#interpert however you want
tarohonii · 3 months
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I am inside their fucking walls
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ishimondoevents · 5 months
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Here are the prompts. Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas to this! The list will be written down below the cut with some ideas for those who want a little elaboration, a little help brainstorming, or simply understand how loosely prompts can be interperted!
Please make sure to check out the RULES AND F.A.Q. so we can have a smooth week.
July 14th: Family / Dates
July 15th: Promise / Sickness
July 16th: Roleswap / Seasons
July 17th: Competition / Future
July 18th: Talentswap / Gifts
July 19th: Confessions / Soulmates
July 20th: Free Day*
* For the Free Day, you are free to use a prompt that you hadn't used on one of the previous days if you would prefer a specific prompt to follow.
Remember— these are just ideas to help with brainstorming, you are not limited to interpreting the prompts in just these ways. 
Family: You could choose to interpret this as being in relation family members (canon or head cannoned) for a scenario like meeting the in-laws; or them building one of their own (with pets, fan kids, v3 kid AUs, etc). Another angle could be a reflection on their own childhoods, with a focus on their family life/dynamics to tie it back to the prompt.
Dates: Quite a few options to go with, off the top of my head: first dates, blind dates, double/group date, fake dating, or even a study date lol. This could also be interpreted in the sense of important dates like birthdays, anniversary, etc.
Promise: This one might be a tad bit easier on the writers since all you'd need to really do to meet the prompt is throw in one 'promise between men', but you can definetly get creative with it. You could go a more canon route of 'I'll build your house bro' or 'We'll get out of the killing game alive' to anything else you could think of, big or small— perhaps even broken promises (as serious or silly as you'd like, e.g. 'you promised you'd stop speeding')
Sickness: Just a few ideas besides a literal cold— lovesickness (figurative or more literal like a hanahaki AU), a despair disease scenario, or a mental health day.
Roleswap: Anything that generally swaps the canon role would apply here. So Protagonist AUs, Mastermind AU, Survivor/Future Foundation AUs would all be applicable here. Remnants of Despair AUs may also apply, see the elaboration given in the Talentswap section.
Seasons: Take this as liberally as you'd like. Focus on one season or all; focus on seasonal activities like going to the beach, a seasonal school vacation; or a seasonal holiday/festival, just to offer a few different ways you could try and meet this prompt. 
Competition: With how competitive these two are, hopefully this won't end being too restrictive. Be this between the two of them, one rooting for the other for sports/other extracurricular activities, or a double date scenario with someone as competitively spirited. You could also stick to more canon moments for reference like the Sauna Scene or the race between Mondo and Daiya.
Future: You could do something with Futuristic themes like cyborgs/androids/etc. Or more broadly approach the prompt with discussions of the future (v3 talentplan style), or in settings where they're older (be that 30 or 80, however you wish to interpert it). 
Talentswaps: The difference from the roleswap Is that the former implies the talent isn't changed, just the role within the story. A talentswap may change several factors, but most notably the talent. So whether you're swapping just the talents between the THH cast or swapping game premises as well (e.g. v3 au with SHSL Inventor Oowada), all of that would be better suited here. Remnants of Despair AUs could go here if it's a talent swap that includes SDR2's general premise, but if the talents were to remain the same AND the concept to be (for example) that Junko chose Class 78 over 77 to brainwash, then that could fall under a Roleswap instead.
Gifts: This should hopefully be easier to achieve as a prompt, but this could be around any kind of celebration involving gifting (birthdays, holidays, etc.), or just a general occasion of wanting to get a gift. Maybe focusing on having difficulty with finding a present, etc.
Confessions: This could be anything from a love confession, or a completely innocuous thing like— oops, I’m the asshole that has been in your parking spot bc I’m dyslexic and thought it was mine meet cute(?). Perhaps it could be one of them receiving a love confession and the reaction around it.
Soulmates: Since I know there are quite a few ideas people have come up with over the years for soulmate AUs, I think this one should also not be too difficult (hopefully).
Here are four lists I got just from googling, should you need a few ideas about what you might do: 
You could also go more straightforward with red string of fate concepts for soulmates as well, or just the idea of soulmates, not necessarily a soulmate AU if none speak to you!
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sethdomain · 1 month
Also before i forget there's something about the way you draw c!Tommyinnit that make it stand out from other artist interpretations fanart of c!Tommyinnit. Simplistic yet unique like it was so fucking cool mate.
yeee its cuz i was actually aiming to do that.
No shade to people who likes the fanon, but I've been like on dsmp train since 2020 and if i see the same interpertation over n over again IM GOING CRAYYYZEY and if i have to comply to the woke mob agenda and make my ctommy design fanon-ny again i will DIE.
I used to make my ctommy design so fucking fanony it actually was dead ass ugly and i used to hatessssssss it so much. Because he looks so ugly in a bad and unintresting way. I was miserable. dying, because i was kind of afraid to not comply on how people would interpert him(kind of conventionally ugly cute attractive). I was like, "what if people find me weird for making him like this?" "what if people wont like this design?" MANN i was a pussy, turn out people love my soaping wet cat ctommy that looks super mangy and ugly. I think it was also factored on my worries on making him looks so much like cctommy and it would be weird.
Anyway yeah, the moral of this story is do not be a pussy and you can design the dsmp character however you wanted. Don't let the woke mob stops you from being who you are and making ctommy a fat men, buff guy, hairy guy or trans guy/girl whatever man do whatever, its 2024 and he's now a public domain oc. Damn, maybe you dont see it but im literally slowly making him a smoke/drug addict himbo if you squint.
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quakinqueer · 5 months
This whole situation is so overblown its insane. People are interperting his words as being passive agressive when he is very obviously confused and scared. Also you thinking he is going to victimise himself says a lot about how you already felt about him before this whole thing. But he is gonna prove you wrong by owning up to it.
