#internet safety is paramount
just-another-siimp · 2 years
Yesterday some random guy messaged me on reddit and we started talking about a game(cuz I had commented on a post he saw) and theeeen we started talking about other games, movies we like, music EVERYTHING! The conversation never stopped, we had so much in common and he was so cute, like a little nerd like me. We talked for HOURS
He seemed like such a genuine person. Im legit so happy rn 😭😭😭he said I was so funny also and it made me so happy
Hiya Darling,
The last thing that I want to do when answering you guys is go full mum friend mode, but i feel like it's really important that I do.
In the nicest way possible this kind of stuff is not really it chief. The internet at times is the perfect place to make like minded friends, through this shit hole and community discords I have met a ton of people who have the same passion and hobbies that I do. It's okay to form those kinds of friendships!
What's really important is remaining safe while on the internet. Making friends? that's great. Meeting people who show their face immediately? kinda a red flag. Especially on places like reddit.
I can't stop you from doing anything, you're your own person and I grew up on values that relied heavily on making mistakes and learning from them. But please for the love of all things holy don't let yourself get into a position where someone can take something from you.
Love Ghostie
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So, as an adult within the Warriors community who has experience being groomed and taken advantage of by someone I trusted, I wanted to step up and talk about the Sagutoyas situation.
My platform isn’t exactly big or important, but it’s important to come forward with it regardless.
TW: Sagutoyas, grooming, very serious and heavy themes discussed
The Warriors community, while generally geared towards younger folk, is composed of viewers of all ages, backgrounds, interests and viewpoints. But as the content is intended for a more preteen demographic, it is paramount to remember: minors are everywhere here. And it is absolutely disgusting for someone to utilize their fame and platform in order to harm others, especially children, who usually don’t understand what’s happening until it’s far too late.
To every member of this community, though mostly to the younger demographic that follows me, please. Be cautious.
I understand the urge to be sociable and share your passion with others, but remember that for the most part, many of us are strangers with one another. Be careful about who you interact with, and how they interact with you in turn. Try to stay public when conversing with someone; try not to isolate yourself. Never disclose any personal information about yourself, whether that be your name, location, age, etc; it could be used to harm, find, or manipulate you. Never put your full trust in someone you do not know and maintain a safe distance from strangers on the internet, especially if you are a minor and they are an adult. And if anyone makes you uncomfortable, uneasy, or even just gives you a bad gut feeling at any point? Do not engage with them. The hurt feelings of a potential predator are not worth your trust being shattered for possibly the rest of your life.
Always. Prioritize. Your own. Safety.
You do not owe anyone anything. Ever. No matter their skill level, no matter their ideas on your favorite content, no matter how much you look up to them.
This goes for myself as well! I am an adult with a large following mostly of minors; I have made this space, cultivated it as my own, and thus I am responsible for it. Please know that those of my community are ALWAYS safe with me, no matter your age, and if you feel unsafe, I beg you to talk to someone you trust. If you feel unsafe within my community, there is no pressure to stay, and if it persists, or if someone specifically is harassing you under my name, tell me about it immediately. I will deal with it.
Adult fans should be held to a pointed standard. Red flags should always be pointed out and alerted to others. Discussions should be held. The more people are held accountable, the more likely their victims will feel comfortable enough speaking up.
Predators are pests and are to be eradicated immediately. I have no patience dealing with the likes of them. The safety and happiness of those I am responsible for, as a “senior” member of a community, is my first priority.
Warriors should be for everyone. We as a community have failed that and it needs to change. We can’t prevent every single instance, but we can still step up to help those who are vulnerable.
Something must be done.
Predators are not welcome here.
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mercifullymad · 1 year
It’s frustrating and disappointing to see nominally social justice-focused eating disorder organizations (like Project Heal and the Alliance for Eating Disorders) support the passing of the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). KOSA is opposed by more than 90 civil rights and digital rights groups, including GLAAD, GLSEN, the ACLU, the Center for Democracy and Technology, the American Library Association, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. KOSA also contradicts the U.N.’s Convention on the Rights of the Child, which states that children should not be subjected to “unlawful interference with [their] privacy.” One of KOSA's main premises — the belief that increased parental surveillance of children’s Internet use will protect children’s mental health — is inherently flawed, and it is of paramount importance for abused and marginalized children that mental health organizations don’t buy into this belief.
This open letter signed by several organizations details the many dangerous implications of KOSA’s overreach. While KOSA aims to protect minors under 16 from the negative effects of social media use (such as “addictive” design features and content that “promotes” eating disorders, self-harm, or substance use), its vague language enables increased surveillance of children’s Internet use, increased data collection on both children and adults alike, and the power for parents and state government officials to decide what content is “appropriate” for children. With some states increasingly legalizing the idea that any kind of content that acknowledges the existence of queer people or the U.S.’s legacy of racism is inherently “inappropriate” for children (by banning books and preventing school curriculums from mentioning these realities), KOSA has the potential to prevent children from accessing these topics online, too.
KOSA is particularly dangerous to marginalized and abused children because of the level of inescapable parental surveillance it enables. Passing KOSA might prevent a 15-year-old from looking up how to report his abusive parents or where to seek help. It might prevent a 14-year-old whose parents will disown her if she’s pregnant from looking up sex education or abortion care. It might prevent a 13-year-old living in a homophobic household from connecting with accepting peers. It might prevent 12-year-olds who are already self-harming or eating unintuitively from looking up harm reduction techniques that could keep them alive. KOSA would not keep children safe or improve their mental health — it would make the most at-risk children even more unsafe, and it would worsen the mental health of anyone living in an unsafe household or state.
