#inherited harems
fireworksfactory2 · 7 months
Gonna repost stuff I wrote on a friend's Discod DM about how, in a way, RyoMina has been subtextually canon since The Answer, and how it's not a surprise we've seen stronger RyoMina hints since then:
Tfw you realize that the Answer may have subtly hinted at Ryomina all along.
Bcs the way Makoto stopped Nyx/Ryoji wasn't to destroy them
But turn into their protector against Erebus, the thoughts by humanity urging Nyx/Ryoji to end everything
For eternity
Doing that of course also saves humanity from dying, but it feels like Makoto was seeking to do both: protect humanity AND Ryoji
It's the ultimate act of love, at the cost of his life
When he got the Universe Arcana, there's a chance he could have tried using it to defeat Nyx/Ryoji for good, but didn't [Don't argue with me if this would have been impossible or not not looking to argue lore.]
Instead deciding to stay with Ryoji forever, protecting him
So he did protect all his friends in the end, even the one he was fighting against
Anyway, Ryomina canon all along
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rewrite-canon · 10 months
if only you guys knew who i was rooting for when i first started the inheritance games series…. (…it was xander)
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inheritancetrain · 1 year
Joed’s talking about how evil Selena was, Eragon’s having a crisis, and I’m just thinking about how Selena was soooooooo badass.
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nehswritesstuffs · 2 years
Inherited Will, Destiny of the Age, Graveyard of Ambition and Dreams - Part 3
As [is going to become] usual, translations are at the bottom of the page.
Part 1 on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3] 
Part 2 on [tumblr] - [FFN] - [AO3]
A Promise to Genzo; Chabo and Kappa weigh their options, while Rika learns where the food is kept. [bad future!One Piece AU]
The storm did not break until the dead of night, leaving Rika to fulfill her word the following morning. The crew slept on armchairs and a couch in the sitting area, while Chabo and Kappa remained in their tiny shared room in the back of the house.
“These people seem… unstable,” Kappa whispered. It was early in the morning, before the others woke, and the two of them were already up and awake. They were sitting side-by-side on the edge of his mattress, their shoulders just barely apart, both men hunched over with their elbows resting against their knees as they looked directly ahead. “Do we really want to risk the entire Resistance on these vagabonds?”
“You were a vagabond once, and we trusted you.”
“I was a kid who barely spoke any Eastern.”
“…and these people out there are all younger than us.” Chabo exhaled heavily and stared at his hands. “They might be outsiders and vagabonds, but… I just want to have a shot, Kakkun, and taking one is better than not at all.”
“Does that shot have to be them, though? We don’t know how many openings we’ve got.”
“…and we won’t know that number until we take it. Nezumi’s gang isn’t there—we won’t have a shot like this for a long time.” Silence passed over them, crickets chirping outside and the wan light from the setting moon being the only thing illuminating the room. He switched to another language, one more appropriate for a desert oasis than a shack in a forest. ⌠⌠I wish things were different.⌡⌡
A scoff. ⌠⌠Yeah.⌡⌡
⌠⌠I mean it.⌡⌡
⌠⌠So do I.⌡⌡ Kappa ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and made the switch back to Eastern. “Let’s say we go with whatever fucked-up plan they’ve got going. What do you think we’ll do if this isn’t what works?”
“Whatever happens next, I guess.”
“You’ve been saying that for ten fucking years.”
“…and I’ll say it for ten more.”
Kappa grumbled and stood, beginning to pace the room. He didn’t know what to do with his hands, gesticulating and fiddling with the pendant around his neck, completely unable to be still. “Genzo is at death’s door—I don’t want to be there waiting for him when he arrives!”
“I don’t think that will be the case,” Chabo said. “There’s something about Rika that just… it’s calming… like she’ll make certain everything’s going to be alright.”
“How the hell can you say that when you’ve watched the entire island chain devolve into shit?! We’re just barely scraping by and the only one in this house that can actually remember how it was before the Fish-Men is Genzo! I’ve given up on a lot, but I don’t want all these years of effort being one of those things.”
“Don’t ‘Kakkun’ me, kalyv. You know what’s possible just as much as I do—one wrong move and there’s nothing left. All done. Vyran. The rest of the Resistance won’t even realize we’re gone until they’ve got Fish-Men on their front stoop and their homes have been set ablaze.”
“Then let’s make all the right moves.”
“Life doesn’t work that way; sometimes the only moves to make are the wrong ones.”
Chabo glanced up at Kappa, seeing how he was fidgety and rubbing the chill in the air off his upper arms. He was beyond nervous. “You can finally search for Terragram.” That made the other man stop in his tracks, staring at him slackjawed.
“You remembered.”
“You didn’t shut up about it for the first three months.” Chabo stood and took a couple steps towards the door before turning to look at Kappa, who was unconsciously fiddling with his pendant. “I’ll be bringing the pirates to Arlong Park today. Whether you’re with us or with Uncle is up to you.” He then left, softly closing the door behind him and moving through the house with not a sound.
Kappa swallowed hard and looked out the window—orange and purple were beginning to smear against the horizon, signaling the soon-held dawn. Birds chirped outside the window and the smell of sea spray reached his nose despite the window being closed. He had spent so long on this island—so long with others who knew nothing about him or his homeland—it was as though he wanted both freedom as well as to stay.
If only he could bring Conomi with him.
Letting out a heavy exhale, Kappa checked himself in the shard that served as a mirror before heading out into the main of the house. Chabo was not there, but a light was filtering out from underneath Genzo’s door. He instead went to the kitchen portion and began to boil water for tea. By the time he was pouring water into the teapot, Piiman had woken up and was sleepily following his orders, quietly toasting bread and fumbling for plates and cups. Kappa left him to continue and slipped into Genzo’s room, seeing that Chabo was helping the old man sit upright in bed.
“Did the kalyv tell you?” he asked.
“He did.” Genzo winced as he had the pillows behind him adjusted. “You boys are reckless.”
“We aren’t boys anymore,” Kappa scowled. “We have a way to potentially get rid of the Fish-Men.”
“It will put everything and everyone at risk.”
“…not if you stay back here and alert the rest of the Resistance if we don’t return.” Kappa looked at the man before him and exhaled heavily. “I think they’re stupid enough to where it actually might work.”
“How do you suppose that?”
“Like I said, Uncle: we just know,” Chabo replied. “We’ll bring in your tea and some food for the day, but if we don’t return from Arlong Park, then you know what to do.” He took a small box from the shelf and placed it on the old man’s bedside table.
“…are you really going to throw away the future I tried to give you both? The future that people have died striving to bring forth?!”
“We’re not living in anything worth saving, not unless we act,” Kappa said. “If you weren’t too weak to move, then I’d say you could come along, but you’re dead weight to us like that.”
“It’s true.” He let their words settle in silence, the three men tense at the situation. “We’ll see you when we’ve returned.”
“…if you’ve returned,” Genzo corrected.
“No: when.” He then turned on his heel and left the room, discovering that the rest of their guests had woken up and were now attacking the toast and jam and tea breakfast that Piiman had finished putting together. Shooing away the hungry, grubby hands of Ninjin and Rika, he put together a tray and handed it off to Chabo to take into Genzo’s room. He then sat down at the table to eat what he could stomach.
“Naaa… Kappa… isn’t there anything else…?” Rika asked. “My energy levels can’t run on just toast, even tasty toast.”
