#insomniac gaara
its-raccinky · 1 year
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Some of my favorite idiots
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mayhemscorner · 1 year
Middle of the night
Gaara x F!reader
(Seeing as Gaara and Itachi already have a strong lead in the poll, I will be releasing this fluffy one shot early as I have a few Gaara fics on standby that I wasn’t ready to post. Itachi will also be dropping within the week)
Summary: two insomniacs in love. Gaara watches reader at night when she returns from missions. Reader gets home late to finally catch him, FLUFF
The sand village was always near silent when I returned. The dark sky cascaded against the twirling sand in the wind, creating sparkling masterpieces under the street lights. It was peaceful, serene even. After being away so long in the leaf village to help proctor the chunin exams, it was bittersweet to admit I had missed the sand sneaking its way between my toes when I walk. Or how it would always find its way in to my hair just to be washed down the drain in the shower. 
“You’re going to miss your stop if you keep day dreaming, Y/N… And I thought Shikamaru was bad.” Temari chides, bumping me in the direction of my door. I can’t help but smirk when turning slowly to her,” I just missed the sand.”
“Sure. Say that to me again during the next sand storm.” Temari grimaces, already shaking light brown speckles from her shoulder. 
“You just want an excuse to go back to the leaf and see Shikamaru.” I arch my brows as I watch the tint of red creep like a vine up her neck and her failure to turn away in time,” as if. His intelligence hardly makes up for his lack of motivation... Don’t even get me started on how he thinks everything is a drag.”
Temari crosses her arms and hops down from the stone doorstep,” besides, I don’t have time for anymore men. I already have to make sure my siblings didn’t burn anything down or die of starvation. Such a drag.”
“Ha! You’re even starting to sound like him. Admit it, you’re in love.” I gasp almost a little toodramatically at her turned back, causing her to stop in her tracks as the anger bites in her words,” goodnight Y/N.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow Temari.” I finally give in, turning to unlock my weathered door and mumble a slight victory,” she didn’t deny it.”
My little apartment was dull from my time away. Empty and dark except the golden sand pooled into little masterpieces at the door from blowing through the slight crack, leaving its unique mark and greeting me back home. Taking my time to light the candles to avoid turning on the lights and brew some tea, I lose track of time. Finally I find myself draping across the couch, glancing at the clock on the wall saying it’s almost two in the morning, but my mind and body say it’s barely noon. After cleaning up and getting my training clothes washed, I finally trudge up to the bedroom to convince myself I’m tired. 
“I could’ve swore I closed all the windows before we left.” I mumble to myself skeptically, deciding ultimately to leave it open and let in the cool breeze for the night. Early spring drafts were heavenly, but they came and went too fast before the desert heat of summer dragged in. As I lay down in bed, I can’t help but face towards the window, watching the moon peacefully laze around in the sky and the clouds drifting slowly. After several moments, the soft wisps of sand dancing against the window frame catches my attention. The breeze was low, not even enough to pick more than a few grains of sand up, let alone strands. My feet carry themselves to the window in a sleep drunk stupor, then my body moves on its own to climb in to the frame, looking around. If anyone were to break in, they would’ve used the easy route of the balcony door, literally two feet from the window. I finally turn to look on the balcony, seeing the all knowing flash of vermillion, trying hard to conceal themself against the shadows on the wall.
“For Kazekage, you’re horrible at hiding yourself.” I yawn, jumping the distance from the window to the balcony railing, perching myself in perfect view of the moon and letting my feet dangle in the open air.
“I just wanted to be sure the two of you made it home safely.” Gaara mutters out, taking his time to walk up and slouch his arms over the railing next to me.
“Gaara, Temari and I have been back for hours. What are you really doing outside of my house in the middle of the night?” I ask, draping a hand on to the top of his head. He careens into the touch, his whole body following the inward tilt of his head at the feeling,” I wanted to make sure you got to sleep alright.”
I can’t help but chuckle, caressing my fingers through his locks as he sighs peacefully,” do you do that for all the sand shinobi returning home?”
“Only you.” He admits sheepishly, finally allowing his head to drop in my lap and his arm to wrap over my legs in exhaustion. 
“I’m not sure if I should be flattered or concerned for my safety.” I huff out jokingly before continuing,” seems like you do it an awful lot Lord Gaara.” 
“Y/N. I believe we’re at a level of friendship where you can drop the Lord. And you aren’t the most attuned with sleeping normally.” Gaara sighs out, burrowing his head deeper against my legs in comfort. My other hand dances lazy circles against his tensed back, instantly relaxing his posture and causing a sigh of relief. 
“I think you’re the last person who should be scolding me on my sleep schedule. I also thought we were at the level of friendship where you use my front door instead of stalking me from my own balcony.” I say in answer, feeling as his body tenses again.
“That’s not- I was only- I didn’t want to bother you.” Gaara stumbles out, shooting up quickly to defend himself as he fumbles backwards and lands against the balcony floor. He slopes his arms over his legs, curling in on himself in defeat and embarrassment. A yawn sneaks it’s way out as I push his legs down and take my turn to rest my head in his lap,” I was only joking y’know? I don’t mind. It gives me a sense of safety, honestly.”
His arms curl around my frame, pulling me upwards in to a tight and what felt like a much needed hug, head nuzzling comfortingly in the crook of my neck and his arms refusing to let go.  I melt around him, giving in to the needy touch, letting our inner children heal with every second of embrace that we both were robbed of for so long. 
“I can’t bring myself to rest when I can’t feel your presence in the village. It’s as if you keep my demons at bay. I can’t help but to make sure you get to sleep every night before I can finally rest myself.” He whispers, wavering tears present in his shaky voice. His words make it seem like I was gone for years and not days, and in his touch, it was starting to feel that way. Our closeness had come on suddenly after last summer. Kankuro had pestered Temari on not having friends so much that I was the unlucky stranger she dragged home for dinner after training. Awkward dinner conversations revealed trauma within one night, we all realized our similarities in not having stand up parents, but persevere regardless. 
“Y/N?” Gaara asks quietly, shaking me lightly to make sure I’m still conscious,”hmm?”
I can only manage to mumble against his tight grip even if I am fully awake.
“Do you feel any sort of affection towards me?” He continues shyly. I weakly attempt to catch the laugh that bubbles up my throat,” if I didn’t, we wouldn’t be here right now, Gaara. I wouldn’t subject myself to you and your siblings at one dinner table at the same time. The question is, do you like me… or do you find comfort in me?”
“Is it selfish of me to say both?” He questions, raking a hand gently through my hair. I shake my head softly,” as long as you come to bed with me, I might forgive you for keeping me up so late.”
Without another word, he lifts us both effortlessly from the patio floor and ushers us through the door. His gourd clanks against the door as he tries to shut it, causing him to wince slightly. He never once lets go of me, even wrestling with the bedding. Even when he slides the gourd off his back, and shuts off the light. Gaara is stiff as a board beside me, causing me to climb on top and rest on his chest, listening to his frantic heart beat slowly become steady,” let’s get what sleep we can before your sister busts down my door in the morning.”
