#innocence(jay halstead x reader)
deanstead · 3 months
Marry That Girl
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: no
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Word Count: 600+
Tags/Warnings: none
A/N: Short one because I haven't released something for Jay in way too long! This has been sitting in my WIP drafts for the longest time so I finally got it written! An anon requested something similar for Will but since I had a half-written fic, I finished this and posting this instead! As always thanks to bestie @seatsbythepit for being my beta queen~!
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You hadn’t thought this through.
It sounded like an innocent enough date when Jay had asked if you wanted to go watch the game. You hadn't been dating for long, and every day felt a little unreal in a ‘I can’t believe Jay Halstead wants to go out with me’ kind of way, and you appreciated every opportunity you got to spend with Jay especially since you never knew if he would have to go undercover or spend nights at the district trying to clear a case.
But now that the game was approaching, you were in a bit of a panic.
You enjoyed watching a game, but you didn’t always know what you were watching or doing, and you weren’t sure you were ready to let Jay see that side of you.
“Y/N, everything okay?” Kelly’s voice interrupted your internalized panic and you glanced up.
“Ah, I should have thought of you!” You proclaimed, earning yourself an eyebrow raise from the squad lieutenant. “I need your help.”
Kelly raised an eyebrow but chuckled before nodding toward his office.
You thanked all the stars that it was a quieter shift. After all, an entirely quiet shift didn’t exist at Firehouse 51. But at least that’s the way you liked it.
Kelly gave you a crash course, but not without reminding you that you owed him one. You spent the rest of the downtime studying it so that at least you’d have something smart to say, even though there were a few times you wondered what the hell you were doing.
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Hard work indeed paid off.
You walked out of the game, feeling a little embarrassed as Jay’s friends gushed over you.
“Jay, you got a good one. My girlfriend doesn’t even want to come to games with me.” One of his buddies quipped.
Jay laughed, putting an arm around you and grinning. “Hey, should I be worried? What if you guys just call her for the games instead?”
The laughter rumbled through the group as they all nodded, teasing Jay that they’d rather call you instead of him in the future.
You really did owe Kelly one.
As his friends dispersed, calling that Jay had better bring you out for the next game, Jay’s phone rang.
You nodded at him, telling him he’d better take it, assuring him that you and Will wouldn’t leave him behind.
Jay took the call from Voight, glancing toward where you and Will were talking as he nodded. “Yeah, I got it. I’ll be right in.”
Jay could feel the dread in his gut, that felt just a little too much like guilt that he had to blow off again tonight even though he’d promised a nice after-game dinner and maybe some drinks and cuddling.
“This is why you don’t promise anything, Jay.” He mumbled to himself, before he walked back toward the both of you.
“Hey, Y/N, I…”
You glanced at the look on Jay’s face and just smiled. “Gotcha.”
“Sorry.” Jay couldn’t even say anything more because everything else in his head sounded like an excuse.
“I’m not saying I’m not disappointed, because I kinda am. But I get it. And if these were bells going off for the ambulance, I’d do the same thing you’re doing now. So, go.” You paused. “But you owe me a mind-blowing date.”
Jay laughed and nodded. “That, I definitely do.”
You shot him a huge smile and headed off toward Jay’s truck to wait because you knew he’d at least take you home before heading back down to wherever he was supposed to go.
Will watched the exchange with a mix of amusement and awe before he glanced at his younger brother.
“Jay?” Will called, before Jay and him headed off in different directions.
Jay glanced up at Will and Will smiled. “You better marry that girl.”
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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themultifandomgal · 2 months
Could you do an established relationship jay halstead x petite reader? She’s in the fbi, has a PhD, and is quite young. (She’s like 25-27) She’s shy and pretty innocent. Jay introduces her to the unit. When they meet her they don’t see how she’s an fbi agent. Then the fbi takes over a scene and she’s a total badass. Jay is proud and he’s like that’s my girl.
Jay Halstead- My Girl
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I absolutely loved this idea! I had so much fun writing this one. I hope you enjoy!
No one knew about Jays girlfriend, in fact everyone thought he was single. So when Jay arrived at Molly’s with a petite woman on his arm, everyone was shocked to say the least, even more so when Will gave her a hug and the pair looked like they have known each other for a while. The noise of conversation and clinking of glasses filled the air as they made their way to a table in the corner. It was a Friday night, a rare occasion for Jay and his colleagues to be out all together.
As they sat down, Erin, his partner, was the first of Jays coworkers to greet the couple
“Im so happy you could come. Who is this lovely lady, Jay?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity.
Jay smiled proudly and replied, "This is YN. My girlfriend. She works for the FBI." YN, who was naturally shy and reserved, gave a polite nod but said nothing. Erin's eyes widened in surprise, she looks over to Jay shock written all over her face
“Oh wow you’ve kept her quiet Jay” Jay just shrugs in response.
Through the evening the drinks flow, but YN continues to stay quiet, just observing the space around her
“So FBI huh? You seem too quiet and innocent for that line of work”
YN simply smiled and shrugged, used to this reaction from people who underestimated her based on her demeanor. She was well aware of her ability to blend in and appear unassuming, a skill that served her well in her line of work. She knew that her quiet nature was one of her greatest assets, allowing her observer others and gather crucial information for her cases. As the night went on YN and Jay finished up the evening and headed off back home.
YN sat in her car, staring at the building in front of her. It’s been 2 weeks since she met Jays coworkers and now she’s been asked to help the intelligence unit with a tough case. She steps out of the car and strode confidently towards the entrance, her gun hidden securely in its holster.
As she entered the building, she was greeted by the sight of her boyfriend Jay and his boss Voight, both standing in the lobby, waiting for her
“YN thank you so much for coming” Voight says holding out his hand. Immediately YN takes his hand in hers, shaking his hand
“No problem, happy to help”
“Please follow us” Voight takes YN to the bullpen where the rest of their coworkers are standing around a bulletin board
“You all remember YN” Jay says first
“She’s joining us on this case” voight tells everyone who greets the girl
“So what do you know so far?” YN says getting straight into the case
“We know that Doms father owned a huge farm down state. When she died Dom inherited 30 million” Antonio hands over the case file to YN who takes a look at all the information at hand “he took out 10 million 2 days before he went missing” YN looks up at the team
“Did anyone actually see him though?”
“Taking the money out?” Jay asks
“At all”
“What are you saying?” Erin frowns
“I dont think he’s missing. Did you get the autopsy report on the mum?”
“No, she died of natural causes” Antonio crosses his arms
“Are you positive on that? I want to see an autopsy report somethings just not adding up”
unwavering, her determination driving her to catch the criminal at any cost.
YN got what she needed, the autopsy report showed that Doms mum did not die of natural causes, in fact she was poisoned slowly over time. YNs theory of dom not being missing made him their first suspect.
As they neared the location where Dom was believed to be hiding, YN's instincts kicked in. With a nod to Jay, she signaled that it was time to make their move.
They burst into the building, guns drawn. YN's training kicked in
“On the floor, now!” YN shouts pointing her gun at Dom “keep your hands where we can see them”
In a matter of moments, Dom was apprehended. Jay and the rest of his team watch the girl they once thought of as quiet become this confident woman. Jay watches on, feeling a sense of pride and love. That’s his girl who he’s extremely proud of.
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saragarnier · 6 months
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Pairing: jay halstead x reader
Summary: Jay is y/n husband and he left her for eight months to go to Bolivia. When he came back, he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his wife again
Warning: none i guess, maybe a little bit of angst
English is not my first language, sorry if there’s some mistakes!
When your husband came home that day asking you to sit down on the couch, you didn’t think that he was going to say what he actually said. You two worked at Intelligence for four years and you didn’t think possible for him to change the way he did. When you first met him you immediately knew that he was kind, gentle and a good cop: you knew that he would have done everything to help innocents and to stop criminals, you knew that he was a good person.
And then something changed.
You didn’t know if that was because of his partner, Hailey Upton, or because of Voight; you just knew that you didn’t recognize him anymore. You even talked about it with Adam, your partner, but you weren’t able to find a way to help him get through that.
You just wanted him to be happy again, you just wanted him to be himself again.
That’s why you let him go.
When he told you that he accepted the job in Bolivia you couldn’t believe it, you just couldn’t.
Was he running away from the unit or was he running away from you?
You didn’t know what was true, but you couldn’t just deny him to be happy again: if he needed to go, you would have let him go.
And that’s exactly what you did.
“It will be for eight months maybe a little longer, okay? I will be back home soon.” He said that day, kissing your forehead with glossy eyes. “I love you… i really do but i need to do this. Please don’t be angry with me, i’ll come back to you, i promise. You’re the love of my life, y/n.”
When he left some minutes later to take his flight, you fell on the ground, crying; you needed him near you, you needed him there with you but you just couldn’t deny him to be himself again.
That’s why you didn’t tell him the truth.
That’s why you hid it from him.
When Kim knocked at your door that night after having heard about Jay, you let her in and you just walked back to the couch, where you cried all day.
“Y/n…” she whispered, walking towards you and hugging you tightly. “It’s okay. It’s temporary, right? He will come back, okay?”
You didn’t say anything, you didn’t nod or shook your head in response, you just kept crying again and again and then, after some minutes, you spoke.
“We perfectly know that he can die there.” You said, finally telling the truth, finally admitting out loud what you had in your mind all day since he talked to you.
“Oh, y/n…” she kept hugging you and she also placed her hand on your shoulder, trying to reassure you in some way. She wanted to say something, she wanted to help you go through all of that but her eyes fell on it.
It was on the table in front of the couch, exactly where you placed it after Jay left.
“What’s that?” She asked, keeping her eyes on the small object; she reached it and she looked at the result when you didn’t complain about it, then she looked up at you, shocked. “You’re pregnant?”
You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream, you wanted be alone in your thoughts, but Kim was there trying to help you and you really appreciated that, that’s why you just nodded, answering her.
“Does Jay know about it? Did He really leave you here alone knowing that you’re pregnant?”
Kim knew the answer deep down, she knew that Jay wouldn’t have left you there knowing that you were pregnant but she needed to know it for sure; when you shook your head saying “no”, she hugged you tighter.
“Oh, darling.” She whispered, caressing your back slowly and gently. “You should’ve told him, Y/n, i’m sure he wouldn’t have left knowing that.”
You sobbed, then you looked up at her and you shook your head again.
“T-That’s why i-i d-din’t tell him. He needed t-to go Kim, i c-couldn’t stop him.”
“But he had the rights to know the truth before taking such a decision!” She replied, shaking her head in disagreement.
“When he came here telling me about the job in Bolivia he already took it, he accepted it without even talking about it with me. I would have told him if he hadn’t already accepted it. He told me that he had a flight in few hours, how could i have told him? I know, after all, that he’s lost. He’s not himself anymore and, if taking that job is going to help him, then i will accept it. He said, after all, that’s only for eight months.” You said, even if he said that there was the possibility that he needed to stay a little longer. “When he will be back home, i will still be pregnant and he will be able to be here when our baby is born.”
Kim didn’t agree with you but you was still shocked, that’s why she didn’t say anything: she just hugged you, promising you that she would have help you.
And she did, as all your unit.
Kim, Adam, Hailey, Kevin, Hank and also Trudy helped how they could.
In the next months they helped you, they came to your house to keep you company and they accompanied you to the hospital every time you needed to do a visit.
You were never alone after all, but you knew, however, that the most important person for you wasn’t there. You couldn’t blame him since you didn’t tell him the truth, but still you missed him so much.
Your baby was healthy but he, or she, wasn’t ready to be born yet, even if one week passed since the due date.
In some ways you were relieved because you really wanted Jay to be there when you would’ve become a mother. Every single time someone knocked at your door or every single time your phone rang, you panicked, afraid that something happened to your husband while he was still in Bolivia. You didn’t talked to him in the last few months, mostly because you didn’t want to distract him during a mission and because you were always afraid of blowing his cover.
That’s why you hardly talked to him or contacted him on the phone, and he did the same thing for the same reasons.
Until you didn’t hear anything about him from the army, you knew that he was okay, you knew that he was still alive. And every day you kept going on, holding on this thought, holding on the fact that no one called you, so he had to be safe, he had to be alive.
You didn’t know when he would’ve returned home, but you just hoped that it was soon; you couldn’t get through labor without him by your side.
That day you was ready to go to the hospital for another visit with your gynecologist. You asked Adam to come with you and he immediately accepted; that’s why, when you heard someone knocking at your door, you thought it was him.
“C-Coming.” You said, trying to get up from the couch where you were waiting for him. Your belly was so big that it was difficult for you to get up easily. “Just give me one minute, i’m trying to get up from the couch.”
At the other side of the door there was not at all Adam, there was Jay with his bag on the shoulder, happy to be home again, happy to be able to see his wife again. But when he heard you saying that she was having difficulties getting up from the couch, he froze, thinking that you might have been hurt at work.
Before he could say anything, the door opened in front of him and he immediately looked at his wife; he was left speechless, standing in front of the door frame, looking at his wife that was definitely pregnant.
“J-Jay?” You whispered, shocked. You didn’t expect him to be there, you thought that he would have informed you before coming home, but he was there, in front of you in all his beauty. Being so far from him for almost nine months was hard for you: you went through hell alone, especially when you almost lost your baby, and having him in front of you was like a dream. You definitely thought that you were still dreaming.
“You’re pregnant.” He said, unable to look away from your belly. He let go the bag that he had on his shoulder, letting it fall to the ground. He couldn’t believe his eyes, he just couldn’t believe it. “Am i the father?”
That was the first thing that popped into his mind when he saw you and he immediately regretted saying that out loud when he saw your face.
“What do you mean? Are you really thinking that i slept with someone else just right after your departure? You’re my fucking husband, of course you’re the father.”
You were so angry.
You didn’t even realize it till that moment.
You were so angry because he left you alone with a baby in your belly, even if he didn’t know it, even if it wasn’t his fault since you decided not to tell him the truth. But you were definitely angry: he stayed away for so long and the first thing that he asked you is if you got pregnant with someone else?
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come back!” He said after few moments, still standing in front of the door, still shocked by the news.
“You took the job before asking me what i thought about it, what did i have to do? You didn’t even took one day to talked with me! You came here, saying that you were going to Bolivia and that you had a flight that same day!“
Jay knew that coming back home wouldn’t have been easy, he knew that you would’ve been upset and you had all the rights to be angry with him, but he definitely didn’t expect to come home and find you pregnant.
“Wait, did you know you were pregnant when i left?!”
You froze, then you stepped back and you invited him to enter the apartment, to talk about it privately.
Jay immediately came in, leaving the bag on the ground, completely focused on his wife. You closed the door behind you two and you leaned against the kitchen counter, sighing.
Jay, even if he was mad at you, immediately walked towards you and helped you; then he took a chair and he invited you to sit down, placing an hand on your shoulder and caressing you gently. You appreciated it but you perfectly knew that you two have still to talk about it.
“Yes.” You answered after that, placing an hand on your own belly, caressing it gently and feeling the baby kicking you hard. “I discovered it the same morning you accepted the job. I wanted to tell you when you came home but you talked first and I couldn’t tell you after that.”
Jay couldn’t believe his ears, he couldn’t believe that his wife hid something important like a baby from him for almost nine months. You should have told him, you should have told him the truth because he wouldn’t have left knowing that you were pregnant with his baby.
“You should have told me, Y/n!” He wasn’t able to control himself, he just yelled at you and, after that, he regretted it. You slightly jumped on the chair, with tears running down your cheeks. You knew that, you knew that he had all the rights to be angry with you but you weren’t prepared for this. You just wanted him to be home because you needed him but you never thought about how he would’ve reacted at the news. You had time to prepare yourself to become a mother and then he came home and discovered that he’s going to become a father in what, few days?
“I’m sorry.” He immediately told you, kneeling in front of you and placing his hands on your arms. “I’m sorry i yelled, it’s just that…. I wanted to know, I wanted to be here with you.”
You sobbed and cried, especially when his hands touched you after all that time. You missed him so much.
“I know.” You sobbed, looking at him. “I’m sorry, i wanted to tell you but I know that you wouldn’t left and… you said you needed it, I couldn’t stop you from that. I just wanted you to be happy again, I couldn’t see you so sad here. And… when you came here saying that you accept the job in Bolivia… i just couldn’t take it away from you. You were right saying that i had to let you go, i saw it in your eyes.”
Jay caressed your arms slowly and gently, then he leaned closer and he kissed your forehead.
“I’m sorry i left you alone.” He said, softly. And it was true. All the time, when he was in Bolivia for his new job, he thought about you and he felt guilty because he knew that you were alone, he knew that you would probably have been hurt. That’s why he asked Kim, Adam, Kevin and Hailey to be near you in case you needed them.
“Well, i wasn’t alone, was i?” You smiled softly through your tears; you took his hands and placed them on your belly the moment you felt your baby kicking. “He, or she, was with me all the time.”
Jay felt the kick against his palms and his eyes immediately filled with tears.
“Say hi to your daddy.” You whispered, apparently talking to your baby while looking at Jay in the eyes.
Jay wanted to say something, wanted to kiss your belly and whispered something to it like he was talking to your baby, but before he could say something, you moaned in pain.
“What’s wrong?” He immediately asked, concerned. “Is everything okay, babe?”
You looked down at yourself when you felt your legs wet.
“Oh no.” You whispered.
Jay looked at you, confused. “What’s happening?”
You looked at him and moaned in pain.
“ i think I’m in labor.”
“Fuck.” He said, placing an hand on his mouth after that. “I’m sorry, i swore in front of the baby!”
You giggled and shook your head but you were interrupted by the first contraction; you moaned in pain and you looked up at him.
“Hospital.” You whispered and he nodded.
“Hospital.” He agreed. “Holy shit, I’m going to be a father.”
“Jay.” You said while he took the car keys and the labor bag you prepared some weeks ago; he came back to you and he helped you get to your feet.
“I’m sorry!” He said, referring to his previous words.
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acewritesfics · 9 months
Take Me Home | Jay Halstead
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Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request: from @/andreahalstead24 for my 500 follower celebration over at @/dlmlufics.
Fic Type: Blurb
Prompt: "No one in this world, past, present or future, matters to me more than you do."
Warnings: None
Word Count: 642
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Jay was getting tired of Y/N’s sudden and unexplained cold shoulder. He wanted an explanation for why she seemed to be ignoring him, only speaking to him when she needed to.  
Unable to find her in the bullpen, he heads into the locker room finding her sitting on one of the benches, stuffing her clothes she had to get changed out of after getting blood all over them trying to prevent an innocent by stander in a shootout from bleeding out into her bag. 
“What’s going on with you?” Jay questions, a frown on his face, confusion and concern in his pretty blue eyes. 
“Nothing,” she says rolling her eyes as she stands up and moves back to her locker. 
“Have you forgotten how well I know you,” his voice comes out a little more aggressive than he intended, but she’s been beyond frustrating since this morning. 
“What about your ex? Or have you forgotten how well you know her,” she slams her locker shut and hooks her gun and badge on to her jeans.  
This morning Jay’s recent ex-girlfriend had come by District 21 as a witness in their latest case. Y/N, along with Jay, took her statement. Jay being oblivious to his ex's lingering stares, subtle flirty remarks and the hopeful look in her eyes, only added to Y/N's already sour mood from her car breaking down on the way to the station.  
