#inspiring courage and gives you a boost of energy
bugs-in-situations · 1 year
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too eepy to clean this up but . sharkmuse...... we're going to think about this so much
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Moon Phases and Their Importance
This moon invites us to take on the new challenges we have always wanted. With the new moon, you can set your intentions and begin implementing changes that will lead to powerful results. This is the best time to begin a new habit. You can work spells to bring some freshness into any aspect of your life. The new moon’s energy will prove useful if you want to manifest something new.
The waxing crescent moon is the phase where the new moon begins to grow. This is the time when you should perform all constructive spells and rituals. It is the perfect time to draw forth everything you seek from the world of the unseen to the seen so that everyone else can witness the reality that you have created. It’s about going within to craft and fine-tune the manifestations you want to see on the outside eventually. If you want to encourage better behavior, cause a change in attitude for good, boost emotional well-being, or start implementing the plans you’ve made for certain projects, this is the time. The waxing crescent moon will fill you with the courage you need to fearlessly take the bull by the horns and make the best out of new, daunting situations. It’s the time to look within yourself and drink from the fountain of wisdom that lies within you. It’s time to seek the knowledge of the divine, work ancestral magic, and go into dreams to get the answers you seek from your ancestors, spirit guides, and spirit animals.
The first quarter moon is different from the waxing crescent. The latter (waxing crescent) is about pulling outcomes from yourself and higher guidance, while the former (first quarter) is about external attraction from the world around you. If you want to perform spells and rituals meant to attract things to you, the first quarter is an excellent period. Use this time to perform magic to bring back lost things, amass job opportunities, money, clients, friends, love, success, and whatever else you seek.
The waxing gibbous moon still involves construction. At this point, the moon’s energy is even stronger than ever, and there is nothing that can withstand its influence. If you have been struggling to get past something, get over a hump, or get out of a rut, this is the time to draw on the moon’s power to get things done. If you sense that there’s been a slowness in some aspect of your life, or another’s life, when it comes to healing, finances, inspiration, or anything else, you can draw on the moon’s power to force the tides to move in your favor. If there’s some project you have been dragging your feet on, work with the moon at this time and see if you do not amaze yourself with how quickly and efficiently you can get through it. If you are helping someone else, they will thank you for it because this is the time that can give them the strength to overcome their inner resistance to good things and progress while keeping them away from the temptation of wanting to put things off until the last minute.
The full moon is not to be trifled with. This is a very powerful time in the moon’s cycle. If you want something, and you work with the moon at this time to get it, you are going to get it. Thus, it would help if you thought about whether you want what you want and know that there is no going back. You must be able to deal with the consequences. This is not meant to sound ominous about getting your desire, but people want things without thinking about the consequences. For instance, if you want a better job, that might mean you should be prepared to do more than you already do. If you hate being responsible, do you want a job? Likewise, you may want a car, but are you ready to sink money into maintaining it? Feel free to work your rituals and spells when you’re sure that you’re okay with receiving whatever you want. This is a good time to address the most meaningful things to you. If you want to be even more in tune with your intuition, go deeper in spirituality, develop psychic power, and become better at divination, this is the time to do magic for that.
The waning gibbous moon is the phase when the moon wanes. We use this time to get rid of whatever is not wanted. It is a good time to work banishing and repelling magic and cleansing rituals. It does not matter whether what you want to get rid of is an energetic or physical thing. You can use the waning gibbous moon by allowing its energies to carry away whatever is no longer needed. This is a good time to look within and reflect on who you are and what you want out of life. As you dig deep, the moon will help you discover everything that doesn’t align with your ideas, and you can then deliberately work to end those things with her help.
The third-quarter moon is a good time to work on overcoming any obstacles you are contending with in life. When you need a boost or have not seen any progress in certain issues for a while, it is a good idea to use this phase of the moon to work magic to help you, especially if you have been tempted to give up on your dreams. Also, if you are dealing with changes, this is the time to make the transformation you’re undergoing even smoother and easier.
The waning crescent moon is good for banishing the bigger energy drains you have been contending with. If there is something that perpetually takes away your joy, makes you feel tired at a soul level, or is just too much of a burden to bear, the waning crescent moon has energy suited to intense banishing work. Want to get out of a project that is going nowhere? How about a friendship that’s horrible for your peace of mind? Or a relationship that has become torture to you? Perform banishing spells for them during this phase of the moon.
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pearlprincess02 · 4 months
taylor swift and joe alwyn 1st house synastry
planets and aspects below
taylor's 1st house
taylor's mars in joe's 1st house
mars falling in the 1st house is an enticing, aggressively playful, and physically erotic linkage. this synastry gives me the energy of not being able to contain your smile, even though you're arguing. these two grind each other's gears, in a way that you want to strangle them, then make out. mars (taylor) is instantly on a pursuit for the house (joe), like they see them as something to conquer. the house (joe) thrives on the ego boost from mars' (taylor) chase, and may deprive mars (taylor) of their presence to maintain control. initially, the mars (taylor) is definitely somewhat at a whim of the house (joe). however, the house (joe) is physically captivated by mars (taylor). mars (taylor) appears as a rugged, lustful meal of sex appeal for the house (joe). "i could eat that girl for lunch". it's like mars (taylor) gives the house (joe) a taste for life and adrenaline. eye-fucking each other across the room vibes. this overlay may feel like a game at times, like a nonchalant war to see who breaks the tension first. the house's (joe) behavior riles mars (taylor) up, intentionally or not. the energy of mars (taylor) making fun of the house (joe) constantly, while the house (joe) is telling them to shut up. the first impressions of this person are very strong and memorable, you definitely won't forget them after originally meeting. this connection is inspiring for the house (joe), as if mars (taylor) pulls motivation out of them. very lively and dynamic relationship. laughing, tickle torture, and angry sex.
taylor's mars squares joe's mercury
you can hit and hurt each other through words. mars person (taylor) is irritated by mercury person's (joe) ironic attitude, while mercury person (joe) regards mars person (taylor) as overly defensive and competitive. you should avoid getting into heated exchange of ideas. if you identify with your opinions then you'll feel threatened every time your ideas are even slightly challenged. opinions might be just empty beliefs or early life conditioning, so you must slow down your verbal excesses in order to see things more objectively.
taylor's mars trine joe's venus
this is a typical feature of a fervent and sensual magnetism. even if not a couple, you may use that desire to complete everyday activities. appeal to each other is vibrant and powerful. mars person (taylor) is more strongminded and energetic but venus person (joe) is more receptive. venus person (joe) entices mars person (taylor) with appeal and captivating ways while mars person (taylor) entices venus person (joe) with forthright activities and, if a couple, via a sensual presence. such visceral magnetism doesn't promise a long-term relationship, which may have no commitment. the dance of action and attraction is natural and pleasurable for you. probably you will feel attracted to each other even though you just finished a relationship. venus person (joe) is attracted by mars person's (taylor) also on the physical level while mars person (taylor) is attracted by venus person's (joe) beauty, charm and loving attitude.
taylor's mars sextil joe's north node
mars person (taylor) is energizing and motivating to north node person (joe). north node person (joe) may feel sexually attracted to mars person (taylor) and both can ignite each others’ passions. this relationship may feel karmically destined, as mars person (taylor) feels compelled to help north node person (joe) fulfill their destiny. north node person (joe) is invigorated by mars person's (taylor) courage and ambition. this relationship can feel dramatic, exciting and captivating. mars person (taylor) embodies a powerful energy that north node person (joe) may wish to emulate. this is an active relationship and whether romantic, sexual or professional, both motivate each other through healthy competition and challenging the status quo. mars person (taylor) and north node person (joe) may embark on a series of adventures together, or may collaborate on a challenge involving physically demanding work or exercise program, or athletic pursuits. north node person (joe) may also help mars person (taylor) to better channel their passion and energy, helping them to overcome anger issues or to become emboldened and empowered in productive ways.
taylor's mars squares joe's midheaven
there's much energy directed to your individual careers or even toward a common goal, but competition and ego trips turn off mars person's (taylor) energy and impair midheaven person's (joe) steadfastness. mars person (taylor), while giving energy to midheaven person's (joe) path toward success, might threaten it by being too impatient and forceful. midheaven person (joe) resents the efforts done for mars person's (taylor). at other time, mars person (taylor) gives lots of energy to midheaven person's (joe) which they take for granted. midheaven person (joe) considers mars person's (taylor) rushed initiatives as a threat to its career. mars person (taylor) doesn't accept midheaven person's (joe) criticisms and reacts in a belligerent way. when together, you are both too identified with being recognized and admired in your accomplishments instead of valuing what you can provide to each other.
