#interesting nodnod
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miraiq · 1 year ago
let me assign you an affection language
consumption of a heart unloved
Here’s a dining table, here’s a set of plates. Here’s your heart, red and bursting with love. You have tried to love people all your life, but no one seems to understand you. Your own mother perhaps forgot to teach you how to protect yourself, maybe people whom you trusted chose to look the other way when all you wanted was a hand full of love. All you want is someone to take from you, all you want is someone to dig in your heart and eat it and kiss you afterwards - bloody and red. You want them to tell you that you are what they have been looking for, you want to be the one who ends their hunger.
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" Well that is---- alrighty then. "
tagged by: @bishonenprince tagging: you! if you haven't done it - @shrineofprophecy , @moonsmultimusings , @forbelobog , @xiincun , @guinifen , @heartwilled
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years ago
i dont know how but somehow you are in some way responsible for this entire situation. thank u
For once in my life I was a driving force in a narrative and I have no idea how. But anyways I will be observing this from the sidelines!
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hakunoluvr · 2 years ago
#jiwoon vc i can make you like me as more than a concept~ ❤️ *finger heart*
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E-FACKING-GAD MUN =/= MUSE IS SO REAL BC I WOULDA STRAIGHT UP DIED IF I WERE HAKUNO . and also like do literally anything jiwoon says like um 😳😳 .. hhhHHRRGHGGSGSHDMGHJSHH (<- sound that i fr made as i read that) @jiwone
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ashipiko · 3 months ago
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😔 ATP atlan is like outta market……. niko is the favorite and maryen still lives in my head and now LEMMY EXISTS? maybes i just have an affinity for animal twisted OCs <\3 one day…….
↓ some small notes about lemmy under cut!!!
- very to the beat of his own drum? he just follows whatever makes him curious and TBH he is not that interested in magic
- also a pretty cracked mage LIKE HE’S PRETTY? STRONG and carries a LARGE magic reserve. or howev you word it ???
- from a one-off island that isn’t from canon but he’s practically king of it. it’s like party island tho
- big old brother vibes!!!!!!!!!
- he likes grim and yuu because he’s kind of curious on if they’ll die in nrc w/o magic. “is this cat your fire? you wouldn’t be able to survive without this runt, right? right???”
- also the type of guy to tie ramshackle trio upside down in a tree to see what they do
- SPEAKING OF HIS NAME!!! it’s a nickname for his real name that is. PENDING!!!!
- he’s really good friends w floyd nodnod. kalim also likes him a lot
- HE’S NOT REALLY A THREAT? it’s just that he doesn’t really listen to anyone but doesn’t go out his way to make trouble ykyk
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tobiasdrake · 2 months ago
I think you're right in the Sonic movies not trusting the game characters to hold the weight of their own story; I think that's why the villain emotional core shifted from Shadow to the Eggmen.
I liked the movie! I think they did a good job with the story they were trying to tell!
But I would have liked more of that story to have focused on Shadow than Eggman. (Although finishing an Eggman arc to send him off I completely understand, too.)
I have a lot of criticisms for the Sonic movies, but I also enjoy them a lot. There's a lot of creative choices that I don't like that they made, that I wish had been made differently. But the choices they do make are executed on very well.
Generally speaking, for me, watching the Sonic movies is like reading an amazingly well-crafted, easily digestible, and emotionally captivating fanfic... for a ship you don't like. I don't like how they characterized that guy. I don't agree with how they're presenting the cast. Their OCs are hit and miss. And I am 100% invested, when next chapter.
Many notes. So many notes. But I am having a good time nonetheless. I don't like what they did but I love the way they did it.
Getting into spoiler territory to talk about Eggman.
With Eggman, it was kind of a miracle that they even got him for this movie. Carrey announced his retirement in 2022 alongside the release of Sonic 2, so there was a long stretch of time when nobody even knew if he would be in Sonic 3.
There is a parallel universe where Carrey stuck to his guns, and Eggman's Maybe-Maybe-Not finale in Sonic 2 was the end of him. In that universe, I think we probably would have gotten a much deeper dive into Shadow, who would have to carry the weight of the film on his own shoulders. Possibly with Gerald, played by a new actor.