“Is this what this whole cold shoulder thing is about?” he asks surprised by her remark but also relieved that she said more than five words to him that didn't involve their case. "My ex-girlfriend trying to be flirty with me?" 
Maybe he wasn't oblivious to it like she thought. Y/N doesn't say anything as she zips up her bag and slings it over her shoulder. She goes to walk past him when he stops her, gently grasping her arm and turning her back around to face him. 
"No one in this world, past, present or future, matters to me more than you do," he says softly as he raises a hand to her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb making her look at him. "And I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. None of them matter anymore, especially her. You're it for me, baby." 
The look in Y/N's eyes softens as she listens to him, her arms move around his waist as she looks at him, seeing the love he holds for her. In his ex's defense, she didn't know about their relationship, and they couldn't exactly tell her while they were taking her witness statement. And he never flirted back, not giving her false hope that there was something still there between them. He had been nothing but professional and she had let her jealousy and insecurities raise their ugly heads, something that never happened often. Y/N knows she overreacted, and she deserves his frustration and to feel the guilt she's currently feeling. 
"I'm sorry for being horrible today. I don't know why I let her get under my skin. Women flirt with you a lot and it usually never bothers me," she apologizes placing a quick peck to his lips. "And I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else too." 
"Buy me dinner and I'll forgive you," he smiles moving his arms around her waist and pulls her closer.  
"How about I cook dinner and you can have me as dessert?" she suggests.  
"I may be tempted," he replies, looking like he's thinking about it.  
She smiles kissing him, "Take me home, Halstead." 
"You got it," he says letting her go and takes his hand in hers. "Also, women don't flirt with me a lot," he continues as they walk out of the locker room. 
"Have you looked in a mirror," she scoffs. "You're a beautiful man." 
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TAGGED:@mrspeacem1nusone - @halsteadbrasil - @allisonargent144 - @cs-please
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
Every Version Of You
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Jay Halstead X Reader 
Requested by anon 
When jays best friend who he always loved even before the rangers gets honorably discharged from the rangers and comes working beside him and mouse at the district he realizes how innocent romantically she is and why she wouldn’t ever be with someone while they were serving because that meant comments being made an he finds out she’s always been in love with him like he has been with her and turns to putty when she looks up At him after a case
A/N: I hope you like this ! I am so sorry that It’s taken a while to write it but I am working through my request. 
If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work. 
Jay’s POV. 
Me and and Y/N have been best friends our entire lives. We went to the same school together and we really always kept to the side
.we never really had any other friends so it was always just us. Where one was the other one was as well. We also happened to live on the same block as each other. 
When things got rough at home we always had a spot where we would meet up together.
 A park down a couple blocks from each other. It was pretty run down and gross so no one ever went there which was good for us. 
It was our place and our safe haven. It’s where we could spend hours talking to each other or really say nothing at all.
 All i knew was when ever I was there with her I always felt safe. That everything was going to be okay. 
During one of our long talks there we talked about the future and what we wanted out of life. We both wanted. 
 We wanted to join the army and get out of town and serve a high purpose in life. 
To be able to help people in need to look back and know we made a difference. Not to mention when we left we would have hella benefits to set us up. It would mean we didn’t have to come back here. 
We would be able to start fresh out there and create a new life.
When we finally made it out of high school we graduated and right away we enlisted.
 We went to boot camp about a month later. Y/N was excited but I had more worried about her than myself. 
I know it’s what we wanted but  now that we were there I couldn’t help but feel scared.
 What if something happened to her. The thought of loosing her tore me up inside. I couldn’t loose someone else. 
Boot camp was rough. Both physically and mentally it was the hardest thing I had ever done. Y/n was feeling it to. But there were some good things that came along with it. 
We meant a lot of new people and became friends with them. Were really building our community.
 One person who really stuck with us was this quiet guy named Greg.We gave him the nick name mouse and he hated it but we didn’t care. 
The three of us were a trio and were always together. Mouse was the first person to call me out on my feelings for Y/N. I didn’t even realize it at first. 
That I was in love with her. He just flat out asked me one day because he was going to and I told  him no she was completely off limits. 
I never really thought about it before like that. Being in love with her because there is a different type of feelings that come along with that. 
But once I realized it I felt so different but a good different. 
Our time in the Military had come and gone and I was the first one to leave. My deployment ended first then Mouse.
 After 3 tours we finally decided we were done and hung up our hats. 
Y/N was right behind us after her 4th Y/n decided it was time to hang up the hat as well. When she came home I was able to get her a civilian job with us. She wasn’t ready to go out in the field. 
The trauma of war really did a number on her and she needed to be able to work a more stable position.
 She worked as a investigator for us. She really liked and she was such a huge part of the team. 
Right now we were all gathered around in the pen working on our next case. We had multiple murders out on the west side and we were worried about more violence coming out. 
We had exhausted all of our options and were left with really nothing. Expect one choice which was Mouse.
 He was selling bootleg cd’s and stolen goods. He also had a hard time adjusting and couldn’t hold down a proper job. 
“Come on we need something before there is more bloodshed out there” Hank said in a upset voice” 
“I think I may have something” I said sitting up 
Everyone looked at me with a confused look on their face. 
“Mouse he lived there his whole life I know him he knows something” I said 
“I don’t know if he would be the best help in his situation” Y/N said with a worried look on her face. 
“Why what happened” Kim asked. 
“He just had a hard time after we came home he never really adjusted” Y/N said. 
“I Know but I think he can handle this” I said
“Look if he’s un hinge it could do more damage than good” Kevin said 
“Look i trust him and I’ll watch out for him what ever happens is on me But I do think this is our best choice” I said 
“Let’s do it” Voight said 
Y/N looked at me a concerned voice so i reached over and gave it a comforting squeeze. 
I didn’t bother to tell him I was showing up because I know him and he would have ran off. I went alone incase he got scared and ran off. 
I made my way to him and like usual he wasn’t really even hiding what he was doing out that giant white van. I made my way over and banged on the back of the van. 
“Hey Mouse open up” I yelled. 
Slowly the door opened up and Mouse stuck his head and peaked around the door.. He looked scared like he was caught which I mean he was technically. 
“Hey Uh Jay what are you doing here” He asked in a worried voice. 
“Relax man I need a favor with something” I said laughing. 
‘Don’t say that out loud man what the hell is wrong with you” Mouse said. 
He grabbed my arm and drug me into the back of his van which is very alarming to most people. 
We got in and it was nothing but stolen goods and food wrappers. And my god that weed smel was horrible. 
We sat down in the two empty seats that was barely there. Mouse had to throw stuff around just for us to be able to sleep. 
“So man hey what’s going on” Mouse asked bouncing around. 
“Look man you gotta chill out you good” I asked placing my hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah Man I’m good what’s up” He said. 
“I need your help with a case I know you know about these murders happening” I said 
“Yeah But what’s that got to do with me” Mouse asked. 
“Look I need to see if you can figure anything out I know you know everyone here okay you can figure something out” I said 
“Yeah but If people figure out I’m helping you I can’t risk my business man” Mouse said.
“Man forget your business we got dead body okay innocent people are dying” I said. 
“Okay alright I guess I can think about it” Mouse said 
“Shut the hell up and let’s go and behave when we get there Y/N is already worried about you working this and I don’t want to worry her more or prove her right” I said. 
“Yeah yeah Y/N i heard she was working with you how is she doing if you know what I mean” Mouse said 
I looked at him with a confused and even a slightly annoyed face because he already knew what the situation was he was just instigating the issue.
“Y/n is fine and we work together and we are friends that’s it for that situation” I said 
“You know what I mean” Mouse said shoving his elbow in my arm and laughing. 
“Let’s go now” I said annoyed at him already. 
I got out of the van and headed back into my own car. Mouse was following right behind me and we left headed for the district. 
He was non stop talking the whole way and I tried my best to act like I was paying attention. 
The only thing i was thinking was Y/n probably was going to be right that he wasn’t ready for something like this and I was pushing it. 
If he blew up and this case blew up it means we loose our only chance to get a killer of the street and it means I loose my word that I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about. 
The car ride back felt long but I knew it wasn’t and I was nervous about him meeting the team and seeing Y/N again. I didn’t want him to blurt out some dumb stuff. 
When we got there we made our way in and I read him the riot act and pleaded with him to act like he had some kind of commonsense. 
“Hey man I got this stop worrying when have I ever done something dumb” Mouse said 
“We don’t have the time to run through that list” I said getting more mad. 
We made our way back into the bullpen and everyone was sitting at their desk looking at their computer. 
When we walked in they stopped what they were doing and looked up at us.  Y/N looked happy to see him but also had worry all over her eyes. It was subtle but I knew her for so long that I could read her. 
“Y/N my girl I missed you how you been baby” Mouse said loudly. 
“I’m good I missed you too” Y/N said smiling and walked over and hugged him. 
“ Hey everyone It’s nice to meet you all I promise to be on my best behavior” Mouse said 
Voight walked out and walked over to where Mouse was. 
“Listen I appreciate the help but if you fuck this up for us” Voight said 
“No sir I am here to help in anyway I can” Mouse said.
I think it was the first time he actually stiffened up and seemed kind of nervous. 
“Good so let’s get started then we don’t want to waste any time” Voight said. 
“We got 4 dead on our hand we think we have a prime suspect John Roberts he hussles out the west side but we can’t prove anything” Y/N said 
“What makes you think him” Mouse asked 
“All 4 people who were killed their phones pinged out his night club , we know he is a known seller and has a violent streak” Y/N said 
“So we need you to make a bid to be a seller for him and get him talking on a wire” Voight said. 
“Um yeah I know this guy he’s dangerous and ruthless he’s just not going to open up to me” Mouse said. 
“Look we know you got a rep in that area okay so you asking for this isn’t going to raise red flags” Jay said 
“Fine but no way am I going alone” Mouse said 
“Me and Jay can go were pose as customers in the club you know we got you” Y/N said 
“Y/N you haven’t been out in the field.” I said worried about her
“I’ll be fine don’t worry about me i can handle myself” Y/N said a little defensive. 
“Listen she says she’s fine I trust her it sounds like a good plan get it done” Voight said. 
I didn’t say anything and we all went back to our desk to get everything ready for tonight. After a couple of hours we were putting the final touches on the plan. 
Y/N went home and changed into something a little more appropriate for a club so no red flags would get raised. 
I was currently helping to bug mouse and I could tell he was nervous but he wouldn’t say anything. 
“Listen your good me and Y/N we got you like we always have before” I told him. 
“Yeah yeah your right” Mouse said. 
We finished up and headed out. Y/N was meeting us there. The car ride over was silent and we both had jitters. 
When we arrived there Y/N was sitting outside and she had on this purple sparkly dress. She was all dressed up. She really looked beautiful. 
I gave Mouse a squeeze on the shoulder and we headed out. 
“Hey come on it’s going to be okay” I said 
Mouse nodded and we walked over to Y/n.She looked up at us and smiled. 
“You go in and were head in a little bit after so we don’t look like were together you got this Greg It’s going to be okay” Y/N said 
“Yeah Thanks” Mouse said. 
He went and in we stayed behind and I looked over at Y/N and I could tell she was nervous to. 
“Hey there is no shame about being nervous It’s been a while sense you been out in the field but you got this I got you” I said 
“I know I’m okay I’m good really Let’s go inside i’m freezing” she said looking up at me and smiling. 
We walked in and grabbed a drink from the bar and headed to a table we where we could see mouse without being to noticed. 
“So how’s things been with you” Y/N asked 
“What do you mean” I asked
“I mean you haven’t been dating anyone sense Erin and we haven’t been able to talk in a while what’s going on” She asked. 
“Not much haven’t been in the mood to date sense she left” I said 
“Come on handsome guy like you it’s impossible to stay single for long” She said smiling. 
“I think I have someone in my mind but it would never go anywhere so i’m working on getting past that” I said honestly 
“Who do I know her” She asked 
“Uh yeah but don’t worry about it” I said 
“Okay fine sure be secretive or what ever” Y/n said taking a drink. 
“How we looking up there” I asked the team out there. 
‘Good mouse is being talkative but John has no clue were on to him. This might actually work” Kevin said. 
“It’s Mouse he always has a way with words” I said laughing. 
“Hey at least he talks to people” Y/N said 
“Damn Jay what did you do to her” Adam asked 
The conversation fell flat after that and I felt bad because I didn’t want to think I was pushing her out. 
Mouse was up there a while and he was doing okay so hopefully it was a sign we got everything we needed. 
After a little bit he headed down and we watched him leave. We again waited a few minutes before we also left. 
When we went outside Mouse was sitting in the back seat of the car and we walked over and got in. 
“Hey how did it go” I asked 
“Good I am now a seller a little bit see how it goes but we got our way in” Mouse said 
“OMG I told you that you could do this , we got a way in” Y/N said 
“Thanks Now let’s get the hell out of here” Mouse said 
“Alright let’s call it a night and we all meet in the morning” Voight said.
Mouse was a little quiet and I could tell he was nervous about this. But I knew it was all going to be worth it once we catched this son of a bitch. 
We drove off and I dropped Mouse off at his apartment. Me and Y/n left and it was quiet in the car after. 
I drove to her place and I parked the car and we both just sat there for a second before sitting in silence. 
She didn’t get out right away and I didn’t know what was wrong but I decided to break the silence. 
“Hey I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to ice you out or anything” I said 
She looked over at me and smiled. 
“It’s okay I just wanted to make sure everything was okay” She said. 
“Listen I need to be honest because if I can’t be honest with you then nothing else matters” I said. 
I could feel the anxiety building up inside of me and I needed to say it to her. Don’t ask me why now seemed like a good time.
 I guess after icing her out earlier maybe I thought I should tell her. 
“Hey so this girl I like I need to get over and move on from it’s you. I love you Y/n I have for a while and I haven’t been able to say because I know you feel about dating and being deployed so i didn’t say anything” I said.
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship or change anything and I was scared” I said
“I uh” she said 
I could feel the anxiety bubbling up inside of me and I was worried that I just ruined my only good thing I had going on. 
She grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze and she looked over and smiled at me. 
“I love you I really do and not just in a friendship type of way like romantic. But i’m scared because you are the only good thing I have but I have a lot going on mentally and I need time you know” She said 
“I want to keep working on being the most best version of myself but I do want this so if we could work slow and build up” Y/N said. 
I squeezed her hand back and looked over at her and smiled. I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. 
“I love every version of you but I want you to be the best version you can possibly be and I will be here for you on the other side when ever your ready I am here so take as long as you need” I said 
“ I love you Jay Halstead and I can’t Imagine what I would do without you” She said 
“Well you never have to know” I said. 
“How about you come up and we watch the hockey game and beers” Y/N said 
“I would live that let’s go” I said. 
We got up and headed in. We watched the game and laid out on the couch together and nights like these are worth everything.
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
Old Flames Can Still Burn You | Part 3
Fandom: Chicago Med / Chicago PD
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Genre: Angst, drama, romance
Warnings: Descriptions of past domestic abuse, emotional manipulation, blackmail, panic attacks, self-harm (punching), brief mention of vomit, blood
Word Count: 4967
Prompt From @afro-hispwriter: Ava Bekker is from Reader's past, now together with Jay Halstead they must face the return of everything Reader wanted to escape from.
This is Part 3 - Part 1, Part 2
The following day was mercifully a day off for you and Jay, Voight had been insistent that Jay have the time to take care of what he needed to. You had managed to catch up on lost sleep, shuffling closer to Jay every time you had both naturally drifted apart in the bed.
Occasionally you would feel Jay’s hand rest over your chest, gently soothing the spot over your heart, pressing soft lips to your neck and murmuring a drowsy “I love you” or an “I got you”, it had kept your anxiety at bay and surprisingly you didn’t have any of the night terrors you had expected.
Sat in bed, checking through some emails with Jay beside you, you feel his arms wrap around you, and you hum happily as Jay kisses along your shoulder, “How about a shower?” He cherishes you with his lips and your heart flutters, fingers tracing lovingly over your thighs beneath the covers. 
“You’re making a very convincing suggestion.” You remark, backing out of your emails and setting your phone on the bedside table. You twist slightly in Jay’s embrace and face him, mindful of your injured hand as you cup the back of his head, bringing him closer to nuzzle his nose with yours. 
“I can be persuasive,” Jay murmurs with a smile, resting his forehead against yours. He pauses, “You know you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, right?” 
You laugh a little then, hands caressing over Jay’s back, feeling the muscle beneath your skin as you reach his shoulder, massaging softly. “I know I don’t, and I know that most when I’m with you. I want to take a shower though, and if you’re coming with me…Well, I definitely consent to that.” 
Jay sighs at your ministrations, enjoying the way you ease the tension from his neck and upper back, “Let’s do that then.” He whispers, kissing you tentatively as he scoots up and out from under the covers, boxers low on his hips, tugging on your hand to help you shimmy out of bed. You take a second to admire the sight, making sure Jay catches the way you look at him, he groans. 
“Oh I see, it’s like that is it? Tease.”
“I’m innocent.” You hold your hands up, following your boyfriend to the bathroom with a playful swat to his ass.
In the late morning, you enjoyed the pancakes that Jay had made for you, he had insisted on being the chef and you always did enjoy his mother's pancake recipe. You were sipping steadily on a warm hot chocolate, feeling cosy and protected as you mulled over the rest of your day, trying to keep thinking of her from your mind. 
Jay had broached the subject only briefly to say that he would be sharing the letter with Voight as they began collating the evidence they wanted against Ava, it was a small start but it was something. Ultimately you were thankful for the action Jay was taking, grateful for his unit’s immediate support of resolving the situation for good.
Your hand didn’t look half as rough as you expected it to, but you knew it would raise questions when you had company later. Somehow, it didn't bother you as much as you thought it might have, you’d made peace with being as open as possible with your friends - even if that meant showing how hard it was to keep your head sometimes. You had most certainly learned trying to go it alone out of shame or fear had not served you well.
The rest of the day passes faster than you thought it would, you and Jay had ventured out to some of the markets in the city, looking for some new bits and pieces to put in the apartment.
One find included a thick wooden bookshelf you had got for a steal, Jay had insisted it was no problem to carry it back to the truck. You thanked him by buying him a Danish pastry that was an unholy size and a coffee that would surely keep him buzzing well into tomorrow, you knew he had been eyeing up the particular food cart it had come from ever since you’d arrived - he didn’t always have a sweet tooth, but sometimes the mood struck him and today was such a day.
Once you had deposited all your new treasures back at the apartment and put on something a little more appropriate for “going out”, the both of you had made your way to Molly’s with a mixture of excitement to see friends and apprehension as surely the topic of Ava was at the forefront of the meeting.
You sat between Jay and Kim, as you faced Natalie, Will, Connor, April and Adam, some of Jay’s team had wanted to come and check on you since you had befriended them as well. The group listened intently as you told them why Ava’s return had struck such a painful chord for you,
“I cut all contact, changed my number, social media, you name it…but I guess there’s never a true way to cut someone off these days. Though I’m sure she really is happy about the prestigious position with Dr Latham, she certainly knows I’m here. I’m trying not to be pessimistic, yesterday was a lot to process, but right now I feel like it’s not an ‘if’, more of a ‘when’ will she try to ruin my life again? I think she’s already seen me and Jay, she’s already talking about my friends, knows my address… I don’t know what the hell she’s wanting from this, but it can’t be good.”
