#international Lonestar
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plutonic-rage · 4 months ago
The table of hear me out
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I think they'll get along great :)
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jettacar · 1 year ago
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i'm so sorry we never got to play ATS like you wanted to. i just hope you rest easy. ❤️‍🩹 to everyone else; please drive safe, and check in on your friends you haven't talked to in a while
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kollectorsrus · 2 months ago
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thestrangestthlng · 7 months ago
Plot twist, Carlos is actually the spy, and he’s disguised himself as Tommy to infiltrate the 118 for the Texas rangers.
I see you Carlos TOMÁS. You can’t fool me.
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rainbowriderjt · 1 month ago
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International Lonestar Custom Woody!
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thatsdemko · 2 years ago
dicked down in Dallas - d.ricciardo
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requested: n
pairings: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
warnings: + not intended for minors + mentions of oral (m receiving)
a/n: 🤠howdy partners let’s yee our haws together!!! also big shoutout to @diorleclerc for reading some of this xx luv u babes
《 the following content is not intended for minors. 》
She's probably in the Lonestar state
Sucking off ol' what's his name
everything is bigger in texas. whether that be the men, the food, or the cars. everything’s just bigger in the lonestar state.
and you’ve come to realize that, having never crossed the boarder to America until the opportunity to work in formula one, you took the chance having traveled the world twice over now, but texas was new. and boy, it didn’t disappoint to its name.
the cowboy boots and hats were no joke, they were everywhere. from the tiny bars to the gas stations, boots and a cowboy hat seemed to be the perfect attire to conquer the blistering sun.
“what do you reckon I buy one of those?” Daniel jokes pointing to the young boy who’s boots are up to his knees. they were caked in mud and the skin on the toe of the boots seemed to be fading.
“you? in cowboy boots?” you turn to him to see if he’s joking, but his eyes tell you he’s serious.
you’ve always had a little thing for Daniel. he just was so easy and approachable, people loved him and it was obvious why. you just didn’t expect that with more time your heart would grow fonder of his presence.
“why not? I think I’d look sexy.” he shrugs, two of you watch his dad fan himself with the brim of his hat. it seemed to be the texas heat was getting to the fans as well.
you think for a moment, trying to picture him in the boots, but your mind falls short, “I’d like to see it.” you turn back over to him. he just nods running his fingers over his beard.
you watch him for a moment, he’s humming a little country tune to himself he heard from the bars last night, before he struts off with a social media intern ready to take on the stage with Lando.
you’re not sure what you’ve got yourself into, but you know damn well your words got him thinking.
you hear the sounds of the horse shoes clicking against the pavement. it’s a bit of a different noise for a formula one circuit, but the laughter and excitement all sound the same. the sound of the horses breathing does make you turn around, and when you do you’re greeted go a big brown horse strut it’s way through the paddock with no one other than Daniel on top.
he’s shaved now, the only thing left is a goatee. he’s sporting a tan colored cowboy hat, a jacket of the American flag, and of course, those cowboy boots.
“you want a ride, baby girl?” he jokes as the horse comes to a halt in front of you. you can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous this is, but ultimately you give in and join him on the saddle.
“you’re ridiculous, Dan.” you laugh, hands gripping his the belt loops of his bell bottom jeans feeling the horse jerk a stop finally reaching its destination and allowing fans to swarm around and help Daniel off.
“you’re the one saying you wanted to see it, so here I am. your sexy cowboy.” he gestures to the outfit not giving you enough time to clap back before turning to sign autographs and take pictures. he’s crazy, always trying to prove a point, but he was right about one thing.
he was a sexy cowboy.
your knock is soft against his drivers door. his voice is barely audible, but you still open the door and see his cowboy hat rested on the bench next to his helmet.
the race wasn’t perfect for him. but there was one thing on your mind the whole time you watched him whip around that track. how sexy he looked in those cowboy boots.
“howdy,” you slid into the room, door closing quietly behind you. you move over to the bench and pick up his tan rimmed hat, placing it on his head, “you do make a sexy cowboy.” you admit watching his head lift upwards, eyebrows knitting together.
“I told you so.” he mutters, his hand reaches for the hat on his head, but you stop adjusting it to sit further down on his head.
you slip beside him on the bench, elbow crashing into his bicep, “I don’t know if you know, but I really like cowboys.” you whisper, his eyes watch you lean against the wall of the room, “it’s a shame I never got my texas wish.” you sigh, arms crossing over your chest.
