#inhyuk imagines
dark-night-hero · 2 years
Imagine being Goo Inhyuk's significant other.
Imagine being the older sibling of Yoo Jiyoung, the most powerful awakened one of South Korea as well as the youngest to ever become one, and Jisuk, one of the top four prodigy of the next generation among the country. As well the lover of Goo Inhyuk, one of the top twenty awakened of the country. If there is one thing notable about you other than the fact that you're a normal human being, unlike your siblings and lover, you are not an awakened one. Anyways, you are currently running a few corporations under Shinhwa as well as planning to expand your influence in the political world.
Imagine being on your office at home like usual, countless piles of documents right in front of you as you lean back on your chair, cat purring on your lap as you focused on the chart on your tablet you are currently holding. Charts and detailed reports flashed across the screen, causing your brows to frown. "Not a bad project proposal, but this won't do."
Imagine being so focused on the document you did not even notice your lover entered your office, tray of snack, both yours, and for the cat in your lap in his hands. It was one of the rare days where he got to have a day off under your young sister Jiyoung. Normally, even though he liked it and is tempted, he wouldn't have accepted. He had nothing to do at home after all, plus he could just help his sister in law with the matters that needed to be done in the office. But upon hearing that you did not come home in the Yoo residence, but in fact at his home, he had no choice but to accept it.
Imagine the way he crept behind you, silently placing the tray on his hand on the table, raising a brow when you didn't even look up from your device, but upon noticing hkw focused you are, he gently place down a hand on your shoulder causing you to flinch, normally an ordinary person would have probably jumped off but yoh manage to remain calm and slowly raise your head. And upon looking up, there you see your lover, yet to remove his hand on your shoulder looking down at you with a gentle smile on his face.
"You didn't tell me you're coming home today." "I know you're busy, you're rarely home after all. Plus, there was no one in the Yoo residence, the staffs were on vacation and Jisuk was at his friend?" You replied with a small smile. "Still you should have given me a heads up, If it wasn't for the chairwoman I wouldn't have known that you're here." "I came to stay in here just for the night, I got matters to deal with the company by tomorrow and I.. Just want to rest for the day." "So today's your day off? Thats one more reason for you to inform me then" He chuckle, leaning down to steal a kiss from you before picking up the cat on your lap.
"I know better than to get in your way honey, you're more busy than I am after all." You spoke, finally letting go of the tablet on your hands as you place it on the table. "Busy? That's not true, you're far more busy than us. I mean even now in your day off you're doing nothing but work." He tease causin you to pout as you rech out for the snack on the table, watching him as play with your cat. "Come on, I was really planning to rest, but then I started feeling restless so I got no choice but to work on something." "One more reason for you to give me a heads up, don't you think?" ".... Alright, I was wrong."
Imagine it's been a long time since the two of you have actually been on each other's presence. After all, it's not like the two of you lived together. Most of the time you would spend most of your time in the company and barely have time for anything else after you starts to take interest in politics. Same goes with Inhyuk having his own responsibilities of assisting your young sister as well as the responsibilities of as one to the top twenty awakened one in your country. Thats why it was really a big deal for both of you to tell each other about your day offs and break. Because there was no other way of seeing each other, other than those days which you happened to have now.
Imagine standing up from your seat as you approach your lover a couple of steps away from you with your lovely cat in hand. "Sorry, Jisuk told me about the recent incident and thought you would be busy, so I didn't contact you." You spoke as you stood in front of him, then you kiss him on the cheeks. "Forgive me?"
Imagine the way his lips tug up into a grin, then he look down at the cat on his arms. "What do you think, cutie? Should we forgive 'em?" He spoke to the cat on his arms before she jump off and went towards you, brushing her body on your leg causing you to look back at your lover with a smirk on your face. "Our baby says to forgive me." "Yeah, she's been missing you for awhile now." "Hmm. I could tell." "Well, me too."
Imagine the way you stare at him after that, the way you just stare at each other, letting time pass by. "I said me too." "Yeah I know, it wouldn't be weird if you don't miss our ba-" "I miss you too, I'm talking about you." "Oh." You stopped, then you look away, cheeks slowly heating up.
