#inko x all might
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fever-dreamer97 · 1 year ago
Izuku, knocks on his mom’s door:
Inko: I-Izuku?!
Izuku, comes in: Hey mom, can we talk-
Inko and All Might, staring at Izuku from her bed:
Izuku, crying: MAMA NO!
Inko: Izuku-
Izuku, stops crying and takes a deep breath: I’m old enough, I can do this, I’m okay.
Izuku, looks back over at them:…MAMA NOOO!
All Might: My boy, would you calm dow-
Izuku, points at him: I’M NOT READY TO TALK TO YOU YET, YOUNG MAN!
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i-wanna-die-like-now · 2 years ago
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I'm drunk and watching new girl so bam, that's how this came tobe
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doyoulikethisanimeship · 8 months ago
Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might (Boku no Hero Academia)
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Important: Please do not vote if you don't know the characters.
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jackalsprey · 2 years ago
Anyone got any good Young ToshInko fic recommends? I've been reading a lot of Chess_Blackfyre's fics like Never Mess with Management and the Jade Mantis AU, but I'd like to know if anyone has some others, Tumblr or Ao3!
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crimsonwolf715 · 4 months ago
Health Scare
{Things to note: Nighteye didn't die in this fic.}
Izuku Midoriya (Deku) wakes up in a hospital bed. He blinks several times, trying to remember how he got there. 
“Young Midoriya,” Toshinori Yagi (All Might) exclaims, walking into the room. 
“Dad? How did I get here?” Izuku asks. 
“You were out with Young Bakugo and you collapsed.” 
“Like for lunch?” 
All Might nods. “I’m going to go get Inko.” 
It only takes a minute of being alone for him to really process the information All Might gave him. 
I was out to lunch with Kacchan? I don’t even remember waking up this morning? How did I get all the way to lunch with Kacchan?  
“Izuku, get out of your head.” 
Izuku looks up and sees Katsuki Bakugo (Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite, normally shortened to Dynamite) walking into the room. 
“Even breaths.”
Izuku notices that his breathing is erratic. He slows his breathing down as Bakugo sits down in one of the chairs next to his bed. 
“Thanks, Kacchan.” 
“Don’t mention it. Your parents are on their way.” 
“What happened?” 
Bakugo sighs. “You were acting odd, but you said that it was a lack of sleep. I knew you were full of it, I just figured that it was something emotion based so I’d pry it out of you. On the way to the restaurant, you passed out. I caught you so we don’t have to worry about you having a head injury because of the fall.” 
“Maybe I forgot to drink water again,” Izuku jokes. 
“If you did, I’ll freaking murder you,” Bakugo replies, folding his arms. 
Izuku laughs nervously and shifts. Inko Midoriya (Izuku’s loving mother) rushes into the room. 
“Hi, Mom,” Izuku says as his mother gently hugs him while crying. 
Izuku leans into Inko’s hug, desperately searching for comfort and security in it. When the hug ends, he contemplates asking her for another hug. He decides against it and settles for her holding his hand. All Might sits in the chair next to Inko’s, holding Izuku’s six month old sister, Cherry. He smiles at the two. 
A doctor walks in. “I’m Dr. Nakahara. It’s good to see you’re awake, Mr. Midoriya.” 
“Thanks, it’s good to be awake.” 
“There’s good and bad news. Is it alright to talk with everyone here?” 
He’s obviously pointing out Bakugo. 
“He’s family too. Kacchan can stay,” Izuku says. 
Dr. Nakahara nods. “The good news is that all of your tests came back negative. The bad news is that we still aren’t sure what’s wrong. It could always just be stress added to your mental condition.” 
Izuku nods. “Are there other tests?” 
“There are a couple that we can do now that you’re awake. I’ll talk to your parents and get back to you.” 
He turns to Inko and All Might. “Can we step outside?” 
“Will you be alright, dear?” Inko asks. 
Izuku nods, so they head outside. Bakugo shifts in his chair. 
“I’m gonna be fine,” Izuku says. 
“I’m not worried that you’re dying,” Bakugo replies. 
“Then what are you worried about?” 
