sylveaugust · 1 month
Claire and Lila’s family be like, “I will love you, even if I don’t remember you.” I mean, seriously. It’s not a matter of remembering and not remembering. Claire, if your mother’s not gonna exist, that means you don’t exist, either. And you’re also gonna evaporate with the subway system even if that weren’t true. Five only said he didn’t know what would happen to the families because he didn’t wanna freak out any of them too much, not because that wouldn’t gonna disappear as well. YOU GUYS CLEARLY DON’T UNDERSTAND THE GRAVITY OF THE SITUATION HERE.
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masc-of-mandragora · 4 months
contrary to popular belief, doctor who actually has eight (soft) reboots, and therefore nine first seasons/series:
season 1 (1963-64), the original you might say, with the first doctor, ian, barbara and susan
season 1 (1970), a.k.a. season 7, the colour soft reboot of the show with the third doctor and unit
the 1996 north american reboot with the eighth doctor*
the 2003 animated reboot with the ninth doctor (no, not that one)*
series 1 (2005), a.k.a. season 29, the post-hiatus revival with the ninth doctor (yes, that one) and rose
series 1 (2010), a.k.a. season 5/31/Fnarg, with the eleventh doctor and amy
series 1 (2017), a.k.a. season 10/36, with the twelfth doctor and bill**
season 1 (2018), a.k.a season 11/37, with the thirteenth doctor and the fam
season 1 (2024), a.k.a season 14/40 with the fifteenth doctor and ruby
* not picked up for a full series
** started with an episode called The Pilot
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open-music-reviews · 9 months
Sam Phillips
The music of Sam Phillips makes you want to decorate the fireplace with fairy lights and sit down on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate while light snow falls outside. Personal and reflective, a warm invite into the mind of a classy songwriter.
Recommended songs: Reflecting Light, Love Changes Everything, Open the World
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seasidepierre · 2 years
Oc/reader vs charles for the comfiest blanket? Adore you!
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Adore you too, Nonie 🥹🫶🏻
You're not gonna lie, you knew your fave past time on track was seriously a soresight in the garage. While everyone was listening attentively to the radios and watching the race with laser focused eyes, you were knitting behind a pile of boxes, managing your stress by keeping your mind and hands busy. You'd knitted a lot, already, while dating Charles. Each season spent next to him brought a set of matching jumpers for you and him, your first one having a couple of holes from missed stitches here and there. But Charles loved his forest green jumper with your initials on the sleeve to bits, so he never really minded the fact that he looked like he got into a first fight with a cat when he wore it. You promised a couple of times that you'd fix it, but he loved it, holes included.
So when, during the interseason, you decided to tackle a blanket, Charles' racing friends originally laughed at you. Charles joined on the fun, half heartedly. He knew better than to blatantly tease you on this, when he knew it was just a way for you to keep your nerves in check.
The blanket had turned out to be amazing.
Well.. amazing to a certain degree, because you couldn't fit two people underneath it and Charles had developed a certain affection for it.
Long story short: you often fought for the damn blanket.
"Charles, where's the blanket?" You called out to him.
You could hear the piano in the living room, there was no doubt he was playing right as you spoke out.
"No idea!" He replied.
You sighed, sitting on the bed. The days had turned cold, even in sunny Monaco. You were freezing your butt off and couldn’t wait to wrap yourself, burrito style, in that damn fluffy and soft blanket that you spent forever knitting with knitting needles so big they could have been murder weapons. 
You decided to go check the living room. Maybe Charles took it to the couch and forgot he had left it there. 
But the vision you got greeted by was of your boyfriend wrapped in the blanket, sitting at his piano, pouring his soul on the keys.
“So you haven’t seen the blanket, huh?” You smirked.
“Nope. I only see black and white keys, look,” He demonstrated, showing his field of vision by cupping his face with both hands on each side of it. 
“You’re annoying, Charlie, I’m cold.”
“Yeah, well so am I.”
“I knitted that thing. I should have the priority over it.”
“You should have knitted it bigger, then. At least we could cuddle underneath it.”
“You know, if we really put an effort into it, we’d both fit under it.”
“Huh?” Charles stopped playing. 
“Come lay on the couch, big boy. I’ll show you how you can fit two bodies under a blanket.”
Charles’ weight resting on your entire body as he piled onto yours ended up being the perfect addition to your already extra comfortable blanket. Just like Rose and Jack, there sure was enough space to fit two people, actually.. 
