#inthelittlewood vtuber lore
in martyn's vtuber debut stream he says that when he gets hit by c.h.e.s.t agents while on missions, 'bits fly off of me' now i'm assuming these are fragments but i don't know too much about martyn's lore so forgive me if i'm wrong
in the limited life lore stream, martyn said that he got a load of fragments throughout the games- so is the life series just another of Doc's missions?
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morii-moth · 1 year
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in search for the next L.O.O.T.?
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a-sky-of-diamonds · 1 year
Disjointed but detailed notes about the new lore on Martyn’s stream
I took a lot of notes while watching the VOD of Martyn’s lore stream, and thought I’d share them if anyone’s interested? They may not entirely make sense in the order they’re in, they were mainly for me to keep track of everything, but why not share it
Notes under the cut because it’s long:
Watchers pay a particular interest in him because
This is why why Pearl asked Martyn if he had Tilly, etc. Martyn showing Pearl Tilly’s ashes really hurt and made Pearl go on a downward slope, and in recognition of that it was the first time the Listeners were able to step in and do a temporary swap, to lighten the load on Pearl’s soul by having Lizzie be the embodiment of it. This is because Lizzie wasn’t there for the whole of Double Life (Watchers didn’t need her ready after Last Life), but had enough left “in the tank” to sub in for an episode.
Google Docs on this: “It was more taxing than usual. Sure, Pearl is a top tier player andr reaches the end consistently, but the trauma she experienced was a new level of [bleeped]. It explains why she’s been somewhat uncharacteristic this season, reeling on the loss of Tilly, begging for her back, and then lashing out when she can’t return to those times.”
The second one is now canon.
Originally: returning the memories of war had happened in Cleo and Pearl’s absence was mutually beneficent to both groups, so Cleo and Pearl were none the wiser as they think they lived it, they were given all the emotions and memories to their vessels.
NOTE: this was changed after Martyn is informed Cleo refers to it as an “amnesia cold”, this is what was imprinted into their minds. They have flickers of memories.
It’s advantageous to the Listeners because that puts less strain on their souls than “I completely blacked out last week what happened”.
However, maybe at some point, one of these players would be able to leave and become a Listener/Watcher (the Watchers were able to convert Grian, after all). It would be very difficult for them to, though –it was easy for Grian because it was his and the Watchers’ intent, the Watchers pulled him out for themselves, etc. However, these players are under such scrutiny and under such close watch from the Watchers, it’s very hard for the Listeners to make a dent.
Martyn’s not sure whether he wants to further Grian’s capabilities much.
Watchers were entities that were originally meant to represent the viewers, as a vehicle  to have the viewer’s thoughts able to be brought into the world, as well as as a vehicle for him to leave the series.
When he left, the CCs wanted to explore other places, so brought in the Listeners as a rival entity to the Watchers. They tried to help the players flee the Watcher’s grasp and were unsuccessful. As a punishment for fleeing, the Watchers put the Evo players into these death games. The characters who aren’t in the Life series are canonically in different death games with different creators.
It’s not just Evo cast members because the Watchers have dominion over all Minecraft realms and existences and can pull people in from different servers into the death games.
But the Watchers are particularly angry at the Evo crew for trying to flee.
One of the first things the Listeners said to Martyn and Jimmy: “there are some who watch, we are those who listen, and we do not agree, with their most recent decision” – so seems like listeners always 
Ep 4:
Slight shift in comfort for c!martyn this season because men’s not there (unguided hand as an acknowledgement), ren is always close to c!martyn
“Forever moulding in the sands” – idea that everything was going to be washed up onto the shore and would just be rotting on the beach, again also idea that Scott would be killed
“Fleeting gill” – fleeting connection to Scott, not SUPER super deep
Ep 7:
“Echoes ring for brief exchange”: First part means that with the listeners you hear an echo – echo is a temporary ripple/thing (as in the sub)
“Disruptions by the ones estranged”: a recognition that the Listeners are of the same race/type of existence as the Watchers.
Ep 8 (before death):
Note: cc!Martyn wishes he’d slightly distorted the voice at the end to make it sound more like the voice to draw attention to this.
He’d also have loved to have random voice clips of important moments for character Martyn throughout the entirety of the life series “eg “my lord!”, different betrayals, different moments that made up c!martyn’s journey so far) interspersed throughout the final countdown, but didn’t have the time.
He wanted to do the countdown in the order that people died, with others joining in as they died, but was unable to get recorded voice lines from everyone. It was also a bit empty with just Jimmy, even if he’d included the voice as well. And again, he was pressed for time.
He initially had the Watcher’s voice as the most prominent one, but ended up pulling different people’s voices to become the central channel.
After death:
Their colour isn’t purple (they’re pure bright light), but they’re sort of tainted purple because the games and void are the Watcher’s domain. The void makes everything purple.
One on hand (repaired): limited life
One on heart: double life (closest to heart, tied to someone else’s heart)
One out of frame but same size, somewhere beneath clothing on his shoulder blades at the back: last life
One on cheek: 3rd life, cc!Martyn likes the idea of it being there because that was a tear shed when Ren fell, that was the moment that sort of broke c!martyn and made him more selfish in future series (ouch).