You feel Jay squeeze your hand as the others listen, 
“Now we know, Y/N, we won’t let her get even a second to mess with you. She’s not welcome here, and she’s not going to hurt you again.” Connor’s the first to speak, he had been troubled ever since he had spoken to you in the parking lot. It had taken a lot of restraint to not lay into Ava at work, knowing that bringing it up or letting her know that he knew, would possibly encourage her behaviour to amp up.
You offer Connor a grateful smile, feeling Will’s eyes on you as he speaks, “We know how to take care of business around here, this is a solid group of friends and you’re part of that, Y/N, don’t forget it.”
“The team’s already in touch with the local authorities in Cape Town, it might not have gone anywhere back then, but we’re gonna make sure she doesn’t slip through the cracks this time.” Kim nods, resting a comforting hand on your shoulder.
Tears shine in your eyes as you take a sip of your drink to swallow the sobs that want to bubble out of you, you had never felt such concrete and unified protection of you before, and it was a feeling that truly made your whole world spin.
“It was really hard coming back home, I thought I’d be coming home to absolutely nothing, with nothing left for me back in South Africa either… How wrong I was, finding you all was the best thing to happen to me. Thank you so much, guys, seriously…” You make sure to look at every single person at the table, leaning into Jay as a small sniff escapes you, he wraps his arm around you and kisses the top of your head.
At the end of your sentence and the warm smiles shared between each other, Herrmann shifts behind you, having brought over new orders for people. 
“I don’t wanna pry, Y/N, but if you ever need to have a safe spot back at your old place with us, you’re always welcome.” The older man leans in to kiss your cheek, patting Jay’s shoulder, “That goes for both of you.”
“Thank you, Herrmann, really. I appreciate that so much.”  You rest a hand on Herrmann’s arm, squeezing in sincere gratitude. Herrmann had been one of the first people you’d got back in touch with when you came home, one of your dad’s long-time friends and a secondary father figure to you, it had been wonderful to see him and Cindy again, to see how much the Herrmann kids had grown.
Everyone at 51 had greeted you like you’d always been part of their group, and that sense of belonging had only grown once you’d started at Med and when you eventually met Jay.
Jay raises his bottle to Herrmann in thanks, appreciative of the way the firefighter had always looked out for you. Not that he was surprised, he knew what a good and big heart Herrmann had. “Thanks, Chris. We really do appreciate it, I’m banking on putting an end to this before there’s a need for that though.”
“If there’s anybody I’d want on a case like this, it’s you, pal.” Chris smiles sympathetically, clearing away some of your glasses and returning to the bar.
You turn back to the table and you watch with an adoring smile on your face as April raises her glass, “Here's to good friends and good family.”
You don’t hesitate in repeating the sentiment back to her with the others as you all knock your glasses together, “To good friends and good family.”
Work comes back round sooner than you anticipated and you find yourself warier than usual. The night at Molly’s had been encouraging, it had definitely improved your spirits, but knowing you could see Ava at any moment had you on edge.
The inevitable happens right around mid-morning, you needed a consult from CT and Connor was nowhere to be found. Maggie gave you a look from across the ED, seeing Ava come from the other direction, you could only shake your head, letting her know that you would be alright - you didn’t want to cause an inconvenience, even though you knew you were perfectly within your rights to object.
Your blood runs cold at the sight of her, the way her false kind eyes bore into you made you want to avoid eye contact for the entire consult, but you didn’t want to create any kind of odd exchange in front of your patient. On a surface level the bright smile, competent and unassuming demeanour could have fooled even you if you hadn’t been so rigidly fighting any kind of attempts from her to make you disbelieve your own mistrust. “Dr Y/L/N, nice to see you again.”
You nod in response, pushing out your own upturn of the lips to exchange pleasantries, not quite managing to reciprocate the sentiment of it being “nice” to see her. “Dr Bekker, this is Samuel.” Gesturing to the middle-aged man that sat attached to monitors on the bed as you explained his symptoms.
Ava remained focused on the medicine and there were no snipes or quips to jab into your professional opinion or methodology, it took you aback at first. Yet, you did find yourself frustrated pretty quickly as your brain worked overtime to remain suspicious of Ava, her effusive nature in front of your patient only served to make the anger simmer beneath your skin, you knew this was her best form of gaslighting. To make you feel as though your feelings were irrational or unjust, to make you feel like all those times before you had overreacted, that was her style.
The patient is eventually handed over to CT to undergo more extensive examinations on his heart, leaving you mercifully without Ava’s looming presence once more.
Will and April had heard about your meeting with her when they started their shifts, both of them looking scandalised that she would even dare to come down to the ED. You found yourself already slipping back into the mindset that it was your fault there was a problem, almost ‘defending’ Ava by saying she had been “polite enough”, and it took some forceful reminders from your friends to let you know that being mistrustful and remaining angry was not a weakness or a bad thing, you hadn’t done anything wrong, your ex had. 
You couldn’t lose sight of the fact that every move she made was a tactic, a game to be played for an ultimate goal, you had come too far in moving away from her odious gravitational pull to start second-guessing yourself.
The rest of the day goes by without too much of an incident, accidents with tools and kids wandering off where they shouldn’t and getting hurt was the theme of the day. 
It was not until the end of your shift when the stark reminder of everything that was wrong with Ava Bekker came crashing into your full focus once more. You were being picked up by Jay tonight as your car was in the garage for a service and a few minor repairs, you were looking forward to sharing the ride home with your boyfriend and spending the night cosy in your apartment.
You shrugged on your coat and departed the on-call room, the nurse's station was pretty quiet now that the evening shift was settling in, most people were preoccupied with patients in various treatment rooms. As you head towards the lobby, you wave goodbye to Trini and a few other nurses.
It was upon exiting the doors of the ED that you saw a sight that sent ice into your stomach, stalling in your footsteps as you watched Jay and Ava engaged in a tense ‘conversation’. One that you couldn’t quite hear.
[Jay and Ava]
Ava had seen you go into the on-call room to get your things, she was ready to leave for home and had intended to follow you, the envelope and sheets of paper clutched in her hand, but as she glanced in the general direction of the ED doors opening into the lobby something made her stop.
She was 90% sure the man standing in the lobby on his phone was the man she had seen you kissing days before. She had since learned that he was Will Halstead’s brother, certain staff members were too easy to pry gossip from, and she had even got a name and a title, Detective Jay Halstead.
Her lips pressed tight together, a tension locking in her jaw, she had a change of plan. It would produce results that were far more satisfying if she made Jay see and understand that you weren’t worth anything to anybody else except her.
Meandering around the nurse’s station, checking briefly to see you were still in the on-call room, she made a beeline for where Jay was waiting for you. She put on her most gracious smile and made herself polite, approaching with ease.
“Excuse me, are you Jay Halstead?” Her tone was overtly friendly and Jay’s head snapped up from his phone at the sound of a voice that was most definitely South African in accent. It wasn’t until he saw the associated face that the irritation had turned into confirmation and outright defensiveness, standing straighter and more assertively than he had been previously.
“What do you want, Dr Bekker?” Jay wasn’t an inherently cold person, he hadn’t been that way for a long time, but now just looking at Ava having the audacity to approach him with that utterly false persona, well, the only version of himself she was going to get was the pissed off boyfriend and the no-nonsense detective.
Something flashes in Ava’s eyes, Jay sees that his unaffected nature had bit into her act, and that facade was momentarily revealed. Then, the exaggerated smile is back, not travelling to the eyes any longer as Ava talks,
“Oh, well, I just came to see if you were getting on alright with my girlfriend, she can be quite the handful, very creative with her stories that one.” There’s a small laugh as Bekker keeps up the pantomime of joviality and friendliness, yet it’s met with silence.
Jay glowers at Ava, face set dead into a stony rejection of her performance.
“Y/N isn’t yours, Ava. She hasn’t been for a while, and it would be in your best interest to walk away from me. You know who I think is living in a story? The person in front of me.”
Ava’s face falls, dropping the act further as her face morphs into one of disdain and a sneering attitude, 
“Fine, you don’t want the friendly reminder? I can give you the real version. She’s a danger to you and herself, and the sooner you understand that she needs me and my care, the better.”
Ava thrusts the envelope and loose sheets of paper at Jay, forcing him to take hold of them with a reluctant snatch. 
“Like I said, she’s not yours, Ava. She doesn’t need your expertise. You don’t belong here or with her, and if you even so much as think about continuing to interfere and frighten Y/N, you’re gonna have a bigger problem than my frosty reaction right now.”
Ava’s smile returns, enjoying the thrill of Jay’s fury, reaching out to touch his arm as though you might do with a loved one who needs reassurance.
“Don’t threaten me, Detective, or you’ll be kissing goodbye to your badge and to Y/N.”
“Now how’s doing the threatening?” Jay moves forward, imposing on Ava’s space, the badge around his neck swings slightly almost as if sentiently reminding the woman of who he was.
“Not a threat, just a reminder. Have a good night, Jay. Tell Y/N I said hello, I miss her.”
[From your view]
You could see Jay’s jaw tight in that way it only ever got when he was extremely angry or uncomfortable. Ava handed him a few sheets of paper and an envelope, and then with a condescendingly sympathetic smile, she steps into his personal space, reaching out to touch Jay’s arm.
You practically flinch at the movement, there’s a brief hostile exchange of words as you’re moving forward towards them at speed, but Jay sharply tugs her off, which makes Ava shrug and turn on her heels towards the parking lot. Your boyfriend is left standing alone in the hubbub of the lobby, clutching the items Ava gave him with an iron grip, already pacing as he continues to wait for you.
When he sees you approach he musters a smile, leaning to kiss your cheek, which you do accept but your own face is like thunder when you pull back, holding Jay’s arm urgently, angry that Ava would dare to come near Jay.
“What the hell did she want?” You ask in a hushed tone, looking around as if Ava might reappear from thin air.
Jay’s face falls, and a sadder look passes across his eyes as he puts a hand on your waist. He had hoped he would have a chance to broach the subject of the altercation carefully, rather than have you see it first-hand.
Jay takes your bag for you, moving his hand from your waist to wrap his arm around your shoulder. “Let’s talk in the car, I need to get away from here.” 
The car’s silent for the first five minutes, Jay had shoved the paper in the glove box and was now white-knuckling the steering wheel as he focused on the road. You sat beside him, pensive in your seat, heart thundering in your chest. Wondering what the hell Ava could have given to Jay and what she could have said to make him so angry.
“Jay?” You try gently, reaching out a tentative hand to his shoulder.
You see his shoulders sag a little, not invincible to the calming effect you had on him.
“Please, tell me what that was.” You push, hoping he would understand your need to know.
“Are you sure, Y/N? I haven’t looked at it yet, but she said enough to make me want to write her up for literally anything.”
You sigh, closing your eyes as your stomach gave a slight churn. You didn’t want to know, but at the same time, you had to know.
You swallow, rubbing gentle fingers at the nape of your boyfriend’s neck, letting him know it was okay. “I’m sure, I need to know everything. What did she say?”
He pauses, he can feel how still and silent you are, and the grip on his shoulder is tighter than before.
Jay sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face as he turns into the street toward home. “Y/N, I can’t-” 
Jay takes a breath as he pulls into a parking space, killing the engine he turns to you and cups your cheek, leaning into to kiss you, something you reciprocate with a neediness that conveys to him just how much he was yours.
“Let’s finish this conversation inside?” Jay queries, and you nod, giving a weak smile, your nerves thrumming with anguish.
Jay grabs the papers and stuffs them into his backpack, you clutch your bag as Jay carries his, both of your free hands meeting in the middle as they clasp together. His thumb rubs the side of your hand gently as you stand in the elevator, patiently waiting to be in the sanctuary of your apartment, trying to ignore the poison that potentially sat in Jay’s bag.
Once you'd both rid yourselves of your jackets and shoes, you had changed into some pyjama pants and a hoodie, complete with some fluffy socks that Jay had bought for you. Jay had done the same, switching out jeans for sweats and a hoodie, although he was without fluffy socks, citing they made his feet too hot.
You were now tucked up on the couch next to him, the envelope and paper sat on the coffee table and you watched as Jay leant forward to pick them up. Your heart hammering beneath your chest, your boyfriend turns to you,
"First of all, she...uh, she said that uh, you were creative with your "stories", that you needed her, that she was yours, and that I had to basically back off or else."
You can see Jay's cheeks are red, with anger or guilt at relaying the words, you weren't sure which it was.
Absentmindedly you rub at your temple, feeling an intense sharp throb settle there. You felt a visceral ache at the idea Ava would try and convince the man you loved that you were essentially too crazy to be without her instead of him. Your stomach hurt.
"What did you say? I saw you get mad, and I saw you move away from her."
Jay swallows, taking your hand gently, "I said that she didn't belong here and you didn't belong to her, that if she knew what was good for her she wouldn't try a damn thing. She said I would lose you and my badge if I tried to go against her. I told her that she shouldn't be making threats, and she said I was the one being threatening. So I snatched my arm away from her manipulative little sympathy parade and that was that."
You drop your head into the back of the couch, letting out a small scream, you feel Jay's hand drop gently to your back, rubbing it comfortingly.
When you lift your head you're shaking it in disbelief, you were now feeling protective of Jay and the life you'd made back in the city. "She's got a fucking nerve." You lick your lips, teeth grinding reflexively as you eye the documents Jay had.
"Let's see whatever that crap is."
Jay exhales, nodding, "Yeah, let's see..." Part of him wanted to insist that you don't look at it, but he knew that was hardly fair.
"I just want you to know that whatever this bullshit says or shows, I believe you, Y/N. You hear me? I know your heart, and I won't for a second be fooled by that woman's tactics. Alright?"
You bite your lip, resting a hand on Jay’s arm, “I know”, you murmur. You did know, however in the depths of your gut you felt a simmer of apprehension, about how this could all unravel everything you had.
Jay gives you one last look and you nod more insistently, ready to see. He pries open the envelope first and his eyes glance over the sheets inside. 
“These… there are printouts of texts, from when you were dating, there are some intimate photos in here, of both of you together, and there’s a list of medication you were on before you left South Africa….”
Jay looks up, his brow furrowed as his pulse races, blood simmering. He wasn’t in the least bit upset with you, he had no reason to be, but knowing Ava would willingly betray such intimate parts of your life to prove a point, he felt his anger tick right back up again.
You’re not sure what to say, taking the sheets as you peruse of them yourself, scoffing at the selective choices of messages and photos, noticing how Ava didn’t have printouts of all the times she would apologise for something belittling or controlling only to do the same thing not even a day later, she didn’t include the poor attempts to sugarcoat over the gravity of her actions, or the times she made you feel like you were too demanding, or just plain crazy. She certainly didn’t have copies of the desperate audio diaries you had made on your phone to cope with how Ava had treated you. 
Looking at the photos again you laugh incredulously, chucking the sheets on the coffee table. You hadn’t loved Ava like that in a long long time, and you weren’t really sure she ever did love you like that. Jay made you feel safe, he made you feel connected and heard, never in fear of what you could say or do.
You look at Jay who passes the other sheet to you, it was a letter. You take it and start to read it aloud to your boyfriend, trying to still the slight shake in your hands as you take in the words.
[Dearest Y/N, 
As I’m writing this, I am full of deep scathing hurt. I have come home from my most recent conference to find you and some of your belongings missing. I would like to think you had just popped to the shops, but given your passport is gone and your suitcase is not in the closet, I know exactly what has happened. 
Your insult to my care and love for you is something that has shaken me so profoundly, your selfishness and insecurities have got the best of you and I am left to pick up the pieces that you created.
I know that you won’t make it very far without me, I know that you will always need my security and validation, you know full well that nobody can give these things to you like I can. No matter how far you go, or who you meet, know that you are mine and you will always want that, no amount of lying to yourself will change that.
I thought you knew better than to stop taking medication suddenly, I guess I was right about your irresponsible and self-sabotaging habits. Your denial of reality has me worried, and I will keep looking for you so I can keep you safe.
Whenever and wherever this may find you, I will be right there too. 
All my love, 
View a "photocopy" of Ava's Letter
You sit back, not sure what to say or do, a numbness takes over as you blankly stare at the switched-off TV. Your thoughts whirr, battling with insecurity and the logic that you had come to arm yourself with.
"Y/N?" Jay tries, wanting to touch you, not sure if he should.
You slowly turn to Jay, a fire in your eyes, "She's never going to convince me of a damn thing, Jay. She doesn't control me anymore, not even a little bit. I don't know if you could consider this domestic violence, I know how hard it is to prove a case especially if you don't live or associate with that person anymore. But god, Jay, she mentioned my medication several times, christ there are photocopies of the prescriptions and notes from my physician back in Cape Town... surely we can file for a violation of POPI...That's HIPAA in South Africa, she gave you the files and the letters to look at right? That means she shared medical information you weren't supposed to be privy to... not that I mind you knowing, but she didn't know that."
Jay rubs at his eyes, head spinning from the mess this woman was trying to make of his and your life. He takes your hand gently, relaxing when you squeeze and move in closer.
"I can ask around about the legalities of it, sweetheart, you know I will, you know better than me medical confidentiality is highly defended. You might be right about the case for domestic violence, but the case for stalking and a No Contact Order? I think we are closer to that."
You rest your head on Jay's shoulder, hugging yourself around him, "She works in the same place as me, can we really make that stick?"
Jay sighs, cuddling you close to him, "I know a few judges who take a harder line on this kind of thing, and I know Ms Goodwin will take this seriously, even if she isn't removed from the hospital, we can make sure that she can only interact with you professionally."
You lift your head up, pressing a kiss to Jay's jaw. "Let's try it, I'll do whatever it takes."
End of Part 3
A/N: I really got tunnel vision on this part, so I hope it reads okay!
Tags: @campingmonkey - @dumb-fawkin-bitch - @elius-learns-to-write - @resanoona - @mrspeacem1nusone - @timbradfordsboot - @bluecrush129 - @sorry-i-spaced - @afro-hispwriter - @itsdesiree86
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Muffled Screams Part 5: Blame Game - Will Halstead x Reader
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Tagging: @daniacat​   @misscharlielulu​   @cosmic-psychickitty​   @tonio-dawson​   @brianbabygirlzvonecek​   @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff​  @ikbenplant​     @gummybabey​    @rosaliedepp​    @annieradcliff​   @mrspeacem1nusone​   @sowrongitslottie​   @readingbookelf​    @earthtolottie​   @crazy4chickennuggets​   @cixrosie​     @halsteadloversworld​   @zaidatorcuatomorgado​   @horny-and-sad27​    @oneandonlychicago​     @lxna-mikaelsxn​   @1234-angelika​   @wolfers-stuff​      @bradshawsdarlin​ 
Part One: Muffled Screams
Part Two: Wonderland
Part Three: The Man In The Corner
Part Four: Red Door
Will’s hands were shaking, the tremble seemed to vibrate up arms and throughout his body as he sat in the doctor’s lounge. He placed his hands on his knees, his fingertips scrapping across the harsh fabric of his jeans. He did it again, and then again, and then again, listening to the noise it made. There was something soothing about the sound, it drew his attention focusing it there, so he didn’t have to think about the blood that was ingrained within his swirls of his fingertips.
