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faces-of-7th-art · 1 year ago
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@georgescorraface portrait au cigare @filmfestivalgr @studiorassias by @vangelis_rassias_photography Thessaloniki 1996 It was the first time I started a photography career lasting 14 years, at the Thessaloniki Festival, when I met, got to know, and photographed my friend @georgescorraface The film by @andreaspantzis (as the protagonist) ''The Slaughter of the Rooster'' had come to the festival 4 awards (best feature film, direction, first male role and first female role) George still lives in Paris and continues his international career. une grosse gueule du cinema…
contaxrtsⅲ #carlzeissplanar85mmf14 #agfapan100
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taiyejeremiah · 8 months ago
Part 2/2: Marvelous Testimony: Holy Spirit has turned my new book into a movie script called Esther in the Mirror 🥳🥳🥳🔥🔥🔥
#screenwriters #scriptwriters #worldproducers #featureinGodsmovie #nigerianactors #americanactors #internationalactors #deviltriedtodistractmefromwritingGodsscript #evillandlordandevilhousematestriedtodistractmefromwritingGodsscript #Godhelpedmetostayfocused #mywebsiteisout #websiteistaiyejeremiahcom #needhelptocreatewebsite #Iusedgodaddycomtocreatemywebsite #ifyouwanttobuymyscriptandproducemymoviereachouttomeviamywebsite #moviescriptisthestoryofmylife #mytestimoniesturnedtoamovie #mytestimoniesbecomingareality #secretGodhassoldHismoviescriptinthespiritanditisabouttomanifestinthephysical #Godseesthefuture #GodknowstheexactproducerthatwillbuyHisscriptandproduceHismovie #Godknowstheexactactorsandactressesinthemovie #dontgetdiscouraged #whetherthescriptsellsornotGodwillsellit #shareGodsvisionandGodwillmakeithappen #haveactivefaith #itisanuphillbattlewithGod #youarenotaloneGodiswithyou #obediencetoGodiskey #taiyejeremiah
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readersdiarymag · 5 years ago
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International theater actor @naeemabutt has stepped into Pakistani Drama industry. She has studied acting from USA and worked with various theater organization in New York, Seatle, Washington DC and Pakiatan. She is a theater activist and use theatrical arts for social change and activism all across the world. She has represented Pakistan in UN and many other foreign spaces. Her first two drama serial projects are with HUM TV Ehdewafa as Ghazala and playing the role of Irma in Daasi. Both characters are unique and shows her powerful acting skills. #NaeemaButt #newtalent #internationalactor #theatre #acting #PakistaniDrama #USA #theatreoftheoppressed #activist #humanrights #UNWomen #NYC #WestVirginia #DC #ktpr https://www.instagram.com/p/B4C-PzLhw5O/?igshid=bh2cai5140xd
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kleiba2004 · 3 years ago
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My AWESOME Supporters Keep Me Going!!!🙌🏽🇹🇹 HUUGE SHOUT OUT TO @stanshed For Sharing This Screenshot From My @morgan.stanley Commercial!!! 🎬📽✊🏽💯 #supported #commercial #commercialactor #workingactor #loveacting #internationalactor #industrypro #professional #morganstanley #trinitodebone #GodIsAwesome #actor #actorslife https://www.instagram.com/p/CbSlKy_ut_T/?utm_medium=tumblr
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actorcompany · 3 years ago
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actor company, global-jobs.com, https://www.global-jobs.com #actor #actors #acting #act #acts #actorcompany #actorcompanies #companyactor #agencyactor #actoragency #actorsagency #actorscompany #internationalactor #globalactor #onlineactor #actoronline #actorclub #actorlive #liveactor #actinglive #liveacting #actorfind #findactor #findactors #男演员 #男主角 #演 #演员 #演戏 #演员公司
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teymusic · 3 years ago