For the film we got, in a way, Sonic 3 feels like it was tailored to be the final word, not just on Eggman's character but also on the decades-long career of goofy antics and physical comedy that Carrey became famous for.
I think that's part of what makes Eggman's silly yet moving final sacrifice feel as powerful as it does. This isn't just Eggman taking the ARK for his last ride. It feels like Carrey saying farewell to the career and fandom he's built up, and that context makes it all the more emotionally gripping.
It's a strong sendoff.
And it also comes at the expense of a deeper focus on Shadow, whose climax ends up feeling rushed. Basically looking Sonic in the eyes and going, "You were mad like I was mad but you didn't take revenge. I see now that revenge is wrong. Let's go save the world from my revenge."
Two things can be true.
It's interesting to note that the film uses Gerald as, essentially, Shadow the Eggman. An embittered shadow archetype of Eggman turned to vengeance by grief over Maria's loss, who serves as the ultimate foe that Eggman must overcome.
This is most obvious with the parallel fights Sonic and Eggman have with Shadow and Gerald at the end. But I also don't think the film interrogates that idea very thoroughly, and I'm kind of okay that it doesn't? It's too busy having fun to be that serious.
Like. In place of that deeper analysis into Shadow, this movie is unapologetically meta. It's so meta, Eggman and Gerald literally look into the camera and point out that the same actor is playing them both at one point.
Which is sort of the point? There's kind of a purposeful tonal clash in this movie between Team Sonic, Eggman, and Stone versus Shadow and Gerald. Shadow and Gerald are grim and serious characters, except when Gerald is playing off of Eggman. Eggman brings out the goofiness of Gerald, while Shadow has the inverse effect on Sonic. Shadow makes Sonic darker, edgier, and less fun.
I described it before as "like making fart noises in a mortuary" and I stand by that. The film very intentionally feels like it's having an identity crisis over whether it wants to be a serious story of revenge, love, grief, and redemption or the kind of movie where a grown man in spandex has an elaborate performative dance number with his stunt double down a hall of death lasers. That is the tug-of-war that Sonic and Eggman are having with Shadow and Gerald.
It's that scene at the Chao Garden. Where the lights suddenly go out and it's like, oh shit, we're under attack. But then they come back up and it's just a funny stage show starting up. But also we are under attack, completely unrelated to the lights going out just now.
There are two conflicting payoffs to the suspense of that moment, playing out simultaneous to one another. It's like Sonic and Gerald had different ideas for how this scene should end.
Which is... really interesting to think about.
Coming out of the movie, my initial impression was that it was good, but not as good as Sonic 2. And, as a Sonic adaptation, I stand by that. Sonic 2 did the better job of adapting the Sonic material to film.
But as a creative exercise, as a piece of art, this movie's growing on me more. I think Sonic 3 is a fascinating performance piece.
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atiianeishaunted · 5 months ago
(same anon as before) how many of your ocs and voltron characters are idols like lucien??
anon just know ilysm this is making me OVERJOYED slash genuine,, first time ever people r actually taking a genuine interest in my silly project >///< for further context on lucien n such, they come from a country i made up (listen it ties, into lore thats essentially a prequel to sonder and everything ?!?!? idk we wont get into it) (wusinthe n acynpaori r the 2 countries, they r neighbors, whole thing,)
ladybird and lucien (twins) are idols, alot of their family members could be considered idols or something similar as their father, marcello, really loves attention to be on him and wants all his kids to be perfect, they all have a public presence in some way!! lucien specifically is inspired by someone who was marcello's first son, died centuries ago (marcello is. immortal) (again we can get into that later) (it makes sense when u know the whole plot), found old tapes of their performances and figured out thats what he wanted to do, its kind of in the family blood atp i suppose?
