#insert patrick heart eyes gif
To the love, I left my conscience pressed between the pages of the Bible in the draw 
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AN: I finally gained confidence to post this!!! Warning this is self insert scene kid trash the is only slightly better to my imortal. Thankies to @m1k3yr3v3ng3 for da support and lastly happy birthday Pete Wentz I love you so much (ps: if ur a swiftie who only knows Fall Out Boy from electric touch or a prep: DONT FUCKING FLAME)
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Warnings: Self insert (that’s it, real ass name and all)
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It was that last show of the tour and god was it amazing. I stood backstage watching as I watched my Boyfriend and his band rock out on stage.  I waved to Pete and blew him a kiss as he was playing the bass, he blew a kiss back and mouthed “I love you princess” causing hot pink blush to paint my face. 
“I would like to dedicate this song to my amazing girlfriend Ri and I actually wrote this about her” The crowd cheered at his words and I was extreamly curious on what song it was knowing that like 25% of the songs Pete wrote are about me. 
“I comb the crowd and pick you out, my mouth moves too fast for you to figure it out, it starts eyes closed then fingers crossed to I sware I say”  Patrick sang into the mic and I started blushed harder as Pete looked at me with love. It was XO! You know how every couple has a song, XO was our song. It was practically our love story as a song meaning that is like my favorite song ever. It even included how we met. I remembered that night like it was yesterday.
It was a warm and rainy Chicago night back in 2003, the night before I would graduate high school. me and my friends went into some bar for a concert, we had no idea who the band was, the poster just said it was a “surprise show” whatever that ment. I had on a hot pink skull tank top, black Tripp pants with hot pink accents, a beat up pair of black convers, and hot pink arm warmer with my bangs swept to the side. We where there a little early and with the black X on my right hand I was limited on what I could do so I just downed a few Sherly Temples and talked with my friends about what ever teenage girls talked about in 2003. 
The band finally came out, their name was Fall Out Boy and the first thing I could notice about them was how fucking hot their bass player was. The band was also fucking amazing but I could not keep my eyes off the bass player: Pete Wentz. He seemed a few years older than me and had on a bright red t-shirt which also had a skull, baggy black jeans, checkered vans, and his hair was a mix of spiked and shaggy. My heart was beating faster than usual and I felt hot which could have been from the crowed bar but also could have come from the fact there was a hot guy right in-front of me. 
As I left the bar I had 3 things on my mind: That fact that this was my last big high school adventure, all of the lyrics to the songs, and that I would most likely never see Pete agian. That was until I noticed my phone was missing, just as I turned around I saw Pete with my hot pink razr in his hands walking up to me. 
“Hey…. By any chance is this yours?” He asked as I blushed at the fact he was talking to a dork like me. “Oh ya… It is thanks, you guys were like fucking amazing out there tonight.” I replied. He chuckled at my complement “No way we found our first fangirl, well it was nice meeting you” 
“Wait… mind if we like talk” I asked him and shockingly, he agreed. He was really nice and we got along really well but after an hour I knew I needed to go. It was pouring rain out and I don’t know what got ahold of me but I decided I needed to confess my feelings. “Pete, I think I’m in love with you” I stated calmly, he looked at me for a second and then kissed me with all the passion in the world. “I think I love you too Ri” he replied as he put his forehead on mine. I ended up getting his phone number and we ended up going on a date two days later, we have been madly in love ever since.
As the final words were sung and and chords were played I saw Pete look at me then go up to the mic. “Anyways before we play the last song I would like to invite Ri onto the stage, you can come out baby there is nothing to fear” I giggled and walked out on stage, running into my boyfriends arms for a hug. I did not care about all the fangirls annoyed sighs or even the cheering of the crowd, it was only me and Pete who truly mattered in that moment. 
“You look so adorable baby you know that right” Pete whispered into my ear and then  peppered kisses all over my face. “I know handsome, you tell me that all the time” I giggle and kiss him on the lips softly. Over a few second the kiss turned into a sloppy make out as our tounges started to explore each others mouths as he pulls me close to his chest with his arms around my shoulders. 
“Get a room you two” We overhear Patrick over the crowds cheering. He was teasing us as if we were teenagers getting caught kissing behind the bleachers which causes the kiss to brake off. “Go fuck yourself Patrick” I scoffed and stuck out you tounge which caused to crowd to go fucking insane. 
“There is an extremely important I need to ask you after 5 years of us being together…. The time is right” I waited on baited breath as I saw my boyfriend get down on one knee and pull out a small black box and opened it up to see a Hot Pink diamond on and black ring band. “No way he is actully going do what I think he is going to do” I think to myself practically hearing my own thoughts as everyone goes quiet
“Will you marry me” He asked 
I look at him as of he hung the moon as my eyes started to water. It felt so unreal, like a scene from one of those crappy teen dramas where the main couple consisting of two 16 year olds get eloped. The quietness made me worry that I would mess up but I knew my answer like the back of my god damn hand.
