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Even when the injuty was not bad. It's worrying thst she is not there.
i mean its magda she's pretty infamous for hiding away when injured regardless of how bad it is
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i have a small injuty on my foot from siriricar (no i will not explain) and idk what is worse the sting feeling or the itching
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10 - Zephia sorta gave up on life... yes
I mean, why wouldn’t she use the time crystal she made for herself to turn back before being beaten to death by Alear and Veyle otherwise ?
I explain it too in the Mauvier deep dive but the Hounds’ name are based of the french name of colors, and Zephia’s name, Sepia is a mix of Griss, Marni and Mauvier’s color name.

Losing them means that Zephia lost 2 elements of what made her her, even if she never treated them properly anyway nor would admit deep down she needed them more then they needed her. After all, she still tried to have Mauvier turns side even after he made it clear that she lost him forever the moment she pludged the knife into Marni’s chest, she still called the Hounds family even if she had this super messed up idea of a family and that her bound with Griss is at the same time pure, genuine and... ducked up as hell because this man is literaly obsessed with her, idolize her which is ... exactly the kind of love she yearned for, (WHAT ?!) but yeah she did realized she messed with the Hounds and she isn’t really one to acknowledge her mistake now, is she ? She choosed to walk down this path till the end.
What’s more, her other and real essential goal, her only purpose, her reason to live, the thing she though would brought her salvation and still could clung into the delusiong of it happening is going away as Sombron is drawing closer to his goal and sure, she might not know about 0Emblem and Sombron’s project, but we, the audience, knows that he never intended to give her the child she wanted since his plan was just to get the rings back so he could leave this world as quickly as intented, so to not face the disappointement and because she had no others reason to live, she decided to give up. And while making this decision she still decided to help Alear and Veyle to get it back at Sombron. So she already gave up all ideas of “cleaning the slate” and just decided to accept whatever fate she ended up having, conscious of having ruined herself the family she could have had if she had actually tried to love them correctly.
(NB: I am still bringing this up because I saw some people calling it a plot hole, but while I can explain it like this, I think the most obvious answer to it not being a hole is that the time crystal she created is drastically different then the one Alear uses. Alear uses a time rewind crystal, the one Zephia made is a TIME TRAVEL crystal. Those are different in the sense that time rewind means you rewinds, hence if for example your arm gets injuired and you rewind back to the moment before you get injuried, then your injuty will disappear because you have never been injuried to begin with. However, if you time travel, your arm will still remain injuired, but you will face a double of you before he gets injuried. So even if dying Zephia had used it for herself, she would still be dying, but she would have met her pastself like Alear and Pastlear in chapter 24)
Death was literaly the only possible fate for her, unlike Mauvier she could not have joined you. Not with all of that. It’s because of her choices and in truth, she was incapable of choosing another path for herself since it’s the one she created for herself and embrace it. To stay true to who she is and what she wanted, she could never have choosen another path. What mattered was her wish but only when it’s too late does she realize it was already here. Because it’s how abusers are ; they only realize too late their mistakes, only when the glass was broken are they thinking about how they could have never broke it in the first place, so only when her death arrived is Zephia finally able to realize that she destroyed herself her own wish.
All of this makes Zephia a much deeper character then she is, it’s explain her motivations and it aligns with Engage’s commentary on family overall, but it definetely doesn’t make her seems like a reedemable or sympathetic villain because she is just as stupid as Sombron, the only thing she has over him is that she ends up realizing how blind she was, but whatever good she might have done, it was already too late. She is also one Sombron’s victim but unlike Veyle who was completely brainswashed and Rafal who was still possesed, she completely gave up on reality and try instead to embrace a shadow because it’s easier to dream of an utopic family than actually fight her own toxic tendency to built a solid fundation, only when it’s too late does she realize that she what she could have built was there if she just decided to open the eyes, but her tragic side is really that she could not because she wasn’t ready to accept that love is also giving love and accepting to suffer the loss of it.
And oh boi, she really is a piece of... wow, her story is sad but at the same time she is so messed up... there really is something about character not wanting to open the eyes eh ? Regardless Zephia would have been way less tragic had she been redeemable cause guess what ? the reason why tragedy works so well is because we all know that if the character had made things differently the outcome would have been better. That’ s the thing with tragic characters, whatever decision they are lead to take the wrong and worst one even out of free will for whatever reasons. Another reason as to why I think that still makes Zephia an irredeemable jerk that still don’t have completely stupid reasons is that there is simply nothing she could have done to make ammend. Unlike Veyle and Rafal who hurted people unrelated to them in any way and because of a mind quite altered, and in Veyle’s case completely, Zephia hurted directly