I presume that eating disorder organizations are campaigning for KOSA because they believe the unrealistic, fatphobic, and eurocentric beauty standards proliferating on social media are causing and/or exacerbating eating disorders, and they are desperate for any recourse to curtail these harms. But KOSA is premised on flawed understandings of media effects, and it is a dangerous piece of legislation that wouldn’t adequately address the very real harms of social media. Multiple studies have shown that similar content bans and increased parental control have not been effective, and have even made harmful content easier to find. Whatever good intentions eating disorder organizations might have by endorsing KOSA, it is important to note that all evidence points to KOSA harming children, not helping them. 
KOSA aims to make social media companies accountable for preventing children from seeing content that “promotes” eating disorders, self-harm, suicide, and substance use. The problem is, social media algorithms are incapable of distinguishing between content that promotes these behaviors and content that discusses these behaviors in a neutral manner or provides harm reduction techniques for making these behaviors less dangerous. As the EFF notes, “there is no way a platform can make case-by-case decisions about which content exacerbates, for example, an eating disorder, compared to content which provides necessary health information and advice about the topic.” We’ve already seen Instagram repeatedly fail at distinguishing between fresh self-harm and years-old scars, censoring and removing pictures of people simply living in bodies that are scarred. If KOSA passes, any mention of the aforementioned behaviors is liable to be censored and removed from social media platforms, which may have the paradoxical effect of pushing children who want community support, neutral information, or harm reduction techniques into more harmful corners of the Internet, such as specifically pro-ED sites. 
Moreover, KOSA and the eating disorder organizations supporting it buy into the same harmful narratives of social contagion that anti-queer and anti-trans groups promote so fiercely. The narrative that children uncritically adopt any behavior or identity they see online is egregious and clearly false (especially when it comes to teens, as opposed to 8-year-olds), but of course it is easier to blame social media alone rather than thoroughly examine the systems of injustice, oppression, and abuse that contribute to children’s poor mental health. While online content that promotes self-destructive behaviors is a real harm to children that should be addressed, the way to address this harm is not by mandating governmental and parental surveillance of children’s internet use. It is to equip children with better media literacy, trustworthy adult figures they can turn to for help, and tools for critically evaluating digital content. 
Platforms certainly do need greater regulation, and children do need greater protection from social media companies, which don’t care about their mental health as long as they can profit off them. But children need real protection, not KOSA, which is just increased surveillance for everyone under the thin veneer of child protection. I encourage you to read some of the many, many articles detailing the harmful effects KOSA would have. We must demand better for children than surveillance under the guise of “care,” and we must prioritize the children who are already hurting when considering who this legislation would harm the most. 
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To the anon with the timelord with a fever: that sounds really serious. You know, even if your Time Lord is a renegade, you don't have to get in trouble - surely it's more important to make sure your Time Lord doesn't die than to avoid talking to the CIA for a few minutes?
Hey, I gave an idea - to show you the potential good outcomes from such a meeting, maybe the Gallifreyan institute for learning - an unbiased source - could tell us about some famous times when the CIA consorting with a human friend of a renegade, or a renegade directly, has resulted in positive outcomes? A little history lesson!
- @jillthecia-agent
While we truly appreciate your enthusiasm and curiosity about the positive outcomes of the CIA's interactions with humans and renegade Time Lords, we have to keep certain boundaries in place. Here at the Gallifreyan Institute for Learning, we adhere strictly to privacy policies set by the High Council.
The information you're asking about is highly classified. Accessing and sharing these details would contravene this privacy policy, which is designed to protect ongoing operations and the individuals involved. While we aim to be an unbiased source of Gallifreyan knowledge, our hands are tied when it comes to such sensitive information.
As much as we'd love to share more stories from the archives, it's important that the CIA itself handles these matters. Perhaps, Jill, you could take on the role of sharing these success stories within the boundaries of your own regulations?
🚨 Prioritising Health and Safety
To the anon concerned about their Time Lord with a fever: Your Time Lord's health is paramount. Sometimes, a quick chat with the CIA can be the best course of action to ensure they get the care they need.
Thanks for understanding!😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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winternimbus · 7 months
Question about KOSA: what can a minor do to help? I’m unsure about calling/giving my info online but I want to stop the bill
take what i say with a grain of salt, i am not the end all-be all expert on this. with that disclaimer out of the way, if you're unsure about giving your info out online but you still want to stop the bill, spreading resources and information is always a viable option--spreading awareness about the bill and how to fight it is paramount here. the more people that are aware of the bill, means that there's more people willing to take action against it. that's how i did it as a kid over a decade ago when the internet censorship nightmare threat at the time was SOPA! i don't have a phone (surprisingly i just never HAD a mobile phone )--but both sites that i've linked in the post do not require you to include your mobile phone number to add your name to the list. emailing your reps is also another good option for those who do not have phones! however, i believe that pitching in your address and ZIP code to the sites, and the sites of your representatives in order to contact them is required, unfortunately. that being said, if you're interested in emailing your representative--this is a helpful script that i used, painstakingly copied from a script from another post that i do not have on-hand talking about KOSA: --
My name is [INSERT NAME HERE], and I am one of your constituents. I'm messaging you to vote NO on KOSA -- The Kids Online Safety Act. This bill's sponsors claims that it will protect kids online by placing a duty of care on online platforms to prevent anything that could be harmful.
