#instead i was left feeling out of sorts and disappointed and irritated. ugh.
found--family · 1 year
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whythinktoomuch · 4 years
ii. apocalypse now & again
(pt. i)
Kara woke up and realized that she was going to die.
Too many of the drones had survived the explosions and were still closing in on her. What little strength she had left after quite literally digging her own grave was presently and painstakingly strained just from her efforts to climb onto her knees. And on top of all that—of everything that possibly could have gone wrong for her in this moment—her helmet was cracked.
The abstract red numbers warning Kara of the kryptonite levels in the area seemed redundant now, what with that unmistakable chill already flooding her bloodstream.
“… Alex,” Kara gasped out, barely able to hear herself over the ringing in her ears. “Hey, Alex… Are you there?”
Her words were met with not one whisper or even a crackle of static, and for once, Kara was inconsolably disappointed to hear no one yelling back at her. With her teeth gritted, she shoved herself off the ground as hard as she could, drifting barely a foot into the air before the first drone crashed into the back of her head.
Kara toppled back onto the ground, knees skidding across the rubble in a shower of hot sparks. The impact had her head reeling, her mouth filling with a taste that she was now idly recognizing as blood. But there was no time to consider any of that as the drone doubled back. Kara scrambled out of the way, narrowly avoiding another collision, only to be struck by a second drone smashing right against her ear.
Out of breath but swearing, Kara whirled around and snagged the fast approaching drone into a bear hug, squeezing and squeezing until it crunched in her arms with a frantic whir. Then with a burst of heat vision, she shattered the other as it came straight for her face.
Kara used her heat vision to pick off several more drones from a distance, but of course, more and more just showed up to take their place, never wavering, never slowing… and eventually, Kara just had to laugh. Because her exhaustion was catching up to her. And Alex was hundreds of miles away. And to get out of here alive, Kara would have to somehow defeat the entire horde of drones, while all they had to do was wreck her suit a little more.
Though admittedly, it’d be overkill at this point, given the crack now spiderwebbing across the glass visor of Kara’s helmet.
Either way, it was over.
So, Kara laughed, grabbed at her chest in a reflexive gesture only to meet the unforgiving metal of her suit, then dropped to her knees. “Alex!” she shouted herself hoarse, because maybe if said loudly enough, the words would still be lingering in the air by the time her sister arrived. “Alex, I’m sorry, okay? You were right, and I’m sorry!”
Then she just waited—chest heaving, eyes narrowed but never blinking despite the heat pricking at the corners—because she definitely had to see this through to the bitter fucking end. That much, she owed everyone, including herself.
Except the end didn’t come.
Not this time anyway.
No, instead came a silver sphere, emerging seemingly out of thin air to hover right before Kara’s face. It flashed a blinding white just once, and everything fell absolutely silent and still. Kara’s suit powered down completely, the drones collectively dropped from the air like marionettes with cut strings, and all the lights in the immediate vicinity blinked out.
Laughter welling up all over again, Kara could only collapse onto her side in something akin to sheer relief.
The first person to occur to her, of course, was Alex, who had already saved her ass from similar scrapes on many occasions. But that couldn’t be it. Alex was too far away. It’s why Kara had to take on this mission on her own in the first place.
Then she considered maybe Winn or James, which made even less sense, given how the deceased hardly ever came back to do things like save people’s lives. Not even hers. Not even in the most dire of situations. That’s, unfortunately, just not how life worked these days.
Then she considered Alex again because the kryptonite was clearly bleeding into her brain now, and it was getting rather difficult to remember why it couldn’t have been Alex who’d just saved her. Maybe Kara did shout loud enough after all…
But then, a set of footfalls drew near, metal scraping against metal at a steady pace until a heavy boot struck Kara firmly in the chest, flipping her onto her back where she settled with a grunt.
“So glad I got to you first,” came a self-assured drawl, and Kara promptly found herself face to face with a handheld cannon of sorts. “Would be a pity to come all this way and not get to kill you myself.”
And… Kara’s jaw just dropped.
Not because of the words, nor the intentions behind them—though perhaps they both merited some attention as well—but that voice.
Kara gaped up at her supposed knight in shining, lead-lined armor because her voice—that low, husky tone paired with that very specific lilting cadence—was making her reconsider some very fundamental things about how the world might work.
Namely, that people wouldn’t come back from the dead just to save her life.
Mind still reeling away, Kara tried to sit up, only to be slammed back into the ground, hard.
“Down, girl,” Lena said, grinding her boot into Kara’s chest, the weight of her entire body behind the gesture. But that was fine.
It was fine because Kara could still draw some breath into her lungs, could still use some of that breath to talk, and she could certainly still say some things that she hadn’t uttered aloud in many a year. Like her late wife’s name, for instance.
The cannon in Kara’s face wavered, but didn’t lower. “Shut up,” Lena hissed down at her. “Don’t talk. Don’t even think.”
“So… it is you…” Kara said, and she gently wrapped her fingers around Lena’s ankle—the only part of her that she could still reach from her position—and just cried.
With a startled gasp, Lena stumbled away, wrenching herself out of Kara’s grip. “What the fuck…? What is wrong with you?”
“Nothing, nothing,” Kara sobbed out, trying not to choke on her own tears and snot and the slight taste of blood still lingering on her tongue. She suddenly, irrationally, wished that she could just take off her clunky suit. Just to eliminate some of that distance between her and Lena. Just so she could touch the chain hanging around her neck without any hindrance. “Just… just wanted to say, hi.”
Lena kept her distance, studying Kara in a stony silence, and Kara started to see things that she should probably would have noticed sooner if her body weren’t actively shutting down on her. Like the green glow of Lena’s weapon and the kryptonite cartridges strapped to her belt. Or that she was clearly wearing a lexo-suit. Or how the swirly edges of her own vision were starting to darken, and how the chill of kryptonite was currently all she could feel.
“Hey,” Kara called out, sniffling only slightly now. “Am I dreaming?”
“… No.”
Kara nodded thoughtfully to herself. “Okay, cool, cool… So, I think I might be dying then.”
“Yeah,” Lena said, after a brief pause. “Probably.”
“Cool.” Kara tried to flash a thumbs up, but no part of her body wanted to cooperate anymore. Her exhaustion had eaten up all her drive. “Hey, can you tell Alex something for me?”
Lena sighed, but she finally stepped closer, practically in reach. “Okay, sure.”
Kara fumbled for some words and the correct order that one might put them in, but then Lena took off her helmet, and nothing else mattered anymore. Because Kara was perfectly content to just watch that ripple of dark hair, streaked with a light gray that was just… nice to look at.
She never got to see her Lena’s hair do that.
Kara’s shoulder was being shaken so violently that she had no choice but to open her eyes and see Alex’s worry-creased face peering down at her.
“Dumbass…” Alex grumbled, releasing Kara’s shoulder with a dirty scowl. “That’s the last time I let you go anywhere without me.”
“Whatever you say, director.” Kara laughed, but it hurt. She then tried to do a salute, but her everything was still too weak to move apparently. But at least she was still alive.
… Wait.
Kara repeatedly tried to sit up on her bed, and Alex repeatedly shoved her right back down until she gave up. But still, she had to check, had to know that it wasn’t all just a dream.
“Where’s Lena?” she demanded, and the look that Alex gave her in response was so deeply pained that Kara almost felt pathetic for asking.
“… Kara.”
“No, I saw her, Alex,” Kara said, shaking her head, then immediately stopping when her entire body somehow got dizzy from it. “Shit. Ow, ow… But wait, no—But seriously, I saw her, okay?”
“I’m not surprised that you did. You almost died, Kara. Actually, I’m pretty sure that you were dead for a few minutes back there. Again, I say, you fucking dumbass.”
“But I didn’t die. Because she saved me,” Kara insisted. “No, seriously! She took out all the drones with some sort of EMP device, and, and… we talked! And she had gray hair, and I think maybe laugh lines? And yeah, I almost died because my helmet got cracked and stuff. But now, I’m here and I’m fine, so… everything’s fine, right?”
Alex frowned, then somehow settled on the least important part of Kara’s briefing, “You cracked your helmet?”
“Ugh, yeah. The glass visor part. When I fell,” Kara said, waving her hand dismissively. “So sorry about that, by the way.”
“Suit looked fine when we got to you,” Alex said with a shrug, before irritably exclaiming, “Jesus christ, Kara, enough! I’ll just have a guy get the helmet for you, okay? So, just stop trying to get up already.”
Huffing, Kara fell back onto her bed with her arms folded and waited. But when someone eventually showed up with her helmet in tow, she was surprised to see that it was somewhat worse for the wear but perfectly intact. Even up close, with the helmet out the tech’s hands and in her own, Kara couldn’t detect even the slightest blemish in the glass.
Pouting ever so slightly, Kara shoved the helmet back into the tech’s arms.
“… Satisfied?” Alex asked, rolling her eyes when Kara just shrugged one shoulder. “Great. Listen… You just need to get some rest, okay? Once you’re back to full strength, we can work through your… you know, memories together. And hopefully, it’ll make more sense by then. Sound good?”
Kara just nodded, suddenly all too willing to be left to her own devices in the relative quiet and darkness. She accepted a gentle shoulder squeeze and the promise of another session with the sun lamps within the hour, and just curled up under the sheets.
It’s not like she hadn’t conjured up images of Lena before. Kara had been close to death enough times that it was only inevitable that she’d fall back onto memories of her dead wife at some point or another. But this was different. Whenever her brain was just playing tricks on her, Lena appeared to her the way Kara remembered her: warm and loving, bright green eyes, long dark hair smelling of lavender, and alive and young.
Never before had Kara encountered an appropriately aged version of Lena, with creases gathered around her eyes and forehead, hair gloriously faded into the most lovely blend of light grays and white amongst all that black… The Lena that could have been if only she had lived out all these past years alongside Kara.
And she was never in a lexo-suit, of all things. Lena was always wearing one of her classic pencil skirts or Kara’s NCU sweatshirt, or something. Oh, and of course, her wedding band.
Instinctively, the same way she always did when it occurred to her, Kara reached for the chain around her neck, seeking out the familiar weight of the rings that hung from there… only to jolt upright with a gasp that dried up her entire throat.
She ripped the necklace off her head, almost snapping the chain, which in and of itself was telling. Because her chain had been forged out of an extraterrestrial metal amalgamation that not even the Girl of Steel would have been able to break. The one now clutched in her hand, however, was just plain white gold.
Heart pounding in her ears, Kara stared down at an engagement ring fitted with a modest cut of diamond, somehow occupying the very spot where two simple wedding bands—hers and her Lena’s—should have been. Then something drove her to check for an inscription, and sure enough, engraved on the inside of the ring was a series of kryptonian characters, denoting a term of endearment that Kara had never used, but apparently could have in another world altogether: my dearest heart.
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fightxxmexxshiggy · 4 years
Work from home
BAKUGOU x female reader
Word count 2200
TW: cervix play, degradation, implied threesomes.
Ugh why did you decide running was going to be your exercise for this bet?! Really the bounce of you breasts was gonna knock you into a coma before you made it to the 30 day goal. You wanted to give up or even try to negotiate for a different exercise but you knew your friends would poke fun at you if you whined about this to them. Steeling your nerves you hit the hill in front of you with a jumping sort of run hoping it would make the trek upwards a little easier. This was a mistake that you might never forgive yourself for. Your knees hated you, your breasts were screaming for the torture to end, to top it off the sweat running down your back decided to drip between your ass cheeks causing the nastiest feel ever.
Finally giving up on making it up the hill in one shot you wandered to the side of the path. Sitting on the nearest flat rock you took some deep breaths with your head through back in Hope's more air would come to your overworked lungs. After about five minutes you had calmed enough to stretch a bit so you didn't start cramping randomly. Catching the sound of footfalls your eyes shot open to watch as the most jaw droppingly sexy man you had seen in months jog up to you. Fucking. Shirtless. Letting your eyes devour that incredible expanse of skin you almost didn't hear him address you.
" hey Dumbass you hurt or something?" Immediately getting irritated at the insult you growl out an assurance of your wellbeing and go back to stretching. For what ever reason the rude, attractive man comes to a full stop in front of you. Refusing to look up at him you instead stretch your arms above your head and roll your hips to crack your lower back. Slowly lowering your arms to sit behind you, your eyes open to see the man still standing there as if waiting for you. That is kind of weird so you stare at his face daring him to try something. With a hum he grins and crouches down so that your eye level. " I like you attitude, tell me are you busy after this?"
 Shock took over your expression as he laughed, waiting for you to answer. Why would someone who looks like a prize fighter wanna spend time with you? Not to say that you weren't beautiful but you had curves that would make you a pinup girl not the clothing model men like him are usually seen with. The disbelief must have over powered the shock on your face because his grin shifted into a smirk. Standing back to his full height the man stalked to where you sat. Leaning over you he placed his hands right beside where yours rested. The move put his chin on your shoulders and his lips right on your ear.
" you really have no fucking poker face babe. I'll be straight with you, you are exactly my type. I wanna take you back to my place right now and wreck that pussy like it deserves." The feeling of his breath on your ear as he spoke gave you chills. His words hit you right in your core, a moan slipping from your mouth before you could stop it. He let out an animalistic growl before licking the length of your neck. Jerking back you stared into his eyes unsure but more and more interested in his proposal by the minute. Slowly he lowered his lips to yours, the kiss started of gently as if he was seeking something. After a few moments the gentle kiss turned savage almost like he was trying to show you what fucking him would be like. Whining deep in your throat you sucked on his tongue when he thrust it past your teeth. The move had him pulling back from the kiss and yanking you up the rock to rest flush against his muscled body.
" Tell me yes Dumbass I won't take you unless I hear it from your mouth." Using your closeness you trail your hands down his sides to rest against his hips. With your nails you trace a swirling pattern to his lower back before pressing down to leave light scratches from right above his ass all the way to his shoulders. The groan that left his mouth only made your pussy gush more juice onto the seam of your workout leggings. Once his eyes met yours you smiled sweetly. " yes but only if you tell me your name first."
Laughing he pulled away from you, grabbing your hand as he dragged you up what was left of the damned hill. With a quick smirk over his shoulder he shot out a quick " Katsuki Bakugou." You mumbled out your name between panting breaths as the completely unwinded man continued to drag you up what you were now calling the hill of hell. Before walking the rest of the way to the parking area, still holding your hand by the way. Stopping in front of what you assumed was his car he turned to you. "Ride with me or follow in yours?" Blushing you mumbled that you'd follow him in your car. Nodding in approval he walked you to your car a couple spots away. Unlocking your car you went to open the door only to have Katsuki stop you. With a hand on the nape of your neck he pulled you into a searing kiss unbothered by the few other people milling around.
Ending the kiss he leaned in close to whisper in your ear. " keep that pussy wet for me babe. I'm hungry and I plan to make you my meal." Well this was so not how you expected to end your daily workout but so far you were not fucking disappointed. Sexy asshole eating you out was a much better after run reward than the peice of chocolate cake in your fridge back home. Getting into your car and on the road behind Katsuki you followed him the 15 minutes drive to his place. Seeing the beautiful brownstone had your nerves launching into overdrive. Were you really about to fuck a man you met 30 minutes at a park? Watching him get out of his car and stalk over to your you realized that yes you were going to fuck this man because it would be a sin if you didn't.
Not one to go against the universe you let him open your door and help you from behind the wheel. Slamming the door shut he pressed your back to it and once again fucked your mouth with tantalizingly long tongue. Finally he had his fill of your mouth and slung an arm around your waist as he walked you up the stairs and into his impressively clean home. Shoes were kicked off at the door and clothes were pulled of with haste. In the bedroom the two of you fell onto the bed in a tangled mess of need. Crawling back until he was kneeling on the floor with your ass on the edge of the bed to give him access to the soaked hole between your pussy lips he growled.
"Look at this slutty little hole, leaking everywhere it needs to be punished." With one hand he held open your folds, with the other he layed a series of light smacks on your clit. The action only cause more juice to flow from your hole dripping down your cheeks onto the comforter below. Sticking out his tongue Katsuki licked a path through your juices to your abused clit. With sucking kisses he soothed away the small pain he had inflicted. Sucking harder he ran small circles around your clit with the tip of his tongue. Slowly he inserted two fingers into your pussy curling and thrusting them against the sensitive tissue. The fingers stroking against your gspot driving you closer to the finish line. Suddenly Katsuki shoved his fingers deeper until the tips brushed your cervix. The sensation like nothing you had ever felt, your hips jerked had nearly dislodging his mouth. With a growl he wrapped his free arm around your hips and gripped hard.
The arm around your hips should have been a warning but seriously how were you to know the man was a damn pussy master. Sucking and running his teeth over your clit he rubbed circles around your cervix until he hit a never before touched spot inside you. That was it he hit jackpot as you came screaming, squirting uncontrollably into his mouth as he moaned and drank happily. When you finally came back to your body you fell limp, muscles unclenching from their locked state.
"So good for me baby, so sweet and tasty, gonna fuck you till this pussy begs me to own it." The praise and promises flowing from his usually cocky mouth made your womb twitch something that relight your desire instantly. Whining you reached for his cock intent on getting a taste before he got inside you, you were 99% sure he would not be taking it from your pussy anytime soon once he worked his way in. " you want a taste of this cock little slut? Only a taste though I've got a some demolition to do." Kneeling by your head he ran the tip of his angry red cock across your lips. Tongue peeking out you licked the slit tasting the salty precum that had gathered there. Opening wide you sucked in as much of him as he would allow, lips stretched, tongue swirling and rubbing the underside. Katsuki threw Back his head groaning at the sweet suction. Pulling from your mouth with a loud pop pushed you to the middle of the bed.
Smooth his hands over your legs he caught the underside of your knees in a firm grip. Knees pushed to your chest framing your breasts in a breathtakingly sexual display he stared at you until you understood what he wanted. Taking hold of your legs you kept them in the position he demanded and watching as he rubbed his cock head through your folds stopping at every upward swipe to tap against your clit. Lining his cock up he fit the head into your hole. With measured strokes he worked every inch into your nearly too tight pussy. Crying out with every stroke it took all your strength to keep your legs in your hands. Finally he bottomed out, so big inside you that it felt like you would split in two. Leaning forward Katsuki gripped the sheets by your head as he started to thrust slow and deep. "Keep those pretty eyes on me baby, I wanna watch you break."
Each thrust had his cock head kissing your cervix, the pleasure threatening to make your eyes roll back in your head. All of the was too much you felt to open but everytime you went to close your eyes he would growl and pound into your pussy. Angrily saying "look at me slut." Until you would scream as an orgasm washed over you, eyes flying open with the shock of the intensity. As soon as you would look at him he would go back to his slow deep thrusts, sometimes catching your lips in a tongue fucking kiss. You had cum so much that you could barely see, vision foggy with pleasure. Unexpectedly katsuki stopped his strokes to stare at you. " baby I need a little favor from you." With effort you focused your eyes on his face and nodded your assent to horse from screaming to speak properly.
" I need you to be a good girl and take my cum."
With no other warning than that Katsuki pounded into your pussy, slamming against your cervix while you wailed his nail to the ceiling. On his final thrust he bottomed out grinding himself against your clit until you once again squirted for him, only this time he was cuming deep inside you flooding your womb with his hot load. No strength left in any of your limbs you let your legs fall as he rested his head between your breasts, trying to catch his breath while you tried to figure out if your still had lungs at all. In the distance you thought you heard a door open and close but you couldn't be sure with the limited brain function you had at the moment. A few moments later your question was answered as a red headed man with sharp teeth leaned a shoulder against the door.
"Damn bakubro you brought home a whole meal after your run didn't you. Think I can have a taste?"
The little clench those words elicited in your pussy had Katsuki's head shooting up off your chest to look at you. Blushing furiously you tried to look anywhere but at him. With a groan he slowly pulled his cock from you , his cum dripping out of your hole slowly. " her pussy seems to say yes but why don't you let us clean up a bit and we can see what her mouth says, shitty hair." Oh you were fuck quite literally.
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nona-piccolo · 3 years
Obey Me you say ?? Oh HECK yeah, I’ve been thinking of a bunch of stuff ! Feel free to just respond to ones you enjoy, and I wish I had a preference of the brothers or others but that’s also really just up to you! The gender neutral pronouns are amazing, thank you !!! Now that that is out of the way, on to thoughts and questions!
How do you feel the brothers or others would react to a very blunt and honest MC? Like one that is nice as heck, but will not hesitate to tell you their actual thoughts on things- for example the constant bashing on Mammon or maybe helping Solomon out in the kitchen with friendly suggestions kinda vibe !
How do
Oh I love this one! A part of me thinks that the brothers truly need a blunt MC in their lives, especially with how they treat Mammon and such sometimes LOL Because there is no preference, I decided to only do the brothers for now. But I do feel bad, because my Asmodeus, Beel, and Belphie ones appear to be much shorter… Thank you for the request though, I really hope you enjoy the answer 💗
How the boys react to blunt MC
Tumblr media
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
Reader: gn!reader
Warnings: none :)
I think it’s well known that Lucifer is not the softest guy when it comes to words.
Not only does he say whatever is on his mind, no matter how harsh it may be, but he also doesn’t care at all whose feelings he hurts in doing so. And yet there has never been anyone else to try and voice their opinions fullheartedly towards him.
So when he first begins spending time with you, truly, he was lowkey shocked at how blunt and honest you were.
Especially when it was towards him.
“Lucifer, did you just hang Mammon from the banister… again??” you ask, barging into his office without knocking. He was quite used to this however, and the demon had long since given up trying to scold you for it; it was no use, you would just keep doing it.
It’s not like he minded though. In fact, your presence made his head feel light after the many hours of paperwork he was going at.
“Yes, I did actually. Why do you ask?” he replied, glancing up to see you situated in front of his desk. You had your hands on your hips, obviously looking displeased. For a second, he thought your irritation was directed towards him.
“Why do I ask?” you replied back, no hesitation in your voice. “This is the third time this week. Mammon clearly hasn’t learned to fix his behavior after the first few times, and it’s obvious that hurting him won’t solve a thing!”
Oh… your irritation was directed towards him
Lucifer blinked up at you, his red eyes trying to read your face. No one ever had a problem with him punishing Mammon in the creative ways he could find; in fact, his younger brothers appeared to love watching Mammon suffer.
Apparently… you had not.
“Y/N, I-” Lucifer sighed, hell bent on just straight up telling you that Mammon will never learn.
“No. Stop doing it. He doesn’t deserve that.” You cut him off, the frustration still showing on your face. And before the demon could reply, you had turned around to whisk yourself out of his office. 
The only thing left in the room was him and his thoughts--- and the sound of his pen slipping from his fingers to bounce onto the desk.
Ohhh boy, Lucifer had never had someone stand up to him like that. It wasn’t even like you were trying to be mean, or be the more ‘dominant’ one… you were just saying what was on your mind. And Lucifer wasn’t blind.. He knew how much his other brothers meant to you, so for you to care so much as to voice your opinion to the very avatar of pride himself--- maybe, just maybe, he could give Mammon a break from punishments.
Even though people like to portray Lucifer as someone who is super strict and would want to be around I guess more ‘submissive’ people who would obey him, I think he would certainly not like an MC who allows people to walk all over them. You are the perfect balance between kindness and honesty, making you a trustworthy companion.
And a good ol’ honest comment could never truly hurt Lucifer’s feelings. His skin was as thick as bone, so to finally be around someone who isn’t intimidated to speak their mind around him… it’s almost relieving
I guess you could even say he finds it attractive….
Mammon had always enjoyed spending time with you
From the moment he met you, you had always given off a fun and compassionate aura, and so the demon was ecstatic to finally have a partner-in-crime!
Ehhhh… it wasn’t like that though
Although you found humor and joy in going along with his harmless schemes, there were some where you put your foot down without a grain of hesitation.
When you first voiced your opinion on how bad of an idea it was to try and snap a picture of Lucifer when he was sleeping, he instantly thought you were a debby downer with a goody-goody type of attitude. Mammon had groaned out in frustration as if he was a 3-year-old child.
“Oh come on! It’ll be fun! It’s not like Lucifer will even see ya coming,” he responded, pulling out his phone to text Satan and Asmodeus his plans.
You had stared at him after that for a solid minute, your arms crossed and your eyebrows furrowed as if you were thinking. It wouldn’t take a genius to recognize how bad of an idea that was.
“Mammon, you’ll probably be punished again. Respect Lucifer’s privacy please. Besides, I think it’ll be more fun if we watched a movie tonight! What do you say we rewatch the TSL series together?” you had brought up an alternate solution to keep him out of Lucifer’s wrath, hands folded together and eyes wide as you hoped he would agree and listen to you. Mammon was just confused though, looking at you as if you were crazy.
You’d rather watch that series all over again instead of trying to cause trouble for Lucifer??
Ugh… but look at your expecting face… he couldn’t just let you down.
Surprisingly, and begrudgingly though, he had agreed.
And guess who wasn’t thrown from the banister that night?? Mammon.
Your honesty doesn’t just stop there though.
As the family punching bag, Mammon was so used to taking the hits for his stupidity and then moving on. He never fought back. So when you decided to voice out how ridiculous it was that he was being called “stupid” and how ironic it was that Asmodeus was calling Mammon an “attention-seeker” or that Satan was referring to Mammon as an “asshole”, he was whole-heartedly surprised. 
Apparently so were his other brothers.
Everyone just sort of sat there in silence as you shot comments back at them, scolding them for treating Mammon like he was dirt. It wasn’t just one instance either; Every. Single. Time. You told them to knock it off.
And just like that, the harsh insults towards Mammon began to disappear, especially whenever you were around.
The avatar of greed never had anyone to stand up for him in the ways that you had. And he feels his heart swell up with warmth as you berate Lucifer of all people for hanging Mammon upside; the fall causing his sunglasses to slip and break, much to his disappointment.
Mammon made it a goal to always be near you when he voiced his opinion around others; because not only would you acknowledge what he said, but you also made sure the others wouldn’t shoot him down for simply being himself
It was like he could breathe when he was around you. Like every single thing he said wasn’t nitpicked apart and thrown away as a stupid thing. You were different. You told him what was wrong and gave him constructive criticism.
BUT-- that honestly doesn’t protect him from himself
No one is safe from your blunt persona, not even Mammon.
I think this is what he truly needs in his life though; because I believe honesty and bluntness comes from a place of love and comfort. You are blunt because you want Mammon to be the best that he can be, you are blunt because you want to see Mammon succeed, you are blunt because you care about him.
Every honest thing you say about him is to protect him.
So whenever Mammon sneaks into Leviathan’s room at night for a limited edition figurine, or slips down Diavolo’s corridors to try and snatch a vintage portrait that could make him some potential money… he always pauses to think of your reaction to his late night greedy urges. So that when he hesitantly puts down the portrait, he can sleep comfortably knowing that you’d be proud of him.
To be honest… I think it would make him very nervous when he observed that you were an honest person
Even though his brothers are equally as harsh to him-- for example, they don’t hesitate to call him a nerd, or a weeb and otaku-- he doesn’t seem to mind it anyways, since Leviathan has fully absorbed and accepted his otaku persona.
But this situation is a bit different… because even though Leviathan is used to his brothers being honest with him, it’s a whole different thing when Y/N does it.
Someone out of his family circle telling him that he’s a weirdo??
Yikes, he doesn’t think his heart could handle that.
So to cope he’ll at first just stay in his room… far away from you… so he could get to his usual activities.