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fishiecomics · 3 months
I trust you, so normal, lol.
If you think that goes hard, wait til you see the next episode What who said that? ;>
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inyoungkm · 5 months
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Fabrics Interseason Protocol
by Wally Saler and Johannes Schweiger
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revotalk · 6 months
For years, the solar energy sector has grappled with interseasonal energy storage. The ability to harness the surplus solar energy of summer months for use during the winter has remained an elusive goal, with existing solutions like batteries falling short due to prohibitive costs and limited lifespans. Hydrogen, meanwhile, despite its clean-burning properties, has been […] © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.
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orpheusilver · 6 months
love a classic interseason breakdown buzzcut
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entomoblog · 2 years
Des insectes de première importance ont massivement diminué en Asie de l'Est, selon une étude
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
Insects that play a key role in East Asia's ecosystems declined sharply over the past two decades, according to new research — a trend also seen elsewhere.
  Essential insects in East Asia have declined massively, study finds By Meaghan Tobin
February 3, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. EST
    [Image] A dragonfly sits on a twig in a garden in the northeastern state of Assam, India. (Anuwar Hazarika/NurPhoto/Getty Images)
-------NDÉTraduction La piéride du chou, la pyrale du maïs et d'autres insectes phytophages essentiels aux écosystèmes ont considérablement diminué en Asie de l'Est au cours des deux dernières décennies, tout comme les libellules et autres insectes prédateurs qui les mangent, selon une étude publiée vendredi dans la revue Science Advances.
Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)
  Long-term insect censuses capture progressive loss of ecosystem functioning in East Asia | Science Advances, 03.02.2023 https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.ade9341
  Insects provide critical ecosystem services such as biological pest control, in which natural enemies (NE) regulate the populations of crop-feeding herbivores (H). While H-NE dynamics are routinely studied at small spatiotemporal scales, multiyear assessments over entire agrolandscapes are rare.
  Here, we draw on 18-year radar and searchlight trapping datasets (2003–2020) from eastern Asia to
(i) assess temporal population trends of 98 airborne insect species and
(ii) characterize the associated H-NE interplay.
  Although NE consistently constrain interseasonal H population growth, their summer abundance declined by 19.3% over time and prominent agricultural pests abandoned their equilibrium state.
  Within food webs composed of 124 bitrophic couplets, NE abundance annually fell by 0.7% and network connectance dropped markedly.
  Our research unveils how a progressive decline in insect numbers debilitates H trophic regulation and ecosystem stability at a macroscale, carrying implications for food security and (agro)ecological resilience during times of global environmental change.
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sytycdinternational · 5 years
Slavik Pustovoytov and Bailey Munoz
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official-ladyblog · 6 years
do I just really like going back through my old posts and seeing what predictions we got right? yes
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yukina-yee · 6 years
My dudes
If there's anybody that should be complaining abt their faves being sidelined, it should be Hunk stans
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star-wars-fashion · 7 years
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Tatooine fashion
Fabrics Interseason Fall/Winter 2009
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firstagent · 7 years
This one… was not submitted by Miyako.
This one’s destined to have all the same fireworks as Miyako’s relationship with Daisuke, only without Daisuke’s stubborn knack for occasionally being right. But as explosive as it is, there’s kind of a neat charm to it. For all his faults, one thing Tagiru is good at is his refusal to put up with someone lying to themselves. They’re both open and honest with their feelings and no matter how much they’d get on each others’ nerves they would respect that about each other. It wouldn’t take long for it to completely destruct, but for a fleeting moment they could both see themselves in the other and either be intrigued or run away screaming.
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klave-fucktober · 3 years
Introducing The Klave Fucktober Fest
Hello Party People, the Hargreeves’ birthday is nigh and what’s a better present for our lovely Number Four (and us) than getting him and his main squeeze thoroughly wrecked? Without further ado... 
Welcome to Fucktober! A prompt fest dedicated to creating mature fanworks for The Umbrella Academy pairing of Klaus Hargreeves/Dave Katz.
Cool! So, who is it that’s hiding behind the curtain?
Your fest runners for this event are CriseCardiac (@thistlemoth) and Teddy  (@yeah-klave), just a couple of friendly neighborhood smut enthusiasts dying for some content in these dark, dark interseasonal times. Any questions, you can find us on tumblr or, more often than not, hanging out in Elliott’s House.
Okay, how does this work? 