Genuinely found this a little amusing so I wanted to respond to it. Got a little yappy with it, woops.
"This whole... overblown it's insane"
while I do agree that some folks on twt are taking it too far with hating on him, I also think the majority are rightfully holding him accountable for some very stupid things he did, and that the people defending him are actually acting significantly more abhorrent and disrespectful, calling the op of the original tweet slurs and sending them death threats. THAT is insane, overblown, and frankly disgusting, not the people expressing anger and disappointment with him, a public figure, for severely mishandling a serious situation.
"... when he is very obviously confused and scared."
I- confused and scared??? geez what is he a cornered puppy? He's a grown ass adult man who should know better than to immediately act on emotion like that. I will however take into account that he is ND, and that affects your impulse control and how you process your emotions. I'll also acquiesce that many of his initial responses do read to me as panicked, knee-jerk responses, and that he wasn't entirely thinking straight when he reacted that way. But to call this grown, adult, privileged white man who frankly had and has all the power in this situation "confused and scared" all because of some online discourse and Twitter dogpiling is downright silly.
I'll be the first to admit he's probably extremely stressed, honestly I personally suspect he probably had something close to a panic attack around when this was happening (just my speculation). That doesn't mean that he didn't mess up. That doesn't erase the effect his impertinence had on op and the community. I'm just hoping once he's had time to calm down, he'll handle this better.
"Also you thinking he is going to victimise himself says a lot about how you already felt about him before this whole thing."
This was the funniest part to me. I'm just gonna leave some screenshots of tweets I made as the situation was happening.
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Hope this gives you all you need to know.
And lastly: "But he is gonna prove you wrong by owning up to it."
My brother (or sibling) in Allah, that's all I could possibly want. That is quite literally all I'm hoping for. The reason I was so cynical in that draft is because I don't want to get my hopes up or raise my expectations too high, if only to avoid any extra hurt. Putting someone on a pedestal and idealizing reality is what got me in this whole overly-emotional, devastated state that I'm in currently. I want to believe in him so badly, I just don't want to be let down again.
We'll see how it goes.
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bjlightningbeast · 4 days
The "Sonic is Sonic" narritive is not only idiotic but damaging to Sonic's identity as a character
It gives the general idea that Sonic is a character that can be anything you want him to be when that is one of, if not, the most bullshit statement I've heard from this fanbase (and maybe from the officials) in a damn while. Sonic was never a character that can be anything. From the beginning, ever since his creation, Sonic has had an established character created by the original Sonic Team. It's one of the reasons he was able to stand out from his rival, Mario (a character that is claimed to lack a personality).
However, ever since the West started to take hold of the franchise, Sonic's character has not only completely changed, but even worse, will eventually switch around depending on whose writing, and this problem does not exist in the east when SOJ was taking charge and it still does not as Japan Sonic remained consistant since the beginning, so what's going on SOA?
We can all agree that Pontac and Graff's writing on the characters was not correct, and I put the blame on Sega of America for getting inexperienced Sonic writers to write for their games. But then here comes Ian Flynn, who fans will praise his writing of the Sonic characters to high heavens when his versions of the character are not the correct characters, especially Sonic.
People will give the same lame excuse as it's just "writers making up their own interpertation of what or who Sonic is", but all this sentiment does is cause more harm than good to Sonic because now, I've got to ask you; If Sonic is anything you want him to be now, then who is even Sonic the Hedgehog anymore? "What you babbling about? Sonic is a cartoon blue hedgehog that runs fast, who rolls into robots, and fights an egg-shaped scientist. DuH!". Ok, but that's what he is on a surface level. What is the actual character of Sonic the Hedgehog? Can anyone tell me what it is? Anyone? No? Yeah, I didn't think so. Because you know what the answer to that question is? Nothing. He's nobody. He's no longer a character. He's just a puppet that people are free to turn him into however way they want, and there is no correct or incorrect way of writing him, just "interpertations."
It's even worse because this issue doesn't just stop at Sonic alone, but most of the other cast of characters are hit with this "SoNiC iS sOnIc" bullcrap ideology. Almost none of them act like how they are supposed to be. People always complained about the Sega mandates for being too strict, but if this is how the characters are being handled, then it's obviously clear that they are not strict enough. Is it that hard to get a character right? Like, name one franchise that has to deal with this kind of shit?
I think it's time that SOJ takes back full charge of the franchise and actually get Japanese writers to write for Sonic again, because no disrespect to the west, but it's obvious that they have no idea what the hell they are doing, and the characters are one of the prominent things that are suffering because of it. Go back and make these characters back to who they were, who they are supposed to be! Let them be something again, and stop making them be everything! Cause if a character can be anybody, then the character becomes nobody, and just like Pariah695 said in his Frontiers video... I'm not a fan of nobody...
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hoesforyosuke · 11 months
'perhaps fuck off might be too kind'
some bs gojo x m reader lmfao lowercase intended
cw! swearing (obvs), reader hates gojo (reader might also hate suguru up to interpertation) , friends to enemies??, one slight (?) makeout - no consent from gojos side, prettyyyy angsty ig. - not proofread
music blasted through [names] headphones, drowning out any sound that could be heard by anyone else in the entire school. hell, it was such a common thing that he wasn't even scared if someone approached him now.
however that was probably a lie since he still jumped when he felt a certain someone touch his shoulder and he quickly turned around to see the person who made him drown everyone else out.
gojo satoru.
everyone knew how much [name] hated gojo, especially after getou's death. how much he thought the white haired male just needed to shut up for a moment. all three of them were close when getou was still kicking, but ever since that one single day, [name] shut himself away from gojo.
every evening out was 'suguru this' or 'suguru that' and it got to a point where [name] thought gojo should've just confessed his love or something. even though [name] had some underlying feelings for gojo, they simply all disappeared instantly. it was like he felt nothing for gojo, even as friends.
a snap took him out of his weird trance and he made quite the sour face at the man standing, now in front of him. "the fuck do you want satoru." he spat, taking his headphones off and letting them sit on his shoulders.