He is already so used to being locked up in his room away from prying eyes and others’ opinions, so as soon as he takes notice of your blunt tendencies (especially when you had first voiced your thoughts to Lucifer), Leviathan shies away from being close to a normie like you. Besides, he doesn’t even need to leave, right? He has an emergency built stash of food for when he needs to eat, and he could just do school work on his own computer.
He has this whole imaginary field of comfort that he had built up for years and years; a room full of figures and merchandise-- his own personal utopia.
Leviathan doesn’t want you to judge him; he doesn’t want you to think that he’s weird or a loser. His poor introverted otaku heart couldn’t handle it
Clearly, he didn’t understand you at all...
That doesn’t stop you from hanging around him either. You insist he shouldn’t have to wait up all night alone for tickets on Zaramela’s new worldwide tour, and you had dragged Mammon along with you to give Leviathan some company.
He felt cornered, deciding to let you in to stay up late with him. And while Mammon had fallen asleep (much to Levi’s anxiety), he was left to try and entertain you to the best of his ability.
Leviathan hesitantly hopped onto his gaming console, turning on a classic favorite of his. It was simple, it was easy, and he was very familiar with it, especially considering he had played it and completed it over 25 times.
Perhaps his movements will be more shaky and unsure, however. When you sat down to watch him play his video games, he may mess up more often, to his dismay. Your distance to him was decent enough, and you couldn’t help but smile as you watched him begin to get absorbed into the game.
“You know, you’re very good at the game…” you mutter, looking down at his fingers flying across the controller. You wonder for a moment how Leviathan can even stare at the bright screen for so long without any permanent eye damage.
Apparently he took your comment as a sarcastic one, lightly scoffing. “Okay I get it… we can do something else… like uhh..” his eyes flitted down to a random CD he had discarded on his floor a while ago. “We could watch The Girl Whose Grandparents Travelled Back in Time to Tell Her She Was a Princess,” he casually brought up airily; already in the process of turning off his video game. He reached over to grab the CD, realizing too late that this was one of the animes he didn’t really like...
You were a bit confused at the offer though. “Um no thanks. It’s a total rip off of The Girl Whose Parents Time Travelled To the Past to Tell Her She Was a Princess.” Your response was automatic, looking at the CD as if you were bored.
Leviathan paused. “What?! Y-You noticed that too??” he questioned, tossing the CD back onto the ground where it originally was. “Finally someone who understands!! The heroine was almost a complete carbon copy, I can’t believe the studio got away with that!”
You nodded your head, a serious expression on your face. “What a let down. Besides, the original had a better soundtrack 100%.”
Leviathan almost jumped on you with excitement.
Apparently not even Leviathan knew how harsh of a critic he himself was. All that harsh judgement he does on animes and video games… Perhaps you being just as blunt would be new to him. You were somehow both one in the same.
All in all, Leviathan didn’t understand how much of a blessing having an honest person in his life could be. Especially as someone who doesn’t judge; your honesty never crossed the line into personal territory. 
Instead, you gave him an opportunity to gain feedback on animes that you two binge watch together
And for the first time in forever, Leviathan felt like he had someone to indulge in.
He really really enjoys this
Satan pegs me as the type of guy that would find humor in hearing your honest opinions--- and you notice that whenever you speak your mind towards Lucifer, you can briefly hear a quiet chuckle escaping Satan’s lips.
Of course, as mature as Satan is, it’s not that he actually finds what you say humorous; he just never thought he’d see the day where some mortal human would stand up to a group of demons as intimidating as they could be.
You remind him of himself in some ways… both of you unafraid to speak your minds and both of you able to stand up for what you truly believe in.
And because of this, he registers the fact that instead of going to Solomon or Asmodeus for opinions on his books or feedback for his many essays, he goes to you.
Especially when Satan needs proper and honest feedback from someone who wouldn’t sugarcoat it. And unlike Leviathan, Satan relishes in some proper assessments.
Satan feels more drawn to you than the rest of his brothers, coming up to you for some of his more diabolical actions--- like the many pranks he kept under his sleeve for Lucifer
“Do you think Lucifer will see this one coming?” he asked you casually, sliding you a piece of paper containing a scribbled down--- yet well thought-out and detailed scheme to cause trouble yet again.
You quirk up an eyebrow, glancing away from your phone and down towards the sheet of paper. With a small sigh, you decided to give in and at least entertain the idea. He just didn’t give up, huh?
“Hmmm… didn’t you try a plan like this similar to before?” you replied, eyes raking through the pencil marks.
“Have I?” he mumbled, leaning in to feign involvement. “Yes,” you answered, dropping the paper and acting like you didn’t need to see any more.
“And it didn’t work that time. I don’t think it’ll work this time either Satan. Sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry,” he grinned.
It’s not like it was just Satan who enjoyed your presence; you would grow increasingly more and more comfortable about voicing your opinions around him. There’s only one thing better than a straightforward honest person--- and that is someone who can actually appreciate the honesty
After you recognized that Satan truly does not get bothered by whatever is on the tip of your tongue, things only got better.
I can imagine late nights where you and Satan would stay up until your eyelids became like lead and you couldn’t continue without sleep. Those nights were filled with honesty and intelligence. He thought you had a beautiful mind. He wanted to hear every opinion that popped up in your head
Hmmm… Asmodeus is a bit trickier. 
As an outward and bubbly extrovert, Asmodeus was bound to hear all types of opinions from all types of different people. And judging by his insane amount of confidence, he doesn’t let any of that negative energy affect him (He says it’s bad for his skin).
It’s not like you’d say anything mean to him to begin with, especially purposefully--- but I feel everyone takes criticism differently, and some take it to heart more than others
Considering you don’t fall for Asmodeus’s mind-controlling charm, your honest and blunt nature just adds the cherry to the cake on what kind of person you are. This just makes you more natural and pleasant to be around.
So instead, he makes his use of it, making sure to drag you along with every one of his shopping sprees around town.
You wouldn’t suck up to him, or brush off his hyper enthusiasm by simply saying ‘yes’ to everything--- much like his brothers do to him
“Y/N, Y/N, do you think this color will look good on me??” Asmodeus excitedly asks, holding up a beige scarf to his neck. Both of you couldn’t care less about the wandering eyes that followed trailed towards the loud demon of lust. “I think this color looks good on me, but definitely not with the outfit I’m wearing currently.”
You smile at his animated gestures, nodding your head in agreement. 
“I do think the color suits you, but didn’t you get a beige outfit a week ago? Maybe a cream color will look better,” you mention, shifting through the scarves on the rack.
Asmodeus pauses to pose in the mirror that was conveniently placed on the store wall. “You could be right~ I heard cream is more in style right now anyways. Thank you darling 💗.” 
Beelzebub doesn’t even notice you’re more blunt and honest; like, he doesn’t isolate that as your special quality
Instead, he just thinks that that is how you were as a person.
Honestly, it’s quite cute.
Whenever he eats off of the plates of others, or realizes that he just vacuumed down the cookies that you were supposed to deliver to Luke, you don’t hesitate to voice your disapproval. 
“Beel, please don’t eat other people’s food. It’s not nice,” you reprimand gently, noticing that no other brother on the table was going to say anything to reprimand him.
He quietly gulps down the rest of the food that he had finished chewing in time. “Oh… sorry,” Beel mumbled, wiping the remaining crumbs of the cookies that he knew you worked on for Luke.
He didn’t even realize he reached over to take the food.. One moment his stomach grumbled hungrily, and then the next moment he smelled the cookies you had spent all morning baking.
Whenever he ate his brothers’ food, they would always sigh and complain to Lucifer about it---which in turn caused Lucifer to tell them to just grab some more.
He really really didn’t mean it…
You sighed quietly, grabbing a napkin off of the table to aid in ridding the crumbs all over his shirt. “It’s okay Beel. Try not to do it again, kay?” It looks like you needed to throw together another batch of cookies in order to get them delivered to Luke before it got too late.
You glanced behind you, watching as Beel followed you to the kitchen again. The redhead noticed your questioning glance, and he only grinned in reply.
“I’m going to help you make more. It’s the least I can do…” he said.
The gesture must have made you happy, because he could see you return the grin instantly.
Beelzebub also happens to be lowkey blunt in his own way, because while he may hold back in speaking a lot of the time, much of what he does say (besides things food-related) is actually quite honest. He isn’t afraid to tell people what he thinks about them, but on a much lower scale than you.
I think this mixture of two similar people is wonderful--- 
Remember how I said some people take honesty and criticism to heart more than others?? Well… Beel takes to heart what you say and attempts to fix anything he can within his power.
Ha ha ha… ahhh Belphegor. Okay correct me if I’m wrong, but he’d totally be the type to purposefully do things that would make you snap at him or cause you to be more blunt.
He always knew you were kind-- I mean, you were the one to help get him out of the miserable attic. You were also the one willing to deal with Mammon, so… ya know.
But his level of respect for you rose when the demon took note that you were no welcome mat. 
No one could step all over you, and for a human, that was damn impressive to him.
For example, the first time he had fallen asleep in a weird position in front of you was when you, Beel, and Belphie decided it would be fun to bake some muffins for everyone. He was assigned the role of mixing together the mix and well… he fell asleep.
While standing…
You quickly snapped him out of it, voicing your opinion on how it was not the time to be sleeping--- especially if these muffins were to be done before dinner
He liked getting your attention in that way though
Belphegor was another demon with thick skin, and yet another demon who also happens to be blunt and honest (probably one the most in the family)
“You look like shit,” he mumbled into his pillow, watching you trudge into the room tiredly. You had dark under eye circles, probably due to the lack of sleep you had within the past two days, and your hair was unkempt. The strands thrown about your head like a cyclone just hit you. Belphegor had heard that you were taking extra magic lessons with Satan and Solomon, and he only assumed this was a result.
You grunted, flopping down onto the bed right next to him.
“Well, you don’t look too good yourself. But I guess that’s what 10 hours of sleep will do to you,” you bit back, the words were a bit slurred and muffled due to your face plant on the bed.
He chuckled lightly, scooching over to toss his blanket over you.
Belphegor would ask about your little magic experience later on; the loads of opinions you probably had would make due for an interesting listen.
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stylesluxx · 4 years
i’d be your valentine – s.todoroki
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[warnings: none really, I wouldn’t count this as angst]
summary: in which todoroki is unclear about his intentions
word count: 2,646
For some reason, you weren't expecting the people at UA to be nice. You were expecting snobby kids that thought their quirks were the best and it was all just a competition. Well, of course, there were some students like that but the other students were super nice.
You fit in with your class right away and you also made sure everyone else felt comfortable and included. Though you were friends with the whole class, you were close to Midoriya, Ida, Uraraka, Tsu, and Todoroki. You guys would hang out after classes, not only to study but just to do regular teenager stuff like go to the mall or the movies. You guys hung out so much and got so close to each other that it was normal to also hang out one-on-one. That's how you and Todoroki became so close.
Before you lived in the dorms, you two lived in the same neighborhood and you would walk home together. And when the others couldn't make study sessions, you'd typically invite Todoroki over so you two could study.
It wasn't necessarily something you could help, but you started catching feelings for the boy. You admired how laidback and quiet he was. You weren't a loud person yourself, so you enjoyed each other's company. You'd sometimes playfully debate whether cold or hot soba was better. Sometimes you'd even talk about his fire quirk and why he held so much resentment toward it. He wouldn't always go into great detail but it made you happy that he somewhat trusted you.
And because you had such a strong friendship, you didn't tell him about the feelings you had for him. You didn't want to ruin something that meant so much to you especially if he didn't reciprocate those feelings. You've never seen it happen in real life, but in books and movies confessions usually led to the downfall of a relationship and you didn't want to risk that.
But it was the season of love. Valentine's Day was right around the corner, and you were more in touch with your romantic side. You liked seeing the pink and red decorations everywhere, hearts hung up on the wall and dangling from the season. And you loved the idea of expressing love and care with those you loved, whether it be romantic or platonic. It was nice making people feel loved; giving was always more important than receiving to you.
During lunch, you always sat with your close friend group and today wasn't any different. Everyone else often changed where they sat and who they say next to, but you and Todoroki always sat next to each other.
He sat to your left, eating his soba, giving you and your hot soba a playful side-eye making you lightly punch his arm.
"Any plans for Valentine's Day?" Uraraka asked the group, making you look up from your food and look at everyone's reactions.
Midoriya shook his head profusely as his cheeks started to turn pink, but everyone else just shook their heads. No one seemed to be hung up about it; life goes on and you guys had more important things to worry about. You admit it would be nice to have one, but you remember you have plenty more Valentine's Days left in your lifetime.
"I've never had a Valentine," You spoke up and leaned your head onto your hand.
"Me either, but I don't think Valentines are something we should focus on. School and our hero training is the most important thing!" Ida spoke seriously, making you chuckle.
He was always too serious and it was funny to watch sometimes. Small things that weren't important were kind of turned into a teaching moment or a lecture; it was like having a parent on campus.
"I'd be your valentine, Y/L/N," Todoroki shrugged and turned to face you, a small smile on his face.
You froze for a second, taking in what he was saying. Was this the confession you were waiting for or was he just trying to be a good friend? He had never said anything like this or showed any interest before. Maybe he meant it like: "if we were in another dimension and I liked you in that way." So it was best not to overthink it; overthinking never failed to get you in trouble.
"I'd be your valentine, too, Todoroki," You nodded, a big grin spread across your face.
He nodded and turned back to his lunch, but you kept an eye on him. You just wanted to admire him, the person you considered to be your closest friend. You watched as he kept a smile on his face while he ate, not letting it drop even while he was chewing. He was such a calm and collected person, someone you could run to in a crisis. He'd either have your back or try to get you to relax but he'd never be against you. You admired his strength, which you knew he had a lot of by what he told you about his family and home life. But to keep it short, he was your favorite person and he wasn't something you were willing to risk.
But as the days passed with you hoping that your best friend would ask you to be his Valentine. You weren't supposed to be digging into his words, but you couldn't help it. Maybe overthinking would be your friend this time. As delusional as it sounded, you still had hope. But that hope completely dwindled the night before the big day. That was your last opportunity to grab something for him before you saw him the next day but he didn't ask you.
Everything was regular. He acted the same around you, sneaking glances during class, passing notes back in forth laughing at how irritable Bakugo was. The small touches were normal, a hand on your shoulder sometimes or accidentally touching hands. There was no grand gesture but you expected this. You expected it yet, it still upset you. "Hope for the best, but expect the worst," is how the phrase goes. Next time you just won't hold out any hope and maybe you won't be so disappointed.
You forced yourself out of your bed the next day, for once dreading the Valentine's Day decorations and romantic aura. You were hoping (though you'd never admit it) that some prankster ran through the school and tore down the decorations. You just weren't in the mood for it, and you knew others wouldn't be either.
You thought of this, how many people would resent the holiday and be moody all day, and that's why you got everyone in your class candy and a card. Even though you were sulking last night, you still stayed up to write thoughtful notes for each of your classmates and taping a heart-shaped lollipop to the inside of the card.
You snatched the bag of candy and cards off the floor before leaving your dorm and walking to class. You made sure to plaster a smile on your face as you walked around the school. Fake it 'til you make it.
Before walking into the classroom, you grabbed the first card, written to Aoyama.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Aoyama," You greeted him as you walked toward his desk, holding out the card.
His smile matched yours and hit eyes light up at the sight of you holding out the card. This turned your fake happiness into a real sense of joy. You loved making people happy and Aoyama's smile was a great way to start the day.
You walked through the class, your mood steadily increasing as you handed out the cards. Even as you moved on from Bakugo to Midoriya, your mood hadn't changed.
"How old are we?" The ash-blonde boy asked, before trying to snatch the card out of your hand.
"Uh uh, what do we say?" You asked, trying to coax a "thank you" out of him.
"Ugh! Just when I thought you weren't as bad as the rest of these extras," He snarled and sat back in his chair, arms over his chest.
You mulled over his words for a second before reluctantly handing the card over.
"So, I'm your favorite classmate you say?" You teased him and raised an eyebrow.
"Hey, Bakugo what-"
"I didn't say that!" He cut Kirishima off and rolled his eyes.
"We don't even talk that much," You hummed.
"Exactly," Bakugo scoffed. He went to snatch the card out of your hand but stopped and gently took it from you. "Thanks, Extra."
When you finished handing out the cards, you looked in the bag and saw two were still left. One was for Mister Aizawa and the other was Todoroki's.
This made you turn and look at the empty seat that would usually be filled by now.
You frowned slightly but sat back in your chair. Maybe he overslept and was running late. Or maybe there was a villain attack- no, you would've known by now.
You were anxiously tapping your pencil on your desk and picking at your lips, sorting through scenarios when he walking into the room. You only knew he arrived because you heard a collective gasp from the girls, pulling your eyes from his empty desk to the door of the classroom.
You inhaled sharply at the sight. His cheeks were pink and his eyes were cast toward the floor, embarrassed. You knew he didn't really like all the attention he just garnered but instead of bailing him out, you couldn't help but notice his hands were full. In one hand he held a teddy bear that was half his size and in the other hand, a bouquet of red roses.
"Who are those for, Todoroki?"
"How do we know someone didn't give them to him? I mean, he is the prettiest boy at UA..."
"Did someone give you those?"
Before he could respond to your classmates, you turned your head toward the window, ready to zone out. The girls were asking the questions you wanted the answers to, but you doubt you could handle it. Did someone confess to him? Did he confess to somebody else? Of course, his Valentine offer was simply platonic, you were a fool to ever think otherwise.
"Y/L/N?" His usually stoic voice now wavered with nervousness. You sighed and turned to him and saw his face fall. The blush on his cheeks disappeared as he paled and he gave you a concerned look. "Why are you about to cry? Are you alright?" His voice was hushed, trying to make sure other people didn't hear.
You hadn't noticed until he mentioned it but you could feel the wetness pooling in your eyes and your bottom lip trembling. You just shook your head and blinked the tears away, determined not to cry in such a public space.
"I'm okay, I'm fine. What did you need?"
The smile on your face wasn't a big one, small and no teeth showing. And you made sure to speak in your nicest voice, not wanting him to think you were upset with him.
"You sure?"
"I'm positive. What is it?" You asked, looking back and forth between him and the gifts in his hand.
You gulped and blinked back more tears; you weren't sure how long you could keep the facade up.
"Right," He nodded, getting back to his point. Todoroki wasn't going to push you to open up, he knew how annoying that could be, especially since you were in a room full of people. His face got pink again, which was funny because he has never been this nervous, especially around you. "These are for you. Happy Valentine's Day."
He held the roses and bear out for you to take while you gasped quietly.
You mumbled, "for me?" as you hesitantly took the gifts from him.
"Yes, of course. You're my Valentine," He spoke, his voice laced with confusion as if he didn't know why you were confused.
After setting the gifts down on the desk, you quickly stood up and pulled him into a hug.
"You're the absolute sweetest!" You squealed, though it was muffled because your face was buried in his neck.
He slowly wrapped his arms around you and returned your tight hold. You two stood like this until Mister Aizawa called for the class to settle down a few moments later.
When you pulled away from his warm body, your eyes met making your cheeks heat up. You turned away from him shyly, unable to believe he was looking at you the way he was. Full of joy and admiration, like you were the only person in the world.
The second your eyes pulled away from him, you noticed the looks your classmates were giving you, which made you even shyer. The girls were cooing and the boys were cheering Todoroki on. You could hear Kirishima admiring how "manly" he was. Bakugo of course was slouching in his chair, crunching on the lollipop, not caring about what was going on.
Your Valentine walked over to his desk and you sat down in your seat, sighing happily. You leaned your head on your hand getting ready to ignore your teacher and whatever he was about to say.
Everything your teacher said went in one ear and out the other. You were too busy thinking about what just happened. The questions you had before were answered but you had so many more questions and thoughts roaming around in your head. He never asked you to be his Valentine, right? Did you miss something? You were moping around because he didn't ask. But at least he didn't buy you those nasty chocolates that come in the heart-shaped box.
You held the caramel brown teddy bear in your lap and moved to squeeze it. You leaned down to nuzzle your nose in the fur and you sighed contently as you recognized Todoroki's signature scent: mint and cedarwood. To you, it was calming and grounding; you felt comfortable and at home. And since the bear smelled like Todoroki, you wondered how long he had the bear for. Was it sitting in his room since that day you talked about Valentines? Or did he buy it last night and sprayed his cologne on it?
You had so many more questions, but the answers didn't matter. You were happy that you had a Valentine this year and you were happy it was someone you liked. Whether he was just doing it in a platonic way, you appreciated the effort he put in.
Once homeroom was over, you grabbed your things and handed your teacher the card and candy, making him raise a suspicious eyebrow before saying "thank you." You then walked over to the half-hot half-cold boy, a big smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach.
"So, since when was I your Valentine?" Your tone was playful but you were genuinely curious. "You never asked me."
"I did. At lunch the other day," He said as he paused putting his things in his bag. An eyebrow was raised as he continued, "I said I'd be your Valentine and you said you'd be mine. Was I unclear?"
You blew air out your nose as you chuckled at him. You just shook your head and brought the bear close to your chest.
"Just a little, but that's okay. I got you a card and a lollipop. Had I known you were being serious, I would've gotten you something better. I apologize."
You were fiddling with your fingers, nervous about what he'd think about you being unprepared. And you were somewhat embarrassed that the only thing you got him was a card and candy, but clearly, you didn't know.
"That's okay. We always have next year," He shrugged and gave you a reassuring smile.
"Right. Next year."
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[AN: hi um hopefully this was somewhat enjoyable for you guys. this is my first time writing for my hero outside of a smau so I’m a bit nervous. on another note, I’ve been super busy with work and school so if I’m not active when this goes up, happy valentine’s day! I love you all and I hope you’re doing well]
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jordanlahey · 4 years
Blast From The Past...(3/?)
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Pairing: Poly!lost boys x Reader
Summary: The boys feast and chase downs local witch coven and it didn’t work out in their favour. Home was home but at the same time it wasn’t.
Warnings: alcohol, drug mentions, some small fluff
Word count: 1675
"Wait are we seriously walking to the boardwalk?" Marko stopped and crossed his arms, he looked at you with a disappointed face.
"I don't drive and I don't see any faster way to get there." You replied back, you were starting to regret you decision on helping them if they are all gonna act like whiney bitches the whole time. You noticed that all the boys shared looks at each other, each face was full of mischief and it terrified you on what they were thinking. "Wait. What's that face for?" You furrowed your brows in concern and confused, they said nothing and Dwayne walked towards you and picked you up bridal style and the next thing you knew you were all up in the air. YOUR FEET WAS OFF THE GROUD! PANIC TIME!
You covered your eyes as the boys laughed and cheered, you even felt the rumble of laugher from dwayne a few times. It wasn't actually that bad flying but the water below made you nervous, he could let go and drop you into the water and you'd be a goner. They wouldn't do that to you not if you figured out a way to get them back, they needed you.
"Cheer up babe, Dwayne wouldn't drop you." Paul was now flying backwards keeping his eyes on you.
"Babe?" You repeated under your breath. 'What is with all the pet names?' It's probably nothing they are from the 80's the best time for flirty comments that don't mean anything. Right? You all were there in no time and had landed somewhere nobody was gonna see and Dwayne steadied you back on your feet. "Right it's dinner time." The boys took the lead, walking and looking around for what you had presumed was their next meal or at least their first meal of being here. You followed behind them keeping your distance, you weren't 100% sure if you were to follow them or just hang around somewhere and they'll come get you but really did you want to watch them eat? Would it terrify you seeing them act animalistic?
"Y/n! Glad to see you." You cringed slightly at the high pitched voice that called your name. The boys all stopped when they heard your name and turned to see who caught your attention. "That was some party the other night although you could have at least pretend you were having a good time." The girl added making you roll your eyes.
"Oh believe me it was so entertaining watching you and a bunch of others exchange saliva and getting high. So. Much. Fun." You sarcastically remarked. The girl glared at you then noticed the boys behind you.
"Hi there I'm Nancy if you'd like, me and some of my friends are gonna head to the beach if you care to join us." Nancy spoke in a sickly seductive tone which cause you to look at her in utter disgust, she'd flick her red hair every so often. Who does she think she is throwing herself at them like that! Ugh! Won't they feed of her and her friends, please. You weren't jealous or anything...you just hated how she does that to them. You were too busy glaring daggers in the back of her head to notice that they boys kept looking at you and reading the thoughts in your head. The boys looked at you then at Nancy they all had come to an internal agreement.
"We'd love you go." Marko pulled a cheeky smile and nudged Paul, when you heard what he said your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. "But we're only going if Y/n, here is invited." Marko sauntered over to you and hung his arm over your shoulder.
"Oh y/n can't, I bet she has better things to do." Oh that's the last nerve, you balled your hand in a fist then took a deep breath.
"Actually, I'd love to tag along. I can predict tonight will be one to remember." You said with a smirk as Nancy glared at you.
The six of you joined Nancy's friends, you never liked them they were all too sleazy and had all sorts of lewd thoughts running through their heads it was too loud to block out and surely the boys can hear it too. You wouldn't have to worry about them after tonight or at least you hope you won't have to.
The night went on and you stayed in the background not getting involved with them, you just sat and watched how Nancy had basically ignored her so called "date" not that you are surprised but instead latched herself onto Dwayne and Paul while her other friends do they same to David and Marko, this was no surprise for you but you sat on one of the logs sulking and glaring daggers at the girls whenever they got too close for comfort. What was worse was that Paul and Marko were eating up all the attention you couldn't expect anything less they are probably use to so much female attention. They could at least have some self control. Nancy's date would occasionally sit next to you and make small talk but you had to shoo him off since you weren't interested. The boys noticed your irritation, they enjoyed seeing you so jealous and they partly wanted to see just how long you'll sit through it.
You were starting to lose interest in this whole party, you much rather go back home and look through your books for something to get them back to their time. Marko then joined you, slinging his arm around your shoulder.
"Enjoying yourself?" He spoke loudly close to your ear so you could hear him over the music, you move your head away from him, his breath stunk of alcohol it made you cringe.
"Hardly I'm bored and your breath stinks of booze." You scooted away from him but he followed. "What." You smiled sarcastically at him. "I'm sure you're being missed by those two over there." By this time the other guys had left, they weren't up for being ditched for other guys which is understandable.
"Someone's moody. Fear not the show is just about to begin." He sadistically grinned and looked at everyone, it was pretty clear that there would be no survivors, it made you wonder just how violent they could get. You watched as Marko got up and walked to one of the girls, shamelessly flirting with her then your eyes went to Paul who was already kissing the neck of a different girl. The screams caused you to snap your head towards David who had already started drinking from her and after that they all started to feed, you kept turning your head at each boy, they screams getting louder than quieting down. Staring wide eyed at them, you couldn't tell if you were afraid or not they were like animals, tearing into the necks of their prey.
It wasn't till they started laughing and whooping that the screaming had stopped and you watched them throw the bodies into the fire clearing the evidence, you now felt bad for wishing death upon Nancy and her friends but that didn't mean you'd never see them again you'll see them tomorrow, they're faces all over the news, phones, and on missing posters.
"Earth to Y/n." David wave a gloved hand in front of you and you blinked back into reality. "Have scared you off have we?" He chuckled darkly, looking back at the others who also laughed.
"You're brutal." Was all you managed to say.
"Hey, you were the one wishing we would just feed on them." Paul added, he had a point and it's true you did. You were jealous it's a dangerous emotion to have. "Come on, we can all have a good time now."