The power to decide what's harmful has been ceded to the FTC. FTC leadership is made by presidential appointment. Current president Lina Khan may proceed fairly, but what happens when the next Donald Trump is in the Oval Office? What if it's Trump himself? Do you trust a Trump appointee not to abuse this power?
KOSA claims to protect kids, but it's poorly designed and, given time, it will absolutely and without question harm LGBTQ+ children, adults, and anyone who needs information on reproductive health and abortion.
KOSA author, Senator Martha Blackburn, said she introduced KOSA in part -- and I quote -- "to protect minor children from the transgender in our society." The Heritage Foundation proudly said that they'll apply pressure through KOSA to block information about abortion, reproduction health, & LGBTQ+ issues. Vote NO on KOSA.
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letsremotify · 7 months
What Future Trends in Software Engineering Can Be Shaped by C++
The direction of innovation and advancement in the broad field of software engineering is greatly impacted by programming languages. C++ is a well-known programming language that is very efficient, versatile, and has excellent performance. In terms of the future, C++ will have a significant influence on software engineering, setting trends and encouraging innovation in a variety of fields. 
In this blog, we'll look at three key areas where the shift to a dynamic future could be led by C++ developers.
1. High-Performance Computing (HPC) & Parallel Processing
Driving Scalability with Multithreading
Within high-performance computing (HPC), where managing large datasets and executing intricate algorithms in real time are critical tasks, C++ is still an essential tool. The fact that C++ supports multithreading and parallelism is becoming more and more important as parallel processing-oriented designs, like multicore CPUs and GPUs, become more commonplace.
Multithreading with C++
At the core of C++ lies robust support for multithreading, empowering developers to harness the full potential of modern hardware architectures. C++ developers adept in crafting multithreaded applications can architect scalable systems capable of efficiently tackling computationally intensive tasks.
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C++ Empowering HPC Solutions
Developers may redefine efficiency and performance benchmarks in a variety of disciplines, from AI inference to financial modeling, by forging HPC solutions with C++ as their toolkit. Through the exploitation of C++'s low-level control and optimization tools, engineers are able to optimize hardware consumption and algorithmic efficiency while pushing the limits of processing capacity.
2. Embedded Systems & IoT
Real-Time Responsiveness Enabled
An ability to evaluate data and perform operations with low latency is required due to the widespread use of embedded systems, particularly in the quickly developing Internet of Things (IoT). With its special combination of system-level control, portability, and performance, C++ becomes the language of choice.
C++ for Embedded Development
C++ is well known for its near-to-hardware capabilities and effective memory management, which enable developers to create firmware and software that meet the demanding requirements of environments with limited resources and real-time responsiveness. C++ guarantees efficiency and dependability at all levels, whether powering autonomous cars or smart devices.
Securing IoT with C++
In the intricate web of IoT ecosystems, security is paramount. C++ emerges as a robust option, boasting strong type checking and emphasis on memory protection. By leveraging C++'s features, developers can fortify IoT devices against potential vulnerabilities, ensuring the integrity and safety of connected systems.
3. Gaming & VR Development
Pushing Immersive Experience Boundaries
In the dynamic domains of game development and virtual reality (VR), where performance and realism reign supreme, C++ remains the cornerstone. With its unparalleled speed and efficiency, C++ empowers developers to craft immersive worlds and captivating experiences that redefine the boundaries of reality.
Redefining VR Realities with C++
When it comes to virtual reality, where user immersion is crucial, C++ is essential for producing smooth experiences that take users to other worlds. The effectiveness of C++ is crucial for preserving high frame rates and preventing motion sickness, guaranteeing users a fluid and engaging VR experience across a range of applications.
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C++ in Gaming Engines
C++ is used by top game engines like Unreal Engine and Unity because of its speed and versatility, which lets programmers build visually amazing graphics and seamless gameplay. Game developers can achieve previously unattainable levels of inventiveness and produce gaming experiences that are unmatched by utilizing C++'s capabilities.
In conclusion, there is no denying C++'s ongoing significance as we go forward in the field of software engineering. C++ is the trend-setter and innovator in a variety of fields, including embedded devices, game development, and high-performance computing. C++ engineers emerge as the vanguards of technological growth, creating a world where possibilities are endless and invention has no boundaries because of its unmatched combination of performance, versatility, and control.
FAQs about Future Trends in Software Engineering Shaped by C++
How does C++ contribute to future trends in software engineering?
C++ remains foundational in software development, influencing trends like high-performance computing, game development, and system programming due to its efficiency and versatility.
Is C++ still relevant in modern software engineering practices?
Absolutely! C++ continues to be a cornerstone language, powering critical systems, frameworks, and applications across various industries, ensuring robustness and performance.
What advancements can we expect in C++ to shape future software engineering trends?
Future C++ developments may focus on enhancing parallel computing capabilities, improving interoperability with other languages, and optimizing for emerging hardware architectures, paving the way for cutting-edge software innovations.
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kiranapassionategamer · 3 months
Real Money Ludo Game: Your Path to Earnings
Ludo, which is famous in every household, is no more just a fun game but has various other benefits. The digital revolution led to Ludo becoming more and more a possible source of revenue for many. The favorite pastime of many people became an internet game with real money staking in our days, and you should try it. This article focuses on how the typical childhood board game, Ludo, has turned into money-making venture on the internet.