“If I had to stay awake for eternity to usher the moon and sun across the sky, just to make sure you slept and lived peacefully, I would without question. A night without sleep is nothing new to me, neither is my own sisters temper.” Gaara speaks lowly, finally relaxing. His arms find their way around me once again, resuming the grip that felt as if he let me go, I’d blow away as easily as a piece of paper. I lazily lift my head to place a chaste kiss to his lips that’s broken by another ebbing yawn,” you’re sweet… but you can speak poetically in the morning, after we’ve both woken up.”
My tiredness finally overcomes my strength, drooping further down and giving in to the clenching hands of sleep as his chest becomes a rhythmic melody to ensure my rest was peaceful. 
Sleep was never the problem. It was the disorientation and grogginess of waking up that bothered me, the crashing reality of all of life’s regrets hitting all at once as the sun burns your eyes and the heat drys your throat. This morning was different. My mind was alert with full clarity, a glass of water also sat waiting for me. Then the anxiety of the thought of oversleeping hits. My body spasms, shooting upwards in a panic to reach the dresser before Temari has the chance to reach for the spare key in the cactus pot by the door. My heart clenches as the arms that subdue my panicking body snake around my torso, stopping the race against the clock. Red hair brushes against my shoulder as Gaara rests his head against me in a groggy yet, still alert haze,” Y/N, take a moment to look at the time. Temari won’t even be up for another hour.”
My fingers wrap around his own that rest just above my naval in a protective embrace, breathing deeply before sighing,” force of habit.”
“I guess we both have habits to break.” He yawns, squeezing tighter. 
“Maybe that’s something we can do together?” I question, leaning my head back to rest in to him.
“I wouldn’t dream of doing it any other way.” He answers in a whisper, broken by the familiar scuff of a foot against the window frame.
“It’s not usual for you to leave a window open for anyone to sneak in, i thought you were trained better than that. I noticed it last night and hoped it would be open for a rude awakening.” Temari chides, looking at the empty bed, most likely assuming I’d still be asleep. Gaara doesn’t release me, only turning us so he can face his sister,” and here I thought we agreed as a family, it was best not invade others privacy, Temari.” 
“Please, I hope you know the open window wasn’t the only thing I noticed last night. You truly are awful at camouflaging yourself for someone that’s supposed to be Kazekage.” Temari scoffs back, dropping effortlessly from the window sill to saunter smugly over before glaring at me and continuing,” and you give me shit about Shikamaru.”
“S-Shikamaru?” Gaara asks in disbelief as Temari shrinks in embarrassment,” as if! I have full grown adult brothers to worry about who still think they have to sneak out of the house to go anywhere, let alone creepily wait on a poor girls balcony to watch them sleep!”
“Shikamaru?” Gaara says again, finally releasing me as Temari turns so red, the sunset would be jealous of her new hue. He slowly stalks towards her, sliding his gourd on to his back as she clumsily retraces her steps back to the window in horror,” Gaara, let’s calm down here. We’re obviously both at a misunderstanding here. We’re adults now. We can talk this out.” 
Her leg stretches for the window, not wasting a second to clamber out and jump for the nearest roof as Gaara quickly follows,” Temari!” 
“Adults…Still kids if you ask me.” I yawn, diving ungracefully back for the bed, knowing I’d lucked out in not having to train today. They’d be chasing each other around the village for hours. Or so I’d thought, until a brief guest of wind signals one of them dropping back through the window. Gaara hastily plants a kiss against my forehead and huffs,” family dinner same time as usual tonight.”
“Got it.” I mutter, tossing a pillow at him as he quickly reaches for the window once again as i giggle to myself, enjoying the moment.
Life isn’t about happiness, it’s about finding the happiness in mutual struggles and awkward situations with others. It’s about finding peace in something that was once deemed hateful and soulless. It’s about creating a future in something you’d never thought had a chance. It’s about coming to peace with the demons you no longer fight alone in the middle of the night. 
Most of all, it’s about enjoying siblings that chase each other across a village so you could get another half hour of sleep. 
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Fuck it, ShiIta ArtCollege!AU
This is unfinished but I re-read it today and kinda like the banter, so I may write more disasters like this continuing the storyline.
Relevant tags: Crack, Comedy, Adult Humor
Pairings: ShiIta, KakaObi, feat HashiMada
Warnings: Shisui and Itachi are cousins who date in this, kindly don’t like don’t read!
Summary: Konan, Itachi, and Genma are songwriting majors at Konoha Arts, Sasori, Hashirama, and Yamato are wood sculpting art majors, Madara is an audio engineering major, Shisui is a music production major, Kakashi is a creative writing major, Obito is an acting major, Deidara is a clay artist (ofc) and Gaara is glass sculptor.
They all are friends one way or the other, around the same ages, and engage in their usual shenanigans at lunch. Here is their conversation:
“Ya know, it would pay for you and Itachi to quit being so serious all the time.”
As if on cue, the two turn their expressionless gazes to Shisui, who raises his brows. In front of them, Genma and Kakashi snicker.
“Sorry. I don’t have a magical button to change my default mood from ‘neutral constipated’,” Konan says dryly. Genma laughs around the sucker in his mouth.
“Heh, at least you still have a sense of humor.”
“Hey, my ‘Tachi does have a sense of humor. He just doesn’t show it most of the time,” Shisui insists, dramatically rubbing his cheek against Itachi’s own. The younger Uchiha flushes.
“Whose side are you on?” Asks Genma, but the question goes unanswered.
“Shisui, you’re smothering me,” his voice is soft with a hint of annoyance.
“You’re gonna give him a heart attack with your PDA,” Kakashi points out.
“But I want the whole world to know Itachi has my heart.”
“Trust me, the world already knows. Pretty sure you’d be on your third kid together by now if Itachi had a uterus.”
Said man finally widens his eyes as a horrible blush overtakes his cheeks and ears. Shisui even turns red.
“Ope, double homicide. You bulls-eyed the breeding kink.”
That was Genma.
“Why do we even hang out with you?” Itachi is exasperated.
Genma smirks at Konan. “We should date.”
“I’m actually insufferable, gloomy, and weird as fuck. So for your sake I’ll decline.”
He sighs. “You sound like my younger brother rejecting his nineteenth girl of the week.”
As if on cue, Sasori plunks down beside him and looks up at them through his unruly mop of cherry red-dyed hair. His honey eyes are rimmed with a thin line of smoky black, as usual. It’s an aesthetic choice, partly, but also to hide his dark circles. The damn insomniac never sleeps.
“It’s twenty now.”
“Oh? Who was it?”
“Matsuri, that undeclared first year.”
“I thought she liked Gaara?”
“Seems she has a type.”
Genma blinks. “What, insane edgelord sentient candy apples?”
“Only you could come up with such an abomination of a sentence,” Konan tells him with the hint of a grin.
“I’m not a lyricist for nothin’, baby.”
“Baby? You two finally dating?” Sasori asks with mild interest.
“Nope. She rejected me again.”
“Ouch. I’d give you my period-three sculpture as a consolation gift but Deidara put air bubbles in his and blew up the kiln again.”
“I thought he only did that if no one else was using it.”
“He claims he forgot mine was in there since I never use clay.”
“Hmm. Could be. Sorry about your art.”
