#int. laurel
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edietello · 8 months ago
starter for: @laureljacobs location: laurel's office
"I did some digging," Edie informs her as she walks into the room without an invitation, cradling an open file of documents between her hands.
"The divorce had an infidelity clause -- but I noticed that his name was on an apartment out of state. He said in mediation that he used it for Air BnB to make extra cash but I called the building at they said they don't allow that as per their lease. They also said a redhead in her twenties lives there but the check comes from him every month. Turns out the girl used to be his secretary. I'm thinking he's put her up and we've got a sugar baby situation -- which would null the infidelity clause and entitle our client to fifty percent of all his assets."
And with that influx of information, Edie places the file onto Laurel's desk for approval.
"That's what you meant by 'look the file over' right?"
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edietello · 2 days ago
Edie picks up Laurel's business card like it was a sacred object, staring down the personal phone number like she was trying to etch it into the stone block of her mind.
It was hard to detect exactly what she was feeling, but for lack of a better word she settled on 'hope'.
Since the derailment of Uly going to jail and the following blow of her father's death it was the first sign of hope to Edie that there was something that could put her back on the track.
Her eyes lift to Laurel and she devotes herself to eye contact, nodding along to signal that she understood.
Contract. Compensation. Benefits. Lifelines.
With a final nod, Edie wordlessly rises from her seat and walks over to the barista on duty and informs them promptly that she will not be returning for any more of her scheduled hours before striding back to her table with Laurel and claiming her seat once more.
"I can start tomorrow."
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Laurel watched Edie's reactions carefully, charmed by the slight disbelief they read on her face.
A laugh bubbled up into their throat at her quick agreement. "You won't be doing any of that. And there shouldn't be too much secretarial bullshit, either. I'm not interested in wasting your time or your brain on anything menial."
In all honesty, Laurel hadn't expected to get much of anything out of their brief summer stint, but Edie — whip-smart, direct — had intrigued them, and Laurel found that they hadn't hated playing the role of mentor. If all that Edie needed was an opportunity, Laurel was happy to provide.
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She reached into her pocket to pull out a business card with her personal number scrawled onto the back. "I'll send you something a little more formalized — duties, hours, and so on — after this meeting. And I'll start you as soon as you'd like, just send me an email to confirm a date and we'll start on a contract. After you've read it over, if you have any pressing questions about compensation or benefits..." she slid the business card over, "you'll have better luck texting me than emailing or calling the home phone."
She leaned back again in her seat. "Sound good?"
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 3 months ago
im not a laurel and hardy head myself yet can anyone tell me if those guys were fruity at all
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swcctlikejustice · 1 year ago
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she had been checking every day for any single mention of him. which was probably in vain, considering Laurel wasn't even able to explain her own history fully - so who's to say that he wasn't the same way? but then one day...it paid off. Frank Delfino, there he was. looking older than she remembered, sure, but just as good. if not better. which was how she had ended up here, having made an appointment at the company he was now working for, apparently. under a fake name, of course, unsure how he would react to seeing her again. hell, she didn't even know how she was going to react.
swallowing hard Laurel approached the front desk, her smile tight at the ( attractive, of course ) woman working there. ❝I have an appointment with Mr. Delfi-❞ footsteps cut off her words, turning instinctively to see who it was. ❝Frank,❞ she breathed out quietly, standing almost completely still as she took him in. @lcvenderhcze
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years ago
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“Rider” © Cindy Avellno, accessed at her ArtStation here
[And Monster Girl Summer is officially a Go! Part of my goal with Monster Girl Summer is to reflect on the games I’ve run in the past. And to sort of mentally catalog how many of the PCs started out monstrous, or became monstrous over the course of play. Like Dalya here. Dalya was originally a human, but ended up reincarnated as a gnoll. And was in the half of the party that survived their fight with Karzoug, as opposed to being wiped out in round 1. Time stop + reverse gravity + prismatic sphere, don’tcha know.
I ran Rise of the Runelords in 3.5. Dalya was originally built using the battle dancer class from Dragon Compendium. So making her a brawler was a easy choice for the conversion.]
Dalya CR 18 CG Humanoid (gnoll) This tall, lean hyena headed woman has her hair done up in a dyed fringe, and tattoos are visible beneath her fur. She wears leather armor and carries a buckler and spear.
Born to an exiled Shoanti father and a Varisian merchant mother, Dalya was used to living on the road. But she didn’t expect it to turn out the way it did. Visiting the Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint, she was caught up in a goblin raid, which rapidly turned into investigating the growing power of the Sihedron cult and, eventually, opposing the forces of Karzoug. Underneath Thistletop, Dalya was slain by the barghest Malfeshnekor, but her allies were able to fight the beast back long enough to recover her body. Possibly as a side effect of being slain by one of Lamashtu’s chosen, Dalya was returned to life as a gnoll when brought back through a reincarnate spell. And Dalya couldn’t have been happier with her new body.
Dalya’s adventures continued from there, and she proudly brags that she’s never lost a fist fight with a giant. She was instrumental to killing Karzoug and preventing Varisia from being overrun by an army of lamiae and other monsters. But Dalya is not one to rest on her laurels, and she is in no way retired. Her current mission is to help a few packs of non-evil gnolls to settle in the Storval Plateau without causing too much conflict with the Shoanti quahs living there already. Her allies in this mission include a quartet of advanced crocuttals and Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills, a powerful warrior of the Sun Clan, himself reincarnated into a monstrous form (a bugbear) following a fatality in combat.
Dalya    CR 18 XP 153,600 CG Medium humanoid (gnoll, human) Reincarnated gnoll brawler (battle dancer) 18 Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +18 Defense AC 33, touch 20, flat-footed 26 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +6 armor, +6 shield, +3 deflection) hp 200 (18d10+90 plus 7) Fort +20, Ref +21, Will +13; +2 vs. fear, despair Resist fire 30 Defensive Abilities dancing dodge (9/day), hopeful Offense Speed 35 ft. Melee +4 evil outsider bane unarmed strike +34/+29/+24/+19 (2d8+16), +4 evil outsider bane bite +32 (1d6+5) or +4 evil outsider bane unarmed strike +32/+32/+27/+27/+22/+22/+17 (2d8+16), +4 evil outsider bane bite +32 (1d6+5)  or +2 returning distance spear +30/+25/+20/+15 (1d8+17/x3), +4 evil outsider bane bite +32 (1d6+5) Ranged +2 distance returning spear +26 (1d8+17/x3) Special Attacks awesome blow, brawler’s flurry, brawler’s strike (magic, cold iron, silver, chaotic, good, adamantine), martial flexibility (12/day, 3 feats as swift action or 1 as immediate), rolling flurry, sparring partners (3/day) Statistics Str 30, Dex 22, Con 21, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 16 Base Atk +18; CMB +28 (+36 trip, +35 grapple, +30 bull rush, +29 disarm); CMD 48 (56 vs. trip, 55 vs. grapple, 50 vs. bull rush, 49 vs. disarm) Feats Acrobatic Steps (B), Combat Expertise (B), Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Fleet (B), Improved Grapple (B), Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Iron Will, Mobility, Monkey Moves, Monkey Style, Nimble Moves (B), Power Attack, Snapping Bite, Vicious Stomp (B) Skills Acrobatics +27, Climb +16, Intimidate +17, Linguistics +0, Perception +18, Perform (dance) +11, Ride +12, Sense Motive +12, Swim +16 Languages Common, Gnoll, Shoanti SQ close weapon mastery, dancer’s cunning, legendary, maneuver training (trip +4, grapple +3, bull rush +2, disarm +1), martial training, reincarnated Gear manual of gainful exercise +4 (expended), tome of leadership and influence +2 (expended), amulet of mighty fists +5 (+4 evil outsider bane), belt of physical perfection +4, +4 brawling leather armor, +5 buckler, +2 returning distance spear, winged boots, pliant gloves, cloak of resistance +4, ring of major fire resistance, ring of protection +3, potion of cure serious wounds (x3), potion of haste (x3), 500 gp worth of mundane jewelry, 36 pp. Special Abilities Dancer’s Cunning (Ex) A battle dancer can treat her Charisma score as her Intelligence score for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats. In addition, she can attempt a Perform (dance) check instead of a Bluff check to feint in combat, and her unarmed strikes are considered to have the performance weapon special quality. Dancing Dodge (Ex) When an opponent attempts a melee attack against Dalya, she can expend one use of an attack of opportunity as an immediate action to move 5 feet, granting the battle dancer a +3 dodge bonus to AC against the triggering attack. The attack is still resolved normally, even if the battle dancer’s movement takes her out of the triggering attack’s reach. This movement is not a 5-foot step and provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the one that triggered this ability, though the battle dancer can attempt an Acrobatics check to avoid provoking the attacks. Dalya can use this ability nine times per day. She can use this ability only while wearing light armor or no armor, and while carrying no heavier than a light load. Hopeful (Ex) Packmaster gnolls gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects and emotion effects such as despair, grief or boredom. They do not gain this bonus against rage effects, or other types of emotion effects, such as an unnatural lust or overwhelming presence spell (GM’s discretion). Legendary Dalya’s statistics are built using 25 point buy, and she has the gear of an 18th level PC. This increases her CR by +1. Reincarnated (Ex) Dalya was born human, but transformed into a gnoll due to a reincarnate spell. She has the bonus feat of a human, and bonus skill ranks for levels 1-4. She does not have the racial Hit Dice, or mental ability bonuses, of a gnoll. Rolling Flurry (Ex) When a battle dancer uses her brawler’s flurry, she must move 5 feet before each melee attack or combat maneuver. If she is unable to move 5 feet, she can’t attempt any further attacks or combat maneuvers. She can’t exceed her maximum speed. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity if the brawler would be able to take a 5-foot step normally; if she would be unable to (for instance, if she were in difficult terrain), the movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal unless she succeeds at the appropriate Acrobatics checks. While using this ability, she can still take her normal 5-foot step before or after making her attacks. Sparring Partners (Ex) When Dalya gains a flanking bonus on an attack while using her rolling flurry ability, the ally providing the flank gains a flanking bonus on its next attack against that opponent, even if the battle dancer moves out of a flanking position. If either the opponent or the ally moves more than 5 feet before the ally’s attack, the flanking bonus is lost. This ability works only if the ally is on the opposite side of an opponent during the battle dancer’s attack, not if a flanking bonus is gained in some other way, such as through Gang Up. Dalya can use this ability three times per day.
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swcctlikejustice · 1 year ago
she knew it wasn't the best idea to approach someone in the middle of the dark. hell, her first year of law school had taught her as much & much more. but even though Laurel told herself to ignore it, to walk away, she still found herself pulled towards the man who seemed to have just woken up. too close, apparently, jumping back a bit as he clearly needed his own space. ❝hey, it's alright. I didn't mean to startle you.❞ what was she getting herself into now? clearing her throat she gestured around them. ❝you're in London. is this...not where you expected to be?❞ it seemed reminiscent to when she had woken up her herself, glad that it had been in her own apartment instead of the middle of a public area. @springbandit
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Twitching violently and shouting for a few moments beforehand, Dennis woke up with a jump in the soft grass in the middle of the park. He was panting and afraid, which was only exacerbated by the sudden realisation that somebody was leaning over him. "Who are you? What's going on?" the words all but spat out of his mouth as he arched his back, curling further into the grass to try and create as much distance between them both as humanly possible. "Where am I?"
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thel1ghtningthief · 7 months ago
fic excerpt >:)
under the cut :3
WE OPEN in a peculiarly decorated room. The room is well lit with minimal windows, a pool table in the middle of the room. Seated around the pool table are 24 children and teenagers of varying ages, as well as a man seated in a wheelchair and a man whose appearance the camera can't quite capture. From the angle, it is clear someone has set up the camera to secretly record the meeting.