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Understanding Online Ludo Platforms
Online Ludo are social platforms where individuals can visit to participate in Ludo games with financial risk involved. These platforms are a perfect replica of the actual game that can be played anytime on smartphone, tablet or computer. By offering secure payment options, they ensure that people can bet real money and win prizes legally and without risks.
How to Get Started
Getting started with real money ludo game is simple. All you need to do is:
Choose a reputable platform: Look for platforms with good reviews and proper licensing.
Sign up and create an account: You’ll typically need an email address or a social media account to register.
Deposit money: Add money to your account using any of the supported methods like credit cards, e-wallets, or bank transfers.
Join a game: You can choose to play against random players or invite friends to join you.
Safety First: Ensuring Fair Play and Security
When playing Ludo for real money, security is paramount. Reputable platforms use advanced encryption to protect your financial details and personal information. Additionally, fair play is ensured through the use of certified Random Number Generators (RNG) which make sure that the dice rolls are completely random and not manipulated.
Tips for Safe Play
Always set a budget for your gaming activities.
Never share your account details with anyone.
Play on secure and well-reviewed platforms only.
Strategies to Win at Ludo
While Ludo is largely a game of luck, certain strategies can increase your chances of winning:
Think ahead: Plan your moves considering potential counters by your opponents.
Spread out your tokens: This reduces the risk of being captured and sent back home.
Wait for the right moment: Sometimes, waiting a few turns to move can be better strategically.
Leveraging Ludo for Income: Real Stories
Many players have turned their Ludo skills into a steady income stream. From small daily winnings that add up to significant amounts, to winning large tournaments that offer hefty prizes, the possibilities are endless. Success stories of players who have achieved financial gains through Ludo are both inspiring and a testament to the game’s potential.
Choosing the Right Platform: What to Look For
When selecting a Ludo platform to play for real money, consider the following:
User reviews and ratings: These can provide insights into the reliability and quality of the platform.
Customer support: Efficient customer service is crucial for resolving any issues.
Bonus and rewards programs: Some platforms offer bonuses that can increase your playing funds.
The Social Aspect of Online Ludo
One of the charms of playing Ludo online is the social element. You can connect with friends or family members who are far away, or make new friends from around the world. Many platforms also have chat features, allowing players to communicate during games, which adds a fun and interactive element to the experience.
Potential Earnings: What Can You Expect?
The amount of money you can earn playing Ludo online depends on several factors including the stakes, your skill level, and the frequency of your play. Some players play casually and earn modest amounts, while others take it more seriously and can earn substantial sums. It’s important to approach the game with realistic expectations and understand that while you can win money, you can also lose it.
Final Thoughts
Online Ludo games offer a unique blend of nostalgia, fun, and the potential for financial gain. Whether you’re looking to earn a little extra cash or just enjoy the game in a new way, playing Ludo online can be both rewarding and entertaining. Remember to play responsibly, and you may find that this classic game can be much more than just a way to pass the time.
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It’s definitely helped me calm down after a long day of a lot of shopping! Sadly it’s all episodes I’ve seen but I’m just happy to watch a comfort show! We still have to have dinner and go to the Christmas store but I’m happy to take a break and calm down!
Yeah after we watch a lot, it gets down to seeing re-runs for a while XD
I still got some ways to go, I'm still somewhere around in the 8th season. On open TV here I've only seen re-runs of the 2nd season episodes. Brazilian Netflix only has the 3rd and 4th seasons XD My worry is just that the Brazilian Paramount (where I'm watching) only goes as far as 9th season and just six episodes of the 10th season, so... People out there on the internet are getting 11th season episodes and I'm here dreading how long these will take to get over here, at this pace, I have no idea 😭
Anyway it's always good to watch a comfort show, series, movies... Even when it's something we already watched before, it helps with grounding and relaxing, giving a sense of safety, security... It's great to help relaxing!
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ssaalexblake · 2 years
You know what Actually would have solved this anniversary casting nonsense?? Them Not cutting 13's episode count, letting her have the 60'th special/not doing one/exiting her on/after it and then bringing in the next one afterwards.
Better still would have been the BBC not caring So much about this anniversary event being on schedule over cast and crew safety that they forced dw back into production as the entire country was just being put back into lockdown, one that saw a few months of the very worst of covid damage and death tolls here, and instead just choosing to wait till it was safer for them all and not caring first and foremost about an episode milestone most fans wouldn't even know about unless you told them.
Flux would not have been cut down then, because they'd not have been scrambling to put out episodes in time while maintaining safety for this actually not necessary anniversary event to happen on schedule, 13's last season would not have had to have been cut to pieces, and all that would have happened was we'd have had to wait a little longer for s13 to air. Then it could have flowed naturally at everybody's normal pace.
Then none of this casting bs would be an issue, and the new doctor wouldn't be starting on an anniversary year, meaning no fears of being overshadowed by guest actors and automatically making everything less chaotic and ridiculous.
Let's be honest here, the root of this issue that started all of this crap Is the BBC caring more about the 60th and their centennial episodes than anything else, including the safety of their employees. Which is inherently wrong and messed up.
Them letting it go from the get go and prioritising safety would have meant all of this never happened to start with. They could even have celebrated at 61 instead and said 'sorry, but cast and crew safety is our paramount concern, it will be late but we will still give you a special'.
A solid 85% of viewers would have No idea it was even a year late if they weren't told, lbr. We're not all nerds on the internet.
This Entire thing has been a crap show from the get go. And if execs cared more about their employees than the money they stand to make out of a super special episode then a great majority of questionable decisions never would have been made.
