#instead of using it all to purchase the house outright
#being caught in between my parents legal battle over what happens with the house is so weird#like on one hand i feel awkward bc they’re both telling me shit but not telling the other so i’m lowkey keeping secrets from both of them#but on the other hand i’m kinda subtly working like a bridge or some angel/demon on their shoulders?#like posing things as questions coming from me when they’re actually MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL suggestions one of them has made#but won’t make directly bc they’re no longer talking outside of lawyers for the most part#me asking my dad ‘so. like. why wouldn’t you use something like a payment plan to buy out her half of the house using your inheritance?’#my dad ‘well she’d have to accept it.’#me in my head: ‘SHES THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED IT!’#anyway#ideal scenario for everyone (except my Grandpa RIP i feel like a horrible person saying this)#would be them agreeing to a five year payment plan where my dad buys my mom out of the house#that gives my mom enough money to live on and invest some so she’s not constantly losing money with no source of income#(since she has to live the rest of her life on what she has)#and it would give my dad five years to invest some of his inheritance so he could also invest a portion of it#instead of using it all to purchase the house outright#bc my dad wants to stay in the house i wanna stay in the house and my mom literally just wants enough money to survive#which like. i feel like that’s a very fair ask of her.#*from her#most of her money is tied up in a house she doesn’t even live in while her (ex-ish) husband lives there for free#and she uses her disability cheques to just barely afford rent#not to mention the costs of coming back and forth to the mainland bc all her medical specialists are still here#anyway just another personal ramble#personal
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foxyanon · 2 months
Convincingly Human: Part 1
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Summary: Sihtric moves to Coocham and meets an interesting woman with a secret. Takes place between Season 2 and Season 3.
Pairing: Sihtric Kjartansson x Dragon Shifter!reader
Rating: 18+, MDNI
TW: creature death by fire
Word Count: 2208
Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from The Last Kingdom nor do I own any of the images used.
Dividers by @arcielee and @zaldritzosrose
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He had moved to Coocham with Uhtred and the rest of the men, finally settling down after all the events following Beamfleot. Even though his lord had denied his request to marry so he may start a family, after everything that happened, he was just a bit relieved. He wouldn’t admit it, but it wasn’t until after the battle when he realized he wasn’t quite ready for that chapter of his life. At least, that is what he thought until he met her many moons after he settled into his own home.
The first time he had seen her, he was completely taken back by her beauty. Stunning would be an understatement of a word to describe her, a sentiment shared by many of the men in Coocham. She only ever visited the market once a week, purchasing supplies before leaving Coocham once more to wherever she went. Sihtric was enamored immediately, not letting the teasing and jests of his friends stop him from attempting to pursue her. He learned she didn’t live in town from the baker’s wife, apparently choosing to remain separated from society but for what reason no one could say. The day he finally gathered up the courage to approach her was one he’ll remember fondly, the way she spoke to him with genuine kindness and the way she said his name after introducing herself had his palms sweating from the nerves. It wasn’t until she practically floated away at the end of their brief interaction that he realized there was far more to her than meets the eye.
After that day, he started watching her far more closely, noting the way she carried herself with a confidence even Uhtred could not match and moved unnaturally gracefully. Her skin was flawless, not such much as even a freckle on her face. Her teeth were pearly white and straight, something he had never seen before. There were no scars or calluses on her hands, no dirty nails or even dirt on her. She was easily the cleanest woman he had ever seen, no dirt or dust on her clothes and not a hair out of place from her simple styles. In truth, she was perfect. Too perfect.
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He tried bringing it up to Finan and Osferth a week later, but they brushed him off and said he shouldn’t look too far into it, both of them more concerned with enjoying the relative peace they were afforded for the time. He didn’t wish to bother Uhtred with his concerns, since he was busy with his own duties and his family. No one else was willing to hear his words on the matter and instead, he figured that he was the only one who noticed that there was something off about this woman.
It took a few months of observing and getting nowhere, so he finally decided to ask her to join him for a drink at the ale house. Perhaps if she had a little alcohol in her system, she would slip up and Sihtric would see beyond the illusion that surrounded her. Was it the proper thing to do? No, but he was too scared to ask her outright in the event he offended her and something in her demeanor warned him not to do that. When she agreed to join him that evening, he won’t deny the sheer joy he felt at the possibility of spending more than just a few moments in her presence made him forget the whole reason he asked in the first place.
The evening passed by smoothly, ale flowing and conversation moving at just the right pace, but she didn’t show any signs of being affected at all. Sihtric was dumbfounded, she had matched him mug for mug and didn’t so much as even slur a single word. The ale house was warm from all the bodies occupying the hall, and even though he was starting to sweat from heat, she seemed completely unphased by it. Gods, her face wasn’t even flushed, but no one else noticed since they were too deep in their cups or focused on their lovers.
At one point, the ale house was so loud he leaned closer to her he could say something to her only for the most potent and intoxicating scent radiating off her skin to overwhelm his senses. It was rich and smoky, slightly sweet and altogether not entirely unpleasant. He groaned softly before catching himself, his eyes locking with hers as she gave him a knowing grin. Sihtric flushed with embarrassment, clearing his throat and downing the rest of his drink and forgetting what he was doing, once again. Every time he spoke, she gave him her undivided attention and when the torch light flickered against her eyes, he swore they appeared almost serpentine and glowed with an inner fire, but when he blinked they were normal once more. He thought maybe his ale addled mind was playing tricks on him, but something in the way she smiled at him told him otherwise.
That night, after having said goodbye and parting ways, Sihtric didn’t sleep a wink as he mulled over every interaction with her. He thought himself to exhaustion, thinking how she remained a mystery even after an entire evening spent with her. She looked and acted human, but only on the surface. He couldn’t quite wrap his mind around it, refusing to believe she was something more on just blind faith. Maybe Finan and Osferth were right, he shouldn’t look too far into it, lest he find an answer he isn’t ready for. His last thought before succumbing to sleep was that he should just accept this was something he was not meant to know.
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Rumors from traveling merchants had the whole of Coocham abuzz, stories of some beasts lurking within the woods and preying on the unsuspecting along the roads setting Sihtric on edge. He wasn’t completely oblivious to the rumors that unnatural creatures lurked within the forests at night, but his fear was less for himself and more for his pretty lady. He knew she lived out there alone and even if she was more than a little strange, he worried for her safety against those monsters. When he saw her next, he pulled her off to the side, wanting her to stay in town with him for the time but she refused.
”Please, my lady. It is not safe for you to be alone out there, the stories from travelers worsen everyday. Is there nothing I can say to convince you to stay in town?” He all but pleaded with her, staring into her enchanting eyes and hoping she would see reason.
“I promise you Sihtric, I will be fine. There is nothing out there that will harm me, trust me. Your concern for me is touching and I do appreciate it, but it is wholly unnecessary,” was her response before she glided off once more, leaving him at a loss for words.
