inseparableduo · 1 year
@mundanemiseries replied to your post “insxparablxduo: I don’t think I’ve ever posted my...”:
Joel just: D: at the bread dipped in milk.....soggy....
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​"The soggy is what makes it good!"
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tiredstudents · 2 years
@insxparablxduo​ said: Darla reaches out and grabs Daniel’s hand. “Sorry, it’s just that your hand looked cold.” That was a lie. She just needed an excuse to hold his hand.
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“Haha...well my hands were feeling a little cold there.” Of course he was lying as well and Darla could feel how warm they actually were. So maybe there was more going on here for the both of them. The young man would squeeze the other’s hand tightly.
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cosmicdreamt · 3 years
“You can’t see the stars from here…”  @insxparablxduo​ feat. Andrew
Late Night Wandering || Accepting
“Yeah...that’s what happens when there’s so much pollution in the city. It’s honestly a shame.”
Her gaze is fixed at the sky, chin leaning into the palm of her hand and elbow atop the iron table. Usually she’d talk a walk further out in some woods, or go somewhere higher away from the city - but tonight seemed like one of those ‘chill at a mini-park that divides the streets and have some coffee’ kind of night.
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“Lucky enough to see even a singular spec in the sky ‘round these parts. That’s why I like the wilderness so much. Raw, natural beauty is so often forgotten. People marvel at all the pictures they see of the stars but make no effort to take better care of nature to ACTUALLY be able to see them.”
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idxntities · 3 years
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“Good afternoon.” 
The doll, currently wearing the appearance of a young girl, greets the other with a smile. It had been a long time since anyone had been to visit. She’d better work hard to be an excellent host, lest her masters become cross with her when they returned. The manor was already looking worse for the wear with her being inactive for so long. What a pity. 
Her glassy blue eyes took a moment to focus, the colors in them swirling unnaturally until she blinked and they righted themselves into a more human appearance. 
“How can I serve you today? 
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ethereallyloved · 4 years
Naoko adjusted her glasses for a moment, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks as Andrew began to run his fingers through her hair. This felt oddly calming and somehow familiar. It was a faint memory. Someone a long time ago did the same to calm her. How weird.
“...It is very comfortable. Thank you very much. I...simply thought that this would be the most suitable way to show appreciation to both of you at the same time. “
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dimensionaljumper · 4 years
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@insxparablxduo​ said: weep darla @ anyone
[ weep ]  for your muse to catch mine crying
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“Huh...? You ok there?” Scribe carefully wrapped a blanket around Darla. He had found her crying in an alley, normally this would be a huge red flag to most people, but the Traveler was not only used to taking risks, he also had the desire to help those in need, even if it’s just for simply comfort. 
The blonde did not know the context for this, he did not know who this person was, but he was concerned none the less. Who wouldn’t be? The young woman was huddled against a wall and shivering, her face held a river of tears on it, slowly rolling down her face. 
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castelleve · 4 years
@insxparablxduo​: you know we don't have that much mummys bc white people ate them when found right?
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every day you wake up and say to yourself ‘im going to traumatize Inc with my words’ 
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yesfxckyxu · 3 years
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admirer meme // accepting 
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- these urls are in no particular order - 
[ @pvremichigan​ ]
yes, i admire you. i’ll tell you that again and again if i have to. your characters are so well-developed, well-thought out; it always makes me happy to hear about them even if sometimes my tone doesn’t always express it. you’re wonderful. thank you for taking the time and effort to show them off. 
i admire Heck both as a writer and artist. in fact, if it wasn’t for them i wouldn’t have started my blog up again. they inspired me to write Jack again, even going as far as trying to help me get back onto writing his book. 
thank you.
[ @s-talking​ ]
can i just say?? you’re such a great writer?? artist?? 
it literally amazes me that you want to write with me, as i will admit that when i first ran into your blog i felt a bit intimidated. i wasn’t expecting interaction, and yet here we are. so thank you. 
talking with you, it has been quite the experience. i admire you for more than just your writing and art, however. you are very kind, and i can tell you’ve been through a lot and you’ve gained from your experiences. it makes me feel v honored that you still choose to write and share your art despite your hectic life. it also fills me with hope that even no matter what happens in life that you can still find ways to enjoy the things you love. 
thank you. 
[ @insxparablxduo​ ]
i admire you for your efforts that you have put into your lore and characters. i can tell though, there are times that you have bad days ( don’t we all? ) and it just makes me happy that you still fight against that bad to try and do what you love. i’m so happy to have met you and have had the chance to rp with you in general. 
i’m so glad that you try your best, it’s so inspiring to see you keep moving forward, and that you share your lore and stories with others. i love interacting with you when i have the chance, even if we don’t talk much.  
thank you. 
[ @castelleve​ ]
i admire your inspirations to write and create such stories with so many characters. i give you such a big round of applause to keep moving forward and to keep doing your work. 
even though i may not completely know the stories or characters, i’m genuinely so happy to have met you and be able to experience it. you help inspire me to keep going too, to keep my creativity up and flowing the best way possible. 
i hope that we can keep talking to each other and just keep laughing about how Jack and the others interact. it’s so fun. 
thank you. 
