cogentsummoner · 8 months
so. ingrid and fandaniel.
during base shadowbringers, ingrid was not summoned to the first and was honestly kind of distraught over this. she'd promised solkgeim that she'd be her right hand man and help her when things got overwhelming, and solkgeim becomes much more distraught and distressed over the course of stormblood. so when solkgeim goes to the first to join the other scions without ingrid, ingrid is worried that solkgeim's gonna break.
( funnily enough, base shadowbringers actually does the opposite and is a mental healing arc while her physical body degrades from the light corruption )
meanwhile on the source, there's still a lot of shit to be done. base shadowbringers takes place over the course of six months in my hc on the source, and in that time, ingrid does
eureka questline
bozja questline
four lords questline
omega questline
ivalice questline
sorrows of werlyt questline
that's. a lot! and ingrid is frequently exhausted, battered and bruised, but still pushes herself harder and harder to make sure the source stays in one piece while solkgeim is away.
when solkgeim gets back, she and the other scions are closer than ever, having spent over a year on the first together, and in ingrid's mind, g'raha has entirely taken her place at solkgeim's side.
which stings even worse because solkgeim... wasn't really g'raha's friend during the crystal tower raids. she was polite and kind to him, but distant, because she had so much shit going on at that point in time. ingrid was the one who'd befriended g'raha.
on top of all of this, the scions keep referring to and talking about shit that ingrid wasn't there for, and to her it feels like they just forgot or didn't even notice that she wasn't there.
so! post 5.3, we have ingrid, who's been wearing herself down to the bone to keep the source together in solkgeim's absence, feeling increasingly left out, alienated, and just plain replaced by solkgeim and the other scions.
enter fandaniel.
fandaniel shows up in ala mhigo, screaming about how he wants to die and take everyone with him, and ingrid is like "oh, cool! i can focus on this dude's problems instead of my own!"
and fandaniel recognizes ingrid as being in some way related to the person he's been dreaming of for over four thousand years. sure, she's missing the horns and the one purple eye, but, i mean- they look almost identical.
so, in the gap between 5.55 and 6.0, fandaniel and ingrid have several encounters where they try to study each other like bugs and figure out what's going on with the other.
ingrid wants to understand fandaniel and talk him down from the edge he's on right now. she wants to crack open his heart like a broken clock and see what makes him tick, and what went wrong.
and in the end, when ingrid, solkgeim, fandaniel and zenos are on the moon, solkgeim is getting ready to confront zenos, and ingrid is trying to get fandaniel to walk back from the edge. and when he falls back, ingrid jumps in after him.
after all, if fandaniel can become the new heart of zodiark, why can't she?
the zodiark fight is different to show fandaniel and ingrid fighting for control- in the end, ingrid wins out, because her pure desire to save the world resonates with the souls in zodiark. that is, in essence, what they want to do too. however, zodiark also promptly spits up ingrid the same way it did to elidibus- now with horns, and one purple eye.
before she's ejected from zodiark, fandaniel tells ingrid, almost tenderly, that they've always been running out of time- something she'd only understand post-ktisis hyperboreia.
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cogentsummoner · 2 years
shit i think about daily: ingrid and fandaniel having a hero & villian dance number together, musical style (ingrid is wearing pants, a dress shirt and suspenders and fandaniel is wearing a dress this is a VITAL component)
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cogentsummoner · 1 year
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ingrid appleby wakes up from death.
what should have been death, what would have been death, if not for zodiark, in their final, panicked moments, regurgitating its own new heart.
when she threw herself in after fandaniel, reasoning that if he could become the new heart then so could she, ingrid had prepared herself for many things- most of all, being imprisoned for eternity.
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her body, like fandaniel's vessel, had dissolved upon impact- there was no way to be sure how much of the body she now had was comprised of what hydaelyn had made for her when her wandering soul had reached etheirys.
...ingrid hadn't made this new body for herself. it was made for her, sculpted for her by hand by the other souls inside of zodiark. and much like the body hydaelyn had given her...it was made with love. if she thought about it too much she'd start crying again.