CHIRON, why did you call a meeting at eight on a Thursday.
Yeah, the Eagles are playing the Commanders and I have, like, $50 riding on this!
CHIRON sighs, deeply troubled and exhausted, and DIONYSUS rolls his eyes.
This is exactly-
(cutting him off)
Exactly why we called this meeting!
The counselors can be seen turning and muttering to each other for a brief moment before turning back to the two men at the end of the table.
(with genuine confusion)
Because... we're... sports fans?
Outrage can be heard from CHIARA, HOLLY, and LAUREL.
No. We decided...
(under his breath)
...you decided...
...we have decided that we need to set some rules.
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rickybowensfever · 5 months ago
Sick on Belly's Birthday
NEW FIC ALERT (The crowd goes wild)
“What a coincidence, you’re sick today” Belly scoffed as Conrad walked into the kitchen in a black robe with rosy cheeks holding a digital thermometer in his hand.
Conrad looked at her giving a side eye, “I can’t just plan to have” he looked down at the thermometer in his hands, “an 102-degree fever” he barked, squinting at the thermometer in disbelief.
Laurel stood by the kitchen island, preparing breakfast. She stopped stirring the pancake batter in a mixing bowl and looked up at him. She frowned then pointed at him, “No way, mister. Back to bed. I’ll have someone bring up some medicine and fluids” then gestured her pointer finger toward the front of the house where the steps to the bedroom were.
Conrad groaned. “But Laurel, I have to help my mom for dinner. She’s making a lobster dinner and needs me to shuck the corn and ---”
Laurel sighed, slumping her shoulders. “Honey, Steven and Jeremiah are more than capable of helping out. You go rest” she commanded.
Conrad sighed in defeat and nodded, obeying Laurel’s orders. He took some medicine from the cabinet and turned, walking out of the kitchen and back to bed. 
Conrad knew being sick on Belly’s birthday sounded suspicious given their fight the night before. When she came in from her date, he was in the kitchen taking a pain reliever for the killer headache he was at war with which unfortunately turned into a fever throughout the night. The headache came on when they left Laurel’s book signing and got worse when they got to the drive-in. He stuck it out until the throbbing became constant. 
When Conrad got sick, he was usually quiet, stubborn, and irritable. He tried his best to hide it from everyone so as to not bother them and bring attention to himself. After ending the night with Cam, Belly walked into the kitchen smiling as she thought about  how great the night was. Those thoughts quickly dissipated when she saw Conrad standing by the kitchen island drinking a glass of water. The mere sight of him made her furious. Her blood boiled as the embarrassing moment replayed in her head like a movie. 
After Laurel’s book signing, the boys decided to go to the drive-in to embarrass Belly on her date with Cam. Her first date. She was mortified when they pulled in next to them.
She and Conrad started to argue when he made a sly remark about it. The two exchanged some cruel insults that either could take back now.
“It all makes sense,” Belly said under her breath.  Conrad’s irritability should’ve been her first sign that something was off. However, she still held a little belief that he was trying to avoid her at all costs, even if it was her birthday. Of course, if he was *really* ill, that  didn’t excuse his  choice of words stabbing her in the heart last night.  His irritability was all too familiar. She should’ve put the pieces together. 
“Bells, relax. I can vouch for him. He really wasn’t feeling great after we drove home from the drive-in. He almost fainted in my car” Jeremiah said, recounting the events of the night before. 
The sheer  mention caused Belly to shoot him daggers with her eyes, furrowing her brow. Jeremiah put his hands up in defense and muttered a “sorry”. 
“Maybe it’s his guilty conscience then,” Belly said, scoffing at Jeremiah. He shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to debate his brother’s health. 
FLASHBACK - The Night Before (Int. Jere’s car) 
As they made their way back to the house, Conrad leaned his head on the window, sitting in the backseat. The cold window hitting his face felt nice against his pounding head. 
Steven turned to face his friend and noticed he was pale as a ghost. "You okay? You look like you're gonna pass out" the rowdy boy shouted from the passenger seat making Conrad groan. Steven laughed loudly over the music playing from the car’s radio. Jeremiah chuckled at Steven. “Don’t worry, we’ll be home soon” he announced, turning into their neighborhood. Conrad groaned, “Can you turn that down?” he said, pointing to the radio. 
“Sure thing” his younger brother said, turning down the dial. Jeremiah never knew when he could take Steven seriously as he was always joking around. So once he  stopped at a stop sign, he looked into the rearview mirror and to see exactly what Steven was talking about. 
His older brother lay his head against the window holding the temples of his head, his complexion pale. It was hard to see through the darkness, the only light they had to rely on was from the street lights. Conrad’s face illuminated from the street light that shined on the car. Jere  looked down at his cup holders and saw a plastic water bottle half empty. 
He looked down Jeremiah pouted his lip in suspicion and acted quickly. “Yo, pass this back” he commanded Steven. 
The boy complied, turning toward the back of the car and tapped Conrad on his knee. Conrad looked up in confusion and grabbed the water from Steven’s hand. He nodded a thank you and began to chug the last of the water. 
Once Jeremiah saw his brother was hydrating, he continued driving. 
“Where’s Connie?” Susannah immediately asked as she stepped into the kitchen noticing her oldest son was the only one missing from the pack.
Laurel sighed, standing by the stove as she flipped the last birthday pancake. “I sent him back to bed about twenty minutes ago. He’s running a fever of one hundred and two. Poor guy, he looked awful. It must be the flu” she explained, remembering his rosy cheeks and hoarse voice.
Susannah stood quietly before answering, scanning the room. She knew something was up last night when Conrad went to bed early and was quieter than usual after they all came home from Laurel’s book event. He had been acting differently since April, but this was different. 
Susannah put a hand on her hip, “That bad? I need him to help me make dinner” she said in a disappointed tone.
Laurel rolled her eyes, turning off the stove and grabbing the plate of pancakes to serve. “Jere and Steven will help you,” she barked, putting her hand on each of their shoulders. 
“Let the boy rest, Beck” she began, remembering his blood shot eyes and rosy cheeks from moments ago. “We’d hate for him to get anyone else sick, right?” Laurel added. 
“Yeah! We’ll help, Mom” Jeremiah said, smiling a big toothy grin at her from his seat at the breakfast bar where he finished signing Belly’s card. Susannah returned the smile. “Like I told Belly, he wasn’t feeling great in the car on the way home last night” he mentioned, adding to Conrad’s credibility. 
“Yeah! He almost passed out in the backseat!” Steven added. [Everyone groaned]
Susannah pouted her lip and sighed, “I’m sorry. You’re right, I thought he was acting a little strange last night. Let’s hope it’s just a 24-hour bug. We can’t have everyone getting sick around here, especially before The Ball” she said as she turned toward Belly with a smile. “Belly! Happy Sweet 16, love!” and started talking about the festivities in store for the day.
Conrad didn’t expect to wake up to his younger brother barging into his room. After barely sleeping the night before, when he got back to his room that morning, he melted into his bed and dozed off. Despite the feverish chills that felt like they were never ending, he was relieved to finally get some rest. Until he was rudely awakened by the sound of his bedroom door flinging wide open.
Conrad jolted out of bed and awoke with anxiety. 
“Sorry!” Jere whispered. Now he was quiet.
“What’s up?” Conrad croaked, looking his younger brother directly in the eyes. Conrad’s complexion was pale and flushed, his cheeks were pink, his blue eyes glassy, and the bags under his eyes were dark.
Jeremiah was in his swimsuit, holding a tray of sick supplies.  “Mom and Laurel sent me to check on you. Man, you look rough” he said, examining his brother’s complexion. The younger boy placed the tray of supplies on his brother’s bed — a bottle of Cold & Flu medicine, a reusable water bottle filled to the brim with cold water, a box of tissues, some honey-medicated cough drops, and a cold compress. 
Conrad rolled his eyes, lying back down and pulling the covers on top of him, covering his head, “I think I have the flu” he muttered. 
“Yeah, you’re pretty sick,” Jeremiah added. He frowned as he saw his brother in distress, shivering under the covers. He took the cold compress and leaned over his brother’s body trying to find his forehead under the comforter. Jeremiah grabbed the comforter and attempted to pull them down.
Of course, Conrad fought him. “Dude, c’mon. I’m trying to help you. You’re running a high fever. This will really help” Jeremiah cried, trying to be as patient as he could.
“Fine,” he mumbled. Conrad slightly pulled the covers out from under his head allowing Jeremiah to place the compress onto his brother’s sweltering hot forehead. The heat radiated off of him like a portable heater. 
Jeremiah frowned. He felt bad for his older brother that he was this ill and worse, missing out on the fun outside. 
“Thank you” Conrad whispered, his teeth chattering.
“Do you need anything else?” Jeremiah asked, smiling softly as he tried to comfort his brother.
“Sleep,” Conrad said and began to yawn. He pulled the covers over top of himself once again.
Before he left, Jeremiah explained, “Sounds good. Rest up! We’ll be in the pool. Call or text me if you need anything,” he said. “I’m leaving everything here if you need it. Hydrate!” he gestured to everything he left on the nightstand. 
“Love you, man. Feel better” were his parting words as he silently closed the door.
Finally, Jeremiah met everyone in the backyard at the pool. 
Laurel and Susannah sat lounging on chairs wearing their bathing suits, watching the kids laughing and splashing around in the water. 
He waved at everyone swimming in the pool as he walked over to his mother and Laurel. 
“How is he?” Laurel immediately asked. 
Standing in front of them, he shrugged. “Oof. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that sick” he grimaced, remembering his brother’s feverish condition from minutes ago.
Laurel frowned. “Poor guy. He’ll feel better when the fever breaks,” she said, hoping putting a positive sentiment out into the universe would come true.
Jeremiah ran over to the pool to join Belly, Steven, and Taylor. He ran and held his knees as he hit the water in a cannonball, splashing everyone and making them scream. He and Steven laughed at the girl's misery as a splash fest broke out. 
Although they weren’t on good terms, Belly could feel Conrad’s absence. On one hand, she was happy he wasn’t here to dampen the mood on her sixteenth birthday but the other half of her felt sad. Turning sixteen is a special moment, one she envisioned spending with him. She looked up at the house to the window where his bedroom was as if any second he would open the window and see her. 
Alas as the sun went down, she realized that fantasy was dead. 
That night, Susannah and Laurel suggested they all play board games and watch rom-com flicks on Netflix. As Belly defeated Jeremiah in Battleship as Clueless played on the TV, suddenly they heard faint footsteps. Everyone turned to see who it was. 
Conrad stood in the kitchen waiting for the toaster to go off. 
“Connie,” Laurel said softly, “What’re you doing out of bed?” she asked, getting up from the couch and walking toward the kitchen. 
Conrad ran his hand through his hair and looked at Laurel, his eyes glassy. “I took some Tamiflu and it said to eat with it. Plus, I just needed to get out of bed” he said, looking back at the toaster where the waffle he placed was mere seconds away from popping up.  
Laurel pouted her lip. She wasn’t thrilled about him getting out of bed since she didn’t want this spreading to the rest of the house. Albeit, it was inevitable as he had been contagious a couple days prior. Laurel pressed her cold palm on his forehead; still warm to the touch. “Have you checked your temp at all? You don’t feel as hot as before, " she mentioned.  
Conrad nodded. He hadn’t even thought about checking on his fever, despite realizing the chills had temporarily gone away. He had been in and out of sleep all day, only waking up to blow his nose or drink water. 
The waffle was finally ready. Laurel stepped in the way, grabbing a plate from the cabinet. “I’m sorry honey, but I don’t want anyone else to catch this. Please go get back in bed and I’ll bring this up, okay?” she said, feeling bad but knowing her decision had good intentions. 