"Can't let alcohol go to waste." Dwayne picked up a bottle and opened it with ease, the rest joined it and all waited for you. It was clear they had no intentions on killing you so you picked up a bottle and held it out for someone to open it. You soon just let yourself go and has a good time for once you weren't the moody one at the party.
David sat back against one of the logs smoking watching you dance with Paul, you were wasted and he was high and David was making sure Paul behaved himself, he had a tendency to be grabby when he was high. You however, were just too drunk to care about anything else, the alcohol coursed through your body making you feel all buzzed as you danced with Paul through the music. The alcohol coursed through your body creating a soft buzz, you were having fun and you had never let yourself get this wasted especially around other people but you lost all ability to care as you danced with Paul. Occasionally you would feel his hands on your waist but not even a minute later Dwayne would slap him up side the head to remind him to keep his hands to yourself but soon everybody realised he would do it on purpose just to hear the laugh bubble from your lips. You slowly felt the buzz leave and you began to feel tired, your feet couldn't even keep you upright and slowly you leaned backwards but David had caught you and held you against his chest.
"Tired?" He asked. You couldn't even speak without your words being slurred so instead you just nodded, David picked you up and all of you fled back to the cave.
It wasn't just the five of you at that spot no no, not to far behind someone else was watching. They weren't too pleased with what they had witnessed, in fact they were disgusted from the sight of the feeding and then whatever they had just saw. The boys and yourself had something bigger to worry about than just finding a spell.
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memoriashell · 4 years
hey i really like you ( can we go out? )
Characters /  Pairing: Fukawa Touko / Naegi Komaru, techincally some background Ishimaru / Oowada, Makoto gets a few lines, and Syo’s present for a bit in the begining.
crossposted on ao3
Notes: hello here's your late day five of @tokomaruweek​ week!! valentine's day prompt!!
the format for the texting section might look a little funky on tumblr since there’s no easy way of aligning right side / left side text but hopefully it’s obvious enough who’s texting what.
heads up i'll be skipping day 6 for now probably! i’ll come back to it when i’ve finished the rest of the week, i just might get stuck on it for a hot minute and i’d like to get the rest of the week out of the way first since i'm already behind.
anyways it's probably also noteworthy to mention that this drabble works on the basis you have a basic understanding of the cultural differences in how japan celebrates valentine's day. i was originally going to try and incorporate white day into this drabble instead of just mentioning it but i wasn’t super happy with how this one was turning out anyways and figured it was best to just get this out as it is!!
i also feel like i should clarify bc that i realize the way i characterize toko in everything this week has made it seems like she hates kiyotaka’s guts but honestly i think they’d be real close!! i really like them as two outsider kids who can relate to each other. they are two sides of the same narrative coin and in this essay i will /j anyways please understand she rags on him from a place of ( platonic ) LOVE. and also bc they r both my cc’s i could never be that mean to either of them. well. no meaner than canon is to them.
edit: forgot tws. nothing super huge bc it's mostly fluff, but it does refrence bullying ( although would you consider faked love confessions / etc as bullying? it's just cruel :( anyways. )
Summary:  valentine's day has never been good for ugly girls ( and hopeless romantics ) like her. 
Valentine's Day. Every girl’s least favorite day.
Or, well, at the very least, her least favorite. Uh, one of her least favorite holidays? Then again, it’s not like Touko really has a ‘favorite’ in the first place, so maybe her point is moot— but she’s getting side tracked here.
One would presume that a romantic like her, an author who writes romance for a living, would live for a holiday that's practically centered around love and romance, but they would be wrong. It’s a miserable reminder of a day for her who has practically been scorned by the idea of relationships. It is a bitter reminder of failed loves and societal norms that she’s never been able to meet.
( Ugly. Rude. Awkward. Unsociable. So what if they’re right? Who is she to tell them they’re wrong? )
If it is not for the fact that she is pretty sure Ishimaru will be at her door if she doesn’t show up, she would probably skip class today. Oh, to be a confident gay man on Valentine's Day and not a closeted lesbian who feels the need to meet heteronormative societal norms. It’s unfair because not only is he ( mostly ) unaffected by this kind of holiday, he’s probably one of the people who care the least about the delicate social intricacies ( and romanticism ) of a holiday like this one. If nothing else, so she can’t say she envies the position this puts Oowada in, because Ishimaru would probably just see this as a learning moment. Anyways before she sounds too envious of her peers for getting their shit together, she just wants it to be unknown that she thinks it’s really unfair that he would get to judge her reasons for wanting to skip school.
( Actually, if she fessed up the deep-seated issues related to why she’d rather not have to be present on a day like today, the last thing he’d do it judge but that’s not really something she wants to acknowledge right now )
Moving on.
Despite the fact that, internally, she is making a fuss about a holiday, she suspects that most of her class probably doesn’t really care about these things. That doesn't mean she feels any less pressured to conform. It’s not like any of them would want chocolates from someone like her anyways, so it’s not like she really needs to be worried...
It’s not the end of the world, stop being such a debbie downer! Syo butts in, ever so helpful. By which she means is very, very unwanted and unhelpful. All the same, they ( unfortunately ) have a point and if she has to put up with this shitty day then at the very least she’d like to have breakfast before someone sees fit to break down her door.
You technically don’t have to do anything. Syo sounds almost too enthusiastic to help with the ‘issue’ at hand.
Using you to escape my problems isn’t always a viable strategy. Touko rebukes. Nor is it a choice, usually.
Only because you try and make yourself as miserable as possible by making things worse for you.
She has nothing to say to that, and instead focuses on braiding her hair to be passably presentable.
“Fukawa-san?” Oh, what she wouldn’t give to not have to hear her name today. Granted, Touko doesn’t think hearing her name being called on any given day is usually a good sign, but it still feels too early in the day to willingly put up with anything and shoots a glare at Naegi, standing in front of her desk. It probably doesn’t help that he sounds nervous for some godforsaken reason, but that’s technically not out of the ordinary, and she’s pretty sure Syo has something to do with that. “Sorry, uh...I was going to try and catch you at your locker this morning, but I guess I must’ve missed you, huh?”
She gives him the most deadpan, withering stare she can muster at the moment as if to say obviously. She’d even turned up to class early because she figured that dealing with whoever else would be in class would be more manageable than having to deal with anything going on in the halls ( because Hope’s Peak is not a normal school and god knows if something can go wrong, it will, and she is not having any of it today ). She assumed that if she looked busy, anyone with any common sense would leave her alone, but Makoto is not the brightest, clearly.
It still kind of throws her for a loop, however, that he chooses to approach her today, of all days. If she were anyone else, or if this exchange happened in any other context, she is sure that him acting like this on Valentine's Day would seem like it was setting up for a love confession. If it weren’t for the fact that Naegi already had a partner so, that’s probably not an issue— not that that would be a theoretical issue, because hey it’s not like Naegi was likely to be the kind of person cruel enough to fake a love confession. That’s definitely not something that’s happened to Touko before and gotten her hopes up only to be horribly crushed and definitely not the reason she’s been particularly defensive today. Nope.
( Yeah, okay, she’s not fooling anyone, but thankfully the only one aware of this is herself. And Syo, but both of these things are clear givens )
It occurs to her that Naegi hasn’t said anything, waiting for her to say something to him, and she grits her teeth irritably. “Wh-What? Spit it out already.”
“Err...are you...” He starts to say something and then seems to think better of it, sheepishly ducking his head for a moment before holding a bag out to her. “Sorry. Komaru asked me to bring these to you. Kirigiri-san had to convince her to not try and sneak into the main building just to bring these to you herself.”
It takes a long minute for her to process what he says before snatching the bag from his grip and holding it close to herself. Friendship chocolates...? That’s probably what’s in the bag. Which is a pretty nice thought in itself— Touko doesn’t usually get gifts like this. It almost makes her not want to touch the bag and ruin the illusion, refrain from eat whatever’s in the bag: but honestly if she doesn’t, Syo will probably make sure to savor it, so she won’t even pretend like that’s an option.
( There’s a part of her that feels a little guilty too, that she hadn’t even considered that Komaru might do something like this and have something prepared for her in return, but if she’d made something and not gotten anything then she’d look like a fool, and it’s not like she would’ve been able to get it to her easily anyways, so she really shouldn’t feel guilty about accepting it, but— )
“I’m glad you like it. She was kind of worried about how you’d take it.” Naegi speaking breaks through her current train of thought and is he still standing here? Had she been stupidly smiling to herself? How embarrassing!
“It’s n-n-not like that...and what kind of person do, do you take me for, anyways...!” Well, if she had been showing any sort of positive emotion on her face, she isn’t anymore. Touko takes this as an opportunity to shove the bag into her book bag, before anyone can notice. For some reason, he looks vaguely disappointed. “I was...ugh, I was just th-thinking that it was surprising she’d trust you with it given the, the track record with how your l-luck turns out!”
Makoto opens his mouth to refute this but thank god someone calls his name from the doorway, and she takes that opportunity goes back to her books before he can try and say anything further to her.
makoto said he gave you my gift successfully so i know u got it
i think
i didn’t expect u to thank me or anything but it’d be nice
pls tell me u got it right
did u at least read the note i left in there for u
Does Komaru not have homework, or what? She could at least give her a few minutes to try and get a word in. It’s not her fault math is a bitch and Touko is too stubborn to maybe talk to one of her peers into explaining the subject to her.
                                                     Yes, by some miracle I did manage to get it.
                                                                                        You’re a good friend.
                                                                                         Is that all? I’m busy.
That is not all, apparently, because Komaru forgoes texting to call her directly. If it were anyone else, she’d ignore it; but since it’s her she figures she can probably talk and do math at the same time.
“So you didn’t check the bag at all?” Komaru speaks before she can even consider greeting her, and Touko rolls her eyes despite the fact that she cannot see it.
“Hello to y-you too. Uh…honestly, I shoved it in my bag earlier and...and haven’t checked on it since. I assumed it was j-j-just candy, and it’s probably safer hid from Syo there.”
“Ugh! I told Makoto to mention to you that I put something else in there. And there’s a box for Syo in there too!” She can practically hear her pouting through the phone line. “Well, uh— I guess that’s fine since you’re busy...? Just check it when you get the chance, okay? Please? I promise it’ll make sense.”
“I got it, I got it. I’ll take a break once I finish this up and check it out. Good enough for you?”
“Mhm! Thank you Touko-chan! I’ll let you go now, so you can focus. Bye!” If Touko wasn’t mistaken ( but probably is ), she sounded almost nervous, the way her words come out in one rushed breath.
Admittedly, now she’s too intrigued by whatever had Komaru pressed enough to make sure she was aware of it, and she doesn’t think she’ll be able to focus now, so...opening the bag it is. She grumbles and groans to herself for a moment, stretching as she gets up from her desk to grab her bag.
She hadn’t really noticed at the time, but now that she thinks about it, there’s some definite weight to this thing, more than she’d expect from some candies ( even now knowing that apparently Komaru had accounted for Syo as well ). Not much though, and she probably would’ve just passed it off for the box the sweet is stored in if she were to really think about it, but now she figures that’s probably not the case. Touko peeks inside the bag a little hesitantly— curiosity wins out over anxiety in the end, and spots what appears to be a small booklet along with a box of chocolates.
Oh god.
She braces herself because, this is probably some kind of manga if she knows Komaru and ( unfortunately ) not a mini-novella but otherwise has no idea what to expect. And once she opens it, she has to thank whatever higher being made sure Makoto didn’t say a thing to her about it because there’s absolutely no way she would have been able to keep a straight face if she’d looked at this in class.
One, she forgot how generally talented Komaru was at this type of stuff. Obviously, still room for improvement, but not nearly as bad as Touko would have thought. Two, this is not really a manga, but a fucking thinly veiled love confession, complete with the most casual ‘Hey I really like you, can we go out?’ Third, she’s extremely glad Komaru did not insist on being on the phone while she checked this out because she does not think she can coherently answer that right now.
In fact, it takes Touko a good half hour to calm herself down enough before she can even consider texting her a response. There’s no way she’s embarrassing herself any further by calling her about it, even if that might have been a more meaningful exchange, but like Komaru just confessed to her through manga so clearly they’re already past that point.
                                                                                                     You’re a dork.
                                           I hate that you’re using your talents for this though.
thats not a no?
                                                                                                          Not a yes.
                         Very tempted to make it a no for making me suffer through this.
be gentle to my poor heart if ur gonna reject me :(
                                                                                              Ugh. I was kidding.
                                                                                                      Yes you idiot.
                                                    Just don’t use manga for this stuff next time?
ok!!!!! :)
actually i promise nothing
lol sorry ♡
                                                                                                  You’re the worst.
hehehehehe >:)
i love you too!!
are you busy this week??
let’s meet up!!!
                                             Some of us care about our grades. As should you.
                                                            But Thursday and Friday are lighter days.
                                                                      Yeah yeah. I like you or something.
thank uuuuu ♡♡♡
She chews on her lip as she rereads the message and mulls over it as she tries to ignore the flip-flop of her stomach. It’ll be fine. She’ll just aim to have something planned out for White Day in return.
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hisan-miren · 3 years
Redacted File
The First Date Pt 3
The two ate their meal in relative silence- although Mina did see fit to steal one of his sweet potatoes and quickly snatched it up before he could do anything.  He stared at her for a few seconds, completely flabbergasted (which was a hilarious look on him) before he snatched up her umeboshi (since she’d eaten all of her tempura.)  It quickly devolved into the two trying to steal even more of each other’s food and general tomfoolery and laughter after that.  They made sure to pick up anything they dropped or spilled in the chaos, knowing full well that Raios’ mother would thoroughly chew them out if they didn’t.  When the food (and cleanup) was finished, Raios loaded their tableware back on the tray to be taken away later, and the two moved to sit out on the walkway facing the garden.
“So, what comes after this?” Raios asked, half-grumbling.
“Well, I think it generally goes that you propose, I accept, and then we get married and live happily ever after,” Mina replied.
“I didn’t mean our relationship, you idiot!” Raios snapped, his face turning bright red.  “I meant this date!  I’m not exactly a fountain of knowledge when it comes to this!”
“Well-…”  Mina flopped over on her side, laying across Raios’ lap and causing him to panic very briefly, “we could always go to your roo-”
“Rejected,” Raios spat, a cold and angry demeanor taking back over.  “What is with you and my room anyways?  If you try to recommend it one more time, I’m seriously going to smack you.”
“Got it.  Won’t do it again,” she replied, a bit shocked by how genuinely angry he seemed to be at the mere idea of it.  Shocked, but not perturbed.  She’d try again next time.
“Pick something else.”  He still seemed pretty pissed, but his tone had lost a bit of its edge.
“… Isn’t this fine?”
“Being like this,” she replied, motioning to their position.  “Or did you want to the one using my lap?” she teased.
“Hu- wh- No!  That’s not what I meant at all!” Raios spluttered, cheeks turning dark again. “And this isn’t what I meant! Aren’t people supposed to do things?!”
“This is doing something though,” Mina replied calmly. “And I am plenty satisfied to just stay like this and chat for a few hours.”
“My legs will fall asleep,” Raios complained.
“Then we can switch!  In an hour you can use my lap.”
“Somehow I get the sense that this isn’t exactly what usually happens on a first date.”
“Well yeah,” Mina replied.  “Usually, the boyfriend isn’t grounded.  We made the most of what we could, and it was fine.  I mean, we’re not breaking any records, but I don’t want to set our relationship to the pace of others’.”  Mina made herself comfortable again on his lap and stared up at him, starting yet another staring contest.  She was content to keep going too until Raios eventually sighed and leaned over.  She was so confused about what was going on that she didn’t realize what had happened until the sensation left her lips. She just stared up at him wide-eyed and quietly covered her mouth.  There was a silence and then she raised a finger.  “One more time.”
“Do it again.  I wasn’t ready.”
“No,” he replied, seeming pretty adamant this time.
“Oh come on!”  She covered her face as she felt her cheeks start to actually physically burn. She kicked her feet against the wood floor and started to roll around in Raios’ lap, trying to remember not to let herself fall.  “Just one more!  Come on, please?!”
“I know you, it definitely won’t be ‘just one more’,” Raios replied flatly.
“You’re so mean!” Mina whined.
“Yup, I’m mean, horrible, awful- feel free to call me all the names you want, you’re not getting another one.”  Mina gave one last futile, dying groan of disappointment and laid flat on Raios’ lap again.
“I didn’t think you’d do it.”
“You underestimated me.”
“Clearly.”  Raios watched, slightly amused, as her face began to turn red again and she quickly tried to re-cover her face.  “Ughhhhh… Let’s just end it here for today. I don’t think I can function after that.”
“You sure?”
“Not at all, but I think I’m going to be completely useless the rest of the day.  Also my self-control just went in the garbage.”
“Huh?!  Your self-control?!” Raios asked.
“I’m gonna die.  I’m legitimately going to die.”
“You’re not gonna die from a kiss,” Raios ground out.
“I am so gonna die.”
“I didn’t realize you were such a drama queen.”
“And I didn’t realize you were such a tease!”
“Well there’s a lot more where that came from,” he replied, grinning smugly.  She looked up at him only to cover her face again.
“Okay, now I’m gonna die.”
“I’m not playing this game.”
“GREAT!  Because I’m already losing!”  Raios just sighed and leaned back while his girlfriend silently freaked out in his lap. “Ugh…  It should be illegal to be that hot…” Mina grumbled to herself.
“I’d be a lot more legal if you took off your rose-tinted glasses.”
“No thanks, I’m happy where they are.”
“You are just-…”  Raios gave a sigh that was somewhere between ‘annoyed’ and ‘exasperated’.
“I believe the word you’re looking for is ‘incorrigible’,” Mina replied cheekily.
“That’s definitely the word I was looking for.”
“Ready to switch yet?”
“We’re not switching,” Raios replied flatly. “You’ll just use it to kiss me.”
“You saw through it…” Mina grumbled, clicking her tongue and crossing her arms in irritation.  “Then at least give me your hand.  That’s the least you can do.”  She huffed and pouted until Raios eventually felt he had no other recourse but to give into her demands.  He sighed and picked one of his hands off the wooden floor and offered it to her. Mina’s demeanor immediately turned from sullen and dour to gleeful and bright.  Her two smaller hands immediately latched on, and her cheek quickly found its way into her palm.
“What in reverse world is so fun about this?” Raios grumbled. Mina’s thought process was completely beyond him most of the time, but he found this sort of behavior especially weird.  It wasn’t like this was the first time.  She’d done stuff like this to flirt with him even before they started going out, but he didn’t really understand this need for closeness she seemed to have.  He understood wanting to hold hands and be close, but hers seemed to border on outright cuddling.  He didn’t mind, but he didn’t quite get it either.  They sat in silence like that for a while; she spent time feeling out the callouses on his fingers and tracing the wrinkled creases of his palm like she was trying to memorize every inch of it.  A while passed like that without speaking, and eventually Mina sat up and chose to latch herself to Raios’ arm instead.  “I’ve been meaning to ask for a bit, but you’re the type that likes cuddling, aren’t you?”
“If I say ‘yes’, can we cuddle?” she asked hopefully.
“Absolutely not,” Raios replied flatly.  “What if one of my family walked by?  We’re in the garden.  At least pretend to have a bit of shame.”
“But if we weren’t somewhere with other people around?” she asked, eyes glinting with mischief.  
“…I’d think about it…” he replied quietly.
“Alright!” Mina cheered, pumping her fist.
“I didn’t say ‘yes’!” Raios snapped, a bit flustered.
“It’s just as good,” Mina replied.
They sat there and chatted for a while longer, continuing their game of pushing and pulling every now and then until the sun was halfway to the horizon. Raios looked up and judged that it was probably around 5:00pm.  Mina probably had to get home soon.
“Come on, get up,” Raios said, shrugging the arm that she was still very much latched onto.
“Don’t wanna,” Mina pouted.
“Get up,” Raios ground out.  “I gotta take you home.”
“I thought you were grounded,” Mina replied skeptically.
“You honestly think the old hag would allow me to not walk you home?”
“… Fair point.”  Mina reluctantly released him and stood up to stretch.  “We can work out the details of our next date on the way. I wonder where we should go~”
“Ever the opportunist,” Raios sighed, slowly getting up and working the pins and needles out.  The couple made their way over to the entryway, making sure to stop by the kitchen where Raios’ mother would be.  He popped his head in and got his mother’s attention.  She put down the dish she was using to taste the soup, a little surprised that her son had come to find her.
“What seems to be the problem?”
“I’m taking Mina home,” Raios said.
“You know you can’t leave the house, correct?”
“You would really have me not accompany her to ensure she gets home safely?” Raios growled.  Mina was a force of nature.  No one messed with her if they were trying to have a good and decent day.  But it was the principle of the matter.  Mrs. Minori’s placid face slowly morphed into a sly smile, and she turned back to the soup in front of her.
“If you’re not back in 30 minutes, I’m sending your sister after you.”
“I’ll come right back,” he replied quickly.  That was the last thing he wanted.  His sister would interrogate him the entire way back and drive him insane.  Dinner was already going to be bad enough, he didn’t need it to happen without the distraction of food (and he was sure their parents would conveniently ignore her jabs in an attempt to satiate their own curiosity.)  
“D’you get permission?” Mina asked.
“Yup, but I gotta be kinda quick otherwise aneki will be sent for me.  Being alone with her would be the most obnoxious thing in the world.”
“I’m not envious.”
“Must be nice being an only child.”  Mina just shrugged and started slipping her geta on.  Raios quickly followed, suit and the two left to go to her place.
“So, where should we go next time?” Mina asked.  
“A date on the mainland is a bit hard since it’d take most of the day to get there,” Raios mused, “but we might be able to get on a ferry to one of the nearby islands that has more to do.”  He looked over to find Mina pouting which completely bewildered him.  “What? Why are you making that face?”
“Those’re fine ‘n all, but I want something quieter,” she grumbled.
“So what, you just wanna hang out on the beach on the quiet side of the island or something?”  Her eyes lit up, and Raios once again came to the conclusion that there was no understanding his girlfriend.  He sighed in resignation.  “I guess that’s what we’ll be doing then.”  Mina clapped her hands and giggled in glee before once again latching onto his arm.  Raios didn’t even bother trying to get her off this time.  If someone saw them, then they saw them.  
It didn’t take long to arrive at Mina’s house, even with the awkward way she was hanging off him, and Raios stopped at the door.
“Alright, let go.  It’s time for you to go home.”  Mina grumbled under her breath and stubbornly clung to his sleeve.  “Come on, I’ll see you on Monday.”
“It’s too long…”
“It’s the day after tomorrow!” Raios snapped.
“I wish we could just skip to being married already,” Mina pouted, moving to grip the collar of his yukata.
“That’s gonna be a bit,” Raios replied, feeling a bit sheepish. “We’re not even old enough.”  Mina pouted, feeling disheartened when faced with the truth.  “Quit that. You’re being ridiculous.  At least consider for a moment the idea that you may be happier with someone else.”
“Not happening,” Mina growled at him.  “It’s definitely gotta be you.”  Then, Mina violently tugged on him pulling him downwards and caught him completely off guard.  The one Raios had given her had been soft and fleeting.  One of his many ways of gently telling her he loved her and appreciated her. The kiss Mina gave Raios was longer and firmer, and she didn’t even give him a chance to try and lead it.  When she finally let go of him, he covered his mouth with his arm and stumbled back, a violent blush covering his entire face and creeping down his neck.  Mina was almost sure she saw steam coming out of his ears too.
“YOU-!!”  Mina just flashed him a smug smile and stuck her tongue out at him.
“See you Monday~” Mina said, waving to him as she went inside, feeling like she’d set off a whole warehouse’s worth of fireworks.
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perfeggso · 4 years
till the sun’s seeing through my eyes (yumark)
hitting for six
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Yuta and Mark are next-door neighbors who grew up together, joined at the hip until Yuta went off to college. Due to their four-year age gap, Mark’s freshman year at the same school marks the halfway point of an unprecedented amount of time apart. Yuta is sure he can handle it, until Mark’s arrival home for spring break makes him wonder if the fondness he has for his friend might be blooming quite literally into something stronger. It’s up to him to handle the consequences.
Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  |  Masterlist 
Characters: Yuta x Mark + NCT ensemble, other SM (and non-SM (?)) idols tbd, character families 
Genres: heavy angst, fluff, Hanahaki!AU, small town!AU, slight Witchcraft/Magic!AU, College!AU
Warnings: blood and gore, mentions of death, disease, vomiting, college-typical alcohol use, swearing  
Rating: T
Length: 8.3k
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Yuta twirled the stick of rock candy he’d picked up at the market around between his lips, enjoying how it felt rough on his tongue and filled his mouth with the flavor of unadulterated sugar.  He checked his phone – no new messages.  
He tapped the toe of his sneakers against the linoleum floor of Kun’s coffeeshop and drummed his hands against the seafoam counter before pulling the candy from his lips with a pop and dunking it in his glass of mint tea.  All around him, the clinking, hissing, and chatter of a well-liked café filled his ears, and the arousing scent of coffee steam kept him a fidgety kind of alert.  On second thought, replace “alert” with “distracted.”   
“Did you hear me, Yuta?” Sicheng was saying, sitting at the table nearest the espresso machine and picking at a mini egg custard tart.  Yuta had not heard him, that much was evident.  
Yuta sighed with some effort, then made a fake sorry face.  “No – no, I apologize, babe, I didn’t.”    
Sicheng rolled his eyes.  “Whatever, it wasn’t important.”  He took a large bite of his tart, pale, buttery crumbs affixing to his lips.  
“Neko latte!” Kun interrupted, setting a white coffee cup in front of Yuta, the frothed milk on top of it shaped like a stubby-tailed cat that wiggled as the cup moved.  Yuta had to restrain himself from jiggling its foam butt into oblivion.  Kun returned a moment later with a plate. “Aaaand, let’s see, one slice of orange poppy seed bread.”  He dropped his smiling customer service face momentarily as he leaned in towards Yuta. “I thought you said you could handle calling out the orders.  That was my condition for letting you behind the counter, wasn’t it?” 
Yuta shrugged, repeating the order at double Kun’s original volume and smirking when a customer instantly shot out of her seat to come collect it.  Yuta downed his tea, burning his throat, and stuck the melting candy back into his mouth as she made her way over, pushing the now-empty cup forward as an encouragement to leave a tip in it, which the poor girl did.  Kun snatched the sticky bill from the cup and shook it out, disapproval contorting his face as he voiced his disappointment with a simple “nope.” 
“But Kun, I watched her earlier and she didn’t leave a tip when she ordered,” Yuta protested, making himself laugh until it was threatening to become a cough.  Dammit.  He pulled in a shaky breath.  “I’m only trying to help.” 
Kun pointed to the seating area.  “Out.” 
Yuta sulked his way to the chair opposite Sicheng, noting on his way that it was still pouring not insignificantly outside.  Yuta had gotten off work early because of the rain; the indoor soccer field had been reserved weeks earlier for the high school team.  Instead, he’d taken his kids to Yukhei’s gym for a short workout and then sent them home, choosing to wile away the rest of his time waiting for Mark with his buddies over a warm beverage.  
“Has he responded yet?” Sicheng asked.  
“No,” Yuta pouted.  He’d sent Mark a text nearly twenty-five minutes ago saying he was ahead of schedule and to come meet him at Kun’s shop.  “Ugh, wait, I’m sorry.  What were you saying earlier?  Nothing you say is unimportant, friend.” 
Sicheng looked like he wanted to smack Yuta and hug him at the same time.  Yuta was used to this.  