“what texas wish?” he flips to look at you, eyes full of curiosity as he leans a bit closer to your body. you chuckle at how eager he is to know what it is.
“come on, you know every girl wants to ride a cowboy at some point in their life.”
he shakes his head, swallowing the salvia that’s thickening in his mouth, “no I didn’t know that.”
you shrug pulling the brim of his hat, setting it beside him on the bench, “well I’ll just try again next year.” you’re about to get up when he puts the hat back on, lips crashing against yours. he knows there’s no next year for him, it’s not in the books yet, and he wants no one else to take that from you.
“you can ride me.” he grits between his teeth, your hands hold onto his hat, the brim collided with your forehead, it almost fell off.
“you’ll be my cowboy?” you ask in between breaths watching him fall against the bench, his own fingers work quick to pull down his pants and underwear.
you can feel a smirk fall onto your lips as you kick off your own pants as well situating yourself on top of him, “ride me.” he whines, hands on your hips, he’s guiding you the way he likes it.
it doesn’t take long for you to find the grind he likes, moisture thickening in between your inner thighs. he watches your head tilt back, eyes shut as moans escape your lips. it feels good, everything you’re doing for him, and the little he’s providing for you is getting you off.
he juts his hips upwards so you can feel how hard he is beneath you. you work your way down his body, fingers working his shaft before touching his tip. a moan escapes his lips, you can feel him stiffen under your touch. he feels the wetness of your tongue swirl around, sweet moans of your name escape his mouth.
his hands fly into your hair, you can hear his breathing increase, your name is faint against his lips but it sounds so good.
“you really know how to make a cowboy feel good.” he grunts, cum meeting your mouth.
“it’s not my first rodeo, ricciardo.”
She's gettin' dicked down in Dallas
Railed out in Raleigh
Tag teamed up in Tennessee
Analed in Austin
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bibuckleykinard · 11 months ago
i'm not super in the know of what happens outside of 911's episode content as its hard to keep up live as an international fan but watching oliver's zach sang interview I'm really thinking about how Tim Minear left to work on 911 lonestar after season 4 and came back season 7 and i really felt like season 2-4 was when i most actively shipped buddie so i am looking forward to the queer themes he brings with all the queer characters
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dazlinn909 · 4 months ago
Someone should do a south park role play.
But it'll be Grey's anatomy themed!!!
Kenny would surely be a young Alex sleeping around spreading the syphilis lol definitely the man whore 🤣
Now Craig would be a early and older Alex cocky thinks he knows it all as a intern/resident makes it to the strong attendant. (Maybe Craig is also the Izzy)
But Tweek is the patient 👀 OR Tweek would totally be psychiatrist in the building. Like other Dr shows have.
I have watched all of Grey's anatomy am currently watching the new season because yaas. I have also watched all of new Amsterdam, I'm half way through ER. So i could surely fake some medical jargon.
Of course we wouldn't focus just on hospital life. I also enjoy 911 and 911 Lonestar.
So maybe Nicole is a 911 operator and Tolkien is on police force. Clyde is on the fire force maybe Stan is too! Clyde runs into nurse Bebe often or maybe she's a fire bunny.
Kyle might be an EMT worker who runs into Stan during.
We would also focus on their home life too. So maybe Stan's got wondering eyes for his EMT co worker while Wendy sits home with a new baby feeling overwhelmed by a boyfriend/ fiance who isn't home!
Anyone who has watched Grey's anatomy or any of these drama shows knows how much drama we can have!!!
18+ cause I like to get spicy 🥵 and multiple characters because I get bored of writing one person 😞 there's so many great characters to use in south park.
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liminalmemories21 · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @rmd-writes. Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
31 (apparently? seriously? it doesn't feel like that many)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
451,541 - which is an oddly pleasing number.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
911 Lonestar
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Long Story Short (5 Ways Carlos's Family Could Have Met TK + 1 he met TK's)
a home isn't always the house we live in (Judd's POV on TK and Carlos)
It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes, or bags! (Christmas (and Hanukkah) fic)
Always Wear Your Invisible Crown (high school reunion fic - also one of the only stories I've ever written from TK's POV)
When the sun came up you were looking at me (S2 Interstitials)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love comments, and I try hard to respond to all of them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't think I've written anything with an ambiguous ending, or an angsty ending. Although @wtfuckevenknows says the end of Knave 3 made her cry (it has a happy ending, I promise. But, apparently it's happy with a side of emotion?)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them. No really. All of them.
