#inside the chapel
aimeedaisies · 11 months
I just love the gif of Anne and Tim's wedding as your profile picture, especially when they both turn around and look at their guests, I still wonder what were they saying to each other - Mr and Mrs Timothy Laurence
Their very special day 🥰✨
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I’d love to know what they said 🥹 make your guesses in the comments
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rainpelt25 · 2 months
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Okay so what if I told you I did a really silly thing and made a Star Trek tos medival fantasy AU.......
More info under the cut smirk
OKAY SOOOO 😍 basically I had this image of kirk in a suit of armor but that kind of half armor where the other half is a dress and thag kinda spawned everything else
The AU doesn't exactly stick to the typical medival fantasy world, I had an idea about vulcan/elves and humans not coexisting very well. And vulcans can do the typical magic spells so humans have to make manmade magic (ie. That big thing on scottys back and all of mcoy and chapels potions)
ANZYWAY here are some facts about them in the order they are presenteddd bc ik it's kind of a random set to start with lol I'll post more later
A knight from a kingdom (starfleet) that worships stars (?) Hes a captain and got separated from his troops. He looks a little grumpy in the image hes very sweet very himbo I was just concentrating on his outfit drawing that so I didn't think of the pose lol. Also! The way I og imagined him was with those two painted on dots, it could be a religious thing from the kingdom or something idk but I just rlly wanted them to stick so yeah!!
A blacksmith and all around inventor!! He specializes in man made magic, something very powerful and dangerous in the wrong hands but he just finds it useful to power his machines while he's on the go :) so of course he just pretty much PERFECTS IT IMMEDIETLY because he's scotty!! This probably got him attention from the wrong crowd and his moving from place to place life style becomes more of a on-the-run thing. Oops!
OK I KNOW THIS IS A LITTLE WIERD IN A FANTASY but this was around the time I was leaning more medival than fantasy (because I love history) and was thinking- what did medival doctors do? Medival times was kind of the plague era.....riiiiighhttt..?? Anywaayy there's some magical plague going around in the background probably more near where Chapel and Mccoy are from. He travels the lands in search for people to help! He specializes in potions- thought not his favorite medicine but the only thing that can combat the sickness. He's just a very tired old man that wants to help people <3
OK SO UM THIS ONES VERY MEDIVAL BUT WHATEVER WERE ALREADY DOING IT!! Chapel lived in the same area as Mccoy, living as a nun (secrets out I don't care about history I just love nuns) Among the many nun things her favorite was helping the local doctor out as a nurse. She grew very knowledgeable about medicine, and with her previous knowledge of magic as a nun they both came up with a (sort of) cure to the plague. But oops! Blasfamy! As the church decided the plague was actually an act of God! So with the help from the doctor they both ran away, searching for people that needed (more like wanted) their help!
It's a little wierd but I hope atleast somone found this intresting!! It's all I could think about for days lol😭 if anyone wants to talk about it or just their own ST AUs I would be SO open for that PLS
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johnnycrass · 1 month
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orange stuff july 13-aug 4 ORANGE 2
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idfk-im-bad-at-names · 11 months
I'm just now seeing that Forever and Kari got married? THAT'S SO CUTE WTF 😭
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owlcryptid · 8 months
This exhibit fucks actually
It’s made with images from Shinichi Sakamoto’s DRCL: midnight children, the first volume came out yesterday but I haven’t had time to read it yet….
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ninetimesbluedemo · 1 year
ive auditioned 3 times in the past 24 hours im feeling so crazy
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hairtusk · 10 months
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impossibly long week ahead of me, but made infinitely easier knowing that i am so deeply beloved by my boyfriend and that we belong entirely to each other :') the light of my life forever and always
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goliadkine · 2 years
your heart is a flayed peach in a stone box
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title from Jamaal May in "How to disappear completely" / The Martirium of Saint Bartholomew, Matteo Germano, 2022 / Slaughtered Ox, Rembrandt, 1655 / The Flaying of Marsyas, Titian, 1570 - 1576 (detail) / Self-portrait, Hyman Bloom, 1948 / Peter Dent, "A Window for the Pain: Surface, Interiority and Christ’s Flagellated Skin in Late Medieval Sculpture" in Flaying in the Pre-Modern World , Practice and Representation
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merriblu · 6 months
We had such a great hike yesterday and I’m happy I didn’t lose as much muscle and stamina as I thought!
Also, featuring my two nosey ladies:
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Fall Out Boy tour tomorrow!
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mxwhore · 2 years
i gotta say that i really love your art, and you could produce scribbly sketches and i’d be hype as fuck about just seeing more of your art. i know it’s easier said than done, but don’t be too harsh on yourself/your art. it’s always great!
tank u :(
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gierosajie · 2 years
... so, Xiao, Mountain Shaper and Cloud Retainer are bird Adepti, right?
Does that mean that they can't see glass, just like normal birds cant't? Because it would be absolutely hilarious, expecially in Xiao's case
From a really quick search, apparently birds don't see glass because of something to do with the light they can perceive, and in the case of reflections it looks a lot more HD to them so it just looks exactly like the surroundings and not a flat surface
Idk how much their adeptus status would affect the Birb Biology, but I feel like Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper, and heck even Pervases if clear glass was already a thing going around in his time, are more likely to run into glass as birds because of how their eyes are positioned. Xiao, I think has a bit of an edge because of his forward facing eyes, even in his marketable plushie form. None of them would run into a window probably, mostly because of size, window style, and their ascended status letting them identify the presence of glass
With glass doors however...there's no saving them I'm afraid. Cloud Retainer would probably make an invention to counter her bird glass blindness, but everyone else will just have to live with it
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wizardnuke · 4 days
honor mode is KICKING MY ASS
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kalpalatas · 2 months
thing is good luck babe is very clearly a villain origin song with a lot of anger and frustration in it and whether chapell wrote it about a real woman is literally none of my business. but queer twt keeps using it in the weirdest wildest most misogynist ways possible and it is WACK to see play out
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pittsburghbeautiful · 8 months
Heinz Memorial Chapel
Heinz Memorial Chapel: A Historic Marvel in Pittsburgh Located in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh and on the University of Pittsburgh Campus, the Heinz Memorial Chapel stands as a towering symbol of architectural beauty and historical significance. This French Gothic Revival styled structure, part of the Schenley Farms Historic District, is a testament to the rich history of Pittsburgh and…
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