“I’ll just stick to wood pieces,” Sasori shrugs. “Sleep will be last priority to get my project done on time. I’d hate to make the professor wait.”
“You already do that though. Not sleep, that is. You’re painfully on time. We all know you’re impatient as fuck,” Obito laments the times where Sasori has rushed everyone in order to be on time.
“Guess things are according to plan then.”
“Ah, there he is! My dummy-husband!”
They all look to see Obito just before he plops down beside Kakashi, planting a kiss on his face mask and smiling happily.
“Hey, idiot,” is Kakashi’s fond greeting.
“If it isn’t Grandpa Obito,” Genma wise-cracks, and Obito makes a face.
“We’re the same age as you, Shiranui.”
“And? Maybe if you guys didn’t act like such geezers you’d have been designated better roles in our dysfunctional friend-family.”
“Is that what we are?” Asks Kakashi as Obito interlaces their fingers.
“Yup,” Shisui answers. “We talked about it the other day working the radio station. You and Obito are Grandma and Grandpa. ‘Tachi and I are Mom and Dad. Konan over here is the exhausted yet supremely talented older sister, and Genma and Sasori are the two neighbor kids who are in a love triangle with Konan.”
Konan sighs exasperatedly, and at the same time, she and Sasori say. “There is no love triangle.”
Obito blinks. “You guys are insane.”
“Says the guy who eloped with his boyfriend a week before his junior year.”
“We got the idea from Hashirama and Madara.”
Konan raises a brow. ��They’re married?”
“Yeah! They eloped last year. You haven’t noticed their rings?”
“I don’t really pay attention,” she shrugs.
“Madara wears a shit ton of rings and Hashirama wears his on his neck ‘cause he sculpts,” Shisui adds as a further explanation.
“Hashirama’s a damn genius at wood sculpting,” Sasori muses, “His cousin Yamato is talented as hell too. I need to work harder.”
“Can’t punch the gas if it’s already floored,” Itachi reminds, trying to be helpful. Shisui beams at him as if he just wrote a Bible that makes sense and actually solves all of the world’s problems.
“You’re so smart.”
“Or just really neurodivergent.”
“Same thing in my book.”
“He has a point,” Kakashi shrugs.
“Say, what was eloping like?” Shisui asks, arm around Itachi’s waist tightening. “You think me and ‘Tachi could do it?”
“It was great,” Obito grins. “Why not? You two act married anyway.”
Itachi sighs. “Has everyone forgotten we’re cousins? My family would never approve.”
“Eh, what’s the big deal? If you wanna ‘sweet home Alabama’ each other to the Moon and back, you go right ahead,” Genma winks for good measure. “It’s no sweat off my balls.”
Itachi stares, blinking slowly at his fellow songwriter.
“Couldn’t you just have said it doesn’t bother you?” He asks.
“Like a normal person?” Sasori adds in, not hiding his disgust.
“Coming from you, that’s rich,” Genma grins wolfishly, elbowing his brother in the ribs. “None of us are normal at all.”
“Yup. We wouldn’t be wackos who decided to get art degrees otherwise,” Shisui grins broadly. No one misses the rather lovesick, gentle expression Itachi bestows upon his face, but everyone ignores it. It’s as far as Itachi goes with PDA, but damn if it isn’t more potent than an actual physical gesture towards Shisui at making everyone avert their eyes at the display of intimacy.
Except Genma.
“Or wackos in love with their own cousins.”
Itachi’s eyes shift from their warmth to fix Genma with an only half-venomous glare.
“Shut up.”
The Shiranui raises his hands in defense. “We’re all wackos, this is a safe-space. Completely judgement-free zone.”
Despite his tendency to joke, those words are entirely sincere.
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freakontour · 7 months
Give me Gaara and questions 1, 2, 5, 6 and 12 🥰
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I love my feral baby because, especially in OG Naruto, his pain and trauma is so visible, his reactions feeling very true to me. I wish he would’ve chosen more violence. But I also love his friendship with Naruto, so… 🤷‍♀️
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
He’s direct and true to himself. Whether that be telling someone they suck or that he likes them. Or wants to kill them.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Right now? Break my Heart by Matt Hansen. For reasons.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
I am also pretty direct. And insomniac. Yeah.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
My baby is an asexual little bean and I’ll die on this hill <3
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shadow-bender · 2 years
Watching shows aimed at teenagers/children now that I'm an adult is interesting to me because I can pick out exactly which character would of been teenage/kid me's favorite while at the same time loving adult characters that kid me would of thought was cool but probably not given too much thought to
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monzterzack · 7 years
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good thing i dont sleep.... or the nightmares will consume me
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serenevenene · 3 years
Gaara x Fem!Reader
Kinktober 2021 – Day 31 (I know).
You’ve been having trouble sleeping, so the village medic prescribes you a sleeping tonic. With your new-found medicine, you couldn’t stop your mind from racing. First, you questioned the tonic’s potency. Then – aside from the tonic’s intended use – you found yourself getting wet at the idea of the Kazekage ravaging you in your sleep. You were usually concerned about the insomniac’s condition, but tonight, you appreciated it.
Somnophilia, consensual non-consent, insomnia, fingering, cream pie
A/N: Ok I’ll be honest – this didn’t turn out the way I had imagined, but you know what? Whatever. Goodbye kinktober, see you next year.
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Gaara merely blinked back at you, his green eyes attempting to pierce through your resolve.
“I said what I said.” You smirked devilishly at him, leaning against his chest and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I’ll fall asleep soon.”
“I don’t…understand,” he’s voice was unsure, but his expression was still.
You huffed, and pulled his face closer to yours. “I get off on the thought of you ravishing my body while I sleep.”
“I don’t even know the answer to that,” you said, letting him go and plopping yourself onto the bed. “I just know that I want it, and I’m getting wet at the thought of it.”
You untied your sash and pulled open your thin robes. You looked back at Gaara to see if he was paying attention. He was, but you could tell that he was still hesitant. You extended your arms outward to welcome him into your embrace, cooing, “Come here, Gaara.”
Almost reluctantly, he carefully laid himself down next to you. Carefully, and slowly, as though he would break you if he tried any other way. You scoffed and took him into your arms again. You planted your mouth on his, noting how his dry lips scratched your soft ones.
You always enjoyed feeling his rigidity melt into a natural desire for you. The way he froze when you kissed him, only to relax under your embrace and start kissing you back, always had you wanting more.
You pulled away from him slightly, breaking the kiss. “Gaara,” you whispered, your eyes closed, “I’m…sleepy. Please…do what I ask you.”
And with that, you collapsed on top of him, knocked out for the night.
Gaara was torn. He didn’t share your desire to be taken in your sleep, and he surely didn’t want to be the one taking. But…you played your hand well. He could feel your bare skin against his, where his shirt had lifted up. He was still flustered from that kiss, from the way you whispered in his ear. The Kazekage must have internally debated for about half an hour before making his decision.
Gaara gently turned your sleeping body on its back. He kneeled beside you, taking in the look of you exposed and vulnerable, the moonlight highlighting your skin. He always thought you were beautiful, and tonight he though no different.