the culture of wusinthe is very , fame focused and performance based, you can tell by the fashion trends and the way the people dress !! fuyune being the capital or whatever, also speaking of which castiel is very important to the plot too actually we can get into him later if someone asks about him
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lance ends up being an idol of sorts as well but not as hardcore as lucien is into it, he prefers to have breaks and such, this is also because of information he finds out later on that kind of kills his rose tinted view of being an idol/famous nodnod
the paladins in general end up being forced into the limelight, lance just embraces it, theres probably a few other idols however i cannot think of them rn unless theyre side characters / one off characters shrug
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mihai-florescu · 5 months ago
Sorry to barge into your inbox but I love your takes on the cisbend stuff, it feels like there's little to no acknowledgement of how many different angles you can look at it from and it makes it (almost) impossible to judge other people's cisbends if you don't know Which angle they're doing it from…
Like, "what if the character themself was the same, but their agab - and, consequently, how the world treats them - was different?" is different to "what if every aspect of the character relating to their gender was 'flipped'?" is different to "if the characters agab was different, how would they change to have the same narrative and themes?" is different to "what if enstars was a danseimuke instead of a joseimuke?" (<- not entirely sure I'm using those right but hopefully you get what I mean) And looking at "genderbends" in general these are of course also all different to "what if this character transitioned?"
And there can be overlap between those angles, or different interpretations within the same angle, and there are probably more angles than the ones I listed. Since gender is so varied, and it's not like male and female are strictly opposites, I think it's very fun to think about!!! The variance they can have feels very underutilised to me… I think people also tend to worry about changing the character too much, but differ depending on whether they're more worried about changing the Personality/Interests or the Narrative/Themes. Now that I think about it it might be a kind of Watsonian vs Doylist thing? Sort of?
I could go on but if I do I'll never stop 🫡 ALSO TO BE CLEAR this isn't meant to be like passive aggressive(?) to the other asks this stuff just gets my brain going. Oh and I hope you have fun with the rest of ms2 when you get to it!!!
YES sorry it took me so long to answer this ask even though i dont have anything much to add regardless, i was on that ms2 insanity grind🙏 i love the observation of the watsonian/doylist perspective actually, i hadnt considered it but it does make sense nodnod, thank you for barging into my inbox!
I think the first step in approaching a cisbend should be regarding the role so you then know how to continue. What do you prioritize? Seeing what new story would develop had x character had a different gender assigned at birth, or playing around with how they could follow the same narrative and evolution as in canon but from a different starting point? I think both are worthy imagination exercises that could even result in new ocs and interests for the individual... i care about things hypothetically. I care about the idea of things. I dont really have skin in the game myself, i am more fascinated in what goes on behind the scenes of a person's au more so than the result. I think that's why i like cisbends now, i see them as a glimpse into people's imagination. Of course im still a hater and am bored by the basic cookie cutter hourglass long hair no story no point other than to be hot designs. But those say something about the person too dont they... maybe not! Maybe im just an overly judgemental bitch that looks too much into stuff. My sense of reality and perception of other ppl as real has been funny lately. Slash neg
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starheirxero · 8 months ago
We've also got Francis now?? He gives pre-october Lunar vibes- He such a goober!
That being said, it brings up so many questions about both him and Frank! They are obviously carved from the same wood! …come from the same motherboard???
They seem to be active opposites! One looks like Sun, the other like Moon. One speaks constantly, while the other took ages to. Even now, Frank's words actively make him sound in pain!
Most importantly, where Frank is a being of negative emotions, Francis comes from positives!
What are they??? Are there more of them??? What would happen, if they met?
So many questions, yet no answers…
Meanwhile, Sams and laes are both…suspiciously positive.
Sun is going through a massive development, for one!
He is actively learning magic, and slowly moving on from the trauma he repressed for so long. He seems to have sparked something in Molten even, though what exactly remains to be seen!
There are still things to work through, but he seems to be doing better!
That being said, it's almost July 16th, and Dazzle is preparing to tell him her secret!
I am guessing, this is where it's all going to go downhill.
I think, shit is going to hit the fan very soon.
Sun will be confronted with his arguably worst day. The question is: will he strong enough to be confronted with it?
Not to forget, Taurus is going to be here soon! They said three weeks. It's almost been three weeks.
And of course, the creator. He seems ready, to take a more active role in the plot. He is aware of Ruin's device, and he is scheming.
Hell, we keep learning new things about him as well! He's the one, who MADE the council, and was exiled from it, which opens even more questions.
