All The World's A Stage...
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Hi! I'm Michael! My former url was musicalboy81 but I decided it was time for a change. Theatre is my life. Follow your dreams.
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#Rosary #pray
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Happiest of 25th Birthdays to my darling sister Danielle! Danielle, thank you for always being such an amazing sister, and being so thoughtful, caring, and understanding. I can always count on you to discuss shows, movies, TV shows, and anything else in between. From funny moments on TV shows to our silly inside jokes, we’ve certainly shared a lot of laughs. I am so grateful God blessed me immensely with you as a sister. Keep being your fantabulous self, and here’s to the next 25 years! #theyswitchallenssometimesbobby #edith #hesgotseventyfivegoldencamels #purplepeacockshesgotfiftythree #howtotrainyourdragoon #laterreworkedintoalittlenightmusic #staygolden #wellyoutry #nopestopthere #THESITAHPLAYAH #TRALALALALALATRALALALALAY #yellowandwhitediamond #edwindroody #itwas...ROSABUD! #mrspearceyoureawoman #illmissher #AWWWWWW #didyouseemyfairladywiththelavinialookalikeortheladymarylookalike #whatsbertiedoingwithlavinia #imalwaysremindedofthevirtuesoftheenglish #janeteyre (at Downton Abbey)
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In less than a week, I will be walking with Team Mary Elise Millus at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention's Out of the Darkness Walk at Jones Beach, in honor and memory of my best friend, Mary Elise Millus. I'd like to send a huge thanks to everyone who has donated to my page to help me reach my goal. It is forever deeply appreciated. Please consider giving whatever you can to this very important cause which helps to bring people Out of the Darkness. The link to donate is in my bio. Thank you! #afsp #teammaryelisemillus #outofthedarknesswalk
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I saw this on the subway and I thought it would help to post. #missingperson #missingpersonnyc (at New York, New York)
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Happiest of 21st Birthdays to my Principessa, my co-head counselor, the Tanya of all my friend groups, my darling cousin Krista!!! K, you are legitimately a saving grace in my life. You are always there for me to listen to my problems, validate my feelings, and calm me down, all while making me laugh! Thank you for always entertaining my crazy notions and letting me ramble on about my obsessions. I can always count on you for anything. You are always there to BOLSTER me. You are such a wonderful person: kind, caring, smart, loving, devoted and loyal, fierce, and incredibly strong. I am SO blessed to have you in my life. I love you so so very very much. May God bless you today and always. 💛☺️😊⭐️🔥🎈🎊❤️💚🎂🎉🎁💙😍👸🏻🇮🇹 #coverthetuba #dancingqueen #mammamia #howihatetoseeyoulike...THIS #kristatalktome! #anyonecancook #mostlikelytobleedpastasauce #miracleshappen #breakaway #abigailbreslinISinthemovie #aqueenisneverlateeveryoneelseissimsplyearly #hades #mylovemylife #thelittlemermaid #itsnotappropriateforroyaltytojingle (at Genovia)
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Happy happy happiest of 21st Birthdays to the one and ONLY Na C, the one and ONLY Brennaisance, and the one and ONLY Bren-Bren. If you haven’t guessed it yet, it’s Brenna C. Corporal! Brenna, my darling B, thank you for always being an unbelievably amazing friend to me. From listening to my rants about obscure musicals to sending me love and inspiration, I can always count on you to be there for me. I adore our talks about the theatre. You are such a strong, passionate, loving, beautiful, rock star go-getter of a person. I am so honored and proud to have you as a best friend. I hope 21 brings you nothing but magic, adventure, dreams come true, and I truly hope it holds the key to your heart. I love you so so so so very very much. May God bless you always. 💛😊🎉🎁🎊❤️❤️🎂⭐️💚🎈✝️☺️😍👸🏻 P.S. Do you like how the first picture is one from our past that will be our future? (at Paris, France)