“How you’ll take whatever the diagnosis is. You’re not exactly known for reacting calmly in stressful situations.” 
“Mom’s here. Can’t worry her.” 
“That is… very you.” 
“You were gonna say dumb, weren’t you?” 
Inko and All Might come back into the room. “It’s just some brain scans, Young Midoriya. We just want to make sure that you’re alright.” 
“That’ll be fine,” Izuku says. “Does anybody else know?” 
“No,” Bakugo answers. 
“Good. I’d like to keep it that way. I don’t want our classmates finding out and freaking out.” 
“I’m pretty sure not hearing from you would freak them out more.” 
“That’s a good point. Where’s my phone?” 
Bakugo offers it to him and he takes it. He turns it on and he only has two texts. One from Todoroki and one from Uraraka. Uraraka’s text is just asking him how his weekend’s been so far, while Todoroki’s text is asking if they’re still on to meet tomorrow. He quickly texts Uraraka that he could be better, then tells Todoroki that he doesn’t know if they’re still on for tomorrow. He puts his phone down and starts up a conversation with Inko. 
After waiting a while, Izuku goes and gets the tests done. His head and hair are sticky afterwards, which he is not a fan of, but he doesn’t complain. He spends the time waiting for the results talking to Bakugo and his parents, mostly about pointless stuff, but it’s keeping him entertained. Finally, Dr. Nakahara comes back. 
“So, what are the results?” Izuku asks. 
“All of the brain scans came back completely normal, so it has to be stress coupled with your mental condition,” Dr. Nakahara answers. “I want you to go through your schedule and see if there’s anything that’s obviously adding too much stress. If there isn’t, then you just need to reduce general stress. Working less hours, sleeping more, things that will help you combat this happening.” 
“But I’m completely hydrated?” 
“You were a little dehydrated, but nowhere near enough to cause any of this. Why?” 
“Just making sure.” 
He nods. “I want you to stay to finish the IV, but after that we’ll get you released.” 
“Thank you,” All Might says. 
Dr. Nakahara nods, then heads out. It takes an hour to get Izuku released after he’s done with the IV, which seems to have frustrated him. 
“Hospitals take a long time,” Bakugo says. “Don’t know what you were expecting.” 
“I know, it’s just frustrating. Sorry about this, guys.” 
“It’s alright, Izuku. We’ve been talking about you spending more time at home anyway,” Inko says. “We’re gonna get Cherry in the car. You guys come over once you’ve had a chance to chat.” 
Inko and All Might walk to the car. Izuku turns towards Bakugo, who shrugs. 
“I’m fine, but you pull this stunt again and I’m barricading you in the dorms.” 
Izuku puts his hands up. “I read you loud and clear. There’s really no need though, Kacchan.” 
“ There’s really no need, Kacchan ,” Bakugo mocks. “Obviously there is a need.” 
“You should be. You scared the shit out of your parents, all because you don’t know how to say no to Nighteye. I hope that All Might actually talks to him about your hours.” 
“Yeah, that would probably be helpful,” Izuku says sheepishly. 
“Come on,” Bakugo says. “You should probably talk to IcyHot about your little health scare before he finds out on his own.” 
Izuku nods. “He’ll tear my head off.” 
“I’m not sure that’s what’ll happen.” 
The two head to the Midoriya-Yagi’s car to head back to the apartment.
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glamsmine · 1 year ago
[unnamed/prompt| MHA/BNHA]
{Mitsuki convinces Inko to finally try out online dating and gets her on Tinder💀}
Mitsuki decides that Inko has been single for far too long after her husband passed and wants to help her find her next soulmate, however Mitsuki was very daring and that on its own was what got Inko in these situations in the first place. Inko reluctantly let her friend create an account for her after taking a photoshoot of her trying on Masaru’s new clothing line that he was working on. (Which Mitsuki happily tagged and sponsored in her bio) If she had to hand over her designer clothing and accessories to make it happen, then she would not hesitate to just give her a set of bags and clothes, she had plenty to spare and was well aware Inko could pull off any look.