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Performing Christmas songs Live with these 2 cellists. Happy Holidays! I hope you get a chance to listen to my Christmas album "Christmas Is Easy When Love's Around". #iamnothingwithoutthelistener #happychristmas #warisover #jinglebellrock #silverbells #haveyourselfamerrylittlechristmas #imdreamingofawhitechristmas #oholynight #christmasshow #christmasshoppingmadeeasy #happyholiday #singersongwriters #specialskills #internationalsinger #internationalactor #filipinoamerican #chicagoentertainment #vocalistsofinstagram #musicislove #musicismedicine #musictherapy #holisticwellness #yogainstructors #christmaslove #celebratingjesus #sharingiscaring❤️ #🎶🎶🎶 #enjoychristmas #musicforthesoul #musicforpeace https://www.instagram.com/p/CX01zMVLkVU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shandiij · 4 years ago
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Nico Locco is your full package #BoulderMan. Have a #thirstdate with Nico beginning September 2! BRIEF ENCOUNTER, THURSDAY NIGHTS at 9. Live! On FB The Boulder Channel YT/Kumu @theboulderchannel #TBCAllOutThursday #BriefEncounter #WeAreBoulder #TeamTBC #CollaborativeCreatorsChannel #watchYourPassion #WatchYouWant #teamMSB #NicoLocco #loveattheendoftheworld #msb #msb2021 #internationalactor #proudmanager #choosehappy #choosehappybarkada #lykans YES GUYS! @akoposinico got his own show!! Let’s go!! Proud of you, Nico! https://www.instagram.com/p/CTPqsefhNAv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adamwittek · 4 years ago
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Picnic with @newsroomtc - can't believe how much a little gathering makes you feel alive again after on-and-off lockdowns for 15 months. 🍻 #LockdownPicnic #InternationalPicnic #InternationalActors #InternationalActor #ActorsLife #ActorLife #AdamWittek #GermanActor #PolishActor #MultilingualActor #LondonActor #LightAtTheEndOfTheTunnel #NewsroomTheatreCompany #StJamessPark #StJamesPark https://www.instagram.com/p/CPd2Zxkn-2J/?utm_medium=tumblr
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michelecasagrande · 4 years ago
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Another great shot of actor @pepper_leoni where a minimalistic wardrobe and a simple lighting goes a long way! • • • Summer is coming and I can’t wait to play with gorgeous warm natural light, long hours and even longer shadows! 😋☀️📷 • • • Extremely happy of shooting lots of new people recently and meeting so many different and interesting personalities! Feeling grateful and blissed! 🙏🏼✨😊 • • • #portrait #portraitphotography #portraitphotographer #retrato #retratos #retratista #portraiture #portraitist #actor #actors #actor #actriz #actorespañol #internationalactor (presso Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNmOazdjWg6/?igshid=rgxecgucqk90
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rominapeniche-blog · 5 years ago
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This is my handywoman’s pose. 🛠 I am the one making all the repairs around my house, because I like it. When I was a kid I used to see my dad constantly fixing things around the house, so I learned! If you are a woman or know a woman who does the same pls leave a comment! 👇🏽Gracias! . Esta es mi pose de “reparación”. (No hay una traducción literal de #handywoman pero si ustedes saben alguna dejen un comentario porfa ;) . Yo soy la que hago todas las reparaciones en mi casa, porque me gusta. Cuando era niña solía ver a mi papá arreglando cosas en la casa constantemente, así que aprendí! Si eres mujer o conoces a una mujer que hace lo mismo, ¡deja un comentario! 👇🏽porfa. #ahuevo . . . #mexicanwoman #tacotuesdays #vivamexicoca... #mexicantacos #comedystars #comedywoman #justcomedy #workingactor #hollywoodactors #funnyordie #funnypicture #internationalactor #actressgallery #witticism #sarcasm #bilingualactress #mexicanactress #funnyphotos #funnybabe #latinaactress #funnygal #funnybone #womenarefunny #funpicture #funnyisfunny #funnygirl #romypeniche #rominapeniche (at Los Angeles , California , USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8cO0ivJWox/?igshid=v8lnzuyew39l
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kleiba2004 · 3 years ago
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GRATEFUL FOR SUPPORT!!!🙌🏽🇹🇹💯 HUUGE SHOUT OUT TO @kikivanbueren & Stephen Van Bueren For Sharing These Screenshots From My @morgan.stanley Commercial!!! 🎬📽✊🏽 @theplayerschamp #supported #commercial #commercialactor #workingactor #loveacting #internationalactor #industrypro #professional #morganstanley #trinitodebone #GodIsAwesome #actor #actorslife https://www.instagram.com/p/CbLEcUwuN5l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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luisamalia · 5 years ago
