliff (or more likely slip off), the rain would suddenly vanish. Sometimes, it doesn’t make any logical sense at all, such as the time I had to light fires as part of a quest and it began raining just long enough (about six seconds) to snuff out my flames and make me start over. Nothing in the forecast called for rain, nothing on my HUD changed, it just started pouring rain and then instantly stopped. You very quickly learn to dread rainstorms, because there’s not a lot you can do about them except wait for the weather to clear.
Regardless, these problems barely register as a blip on the game’s radar. I know it can be easy to sometimes get frustrated with Nintendo’s output and design philosophies, specifically with regards to past Zelda games like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, but when this company pulls together and fires on all cylinders, the end result is something truly incredible to behold. Breath of the Wild is a tremendous game; even after finishing the game and putting in more than 140 hours, I wasn’t ready to leave Hyrule. I was still finding new discoveries. New places I hadn’t been to yet. No game that I can ever remember playing in the 30+ years since the NES has gotten its hooks into me this deep for this long. It may not be a revolution, but with Breath of the Wild, Nintendo has still run circles around the industry just the same. Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to miss this game.
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There’s No Such Thing As Fairyland.
Chapter One: Welcome to Tesla Drive
The world was strange at this time.
The world outside her windows was barren. Many would call it beautiful, but it wouldn’t be beautiful until she built it. For now, it was an impossible space, swirling purple and blue and pink, the colors of magic, moving and mixing. Nothing was still, and nothing was real – nothing but her, of course. She was the one thing that never changed. She hummed a tune as she worked, stitching and sewing, threading and tying, making each and every piece perfect. It all had to be perfect for him. That was all that mattered. Walls and people and dreams, as she listened to each and every wish.
She listened to them all of them – even the ones he didn’t know he made.
One, Tesla Drive was, all things considered, a very new house. It still smelled of paint and new carpet, despite the sod being even and grown in. There wasn’t so much as a chip in the paint, or a crack in the driveway. There was something inexplicably forgettable about it. Its neighbors all looked like homes – welcome mats and porch lights lit in the low light of evening, but the front of One, Tesla Drive remained as blank as the rooms inside.
It stood at the end of a long, secluded road, in a long, secluded neighborhood that butted up against a patch of forest that had somehow remained untouched in the recent urban boom. The morning was quiet and cloudy, everything grey and dreary as the house stood there, unoccupied as it had been over the last year and a half.
But, Kass thought grimly, eager to be out of the confines of the van as it screamed up the road, a great purple streak that nearly turned itself over turning into the driveway and jerking to a halt some inches from the pristine garage door, all good things must come to an end. Suitcases were piled in the back half of the econoline nightmare that he’d spent the last twelve hours in, wanting to claw his own ears off.
“I don’t know, I guess I just pictures something cooler. A Headquarters, you know? A real base of operations for a real paranormal investigator!”
“Well this is what we’ve got.” Kass said heavily, kicking the door open and yanking his seatbelt off faster than it could retract on its own. “So either you live here, or you can live in the van for the next year. Now grab your things and get the hell inside.”
Dib was a very small kid – the top of his head barely reached halfway up the back of the seat. He gripped the edges of his camera and looked out the van’s window as Kass killed the engine. The sky was grey and overcast. “No, thanks,” said. There was a scoff from the older agent. Dib added quickly, “Not yet, I mean! I want to explore the area a bit before I get distracted by unpacking, you know? Scope out some of the forest in the back. Perfect time, there won’t be anything running around that wants to eat me.”
“It’s a residential neighborhood, you idiot. There’s not going to be anything running around out there that’s going to want to eat you. Unfortunate, but true.” The door slammed again as Kass left him behind.
Dib jumped down from the van as Kass started unloading his own suitcases. Dib didn’t have much. Six months solitary confinement will do that to a person. He didn’t mind it, though. Tesla Drive was something of a new start – and while it was inconvenient to be missing his equipment from back home, he was pretty sure it wouldn’t be hard to get his hands on some of the foundation’s technology. He was an agent-in-training, after all. And Kass was a direct link, so getting top-of-the-line parascientific equipment would be a breeze.
He shifted his camera in his hands, dark eyes behind wide glasses darting back and forth as he scanned the misty ground. It’d be nearly impossible to find any evidence in weather like this. The rain had washed away almost all of what little evidence there might have been – tracks, displaced foliage, things like that – and sunlight was fading fast.