Imagine if there was one thing Goo Inhyuk was crazy about other than cats. That would be you. You who he value the most. It may not be obvious to other, after all, not so many knew about your relationship, but that wasn't important at all. You may rarely see each other right now as well as barely have time for one another. But what's important is that by the end of the day, the love that you both have for each other is still there, never-ending and only for each other.
"Since both of us got nothing to do how about we go out?" "Sure, where do you want to go?" "There was a cat cafe I've been hearing for awhile now. How about we go there?" "Oh I would love to." "Haha I knew you would." "So how was my siblings nowadays?" "Hmm? They're doing fine nowadays.."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2022°
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don't mind me; i'm just imagining sol and and sunjae's actual wedding day, and how beautiful it'll be.
the hall will be filled with well-wishers; sunjae's and sol's families sitting at the very front. sunjae's 'abeoji' will be smiling fondly, near tears: because he's never seen his son so happy. sol's mother and 'halmeoni' will be looking on contentedly; indulgent and proud: because this is nothing less than what sol deserves. im geum will be in the corner with hyun-joo; half-jokingly sending sunjae threatening looks, but his smile will be proud and happy. he will know that his sister has found her soulmate.
hyun-joo's and im geum's eldest child will be their flower girl: softly spreading sunflower petals down the aisle for sol. a soft hush will fall over the room; there will be yellow roses sewn into sol's veil: because yellow is sunjae and sol's color. the color of life, luck, light.
baek inhyuk will quietly play "sonagi" on the piano as sol approaches sunjae, taesung leading her down the aisle as her closest male friend; and the entire reason they were able to reach this day. sunjae's smile will be radiant: today, he's the luckiest man alive. there will be tears in sol's eyes as she joins sunjae's side. this is better than her brightest dream.
slowly, reverently, sunjae will slip a ring onto sol's slender finger; diamond bridged with sapphire: because blue is their color, too. the color of renewal, remembrance, river-water.
"not even death can part us," they will say to each other. there won't be a dry eye in the room as they exchange vows.
after it ends, sol and sunjae will step outside, surrounded by all their loved ones on this impossible miracle of a day. a gentle rain will descend from the sky, staining their clothes.
sunjae and sol will smile softly at each other. "you really are a gift to me," sunjae will whisper, touching sol's cheek tenderly. "and you are my blessing," sol will murmur back, catching his hand.
they will kiss.
(the scene fades to black.)
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kazvha · 4 months
Random headcanons I had for Kayden
Notes: Yet another 'don't take this too seriously' post🥴
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1. Does the reader have a chance with Kayden?
• Let's be real, you wouldn't even know who Kayden is because you're a mere human
• A normal day in his life consists of waking up at 5 am, going on a run with Jiwoo, training with Jiwoo and also instructing him, maybe taking an afternoon nap, training again, going to sleep with his force control activated and repeat
• So he never even thought about having romantic feelings for someone. His main goal is to become stronger and to defeat strong people
• But let's say you're an awakener and you know who Kayden is. You still would have no chance to get to know him because he thinks that everyone is approaching him for their own interest. That's just how the awakened world is. And if you two fought against each other, you would probably hold a grudge against him like the other awakeners
• Your best bet would be having a connection to Jiwoo since Kayden's life revolves around him right now.
• Idk, maybe you would have to work at Shinhwa and take care of Jiwoo kinda like Inhyuk
• You would have to be very persistent and keep visiting Jiwoo at his house for Kayden to notice you. And you would have to find out his secret of him being a cat for him to lower his guard around you
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2. Oddly, very oddly specific hcs:
• He doesn't take care of his hair like that. When he found out that shampoo existed, (before that he washed his hair with his bodywash) he bought a specific 3 in 1 Shampoo and he never went back since. That's the only thing he puts in his hair
• Even so his hair is somewhat silky and nice. But he's so annoyed by the strands that fall out of his bun. He thought way too many times about shaving all his hair off (imagine Kayden with a buzzcut)
• But he only cuts his hair when he notices it growing past his collarbones. "Ah, it's that time again... Why does it grow so fast??"