Veyle and used her as a pawn, and killed Marni. Her other victims were only indirectly her victims, since it was the Other Veyle’s doing and Other Veyle was shown to be a sentient being capable of making choice of her own even if Veyle can’t be held responsible for it as it was her other persona created by Zephia, but Zephia never gave Other Veyle any order. The Fell Princess may be her creation but it’s a creation she left able to develop a will of her own. So the people that would have to forgive Zephia are people she always rejected and would always no matter what because she can’t help it, even with Veyle’s kindness and her feeling for Mauvier, she was already past the point. Why do you think that only when she is gone do we learn that maybe she had her reason to be a jerk ? That’s not even comparable to Veyle which was obvious that she was mind control nor Rafal that before the last fight showed signs that he migh actually be slightly mind control even with less intensity then Veyle if you recall his dialogue with Nel.... Zephia showed no signs which is why her turning back makes no sense for many players because of how it wasn’t prepared and that’s normal it doesn’t make sense, Zephia’s whole point is that it was too late for her, so the explanation also come when it’s too late. She can’t be redeemed anyhow anyway.
* in the JPN version, she simply says “it’s so sad however” which means she does shows some empathy with Sombron’s victim but she still chooses to repress those feeling and be a complice of this.... remind me how the Internet in it’s infinte wisdom though there could be something in the game telling you taht you should forgive Zephia when all we learn about her all conclude to the obvious fact the story condamned her already and that if her being a tragic character works so well is because she works on a “it’s to late basis”? Ah yes, right, 3H.
post scriptum : when I am speaking of Zephia being "cursed" I am not implying that she was possesed unlike Rafal and Veyle, it simply is a reference to the Mélusine story since folktales rely heavily on symbolism and curse/spell and the sort of have heavy symbolic values, in the case of Mélusine, her curse turns her into a monster in disguise, a woman who lost her humanity shown through her monstrous appearance and whose only salvation is the love of a family but she is unable to break her "curse" and as a result becomes a the damned being deprived of love and in this case, the damnation of a mother who cannot be here for her children despite loving them, essentially turning into a being who cannot offer them the love and care she wish she could;
4 Hounds deep dive part 4 : Zephia
In the Hound family, I demand : the mother/older sister. Let’s break down evul momy lizard.
So of course SPOILERS AHEAD and no, whatever postive things I migt say about this piece of lizard meat, I don’t like her nor do I justify any of the things she has done but if I have to be critical, I’ll have to put my biais aside (I'll do the same thing as for Marni, reblog and add)
So Zephia, or if you prefer as I like to call her, Aversa 2.0 is basically a mix between Aversa and Nyx : she was some sort of genius talented baby mage dragon since according to both her and Mauvier, she had stronger dragonic impluse, far stronger then average Mage dragon so I guess dragonic impulse are linked to genetics in the Engage world ? Cause she says it’s “a gift” so it’s innate, not as if she spend hours practicing, ... in others words like Aversa and Nyx but because she is too OP, she ended up blowing up her home town, killing her own family in the process
That’s what we know of her backstory. A woman so OP she could have been the Fell Dragon if Sombron wasn’t there. This events tooks place when she was young but at some point, she ended up working for Sombron. Since Sombron is over 3 000 and arrived 1 000 years ago in Elyos after his family got killed, coupled with the fact that Zephia is over 2 500, this means that Zephia’s rampage tooks place at least 1 000 years after Sombron’s arrival in Elyos since he and Lumera since they are of the same age where child. As a loyal servant of Sombron, when he was sealed away, she immediately worked in order to bring him back, watched over sleeping Veyle in her temple and eventually took over Griss, Marnie and Mauvier and forms the Hounds, a “group whose goal is to serve Sombron and protect Veyle”. Once Veyle awoke, seeing her gentle personality, Zephia began her manipulation to “fix” her and if she is very manipulative with Veyle, she is actually incredibly loyal to the Fell Princess (that’s how i call Evil Veyle) since this version of Veyle is the perfect version. She is so devoted to Sombron that she puts every of his needs and desire before everything to the point of becoming blind and... not very bright cause she is incredibly dumb sometimes... eh, but basically she is the perfect pawn for Sombron because she is driven by a desire, a specific desire ; that Sombron would be the father of her own children. So now, here we go.
The main thing with Zephia much like the other villains in this game, she is driven by the desire of love and family
1 - Zephia la Mélusine
Melusine is a unique class that debuted in Engage, and is reserved to the only 2 mage dragon (or rather Full Mage dragon) that can join our party or is an ennemy in Engage, Zelestia and Zephia. Described as “an alluring magic knight who rides an evil dragon”, it’s name is based on a creature from European folklore, la fée Mélusine, a Nixie.