His head snapped up as the door swung open as Jay came hurtling through, his blue eyes wide as they fixated on his brother.
“Did she try to kill herself?” he asked, his tone rushed as he collapsed onto the couch along side of Will.
“I…” Will paused, pursing his lips together as he shook his head. “I’m not sure what she was trying to do.” His nails scratched across the denim as he remembered the smears of blood on the wall, the way it seemed to run in copper rivets. “I think something triggered her.” He said pointing to his head. “There’s this song that was playing…”
“What do you mean triggered her? I had coffee with her a few days ago. I thought she was getting better.”
“Is that what she told you?”
Will twisted his head towards his brother, his eyebrows furrowing into a frown. He knew from the look on the other man’s face that you hadn’t been honest with him. You hadn’t told him that you were up all hours of the night pacing, banging things about, restlessly exercising in the living room trying to wear yourself out. Or the fact you’d jump out of your skin because that hallucination, that vision that he couldn’t see would appear like a ghost. Sometimes you’d fall sleep in the middle of a conversation and it would be as if the two of you hadn’t even been talking at all.
“She said she was doing good.”
Jay searched his eyes and Will knew it was time to burst that bubble because the truth was, he couldn’t do this anymore. He couldn’t tackle this problem alone. There was a bitterness on his tongue, you were always trying to shield Jay away from the worst of things and rankled Will right now. It pissed him off that his brother got to be so naïve, so fucking innocent when he was the perpetrator of this mess. It had been Jay who had talked you into undertaking this case, Jay who knew your history, insisted it could be of use, that you were the only person who could walk in there and make them believe you were one of them. He hated his brother in that moment, hated that he had disrupted your lives, stripped away your future, his future too.
“She isn’t doing good Jay, all you had to do was look at her to see that.” He snapped, the surge of rage sending him to his feet. “You didn’t notice the amount of weight she’s lost or the fact she struggles to focus on a conversation. How about the dark circles under her eyes? Or how fucking erratic and manic she can be? I don’t know what fucking planet you are on, but anyone can see that she is not alright.”
Will held out a hand to stop him.
“Don’t…” he uttered, swallowing hard against the well of emotion in his chest. “Just don’t alright? I can’t do this with you at the moment.”
“Do what?” Jay questioned, raising to his feet. “Tell me how this is all my fault, that I let her down, because I know that Will, I know that’s what I did.”
Something snapped inside of Will, he could feel it like a coil tensing before it finally broke under the tension, under the pressure, under the knowledge that all of this could have been avoided if they all stopped keeping fucking secrets.
“You have no fucking idea what you did.” Will snarled, the anguish pouring out of him. “She was getting out Jay, she was resigning. The day you persuaded her to go undercover was the day she was supposed to be handing in her papers. She was meant to be free of all this shit with Intelligence, all the nightmares, all the fucking trauma she’d endured, and you just drew her back in, played on her fucking empathy for those girls.”
The colour drained from Jay’s face, Will watched it ebb away as his knees seemed to buckle from underneath him. He pressed his hands together in front of him as if in prayer.
“She was getting out…” he repeated, closing his eyes for a brief minute.
“Yeah.” Will crossed his arms over his chest. “She was leaving.”
He heard the choke in Jay’s chest, the way his breath caught. He blinked rapidly as he rubbed his hands over his face.
“I did this.” He said looking up at Will.
“Yea.” Will told him. “You did.”
Big Fan of Will! Get added to his tag list!
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I posted 181 times in 2022
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I tagged 181 of my posts in 2022
#imagine - 99 posts
#imagines - 99 posts
#one chicago - 47 posts
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#chicago pd - 27 posts
#chicago pd imagine - 27 posts
#chicago pd imagines - 26 posts
#jay halstead imagine - 25 posts
#jay halstead imagines - 25 posts
#jay halstead - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 37 characters
#star trek strange new worlds one shot
My Top Posts in 2022:
Fandom: Chicago Fire
Series: One Shot
Pairing/s: Kelly Severide x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 575
Request: request: roommates to lovers trope with kelly severide
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It started off innocent enough, you'd needed somewhere to live, Kelly had needed a roommate to make rent, it made sense.
But, slowly, it developed into more. So slowly you hadn't realised until you were in too deep, with glances at one another in a towel, or in gym clothes, or late nights spent having dinner, curling up closer than necessary for wine and a move, with conversation so natural you may as well have been together for years.
It was there, in the air whenever you were alone, but neither of you had put it into words yet, so much so that you were starting to feel that it was one sided, or all in your head, or both.
So when Sylvie told you she had someone in mind to set you up with, you figured, why not, you couldn't wait around to see what might happen with Kelly forever, right?
Kelly was coming out of his room as you were slipping on your heels, pausing in his tracks when he saw you, jaw clenching. "Little dressed up for Molly's aren't you?" He asked, tone deeper than he intended.
You smile at him, "I have a date actually, I won't be able to make it tonight," you explain as casually as possible.
"You, er, didn't mention you had a date," he tried to play it off, but he was definitely jealous.
"I didn't?" You said as you rose, "sorry, I thought I had." Now that definitely gets a rise out of him, but he heads to the cupboards in the kitchen so you don't see it show on his face, not that he was looking for anything in particular in there.
"Who is this guy anyway?" He asked, levelling his tone.
"Friend of Sylvie's," you replied, slipping in your earrings as Kelly turned back to face you and take in the full extent of your outfit, his eyes wandering unsubtly.
"That's what you're wearing for a first date?" He asked, equal parts annoyed and protective.
"What's wrong with it?" You asked, defensiveness creeping into his voice. What right did he have to ask that? You'd waited long enough for him to make a move and he hadn't, could he really blame you for moving on with your life?
"It's... a little much," he answered, though you new full well he had no problem with the outfit, or how it looked on you, and that was in fact the problem.
You rolled your eyes as he stopped there, not saying anything more, not saying what you want him to.
"I should head to Molly's," he said finally, heading for the door.
"Yeah you should," you snapped back a little harsher than intended and he leaves, slamming the door shut behind him.
With a frustrated sigh you gave up on the second earring, letting it scatter across the counter as you rested your hands on the edges and close your eyes.
You only opened them when you heard the door open again, with Kelly standing at the entrance, a look in his face you can't place.
"I don't want you to go on the date," he told you with conviction as you sagged with relief, tension you didn't even realise you were holding releasing.
"I don't want to go on the date," you admitted.
Without another word you both closed the gap, meeting in the middle and kissing like you were finally coming up for air.
322 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
Fandom: Chicago Fire / Chicago PD
Series: One Shot
Pairing/s: Jay Halstead x Reader, Kelly Severide x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 629
Request: request : dating jay halstead but severide is your ex and jay gets jealous
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Some people think it's weird to be friends with your ex, but you disagreed. Some exes, such, but people like Kelly Severide? Nah, you didn't see it.
You and Kelly had dated years ago and separated amicably, and you'd been good friends ever since. He talked to you about Stella, you talked to him about Jay, to you it was normal. It sometimes bothered Jay though, when you and Kelly would have in jokes or conversations about your history and past, not that he'd tell you that.
It's not like you could forget everything about each other when you split, and Jat knew it was irrational, he trusted you, so he tried not to let it show, but it did bug him.
Like in Molly's after a very long shift, you were both sat with Kelly and Cruz as Cruz discussed the tattoo he was thinking of getting in memory of Otis, his friend, and his son.
"I think it's a great idea," you told him with a sincere smile, putting your hand on the arm he had resting on the table as Jay nodded his agreement.
"You have something similar, for your old college friend that passed," Kelly mentioned casually, gesturing with his beer to where you were sat. You nodded and the conversation carried on, with Cruz asking how you settled on the image, but Jay wasn't really paying attention.
It was so little, it shouldn't have bothered him, but he'd had a long day, so he excused himself from the booth at Molly's about getting an early one before next shift and headed out.
Kelly and Cruz didn't give it a second thought after they bid goodnight, but you couldn't help watch Jay as he left, a troubled look on your face before you excused yourself too and went after him.
"Jay!" You called after him when you exited the bar, noticing him from behind instantly. He stopped in his tracks, not turning but letting you catch up with him.
"Hey, what's up?" You asked, a hand on his forearm as you walked around him so that you were face to face.
"Nothing," he tried unconvincingly, knowing you weren't buying it either.
You tilted your head at him, a look on your face that told him as much without uttering a word. You faced off for a few seconds before he relented and sighed, eyes moving from yours.
"I just..." he tried to find the right words to explain without coming off douchey, "sometimes it just gets to me a little, seeing you and Kelly together," he admitted.
You laughed at the absurdity but he winced, looking a little hurt. Shaking your head you stopped.
"Baby, there's nothing between me and Kelly anymore," you told him, "we realised we were better off as friends, and we have been ever since, there's nothing for you to be jealous of."
"I know, I know, I do," Jay insisted, "it's just, I didn't know that, what he said about your tattoo, and I guess it just stung a little that he did."
You nodded but didn't say anything, so he continued. "I'm not trying to be one of those guys who tells you who you should be friends with and gets super jealous..." He explained, feeling like an idiot for even bringing it up, it's why he never had before.
"You can't control your feelings Jay, and I'd rather you tell me than let it fester," you said, putting a hand to his cheek, "but there really is nothing to worry about."
"I know," he told you genuinely, leaning in to rest his forehead against yours.
"I love you," you told him forcefully, making sure he knew it.
"I know," he chuckled, kissing you softly, "I love you too."
375 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Close Call
Fandom: Chicago Med
Series: One Shot
Pairing/s: Connor Rhodes x Reader
Warning/s: stabbing
Word Count: 656
Summary: Losing a patient during surgery and Connor taking care of you after you get stabbed by a grieving family member
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You hadn’t seen it coming, turning away to give a grieving family some space after you’d just delivered the news of their son’s passing as you felt a hand grip your shoulder and something suddenly pinch your side.
There was a scream as you turned, the brother of your patient behind you as his mother yelled for help, the father leaping up as he stepped away, a bloody knife in his hand.
You looked at your side, your white shirt and coat already pooling with blood.
“What did you do!?” His mother screamed as the father rushed to the door, calling for anyone to help.
“That’s for my brother,” he told you, hand already shaking, clearly unsure of the weight of what he had just done.
You wanted to say something, to apologise maybe, but you collapsed, doctors and nurses rushing in as security pulled your assailant away and on to the ground.
Then... nothing.
“Y/N?” You heard the voice, gentle and full of concern, but it was far away, like you were underwater trying to break to the surface. “Y/N, oh Y/N, please wake up."
Eventually, the voice got a little clearer, forcing your heavy eye lids open to face the blinding light of the room, the left side of your body aching in a way you’d never experienced before.
You felt pressure on your hand as you woke up, a blurry figure leaning over you as you blinked, trying to focus on him. “There you are...” He breathed, relief washing over him. Connor.
He looked like he hadn’t slept, his clothes creased and his hair stuck down on one side, probably from where he’d been resting his head, you realised, eyes flicking to the coffee cups and blanket around the chair to the side of your bed.
"Connor-" you tried to talk but your throat was like sandpaper. He noticed and grabbed the cup from the bedside table, gently putting the straw to your lips as you shifted into the best sitting position you were able.
"Easy does it," Connor said, helping you sit and pulling the drink back when you coughed.
"Better?" He asked, rubbing your leg.
"Define better," you managed, throat still sore but your voice returning. He looked worried as your hand went to your side, remembering what had happened just before you lost consciousness.
Trying to push the thought away, you asked: "how long have I been out?"
"A few days," Connor said, a shadow crossing his face, "there were complications in surgery, you had to go back in twice, the last 24 hours have been crucial..." his voice caught in his throat and you took his hand.
"Don't tell me you counted me out?" You tried to joke, but he could hear the fear in your voice as you took in what he had said.
"Never," he promised, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze.
"So, what now?" You asked, looking to where your chart hung at the end of the bed, desperate to check your condition.
"Now, you rest and recover," he told you, following your eyes, "and you let your doctors do what they do best, you're off the clock on this one."
"But-" you began but the look on Connor's face made you pause. "It was bad, wasn't it?"
See the full post
400 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
We'll Make It Down The Aisle
Fandom: Chicago PD
Series: Adding it to THIS series because I can
Part 1 // Part 2
Pairing/s: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word Count: 967
Summary: After 10 years of being friends and more, Jay and the reader are finally tying the knot, but a medical emergency throws a spanner in the works
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Looking at yourself in the mirror one last time before heading to the limo, you could barely believe this was happening. Smoothing down your dress lightly, taking it all in, you couldn't help but smile.
When you'd met Jay he'd been uncover, working for a shady mobster named Arthur and shaking down Molly's for cash, you couldn't quite believe that you were about to walk down the aisle to him.
After years of friendship, consulting on a number of cases with Intelligence as a psychiatrist, a few new death experiences, and wasted time denying your feelings for each other, you were finally doing it.
The wedding was no expenses spared, especially thanks to Voight's donation - you'd been smart enough not to ask where that money had come from.
So there you were, climbing carefully into your carriage, well, limo, with your Maid of Honour, Sylvie, and bridesmaids: Stella, Kim and Maggie. It was perfect.
"Ready?" Sylvie asked, looking at you with the biggest grin you'd ever seen as Stella pulled the door shut.
You nodded, "without a doubt." She knocked on the separating window and the limo began to move, taking you to the only place you wanted to be, with Jay.
"Oh I bet he's going to look good," Stella nudged you playfully.
"Of course he will, he's a Halstead," Maggie added and you all laughed.
You conversation didn't last long, however, your laughter being cut short by a loud crash from outside and the breaks of the limo were slammed on, throwing you all forward into each other as you screeched to a halt.
"What was that?" Kim asked, rolling down the closest tinted window as you all leaned forward to see what looked like the aftermath of a traffic collision.
A truck had hit... "Is that a school bus?" Sylvie asked, eyes wide and you swallowed hard, commotion already starting to form around the accident.
You all exchanged a knowing look and sprang into action, pulling open the door as you all ran to the scene, hoisting up your skirt as you did.
"Y/N, what about the wedding?" Stella asked as you reached the crash, the crowd already doing a double take at the 5 glamorously dressed women racing towards them, your heels clicking on the concrete.
"It'll have to wait," you replied, surveying the scene. The others did the same, each having their own specialty in the field.
"I'll take triage, tell Med we have a mass-casualty situation," Maggie declared, noticing the walking wounded and a number of injured pedestrians spread along the street.
"I'm with you," Sylvie added and you all nodded.
"I'm on crowd control, I'll call it in," Kim said, already working to direct some of the crowd away so you could work.
You and Stella glanced at one another, "I guess that means we're going in."
You nodded, face grim but focused. Psychiatrist or not, you worked in the E.D, and you'd had plenty of extra field training; you were as good as any paramedic.
You both made your way to the bus. The truck was on its side but the bus was still upright, a dangerously tilted lamppost stopping it in its tracks, a giant dent in the side where the impact occurred.
People were trapped, and injured, so you and Stella got to work trying to pry the doors open.
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430 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fandom: Chicago PD
Series: One Shot
Pairing/s: Jay Halstead x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 898
Summary: Imagine... meeting Jay when your Unit teams up with Intelligence for an undercover assignment
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You'd been undercover for just four months as a barmaid. Your narcotics unit had been gathering intel on a new gang moving into the area who were lacing their product with fentanyl and working out of this seedy dive bar in Canaryville.
Being new players meant going under had been easier than usual - they needed actual staff the run the front of this place while they did business in the back, so you'd applied for the position and basically been hired on the spot.
About a month ago the Intelligence Unit had joined the operation. Their new drug had landed a few DOA's at their feet in the form of turf disputes, and your Sergeant had known Voight for years, so you'd teamed up to take these guys down.
You'd never met Detective Halstead, but when Jay had walked into the bar and used your Unit's code phrase in conversation, you'd known he was your new contact. Jay had set himself up as player interested in helped your new 'boss', who went by Murdock, get his product on the street faster.
He'd come to the bar a few times, getting flirty with you behind the counter to pass information with code. It was how you'd been able to tell him about a party coming up at Murdock's new pad to celebrate a recent influx of sales, and Jay had been able to score and invite.
So there you were, half playing lookout, half serving the fanciest hors d'oeurvres a drug dealing gangster could come up with in a cocktail dress they felt more like a second skin as Jay attempted to plant a bug in Murdock's study.
Out the corner of your eye you spotted Murdock rounding the corner, your eyes widening in panic. The study was a radio dead zone, you had no way of warning Jay in advance.
"We have a problem," you whispered into your earpiece, your partner Callie and Adam Ruzek on the other end in an unmarked van down the road.
"How bad?" Adam's voice crackled over the comms.
"Jay's cover is about to be blown," you informed them, eyeing Murdock as casually as you could.
Adam swore over the other end of the line.
"Should we move in?" Callie asked.
"Not yet," you advised.
Think Y/N, Murdock hadn't spotted you as you slipped around the corner. You could make it to the study before him... but then what? He'd see you and Jay in the corridor and it would be over for both of you.
Unless... "Give me 5, if you don't hear from me, move in then," you told them, not giving them a chance to reply as you made your move.
You placed your tray on the nearest surface and made your way to the study, slipping in just as Murdock rounded the corridor, he hadn't seen you.
"Y/N?" Jay whispered, surprised to see you as he knelt by Murdock's desk, just finishing planting the bug. "You can't be in here."
"Murdock will be in here any second," you told him, looking around the room for anywhere to escape, or hide. You hadn't thought there would be, all intelligence told you the room was impenetrable. But that hadn't been your plan anyway.
"Even more reason for you not to have come in here," Jay said, worry lacing his voice as he stood fast, wishing he'd had a weapon. Everyone had been searched upon entry, you were defenceless, and you had no way to defend yourselves.
"Follow my lead," you told him hurriedly as a shadow darked the doorway behind you.
Jay looked confused, glancing between you and the door as the handle began to turn. He had no choice but to nod slightly.
Here goes everything, you thought, grabbing his tie and pulling him in for a kiss, pivoting yourselves so that you were backed up again the desk.
Jay's eyes widened, not quite processing what was happening as the door opened and Murdock walked in.
See the full post
573 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
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marshmallows2345 · 2 years
innocence (jay halstead x fem! reader)
Chapter 4: Smooth
series summary: you’re new, both in Intelligence and new to the dating scene. but when you fall in love with your partner, he shows you a whole new world, exposing you to so much more than you had ever experienced.
chapter warnings: smut, first time sex, jay being a softie(what’s new?), oral sex(f receiving), vaginal fingering and sex, alcohol, the works. 
6 months.
That was how long you’d been dating Jay for, and it was probably the best six months of your life. Jay was your perfect match; he completed you. Sure, the two of you had your fights and disagreements, but they always worked themselves out. In a way, they almost had to be resolved quickly so that you could continue dating in secret. At least, the two of you thought you were keeping the secret. 