Gaara inserted a finger into your heat. Slowly. His green eyes darted to your face, searching for any indication of discomfort or waking up. You weren’t lying when you said you were already wet from the thought of him taking you in your sleep. He inserted another finger, suddenly hyper-fixated at the feeling of your plush, wet folds squelching around his fingers. He felt himself harden against his pants.
You were so warm. And wet. Gaara leaned over to kiss you again. It wasn’t the same without you kissing back. He pulled his fingers away from your heat only to fondle your exposed breasts. His lips traced your jaw before moving down to your neck. That’s were he noticed goosebumps on your skin. Could you feel what he was doing to you while you slept? Or was it just a visceral reaction? Regardless of what it was, Gaara’s erection grew painful against the fabric of his pants, forcing him to strip down.
Gaara straddled you, leaning down so he could lick your body from your chest down to your pussy. When he got there, he pulled apart your labia to expose your sensitive bud. He instinctually licked it and he felt you flinch. He looked up from his position. You were still asleep. He continued his technique on your clit, pushing his fingers into you to confirm that you were indeed getting wetter still. When he was satisfied at your wetness, Gaara moved upwards, kissing you sweetly on your stomach, to the mounds of your breasts, and to the hollow of your neck.
“I’m going to start, Y/N,” he whispered, even knowing that you couldn’t respond. The feeling of your warm, bare skin against his hardened length made him impatient, and he positioned himself at your entrance. He pulled your limp legs up, resting them against his strong shoulders, as he entered you. You were tight. Tighter than usual.
Gaara started to rhythmically glide in and out of you, losing himself in the wet, plush texture within you. He lost himself so much that he started going harder and faster. It was as though he was angry, even when he wasn’t. But his hips moved roughly against you, almost with the goal of hurting you. He surprised even himself. Was he trying to get you to wake up?
Moments passed. If you were awake, you’d know through his piercing green eyes that he was close. Gaara felt his sweat dripping down his back. He didn’t care, prioritizing his orgasm. He had let your legs fall to either side of him. He grabbed you by your hips, and pulled you up over his thighs as he continued to attack your defenseless pussy. The sounds of your wet, dripping cunt was the only sound in the room. That is…until Gaara groaned as he released his seed into you.
Gaara pulled out, and watched his white cum seep out of your abused, gaping hole. He felt a strange sense of accomplishment before taking you in his arms as he rested beside you. He was exhausted, but knew that he would be unable to fall asleep. Just as he decided he would wait by your side until you woke up, his eyes spied the tonic sitting on the night stand.
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You awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside. Groaning, you shifted your position so that you were not facing the window, trying to chase the sleep that was fleeing your grasp. You felt something against your nose. Curious, you opened your eyes, letting go of any possibility of returning to sleep. Gaara was still in bed beside you. His eyes were closed and his breathing was rhythmic.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “Gaara?” you called out to him. Your hand found his arm and you tried to shake him awake. His face scrunched up, and he swatted your hand away before returning to whatever dream he might have been experiencing.
You rubbed your eyes. You were still naked and you felt cold. You sat up, intending to find clothes to slap on, but you stopped when you felt something gush out of your vagina. You looked down and smiled. Gaara had done what you asked him to. He even came inside of you.
Damn, did you feel turned on. You turned your attention back on Gaara and shook him again, harder this time so that he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep. “Wake up,” you said loudly.
After some light, half-asleep protesting, Gaara opened his eyes to look at you. You almost felt bad for depriving the insomniac of any sleep he could get. “I want your dick inside me. Now.”
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Reblogging is fine, but don't repost to Tumblr or any other platform without permission.
Tags: @mal-adaptive-daydreamer, @shnakehsnake
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choudragyn · 2 years
Ok, let's finish off the SFW Alphabet for Gaara. I will do the NSFW Alphabet next.
S-Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)-- I personally can't see Gaara being with a civilian, I can only see him with a shinobi. He would feel worried when he sent them on dangerous missions but ultimately accept that they are more than capable of protecting themselves and have trust in their capabilities. If he felt like he had to protect them then he would have some extra anbu keeping an eye on them just in case. Now with Gaara being a strong and powerful shinobi, moments, where his beloved would have to protect him, would be rare. more accurately the way they would protect Gaara would be in the form of giving him emotional support and letting him lean on them so that Gaara doesn't take the entire burden onto himself.
T-Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)-- At first, he would stress himself out with the idea that he has to impress his beloved for every date and with every gift. But as time went on he became more relaxed about it and just started enjoying the moments and his gifts more simple and heartfelt. Now when it comes to his Kazekage duties, he's a perfectionist and takes it very seriously.
U-Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)-- Gaara forgets to eat and take breaks when he gets really busy in the office and will often lose track of time. Luckily his beloved noticed this bad habit and started bringing his lunch to him and practically makes him take his lunch break and eats with him.
V-Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)-- Being a Kage, Gaara understands the importance of public image and therefore puts a lot of effort into his appearance. But when he's home and not working he's far more casual, letting his beloved mess with his hair and dressing more comfortably.
W-Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)-- As a Kage, and his beloved being a shinobi they would naturally have to be apart at times. It would be bearable so long as it's only a few days. Anything longer than a week then they would feel incomplete so upon their reunion, they would have a date to make up for the time apart.
X-Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)-- Gaara is Demisexual and Demiromantic. Also, he is an extreme lightweight when it comes to alcohol, one shot and he's already feeling the effects. Drinking is rare as he doesn't like the taste of most alcohol and he dislikes how it affects him, but the rare times he is drunk he will have 1 of 2 personas. Grumpy Gaara and sappy Gaara. Grumpy Gaara loses his filter and will let loose and tell people *coughkankurocough* exactly why they annoy him (Keep grumpy Gaara away from the council members lol). Sappy Gaara is Gaara with double the affection, basically an extra cuddly Gaara.
Y-Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)-- Getting upset at him for putting so much time and effort into his Kazekage duties. He takes being a Kage very seriously and is a huge responsibility that takes up a lot of not most of his time.
Z-Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)-- As an insomniac, sleep is not something that comes easy to Gaara so he will often let his beloved just sleep in his arms while he either reads or admire his beloved while he waits for sleep to come. Sometimes, if it's particularly bad, his beloved will *coughtirehimoutcough* to help him sleep. And yes, it works.
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gaaraworshipper · 3 years
Hi, if you're still taking requests I'd love to see your take on what you think Gaara's sleeping habits are like as an adult! Is he still an insomniac? Does he sleep way too much? Does he have nightmares? Or fall asleep with his eyes open and freak everybody out? Your art style is just GORGEOUS by the way!
One gets used to having 24 hours a day at their disposal, so I think that even after losing Shukaku Gaara would try to stay up because he has so much work to do as Kazekage. However, his siblings, especially Temari, would definitely have none of that and make him go to bed whenever they can. I think he eventually gets used to sleeping at least a few hours a day, but he's still be in denial, so he often falls asleep in his office while working at night.
He does have nightmares, and that's another reason he's reluctant to go to bed every night.
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insomniac-arrest · 4 years
how NOT to do a tournament arc
It’s kind of sad, I really enjoyed the first book in the “Darker Shade of Magic” series by VE Schwab, I even rated it 4 stars on my Goodreads! People told me that the second book, A Gathering of Shadows, was even better and I was pretty excited.
