thefitty · 10 years
Morning motivation! Time to get your sweat on. To attempt to not to attempt two of the hardest #insanity workouts back to back? I'm done #insanitymaxintervalcircuit but now I'm going to lazily try #insanitymaxintervalplyo just because I got the time :) after taking such a long break from insanity in the mornings, I'm so happy to be back at it – – I feel fantastic! #sweathard everyday, fitties! Get up and hula hoop to your favourite song, if you have to.
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bethanybusche · 11 years
INSANITY Day 57 + Weekly Update
OMG it is the last week of INSANITY!
Today is day 57 of INSANITY which meant my second to last time doing Max Interval Plyo!
Luckily, there was no Fit Test to go with this workout today!  :D
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I challenged myself to burn more than 515 calories and BARELY made it.  This is hard to do during the Plyo workout (55 minutes) since it is more about working your bigger muscle groups and less cardio than usual.  I was going to do the warm-up all over again if I did not meet my challenge.
I'll tell you what - I was a hot mess during this workout.  My hair was everywhere, sweat was flying places... you should have seen it.
On my chalk board, I wrote:
Goal achieved.  And yes, I am insane.  See those dumbbells?  They are begging to be used.  I told them - 'next week, my friends, next week'.
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Check out the text conversation I had with my hubby today.  I was analyzing my back muscles in the mirror.
We also made a family trip to Dick's Sporting Goods this afternoon so I could get some Nike Pro spandex shorts.  :)  It was time to get on the Pro-train.
Why?  'Regular' workout shorts are making me mad during INSANITY - especially when they have strings to tie and bug my stomach and get in my way.  Fit problems right?
Awesome part?  I had to buy XS!  Where do you go after that?  Girl size?
I did not mean to buy the pink ones - so those may be going back.  I also bought XS UA sweat pants that were on sale since my current ones (that I wear as pajamas) fall off my body.  The sports bra was on clearance.  :)
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Which brings me to.... the weekly update!
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I only have 6 days of this round of INSANITY left!!  Woohoo!!  (Shaun T just finished but I have until the 15th to upload my after photo for the Birthday Challenge!)
I managed to add a Cardio Power & Resistance to Day 53, Pure Cardio to day 55, and run a 5K race yesterday on Day 56 (yesterday)!
I have been logging what I eat everyday on MyFitnessPal since the start of this journey which has helped me to lose body fat and be VERY conscience of what I am eating - especially when we go to a restaurant.  I make better choices.
I have lost 7 pounds since the start of INSANITY (which will probably be my total).
The jeans I bought a week or two ago seem to be too big on my waist.. already.  Time for a belt?  The best measurement of 'getting in shape' is how your clothing fits.  :)
Stay tuned for my last 'report' in 6 or 7 days which will include 'after' photos!! :)
I would consider this a successful week.
I hope you all had a great Monday and to all you INSANE people out there - keep it up!
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bethanybusche · 11 years
INSANITY Day 51 + Typical Tuesday Being-A-Mom + AWESOME DECISION!
I am pretty positive that someone tried to sabotage my workout this morning since I found my phone on the floor.  Luckily, my 6:45am 'get up and do INSANITY' alarm clock was going off and woke me.... but still.  I swear I put that thing on the dock charger on the night stand next to me last night like usual.
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Sabotage-er: probably my inner-wants-to-sleep-in self?  Or, maybe, I did my usual get up before my alarm but fell asleep and dropped/threw/chucked my phone?  (Since the battery was at 99%).  It definitely was not my hubby because he was snoring with half a bowl of popcorn beside him by the time I got home from work last night.
Either way!  I made it down to my workout room and finished Max Interval Plyo (and a shower) before my daughter woke up!
My motivational chalk board (I was hungry):
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Day 51: done.  586 calories burnt.  Breakfast WAS eaten.
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My typical Tuesday motherly checklist/morning:
INSANITY (started at 7am).
Shower (and apply orange coloration lotion).
Get daughter up and make us breakfast (started at 8:30am).  Scrambled egg whites with feta + half a whole wheat bagel thin + smear of almond butter for me.  A few of my egg whites + wheat half of an English Muffin + yogurt butter on top + watermelon for my daughter.  Dishes.  Put laundry in washer.
Dry and straighten hair.
Play with daughter/blog/watch PBS.
Fold laundry and put away (I do this every day or every other day).
Trash out (including the snake-like dirty diaper bag from the Genie).
Vacuum (and daughter used her toy vacuum as well to help).
Make daughter and I lunch (started at 11:45am).  Jennie-O extra lean turkey burger + pepper jack cheese + tomato slice + broccoli + watermelon for me.  Turkey dog + corn + watermelon for my daughter (she ended up eating most of my broccoli).  