He ran his hand down his face after she had left, thinking of how he could ensure her safety before deciding to do something impulsive. If she wouldn’t stay with him, then maybe he could keep an eye on her out there. Which is exactly what he would do, loading his horse with supplies for a day or two after informing Uhtred he was going to look into the rumors of these beasts. It wasn’t a complete lie, but he knew his lord wouldn’t just let him leave if he said he wanted to check in on a random woman. Finan gave him a knowing look, but he knew better than to try and stop the Dane when he had that determined look in his eye.
So, here he was, riding out towards where he guessed his mysterious lady lived as the sun began its descent in the early afternoon. It was foolish and reckless, but he was a warrior and had no fear facing that which goes bump in the night. He set up camp in a clearing after having wandered for some time, the sky varying shades of purple and blue as the sun sank low on the horizon, having not had luck finding where she might live. Normally, the sounds of the night didn’t bother him but this night was different. He couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched and he was consciously aware that he was alone out here, the moonlight casting its pale glow on the wildflowers that grew among the grass. He fell into an uneasy sleep in his bedroll, the fire dying down and the chill of the night slowly creeping into his furs.
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A low growl woke him from his fitful sleep, his eyes snapping open as he saw the unmistakable yellow eyes of a werewolf staring back at him. The large beast was on all fours, saliva dripping from its open mouth and teeth gleaming in the moonlight. The two stared at each other, Sihtric cursing himself internally for not having packed a silver blade in his haste to leave Coocham as he wrapped his hand around the hilt of his sword, preparing for a fight he may not win. He knew the only way to land even a blow would come from the element of surprise and well timed dodging, as there was no way he would move faster or be stronger than werewolf. For a beat, they merely looked at each other before the wolf launched himself at Sihtric, the latter dodging at the last moment and bringing his blade down to slash at the torso. He managed to slice a shallow cut, only serving to anger the creature much to his chagrin. The feral and now pissed werewolf backhanded Sihtric in the stomach, effectively throwing him several feet away from the small camp and knocking the wind out of him as his sword was flung from his grasp.
Just as Sihtric’s vision cleared slightly, the beast was on him, pinning him down with its large paws and snarling in his face. His hands came up to push against the creature's chest, pouring every ounce of his strength into fighting it off. Before the wolf could make the final kill, a loud roar filled the air before the ground shook and a massive dragon landed harshly not far from the fighting pair. The wolf seemed to be distracted by the newest arrival, giving Sihtric the opportunity to wiggle out from under it as the dragon slowly advanced on them, a deep rumble escaping its maw. He stared at the mythical creature, feeling light headed from both the fight and the realization that such a being existed. Sure he had heard stories, but they were supposed to be just that, stories.
The two supernatural entities growled and snarled at each other, the werewolf clearly not wanting to fight but angered its meal was interrupted. Sihtric tried to slowly make his way to his blade, giving the creatures a wide berth while keeping his eyes on them. He was breathing heavy and moving slow, the adrenaline beginning to wear off and the pain of his injuries making themselves known. No sooner than he had his sword in hand did the dragon roar lowly once more, a warning for the wolf to leave or else. Seeming to consider its options, its yellowed gaze switching between Sihtric and the scaled beast before deciding to try its luck at getting Sihtric. A foolish choice, and its last.
Before the werewolf made a bound in his direction, scorching hot fire poured from the mouth of the dragon and engulfed the werewolf. The smell of burning flush and the sound of crying wolf overwhelmed Sihtric’s already sensitive senses, and his vision blurred at the edges as he turned away and proceeded to hurl the contents of his stomach onto the barely lit ground. He used his sword as a makeshift cane as he dropped to his knees, the familiar feeling of the hilt grounding him in his rapidly shifting reality. He turned his head and looked at the dragon, who was already watching him closely. He may have imagined it, but he could swear the damned thing looked concerned for him. He had no fight left in him, a look of acceptance for his inevitable death crossing his face as he hoped the dragon would make it quick.
Naturally, this night would only get weirder for him as the beast walked a bit closer before its scales started to twist and fold in on itself, shrinking in size until the unmistakable look of human legs and arms appeared as it shifted into its mortal form. The wings wrapped around the now human, scales disappearing beneath skin as it walked closer, the face of the dragon morphing into a face Sihtric knew all too well. Horns slowly shrank into her skull and as leathery wings forced their way back into her skin between her shoulder blades. Sihtric’s vision blurred once more as the blood rushed to his head, the last thing he saw before fainting entirely being the face of the woman he had been out here for, her bare arms catching him before his head hit the ground.
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Tagging: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @gemini-mama @mrsarnasdelicious @synintheraven
@zaldritzosrose @alexagirlie @legitalicat @thenameswinter99 @fallingintoyourlilaceyes
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noellawrites · 2 years
Yandere Rafael Barba Headcanons
warnings: obsession, manipulation, mentions of sex, pregnancy, guilt-tripping, birthing
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- Barba is intensely possessive and not afraid to go into morally grey areas
- when he falls in love with you, he’s already decided that it’s forever
- he’s going to tell his mamí about you, and she’s going to insist on grandchildren as soon as possible
- you probably work at SVU, as he is very guarded with his heart and only falls in love if he is around someone a lot
- but with you, he fell hard
- he knows you’re the one the moment he exits the elevator and sees you running through a case with Carisi
- he thought with his age he’d never get the chance to get married, have a family, build a life
- but when he sees you, he knows you will be his wife
- a bright young woman who is passionate about her job, intelligent and graceful
- you’re only meant to be a temporary replacement while Amanda was on maternity leave
- but Rafael practically begs Olivia to keep you on full-time, stating that you’re a natural at SVU
- which is true, and Olivia loves you, so she keeps you on
- we know that Barba is a very, very intelligent man, and even more when his obsession is concerned
- he uses subtle manipulation on you to assert his dominance and make you fall in love with him
- he honestly never considered having kids before you
- he was too scared he’d end up like his father
- you’re testifying for a case Rafael is trying, so he brings you up to the courtroom late at night to practice
- when you’re done, the two of you just talk for a bit and he approaches you with those dark eyes
- he slams your back against the stand and basically ravages you like a man starving, ripping off your clothes and fucking you like there’s no tomorrow
- it was the best sex you’d ever had
- soon, the two of you are dating and things move very quickly
- he will accuse you of spending too much time with the men on your squad, even Fin who is like a father to you
- he will demand all of your free time be spent with him
- even if he’s working on a case, he wants you in his office sitting there with him
- he convinces you to get married in a court ceremony with only his mother as a witness
- he promises you an extravagant honeymoon when his case load evens out
- he calls you sweetheart, cariño, mi vida
- Barba will not kidnap you, he is much smarter than that
- instead, he gets in your head and plants these ideas: about motherhood, the job being dangerous, the luxurious life of a trophy wife you could have with him
- if you aren’t really interested in having kids, he doesn’t care. he just thinks you need to be convinced that you’d be a good mother
- if you care more about your job than a kid, then get ready
- because you end up quitting the job a few weeks after you find out you’re pregnant
- yes: he gets you assigned to SVU to get closer to him and then manipulates you into quitting a year later
- Rafael convinces you it’s unsafe for you and your unborn baby, even so early on
- and of course, he has more than enough money to support you and reward you by purchasing your dream brownstone house in Brooklyn
- the team is not happy you’re outright quitting, especially at the prompting of your husband
- you insist that it’s for the best, and you made the decision too
- you wanted the option to be open for you to return to SVU, but you likely never would
- you stop answering calls, not realizing Rafael had new walls installed in your new house to block phone and internet signals
- whenever the squad asks about you, Raf says, “her and the baby are perfectly fine.” short and sweet.