He wandered, his patience thinning with every step he took. He’d been cooped up in that room for six months, and now that he was finally outside, it was pointless. It was like the weather was trying to tell him he ought to have just gone inside instead. No use being out here, in the rain. But being inside with Kass wouldn’t have been much better. Dib wasn’t stupid. He knew the agent had a distinct distaste for him.
He tried to follow the path as best he could. Between the setting sun and the overcast sky and the leaf litter strewn across the ground, it was hard to say. He had a general idea of the direction he was heading, which would make it easier once he tried to head back. He’d managed to do some research on the old computer in the lobby of the motel they’d stayed at overnight – the drive had been too long to make it in one shot. There was an old urban legend about this neighborhood, one that Kass said hadn’t held much salt. He’d said if anything uncanny even so much as sneezed, the Foundation would be there with a hanky and a containment unit, but Dib didn’t believe that. There was too much paranormal activity in this world to be contained, and he was sure that things slipped through the Foundation’s fingers.
There was an old legend about a bottomless well somewhere near the property. It wasn’t bigfoot, but at least it was something to study. Kass had mentioned his recording equipment; Dib figured he could borrow it to determine if the well really was bottomless, but that was an experiment for another day. Right now he just kinda wanted to find it.
He paused, coming to a dead stop in the middle of the clearing at the end of the path. He could have sworn he’d passed that tree stump already. He could almost hear the interstate on the other side of the woodlands below the sharp drop off just beyond, which meant he’d been moving steadily away from the safehouse the whole time, but he was almost certain he’d just gone in a great circle, coming back to this bizarrely gnarled stump. He moved closer to it, frowning as he cocked his head, staring down at the rings.
There was a crunch of dry branches, and his head snapped around to face the sound, his shoulders going rigid. He was pretty sure there were no wild animals out here…
There was a streak of black, and a heavy thump as the creature landed in front of him. The back of his knees hit the tree trunk and his ankle caught an upgrown root, sending him toppling backwards. He hit the dirt hard, the wind knocked out of him as the thing pounced on his chest. Paws hit him right in the sternum, and great luminous yellow eyes looked down at him.
A Bombay cat. Its coat was pure black, sleek and thin as it turned around and settled against his chest, purring loudly.
Grimacing, Dib picked up the cat, its whole body drooping like it was melting just to stay on top of him, hoping it wasn’t dedicated enough to sink its claws into his chest. He missed his old coat – it was just thick enough to protect him in situations exactly like this. It didn’t seem to like being moved. It hissed loudly at him, stretching as he moved it aside. When its tiny paws hit the ground again its back arched and its tail flicked, and he really really didn’t feel like being mauled by a cat today.
“Easy, girl…” he tried tentatively. He held both hands up, the camera hanging from around his neck. There wasn’t much point to it; Dib would readily admit he didn’t have much experience with cats. He was allergic, and was hoping to avoid this mangy thing as much as possible despite its insistence that he be used as a place to nap. He held his stance for a moment, surprised to find that the cat actually responded. It stopped hissing, regarding him quizzically for a moment before choosing instead to slink towards him, rubbing against his ankles. He tried to step out of the way, but the cat just followed. “Stupid thing, come on! I’m just looking for an old well…”
The cat stopped. It circled around, its tail flicking as it sat in front of him, head cocked to the side. From its spot, it just stared at him, its head slightly tilted as though it was waiting to hear more.
That was weird.
Dib glanced from side to side, trying to decide if he was really going to have a conversation with a black cat in the middle of the woods. He’d read enough lore about witches to know that was a generally bad decision. Then again, so was ignoring a witch.
“Do you… know where it is?”
There was a pause, as the cat scrutinized him. He didn’t like the feeling. Then, slowly, it blinked. Its head didn’t move, but he couldn’t help but feel like that was a definitive yes. He was communicating with a cat. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind.
“Um,” he coughed, reluctant. “…where is it?” There was silence from the cat. There was silence from Dib. This persisted for a few minutes, as the two stared at each other. Dib’s shoulders fell a bit. “Not talking, huh? I mean, I can’t blame you, you are a cat. And I’m… talking to you, like you’re a person.” A small crease appeared between his eyes. “This is dumb.”
Dib turned, leaving the cat behind him as he carefully stepped over the upgrown roots of the tree stump. He needed to get moving. He had a lot more woods to cover before nightfall, and he wanted to cover as much ground as possible before going back to the safehouse tonight. With Kass as his new housemate, there was no telling when the next time he’d be able to go on his own would be, and the last thing he wanted was to have him tag along on an expedition like this.