“Duh, of course I want to marry you Pete” I hugged him tightly as soon as he got up.  He placed the ring on my right hand and kissed my hand softly causing me to laugh softly. Our eyes interlocked together and soon our lips connected like two pieces of a puzzle. 
The kiss was as sweet as honey but as addictive as death. His mouth pressed delicetly agenst mine caused shockwaves of love to be sent down my body. He ran his hand through my short dirty blond scene hair while his other curessed my cheek. I never wanted this kiss to end, I felt like i was in haven and Pete’s lips were the gates. He looked at me with love in his eyes as I softly thanked him “anything for you my clandestine queen” he replied as he swept me of my feet and spun me around. 
I knew I had to go but I was scilently begging to stay for the last song. I walked off stage as the band started playing Saturday, blowing a kiss to my now fiancée causing the crowd to cheer the loudest I ever heard.
I waited backstage for the show to end, still shocked from the engagement. How do I tell my friends and family cause they would have probably found out by now due to a low quality photo. The notifications on my MySpace must be crazy, but agian I’m a famous MySpace scene queen so they’re always crazy but now with my engagement I might brake the damn site. 
As soon as the show ended I ran into Pete’s arms, reuniting with my lover after what felt like forever but was only 5 minutes. “I think congrats are in order for Mr and Mrs Wentz” said Patrick as he walked passed the two of us in the middle of a warm embrace. “Now that I think about, your name sounds so cute with my last name.” Pete whispered in my ear causing me to smile softly as he whispered more sweet nothings. 
The next hour was filled with congratulations, phone calls from family and friends, and the whole band (minus Andy) taking shots to celebrate the tour. As the clock struck midnight, it was only Me and Pete due to the rest of the band going to the hotel earlier, we walked the streets of the city as the rain got more heavier. In the span of five minutes the rain went from a light drizzle to the heaviest downpour I have ever seen but the full moon was still viable. Our hands were interlocked as the rain rushed down soaking us, but we did not care. 
“Ri” Pete’s voice broke thought the atmosphere.  I looked at him a softly smile “what is it” I giggled softly. “Have I ever told you how much I fucking love you” I blush at Pete’s words and rolled my eyes. “You tell me that all the time babe, it’s the reason why your marrying me” I snap back playfully 
“Speaking of marriage…. What if we get married tonight, no one needs to know, we can deal is the public later.” Pete stated causing my breath to hitch as the rain got heavier. We could not get married tonight, he only proposed four hours ago and we have nothing planned or a single clue on what we are doing. I do like the idea of an elopement, considering we’re a “It couple” in some way I would be nice to get privcy from the world for once. Plus I really do wanna get married soon, who can blame me! 
“Maybe in a few days when we get back to Chicago. We can sneak off in the middle of the night to some like fancy park building, Patrick can officiate, we sign the papers and then I’m officially Mrs Wentz.” I  reply as I grasp my fiancée’s hand tighter and look into his hazel eyes. “That works” he said leaning in to kiss me. 
Everything about it was perfect: the pouring rain, the full moon, but most importantly the feeling of his lips on mine. It was gentle yet rough at the same time, his lips softly touched mine but his tounge exploded my mouth like he was going to die. It was sweet like candy but spicy like fire. When the kiss broke I felt like a heroin addict going through withdraw, begging for more. 
We stood in scilance for a minute or two just basking in each others love until Pete spoke up “I love you Ri”
“I love you too, Pete”
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ohhfrecklefreckle · 5 years
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Pete skipping and bopping along to Get Lucky
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bausbitch · 4 years
I'm sorry
Reid x reader
Req but @blankets-for-bees
Warnings: kidnapping, established relationship, gunshot, Spencer being an ass at first, also this IS NOT really funny as my other works //read: I'll try because I'm just such a naturally good comedian,,,or a mental asylum escapee,,// 🤩 OH and a happy ending
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Spencer had been,,,,
Awfully cold to you
For the last 6 months
Yeah, it was beginning to get on your nerves
It felt like living with a whole ghost 👻
And it wasn't like it was his work
You two had the same job for fucks sake
You even shared a home
But lately
Spencer would ONLY talk to you at work
And only when it was life or death
So basically when hotch paired you two up
And omg
The team
They had no idea
So they insisted you two sleep in the same room on this case
Bc you two are their fav couple!!!!!
But they didn't know that for the last six months
You were practically single
Except you couldn't go anywhere
And you wouldn't go out to flirt with people
Because you were a good s/o
*cough* unlike Spencer *cough*
Ok so this usub
The universe said
Fuck you, yn yln 🤩🤪🤡
This particular unsub
Kidnapped failing couples
And threw them in a house
A giant doll house
And sedated them
And played with them like dolls
And made them kiss and stuff
Idk how to explain it
Like when you were little
And you didn't know you really LIKED liked girls
But you were always making your Frankie and ghoulia monster high dolls kiss in the first grade????