- you see the squad at events occasionally, when your husband actually lets you out of the house
- Carisi, Rollins and Benson saw you at an NYC Law Enforcement Gala about five months after you left the team
- they barely recognize you: dressed to the nines, baby bump, makeup and hair done
- you’re just a trophy wife on Barba’s arm, almost being guarded by him
- he sends his mother, Lucia, to the house to spend time with you before the baby comes
- and she LOVES you and that baby
- but if there was any question in your mind about leaving your husband, it leaves you when you hear Lucia speak
- she never means to guilt trip you but she tells you stories about Rafael’s tragic past, his father, him only ever falling in love with work
- mostly, she’s just happy to see Barba head-over-heels for someone
- she is over the moon that she will be getting grandchildren, and even more excited that it’s with you
- Rafael will insist on a home birth, citing "too many dangers in hospitals"
- instead of getting a midwife, he does everything himself. no pain meds, just you pushing your child out into his hands
- you’re exhausted when he pulls out your newborn son and you’ve never seen him so excited
- Raf has that charming smile on his face, holding your son to his naked chest as you pant in exhaustion
- you are excited to build your little family, but you miss your job, friends and family a lot
- you love him, you really do. and if you don’t, you will convince yourself.
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inkblot22 · 2 years
Be Sensible, Act Polite
I'm actually not very proud of this one but I'm going to post it anyway.
TW for captivity, yandere, and a reader unfamiliar with the rules of interacting with the fae. Also, possibly ugly, vaguely described shoes.
Lilia is sensible, but he is still fae. 
You should have forgotten your manners and thrown the gift away. You should have spat upon it and refused it outright, but you didn’t and now you’re trapped. 
All over a pair of shoes. 
At least they were nice. You could still admire them where they sat by the door of Lilia’s bedroom. A shiny toe, a cherry heel, nice treads. They were nice, but it looked as though you’d never get to use them.
He said he had purchased them after you tripped on the flapping sole of your previous pair, Ramshackle’s prefect just as scrappy as their house. He had been the one to pick you up after you fell. Your manners had gotten the worst of you, as you never thanked him and instead became annoyed at his laughing. He apologized.
When he appeared outside your door with a box, you’d invited him in from the rain, despite him being mysteriously dry, and offered him the only refreshments you had available at the time: one of Grim’s cans of tuna. He politely refused it and offered you the box. You slowly accepted it, seeing new shoes inside, which immediately became blurry because of the tears.
At the time, you were touched. He didn’t need to buy you shoes, he could have ignored it like everyone else at this school, but instead he had purchased them and given them to you and the words came out so easily.
“Thank you.”
He had smiled sweetly and left, but the next morning you woke up in his bedroom, with him hovering above you. 
Apparently, you owed him for the shoes, and you admitted such with those two little words, so he had decided to keep you as his. 
He’s sensible, but he’s powerful and told you that he cursed the door, so there isn’t much you can do about it. You're trapped.
Part Two: Keeper
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morningstarlucemon · 4 months
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Housing Update - SAFE
@everyone YO, Y'ALL ARE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS BULLSHIT. FINALLY, i get to make the update: we're safe, MORE than safe. Thanks to your help, and a loan from a friend, we've found a functionally PERMINANT solution. I've outright purchased a trailer, with a constant lot rent of $400 and water and trash included. We are now HOMEOWNERS. We are in the process of moving as we speak. Now, as for why i've been silent for the last two to three weeks:  I mentioned we had moved once. We were able to get out of our previous apartment which we could not afford and were being evicted from. We moved into a house which was being rented out to us. However, we've since discovered that this person was illegally subletting it. Since we have been here, she has sexually harassed our roommate, broken into the house while we were asleep (which we have a recording of), left us without heat, refused to move her belongings (she is a hoarder), forced us into doing free labor under threat of eviction, opened wrong address mail, and many other unsavory things. We have now gotten in contact with the actual property owners, and are pursuing legal action against her. I don't know how much i can say about that due to it now becoming a legal issue, and the fact that we will be taking her to court. So i don't know if or when i will be able to update you all on that situation. But if i can, i will. And i wanted to let you all know why i've been silent. Once we are fully moved into our trailer, and i've had a couple days to recover from... whatever the hell this all has been, i should be able to PROPERLY return to work. I want to make a consistent streaming schedule, chew through my backlog, and get back to working on Edenfall in earnest. And now that we no longer have to worry about homelessness for the foreseeable future, and the lot rent itself is affordable even with only me working, i'm... honestly incredibly excited to be able to get back to doing the things i love, to working. Thank you all so much, truly. Without you all, we may be homeless or dead. We would've had to split up, possibly lose our animals, all our things... You guys are incredible. Thank you so much. I can't believe all this. Six years since i left my mother, six years since i hopped in a rented compact with everything i cared about and fled Florida and abuse to be with chosen family, six years since i chose to life free instead of comfortably, and now things are finally looking to get stable. Thank you. Thank you so much. You all made this possible, and i'll be forever grateful. We may need a bit of continued help until Ren and Alice get stable jobs, and until i'm able to get through my backlog. We also will need to But, for the foreseeable future, we are safe, and we should STAY safe now. And, we may even be able to save up for something else in the future. If anyone still wants to help until we're fully settled, here are our links: Our GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/4da28a83 Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/shinigamiofexcellence/goal?g=33 PayPal: https://paypal.me/excellentshinigami?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Amazon List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2CE66WB1CWVZ9?ref_=wl_share I can't wait to see what the future brings.
Posted using PostyBirb
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vythanis · 1 year
30 Days of Character Development: Housing
Where does your character live? Why did they choose it, and how did they acquire it?
Vy’thanis lives a transient and nomadic lifestyle, living out of various inns across Eorzea. He has recently purchased an apartment in Ul’dah however, and while he doesn’t spend much time there, he is excited to finally have his very own space. He chose the apartment because it was in a nice part of the Goblet and several stories up so he could have a good view of the city. His careful saving and investing of gil from his merchanting allowed him to buy the place outright instead of renting.