"woah, someones in a mood." gojo scoffed, raising his hands in front of him in some sort of defense. "just needed to tell you it's time to go home. yuji was looking for you, but only i know you hide here so i thought i'd personally come and get you!"
the cheer in his voice only made [name] feel even more upset. it's like a bad mood that could only ever get worse. if anything [name] wanted to personally murder gojo even if it meant he would get executed or something stupid like that.
[name] said nothing as he stood up to walk out of the room. he already had his headphones back on, which never stopped playing music even whilst they had a conversation, although only one was on an ear. as his hand reached for the door, he felt another grab his free hand. it felt like a last resort grab and he had to mentally prepare himself before stopping to listen to what gojo had to say.
"hey wait, i think we need to talk before you go. i don't get many chances to see you one on one." gojo said, sounding somewhat sympathetic. [name] took a moment to decide if he was going to reply, but gojo was too quick to speak. "i know you probably don't want to talk to me after you know... but that doesn't mean we shouldn't adress it?" it came out more as a question rather than a concern.
"satoru, we have nothing to talk about. you just want an excuse to make me feel bad for you." [name] replied, shaking his wrist out of gojo's grip. he honestly thought it was pathetic gojo would go such lengths and for what? an overdue apology?
the silence in the room was loud. gojo was speechless and [name] knew this. "look what happened, happened, but seriously. if you want me to feel something towards you again, it's not going to happen. you fucked up, not me." was all he could say without losing his composure. if he snapped, who knows what he'd say or even do.
gojo looked lost for words. how could you not feel anything for him? how could you not love the strongest? the sweetest? most caring sorcerer? words like that flooded gojos mind and [name] simply just watched him. he sighed. he had to be honest it was embarrasing watching gojo act like this.
"stop pouting you look stupid." [name] said, words filled with sarcasm. "here if you want to see if theres some spark.." his words trailed off as he grabbed onto gojos chin, looking disgusted by just the sight of him and bringing their lips together.
it wasn't passionate, it wasn't sweet. it was straight up vile. [name] was revolted by the actions he took, but how else could he prove this? his grip on gojos chin was strong as he forced his tongue into the white haired mans mouth. it was only for a second that gojo felt something before [name] harshly bit on his lip, easily breaking the skin and then pulled away.
[name] sighed, spitting onto the floor, hoping a janitor would be able to clean that up later. he stared at gojo who just looked confused, lip bleeding and face flushed. "don't blush at that, it's disgusting." [name] scoffed. he rolled his eyes, watching gojo get it together.
"what was that for?" gojo complained, wiping the blood off his lip with the back of his hand, however it did very little. he was beyond confused. why would [name] kiss him in such a situation? was [name] in love with him?
"i feel nothing for you satoru. if you kiss someone you like, your brain likes it, but i don't feel any satisfaction from it. you ruined how i felt because all you could ever talk about was stupid fucking suguru. how he liked certain foods at restruants or how you two always had matching things. god it was so annoying, so i cut you out. yeah, suguru passing was sad, but god you must've been in love with him so much you forgot about everyone else around you." [name] said, like it was a confession booth. his expression was completely neutral, which showed gojo how serious [name] was.
it got silent again. the only noise came from [name]'s headphones. gojo couldn't even argue. he just stood there quietly, allowing [name] to vent his feelings. it was different. no one ever really had the courage to tell gojo how they really felt about him, or the getou situation.
"now if you'll excuse me, i'll be tending to yuji now." [name] sighed, finally leaving the room, leaving gojo in complete silence. listening to [names] footsteps fade away, felt the same as when getou left.
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authors note ⋆˙⟡ wahh something i actually finish... (the other gojo fic thats been in my drafts since sep...) anyways hope this was decent its like 2 am lol also sorry its so short?? like i usually write more but idk i couldnt think of anymore to write?
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zaranthropy · 7 months
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I've been looking at Suzumi star pages (particularly the arabic ones) and getting some Symbolism Revelations™ this evening that people may enjoy as food for thought.
Starting with the most lore-related one, Benny's name is often theorized to come from Benetnasch, the first star in the Big Dipper constellation. What nobody tells you however is that benny's star is originally called Alkaid, "the leader". Benetnasch comes from banaatunna'ash (Arabic; "بنات نعش", "the mourning maidens" lit. "Daughters of the bier") and is the arabic name of the big dipper constellation. A bier is a stand on which a corpse, coffin, or casket containing a corpse is placed to lie in state or to be carried to the grave. This relates to the original myth of Banaatunna'ash.
for the Bedouins of the Syrian desert, the Daughters of Nash accuse al-Jaday, i.e. Polaris, to have killed their father. But al-Farqadân [Ursa Minor] deem that the killer is not al-Jaday but Suhayl, and interpose between them and the North star. That is the reason why they are called al Hawâjzîn, “the Interposers”: they prevent the daughters from slaking their thirst for vengeance, and condemn them to turn indefinitely around the Pole.
From Our Arabic Heritage in the Celestial Vault.
Why this is interesting is because not only is Benny depicted to be the "leader" of the Suzumi collective– in the same constellation's naming origins (which influenced the names of Alkaid and Benetnasch), not only is Suzumi as a whole a being who seeks to sate their bloodlust for vengeance on Tsubakura, there also exists a Hamal among Alkaid's two companion stars, the other two mourning maidens.
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The daughters of the bier, i.e. the mourning maidens, are the three stars of the handle of the Big Dipper, Alkaid, Mizar, and Alioth; while the four stars of the bowl, Megrez, Phecda, Merak, and Dubhe, are the bier.