You can submit a prompt here from now until September 17th. The submitted prompts will be posted on September 19th, on which day claiming will open and participants can begin working on their submission(s). Multiple claims are allowed on prompts, and you can claim as many as you want. Collabs are great! We don’t want to be restrictive – the idea of this fest is to encourage as much smutty Klave creation as possible: we want ALL THE SMUT.
Once you have completed your work, you can either: (1) add it to the AO3 Klave-Fucktober Collection - “Klave Fucktober 2021″; and/or (2) submit it to the Klave-Fucktober tumblr page. The AO3 Collection will go live on 30 October and any works submitted to the tumblr page will also be posted at intermittent times throughout the day on the 30th October, and, depending on the number of entries, the following days. 
Alternatively, you can post your work to your own tumblr, however, if you’re doing this, we ask that you don’t post your work until 30 October, please. If you’re posting to your own tumblr, please remember to tag your work #fucktober. Also, if you tag either @klave-fucktober, @thistlemoth or @yeah-klave, one of us will reblog on the official fucktober tumblr page.
Please note, if you are creating nsfw art, you must adhere to the rules of the site you are posting your work to.
What can I prompt? 
It’s a free-for-all baby! Want to see Klaus and Dave having sweet, sticky Saigon sex? Prompt it! Want to see them getting down and dirty in the jungle? Prompt it! Modern AU lazy Sunday morning lovemaking? Angsty, post-argument make-up fuck? Gender-swapped klave (i.e. our lovely Klesbians) princess/stable girl illicit love affair? Office co-workers enemies to lovers? Sex dungeon? Semi-public? Trans? Threesome? Moresome? Full on orgy? First time? Prompt it, prompt it, prompt it!!
So, in summary, as long as Klave is the main pairing and it involves some form of sex, you can prompt anything and everything. This could be as simple as a particular kink or you could submit a detailed scenario. Whatever you’ve been craving, this is your opportunity to get it out to potential nsfw Klave content creators. 
Are there any exclusions? 
No rape and no underage, please. And absolutely no kink-shaming. 
Can I submit a prompt if I don’t plan to contribute? 
Of course. As a prompt fest, there’s no commitment. Often the prompts are a gift in themselves. Your prompt may inspire something wonderful – so please, prompt away! 
What can I create? 
Anything you want, as long as your creation is in some way fucktastic! Write something, draw something, use those graphic-design-is-my-passion skills. Know some songs you think the boys would get down and dirty to? Make a playlist! All fannish talents are welcome and encouraged. We’re here for a fun, adult time together. Go wild.
As a note for fics: there are no word count restrictions. You can write a sexy bite-sized drabble or a slow burn epic where all that antici-- pation and build-up doesn’t come to a tingly, pulsating climax until chapter 10. Multichapter fics do not need to be completed within the fest window.
I’ve made a claim but I’m afraid I won’t finish my submission on time. What happens now? 
No worries, it happens! Neither of us will run screaming after you in the night. Claiming is mostly to give us an idea of what to expect and allow your potential audience to get excited about what might be to come. Allowing multiple claims means you can be as ambitious as you want without preventing other submissions. 
If you change your mind about a claim, decide to fill a different prompt instead, create something that hasn’t even been prompted, post only the first chapter, post later than the fest window – that’s all fine!
I’ve never created anything nsfw before – I’d like to participate but I’m nervous about the theme.
This is not an exclusive environment. We know there are many smut veterans out there who will be eager to participate in this event, but we also want to use this as an opportunity to encourage as many new participants to get involved as well! Whether you’re new to creating nsfw content for this pairing, or just new to creating nsfw content at all – we would LOVE for you to get involved!
There’s no getting around it, posting smut can be very daunting. Maybe you’ve always wanted to create something nsfw but have always felt too exposed or nervous to post it? Maybe you’ve created something in the past but have always thought it was not good enough or not sexy enough to share? To all you lovely people, we beckon you over, throw our arms wide and invite you to join the smut club. 
Smut comes in all shapes and sizes and styles. Just like kinks. Just like people. Everyone has different tastes and preferences – there is no right or wrong way to create smut. What works for one person might not work for another, but that’s part of the fun of it! 
So whatever your previous smut experience level, we would love for you to take part. And remember, if you’ve got any questions, concerns or you just need a little positive encouragement, you can always reach out to one of the event runners – we’re very friendly and we’re both smut-writers, so we’d be happy to chat with you. Feel free to drop us an ask or a DM. 