How do they handle intruders (graciously? violently?)?
No one has broken into his apartment or even his inn rooms, but unexpected intruders would likely be met with violent magic. He’s been subject to surprise attack before and he will not endure it again if he can help it.
Describe the space.
Vyth’s apartment is a four room suite with a kitchen, bathroom, sitting room, and bedroom. It’s very comfortable and perhaps a bit on the small side for all that it’s got four rooms (which are not really divided by definitive walls, allowing for more of an open floor plan). The walls are all the common warm stone seen throughout Ul’dah. His sitting room - which has two comfy cream-colored chairs, a mahogany table, and a well-stocked bookshelf - has a window that opens towards the city of Ul’dah, allowing for a lovely view from several stories high. His kitchen is almost so small as to be called cramped, and sees very little use as he does not really enjoy cooking; he can cook, he just doesn’t usually like to. The bathroom is small but very well-appointed with a deep soaking tub and the ubiquitous stone construction of Ul’dah. Cream and peach ceramic tiles cover the floor, while the deep tub is tiled in a refined striped pattern that complements the floor. His bedroom is somewhat elevated from the main level, cozy and filled with brightly colored fabrics and plush pillows; the bed is a canopy in common Ul’dahn style, shrouded by light curtains in bright sapphire blue. All in all, it’s a space designed for rest and relaxation, even if he’s not home enough to use it very often. (Limitations of in-game housing, naturally, make much of this subject to the visitor’s imagination.)
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eclairbrun · 2 years
Generally positive reception to that post that was basically If you want people to keep stocking the books you want, and to make preservable copies of the shows you want to preserve, you should actually buy them so companies have an incentive to keep giving you those things.
Given that the negative responses I got were about streaming, I’m guessing this has gone over better with the book crowd than with the streaming crowd. Although tbh, part of that might be that there’s no specific books people are rallying around so much as the general situation of debut and midlist authors facing lost opportunities, while there are specific shows with fanbases affected by the HBO thing and I tagged that post with the show I saw the largest number of people upset about. Still, the fact that all the replies with specific comments are about shows and not books makes me a little sad, seeing as this is an author’s blog.
Anyway, to clarify my stance on the matter a little more, since the last post was pretty brief on the issue:
Corporations are greed-driven entities with straight up legal obligations to be profitable. If you put your foot down and don’t let them profit from you via exploitative practices, then they can’t exploit you. If you make the practices that give you more control unprofitable, then congrats. You have just given them easy justification to stop wasting money on the thing that protects you from exploitation. Thus, only paying media companies for forms of media that give you less control is begging the company to take advantage of you, and teaching them that they can continue to strip you of more and more power for additional convenience.
If there is media that is truly valuable to you and you want to ensure you can access it, then to the best of your ability, you should push for access to the method that lets you preserve it. If you don’t, then you are either blindly trusting corporations (which is an oddly corporatism-friendly attitude on a site that claims to hate capitalism) or you don’t actually consider the media to be worthwhile.
While I didn’t get any pushback on the book front, I’mma mention that this also applies to many ebooks or other forms of digital media stored in archives owned by the company that sold you the show or comic or whatever. TOS usually mention somewhere in the fine print that you are effectively renting that material. It can often be altered or even revoked after you pay for and download it. There are forms of digital media that are less susceptible to this, but you wanna make sure your device itself doesn’t have some feature built in to detect if you are circumventing some corporation’s control, lest they ban your account or brick your device. Amazon has been sued for removing books off of people’s Kindle apps that they paid for. Sony deleted purchased movies from people’s libraries in Europe last month. You do not own much of the digital content you “buy.” I have personally witnessed books that I paid for getting edited after I downloaded them. The edits were to correct typos, but the fact that this feature exists means one of the books I paid for could be covertly censored after my purchase without outright removal from my device. TV shows and movies are vulnerable to this same post-release editing.
Physical media is the most secure means of ensuring that you will retain access to the story you love, in the form in which you fell in love with it. Continuing to support physical is the BEST way to combat corporate abuse. A physical book might not be as resistant to a house fire as something up in the cloud is, but everyone encounters corporate greed on the regular and can worsen it through continued enabling. Most people will never be in a fire.
Also, like, I just don’t buy the arguments about cost/quantity with streaming. If you’re so poor that you legitimately can’t afford a DVD or two a year, this all applies to you in the same way that reminders to use the stairs instead of an elevator apply to someone in a wheelchair. (Which, y’know, shame on me for assuming that went without saying on tumblr.) Otherwise, the average person spends 1/3 on streaming what it costs for cable, and people were able to buy DVDs and VHS tapes and whatnot back in the days of cable over streaming. This didn’t stop because of cost issues. It stopped because people no longer felt the need to buy physical media once streaming gave them on-demand access that cable lacked. It is entirely possible to have ‘rental’ access to a large library of shows and also secure personally-preservable copies of shows that are of particular value to you. This is a thing that people used to do when they wanted to have access to a particular show or movie back before streaming tricked them into thinking the access would always be one login away. And it should come as a shock to no one that shows can disappear off of streaming services when that’s been a thing for years. 
And please, please, do not tell me, a book person, that DVDs are too space-consuming to be a viable option. You can get cases that hold 25 of those things in the same amount of space that a single hardcover book takes up.
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mrblogjangles · 2 months
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omimedtech · 4 months
Everything You Need to Know about Equipment Rental Jacksonville
When it comes to undertaking a construction project, landscaping endeavor, or any significant DIY task, having the right tools and equipment is non-negotiable. However, purchasing such equipment outright can be a costly affair, often unjustifiable for one-time or infrequent use. This is where equipment rental Jacksonville services come into the picture, offering a practical and cost-effective solution. In Jacksonville, equipment rental services have flourished, providing an array of options for both professionals and amateurs alike. This guide delves into the essentials of Jacksonville equipment rental, helping you navigate your options and make informed decisions.
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Understanding the Scope of Equipment Rental Jacksonville
Jacksonville equipment rental companies cater to a wide range of needs, from heavy construction machinery like excavators and backhoes to more specialized tools such as power washers and gardening equipment. These services are designed to meet the diverse requirements of various projects, ensuring you have access to the right tools at the right time.
Why Opt for Equipment Rental in Jacksonville?
1. Cost Efficiency: The primary advantage of choosing equipment rental Jacksonville is the significant cost savings. Instead of investing a large sum in purchasing equipment, you can rent it for a fraction of the price, especially for short-term projects.
2. Access to Modern Equipment: Rental companies regularly update their inventory with the latest models and technologies. This means you can access modern equipment that might be too expensive to buy.
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3. Maintenance and Storage: Owning equipment comes with the added responsibilities of maintenance and storage. Rentals relieve you of these burdens, as the rental company takes care of servicing and housing the equipment.