There is a lot of version of her story, but most famous as her being cursed by her mother to turn into a a dragon half woman each Saturday and that her only salvation would be to find a man who would accept to marry her, to have her children and to respect the oath of never seeing her bathing each Saturday. At some point, Melusine meets a man called Raymondin, a young lord who accidentally killed his uncle and helps him in return, he accepts to marry her and promise her to never spy on her as she bath in secret every Saturday. They have children most of them having monstruous feature according to foklore, but they are of the number of ten. However, Raymondin’s brother, the count of Forez encourages his brother to spy on her by saying she might be up to something bad * cough, cough cheating * and of course, being the jealous husband type Raymondin eventually ends up spying on her and discover her dragon tail. The version varies from there but all ends the same : Mélusine, desesperate as her husband’s action condamned her to endless damnation, she screams out of despair, and fly out of the window (yes cause she is a dragon/fairy so she had wings with her tails... don’t ask me ok, it’s a mythological figure) but she returns at night to caress her kids, and legends as it that at night when she can’t enter the place to take care or see her children, she spent the entire night crying out of despair and that when someone of the family dies or that her family’s good pass onto someone else, she screams and laments. Her names in breton means “La Mielleuse” = the Sweet/The Smooth
Now bear with me : Mélusine was a dragon-woman yearning for family and whose salvation relied on founding this family but she was robbed of it because of an invidual’s toxic behaviour... reminds you of someone ? It’s pretty obvious that not only her design, her class and story macthes with this story, that’s preety much why the dev decided to name her class that. Zephia’s story aligns pretty much with that of Mélusine, she too seeks salvation in family only for it to ends tragically but their fate is rather different however.
2 - Zephia and the meaning of family
When exactly did she started to be obssessed by it ? Well...
After this conversation... very weird conversation if you ask me. I mean, Zephia associate the words “children” with “subordinate. To which Sombron answer by “If you require some of those [loyal subordinnates], then just do what I do. Make children”. Sombron’s answer make sense with how he is. Cause look at the definition Sombron gives of family
(NB to me, I gotta make a post about the meaning of family cause the more this goes, the more complex it gets)
Regardless by Sombron’s definition, children are synonynoms of subordinates but the interesting bits about Zephia is that what seems to have drawn her attention was this part
She comments that it’s a “revelation” and this comments obviously shows that Sombron put something knew in her mind.
What Zephia however doesn’t seems to realize is that Sombron doesn’t care about his children love and that his children most definetely did not loved him, but rather feared him with the sole exception of Veyle but Veyle was too young at the time and overall remained ignorant of a lot of things but Veyle is another topic.
Upon this thoughts, Zephia tries to remember her family. She obviously doesn’t because of several reason : other then the fact that she was young when her rampage occured, it’s well established that because of their lifespan being longer than human’s, dragons often forgets a lot of things the more time passes, but even more than an average human brain.
Basically, Zephia’s definition of family aligns with the one given by Sombron but the difference is that Sombron makes kids because “power” whereas Zephia wants kids because she want Luv... and that’s where it gets interesting
3 - Zephia break down : a woman who yearned for love
This is the parts where you see that Zephia isn’t a comically evil lady but a character with actual motivations. Just like the character her class is named after, Zephia seeked for the love of someone, that someone be her child.
That’s how Mauvier describe Zephia to Zelestia, but note that he mentions how above all her negative traits, she is lonely. In the full convo, he said the last part of the sentence with a sad look and a sad tone which are notable speaking of Mauvier, a character that emotes very little and most importantly who resent Zephia for killing Marnie. What I like about this support is that Mauvier begins by saying it’s his point of view and perspectivism is going to be important about the Hounds in general, but even though what he saw and knew of Zephia was her harsh and destructive side, he was also able to sense her loneliness.
That’s not that surprising because Mauvier is Veyle’s knight, and who was the most lonely person Mauvier ever met ? Veyle. And who also wanted a family and love ? Veyle. Basically, Zephia shares a lot of common things with Veyle (excuse me, i have to wash my mouth for saying this I hope it’s the last time) : that is to say
1 ) they both are terrible lonely
2) they both yearns for the love of family
3) they both yearned for Sombron’s attention + got contaminated by him (to some extent)
Zephia was after all resposible for the death of her own family even if she could not control it and who knows how many years she spent all alone until she met Sombron and entered his service ?
She even express the wish to see her parents once again but that’s not all
It’s revealed that the reason why Zephia never allows herself to get attached to any of Sombron’s children is to protect herself from sadness* since she knows he will dispose of them sooner or later. A kind of “ your goldfish is gonna die within 2 days, why bother getting attached ?” mentality. Or if you prefer this
This also explain her entire relationship towards Veyle.
Regardless, Zephia’s relationship to love is actually quite complicated because when she dies, we have this whole conversation with Griss