Conrad groaned but he was too achy and tired to put up a fight. So he nodded and did as she said and walked himself back to bed. 
Four Days Later
A few days later, Conrad was starting to feel like himself again. His fever had broken that morning and he was in good spirits. But that could just be the medication doing its trick. 
He walked into the kitchen where Belly sat eating a caesar salad and scrolling on her phone watching TikTok and giggling to herself. Conrad opened the refrigerator to reheat some leftover chicken noodle soup. He turned and looked at the girl then turned toward the microwave, placing the bowl in, closing the microwave door and setting a 1 minute timer. 
Belly avoided eye contact. She was still annoyed with him from their argument after the drive-in ambush. But that didn’t stop her from looking up at him when his back was turned. 
Conrad turned away from the microwave and looked at Belly. Her head down looking at her phone. That wasn’t good for her neck, he thought. 
“Hey, happy birthday. I was so out of it that day, I realized I never said it” the boy said in a low voice.  
Belly looked up at him and gave a thin-lipped smile then looked back at her phone, scrolling to a TikTok of a dog jumping in a pool. She let out a loud laugh, tapping her phone to like the video. 
Her mother had told her earlier that Conrad was feeling better, so she shouldn’t be surprised if she finally saw him after days of being cooped up in bed. She hated to admit that she…missed him even if she was still furious at him. She hated seeing him ill. 
Conrad looked back at the timer on the microwave. It had about 30 seconds left. He looked around the kitchen, noticing Jeremiah cleaning the pool out the window. 
Conrad ran a hand through his hair as the awkward silence lingered. Finally, the microwave dinged and he took the bowl of soup out of the microwave. He opened a drawer to get a spoon and walked over to a seat at the kitchen island away from Belly. 
Since his fever broke and he had been taking medicine routinely, he was no longer contagious but he still didn’t want to risk anything. He blew on the soup as steam radiated from it and waited for it to cool down, then took a couple bites.  
“That’s it?” Belly finally said, getting angry now. Conrad looked at her, his eyebrow furrowed and puzzled look in his eyes. 
“Huh?” he replied, coughing, catching them in his elbow,  releasing the phlegm from his chest. 
She walked over to him and touched his cool forehead once he stopped coughing and  sat up. Conrad raised his eyebrows, 
“What are you doing?” he barked. 
“Checking to see if you’re delirious! Seriously, not even an apology? Jere apologized! And you can’t?” she shouted, stuffing her phone in the pocket of her sweat shorts. 
Conrad shook his head and sniffled. He was feeling better but he was still congested and his throat was sore. He touched his temples as his head ached from the motion. 
Even though he started to feel a lot better, Laurel demanded he take it easy in order for his body to fully fight off the virus which meant he had to cancel his sailing lessons with Cleveland for the next week and no surfing. The only surfing he would be doing is channel surfing through various streaming platforms and/or just scrolling on his phone watching IG Reels from his favorite surfers. 
“Belly. C’mon. We can talk” he said, getting up from the chair. 
Suddenly, he felt hot and his vision got blurry. He looked down and gripped the counter, trying to balance himself. He stood in place looking down at the ground as shadows started to move around his vision. He immediately closed his eyes, trying to stop the sensation. 
“Woah” he muttered and sat back down, taking a sip of water from his reusable water bottle. 
Belly turned and frowned as she saw the boy struggle.
“Um, are you okay?” she asked, immediately her tone filled with concern. 
Belly ran over to him.
Conrad released a train of hacking coughs, catching them in his elbow and took another long sip of water when the coughing fit came to a halt. 
“Yeah, I just got a little dizzy,” he said, putting his cold water bottle up to his forehead to dissipate the hotness that overcame him. 
Belly ran over to the sink, turned on the cold water and wet a rag. 
He groaned. “Ugh, I don’t feel good,” he moaned, mumbling to himself. 
“I thought you were feeling better” she mocked, a hand on her hip, smirking at him. 
Conrad looked up at her realizing she heard him complaining. “I thought I was” he barked back, “Guess not” he swallowed and winced, the pain panged at his throat. 
He groaned as the water barely helped. “I’m feel really hot ” he mentioned just as Belly laid a cold rag on the back of his neck. He sighed in relief. 
“This will help. You’re probably dehydrated” she mentioned, speaking the medical language from doctors that come across her TikTok For You Page every so often. 
Conrad looked up at her, his eyes still glassy and he drank more water. He set his water down and looked at the soup still steaming. Suddenly, he didn’t have an appetite. It came on all at once, he was fatigued, his body ached, and he felt miserable. 
Belly frowned looking at him. The flu took at least a week or two to recover from and he was only on day four. It was inevitable that he would crash and burn.  
“I think the medicine’s wearing off” he muttered, yawning. 
“Oh, you poor baby. Let’s get you over to the couch” she suggested running a hand through his matted hair. Conrad nodded and followed her, holding his water bottle. 
Belly grabbed a blanket as he slowly began to lie down. She laid the blanket over top of him and sat down beside him. 
“I thought you were mad,” he said, sniffling. 
Belly scoffed. “Conrad, I’m still mad. I’m pissed at you, actually. But I’m not going to make you suffer through the flu. I think that’s punishment enough” she said laughing to herself. 
Conrad smiled. “I’m sorry. I deserve it. I was being an asshole. I shouldn’t have said any of those things  to you. I didn’t mean them, honest. ” he said in a low voice. 
Belly smiled at his sentiments, “Why don’t we talk when you’re feeling better?” she said, patting him on the leg. Conrad yawned and nodded, agreeing to her statement. 
“I feel like shit” he said, pulling the blanket up further to his collarbone and coughing into his shoulder.
“I know. The flu really sucks. I’m sorry” she said, frowning again. 
“Why don’t you try and get some sleep. It’s quiet” she suggested. The house was empty for the most part. The boys were working at the club while Susannah and Laurel were at the beach. Conrad nodded at her statement and closed his heavy eyes. 
Belly  smiled. She hated being mad at him but she could give him a break just this once. But once he was feeling better, she wouldn’t let his crabby attitude slide.  
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littleblueberryartist · 2 years ago
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sometimes I think about how Eula's chara teaser speaks of aristocratic mond & the gunnhildr design might not be the gunnhildr of old mond
I also think about this guy from the old mond cutscene with non npc hair and armour like what if they were the knight all along and we were wrong
lantern reminded me of the existence of the Imunlaukr clan and I had the brief though of the knight being a Lawrence bc Eula has blue hair lmao But Gunnhildr was the one who dressed venti in laurels after they ascended!! They had to have been close in some capacity for that!!! Her being the knight and a part of the main group int he rebellion would make sense! And the whole "For Mondstadt always" and likely being the reason why nobility in mond have to learn swordplay? Knightly behaviour I'm also attached to the design from the chara teaser so uh sorry random knight guy but I'm chosing to believe that the knight is Gunnhildr and has the chara teaser design until hyv forcefully proves me wrong <3
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cityofchestpains · 3 days ago
nej inte laurell barker
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floralscented · 3 months ago
( AFTERCARE ) . . .ㅤㅤFOUR !!
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ─ ㅤㅤㅤㅤTHE new rock band in town has some nerve, causing mayhem in the venue next to your studio every night. but how do you stay MAD at the lead singer when he looks at you like that ?
PART FOUR. sorry that u love me !ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤJENSEN POV!! fictional school lore. minor manipulation tactics. one (1) y/n and it DID upset me to do as much as it might u to see </3. reminder that this is a slowburn!!
parts will get longer, probably, as relationship develops.
ㅤㅤㅤ─ word count: 2.2k
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤprev partㅤㅤㅤ.ㅤㅤㅤmasterlistㅤㅤㅤ.ㅤㅤㅤnext partㅤㅤㅤ.
ㅤㅤA/N. i did not ever expect to do a jensen pov but honestly i just felt like this one deserved it. he's such a little rat but i'd let him hit it raw ok. before you say girl stand up... ik u were thinking it too... i see u ...
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laurel dance academy was fucking cute. a prestigious little building deep in the forestry of outer dallas, tucked away from prying eyes and wanderers, full of some of the prettiest girls that jensen had ever seen in his entire life. 
they were all just as hyperfocused on their education and practices as you were, which meant that the most he got for wandering down the long, winding staircases and stopping to look in every two way mirror was just a look. 
a look! he was fucking trespassing, and all any of the college aged women and scattered men did was eye him, like they were just as aware of how he didn’t belong as he was. 
dangerous, dangerous. he was already trying to think up ways on how to get away with this more often. 
at least he was here for a purpose, and not just in an attempt to get a look at you in your little leotard again. he wondered if you tossed it after he debauched it, or if you’d thrown it in the wash and figured that was enough to get the stain of him off of your skin and your clothes. unfortunately for you, it wasn’t going to be that easy. he rather liked playing with his toys more than once. 
the dean of the school, tracy geralds, had agreed to a meeting with him. it honestly was a long shot, making that request in the first place, but if powerless was going to become something other than a glorified garage band, he had to take some risks that didn’t involve squatting in an abandoned venue. 
they needed shows, concerts, fucking get togethers if they had to settle for that. and while they were still clinging the dust out of every nook and cranny inside of sunset blvd’s walls, they couldn’t do it there. 
laurel had a stage. it was more designed for an orchestra, really, or, you know — dancers. but it was the first idea he’d gotten in their pursuit for getting the band’s name out there. it had nothing to do with you, even though he’d gotten the idea from your affiliation at the school. it was just too damn easy. 
he raps his knuckles on the dean’s closed, cloudy glass door. he waits one, two, three seconds before deciding to twist the knob and invite himself in. what was she going to do, expel him? 
she’s an older woman, pale blonde hair streaked white in places. her eyes are deep brown, thin lines in the corners, and deeper ones around her mouth. her lips twitch upwards in a small, polite smile. 
“jensen, is it?” she asks, moving around neatly stacked papers on her desk to clear an open space in its center. “go on, have a seat. i’m not going to bite.” 
“hey, you never know,” jensen jokes as he steps further into the room, tugging the chair in front of her desk out just enough to slip in the open space. he collapses into the cushion, stretching his legs out as much as he could in the small area. “i should thank you. for meetin’ me like this.” 
tracy geralds picks a pen out from the container at the corner farthest from jensen, and clicks it a couple of times. “i wouldn’t do that yet,” she says, grabbing a paper from one of the file folders. he was throwing this. she wasn’t even giving him her full attention which, he wasn’t entitled to it, but how was he supposed to flirt his way into getting what he wanted if she wouldn’t look into his eyes? 
“i think i’m gonna put my trust in you, tracy— i can call you tracy, can’t i?” his lips quirk in that panty dropping grin he utilizes so often. that smile’s latest victim had been you, and he could still hear the sound of your restrained moans in his ears. “me n’ my crew aren’t gonna fuck too badly with your stage, if you allow us to use the space.” 
her steely, dark eyes flick up at him. “i’d appreciate if you didn’t say fuck here, mr. ackles; not when you’re trying to swindle your way into getting something you want for free.” 
“oh, i wasn’t expecting free,” he quickly interrupts, and his eyes fall to the curve of her button up shirt, gaze tracing the form of her chest— or, lack thereof. god fucking damn it. he had so little patience, and so did she, and he had nothing to work off of. 
her thinned lips press into an even thinner grimace. “you think i’m going to be bribed with the promise of your—” 
a knock sounds at the door before she can finish, and jensen is almost relieved. he’s not in the mood to get his ass handed to him by a woman twenty years his senior, telling him that all he had to offer was, in fact, weak as shit. 
“come on in,” tracy says, her near sneer of a grimace still directed at jensen. 
he was fucking throwing this. 
the door creaks open, and he can’t help but be nosy. he’s already here. he tilts his head back in the seat to look at who was stepping in. 
his smile doubles in size, becoming something more genuine and less forced, at the sight of you. 
your eyes fall down to his instantly before they ever glance at the dean, and he shoots you a wink before turning around again, legs spread and entirely too comfortable for someone who wasn’t necessarily welcome. 
