#instead he got an edgy 15 year old who just discovered the internet
spookedbees · 2 years
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Yes, this is inspired by the #OnBrand joke
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zatyrlucy · 5 years
Q&A Facts
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First of all, I want to inform that my internet is screwed up. I don't know what is happening but I didn't have internet all day and probably won't have it tomorrow. I am using a “Mobile Partner” so I will try to post the most I can about Momocon (well its only this and probably a gif of the new clip but you get me).  
I watched all the Q&A video from Vivziepop panel and there was a lot of wonderful things people asked. Also thanks to @kaedesan721 for giving me some extra info about the panel. 
1.       Someone asked if fat nuggets is in hell because of random reasons or if he is an “evil pig”. Vivz answered that those kind of facts are still in construction.
2.       Someone asked about the creation of the characters. Alastor was created in the Hazbin world because he already was an old, long-time, character that Viv had changed a lot of times. So she kept him, because she liked the way he is and she rearranged him for the story of Hazbin Hotel. Angel was based in Arackniss. Arackniss was created first but then Vivz decided to give him a more funny personality and that’s how Angel Dust was created. Husk was based in a sketch Vivz’s little sister did long ago, she just changed some things and thats how Husk was created. Charlie “just appeared” in vivz mind and she decided immediately that Charlie would work as the main character. There was already another demon called Charlie but still, Vivz decided to keep the name anyway.
3.       There are some jokes that were scraped from the pilot (I hope they show us those someday).
4.       There will be also a lot of cameos in the pilot, from different characters that come from old and new shows created by Vivzie
5.       Sir Pentious was originated because vivz likes cobras and cliché villains, also she wanted to do a really funny villain with the typical minions. “A cynical, derpy, classy villain”
6.       The series will be 30 episodes long, the idea is from each one to be 30 min long, but given the reality of the case, it depends on the amount of help the show’ll receive how long every episode will be (15 min or 10 or whatever).
7.       In a question about the pilot, Viv said after it's release it's up in the air about its future, but it's a bright future. Studios have been "sniffing around." There's interest but nothing concrete.
8.       The pilot, of course, will be the last animation of Hazbin for this year, because producing more takes a lot of time. But, there will be comics and maybe other content about the series. As Vivz said “whatever that takes the production going”
9.       Alastor is Vivz favorite because he was the first one created from all the cast of Hazbin Hotel (I mean who doesn’t love the daddy deer demon I am right?)
10.       Vivz is working in the script of two zoophobia cartoons, but the productions of them will come “when they can”
11.   Vivz will try to connect all her shows together but is difficult because they are very different from each other, in context and locations.
12.   Alastor has a deer tail? Not even Vivzie knows because Alastor has never been seen without his jacket 
13.   Indeed Angel will have a boyfriend, but Vivz didn’t tell if we have already seen the lucky guy or not. (should we do a bet? Lmao).
14.   Alastor is the hardest to animate/clean up of all the characters according to Vivz, Tom and Ashley. (I guess its because of his hair and ears).  
15.   Alastor is definitely part of the main cast. Although all attention is going to be centered in Angel, Charlie and Vaggie, Vivz confirmed Alastor is going to be in a lot of episodes too, while characters like Husk and Niffty and the others are going to be in some episodes sometimes.
16.   In terms of writing, Angel is the hardest because “his complex brain” and the huge level of sass that Vivz doesn’t have. In contrast, Charlie is the easiest to write.
17.   Vivz is not going to do big changes in zoophobia characters. Only a little bit in narrating. Figurate out “how to tell the story better”.
18.   Hazbin Hotel is indeed a musical and Vivz plan to keep it that way.
19.   Vivz likes edgy characters but after adjusting Alastor into the 30s themes, she discovered he would work better as a “Cheshire cat villain”. Grimm but still goofy, someone who wants to mess up with everybody. Like an edgy-funny, instead of an edgy-edgy character.
20.   Someone DARED to ask where the Egg bois come from and if its Sir Pentious the one who lays them. Vivz said that the answer will appear later in the series and that the eggbois’ origin is going to be something funny, a joke, and Vivz doesn’t want to spoil that. But in the meantime, we are free to think whatever we want about it. (lmao I laughed so hard at that moment my father almost kill me for waking him up haha).