“If we win, there’ll be plenty in Arlong Park that we can steal from the kitchens,” he said. “Meat and rice and vegetables and all the good things one can eat.”
“So Fish-Men eat the same things as Humans?” Piiman asked.
“Of course they can,” Chabo said, coming out of Genzo’s room. “They eat a lot of the same things, even if it’s just prepared differently. Haven’t you ever met one?” Piiman, Rika, and Ninjin shook their heads, while Tamanegi shrugged awkwardly—so not a meeting that involved food.
“So if we defeat them, we can take their food?” Rika wondered.
“I guess you can say that,” Kappa shrugged. Rika and Ninjin both seemed to vibrate in excitement—the promise of more food was something that they couldn’t pass up. “Defeat them and not only can I come along on your weird escapade, but there will be a fully-stocked kitchen for you to raid.”
“How do we get into this Arlong Park place?” Tamanegi asked. Chabo took an old and yellowed map from the wall and laid it out on the table.
“The cabin we’re in is currently here,” he said, pointing at one end of the island. He then dragged his finger towards the other far end. “This is where Arlong Park is; if we come up along the back trails here,” he traced another line and tapped the paper, “then we should be able to reach these gates unnoticed.”
“What about this place?” Piiman asked, pointing at a cluster of buildings labeled Cocoyasi.
“That’s the old town—we can’t do anything there. No one related to our cause has lived there in twenty years.”
“They keep it up to look like a Human town to trick travelers,” Kappa noted. “Due to Cocoyasi’s natural harbor, almost everything goes in and out of there.”
“…with the key word being almost,” Chabo said. He pointed to another section of the island, on the other side of Cocoyasi from Arlong Park. “There’s a gentle enough landing area here to be used as a viable alternative, so we don’t want to try from this direction. They have it on constant surveillance. The only way anyone can make landfall on other parts of the island end up being by complete accident, sheer luck, or incredible skills. Not even other members of the Resistance try it regularly. We only get extra supplies and visits from other Humans from the rocks you landed on, and even then, sometimes we just have to throw down a rope so we can haul up a crate.”
“So we sneak in, get rid of this Arlong creep, and bam! We can eat! Kappa can be our navigator! We’d be set!”
“It’s not that simple, Rika,” Tamanegi chided. “If it were, then the Resistance would have done it by now.”
“That’s right, we would have,” Kappa said. “The only reason this entire scheme is even on the table is because the Human goons who the Fish-Men have in reserve aren’t on Cocoyasi right now. They join the fray and we’re done for. Now: who’s your main combatant?”
The pirates all looked at him.
“You mean… you don’t have a main combatant…? Strongest fighter?”
“We’ve never actually been in a real fight together,” Piiman admitted. “Ninjin’s the best out of us three guys, but I don’t know about the Captain…”
“I can take those bottom-feeders,” Rika grinned. She hit her left palm with her right fist, cracking her knuckles in anticipation. “Just get me in there and I’ll take care of the rest.”
“How do you propose you do that…?” Tamanegi asked. Rika simply shrugged.
“Shishishi—I just do what I do best,” she claimed.
“I can’t believe it,” Kappa marveled, completely deadpan. “She’s completely fucking insane.”
“I thought she was our deldâremun,” Chabo teased. Kappa responded by pouring his tea in the other man’s lap, causing him to yelp in pain.
Just as it appeared that a fight was going to break out, the sound of a rhythmic thumping came from Genzo’s room. Chabo froze mid-lunge at Kappa and stared at the door uncomfortably.
“Hold on.” He poked his head into the room and popped back out again, confused. “Rika…? Uncle Genzo wants to talk to you.”
“Why me…?” she wondered. He shrugged and simply opened the door further, allowing her access. She walked inside and saw the older man, thin, sickly, and white-haired. A Den-Den transponder snail sat in a box on the nightstand and Chabo held the tray with the remnants of his breakfast. “Yes, sir?”
“The boys said that you know how to get the Fish-Men off the island,” he scowled. Rika sat down on the chair next to his bed, close enough to hear him wheezing through labored breath—claims about his health were anything but overexaggerated. “How do you propose you do that?”
“They need to get me close to them, then I’ll take care of the rest,” she said. He thought about that, then nodded.
“A Devil Fruit, hmm…?” She did not correct him. “Just don’t go filling their heads with ideas and then go back on them. We’ve lost too much hope on this speck of rock already. I might not be long for this world, but with any luck, they are, and I don’t want them suffering all the while.”
“Don’t worry, sir; I know what I’m doing.” She leaned in close to his ear and whispered lowly, so that only he could hear. His eyes went wide and he stared at her as she straightened.
She nodded.
“Then get the fuck out of my house and go do what we haven’t been able to in the last thirty years so my soul can rest peacefully.” He held up his hand shakily, which Rika gently smacked with her own.
“You can count on it.”
A/N: Translations notes are as follows: kaylv = idiot; vyran = ruined; deldâremun = darling
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lintwriting · 20 days
I think the fact that Binghe has curly hair in the Fanart design of him is PEAK. For one, the ideal standard of beauty that you’d expect out of a harem protagonist is silky straight hair!
It’s the beauty ideal in China. I have naturally curly hair inherited from my mother, and instead of being taught how to bring out my curls at the hairdresser, my hair is “frizzy,” and I get pushed into getting a straight perm.
My mom, likewise, has always hated her curly hair and was dismayed (dismayed!) when my hormones caused my hair texture to change from straight to her curls.
For two, the idea of Shen Qingqiu adoring it would fix me, I’m sure.
Your insecurity is something he adores about you. He makes poetry likening it to sheep’s wool, he runs his hands through it and helps you maintain it. Something most people consider a flaw, and that doesn’t even occur to him.
It’s so radical. It comes naturally to him!
No wonder Binghe is insane about that old man.
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abbyfmc · 18 days
Yandere Yandere (Fatherly) Emperor and Empress (Maternal) x Daughter! Reader:
Think about it.
I imagine that after a long line of princes, the yandere empress finally has a princess, and both parents are delighted with her, since she was the first daughter after many years of trying. Your father, the emperor, agrees that you be raised under the care of the empress (your mother).
From the moment you were born, you were never left alone for a single minute. When the Empress wasn't with you, the Emperor himself was. Your mother always made you follow her everywhere she went, as well as sharing her tastes and hobbies, since having only had princes prevented her from doing that. You had a close mother-daughter relationship, and with your father it was something more or less similar.
As you grow up, your parents become more overprotective of you, so much so that they even limit your contact with your older brothers, the princes. Not only would they give you nice gifts, but the best teachers, doctors and servants would be at your disposal (even better than those of your older brothers), although your brothers would probably be jealous of you.
They wouldn't let you walk alone for even a second.
If your father has a harem of consorts and concubines (like other emperors), then the empress will be more paranoid about you, since even though princesses do not inherit the throne, she knows that her enemies can harm you.
Once, when you were five years old, a maid broke a porcelain doll that your father had given you after returning from one of his trips. Unfortunately for that maid, the emperor was returning with you just when the doll broke, so he saw it and got SO angry that he asked his butler to take you out to the garden for a walk, so that you wouldn't see your father the emperor whip the poor maid to death. All this because he considered that maid to be reckless in daring to do that to your things, even if it had been an accident.
Even if more princesses were born, you were the object of your parents' overprotection and adoration.
Even your older brothers didn't dare to do anything bad to you. Once a new maid spoke ill of you (even though you hadn't done anything), and the empress herself slapped her in the face.
