#inspired by Yellowstone lol
rexthetitan · 1 year
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Down time
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mrsmandalorian · 6 months
city nights
- cowboy!joel x techie! f!reader
-part 3 of city lights, country nights
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summary: joel surprises the reader by visiting her and tagging along for ladies' night in the city. something happens to bring up old insecure memories.
series masterlist/main masterlist/word count: 3.1k
warnings: 18+ mdni, reader is able-bodied, no outbreak AU,  pet names (baby, angel, darling), fluff!!!!, flirting, make-out, drinking, drunk reader, almost bar fight, bar settings, jealousy, insecurity, cowboy! joel is a dream man. 
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a/n: howdy, everyone! thank you so much for loving this series! 🫶🏼 i hope you enjoy this part. i have been watching some cowboy films and series to get inspiration. the bar scene reminds me of yellowstone, lol. let me know what everyone thinks and wants to see! i would love to hear your feedback or comments! - maddie
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The 5:30 alarm rang earlier than expected on Monday morning. The warm arm and body wrapped around you gently pulled away with a groan. Your time with your cowboy was almost over. You stretched your body as you rolled over to meet handsome brown eyes staring into your eyes. 
“Good morning, beautiful,” he whispers as he pulls your hips into his as he faces you. He gives your lips a lazily placed kiss and then runs his scruffy chin against your neck, causing you to giggle loudly. 
“Morning, handsome,” you giggled back. You quickly got up before he could tickle you all over. You find an easy way to escape him as he tries to catch you. “It’s time to get ready for the day, lazy cowboy.’
He gets up with a grunt and rolls his eyes at your comment. You both spend the next twenty minutes getting ready for the day. Your work clothes look very different from what you wear around the ranch. It's more business casual than cute overalls with your hair up. Joel helps you pack your bags and get ready to go. The two of you had this routine down to an art. If you left the ranch at six o'clock on the dot, you could be pulling into the parking lot at work on time. 
Joel made your coffee in your to-go tumbler and set it in the kitchen with your purse and phones. You walked into the room with your toiletry bag in hand. He had already packed the car and started it for you. He was indeed an angel and was better at time management than you were sometimes. Even Sassy knew what time it was as she followed you outside the house to your car—giving her some quick love and a promise to see her soon, walking to your vehicle where Joel was waiting for you. 
You give him a sad smile as you pull each other into a long hug. “I’m going to miss you, handsome. Thank you for a perfect weekend as usual,” you mumble into his neck as you hug him. He pulls away and gives you a quick peck, smiling down at you. 
“I’m going to miss you more, darling. It’s hard to let you go. You know you don’t have to work. Just sit pretty on my porch with some ice-cold lemonade,” he jokes to you as he kisses your cheek, his scruff tickling your skin. Joel was only kidding with you about your job. He knew and loved that your independence was critical and didn’t mind it as long as you were happy. You had a life in the city, and that’s where your family and friends besides them were. You and Joel had excellent communication (most of the time) of each other’s plans without pushing the border of clingy. He did wish you were closer, but he was grateful for every second he got to be with you. You had not told him yet, but there have been talks with your boss about you working from home more often. He might just need to update his internet package for that to happen. 
“I’ll see you soon, cowboy,” you whispered with a soft smile as you glanced up at his dreamy brown eyes that peered back at yours. His large hands gently grip onto your hips and push you against your car. His lips passionately met yours as his hands grip firmly on your bottom. He reaches up to caress your cheek with his thumb as he continues the passionate kiss. Your hands wander up to his brown curl as you follow Joel’s lead in the kiss with a soft moan. He pulls away from the kiss with a cocky smirk as he meets your eyes. “One hell of a goodbye from you, old man.” 
Joel chuckles and pulls his body off yours as he opens the car door for you. “Just leaving you with something to think about later,” he winks at you. He helps you enter the car, bending down to peck your lips again. “Drive safe, darling. I love you. Please let me know when you made it to work.” 
“Yes, sir, I will. I love you, handsome,” you grinned back at him as he closed your door. You both gave each other a soft smile with more emotions behind it as he took some steps back to let you drive away. 
You slowly drove away as you waved back to the cowboy as you went down the long driveway. The memories of the past weekend flood through your head as you drive down the road. The sound of a horn stops you before you get emotional. It is Ellie and Tommy on their way up to the big house. They give you a big smile and wave as you drive past, with you returning the gesture. It made you want to turn around and help them do their jobs for the day, but you couldn’t, sadly. The drive to the city was always more challenging on Mondays, sometimes so bad you would make yourself leave on Sunday so you could go to work. 
You listen to your favorite playlist the whole drive as you dream of your future with Joel and watch the country roads turn into busy intersections. The dream slowly slips from your mind as you remember all the tasks you ignored for the past two days and start strategizing your day as you are a few miles out. 
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Your day was average on Monday. You caught up on emails, gossip, meetings, and working on some documents for another company to send by Wednesday. As you headed home from work, one of your friends, Anne, invited you to hang out downtown with your group of mutual friends for some weekday fun. You quickly agree as you want to get your mind off missing your cowboy in the right way. Also, text Joel to let him know your plans for the evening as you catch up on each other’s busy day. 
Hope your day was more exciting than mine! Btw, Anne and the girls invited me to go downtown tonight. It probably won’t stay long. Too tired from last night ;)
You send him the message as you start your ten-minute drive home to your apartment. You were more tired than usual. 
We had a cow get out of the fence. It wasn’t exciting for Ellie, but it was for Tommy and me. That sounds good, darling. Be careful; keep me updated so I know you’re okay. This old man knows all the right tricks for his lady. 
He sends it back, which makes you chuckle. You think of Ellie trying to get the cow back inside the fence while Joel and Tommy “supervise.” You walk inside your quiet apartment and set all your bags down. 
The girls wanted to meet at 7 PM at one of the bars downtown to hang out for a few weeks. They usually did this every once in a while on Mondays to hear about your sexy weekend vacations. You don’t tell them all the details, but they know they are wild and freaky. All the girls want themselves a cowboy now, and you couldn’t blame them. 
You quickly changed out of your work clothes into something comfortable but semi-flashy. You weren’t going all out because you planned only to have a few drinks, come home, and go to bed. 
It was only 6 p.m. after you had gotten ready to go. You sighed as you lay on your couch watching TV and scrolling on social media. As you looked at your phone, the notification for Joel’s text came through. 
The text read: 
Ordered you some snacks for after the bar. Should be there in about 5 minutes. I love you, darling ❤️. 
 It causes you to grin slightly as you lean up and respond with a sweet message of thanks and love. 
After falling back into the pit of socials, your doorbell rings, causing you to jump slightly. Wishing they had just left it at the door, but sighed as you heard another knock. You walk over to your door and look through the peephole. Seeing a familiar face, you quickly unlock the three locks Joel had installed for you. 