• He has no fashion sense. At all. So he sticks to white or black shirts and black pants because that outfit can be used for any casual and professional settings
• He's been wanting to pierce his ears for a long time but he doesn't know a good place where he can do it. He's too lazy to do it
• His lips are so dry it hurts me. He doesn't even notice it when his lip is bleeding. Someone bring him some chapstick pls
• He doesn't know how social media works and doesn't have any accounts. He only uses his phone for text messages and calls
• If there was an Instagram or X for awakeners there would be so many fan accounts dedicated to Kayden. And every time he fights someone, the whole platform blows up with posts about him
• He can cook. Kayden has lived alone his whole life and he somehow had to feed himself with cheap ingredients. Over the years his improvised meals became better and more delicious
• He's the worst when it comes to cleaning dishes though. He hates it. He would rather take the trash out than do the dishes
• One day a girl told him that she was jealous of his long eyelashes. He shrugged her off, but since then he thinks about her statement every once in a while. Kayden would look at his reflection in the bathroom mirror and think 'They're not that long though.'
• He still didn't lose hope that he'll become a skinnier cat if he trains enough and that's probably one of his main goals these days. Who cares about getting stronger? He just wants to lose the cat fat😩
• He often gets nightmares about being stuck in his cat form and never getting out again
• He speaks Korean and Chinese fluently and can also converse in English quite well
• He only wears these footies socks, these no-show socks. Who needs normal socks?
• Speaking about socks, he sleeps without socks on.
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thedeathdeelers · 3 months
we always talk about how bad og sunjae had it (and rightfully so) but like……og inhyuk slowly losing his best friend due to fame and friction to fully losing his friend to death
now that’s some angst right there
probably blaming himself for sunjae’s death- torturing himself with the last interaction he had with his best friend, the last words exchanged between them, and thinking “what if that was his last straw? what if he needed a friend but i wasn’t there for him? what if retiring was his cry for help? i wouldn’t listen to him and he had no one else to turn to - is that why he chose death?”
can you imagine??
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littlekohai77 · 7 months
Orange peel test 🍊
𝙸 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚛 𝙸'𝚖 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚜.
🅲🅷🅰🆁🅰🅲🆃🅴🆁🆂: Duke, Ian, Vator, Arthur, Julian, Subin, Seongha, simp- I mean Inhyuk
🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶🆂: Duke, spicy, nsfw in Ian's part, not proofread
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
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Honestly pretty unlikely of him to actually get up and fetch you an orange. Cause most of the times when you guys do hang out, he's very tired out from training all day and too sore to stand.
But he will get you one when he actually has the energy for it... Only after giving you a long stare that leaves you questioning you relationship though.
Would peel it after heaving a sigh through his nose. Would not wash it or peel the sticker.
Would correct you and say that this is a tangerine and not an orange.
Would lean back on the opposite end of the couch and jokingly toss a few pieces aiming for your mouth. Would stop only after it hits you eye. And then feed you one by one.
You eat one, he inhales two.
Would linger his fingers in your mouth cause.. He likes the feeling and it reminds him of last night's activities.
Also stares at you while you chew like 🔴🔴
Would not clean up the left over trash and just leave it laying on the table and fall asleep on your lap cause the trash can is in the kitchen.
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Un yeah no. Ain't happening unless you guys fought and he really messed up or you're literally sick. Other than that it's most likely you who's fetching the orange. He can't afford to do stuff with this fresh manicure.💅✨
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Laziest piece of shit on the face of this earth.
Would get up to fetch you one but would walk so slowly AND INTENTIONALLY
Would peel it for you but would literally be so fucking slow. Would also peel off the white stringy just for added suspense. Would fasten his pace just a little when you grunt or yell at him but would slow down again minutes later.
Would feed himself three pieces before feeding you one. Bro calls it 'boyfriend tax'.
Would gather all the peels and aim for the trash can. If they don't make it, then it's place is on the floor cause it's not gonna be him getting up to pick up that trash.
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You would be surprised if he even knows how to do it cause he's had most things spoon fed to him in life when it comes to labors like these.
He gets up to fetch you one and tosses it at you halfway back to the couch. You better catch it or he's gonna roast you.
But he aimed pretty well, at your chest to be specific. What a pervert but anyway.
Would sit down and quirk a brow at you when you hold it out to him and ask him to peel it.
Very confused as to why you can't do it yourself. But he's smart and figures out that it's probably some sort of trend you saw on social media.
So he begins to act like a chivalrous knight. A bit of a naughty one though.