“I was only teasing you for missing my speech last night because no one cut you off,” Sicheng clarified, wiping his hands against each other once he’d finished eating.    
The memory of heaving in his bathroom in an attempt to extract whatever was obstructing his airways hit Yuta like an unforeseen ocean wave.  He nodded slowly, schooling his face to pretend to be irritated rather than scared.  He didn’t want to lie to his friend, but not even he knew what the real issue was, and it would undoubtedly get sorted, so why worry people?  
Yuta made his face into the disappointment emoji.  “Mm-hm,” he said.  “Well since you can only process my suffering as it pertains to you, maybe you’ll cut me off next time you have something important to say.”  
Sicheng raised his eyebrows.  “Someone’s feeling bitchy today,” he observed.  “This is because your boyfriend’s not texting back, isn’t it?” 
Yuta scoffed.  “Boyfriend,” he huffed in disbelief, but the word stirred a sickened feeling inside him.  He chose to ignore that.  “Yeah, it is,” he teased, “you jealous?” 
Sicheng shook his head.  “Not at all,” he said.  “It means you’ll let me be for a couple weeks.” 
Yuta laughed, his body once again nearly giving into coughing.  Like, choking on one’s dinner and needing the Heimlich kind of coughing.  Instead of letting that happen and calling attention to himself, he doused his throat in the contents of a glass of water.  
His breathing had been a bit better since he’d spoken with his mother that morning, but the problem wasn’t gone, and the raw coughing fits that started the day before were only growing more frequent.  A particularly violent one had gripped him during practice, scaring some of his kids enough that he’d run away to the bathroom to get it under control.  Thankfully, Yukhei had been in another room.  
Yuta came from a tradition of hedge witches, of which his mother was a shining example.  She ran an apothecary in town with his father; handling the medicine and potions side of it while he handled the business angle.  She was a skilled potion-maker and healer, and she had a keen sense of spiritual effects on the physical.  She was often able to gain insights that seemed so spot-on that Yuta had no choice but to believe whatever she told him to do.  
She’d encouraged her children to utilize tarot cards from an early age and endeavored ever since to teach them everything she knew.  Now and then, having someone so spiritually inclined as a parent could be burdensome, but it was times like these – when Yuta felt something strange and unwelcome stirring in him – that he felt he was lucky.  
When Yuta had gone to the main house that morning, he found his mother in the kitchen, making banana pancakes as his little sister looked over her advanced biology homework.  The high school still had a week left before spring break.  
“Hi Haruna,” Yuta greeted, shoving her face softly into her papers and receiving a well-earned glare.  
“Good morning, dingus.  You really shouldn’t be partying when you have work in the morning.” 
Haruna was a senior, less than a year younger than Mark (a fact which regularly escaped Yuta’s mind) and possessed an attitude problem – though one quite different from Yuta’s.  That morning, she wore a long, eggplant-purple frock dress with lots of heavy eyeliner and her hair in a helmet-like bob.  She might have been sartorially challenged and a bit of a bitch in Yuta’s view, but she was also his adorable little sister, and a veritable genius, he had to admit.  
Yuta went to the fridge and pulled out an apricot yogurt.  “I assure you I can handle myself,” he said, grabbing one of a collection of mismatched spoons and plopping it into his breakfast.  “The last thing I need is a seventeen-year-old lecturing me on alcohol.”  
Haruna tried to flick some of the syrup on her fork into her brother’s hair but missed.  “I can’t wait until Momoka comes home to visit,” she grumbled.  “Maybe you’ll listen to her.”   
Yuta’s mother gave her youngest and middle child a heavy look of disapproval as she flipped a pancake with a wet, resounding plop.  The action itself communicated as much authority as any scolding words could have.  Yuta just smiled sweetly, digging into his yogurt.  
“Yuta, dear,” she began, “can I interest you in some pancakes?” 
Yuta shook his head, feeling a little guilty, but he was rarely very hungry in the mornings.  “No, this is enough for me,” he said.  His mother smiled.  It was the same smile Haruna would flash when she was about to tease him.  
“Well, I’m sure you didn’t come all the way over here just to bother your studious sister and refuse my cooking, so there has to be something else, hm?  I’m right, aren’t I?” 
Yuta sighed.  As usual, she was indeed correct.  “As a matter of fact, there is something bothering me.” 
His mother listened attentively as he recounted the last day’s events: the asthma scare, trying to use the potion she’d taught him with a prayer, his concern over the reading he’d had that morning.  All the while, she finished shaping her stack of pancakes and leaned on her elbows, steam rising from the food and swirling in front of her paisley house dress, fluffy hair, purple kerchief, and concerned face.   
“It sounds to me like you’re having anxiety about change,” she offered once he’d finished.  “You always tend to have flare-ups during transition periods.” 
“Yeah,” Haruna cut in, spearing a chunk of pancake and narrowly escaping dropping it on her school papers, “remember when you were a freshman and you had a panic attack before coming home for winter break?  You said you could hardly breathe all night and that you didn’t think you wanted to come back.” 
Haruna seemed a little too casual with that difficult memory for Yuta’s liking, although she was right that he hadn’t forgotten.  He pinched his eyebrows together.  
“Is this a transition period though?” he asked.  Everything for him was more or less the same as it had been all year.  
His mother nodded.  “I’d say so.  Some of your younger friends are coming home, and Taeil will be going back to the city soon.  There are a lot of moving pieces in your life at the moment, dear.  I don’t think it's at all strange that you’re feeling off and maybe hiding some things from yourself.” 
“Alternately,” quipped Haruna as their mother went to fetch a cloudy, pastel purple concoction she had sitting in a beaker by the window, “you’re just a drama queen.” 
Yuta started.  “Wanna get your butt kicked by a college athlete?” he threatened.  Haruna stuck her tongue out at him. 
“You mean former intramural college athlete?” 
“That’s enough!” 
Yuta and Haruna both turned to face their mother.  She looked like her hair would be suspended in exasperation if she were in a Ghibli Movie.  Yuta knew that meant it was time to Shut Up.  Oops.  
She sighed, running her hands over the lip of the beaker in her hand and muttering to herself to calm down.  Then, she slid it forward to her son.  
“Bring this to work with you, Yuta,” she advised, voice still stern.  “I made it fresh this morning for the shop, but I think you could use it.  It has lavender, mint, chamomile, soy oil, salts, and I’ve charged it with moon water.  It’s something I’ve been messing around with for dealing with anxiety and stress during liminal periods in life.”  Yuta nodded, listening attentively and twirling the little vial in between his fingers.  She went on.  “Then later whenever you have time, I want you to sit alone with your confusion for a little while.  I think that might give you more insight into what is driving this spiritually and subconsciously.  Try not to smother it, whatever it is.”  
Of course his mom’s advice was essentially “meditate.” Why had he even bothered to ask? He nodded one more time, subdued, and dropped the vial of pale liquid into his pocket.  He would put it into a water bottle and bring it along.  
Yuta finished his yogurt and chucked the container into the recycling.  “Thank you, Mom,” he said, snagging a pancake on his way out of the kitchen just to win a little more of her favor.  “And have a good day, Haruna.” 
“You too, dingus.” 
“Tell me if you’re feeling better tonight!” his mother called after him, finishing off with a mild threat: “And I’ll be able to tell if you didn’t follow my directions!” 
Yuta sighed for what felt like the eightieth time all day, watching the café’s glass door from over Sicheng’s shoulder for any signs of Mark.  He didn’t know how to summon people or things, but he half-imagined that he did, concentrating so hard on the door that it was making his eyes cross.  And in a matter of seconds, it worked (or, at least, the universe gave the illusion of it working).  
Mark rushed into the coffeeshop, looking harried and tugging a cumbersome guitar case along with him which he tried desperately to protect with a too-small umbrella.  The image put Yuta at attention, smiling.  
“I’m so sorry!” Mark spluttered as he rushed through the door.  “I was practicing, and I didn’t check my phone!” 
“Whoa there,” Kun warned from behind the counter.  “This does not need to be advertised to my entire clientele.” 
Mark shook out his umbrella and shoved it into the holder in the entryway, checking with Yuta that they planned on staying for at least a little while and apologizing sheepishly to Kun.  
He sat down at the table with Yuta and Sicheng as Yuta grinned at him.  
“Don’t be sorry, Markie-boy,” Yuta said, poking Mark in the side and making him almost giggle his way out of his chair.  As the chair tipped and then slingshotted violently back to its starting position from Mark regaining his balance, it clattered so loudly that it attracted more concerned looks than Mark had when he’d busted through the door.  Yuta hardly seemed to register this as he gushed about how devoted his friend was to his craft that he would haul his equipment through a rainstorm.  Kun rolled his eyes and huffed in defeat at yet another disruption. 
“Mark, the usual?” he asked, and Mark nodded after nervously confirming Yuta didn’t have other plans for them to go eat somewhere.  
Only then did he allow himself to settle in, peeling off his damp jacket and balancing his guitar case against the side of his chair.  
“Did you carry that all the way here?” Sicheng asked, and Yuta shot him an obvious look.  
“Of course he did,” he replied for his friend, and Sicheng glared at him.  “The kid can’t drive, after all.  Just like you.” 
Mark nodded in confirmation as Kun set a mug of hot chocolate and a cream cheese bagel in front of him.  “I love being referred to as ‘the kid’ as if I’m not present,” he snarked.  “Also, thanks, Kun.” 
“Sure thing.” 
Yuta crunched absently at the end of his rock candy.  “Aw, don’t go trying to make me feel bad when you forced me to wait for thirty-five minutes and didn’t even tell me you were on your way.  It’s like you want to keep me in constant suspense with your little surprises.”  Mark scowled, but his mouth was too stuffed with bagel to form a retort, so Yuta went on.  “Anyway, you got a guitar in there?” 
Mark swallowed.  “What do you think?” 
“I think we’re just impressed you lugged it all the way here,” Sicheng clarified, trying to clear the air of Yuta’s usual bitchiness.  “Surely, you brought it for a reason.” 
Mark clapped his hands against each other to rid them of crumbs, body going taut with excitement.  
“Actually yes!” he mouthed around his food.  “I did have a reason.  I wanted to show off what I’ve been practicing!”
“Oooooh!” Yuta buzzed, applauding preemptively at hyper-speed.  “You might want to check with the stickler in charge though,” he warned, stage whispering and indicating towards Kun.  The subject of the jest frowned at his table of friends.  
“I can hear you, Yuta,” he said, “and it’s fine.  Just give me a minute to turn the speakers off.” 
Soon enough, Mark had extracted his guitar from its case and had it over his knee, strumming experimentally to warm up and drawing the attention of most of the customers behind him.
“Don’t look now, Mark,” Sicheng began.  “But it looks like you’ve roped yourself into a little concert.”
“A little what now?” he asked, immediately going against the advice he’d just received and turning around to meet the gazes of at least fifteen people he only marginally knew.  “Oh, uh, okay.  This is fine.” 
Yuta smiled to himself as he watched his friend adjust his fingers over the metal strings and clear his throat, red face betraying that he might not, in fact, be fine.
Pretty soon though, he was finger-picking his way through the intro to Frank Ocean’s “Cayendo.”  Once Mark started singing, Yuta found himself lulled into an admiring trance at the smooth sweetness of Mark’s voice.  Mark was usually shy about singing solo, but he’d been working on it and Yuta loved that he had gained some confidence.  The fact that the song was in a language Yuta couldn’t understand served even further to pull him under its calm spell.  
He pretended to swoon at the little performance, rolling his eyes around and fanning himself theatrically.  “Ooh, Markie, take me now,” he joked, just loud enough for his table to hear and no one else.  Mark’s ears went red and he struggled to sing through a giggle.  
Right in the middle of the song though, Mark sang a stanza that Yuta did understand.  It ended with a melancholy plea of love:
When I still really, really love you, like I do
If you won't, then I will
If you can't, then I will
Is it love to keep it from you?
It was such a sad sentiment.  Yuta thought that if he were a more sentimental person, and under different circumstances, he would have started to cry.  Though, maybe he wasn’t as unsentimental as he thought he was… 
Mark transitioned back to singing in Spanish and Yuta took the moment to lose himself less in his friend’s voice and more in the space around them: the chatter of impressed coffee-sippers, the whirring of the espresso machine, the soft and appreciative expressions on his friends’ faces.  It was almost as sweet as the leftover sugar which coated the inside of his mouth – almost sweet enough for him to forget that some kind of repression within him was causing him vascular stress.  Almost; almost.  
Mark plucked the last note of the song and the café broke into a pitter-patter of applause which echoed the pounding of rain outside, and in that moment, as if to remind him of the tenuousness of his almosts, Yuta found himself hurled into the most intense pain he’d felt in the last twenty-four hours.  
He bent himself over and started retching into a napkin.  It was the same sensation he’d gotten the night before at the party, when he’d locked himself in the bathroom and coughed himself raw into the white sink, trying to force something out that just wouldn’t budge.  He felt like he had a copper wire weaving through his muscles, and someone was sending shocks of electricity through it.
Sicheng and Mark stared at him in concern and Sicheng pushed a glass of water his way.  He choked out his thanks before downing it in one go, once again taking note of the clump of – something – which drifted back down along with the liquid.  By the time he had himself back under control, both his friends were posing some variation on the same ‘you okay?’ question.  
“Yeah, yeah,” he lied.  “Just aspirated some very sharp candy.” 
Sicheng winced.  “Ouch,” he said.  “At least you had the courtesy to wait until Mark was finished.” 
Yuta stuck his tongue out, but the way his friend went so casually back to teasing him actually made him feel a little better.  
“I know the Heimlich maneuver!” Mark said, a stupidly proud grin crossing his face as he set his guitar back into its case and puffed his chest out involuntarily.  “So I could have saved you if it came to that.” 
Yuta smiled weakly.  “That’s very reassuring, Mark.”
“NBD.”  Yuta groaned, the sharp pain from only moments ago leaving him just as quickly as it had come.  He cringed.  Had Mark really just said “NBD?” Whatever.  Mark continued.  
“Seriously though, what did you guys think?” 
“It was really good,” Sicheng said, “and I would say, a glowing testament to your four years of high school Spanish.”  
Mark snickered.  “What about you, Yutaaa?” 
“Well if you couldn’t tell by the way I reacted at the beginning, I loved it!  Really, like your voice just keeps getting better and better.”
Mark placed a hand over his heart, meaning to indicate that Yuta’s compliment had touched him.  
“Aren’t you not supposed to be using instruments though?” Sicheng chimed.  “I mean, considering you’re an a cappella person?”  
Mark rolled his eyes.  “Very funny,” he said.  “But thanks, guys.  I think I might play it live sometime on the Serotonin Hour.”  That was the name of the radio show Johnny had left to him upon graduation.  
“You know,” Yuta began, rapping his fingers against the table, “when Johnny willed his time slot to you, I don’t think he expected you’d use it for such self-serving purposes.”     
Mark rolled his eyes even farther into his head this time.  “It’s an hour where I impose my music taste on the small group of people who actually bother to tune in.  What could be more self-serving?” 
Yuta clicked his tongue.  Mark had a point.  
“Anyway,” said Mark, hopping to his feet, “what do you want to do, Yuta?” 
Since it was raining out, they decided they would have to stay mostly indoors, so they resolved to wander around the market hall until they came up with a more exciting activity, Yuta letting Mark store his guitar in the trunk of his car while they perused.  Sicheng was invited along too, but he had a dance class to run in half an hour and needed to review his lesson plan ahead of time, so it was just the two of them.   
Well, it was just the two of them until they got to the Jung family farmstand at the end of the long, warehouse-like building.  Jaehyun sat behind it, writing something into a notebook and looking so bored that his face was practically melting into the hand supporting it.   
“Oh, thank god,” he said when he saw his friends approaching.  “It’s been such a slow day I was ready to choke myself out just to have something to do.” 
“Ooh, kinky,” Yuta guffawed at his friend as Mark nodded slowly.  
“Nice to see you too, man,” Mark said.  
“Want anything?” 
Yuta and Mark surveyed their options: a selection of dairy products, meat, and eggs in a set of coolers, and a table covered in artichokes, celery, pears, asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbages, and a veritable rainbow of root vegetables.  As usual, the Jung family farm’s output looked delicious.  Maybe Yuta would get something for his parents to put in tonight’s dinner.  He grabbed a bundle of radishes by the leaves and shoved them at his friend with a grin.  
Mark, on the other hand, knew immediately what he would go for.  
“And, uh, can I get a banana milk?” 
Jaehyun nodded as Yuta gave his younger friend his best side-eye.  
“You just drank a giant hot chocolate.  Haven’t you had enough dairy for one day?” 
Mark pouted, fishing for his wallet, and Yuta couldn’t help but smile at the way Mark’s eyes looked like shiny tea saucers.  He could be devilishly cute sometimes.  Cute enough to make Yuta want to buy shit for him, which he did, paying for the radishes and the milk before Mark even had the opportunity to complain.  
“Drink up!”
Mark glared.  “Fine.  I’ll just sneak-buy you something next time.” 
Yuta wobbled his head like an anime heroine as he spoke.  “Oh, so I’ll get a next time?  Man, this date is going so well!” he said, and Mark’s ears flushed for the second time in thirty minutes.  A niggling voice in the back of Yuta’s head told him he wanted to see Mark like that more often.  He brushed that idea away, not quite knowing how to process it.    
“Whatever,” Mark mumbled as Jaehyun looked on in his usual casual detachment.  Yuta turned his attention back to him.  
“By the way, Jae, where are your parents?  Can’t they come relieve you of your existential dread?” 
Jaehyun blew a puff of air at his bangs.  “I wish,” he responded.  “They’re out of town for the weekend though, so I’m left to suffer alone.  Oh – which reminds me!  Can you go check on Sugarfoot and Lacey for me?  They probably need their water troughs refilled right about now.  And besides, I’m sure they miss Mark.” 
Yuta and Mark agreed easily.  Everyone loved those horses, even if Sugarfoot could be a pain in the ass.  When Yuta was a teenager, she had apparently decided he’d lived long enough, because she tried to buck him off until Yuta was pretty sure he’d suffered acute whiplash.  Besides Jaehyun, Johnny was the only person she seemed to tolerate (and tolerate simply meant she was a bitch to him rather than straight-up murderous), but alas, Johnny wasn’t around.  
“Perfect,” Jaehyun said.  “I’d do it myself, but everyone here knows my parents and they’d definitely somehow manage to tell them I’d abandoned my post.  You know where the keys to the stable are and everything, right?” 
And with that, Yuta and Mark left Jaehyun to return to pondering auto-asphyxiation. 
It had stopped raining outside, and the sky was in the process of clearing from a mournful grey to a clear periwinkle, like a windshield-wiper was slowly swiping across it to rid it of clouds.  They ran into Taeil on the way to Yuta’s car, in the middle of walking five dogs of varying sizes and breeds.   
Naturally, Mark became immediately preoccupied by the tangle of fur attached tenuously to Taeil’s wrist by a set of leashes.  The cute scene made Yuta’s chest go tight with fondness.   
Yuta told Taeil they’d missed him at the party the night before as Mark rolled around on the wet ground, getting his face smothered by a particularly friendly Chow Chow and laughing like his lungs were about to burst out of his chest.    
“I know, I’m sorry!” Taeil said, trying not to let himself get tugged around.  “It was just last minute and I’d already been roped into cooking for my family, and we had friends over – bad timing.” 
Yuta waved him off.  “Don’t worry, I’ll only hold it against you forever.  But when do you go back to the city?” 
“Next week,” Taeil replied, leaning down awkwardly to save Mark from five rough tongues.  Taeil didn’t have a dog himself (although he did have a goose in his backyard, a fact which Yuta was never not perplexed by) but his family owned the local pet shop and he always had dog-walker duty when he was home.  It was also how he made money when he was in high school.  “We should definitely get together before I go back though!” Taeil continued.  “You guys can help me make this pasta dish I’ve been wanting to try.  Sound good Mark?” 
Mark got up, brushing the wet dirt off his backside.  “What?  Oh yeah, for sure!  I’m always down to eat – and to see you, Taeil.  I didn’t forget about you.” 
Taeil looked dryly at his younger friend. “Yeah, of course.  But listen, Mark, it’s really good luck we’re home at the same time.  I need you to tell me all about how the Aca-Fellas are doing.”  Mark nodded shyly.  Taeil had been the star of the a cappella group at his college, so he’d had plenty of run-ins with the Fellas at competitions.  His own superiority at singing was something it was at times difficult to get him to shut up about.  Taeil continued:
“Anyway, I should be going.  These guys are getting squirrely, and I don’t want them to do their business right here.  I’ll see you two around, I guess.  Enjoy the rest of your date!”
Hey, Yuta thought, that’s my joke.  Somehow it made him feel weird to hear someone else use it.  
They were at Jaehyun’s stables after a short drive, and they found the keys easily.  Mark scratched lovingly at Lacey’s chin as Yuta filled the troughs with water.  Then, they decided it was as good a time as any to see if Johnny was free to FaceTime.  He was.  
“Heyoooo,” Johnny greeted once his pixelated face flashed onto Yuta’s phone.  Yuta laughed.  His friend looked happy and healthy.  “Oh what? You have Mark with you?  Sweet!” 
They caught up on Johnny’s life for a few minutes; he was having a great time on his own, but he missed everyone and couldn’t wait to come home in the summer.  
“Hurry home,” Yuta joked, getting up from the bail of hay he’d been sitting on because Sugarfoot was cribbing on the door to her stable.  “I think Taeyong is wilting without you here.” 
Johnny chuckled indulgently.  “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”  He gasped and his image froze in the exaggerated reaction face he’d pulled, making Mark squeak with laughter.  “Is that my favorite girlie?” came his crackling voice.  
Yuta held the phone up to Sugarfoot, nudging her head a bit to get her to detach her teeth from the wood.  “Sure is.” 
Johnny asked if Jaehyun was there, so Yuta informed him on their friend’s predicament.  Then Johnny addressed Mark, telling him he should try braiding Sugarfoot’s dark mane – he’d found she had come to enjoy it.  Mark, being the least experienced with Jaehyun’s bitch of a mare, immediately fell for it and tried, causing Sugarfoot to squeal and jerk her neck away from his touch.  He fell back on his butt in surprise and Johnny cackled through Yuta’s phone speaker.  
“Aw, I see college hasn’t made you less gullible, Markie-boy.” 
“It most certainly has not,” Yuta confirmed, and Mark attempted a glare, but it only ended up looking like what he’d done when Johnny tried to teach him how to flirt that one time.  
Johnny continued.  “Anyway, Mark how are you really?  I don’t care about this old hag; Yuta, give the phone to Mark.”
Yuta handed over the phone with a casual threat of murder.  
Mark was doing well.  Johnny asked if his a cappella group had let him rap yet.  Mark rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, leaning against the stable door right next to Lacey.  
“Naw, not yet,” he said.  “Just beatboxing for now.  Eventually...” 
Johnny shrugged.  “It’s okay.  When you’re a senior you can run the group and do whatever the hell you want.  And, when they see how good you are, that’ll really show ’em.” 
Yuta watched the conversation unfold, reveling in the warm feeling he got from watching some of his favorite people interact.  
“Are you doing the Serotonin Hour justice, by the way?” Johnny asked.  “Playing that good shit?” 
Mark fumbled around a response so Yuta cut in, yelling from off-screen.  “He’s great, Johnny!  Wish you were here to tune in because I think he might be surpassing you in quality already.” 
Yuta heard Johnny scoff as Mark looked embarrassed.  “Impossible!”  Yuta leaned in next to Mark and Johnny asked about his own parents.    
Yuta frowned.  “Can’t you just call them and ask how they’re doing?” 
“I did! I do!” Johnny said, exasperated.  “I wanted to hear it from a third party though, otherwise all they tell me is ‘we’re good, John, we’re good.  Everything’s just fine.’  Know what I mean?” 
Mark answered.  Mr. and Mrs. Seo were doing just as well as they let on to their son, as far as he could tell.  This seemed to satisfy him.    
Johnny had to go soon after this, so Yuta and Mark took the opportunity to get back in Yuta’s car and drive to his house, where brand new purple crocuses had pushed through the dirt in the front yard.    
Yuta led Mark straight to his loft when they arrived, happy to finally have some actual alone time with his friend.  He didn’t know where this territorial streak was coming from.  He usually did it as a joke – especially with Mark and Sicheng – but all of a sudden, he didn’t feel like he was joking anymore.  He shrugged it off mentally.  It probably had something to do with his repression, he figured, realizing he hadn’t followed all his mother’s instructions yet.  Oh well, the meditation could wait.  
“Do you want to stay for dinner?” he offered.  “We can hang out all day that way, until you’re absolutely fed up with me.” 
Mark giggled as they traipsed through the wet grass, passing the fresh crocuses.  
“Uh, yeah, that sounds good,” Mark agreed.  “I’ll text my parents and ask them.”
“I don’t think you’ll need to,” Yuta remarked, pointing straight ahead to where Mr. Lee stood in his driveway, getting ready to go out.  “Mr. Lee!”
Mark’s dad turned around, startled for a moment, before waving.  
“Your son is eating dinner over here!”  Yuta yelled.  “We’ll take good care of him!”
Mark laughed nervously at Yuta’s side as his dad consented.  Yuta had to admit that his life was a little emptier when Mark’s ridiculous giggle-fits weren’t a daily feature.  
Back in Yuta’s room, Mark hooked his phone up to Yuta’s Bluetooth speaker and played one of his most recent DJ set playlists while Yuta sat at his vanity and yanked a radish from the bunch he’d bought earlier from Jaehyun, biting off a chunk.  It tasted watery and sharp.
“What are you doing?” Mark protested.  “I thought those were for your parents.”
“I’m only taste-testing,” Yuta defended, mouth full of radish.  “Calm down.”  He poised the other half of the radish as if he were about to overhand chuck it in Mark’s direction.  That was, in fact, what he planned to do.  “Open up.” 
Mark’s eyes went wide.  “But it has your spit on it!” 
Yuta rolled his eyes. “Don’t be a baby.” 
Mark nodded in acquiescence, opening his mouth for a split second before thinking of something else to worry about. 
“This seems dangerous though, like what if I choke on it?” 
“Then that’s really too bad because I do not know the Heimlich,” Yuta snarked.  “Try not to.” 
Mark opened his mouth again and Yuta threw the radish in an arc the few feet between them.   Mark shuffled a little to align his mouth and caught the radish, doing a little dance of victory when he realized he’d succeeded.  
“Yoooooo!” he yelled around his mouthful.  
Yuta clapped, he remarked to himself, like a cheerleader congratulating his boyfriend. Whatever.  He wasn’t above that.  
“That’s what I call synchronicity!” he said.    
Then, Yuta decided to experiment with combinations of the new earrings he’d bought recently while he and Mark talked.  They ended up mostly reminiscing about the stupid hijinks they’d gotten themselves into over the years: the time they got drunk and went skinny-dipping in the bioluminescence despite a slew of recent shark sightings (Mark kept trying to drift off into the mist and when they heard a loud splash near them in the water, Yuta asked Mark if he’d retrieve his dick if it got bitten off.  “Is that something you would want me to do?” Mark had responded); the time they went cliff-diving as a group and somehow Yuta managed to injure himself while stumbling over rocks to take a picture and then tried to tell everyone who hadn’t been there that he’d hurt himself jumping into the water so he wouldn’t sound like an idiot; the time Mark tried weed for the first time and became convinced he was suffering an aneurysm, begging Yuta to make him a potion for it; all the times Yuta and Mark travelled to dance competitions together as kids and shared hotel rooms, planning their entire futures as they waited to get sleepy.  They had promised to always have houses next to each other, and that their families and spouses would be forever close.   