Though, there was one thing that seemed to be causing a rift between the two of you, and it was the question you had dreaded most going into this relationship.
What about sex?
The two of you had come close, but you always stopped everything before the clothes started coming off. Jay never pushed, but you could tell that he was disappointed. His eyes would soften, and there was always an air of unresolved tension between the two of you after those moments. It made sleeping in the same bed, something that had become more and more routine, incredibly difficult. 
But you started to think about it, and the more you thought about actually having sex, being intimate with him, the more appealing it sounded. Jay was a sweetheart, a complete gentleman. He wouldn’t push you; he never did. The only time he pushed you to do something out of your comfort zone was karaoke at Molly’s, but that was a completely different caliber of event, almost incomparable. 
But there were times when he looked irresistible, especially during takedowns. When he put on his thigh holster and the rest of his raid gear, he got just a little finer than normal. Even though you were able to handle the heavier weaponry now, you still always found it attractive when Jay was handling the guns. He did it with such ease, his gorgeous hands effortlessly moving parts around. A part of you deep inside wondered what those hands could do with you if given the opportunity. If they moved so dexterously there, what’s to say they couldn’t move just as easy with you?
One Friday night, the two of you had actually gone out on a date to a restaurant. It was a rare occurrence, especially given that the two of you were too tired most of the time to do anything besides cuddle, talk, and sleep. However, like all couples, sometimes you had to change it up and go out and see the world beyond the comfort of your apartment. So, tonight, he decided to drag you out for a night on the town. 
If there was one thing Jay knew how to do, it was make you feel like a princess. He was the perfect gentleman, making sure you felt safe and comfortable everywhere you went. If another man tried to touch you after you’d made it clear you weren’t interested and flashing your badge wasn’t working, Jay would happily step in. He always protected you, always made sure that you were okay. Tonight was no exception. 
He brought you to a lovely restaurant, and according to him, it had some of the best food he had ever eaten. Given that Jay had a voracious appetite, and would practically eat anything in sight(you found that out the hard way), you were slightly apprehensive about his taste in food. But you were proved wrong as the food came to your table, and the aroma from your plate wafted through the air and entered your nose. It smelled delicious, and you licked your lips, salivating at your plate. The only time it got better was when you actually started eating; the food was out-of-this-world. Jay was right; the food was amazing. Not only did you have good food, you also had wonderful company. Even though you and Jay had been together all day, when you were outside of work, it was like catching up all over again. 
When the two of you got back to your apartment, you kicked off your heels and collapsed on the couch with Jay. He slung his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to his chest. As you cuddled him, you could almost foresee how this night was going to go. On one hand, the idea of having sex, of actually losing your virginity intrigued you, but on the other hand, you were scared. Was it going to hurt? 
“You look so good in that dress, sweetheart,” he murmured as his hand slid down your arm. 
“Thank you, Jay..”
“I’ve been thinking about you all day, and that dress wasn’t helping.”
You blushed and looked down, unsure of what to say in return. Jay cupped your chin and made you look at him, his thumb running along your bottom lip. He softly asked,
“Do you want to…”
“I do, I do…it’s just…”
“Just what?”
“Jay…I’ve never had sex before. That was why I didn’t want to before. I didn’t want you to think less of me, or to get all weird about it.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. You shouldn’t do something like that if you’re not ready. We don’t have to have sex, not if you don’t want to. I don’t think any less of you, and any person that would doesn’t deserve to be with you. If you want to have sex, whenever you’re ready, we can.”
You nodded before moving onto his lap, letting yourslef get comfortable. It was weird; Jay not pressuring you almostt made you want to do this more. You knew that he wouldn’t judge you or push you, and that he wouldn’t expect you to be some sort of experienced sex vixen. Maybe it was the fact that he knew that gave you the comfort and security to take the leap.
He smiled up at you as you looked into his eyes, and he said, 
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
“What if I want this?”
“Then I’ll give you anything you want. I just need you to say it.”
“I want you. I want to have sex with you.”
He pulled you close to him, his lips capturing yours in a heated kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close to your body, feeling his body pressed against yours. His hands snaked up your back, nails digging into your shoulder blades. 
“Have you done anything? With anyone?”
“Just myself.”
“Then I’m gonna ask you to show me what you like, okay? Show me what feels good. Tell me what you like and what you don’t. All I want is to make you feel good.”
You nodded as he trailed his hands down your body, resting them on your waist. He looked up at you, into your eyes, and one of his hands came up to brush your cheek. 
“Can I see you?” He asked, his other hand trailing down to play with the hem of your shirt. 
You tugged off your shirt, tossing it aside and leaving it crumpled on the floor. Jay’s breath hitched as his eyes took in your gorgeous body, molded by a goddess. Because, he reasoned, only a goddess could create another. 
“You’re beautiful…”
Your cheeks burned with the realization of how bare you were before him. But at the same time, you knew that he would treat this bareness, this vulnerability, with the respect and admiration it deserved. Jay would never do anything to hurt you, no matter the circumstances. He always made you feel safe, protected. 
You reached behind you, taking off your bra and tossing it aside, your nipples hardening as they met the cool air of Jay’s apartment. His hands snaked up your torso, gently groping your breasts and toying with the hardened flesh. 
“Jay,” you sighed out as his fingers gently rolled your nipples, “feels so good..”
“Good. That’s all you should feel is good, you know that?”
You nodded, and he smiled as he kissed you, his hands pulling away from your nipples to tangle themselves in your hair. Already, your hips were grinding involuntarily onto his, almost as if your body knew what your mind didn’t. He pulled away, pressing his forehead to yours, and he murmured,
“Let me take you to my bedroom, hm?”
He picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist. As he carried you, you rested your chin on his shoulder, making yourself comfortable on him. His body was so warm, and you melted into him, wanting nothing more than to stay cuddled up with him, pressed right into his chest. Jay gently laid you down on his bed, and you propped yourself up on your elbows, getting a better look at him. He quickly pulled off his shirt, tossing , and you swore that you were dating a Greek god. Whateveer deity made him spent quite a bit of time on him, defining his chest, his abs, and that v-line, begging you to look down at where Jay wanted you the most. 
 “God..” you sighed out as you took in his gorgeous body. “You’re..I don’t even have words.”
Jay smirked and climbed on top of you, and your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to you. He kissed you passionately as his hands roamed your body, learning how you were shaped. Every curve, dip, every inch was touched by him. Your body lit up in a flurry of goosebumps as his inspecting gaze raked over you. 
“You look beautiful,” he murmured as he moved down your body, kissing down the valley of your breasts. “So beautiful.”
Jay’s lips kissed down your stomach, holding your hips with his hands. You were practically bare in front of him, except for a pair of panties covering your cunt. He pulled his hands away to unbuckle his belt and toss it aside before undoing the button and zipper on his jeans. Your eyes flickered down, but he shook his head, his hand tilting your chin down to look right into your eyes.
“Not tonight. All I want you to focus on is you and your pleasure, sweetheart. That’s all I’m focusing on tonight. You’re so beautiful; let me show you just how beautiful you really are.”
Smiling, you nodded and leaned back, letting your head rest against the pillows. Jay hooked his thumb into the waistband of your panties, and he said,
“May I?”
“Go ahead. I, I’m sorry if-“
“No. You’re beautiful, all of you, okay? Don’t apologize for a single thing.”
“Okay,” you blushed as he pulled down your panties, making you gasp as the cool air hit your bare cunt. 
Jay’s eyes widened as he saw your bare cunt, glistening with your slick. His lips turned upwards into a smile, and he whispered,
“I’m such a lucky man.”
His lips kissed your inner thighs before trailing up to your cunt. Jay looked up at you and he asked,
“Can I eat you out?”
“Like…lick me?”
“Yes, exactly like that, sweetheart. Is that okay?”
“It is, yes, and you can finger me too. Fingering always feels good when I do it…”
“I will, sweetheart, promise. Thank you for telling me.”
Jay placed a quick kiss to your cunt before giving it a kitten lick. You giggled at the new feeling; it was weirdly good. He softly hummed at your taste as his tongue started to slowly work at your cunt, not wanting to overwhelm you with too much too early. You propped yourself on your elbows, wanting to see Jay buried in between your legs. It felt so good; waves of pleasure coursed through your body as his tongue worked wonders on you. Your thighs involuntarily started to close around his head, but his hands gently pushed them back open.
“Jay,” you whined as he slowly inserted a finger into you. “Oh my…”
“Does that feel good?”
“Yes,” you nodded as he dove back in between your legs. “Shit…oh my God!”
He kept working at your cunt, and you let out soft, high pitched moans as your hips ground against his mouth. Jay hummed appreciatively, and he held your hips close with his other hand. Nothing could have replaced this moment; how you were eagerly grining against his mouth while his finger was buried knuckle deep inside of you, brushing right up against your g-spot. You felt so good around him, and he couldn’t wait to have his cock buried in you. If this was how good you felt with just his finger, he could only imagine how good you would feel wrapped around his cock. 
You felt pressure builfing in your stomach, and your walls fluttered around him. He slowly added another finger, wanting to try to make what was going to come next be less painful. You bit your lip at the new stretch; it was uncomfortably good and felt so right. As he kept on pleasing you, that pressure kept on building, almost like a balloon being filled up with air. You’d had orgasms before, but none like this. This one was so much more pleasurable, so much better than the ones you had. 
“Jay, I-I’m gonna..”
“Cum for me, angel,” he murmured as he flicked his tongue on your clit. 
You let your orgasm wash over you, like a wave crashing along a beach. It was incredible how he was able to make you cum the way he did, how he knew just what to do to make you feel goof. Your thighs involuntarily closed around his head as your body jolted off the bed. Jay’s tongue and fingers slowly worked you down from your high, taking you from flying to returning back to Earth. 
“Oh my…” you panted as your head rolled back. “How did…”
“I’ve been with quite a few women. You pick up a few pointers here and there.”
“That was so good, so good.”
“Yeah?” He asked as he came up to kiss you. “You tasted divine, sweetheart…”
He kissed you, cand you could taste yourself on his tongue. It was dirty, in the best way possible. Jay pulled away and he murmured,
“Did you like that?”
“Yes, oh my God, yes,” you breathed as he pressed his forehead against yours. “I loved it.”
“Good, good. You were so good, so pretty. Do you want to keep going?”
“Yes,” you nodded, your hands resting on the back of his neck. “I want you to fuck me.”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart. It’s gonna hurt, okay? I’m gonna try to make it less hurt, but…”
“I know. But I want you. I want this, Jay.”
He kissed you as his hands spread your legs once more. Your hands went down to his jeans, and you pushed them and his underwear down his thighs. His cock sprang free, and your eyes went wide. You’d never gotten this far with a guy before, but you knew that he was big. He softly chuckled, making an “Eager, aren’t we?” comment as you kissed him once more. Jay reached into the nightstand, and he pulled out a condom, opening it and effortlessly rolling it onto his fully-erect cock.
“I’m gonna take good care of you, sweetheart. Nice and slow at first, then if you want to go faster, we can.” 
Jay laid a gentle peck to your nose before taking his cock and lining it up with your entrance. He took your hand in his, and he brought your knuckles up to his lips, giving them a kiss. You blushed, for what seemed like the thousandth time that night, and he softly chuckled.
“You ready?” He asked, his eyes looking right into yours.
“Yes. Please, do it.”
Jay pushed in, just the tip at first, and your free hand dug into his bicep. It hurt; he wasn’t kidding. And yet, you wanted him to keep going. He kissed the tears that rolled down your cheeks, murmuring soft words of encouragement to you as he kept on slowly pushing in. You squeezed his hand and bicep, and he softly cooed,
“I know, sweetheart. You’re squeezing me so tightly, hm? It’s alright. I promise it’ll feel good soon.”
“Jay, fuck…”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No, no. Just…bury yourself in me, please…”
It felt like heaven when he finally buried himself to the hilt. He let his eyes flutter closed as he softly moaned, trying to contain himself. You felt so good, so warm around him, and he felt like he’d just gone to sex heaven. Your eyes glanced down, and you were able to see exactly how deep he was. As you looked back up, Jay met your eyes, and he smiled. You pulled him in for a kiss and said,
“Move, please. I want you to move.”
“I will, sweet girl.”
He slowly thrusted in and out of you, and your eyes widened at the new feeling. It was so much better than you expected, even though at first it was slightly painful. Jay made it okay. He went slowly and took his time with you, trying to hurt you as little as possible. As he fucked you, he leaned in closer to you, wanting to watch your facial expressions. Sure, he wanted the sex, but not if you were in any pain. Jay gradually picked up the pace, watching your face change from pain to pleasure. He knew he would never forget the feeling of you opening up around him, and he’d never forget the smile that erupted on your face as the pain turned to pleasure.
When his hand reached down and rubbed your clit, you swore that you’d never felt better than you did in this moment. Jay’s warm body pressed right up against yours, and the two of you were joined in the most intimate way you could be. The room was filled with a beautiful mess of moans, groans, and the other sounds that came with sex, but it was also filled with love, tenderness, and passion. Jay’s eyes said everything, even when his mouth was too busy kissing or sucking on your skin. 
You wanted him; you couldn’t get enough of him. Jay just knew how to please you, even in this moment, where you didn’t even know what to do. His hands, his mouth, it was like they understood what you wanted, what you needed. He just pulled you close, pressing his chest to yours and softly murmuring,
“Doing so good for me, so good, sweetheart.”
The same balloon-being-filled-up feeling started to come, and you grabbed onto Jay’s wrist, pleading with him,
“Please, please, please! It’s so good!”
Jay grit his teeth and his eyes rolled back as he felt his own orgasm approach. He was surprised he held on for so long, with how tight you were. His thrusts, which were smooth and rhythmic, started to grow sloppy, desperate as he chased his high. Jay’s fingers rubbed tight circles on your clit as you clutched onto him, legs wrapping around his waist. Every nerve in your body seared as your nails dug into his muscular shoulders, clawing down his back. He hissed at the feeling, but he figured it was some well-deserved payback. 
Your second orgasm of the night crashed over you. You screamed out Jay’s name along with a string of curses; your body jolting forward and walls clamping down around Jay. He sloppily thrusted into you before finishing himself, spilling into the condom with a low grunt, his face buried into your neck. Your body fell limp onto the bed, exhausted and spent. Jay slowly pulled out of you before laying side-by-side with you, his fingers drawing little, aimless doodles on your skin. You chuckled before turning around, slightly wincing at how hard it was to move. But when your eyes opened, they were met with a very soft Jay, gazing at you as if you were the prettiest thing in the world.
In that moment, to him, there was nobody that could have compared to you.
“Hi,” you said, nervously chuckling.
“How was it?” He asked, his arm wrapping around your body, holding you to him.
“So, so, so good.”
“Yeah? Did you feel good?”
“I think I already answered that, but yes,” you murmured as Jay peeled off his condom and tossed it in the garbage. “I loved it. Would totally do it again.”
“I can make that happen. You just tell me when, and I’ll take care of you.”
“I’ll ddefinitely take you up on that.”
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hereforhalstead · 3 years
Puppy Dog Eyes
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*Gif not mine, full credit to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested: Yes!
Please please please can you write no 15 from your prompt list?
I just know you'd be able to write the cutest thing from it and I love your fluff Jay so much.
• Warnings: Bit of angst?
• Summary: Jay comes home in a bad mood and is looking for the jumper of his that you’re wearing and cannot resist the look of you in it.
• Words: 1,804.
• A/N : IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG😭 I’ve had such a busy few weeks and everytime I though I’d be able to fit some writing in, something got in the way. This is a very short one but wanted to get back into it with some fluffy!Jay, also a bit all over the place but we love to see it lmao. Working through my requests so keep them coming as I love to see what ideas you come up with. Thank you for the support and I hope you enjoy🥰
“Have you seen that navy jumper you bought me last year?” Jay’s voice echos across the room as you hear him digging through the drawers in the bedroom you share
“Can’t say I have” you innocently respond, bringing the blanket you had encased yourself in up to your chin to conceal your attire
He strides out of the room, one hand on his hip with the other running through his hair as he examines every possible space for the missing garment.
“Maybe you left it at work?”
You try and change the subject, quickly trying to avert his attention to the TV show you were watching “Has this guy been in a film we watched recently? I really recognize him?”
You hear him grunt from behind you, knowing he didn’t even stop to look in your direction as he continues his hunt. 
“Are you sure you haven’t seen it baby? You always say it was your favorite” Jay pushes your question to one side as he individually pulls off each of the jackets on the stand by the front door. 
Without even looking at him you can see the furrow in his brows, the huff that is about to escape his throat, the way his tongue would be pressed against the roof of his mouth in frustration. 
You’d been off work with a fever so wanted nothing more than to bury yourself in your boyfriends clothes and tuck yourself away under a blanket for the day. Normally, Jay didn’t care if you stole his jumpers. In fact he loved it.
Seeing you with his clothes hanging from your frame as you traipse about the apartment bought upon him a happiness he couldn’t explain.
Watching as you push up the sleeves as they extend past your wrists, the way the fabric would hit the top of your thighs and how his eyes would be glued to you when you reached to grab something off the top shelf to reveal an inch more of skin was one of the greatest pleasures he ever experienced.
On this day though, he wasn’t in the mood. He walked through the front door with a grunt, throwing his keys on the side and slamming it behind him. He didn’t know you were home from work as he usually tried to keep his bad moods hidden from you. 
No matter how hard you tried to get him to open up and share his feelings, he had his own way of dealing with things and you respected that. He knew you were there for him and that he could talk to you about anything when and if he wanted to and that was enough to keep you satisfied. 
All he wanted was to make a quick trip to the local shop to pick up some things for you to help you feel better. Your favorite ice cream, a bottle of freshly squeezed orange juice or even just some cold and flu tablets to help ease your symptoms. 
“I think it was Fast and Furious” you innocently comment, now beginning to feel a bead of sweat drip down your back from the rising temperature caused by the blanket and feeling under somewhat of an interrogation. 
“You don’t think I’ve lost it do you?” Jay again ignores your question to which you chuckle “Lost the jumper or lost your marbles?” 
You turn to look at him as he merely murmurs at your excuse of a joke “Earth to Jay” you call out, causing him to snap his head over to you which for the first time allows you to see the irritated look that was sweeping across his face.
“Why do you want the jumper so bad? Just get another?”
He immediately stopped what he was doing.
“It’s just a jumper, no big deal. You own plenty of others” you unbeknownst to you, continued to dig yourself into a hole. “What makes that one so special? It was from an outlet, it’s hardly fancy”
You desperately kept the blanket pressed into your neck to hide the top of the jumper he was currently looking for.
You felt bad for wearing it when he clearly wanted to, but felt it had gone too far for you to suddenly confess you’d been wearing it the entire time he seemed to be ripping the place apart to try and find it.
“I shouldn’t have to give a reason Y/N, I just want to wear the jumper so I can go to the store in minus 10 degree weather to get you some stuff to cheer you up without freezing to death” 
You huff and stand to let the blanket fall from you and pool at your feet “Fine, you want the jumper so bad just take it” you spit out.
Attempting to wriggle your arms free to throw it at him with the anger that had built up inside of you. 
