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lautiiperelli · 5 years ago
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👉 This is something I see pretty often in the gym and I cringe every single time I see it. - By @nattyknowledge . - You should not hyperextend your lower back when you deadlift. The deadlift ends when your hips and knees are locked and your shoulders line up with your hips. - Hyperextending squeezes the spine and squeezing the spine while putting hundreds of pounds of load onto it while deadlifting is a recipe for a herniated disk. - You may make an argument that some powerlifters hyperextend their back, but they do it at powerlifting meets where it needs to be absolutely clear to the judge that they managed to complete that lift. - Unless you are a serious powerlifter that knows the risks and knows what they're doing, DO NOT lean back. ➖ ➖ ➖ Follow @gofitbeast for more 💪 Tag your friends ✌️ ➖ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #instafitnesss #legdays #compoundexercises #upperbodyday #workoutsforwomen #fullbodyworkouts #legworkouts #sixpackworkout #gymismylife #workoutvids #gyminspo #gymlifestyles #instagymfit #gymeveryday #backworkouts #instafitnessmotivation #fitnessworkout #fitnesslovers #fitnessfam #fitnesspro #trainwithme #fıtness #fitnesscoaching #squats #deadlift #asstograss #chestpress #workout👍 #overheadpress #gymworkouts (en Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4CmKCTJoy_/?igshid=14zxmvbmzd6ir
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tinsito · 7 years ago
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Sentadilla libre 8 reps Prensa pirámide descendente 12, 8, 4. Ascendente 4, 8, 12 Extensión de rodilla 12 con 12 seg. Pausado, 10 y 10 seg. Pausado, 8 y 8 seg. Pausado. Completar 4 series de esta hermosa tri serie. #leg #legs #pierna #instagram #instafit #instafitnessmotivation #nopainnogain #training #legday (en Sport Center MX) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm1YOY_nuVx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16iwbscxr6f09
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tsfitness0 · 4 years ago
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“Train for health and physique, not just physique. Health comes first. You may not believe it now if you're young, but you will believe it later on when you're not-so-young . . . #tsfitness,#tsfitness0 ,#tajindersinghfitness ... . . . . . #motivationalquotes877 #hindimotivationalquote #fitnessmotivation💪 #instafitnessmotivation #fitnessmotivationand #quotes4you #gymmotivationdaily #motivationalquotesb #gymmotivationquote #quoteofthemorning #quoteoftheday❤ #motivationalquotesinhindi #quotesandsaying #thoughtforlife #motivationalquotes4u #bodybuildingmotivational #motivationalquotesdaily #quoteofthedayy, #quotepage #motivationthought07 #motivationthoughts #motivationthoughts_ #quotesofinspirations (at Dehradun The City Of Love) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRb72z4B5Lb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fitnessmantrago · 5 years ago
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Muscle Building Carbs💪 . . . Follow 👉 @fitnessmantra.go for more updates . . Great content by @iliveingym 👍 . . #fitnesslove #bodybuildingnation #bodybuildingmeme #gymmemesofficial #fıtnessmemes #gymratlife #gymflow #dietplanner #instafitnessmotivation #caloriecountinguk #gymflow100 #gymfreaks #gymlifestyles #gymflow💪 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEPEl5OgQmg/?igshid=jtp7lky9xsmh
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transformation-physique · 5 years ago
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Hey salut l'ami de la masse. 🙉 J'ai souvent entendu qu'il n'y avait pas besoin de travailler les abdominaux si on fait du squat ou du deadlift. 🤔 En réalité ils sont moins efficaces que des exercices d'isolation pour les abdominaux. Donc pour optimiser leur développement, il faut les travailler spécifiquement. Like et partage ce poste si tu apprécies mon travail. #musculationfrance #fitnessfrance_ #sportmotivation #préparationphysique #entrainementphysique #nopainnogain #bodybuildingfrance #instafitnessmotivation #renforcementmusculaire #lifestyle #viesaine #viesainecorpssain #mangersainement #pertedepoidssaine #transformationphysique https://www.instagram.com/p/CDKIuMIpD-C/?igshid=1htx7tndejb8d