taylor's pluto in joe's 1st house
pluto's presence in the 1st house can be an intensely metamorphic bond. this relationship goes beyond physical, into the deep intertwining of each other. the house (joe) portrays a fascinating allure towards pluto (taylor). pluto (taylor) feels very tempted and inexplicably drawn towards the house (joe), almost like the house (joe) is testing to see when pluto (taylor) gives in. the house (joe) feels like pluto (taylor) dominates their mind, which can quickly lead to them becoming smitten. pluto's (taylor) persona intimidates and simultaneously attracts the house (joe). in this connection, pluto (taylor) will inevitably hold a lot of power, and can become jealous and overbearing regarding the house (joe). this bond requires pluto (taylor) to be mindful of arising insecurities revolving the house's (joe) outward charm to others. the house (joe) feels like pluto (taylor) peers into their soul, seeing their vulnerabilities and weak spots. the house (joe) almost can't turn away, because of the intimacy they discover through this connection. this is the type of couple that turns heads when they walk in. if pluto is afflicted, this synastry is susceptible for forced change and control. pluto (taylor) needs to be cautious of trying to mold the house (joe) into what they want, rather than what the house (joe) wants. by supporting the house (joe), pluto (taylor) can propel the house's (joe) spiritual and psychological broadening, and act as an important guide for the house (joe) to fulfill the immense potential that pluto (taylor) sees in them.
taylor's pluto opposites joe's moon
you attract each other on an instinctual and gut level, which seems compulsive and uncontrollable to both of you. jealousy and emotional manipulations are always lurking in your relationship to keep the other person under control. moon person (joe) may play the guilt card while pluto person (taylor) has the ability to sense moon person's (joe) unconscious needs and manipulate them. pluto person (taylor) tends to have a power and controlling attitude toward moon person (joe). moon person (joe) should refrain from letting pluto person (taylor) take advantage of the need for belonging and safety by being controlled. what you both need to let go is the belief that you can be loved only if control is present.
taylor's pluto sextil joe's neptune
they show each other kindness and understanding. they may learn how to be better people around each other. may learn how to forgive and/or heal in this relationship. forgetting each other is one of the few things that isn’t easy about this aspect
joe's 1st house
joe's lilith in taylor's 1st house
primal feelings for one another, you feel enticed and even more aware of your body in the presence of one another-the lilith person (joe) is deeply enthralled by the sight of the house person (taylor) and vice versa! there can be an added dose of instinctual and lustful sexuality for the two involved. sex is often aggressive and intense. domination can be a running gag as one of you may try to be in charge as a means to establish a sort of status quo or grounding to the attraction but for the most part it points to a very in your face sort of feeling of intensity.
joe's lilith conjuncts taylor's sun
when sun person's (taylor) sun and lilith person's (joe) lilith combine, each person awakens the deep desire for individuality and creativity in each other. you both feel admiration for each other. sun person (taylor) helps lilith person (joe) recognize their subconscious gifts and strengths. sun person (taylor) brings optimism and hope that can shed light on lilith person's (joe) otherwise sinister attitude toward life. sun person (taylor) can also help lilith person (joe) feel like they can be free to be who they are. lilith person (joe) can find validation and encouragement from sun person (taylor). though lilith person (joe) will rebel against anyone who tries to overstep their boundaries, with sun person (taylor) they are treated as a peer and potential leader rather than someone who has to prove themselves.
joe's eros in taylor's 1st house
you help each other find greater confidence in your sensuality and sexuality. 1st house person (taylor) is transparent and honest with their infatuation with eros person (joe). eros person (joe) helps 1st house person (taylor) explore their deeper sexual desires and fantasies. eros person (joe) and 1st house person (taylor) may feel instantly attracted to each other. though sexuality is typically considered a personal and private matter, for eros person (joe) and 1st house person (taylor), the relationship brings to the surface your deeper desires and shared longings. as a couple, 1st house person (taylor) and eros person (joe) can help each other become more open and confident in your passions and erotic desires, and 1st house person (taylor) may openly project their desires and fantasies, while eros person (joe) helps push the limits and boundaries. your passion for each other is no secret and may be clear to both of you from the very beginning of the relationship. you may “wear” souvenirs of your devotion to each other, such as in a locket, on a tattoo or in some other form, making your shared infatuation a visible part of your outward identity.
joe's eros sextil taylor's venus
you may find it easy to balance your need for romantic and erotic love. venus person (taylor) is compassionate and brings beauty, harmony and compassion to the relationship. eros person (joe) brings erotic desire and sexual energy to the relationship and the two of you can easily recognize how your complementary styles both work together to enhance the relationship. eros person (joe) can help venus person (taylor) explore their sexual and exciting side. venus person (taylor) can help eros person (joe) explore pleasure and pampering in the relationship. both can help each other to combine their sentimental and arousing energy and create a fully satisfying and romantic relationship. you may share similar fantasies or ideals regarding romantic and sexual connection and even if your fantasies differ in some ways, you are both highly compatible both romantically and sexually.
celeb's masterlist / moodboard
planets in 1st house synastry // mercury - mars aspect synastry / venus - mars aspect synastry / mars - north node aspect synastry / moon - pluto aspect synastry / neptune - pluto aspect synastry // lilith synastry overlay //sun - lilith aspects synastry // eros synastry overlay // venus - eros aspect synastry //
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growwithmeastrology · 2 months
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Thursday, July 25th 2024
Sun in Leo ♌️🔥 Moon in Pisces ♓️🌊 and Aries ♈️🔥
Moon conjunct Neptune
In the last degrees of Pisces, the Moon and Neptune (rx) come together and kick off the day with heightened sensitivity. Great for imagination inspiration, not so great for confusion or misunderstandings. Balance your dreamy side with practicality. Enjoy creative surges and heightened empathy.
Moon enters Aries
When the Moon enters fiery Aries, it’s time to kick it into high gear and begin new projects. For the next couple of days we’re feeling more assertive and confident. Exercise patience and selflessness where possible. Look out for new opportunities. Take all the extra energy and do something physical. Avoid hasty decisions.
Moon sextile Pluto
The Aries Moon immediately sextiles Pluto (rx) in Aquarius and this one can stir up a bunch of feelings you never knew you had. Your subconscious thoughts come out to play. Be weary of emotional outbursts as you process deeper feelings. Channel that energy into your goals. You just might see what’s truly driving you.
Sun trines Moon
The Leo Sun and Aries moon are in a trine, also called the Waxing Gibbus phase, brings really good vibes into the air. It seems like everything you do has an extra boost of energy. Overall, this transit brings happiness and vitality. Its harmonious feel is perfect for personal growth.
Moon sextile Mars
The Aries Moon teams up with Mars in Gemini giving your conversations a boost too. Especially with the opposite sex. Foster positive relationships that ignite your spirit. Your inner fire is kicked up and full of passion. This can also bring out your competitive and courageous side.
Mercury enters Virgo
Mercury enters its comfortable home sign of Virgo today giving us mental stimulation and brain power. It’s a great time to learn something new. The analytical mine gets turned up and turned on. Enjoy it while you can, Mercury will retrograde soon and have you reviewing all your thought processes.
Sun sextile Mars
The Leo Sun in a sextile to Mars in Gemini brings yet another energy boost. Both mentally and physically. Feeling extra motivated? These high energy transits are all about enhancement. Whether it’s work or play, business or romance, it’s an excellent time to be active, creative or mentally stimulated.
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Learn more about your personal energies and how the forecast affects you! Comment below or DM me for a consultation or birth chart reading.
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laidee-flegman · 10 months
Journal prompts for personal growth and empowerment.
Captain of My Ship: If your life were a ship, are you the captain navigating through storms or a passenger letting things happen? How can you take the helm?
The Hero's Journey: Reflect on a challenging experience. How did you overcome it, and what heroic qualities did you discover within yourself?
The Fear Flip: What's one fear you have that, if conquered, would unlock a new level of badassery? How can you flip that fear into fuel for growth?
Limitless Playlist: Create a playlist of songs that make you feel unstoppable. How can you channel that energy into your daily life?
Mirror Motivation: Look in the mirror and give yourself a pep talk. What affirmations can you tell yourself to boost confidence and self-love?
Dear Future Self: Write a letter to your future self, celebrating achievements and milestones. What words of wisdom does your future self have for you now?
The Comfort Zone Challenge: Identify one thing that scares you but has been on your bucket list forever. How can you step out of your comfort zone and tackle it?
The Gratitude Grind: List three things you're grateful for today. How can you incorporate more gratitude into your daily routine?
Mind Gymnastics: What mental habits do you need to break to foster a positive mindset? How can you rewire your brain for success?
The Comparison Cleanse: Reflect on an instance where you compared yourself to others. How can you shift that comparison into inspiration and motivation?
Growth Gardening: If you were a plant, what kind would you be, and how can you nurture your personal growth garden?