Was he going against them? Or was he a threat to them?
We've got a big storm coming, that's for sure…
FOR REAL I WAS SO WORRIED IT WAS THE FIRST MIMCRY MOMENT..... WAITING FOR THE REAL DEAL FEARFUL STYLE THO 😭 AND OMS YEAH FRANCIS'S WHOLE DEAL..... Nodnodnod, they're definitely an intriguing lil fella!!! Exactly like u said, they really are Frank's opposite in every imaginable way and it makes me curious about the "how" and "why" of both the dimension and Frank themselves too tbh! Stars yeah and what would happen if they met..... Need 2 see that now LMAO
Also I'm sorry the fact one feeds on negativity and the other feeds on positivity just makes me think of Dreamtale SORRYHAHAJQGAHS
BUT YEA NO the celestial has had pretty stable ground lately?!!?! Sun has defs been having a pretty solid time, but yeah July 16th is just 4 days away and I ABSOLUTELY think Dazzle is accidentally going to tell him on the worst day and I'm not READYYYY 😭 I know it'll just be devastating ugh :(
NODNOD TAURUS IS SOON APPROACHING TOO. And yeah the creator is stepping up his game too and that's simultaneously exciting and dreadful LMAO
AND YEA THE INFO MOLTEN DROPPED.... I was literally thinking about that just earlier, what could he have done to be a founder of the council and yet still get exiled?!?!!! It makes me wonder if our creator is a unique kind if unethical or cruel, or maybe just a liability in some way? It's so interesting.......
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relicsongmel · 1 month ago
waaaahaaaait I just realized. saberon is like. the runescape equivalent I have of syl and denise. which means if i put him in a pokemon au for any reason he WILL end up running into them and probably having a rivalry sorta situationship that has zero romance you know the kind. but it also means if I ever convinced you to play runescape they'd ALSO be allies, which is deeply funny, as I am now considering syl and denise in a runescape au. I feel you should know this. just so we're on the same page here. nodnod.
IVE INFECTED SOMEONE ELSE WITH SELF INSERT BRAINROT LETS GOOOOOO oh my god I love that actually xDDD it’s worth noting that the girls are both demi and less likely to end up in a situationship than someone like Jen for instance. That said Syl is ungodly horny and Dena is lonely as hell so if that gets the better of them. I can’t deny the possibility lmao (N you better fly your ass back to Unova soon your future wife misses you…also the current situation with Dena’s canon love interest is a Whole Doozy and I would sooner be waterboarded than talk about it publicly but. [REDACTED] should maybe get his shit together too)
Admittedly my knowledge of RuneScape is limited to me watching my older sister play it when we were kids and even then I can tell you jack shit in terms of specifics, but it sounds rad as hell and I’m very flattered that you’re thinking of putting my darling ladies there ;w; I’d love to hear more about Saberon as well so do feel free to share!!!! (for all I know he could pull a Ray Shields and end up becoming part of my canon. Who’s to say :p)
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kityeeee · 9 months ago
Sendo stuffs his jersey into the duffel with a frustrated grunt, hair sleek with water as it dropped onto the towel around his shoulders. He whips his jacket out, pulling it on haphazardly as he turns to stand up. Fists clenched by his side as he pulled the duffel over his shoulder, eyes cinched up in delicate anger.
And of course when he turns to the door, he has to spot Aiku leaning on the frame, eyebrow raised, hands in his pockets as he waits for Sendo. Always waiting for Sendo.
"What," he huffs, pulling the towel off of his shoulders as he brandished it at Aiku.
"Nothing. You look like an angry toddler," came the languid reply, as he pulls the door open for both of them to leave.
"Wh- HEY!!"
He smacks Aiku on the shoulder, knowing full well that it does absolutely nothing to hurt him. The answering chuckle escaping his lips was all he needed to confirm it, too.
"How are you spending the break before we go join the nutcases in Blue Lock?"
Sendo hums. And then he shrugs, turning his face to the side before Aiku caught sight of the rage painted so perfectly over his face. He knows it's futile, because Aiku knows him too well anyway.
"Dunno," he says, dull, shoulders riding up in nervous tension.