Why was he so set on wearing the stupid jumper when all you wanted to do was be engulfed in something that reminded you of him and bought you the comfort you were craving? 
I mean it was his jumper but.. sharing’s caring right?
The speed and level of roughness you were trying to get the jumper off with wasn’t making it an easy job. You were stuck in the material without knowing which was the arm hole and which was the head hole.
Now stood in the middle of the apartment, head buried into the fabric as you desperately tried to pull the jumper off of your clammy skin.
“Baby, just stop. Hold on” Jay’s voice was instantly softer than the annoyance his tone was previously laced with “Let me help”. 
You felt his hands grabbing at the end of the sleeves, pulling them to help you slide them off your arms before finally lifting the entire thing from your frame. 
Being face to face with Jay caused every ounce of frustration to drain from your body in a flash. You knew you didn’t have a right to be in a mood with him for wanting his own jumper, but the mixture of him being in a huff from work and you being too comfortable in his scent caused the situation to esculate to a stupid level over a $10 jumper from a store in Miami. 
“Why didn’t you say you were wearing it? You know I don’t mind when you wear my stuff” his words were as soothing to you as medication, the way the sweet words just fell off his tounge was one of the things you loved most about him. 
He always knew what to say and in the best ways.
“You seemed so desperate to find it so I felt bad” you confessed, head resting on his chest to avoid his eye contact “I could hardly own up after watching you trash the place”.
You felt his chest rumble in a silent laughter, bringing his hand to the back of your head to place a kiss to your temple “I’m glad you find it funny, thought you were going to kill me with the mood you were in” you attempted to shift the conversation into a lighter tone as he propped his head on top of yours. 
“I couldn’t kill you” he huffed “Then I definitely wouldn’t get the jumper back, contaminating evidence and all that” you snapped your head up to meet his gaze. Seeing the light in his eyes and the grin he was trying to suppress made  a smile creep onto your face as you shook your head “You’re an idiot”. 
You returned your head back to the crook of his neck, the pair of you standing in a comfortable silence as his hand lightly ran up and down your back with the occasional kiss to the side of your head as you nestled into him further. 
“Lift your head up baby” he gently demanded, retracting himself from you to separate your bodies. 
You let out a groan as he took a step back, watching as he propped the jumper back above your head, looking up in confusion as he tilted his head in a gesture “Arms up”. 
“You don’t wanna wear it?” you asked whilst already extending your arms to return the jumper back onto your body. Innocently pouting your lip and widening your eyes in a guiltless manner as he smiled down at you, excitement running through you like a child at Christmas.
“Don’t give me that puppy dog face. How am I supposed to say no to that?”
You didn’t need convincing as he pulled the jumper down your body and watched as you instinctively bought the cuffs to your face in comfort “You’re my weakness, you know that?” He confessed, gently cupping your chin with his hand.
You couldn’t find the words to respond, he always knew how to leave you speechless and this was no exception. He let out a content hum as you pressed your lips against his, lingering them for a few seconds as he pressed his hand into your lower back to keep you against him. 
“I’m gonna go get us a drink, want one?” you asked, ushering yourself away from him but only getting a few steps before he reached out to grab your hand and bring you back into him. 
“You wanna know why it’s my favourite?” he softly asked, grazing his fingertips up and down your arms as a shy smile formed on his face, a harsh swallow soon ensued as you nodded. 
“It reminds me of you and you is where I always want to be”. 
@halsteadlover • @musicismyescape27  • @i-like-sparkly-things • @stephanie708 • @upsteadlovingheart • @nevaehstreater18 • @strand-nash  • @secondaryjob  • @youngblood199456 • @soph0864 • @13shadesofanni  • @shikshinkwon • @mrspeacem1nusone • @slytherinambitious • @loki-halstead • @morganupstead​ • @moni-serrano11 •
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Inbox and requests open🥰
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deanstead · 3 years
blind trust
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: yes, by anon
Summary: When Jay’s suspected of shooting an unarmed man during a shootout, the team takes it into their own hands to find evidence to help clear Jay.
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Word Count: 1,787
Warnings: canon-typical mentions of gunshots, death of minor characters, implied smut
A/N: So this is probably not the fic the anon wanted, but I was a little dried up and worn out from writing kidnap/hostage situations when I was working on this so I changed up the bad situation but I still hope you like it! Special thanks to @fighterkimburgess who helped with the idea!!!
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This wasn’t supposed to happen.
After almost a whole month trying to track this perp down, you guys had finally gotten him without any of your own getting seriously hurt during the chase, save for a few bruises and scratches you’d had during your scuffle with him. But considering he was responsible for at least three deaths, those injuries were nothing.
And after such a big bust, the team should have been celebrating, or at least getting some rest but instead you glanced back at the door you had just exited from, feeling a wave of anger boil up inside you.
During the chase, you’d caught up with the perp and had been struggling with him after he’d knocked you on the ground. When you’d staggered backwards after his fist had made contact with your face, he’d pointed the nozzle of his gun right in your face. If Jay hadn’t shot when he had, you’d be the one lying in the morgue.
There’d been another shot just seconds after and by the time you turned around there was another guy already on the ground. The problem was that not only was there no hint of a second perp in the course of the investigation, Adam and Kevin hadn’t been able to find any ties to gang activity for him and you guys hadn't been able to find a weapon on the scene either.
You weren’t sure if you were more pissed about the fact that Jay was in trouble for doing his job, the fact that they didn’t seem particularly interested in defending a cop that was as good as Jay, or if you were pissed at yourself that you couldn’t do anything more to help Jay. In fact, it kind of felt like this thing had been made worse by the fact that it was you who had been saved by the shots that Jay had fired.
“You and Detective Halstead have declared your relationship.”
That comment dripped with an unspoken accusation and you had had to work hard to swallow down the defensive feeling that almost jumped straight out, instead just replying “Yes” curtly.
And then you had to sit there while they made insinuations that Jay had shot an innocent passerby because his judgment was clouded by you.
“Did you see him holding a weapon?”
You gritted your teeth as you told them what they already knew - that the second guy had been behind you and you were too busy staring at the gun that had been jammed in your face. But no matter how much you talked about how both you and Jay were very clear about the lines drawn at work and in your personal life, how Jay was a damn good detective, and everything else that came flying out of your mouth, they didn’t seem interested to listen.
So you were in a foul mood when you stormed into the bullpen, only made worse by the fact that Jay's gun and badge were sitting in Voight's hand.
Jay shook his head at you quietly. Your eyes flicked back up to Voight. “Sarge…”
Voight nodded. “It’s temporary. Just until he’s cleared.”
“Sarge, you know Jay.” You pressed.
“I know but it’s out of my hands, Y/N. Until we find some evidence showing the contrary, Jay’s on desk.” Voight said. You could hear the slight shift in his voice, something you’d only picked up after being on the unit for so long.
You glanced at Jay who didn’t say anything so you tugged him along to the pantry, closing the door behind you so you could talk to him privately.
Jay sat in a chair and put his face in his hands. “I swear he was holding a piece. Was I worried about you? Of course I was. But…”
“But you wouldn’t shoot an unarmed man, no matter how worried you were.” You finished his sentence for him, squatting right in front of him.
You exhaled. “Look at me.”
Jay didn’t look up.
“Jay Halstead.” You started this time, making him remove his hands from his face. “We’ll get through this. Even if I have to sweep through dumpsters for a discarded gun or whatever, I’ll do it. Everything will work out, you’ll see.”
Jay gave you a small smile and you gave him a look before he nodded. “Yeah.”
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Even though Voight had said it was out of his hands, he didn’t stop anyone who wanted to go out and look for evidence, to no one’s surprise. Hell, he probably had put the idea in Adam and Kevin’s heads with a few well-chosen words although you were sure the brass had told Intelligence to stand down.
“If Jay said he saw a piece, the guy had a piece. We just need to find it.” You growled, before you paused and glanced at Adam. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap.”
Adam shook his head. “I know. We’ll find it, Y/N.”
You growled. “Yeah, that’s what I told Jay.”
Adam knew you well enough to hear the determination and slight tinge of desperation in your voice. So he just nodded encouragingly at you, both of you turning back to the street which you were on.
All of you had looked almost everywhere - the dumpster on the side of the road, among the discarded bags in the alley, and Kevin had even called the disposal company to see if they’d picked up the trash, but there was no sign of it.
After a few hours of almost fruitless searching, you and Adam had agreed to head back to the district to regroup and you hated the disappointed look on Jay’s face when he caught a glimpse of your face walking in.
You headed back out, down to where Kim was staring at the computers.
“Hey. Anything?” You asked as you pulled up a chair next to her.
Kim gave you a face. “Sorry, it’s a blind spot. You guys didn’t find anything?”
You shook your head without turning to look at Kim, before something caught your eye on the screen where Kim was flitting through the different pods.
“Kim, go back.”
“What?” Kim asked, confused.
“Go back.” You repeated, your eyes fixed on the screens in front of you, your eyes darting between the images of the three cameras. “Okay, play it?”
“Y/N? What? What did you see?”
You didn’t answer her immediately but Kim moved, slightly to the side, as if she could read your mind.
You were concentrating so hard, your eyes didn’t leave the screen, your hand merely taking over the controls from Kim, as you watched the truck that was on the screen move from camera to camera, as your fingers nimbly switched the screens.
“I got it.” You breathed.
Kim didn’t say anything, just waited for you to explain.
“We called in the crime lab at 17:34 right?” You asked, as if you really needed a confirmation.
Kim nodded. “Yeah.”
You pointed at the truck. “Watch this. This truck it comes down this road, past these two pods…” You switched the screens, following its movement, pausing at the pod of the exact street you all had been on.
“Y/N, it’s a blind…” Kim started, but you shook your head.
“Kim, just watch the truck.” You said, watching the truck that stopped on the street for about 15 minutes, past 17:30, before it moved off.
There’d been so much gunshots and things happening, none of you had really noticed the truck pulling out quickly.
You switched to the next screen. “You see the back?”
“You think…?”
Your eyes didn’t leave the little black shadow at the back of the truck that hadn’t been present on the other pods. “About 90%.”
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You had been right.
With this new information, Adam and Kevin had tracked down the owner of the truck, who had had no idea that a gun had landed at the back of his truck. He’d merely stopped to make a call and pulled out quickly when he’d heard gunshots.
Meanwhile, Kim had also finally managed to track down an owner of one of the cars that had been parked on the street. With the combined evidence of the dashboard cam and the retrieval of the second perp’s weapon, Jay was finally cleared.
So it was with a much lighter heart that the both of you had returned home, hand in hand. 24 hours seemed short but it was the longest that 24 hours had felt for you, the time it had taken from the time Jay had fired the shot to the time he’d actually been cleared.
The moment the door closed behind the both of you, Jay wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tight against him.
You could feel the relief emanating from Jay before he even spoke. “Thank you.” Jay whispered, his breath tickling your ear gently.
You didn’t respond immediately, other than looping your arm tighter around his torso.
"I’m sorry.” You whispered into his shoulder where your face was buried.
Jay pulled away to look at you, frowning. “For what?”
You sighed. “I can’t help but feel I made the whole thing worse. The questions they asked? I almost lost it in there. They questioned your abilities, your judgment, all because you’re seeing me.”
For a moment, Jay looked like he was going to to snap at you but his features loosened. “That’s their problem. And you know I’d have done it for anyone else.”
You nodded. “I know, but…”
Jay shook his head. “No buts. Even if it hadn’t been you, I’d have done it, and they’d have found another reason to question me. This is not on you.”
“Maybe you know if I hadn’t been caught off-guard…”
Jay gave you a look and you stopped talking.
“Y/N.” Jay tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I was sure, I was so sure I saw the gun. But no one could find it, and I was starting to doubt myself, starting to doubt what I had really seen.”
Jay paused. “You believed in me. More than I even believed in myself.”
You smiled back up at him. “Always. I’ll always trust you, with my whole life.”
Jay leaned down to give a gentle but firm kiss.
“So do I get a reward, now?” You teased, the moment he lifted his lips from yours.
You saw the cheeky sparkle in Jay’s green eyes before he bent just slightly, just enough to sweep you off your feet. You giggled as he hoisted you upwards closer to him and you looped your arms around his neck before he carried you into the bedroom the both of you shared.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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slytherbun · 3 years
pairing: jay halstead x reader
summary: you and jay have dinner plans late that evening but end up having a night in instead.
word count: 1.4k
warning sexual content.
requested by anon
note: daddy jay is so dominant and possessive! 🥵
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"hey daddy what do you think about this place?" you asked, scrolling through your phone.
jay had been at work for the day, your day off was today and he called you earlier to look for a place to eat dinner. when you were on the phone with him you could hear kevin, adam, and hailey near and they were teasing him.
your relationship with jay was a little unusual, you were about fifteen years younger than him. you liked to use that to tease him a lot as well, just like the intelligence team you had the pleasure of meeting. you were close with kim, hailey, and adam.
he brought you to molly's just about every night with his team, even though you couldn't even drink for another year yet. you were the love of his life and he was yours. soulmates.
twenty minutes earlier jay had walked through the door of the apartment you shared together. a towel was wrapped around his waist still from his shower.
he heard your delicate voice calling him so he walked out of the bedroom and glanced around for you. spotting you instantly, sitting on the couch with your natural beauty.
he admired your beautiful looks and sighed softly, adjusting the towel around his waist before walking over.
jay leaned over the back of the couch and laid his arm around your neck and you looked up, giving him a smile. "what's that sweetheart?" he asked.
you showed him your phone, a new restaurant around the block you had yet to try but heard about from a co-worker. while he looked at the screen, you reached your hand behind you to put your fingers through his hair. he moaned at the feeling, like putty in your small hands.
"i'd rather have dessert first." he smirked. you swallowed slowly and looked back into his eyes, seeing him still watching you. his intense stare was something he picked up from being a detective. you looked down, batting your lashes before glancing back up and he kissed your cheek.
just as quick, he was gone and walking back to the bedroom chuckling to himself. you turned your current position on the couch so you were looking backwards and gasped at the audacity he had. "what's so funny?"
"nothing. nothing at all." he shouted back from the room. you shook your head at his response and put your phone down on the table next to you. putting your hand on the couch arm, you used the extra strength to push yourself up quickly so you could get to the bottom of jay's 'joke'.
you padded down the hallway in your fuzzy socks, blowing a piece of hair away from your face. it was in a messy bun but there was a few crazy strands that didn't know what to do with themselves.
you almost reached the door when you started speaking up again. little shit. "jay i'm serious what's fun-" you paused and your eyes took in the view you were getting. "-ny."
jay was propped up with a pillow, his boxers were certainly doing nothing to hide the bulge he was sporting. his arms were behind his head like he had no care in the world. though, his chest was another story. a quite beautiful canvas.
you started from the bottom, eyeing every rip and ripple and squeezed your thighs together, feeling as if the a/c temperature had dropped in the room. by the time you made it to his face, his lips were curled up in a smirk and you narrowed your eyes at his blue ones.
leaning back against the door, your arms were crossed against your chest and you raised a brow at him. he moved his arms back from behind his head and shrugged, patting the spot next to him on the bed. "come here baby."
"make me." you challenged and he shook his head. "you're so innocent it's pretty cute." your cheeks flamed at his statement and before you knew it, you were on the bed climbing on top of him.
"excuse me?" your chest was heaving and he looked down, seeing your tits touching his chest. "mmm, an innocent little-"
before he could finish you leaned down and pushed your lower body against his cock and his breath came out hitched. "i may be cute but i'm not innocent. you should know that daddy." you teased back, using the same tone he had and he smiled.
his hands gripped your hips and you pushed down again, the two of you gasping. "if you lay down, you'll let me have my dessert now, hmm?"
"jay." you moaned when his finger rubbed over your clit. slowly, he turned with you until you were on your back and he pulled your leggings and panties down. you hummed lowly, a little excited when he spread your legs.
he leaned down, kissing the inside of both of your thighs before teasing a finger down your clit and folds. he put his finger to his mouth and licked it, watching you watch his every move. you wiggled a little at his next comment. "wet for your daddy?"
he smirked and held down your thighs before you could close them. "answer me baby or else i won't eat this sweet pussy. who are you wet for?"
he teased your nipple with his finger awaiting your response. tracing and using another to lightly squeeze your tit. you felt tears in the back of your eyes at the teasing sensation, choking out. "you, daddy."
he smiled sincerely and moved the hand from your tit to the side of your head, putting his weight into it and then leaned down to kiss you. his lips brushed along yours for a minute and you leaned up, smashing your lips into his more.
the hand by your thigh moved, his fingers brushing every bit of skin till he reached up to your pussy again. you gasped when he rubbed your clit and he took that opportunity to slip his tongue down your throat, making you moan.
your teeth clashed with his and he pushed his finger down harder, and played with your sensitive bundles quicker. "shit." you whispered between kisses.
he pulled his lips back, licking his lips and pushed back on his thighs so he was in front of your opened thighs again. "such a good girl for me." he murmured before laying down and putting his mouth on your pussy.
he spread your folds and licked every inch, taking up all of your wetness. his lips wrapped around your clit and your eyes widened, looking at him and finishing. he looked into your eyes the whole time while still in a face full of pussy and watched your eyes roll back.
after your orgasm rode out, he got up on his knees, lining himself up and you let out a deep breath when he pushed inside your walls. he pulled out and then pushed inside again, this time going deeper. you put your arms up and grabbed the pillow.
when his cock was fully inside, he started to pound in and out and watched your tits bouncing while trying to find a pace. you chanted. "daddy. daddy. daddy da-woah fuck jay." when he hit a spot that made you explode.
you squeezed tightly around him and after a few more thrusts he came as well, spilling all of his cum inside of your pussy. he collapsed on the bed next to you and you giggled.
he looked at you, with a smile and questioned, "what are you laughing about?"
"guess it sucks not knowing about that, hmm?" you teased. he leaned over, testing your reaction before tickling your stomach. "oh no p-please stop!" you pleaded. "i-i was just laughing about the fact we're going to be so late for d-dinner!" you laughed again, the tickling was about to make you run out of oxygen.
he pulled back and laid back on the bed, "how about we cuddle for a few minutes. then we can shower together to uh you know-"
"-save water and all that bull"? you joked.
he turned on his side and glanced into your eyes. it was still shocking how he landed such a beautiful, sweet, and kind girl like you. some days he wondered it if was a dream that he lived in.
he voiced with a breathless rasp. "yeah and go to dinner after that?" you nodded and scooted over so he could put his arm around you.
three hours later you leaned over, giving him a kiss before stating. "thank you for dinner tonight," you paused, and then added a little louder in his ear, "daddy."
he groaned, still half-asleep and waking up from the nap that you guys had. the two of you never made it to dinner. he knew exactly how to rile you up with the next comment he made.
"at least i had dessert."