“Joel!” You gasp as you swing the door open. “What in the hell are you doing here?” It takes all of you not to start crying as he steps through your doorframe. 
“I forgot I had to turn in my tax stuff to the tax office in the next city over, so I thought I’d come to see you, darling. Make a trip out of it by stopping here tonight and seeing Sarah for early morning breakfast. I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day,” he says as he pulls you into a sweet embrace. “I did come bearing hangover treats.”
“You’re an angel,” you praise him and lean up to give him a sweet kiss. “I can’t believe you’re here! I’m going to call the girls and cancel.” 
“No, no! Don’t do that, darling,” he says as he waves his hands in disagreement. He smiles at you and responds, “You go have fun with the girls, baby. I did not come here to ruin plans, just to surprise you. I’ll be here waiting for you.” 
“But,” you pouted at him as he moved a piece of hair from your face. I want to spend time with you, too! You could come and be our designated driver!” You joked with him and gave him a devilish smile. 
“I don’t want to ruin your time with your gi-” 
You cut him off with a shake of your head. “You’re not ruining anything! We were probably going to gossip about our weekend anyway. Might as well bring you to ‘wow’ them some more. I want you there. We could do a little dancing too.” 
He shakes his head and runs a hand over his forehead in a stressed way. “If you want me there and I’m not affecting your girl time, I’ll go.” He agrees as he grins down at you. 
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The bar was packed for Monday night, but was a college town. It was the city where Sarah went to university. The two of you have met many times for lunch or shopping to help your bond since she was away at college. You would meet her most of the time at one of the coffee shops closer to campus almost once a week for a catch-up. It felt good to be there for Sarah. You were closer in age than the two of you would have thought, but still a reasonable distance. It made the bond easier in that way. 
Joel follows you as you enter the bar, looking around to see what the vibe is for the night. There was a good mix of college students and middle-aged adults inside. He doesn’t follow too closely as he checks out his surroundings, and most everyone does a double take on him with his cowboy hat and boots. 
“Oh my goodness! Hello!” your friend Anne greeted you as you found her standing at the bar with two more of your friends. “Oh my! Look what the cat dragged in!” 
You giggle as you see all the ladies look over your shoulder to Joel, who has now wrapped an arm around your waist. “Hello, ladies! Yes, look who surprised me as I was walking out the door. He tried to stay at my apartment, but I insisted he join us. I hope that’s okay!” 
They all giggled as they checked him out. Cowboys were ordinary in the city, but ones that looked like Joel Miller were rare. The night went smoothly as you chit-chatted and caught up with your girls. Joel stayed close quietly, only getting up to get you all refills like a gentleman. “I’ll be back, darling,” he says, kissing your head as he heads back to the bar with another round of drink orders. 
“That accent could make me release in about three seconds. Tell us your secrets, girl,” your friend, Julia, jokes with you as she sips on your drink. “I bet he knows a thing or two about how to use a rope or whip.” 
“Alright, alright. You are going to make her go all shy on us! You already know he knows what he is doing. Don’t you guys remember that big hickey she tried to hide at the beach last summer?” Anne says she wants to get the other girls off the subject of her love life. They all lose interest and start talking about some new show on Netflix. 
Your focus in the conversation faded as Anne poked you to get your attention. She moved her eyes to the situation she was referring to so it wouldn’t draw too much attention. Joel was at the bar, with two girls cornering him as he ordered drinks. They stood there twirling their hair and throwing their breast towards him. He looked so annoyed at them that you almost walked over there, not in jealousy, but to protect him from them. Joel tried to pass them with the tray of drinks. They kept pressuring him, though.
Anne looked at you with an extensive shocked look, “what are you going to do?” She asked worriedly. You grinned at her concern as she looked back at you with big, worried eyes. You were going to do nothing. You knew Joel was far from interested in any of the women in this bar. It took you a long time to realize this, but you know it now.
“Nothing. There’s nothing to worry about from him. Maybe them, but not Joel,” you softly responded to your friend as you made eye contact with Joel. He rolled his eyes at the girls and pushed his way through them successfully without a word. 
“How do you know? Most men would not do something like that.” Anne responds as she watches Joel return with the round of drinks. 
“I just know,” you replied as you greeted the cowboy with a peck on the lips as you handed out the drinks to the girls. This situation made you think of why you knew you were all Joel wanted and needed. 
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It was Joel’s 37 birthday, the first birthday you had spent together. Tommy decided to plan a trip to a little country bar twenty minutes from the ranch. Ellie and Sarah were seniors in high school only, so they got to stay home for this Saturday night. It was just a double date with Tommy and Mariah. 
The drinks were going down a little too fast. Mariah and Tommy showed you how to line dance, and Joel happily observed from the bar. You were making a fool of yourself at first, but the alcohol confidence came strong over you. The couple and you were having a good time as you danced together. Every once in a while, finding those brown eyes in the sea of people in this little bar. 
You had too many drinks and swung around too many times as you left the line to watch the others. You take a few sips of your drinks as your eyes wander to the bar. A girl stood beside Joel, almost whispering in his ear with a big flirty giggle. You see Joel point to you and annoyingly reply to her as his eyes never leave yours. You lose eye contact as the girl cockily turns around and grins at you. Your feet are moving slowly before you know it. “I’ll take care of this, honey,” the girl says to Joel as she turns to face you, walking over to you as she bites her lip. 
Before you know it, she was almost in your face with a loud laugh. “The cowboy said he was coming home with me tonight, gonna put his co-.” She was cut off as Joel caught your raised fist and pulled you away from her. 
“What the fuck, Joel! Let me go!” You fought back as you tried to lunge at her, the alcohol making everything fuzzy as Tommy stopped the other girl from fighting you. Joel calmed you down as he pulled you towards the bar, getting you a glass of water. “Did you say those things to her? You want to take her home?” 
“You know good and well that I didn’t, darling. Just some trashy girl who wants some attention. Ignore her.” He says to rub your back as you drink some water to calm down a little. He walks you outside towards his old truck as he helps you walk. “I hope you know you are the most intelligent, thoughtful, and beautiful woman I have ever seen. I will worship the ground you walk on until I can’t. You are all that I need and want. It’s you, only you, darling.” He says as he cups your cheeks to ground you. His words cause the drunken waterworks to start as you kiss him sweetly. By the time the two of you had gotten home, you were almost sober and hornier than ever after Joel’s passionate confession. The two of you were tangled in his sheets the rest of his birthday weekend. 
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This incident and many other passionate times have shown that you are the only one for Joel. Knowing Joel's loyalty and protection over you and the ones he loves made you more confident in our relationship. You were one of a few people who knew the real sassy cowboy, Joel Miller.  