Aiku hums, waving a hand.
"Well, I'll probably be organising dates with many wome-"
Sendo smacks him again. Aiku laughs harder this time. It's peaceful, and comfortable, in a way both of them need, after the U20 games.
"You look different today," Sendo starts slowly. He turns his head to look up at Aiku, and spots the glowing light that he recognises for inspiration.
"I feel reborn today," Aiku replies dramatically, raising a proud hand to his chest as he winks. Sendo huffs, shaking his head mildly.
Then he tilts his head. Blue Lock, huh? It'll be an interesting thing.
After his two weeks of break though. Dealing with Shidou and Itoshi means he needs the break before he deals with the violent one again.
He's lost in thought, so he misses the way Aiku looks back down, spotting the same glowing light in Sendo's own eyes.
It'll be an interesting time.
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shizukahaiji · 1 month ago
I finished it!! Gotta say, a modern idol truman show/matrix is quite up my alley... but i expected the ending to be painful for some reason? I thought they would get erased and rewritten to forget the bonds theyve formed throughout the series...but the power of friendship wins in the end nodnod
YESSSS I’M SO SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED ACTORS!!! Genuinely one of the hardest series to talk about because it’s so reliant on Not knowing the twist and finding out what their world really is in time with the main characters… Though I’ve shown it to people and even by Episode 5 (which I think is the real “oh shit, they’re living in a gacha” moment) they didn’t get it so ??? Eh??? But, in regards to your message about the end- I see what you mean! I think if they went that route, it still would have been impactful, but I’m really glad they didn’t tbh? Honestly, I think Keishi’s attachment to the cast means a lot, and I like how the ending was for him and for his game and his world. I think a huge theme of Actors (besides how important friendship and bonds can be) is how important and impactful pieces of media like these can be to somebody, and how there’s worth in games like these going on longer… It’s interesting especially noting how many joseimuke gachas were just, shutting down before they reached a full year at this point (so many that died around 2018-2020, the era where this was in the works/airing…) I’m rambling but it means a lot to me as an anime and it’s so overlooked even by idol anime fans! Thank you for giving it a shot, genuinely!!!
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years ago
My frens! If you know your Mass Effect: Andromeda, then you’ll know what this GIF means.
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I finished the game! 🤗🥳🎉✨
Some important things of note: (SPOILERS, if anybody cares about a 6 year old game 😉)
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I ended up taking 120 hours but, let me tell you, that was with me playing as thoroughly as possible. I did every single task, even the ones where you had to find randomly spawning things like datapads. 😐 Fortunately, thanks to some helpful people on Youtube, I learned that several of those tasks could be sped up by controlling load zones (so you find a datapad or whatever, drive away, drive back and voila, hopefully a new one has spawned in! Sometimes you had to actually fast travel or leave the planet and return to get a new spawn, other times that would totally bork things. It was a process of discovery, lol).
I’m not going to play it through like that again, even when I start over as Scott, but it was fun to take the time to really explore on my first “visit” to the world of Andromeda!
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Fina-frickin’-ly, lol! The big guy played it close to the vest for a lot longer than I was expecting but, well, our love is now true, official and documented! Something I thought was really hysterical, though? Even after you’ve committed to Jaal, which eliminates the option to flirt with anybody else, I STILL had the flirt option for Drack! So, of course, I had to go ahead and take it, Jaal would just have to understand that Drack is an unstoppable Krogan love machine that NO ONE can resist. 😇😛😉 It was all good, though; Drack let me down easy and Jaal never mentioned it.
Though I did wait until Jaal wasn’t, you know, standing right there. Because I have manners and stuff. *nodnods* 😉
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(NOTE: This is a screencap, not a GIF, just so you don’t wonder why it’s not loading, lol) I was SUPER DUPER SAD to learn that I can’t get this look for Scott on his own playthrough. The default face can’t be customized. 😥 ZOMG, I WANT THIS SCRUFFY BEARD LOOK SO VERY MUCH. 😥 I miiiiight see about customizing one of the other faces to look as much like the default face as possible if you can have a scruffy beard. If not, then clean-shaven it will be. *HEAVY SIGH* 😛😉
And speaking of Scott, this actually managed to be something I didn’t know was coming: (SO I’LL MARK THIS WITH ITS OWN SPOILER WARNING, JUST IN CASE) I thought he’d probably wake from his coma by the end of the game but I was FLOORED when I was suddenly playing as Scott and he had a pivotal role in the final fight! 👀 It hit me as hard as an invisible drink, I tell you!