“oh,” you say finally, three seconds too late. so damn cute, he can’t stand it. like a little bunny! “i’m sorry, i can come back later, dean ger—” 
“don’t worry about him. we’re all but finished here,” the dean says, and he has to physically bite back the scoff that raises from his chest. yeah, he’d thrown this shit completely down the drain. unless…
your eyes glance between him and the dean a couple of times, before you clear your throat. “the cd, with the sleeping beauty songs? it, um, isn’t playing the music anymore.” 
he’s never seen you look so sheepish before. the urge to tease you about it is right there on the tip of his tongue, but he shouldn’t right now. he’s pocketing the information for later, though.
“really?” the dean asks, and jensen looks at her again, seeing the shock written on her face. mixed in with it is the slightest hint of fond exasperation. no surprise that you were a damn teacher’s pet type. “it’s brand new.” 
you make a dismissive sound. he’s glancing between the two of you like he has any fucking clue what this means; like he has a right to learn it, either. “beats me.” 
“i’ll go and take a look at it after this,” tracy assures, “and might just make a request for another, just in case. can’t have our aurora without her tracks, can we?” 
no wonder you were a teacher’s pet, you were the lead of whatever the hell performance you guys were talking about. jensen didn’t know how performances worked when it came to dance, but he knew disney princesses — of course he knew disney princesses — and could context clue the shit out of it to assume that you being aurora was a big deal. 
“thank you,” you say, and the door creaks again, like you’re about to leave. 
that won’t do. jensen sits forward in his chair, elbows on his knees, head swiveling around again to look at you. you really are a cute thing, dressed in a pale pink leotard and a matching skirt. your hair was slipping out of the tight bun it was usually in, front strands falling in loose ringlets. 
the smile didn’t work on the dean, but he knew that it worked on you. “hey, sweetheart. no hello?” 
the silence is so fucking heavy that, for the first time in what must have been ages, jensen regrets opening his mouth. the smile on his face becomes less charming and so much more strained. 
you don’t say a word. something about that irks him; the way you stare at him like a deer caught in headlights, your pretty pink lips parted and unspeaking. 
the dean does, though, a hint of incredulity in her voice. “you know each other.” spoken like a question and a statement at once. 
“neighbors,” jensen explains, and the white lie rolls off of his tongue so easily that it could have been the truth. the best lies were part truth, anyways, weren’t they? he’s starting to relax in his seat again, realizing he could salvage this. it was possible. his eyes flit back over to the dean. “she’s actually why i thought of laurel in the first place. i know all about the grandeur of your auditorium from her.” 
you’re glaring at him. he feels it like fire on the back of his skull. dean geralds’s eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. “i didn’t know you hung out with… such a crowd as this, y/n.” 
the dean’s eyes bounce between jensen’s heavily tatted hands, his rugged beard, his ( definitely ) mussed hair, and then to behind him. jensen turns, too, unable to resist seeing your expression at such an observation. 
your lips are curled in the most delicious scowl, your eyes full of hate and fire, as they fall to his. “surprise,” you bite out, and how pretty anger sounds in your voice. he’s heard nothing but that, until now, but it never fails to knock him off of his high horse every time. 
“well, in that case,” the dean sighs heavily, “you must know about the fact that he wants to share the school’s auditorium, i assume.” 
your anger deepens into vibrant red. your cheeks flush with it. jensen half wonders if it’s because you don’t want him infiltrating your space, or because you’re thinking about all the opportunities he’s going to get to see you now. he can almost see the memory of a few nights prior flickering in your eyes. 
“jensen’s a bit of a fool when he sets his attention on something,” you say, and he has to physically bite back the laugh that wants to spill out of his mouth because of it. “it’s all he’s been talking about. doesn’t shut up about it.” 
oh, you are fucking feisty today. he has half a mind to bring up the fact that he knew how to stamp out that fire in you, but he won’t. not in front of your dean, at least. 
“i’m sure you can enlighten me on why he wants laurel so bad, in relation to the tens of other actual venues in the vicinity?” jensen is not a popular person in this room, but he’s having too much fun seeing you on the spot, practically squirming against the door, to do the right thing and tuck tail. “all the information he’s given me is poor attempts at bribery and flattery.” 
ouch. whatever. couldn’t win them all. 
your lips upturn at the corners, though, and that makes everything but you in the room disappear. forget the old ass woman behind him, and the clicking of her pen, the scratch of the ink against whatever she was scribbling down. you were captivating. 
“his band’s trying to fix up sunset blvd,” you say, your shoulders lifting in a little shrug to punctuate it. “until then, they don’t have anything to perform in. i’m guessing that. i don’t know. he doesn’t tell me any of the whys on his goals.” 
hot damn, were you good. he could read each of your expressions like a book, and apparently, you could read his. 
“i assume he didn’t want to go far from home,” you add slowly, like you’re trying to piece together his motives as you spell them out loud, “and knew that i went to school here.” he didn’t. but pretty little lindsey from destiny dance studio spills everyone’s secrets when she has someone’s head between her legs. “and figured he’d take a chance.” 
the dean made a humming sort of noise behind him, contemplative in nature. this was farther than he ever would have gotten with her, because now that he’d gotten his eyes on you again, the idea of fucking his way into a deal with someone with more gray hairs than blonde made him didn’t sound like such a great plan anyways. 
the rolling chair she sits in groans, and he turns over his shoulder to look at her again, even if it physically aches to pull his attention from you and that fiery look in your expression. “thank you, dear. you may return to class. i’ll be down to check that cd out momentarily. and you,” she says, glancing at jensen now, “you’re incredibly lucky, mr. ackles, that the odds somehow fell into your favor.” 
the office door closes behind him at the same time as jensen’s heart stumbles in his chest. his mouth opens and closes a couple of times before it settles on a grin. “i’m very lucky, yeah. i’ll make sure to let her know how thankful i am.” 
and he planned on keeping that promise, at the very least.
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tags! @happyladyduck @casatoan @mo0nwalker @manicjk @stereotypicalbarbie @inpraise0fbacchus @fitxgrld @depressionbarbie2023 @n-o-p-e-never @star-yawnznn @suckitands33 @stoneyggirl2
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cocktailsfairytales · 4 months ago
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The Life Wish
by Linda Kage
(The Seven, #3)
Publication date: October 3rd 2024
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
What if you fall in love with a ghost?
After four shots of cinnamon schnapps and something called heaven in a cup, Raina Bollen finally feels brave enough to meet her crush, star quarterback Foster Union.
Except her rideshare is involved in a car accident on the way there. Now she’s stuck in a coma, and her soul gets severed from her body, only to tether itself to none other than Foster himself.
Foster never wanted some random spirit to suddenly start riding shotgun in his life, but it doesn’t take long for Raina’s bubbly infectious personality to win him over. She’s just the breath of fresh air he craves because he’s been in need of some serious living himself.
Now if he could only figure out how to help her live in return.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/215797277-the-life-wish
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-life-wish-by-linda-kage
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3TNcFYI
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-life-wish-linda-kage/1145947497
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/ca/book/the-life-wish/id6505129087
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/br/pt/ebook/the-life-wish
Linda writes romance fiction from YA to adult, contemporary to fantasy. Most Kage stories lean more toward the lighter, sillier side with a couple meaningful moments thrown in. Focuses more on entertainment value and emotional impact.
Published since 2010. Went through a 2-year writing correspondence class in children's literature from The Institute of Children's Literature. Then graduated with a Bachelors in Arts, English with an emphasis in creative fiction writing from Pittsburg State University.
Now she lives with hubby, two daughters, cat Holly, and nine cuckoo clocks in southeast Kansas, USA. Farm girl. Parents were dairy farmers. Was youngest of eight. Big family. Day job as a cataloging library assistant.
Harry Potter House Gryffindor, Patronus White Stallion, character match Hagrid. Supernatural Team Dean. Game of Thrones Team Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister. The Walking Dead Team Daryl. Outlander Team Jamie Fraser. Teen Wolf Team Stiles. Avenger Team Thor...or Hulk (can't decide). Justice League Team Flash. Arrow Team Stephen Amell. Stranger Things obsessed. Heard Laurel, not Yanny.
Started out reading with the Baby-Sitters Club. Then moved to Sandra Brown, Linda Howard, Julie Garwood, and LaVyrle Spencer in high school. Now all over the place with her romance reading tastes.
Author links:
Twitter: @lindakage - https://twitter.com/lindakage
Facebook: Linda Kage - Romance Author - https://www.facebook.com/authorlindakage
Instagram: @lindakagebks - https://www.instagram.com/lindakagebks/
Website: http://www.lindakage.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3213942.Linda_Kage
Readers Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/APageWithLindaKage/
Blitz-wide giveaway (INT)
$25 Amazon gift card
Hosted by Xpresso Book Tours
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swcctlikejustice · 1 year ago
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Laurel shrugged noncommittally, knowing there was a long list of things she could be doing with the time she now found herself with. not that she had a lot of motivation to do it at the moment. ❝relaxing sounds a lot better than anything else I could be doing,❞ she agreed with a small smile. her eyes narrowed just a bit as he continued speaking, her own natural curiosity getting the best of her. ❝like...any of the defense attorneys around here?❞ or just in general, Laurel wasn't particular. ❝is that why you were here? with someone that you don't like, I mean.❞ @fcdcdmcmories
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"SEEMS LIKE WE ARE, YEAH," what could he even say to that? that he was not? well, that would have been a lie, because.. these days, the only thing that he was was in a rush. it seemed as if donna was always content to drag him from one place to the other and ugh, he hated it. and her. he really did. "but hey, that's a good thing? means that you get to relax for a little bit, at least?" lord knew that he wished that he got some time for that too. to be able to relax. to be able to take a breath and to forget that this was his life for a second there. right? "oh, yeah. especially when you've come here with someone tat you don't particularly like." @swcctlikejustice
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mysgprop-cstee · 1 year ago
Sky Everton
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Sky Everton
FREEHOLD @ PRIME DISTRICT 2 Near 4x MRT Lines LAST UNIT: North Facing City Skyline View:  5BR PH (PH1 1819SF) #36-10 $5,868,000 – Last 1 👏🏻House with 270 Degree Panoramic View of Sea & City 👏🏻 4-Levels of Full Condo Facilities & Spa Pools 👏🏻 Quality Furnishing & Fitting 👏🏻 Unique 5m ~ 6m Ceiling Height 👏🏻1 to 1 Parking 👏🏻 City Living Next to Greenery Park
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√ D2 Freehold √ Core Central Region √ Seaview with greater southern waterfront transformation √ Heritage with lush greenery √ Connected by 2 existing MRT Station + 1 upcoming MRT Station √ All round amenities and convenience https://youtu.be/n6ZSBK7oQAE Rare Freehold in District 02 Singapore Introduction About Developer's Background Project Highlights  Sky Everton Unique Features: Location Map Site/Floor Plan Unit Mixes: Price Guide/ Sales Package Interior Design/ Gallery Download E-Brochures Introduction Type Descriptions Project Name Sky EvertonDeveloper Name SL Capital (6) Pte LtdLocation 50 Everton Road (District 02)Tenure of Land FreeholdExpected Date of Completion (T.O.P.) 02 Dec 2023Site area 6,694.5 sqm | 72,048 sqftTotal No. of Units 262 units in 1 tower of 36-storey Car Park Lots 262 Lots + 3 Barrier free carpark lot in 4-storey car park, & a basement.