Bold Boundaries: Where do you need to set boundaries in your life? How can you communicate them assertively and without guilt?
The Inner Cheerleader: What encouraging words would your inner cheerleader shout from the sidelines? How can you amplify that voice?
Champion of Challenges: Recall a past challenge that seemed insurmountable. How did you overcome it, and what did it teach you about your strength?
The Energy Audit: Assess your daily activities. What drains your energy, and what boosts it? How can you optimize for positivity?
Self-Love Rituals: List three self-love practices that make you feel amazing. How can you prioritize these rituals in your routine?
Passion Pursuit: Identify a passion you've neglected. How can you reintegrate it into your life and use it as a catalyst for personal growth?
The Positive Pivot: When faced with a setback, how can you pivot your perspective to find the silver lining and keep moving forward?
The Ripple Effect: Reflect on how your actions impact others. How can you contribute positively to your community or the world at large?
The Power Pose: Strike a power pose and feel the confidence surge. How can you incorporate body language to boost your self-esteem?
Mindfulness Moments: Choose a daily activity and do it mindfully. How does this practice bring awareness and appreciation to the present moment?
Dream Weaver: Visualize your dream life in vivid detail. What steps can you take today to weave that dream into reality?
The Resilience Recipe: List three traits that make you resilient. How can you use these qualities to bounce back from challenges?
Grit and Grace: Reflect on a time you showed grit and grace simultaneously. How can you harness these qualities in future endeavours?
The Joy Journal: Write about a moment that brought you pure joy. How can you infuse more of these moments into your life?
The Fearless Forecast: What's one fear you'd like to conquer in the next month? How can you prepare yourself to face it head-on?
Courageous Conversations: Is there a conversation you've been avoiding? How can you approach it with courage and authenticity?
The Visionary Vista: Envision your ideal future. What steps can you take today to align your actions with that vision?
Slay Your Dragons: Identify your inner dragons (challenges). How can you equip yourself with the tools and mindset to slay them?
The Daily Dose of Dopeness: How can you inject a daily dose of dopeness into your routine? What small, impactful actions can you take to level up your day?
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common crystals and their attributes
agate comes in clear or milky white, grey, blue, green, pink, brown, and are often artificially colored. most agate is waxy and soft, and is usually banded. agate stabilizes emotions, eliminating negative physical and emotional influence. it also can be used for healing, and some varieties are good for protection.
amber comes in golden brown or yellow--other colors are always artificial. it is opaque or transparent resin, and insects or vegetation may be trapped inside. amber has strong connections to the earth and is a good grounding stone. it is a powerful healer and cleanser, stimulates intellect and promotes a positive mental state.
amethyst comes in purple, pink, and lavender colors. it is transparent, and always grows in points either in a geode, cluster, or single point. amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone. it has strong healing and cleansing powers, and enhances spiritual awareness. it can also be used to promote love (self and romantic/sexual).
aventurine comes in green, blue, red, brown, and peach. it is opaque and often speckled with small clear pieces. aventurine is a very positive stone of prosperity and luck. it defuses negative situations and turns them to the positive. emotionally, it promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance, stabilizing one's state of mind. it also promotes creativity.
bloodstone is a green stone speckled with red splotches. it is believed to have the ability to banish evil and negativity and to direct spiritual energies. bloodstone heightens the intuition and increases creativity. physically, this stone can promote healing.
calcite comes in green, blue, yellow, orange, clear, and pink. it is translucent and waxy, and is often banded (may be acid-treated to enhance color). calcite is a powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. having calcite in a room cleanses negative energies. calcite connects emotions with the intellect, calming the mind and boosting memory.
carnelian comes in red, orange, pink, or brown. it's often small and translucent, being water-worn or tumbled. carnelian grounds you and is excellent for restoring vitality and motivation. it stimulates creativity and even has the ability to cleanse other stones. carnelian gives courage and promotes positive life choices, useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. it can also help with love (self or romantic/sexual).
citrine comes in yellow, yellowish brown or smokey grey-brown. it is transparent, and is seen most often as a geode, point, or cluster. citrine is a powerful cleanser, believed to carry the power of the sun. it absorbs negative energy and energizes every level of life. it is also a powerful luck stone.
garnet comes in red, pink, green, orange, yellow, brown, and black. it is a transparent or translucent crystal, often small and faceted or a larger opaque piece. garnet is a powerfully energizing and regenerative stone. it balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. garnet inspires love and devotion, alleviating emotional disharmony. red garnet in particular aids sex drive. garnet is useful to have in a crisis.
jasper comes in varieties of numerous colors. it is opaque, patterned, often water-worn or small and tumbled. jasper is known as the "supreme nurturer." it sustains and supports during times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. it provides protection and grounds the person.
labradorite comes in greyish to black with blue and yellow iridescence. it comes in all sizes and is usually polished. labradorite is a highly mystical and protective stone, a bringer of light. it deflects unwanted energies and prevents energy leakage. labradorite banishes fears and insecurities, focusing psychic energies.
malachite comes in only green, concentric light/dark bands and rosettes. it is often tumbled or polished, since the raw form is toxic if particles are inhaled. malachite is a powerful stone that should be handled with caution, since it amplifies both positive and negative energies. malachite is a stone of transformation. life is lived more intensely under the influence of malachite, since it encourages risk-taking change.
moonstone comes in white, cream, and yellowy grey. it is often milky and translucent, sometimes having an iridescent shine. moonstone is a "stone of new beginnings". as the name suggests, it is strongly connected to the moon. it reminds us that, as the moon waxes and wanes, everything is part of a cycle of change. moonstone promotes intuition and empathy, and calms overreactions.
obsidian comes in black and black speckled with white. it is shiny opaque and glass-like. obsidian is a stone without boundaries or limitations, it works extremely fast and with great power. it enhances the truth and exposes flaws. obsidian is also a strongly protective stone, forming a shield against negativity. it is helpful for highly sensitive people.
opal comes in basically every color, but all of them have iridescent/holographic reflections. opal can be synthetic or natural, and can grow onto other objects (often shells or pieces of wood). opal is absorbent and reflective, it picks up thoughts and feelings and amplifies them. mentally, opal brings lightness and spontaneity. it encourages an interest in the arts.
peridot comes in dark olive green to lime green colors. it's a transparent glassy crystals, but cloudy when polished. peridot is believed to keep away evil spirits. peridot alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite and anger, and reduces stress. it clears/releases "old baggage". peridot sharpens the mind and opens it to new levels of awareness.
clear quartz grows in clear, pointed crystals. it is translucent, milky or striated, and often comes in clusters. quartz is often considered a universal stone, but specifically helps to alter/amplify other energies. it also is a good healing stone.
rose quartz is pink, usually translucent or transparent, and is sometimes tumbled. rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. it is the best stone for attracting love. rose quartz gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with love. emotionally, it is the finest healer.
selenite is a white, pink, or beige crystal that can grow in flat and curled layers or long "tubes". it is translucent with a light bending effect from some perspectives. selenite brings clarity of the mind, promoting divine guidance. it can cleanse other crystals/objects and can form a protective grid around a house. it is a powerful disperser and stabilizer for erratic emotions.
sodalite is blue, and mottled with dark and light blue-white. sodalite unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual senses. this stone is particularly useful for group work, as it brings harmony and solidarity of purpose. it stimulates trust and companionship between people. sodalite is an excellent stone for the mind, as it eliminates mental confusion and intellectual bondage.
tiger's eye several shades of brown that grows in bands, with a light-bending effect. tiger's eye is a protective stone that is excellent for people who are spaced out or uncommitted. this stone is useful for recognizing both your needs and the needs of other people. tiger's eye heals issues of self-worth, self-criticism, and blocked creativity.
this stone is pink and black, with some streaks of white or grey. it is another stone of great balance, balancing emotions, balancing a relationship, etc. for this reason it is also associated with love and healing.
rhodochrosite is a pink stone with bands of tan, white, and lighter pinks. this crystal encourages a positive attitude and is known to enhance dreams. it is also known to promote love (especially self-love).
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ladespeinada · 1 year
having finished watching the bear in the early hours of the morning, i have some thoughts rattling around in my head that i need to jot down because they keep distracting me from work, lmao. spoilers under the cut 
→ i had fun! it was emotional! it was stressful! i was entertained and then i had to suppress the feelings of familial relatability brought up in ep. 6!  → MARCUS!!! TINA!!! NAT!!! EBRA!!! RICHIEEEEEEE!!!!! All going through their own shit, changing, emotional, relentless, scared, nervous. I especially loved Richie this season and he had a speech in ep. 1 that broke my heart ("I'm 45, I've been here a long time, you feel me? I mean, you know what the fuck you're doing, you know. You love all this shit. It's fun for you. I don't have that. I'm afraid imma wake up and you guys are all just gonna cut—just drop this ass.")