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Hee, for some reason, her drink glasses would randomly not appear several times throughout the game, I dunno why. But that’s not as bad as the glitch that I got thankfully only once where THE GROUND did not spawn in and so she got stuck in a cycle of falling to her death, restarting, falling to her death, restarting, falling, restarting, etc. etc. 😱😱😱 That sucked rocks through a straw big time! 😡
I still kinda laugh at the fact that, because I missed that you can customize your brother or sister, I ended up with customized Sara and default Scott as twins, lol! On Scott’s playthrough, I’m going to customize Sara to look like this Sara, though, just ‘cause. 😎 Also, I find it interesting that their dad Alec changes to match your main character, so if I use default Scott, I’ll have default Alec where as Sara’s Alec matched her look instead, lol. Oh well, clearly Original Pathfinder Ryder™ was a man of many talents! 😛
A few other fun things...
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This is how Peebee showed up when I changed my loadout, lol. You can see Vetra is following me because she’s my Best Girl™ but Peebs (I love it when she starts signing her emails like that 😉) is just hanging out up there! I finally had to get in the NOMAD and then back out again to get her boots on the ground!
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Sara has a radio-like music player at her bedside in the Pathfinder’s quarters and it has my friend THE DANCE PROMPT, YES! (You can’t see it here because I had to shorten the GIF for size limitations. 😕😉) Sara is also modeling both her casual and her sport’s casual looks for y’all as she breaks out her best moves! 😎👍😉
Next, because I’m sure the entire Internet is dying of anticipation to know my next move... 😛😉
Since I’ve learned of my other friend, Manual Save, I kept some points so I can go back and...
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...take Peebee up on her friends-with-benefits offer. And back up a bit farther to do the same for Liam after Sara helps him move the couch. 😛
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Here’s Liam and Jaal giving Sara both Thoughts™ (’cause, hey, she’s been in cryosleep for 600 years and a girl’s got neeeeeeeds, ya know!) and Anxiety™ (’cause she’s the leader of this crew and, fellas, ZOMG, this is Not Professional®) 😂
However, the next full romance I want to do (and am going to back up alllll of the way to when Sara gets the Tempest or thereabouts so I don’t miss anything) is going to be...
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...Vetra, my love. I just freakin’ adore her, what can I say? She was my constant through all of the missions, it was always me, Vetra and somebody else. She’s a total badass but also endearingly a little insecure and with a literal spiky exterior that covers a sweet, caring heart. Nothing but the best full-on romance for my Turian sweetheart! *fist thump* (Can you guess who I already know my fem!Shep will be romancing in the ME trilogy? Three guesses and they’re all spelled Garrus Vakarian... 😂😉)
I still would like to romance Suvi but I get the feeling she’s going to take more work like Jaal did because her flirt options dropped almost immediately as soon as I stopped selecting them. Peebee and Liam, for example, offered flirt options right up until my romance with Jaal locked in, even though I hadn’t selected one for a while. So there’s that to consider.
For Scott, he’ll definitely be romancing Avela because, as we all may recall...
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Also, it’s a short-lived romance so he can probably find time to also romance somebody else in that one playthrough, if I’m feeling it. (I honestly was surprised at how much I ended up loving Gil, so maybe we’ll give that a try, either here or elsewhere?)
But, of course, the full-on romance for Scott is going to be...
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Cora. I legit went *SQUEE* out loud when she kept asking about or mentioning Scott to Sara. *furiously waves Scott/Cora shipper flag* It made me feel kinda like she might’ve had a wee little bit of a crush on her Pathfinder’s son (when Alec was her Pathfinder, of course) but she was keeping it professional and all that. I dunno, that might just be me and those darn shipper glasses that tend to fly out of nowhere and land on my face all the time...
