#infrastructure de drainage
malibuzz · 2 months
Communiqué du Conseil des Ministres CM N°2024-29/SGG : Vers une Résilience Urbaine Renforcée à Bamako
Aujourd’hui, sous la présidence du Colonel Assimi GOITA, le Conseil des Ministres a annoncé des mesures clés pour renforcer la résilience urbaine de Bamako. Le communiqué du conseil des ministres N°2024-29/SGG du 16 juillet 2024 met en lumière un ensemble de décisions visant à transformer la capitale malienne, en améliorant la qualité de vie de ses habitants et en préparant la ville à faire face…
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En 1956, Venise a connu un événement extraordinaire, pour la première fois depuis des siècles, ses célèbres canaux ont été asséchés et nettoyés. Cette opération, connue sous le nom de Svolte di Popolazio la révolution du peuple, visait à améliorer l'hygiène et les infrastructures de la ville. Les canaux, remplis de débris accumulés au fil du temps, représentaient une menace pour le patrimoine architectural. Le nettoyage a nécessité un travail méticuleux de la part des ingénieurs, des ouvriers et des bénévoles. Pendant le drainage, des trésors cachés tels que des objets d'art perdus et des bateaux engloutis ont été mis au jour. Les équipes ont enlevé des tonnes de sédiments, redonnant aux canaux leur profondeur et leur clarté d'antan. Cet effort monumental a non seulement amélioré l'apparence et l'hygiène de la ville, mais a également symbolisé l'engagement de la communauté à préserver le patrimoine unique de Venise. 1956 reste une année historique, qui témoigne de la résilience et de l'ingéniosité des Vénitiens. De nos jours, les canaux, sont vidés pour être nettoyés à intervalles réguliers, généralement une fois tous les 2 ou 3 ans pendant les mois d'hiver, lorsque le tourisme est moins important, afin de minimiser les perturbations du transport par voie d'eau et de l'activité commerciale dans la ville. Le dernier nettoyage à grande échelle des canaux de Venise a eu lieu au cours de l'hiver 2021-2022.
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Scents of Venice (Veneto, Italy) in 1956, Venice experienced an extraordinary event: for the first time in centuries, its famous canals were drained and cleaned. The operation, known as the "Svolte di Popolazio" (People's Revolution), was designed to improve the city's hygiene and infrastructure. The canals, filled with debris accumulated over time, represented a threat to the architectural heritage. The clean-up required meticulous work by engineers, workers and volunteers. During the drainage, hidden treasures such as lost works of art and sunken boats were unearthed. Teams removed tonnes of sediment, restoring the canals to their former depth and clarity. This monumental effort not only improved the city's appearance and hygiene, but also symbolised the community's commitment to preserving Venice's unique heritage. 1956 remains a historic year, a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of the Venetians. Today, the canals of Venice, Italy, are emptied for cleaning at regular intervals, usually once every 2 or 3 years. They are emptied and cleaned during the winter months, when there is less tourism, to minimise disruption to water transport and commercial activity in the city. The last large-scale cleaning of the Venice canals took place during the winter of 2021-2022
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gwydionmisha · 20 days
Personal: Water
We went to the Lake for what is likely the last swim of the year. Newst Millenial brought an even newer millenial, nom de Guerre yet to be determined. Goth Millenial agrees with me that the Lake bed is qualitatively improved and the biodiversity way up. Our suspicion is this is because of the Great aquifer improvement project in the city's water plan. They are redoing a bunch of drainage infrastructure to add filtration so less fertilizer, lawn chemicals, etc., gets washed in, and also buying up land as it comes available not just around the lake, but along feeder rivers, trying to get as much of it make to diverse native species.
It's so much nicer there now, even mid construction project.
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saltypeanutnerd · 25 days
Épandeur de sable et de gravier, Prévisions de la Taille du Marché Mondial, Classement et Part de Marché des 16 Premières Entreprises
Selon le nouveau rapport d'étude de marché “Rapport sur le marché mondial de Épandeur de sable et de gravier 2024-2030”, publié par QYResearch, la taille du marché mondial de Épandeur de sable et de gravier devrait atteindre 275 millions de dollars d'ici 2030, à un TCAC de 4.6% au cours de la période de prévision.
Figure 1. Taille du marché mondial de Épandeur de sable et de gravier (en millions de dollars américains), 2019-2030
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Selon QYResearch, les principaux fabricants mondiaux de Épandeur de sable et de gravier comprennent Etnyre, KUXMANN, Schafer Technic, Salford, Zwack, Rolland, Dagang Holding, XCMG, Guangxi Yuchai Special Purpose Automobile, Shaanxi Wanli Road Maintenance Equipment, etc. En 2023, les dix premiers acteurs mondiaux détenaient une part d'environ 77.0% en termes de chiffre d'affaires.
Figure 2. Classement et part de marché des 16 premiers acteurs mondiaux de Épandeur de sable et de gravier (Le classement est basé sur le chiffre d'affaires de 2023, continuellement mis à jour)
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The Sand & Gravel Spreader market is influenced by several key drivers that contribute to its growth and demand. Here are some of the primary drivers for this market:
1. Construction Industry Growth: The construction sector's expansion, including infrastructure development, road construction, residential and commercial building projects, drives the demand for sand and gravel spreaders used for distributing these materials efficiently.
2. Road Maintenance and Repair: Sand and gravel spreaders are essential for road maintenance activities, including filling potholes, leveling surfaces, and improving traction, which are crucial for ensuring road safety and extending the lifespan of roads and highways.
3. Infrastructure Development: Large-scale infrastructure projects, such as airport runways, railways, and municipal projects, require the precise spreading of sand and gravel for various applications, boosting the demand for spreader equipment.
4. Efficiency and Productivity: Sand and gravel spreaders help streamline construction operations by evenly distributing materials, reducing labor costs, and improving efficiency, which is a significant driver for their adoption in the construction industry.