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Chapter 1: Brother’s Best Friend
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(This is NOT my gif. Credit to the creator <3)
series summary: when your protector returns, he finds you broken and abused and helps you climb out of the darkness
chapter summary: you never thought you would see him after the funeral, but here he is.
pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
warning: small mentions of smut(nothing major), mentions of abuse, mentions of death, mentions of blood
word count: 2.3k
A/N: Not sure how I feel about this first chapter...let me know what you think! Also some of this may be confusing but it will get cleared up as the story goes on. Also I barely looked over this for mistakes, so sorry in advance <3
You met him in college. He was the popular football player, wanna be NFL. You were the book work that didn’t need any distractions. He was sweet and caring but cocky. Somehow he convinced you to go on a date with him. Everything was going great, but then he hurt his knee during a football game. Then he changed.
At the beginning it was just a couple of harsh words here and there. He would apologize after.
“I’m sorry, honey,” he would say, pulling you close. You got used to it, to the words, the hateful glances he would send ever so often.
His future as a football player was no more. He ended up working in an office, but it wasn’t enough for him.
The first time he hit you, he had come back from the bar, drunk and angry. He had met up with his old teammates, got plastered, made a scene, and got kicked out of the bar. He apologized that morning, crying for forgiveness. And you forgave him. You stayed, even when the abuse continued and got worse.
The worst part is, you blame yourself.
I shouldn’t have tested him and I wouldn’t have to cover the bruise on my jaw with a pound of makeup.
And now, almost 3 years later, you're still making excuses for him. Every hit, every slap, every kick to the ribs, every busted lip or bruised jaw, it was always your fault. It didn’t matter that you did everything he asked. He always found something to punish you for whether it was leaving a dish in the sink, not having dinner ready for him when he got home, forgetting to pick up something for him at the store, or something simple like not making the bed. It was always something.
Kade wasn’t always beating you. He had good days too. You glance down at the ring on your finger, finding it out of place. It didn’t fit right anymore. It didn’t look right on your hand. Truth be told, you didn’t want it there anymore. But what were you going to do? He had mentioned time and time again that if you were to ever leave, he’d kill you.
The elevator dings, indicating someone had come up. It gains your attention, pulling your eyes from the files you were currently going over familiar. His familiar face pulls at your heart and your mind flashes with memories. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Your brother's old best friend is walking right up to your desk, a smile that somehow still makes you weak at the knees, stretched across his face. His eyes shimmer with glee, like he recognized you the instant your eyes met. The familiar ocean blue pulls you in and you're drowning in them all over again.
The gold star hanging from his neck has your attention, a grin appearing on your face. He’s always been a protector. You remember when Danny, your brother, had left, leaving you behind while he fought wars overseas. Jay was a year younger, so Danny had made him promise to look after you. He made him promise to protect you. And he did, until ultimately the year following, he left too.
He approached the desk, shaking his head while letting out a laugh.
“I couldn’t believe it. Miss Hawkins, secretary to the multimillionaire Reese Connor,” he teases, placing his elbows on the counter, intertwining his fingers together. You shift your weight from one foot to the other, trying to ease the pain from your side. He’s bigger since the last time you saw him, it must be four years now. You were barely 22 when he showed up to your front door, holding your brother's dog tags in his hand and tears in his perfect blue eyes.
“Me? Let’s talk about you, Mr. Detective. I heard you’ve been kicking it in the Intelligence Unit.” You laugh, leaning over to shove his arm. He chuckles but something catches his eye. There’s red marks around your neck. You didn’t notice where his eyes trailed, so busy looking over what you could see from your stop behind the counter.
His shoulders were broad, more so than last time it seems. His jaw, not as sharp as it once was and he was no longer clean shaven. His five o’clock shadow runs across his jaw and the lower part of his cheeks. You remember all the complaining he did when he was younger about how he could never grow it out probably and opted just to shave it so your brother would stop teasing him relentlessly.
There’s still freckles running over his face in the most perfect way, trailing down his neck and down under his shirt. There’s a scar leaking out from his olive green shirt that is partially covered by his leather jacket.
You shake your head, looking back into his eyes that hold a different emotion you couldn’t pinpoint, and sigh. “What can I do for you Detective Halstead?” You grinned teasingly. His smile reappeared in a matter of milliseconds.
“I need to speak to Reese involving a case I’m working on. Is there any way I could speak to him?”
You purse your lips, looking down at your watch before replying, “He’s currently in a meeting, it should be over in about ten minutes if you wanna sit and wait?” Jay nods. You smile, pointing towards the chair behind your desk.
He rounds your desk and takes a seat only a couple of feet from your chair, which you sit back down in. You try to ignore the burning in your cheeks. This feeling takes you back to when you were fifteen. A young and naive teenager who thought she was in love with her older brother's best friend, who was 4 years older than you.
“I can see your cherry red face and your facing away from me.” His comment only made it worse. You groan, closing the file and turning to him.
“You haven’t changed have you?” You ask, crossing your legs. It gains his attention immediately. His eyes trail down to your ankle, a large bruise covers the area.
“Well it seems you got more beautiful since the last time I saw you,” he stares, leaning back in his seat. A sting punctures your heart, sadness attempting to creep over you. You push it away, laughing.
“Yeah well it’s been a while since then.”
“You know, I can still remember those boy band posters hanging in your bedroom. And those pigtails you wore everyday in middle school.”
Groaning, you reply, “I hope you don’t still see me as that clingy preteen.”
“I think you know I don’t see you that way anymore.” You knew exactly what he was hinting at, and if it could get any worse, the burning in your cheeks intensified, the ache between your legs reminding you of how good he made you feel and how no other man, even Kade, could make you feel the way he did.
You suck your lips into your mouth, trying to hide your smile.
“What are you here for?” You find yourself asking, picking at your nails, attempting to change the subject before you say something you shouldn’t.
“I’m afraid I can’t answer that.”
Jay lets out a chuckle, making you glance back up to him. He’s shaking his head with a grin. You pout, turning back to your desk.
There was a slight pause as you tried to focus on your work, but you could feel his eyes on you, like he was trying to figure you out after all these years.
“Those are some nasty cuts on your hands, butterfly. What happened?” The nickname brought back so many memories of you and your brother. Tears welled in your eyes but you forced yourself to focus on the question, nervousness sitting in your stomach.
“I broke a plate washing dishes.” The lie fell smooth from your lips, dripping with innocence. A sound leaves his lips, like he didn’t believe you.
“Your eye?”
“Walked into a wall.”
“What about that bruise on your leg?” Looking down, the bruise now visible on the back of your leg you hadn’t noticed this morning while getting ready. You whipped around in your chair to look at the detective coldly.
“I fell.”
“I know you're clumsy, sweetheart, but not that clumsy.” Jag leans over, his forearms leaning against his thighs. “What about the red marks around your neck? Or the bruise on your shoulder that I can see through your white blouse.”
You curse yourself for being so careless. If Kade found out someone was questioning you, a detective and a friend no less, he’d kill you.
“Are you interrogating me, detective?” You ask, looking at him sternly. You intertwine your fingers and sit them in your lap. You watch him cross his arms over his chest, his muscular biceps, bulging through the sleeves of his jacket, gaining your attention. Gulping, you adjust your crossed legs desperate for the little pressure it gives. You hated that he could make you this desperate. Despite being angry, you could tell he knew the effect he had on you. He was going to use it to wiggle the information out of you.
“Does he do it when he’s drunk, sober, or both?”
You narrow your eyes, recalling the times you could smell it on his breath and the times you couldn’t. It seemed like it was worse when he was sober, when he was drunk he was sloppy. You glanced down to your lap, trying to keep the tears at bay. You didn’t need his sympathy. You didn’t need his help. You were a grown woman and you didn’t need your dead brother's best friend looking out for you anymore. You no longer needed his protection.
Luckily you're saved by a man approaching your desk from the direction of Mr. Reese’s office.
“Thank you, Miss Hawkins.” The man slaps the desk before continuing towards the elevator. You rise from your chair, motioning Jay to follow you down the hall towards your boss's office.
“That’s a pretty bad limp. You should get it checked out.”
You stop in the middle of the hall and turn to him, annoyed at this point.
“What happened to JJ?”
Your eyebrows pull together as you run your hand over your face, a sigh escaping your lips. “Jay, I know you promised my brother you’d look out for me, but I’m fine.” You try to reason, even grabbing his arm and giving him a smile.
“I’m not doing this because of Danny, sweetheart. Believe it or not, I care about you,” he says, stepping closer to you. You gulp, pressing your hands to his chest. He had you against the wall now, his arms on either side of your head, trapping you.
“Jay, please. I’m engaged.”
Jay pulls back abruptly, giving you a shocked look but there was anger in his eyes.
“You're marrying that bastard?” He lets out a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head. You move to touch him, but he moves from your grasp.
“Take me to Reese.”
You look down, nodding before continuing on towards your boss's office. You knock on the door, waiting on the okay before walking inside. Your boss sits at his desk and was previously focused on his computer but his attention is turned to you.
“A Detective Halstead is here to see you.”
He flashes you a smile before motioning him inside. You let Jay pass, taking in a sharp breath as his body brushes with yours.
Once you're outside and the door is shut behind you, you lean against the wall, trying to calm yourself down. Ever since he came back from his first tour, to spend some time with his family, your feelings for him became much more than some school girl crush. You saw him in a new light. He was more than your brother's best friend, more than that guy who looked after you ever so often. He was a man and you, you were a woman. You had hoped for so long that he would see you differently. He did, but the time for you and him had passed.
Your little moment was ruined by the sound of a voice, “Who the hell was that?” Your head snaps towards the end of the hall. Kade’s friend Nathan stands there, a glare set in his eyes. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears as your breathing becomes unsteady. You're stuttering out incoherent words but he’s already pulled out his phone and dials a number while walking in the opposite direction of where you're standing.
Although filled with fear and worry, you continued working, distracting yourself and praying that he’ll let it go, or at least listen to you when you tell him you didn’t say a word to Jay. He knows Jay, and when he finds out that it was him who you were talking to, it’s going to be ten times worse.
Your attention is once again drawn to him as he walks up to your desk from the direction of the hall. He slides a card onto the table towards you.
“I wasn’t there for you like I promised you that day. I failed you, and I failed him. I know the signs. When you're ready to get out, call me. I won’t let you down, not this time.” You watch him walk away, heart sinking into your stomach. You want him to come back, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to call out to him, or to trust him again.
Before he enters the elevator, he gives you another look and adds, “You’re strong. Remember that.”
He gets into the elevator and he’s gone. You picked up the card, looking it over. He reminds you that not every man is as awful as Kade. But he has his claws dug into you so deep, you can’t even trust Jay, the man who protected you when your brother was away. You don’t know what to do without Kade. You love him.
He’s going to change, you tell yourself. You only hope you’re right.
A/N: Okay can i just say how sorry i am for how long it took me to post this story :( Not gonna make any promises but chapter two should be out Friday or Saturday. Thanks for the support. If you want to be added to my taglist let me know!
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unknowntoyou2205 · 3 years
Letter from your comfort character
Tag list
Prompt list
Fate the winx Saga:
Scared and alone (Series)
Betrothed in Alfea (Sky x reader) pt 1
Emotional damage (Sky x reader)
I just want my dad (Series)
Better than he ever could ( sky x reader)
Don't listen if someone says you aren't good enough (Peter Parker x sister)
Peter???? (Peter parker x sister)
Marvel Cast:
Nothing hurts more than watching them love another (Cast x Sebastian stan sister)
Hate when secrets are revealed (Avengers cast x teen reader)
Dating Harrison and your brother Tom finds out (Tom Holland x sister)
Birthday girl (marvel cast)
My love, my life (Tom Holland x reader)
One Chicago
I'm more than (halstead brothers x sister)
Scared for her life ( halstead brothers x sister)
Chicago fire
Caught in the middle ( casey x sister) (mini Series)
Chicago pd
Fear turns to confession (Jay Halstead x reader)
Chicago med
Phone call of terror ( Will Halstead x reader) - coming soon
Peaky Blinders
Innocence taken pt 1
Make it to Christmas (mini series)
Never threaten the Shelby sister pt 1
Blue bloods
In which inevitable becomes reality (mini series)
Criminal minds
Birthday cake (hotch x daughter reader)
Diamonds sister pt 1
A sister needs her brother
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sheetsonfire · 2 years
In Pursuit
Fandom: Chicago PD / Chicago Med
Pairing: Will Halstead x Reader, Jay Halstead x Platonic!Reader
Genre: Drama, angst, romance
Warnings: violence, near overdose, drugs, swearing, gun mentions, injuries, sickness
Word Count: 3323
Requested By Anon: I saw that you weren’t really taking requests but I have an idea for a will halstead x reader. Where shes Jay’s partner at pd and she gets hurt on a case, she goes to med and will’s worried, which leads to them both confessing each other’s feelings.
“Carl Larkin! Stop! Chicago PD!" You let your legs carry you, another day another case, another afternoon spent sprinting the streets of Chicago with your partner Jay. You knew he had split off from you a few streets back, a move to help you cut the guy off, as you remained on the pursuit ahead.
Like many of the people you caught on drug-related cases, Carl had been selling a way too potent and dangerous product for the streets. Illegal drugs were one issue, but illicit drugs made incorrectly or made irresponsibly were the true headaches of your work. Of course, Larkin wasn’t the "big fish" he was simply the courier for the supplier he was working under, his value lay in the potential to lead Intelligence to said supplier.
It was somewhere around your second block of the pursuit that Larkin had attempted to slow you down with cursory, wayward, shots in your direction. As civilians screamed and ducked for cover, you instructed them to either move to the side or stay back, you hated drawing innocent people into the chaos. This motion forced you to draw your weapon, ready to retaliate if required. Your boots pounded the pavement, ducking in and out of cars, dumpsters, and general junk that often was left at the back of neighbourhoods, the neighbourhood you’d tracked Larkin into.
You turned a corner, kicking up grit and dirt as you go, you key your radio, “Jay! What’s your location?”
“Heading West, I’ll meet you at the intersection coming around!” He radios back, and you feel the confidence in Carl’s capture increase, knowing you were about to force him to converge right into Jay’s path.
“Carl, stop! You just need to talk!” You holler, gaining speed on him as his limbs flailed trying to run faster on his exhausted fumes, a futile attempt to shake you off. 
“Fuck off, bitch! That gun’s not made for talkin’” His voice cracks, but it’s still delivered with venom. It couldn't have been a surprise to him that you would have your weapon drawn. You knew people like Carl, and you knew better than to not take precautions. Unsurprisingly, he fit the bill of a lot of the people you dealt with in the drug world, scrawny, weasely, and a pain in the ass. 
You watch in confusion as Larkin slows right down on the sidewalk, rarely did the command for someone to stop result in the actual compliance you were after. But then you realise what’s happening, and you find it within yourself to run a little faster to get to the vehicle Carl is now slotting himself into.
"Larkin!” You bark, holstering your weapon as you manage to get your body in front of the door before he can close it. You tussle with him as you hear Jay arriving behind you, calling out for assistance on his radio.
“5021 George, requesting backup, suspect attempting to flee via automobile, my partner is engaged in a physical altercation, registration Papa Bravo 2 -” 
Jay finishes the registration recall, moving forward to help you get Carl back out of the car, before he can even pry open the passenger door he hears a resounding slam of the driver’s door not closing but hitting you instead. There’s a sickening crunch, the hiss of a spray, followed by your string of howling expletives.
Your partner runs back to your side, catching the sight of Carl shoving you away from the vehicle as you fall to the ground, the engine starts and Jay can only yell “Hey!” as he protectively crouches beside you, gun aimed at Larkin as he attempts to pull away, still not knowing if Carl would discharge his weapon or not.
It’s the sound of screeching tires that has Jay keying his radio once again, advising dispatch of the progress of your incident, requesting an ambo be sent to your current location. All of this in a matter of seconds as he turns to your hunched, pained, form. 
Jay’s voice is calm, assessing you as you cough and groan, whimpering each time your arm is jarred with your involuntary spasms. Jay sits on the ground with you, securing your weapon and his in his holsters, supporting your weight as he tries to check you for any other injuries. “Y/N, talk to me, what hurts?”
“My- arm… Jay, fuck! He sprayed something i-in my face…” It takes all of your composure to get the words out, this is what you’d been chasing Carl for. N-bomb, a hallucinogen similar to LSD, and it’d been causing havoc on the drug scene. You could feel the fear kicking in, whatever he had sprayed at you was starting to present itself. Well aware that the trip would feed off your agony and stress, it would be a limited time before you really started to react, and you’d need an ambulance quick.
You let out a sob as your arm hangs limply, swelling rapidly by the second, it’s at a sickeningly odd angle and Jay feels his own stomach turn. Larkin had cleanly broken your arm by slamming it in the car door.
“Okay, it’s alright. The ambulance is coming, Y/N. So you just let me help you, alright? Let’s sit you up properly.” 
Jay manoeuvers you between his legs, letting you rest against his chest, making sure you’re upright and secure. You’re grateful your partner is with you, you and Jay had become a great team and he was always someone you could rely on to have your back. In this instance quite literally. 
“J-Jay… I don’t feel good.” You mutter, your vision was starting to blur, you could feel sweat forming at the back of your neck, and your heart was racing with the pain and the adrenaline of the drug inside you. You could hear a loud whooshing sound, accompanied by nausea that stabbed through your stomach. Suddenly fear struck you, the sense of impending doom came from nowhere as the sounds around you started to feel slow, the faces of passers-by distorting into grotesque creatures as they gathered to observe the scene. You were hallucinating already, that wasn't good.
Jay eyes you worriedly, he could feel you trembling, despite the heat that had been created from running he could tell the temperature radiating off of you was something else entirely. Small whimpers of pain and fear escape you. He finds himself squeezing your good hand reassuringly, whether for you or for himself he wasn’t sure. He knew the very real possibility of you having a fatal overdose of the drug. “I know, Y/N, just hold on, the ambulance is coming, I can hear them.”
Amongst the cacophony of worried murmurs and offers of help, you can hear Jay telling the public to stay back and keep the area clear for the ambo. The last thing you remember before passing out is the beginnings of a seizure and Jay’s pleas for you to stay awake amid your slurred attempts to ask for one person... Will.
The ride in the ambo is frantic, the paramedic working on you is securing your broken arm whilst attempting to alleviate the symptoms of your reaction to the drug. Jay sits out of the way on the phone to Voight, explaining what happened as he anxiously bounces his foot, looking at your fevered complexion beneath the oxygen mask, how quickly you had deteriorated scared him. Your seizure hadn’t lasted very long, but it made it all the more dangerous for you in the midst of coming through this experience.
Jay has never felt more relieved to pull up outside of the ambulance entrance at Chicago Med, though he himself had a severe aversion to hospitals, he knew everyone inside would do their best for you. He didn’t feel much like losing another partner, especially not one with whom he had bonded so well. It doesn’t take more than a moment for you to be unloaded and wheeled into the ED, rushing forward is Ethan with Monique in tow, and the paramedics reel off the information about your exposure to the N-Bomb as well as the severity of your broken arm. 
In the wake of the bustle, Jay marches through the ED behind your gurney, seeking out that hard-to-miss head of red curls that belonged to Will. 
“Will!” Your partner hollers, jogging over to his brother. 
“Hey, what’s-” Will doesn’t have to ask though, watching you roll by tells him enough and he feels his stomach drop. “Y/N? Jay, what the hell happened?” He asks, expression more urgent now as he follows Ethan, only able to observe from outside the already cramped trauma bay.