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Also, somebody at some point will be romancing Reyes because, and please pardon my language, but he’s the epitome of a sexy mofo. 😳😛😂
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You also get a glimpse that there’s more to him than meets the eye. The only thing I was disappointed in was that, while I intended to choose him over Sloane, I REALLY disliked that the only way to do that was to promise Sloane you’d have her back and would keep things fair... then you let Reyes assassinate her via a sniper shot. But if you save her, you’re choosing her to “rule” Kadara instead of Reyes. *frustrated sigh* I let her get assassinated but I felt bad about it. Not about my choice but just at how it came about. (Cora also called me out on that later, to not forget that he’d had an unarmed woman killed after promising her a fair fight... 😬😥)
In conclusion of my long-winded rambling, I loved this game a LOT. Was it perfect? Was the animation sometimes WAY WONKY? No and yes. But I was here for the chance for some romance and RPG along with my combat and I really enjoyed that aspect a bunch! I’m sorry that they won’t be continuing Andromeda’s story because I would’ve liked to see more of the Tempest and her crew. As it is, though, I’ll just be content believing they’re out there saving the universe and having more adventures!
I’ll eventually be moving to the OG trilogy and I’m definitely looking forward to that! But for now, thank you, Mass Effect: Andromeda, for 120 hours of fun game time and here’s to many more!
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wishingstarinajar · 2 years ago
How did Monarch meet Cross? Or-.. uh Knight? And what did he think of him in the past, early in their relationship compared to now?
Let's call him Knight *nodnods*.
As far as @stankychee (Knight's creator) and I have discussed, Monarch was drawn to a specific AU because of the depressing aura it emitted. Within the AU, Monarch found a castle and though it seemed abandoned at first, its halls and walls were filled with a sense of loss, loneliness, and sadness. Most of that atmosphere was induced by Knight, who was the sole survivor of something tragic (details still forthcoming) and lived a very lonely and listless life in that empty castle.
While it was basically "love at first sight" for Knight, Monarch was only interested in the castle and what Knight could offer, like protection and servitude. There were no romantic feelings whatsoever. However, "Inner Monarch" (the uncorrupted version of Monarch that's still present somewhere deep inside that goop) was quick to take a shine to Knight and so, aside from the fight between good and evil inside of Monarch, there is now also a battle for affection.
At the current, their relationship wobbles between "business" and "blooming" but it is an unrequited love story for the time being, with both Knight and "Inner Monarch" pining for the other while the corruptive Entity within Monarch wants nothing to do with it.
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mxrp-official-steve · 2 years ago
MxRP ReBuild update!
Its august, so it's time for the updates i promised regarding the future of MxRP! Namely, dev!
Screenshots will be at the bottom, since this is gonna have two of them and therefor be hella meaty.
The long and short of it, for those not interested in the screenshots: THE BETA DRAWS NEAR. Currently in need of completion before we send out beta keys and go live with a mf is (in no order):
Account logins
Live chatting
Character profiles
We do not have an ETA, but you WILL be informed with another post (and a ping in the server) when we have one.
As always, thanks a load for sticking by us these past.... Oh god, six months. It's been a minute, hasn't it? Hopefully it wont be much longer!
Screenies + Transcripts beneath the cut
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Transcript: A conversation between Hex and Steve
Hex — Today at 3:25 PM Ask TT for access the Trello board. That would make for a good screenshot to share.
At the moment I've been working on the final two items necessary for the initial beta for people with mxrp2 beta keys.
Which is, account logins, and realtime chat.
Then as the beta is ongoing, other vital features will be incrementally added as we make the approach to Public Access.
!! Big Steve !! — Today at 3:26 PM Shaking eyes emoji
Hex — Today at 3:32 PM Oh right and character profiles and some spamless equivalent. That's pretty necessary for private beta. (edited)
!! Big Steve !! — Today at 3:33 PM yeyeyey nodnod (edited)
Hex — Today at 3:34 PM But yeah that's the state of things.