21.   Some Hazbin Voice Actors could work for the zoophobia shorts, but most of the zoophobia VA are going to be new.  
22.   Lucifer is not going to be in the pilot, but will appear “very soon” after that
23.   Alastor’s song is like 2 min long (Vivz didn’t say that but someone that was in the panel told me)
24.    Viv did acknowledge in the stream that the clip they showed is the reprise of Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow when talking about the musical talents she got on the show. 
25. Vivzie said Charlie has another song in the pilot, but they are not going to show that until its release. She has wants the series to have a song number nearly every episode.
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
The Ray #1
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In 1994, I had no idea who Christopher Priest and Howard Porter were so I have no idea why I purchased this comic book.
Although (continuing the thought from the caption which is just me saying, "Fuck the format! I can do what I want!") I was in my early 20s in 1994 so I was probably into that edgy fascination with freaks and body deformity. I hadn't seen Tod Browning's Freaks yet but I'm sure I would have jumped at the chance if I'd known about it. It's the only reason I can figure why I bought a comic book about a character I knew nothing about. Because it looks like he's a hero with a deformed baby leg. I probably picked it up off the shelf and yelled, "Fuckin' A, dude! Look at this ganky bastich!" It was 1994 so obviously I was emulating Lobo in my every day life. Some of you might be thinking, "Ugh! You're so gross and problematic!" But I'm just being honest! I was a young man, masking like crazy in order to hide my vulnerabilities so I wouldn't be crushed by social interactions and existential threats to my psyche. I had to act tough to survive the crazy streets of Santa Clara, California! Back then, Silicon Valley wasn't like it is now! In 1994, hulking techno-nerds were roaming the streets with razor sharp circuit boards looking to cut the genitals off of anybody who criticized the Neo-Geo CD home gaming console. If you looked at them funny, they'd challenge you to a game of Cyberball and you'd better hope you won because they were also obsessed with Mortal Combat and if you lost, the last thing you'd hear would be a bunch of techno-nerds screaming "Finish him!" before you found yourself upside down gagging on the filthy water of an unflushed public toilet. The early nineties were some rough years! Especially when you were into heavy metal! People think grunge and rap killed metal but think about what people thought was "rock and roll" during the early 90s: Warrant's "Cherry Pie" and Extreme's "More Than Words." I mean, Feetal's Gizz! Metal was dead long before grunge and rap came by to fill its grave. Anyway, you could totally be into freaks in the early 90s because the Internet didn't exist so your opinions weren't reaching anybody outside your small circle of friends. All the other people of the world who didn't know you at all didn't have a way to tell you you were a piece of shit because of one single thing that comprised the myriad facts of who you were. Fuck you, Internet! No, no! I'm sorry! Don't be mad at me, Internet! I can't live without you! Also, maybe I just bought this comic book because the cover was shiny and embossed and growing up in Santa Clara was so boring that it made this comic book looked exciting. The issue begins with The Ray battling Brimstone. Remember him from Legends?
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Brimstone is as big as Godzilla and he's already killed hundreds of people, judging by the apartment buildings he's smashed.
I don't know who The Ray is or where he's from. What part of the United States of America uses slang like "gaffle," "put my serve on," "zoom this buster," "bone out," "feebs," and "rot." Is this just Christopher Priest trying to mimic youth speak? I would expect this kind of thing from an aging comic book writer like current Neal Adams but Priest was in his early thirties when he wrote this. Maybe The Ray is from another Earth and Priest's theory was that slang words would obviously differ between Earths. But not so much that you couldn't get the gist of what he's saying. Except for "gaffle." I don't know what the fuck he wants to do to Brimstone when he says he's going to gaffle him. I know what I would mean by it but that doesn't seem appropriate in this situation.
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Oh wait. The Ray was just writing fan-fiction about himself.