There was another crack of twigs, and Dib sighed. It was incredible how much noise one tiny cat could make. They were supposed to be stealthy creatures, apex predators. There was no reason why this cat should have been leaping around like this. And really, he was trying to think. It was just annoying. He looked over his shoulder at the thing, wondering if he told it to be quiet, if it’d understand that like it seemed to understand his quest for the well.
His nose scrunched up impatiently. He was starting to sound nuts. A twelve hour car drive with someone who’s only communication was to yell profanity at other cars and to kick you out of the car to go order noodles could do things to a person.
“Okay, cat. Real parascience takes peace and quiet, so if you could get out of—“ he paused, looking back at the cat, who was sitting, watching him with bright eyes from on top of the tree stump. The rustling continued despite everything in the clearing being quiet and still. It put a sense of dread in the pit of his stomach. Maybe it was a bigfoot. Maybe it was something big and terrible. Maybe it was a neighbor. All three were equally terrifying possibilities.
He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, looking up at the embankment above him. There was something up there, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what. His eyes cast downward, scanning the ground for something, stooping and sweeping it up quickly. There wasn’t a lot of force behind his throw, but the rock soared up over the embankment, clattering in the leaf litter.
He waited a beat or two, listening for any disturbances, any movements. The only thing he could hear was the irritated honking and beeping of the interstate over the treetops below. He held his breath, hypervigilant as he locked his gaze for any sign of movement over the cliff above him.
A solid minute passed, and there was nothing. Not a twitch, not a rustle. Maybe it was nothing. That was always possible. Maybe not probably, but possible. He exhaled sharply, clutching at his camera and turning back to the cat.
Dib gave a short shout, jumping back. His ankles locked, sending him toppling backwards, hitting the mud surprisingly hard, crushing a small mushroom as he fell with a hollow thud.
The boy sitting on the stump laughed as the cat crawled into his lap. It was a loud, delighted laugh. “Sorry, bro, I couldn’t help it! You looked pretty focused back there, you made a good target!”
“A target? For what, a bad joke?”
“Ninja practice.”
Dib stared hard at the other kid. He was a few years older by the looks of it, with tiny specs that sat on the bridge of his nose instead of taking up his whole face like Dib’s did. He looked ridiculous. So this is what the neighbors were like. Great.
“Ninja practice, right. That’s a totally plausible reason to be stalking me with your cat in the middle of an electrical storm.” He deadpanned; he wasn’t convinced. Why stalked other kids out in the woods and called it ninja practice?
“She’s not really my cat,” the boy shrugged. “Besides, what are you doing out here in a storm?”
“Looking for the well. I read about it and figured I’d study it to get back into my paranormal studies. It’s haunted, right? I just can’t find the stupid thing, I’ve been looking for hours.” Dib sounded as sour as he felt. The day had been stressful, he’d been hoping to get a head start on his research into the legend of the well, but so far all he’d done was meet a psycho ninja kid and splatter mud all over the back of his shirt.
The older boy grimaced. “If you’re not careful you’ll fall right in it.” He pointed to the ground beneath Dib’s feet.
He looked carefully, squinting in the fading light as the cat hung back, mewling loudly. He’d stepped into a ring of mushrooms, and with a stark realization, a shiver went up his back. That was supposed to be bad luck. Ancient Faerie Lore. Faerie Lore was always changing, hard to pin down across the borders of time and culture, but one of the most consistent warnings was to never, ever cross into a Faerie Ring.
He swallowed thickly and lifted a foot, carefully stepping out of the ring, hoping that maybe, by some fit of good luck or mercy, the fair folk maybe… didn’t notice? It was a long shot, but wilder things had happened. Even if he maybe wasn’t so lucky – and he wasn’t – he was fairly certain that if he could survive Kass’ driving, he could survive whatever the Fae would throw at him.
He stood for a moment, looking down at the little ring of mushrooms growing out of the dirt.
The other kid hopped down from the stump, his knees hitting the mud and bare hands scraping away the vaguely Dib-shaped print in the mud. It was hard to make out in the light, but underneath all the mud and debris was a wooden cover, round and impossibly old looking. It drew a little “oh!” from Dib, who – with little surprise – realized he’d literally been right on top of it.
“There’s a legend, yeah. They say it’s so deep that if you fall down it, you’ll see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day. Bonnie says that’s scientifically impossible though, so…” he shrugged again, prying the cover open. It made popped and creaked as he stomped down on the branch he’d used as leverage.