However, I cannot get myself to finish the last 80 pages or so. I am really close to the end, but I just Do Not Care. I have stopped caring about these characters or what happens to them. I think the main problem is that I actually really love “tournament arcs,” they are literally always my favorite arcs in Shonen manga.
the tournament arc in the Naruto series?? life-changing. the tournament arc in My Hero Academia? literally the only full arc I’ve seen of that show. The tournament arc in Yu Yu Hakusho? so much fun. even outside of manga, the second Hunger Games book is my favorite of the three because I think the arena/game itself is really interesting and I’m a shallow bitch.
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Lee vs Gaara?? 😩👌
I think it’s this love of the trope that kind of ruined the book for me because Schwab fundamentally mishandles why audiences care about our heroes joining or winning these things. *SPOILERS AHEAD*
So I literally hated the reason for every single character joining the tournament. Not only are most of them way too OP to be joining this tournament (it’s like the reverse underdog trope and I hate it), but the reasons they join are generally weak and actively make me want them to lose.
Why does Naruto do the tournament arc? He wants to go up in the ninja hierarchy and it’s a stepping stone to his overall goal of becoming a hokage. And, as always, he’s trying to prove his self worth as a person by punching people real good. He is an underdog and seeing him win is thus satisfying. You want him to win for practical, emotional, and cathartic reasons. It’s not that complex.
None of the heroes in A Gathering of Shadows want to join the tournament for practical reasons and seeing them win achieves no catharsis. They do have emotional reasons for joining it, but their emotional reasons actively make me want to bully them. Let’s get into it.
Lila wants to join the tournament to test her magic and also run away from her cool pirate life she always wanted because of Issues I guess. I found her reasons for joining the most acceptable of the 3, but also frankly vague and boring. She kind of just has this sense she has to join. The thing that really got me is how she goes out of her way to kidnap and replace this rando in the competition.
She is technically an underdog here, but having guessed by this point she is a *SPOILERS* Antari, I already know she is super powerful and is way too magically gifted for being in this normal-people magic Olympics. I don’t watch Haikyuu for the tall people dunking on other teams! I watch it for the short king overcoming height-ism! Your stories about genetically superior magic people suck!!
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If she had like, an actually compelling reason to insert herself into the competition-- such as being in poverty and needing prize money or seeking revenge or political sabotage or wanting to win the heart of a girl, I might be more forgiving. But the fact she just kinda wants to . . test herself, and fucks up someone else’s life to do that, just made me angry. I get that’s she’s a spunky, wild-card, the author describes her as a “self-serving badass,” but she was just so weakly motivated that the self-serving part made me root against her. She’s out there messing with someone’s entire profession just to “test her abilities.” This is some villainy shit.
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This and the fact her “not-like-other-girls” fuckery was all over the place in this book (one of her love interests literally says “you’re not like other girls”) rubbed me the wrong way.*
*Note: the first book also had this problem too, but I was kind of willing to forgive it bc I was interested in the magic stuff going on. But Schwab did NOT course correct and I had to have this whole do-I-dislike-Lila-bc-of-internalized-misogyny debate with myself. Luckily, I discovered that the only character I really liked in this book was Rhy regardless of gender.
Alucard is also there. I don’t clearly remember his motivation for joining, but he is already wealthy and has status and allies and doesn’t really need to join this tournament so I also did not particularly care if he won or lost. He’s also just, very pompous. Which, yeah, made him likable enough, but again, pompous characters in tournament arcs are not the ones you’re rooting for. That’s not why you watch.
Finally, Kell, king of the Over Powered angst trope, wants to join the tournament because he dreams of violence. He wants to fight other people. He has some bloodlust which he feels real bad about, but also damn does he want to use his magic powers to punch people. Like, dummies and training are not enough, it has to be real flesh and blood people to pummel.
I can’t emphasize how thoroughly this turned me off. Characters who join tournaments literally just for the purpose of smacking other people around are villains in these type of stories. They aren’t doing it for the prize or redemption or self-worth shit or love. And I wanted Kell to lose so bad!! I wanted him to get water-slapped across the stage! Not only was he way too overpowered in this tournament for me to care, but the reasons he’s in the tournament actively pissed me off. You want to find freedom in violence Kell? :( absolutely not.
And like, he does lose, but it’s only because he lets Lila win. No struggle. No gay little speeches. No random heartfelt trauma reveal or character development.
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I hate it here.
Naturally, a western book does not have to follow random anime tropes, but shouldn’t readers be a bit invested in this staging since it takes up a large part of the book?
None of these characters are in the tournament for interesting reasons that make me want to root for them. Some characters who I was neutral on to begin with, literally made that Sims relationship thing pop up above my head when I read this
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I know what you’re thinking: But Insomniac! The book isn’t about the tournament! It’s just the set-dressing! You must have noticed, the tournament fight scenes were really brief and boring. The main conflict is between the real villain and the main characters.
And I’m like . . . then why were the magic olympics there? Also, the fact all these characters were joining this important sports event for shallow reasons really did a number on my perception of them. None of them even want to be Hokage. This is ridiculous.
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Anyway, as a side note I was interested in the Rhy/Alucard interaction, but I’ll probably never finish this book so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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bughat · 3 years
Mixed bag of insomniac fandom thoughts:
TWD: I will never not be bitter that Tyreese's arc, which was about the brutality of a nightmare world slowly breaking a good man's heart, was basically met by fans with "Oh I guess Tyreese sucks, now, glad he's finally dead"
Naruto/Boruto: I think Sasuke rates pretty low as a husband, but I also think he probably genuinely loves Sakura about as much as he's capable of loving anyone.
I like to pretend that Rock Lee and Gaara are penpals because reasons. They probably send each other really boring but sincerely thoughtful letters about growing cacti or something.
Neji deserved better, but no duh.
Loki: I need to actually sit my ass down and finish this show. It's sillier than I was hoping for, but Disney is playing it weird like that with it's live action shows.
Gunnm/Alita: I loved the first manga run so much and part of me wants to try and make it through the American film, but I CANNOT get around how stupid they made her look. Also, as usual, Hollywood continues to be allergic to Asian people.
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orochimilf · 3 years
ᴍʏ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ɪꜱ ᴅʀᴇ, ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ɪᴛ!
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i apologize to no one for the yu-gi-oh blog this has become.
go follow my main blog: @abracazabka and my non-anime juvenile animation blog: @atlarcxadia!
i’m over eighteen! (there may be mature content)
i'm a multishipper and a polyshipper; i.e., no juvenile ship wars…!
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FIC RECS (my absolute faves!)
Choose Me [Gaara/Lee]
A lot can happen in a year. Suna's Council forces Gaara into an agreement that gives him only one year to find love or else a marriage will be arranged for him. Rock Lee and his team are selected to pilot a groundbreaking exchange program that will require them to stay in Suna for one year. Meanwhile, the shinobi rumour mill is running at full speed, and the Council will stop at nothing to make sure that they control the Kazekage's future. . .
Until the Last [Gaara/Lee]
“Sand still hovered around him constantly, holding him even when Gaara was gone, but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t Gaara.”
Lee falls into a coma after a mission and Gaara waits impatiently for him to wake up.