Would sit super duper close to you, like basically an inch away from being on your lap and stare at you as you chew with a smirk on his face, acting like a 90's housewife who's just succeeded in killing her husband. Unnerving.
Would ask you to lick off the juices that dripped onto his hand cause he was too rough when peeling. And would stare as you do it with a light blush dusted across his face. Is totally imagining his thing in place of his fingers.
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Pretty likely to ask a servant to get one for you but also pretty likely to fetch one himself.
Would peel it for you himself, zero hesitation.
Would cringe though when the juices spray on him and gets on his black clothes which would lead to a noticeable stain, at least in his eyes.
Wouldn't throw a fit in front of you though and would continue to peel.
Would feed them to you but using a fork. He really doesn't wanna risk you bitting him cause he doesn't like the feeling. And also because he's classy.
Would plate the orange on the finest china and would clean up the trash afterwards like a gentleman.
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Would bicker a little at first but would get it for you anyway.
Would try to experiment for a moment and see if she can peel it with a knife made out of ice.
Spoiler: it worked too well and now you have tangerine juice all over your precious girlfriend and the couch.
The tangerine looks like it just went through a lobotomy.
Girly is literally so embarrassed, red in the face and panicking. Apologizing profusely.
You help her get up and walk her to the bathroom to clean up and fetch some clothes for her.
And then clean up the floor and the couch.
2/10 but I'm sure she would've done fine if she hadn't tried experimenting.
10/10 for cuteness though.
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Feast your eyes on the master.
Since he's downright terrified of cats, ever since learning through inhyuk that they hate the smell of citrus, he's been dousing himself in it. And there are stray orange peels laying all around his house to drive away cats.
Would have it laying in a fruit bowl right on the living room table.
Would peel so skillfully. Get every white tringy bit and doesn't spill a single drop or break the skin.
You almost feel bad eating it cause if looks so perfect.
Would give you an annoyed stare if you refuse to eat though, like 'why'd you make me do shit when you aren't even gonna eat it? '
Please eat it or his perfectionist mind is gonna start thinking that he didn't peel it well enough.
Would stare at the tangerine and would and would be salivating inside his mouth. Would not eat until you almost hand feed him.
Would not let you hand feed him and picks it from your hand and then eats it.
All while blushing a little.
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You don't even have to ask honestly.
He just randomly arrives with a perfectly peeled and dissected orange on a sliver platter like he can read your mind.
Would hand feed you and linger his finger on your lips cause they look so cute when you're chewing that he justs wants to nibble on them like a shark.
Would not eat until you beg him and hand feed him.
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
𝙷𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝. :)
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joanyio · 4 months
one of my favorite headcanons about eclipse is that sunjae/inhyuk is a famous ship among capellas (their fandom name) with over 20k works written on ao3 and don’t get me started with postype which is kfans’ ao3 — not an impossible number because they’re basically bigger than lim youngwoong in LR canon universe with even ahjummas being their shooters.
how can they not be shipped? high school best friends who chase their dreams and succeed together, inhyuk who roped sunjae into music after he suffered a career changing injury, inhyuk who one day randomly revealed in bubble live that he loves sneaking into sunjae’s house to take a bath, their closeness, both always there for each other through thick and thin.
thanks to ep 12 i got one of my fav lines from this show. imagine eclipse films a documentary and that’s when inhyuk talks about how he almost gave up music before, but sunjae came to him with 내 젊은 날 가장 빛나는 순간이 온다면 너랑 함께했으면 ��겠어 when the brightest moment in my youth comes, i want it to be with you. crazy material for shippers and fanfic writers im telling you!
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 10
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I was laughing but actually the terminator franchise probably is the easiest way to explain the whole time travel thing
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I mean that's a very good question
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Im Sol: I'm sad Sunjae is going to the US to try and fix his shoulder and get over me but at least this way he won't cross paths with the serial killer who tried to murder him Destiny: Oh, you sweet summer child
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Aww he thinks she's sending him away because she doesn't return his feelings. Look at his sad little puppy face.