Or like
I think it's like ep 12 season 5
My best friend and I watched that one
I miss her
When you finally moved rooms
You walked in
And it felt like the weight of the world was lifted
Off of your shoulders
Don't worry the world is still pretty heavy
Issok though the world doesn't have to be a skinny legend
This is supposed to be an angst
Angsty angst angst
So you were like
Hell yeah
I'm gonna go chill in the jacuzzi
Then I'm gonna come back
And I'm gonna have a level head
Key words: come back
See, I don't think you have the facilities for that, big man
So you were vibing in the jacuzzi
Then you saw Spencer
A woman that didn't look like any of the girls on the team was going into his room!!
You knew
You were being irrational
But you were like
Son of a bitch >:(
Alexa play jealousy by Monsta x
Anny. W. Ays
You went into the room
Or at least you knocked
And gasp
She answered
She seemed,,,
Probably bc she's the unsub yn you dumb bitch
And you were like
"Hey is Spencer in there?"
Like you WEREN'T his h*cking gf
And she straight up
Ok more like
Knocks you out with a blow to the face
And draws you inside
Ok now Spencers pov bc you're getting too much attention and he needs an explanation for making me play jealousy
Oh god that I don't believe in how do I explain him
He was having a tough time
Ok wbk he's smart as hell
But when I comes to people who are FINE
Such as yourself
He gets a lil
*Patrick star from Spongebob noises*
Even if you guys had literally been dating for like
Five? Six? Years
He was starting to get scared
Ok so you guys had said the L world
You said it all the time
He wanted to propose to you
On one knee
Ring and everything
But he was scared
He was really really scared
Bc he wouldn't know what to do if you said no
Why would you
You two were practically already married
You literally had a drunken, unofficial ceremony at Rossi's place one time
But he felt like
You wouldn't be ready
So he was like
Ok gotta set up a back up plan
If they reject me
And I have to go to work and see them
How do I not see them
How do I live without them?
I ignore them
Plan: set
Spencer : fucking idiot
He acted like you weren't there
And he eventually thought you were mad at him
Bc you weren't reaching out any more
Dumb bitch they think YOU'RE mad at them
Back to kidnapping
When he woke up
He was,,,,
*drum roll*
In a house?
A really nice house
Or at least the bedroom was nice
Or the roof of it
And what he could see from his peripheral vision
He could see you though
He could feel you
You were laying on his chest
Your arms around him
And he could tell you were still asleep
His serotonin levels went up higher than they had in months
Over the last six months he hadn't said a word
And he'd let you sleep on the couch
Smh and I thought he was a genius
But he missed you
But he had to make sure he was ready
To be honest
He probably knew what he was doing was irrational and the definition of idiotic
He also knew that by doing this he was maximising his chances of you not wanting to marry him
But he just
"Y'all hear smth?" -Spencer Reid, about his problems
Annie Oakley
While he was too busy making heart eyes at your sleeping figure
Ya boy forgot to check if he could move
Turns out,,,,
He couldn't
*puts hands together like cat in the hat does*
This unsub, like I said before
So he waited
The woman he unwillingly let into his hotel room, all by the service of a gun and a threat to his life 😄
Came and did whatever the fuck she was gonna do
Play with you guys more than my 6th grade crush played with my heart
And she did😋🥳🤩!!!!
But don't fret
She wasn't gonna hurt you
You had actually concluded the deaths were accidental
Just like me
Okoko so
She was strong
Like really fucking strong
Because she hauled both you and Spence
Into a little dining room
And served and fed you breakfast
You were connected to iv tubes
But still
But everything
The creepiest detail
According to me at least 💁✨
Was how all the food and everything
Were wood
Toys for kids
Or something karuna satori would use in an asmr video
You woke up in the middle of,,,
Watching a movie on the couch with Spencer????
It was still daytime
Or so you thought
Bc the unsub pulled up
You don't have many things in life rn, but here's a list if things you do have, to cheer you up 😋
A lovely hole in your arm! V v useful for holding very small, thin, cups!!!
A v sad Spencer Reid! Comes with his own tears and despair!!! How fun!
And last but not least!
A wonderful speech from our sponsor!! //read: the unsub//
"Why must everything bad always happen to me! You two are very bad dolls! No one is a good doll, you're all useless and now I have to kill you >:("
Lmfao why does she sound like my bratty baby cousin
"The FBI is at the door! Which one of you called them? You whore! It was probably you!"
First of all,,, how dare she
You didn't even THINK about other men in the 6 months your boyFRIEND ghosted you
Jokes on her
Second of all
You were bleeding out and Spencer was wiggling behind you
Probably a victory dance smh 😤
But then
she went upstairs 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
And you heard voices
Morgan!!! Hotch!!! *insert police's name*!!
Then you passed out bc
And when you woke up
Spencer was fine
But he was hunched over
"Yn I'm so sorry. I love you so much and I was so scared I'd lose you if I proposed too early, and now I'm probably going to lose you without even saying a word. Honey I love you, I love you so much-"
And you were like
Hold up
"Did you say purpose?"
And he was like
"Yes(?) "
And you kissed him for the first time in sixth months
"Yes I'll marry, now let go of my hand"
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