5. Technological Advancements: Innovations in spreader design, such as enhanced control systems, automation, and GPS-guided spreading capabilities, increase the accuracy and efficiency of material distribution, making spreaders more attractive for construction companies.
6. Environmental Regulations: Compliance with environmental regulations, such as dust control measures and erosion prevention, necessitates the use of sand and gravel spreaders to manage material application in a controlled and eco-friendly manner.
7. Maintenance of Landscapes and Green Spaces: Landscaping projects, including parks, gardens, and golf courses, require precise spreading of materials like sand and gravel for ground leveling, drainage improvement, and aesthetic enhancements, driving the demand for spreader equipment.
8. Winter Road Maintenance: Sand and gravel spreaders are essential for winter road maintenance activities, such as de-icing and providing traction on icy roads, making them vital equipment for municipalities and transportation departments in cold climates.
9. Mining and Extraction Operations: Sand and gravel spreaders are used in mining and quarrying operations for efficient material handling, transportation, and stockpile management, contributing to the demand for specialized spreading equipment.
These drivers collectively propel the Sand & Gravel Spreader market by catering to the diverse needs of the construction, infrastructure, landscaping, and transportation industries for effective material spreading solutions.
À propos de QYResearch
QYResearch a été fondée en 2007 en Californie aux États-Unis. C'est une société de conseil et d'étude de marché de premier plan à l'échelle mondiale. Avec plus de 17 ans d'expérience et une équipe de recherche professionnelle dans différentes villes du monde, QYResearch se concentre sur le conseil en gestion, les services de base de données et de séminaires, le conseil en IPO, la recherche de la chaîne industrielle et la recherche personnalisée. Nous société a pour objectif d’aider nos clients à réussir en leur fournissant un modèle de revenus non linéaire. Nous sommes mondialement reconnus pour notre vaste portefeuille de services, notre bonne citoyenneté d'entreprise et notre fort engagement envers la durabilité. Jusqu'à présent, nous avons coopéré avec plus de 60 000 clients sur les cinq continents. Coopérons et bâtissons ensemble un avenir prometteur et meilleur.
QYResearch est une société de conseil de grande envergure de renommée mondiale. Elle couvre divers segments de marché de la chaîne industrielle de haute technologie, notamment la chaîne industrielle des semi-conducteurs (équipements et pièces de semi-conducteurs, matériaux semi-conducteurs, circuits intégrés, fonderie, emballage et test, dispositifs discrets, capteurs, dispositifs optoélectroniques), la chaîne industrielle photovoltaïque (équipements, cellules, modules, supports de matériaux auxiliaires, onduleurs, terminaux de centrales électriques), la chaîne industrielle des véhicules électriques à énergie nouvelle (batteries et matériaux, pièces automobiles, batteries, moteurs, commande électronique, semi-conducteurs automobiles, etc.), la chaîne industrielle des communications (équipements de système de communication, équipements terminaux, composants électroniques, frontaux RF, modules optiques, 4G/5G/6G, large bande, IoT, économie numérique, IA), la chaîne industrielle des matériaux avancés (matériaux métalliques, polymères, céramiques, nano matériaux, etc.), la chaîne industrielle de fabrication de machines (machines-outils CNC, machines de construction, machines électriques, automatisation 3C, robots industriels, lasers, contrôle industriel, drones), l'alimentation, les boissons et les produits pharmaceutiques, l'équipement médical, l'agriculture, etc.
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jagnnathindustries · 2 months
Discover the Excellence of SWC Pipes with Jagannath Industries
In the ever-evolving world of infrastructure and construction, the choice of materials can significantly impact the quality and durability of any project. One such material that stands out for its robustness and versatility is the SWC pipe. At Jagannath Industries, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality SWC pipes that cater to a wide range of applications. Whether you're involved in water supply, sewage systems, or agricultural irrigation, our HDPE SWC pipes offer unparalleled performance and reliability.
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What Makes SWC Pipes a Superior Choice?
SWC pipes, or Soil and Waste Collection pipes, are designed specifically for managing and transporting waste and soil. These pipes are integral to ensuring that waste materials are efficiently collected and transported away from residential, commercial, and industrial areas. The unique properties of SWC pipes make them particularly suited for these tasks.
SWC pipes are typically made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which is a robust and flexible material. This composition provides several advantages:
Durability: HDPE is known for its high impact resistance and flexibility. This means that HDPE SWC pipes can withstand harsh conditions, including high-pressure flows and extreme temperatures, without compromising their integrity.
Corrosion Resistance: Unlike metal pipes, HDPE SWC pipes are resistant to rust and corrosion. This property extends the lifespan of the pipes and reduces maintenance costs, making them a cost-effective solution over the long term.
Smooth Interior Surface: The smooth interior of HDPE SWC pipes ensures that waste flows efficiently without obstruction. This feature helps in preventing blockages and reducing the need for frequent cleaning.
Ease of Installation: SWC pipes are lightweight and easy to handle, which simplifies the installation process. Additionally, the flexibility of HDPE allows for easy bending and joining, which can be advantageous in complex piping systems.
Why Choose Jagannath Industries for Your SWC Pipe Needs?
At Jagannath Industries, we are committed to providing high-quality SWC pipes that meet industry standards and exceed customer expectations. Here’s why you should consider our products:
Quality Assurance: We adhere to rigorous quality control processes to ensure that every SWC pipe meets the highest standards of durability and performance. Our HDPE SWC pipes undergo comprehensive testing to guarantee their reliability in various applications.
Custom Solutions: Understanding that each project has unique requirements, we offer a range of SWC pipes tailored to meet specific needs. Whether you need pipes of different diameters, lengths, or custom fittings, we can provide solutions that align with your project specifications.
Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in the industry, Jagannath Industries has developed a deep understanding of piping solutions. Our team of experts is well-equipped to offer guidance and support, ensuring that you choose the best HDPE SWC pipes for your application.