Yuta sometimes found that, with long-time friends he didn’t get to see as often as he would have liked, it was easier to reminisce than to create new, whole memories.  It had nothing to do with Mark’s value as a friend, and they still came away from every summer with plenty of additional experiences and stories, but Yuta hated the feeling he sometimes got of their rhythm being off during the shorter breaks.  He worried their friendship would calcify into something past tense.  But then again, he figured, a deep understanding like what he and Mark shared didn’t need constant updates.  
Being with Mark sometimes took him back to being eighteen – right before he left for college – and in a way he liked that as much as he liked his friend.  He just got an occasional sinking feeling that they were missing each other’s landmarks.  It was irrational, but he couldn’t deny it. 
Mark had moved on to updates about his friend group as Yuta held a thin and dangly silver earring against his lobe.  Mark nodded in approval and Yuta worked to stifle a sudden bout of coughing.  Ah yes.  There it is. 
Later, at the dinner table, Yuta hardly got a word in edgewise with his parents and sister grilling Mark on how his first year was wrapping up: was his friend group holding up?  Yup.  Did he like his second semester classes?  He did.  Was he still sure he wanted to pursue a conservation major?  Yes.  Did he know who he’d room with the next year?  He was going to try to room with his friend Yeri, but they had to sign a consent form for co-ed housing first.  When was his next a cappella performance?  The big one was in late April.  Did he have a significant other?   
Yuta almost hacked up a spoonful of his root vegetable soup before glaring at his mom, the source of that query.  
“Aish, why does everyone wanna know that?” asked Mark, setting his spoon down for a second.  “Sorry, it’s just really funny to me.  No, I don’t.” 
Yuta looked across the table to his mother and caught her sending an irritated look right back at him.  He figured it was probably related to the vague threat she’d made earlier that she would know if he didn’t follow all her advice by the time he got home in the evening.  
Once they’d finished eating, the boys helped wash the dishes and Mrs. Nakamoto gifted Mark a little vial of her signature lucky potion for him to use during finals.  
“Bye, little dingus,” Haruna called to Mark as he and Yuta were on their way out for a quick post-prandial stroll.  Yuta turned around. 
“Don’t talk to your elder that way!”  She rolled her eyes.    
Outside, it was fully dark, and a distinct late-winter chill tinged the air enough that Yuta had to burrow his chin into the collar of his bomber jacket.  Rather than the chatter of crickets they would have heard at that hour during summertime, the air sung with the hush of breeze rustling the pines and the distant break of ocean waves.  Yuta thought bittersweetly about how the next time he’d see Mark for an extended time, the crickets would be back.  
“Sorry for all the prying,” Yuta grumbled as the two made their way to the little pedestrian suspension bridge over the river on the edge of town.  The river led to the ocean eventually, but inland, it felt thin and closed-off all the same.  This bridge passing over it was one of Yuta and Mark’s favorite spots to sit and chat late at night without anyone hearing.  In fact, it was that type of spot for most of the town’s young residents.  
“Don’t be,” Mark said jovially, kicking his feet leisurely as he walked.  “I expect it at this point.  Bet you remember what that’s like.” 
Yuta nodded.  He did.     
“You know,” Mark began, “it’s actually sorta calming to get the same questions over and over again.  Cuz like, for some reason I keep getting really stressed out when I come home.  I don’t know why…It’s kind of annoying.”  
Yuta pointed at Mark in recognition as he chimed in.  “No – I know exactly what you mean.  I used to get that too.  Remember when I had that panic attack?” 
Mark nodded.  “Oooh yeah, man, I do.  You were calling me at like two in the morning and you sounded like you were crying.  I had no idea what you were on about.  But I guess now I understand more.”  
Yuta smiled to himself as the sound of the river added its own particular hush to the mix of natural noises.  He tried not to take too much comfort in the idea that his friend was now suffering the same way he had.  At least it was a pretty privileged form of suffering…
Yuta took a deep breath, looking up and trying to find stars in the hazy dark sky.  
“My mom calls it liminality.  She says it's natural to feel spiritually detached at times of transition.  It’s like your identity is thrown into flux and it can be hard to balance your competing selves all at once.  You’ve got your independent college self and my little Markie boy who lives with his parents and can’t drive.”  At this, Yuta grabbed Mark and tried to give him a noogie.  “I think that’s what’s stressing you out. Might do you some good to recognize it and hear it verbalized.”    
Mark laughed.  They were approaching the entrance to the bridge.  “I guess that makes sense.  I – wait.” 
Yuta took a second to register that Mark had cut himself off and stopped walking.  He was staring into the distance towards the bridge, so Yuta followed his gaze.  He blinked a few times in the dark, but once his vision focused, he noticed what Mark had been looking at: a dark lump in the center of the suspended walkway.  It seemed to be moving – writhing almost – and Mark placed a finger over his mouth to indicate they should be silent.  Little groans and giggles emanated from the wiggly lump over the rush of the water.  It was a person – no – people.    
Yuta felt himself about to start laughing, and he didn’t want to disrupt whatever moment was going on in front of them, so he grabbed Mark’s arm and hauled him away, running back towards their houses and cracking up the minute they thought they were out of earshot.  
Mark tried to catch his breath from all the exertion.  “Were, were they –” 
“Fucking?” Yuta finished for him.  “Yeah, I think so.” 
Mark leaned over his knees.  It was the same position Yuta had used several times in the last day to combat his lung issue.  “Shit, man,” he said.  “I was not expecting that.” 
Yuta shook his head in disbelief.  “Me neither.  Here; on that note, let’s get you home. The Lees deserve their son back.” 
“Sounds good.  That’s enough excitement for one night.” 
Yuta tiptoed back into the kitchen before going to the barn to sleep, opening the fridge to sneak another few bites of the raspberry meringue cake his mom had bought on a whim from the Seos while shopping for dinner.   
Her voice in the dark startled him so badly that he jolted against the refrigerator shelving, rattling a whole row of bottled drinks and sauces and causing a racket.
“Holy shit, mom, you’re going to kill me,” he said, holding a hand against his chest like a 19th century gentlewoman.  
“Come to the living room with me, Yuta,” she said, bypassing his griping.  
Yuta gulped, following his mother’s directions until he was sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of her lounge chair.  
“Didn’t I tell you I’d notice if you blew off my instructions?” she asked, sipping from a cup of tea.  It smelled like chamomile and it was making Yuta sleepy.  
“I know,” he said, “but I was with Mark all day and I didn’t want it to be weird for him while I like, went off into a corner to ruminate on my inner demons or whatever.  I was still gonna do it.  Also, I drank the potion you gave me.” 
“I understand Yuta,” she said, cutting him off before he could spew any more excuses, “but you’re going to do it right now.  I want you to feel better.” 
“I already do feel a little better,” Yuta said, though he knew he was lying.  His mom knew it too, because she gave him a skeptical sideways glance.
“You looked like you were holding in a coughing spell all through dinner,” she informed him.  Had he?  Yikes… “So, close your eyes.” 
Yuta knew how this was going to go, but still, he let his mom lead him through breathing and visualization, focusing on tracking and changing the color and temperature of his internal energy as it passed through each of his limbs, his gut, hit neck and shoulders, his head, and finally, to his lungs.  He tried to pull air in until it touched the extremity of them, boundaries of his body going fuzzy in concentration, but it was difficult for him; shaky almost.  
His mother’s voice floated into his consciousness, instructing him to imagine the hollow of his mind and let thoughts begin to trickle in without obstruction; to let them come and go without judgement. 
He thought of what Mark had been saying on their walk and how it resonated with his own experiences, how it frustrated him that he could never quite recreate the comfort of his and Mark’s dynamic when he visited him at school and they were with all Mark’s first year friends (at least Kun and Jaehyun were around at times, but still).  He thought about how weird it felt for all his friends to be scattered around.  Mostly though, he thought about the strange burning tightness that had been threatening to cut off his air supply over the last day whenever he dwelled too much on thoughts of his best friend, on observing him, on feeling lucky to know him.  
Next thing he knew, he was coughing aggressively again, dragging in empty breaths whenever his throat gave him a break from its violent convulsing.  The metal wires felt like they’d made their way into his heart.  Neither his breathing nor his coughing was satisfactory though; there was still something stuck.  What on earth was wrong with him? 
Yuta latched back onto the sound of his mother’s voice as he calmed down and opened his eyes.  She knelt next to him on the floor, rubbing over his back and knitting her brows in concern.    
“Oh darling,” she cooed.  “Have some tea.”  He drank gladly, but this time the obstruction inside him stayed right where it was halfway down his windpipe.  “It’s just as I thought.  Something is blocking you off from your spiritual self.” 
Yuta blinked some tears of exertion from his eyes, smirking as he returned somewhat to himself.  
“You sure it’s not just my sarcasm?” he joked, and his mom scowled.  
“Well, that’s certainly not helping,” she said.  She kissed his forehead and pulled away to find her tarot deck.  “But I am proud that you took that seriously.  It obviously stirred something.  Let me do a quick reading for you and then we can both get to bed.” 
Yuta waited as she set up the deck and drew a six of cups, reversed.  He sighed.  Intense nostalgia; feeling caught in the past or with a past self.  That much was obvious.  
Yuta’s mother smiled at him softly.  “Whatever this is, it’s holding you hostage in memories and longing.”  He nodded, remembering his earlier conversation with Mark where they couldn’t seem to stop dwelling on an idealized highlight reel of teenage shenanigans.  Right.  “Do you want to talk about it now?” 
“Not really.”  Yuta yawned.  He didn’t know if it was because he was actually tired or because he wanted this to wrap up.  
Mrs. Nakamoto started packing her cards back up.  “That’s alright.  You should get some sleep anyway.  Good night, dear.” 
Yuta gave back into coughing the minute he’d crossed the threshold to his room.  He ran to the small trashcan next to his desk, still full of bottles from the night before, and heaved into it so hard he thought his eyes might pop out.  Finally though, he had a twinge of relief when the thing that had been caught in his airway materialized on his tongue and his trachea cleared fully for the first time all day.  He reached into his mouth and plucked out the offending object, holding it between his fingers over the trash.  It was long and yellow and smooth, shaped like the wooden paddles Donghyuck’s ice cream shop gives out for testers.  
A horrifying thought crossed Yuta’s mind as he rolled the delicate yellow petal softly between his fingers, watching it disintegrate under his touch and the acid of his saliva.  He turned to the bouquet on the coffee table to his left, shivering as he caught a glimpse of the sunny yellow rays of petals adorning each of the three baby sunflowers in the vase.  His heart dropped into his feet.  
Of course.  
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Jealousy (Billy Loomis/Reader/Stu Macher)
Repost from my deleted Tumblr!
Some days you really regretted taking a position on the student council; today was one of those days. Being one of the more responsible members, Principal Himbry called on you quite often for help. In fact, you spent so much time at his beck and call that really made you question his motives for having you around sometimes. If it wasn’t the only extracurricular activity on your college applications, you’d just leave the council entirely and tell them to screw off.
You never knew what the principal would ask you to do from day to day. He had you help with planning for holidays and celebrations, tutoring other students, and showing around new transfer students. Today was tutoring.
It usually wasn’t the worst task in the world, especially with the nicer students, but Himbry had specifically requested you do it now- during lunch- instead of letting you do it tomorrow morning as it had been scheduled. Something about Andy now having football practice before the game. So not only did you have to miss lunch, you had to miss the only break during school that you got to spend with your boyfriends. Worse even, you hadn’t gotten to warn them ahead of time. Hopefully they wouldn’t be too upset. Billy and Stu wouldn’t be angry with you over the situation of course, they were too sweet to you for that, but their disappointment was worse than their anger.
“Hey, Y/N,” Andy called, snapping his fingers in front of your eyes.
“Eh? Wha- Oh sorry!” you quickly apologized, cheeks heating in embarrassment, “I must be more tired than I thought.”
He grinned brightly and waved off your apology with a chuckle.
“No big, dude. I get it. Sorry we had to change to today so suddenly. Coach is adamant that we get more practice in before the biggest game of the year,” Andy sighed.
Patting his hand easily, you gave him a warm smile. It wasn’t his fault you guys were stuck here in the library. Hell, he probably wanted to be out with his friends as much as you did.
“No need to apologize. That’s a lot of pressure. I’m sure you guys will do great though,” you assured him, “Let’s get through these last two problems and we’ll be golden. Might even have a few minutes left to snag some food.”
With a grateful smile, he nodded and hunched back over his paper.
“I dunno why I can’t get this shit when Mrs. Pembrook explains it,” he muttered.
“Sometimes you just need the one on one and silence to let things sink in,” you replied.
He really wasn’t dumb, as most people assumed. He was battling ADD and couldn’t focus unless there was someone to constantly redirect him; Not that you were much help in that today.
“So,” he paused with a big sigh then read off, “Carlos has taken an initial dose of a prescription medication. The relationship between the elapsed time in hours since he took his first dose and the amount of medication in milligrams in his blood stream is modeled by the following function”
You watched him closely work out the problem into steps, unable to help but feel a spark of pride and accomplishment as he slowly but surely made his way through the entire equation. When he jotted down the correct answer and looked up at you in questioning, you couldn’t stop a grin from crossing your face.
“Yes! Yes that’s it! You’ve so got this!” you cheered.
His cheeks darkened but there was an obvious glint of happiness in his eyes as he leaned back and pumped his fists.
“Only cause I’ve got the best tutor!” he replied.
“Okay, okay, one more. Let’s do this!” you encouraged him.
Once more he went through the word problem and sorted the equation out, step by step, until the right answer was written below.
“Mr. Andrew, I think my work here is done,” you giggled, reaching out for a well-placed high-five that made you palm ache.
“You’re the best, Y/N. Seriously, I can’t thank you enough. I feel like I might actually pass the final test,” he said sincerely.
You copied his earlier motion and waved off the thanks.
“Can’t wait to hear how you rocked it,” you replied.
“Alright, grub time!”
The two of you started cleaning up the papers and books and were almost finished when a call of your name caught your attention. Your head snapped up and you were greeted to the sight of your boyfriends marching to the table.
“Stu, Billy!”
Without much thought, you launched at them happily, grinning as Stu caught you a few inches from the floor.
“Hey babe,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek as you wrapped him up in a tight hug.
“What are you two doing in here?” Billy asked coolly.
Looking over, you found his arms crossed and a blank expression across his face. You let out a sigh and wiggled from Stu’s arms to tug Billy into a chaste kiss. Even that couldn’t make his obvious irritation go away.
“Oh hey Loomis, Macher,” Andy commented as he joined your trio before turning to you, “Thanks again, Y/N. See you at the game tomorrow?”
“You know it,” you replied, offering him a fist bump, “Kick some ass in the test tomorrow.”
Before he could touch his hand to yours, you were drawn back into the protective arms of your boys. For a moment you couldn’t figure out why until you felt the tenseness in their bodies. They were… jealous?
“Uh, yeah, anyway,” Andy muttered, “Catch you later, Y/N.”
The awkwardness was thick in the air as Stu sharply added, “Yeah, WE’LL see ya later dude.”
Yup. There was no denying that obvious message. Andy made a silent retreat quickly and you couldn’t blame him. You let out a little sigh and slumped against Billy, grinning despite the situation.
“What the fuck were you doing here with him? We’ve been looking everywhere for you. Thought maybe you were hurt or sick,” Billy grunted as he promptly turned to face you.
Stu mimicked his motions and both stood before you with stern expressions. Ugh, there came the ache of unnecessary guilt.
“I’m sorry. Himbry told me that I had to do our last tutoring session during lunch instead of tomorrow. I got called out of my last class so I didn’t have a chance to see you and tell you,” you explained.
Pouting slightly, you reached up and cupped a jaw in each hand, having to rise on tiptoes slightly to reach Stu.
“There’s no reason to be jealous, you know? He’s a nice guy but he’s got nothing on either of you,” you added, hoping to get through to them.
Finally Stu wilted, a whoosh of air escaping his mouth before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“It’s not like we don’t trust you, babe. It’s the jerkwads we’re worried about,” he muttered.
“He didn’t try anything, did he?” Billy asked shortly.
“What? No, of course n-”
Your remaining words were muffled by his heated kiss. A wave of bliss ran down your being as you leaned into him, soaking up the passionate embrace.
Not to be outdone, Stu swept you hair aside and started kissing along you neck. His teeth found purchase hard in the bare flesh of your exposed shoulder. For a moment, you were panicked the librarian would catch you until you remembered she was out for lunch like the rest of the student body; upon the realization, you let out a soft moan and let the tension out of your body,
“Ah! Oh f-”
Your curse was cut off by a whimper as Billy copied a stinging bite on the other side. Everything seemed to float away, aside from pleasure and pain, as you melted between them. The burning grew almost unbearable and you knees weakened, urging you to give in and pat at them frantically.
With a pop, Stu pulled back first, and then Billy. Breathless and burning up, you swayed on your feet between them. Your shorter lover simply grinned at the faux glare you sent his way.
“What the hell was that for?” you demanded, albeit sounding more dazed than angry.
“Just wanted to remind others to stay away from our girl,” he replied.
He extended his hand and brushed a thumb softly along the freshly bitten flesh and you nearly dropped. Stu thankfully caught you. His giggle made butterflies storm your belly as you relaxed against him.
“I’m gonna get in trouble for these if they bruise,” you commented dryly.
“If anyone here says anything, you tell me and I’ll handle it,” Billy retorted seriously.
Swallowing thickly, you nodded in agreement and stood up to finally regain your footing. You were about to joke about needing a bandage for the wounds when the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. There was a heavy, collective sigh between the three of you immediately.
“Come on, we’ll help you carry your stuff back to your locker,” Stu said, leaving your side to scoop up your books from the table.
“I can easily carry those. You’re just looking for an excuse to be your paranoid, protective selves,” you teased.
“Damn right we are.”
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hija-del-trueno · 4 years
Day 1 - May 4th: Headcanon/Missing Scene or Favorite Scene
Author’s Note: Hi all, this is Daughter.of.Thunder (formerly JediMasterRoyal on ff.net). I last posted a few years back but this pandemic opened up a creative opportunity for me, and since the Clone Wars has provided us with inspirational fuel I was compelled to partake in Anidala Week 2020. This is my submission for Day 1: Headcanon/Missing Scene. This is, I guess, a little mix of both taking place in CW Season 7, Ep 2 “A Distant Echo”
*Extra points to whoever can tell me which song inspired this?* 
“Threepio, how do I look?”
She stared at the mirror. Looking at herself from all angles. Currently, she couldn’t stand looking at herself. Was that bad?
“Oh Mistress Padre, what an absurd question?! You are the absolute definition of beauty!” C-3PO exclaimed.
Padme rolled her eyes. It’s not that she felt hideous, it’s that she felt pregnant. Too pregnant. 
It all started with the fatigue. Usually she could power through Senate sessions and work on bills for more than 8 hours a day but then suddenly she started feeling exhausted. One time, Bail found her asleep at her desk in midday and asked if she was okay. 
Then it was the headaches. She felt them coming a mile away. And don’t get her started on how easily irritated she was recently.
The morning sickness kicked in at the 7th week, and she had never felt as wretched, except for that one  time when she went out with the handmaidens for Yane’s birthday and got drunk on wine. 
But the nausea gave it away for her. Especially since she remembered she had not had her monthly in quite sometime. Soon enough she had 3PO buy her a pregnancy test and she felt she did not even need to prick her finger with the blood it asked to know the answer.
Ever since she had found out, Padme had lost her sleep. 
She wondered how? And why?
Padme huffed while looking at herself in the mirror. She knew how. 
Of course, she knew how. By her calculations she could tell you exactly when and where. It’s not like her and Anakin were constantly together.
After Scipio and Clovis, her and Anakin had been in perhaps awkward terms. They at first had trouble addressing the several banthas in the room. His jealousy, her stubbornness, his distrust, and her call to duty had been wrenches that were ripping the seams of this….thing they called marriage. 
She had apologized in Scipio and he had too on the ship back to Coruscant. He had wept and begged her to forgive him for distrusting her. But the awkwardness was still there, the words that had been said before, still stung. Anakin had stayed away a bit more often when he was stationed in Coruscant. And truthfully, she missed him. 
Which is why she devised a plan. Padme followed the war closely, pulled in a few favors, spoke to the Chancellor and soon enough there was a short reprieve from war. Her knight could come home.
There in the lake country with no one to bother them, in the place where they fell in love, they were honest. They apologized again but this time there was no awkwardness just acceptance and a promise to be better. They realized they were both more dutiful than they had been 2 and half years ago. That prioritization was leading to resentment for one another. They talked it out. Found possible solutions.
They also had fun. They laughed about anything and everything, moments throughout the war they had yet to process. They swam. They had picnics. And they made love too. Padme would be lying if she didn’t think that was what she missed the most. 
But that’s not when she conceived.
It was sometime after the Vos/Ventress debacle. Anakin had been back and forth from the front but had been relaxed. It wasn’t until the Outer Rim Sieges began, battle plans were made and announced, that she saw his worry lines appear. 
“I might be gone for longer than normal.”
“But we can comm each other often,” Anakin said desperately. 
She smiled at him jokingly from her vanity. “Often huh…”
Anakin chuckled and rolled his eyes, “You get the point.”
He got down to one knee in front of her and his hands cradled her face. 
“I’m going to miss you so much. But the Outer Rim Sieges feel like the war is getting closer to the end. And the end of this war means that we will be free. Free to leave all this behind, free to love each other without reprimand, free to start a family,” Anakin murmured. His eyes filled with hope and desire. 
She nodded her head in his grasp. “I love you Anakin Skywalker.”
“And I, you, my angel.” Anakin leaned in to kiss her. 
The kiss was soft and held no malice. Gone was the shyness of the Rebel Jedi she met three years ago. And now was a man before her filled with certainty and confidence. It seemed that she loved him even more now everyday.
His flesh hand fell away from her face and intertwined with hers at her lap. His lips broke the kiss but hovered above them. 
“Allow me to worship at the temple of my goddess so as to remember her in my time of need,” Anakin said huskily.
Padmé smiled. Anakin an ever dramatic romantic. She nodded.
That’s when she conceived. 
Don’t get he wrong. She was happy. She was excited. They were going to have a baby. 
A little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes like it’s father. And she’d hold that baby and love that baby. 
But just as she was happy, she was beyond scared. 
The war was not over yet. And Anakin was in Anaxes, with no sign of him coming back soon at all.
What if she gave birth and he was still in the front? What if something happened to him out there?
Which is why her current predicament was to tell him or not to tell him.
The question had been mulling in her head the whole week. They hadn’t commed often like he’d said. But he made sure to send her messages. She thought sending him a message with this sort of news back would be way too impersonal. Plus she was hesitant of sending messages. It left a trail. 
That was another issue. Lately she had been hesitant about a lot of things. She had taken great lengths to hide their secret thus far and Padmé would continue to do so. Except that as more time passed it became harder to hide this secret. 
She was big. Too big for four months. Her regular clothing stopped fitting her long ago. 
She had ordered new larger clothing and hoped that people would just believe she was into a new fashion trend. But she saw the looks Bail and Mon gave her occasionally.
She was scared to go to the medic again in fear that someone would find out. She was scared to buy anything for the baby yet in fear of some Holonet reporter following her. She was scared to go to any function and have politicians ask her why she wasn’t holding her normal glass of wine. She was simply scared and alone.
Every night she spent thinking of things she could not do or had not done. Sometimes she felt she could not breathe, the anxiety overcoming her. 
Does it make me weak?
Padme had always been confident of herself and being the older one in the relationship, occasionally meant she led the charge on certain items but this…this made her feel way out of her element. How would Anakin take this news? How would he react? Would he be upset or disappointed? Maybe it would require her to feel older than she had asked to be.
She supposed she could call Dorme or Sabé, but they’d long ago left to Naboo and while their friendship remained, she did not want them to worry and come to Coruscant for her. There was Ellé and Moteé, who kept her secret safe but she did not want them too involved. Not after what happened with Teckla. 
Besides this was her doing, was it not?
The worst of it was this feeling that she was sinking. This far away impending dread that she could not shake off. 
Looking back at herself in the mirror she sighed while cradling her bump. She had foolishly decided to wear her tan jumpsuit. Padme figured that Anakin would notice, and then the floodgates could open and he would provide her with some comfort and solace.
“It was the will of the Force,” he’d say and that would suffice. At least for now.
Except Anakin had not noticed. Ugh men can be so dense sometimes.
Padme nervously laughed as she got into bed. She did her best to stand appropriately, but not only had Anakin been late but he’d been in a haste. 
And she’d almost burst out but then he said her name and it all fell away oh so tenderly. All her worries drifted and she instead guided him to the answer he sought. He was in war. This would have to do for now.
In due time, Anakin would be by her side again and she would tell him. For now, all she could do was place her hands over her belly and dream of their future. Their new hope.
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tommykaine · 4 years
Careful What You Wish For
Fandom: Boyfriend To Death 2
Characters & Pairings: Lawrence Oleander / Original Male Character
Warnings/contents: Hogwarts!AU, implied character deaths, student/teacher crush, romantic horror, underage (NOT sexual!)
Prompt: Be Careful What You Wish For
Summary:  While a series of mysterious student disappearances seems to plague the Hogwarts School of Magic, Basil just wants to get closer to the object of his crush, Herbology Professor Oleander. Little does he know that the apparently sweet and shy professor might hide a deep dark secret...
AO3 Link: X
Tumblr version after cut
The first time that Basil saw him, he thought he looked like an angel.
Professor Oleander had long blond hair, which he always kept tied up into a low ponytail, except for a messy fringe that fell in front of his forget-me-not blue eyes, underlined by dark circles - some students whispered that the man never slept. He had gentle features and was always clean-shaven, although the dark shadow on his otherwise pale skin suggested that his beard was not as light as his hair.
His demeanour was quiet and he always seemed kind of nervous, but he rarely ever got angry with the students.
He was always, always seen around the greenhouses behind the castle. Even during meals he rarely seemed to show up. He hadn't been at the teachers' table when Basil had been sorted into Slytherin, or he would certainly have noticed him.
Instead, their first encounter was during his very first Herbology lesson.
Professor Oleander was already there, wearing a shy smile and a dirt-smeared robe as he stood in front of a table full of empty vases.
"Alright, so... this is your first lesson so I won't give you anything too hard to do. Uh, you all have your copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, right? So-". The man interrupted himself as a short red-haired girl from Ravenclaw shook her head. "Oh, you, you don't? Err, well, can anyone... you two could share it, right? Ok... so, we'll be going around and I want you to try and recognize as many plants as you ca- hey, please don't touch the Fanged Foxglove, it won't like that". He glanced at Kevin Simmons - a dark-haired boy who shared his dormitory with Basil - looking rather panicked. The student hurried to retreat his hand, moments before the harmless-looking plant split in two and revealed a set of sharp fang-like thorns on each side, letting out a menacing hiss.
Immediately all the students moved away from it, while Professor Oleander sighed and took out a small vial, approaching the irritated plant and pouring it in its soil, causing it to calm down and compose itself once again.
"Ok, so... ugh, where was I?". The man scratched the back of his head, shifting his weight from one leg to another and looking increasingly nervous with each passing second.
Basil timidly raised his hand.
"You... you were saying we'd go around and try to recognize the plants?".
Professor Oleander looked at him with surprise for a moment, then he smiled in relief and nodded.