The two of you left the bar with everyone else as you helped everyone get their Uber and said goodbye. Joel drove you back to your apartment as he had only one beer the whole night. He enables you to stumble into the bathroom to do your nightly routine and shower. “I love you so much,” you mumbles against him as he helps you into one of your pajamas. 
“I love you more, darling,” he says as he kisses your head and helps you get into bed with a glass of water, headache medicine, and snacks. The two of you end the night snuggling and watching trash television while you drunkenly talk to him until you fall asleep. 
Joel held you all night as you enjoyed this special night together. He kissed your head before falling asleep, hoping this would be a regular night thing one day. 
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thank you for reading! let me know what you think!🤍
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quaranmine · 6 months
and uhh sorry, its me once again, but yeah... is it weird to make a fix it for a heavy angst fanfic? is this podfic category of fanart now? well, either way, me and my bestie decided that scar deserves a bestie of his own so, behold, a cub! So uhh in my fix it au cub is a proffesional scientist who ahs decided to take a break from his overwheleming career and stuff and so he became a firewatcher to pursue his ornithology hobby. and then he meets scar and they become besties and scar can talk all about movies and stuff and cub can tell him bird facts Oh! and scar would describe the birds on his windowsill or something and cub would try to decipher what bird it is :3 sorry for the spam.. but i just really liked this whole story and ahhh i just couldnt help myself and make scar not alone anymore, this time for good ^^''
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You're allowed to do whatever you want with my fic! I think what you're referring to is recursive work (fancontent of a fanfic.) I love that this story is inspiring fix it content lol
Cub! Cub is in this AU as a friend of Scar's. But he's not mentioned in the main fic, just in one of the little supplemental drabbles and also in the as-yet-unwritten Scar-centric idea. Feel free to do whatever headcanons you want of him though, anything not in the main fic is fair game for people to fill in as they like.
I love your headcanon, it's very cute! Especially Scar describing all the birds he sees and Cub telling him about them :(((( I LOVE those vibes. They'd have so much fun talking about whatever. (Speaking of—is Cub an ornithology guy in real life/in HC or is that also a headcanon about him?)
To add some of my own ideas about Cub in this AU, since Cub has a background in astrophysics irl, I gave him a similar background in the story's universe. He's an astrophysicist from Chicago. I really like the idea of him being into astrophotography and going to the Yellowstone/Shoshone for some good, dark night skies. He'd be a film photographer at this time period, which I honestly think makes star photography even cooler.
All the details are up to you though :) anything not in the main fic is totally fair game to theorize or headcanon about
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writing-whump · 4 months
Hello hello hello ☕ is here!
I guess I can ask what's your OCs favorite type of movie, documentary, or series this time. What would they prefer to watch while having some me-time, to have some fun, or resting? Actually I wonder their favorite movie though but I thought that it might be too specific and harder to choose, but of course please mention if they have a specific one/ones! And of course, not all of them has to like watching somethings, some of them might not prefer this kind of action.
How do I deserve these beautiful questions each day 🥰✨️
Isaiah: He likes political thrillers, movies inspired by real events and likes to compare movies from different countries. French and Czech movies just have a completely different flavour than Americans or English. He loves Perfect Strangers (French and Czech version), Masaryk (political thriller based on real events), Cop war (old French version and the new Slovak version). Otherwise he is pretty open to various genres, action or more dialogue heavy, even the occasional romantic comedy. He is the guy you tell your mood to and he will chose the perfect movie for you.
Seline: She loves series and movies both and is super into binging shows. Mainly into dialogue heavy and calm movies, thoughtful and romantic or downright action thrillers or action comedies for fun. Fave movies would be Pride and Prejudice, Last Night, After Sunrise, Becoming Jane, The Mirror has two faces. She also loves animated movies like Spiderverse, Luca, Princess Mononoke and the like.
Matthew: He likes the superhero genre a lot. Marvel movies, Avengers and all that jazz. Thrillers and detective movies are also great and he is the only one who actually enjoys horrors. He likes Avengers Infinity War the best.
Hector: Mafia movies all the way. Godfather is his fave classic lol. He also likes Tarantino movies for all the gore and good fight scenes and epic battles like in Gladiator and Troy.
Arnie: He likes watching movies in general very much. For relaxing he likes sitcoms like Big Bang Theory or Friends, but he loves scifi and mind games movies. His fave is Inception. He is also fan of specific actors like Dicaprio, Wahlberg, Crowe, Hanks, etc. He also watches anything that does well on Netflix, like Yellowstone or Bridgetons just to see what the fuss is about.
Dylan: Into action movies and buddy comedies or cop movies like Rush Hour or Leathal Weapon. Fight cheroegrapies and boxer movies work great, he adores all Rocky movies and sequels.
Rip: If it has fast cars or hired assassins, he loves it. His faves are Ford vs Ferrari, Fast and Furious, Collateral and The Jacakall.
Thank you for the question!!💕
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bass-alien · 4 months
I started watching Yellowstone cause you mentioned it and I'm loving it (it's so fucked up! I wanna be in that family/ranch with a mark lol)
I also quit/paused weed around the same time you paused (a big exam I had, for my degree) but also I haven't gone back probably until I land a job hopefully soon (cause they thc test here), I'm gonna get so high with so little when I do hehe.
I love your style & your outfits and how you give yourself treats to festivals and concerts. You inspire me 🤍
Yessssss love that!! The show is totally fucked up lmao in so many ways 😂 but I don’t think I’ve watched a show as fast as I did that one lmao and hey kudos to you for stopping for a while! 👏🏼 I know first hand that shit isn’t easy so you should be proud of yourself! Also you’re too sweet, thank you so much!!
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deus-ipsum · 5 months
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Daron Malakian
This is the first full drawing in a long time and it didn't come out perfect, but I am happy with the work and improvement that went into this.
A lot has been happening with my personal life and metal health so production has been slow. I have a lot of doodles and photography I can post, but I'm the biggest procrastinator in the world lol. I also took a long time to transfer my traditional style to digital because I was testing a lot of technique and brushes.
About the art now! During my trip to Yellowstone I was exploring some more music and collected some new artists to listen to. I remember hearing about System Of A Down and decided to listen to them first. After a few listens I fell in love not just with the music, but also the people behind it and now I'm a little hyperfixated lol. I love their energy filled sporadic music and I want my music to be somewhat like that. Serj and Daron have been my inspiration for art and music right now and I've been obsessively drawing them and playing their songs. I want to be a great singer like Serj and a great guitarist like Daron, they are my idols lol!
Now that I have refreshed myself on drawing digitally, you guys are probably going to get mostly digital art since its my specialty. 
Hope you guys are having a good day!