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Happiest of 24th Birthdays to my Mystery Twin, my “dearest nephew Ned”, and the Susanna to my Bella, my lovely sister Danielle! Danielle, thank you for always being amazingly thoughtful and caring to me. Your excellent taste in theatre and TV has greatly improved my life. Thank you for putting up with my obsessions, but also you’re welcome because I know you secretly love them #ihatetara #butdoyoureally? Honestly, you just get me, and I love you for that! You are such a strong, heartfelt, loving, and genuine person, and I’m proud to call you my sister. Thanks for always being there to calm me down, hear me out, and help me out. I love you more than words can say. May God bless you this year and always! 💛😊🎉🎁❤️💙🎊🎂⭐️💚🎈☺️😍🔥✝️ #beeeeeeeellewatlin’! #cap’nbutlah! #noineedtoheartheircolors #nunofyourbusiness #grabyourbestdressagoodfanandholdontighttoyourbeau! #willyoubemyfrau #illdosisteractificanbethetromboneorchestration #itsabeautifuldayforyour24thbirthday #doyouhavetheseinpearl? #its11:23! #iwasabitofaheiferbackthen #youretiringher! #goodbyetinamygoodone!#TRALALALALALALALALALALAY (at Music Hall Royale)
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HAPPY GOLDEN BIRTHDAY to the P to my G, Peggy Sue Johnson! Thank you for always keeping me grounded Peggy! I am so so blessed to have you as a kind, caring, loving, thoughtful, giving, hilarious, awesome best friend! I can always count on you for a rejuvenating talk, and to listen to me ramble on about anything. I hope this day and this year bring you nothing but happiness, blessings, joy, adventure, and love! I love you so so so much! May God bless you always! 💛😊💙🎉🎊💚🎁❤️🎂🎈⭐️✝️🔥😍☺️😺 #westernmusic #lesh #peacecrayon #mogofbroadway #spoopy #holyguacamole #freezingstagedoor #porgysue #latenightfoodalways #towerofterror #talkingduringmovies #sleepoversalways #plsdonthideBabyJesusfrommyNativitypls (at A Galaxy far, far away)
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Siblings that breathe the same air together drink Emergen-C together! Happiest of 26th Birthdays to my loggy sister Log! Thank you for all you do for me. You are always looking out for me and taking care of me. Thank you for being “made out of the same mold”, to quote Mom, and for always being silly with me! May today bring you tickets to a Powerline concert, endless games of “Purchase”, and your own box at Belmont! I love you endlessly! Thanks for doing the same for me! May God bless you this year and always! I thank God for giving me you as a sister! 💛😊🎊🎁🎉🎈💚😃❤️💙⭐️🎂😍✝️☺️ #logsmash #watchingmichaelsixthanniversary #tumbletatoo #weliveinaverysafetown #shesaysidontlikeneedles #donaldduck #timeofmylife #maxivilian #wepa
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Happiest of 22nd Birthdays to my darling friend, the one and only, Maria Mainelli! (No, not related to you-know-who. I know I made this joke last year but it’s a goodie). Seriously Maria, thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being such an amazing friend. You are truly inspiring. I am always amazed at how loving and caring you are, and I thank God for blessing me with you as a friend in my life. On the flip side, you always keep things hilarious and silly, and your comedy keeps me on my toes and also on the floor from all the laughing. Only real friends get their friends the complete live German cast recordings of their second favorite musicals, whether or not they made them up. I love you endlessly. May God bless you this year and always. 💛😊🎊🎈🎈🎉🎁❤️💚😃⭐️🎂😍☺️😆 #chai #firstofall #yourenot #bekkahrae #stayfrostykids #toadsTOADS #inthenameofRandH #onepillmakesyoularger #bernadettepeters #stephenschwartz #stephensondheim #shreddedwheatbiscuit #willyoudear #hobokenpet
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Happiest of Birthdays to my amazing Godmother Gia! Gia, I love you so so much! Thanks for always looking out for me and always being a great teacher. You have been there for me through so much. You are such a devoted, loyal, passionate, and loving woman. May God bless you today and always! 💛😊⭐️💙🎈💚🎉🎂🎊😃🎁❤️😍👑😘💃🏻