It wasn’t until Mitsuki started swiping like crazy at every attractive and or rich man that popped up, Inko had nearly passed out and given the fact that Mitsuki had purchased the premium version for her, she was going at it for but half an hour before Inko finally managed to regain control and beg her to stop from the embarrassment she felt.
Fuyumi really thought of it as a joke first but it all changed when she got a taste of the romantic drama she had put her father in. Endeavor, or in this case Enji, was pulled into an online dating app that Natsuo had suggested to Fuyumi at first and she relayed it to their father. He frankly didn’t care or expect anything to come out of it since he didn’t view himself as “dateable” to begin with, so he was confident nothing would happen. However, he forgot to factor in that Fuyumi is the hopeless romantic type and would become dead set on seeing the task through, even if she had to force him to go on at least one date.
Bubblegirl only got it to pass her time and see just how many people Sir Nighteye could pull, had he been interested in dating. He refused at first, but let her manage and make him an account since he could care less about whether or not he would end up having a one night stand or going on a small date he would make sure to have no interest in and let it end before a relationship could take off. Things like these weren’t what concerned him and he was far too busy in the hero world to even consider it as an option.
Tsukauchi was getting real tired of All Might being stressed over the crimes happening recently and just wants him to enjoy his retired life, but he honestly had no clue why he thought he knew what he was doing. Getting Toshinori to relax was one thing, but DATING??!? He didn’t even think he had any experience in that field since he had dedicated his life to being a hero and saving others. So when he finally manages to get him “out there” and on a dating platform, he utterly regrets creating the profile, sure, there were some good people on there, but with having the premium version and seeing all the people that had swiped on him only for quick hookups was draining and honestly disappointing(not to mention that some of them weren’t a good fit with his personality and others seemed sketchy). So when he finally managed to snag him a date with an adorable woman (Inko) he was about to go insane with his attempts at getting Toshinori to show up and give him confidence he never before needed in his life, Toshi was beyond embarrassed, way too shy, and inexperienced to have a grasp on what a relationship consisted of, his refusal to go through with the simple date had Tsukauchi sleepless for an entire week before Toshi finally gave in and agreed to the meeting (he could thank Grand Torino scolding him for that later).
Hawks had the app because he was really only in it for the hookups, but when an older woman catches his eye his mind is sent into overdrive. Admittedly he had a thing for older women, the hookups were just something he kept as an option because he never had the time to actually have a stable relationship. He found his heart skipping a beat and his hand had moved before he could process his actions and he was now matched with a cute lady five cities over. {Inko} He was pretty tame around older women(he acts like a dude-bro around women his age or younger)and she was no exception, he probably looked like a lovestruck teen right about now. His tastes were really only known by Jeanist, who had shared a similar preference(👀) , and had ruthlessly made his secret a topic of conversation when there was no one else around. Jeanist is really forward with how he speaks so he really just points out Hawks’ flaws that women would find unappealing and he should consider working on, other than that he has also /slightly/ teased him for it. All in good intention, but Hawks dreaded when he brought it up during a mission or casually after a meeting.
There really was no reason for Aizawa being on the app in the first place, he hated dealing with people in general, so a relationship was out of the question. It was Midnight who was bored out of her mind from the lack of juicy stories she gets to hear in the office at school. Sure, Mic was not the type to shy away from risky topics that satisfied Midnights dose of curiosity and drama, and Snipe had an interesting enough life to share crazy stories at work. It was the lack of hearing about romantic failures and adventures that really did her in. She wasn’t the romantic type and it wasn’t her intention to pry into their lives, but it was okay to bother Aizawa to this level at least once a year and now was the chance she wanted to use. Nevermind the details, there were so many locals that admitted to wanting to get down with the underground hero and an endless supply of options to actually pair him up with a decent date. Forget about the part where he has to consciously know about himself being put on such a public platform and potentially having to go on a date without his knowledge of it not being a casual outing he usually goes on. He should’ve known something was off when Midnight and Mic kindly suggested he join them in dinner at a nice restaurant, promptly ditching him to “go to the bathroom” at the time before someone sits down at his table and introduces themself.