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That definitely wasn't me hiding under your table so of course I didn't see you kiss some other girl
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Remember the first time I realised this was Jongho singing and I was so excited? Now whenever it starts I'm just 'NO NOT THE SAD JONGHO SONG I'M ALREADY SAD ENOUGH'
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I know we as the audience know that she's lying whenever she tells Sunjae that she doesn't like him but from his perspective how many times does he need to hear it before he gives up? Like come on have some sense of self-preservation
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He's so dramatic I love him so much. Shaved his head, got on his knees and cried while begging Sunjae to audition with his band
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Oh, I think this is just how he imagines the scenario going
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LMAO Sunjae agreed before Inhyuk got to make his big dramatic speech, and he cut all his hair off for nothing 😂
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It was only at this point that I realised that this is probably Sunjae imagining their conversation. Everyone is being so dramatic this episode I love it
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Ooh is he starting to believe her time travel story
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When your ex-boyfriend and your future boyfriend both step in to help with the burst pipes in your house
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Of course they're getting into a holding a bowl of water pissing contest. Im Sol isn't even paying attention to either of them.
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Mom likes Taesung but Grandma is on team Sunjae
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Now kiss? Love that they've abandoned catching water in bowls and are just snarking at each other while they and the floor get wet
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Well that took a turn for the dramatic. From amusing scrapping to Taesung nearly getting electrocuted
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Aww are they friends now one of them nearly died?
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Ehehe! Yes he can
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I mean you might?
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Im Sol to Sunjae (lying): I don't like you just leave me alone Sunjae: Yeah, I guess she hates me but I still love her Literally everyone else: ARE YOU STUPID, SUNJAE? We can all see that she loves you!
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His dad is going to lose his mind after he paid for Sunjae to train abroad and he turned it down (which fair enough he was injured) and how he's paid for Sunjae to go to the US for rehab and I think he's going to turn that down too...
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Oh I guess he actually is going. Except not because Im Sol overheard and I bet she's going to go and say goodbye and he'll end up staying
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Aww she didn't go to say goodbye she just wanted to watch to make sure he went and would be safe
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Why the hell were the police not watching her house when they know a murderer is on the loose and that she's the one who told them about him
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Aww I knew he wasn't actually going to leave
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I'm not sure you do but okay
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Ahhh! He went to pick up the time capsule! Spoilers!
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Okay, maybe he does actually know it all
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I was like 'ah, cool, he doesn't die in the future now' but THEN I noticed that Eclipse only has three members now. So I guess by ditching the audition Sunjae doesn't become an idol.
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I lost sleep due to overthinking questions so here are a few I thought of.
who injured Pluton to the point intervention was needed?
Cause clearly Pluton isn't someone another top 50 can harm to that extent
When did Gestella save him?
Was he a child when she saved him?
Was he a teen/adult?
They said that the other top ten run business normal people work in
What kind of excuse did Astras people come up with? (Take from Inhyuk and say he got in a car crash?)
How did Gestella get her castle? Cause she apparently doesn't run businesses like the others
The Top 10 are out there filling tax forms?
I struggle to imagine either Schneider or Andrei doing paper work. Poor Supri; she's responsible for keeping the Frame kids alive, doing business, and keeping Andrei and Schneider out of trouble. No wonder her office is the place we see her most, she has so much paperwork.
Also do the top ten not feel temperatures?
Andrei and Veremonte are wearing heavy black trenchcoats in sunny countries.
Schneider and Astra are basically shirtless in the Alps. Scratch that they were training shirtless in the Alps.
Supri I give a pass for, I think her power is related to ice.
Is Gestella wearing a suit in the desert? I can't really tell where she is staying
I almost forgot Kayden shows up in a shirt and pants in the Alps as well
Also when are they going to explain Gestella and Supri's power?
they already did for the others.
Gestella apparently only has those two following her
Is she also unaffiliated?
What requirements do you need to meet to be an organisation?
What is the name of Astra and Veremontes organisations?
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anonymousotherworld · 3 months
— contains spoilers to the whole series! I'm thought process is all over the place, so this post is not structured properly. I'm just typing as I think of things. I also wrote this over several days, adding more things as I remember.
part 1
OMG I'm absolutely in love with Sunjae's loserism. bro's whipped for Sol regardless of when he meets her. him repeating the same dialogue in the 3 different timelines is wild (why are you crying? I didn't make you cry).
I really love the unspoken beef that Sol's mum & Sunjae's dad have. regardless of timeline, they've got some beef.