Customer-Centric Approach: We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to provide exceptional service from consultation to delivery. Our team is always ready to address any questions or concerns, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience.
Applications of HDPE SWC Pipes
The versatility of HDPE SWC pipes makes them suitable for a variety of applications:
Wastewater Management: Ideal for handling sewage and wastewater, ensuring efficient flow and minimal maintenance.
Stormwater Drainage: Effective in managing stormwater and preventing flooding in urban areas.
Agricultural Irrigation: Used for transporting water to crops, enhancing irrigation efficiency and productivity.
When it comes to choosing the right pipes for your infrastructure needs, SWC pipes from Jagannath Industries offer a blend of strength, reliability, and flexibility. Our HDPE SWC pipes are designed to deliver superior performance, whether for residential, commercial, or industrial applications. By selecting our products, you are investing in a solution that promises durability and efficiency, backed by our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
Explore our range of SWC pipes and discover how Jagannath Industries can support your next project. For more information or to request a quote, feel free to contact us today. Let us help you achieve excellence in your infrastructure projects with our premium HDPE SWC pipes.
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kerrycfendley · 4 months
What is the Difference Between Flush Curb and Vertical Curb?
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Curbs are an integral part of urban and suburban infrastructure, serving both functional and aesthetic purposes. They delineate roadways, provide structural support, and contribute to pedestrian safety. Among the various types of curbs, flush curbs and vertical curbs are commonly used, each with distinct characteristics and applications. Understanding the differences between these two types of curbs is essential for making informed decisions in construction and landscaping projects.
1. Design and Structure
Flush Curb:
Definition: A flush curb, also known as a mountable curb, is designed to be level with the surrounding surfaces. It typically has a very slight rise from the road or pavement, making it almost flush with the ground.
Appearance: Flush curbs are often subtle and blend seamlessly with the adjoining surfaces. They usually have a rounded or sloped edge to facilitate smooth transitions between the road and adjacent areas.
Vertical Curb:
Definition: A vertical curb, also known as a barrier curb, features a prominent, upright edge that rises sharply from the roadway or pavement. The height of a vertical curb can vary but is typically several inches above the ground.
Appearance: Vertical curbs have a distinct, straight edge, creating a clear visual and physical boundary between the road and sidewalks or other landscaped areas.
2. Functional Differences
Flush Curb:
Accessibility: Flush curbs are designed to be easily mountable by vehicles. This makes them ideal for driveways, parking lots, and areas where vehicles frequently transition between the road and adjacent spaces.
Pedestrian Safety: While they provide some separation, flush curbs are not as effective in preventing vehicles from encroaching onto sidewalks or pedestrian areas. Therefore, they are often used in low-traffic areas or where the risk to pedestrians is minimal.
Vertical Curb:
Safety and Containment: Vertical curbs act as a barrier, effectively preventing vehicles from accidentally driving onto sidewalks or landscaped areas. This makes them a preferred choice in urban settings where pedestrian safety is a high priority.
Water Management: Vertical curbs also aid in directing stormwater runoff into drainage systems, reducing the risk of flooding on roads and sidewalks.
3. Applications
Flush Curb:
Residential Areas: Flush curbs are commonly used in residential neighborhoods, particularly in driveways and cul-de-sacs, where vehicle access is frequent.
Parking Lots: They are ideal for parking lots, providing a smooth transition for cars while still offering a degree of separation between the parking area and pedestrian walkways.
Parks and Recreational Areas: In parks, flush curbs are used to create accessible paths for both pedestrians and maintenance vehicles without creating significant barriers.
Vertical Curb:
Urban Streetscapes: Vertical curbs are a staple in urban environments, providing clear delineation between roadways and sidewalks. They enhance pedestrian safety by acting as a physical barrier.
Commercial Zones: In commercial areas with heavy foot traffic, vertical curbs are essential for protecting pedestrians from vehicles.
Highway Medians: Vertical curbs are often used in medians on highways and busy roads to prevent vehicles from crossing into oncoming traffic lanes.
4. Installation and Maintenance
Flush Curb:
Installation: Installing flush curbs typically involves less material and labor compared to vertical curbs. They require precise leveling to ensure a smooth transition between surfaces.
Maintenance: Flush curbs may require more frequent maintenance, especially in areas with high vehicle traffic, as they can be more easily damaged by heavy vehicles.
Vertical Curb:
Installation: Vertical curbs require more substantial construction, including deeper foundations to support the higher vertical structure. This can result in higher installation costs.
Maintenance: Vertical curbs are generally more durable and require less frequent maintenance. However, when repairs are needed, they can be more complex and costly due to the curb's height and structure.
Choosing between a flush curb and a vertical curb depends on the specific needs of the project, including considerations of safety, accessibility, and aesthetic preferences. Flush curbs offer ease of access and a seamless appearance, making them suitable for residential and low-traffic areas. In contrast, vertical curbs provide greater protection for pedestrians and better control of water runoff, making them ideal for urban and high-traffic environments. Understanding these differences ensures that the right type of curb is selected to meet the functional and aesthetic requirements of any project.
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kkconstinc · 7 months
Building Maryland's Infrastructure: The Expertise of K&K Construction Investment Corp
In the dynamic landscape of Maryland's construction industry, K&K Construction Investment Corp stands as a leader in providing comprehensive general contracting services, civil work, and M.E.P. designing and planning solutions. With a commitment to excellence and a dedication to meeting the diverse needs of clients, K&K Construction Investment Corp has earned a reputation for reliability, quality, and innovation.
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General Contracting Services: From Concept to Completion
As a provider of general contracting services, K&K Construction Investment Corp offers a full spectrum of construction solutions tailored to the unique requirements of each project. From small-scale renovations to large-scale developments, our team of experienced professionals oversees every aspect of the construction process, ensuring that projects are completed safely, efficiently, and to the highest standards of quality. With a focus on collaboration, communication, and attention to detail, we strive to exceed our clients' expectations at every stage of the project.