I wrote this YEARS AGO and decided to post it, it was kept in my drafts and is probably the goofiest idea I ever wrote but it would be hilarious if somebody managed to take this idea and make an actual fic with it. I was going to but never did and I no longer feel like writing it anymore lmao. The main was going to be Nighteye, I considered having Aizawa be in the final considerations too but the fact that he’s Izuku’s teacher complicates things and makes it weird😂. Everyone else was just random options that amped up the goofiness.
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gsminerva · 2 years ago
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Commission for Kasai01 from Deviantart
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sabindark · 2 years ago
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💚 Toshinko 💛 fanChildren
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bianxiee-arts · 2 months ago
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Izuku’s parents you can’t change my mind
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onesmolbean49 · 8 months ago
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If any ship deserves to be canon, it’s them💛💚
⬇️And here are some closeups! :3
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haiisx · 12 days ago
I agree with everything you said! I didn’t even know you did requests! Could you do a little sketch of them if it’s no trouble? I’d love to see Toshi and Inko in your style!!
Of course, it's no trouble at all! Here you go :))
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close ups under the cut :)
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classical-bluess · 2 years ago
They've canonically interacted like twice but I won't let that stop me 🤚
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actuallysaiyan · 7 months ago
Call Me Mom!(Toshinori Yagi x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: fluff, Izuku calling reader mom by accident, blood, mentions of having children, awkwardness word count: 1k pairings: Toshinori Yagi x Fem!Reader summary: When Izuku accidentally calls you mom one day, you decide to have a talk with Inko to clear things up. But she's more than happy to know her son has someone else to look up to and that supports him... a/n: dividers by @adornedwithlight
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It all happened so fast. Within a blink of an eye really. 
“Thanks, mom!”
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The words almost sounded like they came out of his mouth in slow motion. You looked over at young Midoriya, your eyes wide. Before any of you could say anything else, Toshinori is coughing up blood and excusing himself.
“Uh–no I mean thank you, sensei!”
But the words had already come out of Izuku’s mouth. Your heart was racing. Your mind was trying to catch up with everything else. Then you look down at the young man you were just helping with his equipment.
He’s blushing and muttering to himself, trying to make himself feel better about the blunder. You don’t even know what to say or how to react to make it all better. In fact, you’re muttering to yourself now, making Toshinori worry about the both of you. You feel a strong hand on your shoulder and when you turn to face your partner, you notice that he has such a soft smile on his face.
“It was an accident, dear. Right, young Midoriya?”
Midoriya nods his head, “Y-yeah!”
But this accident leads you to having dinner with the boy’s mom. His actual mother.
You fussed over what you’d wear. You were nearly tearing out your hair trying to look presentable. This was an important night after all.
Ever since you and Toshinori started dating, you have taken a liking to Izuku as well. How could you not? The boy was so charming, despite his neurotic and obsessive tendencies. Seeing him idolize your lover, you knew that Izuku was a genuinely kind person. And it didn’t take him long to become attached to you as well. That’s how you got into this mess anyway.
Toshinori is your rock in this situation. He rings the doorbell, a box of gourmet pastries shuffled in his hands. You try to smooth back your hair for the umpteenth time. You feel so nervous about this. You had never met Inko, but you heard lots of good things about her from both Izuku and Toshinori.
Izuku opens the door, his eyes alight with joy and idolization when he sees both you and Toshi in your best outfits. He invites you both in, guiding you to the dining room. You finally get a chance to see the home where Izuku grew up. 
Inko is standing at the counter, her own cheeks slightly pink. When her son set this dinner up, she wasn’t quite sure how to react. But she knew that it was important for you and her to finally meet. Especially since Izuku wouldn’t stop talking you up.
“Mom, they’re here!” Izuku calls. 
Inko gets a good look at you and she’s blushing even more. You aren’t sure how to react to any of this. Your hand clutches Toshi’s in a form of settling your already frazzled nerves. Inko turns to Midoriya, leaning in to whisper in his ear.
“ Izuku, you didn’t say she was so young! And you tell me they are dating?! ”
Her words cause your lover to cough up blood. You’re so quick to pull a handkerchief from your purse and you wipe the blood away. When Inko sees how tender you are with the older man, it’s obvious to her how much you love him.