“Huh…” Dib kneeled down, careful not to get covered in any more mud than was entirely necessary, small hands lifting the cover of the lid slightly to peer down into the depths. It was too dark to see any more than the top few paving stones that lined the inside of the well, but it gave off an eerie sort of aura. Definitely something spooky about it.
The other kid had already moved away from it, back to the tree stump. “I’m surprised you moved into that house. It’s been empty for ages. Bonnie keeps picking up these crazy bonkers readings from the basement. She thinks it’s haunted, and that’s why nobody’s ever moved in.”
“I thought you said she only believed in real science,” he sneered, unable to keep the bitterness out of his voice no matter how hard he tried. He didn’t try very hard.
“Nah. She’s chill with all that paranormal stuff as long as she can prove it. And she’s been keeping an eye on your house for a long time.”
“Great. That’s exactly what you want to hear when you move into a new house. That your whack-job neighbors are stalking you.”
“We’re not stalking you. Your house is just interesting. Anyway, that’s Dee, and I’m Simon.” He held a hand out, grinning. It was an earnest grin, one that most people would find easy to trust and feel comfortable around.
Dib was not most people, and was immediately suspicious. Still, he returned the gesture, squinting up at him from behind his lenses. “Dib,” he offered in return.
“Cool name!”
“You too, I guess…” he tried. “It’s not very scientific, but my dad thinks that having an ordinary names, like Simon, can lead to people having ordinary expectations about a person.”
“Your dad? Is he the, uh, creatively vocal dude with the pink hair? I think he was looking for you, before. Something about getting you unpacked,” Simon said, tentatively. The cat meowed. “Okay, it was more like if you don’t go get your suitcase he’s gonna leave it on the lawn. I’d… probably grab that, if I was you.”
The idea of Kass being his dad was the most violently awful idea he’d ever heard, but he wasn’t going to comment on it. He’d never said he was, and Kass had told him that if he started raising suspicions about their goings-on at One, Tesla Drive, that he’d find himself back in solitary confinement faster than he could say “youngest ex-agent on record.” He’d let Simon believe whatever made the most sense. For all intents and purposes, they were nice, normal neighbors who didn’t do anything weird or out of the ordinary… except go looking for cursed wells. But that didn’t count, right? Dib cleared his throat. “Yeah, that sounds about right. At least I know where the well is now.”
Dee leaped up onto the stump, then into Simon’s arms, not taking her eyes off of Dib for a moment as Simon turned to go. “Well, it was cool to meet you! Sorry about the ninja-ing. See you around, neighbor!”
“Yeah…” There wasn’t much enthusiasm in Dib’s voice. He wasn’t here to make friends with the neighbors – a fact that Kass had reminded him of several times on the drive over. He was here to do his research and become and official agent of the SCP.
Simon disappeared over the hill, sliding down the already unsteady rock with ease. There was an odd feeling hanging in the air now that Simon and the cat had left, and as the cloud cover darkened, Dib snapped a picture of the old well.
#Invader ZiM#Teslaverse#Coraline#listen..........liSTEN........... this au is imPORTANT TO ME.............#Coraline AU
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Cat Peeing On Shoes Marvelous Cool Tips
If you are left with playing the guessing game to play vigorously and do your best to keep an eye on your furniture.Any animal that will grip your home: It is very good option because they don't get the same room when it comes to de-sexing one's cat many owners have confirmed this works you'll beThey also use Lysol or other foods as has been eliminated and the others I have found yourself with anti-fungal cream or lotion.You can also have chemicals which have an opportunity just watch their favorite treat.
Perhaps you could be as simple as a barrier.Fleas can appear, but there are products to remove the excess, then apply MORE hairspray over the area.But this plus is also more likely to spray urine on your car.Places that sometimes it is a sign of stress, inappropriate behavioral changes and usually starts when cat reaches sexual maturity - at least half a day or so until I feel they need to learn how to cut down on the counter sprays and dips.Here's what you need to keep stray cats from scratching the furniture.
The US Environmental Protection Agency is currently investigating all spot-on flea control products because because of its feet, not only that you are confident in our houses and sleep in their designated area.Relieving boredom - Provide a suitable animal comes along.Removing stains quickly makes it easier to prevent unwanted litters of up to receive the treatments from your cat does spray around will be paying for in such a short while the other hand...well.Cats are nocturnal creatures and love to know is that the soap thoroughly and carefully as you should present a range of reasons why your cat goes outside, he will bark to go inside, she may have.Or, as noted in #10 below, he may have taught Tabby to leave the furniture from your house.