Civil Work in Maryland: Shaping Communities with Precision
Civil work plays a crucial role in shaping the infrastructure of communities, from roads and bridges to utilities and drainage systems. K&K Construction Investment Corp specializes in civil work in Maryland, providing expertise in site preparation, excavation, grading, and infrastructure development. With a meticulous approach to planning and execution, we ensure that civil projects are completed on time, within budget, and with minimal disruption to surrounding areas. Our commitment to quality craftsmanship and attention to detail sets us apart as a trusted partner in civil construction projects throughout Maryland.
M.E.P. Designing and Planning: Engineering Solutions for Tomorrow's Challenges
M.E.P. (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) designing and planning are essential components of any construction project, ensuring that buildings are equipped with the necessary systems to function efficiently and sustainably. K&K Construction Investment Corp offers expertise in M.E.P. designing and planning, working closely with clients to develop customized solutions that meet their specific needs and requirements. From energy-efficient HVAC systems to state-of-the-art electrical and plumbing installations, we leverage the latest technologies and industry best practices to deliver innovative solutions that enhance the performance and functionality of buildings.
Conclusion: Partner with K&K Construction Investment Corp for Your Next Project
In conclusion, K&K Construction Investment Corp is your trusted partner for general contracting services, civil work, and M.E.P. designing and planning in Maryland. With a commitment to excellence, quality, and innovation, we deliver superior results that exceed our clients' expectations. Whether you're embarking on a new construction project or renovating an existing space, you can count on K&K Construction Investment Corp to provide the expertise, resources, and dedication needed to bring your vision to life.
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malibuzz · 1 month
Les Inondations Récurrentes à Bamako : Une Analyse Profonde des Politiques d'Urbanisation et de Leurs Échecs
  Les Inondations Récurrentes à Bamako : Une Analyse Profonde des Politiques d’Urbanisation et de Leurs Échecs Introduction Chaque année, Bamako, la capitale du Mali, subit de graves inondations durant la saison des pluies. Ces inondations, qui causent des pertes humaines et matérielles importantes, exposent les défaillances des politiques d’urbanisation et des infrastructures de la ville. Tandis…
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gosolveuk · 10 months
Efficient Drainage Strategy: Managing Water Flow Smartly
Discover the significance of a sound Drainage Strategy. Learn how effective water management can transform infrastructure and protect environments.
Water, while being the essence of life, can become a bane if not managed appropriately. That's where a robust Drainage Strategy comes into play.
Drainage systems are more than mere water conduits. They are intricately designed networks ensuring safe and efficient water disposal, protecting both built and natural environments. A well-executed Drainage Strategy can prevent a myriad of problems, from flooding to soil erosion, and can significantly boost the longevity of infrastructure.
Every site or landscape has its unique challenges. Therefore, tailoring a Drainage Strategy to the specific needs of an area is imperative. By considering factors like local rainfall patterns, soil permeability, and existing infrastructure, experts can devise strategies that not only manage water but do so in an environmentally friendly manner.
Moreover, with the looming threat of climate change, having a forward-thinking Drainage Strategy is no longer a choice but a necessity. As weather patterns become increasingly unpredictable, the strategies of yesteryears might not hold ground.
In essence, a Drainage Strategy is a commitment. It's a pledge to protect our structures, to honor the environment, and to prepare for the uncertainties of the future. Without it, we risk the very foundations of our world.
Contact Us 020 8291 1354 [email protected] 4 De Frene Rd, London SE26 4AB
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Soil Analysis in Montreal: Unlocking the Secrets Beneath Our Feet
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Soil analysis assumes a significant part in understanding the wellbeing and fruitfulness of the land. In Montreal, a city known for its different scenes and thriving rural area, soil analysis has become increasingly significant. By studying the sythesis, supplement levels, and contaminants present in the soil, specialists can go with informed choices to improve crop yields, relieve ecological dangers, and guarantee sustainable land the board rehearses. In this article, we dive into the meaning of soil analysis in Montreal and investigate how it benefits different areas and the general prosperity of the city.
Supporting Farming Efficiency: Montreal flaunts a rich rural legacy, with various homesteads and gardens supplying the city and its surrounding regions with new produce. Soil analysis is a significant instrument for ranchers and grounds-keepers to evaluate the quality and supplement content of their soil. By understanding the particular requirements of their territory, ranchers can apply designated composts, natural alterations, and water system methods to improve crop development and yield. This information driven approach upgrades agrarian efficiency as well as decreases the dependence on synthetic compounds, promoting sustainable farming practices.
Ensuring Natural Protection: Montreal's obligation to natural preservation is clear through its broad parks, green spaces, and biological stores. Soil analysis assumes a crucial part in assessing the effect of human exercises, like development, industrial tasks, and garbage removal, on the climate. By conducting soil tests, natural researchers can distinguish the presence of hurtful substances, including weighty metals, pesticides, and oil side-effects. This information empowers them to foster remediation procedures and carry out measures to forestall further contamination, safeguarding the natural equilibrium and preserving biodiversity.
Metropolitan Planning and Improvement: As a quickly growing city, Montreal continually faces metropolitan planning and improvement challenges. Soil analysis is an invaluable apparatus in assessing the appropriateness of land for development projects, infrastructure advancement, and metropolitan green spaces. By examining soil arrangement, strength, and drainage qualities, engineers and metropolitan organizers can pursue informed choices regarding establishment configuration, soil adjustment strategies, and stormwater the board. This guarantees the wellbeing and sustainability of development projects while preserving the regular integrity of the land.