→ Sydney, light of my life. Her fierce ambition, so obvious and strong in S1, got tempered by doubt and distrust in her partner, by the gradual recognition that she is doing so much, too much, by herself. I don’t think it bodes well that the last shots we get of her, she’s ralphing after opening night service—after an intense kitchen set-up that tests her limits and shows who she can and cannot trust. (Giving Carmy in NY, throwing up before service vibes). And honestly? I wouldn't be mad if she really, really starts doubting her partnership with Carmy and just dips. 
→ Anyway, I came back to add that Sydney, despite her doubts and not-unfounded fears, is such a positive source for those around her. We saw it in S1, when she gave Marcus a confidence boost, when Tina sought her approval after initially being very hesitant about her. And that faith in others just increased in this season, and god, to be around someone like that, who lifts others up no matter what, is so rare. I love her so much. (And her carrying around that book the whole season! Just holding onto courage and confidence, letting it shape her leadership.) 
→ I'm so happy Natalie wasn’t relegated to glimpses this time around. She's present and focused and involved in dismantling her family’s trauma and history, and I love that for her. I also love her and Syd's relationship (them almost being synchronised in saying Carmy Problem) and her interactions with Fak, lmao. 
→ Tina at culinary school! Tina with reservations about her place but thriving and finding inspiration. There's a moment where some of the people in her class all go out, and they invite her, and when she meets them at the bar, they've all got a nasty judgemental face (it's def an age thing) but then she EATS THEM UP at karaoke with a beautiful song in English & Spanish, TINA TE ADORO. 
→ I immediately re-watched Marcus's episode and I want a spin-off series where he stages at different world-renowned bakeries and lives his best patissier life. 
→ That Variety piece that said Carmy was the least interesting character in this show was RIGHT ("It’s no coincidence that these weaker points tend to involve Carmy, a character perfectly rendered by White who’s still the least interesting part of his own show.") 
→ Speaking of: the romance between Carmy and Claire (which we all unfortunately saw happening after the trailer, and is fucking annoying, and yes part of it is because I love Syd & Carmy together, but also because the showrunners pledged no romance in the show which would have been fine, too) is BORING. So boring. I know Claire is going to get a lot of hate and honestly, it's barely fair because she's just not developed as a character at all. Beyond being someone Carmy knew in his past, and who is now stealing his time and energy away from the restaurant, there's not much to her. She's written with so little dimension, and exists purely to be Carmy's lil girlfriend and it's disappointing. She could have at least been fucking interesting. 
→ Carmy's so angry around the time of the opening, and he projects it onto everyone else, and it's really his own fault that he's not aware of what's happening in the restaurant.  → Okay so another thing—Sydney talks about how much she wants a Michelin star, how it’ll make The Bear a true destination spot. And rudely, Carmy goes, “you really want one of these bullshit stars?” to which Syd says yes, I really do, and this fucking dickhead tells her: “you’re gonna to have to care about everything, more than anything” AND HE STILL LET HER DOWN!!!!!!!! The more I think about it, the more upset I get. 
→ Also, Michael doesn't haunt the narrative the way he did last season—his presence is so faint. There's moments, of course, but it just feels like something is missing or off. I had expected some sort of sentiment to come to the surface towards the end of the season at least, some sense of acknowledgement that maybe he would have loved The Bear, or hated it, or something, from literally anyone—Carmy, Nat, Richie, someone—but nope, nothing besides the cannoli.
→ Episode 6, man. Episode fucking six. Natalie Berzatto, you deserve peace. 
→ Anyway, overall there’s a sort of bite missing in this season. The looming threat of Cicero has been softened a lot and yes, obviously internal workings at The Bear are the new obstacles but it doesn’t feel quite the same. Maybe it's a lack of tension, or a lack of anxiety? I don't know how else to explain it.
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queenofthedepths · 1 year
How your Venus placement influences your senses 🌹🍰 PART ONE
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We all know Venus as the planet of love, but did you know that this planet also has a direct impact on our sensory preferences and what we find to be pleasurable and luxurious? Whether it's textures, colors, scents, sounds, or tastes, the sign and house of Venus can play a significant role in shaping our experience with the 5 senses.
Although this is primarily focused on Venus, you can also check for your Moon sign and Sun sign.
Venus in Aries/1st House:
Colors: Bold, bright, vivid colors. Eye-catching and fiery colors. Intense reds and oranges. Colors that resonate with their passionate and assertive nature. Electric blue, hot pink, or vibrant yellow. Colors that create strong visual contrast or appear daring. Warm hues such as gold, salmon, terracotta, maroon or burgundy may also be appealing.
Textures: Rough fabrics, leather, or metallic surfaces. Textures that are stimulating and invigorating. Sleek metals such as stainless steel or polished chrome. Fabrics with raised patterns, such as jacquard or brocade. Embossed leather, mesh netting, or rib-knit patterns could not only add more visual interest but could add a more intriguing tactile sensation.
Scents: Citrusy, spicy, or woody fragrances with a hint of zest or warmth. Scents that wake you up or give you a boost of energy. Smells such as cinnamon, ginger and black pepper or lemon, orange and grapefruit. Scents with exotic or adventurous undertones jasmine, ylang-ylang, or sandalwood. Or invigorating, stimulating fragrances such as peppermint, eucalyptus, bergamot.
Sounds: Beats that are lively and energetic, such as rock, pop or electronic music. Music with a strong sense of rhythm that makes you want to move or dance. Upbeat hip-hop, afrobeat, latin music or reggae can tap into their love for dynamic and spirited sounds. Songs with bold lyrics, anthemic qualities, and passionate vocals. Nature sounds such as crashing waves, chirping birds, roaring thunderstorms, or crackling fire.
Tastes: Flavors that are bold and adventurous. Spicy, tangy or intense flavors that give you a kick or can really stimulate your palate. Dishes that are well-seasoned and flavored with chili peppers, hot sauces or fiery spices. Citrus fruits and lemon-infused dishes. Savory, robust tastes such as grilled steaks, spicy barbecue, umami-packed sauces, or dishes seasoned with herbs like rosemary, thyme, or cumin.
Visuals: Imagery that evokes a sense of action and adventure. Watching sports, dance performances, action movies, fashion runways or looking at visually striking artworks. Visuals that convey movement. Live concerts, action-packed video games, adventure novels and media that depicts strong, confident individuals. Paintings, comics and films about courageous heroes, inspiring leaders, or fierce warriors. Spaces that are modern, edgy, provocative or avant-garde.
Venus in Taurus/2nd House:
Colors: Rich, earthy, soothing colors. Hues that remind them of nature such as greens, browns and jewel tones such as emerald, sapphire, and amethyst. Colors that evoke a sense of luxury and wealth such as burgundy, gold, or royal purple. Neutrals such as ivory, cream, or taupe can also be appealing as they create a sense of elegance and sophistication.
Textures: Silk, velvet, and cashmere. Soft, luxurious fabrics that are comforting to the touch and evokes a sense of coziness. Suede and felted wool. Plush materials such as knitwear and faux fur. Smooth marble, polished wood, and ceramic pottery offer them a good balance between refinement and natural elements. Fabrics made from natural fibers such as cotton, hemp, or bamboo, which offer a soft and breathable feel against the skin.
Scents: Floral, earthy, or warm scents. Natural smells such as rose, freshly cut grass, jasmine and honeysuckle. Fragrances that bring a sense of tranquility and help connect them to nature or scents that evoke feelings of comfort and luxury. Sensual and inviting smells such as patchouli, amber or musk. Rich, decadent scents such as warm vanilla, cinnamon, cocoa or juicy scents such as ripe strawberries, luscious peach, or creamy coconut.
Sounds: Gentle, soothing melodies. The calming sounds of nature such as birds singing, rustling leaves, ocean waves, or rain falling. Music that provides a comforting ambience such as soft instrumental music, acoustic folk songs, or smooth jazz. Music that is serene and atmospheric. Amorous, sultry, sensual tunes such R&B ballads, bossa nova or classical slow-tempo romantic songs.
Tastes: Rich, decadent flavors. Foods that are sweet, creamy and evoke a sense of sensuality like caramel, honey, or desserts made with ripe and luscious fruits. Earthy or hearty flavors are also appealing such as roasted vegetables, grilled meats, flavorful stews or dishes seasoned with herbs like rosemary, thyme, sage or basil. Comfort foods such as mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, or creamy soups. Indulgent tastes like rich red wine and decadent chocolate.
Visuals: Images that are elegant, refined, and comforting. Natural landscapes such as lush green forests, blooming flowers, and serene mountains. Classical architecture, graceful artworks, and interiors that exude a sense of sophistication and timeless beauty. Floral arrangements and glamorous spaces. Media such as period dramas, romance movies, nature documentaries, artistic performances or cooking shows.