Make and pack dinner and snacks for tonight.  Dishes.
Actually got my daughter to nap.
Clean up house during nap/bills/internet things.
Pack up for work and drive daughter to Grandma's (started at 2:30pm).
Go to work.
Work until 11:30pm and go home.
Yes, all that happens regularly before 2:30pm on days that I work.  On days that I do not, you can add hours of playing, snack time, dinner, stroller walks, grocery stores, errands, 30 minute bedtime routine, etc.
Being a mother?  
Multi-task genius.
Need a massage.
It is basically like this, but, in my case, without the martini and book.  You could sub a water bottle in for the martini and a hamper for the book.  :)
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I also made one of the most exciting decisions of my life (aside from my daughter and hubby, of course) this afternoon during her nap time!
Soon, I will become:
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Ahh!  Dance around.  I am excited to learn more and eventually be doing what I love more than ever - helping and inspiring people to be healthy.  Thank you to my hubby for the support!
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I hope everyone had a great Tuesday!
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bethanybusche · 11 years
INSANITY Day 37: Max Interval Plyo Review
First of all, I am wearing one of my race shirts out of love for Boston.  My daughter is giving kisses.
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Today is Day 37 of INSANITY which meant Max Interval Plyo was on the schedule.  My usual alarm went off (at 6:45am since the hubby worked early):
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I half fell, rolled, slithered out of bed.  It was like my brain was up and out but my body forgot to follow.  It was so sore it was stuck.  :)
I did, however, press play around 7:05am.
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Length: 55 minutes
Equipment Needed: none
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Oh Tonia... you and your jumps.  This workout seemed less insane than yesterday's Max Interval Circuit but works the bigger muscles (quads and shoulders).  You have more watch demonstration time and slower moves, but you still sweat your butt off.
Before you start, Shaun T says,
'Yo what's up?  This is Max Interval Plyo.  The Max Interval training workout that's gonna' shape your body.'
The warm-up lasts about 10 minutes and is the same as yesterday's (Max Interval Circuit).  You do three sets total.  The first two sets last 4 minutes and the last is 2 minutes (in which you move faster and push harder).
Jog - Yeah!  I seem to have more energy than yesterday because I did not do a 30 minute Fit Test immediately before.  Evil glare.
Jumping Jacks with Arms Up - Punch the ceiling.  My thought - 'Oh my gosh, my arms are sore'.
1-2-3 Heisman - I pretend I am a football player.  1-2-3 to one side - knee up.  1-2-3 to other side - knee up.  He says to 'exhale when the knee comes up'.
Jump Rope Side to Side - You have to do some pretending here too.  Pretend to jump rope and move your arms opposite of the way you are jumping.  Tongue twister.  I know.  This is not for the uncoordinated.  You need to remember not to twist your feet and keep the knees together.  (On the last round, Shaun forgets that this move comes next because things are moving so fast).
High Knees with your Arms Out - UGH!  Keeping my knees up in line with my hips is always a challenge.  'Lift from the butt'.  My butt isn't listening!!!
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Switch Kicks - Keeping my legs above my hips is not the easiest feat.  Keeping my elbows into my sides is easy for some reason.
Hit The Floor - I hate this one.  However, I get it done!  'Every time you go down it's like you're about to start a race'.
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Side to Side Hops - Again, this is a crazy move in which you have to throw your feet up into the air landing side to side and hope you do not summersault forward.  Ringling Bros Circus style.
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Water break.
This is about 3 minutes and 40 seconds of stretching.  It should seem familiar as does the sweat in my eyeballs (where is this coming from - my scalp?).  
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Shaun quote:
'Let's talk about Max Interval training for a second.  What's going to happen to your body is for three minutes straight you're going to push your body to the max and it's an interval so you get a rest.'.
Evidence of this (the last couple minutes I was taking photos and doing moves again):
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Water break.  I am starting to notice that Shaun T is drinking a lot during this workout.  A lot.
First Circuit
Each move lasts 45 seconds and there 4 moves in each round.  However, the third round has an extra move that lasts one minute.
Switch Jump - You start in a squat, jump, rotate, land in squat.  Repeat.  I started to feel this in my quads prettttttty quickly.  BURNING.  During the second and third round, Shaun is walking around drinking water while everyone is doing the move.  Typical trainer.  :)
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Squat Push-Ups - Basically, you start in a squat position with your arms out and fall to the floor catching yourself in a push-up position.  'Oh!  I am about to eat the floor... NO just kidding!  Gotcha!'.  I will admit I almost fell on my face once.