Silica [Shikamaru/Temari, Kankuro/Kiba, Gaara/Lee]
The best consolation for knowing your love life is in shambles is knowing your siblings aren't doing any better.
Knockout Love [Gaara/Lee]
Gaara, an insomniac falling apart at the seams. Lee, a professional fighter, down on his luck. The two meet under unusual circumstances. Is it possible to fall in love with someone with only their voice?
The Language of Flowers Series [Gaara/Lee]
Lee spends a series of sleepless Konoha nights with Gaara, during which their friendship evolves into something more. Over letters and flowers, countries and seasons, their love comes into full bloom.
To Love Like Broken Glass [Gaara/Lee]
Naruto’s other arm is slung around the shoulders of someone wearing nothing more than a tight armored mesh shirt and a loose pair of trousers slung low around the hips. Someone just a touch shorter than he is, with a familiar tangle of red hair. Someone wearing a harness across his shoulders that’s dominated Lee’s dreamscape for months now. Someone who can’t possibly be who Lee thinks it is, because the person Lee’s thinking of would never—“Gaara-kun. What a pleasant surprise!” ~~~ Or: Five times Gaara unintentionally seduced Rock Lee, and one time he did it on purpose.
Gallium Heart [Gaara/Lee]
Gaara has a heart as cold as his hands. Lee has a heart just as scarred as his body. Through black eyes and missing teeth, soccer practices and science projects, costume parties and winter formals, they forge an uneasy alliance that eventually grows into a friendship. And from there, into something much more complicated.
In The Eyes of God [L/Light]
After the Yellow Box Warehouse ends with a decisive victory for Kira all of Light’s enemies are dead. Nothing stands in his way. But, somehow, he still feels empty. Ryuk offers him a deal; his eyes in exchange for the resurrection of one human. Light doesn’t even hesitate. He knows exactly who he wants to bring back.
The Lovers Gambit (Where You Toss the Pieces Aside and Start Kissing Your Opponent) [L/Light]
Light can't say he likes being kept up night after night while the rest of the task force gets a quiet, solitary room, an empty bed, and some goddamned privacy, and he gets L leaned over a chessboard asking for "just one more game, Light-Kun." Sometimes, when L prods him with a question as he finally pulls the covers up to his chest or tugs ever so gently at Light's sleeve for attention, Light swears he is ready to admit to anything and everything L could ask of him just for the peace and quiet of a prison cell. So they play chess, and Light lies to himself that this game does anything to help him work out this feeling that L sets boiling in the very pit of his being. -- In which the boys work out their feelings over a game of chess.
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gaasaku-fanfests · 4 years
I can't hold enough of you in my hands
Title: I can't hold enough of you in my hands Author: elleurs Rating: T Word Count: 2,504 words Summary: Band!au. Gaara as the vocalist. Sakura on bass. Gaara making moves on Sakura just before the show/during the show? Author’s Note(s): Someone help me, this took way too long to write and I hate myself haha. I love GaaSaku but AU is not my forte omg I’m sorryyyyyy I don’t know a lot of music stuff so forgive me uwu I did my best. Thanks for the prompt anon! Trope: Band!au. Gaara as the vocalist. Sakura on bass. Gaara making moves on Sakura just before the show/during the show?
D-Day: 7 days
Sakura has never played bass before, but it doesn’t stop Naruto from recruiting her into the band. She’s a sucker for her blond friend, especially when he pulls out his signature puppy-dog eyes and pleading pout combo.
How can she say no?
And okay, maybe Naruto buttering up to her for weeks with pandering statements of “Sakura-chan, you’re a genius, you’ll pick it up in no time!” and “You’re the only one I know who can definitely do it!” stroked her ego until she believed those words herself. Resigned, she’d finally agreed.
Bass guitar resting on her lap (courtesy of Ten-Ten’s brother), she opens the video tutorial Naruto sent to her the day before.
And promptly realises her book-smarts do not translate well to musical instruments.
She fumbles spectacularly. It’s not like she’s never held a guitar before (Ino dated Kiba for a while and he loved to show off how well he could play – he let her borrow it a few times for the ‘gram), but playing it is another matter.
The theory she understands – she can read the notes just fine, but once her fingers try to find the right string, it’s all downhill from there.
It sounds so horrible even to her untrained ears and she feels like crying.
Fuck her life.
D-Day: 6 days
Gaara is…quiet.
It’s weird, because he’s the vocalist, but she doesn’t complain – Naruto speaks enough for the both of them.
For all three of them, really.
“We’re planning to just do a cover of this song,” Naruto explains, slinging an arm on her shoulder. He works out daily at the gym, and his arm is so heavy that she hurriedly shrugs it off before her neck breaks.
Gaara’s behind them, hands in pockets and headphones blasting who knows what song. She looks between him and Naruto and wonders how they met.
She meets Gaara’s gaze, and he’s the first to look away, frowning.
“Gaara’s on strict orders not to say anything until near the performance,” Naruto continues, blissfully unaware. “Aren’t you, Gaara? He’s had a sore throat for the past few days! Only one song, don’t worry. They know Neji stopped playing for us, so they just want us to play something different.” She nods, half-listening.
Their usual bass player, Neji, had to stop once his uncle found out he’d been skipping cello lessons to play in their band. Sakura had only met the uncle once. She can’t blame Neji for backing down.
She doesn’t have the heart to tell Naruto how badly her first foray into bass playing went. Instead she keeps her mouth shut.
It’s just one song.
She can do it.
When she gets home, she works through the online bass tutorials between homework sets and assignment research. She practices until the pads of her fingers on her left hand have little creases from when she would press the strings. She practices hard because she doesn’t want to embarrass herself, but most of all, she didn’t want to let Naruto down.
Naruto has that effect on people, she thinks as she carefully places the bass guitar back on its stand (thank you, Tenten’s brother).
He makes you want to try harder.
D-Day: 5 days
Naruto hands her the music sheet with no words. Then he hands her another sheet with just the bass tabs.
“I wasn’t sure which one you’re more comfortable with reading,” he said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. She smiles, grateful, and takes the tab.
It’s a lot easier than the music sheet because it shows the strings and which part to press. But still, she gets the placing of her fingers the other way around, or she plucks the wrong string.
There’s only four strings in a bass guitar, which makes her feel even more of a failure, but she struggles on, practising her part diligently until Gaara comes in. Naruto stops playing the drums and throws his friend a grin.
“Maybe help Sakura for now?” he calls out. “If you play the guitar, she might get confused.” Normally, Sakura will be affronted because Sakura does not get confused. She silently endures and makes personal executive decisions in order to prevent that very scenario. That is quintessential Sakura Haruno right there.
But before she can retort, Gaara grabs a chair and sits in front of her, arms crossed and face carefully blank. She’s not sure what to do, but then decides to hell with it and starts from the beginning.
His stares are heavy and she feels uncomfortable. He waits until she finishes the song and made a circle with his finger, indicating for her to start again. Shrugging, she flips back to the first page of the tab and starts to play. Too focused on the music in front of her, she doesn’t notice Gaara until he stood right behind her.
Both his hands brush past her waist and he places them on top of hers. He positions her right hand until her thumb is resting on the highest string and her other fingers are curled, poised for the next note. Next, he fixes her left hand so that the pad of her index finger is on the edge of the fret.