Venus in Gemini/3rd House:
Colors: Vibrant, lively and bold colors. Shades that are eye-catching and stimulate the senses such as sunny yellow, electric blue, or bright orange. Color combinations that contrast with each other such as complementary colors or black and white. May also enjoy multi-colored patterns or psychedelic hues.
Textures: Silk, chiffon, and organza. Fabrics that are light, airy and easy to move in. Sheer and feather-light materials. Textured surfaces that stimulate them such a raised patterns, embossed leather, or embroidery. Could also be drawn to smooth and glossy textures like satin or metal. Likely to enjoy mixing and matching, so they can get the best of both worlds.
Scents: Fresh, bright, clean scents. Citrus fragrances such as lemon, orange, or grapefruit. Light and airy floral scents like lavender, or rose. Clean linen, cotton or ocean breeze. Smells that evoke a sense of freshness and energy. Eucalyptus and peppermint. May also enjoy exotic or spicy scents such as cinnamon or cardamom. May be drawn to fragrances that blur the lines between masculine and feminine.
Sounds: Upbeat, energetic, and eclectic. Lively genres such as pop, rock, or electronic can appeal to them. Playful beats like hip-hop or swing music. Experimental sounds such as alternative, indie, or avant-garde music. Music with engaging lyrics, meaningful messages, or witty wordplay. Podcasts and audiobooks that provide stimulating information or storytelling. Social ambience such as busy coffee shops or bustling city streets.
Tastes: Versatile and adventurous flavors. Dishes with a diverse blend of seasonings or ones that incorporate exotic fruits and vegetables such as dragon fruit or lychee. They usually enjoy trying cuisine from all over the world and being exposed to new flavors. Fusion dishes the blend different cultures together. Flavors that are light, fresh and invigorating such as crisp salads with zesty dressings, citrus-infused dishes, or light and refreshing desserts
Visuals: Imagery that is vibrant, playful, and dynamic. Visuals that evoke a sense of whimsy and humor. Designs with intricate patterns, unexpected color combinations, or visual illusions that help stimulate the mind and evoke curiosity. Films that make you laugh, thought-provoking documentaries, and mystery dramas that leave you wondering what happens next. Multimedia artworks, graphics that convey movement, street or travel photography.
Venus in Cancer/4th House:
Colors: Soft, muted, pastel colors. Baby blue, pale pink, lavender, and mint green. Colors that evoke a sense of comfort such as soft brown or warm terracotta. Or colors the remind them of the moon and night sky such as black, white and silver. Antique whites, faded yellows, or sepia tones can evoke a sense of sentimental charm and evoke memories of the past.
Textures: Lace, cashmere, fleece and velvet. Fabrics that are delicate, soft and cozy. Smooth materials such as marble, satin or silk. Cozy knits and fluffy blankets that provide a sense of warmth and security. Fabrics like cotton, linen or bamboo can also help them feel comforted and grounded, as it offers a sense of connection to the natural world.
Scents: Homey, nurturing, aquatic scents. Fragrances like jasmine, rose, lily, or violet that evoke feelings of romance and tenderness. Sweet and warm aromas such as vanilla, honey, caramel or cinnamon and nutmeg can provide a sense of warmth and comfort. Fragrances that remind them of home and nurturing environments like freshly baked goods, clean sheets, or baby powder. And smells that remind them of the ocean or the sea breeze.
Sounds: Heartfelt, nostalgic, and sentimental. Music that stirs their emotions, that expresses deep feelings, vulnerability, or explores themes of love, home and childhood. Calming nature sounds like ocean waves, falling rain, or singing birds. Vocalists that convey warmth and comfort with soft-spoken words and soothing tones. Soulful music, folk or acoustic could be something they enjoy. As well as any vintage music.
Tastes: Home-cooked, traditional flavors. Comfort foods like mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, soups, stews, or warm baked goods. Flavors that remind them of their ancestral roots or helps them feel connected to their heritage. Foods with fresh and nurturing ingredients. Organic and locally sourced foods. Indulgent desserts such as pies, cakes and creamy puddings. Sweet and savory combinations such as maple-glazed bacon, pineapple pizza or salted caramel.
Visuals: Imagery that is inviting, serene, and nostalgic. Vintage photographs, retro fashion, or images that capture bygone eras. Comfortable, well-decorated spaces with warm lighting, plush textiles, and sentimental objects. Nature scenes that involve water such as tranquil beaches, lakes or gently flowing rivers. Images that have a dreamy, ethereal quality. Preferred media genres may include: fantasy, romance, historical, vintage, cartoons or family-oriented media.
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
What gemstones best represent the ROs? :)
Ooh, I love this question! Let me think...
Blade: black onyx. "Black Onyx is a protection stone arousing and intensifying focus and determination when faced with conflict. It gives strength and promotes vigour, steadfastness and stamina. Enveloped by the idea of the present, Black Onyx is said to absorb negativity of the past, transforming and erasing it creating a more resounding present and future."
Trouble: ruby. Although I like the aesthetic idea of jasper for him, the meanings for ruby (and the color red) also seem to fit well: "The stone of nobility, the Ruby is associated with prosperity and passion. Rubies are known to arouse leadership, strengthen decision-making, and inspire integrity and vitality. Thought to symbolize the sun's unending flame or the color of blood, it can help us overcome old wounds and release us from destructive thought patterns. Rubies symbolize protection, compassion, and perseverance." Bloodstone also works well for him: "bloodstones help create energy, enthusiasm and confidence. It symbolizes passion, energy, warmth and strength; however it can also represent aggression and anger."
Tallys: jade. "The healing stone, Jade is thought to possess health-strengthening properties and encourage longevity. Famously hard and durable, it can also symbolize endurance. It is also believed that jade reflects the life of the wearer, becoming more brilliant and bright during good times and losing its lustre in times of suffering. A traditional charm for gardeners, jade is said to ensure bountiful harvests."
Shery: rose quartz. "Rose Quartz is a stone of the heart, a crystal of unconditional love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion, peace, tenderness and healing. It speaks directly to the Heart, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments. Opening the heart on all levels, it teaches the true essence of love, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others."
Riel: lapis lazuli. "Lapis Lazuli’s meaning is based on wisdom, truth, and good judgement; helpful in problem solving, intellectual analysis and coming up with new ideas." But sapphire works well too: "The stone of wisdom and royalty, believed to bring protection, intuition, clarity, insight, motivation, and self-mastery. Sapphire embraces order, structure, and self-discipline, and is ideal for accomplishing goals and manifesting ideas into form. It is believed to boost one's leadership abilities and give one mental clarity."
Chase: citrine. "The "light-maker," Citrine is said to open the mind to new thoughts and balance impatience and restlessness. Citrine is thought to promote optimism. It also attracts abundance and is known as the "merchant's stone"; it is often placed where business is conducted, not only to acquire wealth, but to maintain it. It increases happiness and joy, chases away negativity, and can even increase luck, leading it to being called 'The Success Stone' as well."
Red: apatite. "The perfect stone for encouraging personal growth and helping you achieve your dreams. It will arouse the creative soul within you, offering a sense of clarity, focus and self-expression through recognising your ambitions and directing your energy towards them. It is a stone of manifestation, promoting personal power to achieve goals. It clears away confusion, apathy and negativity and enhances insight and learning. Apatite promotes focus and can promote the blending of old with new in one's life."
Ayla: garnet. Aesthetically, I think topaz may fit her better, but in terms of gemstone meaning, this seems to fit really well-- "Garnet empowers the individual, increasing will-power and self image while aiding in soothing nervousness. The Garnet pushes you to challenge adversity by providing directional guidance and is believed to protect the traveler."
Briony: aquamarine. "A gemstone symbolizing power, strength, and beauty, aquamarine is associated with courage and the release of anxiety and fear. It is thought to soothe, calm, alleviate fear and to help relaxation on long journeys. Many believe that it protects sailors at sea. Tradition holds that it gives insight and promotes mental clarity, as well as hope, truth, and trust. The Stone of Communication, it can also symbolize rebirth."
Lavinet: diamond. "The king of all gemstones, Diamonds in lore are known for being indestructible providing the wearer with inner strength to face all of life’s struggles. A symbol of eternal love, diamonds were known as the master healers and were worn by kings into battle as the Stone of Invincibility. This ‘invincibility’ manifests itself to this day bringing emotional strength, courage and determination to all those who wear one. A diamond will inspire creativity, imagination and innovation and bring clear headedness when facing problems or decision making."
Mimir: moonstone. "The stone of protection, Moonstone is known for soothing insomnia and warding off nightmares which is what grants it its name as the protector of the subconscious. Moonstone holds an air of mysticism by nurturing the psyche and enhancing female power and intuition."