"Right! Right, so we'll be going around...".
The rest of the lesson went on without a hitch, with the man guiding them around the first greenhouse and then in the outside garden, even going close to the forest before warning them they should never venture there unless they were accompanied by an adult from the staff, and even then they should still be careful.
"Alright, so, that will be all for today", Professor Oleander said once they got back to the greenhouse. "For the next lesson, I want you to study the plants we saw today, especially those of you who could name less than ten".
Basil heard a couple of groans, mostly from a few other Slytherins. He hadn't done too bad but he still felt he could have done better. He never thought he would want to excel in Herbology of all subjects, but the thought of getting praised by the professor made him feel giddy. He had only seen him smile once, when Harmony Rogers was instantly able to recognize a Mimic Marigold which had disguised itself as a common daisy, and his whole face lit up for a moment. Basil wanted to see that again, he wanted the man to smile at him like that.
By the middle of his second year, Basil was the top one in his class. He'd never been particularly passionate about plants but he wanted to impress his professor. Melina Eliopoulos from his same year was quite irked about it as she usually excelled in all subjects so she started calling him a teacher's pet, but Basil didn't care. He was more than happy to spend his time learning more fascinating facts about magical plants, or even to stay behind to help out the man after his lessons sometimes.
"Ah! That's... really not necessary", Professor Oleander had tried to say the first time, blushing a little.
"I don't mind", Basil had insisted. "I like plants".
"Yeah, plants are nice", the professor had replied, smiling a little. "Better than people", he had murmured, speaking so low that Basil wasn't sure he'd been supposed to hear it.
"You don't like people?", he'd asked, clearly catching him off guard.
"A-ah, I mean...". The man laughed nervously, clutching on one arm with his other hand and looking away. "Never mind. You should go".
Basil had cursed himself for his unnecessary questions, feeling disheartened as he left the greenhouse.
What was it about plants that the man liked so much? He truly wanted to find out.
"Have you heard about Emil Kowalski?".
"No? What happened?".
"He hasn't come back to his dormitory, apparently he sneaked out during the night and hasn't been seen since".
"When was that?".
"Two days ago".
Basil tried to pay no mind to the gossip, but it was hard when it was happening right next to him.
"Isn't that scary?", Kai, a chubby black-haired boy who always tailed along behind him asked Basil. "I wonder if the professors are searching for him. They must be, right?".
"He probably got lost somewhere and still hasn't managed to find his way back. He's not particularly bright, even for a Hufflepuff", Basil replied with a shrug, shoveling more porridge in his mouth.
"For two days?", Kai insisted. "Plus, I'm sure after three years he must have memorized the routes. What if something happened to him?".
"If it did, then the professors would have told us", Basil replied. "You worry too much".
He glanced to their table. As usual, Professor Oleander was nowhere to be seen.
Basil wondered if he always ate alone. He didn't seem to like people much. Basil didn't know why that was the case. He'd never had the courage to ask again, after the first time.
"Wanna play Wizard's Chess later?", Kai asked, interrupting his musings.
"I can't, I told Professor Oleander I'd help him trim the Bashful Bushes".
"Hmpf! Why are you always hanging around him?", Kai complained. "He's creepy".
Basil glared at him.
"That's not true!", he snapped at him, raising his voice. He blushed when he noticed that a few other Slytherins had turned his head to look at him. Lowering his voice, he leaned in closer to Kai to speak again.
"He's just awkward around others. He's actually really nice. Last time, he gave me a sprig full of Everlasting Berries".
"Don't you find it weird that he never leaves his plants? I think he lives there. Plus, you ever noticed we never have lessons with him before it's dark? And those circles under his eyes... what if he's a vampire?".
"A vampire", Basil scoffed at him. "If you must know, he's got sensitive eyes".
"Sensitive vampire eyes", Kai replied, swinging his fork in the air as if to emphasize his words. "Let me tell you, there's something wrong with that man".
"You're just annoyed at him because you're always flunking his tests", Basil replied, shaking his head. "Seriously, how hard can it be?".
"It's plants. It's damn boring. I don't understand what either of you sees in it".
"Plants are nice", Basil replied, looking down at his mostly-empty plate. "You know what to expect from them. They can't disappoint you".
He felt like he was starting to understand his professor's feelings more and more with each passing year. He couldn't manage to relate to most of his peers. Even with Kai it was more like the other had attached himself to him and decided he was going to be his best friend. Not that Basil disliked him but he could be annoying sometimes.
What if Kai had been the one to disappear instead of Kowalski? Would he have missed him?
Basil wasn't sure. Maybe he would have, but...
How horrible of a person would he have been if his answer had been no?
The start of their fourth year was tense after the Kowalski incident. Some of the students weren't allowed to come back after their summer break.
No matter how much the Professors and even some Aurors searched for him, no one was able to find him again.
It was like he'd vanished without trace.
There were all sorts of rumours floating around. Some said he managed to sneak out of Hogwart's confines and Disapparate somewhere despite his young age, some said he got eaten by some creature roaming inside the Forbidden Forest, some believed he found a secret passage and got stuck inside of it, claiming they could hear him moving through the walls and faintly asking for help.
"That's absurd", Basil had told Kai when the other boy had told him about it. "The Professors have searched everywhere in the castle. Including the secret passages. If he was still in here, they would have found him".
"Then where did he go?".
"I don't know". And I don't care, he thought, but he made sure to keep that to himself.
He had other things to worry about. Such as the fact that he'd started to look at Professor Oleander with different eyes.
"Ugh! It's so annoying! 'Professor Oleander' this, 'Professor Oleander' that, it's like you're in love with him", his little sister had said once while he was back with his family, to which he'd turned red and threatened to feed her to his Carnivorous Camellia if she didn't shut up.
Ever since then, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about her words.
"...It's like you're in love with him..."
Is... is that why I like him so much?, he couldn't help but wonder, blushing at the thought.
He'd never had a crush on someone before. His sister was in the first year and she already had plenty of them, her latest one being their Quidditch Captain Ricardo Torres.
How would he even know if he liked the professor in that way?
It can't be. He's much older than me and... a wizard.
Not that it was entirely unheard of but he didn't think he'd ever heard it mentioned in a positive way. His father had once mentioned something about wizards who had relations with other wizards and it had been with a disdain normally reserved for Mudbloods and Squibs.
Not that his father was always right about everything. Kai was technically a 'Mudblood' but he was pretty gifted, just not in Herbology. He was the top of the class at Charms and often beat him at Wizard's Chess too. Meanwhile, Emily Thompkins was a Pureblood witch and she was dumber than a Troll.
"Hey, Kai?", he asked him one of those afternoons, when the other boy was busy teaching him some kind of card game he'd learned from his Muggle mother.
"Have you ever... you know, is there any girl that you like?".
The other boy had looked a bit nervous, his ears turning red.
"I... well". Kai cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head and looking away. "Y-You know Martina Belli from Ravenclaw? I... I think she's pretty cute... I guess".
"Huh". One of the Chasers in Ravenclaw's Quidditch team, with curly blonde hair and green eyes. She was cute, he had to admit. "And... how do you feel when you think of her?".
"I... I don't know". For the first time in a while, Kai seemed rather uncomfortable. "I... I feel all happy and giddy when she smiles or talks to me and my tongue is tied, it's like I have butterflies in my stomach and I get all nervous. I... I want her to look at me but I also feel scared she might judge me so I'm scared of getting too close. And-". He interrupted himself, the redness spreading from his ears to his cheeks. "Why do you ask... uh? Basil? Basil, are you ok?".
"A-ah, yeah!". Basil forced himself to laugh, hoping he didn't sound too nervous.
Shit. I do have a crush.
In fifth year, their Herbology lessons were a lot more challenging.
They were actually handling some of the more dangerous plants, plants that could injure and even kill in the worst case scenario, although Professor Oleander was quick to reassure them that nothing bad would happen if they followed his instructions.
Basil had tried to distance himself during the fourth year, but that did not change his feelings. If anything, the longing towards him had become even worse.
"Hawthorne, what... what are you doing here?", the professor asked him one of those evenings, when Basil showed up at the greenhouse. He seemed quite surprised and a little worried as well. "You... you shouldn't be around this late. It's against the rules".
Since the disappearance of Kowalski, students were forbidden to be out of their Common Rooms after dinner.
"I couldn't sleep", Basil replied, taking a few steps towards him. As always, the man's clothes were covered in dirt and he was wearing thick gloves to cover his hands. There were a few leaves trapped in his blond hair, which made Basil want to pick them out, but he refrained from following his urges. "I... I thought I'd come here, because... because taking care of plants is relaxing".
The professor smiled a little at that, although he still seemed cautious.
"Yeah, it is... but you really should go back to your rooms".
"Please. I won't be at risk as long as I'm around you, right?", Basil asked him in an almost-pleading tone.
"I... I guess". the professor scratched the back of his head, looking away. "Sorry, I'm not... I won't be of much company. I'm very busy".
"That's alright. I like your company".
Basil hadn't meant to blurt it out like that. He immediately blushed as the man looked at him in shock, before looking away again while his cheeks also turned a little pink.
"I'm... uhm, okay then".
He seemed nervous. Basil hoped it wasn't because of his gaffe.
They spent a few hours together, before Professor Oleander insisted to accompany him back to the entrance of the Slytherin Dungeon.
"It was nice spending time with you", Basil shily told him.
His professor smiled and shrugged, before looking away.
"I don't... I normally don't like to be around people. But... it's not so bad with you. You're quiet, and...". He looked at him intensely, before leaning in closer.
Basil froze up as one of those gloved hands reached out towards him, but the man only took something out from his hair. A small twig. He relaxed, although a part of him was a little disappointed.
"Good night, Hawthorne".
"Good night, professor".
From then on, Basil had sneaked out a couple times to meet the object of his interest. The more time he spent with him, the more his feelings grew, just like the vines of a persistent infesting plant.
It wasn't like they exchanged many words, but Basil was content just being around him. At least, for the time being.
He knew it wouldn't be enough for long. He couldn't help but want more.
He wanted to know more about him. Wanted to know if he really spent all of his time with his plants, wanted to know if there was a way to get through the thorny walls he had put around his heart. From the few things that had slipped past his lips a few times, Basil couldn't help but think that, in truth, the man was quite lonely.
"Plants, they never leave you alone when they grow tired of you", Oleander had said once, sounding almost more as if he was talking to himself rather than to Basil. "They can't even go anywhere, they wouldn't survive without me. They need me". He had smiled then, a genuine smile. "That's why I like them".
"I think that's wonderful", Basil had said, his comment seemingly startling the man, almost as if he'd forgotten he was still there. "Wouldn't it be nice, to have someone who would need you as much as your plants do?".
"That... wouldn't be possible", Oleander had replied, looking away and hurrying to move somewhere else, watering a few pots of Wolfsbane.
Basil had stared at the man's back, his feelings burning inside him like a flame.
To be needed so deeply and completely...to have someone who entirely depends on you, who wouldn't even live without you... what a wonderful thing.
Now he knew why Oleander liked plants so much.
That was how he liked him too.
If only he could find away to keep him all for himself, uproot him and confine him in a little vase where he would never escape him... how wonderful that would be.
"Have you heard about Andrew Robinson?".
"No, what happened?".
"Apparently no one's seen him since yesterday".
"No way! You think it's another Kowalski?".
"I hope not... my parents almost didn't let me come back to school after that".
Basil couldn't help but overhear the conversation as the group of Slytherins chatted next to him at the table.
"I can't believe it's happened again", Kai noted, sounding quite worried. "Say, I heard you come back quite late the other night... I don't think you should stay out at night, what if something happens to you too?".
"Shh! Do you want everyone to hear?", Basil scolded him, before lowering his voice. "I'll be fine. I've just been visiting the greenhouses".
"What? Why would you do that?".
Basil looked down at his pudding, not sure of how to answer to that.
How could he explain to the other boy that he wanted to spend more time with Oleander? Surely he would think it was weird.
"I'm worried about the next test. I just want to make sure I'm prepared".
"No way, you always ace every Herbology test. If anything, you should give me some extra lessons".
"You're a lost cause. You could make a cactus die of thirst".
Thankfully he managed to change the subject without much difficulty, but he couldn't manage to shake the thought off of his head.
Once could have been an accident, but twice?
What had Robinson been up to? And Kowalski, for that matter? Where would they be headed, that late at night?
Basil wondered if Oleander might have seen anything. After all, the man seemed to stay awake until late. From one of their conversations, he'd gathered that the man preferred to sleep early in the day and wake up in the late afternoon, just in time for his lessons. If someone else beside him had sneaked out in the middle of the night, he might have seen them.
He would have to ask him about it, next time.
"Huh? Tuesday night?". Oleander looked at him in surprise, then he frowned. "Can't... can't really remember anything, sorry. I've been... busy".
Basil could tell that he was upset. He'd become quite good at reading the man, even if he couldn't always tell what he was thinking. Maybe he was worried about Robinson, but that seemed uncharacteristic of him.
"You really shouldn't be out here this late. It's... not safe", Oleander said, looking at him in a strange way. He didn't really seem worried as much as...
A cold shiver ran down Basil's spine. He quickly tried to shake off that feeling.
"I'm not worried", he lied, taking a few steps closer to the man. "Not while I'm here with you".
Oleander smiled at him, but somehow it was anything but reassuring.
"The plants are not the deadliest thing in here, Hawthorne".
Basil gulped loudly. Oleander moved in closer and he retreated, until he felt his back pressed against the vine-covered wall, some of them slithering around his ankles and wrists.
His heart was beating fast, he could feel its pulse in his throat, especially when Oleander's hand closed around it.
"P-professor, please", he whispered, eyes filled with terror as he saw the man's face twist into an hideous grin.
"You're always coming back here. I kept telling myself I shouldn't... but you're like a stubborn weed, you made your way into my mind and I couldn't stop wondering... what would you look like, without your branches".
He had a pair of shears in his hand, a dangerous glint in his blue eyes. They seemed to shine even in that faint light, almost as if they were ignited from the inside.
There was a smell to him... Basil always thought it came from the plants, but no, it was emanating from him.
It smelled like...
"Please", he begged, his eyes filling with tears. "Please".
"Shh... don't worry. I won't get rid of you. I want to keep you". Oleander glanced at his shears and his smirk grew wider. "Well... not all of you".
Basil looked into those bright eyes and he knew. He knew what had happened to the other students.
But he would not be able to tell anyone.
Not after Oleander was done with him.
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sarah--goff · 5 years
T.D.M Chapter 16: Lenore
Jareth never seemed to learn his lesson whenever he visited the Above.
It was evident from the greying clouds and the tell-tale uprising wind that he should turn back, turn back before it was too late but he just couldn’t bear to face another evening with those insipid creatures as his only company. He shuddered. No, he would stay out tonight.
But where to, where to? The delightful question.
"Take me anywhere” he murmured to the wind, transforming into his owl form and spread his wings, riding the wind was always fun and unpredictable. Who knows the adventures he’d have this time.
He flew for a while, a long while, scanning the land below, unsure where the wind was leading him, he had found nothing that was drawing his attention.  
When he began to cross over rolling fields he was rather disappointed. Where were all the cities and busy people?
“Drat” he mumbled, the wind setting him down at last.
He folded his wings under him again, transforming back into his natural form . Well this was hardly the adventure he was hoping for.  
No, no it would not do at all.
He couldn’t be sure where exactly in the above he was, it mostly looked all the same to him.
Jareth guessed it was late summer by the lingering sun but it night time was soon to come about.
He sighed, picking himself up and spread his arms to take flight , the wind picked him up, rather forcefully and flung him upwards. Not good.
He should leave, now. Staying in the Above for those who belonged Underground had drastic consequences, like the Underground had for mortals, but he shook it off, he wouldn’t have a wasted journey.
The wind blew under him and when Jareth spotted a horizon of bright lights and tall buildings his heart leapt. Ah finally, now he was getting somewhere. He tilted himself right, to survey it, but the wind carried him in the opposite direction forcefully pushing him away.
Augh! he thought irritably.
The wind dropped him without warning. Luckily his quick reflexes allowed him to switch back and land on his feet brushing himself off.
Jareth began to feel extremely tired. A wasted journey after all.
He had meant to change into his owl form, but the weary magic had instead made him the black bird. A raven.
He could scarcely keep atop of the wind,  “what’s gotten into you!”.
Every now and then it would cut out and then start up suddenly making him queasy.
Jareth had to close his eyes for a second but misjudged and  crashing into a tree that winded him completely and knocked him out.
He was out for a while when he stirred groggily he didn’t know where he was again. He must have spelled himself out of the tree in his panic. A storm was brewing.
Lightening struck the sky.
He had to rest he had to keep out of the storm. Luckily for him he was in a populated area.
Jareth landed on the roof tops of  houses, looking for shelter in them but he could not access any, they were closed up, the curtains drawn all the lights were out, all but one opposite him.
The window was wide open , even in this pelting rain he could see right into the room . The warm of candle- light evading from it invited him in greatly, he was frozen to the bone, he needed to rest greatly before his magic short circuited and god knows what would happen.
The Goblin King hoped down as best he could with his throbbing side, managing to keep his footing even on the slippery tiles. He fluttered momentarily towards the house opposite the window within his reach.
Just as he was about to land on the tree branch that was directly outside the open window, he saw a figure’s hand reach out for the windows latch and firmly close it right before him!
No no ! He thought painstakingly as his side burned. He didn’t have much longer , he could feel himself slipping away. Jareth clumsily perched on the tree branch, through his drooping eyes he could see the candle light was still burning.
The figure must still be close by, the Goblin King found himself softly pecking at the glass of the window, just enough to get their attention. Nothing happened and Jareth used everything he could to tap louder. Nothing.
He tried again then gave up, legs giving out under him,  slouching against the window hopeless when the it was creaked open a splinter and then thrown open by the wind.
Jareth’s limp body tumbled through the window and crashed harshly onto the ledge face down.
The wind died down enough for him to catch a gasp above him .
The Goblin King dare not move, fearing he had simultaneously switched back into his male body, which mortals never had a good reaction to.
From his titled his head up enough to see a mortal girl standing above him. He guessed by her uncertain look and concern he was not his natural self and was still in his wretched form, soaking from the downpour. He groaned inwardly. This could go two ways. Neither were particularly good.
Jareth’s chest heaved up and down heavily, wincing at the intake of breath. He tried to still to avoid provoking the burning pain throughout his entire body.
He heard the window close again, muffling the raging tempest. The candle’s light had since died. Jareth depended on the moon glow to show him the girl’s lovely concerned face as she hovered over him , unsure what to do. He was slipping further, faster, downwards, his eyes were drooping as he stared back at her, she couldn’t help him.
If he was going to die here, at least it was under such a beautiful view, such a benevolent creature then he had no complaints.
He closed his eyes. The end he thought, embracing it when suddenly Jareth felt two warm hands slip under his abdomen, his limp body caressed and opened them again. The mortal wrapped a blanket of some sort around him, warming him greatly. He felt instantly better, like her very touch had restarted his heart,
“Come on, bud” she murmured to him, her light voice inviting him to stir. The pull was releasing him slightly now.
Her hands under him banished the ebbing pain, he could move his wings a little now, feeling more vigorous.
The mortal placed him down gently with the blanket over him . She was retreating.
No! Don’t leave already! he thought panic-stricken already shivering again. He was relived the watch her only cross the room to her drawers where she pulled out long drapes of woolly material, shifting them on her desk to make a circular shape.
He could vaguely make out the room , he must be in a child’s bedroom by the looks of it and he inwardly sighed. Great. She didn’t look like a child, even from his small height Jareth could see she was taller than that .
It was only when she came back for him again, holding him close to her chest that he could see in the weak light the mortal had made him a nest. Oh no.
She was lowering him towards it, away from her warmth and breath. Jareth began to twist in her hands avoiding the blasted mockery for a bed.
“Absolutely not!” he cried in protest, but the words hadn’t left his beak he could only move it up and down to form them “do you think this is a joke? I can’t feel my blasted face!”
“Calm down- it’s just for a second!” the girl told him aiming to sooth him over before placing the Goblin king in the centre of the makeshift nest.  Jareth scowled at her.
“Would you rather be out there?” the mortal girl challenged him, scowling back.
He bit back a scoff -not that he could in this form but even so- how dare she talk down to him
On the other hand, her hands on hips, taunting eyes staring him down, her soft mouth, he couldn’t find himself disgusted but rather amused at her tempestuousness, no-nonsense attitude.
The branch smacked the window causing him to glance away from her briefly when he looked back she looked smug she had won the argument.
“Well this is as good as it gets... Back in a sec” the mortal held up her finger to the him moving to the door. “Don’t move” she commanded steeling her eyes on him.
The girl left shaking her head, presumably to find him some half-hearted excuse for food no doubt. He took this opportunity to transform back.
Jareth rose from sitting cross legged on her clothing/makeshift bed, knocking a few things over. He cracked his stiff back with a low groan but before he could take another step he was turned back, back into this humiliating, wretched bird form.
Jareth growled in frustration, it wasn’t even his favourite, his beloved benevolent snow -white owl , instead the beautiful mortal got to see him as this simpering black bird.
It worried him though, he’d never been in the Above for this long. If he couldn’t change back into his natural form, he would be stuck like this forever, at the mercy and reliance on a young mortal girl for the rest of his raven life.
His sensitive ears picked up a crash downstairs and for a moment he thought about checking on the girl until he could hear the retrieving footsteps getting closer. He quickly re-seated himself. Blast it! It looked like he would have to put up with this appearance.
“sorry about that” She re-entered the room holding something in her hands.
She sat cross legged on her own bed, the thing creaking underneath her . Could be worse, he supposed, her own bed didn’t look anymore inviting than his ‘nest’. The mortal was pouring some of the contents in the dish.
The Goblin King craned his neck to see what it was he would have to force down his throat. He needed the strength, desperately. Beggars and choosers and all that.
She smiled satisfied, “here you go” setting the dish down in front of him.
He peaked over the rim. Ugh it was a mixture of seeds and berries. That would never give him any lasting boost.
“This isn’t the Ritz you know. No worms here” she threatened which only alight his impatience further.
Jareth gagged in his mouth “Worms! I should throw you in the Bog you silly creature for denigrating the king”
It was better than nothing but he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of winning him over twice and stiffly turned his nose up.
What a night this was turning into.
The human was looking away from him at the clock on the wall with a groan. He noticed the time likewise
He’d been in the Aboveground for several hours now. But there was nothing he could do until he was healed.  How long could that take? Eons if she keeps feeding me this pitiful meal.
The girl’s face softened at the sight of him, making his harshness waver for a second under her curious stare.
What are you thinking?
His heart was thudding harder as she reached out to touch him again. Jareth invited it, stilling so she could trace her soft fingers against his wings and torso. He shivered at the touch. She was smiling down at him, marvelling at him.
Jareth couldn’t resist shifting a bit under her appreciative stare. If she thought him pleasant to look upon as a dumb bird, what would she think of him as a man? He was almost tempted to find out had he been able to switch back at that very moment.
Unable to control himself he found himself bowing his head just to feel those fingers brush the crown of it. Bowing! To a mere mortal! He drank up the touch shamelessly and let out a little strangled gasp when she took him surprisingly in her arms, nest and all, to sit him in her lap.
Well now this was far more like it! He smirked wishing on every star in existence he could transform imagining the surprise on her face! The thought of her reaction made him smirk. He was well aware of the effects he had on women, particularly mortal women.
As he began to calm the wind died, a good sign that things would improve.
Jareth even nuzzled against her palm. Sleep was biting at him, calling for him, he could do so right there and then, it was the magic draining quickly, usually he could go without sleep for a day of two.
The Goblin King had never been held in such a manner he felt utterly safe in this mortal’s arms as if she could fend off any danger herself even if she was powerless and possibly trying to kill him off with the food. What the sodding hell am I even doing?
The Goblin King felt his heart wrench painfully within his chest. Not now , not now! He breathed in a short, ragged inhalation-  woozy with the overwhelming confusing emotions and the loss of magic that seeing the girl in such a state caused to churn violently within him. He could feel himself unbalancing this was not good.
Her hand met his head, simmering his overbearing panic attack bit by bit. That’s it, that’s it he cheered with relief. The air in him could flow freely now..
As if careful not to wake him, the girl shifted the nest with him inside to her nightstand. Jareth opened an eye groggily to see the mortal removing her clothing. Jareth’s eyebrows raised, he saw no reason for shame or guilt, as he looked at her with unabashed longing. Perhaps not a girl after all. What a creature, beautiful on the inside as well as out.
As if she could hear his thoughts you turned over her shoulder to him, “naughty bird” she tsked before slipping on a faded nightdress and into bed, beside him on the nightstand.
“Goodnight bird, whoever you are”
Oh if only you knew! he thought wickedly.
No more than five minutes had passed when he could hear her shallowing breathing, totally succumbed to sleep.
Jareth hopped from the scarves back over to the desk to the meagre meal you had set out before him.
He ate begrudgingly, these berries are sure to be unwashed, I’ll catch my death. Jareth the noble Goblin King, defeated by a mortal girl’s berry.
He chewed slowly. Actually…it was alright. Instead of sour, it was sweet as was the seeds. These were not natural made clearly. He gobbled it down then realised now that the hunger was fed, that was his lot for the night. He felt stronger now.
Jareth hopped onto the wooden flooring. Come on, come on he willed himself. But he wouldn’t change. Oh well.
He made his way to the vanity, even managing a flap of the wing with the help of the food. The Goblin King sighed, suddenly unable to rest. The girl were far gone into sleep now, nobody to amuse him.
He watched from behind her chest rise and fall before turning his eyes to the mortal’s full chamber. What a dismal place. He could see that even in the lack of light .
Jareth gazed at himself in the mirror with a smirk. Even in the bird form, he was a handsome devil, the poor mortal never stood a chance. His interest was sidetracked by small photograph by his head, black and white of a smiling couple, a man and a woman, arms looped around another , strangers to him, but the held some meaning to her clearly.
Jareth saw the girl’s open sketchbook, drawings of  birds. He was impressed, he squinted closer at them. They were magnificent, as real and detailed as he was. So the mortal is quite the artist.
She was becoming more curious now, what was her name? Jareth searched for something as a give-away on the desk but there was nothing in view. He’d find it out later he surmised.
The girl let out a small whimper then “no, please don’t leave!”
Jareth was frozen to the spot. Was she talking to him? When nothing more happened he fluttered from the desk to nest again to observe her.
She had her hand balled up tightly, distress across her face but her eyes were closed.
She was having a nightmare about someone or something.
His heart strings tugged a little and he softened. An idea suddenly popped into his head. Would it work?
He sat in the nest concentrating with his eyes closed. Come on…
The Goblin King felt a wave wash over him, when he opened his eyes he was in total darkness, the girl lying in the middle, still asleep. Good. He was in her mind.
Jareth looked down at himself, turning his hands over, relieved to be freed from his small feathery appearance -even if it wasn’t real.
He waved a hand, brightening the scene, he concentrated on the appearance, weaving the room into a magnificent ballroom of ice-white. He changed his outfit too, to his favoured long blue coat, blonde hair free and loose.
Jareth heard a shifting behind him. The bed was now gone.
“Excuse me” said the voice, it must be the girl, he turned to greet her with a smile but then found himself pulled from the dream sharply and opened his eyes again to be back in the mortal’s bedroom.
Drat ! He’d been close, the low magic must have worn off quickly.