They hired servants who document your EVERY move.
The Emperor adores you so much that he will delay any kind of engagement or marriage alliance. He will reject any proposal, and silence anyone who mentions the subject. He does not want you away from him.
If it were up to them, you would stay locked in your room all the time so that nothing would hurt you, and they would tell you that they do everything for your own good.
You were punished by being locked up for an indefinite period of time, followed by the classic punishment of writing the same sentence repeatedly for a long time.
No trying to escape from the palace. The emperor would have experienced guards and servants around you to prevent that.
And if you do get married, then your parents will make sure that you have no choice but to live near the palace, no matter what.
They would be capable of killing if something happens to you.
If you fall ill, they will make sure you rest and eat well, even if it is against your will. If you were to die, they would both go mad with grief, especially the empress.
If you were to die, they would use your chambers as a sanctuary to you, where they would go to pray for you, and in the process force EVERYONE to mourn you.
Your emperor father would not let you have any contact with his family, as there is a power struggle going on where even his own brothers, cousins ​​and uncles could be his enemies and would do ANYTHING to get the throne; even if that includes kidnapping or killing you just because you are the emperor's daughter. Your mother would know this, and every time her brothers-in-law come, she will make you stay with her in the central palace.
With the Empress's family it's a different story, since there are no problems of inheritance of the throne, things are easier unless there is someone who tries to hurt you or pressure you like they do with your mother.
-The End.
What do you think?
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sunderwight · 2 months
Thinking about an SV scenario where TLJ had kids before the whole Su Xiyan thing went down.
Like he was an emperor, right? And we don't actually know how old he was, though he was at least old enough that his sister's son was mostly raised to adulthood by him by the time catastrophe struck. It wouldn't have been at all strange or even improbable for him to have been married already, perhaps several times over, by the time he met Su Xiyan and actually fell in love with someone.
Obviously any known kids TLJ had would have demons queuing up to install them on the throne after he got sealed under the mountain (and others probably wanting to kill or oust them), but we could explain the perception that TLJ had no heirs with a little bit of deliberate planning or cleverness on their part. Maybe they also showed up at the ambush, saw an opportunity to escape a life they detested, and pretended to have been killed/sealed too before just walking off to go life their dream life as a theatrical performer or country doctor or fortune teller or something. Maybe there were a bunch of them and they all engaged in brutal in-fighting for the throne, except one who just took the first opportunity to fake their death and then nope'd out to the countryside. Maybe they were a hybrid like Zhuzhi Lang whom everyone discounted from the succession due to not inheriting the "good" genes, so they went and stayed with their mother's faction and dropped out of political events.
Honestly I'm kind of surprised we don't seem to have loads of Heavenly Demon OC's and self-inserts in this fandom. I bet PIDW fandom was flooded with them. Bet there were tons of "Binghe's long-lost cool older brother who gets his own massive harem and adventures and separate realms to conquer" type OCs and probably just as many "distant cousin of Luo Binghe's is a beautiful Heavenly Demon and the only woman fit to be his equal who does away with his need for the harem because she can keep up with his desires and cleanse xin mo all by herself" and etc.
God it would be so funny if Peerless Cucumber had a Heavenly Demonsona. The world's most unselfaware combination of those two types, Luo Binghe's long-lost distant male cousin who has no interest in building his own harem (seriously guys stop trying to compete!) but only wants to support Luo Binghe and offer him the companionship and compassion (brotherly, platonic!) that he truly needs and can't seem to get from all those 2D hussies he surrounds himself with.
Even funnier if the System makes Heavenly Cucumber a real character, and suddenly Shen Qingqiu is faced with his own idealized self-insert who is blatantly obsessed with Luo Binghe, obnoxiously over-powered, and living in the kind of glass closet that makes post-canon Shen Qingqiu want to crawl into a hole and die.
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megapocalypse · 1 month
AU where Shen Yuan transmigrated into emperor Shen Qingqiu/SJ and has to take over his male harem.
In the original story: Binghe's adopted mother and him were just servants of the palace and he was set to marry Shen Qingqiu so that his mother would be able to live in the palace and receive care for her illness, although Shen Qingqiu was a cruel emperor who seemed to punish Binghe for no good reason. Unfortunately after their marriage, Luo Binghe's mother passed away and Binghe had harbored a hatred towards Shen Jiu ever since.
It turns out Tianlang Jun was his father so technically Luo Binghe is the rightful heir to the throne, but Shen Jiu wanted to hide this fact. He suspected that Luo Binghe was Tianlang Jun's son because of his striking resemblance to Su Xiyan who died after giving birth.
Luo Binghe is able to kill Shen Jiu and inherit the throne, killing Shen Jiu's harem and his subordinates as well as creating new alliances and starting his own harem of comphet.
Anyway Shen Yuan figures that he's BIG FUCKED, so he plans to escape but the system gets to him first. Shen Jiu was really picky about his harem members at first only having Yue Qingyuan as a concubine and Binghe after the said arranged marriage, only acquiring more later on. So Shen Yuan transmigrated at that point in time and awakes to Yue Qingyuan by his bedside.
He thinks "there's no way I'm going to get a harem!!". And then the system tells him that user 002 MUST acquire a harem otherwise his account will get terminated. So Shen Yuan is like, okay!! So he won't marry Binghe, hug the protagonist's thighs, and he'll only STRICTLY have a male harem so the protagonist doesn't castrate him for getting with his future brides.
So Shen Qingqiu transmigrated after the death of Luo Binghe's mother and he immediately called off the marriage, unlike the original goods who only seemed to marry Binghe for sadistic reasons (seeing LBH suffer).
Shen Qingqiu makes sure that he instead makes Luo Binghe his personal servant and helps him work his way up to advisor, because Shen Qingqiu is not allowed to reveal Luo Binghe's true heritage he'll just help Binghe climb the ranks instead!
(Of course, Luo Binghe ends up falling for Shen Yuan anyway.)
One by one Shen Qingqiu starts acquiring a male harem, being choosey about his picks and making sure he has useful subordinates for the future. The only reason he's able to have a male-only harem is because he finds a magic plant that helps him conceive (not like it'd be of use though!)
He is able to arrange a marriage with Liu Qingge, because he is the brother of Luo Binghe's future wife Liu Mingyan! At first Liu Qingge was extremely reluctant because him and the original goods hated each other's guts.
Shen Yuan tries to, ahem, court him... but he's only doing it to get on good terms with Liu Qingge! He comes by Liu Manor every week to have tea with Liu Qingge, and is able to nurse him back to health after finding him marred by a beast. He tells Liu Qingge about his ideas of alliance and proposes a marriage they should marry for convenience. (Unbeknownst to him is that Liu Qingge's got it down bad for SY.)
He then tries to court Gongyi Xiao for an alliance with Huan Hua Palace, and their marriage takes place in the fall. He also marries Mu Qingfan to strengthen his political allies.
At some point he finds a beaten up poor man in the streets, he helps him to his palace and offers him a place to stay. This man says he has amnesia but he remembers being called Zhushi-lang, Shen Qingqiu realizes this is the nephew of the deceased Tianlang-Jun, and offers Zhushi-lang to marry him so that he could be on better terms with the family, and so that he doesn't get castrated later on!
Of course with every new husband Shen Qingqiu acquires, Luo Binghe is filled with burning jealousy. After Shen Qingqiu married Zhushi-lang (a nobody!) Luo Binghe cracks.