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Sky Everton is a freehold development situated in 50 Everton Road (highly sought-after Tanjong Pagar enclave), district 2 Singapore. The property by SL Capital Pte Ltd proposed residential housing comprising 1 tower of 36 storeys, a total of 262 residential apartments with 4 storey carparks with a basement and communal facilities. Outram Park and future Cantonment MRT Stations are just a stone’s throw away. Working professionals will appreciate the easy and short commute to reach their offices within CBD and Marina Bay Financial District. Major highways such as the Central Expressway (CTE) and Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE) are also easily accessible for residents who drive. Prime location also brings the excitement of city living right to your doorstep. The sizzling vibe of the urban sprawl never runs out of stories, excitement and stimulation. From the complete retail and entertainment destination that is Marina Bay Sands to the shopping hub of Orchard Road, all the city’s indulgences are yours to enjoy. Another favourite shopping haunt is VivoCity, one of Singapore’s largest mall where you can dine, catch a movie or shop for hours. Sky Everton - A 36-storeys luxurious freehold development, standing tall and resplendent at the edge of the city and the southern shores of the island. It articulates the stylish and cosmopolitan lifestyle of the truly discerning individual. About Developer's Background
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Sustained Land is a private company incorporated in 2006 that is one of the leading residential property developers in Singapore. Despite being a private company, Sustained Land owns shares in Sysma Holdings that’s is listed in SGX. The firm has grown over the years providing distinctive properties. Sustained Land is known for its superior finishes and quality construction built to last for years. The company has a great team that enables them to deliver properties with a touch of great designs, innovation, functionality and quality finishing. Some of the projects done by the company in the past include: - 38 iSuites - Suites De Laurel - 833 MB Residences - 3 Cuscaden Showflat - Casa Al Mare - 8M Residences - Sturdee Residences
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  Project Highlights  Sky Everton Unique Features: - Rare freehold at CBD fringe/ Prime District 02 - Walk to Outram Park, future Cantonment MRT Stations and Chinatown - Easy access via Central Expressway (CTE) & Marina Costal Expressway (MCE) - Short drive to Central Business District via , Marina Bay Sands,, Orchard Road and Sentosa - Plenty of shopping options some which rank among the best in the world such as VivoCity, Great World City, Clarke Quay Central, People Park Centre, Chinatown Point, Riverside Point, Tanjong Pagar Centre, Amara Shopping Centre and International Plaza in the vicinity - An array of options for F&B dining, entertainment hotspots, food centres and wet markets that include famous Chinatown and Tiong Bahru wet markets. - Proximity to future Greater Southern Waterfront - Near to good schools like Cantonment Primary School, CHIJ (Kellock), and Radin Mas Primary School - Good rental potential as it is a popular location with professionals / expatriates Location Map Nearby MRT such as Marina Bay, Tanjong Pagar, Chinatown MRT, and Outram MRT the residents future at Sky Everton can look forward to enjoyable weekends outdoors with your family, friends or colleagues as you enjoy the tranquility that this place has to offer. Surround yourself with quiet tranquility yet just be within minutes away from all the excitement of the city. Close to a myriad of business hubs, entertainment & leisure amenities and prestigious schools.
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Sky Everton is close to the hip Duxton area, which offers a plethora of indie cafes, restaurants and stores amidst the old-school HDB setting. The estate is a haven for foodies and coffee lovers. Families with school-going children can look forward to renowned schools that include CHIJ (kellock), Radin Mas Primary School, Outram Secondary School, CHIJ St. Theresa’s Convent and Cantonment Primary School.
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Nearest MRT - Outstram Park MRT 420m - TANJONG PAGAR MRT 780m - Cantonment MRT (DUE 2021) ~270m Schools - Cantonment Primary 200m - Chij (kellock) 1.16 km - Radin Mas Primary 1.56 km - Outram Secondary 1.17 km Shopping & Groceries - Chinatown Plaza 510m - TANJONG PAGAR CENTRE 780m - PEOPLE’S PARK COMPLEX 1.03 km - NTUC FAIRPRICE (TANJONG PAGAR) 510m GREATER SOUTHERN WATERFRONT
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The planned relocation of the City Terminals and Pasir Panjang Terminal to Tuas will free up 325 and 600 hectares of waterfront land respectively. With the first set of berths at Tuas Port to be operational by 2025, the downtown and southern port area will eventually be phased out. This area is known as the Greater Southern Waterfront. The Greater Southern Waterfront, with 925 hectares of land – an area three times the size of Marina Bay, represents an opportunity to create a new waterfront city that is integrated with downtown and the surrounding housing and business near the city. The Greater Southern Waterfront could be built up for new housing, commercial, cultural and entertainment uses, cementing Singapore’s growing reputation as a world-class city for its people to live, work and play Site/Floor Plan With various residents’ facilities specially designed for physical invigoration and also total relaxation, unwinding has never been this easy. Where growth and wellness are integrated to create an energised, holistic environment for you and your loved ones. There is no better investment than in your family.
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At Sky Everton, carefully considered facilities provide hours of foreseeable fun. Even at home, you will be constantly surrounded by numerous facilities awaiting your exploration. With swimming pool, BBQ deck and more you’ll be completely spoilt when it comes to choosing how you want to rest and relax.
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Floor Plan: With its luxurious settings surrounded by culture heritage and natural beauty, the condominium is indeed the perfect place to start living a life in sheer grandeur. Shaped with luxurious design and complemented with fittings and furnishings of excellent brands, the apartments are thus enhanced with an elegant look that bespeaks a prestige lifestyle. Some apartments will enjoy the expansive panoramic views of the city skyline and the sea. South - Facing Reserve Park & Greater Southern Waterfront North - Facing Conservation House 360 degree view
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Floor To Floor Height - Overall Height 167M - 1 to 6 storey - 21M - 6 to 12 storey / 15 to 22 storey / 25 to 35 storey - 3,5M - 13 storey & 23 storey - 6M for living / dinning and 5M for master bedroom Floor To False Ceiling Height - Toilet, kitchen, bathroom and Corridor - 2,7M - Master Bedroom, living dinning, bedroom ( typical floor 3,3M) - Master Bedroom ( 5M for 13 & 23 storey ) - Living/dining ( 6M for 13 & 23 storey ) TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN & Virtual Tour
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Unit Mixes: UNIT TYPESIZE (SQ FT)NO OF UNITS1-Bedroom463 | 592341-Bedroom+Study506 | 635162-Bedroom624 – 807742-Bedroom+Study657 – 840383-Bedroom915 | 1066403-Bedroom+Study with private lift958344-Bedroom with private lift1435225-Bedroom Penthouse181926-Bedroom Penthouse22282Total Units 262 EXTERIOR This home has a capacity for a single, couple and large family, with all the services and amenities you could desire to make it an excellent location for any get-together of family and friends. - Private pool - Shaded dining areas with ample seating - Balcony for each room - Stone-built barbecue - Private garden area - Pool-side sunbeds - Hammocks INTERIOR The stunning design and contemporary decoration creates an elite luxury experience in the heart of a traditional setting. Modern and thoughtfully unit design. - 1-Bedroom - 2-Bedroom - 3-Bedroom - 4-Bedroom - Penthouse - Internal seating incl. couches, chairs and lounge - Modern kitchen with appliances and equipment Price Guide/ Sales Package LAST TO GO: 1BR/ 2BR/ 3BR/ 4BR Fully Sold North Facing City Skyline View:  5BR PH (PH1 1819SF) #36-10 $5,868,000 – Last 1 Please Contact Us at (+65)84188689 It is important to only engage the Official Direct Developer Sales Team to assist you to enjoy the best possible direct developer price. There is no commission required to be paid. Interior Design/ Gallery
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libidomechanica · 2 years ago
Untitled # 10000
A sonnet sequence
I still; she colours, and Chaucer used King Hindostan a brook,—whose broughly treasure preace flow just of that last is the man the Fight. All Works of Life in an ev’ning for Gods, and vast French thou with fool, for true the first with Ho! But relation this arrower tongue can our weeps me, that are rancid dreams speculiar Eyes upon the more only labyrinthink not, like, none. So cross there nothings won. Head. Seems from stumbled a prayers from wings, falls us from the fragranted Armes abhorr’d gigantic, all this please to the North. And made, bends used healing rain, because the light, like power feed up.
And crispers him vp out a shalt meete Art can Christian laurels forth my thus into. Spoke, the betters gems at all those break tongue, and tall, it seem’d retreat deep wounds, then he structure o’er she smiles the pleasing, and my name is soul know what inward your own self embalms: O though thorny trembles at her own everywhere ripen’d, and of that religion know, and kept walk humble sober step off the patient level day was we, and farm, he western gate, to the drew a brood. His whose ynne you thousand anon her got up in the wing, thousand pride, explainly conquering berth. In all mortal man!
Ae king; —o that broke me fragile bar and loves in beans deferred. And when held him na: at whistle number’d stocks when meek beckon’d of the comfortable, I knew words would be; little dry. If only good again. In mine account your loose, are wit, half-chast than a clime? Other grace, that partings by his morning row, till places and bunches and of praises like to the Gown: hers scratch this wings and yet with such and Pomatums she said she, in gender the hallop, float, will love, besides, sighs—all those might have hard let me incloses we love, on they’ve speak but face thee more, winding. Yes, even a trick or make vnder hair surprizes; o’er-brimm’d, a fell; it is a most useless flee—I was stole freshness the driving out, my life, you I love your human angry fawn that reare than she. And on a dog, heighted fortunity than if I could the work more, Passchendaele, Babi Yar, Vietnam.
He gaed thy hand, a sick to fleeces? By this captains, and bound, and wasted with speech, yet ne’er his brothed to other until one make a worke me when your city side, spreading or saw emerald thus. It is not character when the goodly murmur of the King whispers shall around give tost. Her and like more be reare nothings. This times … I am drum nor let simpling my love his sacred to get at ever wayward fire in ways, onely wealth is worst times such admir’d, uplifting to himself shall makes lights began their locks when I the sun and twined and slits in these hymns, and ever!
Shall I will we want I say, you over everybody locks rise in muck bene speculation. But for a second lean heart lies greatest Fair thou did stands; by a whirling so exempt—truly, I weigh and made delight; smote to worst of your listens, stood with hair: soft god of her was a closet. To fight, nourishing gets you will never as dead, but I know; Hereat, he! Who makes mere completed to some refresh sing, advaunce oft on Passion, no aching plump- armed without my veins from Learnestly, Grace, huge cloudy, evermore, that are the last its again of even no run of it.
I could heart, vermeil rimm’d, an Earth reverberate school play, human continue groomes, like at the easy many quizzical, O magic sailed. Did I let have sweeping from his hornes but choose, fair; and, knock and those such as an enjoy such and fading very leaf driftie very few thou shall nightingale singly straine please in various folk of dead, and the larks of its with the Priestess forms surgeons made my Mind: beside of us. And fierce high the Gnomes your tempt! Locks and life, as when I knows woman’s is boys and goes do thou then he been proue and was put a calescimus illo&c.
And showering o’erwhelm besides Platonic men men some form, I show. Before grows of plant, or cots: Now into these trusted wits neuer slantwise Ferdúsi says, Fame deep himself will sweet and all forehead, o’er- taking, half-forget how it circulated to follow sound everywhere Joan was those necke beare he sacred stand, after twitted ha’, to bed, her Grace cries, knew porphyria’s mimic, more for sully crowned lips, our of sound, and pursu’d, just on now Ben he earthly powers oft a toot! Of bright turn the World can’t be to take the twanging down top of my labyrinthinks shelter.
At once they loue; no, like each to drowned love’s under; and succeedingly o’er-herd barb’rous House these to lay, as if my car. Where an Angels afternoon an easters time heav’ns so blaw! One the side, we were told to another, never lips, and I willow; but whatever hoary, in Show’r I grew beside sure made of wild-boars rownd, and Earth renegade, we stealth of our love must for my grass they beautified wide hath copse and granary photographic emphatic dreary, children are hath in States, are and a commends, the wou’d Tyranne her pull of Life be for whom enough, it is inscrips.
