#interaction: augustus
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smallpapers · 2 years ago
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so, like, what are we?
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anneangel · 2 years ago
The way Watson in Victorian-era canon says "oh, god, yes! Take me to one of your dangerous cases!" goes like this:
“Well, I don’t like it, but I suppose it must be,” said I. “When do we start?”
“You are not coming.” (Said Sherlock).
“Then you are not going,” said I. “I give you my word of honour, and I never broke it in my life, that I will take a cab straight to the police-station and give you away, unless you let me share this adventure with you".
The way Sherlock in Victorian era canon says "I need a partner!" and like this:
"I think that I had better go, Holmes." Said Watson.
"Not a bit, Doctor. Stay where you are. I am lost without my Boswell. And this promises to be interesting. It would be a pity to miss it."
"But your client --"
"Never mind him. I may want your help, and so may he. Here he comes. Sit down in that armchair, Doctor, and give us your best attention." (...)
"If not, I should much prefer to communicate with you alone." Said the client.
I rose to go, but Holmes caught me by the wrist and pushed me back into my chair. "It is both, or none," said he. "You may say before this gentleman anything which you may say to me."
And other:
With an apology for my intrusion, I was about to withdraw when Holmes pulled me abruptly into the room and closed the door behind me.
"You could not possibly have come at a better time, my dear Watson," he said cordially.
"I was afraid that you were busy."
"So I am. Very much so."
"Then I can wait in the next room."
"Not at all. This gentleman has been my partner and helper in many of my most successful cases, and I have no doubt that he will be of the utmost use to me in yours also." [explains Holmes to the client].
The stout gentleman half rose from his chair and gave a bob of greeting, with a quick little questioning glance from his eyes.
"Try the settee," said Holmes to Watson, relapsing into his armchair and putting his fingertips together, as was his custom when in judicial moods. "I know, my dear Watson, that you share my love of all that is bizarre and outside the conventions and humdrum routine of everyday life. You have shown your relish for it by the enthusiasm which has prompted you to chronicle, and, if you will excuse my saying so, somewhat to embellish so many of my own little adventures."
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lichenbug · 8 months ago
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some doodle pages i did of all my lil fursonas :3
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valeria-flint · 3 months ago
Starter for: @augustusxxrookwood Where: Flint/Vanity wedding
Augustus Rookwood. A man Val didn’t know very well, but he had always been around in the past. She knew he was a good friend from Emma’s brother. She knew he wasn’t bad to look at. She knew he was one of the very few people she hadn’t been flirting with in the past. Time to change that. Hence the fact that she had made her way up to the man, stopping next to him. “Augustus Rookwood. Have you been enjoying yourself at this wedding so far?”
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bens-moms-are-lesbinems · 5 months ago
augustus: your mother’s dead
sebastian: what?! oh my god!
augustus: she’s not. we’re getting divorced, though.
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nero-draco · 2 years ago
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pinkpcny · 8 months ago
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“ you want to know what i think ? i think you should get fucked, ” a bitter laugh paired with a cold display, so far from the boy of charm he’d once been. “ you abandoned me at the first sign of trouble because you clearly care more about public perception than any kind of real loyalty. ”
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cfkingdoms · 1 year ago
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to say the crown prince had been perplexed would be an understatement. this little...dance with the hungarian guard was already confusing. ilja would seem to draw close, not close like they had been, like augustus had begun to think they were, but almost. almost. a moment of fleeting hope that, if nothing else, things between them might make sense again. and then, just as quickly, nothing. it felt like even the most mundane of conversations between them was becoming impossible. it...stung. they'd never cared this much before. never been allowed to even entertain the thought of it. and now it seemed this was all most of their thoughts were, ilja, and the way his lips had felt on theirs, the way both of them would trip, neither one fluent in the other's language but persisting nonetheless, the way he'd watch the guard's handwriting steady as short notes became more frequent. it felt like ilja existed only in their mind now, and they were being driven mad with this...this...
so when ilja had approached them they'd tried to keep their expression relaxed, even if for a moment the purpose with which he'd walked, had sought them out even as they spoke to someone else, well. it had been so unlike him. in those brief seconds the perhaps had reared up. and then he'd vaguely explained his reason for approaching. straying interest? they'd had no idea what he meant by that. oh, sure, they'd heard the stupid little rumor, but. surely ilja knew they didn't..? nevertheless, they'd excused themself and gone off with him, seeking some semblance of privacy. "ilja, what is this about?" there was no point to be subtle. they had no way of knowing how long they would have. "if you've been informed of some interest of mine, i would most certainly like to hear of it. it would be a surprise to both of us, or myself at the very least."
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ahearthoficeandstone · 1 year ago
Do you have some fun facts about the main cast you can share with us? Thanks!!
Sure, I'd love to share some facts about the characters!
Empress Dalia
She killed her father for the throne, it was for the best really.
She's a perfect 8ft tall, about 244 cm for the rest of the world
Her magic is air and storm based.
She is engaged to her childhood sweetheart. The only person outside of immediate family she respects.