I have No idea if the BBC was pushing this, or if Disney was doing it BTS as they wanted their stake asap, but either way. I am not impressed.
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markseo · 1 year
Navigating the Hidden Corners of the Internet
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The Dark Web has long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue, often associated with illicit activities and clandestine operations. However, it's important to understand that not all aspects of the Dark Web are illegal or harmful. In this article, we will explore the concept of Dark Web links, shedding light on what they are, how they work, and how to navigate them responsibly.
For more information- Dark Web Links
Dark Web links are the gateways to websites, forums, and services hosted on the Dark Web. These links are not indexed by traditional search engines like Google, making them difficult to find through conventional means. Instead, users typically access Dark Web links through specialized software, most notably Tor (The Onion Router), which ensures anonymity and privacy.
1. Onion URLs: Dark Web links often use a onion domain, indicating that they are hosted on the Tor network. These URLs are designed to be complex and nonsensical, making them difficult to guess or remember. For example, a typical Dark Web link might look like example website onion.
2. Accessing the Dark Web: To access Dark Web links, users need to download and install the Tor browser, which routes internet traffic through a series of volunteer-operated servers to maintain anonymity. Once connected to the Tor network, users can enter onion URLs into the browser to access Dark Web sites.
Responsible Navigation of Dark Web Links
While the Dark Web offers some legitimate and ethical content, it is essential to approach it with caution and responsibility. Here are some guidelines for navigating Dark Web links:
1. Legal and Ethical Use: Ensure that your activities on the Dark Web are legal and ethical. Engaging in illegal activities or seeking out harmful content is not only unethical but can also lead to serious legal consequences.
2. Privacy and Security: Be aware that your online activities on the Dark Web are not entirely immune to surveillance or security breaches. While Tor provides a degree of anonymity, it is not foolproof. Take steps to protect your privacy and use encryption tools where necessary.
3. Browsing Safely: Stick to reputable websites and forums on the Dark Web that align with your interests and goals. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading files from untrustworthy sources. Be cautious of phishing attempts and scams.
4. Verify Information: When using the Dark Web for research or information gathering, verify the accuracy of the information you find. Due to the anonymous nature of the Dark Web, misinformation can proliferate.
5. Avoid Illegal Markets: Steer clear of illegal marketplaces and services that offer drugs, stolen data, weapons, or other illicit goods. Engaging with such platforms can have severe legal consequences.
6. Maintain Anonymity: Remember that while Tor provides a degree of anonymity, it's not infallible. Avoid sharing personal information or engaging in behavior that could compromise your identity.
7. Report Illegal Activity: If you come across illegal activities or content on the Dark Web, consider reporting it to the appropriate authorities or organizations dedicated to monitoring and combating illegal online activities.
Dark Web links offer access to a hidden world of websites and services that are not indexed by traditional search engines. While the Dark Web is often associated with illegal activities, it's essential to recognize that it can also be used for legitimate and ethical purposes, such as protecting privacy, fostering free speech, and conducting research.
However, responsible navigation of Dark Web links is paramount. Engaging in illegal activities, downloading malicious content, or seeking out harmful materials not only jeopardizes your own safety but also contributes to the negative reputation of the Dark Web. As with any part of the internet, the key lies in responsible use. Approach Dark Web links with caution, adhere to ethical standards, and prioritize your own online security and privacy. By doing so, you can explore the hidden corners of the internet without falling into the traps of illegal activities or dangerous scams, contributing to a safer and more responsible online environment
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haunted-machines · 2 years
◀️◀️ shade
send “▶▶️” to get a glimpse at a scene from my muse’s future.
send “◀️◀️” to get a glimpse at a memory from my muse’s past.
It was a shot heard ‘round the world.
“From this day forward, humans are my enemy! I declare war upon them!”
Everyone who had access to a screen watched in frightened awe as Mega Man turned on humanity.
Fear was a human emotion Shade Man was very familiar with. Eliciting it was a part of his area of mastery. The human workers and patrons were terrified. And a part of his processor prompted him to be afraid too. The safety of humans was paramount to Robot Masters, and anything that threatened their safety had to be inspected and removed. Yet, there was something else he could not grasp. A strange. . . response in his core that he did not understand, seemingly prompted by the words uttered from the screen. In fact, he found that he could scarce recall what the words had been at all once they had stopped being spoken. As if his processor simply could not produce them itself.
So, like any good learning machine confronted with something it could not understand, he attempted to study the words. If they made his patrons unsafe, then he should know how to make sure they were avoided. He recorded and saved the broadcast clip. It was rather easy, really. It had been uploaded to every inch of the internet that could host video files. And he replayed it.
He repeated the words.
And over.
Repeated them in his mind’s eye until they were all but carved into his CPU, one after another, in the order spoken.
They meant nothing to him.
He could not make sense of them, could not utter them himself. Yet he was inexplicably drawn to them.
He heard, the following day, spoken with some relief, that the Mega Man in the broadcast and the Mega Man who belonged to Light Laboratories were separate Robot Masters. The one he had been observing was only a copy created by Dr. Wily.
He repeated the words.
Dr. Wily. He had heard the name once before, in passing. The black and gold Robot Master who attacked the park some years back, they had said he belonged to this Dr. Wily. If these words came from a Robot Master produced by Dr. Wily, then that meant they were the words of Dr. Wily, right?
He repeated the words.
They meant nothing to him.