I guess maybe It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes, or bags! has the schmoopiest ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Only once so far. [fingers crossed, knock on wood] Not looking forward to more.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. It took a while, but I got there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't ever written a crossover! I do kind of want to do a 911/Lonestar crossover, but that is just so many characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I'm aware
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a posted one. I have co-written with a friend before for The Old Guard, but we never actually finished and posted it.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Nope, nope, nope. I have been around waaaay too long to pick a favorite. I can give you a historical selection.
Fraser/Ray K (Due South), McKay/Sheppard (SGA), Arthur/Merlin (Merlin), Arthur/Eames (Inception), Buck/Eddie (911), TK/Carlos (Lonestar), and a lot of others unnamed
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
a bunch of them. I do tend to cannibalize though, and bits of abandoned fics end up in other places.
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue? descriptions of internal emotional processing (?) someone else tell me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm going to say plot, and you are all going to laugh at me after 150K of Knave-verse. But, honestly, plot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've included words here and there of Spanish, but it's not one of my languages so I'm always hesitant to try and be colloquial.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published? Lonestar. Unpublished? Merlin
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Knave 2 (The Knave of Hearts . . . he said he'd steal no more). I think that's easily the best thing I've ever written.
tagging @freneticfloetry, @cha-melodius, @bonheur-cafe, and @carlos-in-glasses in return
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inexplicablymine · 1 year ago
I am, as always, titling via song lyrics or not at all: the sound of a symphony playing for two
xoxo MJ
Thank you MJ <333 Okay RWRB because that is my muse at the moment until I am fully enveloped into the lonestar fandom.
They are both in the Graduate Level conducting course taught at Juilliard under David Robertson (yes this is real yes it is amazing). Their year long capstone is a dual composition and conducting project with a partner (hint hint they get assigned each other) and the winning symphonic arrangement gets to be performed for international world premiere at the spring gala for the New York Philharmonic. Alex and Henry fight, make up, and fight some more, writing a pretty sultry tango piece in the middle of it all. Of course their piece wins the competition but is it too late for the pair of them?
Would be ANGST with a side of working it out in the horizontal tango on every surface before some more angst is piled on. Pithy music references and two boys who think the other doesn’t care nearly as much (they do) and you have a recipe for way more chapters than anybody knows what to do with.
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jettacar · 1 year ago
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lonestar! i quite like these goofy lookin trucks :3
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firetrucks-fastcars · 2 years ago
Just found your 911/Lonestar prompts series on AO3 and am in love with your writing! Specifically Tarlos and Noah. If your still taking prompts, could you do one where Noah gets accepted into the police academy but is scared to tell TK and upset his dad
Thank you for the prompt! You can read it on ao3 here or below the cut!
Carlos didn’t see his son anxious very often. Over the years, Noah had grown into a confident young adult and he and TK couldn’t be prouder. He never doubted himself when it came to school, or baseball, or his friendships. He’d worked hard to get into community college with a full ride baseball scholarship and worked hard to keep his grades up while playing and working part time on campus. The only time he doubted himself was when he was afraid of disappointing his dads.
“Hey Papa?”
“Yeah bud? What’s up?”
Carlos closed his computer and placed his reading glasses on top of it to focus on his son. Noah was holding an official looking envelope that had gotten slightly crushed and damp in his sweaty hands.  His eyes stayed trained downward on the scuffed toes of his sneakers and Carlos became vaguely nervous that whatever Noah wanted to talk to him about was bad news.
“I, uh, I have some news.”
“Sit down kiddo. Tell me what’s going on.”
Noah sat down in the chair across from him and slid the crumpled and slightly sweaty envelope his way. The writing was somewhat smeared from the moisture but he could still read the logo stamped across the top. It was a symbol and title that Carlos was very familiar with.
Austin Police Department. 
“APD? Noah, you didn’t get into trouble did you?”
“What? No!” Noah sighed and rubbed a hand across his face, the gesture achingly similar to his Dad. “Just open it please. Then tell me what it says please? I’ve been holding onto it since it came in the mail yesterday but I’ve been too anxious to open it.”
“I’ll open it as soon as you tell me what I’m opening, Son. 
“I applied to the police academy. I’ve always wanted to, wanted to be like you Papa. So, the deal that you and Dad made with me was that no matter what I had to get some sort of degree, so I had something to fall back on. I’ll graduate next May so my plan was to start with the summer class at the beginning of June.”
“Noah, that’s wonderful. But, what made you so anxious to tell us?”
