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thestupidhelmet · 2 years ago
Hey there! First of all - I can't begin to say how amazing your work on here is. Your metas, fanfic, comics - as a relatively new 70s fan, it's been so great to peruse. I started watching the show in the autumn last year, and grew up in the 2000s so it still feels nostalgic to me.
It might be a bit of a weird question, but basically I've really been interested in researching the original screenplays, especially the 'scrapped' s7 ending (Aka the original finale) before it was renewed for season 8. I've had no luck so far, and I was wondering if you have had any experience looking for these before? If you have, would it be possible to ask for any pointers on where to start on my journey?
Thanks so much for everything you do, honestly it's amazing to read!!
Thank you for the kind words! I'm happy you're enjoying my T7S works. 😊♥️
Unfortunately, unless you got a hold of the T7S writers' own copies of their original drafts (if they -- or the producers -- still have them), they don't exist online anywhere.
The information I have about them is from the That '70s Show message board at Fan Forum. It was active from the time the earliest seasons first aired until my co-mod and I shut it down this year. The archives are still available to read at Fan Forum.
Before I was part of the board, it was a known quantity to people at That '70s Show. For instance, Wilmer Valderrama posted there a few times.
People who ran T7S fansites (which were a thing before social media sites like Facebook and Tumblr existed) often had connections to the show, and they shared insider info with people on the board, including about the S7 rewrites once S8 was greenlit. One specific example is that Jackie and Hyde were not supposed to reconcile until after Jackie's job offer in Chicago / ultimatum -- in other words, the series finale.
Because the series finale turned into a season finale, Jackie and Hyde's happy endgame was scrapped to give a ready-made story-arc to S8. That also led the showrunners to reconcile J/H temporary to give them a little more time together as a couple, allowing for the cliffhanger of the now-season finale.
J/H's reconciliation episode in S7 is badly written. Probably quickly written, and it shows. It contains no depth, no acknowledgement of their two-and-half years of show time as a couple. It defaults to their status in "Going to California" (5x01) and misinterprets and retcons it to boot.
(Reminds me of how T7S writer and T9S showrunner Gregg Mettler admitted he used Wikipedia to remind himself of the T7S characters' basic characterization and storylines instead of actually watching the show again for the most accuracy.)
When I became co-mod of the T7S board, I read through over fifteen years of posts (did my due diligence so I could be as knowledgeable as possible about T7S, behind-the-scenes info, and the fandom. The number of posts I read is staggering (we're talking close to 100,000), not just from my board but every T7S-related boarding on Fan Forum.
I also followed links to the fansites, using the Internet Wayback Machine when necessary. Found interviews with cast members and producers (transcribed, early podcasts, and filmed). Read through the Live Journal fandom and any other T7S message boards I found. I was beyond thorough. I treated my new post like getting a PhD in T7S.
Talk about hyperfixation (but I had my reasons 😅). My memory for this kind of info is scary. I might not remember how the contents of my dresser drawer have been arranged for over a decade, but I'm the person who naturally memorized her most interesting college classes and could recite their entirety to people (who were interested) for years after I graduated.
So it was with the T7S info I learned. Spoilers from taping reports with alternate takes and scenes ultimately cut from the aired episodes. The words I read while in a grocery store checkout line of the S8 showrunners from a TV Guide (I believe) interview and how unhappy I was upon learning they hated J/H's relationship and were reverting it back to their season-1 dynamic (as they [mis]understood it).
By repeating all this info for a decade to people who asked, it remained with me. I shared some of my findings on this blog with links. But to get the full picture, one would have to read all the posts and fansites, etc., which is a ridiculous task. So I do my best to provide what what specifics I can.
When I was a co-mod of the T7S board, we still had people visit who interacted with T7S creators. One person, for instance, had interviewed Mark Brazill (the man who came up with the major concepts of T7S) for his own site and posted the transcript for us.
I'm sorry that I can't help you find the actual original scripts (I'd love to read them myself), but if one watches T7S's latter half, original parts are still evident -- as are where stories were spliced and rewritten.
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0ctobres · 2 years ago
@intizzies liked !
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a towel clad miles stares with wide hues at the mirror in his cramped little bathroom , fair skin even fairer as he sputters the beginnings of his neighbor's name . ❛ BLAIR ! ❜ he manages to holler . heart hammers at a bruising pace in his chest & breaths are thin in humid air . he's still frozen in place when she pops in the doorway . ❛ did - did you write that ? ❜ he'll point to the message written on foggy glass : " hi , pudge " glances her way , hardly caring about his vulnerable , naked state . ❛ 'cause if you did , it's not funny ! ❜
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deadlynightshcde-a · 2 years ago
💭 for Jasper & esme from alice!!
send 💭 for my muse’s first impression of yours.