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there were inconsistencies, of course. the horns being the most obvious, and the hair being the most annoying. she'd have to get rid of that, and soon. she hated the weight of it, and the way it felt on her neck. but still- she could just make out the scars on her chest, and she knew that they had meant for this body to bring her joy and comfort.
distantly, she recognized her robes as having been identical to the ones the shades had worn- they had swaddled her in their clothing.
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there was nothing more she could do here. zodiark was no more, and whatever calamity he had held back was sure to return. nothing else for it but to forge ahead.
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cogentsummoner · 8 months
i am so normal about ingrid being completely and utterly devastated by the events in ktisis hyperboreia and only then understanding what fandaniel meant by "we are always running out of time"
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cogentsummoner · 5 months
☼  (appearance headcanon) for Ingrid and
♦️ (quirks/hobbies) for Clara
aaaand ♥️ (family headcanon) for Solkgeim OvO
☼ (appearance headcanon) for Ingrid
So! this is what Ingrid looks like pre-endwalker
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And this is what Ingrid looks like post-endwalker!
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Its hard to tell, but his left eye turns purple as well.
Anyways, the reason for the sudden horns is because- he jumped in after Fandaniel and became the new heart of Zodiark. To make a long story short, Ingrid survived the event because she was spat up like Elidibus was before Zodiark died. But now she's got cool horns and heterochromia!
♦️ (quirks/hobbies) for Clara
Clara loves to cook! Having been raised in Ishgardian high society, and then migrating to New Sharlayan, then Old Sharlayan (pre-Last Stand), it was something of a necessity to learn to cook food that actually, you know, tasted good.
Learning to cook and cooking her own food also helped her develop a more healthy relationship with food and she ended up gaining weight. We love weight gain as a sign of healing in this house!!
♥️ (family headcanon) for Solkgeim
Solkgeim's mother, Sterrwyda, is the captain of a pirate crew, and was infamous as the Levinbolt of the Sea in her prime. She doesn't know who Solkgeim's other parent is, and neither she nor Solkgeim really care about that.
Sterrwyda was unwilling to give up her life of piracy on the sea, but also recognized that a pirate ship is not a great place to raise a baby. So Solkgeim was entrusted to Sterrwyda's former first mate, S'onggo, a miqo'te woman who'd retired due to disability. Sterrwyda's distance during Solkgeim's childhood has definitely strained their relationship- Solkgeim resents her mother for not giving up her pirate life to actually be a mother to her.
headcanon meme || accepting!
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cogentsummoner · 5 months
I FUCKING FORGOR TO MENTION THIS but yarrow ends up with gaius. they already had a complicated relationship, but she ends up traveling with estinien during shb and sparks fly
clara is obviously with. f!varis. clara HAS had a threesome with ameliance and fourchenault at some point
ingrid and fandaniel have a very flirty vibe in the sense that i can clearly imagine a hero/villain ballroom dance scene with them. ingrid genuinely wants to help fandaniel back from whatever cliff he's on. fandaniel genuinely wants ingrid to prove him wrong.
one of the last things fandaniel says to ingrid is "we've always been running out of time." its only in elpis, when ingrid has already loved a version of hermes, that she understands. fandaniel loves ingrid and ingrid doesn't know him. ingrid loves hermes and hermes doesn't know her. around and around they go, never having enough time.
yehn is distraught by hydaelyn's increasing weakness and silence over the years, and finds comfort in someone who can surely empathize with her- the crystal exarch. yehn talks him back from his "its over now, i should be dead, im not needed anymore", and he talks her back from that same headspace post-endwalker, helping her adapt to a world without hydaelyn.
vesna has a crush on solkgeim and clara. she will die before she lets that information out.
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cogentsummoner · 1 year
ingrid and fandaniel have such. hero/villain musical number where they ballroom dance together energy. do you understand my vision.
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cogentsummoner · 3 years
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wait no there’s more im sorry. delighted in the ingridaniel lack of a height difference, especially w/ how it turns the tables on fandaniel and what he remembers
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cogentsummoner · 2 years
i think that. garmadon in a dress and brigid in a suit. thank you
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cogentsummoner · 3 years
i think abt ingrid/hermes and ingrid/fandaniel so much i just
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