Enhancing General Wellbeing and Security: Soil analysis likewise assumes a basic part in safeguarding general wellbeing and security in Montreal. In metropolitan regions, the presence of contaminants in the soil, like lead or asbestos, can present critical dangers, particularly in private areas or regions with authentic industrial exercises. By conducting soil tests in these areas, wellbeing specialists can recognize possible risks and go to proper lengths to safeguard occupants. Furthermore, soil analysis helps with monitoring the nature of soil utilized in recreational areas, jungle gyms, and sporting facilities, ensuring a protected climate for all. Find this Analyse de sol Montreal
End: Soil analysis in Montreal fills in as a useful asset for optimizing farming efficiency, conserving the climate, facilitating metropolitan turn of events, and ensuring general wellbeing and security. By understanding the organization and properties of the soil, partners can pursue informed choices that advance sustainable land the executives rehearses. As Montreal continues to develop and develop, the insights gained through soil analysis will be instrumental in shaping a prosperous and versatile future for the city and its inhabitants.
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pnovick · 1 year
Senior Municipal Water/Wastewater Project Manager - 4 Locations 02yzfqx5t46e with paid relocation if needed
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This is a full-time on-site relocation if needed. Senior Municipal Water/Wastewater Project Manager - 4 Locations 02yzfqx5t46e with paid relocation if needed onsite with paid relocation if needed. CITY Philadelphia STATE PA POSTAL CODE 19107 CITY Wilmington STATE DE POSTAL CODE 19808 CITY Dover STATE DE POSTAL CODE 19904 CITY Bel Air STATE MD POSTAL CODE 21015 It is a rare opportunity to shape the evolution of a company emerging in the AEC industry. Our people do it every day. Be a part of building the next great comprehensive environmental, energy, water, and civil infrastructure consulting firm. Partner with your peers and leaders to make a lasting, positive impact on society through some unique projects affecting our clients and our communities. We are seeking a Senior Water/Wastewater Project Manager that can be located in our Mid-Atlantic footprint. This role will help drive growth efforts in our municipal markets within the Mid-Atlantic region. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in municipal and water/wastewater engineering; will be able to pivot and take advantage of varied opportunities and provide strategic direction for the practice. Experience with industrial projects is a plus.   RESPONSIBILITIES: Lead design teams consisting of technicians and engineers Provide effective Client management and communication Prepare planning documents and funding applications in support of capital projects Manage and perform technical engineering work associated with municipal engineering projects. Typical design projects would include street, sidewalk and drainage improvements; water and wastewater treatment systems; wastewater gravity sewer, pumping station and force main systems, water distribution and storage systems; and development of park and recreational facilities Prepare bidding and contract documents Support municipal capital projects by leading construction administration and review efforts. Review record and construction plans for development projects. Attend meetings with municipal officials, other engineers, developers, permitting agencies and contractors. Lead business development efforts to grow Sussex County office Candidate should be a critical thinker, be willing to learn through trial and error, be self-motivated and willing to put the full effort towards the task at hand QUALIFICATIONS: BS degree in civil engineering from an ABET accredited institution and 10 or more years of experience in water/wastewater and civil-site engineering P.E. required (Delaware preferred) Proficient with AutoCAD, familiarity with Civil 3D a plus. Familiarity with HydroCAD or other stormwater modeling software Demonstrated knowledge of municipal codes and standards Familiarity with ArcGIS software a plus Must be a US citizen, or permanent resident   Read the full article
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kafunel · 2 years
Le communiqué du Conseil des ministres du mercredi 23 mars 2023. Le Conseil des ministres s’est tenu ce mercredi 22 mars 2023 au Palais de la République, sous la présidence du Chef de l’Etat, son Excellence, Monsieur Macky SALL. Conseil des ministres du mercredi 23 mars 2023 (communiqué) Conseil des ministres du mercredi 15 mars 2023 A l’entame de sa communication, le Président de la République a adressé ses meilleurs vœux à la Oumah Islamique à l’occasion de l’avènement du mois béni de Ramadan. Le Chef de l’Etat a réitéré ses prières en cette période de dévotion et de solidarité, pour un Sénégal de paix et de prospérité. Abordant la célébration de la journée mondiale de l’Eau et l’accélération de l’exécution des projets hydrauliques, le Président de la République s’est réjoui des avancées significatives notées dans l’amélioration de l’accès équitable à l’eau des populations. Un an après la tenue du 9e Forum Mondial de l’Eau au Sénégal, le Chef de l’Etat a demandé au Premier Ministre d’assurer un suivi régulier de l’exécution des projets hydrauliques en milieux urbain et rural en veillant notamment à la planification optimale du renouvellement et de l’extension des infrastructures (usines, forages, châteaux d’eau et réseaux). Et à l’encadrement de la gestion des forages et autres ouvrages hydrauliques, sous la supervision de la Société nationale des Eaux du Sénégal (SONES) et de l’Office des Forages ruraux (OFOR). En outre, le Président de la République a souligné la nécessité de définir un schéma hydraulique national prospectif, à partir des ressources en eau disponibles et des besoins signalés, en tenant compte de l’évolution démographique et de l’accélération notable de l’urbanisation du territoire national. Nominations du conseil des ministres du