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Let’s pray together! 🙏🏻 You are the holiness in God Himself and you give healing, unchangeable. Without God you are nothing. Just listen, show yourself to Him and give yourself your purity, your beauty and your radiance. The Father waits quietly at your inner altar, in the temple of the Present in you. God is Now and you with Him. Eternal life. Heaven shines inwardly in you with joy of life. Your mind is so powerful, your Guide is sure. Open your mind to Him. Be still and rest. This world cannot harm you because it holds nothing that you really want. Amen🙏🏻 A Course in Miracles, LESSON 128 & TEXTBOOK, C14, IX., p.291, Foundation for Inner Peace www.kursvergebung.com www.zum-Kurs.com www.aleph-akademie.de Unterstützerkonto: paypal.me/simonefugger #acourseinmacles #now #healing #areturntolove #godslove #godis #holiness #purity #beauty #radiance #father #bestill #inneraltar #restingod #guidance #holyspirit #eternallife #joyoflife #templeofpresent #nonduality #spirituality #transformation #forgiveness #mindtraining (hier: Munich, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/COmpzTGIEBH/?igshid=ozgd53v5fqb8
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My top 25 most listened to albums of May! Lots of people seem to post these things on here. Should I do it sometimes? . . . #tylerthecreator #nekroítheoí #nekroitheoi #blackmetal #hiphop #injuryreserve #billywoods #quellechris #obtainedenslavement #gaahlswyrd #osdou #wishfield #dodheimsgard #thethirdandthemortal #brutaldeathmetal #inneraltar #troller #maggotheart https://www.instagram.com/p/ByK7qvtphNA/?igshid=1hd17kd3hnx5h
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#KingBuffalo / #LeBetre EP split (2015, #STBRecords), Orange/Black 🔥 #InnerAltar ‘Vol III’ (2019, #TheCompanyKC), Death Edition (black) 🔥 When you order an old @kingbuffaloband @lebetre split on @stbrecords from the private #recordcollection of @thecompanykc & you get extra goodies & that kick ass new @inneraltarband record. Monday made better. 🖤🙌🏼 🔥 #dailyfacekick #riffrelevant #recordpsycho #mondaymood #heavypsych #records #stickers #thecompany #stb #spacerock #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #nowspinning #consoleplayer #mint #psychrock #stonerrock #doom #protometal #vinylporn #instavinyl #itsonlymusictheysaid https://www.instagram.com/p/Bum39eal3W0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4xie7c0uan47
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50 or so favorite albums released during the first 3 months of 2019. About half are available on #vinyl at the moment - possibly more in the future. #enfire #blacksmoke #eremitdoom #sigilsdoom #khox #nixadoom #colouroutofspace #stonerlove #sacredmonster #greenlung #kingsdestroy #theghostnextdoor #oreyeon #iratalive #wulfhound #wormsand #hollowleg #monocluster #blacklungband #silverdevil #sementalessalvajes #cacusband #11paranoias #vulcanodonphazer #plasticwoods #blackmarketdrugs #redeyeband #voidtripper #spaceslavery #saverband #sightmusic #templeofthefuzzwitch #tomeband #asthmacastle #bongtower #themunsens #mucephei #uluruband #lotekcruiser #hemptreats #thelumberjackfeedback #inneraltar #thedarksilenceofdeath #mangont #dryheathen #thedruids #blunthorse #heavycrossofflowers #woorms #marecages #yatradoom #ordos #bellrope #seerbc (at Lincoln, Nebraska) https://www.instagram.com/p/BviIRB9FmUs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1y1mck04xd50w
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Seriously! Records as low as $5! Use Code: FALL25 #orphansofdoom #druids #youngbull #somnuri #godmaker #inneraltar #ferociouslystoned #merlin #cursetheson #vinyl #tapes #cd #discount #instagood #payday #friday #companycrüe (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUNdduWrQ_1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Lotta stuff temporarily marked down to $10! Go snag a record or two! #friday #weekend #payday #recordcollector #instagood #doom #metal #heavymetal #sludge #vinyl #instavinyl #vinyljunkie #nowplaying #railhazer #orphansofdoom #druids #youngbull #somnuri #godmaker #inneraltar #companycrüe #cassettes #cds (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTFSjYqLshl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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We’re down to approximately 50 copies of Ferociously Stöned remaining. We’ve also temporarily marked everything else in the store down to $10 or less so go get yourself some shit! #druids #keefmountain #motorhead #lemmy #bloodspell #bummer #hyborian #orphansofdoom #hossferatu #youngbull #inneraltar #doom #metal #stonerrock #heavymetal #sludge #vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylcommunity #records #instagood #heavymetalvinyl #nowplaying #ontheturntable (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSsEmIFJP0I/?utm_medium=tumblr