Despite the little setback, dinner goes off without a hitch. You and Inko actually find you have much in common. And you even help her with the dishes afterwards. When Izuku leads Toshinori into his room, this gives you and her a moment to actually talk.
“I can see why you two are together,” she says as she hands you a plate to dry. “Toshinori-san is very taken with you.”
You blush and nearly drop the plate. “Huh?! Oh…we met through this job. When he started teaching, I found myself wanting to help him out.”
Inko laughs, “Izuku told me you were sweet. I’m glad I get to see this.”
You want to tell her about what happened the other day. You nervously look around before you turn to face her. Her eyes widen a little at your now serious face. Then she’s growing worried when you begin to cry.
“Inko-sama. I’m so so sorry! Izuku called me mom by accident the other day! I didn’t want to make this awkward and now I’ve gone and ruined everything! I’m so sorry.”
When you begin bowing to her, she knows she needs to stop you. With a motherly touch, she places her hand on your shoulder. Immediately you find yourself calming down. You sniffle softly, looking at her curiously.
“It’s fine. Really, it is. Please don’t apologize.” Inko smiles. “I’m so happy my son has someone else to look up to. And it’s only natural that he would see you that way.”
You cock your head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“He doesn’t see me as often as he used to. Me and Izuku used to do everything together. I know that he’s growing up and becoming stronger, but he needs someone to watch over him in a motherly way. And I’m glad it’s you.”
She pulls you into her arms, rubbing your back soothingly. You begin to feel so much warmth radiating from her. Inko was a very good mother, but there was something even more there that you couldn’t put your finger on. Izuku was a lucky boy to have her.
“Thank you. Inko-sama.”
She laughs., “No need to be so formal. Inko is fine.”
The two of you return to your task. Then she turns to you and smirks.
“So, I suppose this means you and Toshinori will be having children of your own soon?”
The question causes you to drop a plate this time. You turn to watch as your husband coughs up blood for the second time this evening, his eyes wide. Izuku and Inko look at each other and laugh.
“What’s so funny?! How can you laugh at a time like this?!” You ask, trying to pick up the pieces of the broken plate.
Izuku smirks. “Because you both had the same look on your face!”
Inko and Izuku both imitate you and Toshinori, leaving you and your partner just a little speechless. Then he takes your hand in his, smiling at you. Then he looks at Izuku.
“That would make you a big brother, wouldn’t it, young Midoriya?”
Izuku’s eyes widen and his cheeks burn. Toshinori gets the last laugh tonight.
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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vyalk · 19 days ago
Coudn't keep myself from drawing an AU where Toshi and Inko went to highschool together and he took her to prom
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natslilcorner · 4 months ago
DadMight and Izuku (hit by a age/body regressing quirk) AU
(i'm not a writer and English is my third language, this is just a brainrot i had to get out lol)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
When Toshinori got the message from Aizawa about “his problem child getting into problems again” he was ready to call a taxi to the nearest hospital or even the police station, he certainly wasn’t expecting THIS.
In the teacher lounge sitting on a chair was a very familiar green haired teenager… no, a toddler. He was wearing a very loose tshirt and some shorts, probably given by a smaller student, they were still very big on the kid though.
“What… happened? Young Midoriya are you okay?” Toshinori kneels in front of his the kid checking for injuries.
“There was an incident in the city and they were assigned to rescue the civilians involved. Midoriya was pulling an injured civilian from under rubble, and they accidentally activated their quirk. I guess you can figure out what their quirk is.” Aizawa points his thumb to Izuku. “Apparently they are a therapist specialised in childhood trauma or something like that. From their file they usually have a very good control on their quirk and how long the” he again points at Izuku “lasts. But they got a pretty bad concussion so we really don’t know when Midoriya will change back. Usually with their patients they make it last a day or two.. but there has been cases where the change has last a week or two.” Aizawa sighs and takes a sip of the cold coffee that was sitting on his desk.
“Oh…” Toshinori looks back at Young…Younger Midoriya and exhales a laugh. “You certainly got yourself in a bit of a pickle, kid.”