Binghe finds out that he's the biological child of Su Xiyan, and tries to enter into Huan Hua to gain a better reputation and better social standing so he can marry Shen Qingqiu.
Shen Qingqiu realizes this is the part where the original goods Binghe found out his true heritage as Tianlang-Jun's son! And that this is when he plans to reveal all of this to Shen Qingqiu, essentially usurping him from the throne and having him castrated!!! Before this could happen though, Shen Qingqiu created an escape plan to fake his death.
Luo Binghe comes back to the "death" of Shen Qingqiu, and realizes that he is the next inheritance of the throne. Luo Binghe is devastated, and does everything in his power to bring Shen Qingqiu back.
That's all I got for now, other things to note:
- SQH is a transmigrator too and is Shen Qingqiu's subordinate
- This is a cultivation AU, but no demons
- I haven't quite figured out what Shen Jiu's relation is to Tianlang-Jun or how he's emperor, I'll think of that laaater
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cupids-chamber · 5 months
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— THE CONCUBINE GAME !! | chapter one . . . The first chapter, where you'll be able to catch a climpse of the inner dynamics between the emperor's y/n's secretary and their personal guard, a small entry and brief taste of what's to come, while learning a bit more about our beloved emperor and their staff . . .
— Themes ; Harem / historical au , Twisted wonderland , multiple characters x reader , royalty au , includes rsa + yuuka/yuuken. ♡
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The wind was howling, the pitter patter sound of rain could be heard throughout the grand walls of the palace. The sound of heels clicking urgently on the wooden floors, echoing through the empty halls, as Yuuken rushed his way through to the emperor's chambers. It was late, yet he’d been overworked all week preparing the palace for the arrival of certain selected members of the Royal Harem, some were particularly demanding with the way they wanted things sorted out and Yuuken prided himself on never failing to impress. 
He banged on the door rather aggressively, “Your majesty, I have certain design plans I need you to finalize before Prince Leona’s arrival, and the first few concubines enter the palace, we don’t have much time!”, he yelled out trying to get the emperor’s attention, it was already late into the night and the palace staff were working overtime meeting every demand that they were given. 
Yuuken flinched feeling something touch his shoulder, and right before he could move back and attack, he heard an all too familiar voice—”Don’t bother trying to get their attention, Y/n’s at a meeting”—Yuuka spoke, a small grin on her face while she watched Yuuken try and collect himself, “This late?”, he asked confused, “also please try and address them by proper titles in public”; Yuuka shrugged in response, pausing for a moment before she spoke up once more, “I’d like to keep things the way it is, and you should probably take a break because they’re not coming out of the room at all, it’s something about politics . . . I wasn’t really paying attention”. 
Yuuken sighed, slumping his shoulders as he leaned onto the door of the Emperor's chamber, “I-i . .  just want everything to be perfect, everything’s been so . . hectic for their majes—y/n and I just really want to provide some stability, you know?”, he said softly, letting his exhaustion take over for a moment and Yuuka’s expression softened, “Hey—you’re doing great, there's a reason y/n gave you full creative liberty”, she ruffled his hair giving him a genuine smile, “don’t push yourself too hard alright? None of us are expecting you to be perfect, not even y/n . .” she finished, as Yuuken closed his eyes and whispered a small, “I know . . .”
Setting: Meeting room Location: The west wing. Time: 11:36pm 
You fiddle with your fingers, trying to shift the jewelry that you were covered in, in an attempt to feel more comfortable with the weight that the jewels provided, holding you down . . , as another argument ensues between the nobles, these past few days have felt like a choir, in fact most of the months since you ascended have felt terrible, nothings been exciting—from inheriting an empire doomed to fail, to trying to pick up the scraps of what was left of your fathers reckless decisions and fixing it into something at least palatable, the pressure of everything has left you in a bottomless pit, you needed freedom a refreshing start—something you lost—when you inherited the throne . . . 
“—Ah, your majesty?”, one of the nobles spoke up, and you bit your lip, how you hated that title, the moment you inherited this role, your friendships haven’t quite been the same, everyone who you’ve trusted in the past, have now become just another subject, trust is no longer something you earn, as loyalty and trust is to be expected when the crown is on your head.
Setting: Inner Cold Palace Garden Location: Rundown Gazebo Time: 12:46am 
"—and they never thanked me'', Yuuken hiccuped out, words slurring due to his alcohol intake, he waved the half finished bottle of some form of expensive imported wine in his hands, swinging it around dramatically; Yuuka chuckled, taking a sip from her glass as she looked around at the scenery of the garden—it used to be much prettier and well taken care of, way back before the previous emperor—y/n’s father—went haywire. . . 
"Hey Yuuken, remember when we used to play together here?" she asked without thinking, meeting his eyes for a brief moment all the while Yuuken took another big gulp from his wine bottle . . and then he spoke, "Yeah—you and y/n pushed me into the lake, I still hate the water", he slurred over his words slightly and Yuuka chuckled in response, if only things could've stayed as simple, but now Y/n didn't even have the time to maintain the garden where they're friendship once first blossomed, Yuuka sighed, leaning her head down on the table—which had seen better days— . .  the same could be said about their relationship with y/n themselves . . 
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Masterlist | Introductions (being reworked) | Next chapter
♡. Synposis ; After many months of persuading, the emperor, Y/N L/N had finally agreed to take in a select few concubines and consorts—not an official partner.. but concubines. This caused an uproar in court; however the emperor promised to choose an official partner; amongst the crowd of concubines and consorts.. Who will the emperor choose?
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— taglist ♡ (open) : . . tumblr is not letting me mention over 5 people per post, and the staff won't do anything about it, so I recommend just joining my server and picking out the new chapter ping role as it makes things easier for me.
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© cupids-chamber, do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or adapt my work without prior permission and or confirmation.
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ghostgreen · 3 months
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Hey everyone! I'm proud to announce the launch of my new WEBTOON!
Heart Acres is a YA supernatural harem romance about a guy named Ben who inherits his grandmother's old spooky mansion... but it comes with a few inhabitants. And what's worse, they all think he's ...kind of cute?!
I've been working on this with Colleen Coover and Paul Tobin, two very cool and talented writers, for a long time, and we're super excited to finally introduce you to Ben and our girls. You can read the first three episodes for free! Please like and share with your comics-loving friends!
We hope you enjoy, and welcome to Heart Acres 💙💙💙
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ladyannemarie5 · 1 year
Jaskier to Radovid: I'm so happy we can finally be together. Now I can finally introduce you to the rest of my harem.
Radovid: Your what?!
Jaskier: This is Geralt, you've heard of him in my songs, the great White Wolf, he won't hesitate to run you through with his sword.
This is Yennefer, my favorite sorceress, she can turn you into a toad if she wants to.
This big guy here is Eskel, he looks grumpy but he's a cinnamon roll that can rip you in half.
Here's Lambert, my favorite idiot who can blow you to pieces without hesitation.
And last but not least, my dear Vespula, don't let her pretty face fool you, she can leave you with no inheritance if she gets upset.
Oh, and how can I forget my dear princess, my niece Cirilla, she can make all your brains come out of your mouth.
But don't worry, sweetie, you're doing great.
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murmiss · 5 months
Yandere Simulator.
(accordingly, inspired by the game Yandere Simulator)
Pairing: Ghost/You, Price/You, Gaz/You,Soap/You, Graves/You, Konig/You, Alejandro/You, Rudy/You, Horangi/You. Valeria/You. (I assume that this is not all, since the idea is taken from the Yandere Simulator, in the harem version).