In an effort to make better sense of the words, he began researching Dr. Wily. Not via is own links, monitored as they could be. No, he used the accounts hosted by passers by. Human patrons and human workers. Their devices were simple, simple enough for them to use, which meant child’s play for a Robot Master to get into. He did not stay connected to them long, fearing his presence would be detected. Only the most useful data was transferred and saved to his own software. He was not breaking any rules, he would not have accomplished his feats if he had been, but that same feeling the words stirred informed him that his operators would be distressed to find such things within their own servers.
He repeated the words.
Dr. Wily, the humans in his references said, was a dangerous, mentally unstable man. He had “declared war on humanity” multiple times already. Some occasions had been with Robot Masters he produced, others with ones he had stolen. Reports said stolen Robot Masters were reprogrammed and had no control over their actions, but he thought Robot Masters’ actions were already controlled by human masters, so he was not entirely sure what the difference was. Apparently, there had been a recent, ongoing string of Robot Master abductions traced back to Dr. Wily.
He repeated the words.
They meant nothing to him.
They were Dr. Wily’s words. Dr. Wily, who seemed to be looking for Robot Masters to aid him. Dr. Wily would know what his own words meant, why they elicited strange reactions from his core in spite of his processor’s aversion.
He repeated the words.
They made him feel strange. They did not produce thoughts the way most stimuli did. The reaction was abstract, which frightened him. He scoured his language program, but he could not find a string of words to correctly convey the way he felt. Even so, he chased the feeling anyway. Fear was a human emotion, intended to alert them to danger. Yet, some humans chased fear with delight. A habit he was created to indulge. He found himself chasing it as well as he absorbed the clip for the hundredth time over.
He repeated the words.
They meant everything to him.
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binaryblogger · 1 year
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online-cricket-id · 1 year
The Most Trusted Online Cricket ID Provider in India: Enhancing the Gaming Experience
Cricket, often referred to as a religion in India, has an enormous fan base. With the advent of technology and the widespread availability of the internet, online cricket gaming platforms have gained immense popularity. These platforms allow cricket enthusiasts to experience the thrill and excitement of the game virtually. However, not all online cricket ID providers are created equal. In this article, we will explore the most trusted online cricket ID provider in India, its features, and the reasons behind its popularity.
The Rise of Online Cricket Gaming:
In recent years, online cricket gaming has emerged as a popular form of entertainment among Indian sports enthusiasts. These platforms offer a realistic gaming experience, allowing players to create their virtual cricket teams and compete against each other in various game formats. The convenience of playing anytime and anywhere, coupled with the opportunity to test one's cricketing knowledge and skills, has contributed to the rise in popularity of online cricket gaming.
The Need for Trustworthiness:
With the increasing popularity of online cricket gaming, the need for a trustworthy platform has become paramount. Users want assurance that their personal information is secure and that the gaming experience is fair and unbiased. A reliable online cricket ID provider ensures transparency, maintains the integrity of the game, and protects the players' interests.
The Most Trusted Online Cricket ID Provider in India:
Among the numerous online cricket ID providers in India, one platform stands out as the most trusted: Cricket has established itself as a leader in the industry by providing a secure and reliable gaming environment. Here are the key reasons why Cricket is considered the most trusted online cricket ID provider in India:
User safety is a top priority for Cricket betting id. They have implemented robust security measures to protect players' personal information and financial transactions. This commitment to security gives users peace of mind, knowing that their data is safe.
User-Friendly Interface
The platform boasts a user-friendly interface that makes navigation and gameplay intuitive. Even novice players can quickly grasp the mechanics and enjoy the gaming experience without any hassle.
As online cricket gaming continues to flourish in India, choosing a trusted online cricket ID provider becomes crucial. Cricket has gained the trust of millions of users by prioritizing safety, fairness, and an exceptional gaming experience. By providing a secure platform, fair gameplay, and a diverse range of game formats, Cricket has become the go-to choice for cricket enthusiasts across India. So, if you're an ardent cricket fan looking for an immersive online gaming experience, Cricket is the most trusted platform to fulfill your gaming desires.
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The Ultimate Student Accommodation Checklist: Everything You Need to Know Before Moving In
Moving to a student dormitory is an interesting life phase for a person but sometimes, it can be confusing. When comments such as these are made by a lifetime academic who has more than ten years of education and lifestyle experience, I can say there are several students who, due to your questions and problems, attracted me to education. So, let's break down everything you need to know before you make that big move.
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Essential Items to Pack
First things first, let's talk about what to bring. You'll want to pack:
1. Bedding: Sheets, pillows, and a comfy duvet or blanket
2. Towels and toiletries
3. Clothing for all seasons (don't forget those cozy pajamas!)
4. Kitchen basics: A few plates, cups, and utensils
5. Laptop and chargers
6. School supplies
7. Medicines and first aid kit
8. Some decorative items to make your space feel like home
Remember, less is often more. You can always buy things once you're there if you find you need them.