4. Flexibility: Jacksonville equipment rental services offer flexibility in terms of rental duration, allowing you to rent equipment for as long as you need without the commitment of ownership.
How to Choose the Right Jacksonville Equipment Rental Service
Inventory Variety: Look for a rental service that offers a wide range of equipment, ensuring you can find all the tools you need under one roof.
2. Quality and Maintenance: Ensure the rental company maintains its equipment well and that the tools are in good working condition before renting.
3. Rental Terms and Conditions: Read the rental agreement carefully. Pay attention to the rental period, costs, late fees, and the process for reporting any issues with the equipment.
4. Customer Service: Choose a company known for its excellent customer service, offering guidance in selecting the right equipment and providing support in case of any problems.
5. Pricing: Compare prices from different equipment rental Jacksonville services to ensure you’re getting a fair deal. However, don’t compromise on quality and reliability for a lower price.
Maximizing the Benefits of Equipment Rental in Jacksonville
To make the most out of your equipment rental Jacksonville experience, planning is key. Assess your project needs thoroughly and make a list of all the equipment you’ll require. Consider the project timeline to determine the rental duration. It’s also wise to reserve your equipment in advance, especially during peak seasons, to avoid last-minute availability issues.
Jacksonville equipment rental services offer a practical solution for accessing high-quality equipment without the hefty price tag of ownership. Whether you’re a professional contractor or a DIY enthusiast, these services provide the tools you need to complete your projects efficiently and effectively. By choosing the right rental service and planning your equipment needs carefully, you can ensure your projects run smoothly, keeping within budget and timelines. 
Remember, the right equipment can make a significant difference in the quality and efficiency of your work, making equipment rental in Jacksonville an option worth considering for your next project.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What types of small equipment are available for rental in Jacksonville, FL at Omi Medtech?
Omi Medtech offers a diverse range of small equipment for rent, catering to various needs and projects.
Is used equipment available for rental in Jacksonville, FL through Omi Medtech?
Yes, Omi Medtech provides the option to rent high-quality used equipment, offering a cost-effective solution without compromising on reliability.
Do you have a Sunbelt Rentals branch in Jacksonville, FL under Omi Medtech?
Currently, Omi Medtech does not have a Sunbelt Rentals branch in Jacksonville, FL. However, we offer an extensive selection of rental equipment from our own inventory.
Is equipment rental available in Jacksonville, Texas through Omi Medtech?
Yes, Omi Medtech extends its equipment rental services to Jacksonville, Texas, ensuring convenience for a broader customer base.
Does Home Depot offer equipment rental in Jacksonville, FL under Omi Medtech?
No, Home Depot is a separate entity. However, Omi Medtech provides a reliable source for equipment rental services in Jacksonville, FL, offering a wide array of tools and machinery for various projects.
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sunsolarcompanyau · 7 months
What You Need to Know About Solar Installation
Solar Installation is the process of installing a home’s solar energy system. This typically involves mounting panels on a roof and running wiring to connect them to the grid.
The upfront investment is typically recouped in six to 30 years by electricity savings. It’s also possible to lease panels instead of purchasing them outright.
Solar Panels
Taking the sun’s energy and turning it into usable electricity is what Solar Installation panels do. They’re built on a frame and housed in a glass, metal or plastic casing. They’re semi-permanent and can be quite expensive to remove, so they’re often added into buildings at the design stage rather than being retrofitted later on.
Solar panels contain photovoltaic (PV) cells that are made from crystalline silicon with p-type or n-type semiconductors to create current. Narrow slits in the cells funnel sunlight to generate power, and all PV modules are tested under Standard Test Conditions (STC) before entering production to ensure that they meet their projected output and efficiency levels.
Domestic solar systems can be grid-tied to pull in electricity from the utility company when their production isn’t enough, or homeowners can go off-grid with a large enough system and battery bank. They can also be used to offset peak demand charges from the utility company during summer and winter periods.
The inverter converts the direct current from your solar panels to the alternating current used by household appliances. It’s installed between the batteries and power controller. The battery bank stores electricity for use when the sun isn’t shining. Batteries are wired in series to essentially create one big battery.
The charge controller automatically sends electrical current to where it’s needed. The system monitors the solar panel output, battery levels and metering. The system can be sized for your household needs, for producing enough energy to sell back to the grid or anywhere in between.
It’s important to understand your household’s current and future power demands when shopping for a solar installation. The size of your system will determine how long it takes to break even on the initial investment, and also impact how much you save over time. Other factors, including your location and incentives, influence total costs. Be sure to comparison shop solar providers and review their customer reviews, certifications, Better Business Bureau profiles and other information available online.
Batteries store the electricity collected by solar panels and provide instant backup power. They can be used in grid-tie solar systems or off-grid homes and businesses. Batteries are the most expensive part of a solar energy system and there are many different options to choose from.
The type of battery used depends on your specific energy needs. The most common are lead acid batteries, which are deep-cycle and inexpensive, but require regular maintenance. Other options are lithium, nickel cadmium and flow batteries.
Solar batteries use chemical reactions to store surplus solar energy as potential electricity. This energy can be accessed anytime, even during non-sunny periods. Battery capacity is another important consideration when choosing a solar battery. This is based on the amount of charge cycles the battery can go through before it loses its capacity. The depth of discharge is also an important factor to consider. Most manufacturers recommend a maximum discharge of 45%, as discharging deeper than this can shorten the lifespan of the battery.
Electrical wiring is the lifeline of any Solar Installation Brisbane energy system, enabling its reliable operation. Properly sized wires reduce voltage drop and overheating, while effective wire management prevents mechanical stress and provides protection from the elements. Routine maintenance and inspections allow for identifying problems before they become serious, and abiding by electrical standards safeguards against safety risks.
When stringing solar panels in series, the positive terminals of each panel are connected to the negative terminal of the next. The addition of each new panel increases the current (amperage) of the string, but the voltage remains unchanged. This allows each panel to continue generating electricity if it becomes heavily shaded or damaged.
Wire types differ in conductor material and insulation, and selecting the appropriate one for a solar installation is crucial. Copper offers superior conductivity, while aluminum is an economical option. Stranded wires are also preferred, as they offer greater flexibility and durability. The correct wire type is determined by evaluating the wattage and voltage requirements of the system.
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rdpshop · 7 months
How do you get rid of a car that won't start: 6 ways you can do it
A non-starting car disposal can be a challenge, yet a necessary process requires careful consideration to get maximum benefits. When dealing with extensive repair costs or maximizing returns, you should understand the available options to get rid of. So, just how do you get rid of a car that won’t start? Just a few ideas: Contact local mechanics and repair shops to see if they're interested in buying it for parts. You can also contact the dealer for an assessment or explore selling individual components. If all else fails, consider selling it at an auction house. Here, we'll discuss the options available for getting rid of a car that won't start. So, let's say goodbye to your non-starting car by continuing to read.