Warning: College, city and certain places and people are fictitious, the education system is fictitious, OOC is possible,My personal headcannons and character vision.Different ages, mention yandere,mentioning mental problems, etc.there may be mistakes in words, English is not my first language.
Summary: Inspired by the game Yandere simulator, where you are the main character, a simple girl in in which different guys with different types and characters are interested, and of course, there is Yandere.
you can express your opinion :)
1 part.
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You were born into a simple, extremely ordinary family. Your father was a banker, walking around in his favorite stereotypical outfit: a strict gray suit and a tie, as an indicator of masculinity. Every morning, Mrs. Attwoord, getting up early, cooked breakfast, her children's favorite scrambled eggs and sandwiches, collected breakfast and, like a loving housewife wife, escorted her husband to work, leaving an imperceptible trace of a kiss on his cheek, and carefully tying his tie with her elegant fingers. Next comes the younger brother, the "heir", as his grandmother affectionately calls him, although you sincerely do not understand it: what to inherit? Your father has no company, no business, no fancy house, what can the son of a simple bank employee inherit? But it's not the point that matters. Next, after her brother, the middle daughter Eliza wakes up- an exceptional beauty, with glossy wheat hair, a doll's face- almost a copy of her mother.Eliza was a promising dancer, but she was not a good singer, but she danced perfectly, performing a light bunch of moves to some loud song at every party. Then, at the very end, you woke up.
Usually, it was the last ring of the alarm clock, which you heard through the veil of sleep, not wanting to miss the outcome of the battle between Harry Potter and some fairies. But your mother's shriek, tired of trying to wake you up, let out a loud shriek, forcing you to jump up from your seat and rush to the bathroom, showering and washing up at speed.Standing at the mirror and looking at your exhausted eyes, your hands reached for a small cosmetic bag and your favorite concealer, which, as you hoped, would hide not only the sins, but also the dark bags under your eyes. Next was eyebrow gel and lip gloss - you didn't have much time to put on makeup, and you didn't see much point in it, because you weren't going on a date. In terms of clothing, your choice fell on a skirt-shorts in a large pleated dark blue color, beige T-shirt, which for convenience you tucked into the skirt, a light cardigan for warmth, and complemented the image of black capron tights, which at least somehow but added to the image of completeness. And on your feet you left comfortable sneakers.
After stuffing notebooks and stationery, house keys, lipstick, hairbrush, and perhaps a sketchbook into her backpack, the girl quickly went down to the first floor, grabbed a sandwich from the table, and hurried out of the house, to the excited cry of her mother: "Honey! You forgot your breakfast!"
But the bus, you know, won't wait for you to finish, so you sped up and headed for the bus stop, but when you saw the damn bus in the distance, you immediately broke into a sprint, running like a marathon runner and mentally cursing.
"If you leave now, asshole, I'll put a curse on you!"
And thank God, as if hearing your pleas (curses), the driver waited for the girl in distress. Almost jumping into the bus, skipping the steps, you plopped down on the only free seat and relaxed exhaled, leaning back on the back of the uncomfortable seat. A couple of stops later, leaving the packed bus, or rather, the mechanical inferno, the gates of the college appeared before your eyes. The college was a historic building that people had equipped as a "place of knowledge". Antique patterns, massive doors made of pure wood, high ceilings - all this looked really intimidating and mesmerizing. Passing the gate, you looked at the students with interest: here were girls in brightly colored dresses excitedly babbling about something, here was a group of guys, six people laughing, and here were just loners walking towards the building with headphones in their ears. There were huge trees growing on the college grounds: pine trees, mighty oaks, and even flowers. The place was indeed beautiful. But soon after you took your eyes off the beauty of the place, you noticed that there was already five minutes of class going on! As you rushed into the building, you slammed into someone's strong chest. When you looked up, trying to catch your breath from a short jog, you saw a guy, tall, sturdy, and wearing a half-face mask, which was a little weird, because it wasn't quarantine period or anything. Well, maybe it's an image of him, you thought. Realizing you've been staring at each other for a few moments, you mumble.
-Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there.
You didn't? That's the stupidest excuse ever, to be honest, because it's hard not to notice a big guy like that. The guy nodded, but didn't answer, and, feeling rather awkward, you threw another "sorry" and rushed further into the classroom. And good thing the teacher was late. Entering the classroom, you noticed a guy who sat with an improvised slingshot in his hands, made of two pencils and a rubber band. Oh, yes, you know this jerk - John MacTavish, a Scottish guy, explosive in character, but at the same time the soul of the company and incredibly cute and dorky guy. Noticing you he waved his hand, removing his backpack from its place and beckoning you over. Shaking your head, you quickly climb up to the top and plop down on the seat next to him, pulling out a space-print notebook and a couple of pens.
-What have you got there? When did you start liking Cosmos?- John asked with interest.
-I borrowed a couple of notebooks from Eliza,-you said, sighing, and put your elbow on the table, propping your head on your hand and staring at John, who was fastening erasers and pens with little rubber bands.
-What are you doing?
-Sword-with a serious face John answered, causing you to raise an eyebrow and ask: "A sword?"
-Yeah, the guy pulled out a little man made of erasers from his pencil case and happily demonstrated it to you.
-God, John...-a slight laugh escaped your lips.
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sagephilosophie · 2 months
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Private ⃟Chamber
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᪥ꜱᴜʟᴛᴀɴ! ɪᴢᴀɴᴀ ᴋᴜʀᴏᴋᴀᴡᴀ x ꜰᴇᴍ! ᴄᴏɴᴄᴜʙɪɴᴇ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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༗ ꪻags ࿐
NSFW, historical AU, Plot twists, heavy kissing, unprotected sex, riding, fingering, no lube, mentioned war, mentioned bloody imagery, unresolved emotional tension, breeding, no aftercare, the dance sequence is based on this mesmerizing indian fusion choreography video by Irina Akulenko - i strongly suggest watching it first for better reading experience and visual layout.
༗ ᭙ord ᥴount ࿐ 2864 II AO3
A/N : This fanfic is pure fiction and is in no way, shape, or form, referencing any real life historic figures or events, this is just an au inspired by the theme and doesn't realistically portrait ancient sultanates. That being said, enjoy reading <3
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Your eyes bore into the ground beneath you, every link from the carpet design was enough to keep you a shade of amused in a world where you were the amusement.
The creak from the door you were waiting beside, grabbed your attention and the other girls with you's, the eunuch of the harem rushed out, his heart in his mouth, instructing all of you one final time that day, "His majesty is ready! Again, girls, keep him entertained, just like we practiced. Do not mess up!!! or else i swear on my mother no dinner for ANY of you, if his majesty even spared your lives. Now GO!"
The long line of freshened women inhaled enough air to hold their breath briefly, each held her own hands, and mouthed prayers of her faith, your eyes could only believe in one item beyond the open door, truly valuable to your heart, for nights you forgotten rest, followed all the rules and learned the manners of a concubine to step foot into this very room and take a glance at it.
Your desires guided your feet closer to fill your eyes with the shimmering beauty, a fellow dancer for the night grabbed your arm in place, had she not, your neck wasn't guaranteed to stay intact for too long. The same pair of feet stepped back into position when the instruments hugged all the ears, empty wide purples inevitable to notice, paying you the most stares women from the harem would kill for, the dance began and your head only had one direction from every move and every step, with the same stares it takes to see how long it's taking to delude his consciousness that he was your goal, while you still scanned the darling worn on top of his hair.