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perfectprettypisces · 2 years
Thank God For Hometowns • J.H.S • Sneak Peek
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Fem!OC
Synopsis: A country boy from Texas who left home to get away from his asshole of a father meets a city girl from Boston who just inherited everything from a grandmother she never knew existed. Partially inspired by this Carrie Underwood song of the same name.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of car accidents, mentions of cheating, mentions of unrequited feelings, fake town and some inaccuracies cause my only knowledge of ranches comes from watching Yellowstone lol
WC: 2.2k
a/n: a new Jake series! i had two versions of this story but i felt like i could do more with this one :) i might still write the other one, so let me know what you think! gotta love me a city girl x country boy lol also reposting this to make up for taking so long with the chapter of TPATP
Series Masterlist • Top Gun Masterlist
Next Part
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Jake never felt more at home than he did at that very moment. Sitting in a rundown bar in his hometown, his childhood friends crowded around a small table near the back corner. Multiple people had come by their table to say ‘hello’, ranging from old high school classmates to his dad’s golf buddies. Almost all of them wanted to hear about the mission that deemed him a hero and all of them wanted to know about why he was taking leave. He laughed it off every single time and used his charm to divert the conversation elsewhere before the person got bored and walked away. Every one of them patted him on the back before leaving and said: “Good to have you home, Seresin”.
“I’d like to make a toast,” his friend, Ethan, declares from beside him. He slaps a hand on Jake’s shoulder and jostles it back and forth. “To Jake Seresin and the return of Ridgewood’s golden boy.”
“And to Mrs. Alden,” his other friend, Libby, adds from across the table next to her husband, Dom. “A hell of a woman with a heart of gold and a mouth like a sailor, may she rest in peace."
“Here, here,” they chorus, clinking their shot glasses together. Each of them make sure they’ve clinked all of the others’ glasses before downing their shots. All the boys slam their glasses down on the bar once they’ve finished while the two girls at the table grimace at the burn of the alcohol.
“God, I’ll never get used to that,” Dylan coughs from her seat on the other side of Jake. She pushes her shot glass as far away from her as possible, like it was going to burn her again if it was too close.
“Yeah, you always were a lightweight,” Jake says, nudging her shoulder with his.
Dylan’s face heats up under Jake’s gaze, a shy smile adorning her face as she avoids eye contact.
It was no secret that Dylan’s had a crush on ever since high school, even after they’d broken up. To him, dating her was the typical childhood friends to lovers pipeline; they were already so comfortable with each other that it seemed worth it to give it a try. He felt terrible breaking it off with her all those years ago, but he couldn’t keep stringing her along when it was obvious her feelings for him were stronger than his feelings for her.
Luckily, they’d been able to keep their friendship, but even after all these years, Dylan never seemed to lose feelings. Libby tells him it’s partially his fault; the flirty banter and physical affection that was practically hardwired into his systems sent quite the mixed messages. It also didn’t help that they’d hooked up the past few times he was home, but Libby didn’t know that as far as he knew. He was conscious enough to dial down the banter when they were out with their friends, but it would slip out on occasion when he wasn’t thinking.
He knows he fucked up when he catches Libby eying him with a pointed look from across the table. He shifts nervously and tries to subtly move his chair an inch or two to the right to show her he didn’t mean it.
“So, any idea what’s gonna happen with the ranch?” Dom asks, blissfully unaware of the silent exchange between his wife and his best friend as he extends his arm across the back of her chair.
All eyes turn to Jake given that his father and the Seresin’s were one of the two families in charge of running it.
“Gotta wait for the new owner,” Jake shrugs, ensuing wide-eyed looks from his friends.
“‘The new owner’?” Libby asks incredulously as her eyebrows shoot up to her hairline. “You mean you don’t know who it is?”
“Nope, not a clue,” he shrugs again, trying to retain a neutral face.
Unfortunately, these people have known him almost as long as he’s been alive and they catch on all too quickly when he lies.
“Bullshit,” Ethan exclaims, slamming his hand on the table and making it wobble. He’d only had a single beer and a shot, but he was just as much of a lightweight as Dylan. “You know something.”
“You’re right, he does.”
Before Jake can turn toward the new voice, he feels an arm wrap around his shoulders. He turns to the right to see his older sister, Cassidy.
“See? I knew it,” Ethan exclaims again, standing and gesturing for her to take his seat. “C’mon, Cass, what is it?”
“Cass…” Jake trails off in warning. This was not the time nor the place and they weren’t the people to be telling. He was never a fan of gossiping, which had been one of the main reasons why he felt like leaving was the best option for him. Information spread like wildfire in Ridgewood and he never wanted to be the one holding the matches.
Unfortunately for him, his sister was the exact opposite. She gossiped just as much as the next person.
“Alright, so y’all remember Mr. & Mrs. Alden’s son, Grant? The one that died in the car accident all those years ago?” Cassidy starts, completely ignoring her younger brother’s warning.
“The one that went to Harvard?” Libby asks.
“Yup, that’s the one.”
Grant Alden hadn’t been much older than Cassidy was now when he died. A tragic accident that ended with his car wrapped around a telephone pole about a mile away from the airport.
Everyone knew the story, even those who weren’t even born yet when it happened. The Alden name was synonymous with Ridgewood just as much as the Seresin’s. Before Jake was crowned the golden boy of their town, Grant had held that title for a solid three decades. He was the typical high school stereotype: star quarterback of the high school football team, academic honors and heart-stopping good looks. No one had been surprised when he accepted a full ride scholarship to Harvard because if anyone was going to make something of their life outside of Ridgewood, it was going to be Grant.
No one expected him to come back after he graduated, let alone discard his degree completely to devote his entire life to the family ranch. As always, people came up with crazy ideas and rumors, but no one dwelled on it for long. He was a damn good rancher and most people were just happy to have the golden boy back in town.
A privilege Jake was all too lucky to have for himself now.
“Well, apparently the reason he left after college was because he knocked up the daughter of some big-shot, old money Boston businessman. They weren’t a fan of some country boy shackin’ up with their daughter, so they basically drove him out of the city,” Cassidy confesses. “He started working on the ranch again to get back on his feet and the rest is history. Mr. & Mrs. Alden never told a soul until after Grant died in order protect him.”
No one speaks for a hot minute as they try to process Cassidy’s words, all except Jake who had heard the story from his father earlier that day.
They all used to think of Grant as the cool, young uncle that was all about fun. He’d been the one to teach them all how to ride and the one who let them set up camp on his family’s land when they got older. The Grant they knew never seemed like the type to settle down and have kids. Apparently only one of those was true.
“How do we even know that’s true?” Dom was skeptical. He knew just as much as Jake did about how unreliable certain information that came out of Ridgewood was. One could never be too sure and Cassidy had a reputation of just taking whatever information she could get and running with it.
“If it is, that baby should be about our age right now,” Libby says.