The girl momentarily awoke too crying “Oh!” softly, even peering around her darkened bedroom but fell back against the pillows, asleep once more.
It was no good. He needed time to heal for sure now, harnessing dreams should have been easy, if he couldn’t do that -he was in trouble.
Rest called to him. If he wanted to make it back eventually he’d have to preserve himself.
The Goblin King stuck a leg in the nest gingerly and then another and positioned himself this way and that in an attempt to get comfortable, pah! before giving into sleep.
The Goblin King woke , cursing the sun “close those drapes!” he hissed, faced down in the warmth of the bed, to the goblins that served him.
When the sun was still on his face he propped himself up ready to spell any goblin in front of him to the Bog, when he remembered where he was. Oh no… the tell-tale black feathers that he shifted brought last night flooding back.
He turned his eyes down to land them on the mortal’s sleeping form. Ah, more was coming back to him.
He remembered the way she’d held him and shivered.
Upon this thought the girl suddenly turned over with a groggy smile , catching his staring.
“Good morning, bird” the girl said through a yawn, hand under her head watching Jareth sleepily. Good morning indeed.
No longer able to settle into sleep, he watched her stretch, swinging her legs over the bed to sit at her vanity desk. He observed curiously as she plucked the small photograph of the mystery couple and kiss it. Interesting…
When she began to shift her nightdress upwards, Jareth- being the gentleman he was of course- swiftly turned his eyes away this time, protecting her dignity whilst she dressed. He heard her give a small, satisfied ‘hmmm’ , peering down at the empty dish smugly.
‘Don’t pride yourself you little minx, I was practically starving’ he mentally replied but he would have smiled if he could.
She finished dressing and he felt his stomach rumble at the sight of her re-filling the dish. Oh thank heavens. But then hurriedly made her way to the door.
Jareth was more than a bit shook at the immediate sense of overwhelming loss he felt upon seeing her back turned in retreat. No, please don’t go… Jareth found himself pleading, the girl smiled at him pityingly and a little guilty “Be back around 3, okay” the mortal promised, closing the door behind her.
He heard the front door slam too, hopping quickly to the window to see her walking down the street, rucksack over her shoulder and turn at the corner out of sight.
He sighed now what? The clock on the wall read 9:30, 3 o’clock was a long time away. He’d have to entertain himself he supposed.
Jareth ate the sweet seeds and berries, slower this time, building up the magic inside. He wouldn’t throw it away so carelessly again. He saved some for later.
In the daylight the room still managed to look wretched. He didn’t know how mortals lived like this. It could do with sprucing up. The wood underneath was causing him to lose all sensation in his backside.
Jareth made his way to the vanity again and then strolled across the carpet to perch on the think bookshelf. He cocked his head to read some of the fading titles. Grim’s fairty-tales, Alice In Wonderland, The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.
So the mortal likes a good old fashioned fantasy stories Jareth smirked.
Though perhaps by the look of them they were not necessarily newly acquired. Quite tattered in places.
Jareth scanned some more then nearly had a heart attack bumping into a round box. The lid of the box opened slowly and began to play tinkling music. No no! He flapped about trying to shut the lid but the bloody thing wouldn’t budge, someone was bound to be alerted. It was only when he lept on the lid it closed. The music died off.
The door closed, bringing the house alive again . Jareth read the clock, it was not yet 3 o’clock but perhaps you had come a tad early. His heart leapt. His sensitive ears could pick up humming, a female voice for sure, but not yours.
The footsteps came closer and Jareth glamoured himself invisible, not all humans were keen on the idea of birds roaming their houses.
He sat on your bed plainly, awaiting to see his uninvited guest.
A woman marched through the door casting her eye around the room. She closed the window muttering something under her breath. The blonde woman hummed again, tutting at the array of colourful scarves made into his nest. She retrieved them, folding them up
Hmmm you shouldn’t be here he thought slyly at the woman’s creeping, the way she went through the girl’s possessions, turning over the ordered objects, opening and closing drawers. Who was this? Even though he was given no insight to her sneakings or her identity, her very presence irked him, the slyness of her actions. He should know, he was a master in that art.
The Goblin King could hear the muffled shout of the girl’s entry.
“Hello?” the woman didn’t seem to notice even when her footsteps where approaching.
Ah you were home.
He watched you burst in, startling the older woman who jumped to immediately plummeted into telling you off he noticed your eyes skip around the room, looking for me?
The woman continued to shout and you didn’t look the least bit fazed which clearly irritated her more, oh you wind-up .
She said something again and was given a tight smile promising to do the dishes for the insufferable woman, like you were some scullery maid pah ! Not in the least!
Jareth heard you call for him but didn’t appear until you sounded as if you had given up. He glamoured himself to the beside table, your facing lighting up when your eyes landed on him
“Clever bird”
The mortal immediately soothed her hand over him, explaining her absence not that he could concentrate with the way her fingers moved up and down his feathers. You were so careful, like he was a prized possession.
“My name is Sloane- Sloane Hazel -in case you were wondering” he caught that.
So that is her name.
She held out your hand as if for him to take . Had he been a man he would have and kissed it grandly but he could only twitch his head in acknowledgement.
Sloane Hazel. What an unusual name, fit for an unusual mortal that he had taken a shine to. ‘The little raider’. A raider indeed.
“It was my parents’ name. I guess I should probably call you something over than ‘bird’ ”. The mortal-Sloane-left his side to clear the mess that awful woman had caused.
“That woman you just saw snooping around was my aunt. My uncle isn’t home yet. My parents are dead -so I live here. With them”.
The mortal held out the photograph to him, “that’s them. It’s okay, I got eight golden years with them, that’s more than some” you tipped up a smile, clearly trying to hide the underlying pain.
The absent parents. He felt sorry for her, doomed to live with such an awful woman, the man he had not met yet though he guessed he wasn’t exactly dazzle and shine himself.
She began to talk about herself, making up his bed again which he graciously seated himself in, feeling exhausted from the use of glamour as her soft voice played on his weariness like plucking the soft strings of an instrument. He closed his eyes willing her to speak on.
She was in front of him, giggling which startled him ‘oh yes laugh at my stupid form go on’ but he wasn’t really mad. Jareth was looking at the soft pucker of her lips as she spoke “I’m going to call you, ‘Never’. Like ‘Nevermore’, right?”
“Not that I’d expect you to understand, but it’s from a poem this guy wrote about a bird like you. He was a bit mad, but then maybe I am too talking to you”
He supressed a groan Nevermore! ’Very funny’ but this interested him so she is well read too…
“Nevermore... Ooh what about More, like as in ‘Moore’, that’s a real name at least. It kind of suits you”.
“My name is Jareth and I am the Goblin King”  he wanted to say right then
“Moore it is”.
Fantastic . But he was in no place to argue
“Sloane! Why can I still see dishes?” Kari called from the bottom of the stairs. “what did I say about shoes in the house!” she sounded irritated. The mortal rolled her eyes at Jareth with a giggle.
It was a few days later, when the girl had tended to his every need since his arrival, showered him in adoration, he discovered he could change back to his natural form unexpectedly.
Jareth stared down at his hand, confused how he could suddenly open his palm, a pink crystal bursting from it, when a week ago he was at death’s door. It was incredible. He was getting better.
He gave an ecstatic laugh, throwing back his head. Jareth the insipid raven no longer! But…now what? Would he just leave? Like the girl wasn’t a part of his life now?
The Goblin King hesitated looked around the girl’s bedroom, the place he had called home for the time, to rest his head, his sanctuary, would he just turn his back and leave?
Of course you fool, one part of him sneered, but then the other part thought about the delight on her face when she would race home to tell him about her day, sometimes she would rehearse her lines to him and act out a few parts, to which he applauded -of course mentally- , hold him close at night, murmur him the things she couldn’t say to another. If only he could show her his real self. Well he could now...
He would give her a gift. He crushed his hands together, closing his eyes to concentrate until the bangle he’d imagined formed in his hand.
“Hey, Moore, look what I found!”
Jareth stepped out from his hiding “hello, my dear” he greeted in his honey smooth voice but forgot he was the raven again, the blasted “caaar” that came from his beak instead, grating on his ears.
“did you just make a noise?!” Your eyes light up “Where did you come from anyway?” .
Jareth climbed on your arm, holding the bracelet proudly in his beak, hoping you would take the bloody heavy thing before he dropped it altogether.  “What’s this? Can I see?”.
Sloane held it curiously for a second, admiringly even, before placing it in the nest.
Jareth bit back a growl at her obliviousness before shoving it out of the nest towards her again, hoping she would put two and two together.
The girl stared at him confused, placing it at the very end of the desk so that he had to traispe all the way there just to push it in her direction again
‘she’ll be the bloody death of me’  he thought, wheezing at his damned weakness.
“Wait” she said “is this, for me?”
Jareth let out a sigh of relief “a round of applause for Ms. Hazel!” he said sarcastically but instead again “caaar!”
She slipped it on her wrist, fitting her perfectly.
Without warning she swept Jareth up cradling him “I love it” she said to him, right in his ear that gave him goosebumps, feeling along his soft wings with the tips of her fingers, then his neck, it was enough to drive anyone mad, mortal or not.
The spell was broken when that irritating voice of her aunts called her away forcing her to leave him alone once more. No!
The door shut behind her and Jareth turned back letting out a sigh. He ran his hand across his jaw where her fingers had just been a moment ago…
He swirled his hand for a crystal , gazing in it to see where she’d gone.
“Actually, Sloane, I was wondering if you would stay home this time, you know I don’t like the house left empty…Brian and I haven’t had much time together recently. He’s been very stressed at work”
Interesting… A wave of fury swept over him, upon seeing Sloane’s hopeful face crumple with bitter disappointment. She was being let down in someway. That godforsaken woman! If he had been the one on the receiving end of that beguiling look of hers, he could have denied her nothing.
He could have denied her… nothing…
He whipped the crystal away at the spark of an idea, that solved his nagging problem.
If he couldn’t leave Sloane to rot in this awful place…Then he’d take her with him. To the Underground.
His heart leapt -why hadn’t he thought of this before!
You know why.
Jareth switched back upon hearing her ascending pounding footsteps. The door banged open, startling even him. Wrath.
Sloane threw herself on her bed, face down. She didn’t make a sound for a minute, he’d even thought she’d fallen asleep until he heard the tell-tale gasp of a sob being released. Then another and another. She was crying. Jareth’s heart broke for her. The Goblin king nudged her arm, “look upon me, my sweet”.
Sloane sniffed, then sniffed again. He saw her angelic, tear-stained face, lift from the bed with a wobbling smile “iss ssnot fair, Moore”, she said hiccuping, “It’s like they dow-don’t even want to be seen with me! Imagine! Their o-own nuh-niece!”.
Sloane composed herself sluggishly, touching his bent head.
“Sometimes I think it’s easier to talk to you than to some of the people I know. Like you’re my oldest friend or something. Funny, huh? You’re lucky though, you have wings, when you’re better you can go anywhere. Where am I going? I’m going to be stuck forever. In this dismal town…” she trailed off.
It was ironically amusing. A week ago, he hadn’t realised he had neglected to possess much of a heart at all and now here he was, giving everything to her. It …was a strange realisation, to want to protect and care solely for someone other than himself. He recognised the feeling well.
Oh no this won’t do at all…He smirked, mentally at least. In a way it was a bit exhilarating, a bit juvenile but the Goblin King was fond of games.
“Sometimes I wish somebody would take me away” she murmured darkly, flickering her gaze to look directly into Jareth’s eyes “know what I mean?”.
Everything was falling into place, he could see it. He would gladly whisk her away to his land, where he would then gift her all of her dreams and cater to her every whim, where would dare to turn her away, least of all him. If she were so terribly unwanted by everyone in her life, he would be more than to relieve them of her.
She fell asleep shortly after that.
Jareth knew he had to play this whole matter very carefully and not spring too much on the girl just yet.
Blast it was freezing in here!
Sensing she was truly succumbed he quietly transformed for a moment.
He cast her a fond smile as he crossed to the window; latching it and drawing the curtains across to relieve them both of an early awakening from the sun.
He could feel his magic wearing off already, “Sleep well, sweet,” Jareth whispered, as he came to stand by Sloane’s bed, above her, he drew the blanket over her, fighting the urge to bend down and press a gentle kiss to her forehead to let her know she  was safe now, in good hands, that from here on, somebody was looking out for her.
“ For I have an idea” he murmured finishing off his thoughts before switching back under the light of the moon.
Jareth practiced his magic every day, showering Sloane with a treasury of jewels he’d made himself ,fit for a queen. He was definitely getting stronger.
He found he could enter her dreams fully now, he could hold her and dance with her. What joys they were even if they weren’t real. Then she’d wake up and the spell would be broken. She’d only remember fragments but they were etched in her mind somewhere. The mortals often had trouble recalling their encounters with magic, but they never left them behind. She was happy. He was glad.
One night he returned to the castle momentarily. Jareth had been hoping the underground had not fallen to pieces in his long absence and was grateful that for once everything seemed to be in order. He sunk into the armchair by the fire in his own chamber with a grateful sigh. It definitely beats a wooden nightstand.
Jareth got to work immediately. He knew exactly what had to be done.
He’d attached a tag to the book “Read me”
He’d also signed the front page in his own swirling cursive writing “For Sloane”.
Jareth leant over to place the book on her bed and entered her dream.
One day, when Jareth watched her leave as she normally did every morning from sitting on her window ledge. He was tossing a pink crystal and catching it again and again when curiosity got the better of him. He followed her journey from the house, grateful to finally feel the wind under his wings. He was careful to hide , flying above her undetected.
He waited patiently all day for Sloane, sometimes peering through windows to observe her quietly in classes until he was shooed away .
Jareth was beginning to grow tired of the lack of closeness until spotted her and another friend approaching the outdoors. His heart leapt.
They were chatting idly about something or another, every now and the Sloane said something highly amusing which made the friend burst out laughing, clutching Sloane’s arm.
He felt a stab of jealousy towards the friend, solely based on the simple fact that she was able to get so close to Sloane and have a real conversation with her, unlike his reduced state.
“Guilt tripping me to share my homework that’s new” he heard her chide and the pair laughed.
“Life saver” the friend leant in to embrace Sloane.
The same stab of jealousy struck Jareth, he involuntarily glared, the emotion so strong he accidently transformed at the exact moment the friend’s eyes fell in his direction, on him.
Uh oh.
It was too late- he’d been seen judging by the way the friend’s eyes widened at him. Sloane, however had ducked under the table and missed the whole thing.
He could hear her say something muffled and once again locked eyes on the friend who was gawping at him wordlessly. With a smirk, Jareth put his finger to his lips and disappeared from view.
He watched in his raven form from the tree nearby as the friend struggled to contain what she’d just seen , he saw the friend try and explain but by the looks of it , Sloane was hardly phased. Probably just as well.
Jareth deciding he’d seen enough for today took off to head back. He was beginning to grow tired again.
The warm of the scarf nest was calling to him , though most nights Jareth instead snuck out of the nest and hopped to Sloane’s bed to lie still against her and her own bodily warmth and subtly moved back before she woke.
When he fluttered through Sloane’s open window a warm, sharp sensation passed over him.
The sensation was so strong it knocked him into his natural form and made him double over. Jareth fell to his knees, clutching his stomach.
“Augh!” He’d never felt anything like this before. It didn’t last long, it was almost pleasant but it was strange. He could hear raised voices downstairs, by the sounds of it, the girl was in trouble for some reason or another. Again. It sounded like tonight she’d really be in for it, something special was going on apparently.
“-hould be here by now!” cried a shrill voice and Jareth groaned clutching his forehead. One thing he wasn’t going to miss when they finally left.
He picked himself up to sit on the corner of the single bed, it creaked violently. Some nights when Sloane rolled over the noise of the bed often stirred him awake irritably.
The door downstairs creaked, Sloane was home. Thank god.  Jareth listened in trying to decipher what was happening.
He waited to change back into the bloody bird form now that he was no doubt shot of magic juice by now but nothing happened.
In fact, he felt fine.
He stalked over to the vanity mirror , inspecting his eyes and then stuck out his tongue to inspect that. Everything was normal . He was healed.
He recognised her footsteps coming closer. Jareth lent casually against the desk, observing a car drive away down the street. He smiled ruefully.
Jareth disappeared.
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This One’s For You Steve Irwin
1818 words
(this is complete and utter nonsense but i had fun writing it lmao)
Clint wouldn’t lie and say he had been a little excited when Maria cleared them for this mission. At first he was going to pass it onto someone else or let Natasha handle it on her own this time. He had just come off a month long mission trying to take down an arms dealer in Benin, and was ready for some well deserved rest, but Maria knew how to reel him back in. At first she had just told him that it was in Australia, easy, would probably be up in a week, and he could stay in the country for however long he wanted until they called him back for another mission (the last part sounded too good to be true, but Clint had vacation days saved up and he would use them on the sunshine coast in a heartbeat).
That grabbed enough of his attention to ask just how “easy” this mission was supposed to be. When Maria told him that they had to discreetly take down someone who had been smuggling biological weapons through Australia Zoo, he actually laughed.
“Is the crime world so desperate they’re willing to smear Steve Irwin’s legacy for their evil plan?” he had asked.
Maria just shrugged. “I don’t know. But apparently, they’re doing a sloppy job, because Queensland Police have had multiple tips from staff and tourists reporting suspicious behavior.”
“Then why not let Queensland Police handle it?”
“Because it’s one of ours.” Maria said handing him the file with the mission report.
Clint vaguely remembered the face in the blurry security camera picture. Some cadet who had defected early into training, too tempted by the easy money of some crime lord one of his friends had been running with. Maybe this would be easy, Clint had trained him for a short while, and the young man, Jacob if he remembered correctly, was shrimpy, never ranked high in any of his physical tests. But apparently he was a good enough businessman to have a weapons deal running down under.
He accepted the mission, and three days later, he and Natasha boarded a painstakingly long twenty hour flight. When they finally got to their hotel, Clint sang the praises to every deity he could name off the top of his head.
“You gonna lounge around all day or are we gonna get to work?” Natasha said coyly, tossing a t-shirt on his head.
Clint had been spread out across the bed for several minutes while Natasha was coming out the bathroom from a shower. “Ugh, five more minutes. That flight was the devil.”
“This heat is about to be the devil. I can’t believe we have to stake out a zoo during Australia’s summer.” Natasha said as she brushed out her hair.
“Hey, look on the bright side, we can go to the Crocoseum when we’re done.”
“Hm, that's true.” Natasha laughed. “But seriously, let's get this over with. There's no way that skinny asshole can be that big of a problem.”
But as it turned out, that skinny asshole ended up being a complete problem. Since the calls had been coming in about suspicious behavior, security at the zoo had been tightened. They had to go in without weapons, which they most likely wouldn't have needed, but going in without at least a pistol made Clint feel naked in his khaki shorts and t shirt. The only sort of gear they took in was a radiation monitor that Natasha had smuggled in in her purse.
The tight security also made it that much harder to scope their target out without alerting any of the staff. Sure they were just moderately trained cops and staff, but Clint would have much rather preferred to not have their cover blown (that and he really wanted to see the croc feeding at four).
They didn't stay the entire day, only about two hours. It was crowded and with the security, all they could really do is scout out staff entrances and exists, and keep an eye out for Jacob's face in the crowd.
The second day was a bit more promising. In the crowded cafe, Natasha was able to pick up a reading on the radiation found in the weapon they were looking for.
“West side of the zoo,” she signed to him. He had his hearing aids in, but it was easier to talk about the mission this way.
“Oh goody, looks like we're going to Africa.” Clint signed back as he looked at the map to see where exactly they would be heading.
Once in the African enclosures of the zoo, the crowd had thinned out a little and the security was a little less dense. Clint walked with his arm around Natasha's shoulder, leaning a little too hard into their newlywed cover. But how could he not? The jovial energy of the zoo, the perfect weather, Natasha looking like an angel in her green sundress, ponytail, and New York Giants baseball cap she had nicked from him a few weeks back. It was painfully blissful, and here he was trying to chase down a defunct cadet instead of being able to fully enjoy it.
“I got it.” Natasha signed, walking out from under Clint's arm.
He sighed as the moment ended, duty was always calling. He followed her as she walked along the perimeter of the enclosure, passing rhinos and giraffes as he went. When she stopped and looked up, her gaze went inward to the animals.
“What the,” she started, “that can't be right.”
“What is it?” Clint asked.
Natasha didn't say anything, there was a security guard walking past them. Instead she passed him the monitor. The signal was strong alright, the blip on the radar binging like crazy. Clint looked in the direction the monitor was saying the radiation was strongest; the herd of rhinos.
“Wh-what?” Clint said perplexed.
Natasha nudged him in the ribs with her elbow, the guard passing them had turned around. She laced her fingers in his and faked a laugh, as if she was laughing at Clint's reaction to a bad joke she had just told. The guard turned and walked off.
“Let's go.” Natasha signed.
Back at the hotel, Clint finally blurted out his theory as to what was going on, “He's smuggling the weapons through the animals. Like some drug trafficking type shit.”
Natasha shook her head. “No that'd be too easy to find out. I doubt a rhino would be able to hold down an atomic bomb in its stomach for long.”
Clint raised an eyebrow. “Are you hinting at what I think you are?”
“It's so stupid it's almost amazing, isn't it?” Natasha said.
“Just to be sure, we are both thinking that the animals are the weapons right?”
“Yeah that's totally it.” Natasha answered. He couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not.
That night, they donned their catsuits and gear and headed back to the zoo. Clint felt like he was going to hell for breaking into the zoo. Australia Zoo of all zoos to run a weapons ring, and in the animals themselves? It was already bad enough that it was animal abuse, but the things this would do to Steve Irwin's legacy if it got out? Clint made a note to kick Jacob's ass a little harder when they caught him.
First they took out the security cameras and set off a distraction in the food court. “Sonic arrow should do well enough for a couple minutes right?” Clint signed to Natasha.
They made their way back to the African enclosures but the monitor indicated that wherever the radiation had been coming from had moved.
“Shit, we're too late.” Natasha said.
“No, look over there.” Clint pointed to a small spot of light across the large field. The shape of the truck was almost impossible to make out in the darkness, but someone had left the light on inside.
“We gotta hurry. I really don't wanna disappoint any of the Peta freaks at work.” Natasha said.
They jumped the fence and sprinted across the field, Clint a little wary of the animals around them, but they took a wide path to avoid spooking the herd. But by the time they were halfway across the field, the truck driver had caught sight of them and started the engine.
“Shit. Clint,” Natasha hissed beside him.
“I'm on it!” He whipped an arrow out his quiver and took aim at the truck's tires, but the driver braked in front of them, narrowly avoiding running them over. A man stepped out the driver’s side, Jacob.
“Ha! I guess I finally popped up on Shield’s radar.” he said, sounding impressed, “Guess my little operation is going better than I thought.”
“Dude, you’re using rhinos for some fucked up weapons experiments.” Natasha, irritation dripping from her voice, “That’s not very honorable.”
“And at Steve Irwin’s zoo? The hell’s the matter with you?” Clint followed.
Jacob rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Some jackass in Africa wants souped up baby rhinos, I’m gonna give him souped up baby rhi-” Jacob’s sentence was cut off by one of Clint’s trick shots piercing his shoulder and electrocuting him.
“G-d these guys just can’t pass up a chance to monologue.” he huffed.
Natasha went to apprehend Jacob while Clint went to the bed of the truck and found a baby rhino sedated in the bed. “Hey there fella,” he whispered, rubbing his hand along its side. “We’re gonna get you home to your mom safe and sound.”
The rest of the night went smoothly. They alerted zoo security, and told them about Jacob’s plan. Natasha assured them that all the animals sold through Jacob would be returned as soon as possible, she and Clint both knew it wouldn’t take much to get the young man to crack and tell where he had shipped the poor animals off to. When all was said and done, there was technically five days left in their mission, and Maria had said that Clint could spend however long he wanted in Australia until his next mission. The next morning at the hotel, Clint woke Natasha up early with soft kisses on her cheek.
“Good morning to you too.” she smiled. “Happy to see me?”
“Yes, but there’s also a croc feeding at noon, and I really wanna meet Terri Irwin.” Clint whispered. 
Natasha rolled over and hit him in the head with her pillow. “G-d you only took this mission to come to Australia Zoo, didn’t you?” 
“What? No. I took this mission to honor the late, great Steve Irwin, and go to Australia Zoo.” 
Natasha laughed, and got out of bed. The rest of their stay was as sweet and simple as their newlywed cover had been, and for the time being, Clint couldn’t think of a better job in the world to have. 
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rk800hunter · 6 years
Dramatics Final - Connor x Reader (M Rated)
Summary: Jealous/Protective Connor being jealous over reader’s close friend. Events lead one to another.
Pairing: Connor X Reader
A/N: Yikes you guys, this took forever... I'm so sorry... Also life is crap xD so I had to deal with that... I'm so sorry that this took forever to write but you guys pleaded for a finale so I couldn't say no! This is my first time writing smut, and I can tell you that I'm not good x.x Hope you guys enjoy and can look over the mistakes!
Tags: @captain-winter-wolf-aehs, @rosealexandersson , @alientrashbin , @honeybeelily , @dragonempress123 , @randomstuff-idontwannatalkaboutit, @sygin , @dylan-o-yumm @im-a-slut-for-connors-hair-flipp, @elaneth-elf-friend, @chisooyaaa (missing tags here too! Sorry!)
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You were propped up against a giant pillow on the hospital bed, pulling a face as you stared at the hospital gunk that meant to be dinner, laying in the tray in front of you. You unappetizingly poked it with a fork, trying to will yourself to eat but your brain and tongue refused to cooperate. Sighing with defeat, you placed down the fork and stared out the window that you were nearby. There were only a few cars that rhythmically flashed in and out of the streetlights, as the busses hummed and sent the last workers the comfort of their home. You could hear the quiet buzz of the night life in the hospital outside your room. It was a pro-android and pro-human hospital that accomandated everyone. Like all hospitals, it was dustless, blinding white and smelt of bleach.
It had been a few days since the incident of the terrorism at the restaurant. After tending to you, Connor had left the ambulance to fulfill his job as detective whilst you were sent to the local hospital. Your mind had been whirring with complicated emotions whilst physically, it felt like you didn't know your body anymore. The doctors had checked you out and reported that they had found several broken ribs and a concussion of sort, leaving you with no choice but to recover at the hospital for a few days until they had allowed your release.
Connor hadn't checked in on you since you were admitted. You suspected that he was busy with Hank with the restaurant investigation but it hurt when the older, gruff lieutenant had walked through the door alone, bearing flowers and the stuffed Sumo doll. If Hank had the time to visit, then where was Conner?
You had timidly asked why Conner hadn't called or visited and all Hank said in a sour tone while he pulled up a chair beside you was "Even Fowler couldn't say anything to me, fucking classified Cyberlife shit or something."
Trying to not look so disappointed, you had nodded and smiled, moving on from the subject. However, Hank wasn't fooled and had smiled sympathetically, patting your hand. "I'm sure he has his reasons, kiddo."
[F/N] had also came to visit, only suffering minor burns from the “accident.” They had wholeheartedly apologized, blaming themselves that you were in this state.
“If I hadn’t came back, this wouldn’t have happened,” their voice had cracked, eyes tearing up. “Seeing you on a hospital bed...”
You had shook your head and pulled them into a hug. “I was the one that had asked you for dinner out, I’m sorry.”