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BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! BEST FRIENDS FOREVER RING! Happiest of 22nd Birthdays to my beautiful Little Witch, my best friend Jen! Also happy 4 year and 1 day friendiversary! Jen, thank you for being an amazing best friend for all this time, which (witch) flew by so fast! Thanks for always being there for me, and always reminding me to keep it silly! You are one the funniest and most caring people I have the honor to know. I hope you are having the most magical birthday ever! You deserve it, you strong, passionate superstar you! I love you infinitely. I really am so blessed God gave me such an incredible gift of you as a best friend. May God bless you always! 💛😊💚🎊🎁🎂🎉🎈💙⭐️❤️😃😍 #cwasahn #switchwithme #thegrandcanyon #westernmusic #wheredidtheminionscomefrom #schaigche #jaime #BFF #momofukumilkbar #dylanscandybar #cowgirlhalloffame #ijustWANTthese #whowantspepperonj #slowlyraiseshand🙋 #bellehelpiamlost
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Happiest of 24th Birthdays to my darling darling, Saige Marie Maxine Bynum! Oh my Saigey, the last four years of being friends with you has taken us everywhere, from Skid Row, Park Avenue, Tinder on the Roof, and to those magical, pesky woods. Thanks for always being there to hear me out, help me figure out a problem, and join me in my silliest moments. Your sense of humor is spot on and it always cracks me up. I know you always have my back. I love you more than words can say, and I hope you have the greatest birthday ever. You deserve it. 💛😊💙🔥❤️🎁🎉🎂🎊😃🎈💚⭐️😍😘 #what #willhelikeme #miracleofmiracles #callbackinthemorning #suddenlyseymour #brillianttraces #notfortheworldsirimsure #aguapapa #allegiancetears #standup
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Happiest of 22nd Birthdays to the Countess to my Common Man, the Gloria to my Emilio, the Amanda Tanen to my Marc St. James, the Zelda to my Accordion, and the Shortened Pants to my True Jackson, V.P.: Rachel (WEAVES, Raquel, Rocky B., etc., you get point)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weavey-poo, how can I thank you enough for being such a good friend to me? You are always so caring, so loving, so loyal, so hilarious, and so in sync with me. You always know what I’m thinking, and what I need to hear. You are always there for me, and I know I can count on you for anything. I cherish all our weaventures, from riding the moving sidewalk thing at Jamaica Station, to trying to find some place that serves pie after 11 pm in the city. You always know what joke to make. You are my partner in crime, or really my NERS N ME. I do not know what I would do without you. I hope you are having the greatest birthday ever. I can’t wait to see you soon! You are one of the most beautiful souls I have ever met. I love you endlessly and unconditionally. May God bless you today and always. 💛✝️⭐️🎉🎊😊😃🎁🎂💃🏽🔔👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻👫🐘🍂🍃🎈♉️💚💙💖 #ifyoumakealadywaitshelltakeapass #imaready #forahandsomesturdyhusband #whobuildshandsomesturdywalls #mymomwillkillyouifyoutouchit #YIKES #withtheworstreputation #dulciwhata #inhighschool #imissyouroldchandelier #imkiiiiding #dunkaccino #pacinorelatedshenanigans #whatreyouhiswife #nutcrackah #andhissidekicksamouse #dorkusinterruptus #raquelmyfootisBROKEN
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I’m joining East Coast Conference and Molloy College’s wonderful student-athletes in spreading Mental Health Awareness and spreading the word that #itsokay to ask for help. Let’s all work together to end the stigma against mental issues, and let everyone know that #itsokay @molloylions @molloysaac @eccsports
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Rest in peace, Jan Maxwell (November 20, 1956 - February 11, 2018)
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Happiest of 22nd Birthdays to my wonderful darling friend, the one and only Christie Lee Lombardi! Christie, thank you so much for always being a devoted and loyal friend. You are always there for me when I need you, and you are always thinking of me. You are such a caring person. Thank you for always making laugh and brightening my life. You are such a source of light and God's love in this world. I am so blessed to have you as a friend, you strong, beautiful, hilarious, devout, loyal, and wonderful woman. I love you so so much! Have the best day ever! #itsimplyisntdone #awiens #weneedtoGO #imnotgonnabetheheadmistress 💛😊😃🎈🎉🎊🎂🎁✝️
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