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lautiiperelli · 5 years ago
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👉 ANALISYS OF THE BENCH BAR PATH: NEWBIES vs ELITE LIFTERS⭕️⁣ By @pheasyque . . Here's a quick analisys difference between the bar path of the bench press performed by novice lifters & elite lifters. ⁣ ⁣ As we can see, a novice lifter will tend to drive his bench press more perpendicularly, almost drawing a straight vertical line of pushing force on the concentric part of the movement. ⁣ ⁣ On the other hand, the elite/competitive style of bench press will drive the bar in a more curved motion, allowing to produce more force by making the technique of the lift feel more optimized, if not "easier". ⁣ ⁣ This is also one major reason why I don't recommend benching (but neither squatting) on the Smith Machine. Asides from not targeting the muscles stabilizers as you would through free weights, the bar path itself should not be performed vertically: both on the eccentric & concentric part of the movement. ⁣ ⁣ If you want to read an awesome book on the bench press I'd highly suggest you to pick up the McLaughin's "Bench Press More Now" which has an in depth breakthrough of biomechanics & training methods. ⁣ ⁣ ➖ Follow @gofitbeast for more 💪 Tag your friends ✌️ ➖ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #instafitnesss #legdays #compoundexercises #upperbodyday #workoutsforwomen #fullbodyworkouts #legworkouts #sixpackworkout #gymismylife #workoutvids #gyminspo #gymlifestyles #instagymfit #gymeveryday #backworkouts #instafitnessmotivation #fitnessworkout #fitnesslovers #fitnessfam #fitnesspro #trainwithme #fıtness #fitnesscoaching #squats #deadlift #asstograss #chestpress #workout👍 #overheadpress #gymworkouts (en Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PtWH4J__-/?igshid=vao5mzsmptzz
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icareotd · 5 years ago
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Jogging helps to burn calories and its one of the best exercise for fat loss. @healthifystudio thanks for sharing this info.✳ 👇 👇 👇 ✅Follow:- @icareotd for fitness & healthy lifestyle tips⬅ 🏋️‍♂️ 🏋️‍♂️ 💪Tag your gym partner | 🙋🏻‍♂️ DM us for diet plan 🍱 🚨 🚨 #fitnessinspiration77 #fitnessmodd #fitnessgoals2020 #fitlifehappylife #workoutjourney #fitnesslifestyle #myfitnesspaldiary #dietplantoday #dietplanning #dietplanforweightloss #instafitnessmotivation #exercisephysiologist #stabilitytraining #buildstregth #strengthtrain #gymexercises #gymaddiction #gymroutine #gympost #fitnesspost #exercisevideos #homeexercise #nutritioncoaching #nutritionfacts #nutritionplan #fitnesslove #fitnessfam #workoutroutine #lifestylebloggers #lifestylechanges (at Delhi Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCS4V5sg7AG/?igshid=dhrshpj28k89
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minazerez · 5 years ago
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tє gustα? dαlє líkє ❤️ Ú𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔰 𝔶 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔱á𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔰 . . . —->Ingresa a nuestra pagina y encuentra lo que tanto has buscado, ropa cómoda bonita ideal para Ti a muy buen precio y lo mejor de todo que es 👇🏻 🇭​🇪​🇨​🇭​🇴​ 🇪​🇳​ 🇲​🇪​🇽​🇮​🇨​🇴​ . . . —-> Para más contenido SÍGUEME EN MIS REDES SOCIALES, el link en mi Biografía, no olvides ETIQUETAR A TUS AMIG@S para que vean esto 👆🏻. Apóyanos. ❤️❤️❤️ . . . #blackqueenmeencanta #ofertaespecial #hotsale #hotsalemx #hotsales #playeras #playeraspersonalizadas #mujerfashion #mujerfeliz #mujervaliente #mujerfitness #mujerfuerte #mujeresemprendedoras #mujeresvalientes #mujerbonita #fitnessaddict #instafit #instafitnesss #instafitgirls #instafitnessmotivation #motivacionpersonal #dedicacion (en Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvesuVJ5Ff/?igshid=1le8llolkd3xx
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bfitdc · 5 years ago