From Medieval Islamic Astronomy.
Considering how Hamee often refers to themself as a maiden, this could point to a potential explanation as to why they do this.
Moving onto Hamee's star, Hamal – the current name of the star – (arabic; "حَمْل") refers to a little year-old lamb originally and not the ram as one may envision when looking at its relationship to Aries, this was an interpertation later introduced by the Greek. The star itself also is originally called "the horns of the lamb", specifically in reference to the tiny nubs you'd see on the head of a first-year fat tailed sheep, and is a similar case as with Benetnasch [name of constellation becomes the name of star because "wah arabic complicated" or something]. This exact type of sheep is also the one that would've been there for Jesus times if biblical allegories are your thing (parable of the lost sheep comes to mind). Also, in modern usage, the star is called "the headbutter/the headstrong", (Arabic; الناطح), so do with that what you will.
Arde has to have had the coolest one by far methinks, as Aldebaran is the only Suzumi star name that doesn't originally belong to a constellation and retains its original Arabic form plus it's the one with the most well-rounded mythology and cultural significance that just so happens to fit Arde well. To start, let's talk about the constellation right next to Aldebaran. Al-Thuriyya (Pleiades) has to be THE most famous constellation in Arab star mythology, being also related to Suhail (remember that guy?), and is also the reason of the name Aldebaran (Arabic; الدِبَران (full historical name; "الهادي الدِبَران")), meaning "The Follower" or "The Pursuing One", being given to the star right on its northwestern side.
According to an Arab legend from some point in the 7th century, Aldebaran was a poor and destitute person, while Al-Thuriyya was a beautiful and young girl. She impressed Aldebaran, so he decided to propose to her. He wanted someone to accompany him to the engagement ceremony, but he did not find anyone. So he went to the moon and asked him to try as much as he could to marry him to her, and the moon complied and went to her. But she refused, and after the moon pressed her, she said: “What should I do with this runt who has no money?”. The moon returned and told Aldebaran what had happened, but Aldebaran insisted on marrying her. He only owned sheep, so he took them all to Al-Thuriyya so that she would agree to marry him. The twenty sheep that Aldebaran led to the Pleiades are what came to be called “The Hyades,” which became the name of a star cluster that appears close to Aldebaran in the sky. The two stars near Aldebaran are his dogs, which he took with him and the sheep. As such, Aldebaran began to guide (follow) the Pleiades in the sky forever, along with his sheep, guiding them wherever they went. Thus, Aldebaran became a symbol of loyalty, while the Pleiades became a symbol of treachery. This loyalty was even mentioned in some Arabic proverbs: “More loyal than Al-Hadi (Al-Hadi Al-Dabran (Aldebaran)) and more treacherous than Al-Thuriyya (the Pleiades).”
Aldebaran also takes onto some mythology of its own as well, being a star whose rising is known to signal the beginning of the harshest periods of summer– Aldebaran became a star of ill omen to the Arabs of ancient times, even earning its own threatening rhymed prose;
اذا طلع الدبران, توقدت الحزان, وكرهت النيران, واستعرت الذبان, ويبست الغدران, ورمت بأنفسها حيث شاءت الصبيان.
When Aldebaran [the Follower] rises, the rugged lands abounding in jagged rocks burn, the fires are hated, the flies spread like fire, the pools of water left by torrents dry up, and the young children throw themselves wherever they desire.
From When the Follower Rises.
Seeing as Arde is the Suzumi who often keeps Hamee in check, holding them on a proverbial leash, them being "the follower" makes a lot of sense when you consider their canonical position (as one who herds sheep (Hamee) while following the leader (Benny)). They also share similarities with Benetnasch, having two lesser stars associated with them (the "dogs") and being the brightest star of their respective constellations. Hamee is the only one who only has one lesser star, poor hambone.
Tl;dr I'm just sharing my silly region-locked star lore for everyone else to enjoy 😊 hope this unlocks as much Suzumi headcanons in your brain as it did mine
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doodlezandoodlez · 11 months
Nerdy Prudes Must Die x Total Drama AU
here's what i got so far
Steph = Gwen
Peter = Cody
Richie = Harold
Ruth = Beth
Grace = Courtney
Max = Duncan
i wanted to add The Lords in Black to this but idk who would fit those roles
(also ik this basically means Gwody is a thing in this AU, but you can interpert it however you'd like. like for me, im thinking of it as more platonic than anything else)
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pink-doflamingo · 3 months
tagging "one piece meta" when you're just making stuff up is a bold move but you do you ig (like there're different interpretations of course, but it's pretty wild to act like they all have equal weight when you're really blatantly misrepresenting both the characters you're talking about to push a really obvious agenda)
Is my meta biased?
Yes, absolutely.
All meta is biased. You cannot write unbiased meta, and you cannot read unbiased meta. Because all analysis is done through the lens of the writer, and interpreted through the lens of the reader, each of whom are incapable of NOT bringing their own biases into their interpretation.
When I present my meta I am absolutely presenting a biased view of events-- my own personal perspective. And when the people who want to deify Rosinante as a saint (hah!) present theirs, they are also presenting a biased view of the text.
There is no such thing as an objective analysis, there is only a biased perspective. I'm presenting a much needed counterpoint to the common view of things. Wouldn't it be terrible to see a conflict from only one side?
I do however, resent the idea that I'm making anything up.
I am not. I am interacting with the text of canon as it's presented, and offering up my own interpertation.
Which is that Rosi was a bastard, and Doflamingo's actually a surprisingly nice (not good, but nice) person!