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Wide In & Out Abs - With your legs wide and in a push-up position, you jump in and out.  There were moments that I slowed down out of exhaustion.  I'LL ADMIT IT!
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Power Jumps - Ugh.  The worst.  You squat, jump into the air and slap your thighs, land in squat, and repeat.  Good ol' Fit Test move.  If I'm angry, I'll make a louder noise with my slap because I feel like I'm accomplishing something?  I also find it helpful to jump along with Shaun when he says, 'come on let's get 8'.  There is a lot of standing around mustering up energy to do more during this (for everyone).
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On the third round you do V-Push Up One Leg (30 seconds on each leg).  Talk about burning the shoulders.  I like to pretend I make $1,000 for each push-up I do and contemplate what I would pay off with my total.  Weird?  NEVER!  Car paid off.  Check.
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Shaun quotes:
'This is Max Interval Training.  We reverse the effect of regular interval training.  We don't have a recovery movement.  We don't just slow it down, we stop.'
'Don't stop, don't stop.  Keep going'.
These poor people are laying on the ground.  FYI.
Second Circuit
The first round is 4:30 minutes (demonstration time), the second is 3:30 minutes, and the last is just over 4 minutes.  Shaun calls them 3 minute intervals.
Pogo Right - With your left leg up and arms in the air, you reach down and touch the ground and then hop up while you straighten your body.  The second round you switch legs.  Third - you do both.  Goal here: Do not fall over.  :)  'It's all about plyo power here.  So it's not about moving super-fast'.
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Power Push Up - These are a bundle of fun.  You start in push-up position and then you pop your body up but bring your hands and feet together.  Repeat.  Hard thing with this one - you do not actually stand up.  I slowed down during the last round.
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Globe Twists - Starting in a squat, you jump to one side and 'connect shoulder to knee'.  Then, jump to the other side. Repeat.  There is a point that he says to jump higher and I sliced the ceiling with my hands.  Talk about getting rid of popcorn ceiling.  Slowly but surely!
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Level 3 Drills - 16 push-ups, 16 runs, stand up, repeat.  I think I fell to my knees in the second or third round of this circuit.
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'FIVE SECONDS GET TO YOUR SPOT.'  Note to self: drink water faster.
'Somebody gotta share some water with me.  I'm runnin' out'.  Lulz.  Someone get Shaun T some WATAH!
On the third round you do Power Lunges/Hop Squats in which you switch between 2 lunges and 2 squats (for 8 sets).
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Well this is ironic:
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Water break.
Third Circuit
This circuit lasts about 6 and a half minutes and you do it one time.  YES... wait a minute.
Side Push Ups - WHO CAME UP WITH THIS MOVE?  With your legs out to one side, you do push-ups.  Sideways.  Yes.  15 times on each side.  I am basically laying on the ground at the end.
'I don't care if you did this workout 15 times, I want you to do this form with me so you protect yourself.'  Well that is inspiring.
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Kickstand Touch the Floor - You start in a runner's stance, jump up, bring your knee into your chest, go down and touch the ground, repeat for other leg (15 times on each side).  Feelin' a little dizzy here Shaun T.
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8 Power Knees/4 Diamond Jumps - Knee into chest 8 times (Fit Test move) and then jump up in the air bringing your feet and hands together (making a diamond) 4 times.  Then, repeat with other leg.  Rinse.  Repeat.  This is the move on the cover of the disc.  ULTIMATE INSANITY MOVE.
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Balance Push Up - You start in push-up position, do a push-up and then extend the same arm and leg off the ground.  Do another push-up and switch arm/leg.  You do this 12 times.
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I am going to be honest with you - I fell over on my side once.
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Cool Down
This is about 4 and a half minutes of welcomed stretching.  Tonia is tired.  I feel ya girl.
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You stretch your legs, do some hip flexor stretches, some 'flamingo' (quad) stretches, and inhaling/exhaling.  You also sweat all over the place.  I did a little spitting of sweat that ran into my mouth...ewww.... typical.
'Stay strong.  Peace out'.
Pshh.  See you tomorrow SHAUN T!
Final Thoughts:
I burnt 710 calories in about 57 minutes.  Satisfied?  Uh, yeah.
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Now I know why Shaun T was drinking so much.  This is a plyometric workout which focuses on the big muscle groups and makes your heart skyrocket.  I wish I had a waterfall that I could just stick my face in when I was thirsty.
My upper body is already very very sore from yesterday.  I am going to feel this one tomorrow.  Ripple effect.
I have already done this workout in a previous round of INSANITY, but I still love the element of 'what's coming next' in the last round/circuit.
Even though you are not using weights - this workout uses your own body for strength training.
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