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21 DAY AB CHALLENGE REVIEW • • These are killing me good ab workouts! I can already feel and see it working! • • #weightloss #fitfam #bootcamp #fitnessmotivations #midtown #wellness #fitnessfam l #instafitnessmotivation #femalefitnessmotivation #fitgirlsmotivation #fitnessgirlmotivation #bodyblastbootcamp #fitnesspro #fitnessaddiction #peloton #fitnessworkout #fitnessclasses #soulcycledenver #cyclebar #soulcycleinstructor #cycling #spin #boxing #iSpinn #nobikesallowed #bfitdc #dcfit #fitdc #dctrainer #anw https://www.instagram.com/p/CAaQZ1nnvWQ/?igshid=1xn2txj4ht3fs
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globalfitnessfamily · 5 years ago
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Worrying gets you nowhere. if you turn up worrying about how you’re going to perform, you’ve already lost. Train hard, turn up, run your best and the rest will take care of itself.⠀ -Usain Bolt⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #fitnessinspirations #fitnesslifestyles #fitnessmotivationdaily #fitnessaddiction #fitgram #gymaddicted #gymmotivationalquotes #gymworkout #gymworkouts #workoutmode #gainstrain #gainsfordays #gainsgainsgains #gainingmuscle #gainscity #makinggains #liftingmotivation #instafitnessmotivation #youvsyou #workingonmyfitness #gymworld #gymnation #gymvibes #gymgoals #gymfitness #gymhelp #athletetraining #trainlikeanathlete #conditioningtraining #workoutgoals https://www.instagram.com/p/B-PjzqCp2JT/?igshid=1x7ogsftwvnki
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transformation-physique · 5 years ago
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Il faudrait peut-être que je mette un t-shirt un jour non? 📸 @agnes_colombo 💅@fg_mua #musculationfrance #fitnessfrance_ #sportmotivation #préparationphysique #entrainementphysique #nopainnogain #bodybuildingfrance #instafitnessmotivation #renforcementmusculaire #lifestyle #viesaine #viesainecorpssain #mangersainement #pertedepoidssaine #transformationphysique https://www.instagram.com/p/CC4LTJmp-i8/?igshid=1485zi78476wi
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arhumhussain · 5 years ago
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I know i am not handsome Or good looking But i am a though looking guy and i am proud of myself This is me without effects without any filters #instalove #instalover #instalovers #instalovers💜 #instafit #instafitness #instafitnesss #instafitfam #instafit #instafitnes #instafitsociety #instafitnessmotivation #instafitnessgirls #instafitgirls #instamodels #instamodeling #instamodel #instamodelling #ınstamodel #instamodelo #instagood #insta #instagram #instalike #instadaily #instapic #instacollage #instafollow #instamood #instafashion https://www.instagram.com/p/B9CbbUgjtqp/?igshid=1221d9ca6lprl
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lautiiperelli · 5 years ago
THE DUMBBELL PULLOVER @sionmonty - A staple in the Arnold-era, however this gem of an exercise seems to have fallen out of people’s routines. Maybe in the days of fancy machines it’s simply become forgotten 🤷‍♂️ - Some experts say pullovers are an effective chest exercise. They're right. Some experts say pullovers are an effective back exercise. They're also right. 👍🏻 - If done properly, it hits everything from the bottom of your pecs to your abs, lats and triceps, working all of these muscles in a beneficial and unique way. Give it a try and let me know in the comments section if you want to see more of these kind of videos! - ⚠️Pullovers aren't for everyone, especially people with shoulder issues. Check your upper body mobility before diving in. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #instafitnesss #legdays #compoundexercises #upperbodyday #workoutsforwomen #fullbodyworkouts #legworkouts #sixpackworkout #gymismylife #workoutvids #gyminspo #gymlifestyles #instagymfit #gymeveryday #backworkouts #instafitnessmotivation #fitnessworkout #fitnesslovers #fitnessfam #fitnesspro #trainwithme #fıtness #fitnesscoaching #squats #deadlift #asstograss #chestpress #workout👍 #overheadpress #gymworkoutsforwomen (en Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PtsZLJoD9/?igshid=71uakirov0za
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iammrhappy18 · 5 years ago