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transdragonlira · 10 months
Your addition to the monster post is... So nice. You seem like you're incredibly passionate and fierce and loving and using your sona as an example of a 'monster' is really, really strong. Thank you!
also. can I see the bug please. I would very much like to see the sexy legged beast if that's okay please
Thank you very much! I have an incredibly strong connection to my sonas and being a furry in general! My entire queer identity as a person would have been completely different if I didn't manage to find the fandom (if it would have even existed at all). My fursona is even the origin of my irl name, I just used her name to try stuff out, and it really stuck!
And yeah, I really vibe with the monster interpertation of my sona. I really wanted to write more in that post but I didn't have the time or words when I wrote that, and didn't feel like it would add much to the post to go even more in detail about that, it would be a repitition of what they already said
But this is a new post so I can say what I want here
As someone who's autistic and trans, and had major hearing issues when I was younger (I'm fine now, but when I was younger I once lost aroud 90% of my hearing), I was never the type to fit in. I only have ever felt like I fit in in places that are queer and/or neurodivergent (like furry spaces are). I am too familiar with being shunned by average people. Furries really are the best
One specific part about the monster example that really hits in the feels is the fact that I really was seen as scary at school. Because I was autistic, I had autistic meltdowns. And mine manifested in the way of anger issues. I was lost and confused of all the unspoken rules, and that caused me to lash out at the bullies. This was first a reason to bully me more, but when I got older, this got a bit scary. I was genuienly seen like a monster. A monster to try to agitate a little bit to get a ruse, because she was chained to a cage of rules. But the same bars that enchaged her, protected her bullies from being punished for their deeds.
That is why although my sona may seem fierce, she really is a sweetheart, almost motherly (Centipedes in nature are known to be very caring mothers!) Despite being seen as a monster, she is still kind to all. But if you wrong her, or even worse, a fellow monster, she won't hestitate to bite. She is only fierce as a defense mechanism. She does not want to be fierce. She wants to care. But she keeps on being fierce anyway. She had no other choice.
I want to say that I'm currently in the proces of changing into this sona, as my sona was a dragon for a long time. And the more I think about it, she is kinda the person I want to be rather than the person I am right now. And that's completely ok! She is still very close to me, as she is the origin of my irl name. I (still) need something to strive for, and she is the perfect way to do so. Especially when I was a younger queer, unsure of what I wanted out of my body.
To be loved is to be changed. And I am currently loving myself, and my sona.
It's only natrual that she will change a bit. However, she will always be the same creature in my head. After all, I am my sona, and I am all my previous iterations of yesterday -why couldn't she be as herself as well as all of her previous iterations as well?
And while I'd absolutely love to show you the sexy legged beast, the nature of this sona being fairly new means I haven't gotten the time to draw her very much yet, and the one real fullbody of her is nsfw and idk if I can show her because of tumblr rules, but here is a cropped version, and a emote of her being embaressed. (and you can dm for the full! I am not scared to show my full, beautiful body!)
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It kinda really sucks that I can't show the full here. A HUGE part of this sona is about the fact that she isn't a particularly girly girl, and that she has a big dick instead of a pussy. But she is still a girl! She might be embarrased about people wanting her, but that's because she is inexperienced! (They are 18+, don't worry) She is confident in her body and showing all of it of, because she knows that there will always be people that will be disgusted by her. But the love she receives by others makes it all worth it.
Honestly I could write a full article on how fursonas and gender (and queer identities in general) are linked. I don't think it's a coincidence that around 1 in 4 to 1 in 3 of every furry is not cisgender. (Less clear source, scroll down for the latest update: https://furscience.com/research-findings/demographics/1-3-sex-and-gender/) Heck, my very first fursona from when I was extremely new to the fandom was a girl- I had no clue back then that I was transgender. All I knew is that it felt right.
Lastly I want to say, despite really vibing with the monster theme, and it really applying to me and my sona, a big part of it (and what I mostly wanna draw with my sona) is trying to accept that we aren't really monsters. We are othered by society, but we are not bad monsters. We are lovely creatures, trying to love our lives like everyone else. We have all sorts of positive traits! I may have trouble understanding everyone, and yes, I am quick to anger. But you know what I also am? Like you said, I AM passionate, loving, and fierce. I am also intelligent, and have great marks in college, and am creative. And most of all, I want everyone in the world to trive to the point where it eats me up inside thinking about the evils in this world. Is that a trait you would say a monster would have?
And again, thank you, I got a couple of asks asking to see my sona because they sounded cool, and it's people like you that make the online world amazing to be in, stay yourself, and love yourself for who you are
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cringelordofchaos · 9 months
ROBLOX FLICKER - My Role Interpertations: Chapter - Medic (written on 06/01/2024)
WARNINGS: self-hatred, mentions of murder, extreme guilt, longish post
Medic, medic, medic… Oh, how much trauma you could fit into this single role.
The medic. Let's lay out the (objective) basics - each night, a person has a chance of being killed by the murderer. There is not much definite avoiding you could do,however; the medic here can "save the day", so to speak. They can select a person to protect during the nighttime. If the murderer were to attempt killing this person whilst they were protected, their murder attempt would simply Not Work. It's mostly a game of guessing and choosing, and hoping your shots at the dark were useful.
(Random facts! There cannot be both a Saviour and a Medic, symbolizing how they are the only Saving Grace, the only Hope in the team. They are the only ones which can truly heal and Save people from the horrible fates of death, despite everything. Also, the Medic is supposed to be a counterpart to the Witch, which could make for interesting character dynamics and relationships, in my earnest opinion. Perhaps they could be similiar, yet differnet. You get what I mean?)
(The medics' actions do not count against the ones slain by roles such as Assassin and Clown, symbolizing their power and strength. But that is for another essay, though.)
(Both Saviour and Medic are assigned the colour Cyan as their signature colour - Cyan, as a colour, can represent various things, but it is most associated with and represented with "peace, relaxation, healthcare, dreams, spirituality, liveliness, youth, energy, serenity, and calm", according to most accessible online sources.)