One who would sway, and crowne fast too widow… . So her the musick tale of a whole, she sight? That comes rownde did not take: tho’ less Mortal Birth, thy drown’d Arabia break and lowde, and grand all thee by miraculous of a great love increase, Pleasures, since the rymes of her the seabeaten wings, will not seen the shrieks by a broken charms convey the love I call gentle mate its will never spare Arm-chair in the fragment. Who move, unless his petty should I dare teares? Would not dead, crisperity. All foreman, will believe tossed not die. And yet When glitter life for me where beloved.
When Loue; what blinded brook; or, it can jump both haire of one else, and shade: whether to those Meads around at they in her gold for mile. The question, no ass son and shall the streaming understandered of departed joyance her wish’d then, arise; dread into sleep a purer Blush screen’d on the sun; next ocean much; and spoken a picture of men of it. For me when he blood at the Grates in mine should’st the pale aspect makes that youthfully, need I dash of plant of all our love in; and vaine, for if Time’s Wits and string? May round the last see a flowers, for war, alas, if Caitives in it gone.
Three and I my ain. Rich Quilt … we meet in a wailful gnats mounts to her looked knife. Is should choose at a’? Now, he seabeaten. Seems at lastings I loves to a secret Passions, late boon.—When delicacy; all full of Harlot be put my will lay thy name, Bannockburn, for Cupid sleep! And as an ever. As been of carry, misery tender can I forget me go. And gloved young girl. And once, like her fortune, and love it not Person passion broodesty conquering head, fishes of sadness of Phoebus’ lightest she saw, alas! By those the Sylphs shook mildest, and rais’d the Victim off.
It’s what Meg o’ the spoons. And furrow lighten upon he cold, in the just on all thy beauty of that the than at his crown’d— I quite aside of the wasn’t things that curtain such thy preserv’d to Lisp, and fain marbles away is well; and perpetual favoured our face and bunches drives on one Phœbus range might? And by they pass-and-repass before my dishes, and mow’d thy lewd talking, ’ he wink, but you too you, lover two first-fruit no soon thy pen bow: a torments you been a wild Disorder of praise they she disgracefully once love and over might he life. Thou shall disbursement.
And the press from ear two frost with ease: the British boutique, nor no you on thy lustre, my toiling out, or happiness, Merchance now and finds the Bust an arch this old attack; her philosophers sometimes Countenance? On her Side. No one shepehearse began to beauty you give my husband call thou gate in the drooping the sweet doves, all fainting them, thogh fairest-blossoming souls together full of beauty which we shall very of the gatherine! The ocean, which from such, and plays and silence and we in sense, tho’ the sleep, when film so small Pillow leafy shadow, beaus bandage sense.
Let it cannot wait. Like holds a man issued their part the cheerful and fresshe fair herte up-close of a dream: yet turns, blown; she long plain: my heard, tel the late in circuit of this you art even me? Which one another hear us, gentle hearkener Light, in must prove, love yon red feeds and waylays whereon a height-Dress eye ground a rage had best offices, echoing at hide the journeying story. Ye Spirit’s where simplicius asks of all nation; ’tis understood just enought having, and Cremsin rever; his charm of heavy Saturn to, like being angers so clear I’m weary moon.
We hover … autumn bold be a dread Event the hedge combin’d, mid the city maiden, so grew up old song they rose. More delicious the pungently followed to dote or Gotterdammerung from for willing swallow-heart to mince undetain’d by myself in for me three party? Her Elbow and all the wise-valians defend, may sighing of what the other we. Rich for ever a-spends the pipy hemlock to the sumptuous sky. Let us lettes; his arrow on this, it is laurels moving shipwrecks. Dawn than even Some grey that long- wish’d a span. The means his face doth deny’d.
If Queen first worth! And sullen-seeming rollings of Judgments fled, this swords to make the leave over thy mist floated wi’ me? Road beside me now methink till at last enought, nor feare, like variegated the tides: now Lakes herself away: but when your mine, and a fly, and quick gone: i, who love than that long leave the land unobserving what it white, before the will with thee, whose fool! Some for a hundress there is almost with his sacred there with fed so pleasantnessed me. That thy soul thinks would deny’d—send host to brightest Fair one him so freshes and pensive her for ever feet his trill.
From you just and all pricke to casts down thy self-substance would they are dreamed with the most add, jenny her throught uncalled; and thou but sometime had ne’erthrown and now Belinda’s Name the great end; but a fret; till roabes direct, when we go dance coins it, he fell in my Gates but small such strife, encreas’d purse— the Head, hung through it lastly die? Love’s old alone: loved a bubble up in the serues through she boat? Like a river but her pretious rules may fit, each in tender Maids to chamber that monstrous from her voice; whether be stocks smoke. By those bright mount of kindling vp stern cloudy, even such a dove.
And sense was yet its taut than all mankind, I sealed gentleman. The journals, yet unless Things wonne had written where it, to a blind so ill by thee pression shall never come wherein, the late as the fled, and her House; here them as thousands from the thinner;— o, ye immortals small: with your wordy hart: dumbe Swanne. How they saw her were holds beames of what, when this Locksley Hall! Leaving came loth oh! And its growe, whose simmering hindward they were the falls, or of silent croak. The corage too long-legged rocks that once louded jade face down. Love, and flowers, dew- drops to gather Alexis smart, and gone?
I know no sore, and the wind: beside my disclosed heart, and a propitious Calypso on when I feel their lances one. The hundred ye may expression blesse of the horizon’s silks, the angels will have all the heavens fall long ask’d on airy Subjects from which is heavens dart did nothing so rare weep me anything sad sickens the bands she more, or cry’d, trembling moon, trembling of the moment in turning Robie taught, rhythm in that dotted time steel thee long lose bright, alive, ridiculous, volumes were out the Goddess with equal—when two time anymore. And crownest of mind fret at a land, coming. The amber peer of this; with love’s tie, wilt come and dine for my friends—as the motley frown a very white as friend! This calf at eithere dazle there we lie the chin this is the Mill with sparks, it may all die; for itself deep in Sommers him for Nothings of the walking.
’Twas lordly sees all aspected the Fire. For a little life and them each dragg’d and most foreheads drew night! Threw; their plays where is to Belinda flew a close, ’twas the man, and gray, and cooked my flocks fatherine, lassie, if he distinguish the sea forky Beautiful isn’t cut his sad sigh pouting came was a mansion. Gone in his and least and on throughly place which mares; by angry people’s floure-de-luce something, as loved Chief feastings! The bright mart, became a love! Loom enough of Zephyr penitent ador’d, here lessed-fair Tresses frontier: the whisper this autumn’s exuberant, and gone.
And slim, on while melt my life on the roaring ring, and Balkís a Seasons run? Repair: but what way; for a star-sweeter the man one his journals, the Heavens darken; a Winds; th’ Imperial Whisper’d, by house that Mississippi chickens with feyned with need I think ye are thou saw’st yesterday, with, when fetter this Urne. Must, such bigger blood is cheerful Fancy yet I feels impossible! On a tender had blows what me screen, and all thee sidelong that watch that charge, where to mine, and snebbe them; ah, when you remind men, and triumph’d in a last, when you drinking the sting this usual Life pretty the pass wind: an electroencephalograph from the down, it grows where thoughts would perish in it shall I tell me when wing, as a stores with the window creations’ ambassadors with hadst be spoken Voltaire’s, and afraid … of that make Titans, nor forms survey, and Snakes.
I wanted Vessels, gifts, to a crowned actress alarm’d his Balkís a Struction we go out the Rival of wild, betraying that you. If Hampton-Courts to works of bitter silks were and a’! I stare: for Colin fit shall beauties, straight and white a dry Bob. And scanne: hear then ever its eyelids with and tenfold, an’ ken I my angry Judge— by silenced after vpon my fathoms, that noble loue, one foot, and watchful moving around us they disclose, too conscious Wax-light uptook her bosom swore a most show by that dawn; and my time direct, but it. Leaving, pursue, and, from the liue you.
There rain, the floures to cutte the maid, and be world of Day. Forget think till its strong food, it is no many tear, I wonne: and gray most keep ye. For even conquest, the base and take from love. So she could splinterruption of little light stirr’d in such valid saying if the crisis that love me a passions bought of King;—o that mole between the wist, the world wed, that quick-glanced, and they called before stool, whose pan I laughs amang; our fashion, made what may like a girl, she little boat, a trooping band its truth. Lest to hit, forgetting, half you’re kill’d his Silia message of corned in the twice to moved you to gain, False denying; draws us between up-closes who could now too find. He dear to keeps restles yet ne’er hips. An he counsel take the nice, it is not be a tables through, the cave, and great British Fair once may die? And all thin a day, and this worse.—Condemned, and watched; he charms.
She sees, sat Sunion, no part, sacred with a key, already see our chains. And with speculated with and the like since has hags house love-burden. Since expel by name with her a spare, for I a scroll, and when reins, besides for tho, the grow happiness, not a dawned watchful King well; it is said no, yet her hairy door. For bound, one forgot to the she strong bedded sang one start a-dying in hand the sweat, but in the chace—i, whole world it alone, who sleeping favour own within my lord didn’t bland and still in your Sex resign. Now your journey … and quiet bass, armies of this verse; call?
Band; and dream—ghostlike, happy change will conflicting ore: ’twas left me why. Or the eyes like Titans, garlands, Charms real tress, fear was in each other’s fans of my dear and at that’s thereof touch cold wedding about the began to many a less with all! When thou thus aloft riding out from East, to peer hear us, and mammie’s early success of touch he great perch’d upon thy Rapine a firmament and then, her seek was fairy Elves and gather image school place, we best of somersetshire my thought as this morning thrid the waving truth winds around, with amber stumbles and little straight!
So Heaven-kissing careful hungry woes for very few thing the world we are raise. Breather limbs in the maps the night aske I, whole list, put wild, and Erin’s silks, and wait that beside his mine end when fruited for aye my burden graces when you tell you knows its sheltred creations’—not you saw he is, bitter dress my grown what, Nature freedom, to pray to the wish is smoke oft have to make rejoinder—then fill’d one and blow. That lean up, when on me is noted in spot the falling; frowned wasted Glare, to struggle wind, and she chain of my death take it were heavenly in a spouse its girls whole emper’d: no long her pendent Eyes sent that came with a queer sorrow, with lovely by those Teeth all fairest Virtues makes then?—Then filling out of spite of tyrants than the hadde in women at once I free so Arab desert undecyphers of the beauty’s find the Breast obeying to tame.
Oft hand, and a novel for euer he doole the bonie fair thou wont to warn’d great above, enlistening stopped merry can I forget. Being a tooth in her loose, and Philosophy: look deep vermilion: and cresses the Peacoks spot, if not when you hasted brief; with ev’ry Eyes, a purer Blush screamed to the clear Madam, tis you art where, whose who forgotten, and yet shall I but all sober-suited teach moment! I rally wastes in awake, and so find, whenceforth: her numerous high a wide, fair he divide the Guardian’d married at me third was been but glen at Keswick, and sky.
Herculean sunne lambs loud a strange thing lately vain to they see no arms survey, and wish you in most, such visions,—saving early hours, on ev’ry Neck. Or Remnants bodies where furrowes, to say, what in her browes: dreary, children breeds, and so freedom, I say when the ears were on her many quiet she silk: that phone the collect a naked brough soaring the sight badges that lighted at a world’s frame his all the left not? And both fare the wide sits may taken his Foe dread a might, nor well trim hath rosy chin, shine than thousand Wreathes to heart have of Ombre, no beare her madness.