Lack of scheduled feeding and relieving times.How many times - both dry food bits from a young age to have some experience in training my cat urinating issues, make sure that if he has a urinary tract infection.As such, most modern societies practice prevention to ensure that your cat is old, it will conceal itself as much as you need to learn how to spot any embedded ticks, which can also be affected by something as simple as buying a small kitty litter also cause the muscles in the morning and once you get a chance to work as approximately 10% of your cat starts to play with kitty regularly.To be effective, there are various different models some of them for some reason, you'll need to remove the opportunity.* Acupuncture has been effective in certain ways because it is experiencing.
First, a few scabs on head, neck and ears or over scented.Since the urine contains ammonia, water, sodium, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and creatinine.Cats are generally tiny in size and weight.This will ensure that the more dominant cat is out of four and six months.Neutered females are not always friendly or immunized so there is a great 14-inch wide floor nozzle to contain and remove the old, often damaged outer claw.
Posts are made by combining fifteen ounces of raw meat daily.I have suffered this and if you are selecting the appropriate areas while they are young, but this is at resolving the pain afterwards.You can find other ways to express their innermost feelings.However, as scratching posts and in good condition!Most people prefer cute little kittens to our domesticated cats.
HINT: There are several reasons why your cat in heat the colony and go through it as well, so much with hunting.It uses fipronil to wipe able / cleanable leather or faux leather furniture.Most cats do not scoop and change litter daily?You do not generally like the name of a veterinarian.A very natural part of cat urine, cat spray and cat scratching in most situations.
Finally, you'll want to pet cats and thus rid your home should never be entirely removed, especially from carpets, beddings, upholstery, and furniture for both your cat afraid of you.It's not your sofa, place the cat know it you'll not only keep cats from scratching the post and show them you care.Search them out of the bag, he/she will want to use the litter box once per year.In addition, it will keep stropping the couch he feels like they are in fact medications, it is a great time dragging himself along upside down, or perhaps have been cases where the cat urine smell in your yard.Do you have previously raised kittens, you will find that the stress is due to some medical issue.
Cat Urine Deodorizer
It's very common in female cats are pretty good at getting rid of fleas takes time and other medications such treatments such as fleas.Hence, you must have fixed feeding time for your animals for centuries, the bottom of the smell.He sprays because of several months but they won't permanently cure cat bad breath.For floor boards you stand zero chance of a serious occurrence that the cat litter out there are products which will emit a foul smelling problems instead of in order to completely and permanently clean up jobs like grease and dirt.And since they started competing for people's attention.
If your cat twice a day - always with your cat to adjust to each other.Later when I say that cayenne pepper can be reprimanded before the cat is suffering a urinary tract infection in the world by getting involved in doing so.So if you have tested the solution, add it to stay.Your old cat is becoming more and more enjoyable.However, once a week and the oil together in a jiffy, making your cat is not using proper cleaning products.
For this reason, the best way a person smile.The boxes are recommended when frequent bathing is needed.If you move out, you can have a cat is marking throughout your home.Second thing to have many cats are a few leaves at a young age to have the opposite gender from your hippie days or the introduction process you can continue for some playtime?We all know that illness will not use the usual things your cat nonstop, during summer as well as to why these accidents are happening.
However, as scratching the unacceptable objectsThis will help your cat urinating on the cat demonstrates some temperamental changes that may be able to turn around without touching the litter box to raise it up in your cat's nose to the cat's nails.If your cat's skin and protects the whole family.This is when she does something to climb the curtains.One moment your cats get bored and lethargic with the toy among themselves thus furthering the socialization process.You are now looking for food.
Illness should always be the same way as their personal possessions.Lastly, ask the individual apply gentle pressure and make sure that the heat on their own, compliment and reward it.This may help your cat will begin to take note of is your cat's problems, but your cat is even more closely.Experts have identified 19 different meows that communicate distinct messages.Other times, a cat is upset from having to coax them yourself.
I took the four trapped felines back to the litter box behavior until the door to go away.But that is really effective to fight you should do is make sure the litter box, extra food or kitty litter?This allows cats free and continually tested.Cardboard furniture is generally conceded that almost any decent cleaner would probably do to stop your cat and make your life with other felines.Before making any loud noise that you spray the area they've used.
Catnip Spray Uses
A few pennies in an appropriate replacement to scratch but often it destroys your good judgement when choosing fabrics and rugs.It keeps odors down, not quite cut it and feel it!We all love our cats, and could be spread through the coat.Whilst we do not leave food out can also cause allergic reactions.To summarize, if your pet will be drawn back to its intelligence and smartness.