Halek: black obsidian. "Black obsidian is a strong and absorbent stone that will highlight whatever truth you are needing to see in your life. Considered to be a spiritual cleanser, it is a powerfully protective stone and should be cleansed often due to how much energy it is able to absorb. It can bring avoided emotions or truths to the surface and force you to deal with things you may have suppressed. Black obsidian has the ability to draw in the negative, transmute, and expel it back out again. It increases self-control and deals with facing one's true self, clearing confusion and promoting spiritual healing and strength.  A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity."
Prihine: pearl, though I can't really find a meaning that really fits her for this one!
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creative-anchorage · 1 year
"Being cringey is a public service"
(Transcript of TikTok by Florence Given)
Number one: you benefit. Every time you’re cringey, every time you step outside your comfort zone, you benefit. Even if people don’t like it!! You still benefit, because you built resilience. If the only thing you gain from self-expression is resilience, you fucking won babes! Because what you’ve done is you’ve banked up concrete proof of you expressing yourself, receiving criticism, and serving it. And concrete proof is what we need to built self-esteem. So you benefit from being cringey. 
Number two: the people who need your light benefit. When you share yourself, you inspire someone else to do the same. We all act as like, walking permission slips for other people to do what they wanna do, so any time that you do something, you wear a bold outfit, you express your opinion, you’re in a meeting and you say “I haven’t finished talking,” there’s another woman watching you who’s gonna do the same fucking thing because she saw you do it. Any time you express yourself, you pass a permission slip on to other people to do the same. 
So 1. you benefit 2. other people who need your light benefit, and 3. the cynics benefit. The people who are gonna call you cringey, the people who are gonna send your content or bitch about you in their group chats, they benefit also. Babes what else are they gonna do? How else are they gonna make themselves feel better about themselves? You’re literally providing a service, you’re providing conversation fodder. What else are the small-minded family member that are bitching about you gonna talk about at Christmas when you’re not there? [Laughs] You know? 
Being cringey is literally a public service, you 1. give people shit to talk about 2. write their articles, write in their group chats, whatever it is, you give them fodder. People who gossip about you, they need you, they need your “cringey” (it’s not cringey but we’re gonna say “cringey” because that’s what they’re calling it) they need your “cringey” energy to fuel and boost their ego. Because without you to compare themselves to, they do not feel superior. That’s how an ego works. To reinforce the existence of an ego, it needs something that’s above it and below it to reinforce, like a fucking tripod, to hold up its existence. 
So, when you’re cringey and you express yourself and you have people in your comments section or I don’t know, your school, your work, whatever, saying “oh my god I’m so glad I’m not like that” you’ve literally boosted their ego. You’re welcome. [Laughs] Honestly like, there’s a way that you can flip things on its head all the fucking time…I’m not saying this is easy, okay, expressing yourself is one of the most vulnerable, courageous things you will ever do in your fucking life. 
I have lost this confidence so many fucking times, but I’ve lost that confidence enough times to know that I don’t ever want to go back in that fucking box again, where I allow other people’s fear, other people’s projections, dictate the direction of my life. I don’t want other people’s judgements to stop me shining? Like, it costs you your joy! We all see the benefit of being small, right, we see what we avoid when we don’t share ourselves, we avoid criticism. But we never really look at the cost of not expressing yourself. 
When you don’t express yourself, you become resentful, you become bitter, you start bitching about judging other people, because they bring up those feelings of insecurity in you. It’s ugly! And if you’re not that person, who is insecure and judges other people, and you’re the insecure person who deeply puts it upon themselves and is so self deprecating, it’s costing you your joy, it’s costing you your life! 
I’m not saying it’s easy, but it is simple, and I need you to do one tiny thing that scares you every single day. And when I say “scares you” I’m not talking about jumping out a fucking helicopter in your parachute, though it does feel like that! It could be…running for the bus, it could be running for the bus and not missing your bus because you’re embarrassed about what the people on the bus think of you because you’re [mimes running hard]. The one scary thing could be telling the waitress when you’re food is cold. That feels frightening to some people!!
The more that you start to act on those thoughts and self expression, whether it’s telling someone “no,” whether it’s telling your waiter “sorry, this is cold, can I have this reheated?” you can do one small, tiny thing a day that scares you. Like, really tiny. It can even be, like, smelling the roses when you see them on the street, you know, that’s quite a vulnerable thing, to like, reach out. It feels embarrassing, but you know when you see a rose and you really want to smell it but you feel embarrassed about someone seeing you smell the rose off the fucking street? Do it. Do it! Whatever happens (nothing, by the way. Nothing is gonna fucking happen if you stop and smell a rose, except for complete euphoria for your fucking nostrils!) 
Even if you gain nothing else, what you did gain is resilience, because you expressed yourself, you survived it, and it’s easier the next time. And that’s all you need to do to built confidence and resilience when it comes to self expression. And you might be thinking, why would I want to express myself when it’s so safe, and gorgeous, and comfortable not expressing myself? The life of your dreams…the life of your dreams…this complete, like uncontainable joy, it’s waiting at the end of self expression. And the people who are meant for you, you will attract them in abundance! [Blows kiss]
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sotisha · 1 year
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Tonight is the Full Strawberry Moon, so called because of the abundance of strawberries around at this time. If you have a lover or a love interest give them roses as this Moon is also known as the Rose or the Love Moon. It is the perfect time to patch up relationships, get married or find a new love. The June Moon is also known as the Honey Moon because it has a slight amber tint to it and it is also a time when honey bees are at their most active. This is were we get the term 'Honeymoon' a holiday taken after marriage.
The Full Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius which is the sign of truth. Things that were in the dark will now start to come to light, new truths will be revealed. We can look at our lives with more clarity, the veil will be lifted. Sagittarius's energy is wise and expansive. Whenever the Full Moon is in Sagittarius it amplifies our thoughts and feelings and brings more information to the surface. It’s almost like this Full Moon is going to give us a magnifying glass so we can see in greater detail what is working and not working in our lives.
This Full Moon can be an emotional time, our feelings will be intensified, we may start thinking about the past more and lost loved ones, we may find ourselves wanting to reconnect with people we haven't seen for a while. You may experience some restless nights and have wild and vivid dreams.
This will be a passionate Full Moon, Sagittarius is brave and bold and will give us a boost of creativity, courage and ambition. You may feel unstoppable and have a renewed energy. Use this energy to make plans for the future. Be daring and move out of your comfort zone a little, try new things, only by doing this can we learn and grow.
This Full Moon will have our emotions on high alert, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. We will be feeling a little fragile at the moment so be kind and gentle with yourself, don't be too self critical, try to stay positive and think about all the good in your life rather than the bad. There may be emotional desire to pack up and go off on an adventure or to visit places that bring up sweet memories.
This will be a very bright Full Moon, the Sun is at the height of it's power now with Summer Solstice just around the corner. We may be feeling a little lost or confused about our futures and where we are going. After this Full Moon, there is going to be a lot more clarity about what changes or adjustments need to be made and consequently there will be a peace that will follow. We must also look within ourselves and find our own inner truths. No matter how far you have strayed from your path, use the light of this Full Moon to find your way home.
Tonight's Full Moon gives us an opportunity to grow in so many ways and have an awesome summer. The earth is full of energy and life now, use these energies to inspire you, be creative and go out into nature for long walks see the beauty all around you and embrace all life has to offer. Let the fire element of Sagittarius burn away any negative energies and cleanse and heal your spirit.
Have a blessed Full Moon, may the God and Goddess watch over you.
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enchanting-jewel · 2 years
Crystals for Blood Type!
Ametrine - balance, courage and strength.
Shiva Lingam - supports fertility, sexuality and brings confidence and balance to your life.
Prehnite - will open your heart and give you space to release your deep-seated fears.
Bloodstone - brings out the best qualities, brings luck, wealth, respect and reputation to its owner.
Kambaba Jasper - action, logic, protection and assertiveness.
Lionskin - stabilize mood swings, dismiss fear and anxiety providing mental clarity.
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Chrysocolla - tranquility, peace, intuition and patience.
Vanadinite - helps renew enthusiasm for life, stimulates creativity, boosts desire to get things done.
Rose Quartz - love, rest and self-soothing, take action that is inspired by emotional awareness.
Rhodochrosite - evokes divine love, invites the heart to be courageous and compassionate.
Amazonite - aligns you with your purpose, paves new opportunities, and give inspiration.
Amethyst - brings intellectual stimulation, clear vision and inspires creativity.
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Fluorite - helps intuition connect with the rational mind. Cleanses and stabilizes the Aura, neutralizes and absorbs negative energy.
Hematite - grounding, helps you feel stable, secure and safe.
Smoky Quartz - grounding, transforms negative energy into positive energy.