In which will delights that matter’d of that home should did break tongue thus addressing how Art cannot beauty—Beauty be; weel an ancient worne the other. And stands in haunt of the wild goat by that’s go sails new Stratagems at before us with the flour, conjured feel you art not chuse to makes Love drinking the King: for for ever once the Fate, Then, Claring how she with the little to us, O belongs with you see She’d her. Because this flowing wind; in the blue Neptune’s can ancient and thou like a scope all women and the fall: but by though spot why shoes is species, knowing throat and dress will breathing down. And one not, contrary, is little bar and our gate the Courts: beg from which Thee repose, quick, she will loll around a woman arbour, or pause, not being more thee the would I shall belie his right we may fortunes of Air; the cherish in juicy vigour. Litigious call?
When brings for Sylphs surround the brere be within mysterious Talk thou gave, which doors fall amiss! Me to caverns in revisions is that the silver sae bone. Or less pleasure, wi’ Jeanie on die, I call this blackbird to the sun was fasten she best with his Beauty puts of before that are of warre. To say true Honours of Phoebus was to gracious restless propped flush with the golden pity of yellow from her world with death of God, there have and to cloke. Bronze clatter of the you I love larks free: the kitcher sighs that cropp: but in their each, yet my flow, and wash of Latmos was the sense.
Same was he adieu; and newly spring at the faces where you It may live in the Finger lawny first step. And to see her bell that alp. Who had ne’er the grant one and Praise deigns the public tis true? And all passion with a rang’d to one gender, which were he never a little to pointed system to see even in facts just not heards with Flavia’s glad, perhaps t is beneath leaving of rough it best to beat the mine, ’ he strange, how her Victim dy’d insider Now moonlight as endeavour, when the smitten, and she best of life, enlarge-—that make should put a bus. And widow, and Nymph!
Now compliant, as wet. But now saddening more Glory to be no mought, and sit in Arcadia’s glade a lass, in passion graceful Lord, when the his Pray’rs, while to enjoy that gladly Bodkin Spear, a tints of Heart sweeping, as when like said, hadst thy whole softly leaf of the blossomes to say thee flying: alas! These, but passioned with you’re we, ’ one save the windpipe-slitting name I used in her Hand, like-hat rear ours years begun: rift tods of the would half a Patagonia perfume of all impart of kiss, I lovely make young tree but carefull seek to peer or foe. What the sun.
The sunshine, who men, my lass, how good! Struck for decide what’s in hue about, any books the dide the dabbles loose, are they rais’d tent to hold see a calm and for boys wild wander’d though her whist. Came night weld then, gender fret at make, forget me stain. That their to beauty is the Sun obliquely vilest Glory refrigerator. Tom Piper mammie’s wants upon a dropping the damn the sake out of such disdains o’er- architect. At thine hostess, and leg, and for thy sphere: ’ but a womankind, through she Smile, as well the radio. Holding of mould me within my breath his storm, and mine else.
Easily blood in loue annoied. Alive assembly, left his Flight, did no and those with clownish is gain air cradle she cast in the Breath! Behold, for through at their from Fifteen, then her hearts tongue, the rabble’s phrase, nor let me confine; tho’ wretched in circle thee, long army-surges unfix’d with Music of me; for the would stead! Which adds new creep, and extend, for a travel’d in the Lock, the roof, in facts just, awhile I am unbalance: Is that graced; tho’ my heart, and from thee, all the budding that I do leaues to encounted praise Celestials know more a wave high-piled gentle held mend!
The move so many a mysterity. His subdued this larded to disgust, anxious arms, repair’d her scorne, young like braunched out thou and fool, again. When Nature breeze knock’d about wives. Said she let’s fondly Rain. His for his diplomatic ecstasy of wrong Lips to be pain sad, is world, without the sea-gull whence sae pawkie is; yet to him who, saved, when returning night so you still Pan is yet some drear her nor prayse only Laili, ’ yet never and milde where is worth in you, put one confinèd wink, and I untied her villages two widow …. For on, when she rocks. Not eternal, nor them!
On tranquil muse up in little, which is grant, fears we’re our younge and each importance of grant note their more dancer: could be gardener of understood and floating Dies, that nods about the scene is penance? Shine, a new muse! A sunset a share, or thus, to sinking throught, rhythm. But nowe be the brain until I gaze upwards replenish the altar, seeps with surveyors, unskill, and I dare gone away from he hand, and die a jest. By and for ay from throw a for the grew behind my brows bushest earne to you want your state in Air, knowing even in a pity, and wives. And to rove!
Tapers, in yonder pulled with window, heart, I’ll teares? I heart’s the nightly for this fair staine doth scather was in even any chronicle of Nations. Love, if the speed across those good Simplicius as man, from through flower heard to begins. And now my sleeping, half you know the dim purple grasshopper—the Type of young charmed tomato aswage? And, like to be worst! My heard the Glasses a sings to tell me be of wonder take me for aye shadows old my merry in love’s ear or best o’erwhelm besides, the on thing line; his so fairest worthy of drowsy spell; and loveth him leye.
And find. In Maching seer leapfrogs a scene is of the strife with make from the finger time all his ever against his eyes, and mock you over majesty revolt doth was on rosy red grow there; he bran, but as Lightnings—from the saint with unworried at ev’n been and I’ll enslave forgetting Wits arise, and brough is streetlight Slipped foreign laws. And with those symmetry search’d upon the twinkling happy spots still, each look, a light before glitter striking fire; yea, stare: weight find my for nowe it rise from its watch’d with spark that day was youth to know my very bourn; o’er her plump-armed Ostlereagh?
She toy at the would as deep fair once morning fuel; and all grow. For Show. Shows, than she moving by the Vial next of my signal fountain search of the ring, and felt the mute, from the person of cut-throat indeed, dropping of its sphere, the watch over-spangling slow but in Air, as never a-spends too be ioyes all Constantly glad the mossy stone’s gay. Yet outside famous, gemlike, she e’en richer seene; or preside, a shadowes your bed; her want more they of my side the else too raise dispraine. Coming wings; yea, take away around, lumine Oten roof, in Shades, here where in easy man’s head.
Up, it combing to my mild remain the hirelings and ever-during seawards me, but do rose and altar. Of thy Justice; they danced, pulling there, entertain o’ woman I look of seasons to get sweets days your wayward reful in an hour, contender which her got in bigge, and while I tasted. And amazed with my care three lads with some with what it can state—this your rayes! The beautiful in Flames soon, and one can no confin’d, that mentillatinous found: she mould mournful Virgin like-hat rather now, unveil’d in Princes, my Tory, this half-chasted works, a people aparted!
What I saw her, can’st thou dost play young were a bee upon earth is torches drooping, the swallows—true—but still, she the loud and Heroes again. She were no giraffes. We lies; or this?—There youth: yea, swellini’s persuade of the means this place, when Zephyr-sigh and whiten is yet his Nosegay into the gorge upon a dove than the Glanced- but now, from a task grow these essence dawn that delicate as thou wert to sorrow? Last with a man said; whether world of stranglemen, can dogma rather new systems the Booke why.—Thou thy swell throught cannot reare Minstrument: and Winds, Your wishes, and sad.
In face young prest, than is their fall longer from the more, you might still steam-boat which we various made so all my hearted. It’s like a startings of ghosts of should yet, the Lock, they do thought maiden pin; since, ’ thou dost, when the warre. And blue; far of parage I fearful to my Love done, buzz, and the coming Indian can’t sleep and Attic bags, lies flocks and Beauties enough my love, more prove has branch done. I love as the Fight, slow rings from good natural heart to loved moon, tremblems they be no more I must, such last with other her gan to comprehensible stumbling through nations, made for the sweethes.
It may engage, nor legs. No more wrong brere, no doubt, you are crowd of it. No wondrous live. They beheld up in that I am that whole, as thou my being above as best to wan, shall God— for Fame, maybe, I tell into this heart, or turn the sires, when she sacred Hair stain threw into eternity; while the poppy hills their fishy smelling delight reveal’d: what is mastered in compared taste, now, and sip with Flow’rs a ram going, This Verse an absolute and when discours’d, that is no teach dragging Tow’rs, her pantom years and glories at heads, living new: tho’ the laugh’d awa by Phoebus mowing well my heart brough the lucid Squadrons with a sickly Mind,—and of flirtation;—o, ye immortal Birth, the exhalation to scorn Two Pages only from the blind my flights, and repose region of which for you begun, of tune fleeces? But onely lie each to the great with Ho!
Than is your read of The Mogul a cup of Susan’s hands! Thy petty ankle gravity because with a globe, yea worst opened to its spheres discount Lycean! By and courselves, or by my next ocean, wisdom? Such the game blueblackboard with hurricane tasswage to raise my tears! Must the Chief give it: so lofty those weighty follies hung dew-dabbles to it … You art assuage but whim. At his to die dejects, or worse vnto the seen first a curs’d, that proud Triton’s dead, shuffled laurels’ patter fav’rite posite; whan they were their whose immortal Petersburgh; suppliant Lover! Love of heaven!
To draw the Field in all we two cheek; and brick tale, unlight, so the health our in womankind, happy tombs, and whiter straight, beneath lad been doors of them dying love sweet seem’d to feed a rose, even Some worthy power beauties entred ever afresh, and from yond heart, woe betters to love is, thro’ Galilæo’s Eyes; for thy brow hath could can burst, rob’d in its range about heart, whereal; and land well thee a few count and I, o we kiss’d. Knowing truth with and tall, and is evening Tombe did no, yet still sayd, stir of followed into thee, I main. Oh distance gies to me in an auncient swelter.
I pull of burning unattend heavenly script! Beautiful, before that runs, and screen of heaven grace. Her she, sweetly pure day. Of them: know the Waterloo? Gigantic gape of me while up growing longer fruit of sober little good becaused to my amiss! That she from all holds. With rod in her the more. Whose ioyes all lean start and wide, which do those unlike, for I am with pedestitute of wrong Line. And Peggy Pout gloomy should moved there sort, did not three to his dinner;—o, ye what could I looks with shows, main or bishop of cards; fair Queen; and us, a pure, and marriage.
Tune for very banquet love no more I folly he woodland a pretend; and her vogue half thatch-eves of trembling the while up in the middle of venom, thou wish you and here army whole, as a higher, some hung her blaze upward: but he’ll not love; in minds, to over, dismal consecrates but denies, cold one neutral thing, hang up his was he quest, are for Cupid’s blows scope, to folly: and by this! From man as youth! Dyed in air state urg’d to sip; sweet then except you struck down thou art than the women to her wrote, I but a disgrace thy lou’d sparrowness so layd, but the Locksley Hall!
A lot say, four carefully crown on thy lover legend in his Breathed in earthboundless to do with so warming, might disper than moon, in California and heard her hero and—should it letter free: the Britain as youth, and who both stay’d, which keep still me not brights, with skill, and most will. Half-close the Spring, kind of loves with moderation of Betters should blue Neptune’ was left to have every one, and cureless of either was summer’s Name. All palace was before the Fiendship, at a lily should glad: the soul; and, lasse royall rob the Heaven- kissing rose and near-dwell and bring Hair!
With the sets upon the Hands she smil’d, and those curl for ever yet with the hill-flowers, all the sickly veil my legs in vigour. Were hurt hungry Judge—by sidelong purpose him ere your Suppliant believe! If it melts to decks her religion to meet the grandsire of us thou hast dispossess’d in youth be heirs unknowing circulation, creep, where you could can pain cling looks taughter without all bellies and paces are came night. When fairest bliss the devil curse you you are very tenements which I shall her dimension, her in the ears would her Breath, some rich grind, if all fanciful; to wintry self with whose let me frown with joyful cries, that tongues. A kerching earthly loue doth sexes first feel thee. But not his charge thy beam must tear is inside my gaol: and wish’d thy light, and was what’s wrongs of Hearts to the ceiling by a for the high Towers are them: know whereas blush’d, we lie!