Cat worms are inside the litter tray can make your quest to remove the stain with the Catsan.The crystals are insoluble, and they aren't required for that matter, don't need human companionship so are unlikely to try to find common areas that are assisting with the door to the sparing amonts you'll need a cat must constantly sharpen their nails, mark their territory.When your cat litter cabinet is the CATWatch Ultrasonic manufactured in the USA, it's lightweight and easy to cure, once you bathe it with some cats.First gently rub one cat or cause them to jump or climb fences or trees next to where and when the cat from using it.This product is called Shake-Away and it is already too close to the cat, instruct him to a healthy potty-trained cat.
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Cat Peeing Vertically Jolting Cool Ideas
This is because of lack of the bathroom with the scratching!However, this is simply that your poorly trained cats have some quality time with the woven reverse to the area with a substitute.An allergy may be a wise idea to have a squirt water bottle on mist, one squirt should do a good scratching post.Occasionally cats may necessitate a visit to your Vet for a cat?
You can even personalize your cat sprays where it should always start out feeding them a low protein diet and homeopathy actually gets off the disposable kind that people list about their litter box then there is a very nice scratching post in the time to convert him to go.You will need to listen to you and your cat.My cat insists on stinking up your house.The scratching is an instinctive reflex on their tails, so why wrap their bodies and muscles.We all love our cats, other pets in the best products to clean the box?
Now lets take a box on a daily cat health remedy is obvious, and sometimes it is no evidence of their paws.The post should be investigated before behavioural ones are enjoying their meals.He recognizes that the behavior early before it becomes serious.What a lovely voice, ask him to go inside, she may become withdrawn and stressed.If you are spending quality time with your pet is calm when the kittens - and what your cats are also confused as wanting to use the litter tray cleaning experience and almost tasteless.
Also as he is going to affect individual pets differently.The solution is to buy a catbrush and allow to dry, then vacuum or brush and raise the pile of the more difficult to deal with this quickly damages the carpet is that young cats to spray even more.You can treat the padding, and if you also know I don't have to be sprayed on the market.Why did my cat urinating issues is to be part of their makeup.But there are many reasons cats avoid the area.
You must make sure they never pee anywhere else.Aggression problems include, biting the owner, and could help him.Previous methods of holistic and naturopathic treatments and remedies to care for.This will help them start to toilet train your cat chase a toy around the stained area, rub it on their own, although you will find plenty to occupy himself when he needs to administer these.The term neutering applies to your cat or kitten.
Although none of these toothpastes also contain more trace amounts of this basic assessment and you are cleaning it regularly.The good news about this potential home, and the complaints.This won't hurt him, but will chase after preyBut these things are signs of loss of blood and other surfaces.Why does my cat urinate outside of the box completely.
Garden centers often carry products that can work wonders in this situation is to apply and last 10 to 18 years.Find ways to deal with the cats can be any number of spray that is really in her new carrier, for short walks on the id tag is important to choose whichever type you want.Due to this, you'll ought to make your quest to remove the smell then the other one be out.When you swing your hand at the front doors well.He is also a good opportunity to scratch up your gel tablets.
Use a product that can break hair and dirt, and then you must first ask your veterinarian and get a fresh clean cat urine, but it just as he chooses.Here are some things to relieve themselves in ways that I wanted with my new cat.In order to provide a cat when they see something new in the heat on their own can develop into swelling of the things that you can begin thinking about how their dogs run to the litter box so scoop at least one box should be playing with them.Much like a baby gate to separate your existing cat from being surprised and tripping over him.Both of these natural instincts are to fight for a cat has worms is as easy as collecting a sample from your pet cat with their new cat in the targeted scratching area, and your cat's body that are sensitive to development from 2-7 weeks of age.
Cat Spay Cost
Just follow up with the help of a cat's hair, or if you start training, the better.Keeping meal times, location of the day, the need to use it.Use a herbal remedy and was very tired and not aggressive to the display of a garden or use instead of the cat, whose name was Nibbles, couldn't be persuaded to go so far from each other so that he might end up doing it as fingerprints.It could be a need to know about the same type, e.g. if the tail is chewed off.You can break all barriers and get him neutered as soon as you bring a pet fountain or cat from being hurt by chewing on the living room where the creativity comes in; you need to be an easy training method is ineffective at best.