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20 Percent Off in the store right now! Use Code: doom20 #vinyl #records #recordlabel #discount #onsale #vinylrecords #cds #compactdisc #cassettetapes #tapes #doom #doommetal #sludge #stonerrock #heavymetal #druids #inneraltar #orphansofdoom #ferociouslystoned #youngbull #godmaker #railhazer (at The Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSc_NvRLNZb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Let’s pray together! 🙏🏻 Peace and joy are my inheritance. I look inward at my inner altar, where God's gifts lie ready for me. Only the truth is true. God gives it to us. So I want to be open-minded, for God, so that His Will be done through me. I seek but what belongs to me in truth. I just want God's gifts of peace and joy. God's blessing is mine and therefore also yours, because in Heaven in us we are One. The Holy Spirit reminds me for our healing. I am the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. I am the extension of God. I am a messenger of love, just like you. Christ's eyes Now show me the real world and you, brother, are my witness. Amen🙏🏻 A Course in Miracles, LESSON 104 & TEXTBOOK, C12, VII., p.229-233, Foundation for Inner Peace www.kursvergebung.com www.zum-Kurs.com www.aleph-akademie.de #acourseinmiracles #acim #areturntolove #godslove #acourseoflove #salvation #peaceofmind #joy #inheritance #resurrection #christseyes #truth #reality #inneraltar #godsgifts #openminded #godswill #godsblessing #holyspirit #extension #manifestation #messengeroflove #brother #witness #trust #weareone #heaven #nonduality #mindtraining #transformation (hier: Petershagen/Eggersdorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNo9Ii2ojWR/?igshid=1v0by13pwnukk
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This Inner Altar track FUCKS LIKE A BEAST! @inneraltarband @justinmixtooth @westendstudiokc @officialmotorhead #ferociouslystoned #inneraltar #limbfromlimb #cover #protodoom #chillaf #ratinmyhall #ohmygod #kcmo #motorhead #companycrüe (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHVli2PpRy7/?igshid=1j8qdw0sagtw6
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CHOOSE DOOM. New shirts available now. Concept by @neanderdude, inspired by his idols, George Michael and the other guy from Wham! #whammakeitdoom #companymerch #apparel #merch #shirts #doom #stonergear #georgemichael #wham #inneraltar #satanicshepherd #kcmo #companycrüe (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBD19gkJdxN/?igshid=10n03ihh9lbdb
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Yo! Pick up some prints from @shuttlecockmag @introfreemind and all the proceeds will be donated to a bail fund. @inneraltarband @rewsebolton @neanderdude #photography #bail #funds #kansascity #shuttlecock #inneraltar #companycrüe (at The Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBCYJ4_JFST/?igshid=1w2136mclwurq
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The look you make when you see how much you’re saving with coupon code DEC420 http://thecompanykc.com #thecompany #recordlabel #heavysale #fourtwenty #records #vinyl #discounted #records #vinyljunkie #keefmountain #merlin #orphansofdoom #youngbloodsupercult #inneraltar #andmore #cassette #tapes #cds #companycrüe (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ivgrqpRF_/?igshid=72d0mni0qn97
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Inner Altar ‘Vol III’ Available Now! @inneraltarband @hptaskmaster @mikeywheelertattooer @thecompanykc #inneraltar #vol3 #vinyl #vinylgram #instavinyl #diy #recordlabel #kansascity #kcmo #doom #gloom #proto #metal #spine #keefmountain #devilsden #noclass #records #cd #digital #companycrüe THECOMPANYKCDOTCOM (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0YsNScFEfA/?igshid=iia6ojnmrjw4
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This Friday, Inner Altar basked in bright lights🦇 @inneraltarband @godzillionaireband @thephilistines @recordbar @thecompanykc #inneraltar #livemusic #doom #gloom #protometal #kansascity #kcmo #recordbar #insta #companycrüe (at Kansas City, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzIo6v3FRDH/?igshid=tl9u48s66uo7
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The Keef bois take a moment to honor Saint Vincent Of Paul, with some Tequila Cazadores. Hell yeah! 🤙 @keef_mountain @vinniepaulabbott #keefmountain #inneraltar #ontheroad #dallas #tequilacazadores #vincentpaul #pantera #damageplan #heckyes (at The Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-BlgCl9pG/?igshid=2b1zcwkv4mrb
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