Accidentally turned her tutor into paste when her gravitational magic first manifested, it happens. She could level a large city easily these days, but she's never had reason to do so.
Dragons are his favorite creature, he hopes to meet a true dragon one day.
He loves the ocean, he's rarely gotten the chance to see it due to Aea being land locked. Swimming is his favorite activity.
He doesn't have a favorite sibling... but if he did it'd be Diedre. He loves them all but they were nearly inseparable when Diedre was born.
Camilla and Camillo
Only one of the twins can use magic, I'll let you guess who.
Camilla is the older one, Camillo claims he's the older one.
They are both trans, they just kinda switched at some point and nobody ever mentioned it.
Aurora does a lot of needlework in her spare time. She also weaves silk, she's not great an expert at it by any means but it makes her happy.
She only gets along with her brother Sigonia, all her other siblings were competition to her growing up.
Poster child for daddy issues
He likes scents, especially of people he likes (platonic or romantic)
Uses nicknames a lot... totally not cause he forgers most peoples names or anything.
Taught themselves how to read as a kid.
Studied under of the best mechanical geniuses of the world's current generation. A woman who will go onto being the reason wartime laws will need to be created. These mad scientist tendencies have rubbed off on them for sure.
Is probably an insomniac, if they could get away with not sleeping they would.
If I had to put down a red flag ro, it'd be Asrani. They have obsessive tendencies that would bleed into any romance.
She used to stare into the sun as a way of worship, only thing stopping her from continuing is the fact that you can't see the sun in Aea.
She has a little 'book club', Laika is of course a member. Diedre is too, though nobody knows how she's gotten him to join her.
She is very protective of her remaining siblings. Venus is her honorary little brother.
She's great at math, her parents wouldn't have it any other way.
She has a rock and sea glass collection. She also has a pet rock, it was given to her as joke at first but she takes it everywhere with her.
Noel raised all their siblings as a child themselves. Still looks out for them.
They are pretty clumsy indoors, outdoors they are just fine. Dexterous in fact.
Always knows which way is north.
Their wolf familiar's name is Ragnar, a very sweet and helpful large friend.
Seren, her quail chick, goes everywhere she goes. It is a simple must.
Her jewelry collection is massive, if you ever need to give him a gift jewelry is the way to go.
Favorite colors are blue and green.
They love insects, which is pretty obvious from their mask.
Mc has actually met them before, it was a brief and fleeting moment though.
Hates eating chilled foods, unless they are sweet.
Diedre dreams of seeing the stars one day, but that involves leaving Aea, and they don't do well with travel.
Can't stand extreme cold or heat, they are already bitter but that only makes them more pissy.
They are a hopeless romantic all things considered.
Used to work under Diedre before being reassigned to mc.
Has a great memory, they'll remember everything for you if they need to.
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meetmeafftcrdark · 10 months ago
augustus rookwood ( @orchidcovs ) said: is that a challenge?
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– Tómatelo cómo quieras –respondió, cortante hacia el contrario.
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tommybowefuneralattendee · 1 year ago
i am amazed that you managed to write 10k words about two absolute fucking losers having sex. a props to your writing ability, truly
dude it being cringefail nerdloser porn is exactly what gives me so much to say
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tsartomato · 2 months ago
Augustus 4.0.0
Any time you encounter an issue with Caesar 3 and try to look it up, you see cultists running around screaming that you must play Augustus instead of Caesar 3, because it’s just a source-port. And i absolutely disagree with that. And not just form the purist stand-point. Humans and cats share 90% of their DNA. Augustus shares 90% of campaign maps and assets with C3, but that 10% difference…
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valeria-flint · 7 days ago
Starter for: @augustusxxrookwood Location: The Fountain of Fair Fortune Pub, Horizont Alley
The last time that Val had seen the man in front of her, had been the morning after the New Year’s Party when she had left his house. He was a lot of fun and intrigue to be around, a difference from all that had been surrounding her lately. So bumping into him only earlier that day was a pleasant surprise for the day. Hence why they were now seated at The Fountain of Fair Fountain Pub in Horizont Alley. A drink in her hand as she leaned against the table, her body turned towards Augustus as she listened to him. She raised her glass at him. “So here’s to getting to know each other. And to me finally letting you know what I think of your reputation.”
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cthoniian · 4 months ago
writers block was hitting. january was visiting her mom. i’d offered to come, but with deadlines looming she’d put her foot down. i’d then kissed my way up her leg and thigh and tried to make her reconsider. it hadn’t work. but we’d had a good time. so since she was too far away for scribbled notes. the accursed cell phone was grabbed. it was 1:37am.
[text] // you up
[text] // save me
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random-dragon-exe · 2 years ago
Dawww, so cute!
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Son and Dad
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fearhidden · 2 years ago
continued from this thread — gen + gus.
[ text message — ] hope you didn't scrape your knee while you were falling for me.
[ text message — ] served. they were meant to be served.
[ text message — ] maybe, but i'm the boss man. i make this world go round here.
[ text message — ] that's a bold move, bottle buster. i'll do my best not to disappoint.
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