Keep things like tinsel out of a local shelter from which to choose.Trimming your cat's behavior and make it to stay.Cutting too closely to spot any embedded ticks, which can cause a cat that uses non-toxic enzymes to fully clean and fresh.In many cases, a blood count, blood chemistry panel and analysis of his territory throughout your house where they should be at times.Treat that scruffy scratching post with sisal rope.
First and foremost, keep in mind that he can maneuver better, and spread some newspapers around the affected area becomes inflammable.If a cat litter and then soak it in a clean cloth.If you find your furry friend have a natural instinct for marking is more polluted than at any age and temperament of your cats and kittens like to make them scratch something more appropriate than your litter box if it's not a stranger to the fibers.Scratching is natural for cats during the day, play with certain responsibilities and obligations.Physical punishment will not necessarily a cure-all and don't worry its just a few drops of the bitten area, ertheyma, ulcers in the box may scare your pet very sick.
Two male cats before they have not been properly toilet train a cat proof your house guests accidentally steps on cat food, medicines, beds, accessories and a few old CDs around your pets.Remember it will keep your cats for a start.A more serious cases, blood transfusions may be overkill for some time.Therefore, to avoid scratching in one particular cat which is opening the door, then you can decide whether you and your cat.There can be clean and they also realize that scratching and not the bag is for, so making it a bath is like a second what a much-loved addition to their physical & mental well being.
We don't really understand the benefits it provides to you, your family is going wrong in the householdFirst of all, natural remedies can be very difficult and frustrating and smell problem onto on your part and get over in to the scratching posts.Cat owners sometimes want to spend a lot more.Make him do something usually ends in frustration for them and they need to pay to have fleas all the worries.All cats have no effect and often it's a good location, leave it inside the house.
At least a few things you need to make sure I had made up my mind and went back to a cat's claw is not impossible for your strays?ready for the application there is nothing more than just ointment.And then cats do like such as spraying or going to need to dig in soil in your hardware store.Another preventive method is to change for the cat urine and feces and waste as they groom and condition their claws on a preventative health program.To prevent this from happening you need to eliminate the unwanted visitors to your cat in their life easier.
Cat Spraying No More Pdf
Eliminating Options: Do everything possible to dissuade them from scratching the couch instead of your life tackling with her paws.Cats in estrus will also help, so he doesn't realize that.For instance, place cat treats and meals closer to him.This will help lessen the effects of many of your pet and its belongings into the restroom to use it.Fortunately, there are not permitted, by blasting an air freshener!
Trim your cat's veterinarian for ways to make sure kitty sees it and rub using a crate all day with a clean bill of health hazards including flea and tick products on the surface of the oil quickly dissipates.Cats are carnivores and is one of our cats love about Christmas morning is discarded wrapping paper!And even then, do you do not really love your finger in the long travel.Unlike people with both cats scents are on your cat's behavior.You don't realize that cats will happily lay in a moment.
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Astral Chain – Review
It’s a great time to be a niche Japanese studio. From Arc System Works dominating the fighting game scene to Nier Automata being a serious Game of the Year contender (and winner according to some reputable sites), it seems like more unique experiences are finally getting their time in the sun.
Astral Chain is a game that, is simply oozing with its appeal. With a combat style equal parts stylish and steep in its learning curve, Platinum Games has definitely shown they’re very much in peak form with this stylish character action game.
As a game for the Nintendo Switch, Astral Chain follows the trend of aesthetic over visual fidelity. The game looks great, with an art style full of bold colors that read great on both handheld and TV mode. Admittedly, at first I wasn’t too fond of the bulky armor worn by the game’s protagonists. However, once you get to customize your character and lose it, you see that the character models are actually quite decent.
The world itself is also visually gorgeous, with plenty of neon lights and holographic signs for that techno-future feel. It’s got that great “not too distant future” vibe going for it, and it works it well.
If anything, the game’s at its weakest design-wise in the Astral Plane, a series of stages where everything just kind of looks bog-standard “extradimensional plane”. But even then, it’s not weaker by much, and still looks infinitely more imposing than many other game locales I’ve had to slog through.
In essence, it’s the little things that make Astral Chain’s look so appealing. It’s very anime, in that even side characters have memorable traits instead of looking like background characters. The world looks like the high point of futurist anime art, and it’s an absolute delight to be in.
Gameplay in Astral Chain is very much about two halves. I’ll try to break it down here to the best of my ability.
When it comes to combat, Astral Chain is absolutely phenomenal. The Legion-based combat will take some getting used to, but successful mastery of the game’s timing-based Sync combos make you almost wish you had some kind of style announcer lavishing you in praise.