How Do You Get Rid of a Car That Won't Start: Discover the 6 Ways
A car that won't start is an issue. It could be a mechanical or electrical failure that requires costly repairs or simply due to aging. However, you have several options to get rid of your car that won't start. - Contact local mechanics and repair shops - Get in touch with the dealer assessment - Explore selling individual components - Check Trade-In Options - Car Wrecker - Donate Your Vehicle To Charity 01. Contact Local Mechanics and Repair Shops To contact local mechanics and repair shops, call them and inquire if they'd like to buy your non-starting car for parts. Provide them with the repair estimates you obtained earlier to give them an idea of the potential costs of fixing the vehicle. When contacting the shops, be prepared to provide details about your car's make, model, and condition. Explain that you're looking to sell the vehicle without modifying it, and ask if they'd be willing to make an offer. Some shops may find value in salvaging components from your car, making it a potential win-win situation. 02. Get in touch with the Dealer Assessment
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Contact new and used car dealerships in your area to get the dealer assessment for your non-starting car. Start by researching local dealerships and their contact information. You can find this information online or in phone directories. Reach out to each dealership and explain your situation. Schedule an appointment for them to assess your car. The dealership will examine your vehicle's value and potential for parts salvage during the assessment. Dealerships may be interested in specific parts of your vehicle, even if they can't resell it. Ask dealerships about salvageable components and potential value so you can decide accordingly. This assessment will help guide your next steps in removing your non-starting car. 03. Explore Selling Individual Components
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Another option for getting rid of a non-starting car is to consider selling its components. This can be a lucrative choice, especially if you have an older or luxury model. Your first step should be to identify the valuable parts of your car. Look for components like the engine, transmission, and electronics, often in high demand. Next, look for online forums and listings that allow you to sell components directly. You may also be able to find a local buyer who is interested in the parts. Prepare to negotiate on price, as buyers often try to get a discount for buying individual pieces instead of an entire car. Be sure to accurately describe the condition of the parts and provide clear photos. Remember, this process may take time, but it can maximize the overall return on your investment. 04: Check Trade-In Options
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You can trade in your old car for a newer model through a car dealership or an online service. This can be a great option if you want to upgrade but don’t have the cash to purchase the new vehicle outright. Before committing to this option, be sure to research what type of trade-in value your old car will fetch. It’s also important to factor in additional costs like taxes and fees that may come with the new vehicle purchase. Remember that you can't get a reasonable trade-in amount if no one is willing to buy it. You can always turn to selling it privately. 05. Car Wrecker
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If you have explored selling individual components of your non-starting car, the next way is to consider a car wrecker. Locate a nearby auction house and inquire about a managed sale for your vehicle. Provide accurate details about the car, including its make, model, year, and any known issues. Adding a reserve price allows you to set a minimum selling price. The auction house will then proceed with the auction, marketing your car to potential buyers. Once your car is sold, you can collect the proceeds from the auction. The auction house handles all the paperwork and logistics for you. 06. Donate Your Vehicle To Charity
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Getting rid of a car that won't start by donation has several rewards. One you may not even think of, is self-satisfaction. By removing an eye-sore from your property is removing a reminder of a failed project or just improving the looks of your property. You can look at it as a positive step to moving forward. There are also tax credits you can receive for donating vehicles and such. But the best part is that your donation goes towards great causes. There are many donations of vehicle programs that help kids, homeless people, veterans and so much more. Click here to learn more about Donating Your Car.
When it's not worth fixing a car that won't start?
Assess the overall condition of your vehicle. If your car is old and has a high mileage, it's more likely that additional problems will arise. Next, calculate the cost of repairs. If the repair costs are close to or exceed the value of your car, it's not financially wise to continue fixing it. Also, consider the safety aspect. If your car has significant mechanical issues that can compromise your safety, it's time to let go.
Is it possible to donate my non-starting car to a charity?
Donating your non-starting car to a charity is a viable option. While it may seem counterintuitive, many charities are willing to accept non-starting vehicles as donations. If the charity agrees to accept your non-starting car, they'll typically arrange for a towing service to pick it up from your location.
Can I sell a non-starting car with outstanding loans or liens?
If you have outstanding loans or liens on your non-starting car, you must contact your lender to discuss your options before selling it. Your lender will inform you of the amount you owe on the loan or lien. This will help you understand the financial implications of selling the car.
Get the Most Value from Your Non-Starting Car
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As you can see, if you find yourself with a car that won't start and is not worth the cost of fixing, a few options are available. Each option comes with its own set of considerations, from selling valuable components to donating to a charitable cause. The key lies in understanding the circumstances surrounding the non-starting vehicle and choosing the method that aligns with practical and personal priorities. In regards to junk car removal companies or figuring out which parts are worth selling, research and planning are key to making the most out of any situation. Ultimately, there are ways to move on from your non-starting car and find a solution that suits your needs. Ryan David   Read the full article
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cardwellthaxton · 8 months
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📢👀𝟓 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐀𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐲🏡
By Cardwell Thaxton
Are you ready to start downsizing your home in New Jersey at The Cardwell Thaxton Group, we know all about it! Take a look at a few of our tips below and reach out to us if you would like an offer for your house as-is! We’re buying properties in the area and will purchase outright no matter what you want to leave behind! 
They say that what’s around you is a representation of your mental state. Many people find that downsizing helps them eliminate clutter, making it easier to focus on what’s important. Whether you just want to eliminate clutter, or you are looking to downsize your house in New Jersey for something smaller, there are some mistakes you will want to avoid. Keep reading to learn more about our tips for downsizing and what the team at The Cardwell Thaxton Group can do to help you!
Mistake 1 – Not Having a Plan
Before you start tearing your house apart, determine how you want to approach things. Are you going to go through one room at a time? Closets first? Kids toys? Or maybe you’ll group like things, deciding what to toss later. A good idea is to begin by creating piles. One can be stuff you want to throw away, another for stuff you want to donate, the next for things you aren’t sure about, and finally a pile for the things you know you want to keep. People organize themselves differently, however you decide to do it, make sure you have a plan, so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Mistake 2 – Throwing Away The Wrong Things
Once you start seeing things disappear, you may feel a sense of relief. It can be easy to get carried away, throwing away things you probably shouldn’t. Try to be mindful of your actions when throwing stuff in the trash. Is there a chance you or someone in your family will need it at a later date? If you are dealing with old paperwork, for example, you could opt to scan and save before throwing it in the trash. When in doubt, it’s better err on the side of caution instead of setting yourself up for regret down the road.
Mistake 3 – Not Throwing Away Enough
For many people, getting rid of things can be hard. Often times, the items can be tied to a particular person or memory and giving it up may feel impossible. When deciding what to get rid of, try to be methodical about it. For example, with clothing, if it something you haven’t worn in ages, donate it. It will get better use somewhere else than taking up room in your closet. While you don’t have to throw away everything you own, you don’t need to hold on to all of it either. Remind yourself that it is just stuff, and you will feel better once all of the unneeded clutter is gone.