Character Martyn:
He doesn’t know all this is going on. He’s completely unconscious in the void when the Listeners do stuff, and in the world there’s no point in which e knows c!Grian is a Watcher who’s inserted himself into the game. The only time c!Martyn was a glimpse at the truth was at the end of Last Life, when they dropped the veil and spoke to him, but couldn’t comprehend it.
Despite fragment protection, there won’t be much change in how c!Martyn’s games will go. The beings are very very old and powerful, and we as the audience doesn’t know if there have been a bunch of different life series and games that have happened in between of each of the shown Life series. They could have run 3rd Life a number of times, could have run Last Life a number of times, etc, without our knowledge.
Listeners probably won’t be able to communicate with Martyn next season.
Other characters/characters in general:
They still hate Scott, despite him obeying the Boogeyman in session 1, partly because he still holds onto his principles and is still honourable and trusting of others, and doesn’t hold contempt even prior to Watchers feeding on emotions – he’s always happy for others to take the win, etc. They don’t get many negative emotions from Scott, which frustrates them from.
Theory that Grian and Jimmy were pushed off by the Watchers isn’t canon to Martyn’s POV, but still can be in fanon of course.
Any players that haven’t returned yet are absent because they’ve gone through too much trauma and haven’t recovered yet. If they go back in too fragmented and broken, they’d stand to ruin the game – they’d be sort of ‘deranged’, but not the way the Watchers could feed on – they’d be cowering in the corner as easy kills, and it’s not what the Watchers are trying to do – they want people to be calm and calculated and lie and betray, they like feeding on more complex human emotions than just emptiness.
Other notes:
Clips/visuals in the countdown (they were reversed btw):
Lim life 5 (martyn landed on glass), dl 4, ll 9, 3l 8. There are frames of the Red Winter moment too
He wanted to choose episodes of prominence, didn’t think about clips too much (they were randomised?).
Song at the end is a custom song made by sparkles
We’ll be delving into lore late this year! There’s a comic cc!Martyn wants to make about it, and also more he wants to do with Chapter 3.
He’s currently in Chapter 3 of the lore (“Into the Datastream”), which is part Vtuber part Life Series. 
Chapter 4, which we’re not in yet, is called “Fragment Wars” – fragments are still more layered than they appear, but we somewhat have an idea of what they are now.
Chapter 2 was just called “Life” – beginning of Death Games. Chapter 1 was called “Memory Lane” (Evo – trip down Minecraft lane memory versions), using Evo as a launch part to begin Martyn’s story.
There’s a transition he wants to do from Chapter 4 into Chapter 5, there’s a certain something he wants to do (which has something to do with the Vtuber lore, because cc!Martyn said he wishes the Vtuber stuff took off more than it did).
Vtuber lore: Chapter 1 has no interfacing with VTuber stuff, it’s not intertwined with Evo. Chapters 2 and 3 are a weird blend with some sort of transition points with Vtuber stuff between them, and 4 and beyond are properly intertwined.
He didn’t lost fragments in Rats.
Martyn currently has around 12 A4 pages of lore and story, which is all a very condensed version of the events, so there’s a LOT to come!
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moonpawowo · 2 years
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“I’m Sick Of All The Noise Right Now, Oh, Can Someone Please Just Turn It Down?..”
Ayyyy, Martyn lore mixed with fanmade Encanto songs? Poggers! Also, nOoOo I’m totally not a suck up to Martyn, no idea what ya mean, haha-.. (MARTYN BELOVED- /j)
Also finally I remembered le old man’s facial hair-
Lyrics from: Turn It Down; By: OR3O
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knotical-cosmo · 1 year
I don't know much about Martyn's vtuber lore but whenever he mentions doc I always envision docm77, which I know is wrong but he fits the character of a mad scientist that would accidentally send someone into cyberspace
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partoftinystar · 1 year
im so happy we getting martyn vtuber lore with pirates smp I could cry
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notbloominhf · 2 years
Ok so Rats SMP has ended
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MARTYN, Ratsune Miku herself, went through this 'world portal' before the end of his stream (go watch his stream btw)
And apparently it goes someplace with very strong energy
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kxulhu · 2 years
I designed him a while ago but just can't stop thinking about him?? Help??
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briarlovesclara · 1 year
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mcwhytubers · 1 year
somethin somethin… Martyn lore… somethin.. vtuber lore and life series lore are connected… somethin… the watchers in the life series are chest agents… somethin-
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neonwizardheehee · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time Martyn accidentally ties himself into Grian lore on Hermitcraft I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happend twice.
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ok but what if the watchers are c.h.e.s.t agents?
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cointalks · 2 years
Someone explain what the hell was up with Martyns ending
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a-sky-of-diamonds · 1 year
guys... rewatch the first 30 seconds of martyn’s vtuber lore debut....
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moonpawowo · 2 years
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“Where.. Am I?..”
Dikdjemdne iT iS dOnE-
Art IS mine so please ask before you do anything with my art. Please and thank you! <3
(Ignore that his facial hair isn’t there, I forgot so just pretend- :,]
Also find me on:
Omlet Arcade: User: Moonpaw_gaming
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safetyrat · 2 years
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can anyone translate the japanese and galactic on here im too lazy to figure it out
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