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Happiest of 21st Birthdays to my Principessa, my co-head counselor, the Tanya of all my friend groups, my darling cousin Krista!!! K, you are legitimately a saving grace in my life. You are always there for me to listen to my problems, validate my feelings, and calm me down, all while making me laugh! Thank you for always entertaining my crazy notions and letting me ramble on about my obsessions. I can always count on you for anything. You are always there to BOLSTER me. You are such a wonderful person: kind, caring, smart, loving, devoted and loyal, fierce, and incredibly strong. I am SO blessed to have you in my life. I love you so so very very much. May God bless you today and always. 💛☺️😊⭐️🔥🎈🎊❤️💚🎂🎉🎁💙😍👸🏻🇮🇹 #coverthetuba #dancingqueen #mammamia #howihatetoseeyoulike...THIS #kristatalktome! #anyonecancook #mostlikelytobleedpastasauce #miracleshappen #breakaway #abigailbreslinISinthemovie #aqueenisneverlateeveryoneelseissimsplyearly #hades #mylovemylife #thelittlemermaid #itsnotappropriateforroyaltytojingle (at Genovia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqLNpu9n8y-W3bL8MZNvKmgVHOmfQeYk1mL0lU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w2u1o1or2i5x
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