Your every limb had followed that of your luxury prison mates' composition, all but your arrogant eyes calling for him to fill his deepest desires with the sight of you.
Not even the twirl could break the eye contact, resisting the split second of looking away, If your role was indeed only dancing for him you would be a dancer, but you're not, you're a concubine, and your job isn't done until an image of you got inked in his memory.
You dazed into your own hypnosis and thought that, had any other girl lifted her trembling face maybe they could have also noticed the phantom of a spiral motion in those moon orbs no living soul before you got the courage to read, he didn't have to lift a finger from his throne as his world was getting painted with the color of your eyes, between the same ones, your own world changed colors into a darker shade a second time, the sizzling of burning homes and screams of abducted maidens, your hometown burnt to ashes, him causing all from the luxury or his palace sitting in his throne similar to his current position, if he can see the fire in the reflection of your spheres, his magnetized brain will confuse it with passion.
Your life imitating art when you got down, the dance showing you more mercy by pulling you back up on your feet in less than no time, while observing his blank expression you put forth as final there will be no plan before echoing just that.
He doesn't have to realise the power he inherited was no match to the power you pinned him down with, the wavering of your waist and hand gestures worked him like a magic spell, and his parted lips ratted him out.
You glued your vision to your plans, resisting every call to quit the dance and strangle him, but that wouldn't go in your favor, for once, you needed the world to revolve around you, even just his world.
Your head spun and spun, doing its own shaking, setting its own tunes playing on with your nerves, the ordinary atmosphere reassured you weren't making any mistakes, not that you'll know, losing grasp of your body and of time, space, and matter.
Next thing you knew, the music died down and your eyes spoke to him louder and more clearly that now is his chance to have you, you tried to manage your breathing and stood in a straight line with all the other girls bowing down, peeking between your eyelashes to see him whispering something in the harem manageress' ears still looking at you.
With the servants escorting you all out, she followed and pointed your way, "You. His majesty wants you in his private chamber. Immediately."
"Shouldn't she get ready first-", Your caregiver saved the time you should be on your way in by interrupting the maid, "She's clean enough. Take her there now, that's an order."
The younger woman held your shoulder and changed your path, unknowingly to the one you wanted to cross from the very beginning.
Your pride thriving through your walk, everything is going with flow and soon shoving you into the jeweled beauty. The passed the final turn with your head held high in the presence of the royal guards, the maid speaking for you, "Open the door. His majesty called for her here."
You smiled openly when they obliged, feeding on the out of place power served to you in the smallest portion, the door closing behind you assured you this might all change, to earn your place back in society.
It made great sense to you that he himself was still not present after asking - no, ordering - for your very presence, you were one of the few poeple who knew how much he enjoys making poeple wait his arrival since your first meeting.
Like he heard you thinking of him, he followed into the room this time you both were alone for good, you turned to bow and left your head hanging low until his hand rised your chin to his face level, "Remind me of your name."
"I'm... whoever you want me to be...", your hand met his own, still holding your head up, and stroked it, "...Your majesty."
"...", the expression he glued on his face warned you, no matter how careful you are, the mystery behind those purple eyes never failed to make you tremble, "When we met before, tell me, you remember ?"
"Yes. When his highness chose me to become his woman... i could never forget that, i... dreamed of seeing you again.", you held on to his arm dearly and went on to winning his heart, "...i no longer can part from you for that long... i don't even know how i made it this far.... your highness, you feel the same, right ?"
"I remember you now, you were beautiful that night too, how could i not recognize those eyes.", his response got the sides of your lips perking up, he can't forget you, how perfect.
In a joyful moment, you fell into his chest and grabbed his clothed back tightly, he hugged you back playing with your hair, you took the chance to move your head to his shoulder and look up to him invitingly, the moment he fell into your trap, you hands moved to his cheeks and brought him down to your lips, warming his cold skin with your fiery one, freshly out of hell.
Your whole body went on an adventure to him; your hands roamed around searching for his own, your lips backing away from his ones chasing them, your feet dragging him to your own furnished paradise behind the curtained bed, as soon as he laid down, you got on top of him, "How i missed this... Izana~"
You stared at him without his crown, the man you met in the same place before he marked you as his favourite concubine, his white silky hair you ran your fingers through overnight, his tanned skin that warmed your bare body and touched every last inch of you possible, and his purple eyes, so empty, and so deep you could drown in them, they never changed, and neither did the way they made your chest heave.
"You're breathing so heavily, i'm assuming...", You gave a startled yelp when he grabbed one of your breasts, "...your knees are about to give in too, right about... now."
Just as he finished talking, the weakness from your knees brought you down, falling to your side next to him, "What-"
"You're sweaty.", he caressed your forehead, bringing his hand down to pinch your cheeks slightly and you swallowed in the realization he was right, "And so anxious. Why is that ?"
"I... y-your majesty... i- i...", your voice came out shaky and cracking, no more words agreed to answer him, which by itself, was the answer he needed, "No need. Your eyes spoke enough."
The familiar sensation was back when he pressed his lips against your own, your submission was a fatal mistake on your end, even in your tense state you had to pull yourself together, remind yourself that it took so long to get here, no risks are allowed to be taken, so you fought back for control over your intimate position.
Sliding your leg onto his torso, his fingers crawled down the hem of your robe, rubbing across your thighs, finally, touching your vulva. Into your mouth, he groaned as his index and middle finger played with you under the fabric.
You felt heated up from head to toe, exactly how Izana intended in order to get you done well for him to devour, he's already been getting impatient to the point of stealing tastes, too intoxicated to let go of your flavorful mouth, but leaving a spot in his heart for the main course of the evening, enjoying the quick slippery feeling between his fingerd, he took them out for his bare eyes to see, and leaning in deeper into your lips.
You gasped jumping out of the kiss, at the hand exploring the top half of your body, snatching his wrist in a matter of seconds, gulping down visibly, "Mm... Izana my sweet... why waste our lively night on somewhere so meaningless... everything you need is down there..."
His doubtful eyes searched the truth in yours, having became less confident than they were during your dance, but the beauty he spotted within shimmering light in their reflection, made him decide to let it slide.
By inspiration of your own suggestion, he grabbed on your waist instead, guiding you upwards towards his lap, it must be the favourite's luck to get away with all your slip ups so far and still have him want you, it was almost concerning how greatly you were treated for no clear reason in your eyes.
From your place you locked your lips back with his own, he could have begged for it had you waited, and struggled to hastily take out any of his garments in your way, moving away from his face solely to focus on lowering yourself down, sinking into him, your hands holding on to his chest, just like old times.
The magic of your touch handling him, you threw your head back and stared at the ceiling getting closer then far again, in a repeated motion, you happened to wonder if it's possible to get any closer, so the movements got faster and your brain deceived you of almost being there, voices slipped out of you from getting worn out, your conscience still trying to reach the roof.
"There. That is where the queen belong. On top.", your pupils widened, '...the-'
"I decided to take you as my one legal wife.", And there it was, the biggest shock you had inside the palace, there was no place for this happening in plan, your neck straightened and turned to look fixdly on him, bouncing on his erection without a stop.
No words have been uttered from either of you, just taking in the sounds of skin slapping and occasional moans. From your part, you really hoped he would finish his statement by asking if you agree, but no, he didn't need to ask, there was one option.