Izuku simply stares at the man confused and also a bit scared. The black haired man assured him that he was a hero and that he got in an accident, he also saw the UA entrance while he was being taken there so he wasn’t lying to him. He should be excited because he is at UA! And surrounded by heroes! At least he thinks the blonde man is a hero.. he knew his name though so maybe they are acquaintances?
“You look like you have a lot going on in that small head of yours, any questions?” Toshinori smiles attempting to look friendly and ease some of his the kid’s worries.
“U-Uhm.. when is my m-mum coming?” Izuku asked quietly looking at the men from behind his bangs.
Aizawa stands up from his desk and stands next to Toshinori. “Mrs Midoriya has been already notified about your… situation. She is currently out of town but she should be back tomorrow morning. From her last update she took the first train home so you will see her soon. For now I was thinking of simply keeping you at the dorms.. but-”
Izuku’s eyes start welling up with tears. “I can’t go home?”
Seeing the tears Toshinori starts fretting over his pupil trying to calm the toddler down “You can! It’s just that Inko-san is not home yet and-“ he stops himself and takes a deep breath. “Everything will be alright, Young Midoriya…..Give a second.” Toshinori stands up and nodding to Aizawa the two man leave the room.
“I can take him home. I don’t blame him for being freaked out, he has no memories and we are basically strangers to him right now. Making him stay in a place unknown to him would simply stress him out..”
Aizawa looks at the former Number One Hero. He always knew he had a big soft spot for Midoriya, after all he was aware now of their story together. What intrigues him though…
“And how exactly will you enter the Midoriya’s apartment?” Aizawa raises his eyebrow at the man, not pointing out him using the first name of the boy's mother.
Toshinori looks quizzically at his coworker for a couple seconds… suddenly all the blood rushes to his face making him look like a tomato.
“Uhm.. ah… well….”
Aizawa pinches his nose bridge and sighs. All Might really needs a working etiquette lesson. But he won’t snitch on him… the gossip-loving rat probably knows already.
“Forget I asked. I don’t wanna know. Just take Midoriya home then, and notify his mother about where he is staying. IIda already brought his bag and some stuff so take that as well.” And with that the Underground Hero left leaving the older man alone.
Alright, Toshinori! You saved thousands of people, you can take care of a toddler for a day.
Toshinori goes back into the teacher lounge and looks down at his pupil. Izuku is still sitting on the chair playing with the hem of the oversized shirt folding it over and over again.
“Young Midoriya!” The kid startled looks up with reddened eyes. He stopped crying but he can see that the waterfalls were not over yet. “Cmon I’m gonna take you home!” He smiles.
Izuku jumps down the chair and looks up at Toshinori hopefully. “Is my mum back then?”
Toshinori kneels in front of him and puts his hand of his fluffy head. “No, she will still be back tomorrow morning. But we figured out it would be more comfortable for you waiting in your home rather than here. But do not worry!” He hits his own chest and uses his All Might voice. “Because I will keep you company!”
Izuku stares at the frail man in awe. He just did the best All Might voice he ever heard! Is he also a fan? Since he is in UA is he a hero as well? Did he work with All Might? But All Might has no sidekicks, did they do missions together then- Izuku’s thoughts stop hearing the man.. his babysitter’s laugh. He notices how often he looks at him fondly, just like his mum does. He wants to ask what is his relationship with the “older Izuku”.
“You are mumbling Young Midoriya” Toshinori smiles and ruffles his hair. “We have the whole day together so keep your questions for later. Although I can’t promise I will answer all of them. Hero secrecy and stuff.” He winks and laughs again seeing Izuku getting even more excited.
“Now let’s get you home. It’s almost lunch time so I bet you are hungry!” He picks up the kid’s backpack and goes to the door.
Suddenly he feels a tiny hand hold his way bigger one. Toshinori has always been tall and big in general, training his body all life made his hands rough and full of callouses. He gently squeezes the tiny hand, looks down and gets greeted with a precious smile.
This will be more challenging than he thought. He just hopes his weak heart will be able to handle all the cuteness that radiates from his the kid.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
>PART 1<
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mckayla-reina · 11 months ago
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Chat this ship is kinda growing on me ngl
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