mercredi 1er mars 2023 à Sédhiou A lire aussi Les Nominations du conseil des ministres du mercredi 1er mars 2023 à Sédhiou Ainsi, le Président de la République a invité le Premier Ministre à faire mener les études techniques et financières adéquates afin d’anticiper, en termes de réalisations d’ouvrages à l’horizon 2035, la prise en charge de la demande en eau potable tout en rappelant l’impératif d’assurer une réglementation renforcée des conditions d’implantation et de gestion des forages. Par ailleurs, le Chef de l’Etat a demandé au Ministre en charge de l’Eau d’engager des concertations et une réflexion consensuelle sur : conseil présidentiel sur le développement de Thiès a démarré ses travaux ♦→  le repositionnement stratégique de la SONES et la mutualisation de ses interventions avec celles de l’OFOR ; ♦→ la régulation du secteur de l’Eau et l’évaluation régulière des modèles économiques appliqués en zone rurale et dans le périmètre affermé ; ♦→ la finalisation du nouveau projet de Code de l’Eau, qui doit allier la préservation de la durabilité de la ressource et l’accès équitable des populations à des coûts maitrisés . Revenant sur la préparation de l’hivernage 2023 et la prévention des inondations, le Président de la République a demandé au Premier Ministre d’assurer, tous les quinze (15) jours, le suivi des opérations pré hivernage sur l’ensemble du territoire national. Aussi, le Chef de l’Etat a rappelé l’urgence de prendre toutes les mesures indiquées en vue de la finalisation fonctionnelle des travaux et des dispositifs de drainage des eaux dans les départements de Keur Massar, avec la phase d’urgence du PROGEP II, de Rufisque avec les cas des communes de Sangalkam et Bambilor, de Thiès, et de Mbacké, avec notamment la commune de Touba. Le Président de la République a également souligné la nécessité de poursuivre le renforcement des équipements et capacités d’intervention de la Brigade nationale des sapeurs-pompiers, structure pilote devant disposer d’un Plan stratégique de lutte contre les inondations, intégrant les activités des commissions régionales et auxiliaires de protection civile. Par ailleurs,
le Chef de l’Etat a invité les Ministres en charge des Finances, de l’Intérieur, des Infrastructures, de l’Urbanisme, de l’Assainissement et de l’Environnement à prendre les mesures de sauvegarde visant le fonctionnement adéquat des réseaux d’assainissement, des bassins de rétention des eaux de pluies et des exutoires, à l’image de celui du marigot de Mbao. Clôturant le sujet, le Président de la République a demandé, au Ministre de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement et le Ministre en charge de la Prévention et de la Gestion des Inondations, de faire un compte rendu bi-mensuel en Conseil des Ministres des actions prioritaires de prévention et de gestion des inondations. Abordant la maitrise de l’astronomie et l’émergence du projet spatial national, le Chef de l’Etat a informé le Conseil de sa participation, le mardi 21 mars 2023, à la diffusion à Dakar de la première du film documentaire « Chasseurs d’étoiles du Sénégal ». Le Président de la République a ainsi félicité notre compatriote Marame KAÏRE, pour son travail remarquable dans le cadre de la promotion de l’astronomie et des sciences de l’espace au Sénégal. Dans cet élan, le Chef de l’Etat a demandé, au Ministre de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation de poursuivre avec les partenaires nationaux et internationaux de l’Etat, notamment l’Association sénégalaise de l’Astronomie, l’émergence du Projet spatial national innovant et avant-gardiste, dénommé « SENSAT », qui doit être partagé, vulgarisé et accompagné par l’ensemble des ministères. Le Président de la République a informé le Conseil de sa décision de créer l’Agence sénégalaise d’études spatiales. S’agissant du climat social, de la gestion et du suivi des affaires intérieures, le Chef de l’Etat est revenu sur les sujets suivants : Communiqué du Conseil des ministres du mercredi 18 janvier 2023 ♦→ l’impératif de préserver les acquis démocratiques et l’ordre public : en rappelant que le Sénégal demeure un Etat de droit de référence et une démocratie exemplaire. Le Président de la République a demandé au Gouvernement de prendre toutes les mesures idoines pour assurer sur l’étendue du territoire national, la sécurisation absolue des personnes et des biens, au regard de certains troubles à l’ordre public observés ces derniers jours dans des localités du pays. ♦→ la redynamisation des chambres des métiers du Sénégal : en demandant au Ministre de l’Artisanat et de la Transformation du Secteur informel de préparer un programme spécial de modernisation des chambres des métiers du Sénégal sur la période 2023-2025. Le Président de la République a informé le Conseil de l’audience prochaine qu’il accordera courant avril 2023, au bureau de l’Union nationale des Chambres des métiers du Sénégal pour manifester davantage son engagement à faire de l’Artisanat un des moteurs de la croissance économique et de l’émergence de nos territoires. Revenant sur le développement du secteur de l’élevage, le Chef de l’Etat a validé le schéma d’exploitation et de gestion du Ranch Djibo Leyti KA de Dolly, domaine dont il a décidé de l’érection en établissement public à caractère industriel et commercial (EPIC) à la suite des concertations menées par le Ministère chargé de l’Elevage avec les acteurs. Au titre de son agenda diplomatique, le Chef de l’Etat a informé le Conseil de sa participation, ce 29 mars 2023, au 2e Sommet virtuel pour la démocratie, à l'invitation du Président des Etats unis d’Amérique Joe Biden. Dans sa communication, le Premier Ministre est revenu sur le suivi de la coordination de l’activité gouvernementale en évoquant : Nominations lors du Conseil des Ministres de ce mercredi 11 janvier 2023_Sénégal – Palais-du-Senegal- ♦→ la réunion avec la BADEA ; ♦→ la réunion avec la mission de la Banque Mondiale ; ♦→ les réunions de suivi des engagements issus des Conseils des ministres délocalisés ; ♦→ la réunion interministérielle sur le mobilier national ;