Any warnings? 
This is an open prompt fest, where just about anything goes, so please be aware of this when reading prompts and fills. 
We ask our creators to tag all works accordingly, so nobody gets any nasty surprises, i.e. any potential triggers, unusual kinks or non-klave pairings (particularly any sibling ships). However, we caution everyone to read/view/participate at their own risk.
I am underage, can I participate? 
Sorry, but no. This is a smut fest, 18+ only please.
The Timeline 
Sept 4th -  Prompting begins
Sept 17th (noon PST/ 7pm UTC) - Prompting ends
Sept 19th (midnight PST/ 7am UTC) - Claiming opens
Oct 30th (Devil’s Night) - The revelry, I mean posting, starts!
Please go forth and be merry ( and reblog <3 )
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inklingofadream · 3 years
Plsssss do Daisy for your ask game! Based on your writing you definitely have some galaxy brain opinions on her aksjsndb
First impression- "ugh cop lady she's mean to jon :/ oh no she's gonna kill Jon!" My opinions on Daisy are the same as the common experience with Charles Vane of Black Sails, where on first watch everyone's like "ew, this guy" but by the end of the series and on every subsequent rewatch at least half of people have switched to "it's my guy!!! i love him!!!"
Impression now- It's my girl!!! I love her!!!
Favorite moment- the first time she comes into Jon's office to hang out post-Buried. Idr the episode, but she asks if she can like, stand in the corner while he records a statement. Close second is when she does the same thing to Martin, with the explicit purpose of having company, and even though he's deep in the Lonely he says sure
Idea for a story- hmm i think my best really Daisy-centric plot bunny rn is the mad max: fury road au. I think i've mentioned it once or twice, it's got Jonah/Elias as Joe, Basira, Jon, Sasha, and Tim as the Wives, Martin, Melanie, and maybe Georgie as War Boys, and Daisy as Furiosa. With evil library as the central motif/villain's goal instead
Unpopular opinion- the people who hate hate hate Daisy bc she's a cop like. Don't get it. like not liking the character for that reason's totally reasonable, but i've seen some ppl react to any mention of her (and to a lesser extent basira) like you've tried to set them on fire, and will write her/them out of aus, or even express the opinion that you can't put them in aus bc they have to be cops and cops bad, but making them Not Cops is missing the point. And while I agree that making the Not Cops is often missing the point, so is abhorring their characters like this (keep saying them but it's mostly daisy basira gets a pass for being a lil bit beholding i think, so you can take her that direction and ignore the cop stuff). like them being cops Is The Point, thematically. and while it's totally fair to not like them or stories about them because of that, that doesn't mean any fanwork about Daisy is automatically police apologia, even if she's written sympathetically. This tends to crop up a lot in the anti-redemption arc for anyone crowd that likes to declare characters too evil to change, which is missing the point in a different way, but it's not exclusively them. Like abolish the police! But after that we do have to continue living in a world with my neighbor Mike The Cop, we can't just exile him from society. even aside from the police stuff, realizing that you've been convinced of your rightness for a long time, but have actually drifted far away from your original goals and morals without realizing, and trying to change for the better, is a generally rad theme to get into! and also sometimes u just wanna talk about a cool werewolf lady and her friends. that's fine too.
Favorite relationship- in general, the obvious choice is her and Jon, but her and martin is a close second (some of my most popular posts are martin and daisy ones lol). if we're talking romance, Daisira is really the only game in town as far as i'm concerned. well... you could maybe do a fun au where basira's the buried one and the basira/melanie interseason thing i like to posit is instead melanie/daisy, with them feeding into the worst of each other and... well, there's a bonus story idea!
Favorite headcanon- femme daisy rights!!!!! she deliberately chose "daisy" as her nickname, to the point of getting mad when people call her literally anything else including her job title. there's nothing wrong with alice, and if she wanted to go more butch ally and al are right there. i love the idea of a daisy who often has blood under her nails, but also always has nail polish on, even if it's chipped. who wears the skirt version of her police dress uniform even though most policewomen opt for the slacks. actually 3rd fic idea: femme daisy who's had longish hair for a long time, and is attached to it, but can't stand it after the Buried. but really misses how it makes her feel girly and cute even when she's otherwise just wearing, like, pjs. and the gang cheering her up by watching like Roman Holiday and stuff, with very girly Audrey Hepburn's pixie cut, making her feel better about The Gender
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