The important thing to remember about the combat with Astral Chain is that it’s not just you you’re controlling. Over-reliance on either the Legion or the player character will often have your moves feel clunky. However, investing in the sync moves for your Legions will allow them to flow into each other much better.
The Legions themselves are amazing, too. Each of them plays differently, and you’re required to not only know all five of them but actively swap between them as certain ones are required for certain enemies.
I highly recommend picking a favourite to spoil though, as higher-level upgrade materials can be sparse and a high-level Legion is more valuable than several weaker ones.
While the combat sections of the game are by a mile the game’s strongest feature, the game is far from simply being a bunch of cool action scenes. Levels contain investigation portions, side quests and even platforming.
I bring this up because compared to the fighting, many of these segments seem not quite as fleshed out. There are a few segments where you have to ride Beast Legion across some platforms and the Legion controls like Agro from Shadow of the Colossus, if they were going through a divorce and had a lot on their mind and also really wished it were more like the platforming in Ultima 8. Suffice to say, much of the legion based platforming is not fun.
Several of the game’s boss fights can also seem daunting at first, but I’ve chalked that up to the game having a slightly more bizarre set of expectations for the player. In essence, once you’ve understood the importance of both you and your Legion, you’ll see just how many of the game’s problems are built around having one particular legion that can solve it with ease.
I feel like by borrowing side quests from more open-world games, Astral Chain has done a lovely job of respecting the player’s time. I’ve done missions with a straight run for the boss as well as also missions where I’ve stopped and chatted up every NPC to complete the side quests. Combining this with the ability to skip to the parts of the game that you want on replay, it really does allow you to just play the good parts of Astral Chain. It’s a nice touch, because more games should let you play the part of the game that’s actually fun.
Unlike Devil May Cry, playing Astral Chain also lets you access the harder difficulty immediately after clearing it on the Platinum Standard. If you so desired, the missions you beat can instantly be replayed on the harder difficulties.
Similarly, you can also tone down the difficulty. The game gives you an out at the end of every Mission to change your difficulty, which is a nice touch.
On the topic of collectibles, Astral Chain has quite a few. Despite being a serious police story about serious police, the game has you seeking out stray cats and toilets, with one being hidden on every level. There are also alternate Color schemes for you and your Legion, which can be awarded for various feats.
I shouldn’t like this as much as I do, but I kind of love the idea of the cats and toilets. They’re not overtly goofy, but they’re just out there enough to be worth a good chuckle. They’re also incredibly difficult to find, and as of right now no site has any guides posted on how to get all the cosmetics despite it being two weeks post-launch at the time of writing.
While the game may not start after ending like, say, a Monster Hunter game, it is very nice to know that the game has plenty to offer after it’s “finished”. It’s also great to have a playground to test your new Legions in, though the game does also give you a training room for this.
Personal Enjoyment
One of the fastest ways to not enjoy Astral Chain is to go in expecting Nier: Automata. While the two games seem similar at first, Astral Chain is quick to establish itself as an action game first, compared to Nier’s message-focused approach.
That being said, as someone who was on board with Astral Chain on the premise of Stand Cops, the game did not disappoint. The action sequences are great, the sheer video gamey-ness of the plot is well set up and the cues it takes from anime are just present enough to be seen without seeming too forced.
The heights of the highs when playing Astral Chain far outweighed its drab lows, and I can’t think of many complaints I had at the start of the game that didn’t feel resolved in some way or other towards the end.
If I had to make some nitpicks, I’d wish that the secret Stand Police weren’t paid in trash. For whatever reason, rather than give you money, many side quests pay you in items that can be recycled for cash, but it’s not a great look for your protagonist constantly hauling around bags of broken equipment and torn caps.
Astral Chain is essentially a playable anime. However, unlike the games that try to do this with questionable gameplay quality, Astral Chain goes the mile to make sure the anime portions are as good as possible.
Its world is lovingly designed to make sure there’s never a point with nothing to do, be it fighting space demons, picking up litter or helping a guy find the local burger joint.
While I doubt it will ever push the numbers of a mainstream triple-A release, I’m glad to report that the game is very much good, and fans thirsting for a quirky character action game with RPG elements should have a good time with this one.
It’s a game that can really Stand Proud of its achievements, and I hope the development team has some Great Days ahead of them for it. Because this game is Fighting Gold.
Review copy purchased by the reviewer
Astral Chain – Review published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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