#interview with the vampire season2
iliveinarainbow · 3 months
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iwtv-az-hours · 6 months
two promos with new material in a day
(from AMC+ Facebook, because their marketing is in shambles)
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withinthismindofmine · 5 months
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It’s giving Oliver Twist and Orphan Annie.
The sun will come out tomorrow!
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wize-zaka · 3 months
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Santiago appreciation post! I love this man!
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brucequeensteen · 5 months
carmy berzatto sad little man of the year award for the third time running
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di-elle · 5 years
🚨🚨 Matthew Goode in red(burgundy) leather pants 🚨🚨
Matthew and Teresa gave a little interview to Sky Atlantic Italy, while filming in Verona last week, to promote s1 [yes! We're that late to the party and only now is airing over here].
Here's some pics I took at my t.v. sadly can't do better than this. But anyway: red leather pants, y'all!!
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The interview translated :
First question: describe s1.
Teresa: it was fun!
Matthew: filming it was fantastic. It's a fantasy, she is a witch, I'm a vampire, they're not supposed to be together.
Teresa: star crossed lovers.
Matthew: exactly, very. Thwarted love. We'll get into trouble, involving others , daemons, magic...
Teresa : vampires...
Second question: vampires and witches don't usually get along in fantasy literature. What happens here?
Matthew: we're not supposed too, in this case destiny intervenes.
Teresa: a strong love.
Matthew: we don't really like each other in the beginning ...
Teresa: yes, that's right!
Matthew : as happens to many couples!
(they laugh)
Third question about Italian locations.
Teresa: yes, we've been to the Dolomites last week, and we even went to sky, no wait...
Matthew: that's season2!
Teresa: I shouldn't talk about it!
Matthew: in s1 my castle, Sept Tours , is in France, but we love this country, and we chose an Italian castle instead.
Teresa: and we love the Italian crew. It was great to work with them again. We love being here.
Fourth question: s1 is set in Oxford , in present days , but now you're wearing amazing period costumes. What is going to happen?
Matthew: (joking) I'm working on a Xmas play, 4 shows in December, we're rehearsing very hard for it, she is helping me.
Teresa: no! (Laughs)
Matthew: we travel back in time!
Teresa: to 1590, in Elizabethan London, you need to read the books, and come back to watch season 2. I don't know when it will premiere...
Matthew: me neither...
Teresa: ... but we have fabulous new costumes. I'm wearing corsets. And look at him, how dashing.
Matthew: you can't imagine how much time I need to go to the bathroom.
Host: I don't want to know. But first, there's season 1 for Italian viewers.
Teresa: enjoy the first season!
Matthew: have fun!
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sunnydaleherald · 6 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, July 25, 2018
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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[Reviews & Recaps]
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[Fandom Discussions]
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[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
was infodumping to my dad about the show, and as i tried to explain to him the dynamic between louis, armand and daniel he said “so he’s like their marriage counselor but they both want to fuck him”… and you know what sir, you might be onto something.
i mean look at them
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this is a totally normal way to look at someone you totally don’t want to eat and/or fuck…
my god they’re going to fuck this poor man to death.
rip daniel molloy, you managed to outcunt two centuries old vampires, so iconic of you.
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
louis: going through a mental breakdown bc his sister/daughter and her girlfriend have just been brutally murdered and his ex husband and his bf took part in said murder so he must now plan his revenge after having been locked in a coffin, all this while talking to a dead body.
also louis: *meow*
god i love this show.