I'm really glad that Sol remained friends with Taesung. in the process of not crossing paths with Sunjae, she also lost her friendship with In Hyuk and it would've been really sad if she lost her friendship with Taesung too. it's nice to see that he ended up becoming a cop and ended the ill-fated relationship Sol had with the taxi driver. like bro accomplished the one thing Sol was trying to do for a whole 14 episode. I like to think that Taesung became a cop because of Sol's influence.
can we also appreciate the real mvp? Baek In Hyuk. imagine having to deal with BOTH Sunjae & Taesung who are stupid in love with Sol. his permenant 😟 face was so funny ngl.
big respect for Taesung for always respecting SolJae. he's always bickered with Sunjae but that was about it. I hope Taesung finds someone who'll love him the same way.
I wonder if Taesung knew that the "Sunjae" Sol would cry about whenever she got drunk was the famous Ryu Sunjae before he saw them together. if not, it definitely would have sunk in when he saw them together at Sunjae's apartment building.
also has anyone thought about the fact that ep 16 Sol has been alive for about 50 years? she was in her 30s during her first time travel and spent maybe a year in the past and then on the last time travel (where Sunjae doesn't meet Sol), she lived the full 15 years.
I wonder if the grandma was the one that allowed Sol to time travel. our first introduction to her, we see her wearing the watch. the 3rd time Sunjae dies, grandma's wearing the watch. the watch that Sunjae lost (according to InHyuk). she's the first to admit remembering the different timelines.
I wonder to SolJae meeting at the award ceremony was what caused Taesung to sort of remember the past. sort of because he doesn't actually remember, he just has conflicting feelings about Sol & having deja vu moments.
I also realised that the Im Geum x Hyunju side plot happened outside of the SolJae situation. they would've gotten together if Sol didn't get paralyzed. in the original timeline, Im Geum stepped up to be the responsible one but with Sol being well, in the final timeline he was able to pursue his acting dream. in the 2nd(?) future timeline, he was responsible because Hyunju didn't pursue a higher education and they got married immediately after she graduated. I'm guessing Sol convinced Hyunju to pursue a higher education and get a job with her in order to avoid having a situation where Hyunju has to rely on Im Geum (in the final timeline).
anyways, I'm finishing up this post about a week after I finished the drama and I think it's safe to say that this has taken the #1 spot for my favourite drama of 2024.
let's kidnap Sunjae and run
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tarohonii · 2 years
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↷notes: i had fun with this one lol. Feel free to rb or comment with your own forms of affection you'd give to eleceed characters as well!
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Jisuk: Hug on the shoulders or an really loud, really hard ‘i like ya cut g’ slap on the neck 
Sucheon: Back rub/that circular motion you do to someone when you’re comforting them (or when they’re throwing up lmao) 
Dark: Hand squeeze because I feel like he’d be stiff as a board when it comes to hugs 
Gangseok: Shoulder rub, like that kind of ‘im proud of you son’ shoulder rubs dad to their sons 
Jiwoo: Forehead kith <33 I feel like he would take platonic kisses the best out of all of them 
Wooin: Cheek pinching. I feel like he has very pliable cheeks  
Subin: Back hug! There is a 50% chance she would get surprised and kick me and shatter every single of one of my bones and working organs but that is okay!! 
Jiyoung: front hug, but a very gentle one <333
Inhyuk: Jump onto his back like an koala and make him piggy back me bcuz the fun uncle vibes are strong within this one 
Suman: A hug </3 or gift him an nap sdnasjdas 
Boyoung: Bone crushing hug because I adore her <33
Jaehyuk: Also a bone crushing hug except I’m really looking to break his bones because he’s a skrunkly <33
Kayden: that homie 'slap on the ass' kind of thing because it's funny asf in my head
Curtin: ^^^ except it's like 10x more funnier because it's fufcking curtin. can you imagine how disgusted he'd be omg
Gahin: braiding his hair or maybe an bandaid because he probably still has that injury from Duke
Asher: surprise hug! i hope he would be pleasantly surprised by it!
Duke: surprise hug! I hope he is shocked to the point of cardiac arrest!! <3333
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Team Up Again
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The teenagers with attitude and the heroes in a half shell are back together. BOOM! Studios has announced Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II from writer Ryan Parrott and artist Dan Mora.