Now, let's look at this from a different perspective. The medic, first of all, has to choose a specific person they must protect that night. Which could be horribly detrimental to ones' psyche.Favoritism,guilt tripping and manipulation can come into play.
The medic would most definitely be asked the question, who do they save? And why?
They would practically have to deal with choosing who has more value as a person. Not being protected would straight up tell someone "Hey, the medic thought you weren't worth saving". How does one choose who gets to live and who doesn't? The medic can not NOT choose anyone, either; that would be useless and detrimental to everyone. But choosing a specific person would be favoritism.
Choosing yourself? That would be selfish.
The medic would have a hard time choosing. Constant questions and guilt flooding through their head. I mean, obviously, the choice would all depend on the individual factors of that specific night; who is the most vulnerable? Who is the most valuable asset to the game? Who is worth saving? But even those questions are difficult to answer.
Not to mention the sentimental aspect of choosing. You can't let your friend(s) die! You must protect them, or you're a horrible ally! A horrible friend yourself!
Your "friends" could also very much, well,let's just say;control you, in case they know of you being the medic.
"You're gonna protect me, right?" you would hear their pleads for their very lives each night. Of course you would, you'd think so at least. They're your 'ride or die'. You can't betray them like that.
But you could only ever so wait for the tiniest bit longer to realize; your friends' yearning for protection were just simple tricks. You'd come to realize; some of them knew they wouldn't get killed during the game anyway.
They just wanted less security for the Valuable, for the 'Good' so to speak.
And oh, how fucking of a stab that would be. To realize that the many failures, falls and deaths… all the blood spilled would be on your hands as well as the murderers'.
You helped them. Your own naivete, no; screw that, you were at fault for the fallings of the innocent.
How much loyalty you devoted to your single friend, how much care and protection you sacrificed for them, as "any other friend would"; only to sacrifice the lives of the many others who needed your protection you never chose to give.
All the lives gone; if only you weren't so naive, so dumb, so selective, so… evil.
If only you weren't the medic.
Have you ever even chosen to be this way?
Now, now. Let's think of other… potential circumstances.
You DO choose to save yourself. More often than not, in fact. Others may not even know about your ways; your ways of keeping wary each night, keeping awake for the purpose of protecting and healing yourself, may go unnoticed by many. Sure, the mystery surrounding your questioning "immortality" may rise eyebrows for some, but for the most part? You're safe.
(I just realized that the medic can only save themselves once per round. Excuse my idiocy, please.)
But, seriously? Choosing yourself, each night? Each night, in your wake hours, you hear the screams of the slaughtered. Each stab to their heart feels like a stab to your psych.
You could've helped them.
You could've saved them.
But no, no- you had to protect yourself, huh? Selfishness comes as a simple strategy for survival, does it not?
But what are you good for, anyway? What makes you so much more valuable than anyone else, to the point of self protection and 'sacrifice' of others?
All the screams of pain… they should be your screams.
It all comes down to a personal choice. Be selfish, and survive; but hear the screams of victims that could've been you. Be a good friend, and save them; but sacrificing many lives of the innocent, and ultimately leaving yourself more vulnerable than ever. Be strategic, and protect the competent, the useful ones; but ultimately sacrificing the lives of the innocents who should deserve to live too. Deny favouritism, deny choice, and deny responsibility, and protect no one; but be a fucking asshole and an idiot.
You can't save everyone but you can't- no, you musn't- save no one at all.
After all, it is your responsiblity, your role. And you better not fuck it up.
Because, among all else, it all ties into you, and what you choose to do.
Unless you give it all up.
Because how could you ever live a normal life, after knowing what you could've done, who you could've saved; but ultimately didn't. Generally speaking, you might've even helped the murderer at times.
So who is to blame here, realy?
Are you to be trusted?
You could've done such good, and yet..?
You fail.
Failure and imperfection, in almost any scenario, is excusable. Reedemable. We are all imperfect, messy excuses of humanity. But in a live-or-die situation? In which everyone's lives are at stake, and you fail to save them?
There is no going back.
There is no redemption.
(also, imagine everyone feels like there is no salvation, there is nothing to be done, everything is hopeless, while you're just standing there, fully aware that you CAN and COULD'VE saved soo many people, only if you weren't so stupid. that would be kinda awkward LMAOOOOOOOOO)
https://robloxflicker.fandom.com/wiki/Medic - Medic described on Fandom Wiki.
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lullaebies · 1 year
do you have any modern helaena headcanons?
Disclaimer: I'm not a very modern AU type of person - one of the reasons I lean into HOTD and ASOIAF is because I find the setting and rules in place intriguing, but I certainly like reading modern interpertations! I would also like to rec @fatherforgivethem for some cute modern hcs, I really warmed up to theirs! Modern Helaena Headcanons ✧ Helaena is a wildlife girl! She likes animals of all types since she was little, catching frogs and observing fireflies in the lake at the backyard of their vacation home (they definitely have a vacation home, rich ppl). She and her brothers fight about the TV because she wants to keep watching National Geographic, lol. She once rescued a bluish grey little lizard she found hurt on the street, and it remained with her after it healed. (of course, it's Dreamfyre). ✧ She's a knitter and from the moment she learns how to knit that is all anyone gets out of her as presents. She makes the ugly sweaters for Christmas, or gloves, or whatever she feels at the moment. She made Aegon and Aemond a get along sweater once, which Daeron shoved himself into as well. Obviously, she had to be added to the fray. They ruined that one on the day they got it. ✧ She wants to be a primary school teacher. She finds that her shyness dissipates besides younger children, and with all the troubles and shenanigans her extended family has been through she learned how to treat with children easy. ✧ When she's old enough to work as a teacher, she gets charge of a music therapy program in her school. She sometimes brings [forces] Aegon into the fray by making him play the guitar. She's well regarded for it, it helped quite a few kiddos. ✧ The type of person that never answers calls. It takes her two hours to realize someone called her at all. Alicent had more than a few heart attacks about it - Aemond and Aegon had drove around looking for her as well a few times. At the end they'll find her in some vintage shop absorbed in some book or looking at ceramics she wanted to bring back home to one of them or mother. They can't even get angry, it's seriously upsetting and wholesome at the same time. ✧ Plant mom! she grows plenty of flowers in her room, and they decorate the vivarium Dreamfyre is kept in from inside and out. She managed to get some plants to all the rooms in the house. ✧ She doesn't know how to cook at all - she burns pasta, bless her soul. She relies on Aegon for like college-like five minute food, Aemond for actual meals, and Daeron is just a baby that shares snacks with her. Alicent had made way with her in baking, however - though the cakes are always not quite well leveled and bit off in their icing isn't perfect, everyone eats it without complaing [if you complain you may get into a fistfight with one of the brothers lmao].