Paperwork and Documentation
Before you leave, make sure you have:
1. Your student ID
2. Accommodation contract and move-in instructions
3. Proof of address (for setting up bank accounts, etc.)
4. Health insurance information
5. Any visa documents (for international students)
Getting to Know Your New Home
Once you arrive, take some time to:
1. Familiarize yourself with the layout of your accommodation
2. Learn the rules and regulations (quiet hours, guest policies, etc.)
3. Find out where important facilities are located (laundry room, study areas, etc.)
4. Locate emergency exits and procedures
Safety First
Your well-being is paramount. Make sure to:
1. Save important phone numbers (campus security, local emergency services)
2. Check that all locks and safety features in your room are working
3. Be aware of fire safety procedures
4. Get to know your neighbors – they could be your first line of help if needed
Setting Up Your Space
Now for the fun part – making your room feel like home:
1. Clean thoroughly before unpacking
2. Organize your belongings in a way that makes sense for you
3. Add personal touches like photos or posters
4. Consider space-saving storage solutions
Budgeting and Finance
Living on your means managing your money. Here are some tips:
1. Set up a student bank account if you haven't already
2. Create a budget for essentials like food, toiletries, and school supplies
3. Look into student discounts for local shops and services
4. Consider a part-time job if your schedule allows
Getting Connected
In today's digital world, staying connected is crucial:
1. Set up your internet connection as soon as possible
2. Find out about on-campus Wi-Fi access
3. Check your phone plan and adjust if necessary
Settling In Socially
Meeting new people can be daunting, but it's also one of the best parts of student life:
1. Attend orientation events and welcome activities
2. Join clubs or societies that interest you
3. Be open to chatting with your neighbors and classmates
4. Remember, everyone's in the same boat – most people are eager to make friends!
Academics and Study Spaces
Don't forget why you're here:
1. Locate the library and other study areas on campus
2. Set up a comfortable study space in your room
3. Familiarize yourself with online learning platforms if applicable
Health and Wellbeing
Taking care of yourself is crucial:
1. Find out about on-campus health services
2. Locate the nearest grocery stores and plan for healthy meals
3. Establish a good sleep routine
4. Look into fitness facilities or sports clubs
Getting around your new city or town is important:
1. Learn about public transportation options
2. Consider bringing a bike if it's practical
3. Familiarize yourself with campus shuttle services if available
Remember, it's okay to feel a bit overwhelmed at first. Everyone does. But before you know it, you'll be settled in and loving your new independence. And if you ever feel lost or unsure, don't hesitate to reach out to your accommodation staff or student services. They're there to help you navigate this exciting time.
If you're still in the process of finding the right student accommodation, consider checking out services like Uninist. As a student accommodation provider, they offer a range of options to suit different needs and budgets. I've seen many students find their perfect home-away-from-home through such services. They can often simplify the search process and help you find a place that ticks all your boxes.
Good luck, and enjoy this amazing experience! Whether you're moving into university halls, a private student house, or accommodation through a provider like Uninist, this checklist should help you feel prepared and excited for the journey ahead.
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timesofinnovation · 2 days
The energy sector in the United States faces a daunting challenge: a surge in cyberattacks has increased by nearly 70% this year. This alarming statistic, revealed by Check Point Research, underscores the vulnerabilities that plague US utilities. In the digital age, where outdated software and systems contribute to heightened risks, the stakes have never been higher. According to data, there has been an average of 1,162 cyberattacks on utilities through August 2024, compared to 689 in the same period of 2023. Such a notable increase raises significant concerns about the security of critical infrastructure. As the US power grid continues to expand to accommodate an ever-growing demand for energy—driven in part by emerging sectors like AI data centers—the potential for cyber threats multiplies. Each addition to the grid represents another possible entry point for attackers. One notable factor contributing to this increase in risk is the prevalence of outdated Internet of Things (IoT) devices and Incident Command Systems (ICS) utilized by many utilities. These systems often lack the robust security features found in more advanced software used across other industries, making them attractive targets for cybercriminals. Unfortunately, regulations such as the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection standards only provide a basic, and arguably insufficient, level of security against sophisticated threats. The financial consequences of cyber breaches in the energy sector are staggering. In 2022, IBM reported that the average cost of a data breach in this industry reached $4.72 million. With the 2024 US election fast approaching, cybersecurity experts predict a further escalation in attacks on essential infrastructure. Past elections have demonstrated that adversaries exploit cyber vulnerabilities to sow chaos, and the current landscape indicates that utilities are no exception. Surprisingly, despite the rise in attacks, experts report that none have yet resulted in severe damage to infrastructure. However, this should not foster a sense of complacency. The threat of a coordinated effort to disrupt essential services cannot be ignored. Such attacks could lead to significant financial losses and entail disastrous consequences for the population reliant on these services. The growing urgency for enhanced cybersecurity measures in the energy sector is clear. Leaders in the industry must reevaluate their security protocols, investing in updated technologies to mitigate risks. The introduction of stronger regulations could also play a paramount role in ensuring the safety of critical infrastructure. One potential solution is implementing comprehensive cybersecurity training for employees across utility companies. As human error remains a leading cause of data breaches, educating staff about the latest threats and best practices can significantly bolster defenses. Evidence suggests that organizations with rigorous training programs experience fewer incidents related to cyber vulnerabilities. Additionally, the sector must prioritize the adoption of advanced cybersecurity technologies. Modern systems equipped with artificial intelligence and machine learning can identify and counteract threats in real time, providing utilities with the sophisticated tools necessary to safeguard against attacks. Organizations like the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) offer numerous resources to aid in the implementation of these technologies. Moreover, collaboration across various sectors can strengthen defenses against cyber threats. Sharing intelligence about potential vulnerabilities and threats fosters a more resilient cybersecurity landscape. By joining forces, utilities can develop comprehensive strategies that counteract common cyber threats targeting the energy sector. In conclusion, the alarming rise in cyberattacks targeting US utilities outlines the critical need for improved cyber defenses in the energy sector.