So the Brimstone fight didn't really happen. Or it did happen but The Ray is using it as fodder to write comic books about himself. So he's like Clark Kent writing articles about Superman? At least writing comic book stories about your own adventures isn't unethical. Fucking Clark Kent. What kind of a journalist uses his soap box to simply promote himself? No wait. Journalists fucking suck. I despise journalists for the same reason I despise police officers. If you're just letting your profession go to shit because a bunch of people are abusing their positions of power and not actually doing the public service they're supposed to be doing, you're just as bad as the worst apple in the barrel. There's a reason that whole apple/barrel thing is still a saying even though nobody really associates apples with barrels anymore. Maybe The Ray isn't writing comic books although it seems like the super edgy postmodern take a writer in the 90s would think was fucking mind blowing. We got Kyle Rayner, comic book artist, as the new Green Lantern. Why shouldn't we also get a comic book writer in there as well? Or The Ray might just be writing stories for his college paper which would mean he's just as unethical and terrible as Clark Kent, I suppose. But in an amateurish way. The Ray (whose name is Ray Terrill so it was lucky he got light-based powers) stops trying to write and decides to tell the readers about the last few days. He's a young guy who works at a fast food chicken joint and has just leased his first apartment. It's a piece of shit with some garbage and/or artistic sculpture in the middle of the room but he doesn't have any credit or money so he's stuck with it. I bet there are corpses under the floor boards as well as other things too boring to mention (but which I'll mention anyway) like rats and cockroaches and dried semen stains.
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This is Ray's narration of the place which I read after I wrote the previous paragraph. Was I writing comics and named Christopher Priest in 1994?
The Ray spends all day handing out flyers to Clucky Chicken while standing right outside Clucky Chicken. Is that what flyers are for? To remind people about the thing they can totally see right in front of them? I guess they could be coupons. While he's handing out flyers, his super cool cousin Hank stops by to gaffle some swang all up in through him.
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This must be Earth-15 where they say things like "Yo trip dat frum, golderboots!" and "Swank on into my PQs, Flub Daddy!"
The Ray is disappointed that he's a man now because responsibility sucks. Kids can't stand curfews and rules but man is it sweet to be able to come and go as you please (within curfew, of course!) while doing whatever the fuck you want and not worrying about money for food or rent. The Ray can't even fuck his girlfriend because she saw him in the chicken suit and is all, "Oh, um, I just came by to say I can't come by! Bye!" The Ray can travel at the speed of light anywhere he wants while carrying other people. That makes sense because comic books. He takes his cousin Hank Fonzerelli to see a volcano shaped like a hand in Hawaii only to discover that it's another Brimstone. It's activated by a henchman of Darkseid while The Ray and Hank are checking out a surf competition or a luau. It's at this point when The Ray gets back to the beginning of the story where he was failing to stop Brimstone from destroying a city. As he picks the story back up, Superboy arrives to save the day. Not the boring Superboy who used to be Superman and learned a terrible secret about himself on his sixteenth birthday about an extra candle. The new Superboy who arrived on the scene after Superman died. He might also be boring but I wouldn't know having never read any comic books about him. The new Superboy is an arrogant dick and The Ray hates him. That's probably why The Ray winds up killing him. Or he thinks he killed him. Everybody reading the comic book probably thought The Ray killed him too (because we were all dumb-dumbs who actually believed DC Comics had killed Superman off for good. Why wouldn't they?! He was a big boring boy scout whose powers kept fluctuating because editors and writers thought the problem with writing Superman stories was that he was too powerful. But the real problem with writing Superman stories was that those same writers and editors were unimaginative assholes who didn't actually understand Superman. Why else would Superman have died from a fist fight?! Seriously, Dan Jurgens. What were you thinking?! Superman should never have been killed because he encountered something more powerful that could just beat the shit out of him. Superman should have been killed because of a philosophical or ethical dilemma where he realized the only way to save the world was to allow himself to die. He should have been Jesus but instead he was just Apollo Creed. Who I think was a metaphor for John the Baptist? The issue ends with the narrator letting the readers know that Superboy isn't actually dead and why would the idiots think he'd be killed in The Ray when he was currently starring in his own popular monthly comic book? Stupid dumb comic book readers! But the narrator also mentions that The Ray is out of power (I didn't know he had to recharge) and Brimstone is kind of mad. Then he's all, "If we were you," (I don't think a proper editor in 1994 would have allowed a writer to use the plural pronoun "we" as a non-specific gender singular pronoun so now I'm picturing the narrator as a small group of old people), "We'd be back here in 30 days!" And I guess 22 year old me agreed with them because I purchased Issue #2. The Ray #1 Rating: C. C is average, right? I didn't find anything I particularly loved about this issue but I also didn't find anything I absolutely hated. Except for Superboy but I think I was supposed to hate him so that's a positive critique. I probably purchased the next issue because I wanted to find out what happens to Hank Fonzerelli. What a cool dude! The letters pages don't have any letters but it does have a story by Brian Augustyn about how Christopher Priest changed his name from Jim Owsley. It also explains that Priest's idea for The Ray was to have a teenager suddenly have to deal with god-like powers while still being a teenager. I think before this that was called "Spider-man". Except for the god-like powers! Those were more spider-like powers.