To make it easier, if there are things, you’d like to keep but know you probably shouldn’t, you can take a picture so that the memory is never lost. This is great for kids’ projects, souvenirs, and other sentimental items that you can’t bear to part with, but you know are taking up too much space. Consider creating a digital photo album, so you can look back on your fond memories whenever you choose.
Mistake 4 – Not Doing It Sooner
Imagine what your life would be like with fewer items, a smaller house, and less to maintain. Once you simplify your life, you will wonder why you hadn’t done it sooner. You will have less stress, while saving both your time and money. If you have found yourself living in a house that no longer meets your need, that is too large, or that is packed with too much stuff, downsizing is the answer.
Mistake 5 – Trying To Do It Alone
If you are dealing with years with of accumulated possessions, the thought of downsizing can be overwhelming. If the process is too much for you, you can hire a professional organizer to help or at least get you started. If you wish to sell the house, working with a direct buyer such as The Cardwell Thaxton Group will enable you to sell your house as-is, no matter what you want to leave behind. This allows you to focus on keeping the things you really want without having to deal with all of the rest. We will buy your house even if it has a lot of stuff you’d rather not take.
Downsizing your home in New Jersey will offer you a number of great benefits. We are always prepared to answer all of your questions about the process while providing you with options to make it easier to downsize your house in New Jersey!
Are you thinking about downsizing your home in New Jersey? Find out how our team can help you! Reach out to us today to learn more about what we can offer! (908) 456-1593
The Cardwell Thaxton Group Cardwell Thaxton, New Jersey 📲(908) 456-1593 📧[email protected] http://cardwellthaxton.realestate/
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nlcsolutions23 · 1 year
A Local's Guide to South Plainfield's Parks and Trails
South Plainfield is a great place to live and play. Our town has many parks and trails that are perfect for families, beginners, or experienced athletes alike. Here's a list of some of our favorite playgrounds:
Miniature Golf
Miniature golf is a great way to spend an afternoon, especially if you want to get out of the house and enjoy some time with your family. It's also a great way to spend a few hours with your friends who live nearby.
If you're looking for a place to play, South Plainfield's parks have two playgrounds that are open during the summer and winter.
Both are in good condition and can be used by children of all ages. They're also open 24/7, so you can take your kids there any time—even during the night!
Tennis Courts
South Plainfield has five tennis courts, all of them open to the public. All five of these courts are available for use year-round and can be used by either adults or children. The courts are also available for singles play and doubles play, so there's something for everyone!
Another great thing about the tennis complex: it's located right next door to one of our local parks (see below)! This means that you don't have far to get your exercise in when it comes time for some sunshine volleyball or basketball with friends on hot summer days—or even wintertime ice skating if you're feeling extra adventurous!
Spray Ponds
Spray Ponds are a great place to go for a swim. They’re fun for kids of all ages, and they make the perfect spot for families or couples looking to get away from it all.
Spray Ponds are located in South Plainfield:
Spray Pond Park is located at 2500 Central Avenue, South Plainfield NJ 07080 (908) 834-8400
Spray Pond Park Preserve is located at 40 Valley Road, South Plainfield NJ 07080 (908) 834-8446
Bike Trails
South Plainfield is a great place to ride your bike. The town has more than 20 miles of bike trails, including one that runs along the Raritan River and another that winds through neighborhoods in downtown South Plainfield.
The trails are located at the town park, which also offers picnic areas and playground equipment for both children and adults. They're open year-round except during inclement weather conditions or when the park is closed due to maintenance work on one or more of its paths (you can check out their website for an up-to-date list).
If you prefer rollerblades over pedaling, there's also an on-site rental center where you can pick up one of their gear rentals—or even purchase one outright if you'd rather do that instead!
Rauseo Cycles
Rauseo Cycles is a family-owned bike shop that has been in business for many years. The store has a great selection of bikes, from kid's to adult cycles, with prices that are fair and reasonable. If you're looking for something specific, like an electric bike or mountain bike, they will take care of your needs! They also offer repairs on select models if there's something wrong with yours.
Patti Construction
Patti Construction is a bike shop that specializes in mountain bikes, but they also have an impressive selection of road bikes. They offer a large range of prices, so there's something for everyone! Patti Construction is a local construction company that has been serving the area for many years. They also offer concrete work as well as general construction services. If you need anything done on your property, they can help with that!
If you’re looking for a fun, family-friendly activity in South Plainfield, look no further than our parks and trails! These features make up the best recreation area in town and can be enjoyed by anyone from young children to adults.
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Janitorial Services: Keeping Your Business Clean and Safe
When it comes to maintaining a clean and safe business environment, it’s important to partner with a trusted and experienced commercial cleaning provider. That’s where NLC Solutions comes in.
Founded in 1986, NLC Solutions has been providing top-quality commercial cleaning services to businesses of all sizes and industries for over 35 years. With a commitment to personalized service and eco-friendly cleaning practices, NLC Solutions has become a leader in the industry. You may find online using these keywords commercial carpet cleaning, commercial cleaning companies, office cleaning South Plainfield NJ, and janitorial service South Plainfield NJ.
NLC Solutions Commercial Cleaning
100 Ryan St Suite 34, South Plainfield, NJ 07080
(908) 753-3900
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triumph12365 · 1 year
Equipment Time Period Loans First National Bank
Through equipment financing, you also can make certain to invest in the newest equipment that is utilized by your corporation to generate more income. You conform to obtain email communications from Upwise Capital LLC regarding business suggestions, information, and unique updates on it’s financing merchandise equipment financing services, services, particular choices, alternatives and packages. With equipment financing, the most important thing to bear in mind is that it stops you from needing to pay the whole cost of that equipment upfront. Instead, you’ll pay it off in common installments, till you personal the equipment outright.
In many circumstances, equipment financing can reduce a business’s taxable income. If a business qualifies for tax code Section 179 deduction, it might have the ability to accelerate depreciation against its taxable income. In order to see if your business qualifies for tax code 179, it’s essential that you check with your accountant. When your progress technique contains commercial acquisition, nothing is extra highly effective business equipment financing than working with an experienced team in a place to present collaborate and inventive options. Whether you're expanding into a new line of business, shopping for out a competitor, or beginning a completely new adventure, we’re here that can assist you each step of the method in which. A surge of 12% annualized progress in capital spending in Q offered a solid jumping-off point for 2023.