Your legs betrayed your body after a load of work, freezing down in your place, only your chest kept heaving, catching the breath to help you move even just a finger, the one who did help you instead was Izana, pulling you down from your arms into falling in his embrace, holding your lower back and caressing your hair, repositioning himself to thrust upwards.
You hold on to his shoulders tighter, the sweet noises near his ear must have turned him on that you could feel him getting harder inside you, "Imagine... as my wife... whatever you dream of... oh~ you will find beneath your feet."
That topic was starting to make you dizzy, it contradicted what you're living for and you weren't liking that, "My Izana... what if all i want is respect... or power ? Would you not marry me then ?"
"There will be no need for or, If the legal wife of great sultan Izana Kurokawa doesn't have influence over her empire, why should i have married her ? And i'll rip the throats of whoever disrespects you and put their head in the hallway you walk through. You will be my queen, treated like nothing but a queen."
You left his words roam in your head and kept quiet, kissing the cheek near you, focusing back on taking his size, you were getting sweaty while still clothed, from his skin holding tight to yours, he was also hot. The pleasure only intensified from that point slamming harder and harder into your entrance until you felt a twist in your stomach and moaned loudly while you came.
You got back up to ride him again, fastening your speed and holding on to your own hair, your eyes meeting the ceiling again, moving to keep reaching it up and down, listening to raspy groan before you felt sticky liquid between your legs, that's when you looked down to see he followed after you.
Sliding out of his cock as he took the back of your hand and kissed it goodnight, you were keft sore and facing his back, the quietness yelled in your ears, you sat in the bed staring down at him, you couldn't know for sure if he had already fell asleep or not, but took his stilled activity as a good enough proof.
As quiet as a mouse, you removed your top, carefully taking out the red dagger strapped under your breast, it was a risky place for a plan like this but you were told it's the easiest to carry on, had he insisted on showing all of your body attention, everything they prepared you for would have gone to waste.
Holding on to the weapon with dear life you brought it near your ear, but just as you were about to pull it down to his nape in clear sight, you froze in your place, many a time were you unable to carry on moving since you walked in the chamber, your arm won't come down and you began shivering, the tensity caused you to cry.
You weren't supposed to hesitate in stabbing the enemy, by now you should have been back home, announcing the sultan's defeat and bringing his head too with the crown that belongs to your poeple on top of it, and they will cheer, and make a statue in honor of the family you lost in the war, the war he caused. Everything is his fault. The misery of the civilians and of the royal family that took you in... these poeple didn't deserve their throne stolen, they raised when you had no one and even relied on you to take revenge on behalf of your community, and what an honor it was, all the torment from the harem was worth it knowing they trust you with a mission as important, thinking of all the women and children you would spare from this evil man, of course they weren't lying, why would they ?
Everything was going so smoothly... but where did you go wrong ? Why won't you kill him and get the only happy future there is for you ? Is it because... you considered a future with him instead... ? That you... actually did miss him since you were sent here...? What nonsense! Izana kurokawa is the reason you family died! ...now that you think of it, there is no proof of that, that's what they told you-
Are you going to bite the hand that raised you ?! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!!!!
"I... shall serve your head in a plate... for my poeple..."
The dagger fell on your lap, in an attempt to end the job, you held your wet face in your shaky hands and wailed into them like you never did before, "Eh... i can't... i- i can't... do it..."
"Tell me everything."
"...Y-yes your majesty... anything- anything for you... i am *sob* at your... s-service..."
Maybe he knew from the beginning and maybe you fell into his trap, but one thing for sure is; your mission failed.
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lya-dustin · 6 months
Queen of Light, King of Darkness
Aka the space!Nurbanu x Feyd Rautha fic
Cw: murder, allusions to sex, manipulation, mentions of cannibalism
Feyd Rautha x oc/reader
Taglist: @beebeechaos @avidreader73 @dunefandomhub
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Much like your mother before you, you did not lack boldness.
Your mother had captivated the Padishah Emperor even before his wife had died and cemented her place as favorite with the promise of a son ---and her wit and beauty heightened by her abilities, of course.
She would have succeeded if the Bene Gessrit had not meddled and made an example out of her. They claimed they had made her Shaddam Corrino’s concubine in the first place as a replacement for Anirul ---who was only of a middling rank as her daughters were--- and killed her so the emperor knew what would happen if he put a wrench into their centuries long breeding scheme.
Irulan was meant for Paul Atreidis and would birth the Messiah’s children who would inherit the throne, and you, Nurbanu, were meant for whoever the Sisterhood told your father to marry you off to.
But you have other plans.
You wanted the throne. You wanted revenge for your mother, and you knew there was only one way to acquire it.
Through him.
The Harkonnen heir who delights in cruelty and pain.
Feyd Rautha would be yours and the known universe as well.
You know you have caught his eye when he forgets who he is trying to impress and focuses on you and only you.
To the untrained eye, you wear gray and silver as you are hosted by the Baron in all his grotesque glory. You wore pink, an almost insulting color here where the black sun paints everything in stark shades of black and white.
They favored cool dark tones, black as the sun and white as marble are the most seen here. Some may be bold and wear blood red or a deep blue, but colors like those you wear are not welcome.
Not that they can say anything about it, you are the emperor’s daughter.
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You purposely avoid him during the festivities, hurting his ego because for the first time, a woman isn’t falling over herself for his attention.
It’s a good game, him as the predator and you as his prey.
But he has never met a woman quite like you, and his usual strategy doesn’t work. He can not make you jealous, he cannot impress you with his cruelty nor his position, nor can he manage to get you close enough to seduce you.
And yet, when he gives up, he finds you in his bed drinking his hard liquor and his concubines asleep on the floor. They have their own quarters as a proper harem would, but this is intentional. This was done to show your superiority over any woman he’s been with or ever could be.
“Was Lady Margot as good as the Box?” You ask mockingly. You are laid back on his pillows, as if you owned it as if he was the one who needed permission to even be there.
“Do you mock me?” He will find a better use for your mouth.
“Merely teasing you, you did have me here waiting all night. I was about to wake your harpies to make my night worthwhile.” You were Bene Gessrit just as Lady Margot Fenring was. He had rather enjoyed his night, but she had only awoken his appetites.
He knows nothing would feel as good as fucking a princess on his own birthday. To paint your pale skin with his seed as dark as your hair, to breed a son into you and claim the golden lion throne through you.
Vladimir is a fine name for an emperor. Vladimir Feyd, Padishah Emperor of the Universe.
“You haven’t even touched me, and already you named our firstborn.” You continue to tease him, light brown eyes dark with lust as you sense all the things he wants to do to you tonight.
There are so many ways he could take you, so many ways he could make you pay for your impertinence. He strips himself as he approaches you like a hunter with his quarry.
“Are you always this insolent, your highness?” Feyd climbs in slowly, like a great feline ready to pounce, but he never does. The Na-Baron only positions himself atop you ready to fuck you into submission.
Fenring had been the one in control. This time, it would be him who’s in control.
“Only when a man has my interest.” He can taste your arrogance in your lips and tongue. A heady feel like fucking under the influence of the spice, something he can bet you know about.
And if you don’t, he will gladly show you.
“A husband could fix that.” Who better than he to be that man. Your own name already matches his own.
Queen of Light. King of Darkness.
"Prince Consort Feyd Rautha has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
Even the Bene Gessrit couldn’t have ever stopped this from happening, he thinks as he begins to unravel you underneath him.