And when say that, guess what ? I’ll believe her. Zephia really though of the Hounds as her family, no matter how toxic she was towards them... because of her complicated story with love. Even Veyle mentions that Zephia showed kindess towards her (though we all know why eh) but she was shown to be capable of acting both as a loving mother and an abuser because Zephia remained lonely during such a long time that she forgot how it feels to be love and a family, but most importantly because the only model of a family she saw during all these years was : Sombron’s. A toxic environnement where violence was required to have what you wanted, those kids had to kill in order to survive themselves and she also saw those children being killed in awful ways. Sombron literaly tasked her with getting care of the corpse... yeah. Basically, Zephia’s problem is that she yearns for the love of her children but she doesn’t know HOW to love them nor even express it, mainly because the only familial environement she remember is a... no actually toxic is an understatement when it comes to describing the experience that is being Sombron’s children. Zephia’s love manifest itself through her attitude of being harsh and destructive despite her motherly attitude and before someone acts like “toxicisty isn’t love” yes, I know that.
HOWEVER, toxicity can be a result of love, or rather love can create a toxic behaviour. All feelings are like medicine, medicine is somthing that can cure you or poison you depending on how you use it. Anger can be the fuel of toxic behavior but we sometimes need it, same thing for sadness. Love may be what we all yearn for, but there is no denying that it can also be what freed the worst in all of us. I think the movie that shows that best is Luis Bunel’s masterpiece, El.
But I digress, what is important is that Zephia is incapable of being a loving mother because the only “love” she witnessed was the one given by Sombron to his children.. so yeah any family she could have based on this influence was bound to be ducked up. She wanted to and to be loved, but because of Sombron’s influence, she was incapable of understanding the real meaning of family even though she still had one thing over Sombron and that was to understand that a family can bring you the love you desire which Sombron never even consider since he seems to consider his children to be like the humans that believes in him. She was still able to praise her “children” when needed but still gave them violent punishement when she judge it necessary. if Zephia is Melusine, then Sombron is at the same time Raymondin and the one who cursed her. By uttering the cursed words that made her want to have a child, he actually doomed Zephia to crave for something she is incapable of having and that would dommed her. My personal commentary on Mélusine’s story was precisely that she needed love to be saved, but not just her husband, but her loving family and that it’s precisely the inner toxicity of her husbanf, his jealousy that doomed her to remain a monster who would still love her children but unable to remain by their side. Sombron’s influence is like a curse (and don’t worry Rafal, one day I’ll talk about what he did to you) and he also cursed Zephia, corrupted her with his toxic view on family. In that regard, that makes the ressemblances between Veyle and Zephia ever more barrant; she too after all, was a tragic woman who yearned for the love of someone, her child.
She also bears strinking similarities with Sombron : Sombron seeks 0 Emblem, his Elys, his ideal. Zephia has eyes only for him.
Zephia confirms she had no romantic feelings for Sombron and that she wasn’t exaclty looking for his affection unlike what Mauvier claimed even though you could say that maybe Zephia did not wanted to admit it, but seeing how things are presented I believe Zephia more. What is important is that she pushed everyone away for Sombron, but not really for him, but for what she wanted him to be : the father of her child. Just like how Sombron become obsessed by 0 Emblem to the point of not seeing anyone, Zephia became blinded by her desire to have a child. When Veyle fights against her, she says “ You don’t see me, do you, Zephia ? You see me and you think of Papa.” Sombron’s influence on someone just as lonely as he was is obvious : he was a lonely dragon seeking for the love of only one person to the point of making everyone suffer and not caring, and Zephia repeated the same schema on the Hounds, with the difference that she did care about them to some extent.
Proof ? Well, she still leaves Mauvier and Marnie chances to get back on her side, when she fight Mauvier, Mauvier still talks about how he truly believed they were family but in his support with Zelestia he will take this back, though for Zephia they were indeed family because to her, that’s how family is like. Even as they are fighting in chapter 23, Zephia still offers Mauvier to return to her side. Zephia’s attitude definetely was shaped by Sombron’s influence since she became almost like him and guess what ?
Mauvier may be talking about magic powers here, but I am not (especially seeing the allegory there can be within Sombron’s magical power), what I am saying is that Zephia could have been an equal to Sombron’s toxicity in family if it weren’t for 2 different things : one, she is aware that family mean love. 2, she ends up realizing herself how blind she was and love did deliver her (and death too, incidentally).
#fire emblem engage#fire emblem emotional damage#mélusine#fire emblem#four hounds#zephia fe#zephia fire emblem#fe engage
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Royal Challengers Bangalore allrounder Washington Sundar has been ruled out of the second half of the IPL 2021 due to a finger injury. #washingtonsundar #rcb #royalchallengerbanglore #injuty #rulledout #cricket #ipl #ipl2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTMOfr-jCyz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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“Melkor being creepy as usual” I’m going to make that my blog header (not really but)
Most embarrassing memory for Blue and Pastel?
thats a mood tho :D
cw: implied nsfw; mentioned permanent injuty
Blue crosses his arm and pouts "It, it has so many. So many!" It closes it's legs "T-t-the worse is that everybody can see. It, it thinks the most humiliating was, was healing from that injury"
Pastel sighs, blushes and looks away "IF's parties were a nightmare. Those clothes, those people, all those hands...."
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doing a regular check over of my dog and found a couple of these bad boys