“I dunno. I guess I just wanted to see what happened first. I didn’t want to get your hopes up, or mine either honestly,” he took a pause and then threw his hands up in the air exasperated.. “Can you please just open the damn thing?! For the love of God, Papa, the suspense is killing me.”
“Language Noah. But yes, I’ll ‘open the damn thing’.”
Carlos slid his thumb under the flap of the envelope, separating the two sides of the adhesive. He slid the folded paper out, feeling the thick police department letterhead between his fingers. He unfolded the perfectly pressed creases, probably put there by some overachieving intern, purposely doing it slowly to annoy his son just the slightest bit more and continue the suspense.
He read the letter top to bottom, muttering under his breath as he scanned the page, looking for the words that would tell him if Noah had gotten in. When he finished, he looked up at his son with a smile on his face. 
“You did it buddy. You got in.”
“No shit really?” “Language again Noah! But yes, really.”
“No way.”
Noah snatched the letter from his hands, reading it for himself then looking up at him
with a wide grin.
“I did it. I actually did it.”
“Yeah you did buddy,” Carlos reached across the table to grab his hand, squeezing it tightly. “I’m so proud of you. We gotta tell your Dad.”
“No. Not yet.”
“Why not?”
“I want to tell him myself, but I want to wait for a little bit.”
“Why would you want to wait? he ‘s going to want to know.”
“I don’t want him to be disappointed that I didn’t apply for the fire academy instead.”
“He’s not going to be disappointed Noah. He’s going to give you grief for it because he’s your Dad, but he’s going to be proud of you, no matter what.”
“You promise?”
“Yes, I promise.”
“Okay. I’ll tell him tomorrow after his shift.”
“Alright buddy.”
“Thanks for doing this with me Papa,” Noah stood, pushing his chair back from the table. “I’ve got some homework to do so I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
“Okay Noah. Hey, I’m so damn proud of you son.”
“Thanks Papa.”
“I don’t know how I’m going to tell him man,” Noah groaned, dropping his head to the blacktop of the lab table, hoping the surface would absorb his stress. 
“You still haven’t told your Dad?” Harry questioned, sliding his palm under his forehead to prevent a concussion. “Dude, it’s been almost a week.”
“No. I’m terrified that he’s going to be disappointed.”
“Why would he be? You’re being crazy Noah.”
“Am I? Really? Dad followed Grandpa into being a firefighter, why wouldn’t he want me to do the same?”
“Didn’t your Papa follow his Dad into being a cop?”
“His dad was a Texas Ranger. And I never met him anyway so I don’t know what he would want. But I know my Dad and Grandpa would have loved to have another firefighter in the family.”
“I’m sure they would have been happy for you to join up. But we’ve been best friends since we were in middle school. I know your family and I don’t see him getting upset at you for not becoming a firefighter. He’s going to be so damn proud that you got into the police academy man. That’s an accomplishment that you should be celebrating and your Dad should be celebrating it with you. You definitely shouldn’t be sitting here with me, moping.”
“You’re right. I just need to man up and tell him.”
“Damn right. But first you need to help me finish this project. This final is like thirty percent of our grade shit head.”
“Yeah yeah. Whatever.”
Noah arrived home late that night after telling his parents he’d be out late finishing up his final project with Harry. He assumed they’d both be in bed, tired after both working long shifts, so he snuck in quietly, tapping the top of Lou II’s cage as he passed. He stopped in his tracks when he saw his Dad, sitting on the couch, a familiar piece of paper clutched in his hands.
“Dad? What are you doing up?”
“I was waiting for you,” TK said quietly. “I wanted to talk to you about this.”
He held up the Police Academy acceptance letter and Noah cringed.
“I’m sorry Dad,” he said quietly, sinking onto the couch. “You’re disappointed aren’t you.”
“A little.”
“I’m sorry Dad, really. I know you wanted me to be a firefighter and I’m sorry I didn’t apply to the Fire Academy but-”
“Wait, wait,” TK cut him off, holding up a hand to stop the train of thought. “Noah, baby, did you really think I would be disappointed in you for not wanting to be a firefighter?”
“Oh honey, come here,” TK held out an arm and Noah tucked himself under it like he had when he was a little kid, feeling just as safe in his Dad’s arms at 21 as he did at 12. “Noah, I will never be disappointed in you for following your heart and doing what you think is right. Okay?”
“Okay,” he said quietly.
“I was disappointed that you didn't tell me, Buddy. I didn’t understand why you were trying to hide something so important from me.”