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Description: a Trello board containing the following:
In the BRAINSTORM column (Non-MXRP items excluded): Matchmaking, Tags
In the TODO column (Non-MXRP items excluded): Character profiles, Spamless, Log View Speedup, User Private Messages, Database Schema optimization
In the DOING column (Non-MXRP items excluded): User Logins, Realtime Chat
In the DONE column (Non-MXRP items excluded): Chat View, Chat Logs, Front Page Announcement, Markdown, BBCode, Basic Styling, Database
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otomiyaa · 1 year ago
Questions & Answers
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Hi hi, finally some time to write this! Due to recent events I've been getting some questions from various people and I also have some questions for you guys so I'll try to do this in 1 post 😸
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My answers:
Are you really not planning to write fics anymore?
That's the plan *nodnod*, but you know me. There's always a 'but' and a clown mask ready in my storage to put on if I happen to go against my own words. But the intention is to stop posting fics here, I'm too tired of it now lol. I might post a fic or two on AO3 once in a while, maybe write a collab with Mia if I feel like it. It's just... how do I say it.. my motivation to write more fics basically got washed down the drain together with blog #1. Let us see for how long that motivation swims in the sewers...
Can you reupload [fic name]?
If it's on my AO3, I won't. If it's not, hmm.... I probably also won't. But! It depends on the fic. Always feel free to ask, but please don't get angry when I say no! ^^ For now I have an exception: commissions. More about this down below in my question to you guys.
Why won't you try to get your old blog back?
It would require filing an objection against the copyright claims against me with all the legal risks, submitting my personal info from home address to name, and consenting to USA legal law stuffs bluhblahblah... :") For me too much of a hassle. I don't think my blog is worth it. Even if I don't know the exact details, I'm sure they're not wrong. Whether it's fair or not, most fandom stuff has copyright issues in the end, so I can't protest against the claims with 100% certainty it won't get me in real trouble. More info about this soon in another post!
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My questions:
👇 only for those interested, feel free to comment, send ask or DM if you have can help :)
Do you have reblogs of my old posts?
To everyone who has some posts left on their blog that were mine, whether it's a headcanon, fic (still accessible one, so not a broken 'keep reading'- link), manga or anime scene, ask game, gif set or translation, if it's not too much trouble could you maybe comment on that post and @ me? Or... send me a link or smth in DM? Doesn't need to be every single trivial post. Maybe just the ones you liked most, or something... idk. I just might want to re-share a couple of posts here and it's so hard finding reblogs of my anonface-blog through search functions and stuff. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I also found a lot of old posts, or posts that I liked (such as tickle art etc.) in the archives of @ticklygiggles, @ticklishdreams, @infrequent-creator - I hope you guys won't mind me making use of this (also thank you for the awesome support through the years afihs;ogojjoihgjn)!
Did you have a commission that was on my blog and do you prefer if this is reposted or not?
Some people 'bought' fics back when I had a shady kofi shop running and those fics were posted both on my AO3 and Tumblr (+ were sent in PDF format if requested). No matter how much you paid for the fic, part of the deal was that it would be posted on Tumblr so if by any chance you lost a commissioned fic and wish for me to repost this here on the new blog, please let me know...:3
Anything else? 👀
Well... With the loss of my account there were more things that went lost than just my fics, such as asks that were still in my inbox, DMs, personal stories and more. I did not back up anything and have zero overview and my memory is shit. If I am forgetting something, if you once sent me something and it's now gone (and you still have it), or if there's anything else I am missing smh, please let me know.
However please note that I am not planning to turn this blog into a copy of my previous one. If you submitted a fic to my old blog, I won't repost it here sadly (I hope you saved it). But if you posted an irl tickle story (I'll still accept these), a headcanon for your fav character or pairing or something else, I'll gladly accept it even if it's a copy of what you once sent to my old blog! With that said, I'll go back to finishing that second-to-last tickletober fic of mine... after I eat dinner. muhahah.
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the-crystal-femmes · 9 months ago
I don't mind the short responses really. /gen, lh
and again, for me, it's the same way. I feel like there's so much that I can learn, but it's hard to remember. I guess it's just my mind securing things. /lh, gen
Nodnod. The mind securing things is so.. Interesting. But a hassle, to say the least. /lh, neu
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