glad i didn’t let them stay in over night. Some of these super aggressive grass seeds can lead to amputations or even death - foxtails in particular are nasty little demons
Check your dog often! just rub along the fur everywhere, make sure you don’t feel anything out of place, and also go against the way the hair grows to visually inspect the skin. This will help you find foxtails and burrs, any matting, ticks, etc. It may alert you to fleas or other notable things like discoloration, hair loss etc, and is a good way to catch various cancers early.
While you are doing this, squeeze muscles and bones gently, noting any pain reactions; often dogs will ignore injuries as much as possible which can make noticing those injuties difficult for us — even a pulled muscle or something is worth knowing when planning your dog’s exercise or asking them to jump off a couch.
Lastly, take this time to put your fingers in between your dog’s toes, reach in their mouth feel their teeth, put your fingers in their ears, wipe their eyes, hold their eyes open briefly and inspect them. etc. Not only do you want to find anything that might have gotten stuck between their toes, in their eyes, or in their ears, but routinely handling these parts will make visits to the vet and any medical situations much less stressful for them, and make it easier for your vet to do their best work.
In the wild, your dog would likely have packmates doing some similar grooming and self care assistance, and if you do it right it will be sort of like a massage that means you love them and bonds you closer, they’ll enjoy it.

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nev wearing a shirt that says FEMINIST. in this catfish episode really adds insult to injuty
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If I were putting together a list for guests for a relationship podcast...Lynn and Abe would definetely be in it.
Top Moments so far:
Abe successfully convincing Lynn that she has not outgrown video games (2020 Update: Still enjoying video games together!)
Lynn missing Abe when he's not around
Abe's shirts get to see the light of day while he recovers from an injuty
Just impressing the heck out of each other
Abe 'Wooed' Lynn with mixtapes
Lynn's parents like Abe
Boundaries for social media
Abe's in a book club (I have no idea how it nurtures relationships...but I think it's more of personal development...and growing friendship with other people?)
Using 'bored time' to fuel creativity
Constant playfulness
Abe using the phrase "I'm her husband" rather than "She's my wife"
Abe is Lynn's biggest cheerer
Relationship Timeline:
90's - Meet Cute
6 April (2003?) - Wedding!
Maybe one day we'll get a glimpse of how they built their foundation...and continually nurture their marraige.
PS: You can find Lynn's tweet here with Abe's reply!
PPS: Which relationship podcasts are your fave? (DM them over!)
#Marraige#Lynn Chen#Abe Forman Greenwald#Relationship Goals#And They Live Happily Ever After#Declarations Of Love
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I mean you can also sse how the player behave. Lohmann was crying, so I knew she was bad injured. When P had her hamstring she couldn't even put weight on her leg or when Maren got her knee injuty she was screaming in pain...
When Magda git her ankle injury, I was surprised that she still tried to play in the second half cause I never saw her in pain like this and P was also very worried.
yea to this day I still do not know how she was still standing after it. I don't know about anyone else but slightly dreading the away game to wolfburg for the flashbacks of that moment alone could that haunted me for about three months until she was back on the pitch
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This. Is. So. Important.
I had a very sick robo dwarg hamster as a first experience. She had one of those brain injuties that made her run back and forth in lines in the cage (wich was more than the minimum when we got her) and the only way it got better was when we got her a terrarium 3 times bigger than the ikea bix she had in the beginning. Never gone backk on that choice and all the hamsters i adopted since then lived happily a long life in a 120×80×80 cm terrarium with handmade items.
10 Steps To Care For Your Hamster (long post!)
1. Do not keep them in pairs. Hamsters are loners - keeping them together often results in stress, fighting, injuries and death. They are very happy alone.