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ofallflavors · 3 years
11 for all of your muses? (from the random character development)
random character development q’s!
11. What is one (1) skill your muse has been wanting to learn, but hasn’t, yet?
Raina wishes she could sing! She’s too nervous and embarrassed about her shitty voice.
Rowan is actually interested in filmmaking. She finds the concept of Youtube and Youtubing interesting.
Zev.. hmmm a skill he wants? To fall asleep faster. 
Scarlet wants to be sneakier. Wants to be able to scare people (and avoid her sisters) easier.
Zaphara wants to really get into bass guitar! She wants to be like Zev and Scarlet.
Lithia is interested in Leatherworking. Blame Zephyr for that. Weirdly enough. Roxas wants to become a better cook, but that requires making bad food sometimes. He doesn’t really wanna waste anything.
Len would like to learn...honestly, he wants to learn how to talk to people better.
Ariel wants to learn how to do hairdressing. He wants to do his own hair better.
Nishinoya would really like to learn how to drive a boat! 
Yuna wants to learn how to make noodles. It’s kinda outside her family business, but it looks kinda fun!
Haru wants to learn how to properly write poetry.
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fxtelism-moved · 3 years
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send ❣️ if you think my muse is well-written! 
@juwul / @xamassed​ / @starveinedvenues
@silverhearted-robin-hood / @insxparablxduo​ / @pinklocksoflove
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Ah, I didn’t expect to get this many! Thank you, you all are wonderful!
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inseparableduo · 2 years
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I posted 3,243 times in 2022
That's 3,243 more posts than 2021!
1,126 posts created (35%)
2,117 posts reblogged (65%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,054 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#⚔; memes - 423 posts
#⚔; headcannon - 409 posts
#⚔; her words are sharper than her blade ( the little sister ) - 252 posts
#answered - 248 posts
#ooc - 198 posts
#⚔; his eyes are as cold as steel ( the older brother ) - 186 posts
#⚔; searching for the answer ( main verse ) - 158 posts
#⚔️; memes - 145 posts
#ur a qt! - 118 posts
#mun answers - 114 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#not too confident on the end but it felt right last night and i can only edit it so much before i just get rid of the ending
My Top Posts in 2022:
I would like to let all my mutuals know that I love u ❤️
17 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
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May those who accept their fate be granted Happiness, may those who defy their fate be granted Glory.
Rules || About
17 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
@cosmicstardreamer​ continued from here!
Andrew couldn’t help but, be in awe at her work. He was still convinced she was going to become famous one day. How could he not with how skilled she was? 
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“That’s so cool! I don’t really remember my dreams much, but… when I dream, there's no color.” He is silent for a moment as it’s a rather sudden realization. Did that make him weird? He’ll have to think more on this later. “Either way, this looks really pretty! Are you going to sell it when you're done?”
26 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
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Permeant starter call!
Please like this if you are completely ok with me making random starters, sending unprompted asks, approaching you out of nowhere for anything ic or ooc and basically just give me full permission to approach you whenever about anything!
28 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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You’ve heard of people wanting to become gods right? Well what about gods wanting to become human? Against their will they have become vessels for a god. Now they’re desperately searching for a way to kill them and become human again.
Please ❤ or  ↻if your interested!
62 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tenfaceandthree · 4 years
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"He's had drugs this whole time?!"
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ethereallyloved · 3 years
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“...Oh...are you two okay? Did I..make a mistake? “
The DJ asked, wondering if that was the wrong thing to do. She read somewhere that giving someone a kiss for their birthday seemed like a good idea. Where did she even read that?!
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dimensionaljumper · 4 years
@roseicicles @brokenxuniverses @insxparablxduo @empathicrider @magicnights @rcgius​ All sent:  ✖
Send me a ✖ if you enjoy my portrayal of my character.
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Thank you very much for the support everyone. It’s hard for OCs on this platform unfortunately so I’m very glad to see that people enjoy seeing mine! 
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castelleve · 4 years
@insxparablxduo: Do mine too-
no i still have 17 left ):
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montcroix · 3 years
@insxparablxduo​ asked: Twins tape a dead fish on the back of their kitchen table with a note next to it saying "poisson d'avril!"
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“Henri, what the fuck did you do?” Of course that idiot warlock would pull some stupid shit for April Fools. He regretted letting him stay in his apartment, but the extra bodies were too good to pass up. Still, he had to wonder why Henri needed to collect eyes so badly. 
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“You think I put that fish there? You fucking idiot!” Henri let out a hearty laugh, before covering his nose and gagging. “Seriously, though, get rid of that thing. You found it, it’s your responsibility, bastard.” 
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“Fait chier.”
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“I heard that.”
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“Oi, shut the fuck up, you stupid piece of shit.” 
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