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.tea with lemon a short in which I acted IS ONLINE NOW vimeo.com/273292425 . Screened across the world! *Best Film 2018 @theshortfilmfestival *Best Short Film Award 2018 @bristolfilmfest *Showcase 2018 Selection @flickerfest *Best Short Comedy 2018 Nominee @hf.productions & @theshortfilmfestival @oslofilmfestival @liftoffglobalnetwork . + Tea with Lemon Writer/Dir. - Robert Harrison @wobert_ Producer - Katie Byford @byfordkatie DoP - Max Smith @max_smiith Cast - Maja Bloom @planetmaja, Luis Amália, Aisha Jacob-Williamns Editor - Harry Baker Sound Design - Matthew Dempsey @soundmatt73 . / #comedy #absurd #internationalactor #camera #film #comedia #polish #london #actor #shortfilm #teawithlemon #shortfilm #corto #tea #lemon #moustache #bigote #menwithmoustache #freak #geek #love #writer #escritor #raro #weirdo https://www.instagram.com/p/B76UVcCDAEj/?igshid=1v55cqd6fmhtw
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daniel-beer · 5 years ago
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Ich habe mein Reissepass. I finally got my German passport. American citizenship German citizenship Duel Citizenship. Check . Time to go #international #internationalactor. #actorslife going to work as an actor in #europe Das freut mich! #Consulate General Los Angeles for all your help. For about two years I've been working on this. Ich bin stolz Deutsche zu sein. I am proud to be American too. #germany #deutscheland #bavarian #bayern #immingrantkid #german #deutsch #travel #europeanactor #germanconsulatelosangeles #badabbach #germanboy #happy #regensburg where I was born https://www.instagram.com/p/BmuJV0hDcit/?igshid=h5wr1r064wi9
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shandiij · 4 years ago
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Nico Locco is your full package #BoulderMan. Have a #thirstdate with Nico beginning September 2! BRIEF ENCOUNTER, THURSDAY NIGHTS at 9. Live! On FB The Boulder Channel YT/Kumu @theboulderchannel #TBCAllOutThursday #BriefEncounter #WeAreBoulder #TeamTBC #CollaborativeCreatorsChannel #watchYourPassion #WatchYouWant #teamMSB #NicoLocco #loveattheendoftheworld #msb #msb2021 #internationalactor #proudmanager #choosehappy #choosehappybarkada #lykans YES GUYS! @akoposinico got his own show!! Let’s go!! Proud of you, Nico! https://www.instagram.com/p/CTPqsefhNAv/?utm_medium=tumblr
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darren7711 · 5 years ago
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GODFREY GAO—高以翔,我們會想念你^^一路好走⋯REST in PEACE^^Lots of LOVE...💙💙💙💙💙🧸🧸🧸🧸🧸🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆💠💠💠💠🌐🌐🌐🌐🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 #高以翔 #高以翔godfrey #高以翔godfreygao #REStinPEACE #LOVE #BiGLOVE #InternationalACTOR #MALEACTOR #ACTOR #TaiWanACTOR #HOLLYWOOD #SUPERSTAR #MALEGOD #男神 #首席男神 (at Penang Botanic Gardens 植物園) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5W8ta1FI-K/?igshid=god9rctsqfd8
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michelecasagrande · 4 years ago
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Sometimes is good to break the rules and do exactly what it’s not recommended, like shooting a portrait under a strong midday sun! 😝🤘🏼😎 • • • In this case I’d warmly suggest you to have a cool personality and a great face in front of your camera: I was lucky to have actor @pepper_leoni which made everything easy and brought some serious acting to the table! 😏🙌🏼��� • • • It’s such an unforgettable experience when you work with actors which have plenty of characters in their pockets! Thank you Pepper!! 💪🏼😉🙏🏼 • • • #actor #internationalactor #actorsofinstagram #portrait #actorportrait #portraitphotography #portraiture #headshot #actorheadshots #retrato #retratodeactores #naturallight #sunlight #middaysun #strongface (presso Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNZNSH0DHGN/?igshid=qdda7byoc1gg
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