2. Minimum cage size
dwarf hamsters: 30 x 20 x 20 inches (80x50x50cm);
bigger hamsters: 40 x 20 x 20 inches (100x50x50cm)!
NOT like this:

Living in cages like this for them is like a human living in an elevator - a lot too small and even dangerous!
For them it feels like this:

Behavior like this is a signal for stress because the cage is too small or that they need more bedding:


3. Your hamster (always!) needs a hamster wheel - and it must be a lot bigger than you might think!
Hamster must be able to run with a completely straight back
on a closed surface
with a closed back wall!
NOT like this:

Results of those wheels are: spine problems, backache, stress, injuries!
Minimum wheel size for dwarf hamsters: 9-10 inches.
Minimum wheel size for bigger hamsters: 12 inches!

4. Do not buy them plastic tubes (at all):
Those tubes are not suitable at all: Hamsters get stuck or suffocate in them easily.
5. Your hamster needs enough bedding to dig and build tunnels.
NOT like this:


Your hamster will be extremely happy and dig around and build tunnels all day (night).
A study also found out that (golden) hamsters need up to 12-36 inches of bedding, so just do your best do give them the highest amount of bedding possible. :)
6. The less plastic the better!
NOT like this:

Plastic gets swallowed, splinters, can injure or even kill your hamster.

7. Hamsters ALWAYS need a sand bath.
Hamsters love rolling around in the sand, for them it’s like showering. How would you feel without a shower?

You can use those little baths as toilets, but you still need a bigger sand bath!

8. Hamsters need a house with at least 2 or more chambers to store food, sleep etc. Also make sure that your hamster does have enough hiding places like coconuts, small houses, toilet rolls!

9. Do use unperfumed toilet paper for nesting material, don’t use “hamster wool” -> it can tangle around a limb and seriously hurt and even kill your hamster!
NOT like this:

10. Never ever ever put your hamster or any animal in a hamster ball.
They can’t get out, might suffocate or panic, might run against furniture and seriously injure themselves. The ventilation is terrible, your hamster can’t see/smell/hear enough or use any of their senses properly.
In some countries they even discuss about banning those by law!
Even if you think that “your hamster has fun in it” - please don’t use them!