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productivelyfe · 6 years
Taylor Swift
Greatest hope is: As I grow/change, my music will change as well. I love a great song, I don’t care what genre it is in.
Have a lot of epiphanies- this would be a good idea so I had epiphany I’d be a novelist. Career path.
Writing-writer 1st. Favorite things how you can convey a thought or story or completely describe a character or situation through words/right combination of words. The whole process of editing/re editing/rethinking/imagining/get these little mini epiphany ideas that come to you. You have to love it more than anything else and you have to love it for more than what the end result could be. Like you don’t make an album so that you could get a platinum record to hang on your wall and you don’t go on tour so that you can hang the sold out plaques in your bedding. It’s so many little stepping stones/so many people have this idea that it’s like you get discovered/then you get the record deal/then you record the song/then the song goes #1 and then, you know, and it’s like, it’s never like that. Very rarely is it like one thing leads to another which leads to another/another and result. It’s so many dead ends/switching directors and going back/replanning/rethinking/so many interviews/strategy meetings/management meetings/PR meetings and so many things that are outside of music that you have to…
Shows - might be the same looking crowd but there’s a different feeling behind them all. There’s magical shows that stand out, where you were on point, we were all in it, looking back those magical shows are what make you want to continue doing what you’re doing for the rest of your life.
Record everything right away.
When you’re trying to fit in with everyone sometimes you learn who you are/who you’re not.
I always thought I’d go to college but somethings happened and I ended up getting to pursue this crazy dream.
Still get nervous? - Just focus on being alright/rolling with it and realizing you play shows every night/this should be no different.
Song writing - So unpredictable/spontaneous, what’s gonna hit me first. Whether it’s a general thought, experience, just got in my head. You were Romeo you were throwing pebbles/the song expanded from there. THe fastest songs I write just happen in just a surge of idea/inspiration. Something I’m going through at the time. Hard to come up with metaphors of something I haven’t gone through or recently just gone through. Starts as idea/feeling/emotion.
Metaphor - something you’re going through but relate/connect it to something completely different.
4 or 5 lines “ooo, oooh that’s the one, yes!” Before I put it on record. Writing process never turned off.
Making record - Here, allow this into your life takes about 2-2 ½ years of writing. That way, know have best songs. Have 40-50 songs about 14-15 make it.
Obsessed with the latest songs I’ve written, but discovering old stuff possibly being good enough to put on the albums.
Very impatient if I don’t have song finished. I’ll obsess over it, won’t sleep at night, edit constantly. Conversations around me get ignored. Working on an idea but stop and can’t figure out where chorus is going if my hunch is right-bring it to writer I trust/admire. Best co/writers really great at giving advice.
Adapt to a million different places to write. Awakened by song ideas all the time. Wake up at 0400 with idea. Write wherever/whenever you can. Writing a story/characters/you can only write about a character if you know them, if you went there.
Go through emotional rollercoaster on stage, in songs fully feeling all of it. Completely feeling all sadness, anger, frustration and hurt, then crowd starts screaming/everything is right in the world.
Reach out 2 new people challenge yourself creatively/change up influences. Easy to remain the same. Be inspired by things you’ve never been inspired by before.
Think of topics you haven’t covered. New ways to present old emotions that everyone feels.
Throw shoulders back/be friendly.