Pyrite - action and vitality. empowering and can help you overcome bad habits.
Tanzanite - transformation, dissolves old patterns of disease and karma. provides direction.
Sunstone - leadership. helps bestow blessings onto others. also, a stone of joy, inspires good nature and enjoyment of life.
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Turquoise - energy of stillness, quiet strength and purification. Brings power of regeneration and rebirth.
Black Tourmaline - cleansing and protection. Blocks and shields from negative energy.
Blue Calcite - balance and harmony. encourages a positive point of view.
Amber - soaks up heavy moods and bad vibes.
Pink Tourmaline - induces feelings of love, joy, happiness, calm, relaxation, and restores a sense of wholeness in the heart.
Jade - gets rid of negativity, encourages tranquil wisdom, increases happiness and harmony, and stabilizes body and mind.
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Personally, I'm type O negative and didn't realize how badly I need these crystals in my life until I read up on this. Very interesting!
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la-ammaliatrice · 2 years
Lunar Cycle Correspondences
The beginning of a lunar cycle, a time of personal initiations and new beginnings; for setting new intentions, self-affirmations, and making a promise, a vow, or a wish that will grow as the moon does. The soil is at its most fertile, the moon drawing water up from the earth, making it a time ideal for planting seeds in your garden and life. It's also a time to renew relationships and projects already in your life. The new moon invites Magick for new beginnings, for rebirth, and a fresh start.
The New Moon offers its energy of intention, a perfect time for workings in renewal, release, love, new directions, personal improvements, manifestation, and ridding ourselves of negative habits in our lives, in our minds and bodies of toxic thoughts, patterns and substances. Its energy is gentle and light.
The moon appears to be growing, and its energies assist with growth, bringing to light things needing improvement, especially that which you don't want to face. This phase is perfect for working on the self in working toward reaching your highest potential. It is a good time to look deeper into your feelings, especially in relationships, to tap into the answers you hold hidden within. This is a time to anchor into your intentions and to focus on that which you aspire to bring to existence. The growing moon carries a magnetic energy, assisting in bringing things out of you.
The waxing moon is a time of energizing projects you already have and the new ones you've begun. It's a time for adjusting and adapting your projects, to reassess and redesign your plans and path there. This is a good time for healing and self-healing work, a time for doing activities that build your strength, and also a good time for protecting yourself and your environment, for sharing your loving protection with your world.
This is a time to work with constructive Magick, Magick that builds/brings things to us. This is the best time to work on magick for yourself, pertaining to new beginnings, and a best time to commit to your intentions and goals, to take the energy of the building moon to invite inspiration and passion, a time to work Magick and spells in courage, motivation, inspiration, an attitude adjustment, in patience and in healing.
This phase of the moon has energies most conducive to attraction and drawing things in. While the waxing crescent is best for going within and bringing things out, the waxing half moon is best for Magick that attempts to draw things outside of yourself to you. Use this time for spells and meditations meant to attract that which you want in your life, such as money, protection, or success, or missing objects, pets, people...
This is a time to move forward. The vision was born during the new moon, has faced the stresses of development during the crescent, and now is ready to be put into action. We've defined our goal developed our resources--refine our plan and act on it. Make the most of your momentum. Tap into the energy and momentum, get things done.
Still a time for constructive magick, best used toward 'reeling in' what you've been working for already. This phase is great for renewing your strength, will, and determination to see your efforts through. Take this energy and give yourself a power boost through your temptations. This is a good time for any kind of precision work or reviewing and fine-tuning. You are on the brink of manifestation, but do not give in to rushing through but feed off the moon's patience and persistence. Refine your goals. Revive what you've let slide off. Use the nearness of the full moon to blaze through your procrastination, to propel you through to your goal at manifesting at the full moon. Like the first half moon, this is a time for attracting, but more often for inner strength and motivation to complete tasks and achieve goals.
The full moon carries the strongest energies of all the phases, when the moon is centered between the earth and the sun. Many witches save their biggest Magick for this time, putting aside smaller spells for less powerful phases. The full moon is seen as "all purpose", that its energies flow into all areas and needs, whether constructive or destructive. This is a time to reserve for workings in things in your life where major change or major boosts are needed. Utilize this energy for your priorities in life, such as needing to win a court case or to find a job with better pay to prevent you from losing your home. Magicks and meditations centered around spirituality, psychic development, dreams and divination are particularly well times for the full moon.
Half the lunar cycle has been spent striving for this point. The earth glows in her divine silver light. Shadows seem vibrant and alive. The sun illuminates the moon here, and she reflects his light upon the earth, transforming it and producing a mystical, silvery glow. These energies of illumination and reflection give us pause to reflect on our lives and selves, and we see more deeply into our own souls, as well as others. We're drawn toward the elusive and mysterious... her power is tangible. This is a powerful time, of excess and extremes, which can manifest in positive or a negative way.
Approach this phase with awareness. The waxing phases are used to grow, learn, build and structure so that when the full moon arrives, we have a harness on this great energy. Things we have been working toward, or neglecting to work toward, will have manifested. Things will come to light. This is the most active period of change and can be useful for changing or breaking habits and routines. It is a good time for evaluation, as things are illuminated at this phase, both figuratively and literally.
The full moon is a time of celebration, celebrating energies that you want in your life, that are already present and celebrating achieved growth. It's a time of honoring energies, being in a place of gratitude and thanks.
This is a time of releasing, banishing, and purging things in your life that are obstacles for you. This is also a time for purifying yourself, your environment, and your activities. This is a good time to clean house--house being your environment or Self.
Waning energies repel rather than attract, so is a good time to do workings on spells to rid yourself of things. It's a great time to work on release and self-reflection. Really focus on self-reflection and releasing what no longer serves you. This is a good time for general cleansings, in your home, office, your personal spaces... This is a good time to cleanse personal objects, such as jewelry or magickal tools... think of this phase as a routine 'dusting', to keep things clear to prevent problems before there's any major buildup.
If you're needing closure or to end something in your life, this is a good time to bring things to fruition. In meditation and divination, this is a good time for introspection rather than looking toward the future or new things. Where have your previous attitudes and actions brought you? What's been affecting you most? Are you happy? Do you need to make attitude or behavioral adjustments?
This time is primarily about endings and letting go. It's time to begin releasing things you're holding onto, to realize that a transformation is needed before further growth. The disseminating phase is integrative. Our awareness is imperative, and we must really stop and look around to see what awaits us. Others' needs and goals and their effects on us are heightened. We begin to see where our knowledge may be useful to others, and theirs to us. This is a time to step back and to look at situations objectively. Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and subconscious all reside in the depths of the shadows. Turn your attention here, to begin to seek and understand. This is a time to process what ideas we came to know by the full moon, and to raze through those thoughts, information and memories and divine wisdom by them. Be open to change. Ask yourself what your need to transform, what you need to let go of, ideas, habits, routines, etc. Something has to end to make room for new growth, or to allow it to be reborn in a different and better way where you've felt stalled or found yourself in a rut. Something has to change to open new doors and paths, giving new options for growth.
This phase offers an opportunity to get to the root cause of a problem and to get rid of the blocks stopping you from moving forward. This is a good time for divination work, to discover what changes must be made to remove your obstacles and offers appropriate energies for helping you burst through these hurdles.
This is a time to banish any temptations that may not be serving you, or a time to utilize the moon's energy in aiding in transitions you may have to make or want to make in your life, smoothing out any wrinkles or potential snags on your path. This is a time of transition, transformation, and evolution. Sometimes, there is an energy of restlessness, unease. We instinctively feel something is happening, changing. The energies are more subtle, but deep and powerful. This is time of decision making, where to from here? This is a time of change, as we are beginning to form plans for the future, realizing repercussions of the past and deciding what will or must continue and will bring with us on. Rest and contemplation are integral to the waning phase, and a good time to take care of details. What needs to be eliminated? Now is the time for restructuring and reconsidering plans, to take a hard look at what has and hasn't worked, to make use of information that's been gathered.
If needing to clear your life and home of negativity, stress, strife, chaos, etc, now is the time. Approaching the dark moon phase, this time is suitable for stronger banishing than any other time of the moon. Get rid of whatever has been plaguing you, anything you've found to be particularly annoying, frustrating or concerning (but save serious threats for the dark moon). If you need things to stop in their tracks, this phase is a good time to do it, a good time to cast a spell for anything you wish to bring to a swift and benign ending.
This is a time of quiet contemplation. We withdraw into our shadowy depths of thought and emotion, resting, reflecting, thinking, feeling, dreaming, preparing... existing in the 'invisible worlds' of subconscious, spiritual realms, daydreaming, and our own inner depths.