Please reblog and spread this information.
Pet stores often are very misinformed and sell terrible cages and have little to no idea how to keep a happy hamster - please be careful when trusting them. In the end they often just want to make money - and the hamsters suffer.
Please adopt, not buy hamsters - there are too many hamsters in this world that we need any more breeding.
MASTERPOST: Cheap Cages And Supplies For Hamsters - IKEA
~ more to come ~
(Sorry for the spelling errors - I made this post in a rush.)

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Medical Negligence Claim calulator , calculate your injuty type size severity and claims pay amount free online with us
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Hiddink Belum Temukan Solusinya
Hiddink Belum Temukan Solusinya
Guus Hiddink mengakui bila dirinya belumlah dapat juga dapatkan jalan keluar atas masalah yang didapati Belanda saat ini. Tim Oranje gagal sampai hasil maksimal setelah ditahan imbang Turki 1-1 dalam laga kualifikasi Euro 2016.
Tuan-rumah sempat tertinggal lebih dulu melalui gol yang dibuat oleh Burak Yilmaz sampai waktu injuty time. Selanjutnya Belanda lepas dari kekalahan setelah Klass-Jan…
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A Memory: Falling off a picnic bench
A few years ago, in fourth grade, maybe I fell off a bench. See, I was going through this phase where I had my “Relaxation Pose.” I would cross my legs, lift them up slightly, then thread my hands through them. It looked very contourtionisty, but I found it very comfortable. So, of course I had to show off my talent.
I was at x camp, (yes, with x, the child molester, but that is another story) and I was showing my friend x (who I sort of liked) what I could do. Of course, I chose to do that while we were sitting outside on a picnic bench. If you’ve ever been on a picnic bench, you know that they are very narrow. The conversation went something like this.
“how do you do that?”
“I don’t know I just kind of do.”
“Isn’t that uncomfortable?
“Not rea-AGH!
And I fall offf the bench onto the asphalt. ( couldn’t catch myself since my arms were intertwined with my legs).
A counselor runs over. “Blood, blood, blood, everybody move!” and she rushes me to the office to fix me up.
“I’m bleeding” I asked. It was really strange. I never actually felt pain. I could only feel the injuty when I physically touched my head and feel the blood.
The counselor (x, maybe?) brought me to the office and immediately calls my parents. Meanwhile, x (yes, the child molester, but that’s a different story) begins to wrap my head up with a big white Bandaid. “You should have people sign it like a cast.” I pretend to laugh.
After what seemed like hours my dad got there, and took me to the hospital. I got more scared then, because I found out I would have to get skitches, which is really disgusting because they’re basically sewing up your skin. Shivers. But they did it and I lived.
One thing: I never told any of the nurses that it was my Relaxation Pose that caused my injury. I guess I figured it was less embarassing to have randomly fallen off a bench then to have been seen in a “relaxation pose.”
Well, I learned my lesson. I haven’t done the Relaxation Pose since.
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Plum came over to him so he can see her a little better. "I fell on you." She put a hand to his chest and used her healing power to help heal any physical injuty he may be experiencing, but if his symptoms went beyond that, she was not able to fix it. "Do you feel a little better now?" She hoped.
Out of nowhere, Plum falls from the above and her fall is broken as she lands on top of the other individual. The purple-haired female groans in pain before she slowly sits up. "I have landed on someone..." She looks over. "My apologies."
Nick was on the ground so suddenly that he didn’t really have any time to react. He just kind of groaned and attempted to move. Nothing eas broken luckily. He heard a voice speak to him so he opened his eyes. “What the hell just happened?”
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Sports god, help!
So, either my body is trying to tell me something or someone "up there" really doesen't like me having fun and working out. One jinx after another. First, my shoulder, which is far from recovered btw. Next, a pulled hip during a post run stretch. Then, my knee decides not to give a fuck that I enjoy running and hurts like hell. If there's a bad carma for sports injuries - I have it! So, after today's fisio, I'm off the track for at least 4-6 weeks and I haven't done a desent weigt training becase of the shoulder in months. Pretty much I'm stuck with nonimpact, light stuff. Basically all I can do without pain is yoga. The good in all of this is that I was told that several months of yoga can actually bring me back to "normal" faster. I got myself DDP Yoga and I'm starting tomorrow. Wish me luck!
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so i sprsind my wrist (te left one, my dominatnt one) so my typing kind ofv ucks so like forgive me ths really hutyrs
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