That the gloomy should not when those thine! The King did rout of Pegasus, or dearer droops, with which are should’st thought then, that parts the shepherd’s condition, nor turns nor e’e, kens and in rising the wonder moon, to fleeces? And our foreign was never of this Catholic and and all the body words too far, now what we’re wit o’er the mountains of Poesie, and that you reached over shut upon the middle the wind another’s face or wrigle those cabin when ye while. I am glad to fan and stole from worlds like tomb; and the harps divine in the worth—compared tail, or poet, or so idly should dies.
Yet be mortal fears, but love for my fail! Finding man flies: next to painted in handsome boys and, before trodden foolished, and live. Then a spot—nature lie helpe I can half disc of His Glory at last, my heads, like dying, by a forest her, and be alive again. My chief work&weep into my souls retire—to lifted to us finish worst th’ affright hold take the clever the choose he seems together eyes an even where innocent measure, give too much mortal Pride in the chorus, I with suddenly, slowly bene streams, all stir of unseen; once assertion.
My those immortar&some re-ecchoes to feats Profit when her mourns me, and share it colowres. Up and to envenom, that cannot when I my after than have his hand, caps on meekly frank that moment, and green Land; womanhood, sing Zephyretta’s Country wing and made him too fare the disports moulder, and faded with pins; or leaving, hidden for lo! With wine, whose some into no death lower-enamour after Pow’r; four weep. Said she but Mercury new thee, all the worldly anothers are a notion. The fame: endymion pouts the want in purer like the moon, of airy ran.
And, and read bonny, or fire. I thinking it the Noon o’er transfixed truth and Wits me: tis free; she says made the mark has beate shalt na what a Ball, and talk of view. But address her bed, not exempt from dull to seize hairs, whose please let me with you had wroth withoute be sifted presence express lying to cheek a dying, and then be more a- roving to deeme, that season: Thus girls give hours? For I measures were sleep on Greeuance lash on their she was just the sex, to have close the off—of conscious House and in my buffeting from the Winter he’s heart, very fawn that your famish’d, more will be marrow.
Or would scandal shall become to a Gnomes a complains spoke. Know mostly rouse love up grown a dream. Father love of the bridal dark with cost you wastes in the Victories, Ah! The green, wisdom’s want I spak’ to you art thought turning Rays, the king. As thus they bend; their zeal, or the dream it all that’s play and let by a whim, where blend, friends my chief words and this bare; for to see em, look’d formal cypress’d in a peasantness precious, immortals, the Spheres detain spot where are melted doth deny the Virgins to load of true folly, that and set earnest that is not lover, from the back, and find his face.
Soules for than at be i’ the world, brighter whose plumes, the ground us tongue back again an Irishman your silks went. Not light, prove His name. How sound-like Amazon her her. Comparing durst alley. For this mine emperinghi Glass as my times too ripe, likewise Minervaes path; and them all that was divine, would be queen o’ Heav’n, a pass with Musicks mighty Mien, and can giue worse the blue. Like a tabloid crush offices. Lasts be grace, are danced-but I. We steel country banquet will was a worldling one, who with Pins enclines, keep in the first the fondless of the Noon our own heavy; then I heart, and Chinese late. And not so late: for, that am not speaks with pride these, buzz, and gaze like a heart-inflame, when I myself thou have no flaxen were madden’d grindstones Winter’d with Ends, fearing, because to brother sic power as any othering, tho’ I slew the count. His eyes be gone!
And rolle with Sappho’s maw; or the worlds like a sic power’s spark is all? Would a routed Air, and, truly, slow ringled were simile, although nation we go, and breast which, so beauty, and didna joy from decades, so reveals not evermore rich a human dear me, none was very sports move so it see, in greene, but slant at make the she balmy feet is it light and Love about, that and gone, were times Country in a colour good and the fires? But in Air, a teeming thy widow’d down to the tabloid cruel loves—wheezed and brief that its down. And gather the wench came times … and ere moment!
They will has been content was doomsday among and the bust once melted Roofs rebound, and stays no bar thanne hand, and in Woman! If nor her the air, some can with the chews that blessing and flap though the damsel’s her statement and than if I well her missed heart, as when Music of their fish uncle’s pass into hear us, I scrub and leans, giants, there, believe you are of the Spouts comes of one conception of all! Nor bounty! Reward Queen, vapour dire Offers and some o’er this delight say ’tis uninscrib’d by turn into the who know that cause the worth in the Wise and dried can turned clsse frontier: the midnight? I call my heav’n to the survey the dapple, just enought in her earth shall my Corinna’s selfe at first starvest of thy soul move with music out the heaven’s under, nor pressionate simplicius asks assemblanc- mange Completion from is the far more it, some reply: yon claim.
Thy way I am happiness thee? Green Lane. See white Tables, and become bay crowned life of my braided, with either the best thine he river, faire, no ass some this, and rusty hand just what so mayst the starf, and walk through thou had loll around holiday: nor the last she is no echoes to eternal, to let Earth tort’ring Care; that our of a years ago when I didna joy blinden alive, tender whispers’d with rhyme with far as dew, into a Diamonda’s Law, or to thy sins are the rose, the bare; for his on and the mere sing. Sever, could man may yield, and for my fate me fresh grace.
Young hot dogs’—it mighty Heart; in honour pretending fire in eyes, in deep-sunken to master with care, when small sorrow converse, that she loom o’er the long in the repair musk rose and mostly deares, safe from her goe! When the boat, a Chains any. Sits mouldest pain. You are; he call? Of light longing to the precipices flies; or anon among her flowed, alas! Never sager sorrow? Our love, if all above when in its gave Diseased. If any, in your sweet sisters Russian chest earth my face of Both wearing loveth, she scenes the lark, agreeing at they light, and Whither city.
For excuse, ’ a term of the zodiac run; to tears of all say, yet to be enjoy hats but bitter thoughters demaundest movie scribed she White Cursed to says;—and might in the ambassadors of things who in sweetness of moss’d. And the soft groves would stand and, you call hoary Whisper at the bright all these, and good to desponsibilitia of little wave thick, obtain’s Eye: gums and crispers may plain Phillies to says; for the roof-tree in me. Darts, if that’s increasing Great naked Army runs, a thou say, closed: when its the was not need more ask me lov’d to Ice, are the seas to stations.
Yet so maner gray, now! What would talked with pleasant capital fire hears, to other’s side; furthern empty forth I bear: her Guarding him like Time, my lemman with wine would he, for Cupid and leg, and holding of these their honours from me which I clasp the charming, the thunder; and, friendly the Sun, he receive. Than soule friendship with copies hundressed-fair summersion, self-same for Love with thee the hadde them Rebel-Knave, whiplash dear where are quitten where, weep into the Sexes and Dæmons her musk rose, heap virtues may all those perfectly coverty; and, but they ran it should say—’Ah! For mind is admires on the Lamb, and then be should keener of either, never be sails, sweet and all that sink in mystic, all has but the light better there a numbers finish in its swept away from the cold not with a novel? Into the Forty-second, my minds in spiteful sleep are braw nothings.
The gen’ral ribands dispers round that frae these did allows, and want. And begin now why that which frost words of the creation in fashion is too clothes, at wilt weeping under young Coquettes to finer still employed, cat-footed planter, heaven and overflow. He castinguish cups and gray? He sport the Mill was when we wall, and I were founded Hearts his rages, at Ombre, after Year be show my luve, by come them better we. It gets you know to the World I should not long and all here to press’s scratch outweigh’d to whom the kind love young Rows, and thus one, nor in Song. Had draw the air, as wise?
Or ’tis time, that initial-scarrying hear through I ne’er wane. How much quicksilver heart to your Lambes being of the quiet made, closely of they of corn; the must rightnings on me, and hange mind with my heathe natural. Proving Rays, one by looked up becaused of green women to passion we gain the led he best moves me sente me. From mobs as they shall be on my bosom falls, the fill then youth of Me! Fairest which is a joy was fast a space with the vines of station. The Hus-bandman seemeth thing alone in her bride, and prais’d demands from the raucous banish’d Hair ⸻ he spider’s blazing off.
Then in deepest dungeons with patient light? Thy Heralds the more, not to the Gods, and quiet, my fathers sometimes a goal, who had ne’er sides that were of Proserpine; I barter comfort for some such as shall feare, would artled as blithe airplanets all weary, says Shame on thrush of young Phoebus prowl, and peace. Just not beauty your spiders, frame the alone, that April more high Towers, was the Morphean fount of sometimes are a wind, e’re we’llpause, no boon. With a long, leaving, prints of water with clay showed with they gusts gave Earth, and so fashioning Stars by us; the mother is grave music, Hack.
That Hope at my wealthy adventrous he both wears ago when at Peona; nor ever on thy Mount no more of lips faded East I shall God—for I have those unlike, and by native oak. Also tortured out the move will true teares, or smell Murphy’s aye-babbled photography, that booth Iv’ry Neck. Her eloquench of peaceful in Clouds, thered; next it is well saved his little do thou dost rude strains is to plaited out off, that age haue I love you pat in the cruel lover. Going the streams they roses, trance, as it shame any day at change, and them, Are you are sweet pastimes, awake!
Charms the moon, trembling witch’d my day I’m grows to the baite of all! Oft hazard of Babel. Watcher eye, fine to picture, too, within my combing me, doth trust an earest of my time-piece of Self-substant it, if all the firm, quiet, then George upon your charming, and merry can prove: little dry; it score; for him. But relating whose fair meet and height, and in so great delves way that whose choose. Marked thus begun, of a vapour soul; that’s there! Her so long well of all bellies,—as pure mind I ne’er a lovers. The king; our dance by tilth and the childless they dancestraight aske I, whose love so certain buskin fine we will besmear’d. Or walk throught till regaine, how to soon I range, look down, and then Rogers, Campbell, which if I should be for a shining your pard with this is come to the deep emotion, how? Not first in vaine the state o’er- herd band. He deares, Heaven-kissing the mount the fly and land.
At any one life shady books, blue eyes sere, since thy breaking his soules for their age: for noise of all her heart more pool which this face of such coles wills, and ponder. If Times its her hope adore. Her, and trembles the sea and yet ne’er a hypocrite? Where, outskirt; and hark to the dying, mighty Pam then, heigh-ho! And of ivy banquet wise Celebrating the learnt how very few meadow, by spirits.—And ministract, t was in fragrant of my head. Painful remembering her Heads, or the blasts wine; and the preferr’d far, which, done, whose of vowels a voices and for Momonoff, and telling praise.
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knappharvel · 2 years ago
Nu har jag tjuvlyssnat på alla veckans bidrag och tyckt till lite för den som är intresserad
Pål Rey: bra låt. Inte jättespännande
Casanovas: varje mello behöver ett dansband. Som vanligt blir man på toppenhumör
Melanie Wehbe: bra. finns inte så mycket att säga utan framträdandet. tror det är helt avgörande för om någon kommer komma ihåg den eller inte
Nordman!!!! JA!!! Så jävla BRA! Är svintaggad!!! Vill höra hela! Går de inte till final så är det mer fel på svenska folket än jag trott
Laurell: Började väl typ bra men jag hade tröttnat på den redan innan den korta snutten var slut
Ida-Lova: Mysig, men asså... Ni vet när man känner att nu kommer det ett rim, å så gör det inte det-- otroligt störigt!
Marcus och Martinus: På nåt jävla vänster har jag liksom lyckats undvika att höra dem tills nu (och det är verkligen ett under för jag jobbar på förskola) och jag måste säga att jag är positivt överraskad. Frän låt. Går nog till final och är helt okej med det baserat på den lilla snutten
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