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
the way the last thing claudia ever saw was lestat?!!??
the person she hated most but whose faults she saw reflected into her own self?!?!?!??
the person who hated her and yet understood her better than any other bc he knows what it is to be a creature of hate?!
they are one and the same
they hate each other bc they know who they are, but love each other bc they’re the only ones who understand
mother and eldest daughter
you hate me bc we are one and the same and i can’t stop it
and i hate you bc we are one and the same and you can’t stop it
looking at him one last time like “look at me, you did this to me”, but also like a scared child looking to her dad one last time asking for help and protection as she burns in front of a bunch of FUCKS WHO ARE FUCKING CHEERING
LESTAT’S FUCKING FACE, he loved her and i will go to war over this
i need therapy after this bc what the fuck
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
i’m sorry but louis saying that armand “was as much of a captive as we were” and then panning to armand sitting in his little chair with his cunty little evil bob as sam just kinda stood next to him with a scythe is lowkey really funny.
like babygirl you have just finished describing how yourself, claudia and madeleine had your achilles tendons slashed and had your souls beaten out of you before being physically dragged on stage.
how can you then say with full confidence that your bf who was comfortably sitting in his private booth was as much of a captive as you were?
come on now.
we see armand take control of a whole restaurant, vampires and humans alike, he could’ve done something and just chose not to, and i really would love to understand how he was able to convince louis that he was the victim here.
also, all due respect, sam must be santino reincarnated for armand to fear him enough to just sit there and shake his head as his boyfriend, his bf’s daughter and her girlfriend are condemned to death.
also love how after louis said that armand looked to daniel with puppy eyes like “i’m just a girl, there was nothing i could have done🥺” and daniel was just not having it, did not believe that for a second.
that was so real of you daniel.
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
i’m honestly really happy we’ll never know what claudia and madeleine said to each other in their last moments.
claudia’s story is already being used as a plot point for daniel’s book, even her diaries are being analyzed (love daniel but him bicthing about not having the pages on her SA was something else).
and even then it’s not about claudia, it’s about how her existence or what she did impacted lestat, louis or armand, not her.
one of the great tragedies of claudia’s life is that “it was never about her”.
she was never allowed to be her own person.
she was louis’ daughter, made to bring him a sense of comfort and to try and fix a broken marriage.
then she was louis’ sister, his protector.
and then she became the coven’s little bird, condemned to live out her nightmare of forever being seen as nothing more than a mere child.
but madeleine wanted her for who she truly was, she loved claudia for claudia, didn’t want anything from her but just wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.
not even their death was really about them, it was a show for the coven, it was an opportunity for lestat to confront louis (kind of) and for armand to act like the victim (whatever).
so i love that they at least found a sense of privacy in their last moments.
that will forever belong to them and no one else.
madeleine is the first person who picked claudia over someone or something else, she put claudia and their life together, their love first.
and in a fucked up sense i’m glad claudia died knowing that she had met at least one person in her life who made it about her.
and i hate this show bc ouch.
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
i might be fully delusional but lestat was not acting right during the trial.
the way he moved was so automatic he looked like a marionette being moved around by a puppeteer.
when he “went along with the script” his face looked wrong, his eyes looked empty, he only looked and behaved as himself whenever he was reminiscing on what truly happened between himself and louis.
the way you could tell whenever he went off script bc santiago looked confused and alarmed, like when he told the “jury” that if they condemned louis and claudia they would have to condemn him as well, he was being truthful and deciding that if they go he’ll go with them, and santiago immediately intervened.
also the fact that when we first saw him in the theater he was looking into a smokey mirror, something used to imply that whilst what is being shown might look true, it is not.
and as claudia was burning and she turned to him one last time he looked frozen, yes obviously that could be bc he was shocked which would be fair, but i mean that he literally looked frozen, like whomever was controlling him forced him to stay in place so he couldn’t look away.
so that he couldn’t escape claudia’s accusing gaze, but also her last plea for help which he could not answer bc he was powerless.
lestat was being controlled and manipulated during the trial, an essay written by a delusional woman who reads too much into everything.
i thank you for your attention.
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iliveinarainbow · 3 months
thinking about daniel’s daughters getting their hands on his book and finding out that their dad had crazy gay vampire sex with two crazy gay vampires (totally happened, he told me himself), and that he spent the last days of his life in dubai catching up with said crazy gay vampires and acting as their marriage councilor as they trauma dumped on him and argued about their ex.
daniel’s daughters are a therapist’s wet dream.
and so is daniel.
and so are the crazy gay vampires.
and so is their ex.
and so are claudia and madeleine.
and so am i.
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