Cassidy holds up her hands in surrender and does an 'x' motion over her heart with her pointer finger. “Our dad and Mr. Everett were the ones Mr. & Mrs. Alden told Grant’s secret to after he died. They made them promise not to tell anyone."
“A promise they had no problem breaking when they found out that neither one of them was inheriting the ranch at the will reading,” Jake adds bitterly.
John Seresin and Dale Everett were business partners in everything, which made absolutely no sense to anyone since they outwardly hated each other. Mr. Alden had brought them on as teenagers to help around the ranch and despite going off and starting their own business, they were still a key part of running it. Neither one of them had been a fan of Grant returning, accusing him of being too young and irresponsible. They say he forced his way back onto the ranch despite it being owned by his parents.
If he hadn’t known his father’s true intentions behind keeping the Aldens’ secret, he almost would’ve been impressed by his willingness to keep their secret. Unfortunately, knowing the type of person his father is/was, it was all part of a bigger ploy of gaining the Aldens’ trust and wiggling his way into the will.
As much as he would’ve loved to have that ranch in his family, watching his father not get something he wanted for once in his life was so fucking satisfying.
“Okay, pause,” Dylan says, holding her hand up to stop Cassidy before she explains further. “That was–Wow, I was not expecting that, but what does Grant’s illegitimate child have to do with any of this?”
“Oh, Dylan. Sweet, sweet, Dylan,” Cassidy chides, leaning forward for dramatic effect. “That ‘illegitimate child’ is now the proud owner of the largest ranch in Ridgewood.”
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Vanessa never felt as lost as she does when she looks around at all the packed boxes scattered about her soon-to-be former bedroom. Every trace of her was gone and packed away in various sized cardboard cubes. She gets déjà vu from the week prior where she’d done the exact same thing to her office after she’d gotten laid off. It doesn’t hurt as much as she thought it would, but it still sucked to lose that sense of comfort she became so accustomed to.
No job, no fiancée, no friends. If she wasn't this close to spiraling down a dark hole, she almost could've laughed at how horrible her life was going.
She sighs as she places the last of her things in the final box. The movers were supposed to be coming any minute to take all of her stuff to her parents’ house and she had half a mind to tell them to take her anywhere but there, but her options were limited at the moment.
Move back in with her overly critical and condescending parents or stay in the house where (ex) fiancée fucked her (ex) best friend on more than one occasion?
Unfortunately, neither was not an option.
She just finishes taping the box closed when her phone rings. She wants to ignore it; anyone that had her number was someone she didn’t want to talk to, but she picks it up anyway.
There’s just a phone number with no caller ID and an area code she doesn’t recognize. It’s not from Boston or Massachusetts for that matter and her suspicions are confirmed when the text underneath says the call is coming from somewhere in Texas.
It was probably a scam. She’s never been to Texas, let alone know anyone that lives or lived in Texas at any point in their lives. She contemplates for a moment and her curiosity gets the better of her. If it was a scam, so be it. There wasn’t much left that they could take from her anyway.
“Hello?” she answers, balancing the phone between her shoulder and her ear as she picks up the last box and walks toward the door.
“Hi! My name is Carolyn Fisher and I’m looking for Ms. Vanessa Manning?”
The first thing Vanessa notices is how perky this woman’s voice is. The second thing is the slight southern twang laced beneath her words. This woman sounded like every stereotypical Southern belle in a Hollywood movie. The third was the pang in her chest when she says her name. No more future Mrs. Vanessa Montgomery. 
Vanessa places the box on the floor and dusts her hands off, readjusting the phone in her grip. “This is she,” she says.
This definitely wasn’t a scam, but it still had her wondering what the hell this woman from Texas could want with her.
“Oh! Ms. Manning, it’s so nice to finally get into contact with you,” the woman says rather excitedly. “Like I said, my name is Carolyn Fisher. I’m an attorney and current executor of the will of one Mrs. Mary Frances Alden, your grandmother. It looks like you're listed as the sole beneficiary of all of her assets, both liquid and fixed.”
Okay, maybe this was a scam, because that definitely wasn’t right. Mary wasn’t the name of either of her grandmothers and the last time she checked, they were both very much alive and living in Nantucket. Granted, she only ever saw them maybe once a year, but she thinks she’d know if something happened to either of them. 
“I’m sorry, I think you’ve got the wrong Vanessa Manning,” she says apologetically. She did feel kind of bad that this woman had obviously gone through an awful lot of trouble to find her and she wasn’t who she was looking for. “I don’t have a grandmother named Mary Alden or know anyone by that name, for that matter.”
To her surprise, the woman doesn’t seem deterred. “It’s a lot to explain,” she chuckles. “Do you have a few minutes? I would love to talk and possibly set up an in-person meeting to go over everything.”
*(also anyone from Texas or in the South, please don't roast me, i'm literally from Hawai‘i and have no idea how any of this works and everything i write is coming from research on Google lol)
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theovergrowth · 7 months
NAME?: Robbie, King, Clown, I’ve been called Many Things lmao
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PRONOUNS?: if we’re talking the easy route, He/Him. If ur chill then He/It ❤️
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: Discord is the most reliable! My tumblr app hasn’t told me when people dm me since like 2021
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: Titus, obvi lmao;; of all my characters he talks in my head The Most and I get the most inspiration for him just day-to-day
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: i started role playing over email in 2014 with a few friends from school, then found out about tumblr rp after undertale came out (…yeah my first muse was Papyrus what of it) so i guess almost 9-10 years at this point??? There’s gaps tho
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I mean for the Most Part I’ve had a lot of really good experiences with people! Especially Recently, the people I talk to are just very creative and kind and fun! Tho I do often reminisce on a thread me and an old mutual did when I first got confident enough to write OC stuff instead of canon, it was just a fun plot and we were both just Brain Broken kids ❤️❤️
RP PET PEEVES?: Ummm this is always a hard question, honestly I feel like I’m my biggest pet peeve in rp lol;; I guess my main thing is when people Press for Replies? Like yes remind me if it’s been a while, but I have had mutuals in the past who push after like a Day and it truly just makes my brain Refuse to do anything. That’s more a me thing tho I think
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: with as much as I love making angst happen, I Love Fluff. It’s so much fun to write sad characters being happy ❤️❤️ Smut I have. No experience with (I just started writing smut in my downtime like 3 months ago and I respect yall who do it well So Much, it’s truly an Artform of its Own and if anyone has tips for beginners I’ll take em)
PLOTS OR MEMES?: Here’s my problem, right? Love Plotting, if I could plot until I die I would. But also. I might just plot until I die, because then I get nervous about not writing it in a way that feels the way it did when it was Plotted, ykno? Memes are fun but also I get Stressed by the Ask Box
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: i prefer longer ones, i think? Short can be fun, but I also have Too Many Thoughts to keep replies short
TIME TO WRITE?: oughghgh usually I Try to get to writing on my weekends, but;;; sometimes work and broken brain makes me Too Tired so it’s real Sporadic and depends on when I have Energy
In some ways! Most of them have some Level of anxiety, most if not All of them are queer and neurodivergent.