when jasper first met alice, he was skeptical to say the least. he had been very weary of his kind after the way things ended with maria. not only that but when a girl claims you’re destined to meet one another, what the heck are you supposed to think? he's captivated by her, for sure, but part of him is hesitant. though it doesn’t take long before he slowly starts to realize just how genuinely this girl believes they’re supposed to have met. love is positively radiating off of her and jasper finds it so overwhelming that part of him can’t help but feel it too. so much so that by the end of their conversation, he’s willing to follow her wherever her heart desires. they had just met and she already was changing him for the better.
esme couldn’t have more overjoyed when alice, jasper, nancy and ivan joined the family. she had always longed for children. and having a house full of them (vampires or not) filled her immortal heart with so much love she thought she would burst. she was especially fond of alice. upon first meeting her she couldn’t help by think the girl’s disposition was a nice compliment to that of her other daughter, rosalie’s. it didn’t even take a full day before she suggested the foursome stay with them permanently. and, to this day, she'll tell you that it’s the first time that she thought their family finally felt complete.
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draeven · 2 years ago
@intizzies liked !
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❝ wow ! that's an awesome pouty face ! ❞
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banisheddie · 3 years ago
@intizzies liked !
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❝ beeeeee -- help , ❞ eddie groans , rubbing red eyes in the mirror & speaking from underneath their hands . ❝ my face doesn't look like my face . ❞
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liveshauntedmoved · 3 years ago
          “Any and all evidence of me in that god awful uniform is to perish,” Steve shudders the thought of him that Scoops Ahoy outfit that he wore because it made him money. They never want to see it again, in fact they burnt all of it. Had too with it covered in blood - but that was besides the point. “The uniform no longer exists anyway.”
sc | @intizzies​
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intizzies · 3 years ago
ugh I can't find anyone who's uploaded it directly so
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carolinakncws · 2 years ago
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BOLD  what  applies.  ITALICIZE  what  sometimes  applies.  STRIKE  what  doesn’t.     REPOST  &  DON’T REBLOG.
likes  artificial  watermelon,   sleeps  in  what  they  are  already  wearing ,   eats  their  cereal  with  milk,   listens  to  music  with  earbuds,   hates  the  summer,   can  recite  passed  the  first  four  digits  of  pi, eats  frosting  out  of  the  jar,   doodles  on  their  notebooks, can  bake  cookies,   has  a  garden farm, has  had  a  snowball  fight, eats  pancakes  without  syrup,   prefers  shorts  over  pants,   can  name  more  than  ten  superheroes, has  a  plan  for  the  zombie  apocalypse, uses  the  same  password  for  everything,   can’t  hold  their  breath  for  more  than  fifteen  seconds, watches  anime,    hasn’t  read  harry  potter, can  say  ‘  i  love  you  ‘  in  more  than  one  language,    prefers  mechanical  pencils,  thinks  space  is  cool,   takes  personality  tests  more  than  once  to  make  sure,   can’t  tie  their  shoelaces,    has  a  purse,   likes  salads,   likes  cool  colors  better  than  warm  colors,   knows  how  to  braid  hair,  reads  biographies,   can  ice  skate, knows  their  mbti,   reads  astrology  charts,     prefers  the  star  wars  prequels  to  the  original  trilogy,   plays  video  games,   reads  the  newspaper,   likes  chocolate  ice  cream  best,    doesn’t  cuss,   memorizes  song  lyrics, collects  coupons,    has  a  preferred  order  at  starbucks,   likes  movie  theater  popcorn,   has  seen  a  play,   listens  to  music  with  headphones,    owns  a  hoodie,    would  rather  own  cds  than  online  copies,    has  written  a  poem,    can  shuffle  cards,    subscribes  to  a  magazine, double  dips  when  eating,   drinks  directly  out  of  the  milk  container,    keeps  a  journal  
TAGGED BY: the darling @rosydreamiing !! TAGGING: @spellboundways​ / @demurc again wink wink / @intizzies / @petitsdieu​ / @girlpsych​ / @thedivinepair​ AND YOU READING THIS
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gareththegreat · 3 years ago
@intizzies​ [ GLANCE ] : sender can’t resist glancing down at the receiver’s lips as they’re talking.
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             “holy shit. every time ash has to cut his own hand off, i just---...” he’ll pretend a shiver runs up his spin, eyes glued to the tv in front of them. the evil dead was one of his favorite movies, which was why he was one of those jerk offs that loved to talk during the film. though, it wasn’t like he hadn’t forced lambchops to watch it before. this was probably their fifth time watching it. “like could you imagine?” he’ll turn to face her, their faces close. they were already sitting basically on top of each other, personal space not a concern for them. 
                   “why are you making goo goo eyes at me, lamb?” 
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0ctobres · 2 years ago
@intizzies liked !
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stella falls back against her pillows with an ❝ oof ! ❞ & smiles over at her friend across curls mirroring autumn leaves outside her window . ❝ i am eternally grateful for you , blair . i love chuck and auggie to pieces but you have no idea how nice it is to have an actual girl friend . i think my dad's more stoked about it than i am . ❞
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deadlynightshcde-a · 2 years ago
🏆 OBVS!!!!
send 🏆 if you like my character portrayal!
you're gonna make me cry! same to you!
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