She feels his breath near her ear and her brain short-circuits at the proximity. His hands over hers is warm as he leads her to play the next few notes. When he plucks the strings, she’s surprised at the clear sound the bass makes.
“T-Thanks,” she says, “I got it from here.” Gaara steps back and sits back down.
She messes up so badly that Naruto stops playing the drums and asks her if she’s okay.
       D-Day: 4 days
She may or may not have stayed up late last night going over the music.
In typical Naruto fashion, he only gave her the music sheet for the bass, so she has no idea what the song even is, or how the main melody goes. She hopes what she practiced will be enough because what happened yesterday –
She doesn’t even want to think about it. Her cheeks are red from embarrassment.
In the next practice, she doesn’t make a mistake until Gaara walks in. And then her fingers fumble, missing a few beats.
“Don’t do that on the day,” Gaara says as he straps his guitar. It’s the first thing he says to her. That – That –
That asshole!
“I won’t,” she retorts, gritting her teeth. She turns her body away, part embarrassed, part angry, and practises her strumming, trying to remember where to place her fingers and to strum on time. She can feel his gaze on her but she doesn’t care about that pompous asshole and keeps playing.
They’re lucky she even said yes to this thing! Didn’t he know she’s a busy person? She could be doing a hundred other things, but here she is, playing this stupid bass on their stupid band.
When Naruto arrives, Sakura is ready to go home.
“But we have to practice!” Naruto shouts as she stomps out of the room.
“I’ll practise by myself!” she says without turning back.
That night, Sakura practices her part over and over again until she memorises where her fingers are supposed to go and which string she’s supposed to pluck. Every time she falters, she thinks back on Gaara’s words and his haughty expression. It’s enough to make her want to wow him tomorrow and make him eat his words.
She imagines playing the bass so good his jaw drops on the floor, but privately, she thinks that it would be easier to just smash the bass on his face.
It’d be much more satisfying, too.
D-Day: 3 days
In the next practice, Gaara is absent.
“His body finally gave out, I guess,” Naruto says as he twirls the drumsticks in the air and catches one of them. He hurriedly stoops down to pick it up. When he stands up, he sees Sakura’s alarmed expression and hastily adds, “He finds it really hard to sleep, so he can go a couple of days without sleeping.”
Sakura still looks alarmed. “What?” Naruto scratches his cheek absentmindedly.
“He’s an insomniac,” he clarifies. “That’s why he doesn’t practice with us. He usually practices late at night until early morning. Hey, did you know he can play a lot of instruments? His house has like, a huge music room with just instruments, you know?”
Sakura holds up a hand to stop her friend before he completely derails the conversation. “Is his body okay? Should we check on him?”
“I dunno, he said it’s been like that since he’s young. Oh yeah, you know the music sheet I gave you? He transcribed all of it, by the way! He even made the bass parts himself! I couldn’t find the bass tabs anywhere so-“
Sakura’s stomach backflips at this piece of information. “Should we check on him?”
“Nah, he won’t answer the phone. It’s probably a good idea to let him sleep, it’s been a while since he could get a proper rest.”
“He’ll be fine?”
“Don’t worry, Sakura-chan! He’ll be here tomorrow!”
Sakura stares at the empty chair where Gaara usually sits and frowns. Turning away, she gives a signal to Naruto.
“One, two, three!”
She doesn’t make a mistake once.
D-Day: 2 days
Gaara is here and his stare is heavy.
Sakura loves books, and she knows the expression well (trashy romance books are her ultimate guilty pleasures, after all), but it’s the first time in her life she actually experiences it– she’s not sure what to think.
It’s intense, and the way their eyes meet every so often causes her to redden – from embarrassment or what, she’s not sure.
Still, she refuses to be embarrassed – honestly, it’s too late for that now. Their performance is in a few days (!!!!), and the thought makes Sakura’s hands sweat. She misses a few bars in the song, and she doesn’t miss the way Gaara’s eyebrow raised, mocking her.
She grits her teeth when Naruto stops his drumming and tells her they’re going to start from the top. He’s unusually determined, and she can’t muster her usual sarcastic retort because this time, the fault is with her. Instead, she nods and grips the neck of the bass guitar a little tighter.
Gaara’s stare is as heavy as having Naruto’s arm around her shoulders.
Maybe even heavier.
She ignores it, and after a few play throughs, she finally plays it all the way through without any mistakes. It’s a miracle, she thinks, because her mind is half on the song and half on the red-haired boy in front of her.
She wants to meet his stare head on. Maybe narrow them in distaste. Except she maybe kind of likes him. A little bit. A super tiny little bit. A microscopic, tiny bit. The thought of him transcribing bass tabs for her in the middle of the night makes her stomach queasy and her heart tighten. He’s still an asshole, though.
So maybe not distaste but – silent contemplation?
Something like that.
D-Day: 1 day
It’s the day before the performance and Sakura’s heart beats so fast she thinks she might throw up. The stage manager at Shuriken fusses around them on small stage, a short woman with hair up in a bun and wearing a perpetual bitch face. She screams at a poor guy named Tobi.
“No, Tobi,” the stage manager says. Sakura listens to their conversation because it’s better than realising she’ll have to play to a live audience. “Damnit, where’s Deidara? Let me speak to him instead – why? Because you’re a fucking idiot, that’s why! Fuck off and find me Deidara!” Tobi scurries off, but not before flipping a finger behind her back. The stage manager gives Sakura a brief once over and groans, before pointing at her guitar.
Sakura’s confused look only serves to make her impatient, and she snaps her fingers and points at her guitar again. Does she want the guitar?
“I’m surrounded by idiots, fucking hell,” the woman grumbles, before kneeling down and plugging something onto Sakura’s guitar. “Damnit, Tobi, where the fuck is Deidara?” She storms off and the other staff gives her wide berth.
Naruto bumps elbows with her. “Don’t take her too seriously, Sakura-chan! She’s like that, but she’s very good at her job. Right, Gaara?” Gaara grunts.
Sakura isn’t reassured, but tries to smile anyway. The Shuriken isn’t that big – with Konoha University’s funds focusing on sports, it’s a dingy bar at best. Most students go there anyway instead of the games. The drinks are cheap, and if you’re with a band, you get a few drinks for free.
“Gaara’s going to do an acoustic at the first part,” Naruto explains as he sits down in front of the drum set. “Then he’s going to swap the acoustic for electric. Once he does, I’ll count you in.”
It takes them a couple of times but they finally figure it out. Gaara doesn’t sing because Tobi lost the mics.
“Tobi, you’re fucking useless!” the stage woman screams while they practice. “You’re dead meat, you hear me? And where the fuck is Deidara?”
Sakura prays tomorrow will be smooth sailing.
Sakura’s hands are sweating and shaking so much. They’re behind a curtain, waiting for Sasuke’s band, Sharingan, to finish their set. Her heart is beating so loudly she can’t even focus or enjoy the music. Naruto is nowhere to be found, probably hanging out with Hinata before their performance.
Where’s Naruto when you need him?
Gaara sees her alarmed expression and approaches. Her heartbeat skyrockets.