The typical repayment term for a non-SBA equipment loan is one to five years, but there are some lenders who present 10 year reimbursement phrases. Generally, small business house owners will see the best charges and longest terms through a conventional financial institution or with an SBA mortgage. Since leasing corporations assume there might be a residual worth within the equipment at the end of the lease, they'll provide decrease rental funds which equals a money saving to you. Some forms of term debt can intervene together with your company's future financial construction. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) considers lease rental payments as an expense, not a debt, underneath many lease agreements. A key advantage of business equipment leasing is that it permits 100% financing, and the time period of the lease may be matched with the helpful lifetime of the equipment.
Financing equipment is a cheap and tax-efficient means for your corporation to amass belongings (whether new or used). Accord considers nearly all asset sorts together with in-place, used and non-conventional equipment. We’ll be joyful trucking equipment financing to work with you to establish and customize business financing options that meet your unique needs. Team Financial Group’s commercial equipment financing choices can improve your business’ cash flow and total financial well being.
Hence, versus saving money for an extended interval for purchasing equipment, you can save money for needed expenses or emergencies. As a matter of truth, you can't run a profitable business with out getting the required equipment first. Equipment Financing allows companies commercial equipment financing to increase income and reduce bills. Don't hassle elevating money from family and friends for begin up firm equipment capital. Trust Capital can simply assist you to get all the mission important equipment you need for your new company.
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Find The Best Deals On Gym Equipment And Get In Shape
Are you looking for the best deals on gym equipment so you can stay in shape without breaking the bank? Look no further! In this article, we'll discuss how to find the best prices on quality gym equipment so you can stay healthy and fit without spending a fortune. So, if you're ready to make a change and get fit, read on to learn more about how to save money while still getting top-of-the-line gym gear!
In today's society, people are health conscious and want to find the best deals on gym equipment to get in shape without breaking the bank. However, with the high cost of living, it is difficult to find affordable workout equipment. There are a few tips that can help you save money when purchasing gym equipment.
First, always check for sales and discounts before making a purchase. Sales happen often, so it is important to take advantage of them when they occur. Second, try to find used gym equipment instead of buying new. Used equipment is usually cheaper and just as good as new equipment. Finally, consider renting gym equipment instead of buying it outright. Renting gives you the flexibility to return the equipment if you no longer need it or can't afford it.
Benefits of Owning Gym Equipment
There are many benefits of owning your own gym equipment. First, you save money on monthly gym memberships. Second, you have the freedom to work out whenever you want and for however long you want. Third, you can customize your workout routine to your specific goals. Lastly, you can be sure that the equipment is clean and well-maintained.
Where to Look for Deals on Gym Equipment
If you're looking for deals on gym equipment, there are a few places you can check. First, try your local second-hand stores. These stores often have gently used gym equipment for a fraction of the cost of new gear.
Tips for Buying Used Gym Equipment
When it comes to getting in shape, there's no need to break the bank. You can find great deals on used gym equipment that will help you reach your fitness goals. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when shopping for used gym equipment:
Do your research. There are a lot of different types of gym equipment out there, so it's important to do your research and find the right type of gear for your needs.
Check for quality. Just because something is used doesn't mean it can't be high-quality. Inspect the equipment before making a purchase to ensure that it's in good condition.
Bargain hunt. Don't be afraid to negotiate on price, especially if you're buying multiple pieces of gear at once.
Get warranty information. If possible, get warranty information from the seller in case anything goes wrong with the equipment down the line.
Setting Up a Home Gym on a Budget
If you're looking to get in shape without breaking the bank, setting up a home gym is a great option. But where do you start? Here are some tips for setting up a home gym on a budget:
Shop around. Don't just buy the first piece of equipment you see. Compare prices and features to find the best deal.
Check out used equipment. You can often find good deals on lightly used gym equipment. Just be sure to inspect it thoroughly before you buy to make sure it's in good condition.
Look for sales and discounts. Many stores offer sales and discounts on gym equipment, so keep an eye out for those.
Get creative. You don't need fancy, expensive equipment to get a good workout in. There are plenty of things you can use around your house that will do the trick (think: canned goods, milk jugs filled with water, etc.). So get creative and save yourself some money!
Closing Thoughts
When it comes to working out, we all know that the right equipment can make a big difference. But what if you don’t have a lot of money to spend on a gym membership or new workout gear?
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to get in shape without breaking the bank. Here are a few tips:
Check out your local community center or YMCA. These facilities often offer affordable memberships and have a variety of workout equipment available.
Take advantage of free online resources. There are many websites and YouTube channels that offer free workout videos and other resources.
Get creative with household items. Use things like milk jugs filled with water or canned goods as makeshift weights for strength training exercises.
Go for a walk or run outside. You don’t need any fancy equipment to get a good cardio workout in nature!
Finally, don’t be afraid to haggle. If you’re looking to buy second-hand fitness equipment, try negotiating with the seller to get a better price
We hope this article has given you some ideas for how to find the best deals on gym equipment and get in shape without breaking the bank. With a little bit of research, it is possible to save money while still investing in quality workout gear that will last you for years. So don’t let finances stand in your way - start looking online and in-store today and you could be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals!
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lesliecommercials · 1 year
How Do You Minimise Your Commercial Transportation Expenses?
All businesses are trying to cut corners and try to save money, in a number of ways to stay afloat in these economically tough times. You need to cut down your overhead expenses as much as possible. One of the areas that is worth focusing is your commercial transportation expenses. Here are a few useful tips on cutting down the commercial transportation expenses on the long run.
Go for a commercial van lease instead of outright van purchase. This will help you channel your funds better. Instead of spending a huge sum of money for your van upfront, you can limit your expenses to a small monthly rental fee. You do not have to put any large payment out of your pocket in advance, but you can pay as you go from your business profit. This will ease the financial burden greatly.
Once you decide to lease your van or truck, you should do a detailed requirements analysis. You will be able to decide what type of van to hire based on your requirements, wants and needs. Choose just what you need after careful planning. If you need two types of vehicles, try to find a vehicle that will take care of both types of requirements. If you could successfully spot one vehicle that will handle all your requirements instead of going for multiple vehicles, then this could save you more money by will minimise your monthly rentals to a single payment. This will bring in a considerable saving on your monthly and annual transportation business costs.
Find the most competitive van hire Lanarkshire quotes that are local to you within the area. Each van hire company will have their own tariffs. It is vital that you choose a company that offers the most reasonable quotes. This however should not force you to overlook the quality of the van hire services that you are likely to get. If you are going to compromise on the quality of the services over the cost, then it could be a huge mistake. Sourcing a local commercial lease company that look after your needs, having a fleet in stock that you can visit and pick from as well as a in-house garage to fully service your lease van or truck then gives you more confidence in the job they can do for you.
Always keep long term savings in mind when you are selecting your van lease Glasgow company. You will be able to save considerably when you go with a highly trusted and a reputed local provider. Before signing up with any van or truck hire contract you must understand all the costs involved including any hidden costs. It is best to check with your van hire company whether they have any other hidden charges besides what you see in the quote while hiring your commercial van, including for example miles you will do in the vehicle.
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