It's no surprise to anyone that you return to your father as the Na-Baroness Nurbanu and pregnant with his only grandson to ensure neither he nor the Bene Gessrit get any ideas of separating the two of you.
“The Bene Gessrit expect you to die and leave the path clear for their creation. They always intended to have their messiah rule the universe through my boring elder sister.” You suggest as the two of you rid yourselves of his dear uncle and elder brother.
The black blood on your pale skin does things to him. He had expected you to be all talk and have him do all the work.
You had used your teachings to have both men kill each other and make him the undisputed Baron Harkonnen. Neither man could stop as your Voice commanded them to fight to the death, and Rabban took his own life once your manipulation of his body loosened.
He loved his uncle, even cared a little for his useless brother, but he loved power more. One day, he may even love you and you him.
“What does my baronness suggest I do?” He never had a morning like this and enjoyed the violent spectacle as you fed him with your loving hands. He wants to fuck you here, on the ruined dining room where his darling pets will feast on fine Harkonnen meat.
“Throw the fight, ally yourself with him, and let me give you your heart’s desire without even lifting a finger.” His radiant queen answers caressing his lips you do not seem to tire of.
And because you have not led him wrong, he does as she suggested and kills the Emperor instead.
Feyd Rautha welcomes a son, the future Emperor Feyd Murad, while the Atreidis line ends with the so-called Kwisatz Haderach.
Blond and dark eyed, and completely out of the Bene Gessrit’s control.
Part 2: the last wolf of Lankiveil
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avelera · 2 months
Ok, so I know GRRM definitely has a whole ton of lore around the Targaryen dragon riders and who can do it and what level of bloodline is needed as has been raised as a question in the latest HotD episode, but here are my PERSONAL problems and questions around the whole idea that bloodline has anything to do with whether or not you can be accepted by and ride a dragon:
If Targaryen blood was required to be a dragon rider, Targaryen's would be the greatest genealogists in the world. They would have to be, as a matter of necessity and survival. Their empire is built on the superior fire power of dragons.
A bunch of GRRM and the showrunners little pet favorite pseudo-Medievalism would make LESS than zero sense.
For example, you would NEVER allow "prima nocta" (the lord of the castle gets to sleep with the bride on her wedding night before her husband) in a world where dragon riding is based on bloodline ARE YOU KIDDING ME, you would NEVER piss off a client prince by sleeping with his wife and THEN possibly give a prince or princess into that family line that could raise a dragon against you.
You would NEVER have MALE-based genealogy of inheritance, that would be literally insane. The only way to be certain of bloodline would be through the female line. You could still have patriarchy, but there is NO WAY you'd try to guess who can ride a dragon based on the FATHER rather than the MOTHER holy shit.
Males of the family would be locked down from sleeping around. Again, are you fucking kidding me, you'd never go spreading that genetic material if it really was a life or death difference between who can control your AIR FORCE and who cannot. Another pet Medievalism that would absolutely go out the window, these guys would NOT be free to sleep around wherever they please outside designated harems.
And on that note, THERE WOULD BE NO CASTLES. Again, are you fucking kidding me, the reason we don't have castles today is because of air power. In theory, Targaryens could have castles in order to repress the populace, but everyone else's castles would be a vestigial joke, because dragons could just fly over them and bbq you wtf.
Sorry just... everything about the questions raised around "Can anyone use this DYNASTICALLY SINGULAR magical Air Force based on their ability to trace to a PARTICULAR bloodline and if so, how in the WORLD would this bloodline not go to fanatical lengths to protect itself and authenticate its own members, up to and including preventing random bastards or interbreeding except with trusted favorite families??"
I just... have to scream about it here in order to spare my poor SO my ranting.
p.s BEFORE hitting me with encyclopedias of book lore PLEASE recall the show is absolutely departing from that lore and I'm basing this off the show, it is not 100% guaranteed the book facts will matter at all to these questions because as far as I can tell, the show is just serving up "Magical bloodline that magically prevents the down sides of incest... or is it??"
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abbyfmc · 7 months
Yandere King! vs Yandere Emperor! x Empress! Reader Headcanons:
Warning: Mention of murder, kidnapping, harassment, possible abortion attempts, abuse, etc. Yanderes are NOT good couples in real life, and they should not follow these types of illegal practices either. This is only for 18+.
If you met the emperor first, it was probably when he was a prince and you were a princess.
If you met the king first, a similar case could have occurred where it was before inheriting the throne.
While the king is sovereign of simply a kingdom, the emperor is sovereign and full governor of an empire that may be made up of several towns or kingdoms.
On the one hand, the yandere king would only have you as his wife and queen; while the emperor, although he has you as his empress (and therefore, his main wife) would have to be in charge of ruling the imperial harem and fighting against probably palace intrigues.
The yandere king tries to impress you in every way possible because he KNOWS that the emperor is far superior to him in both status and economic, political, social and military power.
What they both have in common is that they DO NOT take no for an answer.
Are you in love with someone else?, both the emperor and the king will pursue they and do everything possible to make they disappear.
If your parents had plans to marry you to the yandere king, the emperor could meet with them and try to convince them that he, having a higher status, is a better choice for you.
If your parents had plans to marry you to the emperor, then the yandere king would do everything he could to make or force your parents to change their minds.
If you marry the king: 10.1 -While the king will be happy to have you, the emperor is devising a plan to invade that kingdom, take ownership of it (if he has not done so before) and in the process kidnap you and take you to his imperial palace. 10.2 -The king, on the other hand, will do his best to keep you out of the sight of the yandere emperor. 10.3 -Once the Yandere Emperor manages to invade the Yandere King's kingdom, he will capture him while he will kidnap you in his palace and force you to be his as he always wanted.
If you marry the emperor: 11.1 -You would be his empress, consort, concubine or even his noble lady. 11.2 -You would have your own mini palace. 11.3 -If you are an empress (which is most likely), you would be highly respected by everyone. 11.4 -During your coronation, the yandere king will have watched you from a distance. He would see how beautiful you were, but with the pain that you were not marrying him, but his enemy. 11.5 -The yandere emperor would take you on a trip to all the towns, kingdoms and tribes that he has in his power. 11.6 -The yandere king upon seeing you would be obliged to greet you like --Greetings to your majesty-- for the yandere emperor, and for you it would be :--Greetings to your highness the empress-- followed by kneeling before you as a way of reverence.
If you get pregnant, regardless of the biological father, the opposing yandere will not like it at all and could very well make you "accidentally" abort. The opposing yandere would even be able to forcibly make you pregnant.
Yes, they would probably be capable of ab#sing you, since they think that only they can be the parents of your children.
In the case of the yandere emperor, if the king dares to curse you for not being his and even try to force himself on you, the emperor could punish him by capturing him, taking away his kingdom and possessions as well as cutting or burning his tongue.
If this is the case of the yandere king, he could declare war on the emperor in your honor, and if he ends up losing, he would flee with you to any unknown place.
Divorce is not an option.
Trying to escape either.
If they know that you love someone else, both of you would be able to kill that someone in any case.
If a yandere found out that you received gifts from the opposing yandere or someone else that they didn't authorize, they would make you throw it away or throw it away themselves.
They would both appreciate any kind of gifts you give them.
A kind smile from you and affectionate words will be enough to make them smile and blush.
They would both protect and care for you. They would also appreciate any kind of care you give them, whether they are sick or not.
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