♦→ la réunion avec les responsables des structures autonomes de l’Etat. AU TITRE DES COMMUNICATIONS DES MINISTRES Nominations en Conseil des Ministres de ce mercredi 4 janvier 2023 ♦→ le Ministre des Finances et du Budget a fait une communication sur la situation d’exécution budgétaire, complété par le Ministre de l’Economie, du Plan et de la Coopération ; ♦→ le Ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’Equipement rural et de la Souveraineté alimentaire a fait une communication sur le suivi de la campagne commercialisation de l’arachide 2022/2023 et des exportations de produits horticoles ; ♦→ le Ministre de l’Economie, du Plan et de la Coopération a fait une communication sur le PAP3, le Rebasing des comptes nationaux et le Recensement général de la population et de l’habitat (RGPH5) ; ♦→ le Ministre de l’Elevage et des Productions animales a fait une communication sur les modalités d’exploitation et de gestion du ranch Djibo Leyti Ka de Dolly. AU TITRE DES TEXTES LEGISLATIFS ET REGLEMENTAIRES Thiès prochaine destination du gouvernement Conseil des ministres délocalisé Le Conseil a examiné et adopté : ♦→ le projet de décret portant organisation du Ministère du Travail, du Dialogue social et des Relations avec les Institutions; ♦→ le projet de décret portant création et fixant les règles d’organisation et de fonctionnement de l’Ecole supérieure d’Economie appliquée ; ♦→ le projet de décret portant organisation et fonctionnement du Comité National de Suivi du Contenu local (CNSCL) dans le secteur des Hydrocarbures et des Mines ; ♦→ le projet de décret fixant les modalités d'alimentation et de fonctionnement du Fonds d'Appui au Développement du Contenu local dans les secteurs des hydrocarbures et des mines; ♦→ le projet de décret fixant les modalités de la fourniture locale, des biens et services dans le secteur minier. AU TITRE DES MESURES INDIVIDUELLES Remaniement - nouveau PM sera connu, ce samedi à 11h_Conseil-des-ministres ok Le Président de la République a pris les décisions suivantes : ♦→ Monsieur Mamadou Racine SY, est nommé Président du Conseil sénégalais du Tourisme ; ♦→ Monsieur Mouhamadou DIABY, Titulaire d’un Master 2 en Informatique de Gestion, est nommé, Président du Conseil de Surveillance de l’Agence sénégalaise de Promotion touristique, en remplacement de Monsieur Bocar LY, appelé à d’autres fonctions ; ♦→ Monsieur Philippe Ndiaga BA, Titulaire d’un Master 2 en Langues étrangères appliquées, précédemment Conseiller technique au Ministère du Tourisme et des Loisirs, est nommé Directeur de la Réglementation du Tourisme, en remplacement de Monsieur Ismaila Dionne, appelé à d’autres fonctions ; ♦→ Monsieur Falilou Mbacké SAMBE, Professeur assimilé, est nommé Directeur de l’Ecole supérieure Polytechnique de l’Université de Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar; ♦→ Monsieur Mamadou Ndiaye, Maitre de Conférences titulaire, est nommé Directeur du Centre d’Etudes des Sciences et Techniques de l’Information de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, en remplacement de Madame Cousson Traoré ; ♦→ Monsieur Abdoulaye KEBE, Maitre de Conférences titulaire, est nommé Directeur de l’Ecole normale supérieure d’Enseignement technique et professionnel de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, en remplacement de Monsieur Saliou Diouf ; ♦→ Monsieur Alioune DIENG est nommé dans les fonctions de Professeur titulaire de Littérature française au Centre d’Etudes des Sciences et Techniques de l’Information de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar. Fait à Dakar le 22 mars 2023 Le Ministre du Commerce, de la Consommation et des petites et moyennes Entreprises, Porte-parole du Gouvernement. Abdou Karim FOFANA
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capepipereliners · 2 years
The business we conduct can be summed up in a sentence and as our slogan states :  “Breathing  New Life Into Your Old Pipes”.
CAPE PIPE RELINERS is your No.1 choice in the Western Cape for pipe renewal, pipe rehabilitation, pipe coating and pipe reconstruction services. We are the most advanced pipe relining company within the Western Cape with the most skilled and professional teams headed up by the Past Chairman of the Institute Of Plumbing, David Olivier and Partner Lochner de Wet, (‘THE’ Western Capes pipe relining specialist, who has personally overseen over 1000 pipe relining projects) Between our pipe relining technicians we have more than 50 combined years of experience.
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We are recommended by engineering professionals, property & portfolio managers, asset managers,  estate agents, construction specialists, project managers, plumbing and drainage service companies and others in society which stretches all the way to the valued home owner.
CAPE PIPE RELINERS combine and offer a full turn-key-solution from the initial leak detection survey through to the total pipe relining work, limiting the actual damage usually caused from old otherwise re-piping methods. Through advanced methods in pipe relining technology, we limit the need to chop or chase open walls, floors, ceilings, columns and other building or engineering infrastructure to either find the leak and/or to reline pipework.
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At CPR we optimize the use of leak detection and pipe relining technology to elevate our services and build a loyal customer base who recognize the utility of future methods being applied now for less damage to your property.
CPR is your least disruptive option for any and all pipe renewal in Cape Town and Surrounding areas, stretching all the way down the West Coast, Cape Winelands, Overberg and Garden Route.  We also conduct pipe relining work offshore for the Marine sectors and have acquired all the necessary OHS Standards to comply with offshore plumbing and pipe relining projects on vessels out at sea or in harbor.
With so many years experience in the piping, plumbing and drainage industry, we offer various specialized solutions catered for your requirements and budget with a long-term quality assured guarantee for all work undertaken and installed.