Fans - Large group of people but expect individual contact. Look at each other something simple feel really connected to the fans. They get me, they show up. There for me/understand me.
Saying right thing at right moment shouldn’t change who you are based on the room you’re playing in.
Insert into online communities, be in on their wide jokes, talked to them, not just posting industry crap like ‘vote for me’ or ‘this is coming out.’
Love how the internet’s given people ability to express who they are, express sense of humor.
Being comfortable letting people know I’m awkward, not that cool, not edgy. Be self. Don’t try to be something you’re not.
I don’t think anyone has a solid stance on an way that they feel it’s like saying are you happy everyday?
Fame, paparazzi: Mental exercise, how many years did you want this, how many years did you dream of this, how many times did you say that when you got famous you’d walk up to people in restaurants/introduce yourself if they were trying to take a picture of you?
Used to say as little kid: If I ever got to do this I’d make the most of it/I’d try to do good things instead of doing weird things/get affected by it.
Age gracefully without anxiety - with time gain more wisdom/use it for good.
To people who are going to understand it/get it/say I feel that too. Reveal life/the emotions. To people who want to take you down/make fun of you.
Having fun. Discovering self.
Make the joke first/better. It’s not as funny when others. They’re the same kind of weird as me. I like to put time into it because it usually starts very different than the way it ends up.
Knew I had to change things up, knew I had to explore different things, go a completely different direction. Go for phone, journal. Write down as soon as you get in your head. “Running to airport bathroom to write on a paper towel.”
Dreamed high pitched “Stay.” All that was coming out of mouth in social humiliation dream. Went to study/wrote a song about it next day.
Very excitable. Get excited about things as they happen to me. Enjoy things when they’re happening to you. Enthusiasm protects from everything.
Create new challenges for self. New genre, new sound.
Try everything then you’ll notice you’ll naturally start to grow/write towards one style.
Following impulses, don’t want to predict where I’ll be. Implement as much spontaneity as you can if life is planned. (Tour a year from now).
This actually is really fun, so just try to enjoy it as much as possible. There’s nothing to stress about.
Stay vulnerable/open/true to emotions/what I’m feeling/how to translate that into song.
Song writers - feel the pain/feel it intensely but as a celebrity you’re supposed to put up wall/block it. So trying to navigate the mixed messages walking a tight rope.
Come from place of storytelling.
Don’t want people to tell me what I want to hear all the time, that doesn’t thrill/excite me at all. They’re all passionate about their own jobs, lives, own things. Keeps me realistic.
Stay realistic. Want to have normal mindset, attitude, priorities, friends-treat me normally, say somethings stupid, guilt trip, etc.
When I listen to album I think about moment that inspired the song, the time he first played it for me, when he went into studio/recorded it for me/all the different mixes he played forme. It’s most amazing thing to have all those memories with someone/then to have piece of art connected to it. It’s like a photo album.
Sometimes not able to calm down. But allow yourself to be okay with that. Feel insecure, overwhelmed, or sad, depressed then feel guilty for feeling those things so it compounds it. So = most amount of negative emotions you can possibly be feeling. Some of greatest lessons I’ve learned and some of best songs I’ve written have come from when I didn’t feel good. Allow brain to work through it on its own/sometimes write song about it/makes me feel better.
Don’t feel manipulated creatively so no regrets. Continue to fulfill that creative need or there’d be a void.
Like to let life happen rather than have a plan for it. If you have plans, you’ll force life to take that course/might not end up with right person/circumstance!
Cover - makes me feel happy
Body language - she’s turned away from me is that inviting?
Convincing members of team switch was a good idea.
Biggest struggle turned into the biggest triumph when it worked out.
You’re going to have thousands of decisions to make on daily basis that will end up depicting your image, sound, all the things that will shape you as a public image let those decisions be yours. You steer the ship creatively. You pick your battles-fighting the neon top, that’s not a hill I wanna die on.
If you win an award-isn’t that crazy?! How do you just sit there and be like “oh another grammy.”
Puts you at ease when you’re around her, everybody full of youthful spirit. Really inspiring.
Huge success: Never felt like a huge weight. Go back to that place where it feels balanced.
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