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hamcakevaletguy · 5 months
Can you actually explain how he was acting passive agressive? People love to misunderstand and twist his words and to me he was coming off as blunt but not rude. And yes his autism definitely plays a part in how he expresses himself and people might interpert it as rude when it wasnt his intention. Remember he might want to be considerate but he still struggles with empathy and understanding how other people might feel.
I did not address the passive aggressive comment in my personal post because I did not believe that viewpoint was contributing to the conversation that needed to be had. I outlined one way he could be viewed as passive aggressive in my last answer to an ask. I’ll link it here later if you can’t find it. I’m typing this out on mobile and I’m new to posting this much, so I’m not quite sure on how to do that.
Regarding his autism, I’m studying as a psychology major, going into my third year and I just took a class on Abnormal Psychology, so I know more about this than I previously would have. His autism, ADHD, etc. are a possible reason for his irritability, lack of awareness of the situation and sounding brusque, yes. However, my first sentence was directed towards people who say that he is autistic, therefore he can’t be expected to do anything about what his words caused.
Like I said in my original post, his autism and other mental illnesses are an explanation of his actions, but regardless, there are consequences to those actions that he does have to deal with. Those consequences being active harm to another person.
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
hi hello! hope you are having a great time! I'm curious about what you said about the bakugo family and how it's viewed, i'd like to hear more if you're up for talking about it☺️
hi hi!! another anon asked me the same thing and honestly idk how to word it / expand on it much
but i think the way a lot of western fans had reacted specifically to the brief scene of mitsuki and how much they continue to have like a very extreme view on her parenting is a clue-in to peoples unfamiliarity with asian familial responsibility in general ig.
like a lot of people were very quick to jump to calling her abusive pointing to her hitting bakugou (in a way that is obviously meant to be read as a gag) and points out her critique of his behavior / calling him weak to be abusive.
but like. horikoshi has no issue showing abusive parenthood in it's entirety. if we as the audience were meant to infer that from any part of bakugous character, we would've seen it very explicitly in the text already. mitsuki just doesn't have a gentle style to parenting bakugou but her parenting style does feel very... asian mom to me in general
then there's this thing that a lot of western fans hyperfocused on when the anime came out which is mitsuki calling bakugou weak and an instance in the hero license arc w todoroki where he mentions being raised roughly (it is clear by the end of this chapter that bakugou means to exhibit his power, not that he was beat at any point or abused at any point.)
for mitsuki calling bakugou weak it needs more clarification i think. but in japan, there is HUGE cultural values of not inconveniencing or imposing upon other people. like it has a whole phrase. hito ni meiwaku wo kakenai. do not take up any attention and always assume you're the least important person in the room.
mitsuki references this manner in the raws esentially. a word that mitsuki uses when calling bakugou weak is miuchi which can mean relative but can also refer to body or extension of ones body. her calling bakugou weak can also be interpreted as her being critical of her inability to parent well. the japanese audience did not have anything even kind of resembling the reaction to this scene as the western audience did and in general i think this jump to calling mitsuki abusive and not acknowledging any of the other nuances of her speech to the teachers felt very indicative of that cultural gap i suppose
because mitsuki also goes on to acknowledge how bakugou was also ultimately effected by the system and gives probably the most straightforward summaries of his character in the entire show that isnt like pure subtext. and bakugou quite obviously isnt scare of her. like he shows no signs of abuse otherwise.
people are free to see their relationship however they want, but i do think the overlooking of these things or this very literal interpertation of their relationship was very telling that people were viewing the story through very western values i guess.