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Interval workouts are my favorite these days 8-| !!! Ran my fastest 2km in this session under 9mins 8-| !!! Ran 2km, 1.5km, 1km, and 0.5km (Sub 5min/km pace) with 500m recovery jog in this interval session 8-| !!! - Gained 10kg of muscle mass in less than a month just by decreasing my running mileage and this gain has increased my running speed drastically 8-| !!! - Hoping that this interval workout helps me out in attaining the goal pace of 5'27"/km in the upcoming SOP race 8-| !!! - - - - - #mrhappy #universeofmrhappy #intervalworkout #intervalrunning #tuesdaytransformation #tuesdaythoughts #runningcommunity #runnerslife #runnersofinstagram #favoriteworkout #stravarun #stravarunning #stravarunners #fitnessmotivation #fitnessmodel #instafitnessmodel #instafitnessmotivation #fitnesslife #fitnesslifestyle #musclegain #runnerselfie #fitnessselfie #runningmood #lifestyle #runningblogger (at Shaheed.e.inquilab Ground) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8JoX1vHEXj/?igshid=viojkeby5tbl
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alexardenti · 6 years ago
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@fitover40women Repost NEWS!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥So excited to share that Supps: The Movie @suppsmovie is out now!! @micahlacerte and I are honored to be a part of this @alexardenti film which is available NOW on @amazonprimevideo and @vimeo !! 💪💪 Link to watch is in Bio! ⬆️⬆️💯💯 This is a MUST SEE...a fascinating and informative movie on how the supplement industry came to be what it is today. Watch it today!! 💯💯 Just an honor to be a part of this project representing @hitchfit @hardmagnum @hitchfitgym 💪💪 ⤵️⤵️ ⤵️⤵️ Ready for change? I can help. 🔰🔰 Popular plan choice ➡️ Hitch Fit Lose Weight Feel Great online program. ✔✔ Go to www.hitchfit.com/lose-weight to see details and plan rates. 🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆 🤔 Want to try my @hardmagnum STACK I use? Comment below and I will message you details and exclusive savings code!💲💲 🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆 If you are in your 40's, 50's or 60's and are ready to take charge of your fitness, or achieve your goals...or maybe you're not sure if it's possible and have some questions??? 😎 Write to me at the email above. 📩⬆️ I'd love to help you!! 🤗🤗❤❤ * #Fitover40 #transformyourbody #onlinepersonaltraining #40andfit #onlinefitness #transformyourbody #fitnessaddicted #fitnessjunkies #fitwomenover40 #beforeandafterphotos #beforeandafterweightloss #onlinepersonaltrainer #40andfabulous #onlinefitnesscoach #HitchFit #onlinefitnesscoaching #transformationcoach #styleover40 #fitnessmotivations #fitspirational #instafitnessmotivation #fitnessinspirations #strongwomenover40 #fitnessgoals #motivationforfitness #fitnessprograms #fitwomenoverforty #over40 #over40style #fitafter40 (at Somewhere In The Middle Of The Desert) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ccf2lD45g/?igshid=gz9bgmzw8lvd
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bfitdc · 5 years ago
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iSPINN REVIEWS ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ • • The. Best. Trainer. Ever! Corey and his energy and outgoing personality is one of the best I have ever experienced. I’ve known him for over 20 years and his classes never cease to be boring or make my body feel sore… And wonderful! He is creative, innovative and really wants the best for you you just give him a little time and he will transform your body. His East-good SPIN CLASS WITH NO BIKES it’s been one of my go to for the last 10 years. It is so inventive… It’ll blow your mind oh and 30 minutes you are sweating and you feel good and you can go on about your day. • • #weightloss #fitfam #bootcamp #onlinefitness #fitnessmotivations #wellness #fitnessfam #instafitnessmotivation #femalefitnessmotivation #fitgirlsmotivation #fitnessgirlmotivation #bodyblastbootcamp #fitnesspro #peleton #fitnessaddiction #peloton #fitnessworkout #fitnessclasses #soulcycledenver #cyclebar #soulcycleinstructor #cycling #spin #boxing #bfitdc #fitdc #dcfit #fitness #ispinn #nobikesallowed (at Anywhere & Everywhere) https://www.instagram.com/p/CASrM1KhxfA/?igshid=b0qqbce7sgw8
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