#injured ed
arsenicflame · 8 months
episode 8 fix it where izzy does get shot, but it doesnt kill him- its on the left side after all! a gunshot does more damage than a sword, so he has a longer healing time ahead, and with him still learning how to live missing a leg, they all agree that its best he doesn't sail away with them, that itd be better if he stayed on land while he recovers
conveniently, he just so happens to know two men who are looking to start an inn on land! he can stay with them, help them complete repairs (god knows neither of them knows what theyre doing themselves) he can whittle little souvenirs on his sick bed; he can help moderate their ideas ("theres no point picking drapes yet stede, we don't have a fucking window") he can heal in peace.
maybe he could try being someone else other than the great izzy hands, maybe he could make something new here. no captains, no first mates, just izzy and ed and stede
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theclaravoyant · 8 months
Ed being in the whitest clothes he’s ever been in while Izzy, in black leathers, making direct reference to his role in Blackbeard, passes away in the symbolic death of the Blackbeard identity 👌 👌 👌
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I destroy myself so there's nothing left for other people to break.
idk not me
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whumpdidyasay · 6 months
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The Conjuring 2
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the-habitat-ring · 1 month
I always want to post more about my yard on here, but I get frustrated and self-concious because my disabilities prevent me from doing everything I want to do and frequently derail my plans. I do want to post some of the cool stuff I’m doing, though! I just need to get over the mental hurdle where I feel frustrated about all the cool stuff I’m not doing or have failed at.
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luvlylight · 2 months
okay but why the fuck did edward took bella to prom
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pinehutch · 4 months
In 2018 I fell down some stairs and severely sprained my right ankle and moderately sprained the left one. Didn't rest long enough . Physio. Recovery took a long time and only ever got me back to maybe 80%? I walked less.
Eleven months later, in 2019, I fell down the same stairs (I was going out to buy some shoes with more ankle support obviously) and severely sprained my left ankle and moderately sprained the right one. More physio, eventually. But I walked less.
Nine months later it was March 2020 and we were in first lockdown for ages. I didn't leave my town at all until the next October. I was afraid of crossing paths with people in parks. My immunocompromised (RA) ass hardly went into the office at all for the better part of three years. I walked less.
Last February, I started a sick leave because my mental health was the worst it's ever been in my life. I spent days and days crying. I had to trick myself into eating with prepared foods and snacks. I slept not at all or, after a change in meds, for 16+ hours per day. Needless to say, I walked very little indeed. I started a gradual return to work in June, half days from home.
Last August, I had a super enormous arthritis flare and my knees, especially the left one but actually both of them, were fucked. I couldn't walk without a crutch or cane for several months, and when I say "walk" I mean "even for just a few feet." I walked less.
I've been diligent with physio this time and I can walk for about five minutes without a cane. But the factors that made me extra sedentary all fall and winter, combined with a desk job, mean that my legs and hip muscles are all fucked up. The piriformis is my enemy. I just got a Charley horse so bad that I yelled; I was lying in bed on my stomach, gently flexing my legs at the knee. This is after massage therapy this afternoon and a muscle relaxer before bed.
So anyway it's actually kind of horrifying to watch yourself become progressively more disabled from the feet up over such a long period of time that you forget what it was like before that. It's worrisome that first ankles then knees and now hips and nothing has recovered all the way.
And the weirdest part is that I'm generally feeling better than I have in well over a year. Which means, I think, that 2024 is the year of. pine's incredibly gradual training montage.
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lizluzz · 2 years
Ooooh, you know what would be fun? Stede taking one look at Ed's painted face, and in an attempt to be positive and supportive of everything to do with Ed, declaring he just loves the new look, isn't it splendid?
Ed is a bit taken aback, but nothing prepares him to waking up the next day and seeing Stede like this:
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Look, Ed! I think it turned out quite nice, if I do say so myself. I think we should do the crew next, make it a bonding experience, what do you think?
Ed promptly goes back to his room, and the next time he comes out his face is clean. Stede is actually disappointed because he thinks it's about Ed refusing to share this with him. The crew is tremendously relieved they won't have to participate in their captain's ridiculous courting rituals.
(Ed is secretly disappointed too, because he thought it was kinda hot look for Stede, actually, but he'll never ever admit it)
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knownoshamc · 8 months
if stede's love brought ed back from the dead, then ed's love (& the crew's) will bring izzy back too. I don't make the rules.
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folio-sprout · 6 months
Guess who's shoulder fixed itself after being subluxed for several days! Apparently knitting for two hours in varying positions was enough for it to slip back into place. 😅
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amelia-yap · 1 year
Have you seen the last g witch episode?
no but yes?
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chicago-geniza · 8 months
Trying to explain how stupid my infirmities are like "well I sneezed too hard and it caused a rippling muscle spasm across my chest and partially dislocated one of my ribs"
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cunning-matriarch · 8 days
"oh man it just never gets old does it?" "Oh the classics never do honey"
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marsixm · 8 months
big spoiler cw for the finale- i understand why a lot of people didnt feel like it made sense for how ed was acting during izzy’s death scene, like it didn’t feel earned or whatever bc they’d been at odds w each other since last season, but for me, and understand i’m not saying my personal experience making it make sense for me is trying to give undue writing cred or whatever, but i had a very difficult relationship with my very transphobic/bigoted mother. she made my life a nightmare a lot of the time. but i had to care for her in death. i had to watch her die for months. it was a waking nightmare, and it had a profound effect on me. it was complicated. it made my relationship to my memory of her very complicated. (and even if it hadnt been a months long ordeal i was caught in the middle of i’d probably still feel similarly) and that’s how ed dealing with izzy’s death feels to me. just like him having to kill his father, it was the right thing to do, but it still left him with difficult emotions. when ed says “you’re the only family i’ve got left” to izzy, after all the bullshit they put each other through, i get it.
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eps 6 and 7 freed me in ways i didn’t know i needed. i am now blocking people for absolute shit takes especially if you say something like “izzy did deserve to be shot, idc if you think ed abused him, lucius was actually a victim, not izzy”. yeah! bye!
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virgo-79 · 10 months
Hey kids, not to destroy anyone on a cellular level or anything, but I'm pretty sure in that clip of Ed lying down and Stede holding him and getting headbutted Stede's other hand ( the one not attached to the arm that's fully wrapped over Ed) is in Ed's hair.
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