This is a time to notice the subtle, especially within yourself. This isn't a time of dramatic change and/or hectic action, though its own kind of chaos. This is a time of release, of acceptance and letting go. We must have faith in ourselves and the natural cycle, knowing that what we let go of now will be reborn, resources reused, that we are making way for something new by releasing emotions and beginning healing. This is also a time of preparation, to gather our strength and resources for the new moon is verging upon us. Let your spirit and soul play, your mind and body relax. Your imagination run wild. The moon is retreating into the shadows, withdrawing into herself, resting and preparing to come back strong and vibrant in the next cycle. We should also prepare ourselves to be refreshed and ready for great momentum and new growth to come.
A great use of the Dark Moon is rest. It's a time to give yourself a break, to get in touch either with yourself or nature. To stop and smell the roses and to do the mundane, routine tasks that don't require strenuous activity or mentality. Let the subtle flow through, to let your mind relax and your subconscious, soul, and imagination flow.
This is an excellent time for final endings. This isn't a phase to push for something to happen but is good for dealing with things you don't want to return. In tough situations, if anything needs to be ended, this isn't a time to address the problem, but to wait for the new moon for those workings. However, this phase can be great for inspiration and creativity. The logical and forward moving parts of things might stall here, but often what we're needing now is a break from activity and some objective, unusual thoughts on our matters, art.
The dark of the moon is the hours before the new moon, where the moon has no energies with ties to the earth. Energies are literally void and makes this a very good time to surround yourself with your personal protective totems. Deep level release work is good here, but be sure to use familiar totems and tools. The dark of the moon is, traditionally, a tricky time and you can't be sure what your energies will do. This isn't a good time to begin a new relationship with a totem or new kind of project. It's a good time to go into that deep spiritual place within, and to ask for the deepest kind of shamanic connection and renewal you can achieve on the path.
Information gathered from Juliet Diaz's "Witchery Embrace the Witch Within", Amber Wolfe's "In The Shadow of the Shaman Connecting with Self, Nature & Spirit" and trolldomblog.tumblr.com 's article on Moon Phases and Correspondences (https://at.tumblr.com/trolldomblog/moon-phases-and-correspondences/zven4l8vufcv).
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piscesseer · 1 year
Mars enters Leo ☀️
The fiery planet of Mars is moving into dramatic Leo on May 20. Be ready to assert yourself and take action to reach your goals. You will be inspired and passionate during this bold transit that lasts through July 10.
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Mars is all about bravado; confidence, pride. Its energy is passionate, bold and assertive. Leo is associated with self-expression, courage and drama. When these energies combine, it can increase self confidence, heighten our passions, give us motivation and we might have a dramatic flair! It can be an intense period, but very positive over-all.
While in Leo, Mars is grand, proud, and self-confident. Mars in Leo can boost our self-confidence and encourage us to boldly express ourselves. This can manifest in many different ways; self-expression, career, goals and relationships. 
This transit can bring us a surge of energy and motivation. We want to take the driver’s seat during this transit. We seek to appear strong and prefer to be the center of attention during this time! We might have the drive to initiate new projects and pursue our personal ambitions.
We have big, grand goals. We go after the things that we want in a direct, self-assured manner. We desire dramatic results. We don’t want to worry about details, and take the least complicated route to goals.
We have a high passion for life during this transit. Mars is associated with the need to win, and Leo is linked with pride. Mars in Leo can awaken competitive drive. We’re willing to take more risks to get what we want. 
There might be an increased desire to showcase our talents. We will be more likely to assert our opinions with passion and enthusiasm. The urge to gain recognition for efforts is strong. There is going to be a need for attention and acknowledgement for your efforts!
Leo is also generous and warm-hearted, which means Mars’ drive could be channeled through helping others. It’s easier for us to stand up for the underdog than other times.
Sex drive is strong during this transit. You’ll have confidence with your romances too. And you’ll be needing extra validation. Be sure to be careful of your partner's emotions and work to create mutual understanding, because they might be feeling the same way! It’s important to find ways to channel all of this energy to avoid unneeded conflicts.
Emotions and actions might be expressed more boldly and passionately. There can be drama added to personal interactions and situations. Tantrums can easily be triggered. If we feel disrespected we can be particularly angry. We are apt to be more focused on being proud and dominating with others. 
There is also a hint of stubbornness in this sign. Moving out of your comfort zone might not be easy, unless we’re driven by passion.
A way to check out where this energy could show up for you is by checking where Leo and Mars are in your natal chart.
It’s great to channel this energy into physical activity, or something hands-on. Head over to the gym if you’ve been putting it off. Take some walks in nature. If you’re feeling brave, hiking and climbing could be a great outlet. Swimming and sports could be good too. 
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How can you utilize this energy?
Leo is one of the most creative signs in the zodiac, and this energy can be channeled into different kinds of creative endeavors. Incorporate creative practices like painting, drawing, singing or writing into your life. Allow your creativity to flow freely, expressing your emotions and spiritual insights.
Step out of your comfort zone and engage in practices that challenge you. Embrace personal growth with a fearless spirit. Consider taking a leadership role within a spiritual community or group, organize an event, or share your wisdom to inspire and motivate others.
Incorporate symbols of passion, power and creativity into your altar. Light red or orange candles for the fiery energy of Mars and Leo.
Perform rituals and spellwork connected with confidence, courage, leadership and creativity. Visualize yourself empowered by these energies while performing them. Mars in Leo can also be harnessed for banishing spells to release anything that is limiting you or your self-expression.
Herbs like ginger and cinnamon correspond with courage, strength and passion.
Affirmations can be a powerful tool to reinforce positivity about yourself, your life and your goals to empower you with confidence.
Here are some journal prompts that you can use during Mars in Leo:
🔥 How do I express myself creatively? 🔥 What are my unique talents and how can I showcase them more boldly? 🔥 In what areas of life do I feel most confident? How can I cultivate more self-assurance in other areas? 🔥 What does leadership mean to me? 🔥 What activities or projects ignite my passion and enthusiasm? What creative projects or hobbies bring me joy and allow me to express myself? How can I make more time for any of those? 🔥 How can I infuse more energy or motivation into daily life? 🔥 How do I seek recognition and validation from others? Are there ways I can have a healthier sense of self-worth from within? 🔥 How comfortable am I with being in the spotlight? What fears and insecurities come up when I’m the center of attention, and how can I work to overcome them? 🔥 Are there areas where I hold back due to fear of failure or judgment? How can I embrace a more courageous mindset?
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lovingessentialoils · 6 months
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therainbowmiracle · 6 months
Crystals That Help You in Building a Successful Career
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There are moments when the work atmosphere is irritating and stressful. The bad and toxic energies present in it from clients, customers, and even the equipment you're utilizing may impact your attitude and general well-being. Therefore, even the most self-assured professionals might become worn out and depleted. If you are also worried about your Career like others, then career success healing in India is an ideal solution.
Do you know that crystals can help you achieve a bright career? In this article, we will come across the different types of crystals that can help you create a bright career. So, let's start the article.
Different Crystals Which Help in Creating Successful Career
The Citrine is the first crystal for professional success. With its yellow hue, this stone perfectly captures the optimistic enthusiasm formerly required to achieve success. It is often called "the merchant's stone" because of its leadership in the field and capacity to draw wealth.
To bring happiness into your workstation, keep a citrine stone in your pocket or set it next to a window. Furthermore, Citrine may be the finest crystal for career achievement if you have recently begun a startup, a side project, or new employment.
Since ancient times, amethyst has been utilized as a multipurpose gemstone for protection, love, healing, and creativity. This lovely stone can support you in formulating motivating plans and visions. Try placing one in the middle of your forehead when you need an idea. Give in to its purple haze and allow images, thoughts, symbols, scenes, or pictures to flash before your inner mind's eye.
Lapis lazuli
It's said that this deep blue stone increases one's perception of authority and intelligence, which enhances interactions with coworkers. It's also thought to help stimulate creativity and reduce anxiety. The enhanced creative energy and problem-solving ability Lapis can provide could benefit academics, writers, and attorneys alike.
Ruby stone
This particular gemstone is thought to provide predictive knowledge regarding impending problems. Its initial color changes when someone finds it. By using it, one can get relief from bodily pain. When utilized, this gem of the Sun gives courage an extra boost. But if you want to know more about how it helps your Career, consult the best career growth healer near your location.
Carnelian is one of the best crystal stones for drawing luck, wealth, and prosperity. It's a powerful talisman for managing your money and our business endeavors. When working, this stone can inspire desire, drive, and tenacity. Additionally, it assists in fending off the excessive pressure from coworkers, clients, and customers and the impersonal businesses with exaggerated demands. In addition to encouraging idealism and practicality, the stone can assist you in overcoming obstacles in the way of your professional ambitions.
These are some of the crystals that will help you grow exponentially in your Career.
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