“Between an invasion from beyond, old enemies teaming up with unlikely accomplices, and a threat to the Rangers’ powers themselves, will the two teams survive the onslaught from a terrifying new foe or will they need help from the most unexpected ally imaginable?” (BOOM! Studios)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #1 features a main cover by Dan Mora and variant covers by Bon Bernardo, Miguel Mercado, Goñi Montes, Simone Di. Meo, Ejikure, Taurin Clarke, Jenny Frison, Bjorn Barends, Tyler Kirkham, and InHyuk Lee. A special double gatefold variant will collect all four of Mora’s connecting main covers. Kevin Eastman and Freddie Williams II will also team up for a variant cover for every issue. Also, a special deluxe edition variant cover from Williams II will include 1 of 10 evenly intermixed trading cards and an exclusive print.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #1 goes on sale in December 2022.
(Image via BOOM! Studios - Dan Mora’s Double Gatefold Variant Cover for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #1)
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ladyhatter614 · 2 years
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I got this alignment chart from @birdsareblooming​. 
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koishua · 3 years
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10:28 AM
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all night long | yorch | f
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kazvha · 1 year
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Summary: A random scenario/headcanon/idk? that's been on my mind for some time<3
You've been on a trip and didn't see Kayden for a long time. The only way you're staying in touch is by texting and video chatting. During the day he is busy with either helping out Jiwoo or living (or rather sleeping) his lazy cat life. That's why most of the time you call each other when you're winding down and you're doing your night routine. If you are in the same time zone that is.
Imagine doing your skincare while watching cat Kayden feeding the other cats or eating his snacks. Since he looks so cute sometimes, even as a cat, you're taking lots of screenshots which immediately earns you a scowl from him.
Secretly, he's just mad that he can't easily take pictures of you too because of his cat paws. If he's in his normal form though, expect him to also take a few screenshots here and there.
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On the day or night you're coming back, he's waiting for you at the station. He even calls a taxi beforehand because wants to be considerate of your fatigue from your traveling.
After you feel like you rested enough, you finally divert your attention fully onto your lover. He was also willingly changing back to his normal form for you.
"I missed you." You tightly put your arms around his waist and lean your head against his chest. Your actions let Kayden crack a little smile as he returns your hug.
"Glad to have you back, [name]." Lifting your chin, he guides your face closer to meet your lips.
Oh, how much you missed his taste. His dark locks that tickle your warm cheeks. His steady heartbeat under your fingers... All of these things make you smile into his kisses, and it's hard to stop. You're sure you look drunk like a lovesick right now.
Kayden pulls away and brushes his thumb over your lip. "Stop smiling like an idiot. I can't kiss you properly." However, his sour face makes you smile even more. "Hmm, I can't help it. That's the effect of being reunited again with my favorite person ever." You playfully bop his nose and Kayden immediately turns away from your loving gaze.
"Let's continue later after you calm down a bit.", your lover says before he quickly guides you to the couch. Then, he changes into a cat to rest against your lap. Kayden is only reacting like this because he wants to hide his flustered state and the blush that was creeping onto his face. But of course, he would never tell you that.
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I want to reread Eleceed again...😩
I want to write something for Inhyuk x reader so bad.😩
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thedeathdeelers · 3 months
nah but can u imagine what sunjae must’ve felt when he heard his own words about sol being sung to him BY SOL
i’m sure at first it was confusion but after that?? thinking about her saying “she’s from the future”
thinking of what kind of future she’s come from- one where she knows about the song he wrote about her — spending the night thinking of all the possibilities. does she know it cause he showed her? are they close in a he future? did he sing it to her?
is the song famous? does inhyuk get what he wants and they sign up to that competition with the song?
is sol a fan? does she know it’s about her? she knows the lyrics by heart — does she like the song?
and then after all that. hearing her sing those words to him as if she’s telling him that he’s a gift from the heavens. that she will protect him in this lonely world…. 🥲
and maybe that’s why small pieces of the puzzle start falling into place even if she denies it — that altho she keeps trying to push him away, she’s trying to protect him
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Inhyuk: Must be hard not being able to laugh Seongha: I do have a sense of humor, you know Inhyuk: I’ve never heard you laugh before Seongha: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
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