They came to visit you often, rescuing you from the hospital gunk with take-outs and such. They tried their best to keep you smiling, cracking jokes and sharing more stories. You enjoyed their company but your mind was somewhere else. Or...should I say, on someone else. The one that was missing.
You felt quite irritated, if not dejected. The longing and aching slowly turned into anger and resentment. He had said all those things to you and yet he hasn't shown himself for a follow up. It felt as if he was playing you. But it was Connor... The sweet, supposedly innocent android that took every joke literally. You didn't think he was capable of doing playing with people's hearts.
An android nurse with dark hair and light blue eyes entered the room, knocking lightly on the door as he did. "Housekeeping," he quipped charmingly. "How are the ribs doing tonight?" He was assigned to be your personal nurse to assist you with your recovery; making sure that you fed, wound was cleaned and that dirty bandages were changed every few hours or so, etc...
You turned to smile at him. "Hey Caleb, they're better."
Caleb glanced at the untouched food that lay on your lap and sighed, picking it up. "You can't always not eat the things we provide, [Y/N]," he chided. "Your bones need it to recover."
You rolled your eyes and stuck out your tongue at him. "Thanks, mom... It's not like you need to eat this stuff."
He laughed and set the tray aside before turning expectantly at you. "I am extremely sure your mother would have forced fed you. Lift up your arms."
You were always so flustered whenever he had to disinfect the wound and change your bandages. Whenever it was time to get them renewed, it meant that you'd have to take off your hospital gown and expose your entire torso to him. Sure, he was a professional nurse, but all androids were free and deviant which meant they were more human than anything. You hated feeling vulnerable, even to a professional. You reluctantly lifted up your arms as he carefully lifted the gown over your head. The bandages were wrapped from around your shoulders, chest and stopped just above your belly. You shivered as the sudden brisk night air crawled over skin. Caleb placed the gown on one of the chairs beside the bed and began rummaging through the medical drawers. He frowned and looked at you apologetically.
"Sorry, [Y/N]," he said with a sheepish grin. "I need to go fetch more bandages from the storeroom."
You pouted at him as he quickly left. You flomped back onto the giant pillows and stared and the polystyrene ceiling, sort of enjoying the feeling of the cold, smooth bed sheets against your hot skin. You pulled the sheets closer to your chest. Ugh. Being injured was such an inconvenience; you could barely move without wincing. At least the bones were mending and the gash was kept disinfected. While your mind drifted off into the void, you heard the door slide open again, sharp footsteps echoing against the tiles. It must be Caleb returning with your bandages.
"That was quick," you quipped.
You turned your head to your nurse only to find that it wasn't Caleb. Her back was turned so you couldn't tell who it was. She was wearing a hospital gown, skin sickly yellow and had long, messy curled hair. The woman was twitching weirdly, causing nausea to rise from your stomach.
"Uhm... Hello?" you greeted warily, propping yourself up with your elbows but keeping the blankets up to cover yourself.
"No witnesses..." she whispered.
You frowned. "Excuse me?"
The unknown woman turned slowly. Her eyes were clouded, white and wild. They were very unfocused as they darted left and right. Her mouth was slightly parted open and you could see a bit of froth edge from the corner of her lips. She suddenly pointed at you. You realised that hand was holding a scalpel.
"No witnesses!" she hissed, her twitching becoming more violent.
You had to quickly rack your brains. You won't about to die half naked. She had to be one of the patients from the rehab ward that took in red ice users. Only red ice would be able to explain her symptoms and psychotic outbreak. Whilst holding the blankets to your chest with one hand, you held up the other as if to reassure her.
"Hey, it's okay," you breathed slowly. "Like you said, no witnesses. It's just us two."
The woman took a shaky step towards the bed, scalpel still gripped in the air. "They know!" she screeched "You know!"
You swallowed, trying to keep your voice soothed and steady, as if confronting a wild animal. You just had to keep her calm until Caleb returns.
You shook your head. "No, I don't. I don't know anything. No one knows anything."
Suddenly, the door slid violently open causing her to jolt and scream as she rushed towards you. She was right on top of you when a hand grips the woman's wrist, stopping the scalpel from right above. She was violently dragged away from you and pinned against the wall as her arm twisted painfully behind her. The scalpel dropped onto the floor, echoing sharply on the tiles.
With crisp brown hair, Cyberlife uniform, and a composed form (even when restraining the struggling and screaming attacker), it was the one and only RK800 series Connor. You stared at him, your blood pumping with adrenaline. He doesn't look at you, instead focusing on the hysteric patient. One hand was holding the twisted arm to her back and another held a gun to her head.
Connor gritted his teeth as his eyes narrowed harshly. "It would seem that you have been indulging yourself in too much...fun," he growled. "You should've picked another room."
Was he going to shoot this poor lady? She was in rehab for a reason; it meant that she needed help. "Connor!" you called out to him in desperation. "You can't shoot her."
He doesn't even turn his head to acknowledge you. He huffed in frustration and you can visibly see his jaw tighten. "Call your nurse, [Y/N]."
You quickly jabbed the emergency button by the headboard. In panic and concern, Caleb had rushed into your room with his hands full with rolls of bandages. He opened his mouth in question but immediate stalled in shock after seeing Connor and the patient by the wall. He quickly set the bandages on the drawer and protectively stepped in the space between you and Connor. Connor's lips thinned as he studied Caleb. The woman had stopped struggling, quietly crying to herself. He pulled her away from the wall and threw her into Caleb who stumbled as he caught her by the arms. The detective straightened up and adjusted his tie as he glared at the nurse.
"Take her back to her ward," Connor ordered sharply. "If this happens again...I will not hesitate to shut this hospital down."
Caleb nodded silently and guided the disturbed patient out but not before glancing at you apologetically. As the door clicked shut, Connor turned to you, sighing in relief.
He walked closer to your bed and reached out to brush softly against your cheek. "You're safe now, [Y/N]."
His eyes were full of concern, warmth with a tinge of a plea. You searched them with your own, filled with shock from the incident but also how he had coincidentally arrived just in time. You suddenly felt anger as it shot through your chest to your head. Feeling your face grow hot with fury, you slapped his hand away.
"Where the hell have you been?!" you scowled bitterly. "It's been a week and oh wow, suddenly you think it's okay to just show up unannounced?!"
Conner tilted his head in puzzlement. "Are you angry that I just saved you?"
On good days, you'd think that his head tilt habit was adorable and quirky, but today was not that day. It made you even more irritated and the fire you could feel in your veins were probably more than enough to burn acres of forests.
Rolling your eyes, you threw your hands in the air. "I had it all under control," you scoffed. "I didn't need you to come and screw everything up. I'm not a goddamn damsel in distress, for crap sake. And plus, who are you to send me to a hospital and not even check on me for days, or even let me know if you were okay and-"
Conner cleared his throat loudly, interrupting your passionate rant. "[Y/N]..."
You noticed that he was avoiding eye contact, averting his eyes to anywhere but you. His cheeks were rising with red as he shifted uncomfortably and stiffly on the spot.
"What?" you spat.
The Android briefly glanced at you, scanning for a second before he blinked away again. He cleared his throat again and hesitatingly gestured in your direction.
"Y-you..." he stuttered. "You might want to cover yourself before reprimanding me."
You froze in realization. No. Way. These things only happened in drama series or movies. Your pulse quickened and the rising heat on your cheeks increased by 30 degrees. You looked down and he was indeed correct. With your wild gesturing all over the place, the blankets had fallen onto your lap, leaving your chest bare and open for everyone to see. Or in this case, for Connor to study and admire. You had forgotten that your hospital gown was removed for fresh new bandages. You let out a small, embarrassed yelp before you scrambled to cover yourself with the blankets, burying your hot face in it. Oh my God. Nooooooooo.... You whined in your head, mentally beating yourself up. You heard Connor let out a soft chuckle, making you feel even more awkward.
Scrunching up your face in the sheets, you muffledly barked. "Shut up and go away..."
Before Connor had a chance to say anything, Caleb had returned from his expedition, not looking too pleased. He stood by the open door and crossed his arms, glaring at the detective.
"I have rectified the situation," Caleb informed, offering a forced smile. "You are required to kindly remove yourself from the room so I may tend to my patient."
Connor's face visibly soured and his nose twitched into a subtle snarl. It was that software error again. The one that made him do strange things and scare [Y/N]'s friends away. He tried to self-diagnose quickly but the "feeling" is already overwhelming him. He really didn't like the idea of someone else touching you. Okay sure, he was your nurse and had taken care of you whilst he was gone but... It was still someone else. But now that he was back, Caleb isn't needed anymore.
You watched Connor warily as he took a slow step towards the nurse. It looked like he was going to assert his dominance again.
The Android detective towered Caleb who stood his ground but a little shakingly. Connor's voice lowered dangerously.
"Thank you, sir, but I will take it from here," he growled softly.
Caleb tried to stand taller, about to argue back. "Mr C-"
"Caleb, it's okay," you firmly interrupted, desperately not wanting a fist fight in your hospital room. "He will know what to do."
You gave your nurse a remorseful look before he nodded respectfully and left the room, clicking the door closed behind him. You buried your face into the blankets again, unable to look at Connor. After awhile, you heard him shuffle around the room and felt the edge of the bed sink as he sat down. You lifted your head slowly as you felt his hand along with a type of fabric gently press against your exposed back.
Connor was smiling at you gently. "It would seem like I am always patching you up."
You blew air through your nose in disbelief, turning away from him. "You did kick out the nurse."
You shuddered slightly as you felt Connor work his way achingly slowly with the bandage from your back to your chest. His hands were brushing ever so softly against you. He was sitting so closely, that you could feel his warm breath against your cheek and neck. You could see his pulse by the nape of his neck, quickening slightly. His brown eyes were looking down, but you could see that they were unfocused and filled with a certain something. You could see his pores and the small imperfections that Cyberlife gave their androids to make them more convincingly human. His front curl hung loosely by his forehead. Goosebumps were rising, giving away the fluttering feeling in your stomach. You felt yourself lean closer to him, closing the proximity between you. Your face was just inches away form his. Much to your delight, he responded by mirroring your movement as your thighs pressed against his. His LED flashed yellow. You could hear his breathing become heavier, his chest rising and falling in slight uncertainty, matching your own. Your eyes were filled with longing as you tried to search his downcasted ones.
You gasped as you felt his thumb brush against your nipple, sending a sensitive jolt through your body to your loins. Connor's jaw tightened as he swallowed uncomfortably, body almost desperately looking for more contact as he leant in further. He was still holding the bandage, wrapped from your back but he was hesitant to cover your chest. He couldn't avert his eyes from the beautiful sight in front of him. Humans were amazing, and this specific human in front of him was beyond anyone else in the world. You were beautiful, breathtaking and it drove him mad.
His eyes traveled from your chest, to your collarbones. He thought they were delicate and angled and molded perfectly to your form. He returned his eyes to your breasts, allowing his thumb to brush against the sensitive spot again, clearly enjoying the whimper that escaped your throat. Dropping the bandage, he cupped one of your mounds, softly squeezing and weighing it in his hand. It was so soft, smooth and just...so satisfying to hold.
He looked up at you, his eyes filled with that plea and passion he had held the other night. You returned his look with your own, trying to communicate that you needed him. Without a warning, he clumsily smashed his mouth into yours. He couldn't take it any longer. He needed to make you his.
You moaned into his mouth as you feel his grip on your one breast tighten. Your loins were tightening and you could feel it wetten itself with desire as his tongue pried your mouth open, fighting and curling against your own. His lips were so incredibly real. Kissing him felt like eating a peach that riped perfectly at that moment. Soft and sweet. Connor moved himself until he was nearly on top of you but not quite, not breaking the heated tongue wrestle. You whimpered slightly as he shifted to suckle on your lower lip. The air was filled with breathy moans and lots of shifting in the sheets.
You brushed your hands through his locks, pulling his head to the side, exposing his neck. You were about to attack but Connor stopped you, gently grabbing your chin and forcing you to look into his lust, clouded eyes.
"No," he breathed. "You don't do anything."
You gaped at him in confusion. "Wha-"
Your moaned loudly and your hands fell to grip the sheets as he unsuspectingly reached and rubbed his fingers against your sex through the gown. It reminded you how the hospital gowns were so easily accessible from the down under. You were essentially wearing a crappy dress. The detective tutted, shaking his head and smirked.
"Be a good girl," he purred as he gripped your wrists, pinning them above your head. "You don't want them to hear you, do you?"
You bit down hard on your lower lip, pleading with your eyes. You shook your head obediently. Connor nuzzled against your nose, closing his eyes. He inhaled deeply, taking in your scent. You smelt amazing... He didn't know what it was but your natural smell stirred a beast inside of him as he savored it.
"Wait wait, Connor," you panted, suddenly regaining a bit of your senses. "We are in a hospital. What if Caleb comes in? "
The detective gave you a coy smile and leaned in right next to your ear to nibble at you ear lobe. "Well then, he is more than welcome to watch," he whispered, sending shivers through your whole body. You closed your eyes and bathed in his scent and presence. He trailed kisses down your jawline, stopping to bite at your neck. You took this opportunity to softly knead his crotch with your thigh. Oh surprise, surprise, Cyberlife didn't miss out a single part in their androids; there was definitely something there... And it was big... He gave a breathy groan, eyes flashing passionately but angrily at you. He growled loudly causing your heart to accelerate.
Connor let go of your wrists and threw aside his jacket. You just laid there in awe, afraid to move or disobey. You were his now, under his influence and command. You may not be used to being submissive and obedient... But it seemed that Connor was in a dangerous mindset at the moment. You were slightly afraid but mostly turned on.
He suddenly laid beside you, causing you to look at him in puzzlement. Propping himself on one elbow, he gently cupped your face with the other hand. He stared deeply at you, searching for you.
"Unbutton me," he ordered firmly. You swore it sounded more like he was begging.
Without hesitating, you hoisted yourself until you were straddingly him. You pressed your sex against his trapped crotch, causing him to buck up into you. Immediately working on his buttons, you let the cloth fall open, unraveling his perfect body. You loved it when it was pristine white and vulnerable but this was fine. He was slowly trailing both hands down your body, tracing every curve and shape but carefully avoiding your wound. He let his hands rest on your hips whilst yours fell to tracing his chest. He pushed up against you and you gasped. The goddamn hospital gown was open from underneath, leaving you to feel every pressure through your underwear.
Connor grinned cockily. He bit his lower lip and raised an eyebrow. You stared at him in disbelief. This android...enjoyed torturing you. Get a load of that.
To punish him for taking you as an easy being, you swiftly unbuckled his belt and pulled both his pants and undergarments down, his cock springing free. Good lord, it was a sight. Throbbing and bouncing in the air, your eyes widened at the sight of a trophy. Seriously, Cyberlife, so much detail? Your loins pulsed and pleaded at you, wanting to ride it. He was about to protest but it was replaced with a stuttering moan as you stuffed your mouth with his member. You grinned with your mouth full. Serves him right...
You dragged your tongue all over his cock, wettening it with your saliva. Taking in all his essence, you bobbed your head slowly, torturing him. He was completely in your control. His body was both limp and stiff as you worked your magic around his trophy. You gently grazed your teeth against it, causing him to suddenly raise his hips into your mouth. He whimpered your name as you moaned, allowing him to feel the vibrations in your throat.
It was as if at that moment Conner realised that the tide has turned and he had to turn it back. He was under your control and he had to take control back, to let you know who the alpha male was. He pulled you up and out of his cock, as you let your mouth pop away. The Android gripped your wrists and twisted you firmly until he was on top of you. You yelped out in surprise, letting yourself fall back onto the bed. Luckily, Connor knew the best way to wrestle without hurting your injuries. He reached under and ripped away your underwear with ease. Your head was spinning and you couldn't control your hastened breathing. You felt hot and your sex was just burning with so much desire. You pleaded him.
"Connor, please," desperation leaked from your mouth.
Connor licked his lips, looking down at you as if predator looking at prey. His eyes were full of hunger. "Just because you asked so nicely."
He guided his cock into you, pushing in slowly. It was bliss. You nearly cried out in pain and pleasure as he penetrated you. He doesn't even let you adjust, pulling it out and pushing it in again. He grunted, eyes hooded and mouth agape. It was great that Cyberlife had a euphoria response in androids. It was even more amplified as a deviant.
He picked up speed, and you felt his throbbing member inside of you. You were so tight around him, slipping and sliding as he pounded into you. You whimpered out his name, begging him to go deeper and faster.
Suddenly, there was blinding white and then you spilled all over him. It was the limit for a Connor too.
"[Y/N]!" he cried out, allowing his systems to overheat as he came. It was absolutely intoxicating.
He collapsed on top of you, trying not to crush you with his weight. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as you pressed your forehead against his. Conner nuzzled against your cheek, inhaling you all over again as if he was scared you would disappear.
"I need you, [Y/N]."
"And I'm here to stay. I'm yours."
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Why Castiel/Hannah should be a more mainstream ship
This is going to be a long essay, but I need to say it. For those of you who follow me, I’ve said a lot of the same things before, but I think it's finally time to address the naysayers head-on.
Now, before I continue, and before people accuse me of attacking their ship, that’s not what I am trying to do. Yes, Destiel shippers irritate me sometimes, but it’s not the ship itself that annoys me, it's the toxic haters that make up the ranks of that ship. You know who you are. I have every respect for Destiel, Megstiel, and any other ship, really. Just because I personally don’t ship it doesn’t mean I disrespect or hate on it.
But I also think that it's time that my ship also gets the recognition it deserves. And it’s time that Hannah, as a character, gets the respect she deserves. I am always disappointed by how little credit she gets from the fans, I am continually seeing mood boards, aesthetics, collages commemorating the women of Supernatural, or the angels of Supernatural and Hannah is regularly absent from these boards. And she deserves way more than to be forgotten.
I hope that, with the show coming to an end, people who plan to rewatch the show through will remember her and give her a chance to shine.
To illustrate why I think that Hanstiel should be counted among the more popular ships that in involve Castiel, I’d like to debunk the top 10 arguments I have had thrown in my direction by people who think they can bully me away from loving Hannah and Hanstiel.
But they are literal siblings!
Ugh. This argument. Okay if that’s what you think, fine, that’s your opinion, but you need to realize that this is up to personal interpretation. Yes, the angels consider themselves siblings, but it’s evident that the SPN writers don’t necessarily consider this a literal thing because there are a few incidents of angel pairings. Daniel and Adina, fallen angels, were clearly lovers. Also, if Chuck created angels, he also created humanity, but do you consider some random Human on the street your sibling? This is really an old argument, and it doesn’t hold much stock, but it's really up to personal belief about the show. You can’t force your views about this on me, and you can’t try to persuade me your opinion is right because it is just that- your opinion. Mine is valid too.
Also, a side note. If you ship Wincest but pull this ‘angels are siblings’ card, then you are a hypocrite.
But Caroline Johnson was married!
And? So was Jimmy Novak. Are you trying to imply that because Caroline was a woman, she needed to return to her husband any more than Jimmy Novak needed to return to his wife? This argument reeks of misogyny.
Hannah abandoned Castiel when she found out about his borrowed grace.
Yes, she did. But think about it from her point of view, she had this unwavering trust in Castiel as her leader and what he did was considered abhorrent to her and her fellow angels. Finding this out from Metatron instead of Castiel himself was no doubt a shock to her, and it left her scrambling to figure out how to reconcile this blow to her faith in him. And this doubt didn’t last long, as soon as she realized what was going on, she went right back to him and resumed her unwavering trust in him.
Hannah tried to tell Castiel to kill Dean
Again, see it from her point. She was trying to grasp and process what she had just learned. And she knew that angels were blowing themselves up in Castiel’s name. She didn’t want to believe it was true and she needed something to cling to. She doesn’t know the Winchesters, as well as Castiel, does, she has no reason to trust them, and she doesn’t understand the bond Castiel has with them.
Hannah tortured Castiel in season 11
No, Ephraim and Jonah tortured him. And even though it was revealed that Hannah was in on it, it also clear that she was pressured into it. Just look at how Ephraim and Jonah talk to her, they were very disrespectful to her, and it was clear this was their idea. And whatever part she played in this, she protested it, and in the end, she fought and died saving Castiel. She literally gave her life for him.
It’s Hannah’s fault Gadreel committed suicide!
No, it's not. Hannah came down to the prison, and it's clear she wanted to try to understand Castiel’s stance. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have been down there in the first place. Castiel and Gadreel didn’t need a guard. She was trying to sort it all out, and Gadreel acted impulsively.
Hannah is hot-tempered and impulsive
Hell yeah, she is. She tried to attack Tessa when Tessa called her weak, and she totally started the fight with Adina. Oh, and we can’t forget how she smashed Metatron’s face into the bars for making a sexual remark towards her. But that’s all what makes her an awesome character. She has flaws. As a writer myself, I can tell you that perfect Polly's are no fun at all. Hannah had depth, she was complicated. She was brave and badass, but she certainly had apparent flaws. Besides, are you trying to tell me the Winchesters don’t have flaws? Hannah is badass.
Hannah was obviously meant to be Castiel’s love interest
Yeah, she probably was, but I mean so? Can’t Castiel have a little happiness in his life? Besides, she wasn’t just that. She was his second in command, she was a leader in her own right. She even led heaven! She wasn’t only Castiel’s love interest, she was amazing in her own right.
If you don’t ship Destiel, then you are a homophobe!
First of all, I am a bisexual woman. I am allowed to be attracted to both men and women, and it’s obvious that I am crazy about Hannah. Also, it's okay for me to prefer het relationships. I happen to be married to a man. I am generally attracted to what I can relate to, and there should be no shame in that. In any case, I don’t need to justify my interests to you. And anyway, you do know that Hannah took a male vessel at the end right? And that Castiel took a female vessel in the past?
Castiel obviously loves Dean!
Okay. Like I said, I respect all ships. But you are going to have to come to terms that in addition to Dean and Sam, Castiel also loved Meg and Hannah. He may have even harbored feelings for Kelly Kline. Since none of those ships became completely canon, we the fans, must interpret what we will about it. I don’t ship Destiel, Megstiel, or Castiel/Kelly Kline but I respect that Castiel may or may not have feelings for any one of them in canon. The world may never know if this was so. Chemistry is in the eye of the beholder. I could see clear signs that Castiel had feelings for Hannah, and I can document such signs, but that’s what fiction is. It’s something that’s not real in the first place so we the fans are free to interpret what we see as we will.
And here are some points I want to make as to why Hannah is amazing and why she is precisely what Castiel needed.
Hannah is the kind of rare angel that Gabriel was talking about back in season 9. The type that is more than a machine built to obey
Hannah has empathy. She is a rather passionate angel. This is her strength and her inner struggle. She is an angel, bound by her instincts to obey and stuck in her strict principles of angel code, but it's pretty clear that she doesn’t obey without question. In many ways, she is a lot like Castiel was in season 4, but unlike Castiel, she seems to have had these feelings all along. Castiel had to learn them. In “meta-fiction,” Gabriel claimed that he and Castiel were rebels because they were different than other angels. And I think that Hannah was another one of those rare ones, with the potential to understand free will.
She never once brought up Castiel’s past nor never appeared to resent him or hold a grudge against him or feared him for what he did to heaven
All throughout season nine, when Castiel was without grace, whenever he encountered another angel, they were quick to blame him for the fall. They actively hated him or even feared him. Some even tried to kill him. Many still resented him for the war with Raphael. Pretty much all the angels Castiel encountered harbored these feelings towards him, but when Castiel met Hannah in that warehouse, she lacked that resentment. She had just been tortured by Gadreel and left in a room full of dead angels, and when she met Castiel, she knew who he was. She never once brought up the war with Raphael, or even the fall, something she herself was a victim of and was no doubt traumatized by. She never feared or hated Castiel.
She was devoted to him in a way that no one in the show has ever been
Castiel really needs someone who could devote themselves to him the way that he would devote himself to them in return. Hannah fits the bill. She listened to him when he taught her about humanity. I mean, really listened. And throughout their road trip, she was more concerned with trying to help with Castiel’s fading grace than she was with her mission. His suffering and deterioration clearly bothered her. Even though she acted on impulse many times, she’d listen to him as he explained why things are the way they are here on Earth.
She was even willing to make a deal with Metatron
This one is a big one because it proves that Hannah is like a Winchester! How many times has Sam or Dean made a deal to save one another? They would pick each other over the world any day. And has either of them ever made that sacrifice for Castiel? Well, Hannah was going to. She knew full well the possible consequences of letting Metatron out, but she was willing to do it to save Castiel’s life. If he hadn’t gotten there, she would have. I think it was a surprise to Castiel because no one has ever cared about him like that.
She literally begged him to take care of himself
It’s clear that Hannah had feelings for Castiel, and they motivated her to be concerned with. Maybe Castiel was uncomfortable with her affections because he’s not used to someone being concerned with his well being? Which is really sad if you think about it. Regardless of her feelings for him, Hannah was concerned that Castiel wasn’t taking care of himself. She begged him to try to save his own life or to at least be as concerned about it as she was. And he continued to blow her off and dismiss her, probably because poor Castiel does not value his own life. If he did, then he would at least be willing to try to work with her to find a plan to save himself instead of literally having to have the king of hell step in to save them both.
Castiel trusted Hannah enough to implore her to carry on in his place if he died.
When it became clear that Castiel may not make it to carry out his mission, to help Dean or to find the rogue angels, when Hannah confronted him and implored him to do something about his grace, even reminding him of his mission, he asked her to carry on in his place. She doesn’t think she could do it, but he did. He trusted her, he saw something in her that she didn’t see herself. He believed in her and thought that she was more than worthy of taking his place if he died. That right there is huge.
She is one of the very few angels to ever give up her vessel, and her actions inspired Castiel so much that he decided to look into Claire’s life after all this time.
Hannah did the one thing that even Castiel himself could not do. She admitted she had feelings for him and more than anything, she wanted to stay with him and see where their feelings lead them. She wanted that very badly, but then she encountered Caroline’s husband, and she was reminded about the life she had taken away, and she put her feelings aside to give Caroline her life back. Anyone could see how heartbroken Castiel was to see her go, but he was so inspired by her act of selflessness that he looked into Claire’s life.
In “Meta-fiction,” Metatron explained that he ordered Gadreel to kill all the angels in the warehouse but leave one alive. Gadreel chose to spare Hannah. Did he pick her at random or did he sense that she was different and that she had the power to persuade Castiel to be a leader?
I mean everyone else around them noted how well matched they were. The tow-truck driver, Adina, Metatron, even Crowley. Maybe Gadreel sensed that Hannah was not like other angels and that she might have the power to be an influence in Castiel’s life. Of course, his motives were less than good, but I think he knew that Castiel would respond to someone like Hannah, someone who was like him or had the potential to be.
It’s my headcanon that Castiel and Hannah both have autistic characteristics
This is the last stance, and it is something very personal to me. I am on the Autism Spectrum, and I hold the opinion that Castiel and Hannah both have Aspie characteristics and that if they were Human, they would surely be on the spectrum. This is the single reason why I love Hannah so much. Do you realize how marginalized us aspie girls are in mainstream media? There are so few of us, and most Autistic characters in fiction are male. It is hard to be autistic and female, and here is the one character I can admire and relate to because she is like me.
So there you have it. The case for Hannah and for the Castiel/Hannah ship. I don’t think it should be considered a rare-pair anymore. It is just as relevant as any of the popular pairings concerning Castiel. This will always be my one and only OTP. And Hannah is and always will be my favorite character. Her and Castiel both. I am a Cas girl and a Hannah girl. Just wondering if there are any other true Hannah girls out there.
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