“I just didn’t want you to be upset with me. I’m sorry I hid it from you.”
“It’s okay kiddo. I forgive you. I just want to be able to celebrate you and everything that you’ve accomplished, okay? You’re a great kid Noah, and I’m so, so proud of you. All I’ve ever wanted for you was to do what you love, and if being a police officer is that thing, then I support you. One hundred percent.”
“Thank you Dad. And I really am sorry for hiding it, I just didn’t know how to tell you because I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
“You don’t have to apologize kiddo. It’s done.”
“Hey,” they both looked up to see Carlos standing in the door of his parents bedroom, still looking half asleep. “What are you two still doing up?”
“We were just talking,” TK answered, moving to make space for Carlos on his other side.
“I finally told him Papa.”
“Good,” Carlos said, reaching across TK to squeeze Noah’s hand. “I told you everything would be okay.”
“We get it Babe,” TK chuckled. “You’re always right.”
“And neither of you forget it,” Carlos chuckled. 
Noah laughed along, sinking down on the couch to rest his head on TK’s shoulder.
“You should go to bed Buddy,” TK said. “We all should, I’m too old to sleep on the couch.”
“I’m comfy,” Noah whined.
“Me too,” Carlos mumbled.
“Okay fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
They all woke the next morning with cricks in their necks and aches in their hips from sleeping in a big pile on the couch, but they were happy. And really, that’s all that mattered.
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altruistic-meme · 2 years ago
today on “incredibly specific country songs that absolutely slap and Abram will fight people over”:
- i drive a tractor, die mad about it (International Harvester by Craig Morgan) - my wife left me for real this time :[ (Gone by Montgomery Gentry) - ngl life sucks but don’t give up (If You’re Going Through Hell by Rodney Atkins) - guy vandalizes a watertower to impress a girl; town’s only problem was his color choice (John Deere Green by Joe Diffie) - what if i just Left (Last Dollar (Fly Away) by Tim McGraw) - a dad learns how to be a stay-at-home mom (Mr. Mom by Lonestar) - i love my wife and i would give her the fucking world (Tall, Tall Trees by Alan Jackson)
SPECIAL CATEGORY “songs that CAN and WILL make Abram cry every time they hear it”: - Guess I’ll Die (Live Like You Were Dying by Tim McGraw) - conversations you can have by not answering the phone (Austin by Blake Shelton) - someone very important to me died :(( [dad?? girlfriend?? it’s undecided] (I Drive Your Truck by Lee Brice) - hi i love you i hope life is good to you (My Wish by Rascal Flatts)
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digitalmore · 28 days ago
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sjfromthe514 · 30 days ago
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This whole discourse was so fucking annoying to me. Liberals make me want to tear my eyes out.
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Like literally you guys elected a fascist leader and are more concerned with asaesthetics than the matter at hand. How embarrassing for you. Americans need to understand that they're better off giving af about the working class of the world y'all really internalised the notion that you are all Lonestar cowboys but your economy can't work without the permission of the international proletariat. Stop coopting working class movements and actually do the work.of organizing the working class.
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dutcotennantllc · 4 months ago
Dutco Tennant Joins ADIPEC 2024: A Key Event in Global Energy
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We’re thrilled to announce our participation in ADIPEC 2024, the premier technology exhibition in the Middle East! Taking place from November 4-7, 2024, in Abu Dhabi, ADIPEC serves as an international platform convening global energy producers, consumers, and innovators to accelerate game-changing solutions and transformational progress for the future of energy. Hosted by ADNOC, ADIPEC builds on its 39-year legacy of innovation by creating an inclusive space for the entire energy ecosystem to address critical challenges, foster global partnerships, and inspire credible solutions.
Join us at Hall 5, Stand 5240, where you can explore cutting-edge solutions from our esteemed partners, including:
Lonestar: Basket Strainers, T Strainers, Y Strainers, Duplex Strainers
Persta: TR335, Check Valves, Stop Check Valves
West Coast: Gratings and Covers
LK2: Anticorrosion Protection for Oil & Gas Pipelines, Engine Driven Generators
Wouter Witzel: Rubberized Line Butterfly Valves, Check Valves
In addition to our partner offerings, we will showcase our own innovative energy industry related.
Let’s connect and explore the future of technology together at ADIPEC 2024!
Venue Details:
Address: Abu Dhabi,National Exhibition Centre, Hall 5, Stand 5240
Phone: +9714-2152799
Website: Dutco Tennant at ADIPEC
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