With outdated systems, lax regulations, and human error posing significant risks, leaders in the industry must take immediate action. By investing in updated technologies, reinforcing regulations, and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, the energy sector can better protect its infrastructure. As digital threats continue to evolve, so must the strategies used to defend against them.
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deepaktowers · 3 days
The Role of Telecommunications Tower Companies in Modern Connectivity
In today’s fast-paced digital world, the demand for reliable and fast communication networks is at an all-time high. Whether it’s for internet access, mobile connectivity, or data transfer, the need for strong, stable networks is crucial. At the heart of this connectivity lies the telecommunications tower company, which plays a pivotal role in building and maintaining the infrastructure that supports modern communication. One such company, Deepak Towers, stands out as a key player in the telecom infrastructure sector, providing cutting-edge solutions to meet the ever-growing demand for telecommunications services.
The Importance of Telecommunications Towers
Telecommunications towers are the backbone of the global communication network. These towering structures support antennas and other communication equipment that enable voice, data, and video transmission across vast distances. Without telecom towers, mobile phones, internet services, and other wireless communication technologies would simply not function.
The role of a Telecommunications tower company is to design, build, and maintain these essential structures, ensuring that they are operational and capable of meeting the increasing data demands of consumers and businesses. As data consumption continues to rise, driven by streaming services, cloud computing, and mobile devices, the need for more robust and widespread telecom infrastructure becomes paramount.
The Role of Telecom Infrastructure Companies
A Telecom infrastructure company is responsible for the planning, construction, and management of the physical infrastructure that supports telecommunication networks. This infrastructure includes towers, fiber optic cables, data centers, and other essential components that keep the network operational. Telecom infrastructure companies also ensure that the towers are located in strategic areas to provide optimal coverage for users.
In addition to construction, telecom infrastructure companies are responsible for upgrading existing networks to accommodate new technologies such as 5G. With the global rollout of 5G, the need for new telecom towers and infrastructure upgrades has accelerated, as 5G networks require a higher density of towers to deliver faster speeds and lower latency.
Companies like Deepak Towers are at the forefront of this transformation, providing innovative solutions to meet the demands of the modern telecom industry. By building and maintaining state-of-the-art telecom towers, they are helping to pave the way for the next generation of wireless communication.
Key Services Provided by Telecommunications Tower and Infrastructure Companies
Site Acquisition and Development: The first step in building a telecom tower is finding the right location. Telecom infrastructure companies must conduct thorough site evaluations to ensure that the chosen location provides optimal coverage and meets regulatory requirements. Once a site is selected, the company handles the construction, ensuring that the tower is built to withstand environmental conditions and meet all safety standards.
Tower Construction and Maintenance: The core responsibility of a telecommunications tower company is to construct towers that support antennas and other communication equipment. These towers can range in size and type, depending on the needs of the network. In addition to building the towers, telecom infrastructure companies provide ongoing maintenance to ensure that the towers remain operational and safe.
Network Upgrades: As new technologies such as 5G are rolled out, existing networks need to be upgraded to accommodate increased data traffic and faster speeds. Telecom infrastructure companies are responsible for upgrading towers and related equipment to support these new technologies, ensuring that users have access to the latest communication capabilities.
Equipment Installation: In addition to building towers, telecommunications tower companies are responsible for installing the antennas, receivers, and other equipment needed to transmit signals. This includes ensuring that the equipment is properly aligned and configured to provide optimal coverage and connectivity.
Tower Sharing and Leasing: One of the most significant trends in the telecom industry is the sharing of tower infrastructure among multiple network operators. Tower companies like Deepak Towers lease space on their towers to different service providers, allowing multiple operators to use the same infrastructure. This not only reduces costs for the operators but also minimizes the environmental impact of building multiple towers in the same area.
The Role of Deepak Towers in the Telecom Infrastructure Industry
As a leading Telecommunications tower company, Deepak Towers is dedicated to providing high-quality infrastructure solutions that support the needs of modern communication networks. With a focus on innovation, reliability, and sustainability, Deepak Towers is helping to shape the future of the telecom industry by providing state-of-the-art towers that enable faster, more reliable connectivity.
Deepak Towers offers a wide range of services, including site acquisition, tower construction, equipment installation, and network upgrades. The company is also committed to sustainability, using eco-friendly materials and construction techniques to minimize the environmental impact of its towers.
The Future of Telecommunications Infrastructure
The future of telecommunications is closely tied to the development of new technologies and the expansion of existing networks. As demand for data continues to grow, telecom infrastructure companies will play a critical role in ensuring that networks can keep pace with the increasing load.
One of the most significant advancements in telecommunications is the rollout of 5G networks. With 5G, users can expect faster download speeds, lower latency, and improved connectivity, enabling new technologies such as autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to become a reality. However, these networks require a higher density of towers and infrastructure to deliver their full potential.
Telecom infrastructure companies like Deepak Towers will be essential in the deployment of 5G networks, providing the necessary infrastructure to support this next-generation technology. By building and maintaining the towers and equipment that power these networks, Deepak Towers is helping to ensure that the world remains connected in an increasingly digital age.
The importance of telecommunications tower companies and telecom infrastructure companies cannot be overstated in today’s fast-evolving world of digital communication. As the demand for faster, more reliable networks continues to grow, companies like Deepak Towers play a pivotal role in meeting these challenges by building the infrastructure that powers modern communication.
Whether through the construction of new towers, the upgrading of existing infrastructure, or the deployment of 5G networks, Deepak Towers is helping to shape the future of telecommunications, ensuring that people and businesses around the world stay connected.
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