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Call us today for a no obligation free site assessment…please also feel free to peruse through our CPR website for more information. Pipe relining and renu Cape Town
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news24fr · 2 years
Le Centre a formé un groupe d'experts pour mener une "étude rapide" de l'affaissement du sol. Un comité étudiera les effets de l'affaissement des terres sur les établissements humains, les bâtiments, les autoroutes, les infrastructures et les systèmes fluviaux, ont déclaré des responsables. « Sauver des vies est notre première priorité. Les autorités ont été invitées à déplacer environ 600 familles vivant dans des maisons menacées à Joshimath vers des endroits sûrs », a déclaré le ministre en chef Dhami, ajoutant que des plans d'action immédiats et à long terme devraient être préparés immédiatement. Des installations de traitement médical doivent être disponibles sur le terrain et des dispositions pour le transport aérien des personnes doivent également être prises, a ajouté le ministre en chef, tout en ordonnant d'accélérer les travaux de traitement des zones dangereuses, des égouts et du drainage. Un temple s'est effondré ici vendredi soir, et plusieurs maisons ont développé d'énormes fissures, alarmant les habitants vivant dans la crainte constante d'une catastrophe majeure. Les habitants disent que le changement climatique et le développement constant des infrastructures sont à blâmer. Les experts affirment qu'une variété de facteurs - liés à la fois à l'activité humaine et naturelle - ont conduit à l'affaissement. Les facteurs ne sont pas récents, ils se sont accumulés sur une longue période, a déclaré Kalachand Sain, directeur de l'Institut Wadia de géologie himalayenne. M. Dhami a déclaré qu'une salle de contrôle des catastrophes devrait également être mise en place dans la ville et qu'il devrait y avoir un déploiement adéquat des forces nationales et nationales d'intervention en cas de catastrophe. Des services d'hélicoptères seront également mis à disposition pour aider les personnes touchées. Joshimath est la porte d'entrée vers les principales destinations religieuses hindoues et sikhes telles que Badrinath et Hemkund Sahib. Il abrite également l'une des principales bases militaires près de la frontière entre l'Inde et la Chine. Le téléphérique d'Auli, qui est le plus grand d'Asie, a été arrêté après qu'une énorme fissure s'est développée en dessous. La zone de Marwari dans la ville, où un aquifère a éclaté, serait la plus touchée car l'eau coule constamment avec une grande force. Toutes les activités de construction liées aux mégaprojets comme la route toutes saisons de Chardham (contournement Helang-Marwari) et le projet hydel du NTPC ont été arrêtées jusqu'à nouvel ordre à la demande des résidents. Le gouvernement de l'État a déclaré que les personnes dont les maisons sont touchées et doivent quitter recevront 4 000 roupies par mois à titre de loyer pour les six prochains mois du fonds de secours du ministre en chef.
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evilgreys · 2 years
Wichita falls precipitation totals
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Those increasing bursts of extreme precipitation carry profound economic and human health risks, the likes of which have been on display most recently in eastern Kentucky. The numbers show that 2021 was a record-setting year for extreme rainfall events, with dozens of places logging their wettest day in generations.Ī separate Climate Central report this spring found that of 150 locations the group analyzed, 90 percent now experience more average rainfall per hour, compared with 1970. “It was just too much water,” Hadley said.Īn analysis of weather data by the nonprofit group Climate Central found that nearly three-quarters of locations the group examined around the country have experienced an increase in the amount of rain falling on their annual wettest day since 1950 - particularly along the Gulf Coast and Mid-Atlantic. The area’s sprawling drainage systems, parts of which date to the 19th century, were quickly overwhelmed. The River des Peres swelled beyond its banks. Louis Sewer District, said of the recent storms that dumped more than 9 inches of rain there in a matter of hours, shattering the previous daily record from 1915. “What happened was way more than the system - any system - can handle,” Sean Hadley, spokesman for the Metropolitan St. But as more water falls from the sky more quickly in many places, those challenges have become only more urgent. in two daysįrom populated cities to rural outposts, the United States has long struggled with antiquated sewage and wastewater networks, outdated bridges and crumbling roads and culverts. How two 1-in-1,000 year rain events hit the U.S. “The infrastructure we have is really built for a climate we are not living in anymore,” said Andreas Prein, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) who studies extreme precipitation. But as it also fuels once-unthinkable amounts of rain in single bursts, the problem of so much water arriving so quickly is posing serious challenges in a nation where the built environment is not only outdated but increasingly outmatched. The warming atmosphere is supercharging any number of weather-related disasters - wildfires, hurricanes, crippling heat waves. Places around the nation are facing more frequent, more extreme precipitation over time - a reality laid bare once again by the record-shattering rains and catastrophic flooding in eastern Kentucky and St. Huntington, W.Va., and Sioux City, Iowa, are seeing deluges roughly 30 percent more extreme than in 1970. The Wichita area is experiencing rains about 40 percent more fierce these days. Note that this is just one model so while it may be very accurate for days 1-3, take it with a grain of salt towards day 5.At one weather station in Fairbanks, Alaska, each hour of rainfall is about 50 percent more intense, on average, than it was a half-century ago. Other parameters available for your viewing interest include relative humidity, cloud cover, intensity of sunlight (dependant on both cloud cover and season), and precipitation.
Add up each symbol to get the total wind (two large dashes plus one small dash would mean 25 mph winds for example). Each triangular flag represents 50 mph worth of wind. Each small dash represents 5 mph while each large dash represents 10 mph. Note that the wind blows from the side of the barbs containing the little dashes so if the dash is to the NE of the dot, you’re looking at a NE wind. The second panel shows winds and wind gusts. The first panel shows temperatures and overall weather conditions (sunny, cloudy, rainy, etc.). This product is designed to give you a quick look at everything you need to know for the next 3-5 days of weather. Adfree Plus (with extra features) Extra.Lake Murray, Ardmore OK (WeatherOK, USA).
Base reflectivity (with archive since 1991).Radar & Lightning Radar & Lightning Radar.Forecast Ensemble Heatmaps (Up to 5 models, multiple runs, graph up to 16 days) EXTRA.Forecast Ensemble (Up to 5 models, multiple runs, graph up to 16 days).Forecast XL (Graph and table up to 10 days - choose your model).14 day forecast (ECMWF-IFS/EPS, graphs with ranges).Meteograms (Graph 3-5 days - choose your model).Weather overview (Next hours and days, 14 day forecast).Central Europe Multi Model HD (3 days) new.Tropical cyclone tracks (ECMWF/Ensemble).
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geografiaeconomica · 2 years
García, NL will continue to suffer from a lack of water for at least one more year
Although the recent rains in Nuevo León have been beneficial for the state's dams and for most of the metropolitan area, the inhabitants of the García municipality will continue to suffer from a lack of water for at least another year, due to the lack of infrastructure. .
Juan Ignacio Barragán, director of Water and Drainage of Monterrey, exhibited a collapse in such a municipality, where the lack of pipes, permits granted without water feasibility and the great growth of subdivisions, will prolong the problem for another year.
-Luis Enrique Vega Sánchez
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