#internet owner
katboykirby · 2 months
Tiktok got me fucked up today 💀
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halltastic · 6 months
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ringosmistress · 5 months
Collection of George Harrison gay rights pictures:
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marthafanaamay · 11 days
URGENT PSA FOR ALL CAT OWNERS!!! (Trigger warning: this video talks about cats dying terribly)
This video showcases the DANGER of this litter box! It is being sold by many different companies under many different names, but they all are death traps for your cat. I AM NOT USING HYPERBOLE, THESE MACHINES KILL CATS! Please, if you are thinking of getting this machine, DO NOT GET IT! If you currently have it, THROW IT AWAY IMMEDIATELY and get one of the other litter machines mentioned in the above video. I know these machines may be on the cheaper end, BUT THEY ARE NOT WORTH YOUR CAT'S LIFE!
Again, I would like to put a massive trigger warning: this video is about a faulty product that results in the DEATHS of cats. It talks about cats being killed. So, if that is too much for you, please don't watch it. But just be aware of the dangers of this product.
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I'm going to sound like a boomer, but
Chat bots are not sufficient customer support, and I shouldn't have to have an account with the cable company to use it. I shouldn't have to type or say "speak with human" three times to get to a human. And the "human" that answers should actually be human.
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existingillusion · 5 months
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Shoulder snuggles: My heart's favorite spot where warmth meets whiskers and love meets fur—a purr-fect love story.
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breanna777 · 7 months
Found this amazing clip on TikTok
Copy n paste the link in the tags to view the full video!
Keep In mind that this is NOT MY VIDEO!!!!
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ecopunkbeginner · 7 months
What'll happen if I just...put my food scraps in a random container right now and gradually turn it into a more proper compost thing? How quickly will I need to do something else to it to have it become something vaguely useful?
Unnecessary info: I always hate throwing food scraps away, but today I had such a nice experience eating berries outside and when I walked around outside I actually felt positive feelings which hasn't happened really at all recently? So it felt so incorrect to walk away without at least returning the remnants to nature rather than chucking them in the trash. But I don't have the materials or executive function to do anything besides....Put It Somewhere. I thought about putting it in one of the random plants outside, but it feels questionable to just shove my food scraps in someone else's plants. Idk how you're choosing to raise your plants, idek if something bad could happen. Maybe the lemon tree, since it's already got lemons on the ground around it, but again, it's still Not Mine and very much Is Someone Else's. Whatever I end up doing, it'll probably need to be contained to a....container, and a pretty small (and definitely cheap) one at that, because I'm renting a room here, it's functionally Not My Yard, and the yard is 92% concrete. I'm just keeping the bowl of berry bits in my room at the moment until I figure out what to do 😅
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megafreeman · 7 months
So if you don't keep up with Saints Row community drama some big stuff went down today.
Flippy released a video talking the state of SR2 patch, including mentioning minimaul's role in it, which pissed minimaul off so now saintsrowmods.com is offline.
For the record, saintsrowmods is the host of 90% of Saints Row mods (all of the games), and hosts all of the resources and tools for making mods.
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bioniczombie · 9 days
I've been way more busy than I intended to be. Once we moved in, we noticed things we hadn't before that even our inspector missed so we've been busy with still trying to move, and fixing things around the house at the same time.
I'm not gonna be gone forever, but it might be a while until I have any time for Tumblr.
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flowertreat-cats · 10 days
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Old pictures when these two were ~4 months old. I love them so much.
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diaryofnishtha · 2 months
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halltastic · 14 days
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Bath! 😊
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missdeflai · 5 months
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My baby Idi 🍼🐾
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sbeep · 1 year
hey SB I love your work!! may I ask how you got to do art professionally? and do you have tips for someone who wants to do the same but is stuck on how to go about it? thank you 💜
Hi, thanks for the message!
I loved drawing, chose Art at every school track I could, did a multi-discipline art & design degree and then trained on a video game art with a focus on concept and 2D.
However, no studio ever responded to me past the application stage and I had no industry contacts. I didn't have experience, so no one hired me, so I never got experience.
So I decided to advertise my commission services as an illustrator and I've been earning an income doing that ever since.
My advice to you is network- politely, respectfully, and actively. Communicate with people and share your work, build your skills. I can't tell you how to get an industry job because I never could, but if you take the first step in sharing your work on social media or art sites like artstation, that's half the battle.
Best of luck!
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The first six photos are the usual kitties I saw on my walk
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The first two photos here are photos of my cat.
The other two cats are my friend's cats.
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