“She, uh, we were chasing a suspect, they managed to dose her with a bad batch of LSD, she didn’t react well. He slammed her arm in a car door too, it looks bad, man.” Jay exhales harshly, shaking his head in anger. Already calculating what he would have done differently, how he hoped to god some units would pick up Larkin and have him pay the price for what he'd done to you.
He starts pacing slightly with his hands tucked into his tac vest, an unconscious self-soothing behaviour - he was really worried about how long it took to get you to the hospital for the overdose. In Jay's movements, he looks to his brother, he knew how Will felt about you and vice versa, he had been trying to push you both in the right direction for a few months now.
Will’s filled with anxiousness, he knows he shouldn’t interfere with your treatment, Ethan had it handled and if he was being fully honest with himself he probably wasn’t the most emotionally sound person to help you right now.
He can only keep watch over you as they examine you, checking your pupils, your blood pressure again, your respiratory rate…all of it, hearing the turns of phrase that let Will know you’re having to fight hard. There’s a call to push drugs to counteract your high blood pressure, fever and susceptibility to another seizure. They keep supplying your oxygen as they take a look at your arm, Will watches as the technician x-rays the damage.
Jay stands beside him, reaching out to put a reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder.
Hours pass and the drugs have a few more hours to go before they’re meant to wear off, not yet fully phased out of your system. You’ve been put under light sedation and you’re hooked up to any medicine or machine that can keep the overdose from taking a more lethal hold. Your arm has been splinted for the time being, with regular icing to keep the swelling down. You had surgery scheduled for as soon as you were stable enough.
Will, though not your doctor, keeps vigil, Jay had told him about your request for him right before passing out. He had encouraged Jay to get cleaned up, check in with Intelligence and get something to eat, he could tell his brother was rattled by the whole affair too. 
The redhead sits by your side, watching your vital signs carefully, face pensive in the stillness of the room, only the machines to fill the silence. After a while Will can’t stand it, normally your kind eyes are looking at him with that glint that makes him hopeful for something more, you’re usually cracking a joke or taking an interest in one of his cases, more often than not there would be an invite for dinner with the other people or drinks at Molly’s. The pair of you had been quite shy to ask for anything more, like a real date. 
Looking at you now, like a lot of near-death experiences can do, Will feels more encouraged than ever to not waste any more time dancing around you. He cared about you way too much to let this friendship stall at just friendship, it had always been pretty obvious the both of you were smitten. Jay had told him repeatedly that you felt the same way and Will knew he had to act on it.
He leans forward to kiss your forehead, stroking away your damp hair from the fever still simmering beneath your skin. “I’m here, Y/N. You keep fighting like hell like you always do, I’m not going anywhere and you’re gonna wake up feeling so much better. I promise.” 
Will’s brow stays furrowed in worry, scooting closer to keep hold of your hand not in a cast.
The first thing you’re aware of is the weight in your limbs, your chest, your head… It felt like the world’s worst hangover but multiplied by an absurd amount. You feel stiff, your mouth impossibly dry and you felt compelled to let out a low, disgruntled, whine - hoping that would somehow gain the attention of someone to help make the discomfort leave.
You’re yet to open your eyes, you could feel the brightness of the lights in your surroundings, and your eyelids felt sore and still hot to touch. Licking your lips only cracks your dried lips, stinging your mouth unpleasantly.
“Whatthefuck.” You mumble, trying to take a breath and gather your emotions. Shifting your body slightly you realise one of your arms is immobile, your fingers stiff from the pressure surrounding it. Then, the memories start to flitter back into your stream of consciousness.
The chase, the fight, the attack on you from Larkin’s spray, the searing pain of the heavy metal car door crushing your arm. Jesus Christ, not the best day. You fidget, letting out a cross between a growl and a sigh.
“Hey, sweetheart, you’re coming out of a pretty heavy trip, it’s alright, just take it easy, Y/N.” 
The voice is soft, soothing, and familiar. The familiarity and the ‘sweetheart’ release light flutters in your stomach. You hum now, feeling somewhat vulnerable as you blink your eyes open, confirming the comforting voice matches the face you think it does. Sure enough, it’s Will’s warm eyes that meet your tired ones. You smile dopily.
“Will…” You breathe, nose wrinkling. His face changes from pleased to concerned. 
“What’s wrong, what hurts, we can increase the painki-”
“My head itches and my mouth is like sand.” You pout, cutting off his spiral into worry. 
There’s confusion and then a smile, he leans forward in the chair to carefully scratch at the top of your scalp, following your directions as he finds the irritating spot. You sigh in relief.
“Better?” Will lets out a snort of amusement, passing you a cup of water next.
“Much.” You hum, relishing the feel of cool liquid travelling down your throat. You're closing your eyes for a moment, they really didn’t like the light. 
“Too bright in here?” He asks, 
“Mmh, yeah sorry. Everything’s heavy and fuzzy, I feel like I got hit by a truck… even though it was a car door and a spritz.” Your face darkens, anger flashing across it as you start to recognise how easily you could have met death as a result of the overdose. 
Will sighs, jaw clenched, he felt that same anger too. The thought that somebody could so carelessly put your life on the line made him wish he had Jay’s profession and the capacity to convict. He leans up to turn the lights down on the dimmer, slotting his tall frame back into the chair.
“How’s that?” He queries, gentle fingers caressing along your arm, it sends contrasting sensations to the discomfort you were in. Gentle, warm, goosebumps prickle along your skin, and you meet his eyes once more. 
“Perfect.” You sigh. Feeling the pressure dissipate somewhat from your face. Feeling less agitated by the movement, you wriggle your weak fingers to clasp with Will’s, squeezing softly. 
There’s a beat of silence. And then you both try to speak at the same time, laughing awkwardly as you stop, waiting to see who would go first. Will gestures to you, head tilting slightly in a soft expression of fondness. 
You swallow, gratefully sipping at the second sip of water the redhead offers. Taking a brief moment before you take the leap to confess. “So, Will… At the scene, I…I uh, asked Jay to get you for me, right before lights out. When my arm was killing me and my body was freaking out, all I wanted was you with me. As much as I love your brother like a brother, I needed you. Which is to say…I’m so glad you’re with me right now, and I’d really like it if you were always with me.” 
Your heart is hammering, it catches Will’s attention on the monitor and you both chuckle, he reaches to silence the monitor and to spare your cheeks from getting any redder. 
He gets as close to the bed as he can, holding your hand carefully in his, thumb stroking along your wrist in soothing circles. 
“Jay told me what you said…and then he, uh, he told me to “Stop messing around and tell her already.”... So, here we go… I want to be with you always too, and I would really like for us to stop being shy teenagers and finally do this thing for real.”
You are thoroughly exhausted, and all too aware of how badly this could have gone today, so Will’s words hit you that much deeper. Knowing how long you’ve wanted to hear this and to finally hear it brings tears to your eyes. You feel safe around Will, you want to cherish him as much as he seemingly cherishes you.
“It’s settled then.” You sniff, and Will gets worried. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks, brushing the tears from your cheeks. 
“No, you goof, I’m just happy.” You laugh through your crying, nestling your head on Will’s shoulder as he wraps his arm around you as good as he can, palm rubbing up and down your back in a slow, soothing, motion. You press a kiss to his shoulder, leaning back a little to look at him. He’s smiling still, and you reciprocate, licking your lips as his eyes glance at them. 
“Can I kiss you?” He murmurs, and you nod, “Absolutely”, you match his tone, feeling somewhat sneaky even though you weren’t doing anything wrong, or anything people didn’t already have bets on. Glancing at the doorway before leaning in, using your good hand to gently sink your fingers into his hair, bringing him close as your lips meet.
You both groan into the kiss, pressing a little more with need. You feel his hand on your waist, the rush makes you dizzy enough to need to pull back. 
“Sorry I-” You cut him off, placing a hand over his mouth, breathing a little heavier. 
“No apologies, Will. I’m just still a little wobbly is all.” You smile sleepily, falling against his chest as you drop your hand from his mouth, he cradles you to him, stroking your neck softly.
“You need to sleep, I can kiss you senseless when you’re not full of pain meds and recovering from an LSD nightmare.” 
You giggle quietly, catching your breath, "Sounds good, it's a date."
You knew Will had the capacity to fuss, as you had seen Jay be on the receiving end of it countless times, much to your amusement. However, it was totally different when you were the target.
You didn't know if it was because Will changed his tact when it came to you or because you were too medicated to find it irritating, but you found yourself totally enthralled by the doctor-ly yet doting way Will made sure you were okay.
In the pursuit of criminals, you were at the top of your game, there wasn't much left that you could be taught. But in the pursuit of Will Halstead, there was still much to discover, and you were only just getting started.
A/N: I hope this wasn't too corny!
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Babe, huh?
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Voight!Reader
Word count: 2,097
Warnings: A little angst (but more in a comical way, I think).
Summary: Jay and the reader have been going out for some time when he spots her happily chatting with Sergeant Platt at the district's front desk. He's happily surprised to see her there, but there's one thing she had been holding back from telling him: who her dad is.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: I think that this could have turned out a lot better than it did. But I think it isn't too bad either.
Also, I wanna thank y’all for the amount support that I’ve been getting on my fics! That really means the world to me, guys!! 💕
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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It was an unusually sunny day in Chicago when you left work that noon. You didn’t always go out on your lunch breaks, preferring to just grab something on the machines scattered across the office, but on that Wednesday you’d told your dad that you two would meet for a father-daughter date. And that really was all you were thinking about, as you walked up the steps of the small staircase in front of the 21st District.
“Hey, Trudy!” You greeted the desk sergeant, who had been a friend of your family for as long as you could remember.
“Hi, (y/n/n)! What a surprise to see you here!” She told you, a huge smile on her face. “A nice surprise, for a change!” Platt stated, looking sharply at a younger woman who was standing at the corner of the counter, probably filling out some paperwork.
“Ah, Trudy! You flatter me!” You said innocently, looking at her through your lashes, the face you always used with the trio: Your dad, Trudy, and Al.
“Ha! Always so cute!” The sergeant spoke again, like she was talking to a baby, as the other woman just stared at the scene in shock. “But what are you doing here, anyway? Came to surprise your dad? Because I’m sure he’ll love that!”
“No, it’s not exactly a surprise! We’d previously agreed on a lunch-date for today...” You trailed off.
“Oh! Then that’s why he came back from the raid they just made pacing like a deer in headlights!” Hearing that comment, you couldn’t help but laugh, as you imagined your father acting like that. “Hey, Burgess!” She shouted at the woman near to you. “Are you finishing that already? Because, when you do, you need to go back upstairs and let your sergeant know that his date’s here.” Trudy said simply, winking at you, to which you just responded with a smile.
“Oh, c’mon, sarge! Really? Why can’t you just call or text him?” The woman, Burgess, questioned, poutingly.
“Because I don’t want to? And tell me, again, since when did I start needing to give you a reason to follow my orders, huh, officer? Because I don’t recall getting the memo!” The sergeant barked, practically biting the younger officer’s head off.
“Geez, sarge-” Officer Burgess started answering, as reality finally began to hit her. “Wait,” she breathed out, turning to face you this time, “you’re Voight’s dau-” Burgess stopped in the middle of her sentence, now being cut off by another voice that was very familiar to you.
“Baby?” Shit, you thought. “What are you doing here?” Your boyfriend asked you, with a bright smile on his face.
How could have you possibly forgotten that Jay worked here? At your dad’s district? Of course, you still hoped that they somehow wouldn’t know each other. But you weren’t prepared for that introduction just yet. And it would happen, taking that he wasn’t shy at all about kissing you that passionately right in front of Trudy Platt. One of your dad’s best friends, Trudy Platt. You knew you couldn’t blame him, though. After all, you were the one who kept him in the dark about who your dad was.
“H- hi, Jay.” You managed to mumble whilst catching your breath.
“Hey,” he started, giving you those cute love eyes of his, “I’m surprised to see you here, but not complaining!” He said, raising his hands and smiling at you. “You wanna grab lunch?”
“Uh, I, uh-”
“I’m afraid she’s already taken for lunch, Halstead.” None other than your dad huffed out, from the top of Intelligence’s stairs. Of course, he would have to see that entire scene, and, of course, he would have to know your boyfriend.
Hearing that, Jay turned his head between you and your dad, and, then, looked at Trudy and Burgess, more confused than anything. “Babe?” He decided on asking you about it. To which your dad just gave a side-smile.
“Babe, huh?” He mocked, walking closer to where you were standing. “Something you wanna tell me, honey?”
“I-” You barely started when someone interrupted.
“Please, don’t tell me you’re shacking up with him, (y/n)?!?!?” Trudy cut you off, half-asking, half-begging while you started feeling the heat coming to your cheeks.
"So, (y/n), you gonna explain this? We're all here waiting." Your father told you, no more sense of humor in his features.
"Look, guys… " You started, not really knowing how to move from there. You didn't think you'd have to have the conversations with both your father and your boyfriend at the same time, and in front of Trudy (not to mention the other cops passing by). So you went for the easy way out, maybe it was a bit of a childish choice, but still. "You know what? No, I'm not gonna explain anything to anyone right now," you spoke, making clear that that was meant for all of them, "and, I don’t think that I’m in the mood for lunch anymore, dad." At that, the three cops just kept staring at you, Jay being the first to speak up.
"Uh, dad? (y/n), baby, just tell me what's going on." He pleaded with you, eyes already showing some hurt, which made you feel like the worst person ever. But you just knew that you wouldn’t be able to properly explain anything to anyone at that moment, not in that kind of circumstance anyway, so you decided to get the hell out of there before you buried yourself even deeper.
After you fleed the building, leaving a bunch of stunned police officers behind, Trudy took it upon herself to figure out why on Earth you’d be kissing the stupid Detective Jay Chuckles Halstead: “So, how’s it gonna be, Halstead? Why the hell were you kissing our (y/n/n), hum?” She asked, bluntly, while motioning between herself and Hank.
“Your (y/n/n)?” Jay shot back, completely confused by the whole situation.
“Actually, she’s mine. My daughter.” Voight finally spoke again, fulminating the younger man with his eyes.
“Okay… I think this is my cue to leave." Burgess finally decided to say 𑁋 as she was feeling very awkward 𑁋, sliding off towards the back exit.
“Uh, yeah, um, I’m gonna- I’m gonna go, grab some lunch outside too.” Jay ranted a little, running his hand over the back of his neck and moving towards the exit, right on Kim’s track.
The rest of the day went by tensely at the police district: Jay avoiding both his superiors, as you ducked his calls, and Hank and Trudy sending almost tangible hate waves on his way. It wasn’t like your time at work gone too well either, with the mess you’d made always in the back of your mind.
So 𑁋 after you got back home 𑁋, knowing it was the right, mature, thing to do, you called Jay and, then, your dad, telling them both to come by your place for dinner. Yes, you were about to ambush them. Because you’re a mature person.
“Hey, babe!” You cheerfully greeted your boyfriend, perking up to kiss him, as you opened the apartment door more.
“Hey.” Jay answered coldly while dodging your kiss, at which you frowned in confusion.
“So, um,” you decided to start again, tucking a string of hair behind your ear, “I called you here because I needed to talk to you-”
“Yeah, we definitely need to talk.” He said, cutting you off with a stern look on his face.
At the exact moment you were about to open your mouth to say something, the doorbell rang again and you knew it was your dad. Okay, maybe that whole ambush thing wasn’t a good idea after all. You gave Jay an apologetic look in advance, as you walked back towards the door, only to open it and reveal a, still, very pissed off Hank Voight.
“What’s he doing here?” Your dad barked out, not wasting a second, as he pointed a finger at the man standing behind you.
“You called him too?” This time it was Jay asking. “I thought it was gonna be just the two of us…” He then added quietly.
“Just the two of us! Who the hell do you think you are, huh, Halstead?!”
“Sarge, I’m just trying to-”
“I don’t care what you’re trying to do, you need to get out of here right now so I can talk to my daughter. That’s what you need to do!”
“Enough!” You yelled, finally getting both men’s attention. “Dad, you need to stop talking to Jay like that.”
“But, nothing! He is my boyfriend and I love him!” You blurted out, Jay giving you a small smile in response. “So… Now that that’s out of the way… Jay, this is my dad.” You added, motioning for where your father stood by the door. “And, before any of you asks, no, I didn’t know that you two worked together! I thought that maybe you knew each other, but wasn’t ready to make the introductions just yet. And I’m sorry if that caused a, um, situation.”
“Baby… Why didn’t you ever tell me that your father was a cop?”
“I- I just, I was just afraid that’d push you away from me. You know, before we even had a chance.” You admitted shyly.
“Why- why would that push him away from you, (y/n/n)?” That was your dad’s turn to ask.
“Well, I know that you have a reputation, dad. So I figured that maybe he wouldn’t wanna get involved with your daughter of all people. Wouldn’t want the trouble.” You confessed one more time. “Besides, we all saw how, um, fiercely Trudy was willing to “protect me”.” You added, making them both giggle a little.
“Alright, there’s just one more thing that still doesn’t add up.” Your boyfriend started again, still serious but more relaxed this time. “Why isn’t your last name Voight?” He asked, still unsure of what was going on, as you and your dad traded knowing looks with each other.
“Ah, that... After my mom died, I started using her maiden last name. You know, as a way to remember her. It’s been so long now that I actually forget that the Voight’s even there.” You explained. “Sorry, dad.”
“Nah, it’s okay. You know I like the idea.” Hank replied, a soft smile on his lips.
“Ah, okay. That makes sense.” Jay said nervously and started scratching the back of his neck, like he always did when he was getting anxious. “Just- just so you know, princess, I wouldn’t have backed out of our relationship, then. And I’m not going to, now, either.” The anger in your father’s eyes relit but you didn’t really care, not when all you wanted to do was jump your handsome detective and not let him out of your apartment until, at least, the next morning.
“Dad,” you began saying, after deciding to go for a more conciliatory version of it, “don’t be like that, okay? I know that you wanna protect me and everything, but I’m happy with Jay. I really am.”
“And I promise I’ll never, ever, do anything to hurt her, sarge. But, if I do, you should definitely hurt me back with all you got.”
“Oh, I will! And I think you’ve been working with me long enough to know that I don’t need your ‘go ahead’, or anyone else’s, for those matters, Halstead.” Your dad cheerfully stated while shooting a typical Hank Voight fake smile in Jay’s direction. “Now, if my daughter says she’s happy with you…” He started, turning to look at you, as if trying to confirm the information.
“Yes! I am!”
“Then… I suppose I could accept this.” You didn’t give him a single chance to second guess, pulling him in for a tight hug while Jay watched the scene smiling.
“Now let's have dinner! That way you guys can finish talking this whole macho tension out and we can all make a plan to appease Trudy." You told them, moving to heat the takeout you’d ordered earlier in your kitchen, Jay coming to help you in tow.
Many other times you, Jay, and your dad met for dinner, lunch, or even breakfast like that. If you and your boyfriend ever went a little overboard on the PDA, the infamous Hank Voight huff would definitely be heard. But, overall, you knew he was happy for you and Jay. Just like you knew that the detective liked hanging out with you and your dad.
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