Titus is honestly maybe the Most like me. I was homeless and lived in a van, Religious Trauma, complex about being Inhuman and Strange, autism, trans, and a lot of his little habits come from things I noticed me or my friends doing (tho honestly, Titus is more based on some asshole I knew in yellowstone lmao)
tagged by: @justashadetalkative (( aaa this one was fun!! ))
Tagging: if u see this 🔪 Steal It and Tag Me Pls
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wildlife4life · 1 year
Temptation Tuesday
Once again have to mention how much I love this new tag game created by the lovely @honestlydarkprincess. Thanks to this tag game I actually was inspired to create one my temptations and its very exciting!
Rules: share something about an idea you have/something that's speaking to you/an au you'd like to see and are considering writing/ ect. Basically anything that is tempting you away from your current wips!
I was tagged by @ebdaydreamer so here are few ideas that have come to me recently
Yellowstone AU: The Diaz Ranch. Eddie and Buck are kind of like Rip and Beth, but not really. They met on the Diaz ranch when Buck was saved by Bobby after running away. Eddie and Buck fall in love, but then his sister discovers the relationship and tattles to their dad. Buck is sent away to work on another ranch, Eddie tries to adhere to what his family wants for him and starts dating Shannon. She becomes pregnant, Eddie enlist. Eddie comes back after the helicopter crash, Shannon doesn't run, but she does move back to town and has a very strained relationship with Eddie and Christopher who remains on the ranch. When Eddie returns, he discovers that Buck is back working for his dad's ranch along with his new friends Chimney and Hen. Buck's long lost sister Maddie is also there as the ranch's own personal vet. His dad only brought Buck back on because he is the best damn horse wrangler and swore up and down that nothing would happen between him and Eddie. Buck knows about Shannon and Christopher, believes that Eddie never truly loved him and is heartbroken. Eddie doesn't know that his dad sent Buck away, that Buck left on his own. Ramon wants Eddie to take over the ranch, making him work alongside the ranchers, including Buck. Ensue the drama and the two boys falling in love all over again.
The Voice different meeting Au: Buck and Eddie are Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton. Eddie is a country artist, Buck pop rock? Like Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, and Adam Levine type music. Both are coming out of horribly ending long term relationships when they are tapped to judge the Voice. They fall in love and start making music about each other. Even make a song together. The world is freaking out over Buddie, paparazzi go nuts when ever their out together, new outlets have very inside 'dish' and so on.
A possible continuation of my soon to post (keep on the look out!) 6x16 coda future fic. This coda somehow went from like a quick 500 words to 2K. Doesn't sound like I alot, but I literally started it out like a little blurb like my previous codas lol.
Grimm Buddie AU: Eddie is a Grimm and Buck is wesen. (pronounced with a V).
A different Wolf! Eddie and Witch! Buck. Except this time Eddie is given a prophecy as a teenager by another witch about his future mate.
Alright hope that is tempting enough! I am off to finish my coda and I will be posting soon, and not just here. Its big enough that I'll be posting to AO3, so keep an eye out!
No tags from me! Everyone I would like to tag has been tagged! But I would love to see everyone's temptations! Happy Tuesday!
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deadboyfriendd · 9 months
I've seen you mention that you're studying graphic design and for some reason I had it in my head that you studied English or followed a writing course. I think it's because your writing and your style always makes me feel like I'm reading a published novel. Hardcover honey. It's so well put together and I've really enjoyed reading all the recent anon asks about your wips and past works. The level of thought and detail you discussed in those alone blew me away. Are you self taught?
Hi anon!
First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH for the reading and all of the love. I literally can't think about people reading and liking my work too much or else I will start crying. It means SO much to me.
Yes! I am currently getting my BS in Graphic Design, but I do have an AA in Liberal Studies and a second AA in discretional honors from when I thought I wanted to be a nurse, got into the honors program at my community college, and got all the way through nursing school before I decided I wanted to be an artist!
I am self-taught! Writing has always just kind of been something that comes naturally, but that isn't to say that I haven't had a ton of practice working on this website. When I read back through some of my stuff from my Wattpad days and read back through some of my stuff even from a year ago on here, I am so surprised to see how much and how quickly I was able to grow as a writer when I didn't see that kind of growth on any other platform I've ever written for. A big part of this can be credited to @dr-aculaaa in our little writer's room. Her work pushed me to be the greatest writer I can be and Drac is always my go-to!
I think the first time I ever got recognition for my writing was in the 7th grade, and I just didn't stop! I was a weird kid and really insecure with myself so when I was good at something like writing or art, I tried to capitalize on it and milk it for all it was worth because I thought it would make people like me, but, as an adult, I write largely for myself now. My great granddad was a published author and he wrote westerns! I didn't know this until after I wrote Cochise!
I also had a couple of really great teachers and some really great college courses that I think helped me out quite a bit. My middle school english teacher (who I still talk to!) really encouraged me to continue working with writing and art. I was also his TA for four years so he was able to fuel my flame for reading, writing, art, and music! He is also part of the reason why I became a teacher and I can only dream of being half the teacher he is.
In college, I took a couple of really cool electives, Theatre History, Witchcraft and Heresy in Europe, Art History, and The Politics of Punk to name a few. It really helped me expand my worldview and fueled my love of writing because writing is also largely a reading and researching process for me!
As far as my actual writing process, I write about the things that make me happy and largely, I write about myself and my own experiences. In reality, my cochise universe is a culmination for my love of Tombstone, my love for my desert home, my passion for westerns, and the fact that I was watching a LOT of yellowstone at that time. Just like Stone Gothic came out right after that class on Witchcraft and when Drac was talking to me about monsterfucking lol! I write about the things I've seen and the things I've stored in my brain. I think the reason it takes me so long to get anything out is because, when I feel like getting really descriptive and getting in the zone, I pretend I'm standing there with a macrolense and think about what I'm seeing or feeling, how someone else can be feeling that, and how I've felt when something similar happens. I also think about how I've read about how other characters feel in similar events!
My love for writing also ultimately comes from my love of reading, if you scroll down a little on my page I have a couple of lists of books that have really inspired me! When I see prose I like I try to write like that, and its always going to come out in my own way- which I have learned to be okay with.
Ultimately, my entire relationship with writing is this weird pieced-together mosiac of learning how to deal with myself and my life experiences, catharsis, my desperate need to be creating something, my love for reading and learning, and also my constant craving for validation and praise.
I'd be happy to talk about this all you want, anon! Thanks for reading and letting me spew these thoughts all over the dash!