“Put your hands out like this,” he says, placing his hands as if in prayer. She does the same. He slaps the backs of her hands, surprising her. It stings a little. “Are they still shaking?” She looks at her hands.
“N-No,” she stammers. Gaara smiles (HE CAN SMILE????) and pats her head.
“Just do what you did yesterday,” he says. She’s still stupefied at seeing his smile (HE IS CAPABLE OF SMILING!!). “If you mess up, I’ll cover for you.”
“You’re singing and playing the guitar though,” she points out.
Gaara raises a brow. “So?” So cocky. Much asshole.
She doesn’t notice because her brain is still restarting from his smile.
He can smile. And his eyes crinkle in the cutest way possible. She wants to melt, and realises his smile is a potent weapon against her. Even more potent than Naruto’s his signature puppy-dog eyes and pleading pout combo. She’ll never be able to say ‘no’ to that smile.
The thought scares her.
The Sharingan finishes their set and leaves the stage.
“Wanna go out for drinks later?” Gaara asks nonchalantly as they walk to the stage.
She stares at him, eyes wide as the reality sinks in. Adrenaline is coursing through her veins as she stares at the crowd and then stares at him.
Fuck fuck fuck.
“Fuck yes.”
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yzy-sunagakure · 5 years
Okay. I’m now completely convinced that SP is deliberately avoiding any interaction between Shikadai and his maternal family. Or Temari and anyone from her home village, for that matter.
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Shinki was literally in the Konoha Hospital for 5 days and they didn’t think to show Shikadai and Temari visiting him even once? And what about when it was time for Gaara and Shinki to leave the village? Why didn’t Shikadai see them off? Back in the day, Shikamaru was always there to see the Sand Sibs off whenever they were on their way back to Suna—and they weren’t even related then.
And Temari? It’s totally OOC of her not to at least say goodbye to her little brother at the train station! The whole reason she and Shikadai went to Suna in the first place was to visit him and Kankuro!!! WTF!
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It pisses me off that the only scene in which Shikadai and Gaara are together, Gaara isn’t even fucking conscious like seriously what are the odds of catching our insomniac Kazekage unconscious and that just haaaaad to be the time Shikadai actually happened upon him
This is just more proof to me that moving to Konoha has somehow brought out the worst in Temari. She’s still badass and I still love her, but she doesn’t feel like anyone’s sister anymore. She used to be the tough yet feminine side of the Kazekage Clan. Now it seems like Yodo is the only frickin female in all of Suna. Shippuden-Temari would have never allowed herself, or any son of hers, to become so distant from her brothers. I know that Gaara and Kankuro can totally take care of themselves now, but why should that mean that Temari should stop fussing over them like the big sister that she is? And it’s not like the three of them are three random estranged fodder siblings! They’re the Sand Siblings!!!!!
It’s cute that Boruto, Inojin, And Chouchou call her “Aunt” Temari and all, until you remember that Temari has an actual nephew who only lives a train ride away who she never even fucking mentions. And Shinki definitely needs a female figurehead in his life much more than Boruto, Inojin, And Chouchou who all have their own doting mothers
RIP Sand Siblings because they don’t really seem to exist anymore. 😢
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slurp-imagines · 5 years
Hello! I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if it would be okay to request sleeping headcanons for Gaara and a s/o (sfw)? Maybe also what kind of nightly routine, etc. Thank you!
Gaara: Nightly Routine & (SFW) Sleeping Headcanons
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ofc it’s okay, anon! thanks for sending
As far as his nightly routine goes, Gaara really enjoys having a nice soak in the bath with his s/o. 
He’s most likely been cooped up in the Kazekage office all day. So he’d like to have at least 15 minutes in the tub with them. He likes taking the time to stretch out his stiff limbs and just let the tension drain from his body.
He never asks for one, but his s/o probably gives him a massage every now and then while they’re in the bath together. He absolutely melts under their touch, they’d probably have to keep him from falling asleep to be honest
He’s very careful about drying and brushing out his hair afterward too, he can’t stand when it goes all knotty while he’s asleep.
Other than that, it’s just a matter of basic hygiene for Gaara. (He takes brushing and flossing his teeth very seriously)
Once that’s taken care of… he probably takes some time to look at the cacti that he keeps indoors. Make sure everything’s in order, maybe re-arrange the small ones a bit if he feels like it. He initially started doing this so his hair would have some more time to dry before he lies down, but lowkey it’s really just to admire his cacti lol.
He generally saves more complicated care (watering, fertilizing, etc) for mornings or early evenings, so this is purely for enjoying the aesthetics of his little garden. Perhaps it’s a little weird but it relaxes him, what can he say
After that brief bit of time spent with his plants, he’d curl up in bed with his s/o. There’s probably a bit of time before either of them fall asleep, so this tends to become a period of light chatter between Gaara and his partner. Complete with soft cuddles and kisses. A night in with Gaara is the most peaceful thing ever
For the most part, he’d prefer if his s/o did a lot of the talking, though. He feels like their day is always more eventful than his, and he honestly just enjoys listening to their voice.
Gaara is a very refined sleeper. He’s overall an easy person to share a bed with. He rests on his back through most of the night, maybe turning onto his side somewhere along the way. But there’s no frequent shifting, and he doesn’t hog the sheets or anything
He doesn’t have to be completely snuggled up to his partner, but he does like to at least be touching them in some way. Maybe it’s just that one of his legs crosses over theirs, or they’re close enough to lay a hand on his thigh.
He’s glad to hold his s/o through the night if that’s what they want though!
The only thing is that he probably doesn’t sleep through the night easily.
Sometimes it takes him hours to fall asleep. Sometimes he just can’t forget the hardships of his childhood, or the violence of his adolescence, or the cold embrace of death he learned in his later teen years… Really, there are plenty of things that have Gaara finding it difficult to break away from his insomniac tendencies.
His partner doesn’t have to stay up with him– he’d probably feel guilty if they did. He wouldn’t want them losing sleep over him. It would probably help Gaara to have their voice to comfort or distract him, but he’s convinced the knowledge that they’re there in bed with him is enough to help him through the night.
So not always, but part of the time, Gaara’s s/o falls asleep long before he does.
On those nights, he usually tries to focus on them. The sound of their breathing, the feeling of their body pressed to his side, the sight of their sleeping face. (He tries not to be too indulgent about that last one though, because he knows being watched can actually wake a person up.)
This probably does help him relax to a degree… but it can be an uphill battle for him sometimes.
Not that he would be eager to share that detail. It’d most likely take his s/o directly asking about his sleeping habits for Gaara to reach out for help with this.
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whereistheonepiece · 5 years
Okay, here's my dumbest One Piece idea to date:
At work I was thinking about this post in my queue that's...I think it's a nendoroid of Law? I might be wrong, but it's a figure of Law that's chibi-esque and it's cute, and I love how his insomniac eyes are represented in this cute little figurine.
And then that thought process snowballed into Gaara from Naruto, and how one time I asked my friend at the time, who loved Naruto, why he drew his eyeliner on so thick. She responded his eyes look like that because of a lack of sleep.
So here comes the dumb part.
I then proceeded to imagine a meme of Gaara saying "Dad?" to Law and Law saying "Son." Because they both have insomnia. :V
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