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marine-indie-gal · 1 year
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Yesterday I watched The Super Mario Bros Movie and it was a real blast (both the Animation and even the Storyline), I also loved on how the Movie brought in the more aspects to the Original Franchise. So far, As to someone who watches a Parody Mario Webseries that is filled with Memes, I've decided to create my very own interpertation of a Rumoured Character from a Nintendo Magazine, Clawdia Koopa. For those who don't know about the Clawdia Koopa rumor, there was a character mentioned somewhere in the Nintendo comics which sparked many fans to create a Fan Theory for an Unofficial Character that the Main Antagonist (Bowser) supossedly had a wife who's also supposed to be Junior's Mother but the Writers confirmied that she was actually a Unofficial Nintendo Character. However, that Old Rumour didn't stop fans from coming since many Mario fans attempted to their own personal interpertations of the Bowser Wife theory. So here is my very own late submission to that theory, that is my very own version of Clawdia Koopa, the Late Wife of Bowser Sr. and even the Biological Mother of Bowser Jr. Long before that the Tyrant Koopa King fell in love with the Mushroom Princess, Bowser had someone else before capturing the Beautiful Gentle Princess. Of course, this Koopa Queen was not ordinary nor was she all Girly-Girl like Other Girls, she was someone special to the Koopa King, Clawdia (The Rebel Koopa Woman who always had her own ways). Clawdia was the Daughter of a Late Koopa Baron and Koopa Baroness but since she was kidnapped at a younger age, she never really saw her Parents ever again as she was captured but was then took in by some Bandits who were Robbers, although it didn't seem pleasent at first, Clawdia grew up in her own Foster Family as she was often a Mischevious Cunning Trickster who would often rob People blind just for their Money (makes you think and wonder as to why Jr is mischevious). But that all changed until One Day, Clawdia was caught red-handed by the Koopa Troopas when the Robbers were trying to steal the Koopa King's Treasures the Robbers were senteced to death but Clawdia on the other hand managed to escape for she had to spent the Night alone in the Woods until when she was taken care of in a cottage by a Mushroom Eldery Couple who took her in for shelter. After a few weeks living in a small cottage, the Koopa Troopas found the Last Bandit as they brought her in to the Koopa King since the Koopa General knew that there was one robber left that managed to escape, but this Female Koopa struck Bowser through a personal interest as he managed to keep the Koopa Lady in since Clawdia already charmed Bowser by her own looks. At first, Clawdia didn't seem to like Bowser (not because of how that he was the Ruthless King) but because on how he send her old crew a punishment. However, where's Clawdia saw that there was more to Bowser since their relationship began to flow after it started out being rocky, she started to grew fond of him ever since Bowser thought that maybe he could have Clawdia for a Wife since the Koopa Kingdom had not been having a Queen for a very long time as Bowser earned her own kindness and trust, the Koopa King began to fall in love with her. Because of the Evil Wonders that they did together and how Clawdia even manage to help Bowser out on his own ways into getting on what he wanted like treasures and more power. After all, Clawdia was a smart mischevious genius for she would often trick and blind the good people for her one true love. Bowser and Clawdia were married for the once Robber Koopa was no longer a bandit but become more of that, a Koopa Queen. Soon, after One Year of Marriage, Clawdia became pregnant with her Husband's Child for Bowser was exicited to have an Heir to the Koopa Throne on his own as when Bowser Jr. came to the World, the Couple were happy for they were expecting to have a bright future of their own. Unfortunately however, a Group of Assistants wanted to steal Bowser's treasure but the Other Koopas were assistanted and posioned as the Entire Koopa Army attacked them but one of the Assisants managed to assisanted the Queen with Posion Smoke. Lucikly, Junior on the other hand managed to survive since Clawdia tossed her Child towards Kamek for the Rest of the Koopas escaped the Assisants and the Fire that they caused in the Old Koopa Kingdom as it was instantly destoryed and burned down. Bowser was even heartbroken for the First Woman he loved was now gone for the Koopa King and his Troops headed out somewhere near away the Mushroom Lands to go look for a New Koopa Kingdom. To avenge the Tragic Death of a First Wife, Bowser decided that for now on, he would only have to take care of their one and only child and even keep the Koopa Kingdom ongoing with a New Land for the Koopas. Super Mario Bros. and Clawdia Koopa (c) Nintendo Personal Interpertation of Clawdia (c) Me
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!! Introdouction !!
(please read all of it lol)
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• basic
Hey, im Nikola. Im a 16 year old guy (he/him only) and i use this account for posting random shit thats related to being trans, as im a trans man myself.
The contents of this blog will probably be steretypical masculine since thats the kind of stuff that makes me personaly feel better about myself. Essentially, expect alot of stuff that could fall under the “older brother from the 2000s-core” aesthetic category thing but like, not really aswell.
Yeah idk how to explain lmao
My activity will be inconsistent, as im still getting the hang of actually posting on tumblr and using it. Not to mention that im just not good at being active in general lol. If theres anything im doing “wrong” feel free to notify me.
This post will get updated as time goes on, so currently theres not much HAHHAH
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• bunch of disclaimers n’ shit lol
BYF+generally good things to know
Im EXTREMLY forgertfull. If you want me to answer something or anything else at all, please dont be afraid to shoot me a DM or an ask (unless specified otherwise, i will assume you want it to NOT be publicly answered).
If you have any (personal) issuses with my blog, feel free to block me. Remember to make your online experiance safe and comfortable for yourself <3
I ocassionaly say slurs that i can reclaim. If that makes you uncomofortable, you know what button to hit.
I am very bad at expressing myself verbally outside of art. Please be patient with me as unfortunately i may say something that comes off the completly wrong way without meaning it that way. (+ english isnt my first language, spelling mistakes are going to be common)
While i dont have a DNI there will be specific groups of people who will be blocked on sight (doesnt matter if they interacted or not) that fit the basic “DNI criteria” (you know who you are lol)
I may ocasionally post my own art (drawing, poetry (or general writing) or like digital collage type art)
Related to the art thing above, none of anything i make is meant to be k!nk or generally nsfw. Im saying this because im afraid people may interpert it that way and attack me for it (probably an irrational fear, and it would be justified if i was making that type of stuff lol) While i personally dont care what consenting adult do between themselves, i would ask that my stuff isnt tagged with k!nk tags and that its not rebloged by strictly fully nsfw accounts (for obvious reasons)
Another thing about the art, you can use it and repost it however you like lol. Crediting me isnt nessicary but it is appreciated
I generally dont use tone indicators, though if you want to you can always ask me (through any method you want) what i meant
If i go against your DNI please know that it was on accident lol, i often only skim DNI lists and may end up missing stuff. Feel free to notify me to remove something and/or block me
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• tags (probably all cringe but ok, more will be added as time goes on)
#.nikolaaahhh - tag for insignificant posts where im pretty much talking to myself
#.originalslop - any and all posts made by me (literally)
#.not mine - anything not made by me
#.reblogs - self explanitory lol
#.vents - tag for venting, id reccomend blocking it if you have more common triggers
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— last updated: september 25th 2024
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