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kenobihater · 2 years
len my dear friend do u have a like list in ur mind of like wild west media that u think showcase what u love abt the genre(westerns?? cowboy stuff??)
ps. willing to trade jidaigeki recs gehehe
i'd LOVE your jidaigeki recs, and i have lots of western recs, tysm for asking! i was raised on westerns, and though i have PLENTY of issues with the genre overall and how it was used to enforce an ahistorical ideal of white heteronormative patriarchy on an era that was actually pretty queer in compairison to the rest of the western world at the time and had a significant number of people of color and strong women in it, i still love the genre despite all of its faults.
the first western that comes to mind is true grit, the original true grit. i hate john wayne personally, but even i have to admit he does a good job in this film, though the real show-stealer is the actress who plays mattie ross. the new true grit is also really really good and more accurate to the book, which is okay and i only read for school.
the next of the classics that i wanna mention is the dollars trilogy (a fistful of dollars, for a few dollars more, and the good the bad and the ugly), of which i've only seen the good the bad and the ugly in full and remember liking as a child. the first in the trilogy, fistful, is a remake (or a ripoff, depending on how you look at it) of yojimbo! so, if you liked the basic plot of that, you'll probably like fistful as well if you don't mind clint eastwood. also, even if you don't like the films, do yourself a favor and listen to the soundtrack of at LEAST the good the bad and the ugly. i love it so much i have it on vinyl lol!
another classic western that is a remake/ripoff of a samurai film is the magnificent seven, which is inspired by seven samurai. i've honestly only seen the shitty chris pratt remake, so i can't speak to the quality of the original, though i've heard it's good.
onto modern westerns! tombstone is the first one to come to mind bc of how popular it is. it isn't my favorite bc of how it mythologizes a kind of shitty person, wyatt earp, into this larger than life figure. same goes for doc holliday (though i admit i'm only human and i ADORE val kilmer's performance in this film). if you're at all interested in unraveling the wyatt earp myth, i highly, HIGHLY recommend picking up the wonderful biography wyatt earp: a vigilante life by andrew c isenberg! it really cuts through the bullshit and the many lies the man told about his life and got early hollywood to buy into.
another modern western i like is django: unchained. it's been a few years since i last watched it, but i really want to stress to y'all that this is both a tarantino movie, so expect gore, and a movie about slavery, so expect blatant racism. if either of these things are a trigger or exhaust you, steer clear.
idk if this is classified as a western bc it's set during the era of fur trapping and mountain men, so a little earlier than most westerns, but the revenant was a good and gritty revenge story. though it was also pretty gory, so avoid it if that bothers you
one i really enjoyed was the harder they fall, though warning for gore again, though not to the extent of tarantino or anything. it was wonderfully told and it was SO cool to see a black-led western. i know there was some controversy around colorism and the handling of a queer character which i don't feel is my place to comment on, but i do think the film was good despite its flaws.
this isn't a movie, but i cannot stress enough how much red dead redemption 2 is a good example of western storytelling. arthur morgan's journey in the waning years of the wild west is SO compelling to me, and though it isn't flawless it's imho the closest thing on this list to my perfect western story. 10/10 recommend playing this one!
that's everything that's currently out that i can think of, but a western show i'm looking forwards to is the new bass reeves show that the yellowstone creators are making. yellowstone bored me to tears and i heard 1883 was bad, but i have high hopes for this bc bass reeves was a certified badass, likely inspired the lone ranger, and honestly deserved all the hype wyatt earp got for being a good lawman. so hopefully that will be good!
oh, and i'm sure you're aware, but there's a lot of bad westerns out there bc they pumped them out like crazy back in the day. modern day less so, so i can point to specific ones that suck major ass, like the ballad of buster scruggs, hostiles, and dances with wolves, but just as a rule of thumb if you aren't vibing with what's happening onscreen just turn it off lmao cause there's so much bad shit out there you could waste years watching it.
those are all of my recommendations (and a few to avoid for good measure), i hope you enjoy some of them and thank you for letting me ramble about westerns!!
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crosby-interesting · 1 year
I think Sid bought the Montana property sometime in 2019. It seems like he was inspired by his favorite show, Yellowstone🤣
I still don't understand when he manages to be there lol
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clonesupport · 2 years
Cowboy Love Triangle AU??
oo alright this ones a little idea i had that i wanted to jot down lol
cowboy love triangle au | so basically its an au that my brain had in mind, a cross over if you will, some modern-ish au inspired by the show yellowstone cuz im obsessed but its this love triangle between, i haven't decided if its gonna be some oc or if its gonna be an xreader yet but i think in my notes its noted as xreader, arthur morgan and sam drake👀
some random au my brain was galaxy braining about thinking about arthur is a caring outlaw and sam's the smug wrangler, you're this ward of this big shot ranch, of course you end up falling for both of them and neither of them are approved of your father figure/guardian. i think the idea of caring arthur x ward reader x smug sam is top tier.
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qveerthe0ry · 4 days
Hi Tings!
I have some questions for you inspired by the Office Ladies podcast—
What was your first job?
What languages do you speak?
What is a place you have been to that you love?
What is your favorite midnight snack?
Hi Kat!! 💖🥰
I’m so glad to see your ask after I totally ignored the last two for so long that it felt awkward to answer them when I finally got around to looking at my inbox 😅 It wasn’t on purpose, I promise, I’m just a mess 💕
I could be really cool and say my first job was playing bass in a little coffee shop band and averaging about $5 in tips each gig, but there were no tax forms involved 😂 my REAL first job was making sandwiches at Firehouse Subs. It was a great first job, and the closing manager I usually worked with was super cool, so after the big bosses left I’d usually just get MEGA stoned on my break and come back to eat my free sandwich and watch hockey on the TV while we waited on the errant customer to trickle in.
Sadly, I only speak English. I took two years of Spanish in high school and two semesters of it in college and retained next to nothing 😅 I could probably string together something that half makes sense in an emergency situation, but that’s about it.
Very topically, my family has made a habit of visiting Jackson Hole, Wyoming every 4 years or so, and I’ve been twice and absolutely loved it. We go in the late summer time because my family is big into fly fishing, and the weather always amazes me. It’s perfectly warm during the day and super chilly at night. The scenery is UNREAL. I grew up in Appalachia where our mountains are more like rolling hills, so the extremely jagged, HUGE, snow-capped mountains out there always blow my mind. And of course Yellowstone is just the coolest shit— all the sulfur springs and buffalo herds and moose are just neat as hell to see. I like the little town of Jackson too, which is nearly identical to what you see in TLOU, but everything is hella overpriced there 😅
My favorite midnight snack varies whether I’m in the mood for salty or sweet. If we’re talking salty— Goldfish, always. Every few months I re-up on my giant gallon carton of Goldfish like fiend lol. If we’re talking sweet— classic Oreos with a glass of milk WITH ICE. The ice is very important. I know ice in milk is controversial but the jingle says “ice cold milk” for a reason and I’ll die on that hill.
Thank you for these fun questions!! 🫶🏻💖
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labyriinths · 1 year
📶 we do interact and i want more threads with you actually!
lol this was the closest one to we do interact and it's fun and i love it, but yes to any interactions you have muse and energy for, because you and your writing are both all kinds of awesome the end.
WHY AREN’T WE PLAYING TOGETHER YET? Aww Laura you've been such a great writing partner --cheering and encouraging me whenever I slip into a slower-than-slow spell with writing. I infinitely appreciate your patience and little pushes of inspiration to dive in the rabbit hole with our little universes :) I want all the threads too ♥. I'm so excited about our newest mashup of yellowstone/dallas it feels so effortless like much of our experiments! ily <3
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spookyserenades · 2 years
Hii <3 hope you are well! So... I've read Trouvaille, and I'm in love! 😭 I can't describe in words how much I liked this story, I wish I could convey everything in words. Its plot is VERY interesting, I read the synopsis and I was like "Hm, I've never seen anything like this, how fascinating" and when I read the chapters I really enjoyed it and was VERY interested in the story.
I was wondering how you managed to come up with a combination of ideas like ??? Ok, I've read several Hybrid fanfics, but combining supernatural and horror?? PERFECT! Everything I needed in my life and didn't know. And the vibe of this fanfic is ??? AAAAAAAAA IT'S VERY GOOD, I can already imagine the scenarios and everything is very good to read! I imagine the house as the one from the Ozark's series (even if the location of the series is not at all old, but I imagine Trouvaille a lot like that, the filter, the scenography, and I think it matches the story a lot. Well, at least when I imagine the story be like that).
I'm also IN LOVE with how you made the characters, all the hybrids being predators and the personality of each one I LOVE SO MUCH, I'm SO curious about them, I want to know EVERYTHINGGG!! It's amazing how UNIQUE each thing in the story is, and that makes it even better! Because I hadn't seen anything like it yet, it's so original and so beautiful 😭 For example, jungkook ??? instead of a shy and sweet personality, it's COMPLETELY the opposite, and I LOVED it, "rebellious" and a little "arrogant" perfectly matching his appearance, I don't know, I imagine that very well. As if it matches his age since he's the youngest (although jungkook is already past 15 with the rebellious phase LOL)
And taehyung is soo 🥺🤏 same with what the boys said about him LOL, SORRY, I CAN'T HAND IT IS SO CUTE! He reminded me a lot of Ice Bear from "We Bare Bears" 😭💓
And when the character had that nightmare, I thought it might be namjoon 👀 and when you posted the third chapter and you had the description of his eyes, I was like hmmm 👀 but anyway, I don't have many theories about that, because I bet you will tell us surprise with these things! Then I'm ready!
And about those "electric shocks" that the character feels when she touches Seokjin (or someone else, I don't remember very well) it made me think "are they Companions? 👀 or soulmates" but as it only happened with Jin, I was very excited doubt. We still don't know much, so it's hard to make theories. I can't wait for them to come around and we discover so much more!
When I think that the update is only on the 7th and 20th, I feel so sad 😔 LOL, but when you write these huge chapters, I get really excited because I know the wait is worth it! 💓💓💓
(I hope it wasn't too difficult to understand what I said, English is not my first language so I'm afraid of getting confused LOL)
HIIII darling, oh my goodness!! I'm doing very well, and I hope you are too! I just want to say, thank you so SO much for sending me such a beautiful message, you've brought such a smile to my face <3 I'm so happy you find the plot to be fascinating so far, I really wanted to have multiple layers in this fic to keep the reader on their toes!
Inspirations for this story are numerous! I've loved hybrid fics for a long time, and always wanted to write one of my own. I've drawn inspiration from many of my favorite forms of media, whether it be music, film, literature, or TV shows. The largest sources of inspirations come from the music of Deftones, films Constantine (2005 Francis Lawrence) Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009 Wes Anderson), books such as The Exorcist, Wuthering Heights, and Water for Elephants, and most of all, TV shows Twin Peaks, The X-Files, Yellowstone, and Ghost Adventures (LOL). I take some of my favorite bits of these shows and sort of weave them all together to create a plot, even if one thing doesn't seem to go with another. I think now, after having written this story for so long, all these inspirations seem to complement each other in different ways :) I'm planning on releasing a whole post about Trouvaille inspirations, including an in-depth look at how certain characters from my favorite forms of media influenced the hybrids in Trouvaille. I adore horror movies and all things spooky, and so I couldn't help myself by including some darker themes into Trouvaille!
My parents LOVE Ozark, I've never seen it myself, but after your mentioning of it, I looked up the house you were referring to. The vibe is VERY much like the setting I imagined for the Trouvaille house! It takes place in a town outside of Boston, Massachusetts, so it is a heavily wooded and misty sort of area. The house itself is an old Victorian mansion of sorts, but the outside areas of the home, including all of the densely grouped trees, are VERY much like that Ozark home.
I'm so happy you're loving Jungkook's character so far. He has definitely been one of my favorite hybrids to write about! Jungkook in real life definitely has those timid, sweet characteristics, but I totally see a bit of bad boy arrogance in him that I wanted to exaggerate in this story. You're right, it goes well with the fact that he's the youngest, perhaps having something to prove since he is the only hybrid who isn't a predator~
Taehyung is really a sweet little bear in this!! Ice Bear is a such a fantastic comparison, especially with Taehyung's stoicism and quiet nature. So cute <3
You're the second reader to theorize that Y/N's nightmares may be connected to Namjoon! You're totally right, the descriptions of both the eyes of the creature in her nightmare and Namjoon's are pretty similar. It's super interesting that you've both made this connection! I hope you'll tell me if you gather more clues from future updates :)
Seokjin is one of my babies in this story, I'd protect him with my life XD I love the concept of soulmates SO much! Its fun to write an OT7 story, because you have to come up with several ways to demonstrate different types of attraction to each member. Y/N definitely feels an electrical pull to Seokjin, but I wonder why... ;)
I'm so happy that you've shown so much love to each update of Trouvaille so far, and that you've sent me such a wonderful message in response. Reading all of your comments and theories have made my day!! I hope I was able to give you some more exciting insights to the story! April 7th will be here before you know it, with another hefty update :) I'd love to hear your thoughts surrounding Chapter Four when it drops!
By the way, your English is wonderful-- don't apologize, I could understand perfectly and you are so very kind and lovely! Thank you again for reading, enjoying, and taking the time to send in your beautiful response. Until we speak next time, I wish you nothing but happy days! <3
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